HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2024-005112leanHar o Clean Harbors Aragonite. LLC I 1600 North Aptus Road Aragonite, UT 84029 March 5. 2024 Sent via email to dwmrcsubmit@utah.gov Mr. Douglas J. Hansen, Director Division of Waste Management & Radiation Control Department of Environmental Quality 195 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144880 Salt Lake city. uT 841 14-4880 RE: Unresolved Manifest Discrepancies Clean Harbors Aragonite, LLC EPA Number- UTD 981 552 177 Dear Mr. Hansen- In accordance with Module 2 condition 2.K of Clean Harbors Aragonite's (CHA) State RCRA Permit, 40 CFR 264.72(c) and R3l5-264-72(c), this correspondence serves as written notification of three (3) unresolved manifest discrepancies. The manifest information, discrepancy and what is being done to resolve these issues can be seen below: Manifest 0178716037FLE - Upon receipt of the shipment, it was discovered that one container was missing from line l. CHA is working with the transporter to get this resolved. Manifest HH241671956 - Upon receipt of the shipment. it was discovered that two containers were missing from line l. CHA is working with the transporter to get this resolved. Manifest 008656346SKS - Upon receipt ol the shipment, it was discovered that one container was missing from line 3. CHA is working with the transporter to get this resolved. I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision according to a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the inlormation submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system. or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is. to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, " People and Technolog) Creating a Betler Environment " 435.884.8100 www.cleanharbors.com leanHar and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information. including the possibility of fine and imprisonment lor knowing violations. Should you have any questions regarding this matter. please contact me at the number listed below. Sincerely, C Witliam Simmons Facility General Manager III Clean Harbors Aragonite/Clive Incinerations 1 1600 North Aptus Road Dugway, UT 84022 (o) 435.884.8351 (c) 870.310.6029 Simmons.william@cleanharbors.com www.cleanharbors.com \t "rE iaknoaedOG the( no lnda.ld dr€,loa h€s oc(Ufi€d qllca.,r thacltarrdr.tdE o. rn ?he p.lccs DE F tto 205GJ039 EPA's e.MANIFEST SYSTEM UTIIFORM XAZARDOUS VIASTE TANIFEST oHROO0156349 800 483€718 F 8.rtton. lR 15 SoOO Id. no.d f.dEr Frr.d 10 Cofiwr.!. Partavay W.C .le6..ron,OH 43162 Chsr Hartor! Emircmra.*d S*rtc., lm Chan H.rto[ El Doodo tIC30ltAmrlmedrEtM.aR71730 AROOO9748192 $ U S mI 0.!dT0m (.drig P!tF. Sq! tr.r €Ild Oag i0 r{.rn . -{ PAf Oqp (d .}t) r lJtt19t0, wAsll AEROSO|S, FtrtlxAStr, (EAct{ t.oT Drc€EUrc 1[ CAPtfim 21 I Dlra lof ? p0o1; i__ t\5,?Ro1 t1-?i, tq?q{. bry oonerrls conbs 'l iEoal H-dlrm 'rsrn.6 ,Yll. Cti!507S2 E$o,i. I .dl{y !l!| !E cdri.lE ol tE c..rrg nE( cdft,n b flo lettt3 d t|. ddlcd EFALtnc r.dgrEnt ot Corrnt c8.O r1ll !t llb rr'ftrron 36lr'.d d..tt d n rC CfR 62 27(.)(il Ln.lr9. qrrltty g..Er-rb,r or rb) 1ilrrn r srld ql€alty g.lilrEj 6l^. !5 CEiTFICAI|o.I, t€rBbr dccuy. :ra o d, z zttofin i- =oat D.$r'g L S ACK 6l lo -1,,'n t,, ".,.-' &.^ ucJd,E b ,Ltwl It040 F _= o 2 6 OJ fl a rE It IITTIIIII d.ran-rflrEr- EPA Fom 87ff22 rR;! l2-.7r O FEtdE lr.s lho apfrrF6tB FdfiG lis arlc *r{ ccspa tt€*asto tla g€oe.ator 6 shIF.R TE D6 240014?051 PflT' I EHIPPIilG MCUITETIT r m mll t t alffil ru'?a-r-hf'1.I-I - tra frtn - t$l tmu1 tct llrl$rcr rm. na6r! - tsEaataqJlrmt ,otltltT r Fllall! fr. Ft[rao 6l J.bo. I I-n & llh l.ra. 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Cllt tt8 tlrlt oIY: r0 ,tfr l0i2t u]ouII0 f l0un uf, ,r00nt$l cu Lolmt R{eIettC flr.l.lcn.kDmlffi f rrroo ^ji, fiipi", Q.,.JIt t0 6 r.l.^ | >ti. rl{t*x a1.l,lgz1 -ro Pnqr .r-..HtJ \<) $y,l.il" u c[.rIY UltPl r0 t0 r80060?1t]92 tlctulY STlTt r0 t0 IilLll ofrtI -rY\ otllnlloi 8rlTlE ?20 22$ rnrrall Cu8l0l{n / Gttltill{X n.'. 6li?t 0 ] t0-rcl LI rqlttPoflIln Wid..loq - G'',,-,, f.L*L**.. ,ltlr, <,L"-,<- 4."--z t)Att I _A b-TuilL I Pio,. 5ea-313- tr l4 SYSIET'IS IT€ sr( sHIDt t41864811 illlililt ril ll lililIilililillt iltil t{!tt l 0086 6346 sKS (Y 0 1-90 15 00t656346Sxs rxR00008t eo5 Dox Sr I rcones Coroorat ron760 Hodo.nv l l le Rbad EL I ZABEI'I{TtIN Attn: Rebecca AkGrsxY 4e701-0@ DoF S r I rconp5 Corobratron7@ Hodgenvr llr li EL I ZAAETHT(UI EE uiJF0i9 8lzaR00us WASTE AiIIFEST ,T, CLEAN FNRBORS ENU SERUICES INC CLEAN HflRBORS EL DORAOO. 3O1' AIiERICtr! C T RCLE EL DORADO LLC r AR 7t 73O870-853-7173 ARDO6974S t 9e S! U S mI 0E re. l.crrdng tftp.. $F.! rlrrr H.!rd Cte. D hrrt tn Pdrq OqJp , mtX 'uN326s. oRGAN I C, YS I LAI{. HNSIE CORFOSJUE LIRJID. ACIDIC. N. O. S. itIXTURE. (VINYLTRIACETOI ETHYL TR I ACFTOX?S I LHIE ) t 8, PG J oblt f)(tq1'L P x 2 RO. IA3OAE. HNSTE ENV I RT'\EENTALL Y HAZARIXIJS SUESTAI'EES. LIOUID. N. O 0.ASTE SILA|€S). 9, pG III $b fir6\p f t ] $€789, rnsrE ACETIC ncro. e-ncter, HITH iroR€ Tmfl 80 pERCEI{T'ACID, 8y' r'ross irIxTUREr 8r (3) | pG II ool DF Do{b t,lilT993. I"IfISTE FLAiSTABLE LIOIJIDS. N. nt xTURE. { ir€THYLTRI ri€THtIXySILSEtcTfnM)L), 3, pG II 0.s q'l7l p t \ FRGIl5.i!i) ERGt l7l :3) ERGil132:4) ER6* l,r8: 34H EHERGENCytgeo-468- t 76O-CH/SX/IF I - coit racr authorr t 93f,3e510 D0ea854 reta lned by gsnelatgr confers a enqY ISD I E[, !EfTEEAIOq S CfFtA0R S aFRrrF CAr ON d, 2 (, t- = L l,rE1b J S Irnfartrr{ a,. lt.trdt! rr!| :.: -'- : ,JS () [a.6ad R.t !.r(! ttn!.. \'-/lbt L.€c,n f, t)bc i lc. tc qC L E f, o 2I o t,946t817 / ?098988 a) 88?4443,',t 3778a6 3)8969133/?R991r5 4)69SAIY I0 EPA's e.tiANlFEsr sYsTEl! 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