HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2023-208104 - 0901a0688125a95eState of Utah Mail - Site Characterization Report for Park City Gordo Site Deq submit <dwmrcsubmit@utah.gov> Site Characterization Report for Park City Gordo Site 1 message Dean, Daniel <Daniel.Dean@terracon.com>Wed, Aug 16, 2023 at 4:03 PM To: "DWMRCSubmit@Utah.gov" <dwmrcsubmit@utah.gov> Cc: "kwallner@utah.gov" <kwallner@utah.gov>, Paige Walton <pwalton@utah.gov>, Eric Baiden <ebaiden@utah.gov>, Ryan Blair <Ryan.Blair@parkcity.org>, "Austin, Amy B" <Amy.Austin@terracon.com> Karen, Park City Municipal Corporation and Terracon have prepared the attached Site Characterization Report (SCR) for the Gordo site. The SCR provides a summary of the previous investigations performed by others at the site, details the results of the current investigatory activities that were performed by Terracon, provides an updated Conceptual Site Model (CSM) detailing the current understanding of the of the contamination at the site, and provides a Risk Evaluation that assesses the current risk level at the site. We look forward to hearing your comments. Thanks, Daniel Dean, PG Investigation and Remediation Group Manager I Environmental Services 6949 S High Tech Dr #100 I Midvale, UT 84047 D 385.337.5971 I M daniel.dean@terracon.com I Terracon.com Terracon provides environmental, facilities, geotechnical, and materials consulting engineering services delivered with responsiveness, resourcefulness, and reliability. Private and confidential as detailed here (www.terracon.com/disclaimer). If you cannot access the hyperlink, please e- mail sender. DSHW-2023-208104 Facilities |Environmental |Geotechnical | Materials 1 COVER PAGE Site Characterization Report Gordo Property Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road Park City, Summit County, Utah August 11, 2023 | Terracon Project No. 61227505 Prepared for: Park City Municipal Corporation Park City, Utah 6949 South High Tech Drive Midvale, Utah 84057 P (801) 545-8500 Terracon.com Facilities |Environmental |Geotechnical | Materials i COVER LETTER August 11, 2023 Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control P.O. Box 144880 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4880 Attn: Doug Hansen Division Director E:djhansen@utah.gov P: (801) 536-0203 Re:Site Characterization Report Gordo Property Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road, Park City, Utah Terracon Project No. 61227505 Dear Mr. Hansen: On behalf of Park City Municipal Corporation, Terracon is pleased to provide this Site Characterization Report (SCR) for the above-referenced site. The SCR provides a summary of the previous investigations performed by others at the site, details the results of the current investigatory activities that were performed by Terracon, provides an updated Conceptual Site Model (CSM) detailing the current understanding of the of the contamination at the site, and provides a Risk Evaluation that assesses the current risk level at the site. If needed, please contact our office at (801) 545-8500 regarding this submittal. Sincerely, Terracon Consultants, Inc. Daniel Dean Amy Austin Group Manager Authorized Project Reviewer Site Characterization Report Gordo Site | Park City, Utah August 11, 2023 | Terracon Project No. 61227505 Facilities |Environmental |Geotechnical | Materials ii Table Of Contents 1.0 Introduction ................................................................................ 1 1.1 Site Description ....................................................................................... 1 1.2 Site History and Summary of Previous Assessment and Corrective Action ........ 2 2.0 Site Characterization Scope And Methods ........................................ 3 2.1 Standard of Care ...................................................................................... 3 2.2 Sampling Scope ....................................................................................... 3 2.3 Sampling Methods .................................................................................... 4 3.0 Site Characterization Results ......................................................... 5 3.1 General Characteristics ............................................................................. 6 3.2 Soil Data Summary .................................................................................. 7 3.3 Calculated Background Values and COPC Screening ...................................... 8 4.0 Data Quality Assessment ............................................................... 9 4.1 Precision ................................................................................................. 9 4.2 Bias and Accuracy .................................................................................. 11 4.3 Representativeness ................................................................................ 12 4.4 Comparability ........................................................................................ 14 4.5 Completeness ........................................................................................ 14 4.6 Sensitivity ............................................................................................. 15 5.0 Updated Conceptual Site Model .................................................... 15 5.1 Geologic and Hydrogeologic Information and Setting .................................. 15 5.2 Spatial Distribution of Contaminants of Concern ......................................... 16 5.3 Environmental Concerns Verification ......................................................... 16 6.0 Conclusion................................................................................. 17 7.0 References ................................................................................ 18 Site Characterization Report Gordo Site | Park City, Utah August 11, 2023 | Terracon Project No. 61227505 Facilities |Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials iii Appendices Appendix A Exhibits Exhibit 1 Topographic Site Map Exhibit 2 Soil Sampling Locations and Lead Screening Level Exceedances Exhibit 3 Fill Soil Depth Map Appendix B Tables Table C1 RCRA Metals in Soil Table C2 Duplicate Pairs–RCRA Metals in Soil Table C3 Calculated 95% Upper Confidence Limits Appendix C Boring Logs Appendix D Laboratory Reports Appendix E Risk Evaluation Site Characterization Report Gordo Site | Park City, Utah August 11, 2023 | Terracon Project No. 61227505 Facilities | Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 1 1.0 Introduction Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon) has completed a site characterization assessment (site investigation) for the Gordo Property site (site) located at approximately the northwest corner of Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road, Park City, Utah (Exhibit 1). The goal of the project was to characterize impacts at the site stemming from use of the site to store heavy-metals contaminated soils from development projects throughout the Park City area, determine the risk level present at the site, and determine potential options for remediation and redevelopment of the site. 1.1 Site Description The site is comprised of approximately 16 acres of land currently owned by Park City Municipal Corporation (PCMC) consisting of the addresses, Summit County Assessor Parcel Numbers (APNs), and land uses listed below: Address APN Acres Use Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road PCA-9-95-K-X 0.70 soil stockpile Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road PCA-95-1-X 1.00 undeveloped/unused Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road PCA-95-B-X 1.00 parking and storage area Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road PCA-95-A-1-X 0.58 undeveloped/unused Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road PCA-95-A-X 1.42 undeveloped/unused Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road PCA-9-95L-X 0.70 soil stockpile Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road PCA-9-95-H-X 1.00 soil stockpile Site Characterization Report Gordo Site | Park City, Utah August 11, 2023 | Terracon Project No. 61227505 Facilities |Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 2 Address APN Acres Use Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road PCA-9-95-J-X 1.78 undeveloped/unused Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road PCA-9-95-G-X 0.87 undeveloped/unused Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road PCA-9-95-M-X 1.70 undeveloped/unused Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road PCA-9-95-F-X 0.95 undeveloped/unused Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road PCA-9-95-X 3.52 undeveloped/unused Exhibit 1 (Appendix A) presents the site location on a portion of the United States Geological Survey (USGS) topographic map. 1.2 Site History and Summary of Previous Assessment and Corrective Action The site was historically used primarily as open space. A portion of the site was used for vehicle parking. The site was acquired by PCMC in multiple phases from 1996 through 2008. Beginning in 2010 and with approval from the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ), Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) and acknowledgment from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), PCMC utilized the site to temporarily stockpile approximately 34,000 cubic yards of Bevill-exempt metals- contaminated soil excavated from mining-impacted development projects throughout the Park City area. PCMC anticipated that the site would be developed as a permitted repository for metals-impacted soils with oversight from UDEQ’s Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control (DWMRC), but PCMC has since revised its development plans for the site and intends to remediate and redevelop the site for other purposes. Two previous investigations have been conducted at the site. A field X-ray fluorescence (XRF) survey was conducted by AMEC Earth & Environmental (AMEC) in September 2010. Approximately 180 locations were sampled via XRF for arsenic and lead. AMEC’s XRF data indicated that lead impacts exceeding EPA Regional Screening Levels (RSLs) for Residential or Industrial use were largely confined to the soil stockpile, but that limited impacts were present on the northern portion of the site near the site entrance road. Site Characterization Report Gordo Site | Park City, Utah August 11, 2023 | Terracon Project No. 61227505 Facilities |Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 3 A second investigation was conducted by Gerhart Cole Inc (GCI) in 2016. GCI collected 48 soil samples from 36 test pits located throughout the site. The results from GCI’s investigation were largely consistent with the results of AMEC’s XRF survey and displayed a similar pattern of impacts. 2.0 Site Characterization Scope And Methods The following sections detail the scope and methods of the site characterization sampling that was conducted by Terracon in June 2023 and February 2023 to investigate the data gaps identified in the DMWRC-approved Site Characterization Workplan (SCW). Informational data gaps identified and fully detailed in the SCW included laboratory data for non-lead metals, metals concentrations in sub-stockpile native soils, and on-site background metals concentrations. 2.1 Standard of Care Terracon’s services were performed in a manner consistent with generally accepted practices of the profession undertaken in similar studies in the same geographical area during the same time period. Terracon makes no warranties, either express or implied, regarding the findings, conclusions, or recommendations. Please note that Terracon does not warrant the work of laboratories, regulatory agencies, or other third parties supplying information used in the preparation of this report. 2.2 Sampling Scope Field sampling consisted of the following data collection. Soil samples were collected and submitted for laboratory analysis to characterize the concentrations of metals in soil at the site. Soil samples were collected from three zones at the site (Exhibit 2). Zone 1 consists of the soil stockpile. In Zone 1, at each sampling location one sample was collected from the most impacted depth interval (as determined by field XRF screening) and one sample was collected from native soils 6–12 inches beneath the stockpile soils. Zone 1 samples were collected using a track-mounted direct- push drill rig. Drilling depths varied according to the soil stockpile depth which averages approximately 10 feet, but ranges from less than 5 feet to approximately 20 feet. Drilling was conducted in 5-foot increments as-needed to fully intercept underlying native soils. Zone 2 consists of the area near the site entrance where previous investigations identified off-stockpile impacted soil. In Zone 2, at each sampling location one sample was collected from near-surface soils (0–2 inches) or the most impacted Site Characterization Report Gordo Site | Park City, Utah August 11, 2023 | Terracon Project No. 61227505 Facilities |Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 4 depth interval (as determined by field XRF screening) and one sample was collected from shallow subsurface native soils (6–12 inches below the surface or non-native soils, if present). Zone 2 samples were primarily collected via hand digging or hand auger. A limited number of Zone 2 samples were collected using a track-mounted direct-push drill rig where non-native soils were present at depths that precluded hand digging or hand auger collection methods. These sample locations are B-12, B- 16, and B-17 (Exhibit 2). Zone 3 consists of unimpacted native soil areas and Zone 3 sample results are considered site-specific background concentrations for risk evaluation and screening contaminants of potential concern (COPCs). In Zone 3, at each sampling location one sample was collected from near-surface soils (0–2 inches) and one sample was collected from shallow subsurface native soils (6–12 inches). Zone 3 samples were collected via hand digging. The SCW specified the collection of twenty samples from ten locations within each zone (two samples at each of the ten sample locations per zone). However, some modifications were made to this protocol based on field conditions during sampling. These deviations from the SCW sampling protocol are fully detailed in Section 4.3. Sufficient samples were still collected from each sampling zone and depth interval to allow for calculation of 95% Upper Confidence Limits (UCL95) for each sampling zone and depth interval. 2.3 Sampling Methods 2.3.1 Soil Sampling Direct-push drilling services were performed by Utah-licensed driller Direct Push Services. Soil samples were collected continuously, using 5-foot core barrel samplers to document lithology, color, and relative moisture content. Zone 1 soil samples were field-screened via XRF to target the most impacted depth interval. Soil samples were collected per the procedures detailed in Terracon Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) 1,Soil Sampling and Logging, and Terracon SOP 5,Geoprobe Sampling. 2.3.2 Field QA/QC Samples Field duplicates were collected at a rate of 10 percent. Six duplicate soil samples were collected for analysis of the metals regulated by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA 8). The original sample and corresponding duplicate samples are provided below: Site Characterization Report Gordo Site | Park City, Utah August 11, 2023 | Terracon Project No. 61227505 Facilities |Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 5 Soil Samples Sample ID Duplicate ID Analytes Z1-B6 @ 12 Z1-B106 @ 12 RCRA Metals Z1-B8 @ 13 Z1-B108 @ 13 RCRA Metals Z2-B11 @ 0.5 Z2-B111 @ 0.5 RCRA Metals Z2-B13 @ 0 Z2-B113 @ 0 RCRA Metals Z3-B22 @ 0 Z3-B122 @ 0 RCRA Metals Z2-B29 @ 0.5 Z2-B129 @ 0.5 RCRA Metals 2.3.3 Equipment Decontamination Clean disposable, single-use sampling equipment was used to collect soil samples and was properly disposed of after each use. Drilling equipment was cleaned using a high-pressure washer prior to beginning the project and between soil boring locations. 2.3.4 Site Restoration Due to the site characteristics and the nature of the sampling, no site restoration (i.e., backfilling of soil borings) was required. 3.0 Site Characterization Results The following sections summarize the laboratory analytical sample results. Sampling zones, soil sample locations, and sample locations that exceeded screening values for lead are presented in Exhibit 2 (exceedances for other metals co-occurred with lead exceedances). A summary of the laboratory analytical results is provided in Table C1 (Appendix B). Soil borings logs are provided in Appendix C. Copies of the analytical reports and sample chain- of-custody records are provided in Appendix D. Soil samples (including field duplicates) were placed in iced coolers and shipped under chain-of-custody protocols via overnight courier to Pace Analytical National Center for Testing and Innovation (Pace National) in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee (a Utah-Certified Laboratory). Laboratory samples were delivered to the analytical laboratory within holding times for all analytical methods. Site Characterization Report Gordo Site | Park City, Utah August 11, 2023 | Terracon Project No. 61227505 Facilities |Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 6 Laboratory samples were analyzed using the following methods: TABLE 2 ANALYTICAL METHOD SUMMARY Parameter Matrix Analytical Method No. of Samples1 Arsenic, Barium, Cadmium, Chromium, Lead, Selenium, Silver Soil SW-846 6020 65 Mercury Soil SW-846 7471 65 1Includes field duplicate samples. Constituent concentrations in soil were compared to EPA RSLs for Residential or Industrial use and groundwater protection soil screening levels (Dilution Attenuation Factor 20 [DAF 20] SSLs). 3.1 General Characteristics Field observations and analytical results from the imported soil stockpile in Zone 1 were consistent with results reported by the previous investigations (Section 1.2). Observed fill soil depths (Exhibit 3) were used to calculate the volume of imported fill soil present in the Zone 1 stockpile. The stockpile volume was estimated to be approximately 30,000 cubic yards which is consistent with historical estimates provided by PCMC. As further detailed in Section 4.3, the SCW placed sample locations B-28 and B-29 in sampling Zone 3, which was intended to be the background sampling zone. Field observations during sampling indicated that the area near sample locations B-28 and B-29 were not in fact representative of background conditions. Thus, sampling zone boundaries were adjusted to place sample locations B-28 and B-29 into sampling Zone 2 and sample location B-29 was relocated approximately 50 feet north (Exhibit 2). Specifically, field XRF screening indicated that a berm present on and in the vicinity of sample locations B-28 and B-29 contained elevated concentrations of lead, which was confirmed by the analytical results (Table C1). Visual observations from this berm also indicated the potential presence of slag-like materials. The approximate boundaries and depths of the Zone 2 berm are shown in Exhibit 3. The volume of the Zone 2 berm was estimated to be approximately 1,200 cubic yards. Further historical aerial photograph review indicates that the Zone 2 berm was created in the late 1990s or early 2000s and Site Characterization Report Gordo Site | Park City, Utah August 11, 2023 | Terracon Project No. 61227505 Facilities |Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 7 may pre-date PCMC’s acquisition of the site and creation of the Zone 1 soil stockpile. It is considered likely that the berm material was imported to the site from an off-site source. 3.2 Soil Data Summary Fifty-nine soil samples and six field duplicate samples were analyzed for RCRA 8 metals.Soil samples were reported at concentrations exceeding the following thresholds and screening levels (Exhibit 2,Table C1): Arsenic o All soil samples exceeded the EPA Residential RSL. o Seven soil samples exceeded the EPA Industrial RSL but were below the DAF 20 SSL. o Fifty-one soil samples exceeded the DAF 20 SSL. o The maximum reported soil arsenic concentration was 395 mg/kg in sample “Z1-B7 @ 2” collected from the soil stockpile material in Zone 1. Barium o No soil samples exceeded a screening level for barium. o The maximum reported barium concentration was 313 mg/kg in sample “Z1- B9 @ 14” collected from sub-stockpile native soil in Zone 1. Cadmium o Eight soil samples exceeded the EPA Residential RSL. o Six soil samples exceeded the DAF 20 SSL. o No soil samples exceeded the EPA Industrial RSL. o All soil samples that exceeded a cadmium screening level were collected from imported fill material in Zone 1 or Zone 2. o The maximum reported cadmium concentration was 79.6 mg/kg in sample “Z1-B7 @ 2” collected from the soil stockpile material in Zone 1. Chromium o No soil samples exceeded a screening level for chromium. o The maximum reported chromium concentration was 36.6 mg/kg in sample “Z1-B3 @ 5” collected from sub-stockpile native soil in Zone 1. Lead o Thirteen soil samples exceeded the DAF 20 SSL. Site Characterization Report Gordo Site | Park City, Utah August 11, 2023 | Terracon Project No. 61227505 Facilities |Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 8 o Ten soil samples exceeded the EPA Residential RSL. o Seven soil samples exceeded the EPA Industrial RSL. o All soil samples that exceeded the EPA Residential RSL or Industrial RSL were collected from imported fill material in Zone 1 or Zone 2. o The maximum reported lead concentration was 7,810 mg/kg in sample “Z1- B7 @ 2” collected from the soil stockpile material in Zone 1. Selenium: o No soil samples exceeded a screening level for selenium. o The maximum reported selenium concentration was 8.98 mg/kg in sample “Z1-B7 @ 2” collected from the soil stockpile material in Zone 1. Silver: o Four soil samples exceeded the DAF 20 SSL. o No soil samples exceeded the EPA Residential RSL or EPA Industrial RSL. o All soil samples that exceeded a silver screening level were collected from imported fill material in Zone 1. o The maximum reported silver concentration was 8.98 mg/kg in sample “Z1- B7 @ 2” collected from the soil stockpile material in Zone 1. Mercury: o Six soil samples exceeded the DAF 20 SSL. o Two soil samples exceeded the EPA Residential RSL. o No soil samples exceeded the EPA Industrial RSL. o All soil samples that exceeded a mercury screening level were collected from imported fill material in Zone 1 or Zone 2. o The maximum reported mercury concentration was 23.3 mg/kg in sample “Z1-B7 @ 2” collected from the soil stockpile material in Zone 1. Laboratory Method Detection Limits did not exceed a screening value for any metals. 3.3 Calculated Background Values and COPC Screening UCL95s were calculated for each sampling zone and depth interval to determine site-specific background values and screen COPCs (Table C3). Calculated UCL95s are presented in Table C3. As noted in Table C3, UCL95s could not be calculated for selenium in all sampling zones and depth intervals due to an insufficient number of detections. Insufficient detections also prevented calculation of UCL95s for silver in shallow subsurface native soils in Zone 3 and Site Characterization Report Gordo Site | Park City, Utah August 11, 2023 | Terracon Project No. 61227505 Facilities |Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 9 for mercury in sub-fill native soils in Zone 1. The highest detected concentrations were substituted in these cases. Additionally, all Zone 1 sub-fill native soil samples were non- detect for silver and the highest laboratory method detection limit was substituted. All calculated background metals concentrations in Zone 3 were below RSLs and DAF 20 SSLs except for arsenic. Site-specific background concentrations of arsenic in soil are estimated to range from approximately 12 mg/kg to 26 mg/kg. Arsenic UCL95s for subsurface native soils in Zone 1 and Zone 2 are within the estimated background range. Comparison of Zone 3 UCL95s and UCL95 substitutes to Zone 1 UCL95s and UCL95 substitutes indicates that all RCRA 8 metals except barium are retained as COPCs in Zone 1. Zone 2 UCL95s and UCL95 substitutes indicate that cadmium, mercury, and selenium could potentially be excluded as COPCs, but were included in risk calculations for comparability to Zone 1 risks. A full risk evaluation is presented in Appendix E. Zone 3 UCL95s and UCL95 substitutes indicate that subsurface native soils in Zone 1 and Zone 2 have not been impacted by leaching from overlying non-native contaminated soils. Subsurface native soils in Zone 1 and Zone 2 are consistent with background concentrations present in Zone 3 samples. 4.0 Data Quality Assessment Laboratory analytical data was subject to internal reduction and validation prior to external release of the data, as detailed in the laboratory’s Quality Assurance Manual. Following receipt of the laboratory analytical results by Terracon, the data were reviewed to evaluate compliance with procedures for sampling, data generation and analysis, and reporting outlined in Sections 3.2.1 through 3.2.10 of the SCW. Documentation provided with the laboratory analytical results reports included case narratives; analytical data with minimum method detection limits (MDLs) and reported detection limits (RDLs) reporting limits listed for all analyses; chain-of-custody records; and a quality control summary including method blanks, matrix spike/matrix spike duplicates (MS/MSD) with control limits, laboratory control samples and duplicates (LCS/LCSD) with control limits; and application of data qualifiers where warranted. Assessment of Precision, Bias and Accuracy, Representativeness, Comparability, Completeness, and Sensitivity parameters are presented in the following subsections. 4.1 Precision Precision was evaluated on the basis of relative percent difference (RPD) as a measure of reproducibility between LCS/LCSD pairs and MS/MSD pairs (analytical precision) and between field samples and field duplicate samples (field precision). Site Characterization Report Gordo Site | Park City, Utah August 11, 2023 | Terracon Project No. 61227505 Facilities |Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 10 The RPD is calculated to evaluate precision using the following equation. RPD =𝑿𝟎−𝑿𝟎 ቀ𝑿𝟎+𝑿𝟎 𝟎ቁ 𝒙𝟎𝟎𝟎Where X1 and X2 are the reported concentrations of the samples being evaluated. 4.1.1 Analytical Precision A summary of the Quality Control assessment for analytical precision is presented below. Laboratory Set L1635370 (Soil Samples): o The RPDs for the MSD (Laboratory Batch WG2095582) for lead, the MSD (Laboratory Batch WG2095621) for barium, and the MSD (Laboratory Batch WG2096855) associated with chromium were outside the laboratory’s control limits. As a result, a J3 flag was used to qualify this data. The affected barium and chromium samples were detected in concentrations well below regulatory screening levels as were all other samples. Several non-affected lead samples were detected above regulatory screening levels, and other DQIs were in control. It is not anticipated the analytical precision issue will affect the conclusions of this report. Based on the results of the RPD analyses of the LCS/LCSD and MS/MSD samples and the evaluation provided above,analytical precision is considered within control for Laboratory Set L1635370. 4.1.2 Field Precision Six field duplicate soil samples were collected and analyzed. A summary of the Quality Control assessment for field precision is presented below. Analytical results for original samples and field duplicate pairs that are less than five times the laboratory’s RDL in the analytical reports were considered within control if the difference between the sample concentration and its duplicate was less than two times the RDL. When analytical results for the original sample and the field duplicate pairs are greater than five times the RDL, the duplicate pair was considered within control when the RPDs for the field duplicate pairs were within 50%. Laboratory Set L1635370 (Soil Samples): o Arsenic in soil for duplicate pairs Z1-B6@12/Z1-B106@12 and Z3-B22@0/Z3- B122@0 had the original result greater than 5 X RDL and the duplicate result less than 5 X RDL but had a difference greater than 2 X RDL. These are not considered within control. Additionally, the calculated RPD for arsenic for duplicate pair Z2-B29@0.5/Z2-B129@0.5 was 76.9%, above the 50% limit. This pair is not considered within control. The other arsenic duplicate pairs were in control. All arsenic samples were above the Residential RSL with Site Characterization Report Gordo Site | Park City, Utah August 11, 2023 | Terracon Project No. 61227505 Facilities |Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 11 several above the Industrial RSL. This is not expected to affect the usability of this data or the conclusions of this report. o Cadmium in Duplicate pair Z2-B29@0.5/Z2-B129@0.5 had a calculated RPD for of 74.3%, above the 50% limit. This pair is not considered within control. The other cadmium pairs were in control. Several cadmium samples were well above a regulatory screening level. This is not expected to affect the usability of this data or the conclusions of this report. o Chromium in soil for Duplicate pairs Z1-B6@12/Z1-B106@12 and Z3- B22@0/Z3-B122@0 had the original result greater than 5 X RDL and the duplicate result less than 5 X RDL but had a difference greater than 2 X RDL. These are not considered within control. Additionally, the calculated RPD for arsenic for duplicate pair Z3-B22@0/Z3-B122@0 was 72.6%, above the 50% limit. This pair is not considered within control. The other chromium duplicate pairs were in control, and all chromium concentrations were well below any regulatory screening levels. This is not expected to affect the usability of this data or the conclusions of this report. o Duplicate pair Z2-B29@0.5/Z2-B129@0.5 had a calculated RPD for lead of 63.7%, above the 50% limit. The other lead duplicate pairs were in control, and several lead concentrations were well above regulatory screening levels. This is not expected to affect the usability of this data or the conclusions of this report. o Duplicate pair Z2-B11@0.5/Z2-B111@0.5 had a calculated RPD for silver of 56.8%, above the 50% limit. The other silver duplicate pairs were in control. Silver concentrations in all samples were well below RSLs. This is not expected to affect the usability of this data or the conclusions of this report. Based on the results of the RPD analyses of the field duplicate sample pairs and the evaluation provided above,field precision is considered within control for Laboratory Set L1635370. 4.2 Bias and Accuracy Bias and Accuracy were evaluated through a review of the method blanks, trip blanks, percent recoveries for LCS/LCSD, and percent recoveries for MS/MSD summaries provided by the laboratory. Method blanks and trip blanks were considered within control (i.e., accuracy) if the constituents analyzed were less than the analytical method reporting limits. LCS/LCSD and MS/MSD analyses were considered within control if the percent recoveries were within the laboratory’s established limits (i.e.,bias). A summary of the Quality Control assessment for Bias and Accuracy is presented below. Site Characterization Report Gordo Site | Park City, Utah August 11, 2023 | Terracon Project No. 61227505 Facilities |Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 12 Laboratory Set L1635370 (Soil Samples): o Accuracy–Method Blank: All analytes in the method blanks were less than the laboratory RDLs with the exception of an estimated concentration (J value) in the method blank for selenium (Batch WG2095605). A B flag was applied to this data. Selenium in the affected soil sample was detected at a concentration well below regulatory screening levels. It is not anticipated that the accuracy issue will affect the conclusions of this report. o Accuracy–Trip Blank: A trip blank was not submitted for the metals analysis. o Surrogate Recoveries:Surrogate recoveries were within control. o Bias–LCS/LCSD Percent Recoveries:The LCS/LCSD recoveries were within control. A LCSD sample was not analyzed for metals. o Bias–MS/MSD Percent Recoveries:The MS/MSD for mercury (Batch WG2095468) interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination, causing a high spike value. A J5 qualifier was applied to this data. The affected sample was well below regulatory screening levels. This is not expected to affect the usability of the data. The MSD for lead (Batch WG2095582) and MS for barium (Batch WG2095621) interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination, causing a high spike value. A J5 qualifier was applied to this data. The affected duplicate sample was well below regulatory screening levels. This is not expected to affect the usability of the data. The MS for lead (Batch WG2095582), MS/MSD for lead (Batch WB2095604), MSD for barium (WG2095621), and MSD for arsenic and barium (Batch WG2096855) interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination causing a low spike value. A J6 qualifier was applied to this data. The affected samples had barium concentrations well below regulatory screening levels. The affected arsenic sample had a concentration well above regulatory screening levels. This is not expected to affect the usability of the data. Bias and Accuracy are considered within control for Laboratory Set L1635370. Some minor exceptions exist but are not expected to have an impact on the usability of the results. 4.3 Representativeness Representativeness is a qualitative parameter most concerned with proper design and execution of the sampling program to produce data that accurately and precisely represent environmental conditions. Selection of analytical methods, sampling methods, and locations Site Characterization Report Gordo Site | Park City, Utah August 11, 2023 | Terracon Project No. 61227505 Facilities |Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 13 representative of the media sampled were set forth in the SCW.Representativeness in the field was achieved by implementing the approved SCW and using appropriate sampling methods, sample containers, sample handling, and preservation methods. Representativeness in the laboratory was achieved by using the proper analytical procedures, meeting sample holding times, and analyzing and assessing laboratory QA/QC samples. Field Representativeness Sampling was conducted in general accordance with the SCW and associated Standard Operating Procedures. The following deviations from the SCW occurred during the sampling event. Due to drilling refusal on shallow bedrock a native soil sample could not be collected from beneath the contaminated soil stockpile at sample location B-10 in Zone 1. The inability to collect this sample did not impact the ability to calculate UCL95s for sub- pile native soils in Zone 1 and thus did not have a significant impact on the overall data evaluation. Sample location B-29 was adjusted approximately 50 feet north to the toe of a berm that was identified as a suspect feature in the field. The SCW placed sample locations B-28 and B-29 in sampling Zone 3, which was intended to be the background sampling zone. Field observations during sampling indicated that sample locations B-28 and B-29 were not in fact representative of background conditions. Thus, sampling zone boundaries were adjusted to place sample locations B-28 and B-29 into sampling Zone 2. The relocation of sample locations B-28 and B-29 into sampling Zone 2 did not impact the ability to calculate UCL95s for background metals concentrations in Zone 3 and thus did not have a significant impact on the overall data evaluation. Laboratory Representativeness Sample analyses followed the analytical methods listed in the SCW or equivalent EPA- approved variations of the listed methods. Sample analyses followed the analytical methods listed in the SCW or equivalent EPA-approved methods or variations of the listed methods; and were analyzed within method-specified holding times. The laboratory noted that the sample concentration in lead (Batch WG2096855) in the MS/MSD is too high to evaluate accurate spike recoveries. A V value was assigned to this data. The affected soil sample was well above regulatory reporting limits as were several other samples. Additionally, other DQIs were considered acceptable. This is not expected to affect the usability of the data or alter the conclusions of this report. Site Characterization Report Gordo Site | Park City, Utah August 11, 2023 | Terracon Project No. 61227505 Facilities |Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 14 The laboratory noted that mercury (Batch WG2095468) barium (Batch WG2095621) and barium, chromium, and lead (Batch WG2096855) failed the method serial dilution test and/or subsequent post-spike criteria, indicating matrix interference. A O1 value was applied to this data. The affected samples were well below regulatory screening levels for mercury, barium, and chromium. The affected lead sample was well above regulatory screening levels as were several other samples. This is not expected to affect the usability of the data or alter the conclusions of this report. A MS/MSD sample for some of the metals analyses was not from a field provided sample. Other DQIs were in control, and a LCS sample was run. This issue is not expected to have an effect on the usability of the data. Representativeness is considered within control. 4.4 Comparability Comparability is a qualitative term expressing the confidence with which one data set can be compared to another. The comparability goal was achieved using standardized sampling procedures in accordance with the SCW, use of standardized and approved laboratory analytical methods, and reporting the analytical results in appropriate and consistent units. Sampling was conducted in general accordance with the SCW and associated SOPs. Deviations from the SCW occurred during the sampling event and are discussed in Section 4.3. Sample analyses followed the analytical methods listed in the SCW, equivalent approved methods, or variations of the listed methods. The units of measure reported by the laboratory were consistent with the units of measure used by the regulatory screening levels. The number of field duplicates specified in the approved SCW was at least 10% of the field samples. o Soil Samples RCRA 8 Metals: Six field duplicate samples for fifty-nine soil samples or 10.2%, which meets to 10% goal. Comparability is considered within control. 4.5 Completeness Completeness is the ratio of valid measurements to the number of planned measurements, expressed as a percentage, and the completeness goal for the project is 90% of valid measurements. The samples collected were submitted and analyzed by Site Characterization Report Gordo Site | Park City, Utah August 11, 2023 | Terracon Project No. 61227505 Facilities |Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 15 the laboratory according to the chain-of-custody. Additionally, the data collection followed the procedures and requirements as described in the approved SCW. The SCW detailed 66 soil samples (including field duplicates), all of which except one were properly collected and analyzed by the laboratory. The data are considered usable as qualified. The analytical completeness for this sampling event was 98.5%. With acknowledgement of qualified results for the analytes listed above, the analytical data are acceptable for their intended use to evaluate constituent concentrations compared to applicable regulatory screening levels. 4.6 Sensitivity Sensitivity refers to the capability of a method or instrument to discriminate between measurement responses representing different levels of the variable of interest. The sensitivity goal is for RDLs to be below comparative screening levels, which vary considerably by analyte and in value and applicability. Overall, the level of sensitivity was sufficient to allow the identification of soil constituents above applicable regulatory screening levels. Laboratory Set L1635370 (Soil Samples): o RCRA 8 Metals: The RDLs were all less than the EPA RSLs and DAF 20 SSLs, as applicable, for analytes reported as less than the RDL. The DQIs for Sensitivity were achieved. As such,Sensitivity was deemed acceptable. 5.0 Updated Conceptual Site Model This update to the conceptual site model (CSM) refines the initial CSM that was presented in the SCW and presents the current understanding of the site. The goals of the updated CSM are to: Identify the contaminants of concern, their relative subsurface distribution, and related environmental concerns. Define the remedial goals associated with the environmental concerns. Identify informational data gaps and appropriate next steps. The subsections identified below are core components to the updated CSM. 5.1 Geologic and Hydrogeologic Information and Setting Near-surface soils are mapped as Ayoub cobbly loam, 2 to 15 percent slopes, composed of slope alluvium derived from andesite over residuum weathered from andesite (NRCS 2023). Site Characterization Report Gordo Site | Park City, Utah August 11, 2023 | Terracon Project No. 61227505 Facilities |Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 16 Surficial geologic units at the site are mapped as alluvium and glacial deposits (Qoa) and breccia of Silver Creek (Tksc) (USGS 1971). Borings logs (Appendix C) from locations that were sampled via direct-push soil borings indicate that low-permeability clay soils are likely present below a large portion of the site and the Zone 1 soil stockpile specifically. Drilling refusal at location B-10 suggests that bedrock may be present at shallow depths across the site, which may also serve to limit infiltration. Groundwater was not encountered during the investigation, which indicates that the depth to groundwater is likely to be greater than 20 feet below ground surface (bgs) on the northwestern (higher elevation) portion of the site and greater than 10 feet bgs on the southeastern (lower elevation) portion of the site. The nearest surface water bodies are the Pace-Homer Ditch located approximately 200–250 south and southeast of the southeastern site boundary, and Silver Creek located approximately 350–500 feet south and southeast of the southeastern site boundary. 5.2 Spatial Distribution of Contaminants of Concern Metals impacts exceeding screening levels and background concentrations appear to be limited to imported fill soils in Zone 1 and Zone 2. Contaminated fill soils in Zone 2 may have been imported prior to PCMC’s acquisition of the site (Section 3.1). Areal distribution of contaminated fill soils are presented in Exhibit 2 and Exhibit 3. Zone 3 UCL95s and UCL95 substitutes (Section 3.3) indicate that subsurface native soils in Zone 1 and Zone 2 have not been impacted by leaching from overlying non-native contaminated soils. Thus, the vertical distribution of contaminants of concern is limited to imported contaminated soils present in Zone 1 and Zone 2. 5.3 Environmental Concerns Verification 5.3.1 Heavy Metals-Impacted Soil Heavy metals-impacted soil has been confirmed to exist at concentrations that are above applicable regulatory standards at concentrations that require corrective action. Heavy metals-impacted soil present at the site is known to have been intentionally imported to the site 5.3.2 Heavy Metals-Impacted Groundwater Soil metals concentrations in native soils beneath imported contaminated fill soils do not indicate that metals may have leached from overlying contaminated soils in sufficient quantities to have potentially impacted groundwater. Reported metals concentrations in subsurface native soils in Zone 1 and Zone 2 are consistent with background concentrations present in Zone 3 samples. Further, the presence of clayey soils and shallow bedrock Site Characterization Report Gordo Site | Park City, Utah August 11, 2023 | Terracon Project No. 61227505 Facilities |Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 17 (Section 5.1) indicates that infiltration of precipitation to groundwater may be limited at the site. 5.3.3 Remedial Goals PCMC’s remedial goal for the site is achievement of DWMRC risk-based closure criteria. PCMC anticipates that all imported contaminated soil will be removed and disposed of off- site. If post-removal confirmation samples indicate the presence of any residual impacts they will be addressed through DWMRC’s risk-based closure process. A full Risk Evaluation is presented in Appendix E. Risk calculations indicate that: contaminated imported fill soils present in Zone 1 and Zone 2 present excessive risks that require corrective action to achieve risk-based closure per Utah Administrative Code R315-101-5 background cancer risk at the site for potential residential receptors exceeds 1x10-6 due to elevated background concentrations of arsenic. 5.3.4 Informational Data Gaps The SCW identified the following informational data gaps that required further assessment: laboratory data for non-lead metals soil metals concentrations in native soils beneath imported contaminated soils background metals concentrations in native soils. Terracon’s conclusion is that the sampling results described herein have sufficiently addressed the informational data gaps identified in the SCW, and no remaining significant data gaps exist. 6.0 Conclusion The investigation results presented herein indicate that the nature and extent of metals contamination in soil at the site has been sufficiently characterized. A Corrective Action Plan (CAP) should be developed that addresses the impacts and risks present at the site. The type of corrective action that would most adequately address the existing environmental impacts and achieve PCMC’s goals for the site would be excavation and off-site disposal of metals-impacted fill soils in Zone 1 and Zone 2. As fully detailed in the Risk Evaluation (Appendix E), excavation and off-site disposal of metals-impacted fill soils in Zone 1 and Zone 2 would reduce overall site risks to background levels. Site Characterization Report Gordo Site | Park City, Utah August 11, 2023 | Terracon Project No. 61227505 Facilities |Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 18 7.0 References AMEC Earth & Environmental (AMEC). 2010. XRF Lead and Arsenic Screening Summary, Park City Water Treatment Plant, Park City, Utah. September. Gerhart Cole Inc (GCI). 2016. Report of Lead-Impacted Soil Testing, Park City Public Works Facility, Park City, Utah. June. Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS). 2023. Web Soil Survey. Accessed May 3, 2023. United States Geological Survey (USGS). 1971. Geologic Map of the Park City East Quadrangle, Summit and Wasatch Counties, Utah. APPENDIX A Exhibits N : \ G I S \ 6 1 2 2 7 5 0 5 _ P a r k _ C i t y _ G o r d o \ 6 1 2 2 7 5 0 5 _ P a r k _ C i t y _ G o r d o n e w \ 6 1 2 2 7 5 0 5 P a r k _ C i t y _ G o r d o m a p \ M a p s \ P r o j e c t N u m b e r _ P r o j e c t N a m e \ P r o j e c t N u m b e r _ P r o j e c t N a m e \ 6 1 2 2 7 5 0 5 - P a r k C i t y G o r d o . a p r x Exhibit terracon.com801-545-8500 6949 S. High Tech Dr Midvale, Utah Reviewed By: Drawn By: Aug 2023 Date: 61227505 Project No.: Park City Gordo Site Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road Park City, Utah Soil Sampling Locations and Lead Screening Level Exceedances 2 DMD SJH K e a r n s B l v d K e a r n s B l v d 248 248 S il v e r C r e e k B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8 B-9 B-10 B-11 B-12 B-13 B-14 B-15 B-16 B-17 B-18B-19 B-20 B-21 B-22 B-23 B-24 B-25 B-26 B-27 B-28 B-29 B-30 0 150 30075 Feet ³ Site Boundary Fill Soil Zones Exceeds Industrial Lead RSL Exceeds Residential Lead RSL Zone 1 Borings Zone 2 Borings Zone 3 Borings Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Note: See Table C.1 for full analysis results. N : \ G I S \ 6 1 2 2 7 5 0 5 _ P a r k _ C i t y _ G o r d o \ 6 1 2 2 7 5 0 5 _ P a r k _ C i t y _ G o r d o n e w \ 6 1 2 2 7 5 0 5 P a r k _ C i t y _ G o r d o m a p \ M a p s \ P r o j e c t N u m b e r _ P r o j e c t N a m e \ P r o j e c t N u m b e r _ P r o j e c t N a m e \ 6 1 2 2 7 5 0 5 - P a r k C i t y G o r d o . a p r x Exhibit terracon.com801-585-8500 6949 S. High Tech Dr Midvale, Utah Reviewed By: Drawn By: Aug 2023 Date: 61227505 Project No.: Park City Gordo Site Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road Park City, Utah Fill Soil Depth Map 3 DMD SJH DATA SOURCES: ESRI - Basemaps K e a r n s B l v d B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8 B-9 B-10 B-11 B-12 B-13 B-14 B-15 B-16 B-17 B-18B-19 B-20 B-21 B-22 B-23 B-24 B-25 B-26 B-27 B-28 B-29 B-30 2.0 3.0 4.5 3.5 3.5 11.5 14.5 12.5 14.0 15.0 0 110 22055 Feet ³ Site Boundary Zone 1 Borings Zone 2 Borings Zone 3 Borings 0.5'-3' 3'-6' 6'-9' 9'-12' 12'-15' 15'+ APPENDIX B Tables Table B1 - Metals in Soil Gordo Property - Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road, Park City, Utah Terracon Project No. 61227505 Analyte CAS Method Units RSL Residential RSL Industrial DAF 20 Groundwater Protection SSL Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL ARSENIC 7440-38-2 6010B mg/kg 0.7 3 5.8 9.85 0.586 2.26 14.2 0.629 2.43 7.02 0.595 2.3 5.79 0.595 2.3 BARIUM 7440-39-3 6010B mg/kg 15,000 220,000 3,200 252 0.0964 0.566 228 0.103 0.607 178 0.0979 0.574 140 0.0979 0.575 CADMIUM 7440-43-9 6010B mg/kg 7.1 100 7.6 0.0777 J 0.0533 0.566 <0.607 0.0572 0.607 0.466 J 0.0541 0.574 0.248 J 0.0541 0.575 CHROMIUM 7440-47-3 6010B mg/kg 120,000 1,800,000 40,000,000 17.5 0.15 1.13 20.1 0.161 1.21 17.2 0.153 1.15 12.4 0.153 1.15 LEAD 7439-92-1 6010B mg/kg 400 800 280 17.7 0.235 0.566 12.8 0.252 0.607 35.6 0.239 0.574 20.2 0.239 0.575 SELENIUM 7782-49-2 6010B mg/kg 390 5,800 10.4 <2.26 0.864 2.26 <2.43 0.927 2.43 <2.30 0.878 2.3 <2.30 0.878 2.3 SILVER 7440-22-4 6010B mg/kg 390 5,800 16 <1.13 0.144 1.13 <1.21 0.154 1.21 <1.15 0.146 1.15 <1.15 0.146 1.15 MERCURY 7439-97-6 7471A mg/kg 11 46 2 <0.0452 0.0204 0.0452 <0.0486 0.0218 0.0486 0.0661 0.0207 0.0459 <0.0460 0.0207 0.046 Qs (Q): mg/kg:Milligrams per kilogram. <: Less than Reported Detection Limit (RDL). Bold value exceeds Method Detection Limit (MDL). Color shaded value exceeds screening level. 07/11/2023 07/11/2023 07/11/2023 07/11/2023 EPA RSL:Environmental Protection Agency Regional Screening Levels for soil at residential (Res.) and industrial (Ind.) properties (May 2023; TR=1E-06; THQ=1.0). J - The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate.J3 - The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for precision.J5 - The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is high.J6 - The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is low.O1 - The analyte failed the method required serial dilution test and/or subsequent post-spike criteria. These failures indicate matrix interference.U - Not detected at the Reporting Limit (or MDL where applicable).B - The same analyte is found in the associated blank.V - The sample concentration is too high to evaluate accurate spike recoveries. Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Date Collected L1635370-01 L1635370-02 L1635370-03 L1635370-04 Z1-B1 @ 0.5 Z1-B1 @ 2.5 Z1-B2 @ 1 Z1-B2 @ 4 Page 1 of 15 Table B1 - Metals in Soil Gordo Property - Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road, Park City, Utah Terracon Project No. 61227505 Analyte CAS Method Units RSL Residential RSL Industrial DAF 20 Groundwater Protection SSL ARSENIC 7440-38-2 6010B mg/kg 0.7 3 5.8 BARIUM 7440-39-3 6010B mg/kg 15,000 220,000 3,200 CADMIUM 7440-43-9 6010B mg/kg 7.1 100 7.6 CHROMIUM 7440-47-3 6010B mg/kg 120,000 1,800,000 40,000,000 LEAD 7439-92-1 6010B mg/kg 400 800 280 SELENIUM 7782-49-2 6010B mg/kg 390 5,800 10.4 SILVER 7440-22-4 6010B mg/kg 390 5,800 16 MERCURY 7439-97-6 7471A mg/kg 11 46 2 Qs (Q): mg/kg:Milligrams per kilogram. <: Less than Reported Detection Limit (RDL). Bold value exceeds Method Detection Limit (MDL). Color shaded value exceeds screening level. EPA RSL:Environmental Protection Agency Regional Screening Levels for soil at residential (Res.) and industrial (Ind.) properties (May 2023; TR=1E-06; THQ=1.0). J - The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate.J3 - The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for precision.J5 - The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is high.J6 - The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is low.O1 - The analyte failed the method required serial dilution test and/or subsequent post-spike criteria. These failures indicate matrix interference.U - Not detected at the Reporting Limit (or MDL where applicable).B - The same analyte is found in the associated blank.V - The sample concentration is too high to evaluate accurate spike recoveries. Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Date Collected Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL 84.9 0.571 2.2 30.4 0.591 2.28 3.82 0.589 2.27 6.23 0.605 2.34 217 0.0939 0.551 167 0.0972 0.571 224 0.0968 0.568 210 0.0995 0.584 17.2 0.0519 0.551 0.104 J 0.0538 0.571 0.111 J 0.0535 0.568 <0.584 0.055 0.584 12.3 0.147 1.1 36.6 0.152 1.14 10.7 0.151 1.14 9.91 0.155 1.17 2090 0.229 0.551 21.5 0.237 0.571 18 0.236 0.568 7.92 0.243 0.584 <2.20 0.842 2.2 <2.28 0.872 2.28 <2.27 0.868 2.27 <2.34 0.892 2.34 11.6 0.14 1.1 <1.14 0.145 1.14 <1.14 0.144 1.14 <1.17 0.148 1.17 6.83 0.0992 0.22 0.343 0.0205 0.0456 0.0267 J 0.0205 0.0455 <0.0467 0.021 0.0467 07/11/2023 07/11/2023 07/11/2023 07/11/2023 L1635370-05 L1635370-06 L1635370-07 L1635370-08 Z1-B3 @ 3 Z1-B3 @ 5 Z1-B4 @ 2.5 Z1-B4 @ 4 Page 2 of 15 Table B1 - Metals in Soil Gordo Property - Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road, Park City, Utah Terracon Project No. 61227505 Analyte CAS Method Units RSL Residential RSL Industrial DAF 20 Groundwater Protection SSL ARSENIC 7440-38-2 6010B mg/kg 0.7 3 5.8 BARIUM 7440-39-3 6010B mg/kg 15,000 220,000 3,200 CADMIUM 7440-43-9 6010B mg/kg 7.1 100 7.6 CHROMIUM 7440-47-3 6010B mg/kg 120,000 1,800,000 40,000,000 LEAD 7439-92-1 6010B mg/kg 400 800 280 SELENIUM 7782-49-2 6010B mg/kg 390 5,800 10.4 SILVER 7440-22-4 6010B mg/kg 390 5,800 16 MERCURY 7439-97-6 7471A mg/kg 11 46 2 Qs (Q): mg/kg:Milligrams per kilogram. <: Less than Reported Detection Limit (RDL). Bold value exceeds Method Detection Limit (MDL). Color shaded value exceeds screening level. EPA RSL:Environmental Protection Agency Regional Screening Levels for soil at residential (Res.) and industrial (Ind.) properties (May 2023; TR=1E-06; THQ=1.0). J - The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate.J3 - The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for precision.J5 - The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is high.J6 - The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is low.O1 - The analyte failed the method required serial dilution test and/or subsequent post-spike criteria. These failures indicate matrix interference.U - Not detected at the Reporting Limit (or MDL where applicable).B - The same analyte is found in the associated blank.V - The sample concentration is too high to evaluate accurate spike recoveries. Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Date Collected Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL 117 0.591 2.28 64.3 0.629 2.43 67.9 0.618 2.39 17.1 0.616 2.38 115 0.0972 0.571 184 0.103 0.607 147 0.102 0.596 182 0.101 0.595 22.2 0.0538 0.571 0.124 J 0.0572 0.607 12 0.0562 0.596 0.326 J 0.056 0.595 17.1 0.152 1.14 14.2 0.161 1.21 15.7 0.159 1.19 15.3 0.158 1.19 2390 0.237 0.571 12 0.252 0.607 1650 0.248 0.596 10.1 0.247 0.595 1.57 J 0.872 2.28 <2.43 0.927 2.43 1.42 J 0.911 2.39 1.08 J 0.909 2.38 17.9 0.145 1.14 <1.21 0.154 1.21 10.7 0.151 1.19 <1.19 0.151 1.19 10.9 0.205 0.457 0.0239 J 0.0218 0.0485 18.3 0.215 0.477 <0.0476 0.0214 0.0476 07/11/2023 07/11/2023 07/11/2023 07/11/2023 L1635370-12L1635370-09 Z1-B5 @ 4 Z1-B6 @ 4 Z1-B6 @ 12Z1-B5 @ 2.5 L1635370-10 L1635370-11 Page 3 of 15 Table B1 - Metals in Soil Gordo Property - Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road, Park City, Utah Terracon Project No. 61227505 Analyte CAS Method Units RSL Residential RSL Industrial DAF 20 Groundwater Protection SSL ARSENIC 7440-38-2 6010B mg/kg 0.7 3 5.8 BARIUM 7440-39-3 6010B mg/kg 15,000 220,000 3,200 CADMIUM 7440-43-9 6010B mg/kg 7.1 100 7.6 CHROMIUM 7440-47-3 6010B mg/kg 120,000 1,800,000 40,000,000 LEAD 7439-92-1 6010B mg/kg 400 800 280 SELENIUM 7782-49-2 6010B mg/kg 390 5,800 10.4 SILVER 7440-22-4 6010B mg/kg 390 5,800 16 MERCURY 7439-97-6 7471A mg/kg 11 46 2 Qs (Q): mg/kg:Milligrams per kilogram. <: Less than Reported Detection Limit (RDL). Bold value exceeds Method Detection Limit (MDL). Color shaded value exceeds screening level. EPA RSL:Environmental Protection Agency Regional Screening Levels for soil at residential (Res.) and industrial (Ind.) properties (May 2023; TR=1E-06; THQ=1.0). J - The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate.J3 - The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for precision.J5 - The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is high.J6 - The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is low.O1 - The analyte failed the method required serial dilution test and/or subsequent post-spike criteria. These failures indicate matrix interference.U - Not detected at the Reporting Limit (or MDL where applicable).B - The same analyte is found in the associated blank.V - The sample concentration is too high to evaluate accurate spike recoveries. Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Date Collected Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL 395 0.6 2.32 9.9 0.642 2.48 66.8 0.585 2.26 4.98 0.615 2.37 118 0.0986 0.579 309 0.106 0.62 76.2 0.0963 0.565 220 0.101 0.593 79.6 0.0545 0.579 0.245 J 0.0584 0.62 7.54 0.0532 0.565 0.209 J 0.0559 0.593 16.2 0.154 1.16 17.4 0.165 1.24 13.6 0.15 1.13 15.2 0.158 1.19 7810 0.241 0.579 36.5 0.258 0.62 2680 0.235 0.565 15.3 0.247 0.593 8.98 0.885 2.32 <2.48 0.947 2.48 2.32 0.863 2.26 <2.37 0.906 2.37 62.5 0.147 1.16 <1.24 0.157 1.24 25.3 0.144 1.13 <1.19 0.151 1.19 23.3 0.417 0.926 <0.0496 0.0223 0.0496 1.14 0.0203 0.0452 <0.0475 0.0214 0.0475 07/11/2023 07/11/2023 07/11/2023 07/11/2023 Z1-B8 @ 10 Z1-B8 @ 13 L1635370-15 L1635370-16L1635370-13 L1635370-14 Z1-B7 @ 2 Z1-B7 @ 16 Page 4 of 15 Table B1 - Metals in Soil Gordo Property - Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road, Park City, Utah Terracon Project No. 61227505 Analyte CAS Method Units RSL Residential RSL Industrial DAF 20 Groundwater Protection SSL ARSENIC 7440-38-2 6010B mg/kg 0.7 3 5.8 BARIUM 7440-39-3 6010B mg/kg 15,000 220,000 3,200 CADMIUM 7440-43-9 6010B mg/kg 7.1 100 7.6 CHROMIUM 7440-47-3 6010B mg/kg 120,000 1,800,000 40,000,000 LEAD 7439-92-1 6010B mg/kg 400 800 280 SELENIUM 7782-49-2 6010B mg/kg 390 5,800 10.4 SILVER 7440-22-4 6010B mg/kg 390 5,800 16 MERCURY 7439-97-6 7471A mg/kg 11 46 2 Qs (Q): mg/kg:Milligrams per kilogram. <: Less than Reported Detection Limit (RDL). Bold value exceeds Method Detection Limit (MDL). Color shaded value exceeds screening level. EPA RSL:Environmental Protection Agency Regional Screening Levels for soil at residential (Res.) and industrial (Ind.) properties (May 2023; TR=1E-06; THQ=1.0). J - The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate.J3 - The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for precision.J5 - The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is high.J6 - The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is low.O1 - The analyte failed the method required serial dilution test and/or subsequent post-spike criteria. These failures indicate matrix interference.U - Not detected at the Reporting Limit (or MDL where applicable).B - The same analyte is found in the associated blank.V - The sample concentration is too high to evaluate accurate spike recoveries. Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Date Collected Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL 49.9 0.585 2.26 8.41 0.625 2.41 123 J6 0.589 2.27 14.9 0.529 2.04 116 0.0961 0.564 313 0.103 0.603 134 O1 0.0969 0.569 168 J6 0.087 0.51 10.3 0.0531 0.564 0.51 J 0.0568 0.603 24.7 0.0536 0.569 1.35 0.0481 0.51 14.3 0.15 1.13 19.9 0.16 1.21 20.4 J3 O1 0.151 1.14 14.7 0.136 1.02 860 0.235 0.564 20.8 0.251 0.603 2960 O1 V 0.237 0.569 169 0.212 0.51 0.963 J 0.862 2.26 <2.41 0.921 2.41 <2.27 0.869 2.27 <2.04 0.78 2.04 4.75 0.143 1.13 <1.21 0.153 1.21 19.4 0.144 1.14 1.44 0.13 1.02 1.36 0.0203 0.0451 <0.0482 0.0217 0.0482 2.21 0.0409 0.091 0.407 J5 O1 0.0184 0.0408 07/12/2023 Z2-B11 @ 0' 07/11/2023 07/11/2023 07/11/2023 Z1-B9 @ 4 Z1-B9 @ 14 Z1-B10 @ 6 L1635370-17 L1635370-18 L1635370-19 L1635370-20 Page 5 of 15 Table B1 - Metals in Soil Gordo Property - Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road, Park City, Utah Terracon Project No. 61227505 Analyte CAS Method Units RSL Residential RSL Industrial DAF 20 Groundwater Protection SSL ARSENIC 7440-38-2 6010B mg/kg 0.7 3 5.8 BARIUM 7440-39-3 6010B mg/kg 15,000 220,000 3,200 CADMIUM 7440-43-9 6010B mg/kg 7.1 100 7.6 CHROMIUM 7440-47-3 6010B mg/kg 120,000 1,800,000 40,000,000 LEAD 7439-92-1 6010B mg/kg 400 800 280 SELENIUM 7782-49-2 6010B mg/kg 390 5,800 10.4 SILVER 7440-22-4 6010B mg/kg 390 5,800 16 MERCURY 7439-97-6 7471A mg/kg 11 46 2 Qs (Q): mg/kg:Milligrams per kilogram. <: Less than Reported Detection Limit (RDL). Bold value exceeds Method Detection Limit (MDL). Color shaded value exceeds screening level. EPA RSL:Environmental Protection Agency Regional Screening Levels for soil at residential (Res.) and industrial (Ind.) properties (May 2023; TR=1E-06; THQ=1.0). J - The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate.J3 - The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for precision.J5 - The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is high.J6 - The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is low.O1 - The analyte failed the method required serial dilution test and/or subsequent post-spike criteria. These failures indicate matrix interference.U - Not detected at the Reporting Limit (or MDL where applicable).B - The same analyte is found in the associated blank.V - The sample concentration is too high to evaluate accurate spike recoveries. Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Date Collected Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL 13.1 0.562 2.17 19 0.597 2.31 7.96 0.593 2.29 7.25 0.544 2.1 141 0.0925 0.543 285 0.0982 0.576 253 0.0976 0.573 185 0.0895 0.525 0.995 0.0511 0.543 1.72 0.0543 0.576 0.604 0.0539 0.573 0.472 J 0.0495 0.525 13 0.144 1.09 29.3 0.153 1.15 12.5 0.152 1.15 12.9 0.14 1.05 159 0.226 0.543 157 0.24 0.576 39.2 0.238 0.573 40.8 0.218 0.525 <2.17 0.829 2.17 <2.31 0.881 2.31 <2.29 0.875 2.29 <2.10 0.802 2.1 1.63 0.138 1.09 0.678 J 0.146 1.15 <1.15 0.145 1.15 <1.05 0.133 1.05 0.591 0.0195 0.0434 0.232 0.0207 0.0461 0.0798 0.0206 0.0458 0.0408 J 0.0189 0.042 07/12/2023 07/11/2023 07/11/2023 07/12/2023 Z2-B11 @ 0.5'Z2-B12 @ 0'Z2-B12 @ 0.5'Z2-B13 @ 0' L1635370-21 L1635370-22 L1635370-24L1635370-23 Page 6 of 15 Table B1 - Metals in Soil Gordo Property - Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road, Park City, Utah Terracon Project No. 61227505 Analyte CAS Method Units RSL Residential RSL Industrial DAF 20 Groundwater Protection SSL ARSENIC 7440-38-2 6010B mg/kg 0.7 3 5.8 BARIUM 7440-39-3 6010B mg/kg 15,000 220,000 3,200 CADMIUM 7440-43-9 6010B mg/kg 7.1 100 7.6 CHROMIUM 7440-47-3 6010B mg/kg 120,000 1,800,000 40,000,000 LEAD 7439-92-1 6010B mg/kg 400 800 280 SELENIUM 7782-49-2 6010B mg/kg 390 5,800 10.4 SILVER 7440-22-4 6010B mg/kg 390 5,800 16 MERCURY 7439-97-6 7471A mg/kg 11 46 2 Qs (Q): mg/kg:Milligrams per kilogram. <: Less than Reported Detection Limit (RDL). Bold value exceeds Method Detection Limit (MDL). Color shaded value exceeds screening level. EPA RSL:Environmental Protection Agency Regional Screening Levels for soil at residential (Res.) and industrial (Ind.) properties (May 2023; TR=1E-06; THQ=1.0). J - The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate.J3 - The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for precision.J5 - The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is high.J6 - The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is low.O1 - The analyte failed the method required serial dilution test and/or subsequent post-spike criteria. These failures indicate matrix interference.U - Not detected at the Reporting Limit (or MDL where applicable).B - The same analyte is found in the associated blank.V - The sample concentration is too high to evaluate accurate spike recoveries. Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Date Collected Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL 11.6 0.552 2.13 16.5 0.535 2.07 18.8 0.564 2.18 16.8 0.533 2.06 210 0.0909 0.533 215 0.088 0.516 228 0.0927 0.544 297 0.0877 0.515 0.322 J 0.0502 0.533 3.88 0.0486 0.516 5.1 0.0513 0.544 2.64 0.0485 0.515 16 0.142 1.07 13 0.137 1.03 18.8 0.145 1.09 7.71 0.137 1.03 16.2 0.222 0.533 269 0.215 0.516 303 0.226 0.544 221 0.214 0.515 <2.13 0.815 2.13 <2.07 0.789 2.07 <2.18 0.831 2.18 <2.06 0.787 2.06 <1.07 0.135 1.07 1.46 0.131 1.03 1.44 0.138 1.09 1.13 0.131 1.03 <0.0427 0.0192 0.0427 0.763 0.0186 0.0413 0.567 0.0196 0.0435 0.376 0.0185 0.0412 07/12/2023 07/12/2023 07/12/2023 07/12/2023 Z2-B14 @ 0'Z2-B14 @ 0.5'Z2-B15 @ 0'Z2-B13 @ 0.5' L1635370-25 L1635370-26 L1635370-27 L1635370-28 Page 7 of 15 Table B1 - Metals in Soil Gordo Property - Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road, Park City, Utah Terracon Project No. 61227505 Analyte CAS Method Units RSL Residential RSL Industrial DAF 20 Groundwater Protection SSL ARSENIC 7440-38-2 6010B mg/kg 0.7 3 5.8 BARIUM 7440-39-3 6010B mg/kg 15,000 220,000 3,200 CADMIUM 7440-43-9 6010B mg/kg 7.1 100 7.6 CHROMIUM 7440-47-3 6010B mg/kg 120,000 1,800,000 40,000,000 LEAD 7439-92-1 6010B mg/kg 400 800 280 SELENIUM 7782-49-2 6010B mg/kg 390 5,800 10.4 SILVER 7440-22-4 6010B mg/kg 390 5,800 16 MERCURY 7439-97-6 7471A mg/kg 11 46 2 Qs (Q): mg/kg:Milligrams per kilogram. <: Less than Reported Detection Limit (RDL). Bold value exceeds Method Detection Limit (MDL). Color shaded value exceeds screening level. EPA RSL:Environmental Protection Agency Regional Screening Levels for soil at residential (Res.) and industrial (Ind.) properties (May 2023; TR=1E-06; THQ=1.0). J - The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate.J3 - The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for precision.J5 - The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is high.J6 - The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is low.O1 - The analyte failed the method required serial dilution test and/or subsequent post-spike criteria. These failures indicate matrix interference.U - Not detected at the Reporting Limit (or MDL where applicable).B - The same analyte is found in the associated blank.V - The sample concentration is too high to evaluate accurate spike recoveries. Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Date Collected Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL 25.1 0.582 2.25 3.39 0.549 2.12 10.3 0.643 2.48 31.4 0.6 2.32 177 0.0956 0.561 152 0.0903 0.53 276 0.106 0.62 125 0.0987 0.58 3.63 0.0529 0.561 0.331 J 0.0499 0.53 0.618 J 0.0584 0.62 3.55 0.0546 0.58 15.1 0.149 1.12 6.55 0.141 1.06 17.1 0.165 1.24 13.2 0.154 1.16 407 0.234 0.561 23.8 0.22 0.53 36.1 0.258 0.62 561 0.241 0.58 <2.25 0.858 2.25 <2.12 0.809 2.12 <2.48 0.948 2.48 <2.32 0.885 2.32 3.32 0.143 1.12 <1.06 0.135 1.06 <1.24 0.158 1.24 2.92 0.147 1.16 0.711 0.0202 0.0449 0.0362 J 0.0191 0.0424 0.0845 0.0223 0.0496 0.749 0.0209 0.0464 07/12/2023 07/11/2023 07/11/2023 07/11/2023 Z2-B16 @ 0'Z2-B16 @ 0.5'Z2-B17 @ 3' L1635370-32 Z2-B15 @ 0.5' L1635370-29 L1635370-30 L1635370-31 Page 8 of 15 Table B1 - Metals in Soil Gordo Property - Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road, Park City, Utah Terracon Project No. 61227505 Analyte CAS Method Units RSL Residential RSL Industrial DAF 20 Groundwater Protection SSL ARSENIC 7440-38-2 6010B mg/kg 0.7 3 5.8 BARIUM 7440-39-3 6010B mg/kg 15,000 220,000 3,200 CADMIUM 7440-43-9 6010B mg/kg 7.1 100 7.6 CHROMIUM 7440-47-3 6010B mg/kg 120,000 1,800,000 40,000,000 LEAD 7439-92-1 6010B mg/kg 400 800 280 SELENIUM 7782-49-2 6010B mg/kg 390 5,800 10.4 SILVER 7440-22-4 6010B mg/kg 390 5,800 16 MERCURY 7439-97-6 7471A mg/kg 11 46 2 Qs (Q): mg/kg:Milligrams per kilogram. <: Less than Reported Detection Limit (RDL). Bold value exceeds Method Detection Limit (MDL). Color shaded value exceeds screening level. EPA RSL:Environmental Protection Agency Regional Screening Levels for soil at residential (Res.) and industrial (Ind.) properties (May 2023; TR=1E-06; THQ=1.0). J - The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate.J3 - The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for precision.J5 - The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is high.J6 - The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is low.O1 - The analyte failed the method required serial dilution test and/or subsequent post-spike criteria. These failures indicate matrix interference.U - Not detected at the Reporting Limit (or MDL where applicable).B - The same analyte is found in the associated blank.V - The sample concentration is too high to evaluate accurate spike recoveries. Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Date Collected Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL 3.42 0.635 2.45 7.65 0.531 2.05 6.52 0.547 2.11 9.26 0.53 2.04 142 0.104 0.613 221 0.0873 0.512 209 0.09 0.528 179 0.0871 0.511 0.0843 J 0.0578 0.613 0.921 0.0483 0.512 0.786 0.0498 0.528 1.44 0.0482 0.511 19.4 0.163 1.23 24.3 0.136 1.02 22.6 0.141 1.06 12.8 0.136 1.02 8.63 0.255 0.613 103 0.213 0.512 75.2 0.22 0.528 170 0.213 0.511 <2.45 0.937 2.45 <2.05 0.783 2.05 <2.11 0.807 2.11 0.922 J 0.781 2.04 <1.23 0.156 1.23 0.534 J 0.13 1.02 0.345 J 0.134 1.06 1.14 0.13 1.02 0.0452 J 0.0221 0.0491 0.131 0.0184 0.041 0.138 0.019 0.0423 0.141 0.0184 0.0409 07/11/2023 07/12/2023 07/12/2023 07/12/2023 Z2-B18 @ 0.5'Z2-B19 @ 0'Z2-B17 @ 4.5'Z2-B18 @ 0' L1635370-33 L1635370-34 L1635370-35 L1635370-36 Page 9 of 15 Table B1 - Metals in Soil Gordo Property - Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road, Park City, Utah Terracon Project No. 61227505 Analyte CAS Method Units RSL Residential RSL Industrial DAF 20 Groundwater Protection SSL ARSENIC 7440-38-2 6010B mg/kg 0.7 3 5.8 BARIUM 7440-39-3 6010B mg/kg 15,000 220,000 3,200 CADMIUM 7440-43-9 6010B mg/kg 7.1 100 7.6 CHROMIUM 7440-47-3 6010B mg/kg 120,000 1,800,000 40,000,000 LEAD 7439-92-1 6010B mg/kg 400 800 280 SELENIUM 7782-49-2 6010B mg/kg 390 5,800 10.4 SILVER 7440-22-4 6010B mg/kg 390 5,800 16 MERCURY 7439-97-6 7471A mg/kg 11 46 2 Qs (Q): mg/kg:Milligrams per kilogram. <: Less than Reported Detection Limit (RDL). Bold value exceeds Method Detection Limit (MDL). Color shaded value exceeds screening level. EPA RSL:Environmental Protection Agency Regional Screening Levels for soil at residential (Res.) and industrial (Ind.) properties (May 2023; TR=1E-06; THQ=1.0). J - The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate.J3 - The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for precision.J5 - The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is high.J6 - The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is low.O1 - The analyte failed the method required serial dilution test and/or subsequent post-spike criteria. These failures indicate matrix interference.U - Not detected at the Reporting Limit (or MDL where applicable).B - The same analyte is found in the associated blank.V - The sample concentration is too high to evaluate accurate spike recoveries. Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Date Collected Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL 7.52 0.563 2.17 12.9 0.529 2.04 18.1 0.561 2.16 8.81 0.528 2.04 184 0.0925 0.543 189 0.087 0.511 227 0.0922 0.541 165 0.0868 0.509 0.644 0.0512 0.543 3.05 0.0481 0.511 3.86 0.051 0.541 0.774 0.048 0.509 12.4 0.144 1.09 11 0.136 1.02 11.8 0.144 1.08 14.4 0.135 1.02 65.4 0.226 0.543 208 0.212 0.511 282 0.225 0.541 73.2 0.212 0.509 <2.17 0.83 2.17 <2.04 0.78 2.04 <2.16 0.827 2.16 <2.04 0.778 2.04 0.256 J 0.138 1.09 0.959 J 0.13 1.02 1.33 0.137 1.08 0.479 J 0.129 1.02 0.0921 0.0196 0.0434 0.36 0.0184 0.0409 0.411 0.0195 0.0433 0.0896 0.0183 0.0407 07/12/2023 07/12/202307/12/2023 Z2-B19 @ 0.5'Z2-B20 @ 0'Z2-B20 @ 0.5'Z3-B21 @ 0' 07/12/2023 L1635370-39 L1635370-40L1635370-37 L1635370-38 Page 10 of 15 Table B1 - Metals in Soil Gordo Property - Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road, Park City, Utah Terracon Project No. 61227505 Analyte CAS Method Units RSL Residential RSL Industrial DAF 20 Groundwater Protection SSL ARSENIC 7440-38-2 6010B mg/kg 0.7 3 5.8 BARIUM 7440-39-3 6010B mg/kg 15,000 220,000 3,200 CADMIUM 7440-43-9 6010B mg/kg 7.1 100 7.6 CHROMIUM 7440-47-3 6010B mg/kg 120,000 1,800,000 40,000,000 LEAD 7439-92-1 6010B mg/kg 400 800 280 SELENIUM 7782-49-2 6010B mg/kg 390 5,800 10.4 SILVER 7440-22-4 6010B mg/kg 390 5,800 16 MERCURY 7439-97-6 7471A mg/kg 11 46 2 Qs (Q): mg/kg:Milligrams per kilogram. <: Less than Reported Detection Limit (RDL). Bold value exceeds Method Detection Limit (MDL). Color shaded value exceeds screening level. EPA RSL:Environmental Protection Agency Regional Screening Levels for soil at residential (Res.) and industrial (Ind.) properties (May 2023; TR=1E-06; THQ=1.0). J - The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate.J3 - The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for precision.J5 - The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is high.J6 - The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is low.O1 - The analyte failed the method required serial dilution test and/or subsequent post-spike criteria. These failures indicate matrix interference.U - Not detected at the Reporting Limit (or MDL where applicable).B - The same analyte is found in the associated blank.V - The sample concentration is too high to evaluate accurate spike recoveries. Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Date Collected Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL 9.39 0.58 2.24 11.9 0.526 2.03 8.09 0.556 2.15 3.63 0.532 2.05 169 0.0954 0.56 228 0.0865 0.508 240 0.0915 0.537 164 0.0874 0.513 0.545 J 0.0528 0.56 1.14 0.0478 0.508 0.512 J 0.0506 0.537 0.243 J 0.0483 0.513 16 0.149 1.12 14.7 0.135 1.02 14.3 0.143 1.07 6.44 0.137 1.03 43 0.233 0.56 145 0.211 0.508 37.1 0.223 0.537 13.1 0.213 0.513 <2.24 0.856 2.24 0.924 J 0.775 2.03 1.06 B J 0.821 2.15 <2.05 0.784 2.05 0.223 J 0.142 1.12 1.28 0.129 1.02 <1.07 0.136 1.07 <1.03 0.13 1.03 0.0672 0.0202 0.0448 0.197 0.0183 0.0406 0.0347 J 0.0193 0.043 <0.0411 0.0185 0.0411 07/12/2023 07/12/2023 07/12/2023 07/12/2023 Z3-B23 @ 0'Z3-B22 @ 0.5'Z3-B21 @ 0.5'Z3-B22 @ 0' L1635370-41 L1635370-42 L1635370-43 L1635370-44 Page 11 of 15 Table B1 - Metals in Soil Gordo Property - Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road, Park City, Utah Terracon Project No. 61227505 Analyte CAS Method Units RSL Residential RSL Industrial DAF 20 Groundwater Protection SSL ARSENIC 7440-38-2 6010B mg/kg 0.7 3 5.8 BARIUM 7440-39-3 6010B mg/kg 15,000 220,000 3,200 CADMIUM 7440-43-9 6010B mg/kg 7.1 100 7.6 CHROMIUM 7440-47-3 6010B mg/kg 120,000 1,800,000 40,000,000 LEAD 7439-92-1 6010B mg/kg 400 800 280 SELENIUM 7782-49-2 6010B mg/kg 390 5,800 10.4 SILVER 7440-22-4 6010B mg/kg 390 5,800 16 MERCURY 7439-97-6 7471A mg/kg 11 46 2 Qs (Q): mg/kg:Milligrams per kilogram. <: Less than Reported Detection Limit (RDL). Bold value exceeds Method Detection Limit (MDL). Color shaded value exceeds screening level. EPA RSL:Environmental Protection Agency Regional Screening Levels for soil at residential (Res.) and industrial (Ind.) properties (May 2023; TR=1E-06; THQ=1.0). J - The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate.J3 - The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for precision.J5 - The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is high.J6 - The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is low.O1 - The analyte failed the method required serial dilution test and/or subsequent post-spike criteria. These failures indicate matrix interference.U - Not detected at the Reporting Limit (or MDL where applicable).B - The same analyte is found in the associated blank.V - The sample concentration is too high to evaluate accurate spike recoveries. Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Date Collected Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL 4.94 0.558 2.16 16.2 0.528 2.04 11.5 0.587 2.27 11.1 0.527 2.03 183 0.0919 0.539 320 0.0868 0.509 244 0.0965 0.566 143 0.0866 0.508 0.138 J 0.0508 0.539 2.04 0.048 0.509 0.273 J 0.0534 0.566 <0.508 0.0479 0.508 7.16 0.143 1.08 12.9 0.135 1.02 14 0.151 1.13 14.2 0.135 1.02 9.48 0.224 0.539 279 0.212 0.509 32 0.236 0.566 16.5 0.211 0.508 <2.16 0.824 2.16 <2.04 0.778 2.04 1.2 J 0.866 2.27 <2.03 0.777 2.03 <1.08 0.137 1.08 2.82 0.129 1.02 <1.13 0.144 1.13 <1.02 0.129 1.02 <0.0431 0.0194 0.0431 0.444 0.0183 0.0407 0.0537 0.0204 0.0453 0.0236 J 0.0183 0.0407 07/12/2023 Z3-B23 @ 0.5'Z3-B24 @ 0'Z3-B24 @ 0.5'Z3-B25 @ 0' 07/12/2023 07/12/2023 07/12/2023 L1635370-47 L1635370-48L1635370-45 L1635370-46 Page 12 of 15 Table B1 - Metals in Soil Gordo Property - Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road, Park City, Utah Terracon Project No. 61227505 Analyte CAS Method Units RSL Residential RSL Industrial DAF 20 Groundwater Protection SSL ARSENIC 7440-38-2 6010B mg/kg 0.7 3 5.8 BARIUM 7440-39-3 6010B mg/kg 15,000 220,000 3,200 CADMIUM 7440-43-9 6010B mg/kg 7.1 100 7.6 CHROMIUM 7440-47-3 6010B mg/kg 120,000 1,800,000 40,000,000 LEAD 7439-92-1 6010B mg/kg 400 800 280 SELENIUM 7782-49-2 6010B mg/kg 390 5,800 10.4 SILVER 7440-22-4 6010B mg/kg 390 5,800 16 MERCURY 7439-97-6 7471A mg/kg 11 46 2 Qs (Q): mg/kg:Milligrams per kilogram. <: Less than Reported Detection Limit (RDL). Bold value exceeds Method Detection Limit (MDL). Color shaded value exceeds screening level. EPA RSL:Environmental Protection Agency Regional Screening Levels for soil at residential (Res.) and industrial (Ind.) properties (May 2023; TR=1E-06; THQ=1.0). J - The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate.J3 - The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for precision.J5 - The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is high.J6 - The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is low.O1 - The analyte failed the method required serial dilution test and/or subsequent post-spike criteria. These failures indicate matrix interference.U - Not detected at the Reporting Limit (or MDL where applicable).B - The same analyte is found in the associated blank.V - The sample concentration is too high to evaluate accurate spike recoveries. Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Date Collected Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL 14.7 0.587 2.27 5.88 0.532 2.06 10.9 0.572 2.21 12.3 0.525 2.03 162 0.0965 0.566 154 0.0876 0.514 181 0.0941 0.552 200 0.0864 0.507 0.316 J 0.0533 0.566 0.188 J 0.0484 0.514 0.146 J 0.052 0.552 1.24 0.0478 0.507 11 0.151 1.13 8.82 0.137 1.03 12.2 0.147 1.1 14.9 0.135 1.01 22.9 0.236 0.566 13.9 0.214 0.514 13.2 0.23 0.552 152 0.211 0.507 <2.27 0.865 2.27 <2.06 0.785 2.06 <2.21 0.844 2.21 <2.03 0.775 2.03 <1.13 0.144 1.13 <1.03 0.131 1.03 <1.10 0.14 1.1 1.2 0.129 1.01 0.0331 J 0.0204 0.0453 0.0205 J 0.0185 0.0411 0.021 J 0.0199 0.0442 0.292 0.0183 0.0406 07/12/2023 Z3-B25 @ 0.5'Z3-B26 @ 0'Z3-B26 @ 0.5'Z3-B27 @ 0' 07/12/2023 07/12/2023 07/12/2023 L1635370-52L1635370-49 L1635370-50 L1635370-51 Page 13 of 15 Table B1 - Metals in Soil Gordo Property - Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road, Park City, Utah Terracon Project No. 61227505 Analyte CAS Method Units RSL Residential RSL Industrial DAF 20 Groundwater Protection SSL ARSENIC 7440-38-2 6010B mg/kg 0.7 3 5.8 BARIUM 7440-39-3 6010B mg/kg 15,000 220,000 3,200 CADMIUM 7440-43-9 6010B mg/kg 7.1 100 7.6 CHROMIUM 7440-47-3 6010B mg/kg 120,000 1,800,000 40,000,000 LEAD 7439-92-1 6010B mg/kg 400 800 280 SELENIUM 7782-49-2 6010B mg/kg 390 5,800 10.4 SILVER 7440-22-4 6010B mg/kg 390 5,800 16 MERCURY 7439-97-6 7471A mg/kg 11 46 2 Qs (Q): mg/kg:Milligrams per kilogram. <: Less than Reported Detection Limit (RDL). Bold value exceeds Method Detection Limit (MDL). Color shaded value exceeds screening level. EPA RSL:Environmental Protection Agency Regional Screening Levels for soil at residential (Res.) and industrial (Ind.) properties (May 2023; TR=1E-06; THQ=1.0). J - The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate.J3 - The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for precision.J5 - The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is high.J6 - The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is low.O1 - The analyte failed the method required serial dilution test and/or subsequent post-spike criteria. These failures indicate matrix interference.U - Not detected at the Reporting Limit (or MDL where applicable).B - The same analyte is found in the associated blank.V - The sample concentration is too high to evaluate accurate spike recoveries. Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Date Collected Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL 6.72 0.6 2.32 2.99 0.552 2.13 6.79 0.526 2.03 65.4 0.554 2.14 205 0.0987 0.579 203 0.0908 0.533 201 0.0865 0.508 190 0.0911 0.535 0.284 J 0.0546 0.579 0.472 J 0.0502 0.533 0.312 J 0.0478 0.508 7.15 0.0504 0.535 12.4 0.154 1.16 7.45 0.142 1.07 13.1 0.135 1.02 10.6 0.142 1.07 20.5 0.241 0.579 45 0.222 0.533 25.8 0.211 0.508 703 0.222 0.535 <2.32 0.885 2.32 <2.13 0.814 2.13 <2.03 0.776 2.03 <2.14 0.817 2.14 <1.16 0.147 1.16 <1.07 0.135 1.07 <1.02 0.129 1.02 4.5 0.136 1.07 0.0358 J 0.0209 0.0464 0.0765 0.0192 0.0426 0.0345 J 0.0183 0.0406 2.52 0.0385 0.0856 07/12/2023 07/12/2023 07/12/2023 07/12/2023 Z3-B27 @ 0.5'Z2-B28 @ 0'Z2-B28 @ 0.5'Z2-B29 @ 0' L1635370-53 L1635370-54 L1635370-55 L1635370-56 Page 14 of 15 Table B1 - Metals in Soil Gordo Property - Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road, Park City, Utah Terracon Project No. 61227505 Analyte CAS Method Units RSL Residential RSL Industrial DAF 20 Groundwater Protection SSL ARSENIC 7440-38-2 6010B mg/kg 0.7 3 5.8 BARIUM 7440-39-3 6010B mg/kg 15,000 220,000 3,200 CADMIUM 7440-43-9 6010B mg/kg 7.1 100 7.6 CHROMIUM 7440-47-3 6010B mg/kg 120,000 1,800,000 40,000,000 LEAD 7439-92-1 6010B mg/kg 400 800 280 SELENIUM 7782-49-2 6010B mg/kg 390 5,800 10.4 SILVER 7440-22-4 6010B mg/kg 390 5,800 16 MERCURY 7439-97-6 7471A mg/kg 11 46 2 Qs (Q): mg/kg:Milligrams per kilogram. <: Less than Reported Detection Limit (RDL). Bold value exceeds Method Detection Limit (MDL). Color shaded value exceeds screening level. EPA RSL:Environmental Protection Agency Regional Screening Levels for soil at residential (Res.) and industrial (Ind.) properties (May 2023; TR=1E-06; THQ=1.0). J - The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate.J3 - The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for precision.J5 - The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is high.J6 - The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is low.O1 - The analyte failed the method required serial dilution test and/or subsequent post-spike criteria. These failures indicate matrix interference.U - Not detected at the Reporting Limit (or MDL where applicable).B - The same analyte is found in the associated blank.V - The sample concentration is too high to evaluate accurate spike recoveries. Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Date Collected Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL Result Q MDL RDL 16.1 0.567 2.19 4.86 0.529 2.04 8.72 0.567 2.19 149 0.0932 0.547 162 0.087 0.511 223 0.0933 0.547 4.05 0.0515 0.547 0.839 0.0481 0.511 0.548 0.0516 0.547 7.67 0.145 1.09 4.87 0.136 1.02 12.5 0.146 1.09 338 0.228 0.547 88.7 0.212 0.511 52.1 0.228 0.547 <2.19 0.836 2.19 <2.04 0.78 2.04 1.32 J 0.836 2.19 2.48 0.139 1.09 0.918 J 0.13 1.02 0.448 J 0.139 1.09 0.378 0.0197 0.0438 0.193 0.0184 0.0409 0.13 0.0197 0.0438 07/12/2023 07/12/2023 07/12/2023 Z2-B29 @ 2.5'Z3-B30 @ 0'Z3-B30 @ 0.5' L1635370-59L1635370-57 L1635370-58 Page 15 of 15 Table B2 - Duplicate Pairs–Metals in Soil Gordo Property - Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road, Park City, Utah Terracon Project No. 61227505 Analyte Method Units Result Q High Limit High Limit Type Dilution Factor Result Q High Limit High Limit Type Dilution Factor Results  5 x RDL?RPD RPD Within +/- 50% for Soil? ARSENIC 6010B mg/kg 17.1 2.38 RDL 1 7.13 2.38 RDL 1 No, Original results > 5 x RDL and Duplicate results < 5 x RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair not within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample results was greater than 2 x RDL. BARIUM 6010B mg/kg 182 0.595 RDL 1 195 J3 J5 J6 O1 0.596 RDL 1 Yes, RPD calculated 6.9%Yes CADMIUM 6010B mg/kg 0.326 J 0.595 RDL 1 0.332 J 0.596 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate results < 5 x RDL, RPD not calculated.Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample results was less than 2 x RDL. CHROMIUM 6010B mg/kg 15.3 1.19 RDL 1 3.77 1.19 RDL 1 No, Original results > 5 x RDL and Duplicate results < 5 x RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair not within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample results was greater than 2 x RDL. LEAD 6010B mg/kg 10.1 0.595 RDL 1 7.38 0.596 RDL 1 Yes, RPD calculated 31.1%Yes MERCURY 7471A mg/kg 1.08 J 2.38 RDL 1 ND 2.38 RDL 1 No, Original results < 5 x RDL but Duplicate results < RDL.Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and duplicate samples results (using 1/2 the RDL as a conservative estimate for ND) was less than 2 x RDL. SELENIUM 6010B mg/kg ND 1.19 RDL 1 ND 1.19 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL.Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. SILVER 6010B mg/kg ND 0.0476 RDL 1 ND 0.0477 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL.Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. 7/11/2023 Z1-B106 @ 12 L1635370-60 Duplicate Sample Date Collected Original Sample L1635370-12 Z1-B6 @ 12 7/11/2023 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Page 1 of 6 Table B2 - Duplicate Pairs–Metals in Soil Gordo Property - Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road, Park City, Utah Terracon Project No. 61227505 Analyte Method Units Result Q High Limit High Limit Type Dilution Factor Result Q High Limit High Limit Type Dilution Factor Results  5 x RDL?RPD RPD Within +/- 50% for Soil? ARSENIC 6010B mg/kg 4.98 2.37 RDL 1 4.2 2.37 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate results < 5 x RDL, RPD not calculated.Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample results was less than 2 x RDL. BARIUM 6010B mg/kg 220 0.593 RDL 1 164 0.592 RDL 1 Yes, RPD calculated 29.2%Yes CADMIUM 6010B mg/kg 0.209 J 0.593 RDL 1 0.0725 J 0.592 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate results < 5 x RDL, RPD not calculated.Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample results was less than 2 x RDL. CHROMIUM 6010B mg/kg 15.2 1.19 RDL 1 10.9 1.18 RDL 1 Yes, RPD calculated 33.0%Yes LEAD 6010B mg/kg 15.3 0.593 RDL 1 10 0.592 RDL 1 Yes, RPD calculated 41.9%Yes MERCURY 7471A mg/kg ND 2.37 RDL 1 ND 2.37 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL.Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. SELENIUM 6010B mg/kg ND 1.19 RDL 1 ND 1.18 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL.Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. SILVER 6010B mg/kg ND 0.0475 RDL 1 ND 0.0473 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL.Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. Original Sample Duplicate Sample Lab Sample ID L1635370-16 L1635370-61 Client Sample ID Z1-B8 @ 13 Z1-B108 @ 13 Date Collected 7/11/2023 7/11/2023 Page 2 of 6 Table B2 - Duplicate Pairs–Metals in Soil Gordo Property - Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road, Park City, Utah Terracon Project No. 61227505 Analyte Method Units Result Q High Limit High Limit Type Dilution Factor Result Q High Limit High Limit Type Dilution Factor Results  5 x RDL?RPD RPD Within +/- 50% for Soil? ARSENIC 6010B mg/kg 13.1 2.17 RDL 1 14.5 2.16 RDL 1 Yes, RPD calculated 10.1%Yes BARIUM 6010B mg/kg 141 0.543 RDL 1 127 0.541 RDL 1 Yes, RPD calculated 10.4%Yes CADMIUM 6010B mg/kg 0.995 0.543 RDL 1 0.889 0.541 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate results < 5 x RDL, RPD not calculated.Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample results was less than 2 x RDL. CHROMIUM 6010B mg/kg 13 1.09 RDL 1 13.6 1.08 RDL 1 Yes, RPD calculated 4.5%Yes LEAD 6010B mg/kg 159 0.543 RDL 1 135 0.541 RDL 1 Yes, RPD calculated 16.3%Yes MERCURY 7471A mg/kg ND 2.17 RDL 1 ND 2.16 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL.Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. SELENIUM 6010B mg/kg 1.63 1.09 RDL 1 1.56 1.08 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate results < 5 x RDL, RPD not calculated.Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample results was less than 2 x RDL. SILVER 6010B mg/kg 0.591 0.0434 RDL 1 1.06 0.0433 RDL 1 Yes, RPD calculated 56.8%NO Date Collected 7/12/2023 7/12/2023 Original Sample Duplicate Sample Lab Sample ID L1635370-21 L1635370-62 Client Sample ID Z2-B11 @ 0.5 Z2-B111 @ 0.5 Page 3 of 6 Table B2 - Duplicate Pairs–Metals in Soil Gordo Property - Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road, Park City, Utah Terracon Project No. 61227505 Analyte Method Units Result Q High Limit High Limit Type Dilution Factor Result Q High Limit High Limit Type Dilution Factor Results  5 x RDL?RPD RPD Within +/- 50% for Soil? ARSENIC 6010B mg/kg 7.25 2.1 RDL 1 5.17 2.08 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate results < 5 x RDL, RPD not calculated.Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample results was less than 2 x RDL. BARIUM 6010B mg/kg 185 0.525 RDL 1 159 0.52 RDL 1 Yes, RPD calculated 15.1%Yes CADMIUM 6010B mg/kg 0.472 J 0.525 RDL 1 0.349 J 0.52 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate results < 5 x RDL, RPD not calculated.Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample results was less than 2 x RDL. CHROMIUM 6010B mg/kg 12.9 1.05 RDL 1 8.63 1.04 RDL 1 Yes, RPD calculated 39.7%Yes LEAD 6010B mg/kg 40.8 0.525 RDL 1 32 0.52 RDL 1 Yes, RPD calculated 24.2%Yes MERCURY 7471A mg/kg ND 2.1 RDL 1 ND 2.08 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL.Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. SELENIUM 6010B mg/kg ND 1.05 RDL 1 0.144 J 1.04 RDL 1 No, Original results < RDL but Duplicate results < 5 x RDL.Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and duplicate samples results (using 1/2 the RDL as a conservative estimate for ND) was less than 2 x RDL. SILVER 6010B mg/kg 0.0408 J 0.042 RDL 1 0.0681 0.0416 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate results < 5 x RDL, RPD not calculated.Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample results was less than 2 x RDL. Client Sample ID Z2-B13 @ 0 Z2-B113 @ 0 Date Collected 7/12/2023 7/12/2023 Original Sample Duplicate Sample Lab Sample ID L1735360-24 L1635370-63 Page 4 of 6 Table B2 - Duplicate Pairs–Metals in Soil Gordo Property - Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road, Park City, Utah Terracon Project No. 61227505 Analyte Method Units Result Q High Limit High Limit Type Dilution Factor Result Q High Limit High Limit Type Dilution Factor Results  5 x RDL?RPD RPD Within +/- 50% for Soil? ARSENIC 6010B mg/kg 11.9 2.03 RDL 1 5.41 2.03 RDL 1 No, Original results > 5 x RDL and Duplicate results < 5 x RDL, RPD not calculated. Field Duplicate pair not within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample results was greater than 2 x RDL. BARIUM 6010B mg/kg 228 0.508 RDL 1 152 0.507 RDL 1 Yes, RPD calculated 40.0%Yes CADMIUM 6010B mg/kg 1.14 0.508 RDL 1 0.649 0.507 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate results < 5 x RDL, RPD not calculated.Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample results was less than 2 x RDL. CHROMIUM 6010B mg/kg 14.7 1.02 RDL 1 6.87 1.01 RDL 1 Yes, RPD calculated 72.6%NO LEAD 6010B mg/kg 145 0.508 RDL 1 92.3 0.507 RDL 1 Yes, RPD calculated 44.4%Yes MERCURY 7471A mg/kg 0.924 J 2.03 RDL 1 ND 2.03 RDL 1 No, Original results < 5 x RDL but Duplicate results < RDL.Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and duplicate samples results (using 1/2 the RDL as a conservative estimate for ND) was less than 2 x RDL. SELENIUM 6010B mg/kg 1.28 1.02 RDL 1 0.815 J 1.01 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate results < 5 x RDL, RPD not calculated.Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample results was less than 2 x RDL. SILVER 6010B mg/kg 0.197 0.0406 RDL 1 0.241 0.0406 RDL 1 No, Original results < 5 x RDL and Duplicate results > 5 x RDL, RPD not calculated.Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample results was less than 2 x RDL. Client Sample ID Z3-B22 @ 0 Z3-B122 @ 0 Date Collected 7/12/2023 7/12/2023 Original Sample Duplicate Sample Lab Sample ID L1635370-42 L1635370-64 Page 5 of 6 Table B2 - Duplicate Pairs–Metals in Soil Gordo Property - Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road, Park City, Utah Terracon Project No. 61227505 Analyte Method Units Result Q High Limit High Limit Type Dilution Factor Result Q High Limit High Limit Type Dilution Factor Results  5 x RDL?RPD RPD Within +/- 50% for Soil? ARSENIC 6010B mg/kg 16.1 2.19 RDL 1 36.2 2.14 RDL 1 Yes, RPD calculated 76.9%NO BARIUM 6010B mg/kg 149 0.547 RDL 1 206 0.534 RDL 1 Yes, RPD calculated 32.1%Yes CADMIUM 6010B mg/kg 4.05 0.547 RDL 1 8.84 0.534 RDL 1 Yes, RPD calculated 74.3%NO CHROMIUM 6010B mg/kg 7.67 1.09 RDL 1 11.2 1.07 RDL 1 Yes, RPD calculated 37.4%Yes LEAD 6010B mg/kg 338 0.547 RDL 1 654 0.534 RDL 1 Yes, RPD calculated 63.7%NO MERCURY 7471A mg/kg ND 2.19 RDL 1 ND 2.14 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate both < RDL.Field Duplicate pair within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample RDLs was less than 2 x RDL. SELENIUM 6010B mg/kg 2.48 1.09 RDL 1 5.09 1.07 RDL 1 No, Original and Duplicate results < 5 x RDL, RPD not calculated.Field Duplicate pair not within control because the difference between the Original and Duplicate sample results was greater than 2 x RDL. SILVER 6010B mg/kg 0.378 0.0438 RDL 1 0.417 0.0427 RDL 1 Yes, RPD calculated 9.8%Yes Qualifiers (Q): J - The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. J3 - The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for precision. J5 -The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is high. J6 -The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is low. O1 - The analyte failed the method required serial dilution test and/or subsequent post-spike criteria. These failures indicate matrix interference. V - The sample concentration is too high to evaluate accurate spike recoveries. mg/kg:Milligrams per kilogram. RDL - Laboratory reported detection limit. RPD - Relative Percent Difference was calculated when analyte concentrations are greater than or equal to five times the RDL. QA/QC RPD Goal is less than 50% for solid samples. For analytes reported at concentrations less than five times the RDL, the QA/QC Goal is the difference between the sample and its duplicate is less than two times the RDL for solid samples. Client Sample ID Z2-B29 @ 0.5 Z2-B129 @ 0.5 Date Collected 7/12/2023 7/12/2023 Original Sample Duplicate Sample Lab Sample ID L1635370-56 L1635370-35 Page 6 of 6 Table B3 - Calculated 95% Upper Confidence Limits Gordo Property - Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road, Park City, Utah Terracon Project No. 61227505 Fill Sub-Fill Native Fill/Surface Native Shallow Subsurface Native Surface Native Shallow Subsurface Native Analyte CAS UCL95 (mg/kg) UCL95 (mg/kg) UCL95 (mg/kg) UCL95 (mg/kg) UCL95 (mg/kg) UCL95 (mg/kg) ARSENIC 7440-38-2 241 15.483 17.46 19.17 26.36 11.85 BARIUM 7440-39-3 191 240.8 227 222.2 216.9 214.6 CADMIUM 7440-43-9 63.3 0.29 2.50 4.87 4.83 2.34 CHROMIUM 7440-47-3 17.4 20.5 19.15 17.14 12.64 13.65 LEAD 7439-92-1 3396 20.53 260.2 283.6 346.2 140.7 SELENIUM 7782-49-2 8.981 1.081 0.9221 0.9372 0.9241 1.321 SILVER 7440-22-4 26.44 0.1572 1.42 2.11 1.911 0.4481 MERCURY 7439-97-6 11.33 0.3431 0.444 0.524 2.182 0.426 Notes: 1 - Insufficient detections in zone/depth interval to calculate UCL95, highest detected concentration substituted. 2 - All samples in zone/depth interval non-detect, highest MDL substituted. 3 - A Q-test indicated that the arsenic result from sample Z1-B5 @ 4 was an outlier and the result was excluded from the UCL95 calculation. Zone 2 Zone 3Zone 1 Depth Interval Sampling Zone Page 1 of 1 APPENDIX C Boring Logs 2.5 8.0 SS: B-1 @ 0.5', 09:09 SS: B-1 @ 2.5', 09:10 FILL - SILT & CLAY W/ GRAVEL, low plasticity, dark brown, moist, stiff SAND W/ GRAVEL (SP), nonplastic, tan & orange brown, moist, loose, small gravel Boring Refusal at 8 Feet SS SS 33.1 14.1 23.3 15.2 76 15.7 20.5 13.5 14 12.4 See Exhibit A-2LOCATION DEPTH The stratification lines represent the approximate transition between differing soil types and/or rock types; in-situ these transitions may be gradual or may occur at different depths than shown. GR A P H I C L O G TH I S B O R I N G L O G I S N O T V A L I D I F S E P A R A T E D F R O M O R I G I N A L R E P O R T . E N V I R O N M E N T A L S M A R T L O G 6 1 2 2 7 5 0 5 P C G O R D O B H G I N T M L 8 - 9 - 2 3 . G P J T E R R A C O N _ D A T A T E M P L A T E . G D T 8 / 9 / 2 3 Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road Park City, Utah SITE: Page 1 of 1 Advancement Method: Direct Push Abandonment Method: Notes: Project No.: 61227505 Drill Rig: Geoprobe Boring Started: 07-11-2023 BORING LOG NO. B-1 Park City Municipal Corporation Driller: DPS Boring Completed: 07-11-2023 Exhibit: CLIENT: 445 Marsac Avenue, Park City, UT 84060 PROJECT: Park City Gordo C-1 6949 S High Tech Dr Ste 100 Midvale, UT MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Sa m p l e XR F L e a d ( p p m ) DE P T H ( f t ) 5 WA T E R L E V E L OB S E R V A T I O N S SA M P L E T Y P E GW Not Encountered WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS 80 80 RE C O V E R Y ( % ) 2.5 7.5 SS: B-2 @ 1.0', 08:45 SS: B-2 @ 4.0', 08:46 FILL - SILT WITH SAND & GRAVEL, low plasticity, dark brown, moist, stiff to very stiff SAND W/ GRAVEL (SP), nonplastic, tan & orange brown, moist, loose, small gravel Boring Refusal at 7.5 Feet SS SS 933 54169 42 444 60 22.8 18.9 8.5 15.2 8.1 17.7 10 See Exhibit A-2LOCATION DEPTH The stratification lines represent the approximate transition between differing soil types and/or rock types; in-situ these transitions may be gradual or may occur at different depths than shown. GR A P H I C L O G TH I S B O R I N G L O G I S N O T V A L I D I F S E P A R A T E D F R O M O R I G I N A L R E P O R T . E N V I R O N M E N T A L S M A R T L O G 6 1 2 2 7 5 0 5 P C G O R D O B H G I N T M L 8 - 9 - 2 3 . G P J T E R R A C O N _ D A T A T E M P L A T E . G D T 8 / 9 / 2 3 Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road Park City, Utah SITE: Page 1 of 1 Advancement Method: Direct Push Abandonment Method: Notes: Project No.: 61227505 Drill Rig: Geoprobe Boring Started: 07-11-2023 BORING LOG NO. B-2 Park City Municipal Corporation Driller: DPS Boring Completed: 07-11-2023 Exhibit: CLIENT: 445 Marsac Avenue, Park City, UT 84060 PROJECT: Park City Gordo C-2 6949 S High Tech Dr Ste 100 Midvale, UT MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Sa m p l e XR F L e a d ( p p m ) DE P T H ( f t ) 5 WA T E R L E V E L OB S E R V A T I O N S SA M P L E T Y P E GW Not Encountered WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS RE C O V E R Y ( % ) 4.5 5.0 10.0 SS: B-3 @ 3.0', 10:05 SS: B-3 @ 5.0', 10:06 FILL - SOIL WITH GRAVEL, low plasticity, dark brown, moist, stiff to very stiff FILL - TOP SOIL, low plasticity, dark brown, moist, stiff SAND W/ SMALL GRAVEL (SP), nonplastic, tan & orange brown, moist, loose Boring Terminated at 10 Feet SS SS 22.5 12.785 22 1885 167 2941 305 18.8 15.1 28 19 20 18.7 12.3 11.7 See Exhibit A-2LOCATION DEPTH The stratification lines represent the approximate transition between differing soil types and/or rock types; in-situ these transitions may be gradual or may occur at different depths than shown. GR A P H I C L O G TH I S B O R I N G L O G I S N O T V A L I D I F S E P A R A T E D F R O M O R I G I N A L R E P O R T . E N V I R O N M E N T A L S M A R T L O G 6 1 2 2 7 5 0 5 P C G O R D O B H G I N T M L 8 - 9 - 2 3 . G P J T E R R A C O N _ D A T A T E M P L A T E . G D T 8 / 9 / 2 3 Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road Park City, Utah SITE: Page 1 of 1 Advancement Method: Direct Push Abandonment Method: Notes: Project No.: 61227505 Drill Rig: Geoprobe Boring Started: 07-11-2023 BORING LOG NO. B-3 Park City Municipal Corporation Driller: DPS Boring Completed: 07-11-2023 Exhibit: CLIENT: 445 Marsac Avenue, Park City, UT 84060 PROJECT: Park City Gordo C-3 6949 S High Tech Dr Ste 100 Midvale, UT MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Sa m p l e XR F L e a d ( p p m ) DE P T H ( f t ) 5 10 WA T E R L E V E L OB S E R V A T I O N S SA M P L E T Y P E GW Not Encountered WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS 83 100 RE C O V E R Y ( % ) 2.5 5.0 SS: B-4 @ 2.5', 09.29 SS: B-4 @ 4.0', 09:30 FILL - SILTY CLAY W/ GRAVEL, low plasticity, dark brown, moist, stiff SAND W/ GRAVEL (SP), nonplastic, tan & orange brown, moist, loose, small gravel Boring Terminated at 5 Feet SS SS 41.6 16 70 21.6 86 17.4 14.5 8.5 17.4 6.1 See Exhibit A-2LOCATION DEPTH The stratification lines represent the approximate transition between differing soil types and/or rock types; in-situ these transitions may be gradual or may occur at different depths than shown. GR A P H I C L O G TH I S B O R I N G L O G I S N O T V A L I D I F S E P A R A T E D F R O M O R I G I N A L R E P O R T . E N V I R O N M E N T A L S M A R T L O G 6 1 2 2 7 5 0 5 P C G O R D O B H G I N T M L 8 - 9 - 2 3 . G P J T E R R A C O N _ D A T A T E M P L A T E . G D T 8 / 9 / 2 3 Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road Park City, Utah SITE: Page 1 of 1 Advancement Method: Direct Push Abandonment Method: Notes: Project No.: 61227505 Drill Rig: Geoprobe Boring Started: 07-11-2023 BORING LOG NO. B-4 Park City Municipal Corporation Driller: DPS Boring Completed: 07-11-2023 Exhibit: CLIENT: 445 Marsac Avenue, Park City, UT 84060 PROJECT: Park City Gordo C-4 6949 S High Tech Dr Ste 100 Midvale, UT MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Sa m p l e XR F L e a d ( p p m ) DE P T H ( f t ) 5 WA T E R L E V E L OB S E R V A T I O N S SA M P L E T Y P E GW Not Encountered WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS 87 RE C O V E R Y ( % ) 1.5 3.0 4.0 5.0 SS: B-5 @ 2.5', 09.48 SS: B-5 @ 4.0', 09:49 FILL - SILT WITH SAND, nonplastic, light brown, moist, loose FILL - SANDY SILT, low plasticity, dark brown, moist, stiff SILTY CLAY WITH SAND (CL-ML), low plasticity, dark brown, moist, stiff SAND W/ GRAVEL (SP), nonplastic, tan & orange brown, moist, loose, small gravel Boring Terminated at 5 Feet SS SS 322 60 377 57 2310 70 218 40 28.4 14.5 See Exhibit A-2LOCATION DEPTH The stratification lines represent the approximate transition between differing soil types and/or rock types; in-situ these transitions may be gradual or may occur at different depths than shown. GR A P H I C L O G TH I S B O R I N G L O G I S N O T V A L I D I F S E P A R A T E D F R O M O R I G I N A L R E P O R T . E N V I R O N M E N T A L S M A R T L O G 6 1 2 2 7 5 0 5 P C G O R D O B H G I N T M L 8 - 9 - 2 3 . G P J T E R R A C O N _ D A T A T E M P L A T E . G D T 8 / 9 / 2 3 Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road Park City, Utah SITE: Page 1 of 1 Advancement Method: Direct Push Abandonment Method: Notes: Project No.: 61227505 Drill Rig: Geoprobe Boring Started: 07-11-2023 BORING LOG NO. B-5 Park City Municipal Corporation Driller: DPS Boring Completed: 07-11-2023 Exhibit: CLIENT: 445 Marsac Avenue, Park City, UT 84060 PROJECT: Park City Gordo C-5 6949 S High Tech Dr Ste 100 Midvale, UT MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Sa m p l e XR F L e a d ( p p m ) DE P T H ( f t ) 5 WA T E R L E V E L OB S E R V A T I O N S SA M P L E T Y P E GW Not Encountered WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS 88 RE C O V E R Y ( % ) 10.5 11.0 15.0 SS: B-6 @ 4.0', 10:30 SS: B-6 @ 12', 10:35 FILL - SILTY CLAY W/ GRAVEL, plastic, dark brown, moist, stiff SILT WITH SAND (ML), low plasticity, dark brown, moist, stiff, some gravel CLAY W/ SILT & SAND (CL-ML), plastic, red, moist, stiff to very stiff, some gravel Boring Terminated at 15 Feet SS SS 13 4.8 451 44 323 45 622 69 1924 64 959 22 1593 19.4 1696 140 1320 80 1470 120 46 19.2 15 17.7 11.6 30 See Exhibit A-2LOCATION DEPTH The stratification lines represent the approximate transition between differing soil types and/or rock types; in-situ these transitions may be gradual or may occur at different depths than shown. GR A P H I C L O G TH I S B O R I N G L O G I S N O T V A L I D I F S E P A R A T E D F R O M O R I G I N A L R E P O R T . E N V I R O N M E N T A L S M A R T L O G 6 1 2 2 7 5 0 5 P C G O R D O B H G I N T M L 8 - 9 - 2 3 . G P J T E R R A C O N _ D A T A T E M P L A T E . G D T 8 / 9 / 2 3 Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road Park City, Utah SITE: Page 1 of 1 Advancement Method: Direct Push Abandonment Method: Notes: Project No.: 61227505 Drill Rig: Geoprobe Boring Started: 07-11-2023 BORING LOG NO. B-6 Park City Municipal Corporation Driller: DPS Boring Completed: 07-11-2023 Exhibit: CLIENT: 445 Marsac Avenue, Park City, UT 84060 PROJECT: Park City Gordo C-6 6949 S High Tech Dr Ste 100 Midvale, UT MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Sa m p l e XR F L e a d ( p p m ) DE P T H ( f t ) 5 10 15 WA T E R L E V E L OB S E R V A T I O N S SA M P L E T Y P E GW Not Encountered WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS 73 52 60 RE C O V E R Y ( % ) 2.0 14.5 15.5 20.0 SS: B-7 @ 2.0', 10:50 SS: B-7 @ 16', 11:05 FILL - SAND W/ GRAVEL, tan, loose, small gravel FILL - CLAYEY SAND W/ GRAVEL, low to medium plasticity, dark brown, moist, very stiff, large gravel CLAY (CL), plastic, dark brown, moist, stiff CLAY W/ GRAVEL (CL), plastic, red, moist, very stiff, some gravel Boring Terminated at 20 Feet SS SS 100 23 3485 21425700 2036 1206 92 219 38 1310 74 593 8.0 420 30 754 132 700 36 402 23 1202 81 76 119 104 44 56 38 See Exhibit A-2LOCATION DEPTH The stratification lines represent the approximate transition between differing soil types and/or rock types; in-situ these transitions may be gradual or may occur at different depths than shown. GR A P H I C L O G TH I S B O R I N G L O G I S N O T V A L I D I F S E P A R A T E D F R O M O R I G I N A L R E P O R T . E N V I R O N M E N T A L S M A R T L O G 6 1 2 2 7 5 0 5 P C G O R D O B H G I N T M L 8 - 9 - 2 3 . G P J T E R R A C O N _ D A T A T E M P L A T E . G D T 8 / 9 / 2 3 Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road Park City, Utah SITE: Page 1 of 1 Advancement Method: Direct Push Abandonment Method: Notes: Project No.: 61227505 Drill Rig: Geoprobe Boring Started: 07-11-2023 BORING LOG NO. B-7 Park City Municipal Corporation Driller: DPS Boring Completed: 07-11-2023 Exhibit: CLIENT: 445 Marsac Avenue, Park City, UT 84060 PROJECT: Park City Gordo C-7 6949 S High Tech Dr Ste 100 Midvale, UT MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Sa m p l e XR F L e a d ( p p m ) DE P T H ( f t ) 5 10 15 20 WA T E R L E V E L OB S E R V A T I O N S SA M P L E T Y P E GW Not Encountered WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS 78 30 53 75 RE C O V E R Y ( % ) 1.0 2.0 12.5 15.0 SS: B-8 @ 10', 12:40 SS: B-8 @ 13', 12:41 FILL - SAND WITH GRAVEL, nonplastic, tan, moist, loose FILL - GRAVEL, nonplastic, gray brown, moist, loose, large gravel FILL - SILT WITH SAND, low plasticity, dark brown, moist, stiff, some large gravel CLAY (CL), plastic, brown, moist, stiff Boring Terminated at 15 Feet SS SS 20 11.6 433 27 366 22 538 28 283 71 496 30 808 87 2244 196 758 94 5627 399 400 110 56 18 22 8 23 9 See Exhibit A-2LOCATION DEPTH The stratification lines represent the approximate transition between differing soil types and/or rock types; in-situ these transitions may be gradual or may occur at different depths than shown. GR A P H I C L O G TH I S B O R I N G L O G I S N O T V A L I D I F S E P A R A T E D F R O M O R I G I N A L R E P O R T . E N V I R O N M E N T A L S M A R T L O G 6 1 2 2 7 5 0 5 P C G O R D O B H G I N T M L 8 - 9 - 2 3 . G P J T E R R A C O N _ D A T A T E M P L A T E . G D T 8 / 9 / 2 3 Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road Park City, Utah SITE: Page 1 of 1 Advancement Method: Direct Push Abandonment Method: Notes: Project No.: 61227505 Drill Rig: Geoprobe Boring Started: 07-11-2023 BORING LOG NO. B-8 Park City Municipal Corporation Driller: DPS Boring Completed: 07-11-2023 Exhibit: CLIENT: 445 Marsac Avenue, Park City, UT 84060 PROJECT: Park City Gordo C-8 6949 S High Tech Dr Ste 100 Midvale, UT MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Sa m p l e XR F L e a d ( p p m ) DE P T H ( f t ) 5 10 15 WA T E R L E V E L OB S E R V A T I O N S SA M P L E T Y P E GW Not Encountered WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS 48 40 62 RE C O V E R Y ( % ) 1.0 2.5 3.5 14.0 15.0 SS: B-9 @ 4.0', 14:00 SS: B-9 @ 14', 14:45 FILL - SAND WITH GRAVEL, nonplastic, tan, moist, loose SAND WITH SILT AND GRAVEL (SP-SM), nonplastic, brown, moist, loose SAND WITH GRAVEL (SP), nonplastic, gray, loose SILT WITH SAND (ML), low plasticity, medium dark brown, stiff CLAY WITH GRAVEL (CL), plastic, dark brown, moist, stiff, few gravel Boring Refusal at 15 Feet SS SS 390 71 86088 1095 86 689 70 1259 40 578 25 153 15 110 22 527 37 327 26 223 11 538 79 64 25 See Exhibit A-2LOCATION DEPTH The stratification lines represent the approximate transition between differing soil types and/or rock types; in-situ these transitions may be gradual or may occur at different depths than shown. GR A P H I C L O G TH I S B O R I N G L O G I S N O T V A L I D I F S E P A R A T E D F R O M O R I G I N A L R E P O R T . E N V I R O N M E N T A L S M A R T L O G 6 1 2 2 7 5 0 5 P C G O R D O B H G I N T M L 8 - 9 - 2 3 . G P J T E R R A C O N _ D A T A T E M P L A T E . G D T 8 / 9 / 2 3 Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road Park City, Utah SITE: Page 1 of 1 Advancement Method: Direct Push Abandonment Method: Notes: Project No.: 61227505 Drill Rig: Geoprobe Boring Started: 07-11-2023 BORING LOG NO. B-9 Park City Municipal Corporation Driller: DPS Boring Completed: 07-11-2023 Exhibit: CLIENT: 445 Marsac Avenue, Park City, UT 84060 PROJECT: Park City Gordo C-9 6949 S High Tech Dr Ste 100 Midvale, UT MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Sa m p l e XR F L e a d ( p p m ) DE P T H ( f t ) 5 10 15 WA T E R L E V E L OB S E R V A T I O N S SA M P L E T Y P E GW Not Encountered WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS 55 27 40 RE C O V E R Y ( % ) 1.0 4.5 13.0 15.0 20.0 SS: B-10 @ 6.0', 13:20 No Recovery 15' to 20' initial refusal @ 8' - move aside & complete boring to 20' FILL - TOPSOIL W/ GRAVEL, nonplastic, moist, loose, few gravel FILL - SAND WITH GRAVEL, nonplastic, brown, moist, loose SILT W/ SAND & GRAVEL (ML), low plasticity, dark brown, moist, stiff CLAY W/ SILT & GRAVEL (CL-ML), plastic, dark brown, moist, stiff no recovery Boring Terminated at 20 Feet SS 41 8.0 213 29 217 30 87 29 1529 148 2175 193907 155 957 98 307 40 467 39 1003 78 1872 174 See Exhibit A-2LOCATION DEPTH The stratification lines represent the approximate transition between differing soil types and/or rock types; in-situ these transitions may be gradual or may occur at different depths than shown. GR A P H I C L O G TH I S B O R I N G L O G I S N O T V A L I D I F S E P A R A T E D F R O M O R I G I N A L R E P O R T . E N V I R O N M E N T A L S M A R T L O G 6 1 2 2 7 5 0 5 P C G O R D O B H G I N T M L 8 - 9 - 2 3 . G P J T E R R A C O N _ D A T A T E M P L A T E . G D T 8 / 9 / 2 3 Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road Park City, Utah SITE: Page 1 of 1 Advancement Method: Direct Push Abandonment Method: Notes: Project No.: 61227505 Drill Rig: Geoprobe Boring Started: 07-11-2023 BORING LOG NO. B-10 Park City Municipal Corporation Driller: DPS Boring Completed: 07-11-2023 Exhibit: CLIENT: 445 Marsac Avenue, Park City, UT 84060 PROJECT: Park City Gordo C-10 6949 S High Tech Dr Ste 100 Midvale, UT MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Sa m p l e XR F L e a d ( p p m ) DE P T H ( f t ) 5 10 15 20 WA T E R L E V E L OB S E R V A T I O N S SA M P L E T Y P E GW Not Encountered WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS 67 25 62 0 RE C O V E R Y ( % ) 3.0 5.0 SS: B-12 @ 0.0', 15:05 SS: B-12 @ 0.5', 15:05 FILL - SILT & CLAY W/ GRAVEL, low plasticity, dark brown, moist, stiff SAND W/ GRAVEL (SP), nonplastic, tan & orange brown, moist, loose, small gravel Boring Terminated at 5 Feet SS SS 36 16 59 17 22 9 37 31 10 23 See Exhibit A-2LOCATION DEPTH The stratification lines represent the approximate transition between differing soil types and/or rock types; in-situ these transitions may be gradual or may occur at different depths than shown. GR A P H I C L O G TH I S B O R I N G L O G I S N O T V A L I D I F S E P A R A T E D F R O M O R I G I N A L R E P O R T . E N V I R O N M E N T A L S M A R T L O G 6 1 2 2 7 5 0 5 P C G O R D O B H G I N T M L 8 - 9 - 2 3 . G P J T E R R A C O N _ D A T A T E M P L A T E . G D T 8 / 9 / 2 3 Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road Park City, Utah SITE: Page 1 of 1 Advancement Method: Direct Push Abandonment Method: Notes: Project No.: 61227505 Drill Rig: Geoprobe Boring Started: 07-11-2023 BORING LOG NO. B-12 Park City Municipal Corporation Driller: DPS Boring Completed: 07-11-2023 Exhibit: CLIENT: 445 Marsac Avenue, Park City, UT 84060 PROJECT: Park City Gordo C-11 6949 S High Tech Dr Ste 100 Midvale, UT MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Sa m p l e XR F L e a d ( p p m ) DE P T H ( f t ) 5 WA T E R L E V E L OB S E R V A T I O N S SA M P L E T Y P E GW Not Encountered WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS 85 RE C O V E R Y ( % ) 1.0 5.0 SS: B-16 @ 0.0', 15:48 SS: B-16 @ 0.5', 15:49 FILL - SILT & CLAY W/ GRAVEL, low plasticity, dark brown, moist, stiff CLAY W/ GRAVEL (CL), dark brown, moist Boring Terminated at 5 Feet SS SS 45 10 58 34 1420 46 348 29 332 33 See Exhibit A-2LOCATION DEPTH The stratification lines represent the approximate transition between differing soil types and/or rock types; in-situ these transitions may be gradual or may occur at different depths than shown. GR A P H I C L O G TH I S B O R I N G L O G I S N O T V A L I D I F S E P A R A T E D F R O M O R I G I N A L R E P O R T . E N V I R O N M E N T A L S M A R T L O G 6 1 2 2 7 5 0 5 P C G O R D O B H G I N T M L 8 - 9 - 2 3 . G P J T E R R A C O N _ D A T A T E M P L A T E . G D T 8 / 9 / 2 3 Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road Park City, Utah SITE: Page 1 of 1 Advancement Method: Direct Push Abandonment Method: Notes: Project No.: 61227505 Drill Rig: Geoprobe Boring Started: 07-11-2023 BORING LOG NO. B-16 Park City Municipal Corporation Driller: DPS Boring Completed: 07-11-2023 Exhibit: CLIENT: 445 Marsac Avenue, Park City, UT 84060 PROJECT: Park City Gordo C-12 6949 S High Tech Dr Ste 100 Midvale, UT MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Sa m p l e XR F L e a d ( p p m ) DE P T H ( f t ) 5 WA T E R L E V E L OB S E R V A T I O N S SA M P L E T Y P E GW Not Encountered WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS 83 RE C O V E R Y ( % ) 1.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 SS: B-17 @ 3.0', 15:35 SS: B-17 @ 4.5', 15:36 FILL - SAND, tan FILL - CLAY, red FILL - SAND & CLAY CLAY (CL), tan Boring Terminated at 5 Feet SS SS 154 7100 15 44 22 1347 90 12 7 See Exhibit A-2LOCATION DEPTH The stratification lines represent the approximate transition between differing soil types and/or rock types; in-situ these transitions may be gradual or may occur at different depths than shown. GR A P H I C L O G TH I S B O R I N G L O G I S N O T V A L I D I F S E P A R A T E D F R O M O R I G I N A L R E P O R T . E N V I R O N M E N T A L S M A R T L O G 6 1 2 2 7 5 0 5 P C G O R D O B H G I N T M L 8 - 9 - 2 3 . G P J T E R R A C O N _ D A T A T E M P L A T E . G D T 8 / 9 / 2 3 Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road Park City, Utah SITE: Page 1 of 1 Advancement Method: Direct Push Abandonment Method: Notes: Project No.: 61227505 Drill Rig: Geoprobe Boring Started: 07-11-2023 BORING LOG NO. B-17 Park City Municipal Corporation Driller: DPS Boring Completed: 07-11-2023 Exhibit: CLIENT: 445 Marsac Avenue, Park City, UT 84060 PROJECT: Park City Gordo C-13 6949 S High Tech Dr Ste 100 Midvale, UT MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Sa m p l e XR F L e a d ( p p m ) DE P T H ( f t ) 5 WA T E R L E V E L OB S E R V A T I O N S SA M P L E T Y P E GW Not Encountered WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS 83 RE C O V E R Y ( % ) APPENDIX D Laboratory Reports ANALYTICAL REPORT July 25, 2023 Revised Report Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT Sample Delivery Group:L1635370 Samples Received:07/14/2023 Project Number:61227505 Description:Gordo Report To:Daniel Dean 6949 South High Tech Drive Midvale, UT 84047 Entire Report Reviewed By: July 25, 2023 [Preliminary Report] Chris Ward Project Manager Results relate only to the items tested or calibrated and are reported as rounded values. This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval of the laboratory. Where applicable, sampling conducted by Pace Analytical National is performed per guidance provided in laboratory standard operating procedures ENV-SOP-MTJL-0067 and ENV-SOP-MTJL-0068. Where sampling conducted by the customer, results relate to the accuracy of the information provided, and as the samples are received. Pace Analytical National 12065 Lebanon Rd Mount Juliet, TN 37122 615-758-5858 800-767-5859 www.pacenational.com 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 1 of 109 July 25, 2023 Chris Ward Project Manager ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 1 of 109 TABLE OF CONTENTSTABLE OF CONTENTS Cp: Cover Page 1 Tc: Table of Contents 2 Ss: Sample Summary 4 Cn: Case Narrative 15 Sr: Sample Results 17 Z1-B1 @ 0.5 L1635370-01 17 Z1-B1 @ 2.5 L1635370-02 18 Z1-B2 @ 1 L1635370-03 19 Z1-B2 @ 4 L1635370-04 20 Z1-B3 @ 3 L1635370-05 21 Z1-B3 @ 5 L1635370-06 22 Z1-B4 @ 2.5 L1635370-07 23 Z1-B4 @ 4 L1635370-08 24 Z1-B5 @ 2.5 L1635370-09 25 Z1-B5 @ 4 L1635370-10 26 Z1-B6 @ 4 L1635370-11 27 Z1-B6 @ 12 L1635370-12 28 Z1-B7 @ 2 L1635370-13 29 Z1-B7 @ 16 L1635370-14 30 Z1-B8 @ 10 L1635370-15 31 Z1-B8 @ 13 L1635370-16 32 Z1-B9 @ 4 L1635370-17 33 Z1-B9 @ 14 L1635370-18 34 Z1-B10 @ 6 L1635370-19 35 Z2-B11 @ 0' L1635370-20 36 Z2-B11 @ 0.5' L1635370-21 37 Z2-B12 @ 0' L1635370-22 38 Z2-B12 @ 0.5' L1635370-23 39 Z2-B13 @ 0' L1635370-24 40 Z2-B13 @ 0.5' L1635370-25 41 Z2-B14 @ 0' L1635370-26 42 Z2-B14 @ 0.5' L1635370-27 43 Z2-B15 @ 0' L1635370-28 44 Z2-B15 @ 0.5' L1635370-29 45 Z2-B16 @ 0' L1635370-30 46 Z2-B16 @ 0.5' L1635370-31 47 Z2-B17 @ 3' L1635370-32 48 Z2-B17 @ 4.5' L1635370-33 49 Z2-B18 @ 0' L1635370-34 50 Z2-B18 @ 0.5' L1635370-35 51 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 2 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 2 of 109 Z2-B19 @ 0' L1635370-36 52 Z2-B19 @ 0.5' L1635370-37 53 Z2-B20 @ 0' L1635370-38 54 Z2-B20 @ 0.5' L1635370-39 55 Z3-B21 @ 0' L1635370-40 56 Z3-B21 @ 0.5' L1635370-41 57 Z3-B22 @ 0' L1635370-42 58 Z3-B22 @ 0.5' L1635370-43 59 Z3-B23 @ 0' L1635370-44 60 Z3-B23 @ 0.5' L1635370-45 61 Z3-B24 @ 0' L1635370-46 62 Z3-B24 @ 0.5' L1635370-47 63 Z3-B25 @ 0' L1635370-48 64 Z3-B25 @ 0.5' L1635370-49 65 Z3-B26 @ 0' L1635370-50 66 Z3-B26 @ 0.5' L1635370-51 67 Z3-B27 @ 0' L1635370-52 68 Z3-B27 @ 0.5' L1635370-53 69 Z2-B28 @ 0' L1635370-54 70 Z2-B28 @ 0.5' L1635370-55 71 Z2-B29 @ 0' L1635370-56 72 Z2-B29 @ 2.5' L1635370-57 73 Z3-B30 @ 0' L1635370-58 74 Z3-B30 @ 0.5' L1635370-59 75 Z1-B106 @ 12' L1635370-60 76 Z1-B108 @ 13' L1635370-61 77 Z2-B111 @ 0.5' L1635370-62 78 Z2-B113 @ 0' L1635370-63 79 Z3-B122 @ 0' L1635370-64 80 Z2-B129 @ 0.5' L1635370-65 81 Qc: Quality Control Summary 82 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 82 Mercury by Method 7471A 90 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B 94 Gl: Glossary of Terms 101 Al: Accreditations & Locations 102 Sc: Sample Chain of Custody 103 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 3 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 3 of 109 SAMPLE SUMMARY Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z1-B1 @ 0.5 L1635370-01 Solid 07/11/23 09:09 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095733 1 07/17/23 07:56 07/17/23 08:06 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095468 1 07/18/23 11:56 07/18/23 21:54 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095582 1 07/15/23 17:01 07/17/23 10:23 ZSA Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z1-B1 @ 2.5 L1635370-02 Solid 07/11/23 09:10 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095733 1 07/17/23 07:56 07/17/23 08:06 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095468 1 07/18/23 11:56 07/18/23 21:56 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095582 1 07/15/23 17:01 07/17/23 10:26 ZSA Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z1-B2 @ 1 L1635370-03 Solid 07/11/23 08:45 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095733 1 07/17/23 07:56 07/17/23 08:06 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095468 1 07/18/23 11:56 07/18/23 21:59 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095582 1 07/15/23 17:01 07/17/23 10:29 ZSA Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z1-B2 @ 4 L1635370-04 Solid 07/11/23 08:46 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095734 1 07/17/23 09:44 07/17/23 09:52 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095468 1 07/18/23 11:56 07/18/23 22:09 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095582 1 07/15/23 17:01 07/17/23 11:00 ZSA Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z1-B3 @ 3 L1635370-05 Solid 07/11/23 10:05 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095734 1 07/17/23 09:44 07/17/23 09:52 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095468 5 07/18/23 11:56 07/18/23 23:22 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095582 1 07/15/23 17:01 07/17/23 11:03 ZSA Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z1-B3 @ 5 L1635370-06 Solid 07/11/23 10:06 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095734 1 07/17/23 09:44 07/17/23 09:52 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095468 1 07/18/23 11:56 07/18/23 22:14 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095582 1 07/15/23 17:01 07/17/23 11:11 ZSA Mt. Juliet, TN 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 4 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 4 of 109 SAMPLE SUMMARY Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z1-B4 @ 2.5 L1635370-07 Solid 07/11/23 09:29 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095734 1 07/17/23 09:44 07/17/23 09:52 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095468 1 07/18/23 11:56 07/18/23 22:17 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095582 1 07/15/23 17:01 07/17/23 11:14 ZSA Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z1-B4 @ 4 L1635370-08 Solid 07/11/23 09:30 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095734 1 07/17/23 09:44 07/17/23 09:52 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095468 1 07/18/23 11:56 07/18/23 22:19 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095605 1 07/15/23 21:39 07/20/23 20:50 CCE Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z1-B5 @ 2.5 L1635370-09 Solid 07/11/23 09:48 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095734 1 07/17/23 09:44 07/17/23 09:52 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095468 10 07/18/23 11:56 07/18/23 23:25 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095605 1 07/15/23 21:39 07/20/23 20:53 CCE Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z1-B5 @ 4 L1635370-10 Solid 07/11/23 09:49 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095734 1 07/17/23 09:44 07/17/23 09:52 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095468 1 07/18/23 11:56 07/18/23 22:24 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095605 1 07/15/23 21:39 07/20/23 20:56 CCE Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z1-B6 @ 4 L1635370-11 Solid 07/11/23 10:30 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095734 1 07/17/23 09:44 07/17/23 09:52 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095468 10 07/18/23 11:56 07/18/23 23:27 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095605 1 07/15/23 21:39 07/20/23 21:04 CCE Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z1-B6 @ 12 L1635370-12 Solid 07/11/23 10:35 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095734 1 07/17/23 09:44 07/17/23 09:52 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095468 1 07/18/23 11:56 07/18/23 22:29 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095605 1 07/15/23 21:39 07/20/23 21:07 CCE Mt. Juliet, TN 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 5 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 5 of 109 SAMPLE SUMMARY Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z1-B7 @ 2 L1635370-13 Solid 07/11/23 10:50 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095734 1 07/17/23 09:44 07/17/23 09:52 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095468 20 07/18/23 11:56 07/19/23 09:49 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095605 1 07/15/23 21:39 07/20/23 21:10 CCE Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z1-B7 @ 16 L1635370-14 Solid 07/11/23 11:05 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095735 1 07/17/23 09:30 07/17/23 09:40 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095459 1 07/18/23 21:06 07/19/23 21:58 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095605 1 07/15/23 21:39 07/20/23 21:13 CCE Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z1-B8 @ 10 L1635370-15 Solid 07/11/23 12:40 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095735 1 07/17/23 09:30 07/17/23 09:40 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095459 1 07/18/23 21:06 07/19/23 22:00 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095605 1 07/15/23 21:39 07/20/23 21:15 CCE Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z1-B8 @ 13 L1635370-16 Solid 07/11/23 12:41 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095735 1 07/17/23 09:30 07/17/23 09:40 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095459 1 07/18/23 21:06 07/19/23 22:03 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095605 1 07/15/23 21:39 07/20/23 21:18 CCE Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z1-B9 @ 4 L1635370-17 Solid 07/11/23 14:00 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095735 1 07/17/23 09:30 07/17/23 09:40 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095468 1 07/18/23 11:56 07/18/23 22:39 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2096855 1 07/18/23 14:20 07/18/23 23:07 ZSA Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z1-B9 @ 14 L1635370-18 Solid 07/11/23 14:45 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095735 1 07/17/23 09:30 07/17/23 09:40 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095468 1 07/18/23 11:56 07/18/23 22:42 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2096855 1 07/18/23 14:20 07/18/23 23:10 ZSA Mt. Juliet, TN 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 6 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 6 of 109 SAMPLE SUMMARY Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z1-B10 @ 6 L1635370-19 Solid 07/11/23 13:20 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095735 1 07/17/23 09:30 07/17/23 09:40 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095468 2 07/18/23 11:56 07/18/23 23:32 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2096855 1 07/18/23 14:20 07/18/23 22:28 ZSA Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z2-B11 @ 0' L1635370-20 Solid 07/12/23 08:25 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095735 1 07/17/23 09:30 07/17/23 09:40 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095468 1 07/18/23 11:55 07/18/23 21:46 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2096855 1 07/18/23 14:20 07/18/23 22:42 ZSA Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z2-B11 @ 0.5' L1635370-21 Solid 07/12/23 08:35 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095735 1 07/17/23 09:30 07/17/23 09:40 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095468 1 07/18/23 11:56 07/18/23 22:47 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2096855 1 07/18/23 14:20 07/18/23 23:13 ZSA Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z2-B12 @ 0' L1635370-22 Solid 07/11/23 15:05 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095735 1 07/17/23 09:30 07/17/23 09:40 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095468 1 07/18/23 11:56 07/18/23 22:49 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2096855 1 07/18/23 14:20 07/18/23 23:16 ZSA Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z2-B12 @ 0.5' L1635370-23 Solid 07/11/23 15:06 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095735 1 07/17/23 09:30 07/17/23 09:40 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095468 1 07/18/23 11:56 07/18/23 22:52 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2096855 1 07/18/23 14:20 07/18/23 23:18 ZSA Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z2-B13 @ 0' L1635370-24 Solid 07/12/23 08:40 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095736 1 07/17/23 09:19 07/17/23 09:28 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095452 1 07/17/23 23:15 07/18/23 14:41 LAS Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2096855 1 07/18/23 14:20 07/18/23 23:21 ZSA Mt. Juliet, TN 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 7 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 7 of 109 SAMPLE SUMMARY Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z2-B13 @ 0.5' L1635370-25 Solid 07/12/23 08:45 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095736 1 07/17/23 09:19 07/17/23 09:28 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095452 1 07/17/23 23:15 07/18/23 14:44 LAS Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2096855 1 07/18/23 14:20 07/18/23 23:38 ZSA Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z2-B14 @ 0' L1635370-26 Solid 07/12/23 10:00 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095736 1 07/17/23 09:19 07/17/23 09:28 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095452 1 07/17/23 23:15 07/18/23 14:46 LAS Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2096855 1 07/18/23 14:20 07/18/23 23:41 ZSA Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z2-B14 @ 0.5' L1635370-27 Solid 07/12/23 10:03 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095736 1 07/17/23 09:19 07/17/23 09:28 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095452 1 07/17/23 23:15 07/18/23 14:49 LAS Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2096855 1 07/18/23 14:20 07/18/23 23:44 ZSA Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z2-B15 @ 0' L1635370-28 Solid 07/12/23 10:05 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095736 1 07/17/23 09:19 07/17/23 09:28 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095452 1 07/17/23 23:15 07/18/23 14:56 LAS Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2096855 1 07/18/23 14:20 07/18/23 23:47 ZSA Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z2-B15 @ 0.5' L1635370-29 Solid 07/12/23 10:10 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095736 1 07/17/23 09:19 07/17/23 09:28 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095452 1 07/17/23 23:15 07/18/23 14:59 LAS Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2096855 1 07/18/23 14:20 07/18/23 23:50 ZSA Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z2-B16 @ 0' L1635370-30 Solid 07/11/23 15:48 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095736 1 07/17/23 09:19 07/17/23 09:28 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095452 1 07/17/23 23:15 07/18/23 15:01 LAS Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2096855 1 07/18/23 14:20 07/18/23 23:53 ZSA Mt. Juliet, TN 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 8 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 8 of 109 SAMPLE SUMMARY Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z2-B16 @ 0.5' L1635370-31 Solid 07/11/23 15:49 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095736 1 07/17/23 09:19 07/17/23 09:28 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095452 1 07/17/23 23:15 07/18/23 15:03 LAS Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2096855 1 07/18/23 14:20 07/18/23 23:56 ZSA Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z2-B17 @ 3' L1635370-32 Solid 07/11/23 15:35 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095736 1 07/17/23 09:19 07/17/23 09:28 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095452 1 07/17/23 23:15 07/18/23 15:06 LAS Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2096855 1 07/18/23 14:20 07/18/23 23:58 ZSA Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z2-B17 @ 4.5' L1635370-33 Solid 07/11/23 15:36 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095736 1 07/17/23 09:19 07/17/23 09:28 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095459 1 07/18/23 21:06 07/19/23 22:06 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095604 1 07/15/23 21:27 07/18/23 13:47 ZSA Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z2-B18 @ 0' L1635370-34 Solid 07/12/23 09:05 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095737 1 07/17/23 13:25 07/17/23 13:32 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095459 1 07/18/23 21:06 07/19/23 22:08 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095604 1 07/15/23 21:27 07/18/23 13:50 ZSA Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z2-B18 @ 0.5' L1635370-35 Solid 07/12/23 09:10 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095737 1 07/17/23 13:25 07/17/23 13:32 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095459 1 07/18/23 21:06 07/19/23 22:11 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095604 1 07/15/23 21:27 07/18/23 13:53 ZSA Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z2-B19 @ 0' L1635370-36 Solid 07/12/23 08:55 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095737 1 07/17/23 13:25 07/17/23 13:32 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095459 1 07/18/23 21:06 07/19/23 22:13 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095605 1 07/15/23 21:39 07/20/23 21:21 CCE Mt. Juliet, TN 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 9 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 9 of 109 SAMPLE SUMMARY Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z2-B19 @ 0.5' L1635370-37 Solid 07/12/23 09:00 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095737 1 07/17/23 13:25 07/17/23 13:32 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095459 1 07/18/23 21:06 07/19/23 22:16 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095605 1 07/15/23 21:39 07/20/23 21:24 CCE Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z2-B20 @ 0' L1635370-38 Solid 07/12/23 09:50 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095737 1 07/17/23 13:25 07/17/23 13:32 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095459 1 07/18/23 21:06 07/19/23 22:18 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095605 1 07/15/23 21:39 07/20/23 21:27 CCE Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z2-B20 @ 0.5' L1635370-39 Solid 07/12/23 09:55 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095737 1 07/17/23 13:25 07/17/23 13:32 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095459 1 07/18/23 21:06 07/19/23 22:29 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095605 1 07/15/23 21:39 07/20/23 21:29 CCE Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z3-B21 @ 0' L1635370-40 Solid 07/12/23 10:45 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095737 1 07/17/23 13:25 07/17/23 13:32 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095459 1 07/18/23 21:06 07/19/23 21:28 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095605 1 07/15/23 21:39 07/20/23 20:36 CCE Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z3-B21 @ 0.5' L1635370-41 Solid 07/12/23 10:50 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095737 1 07/17/23 13:25 07/17/23 13:32 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095459 1 07/18/23 21:06 07/19/23 22:32 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095605 1 07/15/23 21:39 07/20/23 21:38 CCE Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z3-B22 @ 0' L1635370-42 Solid 07/12/23 10:55 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095737 1 07/17/23 13:25 07/17/23 13:32 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095459 1 07/18/23 21:06 07/19/23 22:35 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095605 1 07/15/23 21:39 07/20/23 21:41 CCE Mt. Juliet, TN 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 10 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 10 of 109 SAMPLE SUMMARY Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z3-B22 @ 0.5' L1635370-43 Solid 07/12/23 11:00 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095737 1 07/17/23 13:25 07/17/23 13:32 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095459 1 07/18/23 21:06 07/19/23 22:37 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095605 1 07/15/23 21:39 07/20/23 21:43 CCE Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z3-B23 @ 0' L1635370-44 Solid 07/12/23 11:05 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095738 1 07/17/23 13:15 07/17/23 13:21 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095459 1 07/18/23 21:06 07/19/23 22:40 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095605 1 07/15/23 21:39 07/20/23 21:46 CCE Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z3-B23 @ 0.5' L1635370-45 Solid 07/12/23 11:10 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095738 1 07/17/23 13:15 07/17/23 13:21 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095459 1 07/18/23 21:06 07/19/23 22:42 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095605 1 07/15/23 21:39 07/20/23 21:49 CCE Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z3-B24 @ 0' L1635370-46 Solid 07/12/23 13:07 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095738 1 07/17/23 13:15 07/17/23 13:21 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095459 1 07/18/23 21:06 07/19/23 22:45 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095605 1 07/15/23 21:39 07/20/23 21:52 CCE Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z3-B24 @ 0.5' L1635370-47 Solid 07/12/23 13:10 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095738 1 07/17/23 13:15 07/17/23 13:21 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095459 1 07/18/23 21:06 07/19/23 22:47 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095607 1 07/15/23 21:53 07/20/23 19:21 CCE Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z3-B25 @ 0' L1635370-48 Solid 07/12/23 13:00 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095738 1 07/17/23 13:15 07/17/23 13:21 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2095459 1 07/18/23 21:06 07/19/23 22:50 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095607 1 07/15/23 21:53 07/20/23 19:24 CCE Mt. Juliet, TN 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 11 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 11 of 109 SAMPLE SUMMARY Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z3-B25 @ 0.5' L1635370-49 Solid 07/12/23 13:05 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095738 1 07/17/23 13:15 07/17/23 13:21 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2096469 1 07/18/23 11:48 07/18/23 23:15 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095621 1 07/15/23 23:12 07/20/23 21:29 CCE Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z3-B26 @ 0' L1635370-50 Solid 07/12/23 11:15 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095738 1 07/17/23 13:15 07/17/23 13:21 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2096469 1 07/18/23 11:48 07/18/23 23:17 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095621 1 07/15/23 23:12 07/20/23 21:38 CCE Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z3-B26 @ 0.5' L1635370-51 Solid 07/12/23 11:20 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095738 1 07/17/23 13:15 07/17/23 13:21 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2096469 1 07/18/23 11:48 07/19/23 09:52 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095621 1 07/15/23 23:12 07/20/23 21:40 CCE Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z3-B27 @ 0' L1635370-52 Solid 07/12/23 12:50 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095738 1 07/17/23 13:15 07/17/23 13:21 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2096469 1 07/18/23 11:48 07/19/23 09:54 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095621 1 07/15/23 23:12 07/20/23 21:43 CCE Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z3-B27 @ 0.5' L1635370-53 Solid 07/12/23 12:55 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095738 1 07/17/23 13:15 07/17/23 13:21 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2096469 1 07/18/23 11:48 07/19/23 09:57 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095621 1 07/15/23 23:12 07/20/23 21:46 CCE Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z2-B28 @ 0' L1635370-54 Solid 07/12/23 12:25 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095739 1 07/17/23 13:07 07/17/23 13:14 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2096469 1 07/18/23 11:48 07/19/23 09:59 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095621 1 07/15/23 23:12 07/20/23 21:48 CCE Mt. Juliet, TN 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 12 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 12 of 109 SAMPLE SUMMARY Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z2-B28 @ 0.5' L1635370-55 Solid 07/12/23 12:30 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095739 1 07/17/23 13:07 07/17/23 13:14 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2096469 1 07/18/23 11:48 07/19/23 10:02 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095621 1 07/15/23 23:12 07/20/23 21:51 CCE Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z2-B29 @ 0' L1635370-56 Solid 07/12/23 12:40 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095739 1 07/17/23 13:07 07/17/23 13:14 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2096469 2 07/18/23 11:48 07/19/23 13:37 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095621 1 07/15/23 23:12 07/20/23 21:54 CCE Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z2-B29 @ 2.5' L1635370-57 Solid 07/12/23 14:30 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095739 1 07/17/23 13:07 07/17/23 13:14 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2096469 1 07/18/23 11:48 07/19/23 10:07 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095621 1 07/15/23 23:12 07/20/23 21:57 CCE Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z3-B30 @ 0' L1635370-58 Solid 07/12/23 13:15 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095739 1 07/17/23 13:07 07/17/23 13:14 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2096469 1 07/18/23 11:48 07/19/23 10:10 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095621 1 07/15/23 23:12 07/20/23 21:59 CCE Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z3-B30 @ 0.5' L1635370-59 Solid 07/12/23 13:20 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095739 1 07/17/23 13:07 07/17/23 13:14 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2096469 1 07/18/23 11:48 07/19/23 10:12 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095621 1 07/15/23 23:12 07/20/23 22:02 CCE Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z1-B106 @ 12' L1635370-60 Solid 07/11/23 10:36 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095739 1 07/17/23 13:07 07/17/23 13:14 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2096469 1 07/18/23 12:15 07/18/23 22:59 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095621 1 07/15/23 23:12 07/20/23 21:11 CCE Mt. Juliet, TN 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 13 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 13 of 109 SAMPLE SUMMARY Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z1-B108 @ 13' L1635370-61 Solid 07/11/23 12:42 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095739 1 07/17/23 13:07 07/17/23 13:14 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2096469 1 07/18/23 11:48 07/19/23 10:20 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095621 1 07/15/23 23:12 07/20/23 22:10 CCE Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z2-B111 @ 0.5' L1635370-62 Solid 07/12/23 08:36 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095739 1 07/17/23 13:07 07/17/23 13:14 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2096469 1 07/18/23 11:48 07/19/23 10:22 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095621 1 07/15/23 23:12 07/20/23 22:13 CCE Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z2-B113 @ 0' L1635370-63 Solid 07/12/23 08:41 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095739 1 07/17/23 13:07 07/17/23 13:14 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2096469 1 07/18/23 11:48 07/19/23 10:25 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095621 1 07/15/23 23:12 07/20/23 22:15 CCE Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z3-B122 @ 0' L1635370-64 Solid 07/12/23 10:56 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095741 1 07/17/23 12:41 07/17/23 12:50 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2096469 1 07/18/23 11:48 07/19/23 10:27 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095621 1 07/15/23 23:12 07/20/23 22:18 CCE Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Z2-B129 @ 0.5' L1635370-65 Solid 07/12/23 12:41 07/14/23 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2095741 1 07/17/23 12:41 07/17/23 12:50 CMK Mt. Juliet, TN Mercury by Method 7471A WG2096469 1 07/18/23 11:48 07/19/23 10:30 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2095621 1 07/15/23 23:12 07/20/23 22:21 CCE Mt. Juliet, TN 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 14 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 14 of 109 CASE NARRATIVE Unless qualified or notated within the narrative below, all sample aliquots were received at the correct temperature, in the proper containers, with the appropriate preservatives, and within method specified holding times. Where applicable, all MDL (LOD) and RDL (LOQ) values reported for environmental samples have been corrected for the dilution factor used in the analysis. All Method and Batch Quality Control are within established criteria except where addressed in this case narrative, a non-conformance form or properly qualified within the sample results. By my digital signature below, I affirm to the best of my knowledge, all problems/anomalies observed by the laboratory as having the potential to affect the quality of the data have been identified by the laboratory, and no information or data have been knowingly withheld that would affect the quality of the data. [Preliminary Report] Chris Ward Project Manager Report Revision History Level II Report - Version 1: 07/21/23 11:55 Level II Report - Version 2: 07/25/23 14:07 Project Comments Report reissued 7/25 to correct sample IDs Mercury by Method 7471A The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is high. Batch Lab Sample ID Analytes WG2095468 (MS) R3950219-3, (MSD) R3950219-4, L1635370-20 Mercury The analyte failed the method required serial dilution test and/or subsequent post-spike criteria. These failures indicate matrix interference. Batch Lab Sample ID Analytes WG2095468 L1635370-20 Mercury Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B The same analyte is found in the associated blank. Batch Analyte Lab Sample ID WG2095605 Selenium L1635370-43 The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is low. Batch Lab Sample ID Analytes WG2095582 (MS) R3949370-5 Lead WG2095604 (MS) R3949801-5, (MSD) R3949801-6 Lead WG2095621 (MSD) R3951139-6, L1635370-60 Barium WG2096855 (MSD) R3950089-6, (MSD) R3950089-8, L1635370-19, 20 Arsenic and Barium 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 15 of 109 Chris Ward Project Manager ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 15 of 109 CASE NARRATIVE Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is high. Batch Lab Sample ID Analytes WG2095582 (MSD) R3949370-6 Lead WG2095621 (MS) R3951139-5, L1635370-60 Barium The sample concentration is too high to evaluate accurate spike recoveries. Batch Lab Sample ID Analytes WG2096855 (MS) R3950089-5, (MSD) R3950089-6, L1635370-19 Lead The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for precision. Batch Lab Sample ID Analytes WG2095582 (MSD) R3949370-6 Lead WG2095621 (MSD) R3951139-6, L1635370-60 Barium WG2096855 (MSD) R3950089-6, L1635370-19 Chromium The analyte failed the method required serial dilution test and/or subsequent post-spike criteria. These failures indicate matrix interference. Batch Lab Sample ID Analytes WG2095621 L1635370-60 Barium WG2096855 L1635370-19 Barium, Chromium and Lead 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 16 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 16 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 01 L1635370 Z1-B1 @ 0.5 Collected date/time: 07/11/23 09:09 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 88.4 1 07/17/2023 08:06 WG2095733 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury U 0.0204 0.0452 1 07/18/2023 21:54 WG2095468 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 9.85 0.586 2.26 1 07/17/2023 10:23 WG2095582 Barium 252 0.0964 0.566 1 07/17/2023 10:23 WG2095582 Cadmium 0.0777 J 0.0533 0.566 1 07/17/2023 10:23 WG2095582 Chromium 17.5 0.150 1.13 1 07/17/2023 10:23 WG2095582 Lead 17.7 0.235 0.566 1 07/17/2023 10:23 WG2095582 Selenium U 0.864 2.26 1 07/17/2023 10:23 WG2095582 Silver U 0.144 1.13 1 07/17/2023 10:23 WG2095582 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 17 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 17 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 02 L1635370 Z1-B1 @ 2.5 Collected date/time: 07/11/23 09:10 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 82.4 1 07/17/2023 08:06 WG2095733 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury U 0.0218 0.0486 1 07/18/2023 21:56 WG2095468 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 14.2 0.629 2.43 1 07/17/2023 10:26 WG2095582 Barium 228 0.103 0.607 1 07/17/2023 10:26 WG2095582 Cadmium U 0.0572 0.607 1 07/17/2023 10:26 WG2095582 Chromium 20.1 0.161 1.21 1 07/17/2023 10:26 WG2095582 Lead 12.8 0.252 0.607 1 07/17/2023 10:26 WG2095582 Selenium U 0.927 2.43 1 07/17/2023 10:26 WG2095582 Silver U 0.154 1.21 1 07/17/2023 10:26 WG2095582 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 18 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 18 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 03 L1635370 Z1-B2 @ 1 Collected date/time: 07/11/23 08:45 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 87.1 1 07/17/2023 08:06 WG2095733 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.0661 0.0207 0.0459 1 07/18/2023 21:59 WG2095468 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 7.02 0.595 2.30 1 07/17/2023 10:29 WG2095582 Barium 178 0.0979 0.574 1 07/17/2023 10:29 WG2095582 Cadmium 0.466 J 0.0541 0.574 1 07/17/2023 10:29 WG2095582 Chromium 17.2 0.153 1.15 1 07/17/2023 10:29 WG2095582 Lead 35.6 0.239 0.574 1 07/17/2023 10:29 WG2095582 Selenium U 0.878 2.30 1 07/17/2023 10:29 WG2095582 Silver U 0.146 1.15 1 07/17/2023 10:29 WG2095582 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 19 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 19 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 04 L1635370 Z1-B2 @ 4 Collected date/time: 07/11/23 08:46 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 87.0 1 07/17/2023 09:52 WG2095734 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury U 0.0207 0.0460 1 07/18/2023 22:09 WG2095468 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 5.79 0.595 2.30 1 07/17/2023 11:00 WG2095582 Barium 140 0.0979 0.575 1 07/17/2023 11:00 WG2095582 Cadmium 0.248 J 0.0541 0.575 1 07/17/2023 11:00 WG2095582 Chromium 12.4 0.153 1.15 1 07/17/2023 11:00 WG2095582 Lead 20.2 0.239 0.575 1 07/17/2023 11:00 WG2095582 Selenium U 0.878 2.30 1 07/17/2023 11:00 WG2095582 Silver U 0.146 1.15 1 07/17/2023 11:00 WG2095582 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 20 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 20 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 05 L1635370 Z1-B3 @ 3 Collected date/time: 07/11/23 10:05 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 90.7 1 07/17/2023 09:52 WG2095734 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 6.83 0.0992 0.220 5 07/18/2023 23:22 WG2095468 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 84.9 0.571 2.20 1 07/17/2023 11:03 WG2095582 Barium 217 0.0939 0.551 1 07/17/2023 11:03 WG2095582 Cadmium 17.2 0.0519 0.551 1 07/17/2023 11:03 WG2095582 Chromium 12.3 0.147 1.10 1 07/17/2023 11:03 WG2095582 Lead 2090 0.229 0.551 1 07/17/2023 11:03 WG2095582 Selenium U 0.842 2.20 1 07/17/2023 11:03 WG2095582 Silver 11.6 0.140 1.10 1 07/17/2023 11:03 WG2095582 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 21 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 21 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 06 L1635370 Z1-B3 @ 5 Collected date/time: 07/11/23 10:06 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 87.6 1 07/17/2023 09:52 WG2095734 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.343 0.0205 0.0456 1 07/18/2023 22:14 WG2095468 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 30.4 0.591 2.28 1 07/17/2023 11:11 WG2095582 Barium 167 0.0972 0.571 1 07/17/2023 11:11 WG2095582 Cadmium 0.104 J 0.0538 0.571 1 07/17/2023 11:11 WG2095582 Chromium 36.6 0.152 1.14 1 07/17/2023 11:11 WG2095582 Lead 21.5 0.237 0.571 1 07/17/2023 11:11 WG2095582 Selenium U 0.872 2.28 1 07/17/2023 11:11 WG2095582 Silver U 0.145 1.14 1 07/17/2023 11:11 WG2095582 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 22 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 22 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 07 L1635370 Z1-B4 @ 2.5 Collected date/time: 07/11/23 09:29 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 88.0 1 07/17/2023 09:52 WG2095734 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.0267 J 0.0205 0.0455 1 07/18/2023 22:17 WG2095468 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 3.82 0.589 2.27 1 07/17/2023 11:14 WG2095582 Barium 224 0.0968 0.568 1 07/17/2023 11:14 WG2095582 Cadmium 0.111 J 0.0535 0.568 1 07/17/2023 11:14 WG2095582 Chromium 10.7 0.151 1.14 1 07/17/2023 11:14 WG2095582 Lead 18.0 0.236 0.568 1 07/17/2023 11:14 WG2095582 Selenium U 0.868 2.27 1 07/17/2023 11:14 WG2095582 Silver U 0.144 1.14 1 07/17/2023 11:14 WG2095582 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 23 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 23 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 08 L1635370 Z1-B4 @ 4 Collected date/time: 07/11/23 09:30 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 85.6 1 07/17/2023 09:52 WG2095734 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury U 0.0210 0.0467 1 07/18/2023 22:19 WG2095468 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 6.23 0.605 2.34 1 07/20/2023 20:50 WG2095605 Barium 210 0.0995 0.584 1 07/20/2023 20:50 WG2095605 Cadmium U 0.0550 0.584 1 07/20/2023 20:50 WG2095605 Chromium 9.91 0.155 1.17 1 07/20/2023 20:50 WG2095605 Lead 7.92 0.243 0.584 1 07/20/2023 20:50 WG2095605 Selenium U 0.892 2.34 1 07/20/2023 20:50 WG2095605 Silver U 0.148 1.17 1 07/20/2023 20:50 WG2095605 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 24 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 24 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 09 L1635370 Z1-B5 @ 2.5 Collected date/time: 07/11/23 09:48 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 87.6 1 07/17/2023 09:52 WG2095734 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 10.9 0.205 0.457 10 07/18/2023 23:25 WG2095468 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 117 0.591 2.28 1 07/20/2023 20:53 WG2095605 Barium 115 0.0972 0.571 1 07/20/2023 20:53 WG2095605 Cadmium 22.2 0.0538 0.571 1 07/20/2023 20:53 WG2095605 Chromium 17.1 0.152 1.14 1 07/20/2023 20:53 WG2095605 Lead 2390 0.237 0.571 1 07/20/2023 20:53 WG2095605 Selenium 1.57 J 0.872 2.28 1 07/20/2023 20:53 WG2095605 Silver 17.9 0.145 1.14 1 07/20/2023 20:53 WG2095605 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 25 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 25 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 10 L1635370 Z1-B5 @ 4 Collected date/time: 07/11/23 09:49 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 82.4 1 07/17/2023 09:52 WG2095734 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.0239 J 0.0218 0.0485 1 07/18/2023 22:24 WG2095468 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 64.3 0.629 2.43 1 07/20/2023 20:56 WG2095605 Barium 184 0.103 0.607 1 07/20/2023 20:56 WG2095605 Cadmium 0.124 J 0.0572 0.607 1 07/20/2023 20:56 WG2095605 Chromium 14.2 0.161 1.21 1 07/20/2023 20:56 WG2095605 Lead 12.0 0.252 0.607 1 07/20/2023 20:56 WG2095605 Selenium U 0.927 2.43 1 07/20/2023 20:56 WG2095605 Silver U 0.154 1.21 1 07/20/2023 20:56 WG2095605 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 26 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 26 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 11 L1635370 Z1-B6 @ 4 Collected date/time: 07/11/23 10:30 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 83.8 1 07/17/2023 09:52 WG2095734 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 18.3 0.215 0.477 10 07/18/2023 23:27 WG2095468 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 67.9 0.618 2.39 1 07/20/2023 21:04 WG2095605 Barium 147 0.102 0.596 1 07/20/2023 21:04 WG2095605 Cadmium 12.0 0.0562 0.596 1 07/20/2023 21:04 WG2095605 Chromium 15.7 0.159 1.19 1 07/20/2023 21:04 WG2095605 Lead 1650 0.248 0.596 1 07/20/2023 21:04 WG2095605 Selenium 1.42 J 0.911 2.39 1 07/20/2023 21:04 WG2095605 Silver 10.7 0.151 1.19 1 07/20/2023 21:04 WG2095605 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 27 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 27 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 12 L1635370 Z1-B6 @ 12 Collected date/time: 07/11/23 10:35 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 84.1 1 07/17/2023 09:52 WG2095734 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury U 0.0214 0.0476 1 07/18/2023 22:29 WG2095468 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 17.1 0.616 2.38 1 07/20/2023 21:07 WG2095605 Barium 182 0.101 0.595 1 07/20/2023 21:07 WG2095605 Cadmium 0.326 J 0.0560 0.595 1 07/20/2023 21:07 WG2095605 Chromium 15.3 0.158 1.19 1 07/20/2023 21:07 WG2095605 Lead 10.1 0.247 0.595 1 07/20/2023 21:07 WG2095605 Selenium 1.08 J 0.909 2.38 1 07/20/2023 21:07 WG2095605 Silver U 0.151 1.19 1 07/20/2023 21:07 WG2095605 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 28 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 28 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 13 L1635370 Z1-B7 @ 2 Collected date/time: 07/11/23 10:50 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 86.4 1 07/17/2023 09:52 WG2095734 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 23.3 0.417 0.926 20 07/19/2023 09:49 WG2095468 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 395 0.600 2.32 1 07/20/2023 21:10 WG2095605 Barium 118 0.0986 0.579 1 07/20/2023 21:10 WG2095605 Cadmium 79.6 0.0545 0.579 1 07/20/2023 21:10 WG2095605 Chromium 16.2 0.154 1.16 1 07/20/2023 21:10 WG2095605 Lead 7810 0.241 0.579 1 07/20/2023 21:10 WG2095605 Selenium 8.98 0.885 2.32 1 07/20/2023 21:10 WG2095605 Silver 62.5 0.147 1.16 1 07/20/2023 21:10 WG2095605 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 29 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 29 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 14 L1635370 Z1-B7 @ 16 Collected date/time: 07/11/23 11:05 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 80.7 1 07/17/2023 09:40 WG2095735 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury U 0.0223 0.0496 1 07/19/2023 21:58 WG2095459 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 9.90 0.642 2.48 1 07/20/2023 21:13 WG2095605 Barium 309 0.106 0.620 1 07/20/2023 21:13 WG2095605 Cadmium 0.245 J 0.0584 0.620 1 07/20/2023 21:13 WG2095605 Chromium 17.4 0.165 1.24 1 07/20/2023 21:13 WG2095605 Lead 36.5 0.258 0.620 1 07/20/2023 21:13 WG2095605 Selenium U 0.947 2.48 1 07/20/2023 21:13 WG2095605 Silver U 0.157 1.24 1 07/20/2023 21:13 WG2095605 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 30 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 30 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 15 L1635370 Z1-B8 @ 10 Collected date/time: 07/11/23 12:40 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 88.5 1 07/17/2023 09:40 WG2095735 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 1.14 0.0203 0.0452 1 07/19/2023 22:00 WG2095459 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 66.8 0.585 2.26 1 07/20/2023 21:15 WG2095605 Barium 76.2 0.0963 0.565 1 07/20/2023 21:15 WG2095605 Cadmium 7.54 0.0532 0.565 1 07/20/2023 21:15 WG2095605 Chromium 13.6 0.150 1.13 1 07/20/2023 21:15 WG2095605 Lead 2680 0.235 0.565 1 07/20/2023 21:15 WG2095605 Selenium 2.32 0.863 2.26 1 07/20/2023 21:15 WG2095605 Silver 25.3 0.144 1.13 1 07/20/2023 21:15 WG2095605 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 31 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 31 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 16 L1635370 Z1-B8 @ 13 Collected date/time: 07/11/23 12:41 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 84.3 1 07/17/2023 09:40 WG2095735 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury U 0.0214 0.0475 1 07/19/2023 22:03 WG2095459 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 4.98 0.615 2.37 1 07/20/2023 21:18 WG2095605 Barium 220 0.101 0.593 1 07/20/2023 21:18 WG2095605 Cadmium 0.209 J 0.0559 0.593 1 07/20/2023 21:18 WG2095605 Chromium 15.2 0.158 1.19 1 07/20/2023 21:18 WG2095605 Lead 15.3 0.247 0.593 1 07/20/2023 21:18 WG2095605 Selenium U 0.906 2.37 1 07/20/2023 21:18 WG2095605 Silver U 0.151 1.19 1 07/20/2023 21:18 WG2095605 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 32 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 32 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 17 L1635370 Z1-B9 @ 4 Collected date/time: 07/11/23 14:00 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 88.6 1 07/17/2023 09:40 WG2095735 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 1.36 0.0203 0.0451 1 07/18/2023 22:39 WG2095468 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 49.9 0.585 2.26 1 07/18/2023 23:07 WG2096855 Barium 116 0.0961 0.564 1 07/18/2023 23:07 WG2096855 Cadmium 10.3 0.0531 0.564 1 07/18/2023 23:07 WG2096855 Chromium 14.3 0.150 1.13 1 07/18/2023 23:07 WG2096855 Lead 860 0.235 0.564 1 07/18/2023 23:07 WG2096855 Selenium 0.963 J 0.862 2.26 1 07/18/2023 23:07 WG2096855 Silver 4.75 0.143 1.13 1 07/18/2023 23:07 WG2096855 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 33 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 33 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 18 L1635370 Z1-B9 @ 14 Collected date/time: 07/11/23 14:45 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 82.9 1 07/17/2023 09:40 WG2095735 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury U 0.0217 0.0482 1 07/18/2023 22:42 WG2095468 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 8.41 0.625 2.41 1 07/18/2023 23:10 WG2096855 Barium 313 0.103 0.603 1 07/18/2023 23:10 WG2096855 Cadmium 0.510 J 0.0568 0.603 1 07/18/2023 23:10 WG2096855 Chromium 19.9 0.160 1.21 1 07/18/2023 23:10 WG2096855 Lead 20.8 0.251 0.603 1 07/18/2023 23:10 WG2096855 Selenium U 0.921 2.41 1 07/18/2023 23:10 WG2096855 Silver U 0.153 1.21 1 07/18/2023 23:10 WG2096855 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 34 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 34 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 19 L1635370 Z1-B10 @ 6 Collected date/time: 07/11/23 13:20 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 87.9 1 07/17/2023 09:40 WG2095735 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 2.21 0.0409 0.0910 2 07/18/2023 23:32 WG2095468 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 123 J6 0.589 2.27 1 07/18/2023 22:28 WG2096855 Barium 134 O1 0.0969 0.569 1 07/18/2023 22:28 WG2096855 Cadmium 24.7 0.0536 0.569 1 07/18/2023 22:28 WG2096855 Chromium 20.4 J3 O1 0.151 1.14 1 07/18/2023 22:28 WG2096855 Lead 2960 O1 V 0.237 0.569 1 07/18/2023 22:28 WG2096855 Selenium U 0.869 2.27 1 07/18/2023 22:28 WG2096855 Silver 19.4 0.144 1.14 1 07/18/2023 22:28 WG2096855 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 35 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 35 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 20 L1635370 Z2-B11 @ 0' Collected date/time: 07/12/23 08:25 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 98.0 1 07/17/2023 09:40 WG2095735 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.407 J5 O1 0.0184 0.0408 1 07/18/2023 21:46 WG2095468 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 14.9 0.529 2.04 1 07/18/2023 22:42 WG2096855 Barium 168 J6 0.0870 0.510 1 07/18/2023 22:42 WG2096855 Cadmium 1.35 0.0481 0.510 1 07/18/2023 22:42 WG2096855 Chromium 14.7 0.136 1.02 1 07/18/2023 22:42 WG2096855 Lead 169 0.212 0.510 1 07/18/2023 22:42 WG2096855 Selenium U 0.780 2.04 1 07/18/2023 22:42 WG2096855 Silver 1.44 0.130 1.02 1 07/18/2023 22:42 WG2096855 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 36 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 36 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 21 L1635370 Z2-B11 @ 0.5' Collected date/time: 07/12/23 08:35 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 92.1 1 07/17/2023 09:40 WG2095735 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.591 0.0195 0.0434 1 07/18/2023 22:47 WG2095468 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 13.1 0.562 2.17 1 07/18/2023 23:13 WG2096855 Barium 141 0.0925 0.543 1 07/18/2023 23:13 WG2096855 Cadmium 0.995 0.0511 0.543 1 07/18/2023 23:13 WG2096855 Chromium 13.0 0.144 1.09 1 07/18/2023 23:13 WG2096855 Lead 159 0.226 0.543 1 07/18/2023 23:13 WG2096855 Selenium U 0.829 2.17 1 07/18/2023 23:13 WG2096855 Silver 1.63 0.138 1.09 1 07/18/2023 23:13 WG2096855 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 37 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 37 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 22 L1635370 Z2-B12 @ 0' Collected date/time: 07/11/23 15:05 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 86.7 1 07/17/2023 09:40 WG2095735 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.232 0.0207 0.0461 1 07/18/2023 22:49 WG2095468 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 19.0 0.597 2.31 1 07/18/2023 23:16 WG2096855 Barium 285 0.0982 0.576 1 07/18/2023 23:16 WG2096855 Cadmium 1.72 0.0543 0.576 1 07/18/2023 23:16 WG2096855 Chromium 29.3 0.153 1.15 1 07/18/2023 23:16 WG2096855 Lead 157 0.240 0.576 1 07/18/2023 23:16 WG2096855 Selenium U 0.881 2.31 1 07/18/2023 23:16 WG2096855 Silver 0.678 J 0.146 1.15 1 07/18/2023 23:16 WG2096855 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 38 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 38 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 23 L1635370 Z2-B12 @ 0.5' Collected date/time: 07/11/23 15:06 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 87.3 1 07/17/2023 09:40 WG2095735 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.0798 0.0206 0.0458 1 07/18/2023 22:52 WG2095468 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 7.96 0.593 2.29 1 07/18/2023 23:18 WG2096855 Barium 253 0.0976 0.573 1 07/18/2023 23:18 WG2096855 Cadmium 0.604 0.0539 0.573 1 07/18/2023 23:18 WG2096855 Chromium 12.5 0.152 1.15 1 07/18/2023 23:18 WG2096855 Lead 39.2 0.238 0.573 1 07/18/2023 23:18 WG2096855 Selenium U 0.875 2.29 1 07/18/2023 23:18 WG2096855 Silver U 0.145 1.15 1 07/18/2023 23:18 WG2096855 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 39 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 39 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 24 L1635370 Z2-B13 @ 0' Collected date/time: 07/12/23 08:40 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 95.2 1 07/17/2023 09:28 WG2095736 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.0408 J 0.0189 0.0420 1 07/18/2023 14:41 WG2095452 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 7.25 0.544 2.10 1 07/18/2023 23:21 WG2096855 Barium 185 0.0895 0.525 1 07/18/2023 23:21 WG2096855 Cadmium 0.472 J 0.0495 0.525 1 07/18/2023 23:21 WG2096855 Chromium 12.9 0.140 1.05 1 07/18/2023 23:21 WG2096855 Lead 40.8 0.218 0.525 1 07/18/2023 23:21 WG2096855 Selenium U 0.802 2.10 1 07/18/2023 23:21 WG2096855 Silver U 0.133 1.05 1 07/18/2023 23:21 WG2096855 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 40 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 40 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 25 L1635370 Z2-B13 @ 0.5' Collected date/time: 07/12/23 08:45 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 93.8 1 07/17/2023 09:28 WG2095736 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury U 0.0192 0.0427 1 07/18/2023 14:44 WG2095452 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 11.6 0.552 2.13 1 07/18/2023 23:38 WG2096855 Barium 210 0.0909 0.533 1 07/18/2023 23:38 WG2096855 Cadmium 0.322 J 0.0502 0.533 1 07/18/2023 23:38 WG2096855 Chromium 16.0 0.142 1.07 1 07/18/2023 23:38 WG2096855 Lead 16.2 0.222 0.533 1 07/18/2023 23:38 WG2096855 Selenium U 0.815 2.13 1 07/18/2023 23:38 WG2096855 Silver U 0.135 1.07 1 07/18/2023 23:38 WG2096855 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 41 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 41 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 26 L1635370 Z2-B14 @ 0' Collected date/time: 07/12/23 10:00 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 96.8 1 07/17/2023 09:28 WG2095736 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.763 0.0186 0.0413 1 07/18/2023 14:46 WG2095452 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 16.5 0.535 2.07 1 07/18/2023 23:41 WG2096855 Barium 215 0.0880 0.516 1 07/18/2023 23:41 WG2096855 Cadmium 3.88 0.0486 0.516 1 07/18/2023 23:41 WG2096855 Chromium 13.0 0.137 1.03 1 07/18/2023 23:41 WG2096855 Lead 269 0.215 0.516 1 07/18/2023 23:41 WG2096855 Selenium U 0.789 2.07 1 07/18/2023 23:41 WG2096855 Silver 1.46 0.131 1.03 1 07/18/2023 23:41 WG2096855 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 42 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 42 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 27 L1635370 Z2-B14 @ 0.5' Collected date/time: 07/12/23 10:03 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 91.9 1 07/17/2023 09:28 WG2095736 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.567 0.0196 0.0435 1 07/18/2023 14:49 WG2095452 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 18.8 0.564 2.18 1 07/18/2023 23:44 WG2096855 Barium 228 0.0927 0.544 1 07/18/2023 23:44 WG2096855 Cadmium 5.10 0.0513 0.544 1 07/18/2023 23:44 WG2096855 Chromium 18.8 0.145 1.09 1 07/18/2023 23:44 WG2096855 Lead 303 0.226 0.544 1 07/18/2023 23:44 WG2096855 Selenium U 0.831 2.18 1 07/18/2023 23:44 WG2096855 Silver 1.44 0.138 1.09 1 07/18/2023 23:44 WG2096855 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 43 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 43 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 28 L1635370 Z2-B15 @ 0' Collected date/time: 07/12/23 10:05 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 97.1 1 07/17/2023 09:28 WG2095736 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.376 0.0185 0.0412 1 07/18/2023 14:56 WG2095452 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 16.8 0.533 2.06 1 07/18/2023 23:47 WG2096855 Barium 297 0.0877 0.515 1 07/18/2023 23:47 WG2096855 Cadmium 2.64 0.0485 0.515 1 07/18/2023 23:47 WG2096855 Chromium 7.71 0.137 1.03 1 07/18/2023 23:47 WG2096855 Lead 221 0.214 0.515 1 07/18/2023 23:47 WG2096855 Selenium U 0.787 2.06 1 07/18/2023 23:47 WG2096855 Silver 1.13 0.131 1.03 1 07/18/2023 23:47 WG2096855 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 44 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 44 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 29 L1635370 Z2-B15 @ 0.5' Collected date/time: 07/12/23 10:10 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 89.1 1 07/17/2023 09:28 WG2095736 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.711 0.0202 0.0449 1 07/18/2023 14:59 WG2095452 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 25.1 0.582 2.25 1 07/18/2023 23:50 WG2096855 Barium 177 0.0956 0.561 1 07/18/2023 23:50 WG2096855 Cadmium 3.63 0.0529 0.561 1 07/18/2023 23:50 WG2096855 Chromium 15.1 0.149 1.12 1 07/18/2023 23:50 WG2096855 Lead 407 0.234 0.561 1 07/18/2023 23:50 WG2096855 Selenium U 0.858 2.25 1 07/18/2023 23:50 WG2096855 Silver 3.32 0.143 1.12 1 07/18/2023 23:50 WG2096855 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 45 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 45 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 30 L1635370 Z2-B16 @ 0' Collected date/time: 07/11/23 15:48 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 94.4 1 07/17/2023 09:28 WG2095736 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.0362 J 0.0191 0.0424 1 07/18/2023 15:01 WG2095452 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 3.39 0.549 2.12 1 07/18/2023 23:53 WG2096855 Barium 152 0.0903 0.530 1 07/18/2023 23:53 WG2096855 Cadmium 0.331 J 0.0499 0.530 1 07/18/2023 23:53 WG2096855 Chromium 6.55 0.141 1.06 1 07/18/2023 23:53 WG2096855 Lead 23.8 0.220 0.530 1 07/18/2023 23:53 WG2096855 Selenium U 0.809 2.12 1 07/18/2023 23:53 WG2096855 Silver U 0.135 1.06 1 07/18/2023 23:53 WG2096855 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 46 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 46 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 31 L1635370 Z2-B16 @ 0.5' Collected date/time: 07/11/23 15:49 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 80.6 1 07/17/2023 09:28 WG2095736 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.0845 0.0223 0.0496 1 07/18/2023 15:03 WG2095452 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 10.3 0.643 2.48 1 07/18/2023 23:56 WG2096855 Barium 276 0.106 0.620 1 07/18/2023 23:56 WG2096855 Cadmium 0.618 J 0.0584 0.620 1 07/18/2023 23:56 WG2096855 Chromium 17.1 0.165 1.24 1 07/18/2023 23:56 WG2096855 Lead 36.1 0.258 0.620 1 07/18/2023 23:56 WG2096855 Selenium U 0.948 2.48 1 07/18/2023 23:56 WG2096855 Silver U 0.158 1.24 1 07/18/2023 23:56 WG2096855 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 47 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 47 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 32 L1635370 Z2-B17 @ 3' Collected date/time: 07/11/23 15:35 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 86.3 1 07/17/2023 09:28 WG2095736 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.749 0.0209 0.0464 1 07/18/2023 15:06 WG2095452 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 31.4 0.600 2.32 1 07/18/2023 23:58 WG2096855 Barium 125 0.0987 0.580 1 07/18/2023 23:58 WG2096855 Cadmium 3.55 0.0546 0.580 1 07/18/2023 23:58 WG2096855 Chromium 13.2 0.154 1.16 1 07/18/2023 23:58 WG2096855 Lead 561 0.241 0.580 1 07/18/2023 23:58 WG2096855 Selenium U 0.885 2.32 1 07/18/2023 23:58 WG2096855 Silver 2.92 0.147 1.16 1 07/18/2023 23:58 WG2096855 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 48 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 48 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 33 L1635370 Z2-B17 @ 4.5' Collected date/time: 07/11/23 15:36 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 81.5 1 07/17/2023 09:28 WG2095736 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.0452 J 0.0221 0.0491 1 07/19/2023 22:06 WG2095459 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 3.42 0.635 2.45 1 07/18/2023 13:47 WG2095604 Barium 142 0.104 0.613 1 07/18/2023 13:47 WG2095604 Cadmium 0.0843 J 0.0578 0.613 1 07/18/2023 13:47 WG2095604 Chromium 19.4 0.163 1.23 1 07/18/2023 13:47 WG2095604 Lead 8.63 0.255 0.613 1 07/18/2023 13:47 WG2095604 Selenium U 0.937 2.45 1 07/18/2023 13:47 WG2095604 Silver U 0.156 1.23 1 07/18/2023 13:47 WG2095604 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 49 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 49 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 34 L1635370 Z2-B18 @ 0' Collected date/time: 07/12/23 09:05 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 97.6 1 07/17/2023 13:32 WG2095737 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.131 0.0184 0.0410 1 07/19/2023 22:08 WG2095459 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 7.65 0.531 2.05 1 07/18/2023 13:50 WG2095604 Barium 221 0.0873 0.512 1 07/18/2023 13:50 WG2095604 Cadmium 0.921 0.0483 0.512 1 07/18/2023 13:50 WG2095604 Chromium 24.3 0.136 1.02 1 07/18/2023 13:50 WG2095604 Lead 103 0.213 0.512 1 07/18/2023 13:50 WG2095604 Selenium U 0.783 2.05 1 07/18/2023 13:50 WG2095604 Silver 0.534 J 0.130 1.02 1 07/18/2023 13:50 WG2095604 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 50 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 50 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 35 L1635370 Z2-B18 @ 0.5' Collected date/time: 07/12/23 09:10 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 94.6 1 07/17/2023 13:32 WG2095737 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.138 0.0190 0.0423 1 07/19/2023 22:11 WG2095459 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 6.52 0.547 2.11 1 07/18/2023 13:53 WG2095604 Barium 209 0.0900 0.528 1 07/18/2023 13:53 WG2095604 Cadmium 0.786 0.0498 0.528 1 07/18/2023 13:53 WG2095604 Chromium 22.6 0.141 1.06 1 07/18/2023 13:53 WG2095604 Lead 75.2 0.220 0.528 1 07/18/2023 13:53 WG2095604 Selenium U 0.807 2.11 1 07/18/2023 13:53 WG2095604 Silver 0.345 J 0.134 1.06 1 07/18/2023 13:53 WG2095604 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 51 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 51 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 36 L1635370 Z2-B19 @ 0' Collected date/time: 07/12/23 08:55 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 97.8 1 07/17/2023 13:32 WG2095737 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.141 0.0184 0.0409 1 07/19/2023 22:13 WG2095459 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 9.26 0.530 2.04 1 07/20/2023 21:21 WG2095605 Barium 179 0.0871 0.511 1 07/20/2023 21:21 WG2095605 Cadmium 1.44 0.0482 0.511 1 07/20/2023 21:21 WG2095605 Chromium 12.8 0.136 1.02 1 07/20/2023 21:21 WG2095605 Lead 170 0.213 0.511 1 07/20/2023 21:21 WG2095605 Selenium 0.922 J 0.781 2.04 1 07/20/2023 21:21 WG2095605 Silver 1.14 0.130 1.02 1 07/20/2023 21:21 WG2095605 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 52 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 52 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 37 L1635370 Z2-B19 @ 0.5' Collected date/time: 07/12/23 09:00 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 92.1 1 07/17/2023 13:32 WG2095737 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.0921 0.0196 0.0434 1 07/19/2023 22:16 WG2095459 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 7.52 0.563 2.17 1 07/20/2023 21:24 WG2095605 Barium 184 0.0925 0.543 1 07/20/2023 21:24 WG2095605 Cadmium 0.644 0.0512 0.543 1 07/20/2023 21:24 WG2095605 Chromium 12.4 0.144 1.09 1 07/20/2023 21:24 WG2095605 Lead 65.4 0.226 0.543 1 07/20/2023 21:24 WG2095605 Selenium U 0.830 2.17 1 07/20/2023 21:24 WG2095605 Silver 0.256 J 0.138 1.09 1 07/20/2023 21:24 WG2095605 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 53 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 53 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 38 L1635370 Z2-B20 @ 0' Collected date/time: 07/12/23 09:50 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 97.9 1 07/17/2023 13:32 WG2095737 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.360 0.0184 0.0409 1 07/19/2023 22:18 WG2095459 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 12.9 0.529 2.04 1 07/20/2023 21:27 WG2095605 Barium 189 0.0870 0.511 1 07/20/2023 21:27 WG2095605 Cadmium 3.05 0.0481 0.511 1 07/20/2023 21:27 WG2095605 Chromium 11.0 0.136 1.02 1 07/20/2023 21:27 WG2095605 Lead 208 0.212 0.511 1 07/20/2023 21:27 WG2095605 Selenium U 0.780 2.04 1 07/20/2023 21:27 WG2095605 Silver 0.959 J 0.130 1.02 1 07/20/2023 21:27 WG2095605 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 54 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 54 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 39 L1635370 Z2-B20 @ 0.5' Collected date/time: 07/12/23 09:55 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 92.4 1 07/17/2023 13:32 WG2095737 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.411 0.0195 0.0433 1 07/19/2023 22:29 WG2095459 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 18.1 0.561 2.16 1 07/20/2023 21:29 WG2095605 Barium 227 0.0922 0.541 1 07/20/2023 21:29 WG2095605 Cadmium 3.86 0.0510 0.541 1 07/20/2023 21:29 WG2095605 Chromium 11.8 0.144 1.08 1 07/20/2023 21:29 WG2095605 Lead 282 0.225 0.541 1 07/20/2023 21:29 WG2095605 Selenium U 0.827 2.16 1 07/20/2023 21:29 WG2095605 Silver 1.33 0.137 1.08 1 07/20/2023 21:29 WG2095605 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 55 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 55 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 40 L1635370 Z3-B21 @ 0' Collected date/time: 07/12/23 10:45 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 98.2 1 07/17/2023 13:32 WG2095737 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.0896 0.0183 0.0407 1 07/19/2023 21:28 WG2095459 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 8.81 0.528 2.04 1 07/20/2023 20:36 WG2095605 Barium 165 0.0868 0.509 1 07/20/2023 20:36 WG2095605 Cadmium 0.774 0.0480 0.509 1 07/20/2023 20:36 WG2095605 Chromium 14.4 0.135 1.02 1 07/20/2023 20:36 WG2095605 Lead 73.2 0.212 0.509 1 07/20/2023 20:36 WG2095605 Selenium U 0.778 2.04 1 07/20/2023 20:36 WG2095605 Silver 0.479 J 0.129 1.02 1 07/20/2023 20:36 WG2095605 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 56 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 56 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 41 L1635370 Z3-B21 @ 0.5' Collected date/time: 07/12/23 10:50 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 89.3 1 07/17/2023 13:32 WG2095737 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.0672 0.0202 0.0448 1 07/19/2023 22:32 WG2095459 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 9.39 0.580 2.24 1 07/20/2023 21:38 WG2095605 Barium 169 0.0954 0.560 1 07/20/2023 21:38 WG2095605 Cadmium 0.545 J 0.0528 0.560 1 07/20/2023 21:38 WG2095605 Chromium 16.0 0.149 1.12 1 07/20/2023 21:38 WG2095605 Lead 43.0 0.233 0.560 1 07/20/2023 21:38 WG2095605 Selenium U 0.856 2.24 1 07/20/2023 21:38 WG2095605 Silver 0.223 J 0.142 1.12 1 07/20/2023 21:38 WG2095605 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 57 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 57 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 42 L1635370 Z3-B22 @ 0' Collected date/time: 07/12/23 10:55 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 98.5 1 07/17/2023 13:32 WG2095737 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.197 0.0183 0.0406 1 07/19/2023 22:35 WG2095459 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 11.9 0.526 2.03 1 07/20/2023 21:41 WG2095605 Barium 228 0.0865 0.508 1 07/20/2023 21:41 WG2095605 Cadmium 1.14 0.0478 0.508 1 07/20/2023 21:41 WG2095605 Chromium 14.7 0.135 1.02 1 07/20/2023 21:41 WG2095605 Lead 145 0.211 0.508 1 07/20/2023 21:41 WG2095605 Selenium 0.924 J 0.775 2.03 1 07/20/2023 21:41 WG2095605 Silver 1.28 0.129 1.02 1 07/20/2023 21:41 WG2095605 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 58 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 58 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 43 L1635370 Z3-B22 @ 0.5' Collected date/time: 07/12/23 11:00 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 93.1 1 07/17/2023 13:32 WG2095737 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.0347 J 0.0193 0.0430 1 07/19/2023 22:37 WG2095459 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 8.09 0.556 2.15 1 07/20/2023 21:43 WG2095605 Barium 240 0.0915 0.537 1 07/20/2023 21:43 WG2095605 Cadmium 0.512 J 0.0506 0.537 1 07/20/2023 21:43 WG2095605 Chromium 14.3 0.143 1.07 1 07/20/2023 21:43 WG2095605 Lead 37.1 0.223 0.537 1 07/20/2023 21:43 WG2095605 Selenium 1.06 B J 0.821 2.15 1 07/20/2023 21:43 WG2095605 Silver U 0.136 1.07 1 07/20/2023 21:43 WG2095605 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 59 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 59 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 44 L1635370 Z3-B23 @ 0' Collected date/time: 07/12/23 11:05 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 97.4 1 07/17/2023 13:21 WG2095738 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury U 0.0185 0.0411 1 07/19/2023 22:40 WG2095459 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 3.63 0.532 2.05 1 07/20/2023 21:46 WG2095605 Barium 164 0.0874 0.513 1 07/20/2023 21:46 WG2095605 Cadmium 0.243 J 0.0483 0.513 1 07/20/2023 21:46 WG2095605 Chromium 6.44 0.137 1.03 1 07/20/2023 21:46 WG2095605 Lead 13.1 0.213 0.513 1 07/20/2023 21:46 WG2095605 Selenium U 0.784 2.05 1 07/20/2023 21:46 WG2095605 Silver U 0.130 1.03 1 07/20/2023 21:46 WG2095605 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 60 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 60 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 45 L1635370 Z3-B23 @ 0.5' Collected date/time: 07/12/23 11:10 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 92.7 1 07/17/2023 13:21 WG2095738 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury U 0.0194 0.0431 1 07/19/2023 22:42 WG2095459 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 4.94 0.558 2.16 1 07/20/2023 21:49 WG2095605 Barium 183 0.0919 0.539 1 07/20/2023 21:49 WG2095605 Cadmium 0.138 J 0.0508 0.539 1 07/20/2023 21:49 WG2095605 Chromium 7.16 0.143 1.08 1 07/20/2023 21:49 WG2095605 Lead 9.48 0.224 0.539 1 07/20/2023 21:49 WG2095605 Selenium U 0.824 2.16 1 07/20/2023 21:49 WG2095605 Silver U 0.137 1.08 1 07/20/2023 21:49 WG2095605 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 61 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 61 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 46 L1635370 Z3-B24 @ 0' Collected date/time: 07/12/23 13:07 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 98.2 1 07/17/2023 13:21 WG2095738 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.444 0.0183 0.0407 1 07/19/2023 22:45 WG2095459 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 16.2 0.528 2.04 1 07/20/2023 21:52 WG2095605 Barium 320 0.0868 0.509 1 07/20/2023 21:52 WG2095605 Cadmium 2.04 0.0480 0.509 1 07/20/2023 21:52 WG2095605 Chromium 12.9 0.135 1.02 1 07/20/2023 21:52 WG2095605 Lead 279 0.212 0.509 1 07/20/2023 21:52 WG2095605 Selenium U 0.778 2.04 1 07/20/2023 21:52 WG2095605 Silver 2.82 0.129 1.02 1 07/20/2023 21:52 WG2095605 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 62 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 62 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 47 L1635370 Z3-B24 @ 0.5' Collected date/time: 07/12/23 13:10 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 88.3 1 07/17/2023 13:21 WG2095738 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.0537 0.0204 0.0453 1 07/19/2023 22:47 WG2095459 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 11.5 0.587 2.27 1 07/20/2023 19:21 WG2095607 Barium 244 0.0965 0.566 1 07/20/2023 19:21 WG2095607 Cadmium 0.273 J 0.0534 0.566 1 07/20/2023 19:21 WG2095607 Chromium 14.0 0.151 1.13 1 07/20/2023 19:21 WG2095607 Lead 32.0 0.236 0.566 1 07/20/2023 19:21 WG2095607 Selenium 1.20 J 0.866 2.27 1 07/20/2023 19:21 WG2095607 Silver U 0.144 1.13 1 07/20/2023 19:21 WG2095607 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 63 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 63 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 48 L1635370 Z3-B25 @ 0' Collected date/time: 07/12/23 13:00 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 98.4 1 07/17/2023 13:21 WG2095738 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.0236 J 0.0183 0.0407 1 07/19/2023 22:50 WG2095459 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 11.1 0.527 2.03 1 07/20/2023 19:24 WG2095607 Barium 143 0.0866 0.508 1 07/20/2023 19:24 WG2095607 Cadmium U 0.0479 0.508 1 07/20/2023 19:24 WG2095607 Chromium 14.2 0.135 1.02 1 07/20/2023 19:24 WG2095607 Lead 16.5 0.211 0.508 1 07/20/2023 19:24 WG2095607 Selenium U 0.777 2.03 1 07/20/2023 19:24 WG2095607 Silver U 0.129 1.02 1 07/20/2023 19:24 WG2095607 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 64 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 64 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 49 L1635370 Z3-B25 @ 0.5' Collected date/time: 07/12/23 13:05 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 88.3 1 07/17/2023 13:21 WG2095738 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.0331 J 0.0204 0.0453 1 07/18/2023 23:15 WG2096469 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 14.7 0.587 2.27 1 07/20/2023 21:29 WG2095621 Barium 162 0.0965 0.566 1 07/20/2023 21:29 WG2095621 Cadmium 0.316 J 0.0533 0.566 1 07/20/2023 21:29 WG2095621 Chromium 11.0 0.151 1.13 1 07/20/2023 21:29 WG2095621 Lead 22.9 0.236 0.566 1 07/20/2023 21:29 WG2095621 Selenium U 0.865 2.27 1 07/20/2023 21:29 WG2095621 Silver U 0.144 1.13 1 07/20/2023 21:29 WG2095621 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 65 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 65 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 50 L1635370 Z3-B26 @ 0' Collected date/time: 07/12/23 11:15 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 97.3 1 07/17/2023 13:21 WG2095738 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.0205 J 0.0185 0.0411 1 07/18/2023 23:17 WG2096469 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 5.88 0.532 2.06 1 07/20/2023 21:38 WG2095621 Barium 154 0.0876 0.514 1 07/20/2023 21:38 WG2095621 Cadmium 0.188 J 0.0484 0.514 1 07/20/2023 21:38 WG2095621 Chromium 8.82 0.137 1.03 1 07/20/2023 21:38 WG2095621 Lead 13.9 0.214 0.514 1 07/20/2023 21:38 WG2095621 Selenium U 0.785 2.06 1 07/20/2023 21:38 WG2095621 Silver U 0.131 1.03 1 07/20/2023 21:38 WG2095621 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 66 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 66 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 51 L1635370 Z3-B26 @ 0.5' Collected date/time: 07/12/23 11:20 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 90.5 1 07/17/2023 13:21 WG2095738 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.0210 J 0.0199 0.0442 1 07/19/2023 09:52 WG2096469 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 10.9 0.572 2.21 1 07/20/2023 21:40 WG2095621 Barium 181 0.0941 0.552 1 07/20/2023 21:40 WG2095621 Cadmium 0.146 J 0.0520 0.552 1 07/20/2023 21:40 WG2095621 Chromium 12.2 0.147 1.10 1 07/20/2023 21:40 WG2095621 Lead 13.2 0.230 0.552 1 07/20/2023 21:40 WG2095621 Selenium U 0.844 2.21 1 07/20/2023 21:40 WG2095621 Silver U 0.140 1.10 1 07/20/2023 21:40 WG2095621 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 67 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 67 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 52 L1635370 Z3-B27 @ 0' Collected date/time: 07/12/23 12:50 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 98.6 1 07/17/2023 13:21 WG2095738 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.292 0.0183 0.0406 1 07/19/2023 09:54 WG2096469 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 12.3 0.525 2.03 1 07/20/2023 21:43 WG2095621 Barium 200 0.0864 0.507 1 07/20/2023 21:43 WG2095621 Cadmium 1.24 0.0478 0.507 1 07/20/2023 21:43 WG2095621 Chromium 14.9 0.135 1.01 1 07/20/2023 21:43 WG2095621 Lead 152 0.211 0.507 1 07/20/2023 21:43 WG2095621 Selenium U 0.775 2.03 1 07/20/2023 21:43 WG2095621 Silver 1.20 0.129 1.01 1 07/20/2023 21:43 WG2095621 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 68 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 68 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 53 L1635370 Z3-B27 @ 0.5' Collected date/time: 07/12/23 12:55 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 86.3 1 07/17/2023 13:21 WG2095738 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.0358 J 0.0209 0.0464 1 07/19/2023 09:57 WG2096469 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 6.72 0.600 2.32 1 07/20/2023 21:46 WG2095621 Barium 205 0.0987 0.579 1 07/20/2023 21:46 WG2095621 Cadmium 0.284 J 0.0546 0.579 1 07/20/2023 21:46 WG2095621 Chromium 12.4 0.154 1.16 1 07/20/2023 21:46 WG2095621 Lead 20.5 0.241 0.579 1 07/20/2023 21:46 WG2095621 Selenium U 0.885 2.32 1 07/20/2023 21:46 WG2095621 Silver U 0.147 1.16 1 07/20/2023 21:46 WG2095621 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 69 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 69 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 54 L1635370 Z2-B28 @ 0' Collected date/time: 07/12/23 12:25 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 93.8 1 07/17/2023 13:14 WG2095739 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.0765 0.0192 0.0426 1 07/19/2023 09:59 WG2096469 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 2.99 0.552 2.13 1 07/20/2023 21:48 WG2095621 Barium 203 0.0908 0.533 1 07/20/2023 21:48 WG2095621 Cadmium 0.472 J 0.0502 0.533 1 07/20/2023 21:48 WG2095621 Chromium 7.45 0.142 1.07 1 07/20/2023 21:48 WG2095621 Lead 45.0 0.222 0.533 1 07/20/2023 21:48 WG2095621 Selenium U 0.814 2.13 1 07/20/2023 21:48 WG2095621 Silver U 0.135 1.07 1 07/20/2023 21:48 WG2095621 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 70 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 70 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 55 L1635370 Z2-B28 @ 0.5' Collected date/time: 07/12/23 12:30 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 98.5 1 07/17/2023 13:14 WG2095739 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.0345 J 0.0183 0.0406 1 07/19/2023 10:02 WG2096469 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 6.79 0.526 2.03 1 07/20/2023 21:51 WG2095621 Barium 201 0.0865 0.508 1 07/20/2023 21:51 WG2095621 Cadmium 0.312 J 0.0478 0.508 1 07/20/2023 21:51 WG2095621 Chromium 13.1 0.135 1.02 1 07/20/2023 21:51 WG2095621 Lead 25.8 0.211 0.508 1 07/20/2023 21:51 WG2095621 Selenium U 0.776 2.03 1 07/20/2023 21:51 WG2095621 Silver U 0.129 1.02 1 07/20/2023 21:51 WG2095621 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 71 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 71 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 56 L1635370 Z2-B29 @ 0' Collected date/time: 07/12/23 12:40 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 93.5 1 07/17/2023 13:14 WG2095739 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 2.52 0.0385 0.0856 2 07/19/2023 13:37 WG2096469 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 65.4 0.554 2.14 1 07/20/2023 21:54 WG2095621 Barium 190 0.0911 0.535 1 07/20/2023 21:54 WG2095621 Cadmium 7.15 0.0504 0.535 1 07/20/2023 21:54 WG2095621 Chromium 10.6 0.142 1.07 1 07/20/2023 21:54 WG2095621 Lead 703 0.222 0.535 1 07/20/2023 21:54 WG2095621 Selenium U 0.817 2.14 1 07/20/2023 21:54 WG2095621 Silver 4.50 0.136 1.07 1 07/20/2023 21:54 WG2095621 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 72 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 72 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 57 L1635370 Z2-B29 @ 2.5' Collected date/time: 07/12/23 14:30 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 91.4 1 07/17/2023 13:14 WG2095739 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.378 0.0197 0.0438 1 07/19/2023 10:07 WG2096469 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 16.1 0.567 2.19 1 07/20/2023 21:57 WG2095621 Barium 149 0.0932 0.547 1 07/20/2023 21:57 WG2095621 Cadmium 4.05 0.0515 0.547 1 07/20/2023 21:57 WG2095621 Chromium 7.67 0.145 1.09 1 07/20/2023 21:57 WG2095621 Lead 338 0.228 0.547 1 07/20/2023 21:57 WG2095621 Selenium U 0.836 2.19 1 07/20/2023 21:57 WG2095621 Silver 2.48 0.139 1.09 1 07/20/2023 21:57 WG2095621 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 73 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 73 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 58 L1635370 Z3-B30 @ 0' Collected date/time: 07/12/23 13:15 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 97.9 1 07/17/2023 13:14 WG2095739 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.193 0.0184 0.0409 1 07/19/2023 10:10 WG2096469 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 4.86 0.529 2.04 1 07/20/2023 21:59 WG2095621 Barium 162 0.0870 0.511 1 07/20/2023 21:59 WG2095621 Cadmium 0.839 0.0481 0.511 1 07/20/2023 21:59 WG2095621 Chromium 4.87 0.136 1.02 1 07/20/2023 21:59 WG2095621 Lead 88.7 0.212 0.511 1 07/20/2023 21:59 WG2095621 Selenium U 0.780 2.04 1 07/20/2023 21:59 WG2095621 Silver 0.918 J 0.130 1.02 1 07/20/2023 21:59 WG2095621 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 74 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 74 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 59 L1635370 Z3-B30 @ 0.5' Collected date/time: 07/12/23 13:20 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 91.3 1 07/17/2023 13:14 WG2095739 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.130 0.0197 0.0438 1 07/19/2023 10:12 WG2096469 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 8.72 0.567 2.19 1 07/20/2023 22:02 WG2095621 Barium 223 0.0933 0.547 1 07/20/2023 22:02 WG2095621 Cadmium 0.548 0.0516 0.547 1 07/20/2023 22:02 WG2095621 Chromium 12.5 0.146 1.09 1 07/20/2023 22:02 WG2095621 Lead 52.1 0.228 0.547 1 07/20/2023 22:02 WG2095621 Selenium 1.32 J 0.836 2.19 1 07/20/2023 22:02 WG2095621 Silver 0.448 J 0.139 1.09 1 07/20/2023 22:02 WG2095621 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 75 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 75 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 60 L1635370 Z1-B106 @ 12' Collected date/time: 07/11/23 10:36 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 83.9 1 07/17/2023 13:14 WG2095739 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury U 0.0215 0.0477 1 07/18/2023 22:59 WG2096469 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 7.13 0.618 2.38 1 07/20/2023 21:11 WG2095621 Barium 195 J3 J5 J6 O1 0.102 0.596 1 07/20/2023 21:11 WG2095621 Cadmium 0.332 J 0.0562 0.596 1 07/20/2023 21:11 WG2095621 Chromium 3.77 0.159 1.19 1 07/20/2023 21:11 WG2095621 Lead 7.38 0.248 0.596 1 07/20/2023 21:11 WG2095621 Selenium U 0.911 2.38 1 07/20/2023 21:11 WG2095621 Silver U 0.151 1.19 1 07/20/2023 21:11 WG2095621 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 76 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 76 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 61 L1635370 Z1-B108 @ 13' Collected date/time: 07/11/23 12:42 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 84.5 1 07/17/2023 13:14 WG2095739 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury U 0.0213 0.0473 1 07/19/2023 10:20 WG2096469 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 4.20 0.613 2.37 1 07/20/2023 22:10 WG2095621 Barium 164 0.101 0.592 1 07/20/2023 22:10 WG2095621 Cadmium 0.0725 J 0.0558 0.592 1 07/20/2023 22:10 WG2095621 Chromium 10.9 0.157 1.18 1 07/20/2023 22:10 WG2095621 Lead 10.0 0.246 0.592 1 07/20/2023 22:10 WG2095621 Selenium U 0.904 2.37 1 07/20/2023 22:10 WG2095621 Silver U 0.150 1.18 1 07/20/2023 22:10 WG2095621 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 77 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 77 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 62 L1635370 Z2-B111 @ 0.5' Collected date/time: 07/12/23 08:36 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 92.4 1 07/17/2023 13:14 WG2095739 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 1.06 0.0195 0.0433 1 07/19/2023 10:22 WG2096469 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 14.5 0.560 2.16 1 07/20/2023 22:13 WG2095621 Barium 127 0.0922 0.541 1 07/20/2023 22:13 WG2095621 Cadmium 0.889 0.0509 0.541 1 07/20/2023 22:13 WG2095621 Chromium 13.6 0.144 1.08 1 07/20/2023 22:13 WG2095621 Lead 135 0.225 0.541 1 07/20/2023 22:13 WG2095621 Selenium U 0.826 2.16 1 07/20/2023 22:13 WG2095621 Silver 1.56 0.137 1.08 1 07/20/2023 22:13 WG2095621 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 78 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 78 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 63 L1635370 Z2-B113 @ 0' Collected date/time: 07/12/23 08:41 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 96.1 1 07/17/2023 13:14 WG2095739 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.0681 0.0187 0.0416 1 07/19/2023 10:25 WG2096469 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 5.17 0.539 2.08 1 07/20/2023 22:15 WG2095621 Barium 159 0.0887 0.520 1 07/20/2023 22:15 WG2095621 Cadmium 0.349 J 0.0490 0.520 1 07/20/2023 22:15 WG2095621 Chromium 8.63 0.138 1.04 1 07/20/2023 22:15 WG2095621 Lead 32.0 0.216 0.520 1 07/20/2023 22:15 WG2095621 Selenium U 0.795 2.08 1 07/20/2023 22:15 WG2095621 Silver 0.144 J 0.132 1.04 1 07/20/2023 22:15 WG2095621 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 79 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 79 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 64 L1635370 Z3-B122 @ 0' Collected date/time: 07/12/23 10:56 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 98.6 1 07/17/2023 12:50 WG2095741 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.241 0.0183 0.0406 1 07/19/2023 10:27 WG2096469 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 5.41 0.526 2.03 1 07/20/2023 22:18 WG2095621 Barium 152 0.0864 0.507 1 07/20/2023 22:18 WG2095621 Cadmium 0.649 0.0478 0.507 1 07/20/2023 22:18 WG2095621 Chromium 6.87 0.135 1.01 1 07/20/2023 22:18 WG2095621 Lead 92.3 0.211 0.507 1 07/20/2023 22:18 WG2095621 Selenium U 0.775 2.03 1 07/20/2023 22:18 WG2095621 Silver 0.815 J 0.129 1.01 1 07/20/2023 22:18 WG2095621 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 80 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 80 of 109 SAMPLE RESULTS - 65 L1635370 Z2-B129 @ 0.5' Collected date/time: 07/12/23 12:41 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 Result Qualifier Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte %date / time Total Solids 93.6 1 07/17/2023 12:50 WG2095741 Mercury by Method 7471A Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Mercury 0.417 0.0192 0.0427 1 07/19/2023 10:30 WG2096469 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B Result (dry)Qualifier MDL (dry)RDL (dry)Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg date / time Arsenic 36.2 0.553 2.14 1 07/20/2023 22:21 WG2095621 Barium 206 0.0910 0.534 1 07/20/2023 22:21 WG2095621 Cadmium 8.84 0.0503 0.534 1 07/20/2023 22:21 WG2095621 Chromium 11.2 0.142 1.07 1 07/20/2023 22:21 WG2095621 Lead 654 0.222 0.534 1 07/20/2023 22:21 WG2095621 Selenium U 0.816 2.14 1 07/20/2023 22:21 WG2095621 Silver 5.09 0.136 1.07 1 07/20/2023 22:21 WG2095621 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 81 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 81 of 109 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG2095733 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 L1635370-01,02,03 Method Blank (MB) (MB) R3949542-1 07/17/23 08:06 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte %%% Total Solids 0.000 L1635370-01 Original Sample (OS) • Duplicate (DUP) (OS) L1635370-01 07/17/23 08:06 • (DUP) R3949542-3 07/17/23 08:06 Original Result DUP Result Dilution DUP RPD DUP Qualifier DUP RPD Limits Analyte %%%% Total Solids 88.4 88.6 1 0.181 10 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) (LCS) R3949542-2 07/17/23 08:06 Spike Amount LCS Result LCS Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier Analyte %%%% Total Solids 50.0 50.0 100 85.0-115 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 82 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 82 of 109 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG2095734 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 L1635370-04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13 Method Blank (MB) (MB) R3949571-1 07/17/23 09:52 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte %%% Total Solids 0.000 L1635370-10 Original Sample (OS) • Duplicate (DUP) (OS) L1635370-10 07/17/23 09:52 • (DUP) R3949571-3 07/17/23 09:52 Original Result DUP Result Dilution DUP RPD DUP Qualifier DUP RPD Limits Analyte %%%% Total Solids 82.4 82.8 1 0.493 10 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) (LCS) R3949571-2 07/17/23 09:52 Spike Amount LCS Result LCS Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier Analyte %%%% Total Solids 50.0 50.0 100 85.0-115 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 83 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 83 of 109 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG2095735 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 L1635370-14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23 Method Blank (MB) (MB) R3949570-1 07/17/23 09:40 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte %%% Total Solids 0.00100 L1635370-20 Original Sample (OS) • Duplicate (DUP) (OS) L1635370-20 07/17/23 09:40 • (DUP) R3949570-3 07/17/23 09:40 Original Result DUP Result Dilution DUP RPD DUP Qualifier DUP RPD Limits Analyte %%%% Total Solids 98.0 97.7 1 0.338 10 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) (LCS) R3949570-2 07/17/23 09:40 Spike Amount LCS Result LCS Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier Analyte %%%% Total Solids 50.0 50.0 100 85.0-115 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 84 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 84 of 109 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG2095736 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 L1635370-24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33 Method Blank (MB) (MB) R3949563-1 07/17/23 09:28 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte %%% Total Solids 0.00300 L1635370-30 Original Sample (OS) • Duplicate (DUP) (OS) L1635370-30 07/17/23 09:28 • (DUP) R3949563-3 07/17/23 09:28 Original Result DUP Result Dilution DUP RPD DUP Qualifier DUP RPD Limits Analyte %%%% Total Solids 94.4 93.3 1 1.21 10 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) (LCS) R3949563-2 07/17/23 09:28 Spike Amount LCS Result LCS Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier Analyte %%%% Total Solids 50.0 50.0 100 85.0-115 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 85 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 85 of 109 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG2095737 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 L1635370-34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43 Method Blank (MB) (MB) R3949629-1 07/17/23 13:32 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte %%% Total Solids 0.00100 L1635370-40 Original Sample (OS) • Duplicate (DUP) (OS) L1635370-40 07/17/23 13:32 • (DUP) R3949629-3 07/17/23 13:32 Original Result DUP Result Dilution DUP RPD DUP Qualifier DUP RPD Limits Analyte %%%% Total Solids 98.2 97.6 1 0.565 10 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) (LCS) R3949629-2 07/17/23 13:32 Spike Amount LCS Result LCS Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier Analyte %%%% Total Solids 50.0 50.0 100 85.0-115 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 86 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 86 of 109 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG2095738 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 L1635370-44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53 Method Blank (MB) (MB) R3949622-1 07/17/23 13:21 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte %%% Total Solids 0.00100 L1635370-50 Original Sample (OS) • Duplicate (DUP) (OS) L1635370-50 07/17/23 13:21 • (DUP) R3949622-3 07/17/23 13:21 Original Result DUP Result Dilution DUP RPD DUP Qualifier DUP RPD Limits Analyte %%%% Total Solids 97.3 97.3 1 0.0141 10 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) (LCS) R3949622-2 07/17/23 13:21 Spike Amount LCS Result LCS Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier Analyte %%%% Total Solids 50.0 50.0 100 85.0-115 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 87 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 87 of 109 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG2095739 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 L1635370-54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63 Method Blank (MB) (MB) R3949616-1 07/17/23 13:14 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte %%% Total Solids 0.000 L1635370-60 Original Sample (OS) • Duplicate (DUP) (OS) L1635370-60 07/17/23 13:14 • (DUP) R3949616-3 07/17/23 13:14 Original Result DUP Result Dilution DUP RPD DUP Qualifier DUP RPD Limits Analyte %%%% Total Solids 83.9 84.1 1 0.298 10 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) (LCS) R3949616-2 07/17/23 13:14 Spike Amount LCS Result LCS Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier Analyte %%%% Total Solids 50.0 50.0 100 85.0-115 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 88 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 88 of 109 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG2095741 Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 L1635370-64,65 Method Blank (MB) (MB) R3949610-1 07/17/23 12:50 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte %%% Total Solids 0.000 L1635514-01 Original Sample (OS) • Duplicate (DUP) (OS) L1635514-01 07/17/23 12:50 • (DUP) R3949610-3 07/17/23 12:50 Original Result DUP Result Dilution DUP RPD DUP Qualifier DUP RPD Limits Analyte %%%% Total Solids 96.2 96.3 1 0.167 10 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) (LCS) R3949610-2 07/17/23 12:50 Spike Amount LCS Result LCS Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier Analyte %%%% Total Solids 50.0 50.0 100 85.0-115 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 89 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 89 of 109 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG2095452 Mercury by Method 7471A L1635370-24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32 Method Blank (MB) (MB) R3949888-1 07/18/23 13:56 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Mercury U 0.0180 0.0400 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) (LCS) R3949888-2 07/18/23 13:58 Spike Amount LCS Result LCS Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier Analyte mg/kg mg/kg %% Mercury 0.500 0.509 102 80.0-120 L1635028-02 Original Sample (OS) • Matrix Spike (MS) • Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) (OS) L1635028-02 07/18/23 14:01 • (MS) R3949888-3 07/18/23 14:03 • (MSD) R3949888-4 07/18/23 14:06 Spike Amount (dry) Original Result (dry)MS Result (dry)MSD Result (dry)MS Rec.MSD Rec.Dilution Rec. Limits MS Qualifier MSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg %%%%% Mercury 0.581 U 0.649 0.585 112 101 1 75.0-125 10.3 20 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 90 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 90 of 109 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG2095459 Mercury by Method 7471A L1635370-14,15,16,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48 Method Blank (MB) (MB) R3950490-1 07/19/23 21:24 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Mercury U 0.0180 0.0400 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) (LCS) R3950490-2 07/19/23 21:26 Spike Amount LCS Result LCS Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier Analyte mg/kg mg/kg %% Mercury 0.500 0.570 114 80.0-120 L1635370-40 Original Sample (OS) • Matrix Spike (MS) • Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) (OS) L1635370-40 07/19/23 21:28 • (MS) R3950490-3 07/19/23 21:31 • (MSD) R3950490-4 07/19/23 21:55 Spike Amount (dry) Original Result (dry)MS Result (dry)MSD Result (dry)MS Rec.MSD Rec.Dilution Rec. Limits MS Qualifier MSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg %%%%% Mercury 0.509 0.0896 0.636 0.713 107 122 1 75.0-125 11.5 20 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 91 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 91 of 109 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG2095468 Mercury by Method 7471A L1635370-01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13,17,18,19,20,21,22,23 Method Blank (MB) (MB) R3950219-1 07/18/23 21:41 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Mercury U 0.0180 0.0400 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) (LCS) R3950219-2 07/18/23 21:44 Spike Amount LCS Result LCS Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier Analyte mg/kg mg/kg %% Mercury 0.500 0.464 92.8 80.0-120 L1635370-20 Original Sample (OS) • Matrix Spike (MS) • Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) (OS) L1635370-20 07/18/23 21:46 • (MS) R3950219-3 07/18/23 21:49 • (MSD) R3950219-4 07/18/23 21:51 Spike Amount (dry) Original Result (dry)MS Result (dry)MSD Result (dry)MS Rec.MSD Rec.Dilution Rec. Limits MS Qualifier MSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg %%%%% Mercury 0.510 0.407 1.11 1.11 138 137 1 75.0-125 J5 J5 0.381 20 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 92 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 92 of 109 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG2096469 Mercury by Method 7471A L1635370-49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65 Method Blank (MB) (MB) R3950198-1 07/18/23 22:55 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Mercury U 0.0180 0.0400 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) (LCS) R3950198-2 07/18/23 22:57 Spike Amount LCS Result LCS Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier Analyte mg/kg mg/kg %% Mercury 0.500 0.481 96.3 80.0-120 L1635370-60 Original Sample (OS) • Matrix Spike (MS) • Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) (OS) L1635370-60 07/18/23 22:59 • (MS) R3950198-3 07/18/23 23:02 • (MSD) R3950198-4 07/18/23 23:10 Spike Amount (dry) Original Result (dry)MS Result (dry)MSD Result (dry)MS Rec.MSD Rec.Dilution Rec. Limits MS Qualifier MSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg %%%%% Mercury 0.596 U 0.493 0.553 82.6 92.7 1 75.0-125 11.5 20 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 93 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 93 of 109 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG2095582 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B L1635370-01,02,03,04,05,06,07 Method Blank (MB) (MB) R3949370-1 07/17/23 09:38 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Arsenic U 0.518 2.00 Barium U 0.0852 0.500 Cadmium U 0.0471 0.500 Chromium U 0.133 1.00 Lead U 0.208 0.500 Selenium U 0.764 2.00 Silver U 0.127 1.00 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) (LCS) R3949370-2 07/17/23 09:40 Spike Amount LCS Result LCS Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier Analyte mg/kg mg/kg %% Arsenic 100 98.1 98.1 80.0-120 Barium 100 96.7 96.7 80.0-120 Cadmium 100 97.3 97.3 80.0-120 Chromium 100 97.6 97.6 80.0-120 Lead 100 99.5 99.5 80.0-120 Selenium 100 93.7 93.7 80.0-120 Silver 20.0 18.9 94.7 80.0-120 L1635786-04 Original Sample (OS) • Matrix Spike (MS) • Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) (OS) L1635786-04 07/17/23 09:43 • (MS) R3949370-5 07/17/23 09:50 • (MSD) R3949370-6 07/17/23 09:53 Spike Amount (dry) Original Result (dry)MS Result (dry)MSD Result (dry)MS Rec.MSD Rec.Dilution Rec. Limits MS Qualifier MSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg %%%%% Arsenic 124 0.854 116 104 93.1 83.7 1 75.0-125 10.5 20 Barium 124 178 292 271 92.6 75.1 1 75.0-125 7.67 20 Cadmium 124 3.93 117 112 91.9 87.5 1 75.0-125 4.70 20 Chromium 124 31.4 141 154 88.5 99.5 1 75.0-125 9.18 20 Lead 124 257 332 435 60.2 144 1 75.0-125 J6 J3 J5 27.0 20 Selenium 124 U 106 94.9 85.9 76.8 1 75.0-125 11.1 20 Silver 24.7 U 20.7 19.7 83.6 79.8 1 75.0-125 4.67 20 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 94 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 94 of 109 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG2095604 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B L1635370-33,34,35 Method Blank (MB) (MB) R3949801-1 07/18/23 12:32 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Arsenic U 0.518 2.00 Barium U 0.0852 0.500 Cadmium U 0.0471 0.500 Chromium U 0.133 1.00 Lead U 0.208 0.500 Selenium U 0.764 2.00 Silver U 0.127 1.00 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) (LCS) R3949801-2 07/18/23 12:34 Spike Amount LCS Result LCS Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier Analyte mg/kg mg/kg %% Arsenic 100 107 107 80.0-120 Barium 100 113 113 80.0-120 Cadmium 100 108 108 80.0-120 Chromium 100 109 109 80.0-120 Lead 100 107 107 80.0-120 Selenium 100 108 108 80.0-120 Silver 20.0 21.4 107 80.0-120 L1635362-19 Original Sample (OS) • Matrix Spike (MS) • Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) (OS) L1635362-19 07/18/23 12:37 • (MS) R3949801-5 07/18/23 12:45 • (MSD) R3949801-6 07/18/23 12:48 Spike Amount Original Result MS Result MSD Result MS Rec.MSD Rec.Dilution Rec. Limits MS Qualifier MSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg %%%%% Arsenic 100 3.25 89.5 89.6 86.2 86.3 1 75.0-125 0.150 20 Barium 100 107 208 217 102 110 1 75.0-125 3.84 20 Cadmium 100 1.16 86.7 91.4 85.5 90.2 1 75.0-125 5.30 20 Chromium 100 16.7 98.9 101 82.3 84.4 1 75.0-125 2.13 20 Lead 100 197 186 224 0.000 27.9 1 75.0-125 J6 J6 18.7 20 Selenium 100 U 81.5 84.4 81.5 84.4 1 75.0-125 3.45 20 Silver 20.0 U 17.4 18.0 86.8 89.8 1 75.0-125 3.34 20 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 95 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 95 of 109 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG2095605 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B L1635370-08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46 Method Blank (MB) (MB) R3951085-1 07/20/23 20:31 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Arsenic U 0.518 2.00 Barium U 0.0852 0.500 Cadmium U 0.0471 0.500 Chromium U 0.133 1.00 Lead U 0.208 0.500 Selenium 0.811 J 0.764 2.00 Silver U 0.127 1.00 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) (LCS) R3951085-2 07/20/23 20:34 Spike Amount LCS Result LCS Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier Analyte mg/kg mg/kg %% Arsenic 100 108 108 80.0-120 Barium 100 108 108 80.0-120 Cadmium 100 103 103 80.0-120 Chromium 100 104 104 80.0-120 Lead 100 103 103 80.0-120 Selenium 100 99.6 99.6 80.0-120 Silver 20.0 20.5 102 80.0-120 L1635370-40 Original Sample (OS) • Matrix Spike (MS) • Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) (OS) L1635370-40 07/20/23 20:36 • (MS) R3951085-5 07/20/23 20:44 • (MSD) R3951085-6 07/20/23 20:47 Spike Amount (dry) Original Result (dry)MS Result (dry)MSD Result (dry)MS Rec.MSD Rec.Dilution Rec. Limits MS Qualifier MSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg %%%%% Arsenic 102 8.81 123 118 112 107 1 75.0-125 4.20 20 Barium 102 165 284 284 116 116 1 75.0-125 0.0110 20 Cadmium 102 0.774 111 105 108 103 1 75.0-125 5.31 20 Chromium 102 14.4 120 115 104 99.1 1 75.0-125 4.15 20 Lead 102 73.2 190 177 115 102 1 75.0-125 7.01 20 Selenium 102 U 101 99.3 98.9 97.5 1 75.0-125 1.40 20 Silver 20.4 0.479 22.6 21.5 109 103 1 75.0-125 5.15 20 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 96 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 96 of 109 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG2095607 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B L1635370-47,48 Method Blank (MB) (MB) R3951103-1 07/20/23 18:11 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Arsenic U 0.518 2.00 Barium U 0.0852 0.500 Cadmium U 0.0471 0.500 Chromium U 0.133 1.00 Lead U 0.208 0.500 Selenium U 0.764 2.00 Silver U 0.127 1.00 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) (LCS) R3951103-2 07/20/23 18:13 Spike Amount LCS Result LCS Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier Analyte mg/kg mg/kg %% Arsenic 100 101 101 80.0-120 Barium 100 103 103 80.0-120 Cadmium 100 99.6 99.6 80.0-120 Chromium 100 103 103 80.0-120 Lead 100 98.2 98.2 80.0-120 Selenium 100 103 103 80.0-120 Silver 20.0 19.0 94.9 80.0-120 L1635150-16 Original Sample (OS) • Matrix Spike (MS) • Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) (OS) L1635150-16 07/20/23 18:16 • (MS) R3951103-5 07/20/23 18:24 • (MSD) R3951103-6 07/20/23 18:26 Spike Amount Original Result MS Result MSD Result MS Rec.MSD Rec.Dilution Rec. Limits MS Qualifier MSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg %%%%% Arsenic 100 27.7 122 117 94.2 89.1 1 75.0-125 4.24 20 Barium 100 93.6 195 188 102 93.9 1 75.0-125 3.98 20 Cadmium 100 0.763 100 98.2 99.4 97.4 1 75.0-125 2.04 20 Chromium 100 11.7 112 110 100 98.1 1 75.0-125 2.03 20 Lead 100 128 238 205 110 77.0 1 75.0-125 15.0 20 Selenium 100 U 102 101 102 101 1 75.0-125 0.474 20 Silver 20.0 0.275 19.5 19.0 96.2 93.5 1 75.0-125 2.86 20 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 97 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 97 of 109 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG2095621 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B L1635370-49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65 Method Blank (MB) (MB) R3951139-1 07/20/23 21:05 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Arsenic U 0.518 2.00 Barium 0.206 J 0.0852 0.500 Cadmium U 0.0471 0.500 Chromium U 0.133 1.00 Lead U 0.208 0.500 Selenium U 0.764 2.00 Silver U 0.127 1.00 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) (LCS) R3951139-2 07/20/23 21:08 Spike Amount LCS Result LCS Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier Analyte mg/kg mg/kg %% Arsenic 100 101 101 80.0-120 Barium 100 114 114 80.0-120 Cadmium 100 98.6 98.6 80.0-120 Chromium 100 100 100 80.0-120 Lead 100 96.9 96.9 80.0-120 Selenium 100 103 103 80.0-120 Silver 20.0 17.2 86.2 80.0-120 L1635370-60 Original Sample (OS) • Matrix Spike (MS) • Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) (OS) L1635370-60 07/20/23 21:11 • (MS) R3951139-5 07/20/23 21:19 • (MSD) R3951139-6 07/20/23 21:21 Spike Amount (dry) Original Result (dry)MS Result (dry)MSD Result (dry)MS Rec.MSD Rec.Dilution Rec. Limits MS Qualifier MSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg %%%%% Arsenic 119 7.13 111 120 87.2 94.3 1 75.0-125 7.34 20 Barium 119 195 380 284 155 74.4 1 75.0-125 J5 J3 J6 29.0 20 Cadmium 119 0.332 101 106 84.1 88.2 1 75.0-125 4.81 20 Chromium 119 3.77 109 113 88.1 91.9 1 75.0-125 3.99 20 Lead 119 7.38 108 116 84.7 91.2 1 75.0-125 6.90 20 Selenium 119 U 99.1 103 83.1 86.7 1 75.0-125 4.23 20 Silver 23.8 U 18.6 19.2 77.9 80.7 1 75.0-125 3.49 20 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 98 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 98 of 109 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG2096855 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B L1635370-17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32 Method Blank (MB) (MB) R3950089-1 07/18/23 22:23 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Arsenic U 0.518 2.00 Barium U 0.0852 0.500 Cadmium U 0.0471 0.500 Chromium U 0.133 1.00 Lead U 0.208 0.500 Selenium U 0.764 2.00 Silver U 0.127 1.00 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) (LCS) R3950089-2 07/18/23 22:26 Spike Amount LCS Result LCS Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier Analyte mg/kg mg/kg %% Arsenic 100 96.0 96.0 80.0-120 Barium 100 99.7 99.7 80.0-120 Cadmium 100 95.4 95.4 80.0-120 Chromium 100 96.7 96.7 80.0-120 Lead 100 93.9 93.9 80.0-120 Selenium 100 94.0 94.0 80.0-120 Silver 20.0 18.9 94.3 80.0-120 L1635370-19 Original Sample (OS) • Matrix Spike (MS) • Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) (OS) L1635370-19 07/18/23 22:28 • (MS) R3950089-5 07/18/23 22:37 • (MSD) R3950089-6 07/18/23 22:39 Spike Amount (dry) Original Result (dry)MS Result (dry)MSD Result (dry)MS Rec.MSD Rec.Dilution Rec. Limits MS Qualifier MSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg %%%%% Arsenic 114 123 235 193 98.2 69.0 1 75.0-125 J6 19.5 20 Barium 114 134 242 237 95.1 101 1 75.0-125 2.13 20 Cadmium 114 24.7 140 118 101 91.9 1 75.0-125 17.0 20 Chromium 114 20.4 128 104 94.5 82.4 1 75.0-125 J3 20.5 20 Lead 114 2960 2620 2420 0.000 0.000 1 75.0-125 V V 7.98 20 Selenium 114 U 111 93.0 97.9 91.6 1 75.0-125 18.0 20 Silver 22.7 19.4 42.5 36.2 102 82.6 1 75.0-125 16.0 20 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 99 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 99 of 109 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG2096855 Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B L1635370-17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32 L1635370-20 Original Sample (OS) • Matrix Spike (MS) • Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) (OS) L1635370-20 07/18/23 22:42 • (MS) R3950089-7 07/18/23 22:45 • (MSD) R3950089-8 07/18/23 22:48 Spike Amount (dry) Original Result (dry)MS Result (dry)MSD Result (dry)MS Rec.MSD Rec.Dilution Rec. Limits MS Qualifier MSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg %%%%% Arsenic 102 14.9 111 109 94.1 91.7 1 75.0-125 2.20 20 Barium 102 168 250 223 80.0 53.5 1 75.0-125 J6 11.5 20 Cadmium 102 1.35 98.5 94.4 95.2 91.1 1 75.0-125 4.29 20 Chromium 102 14.7 110 107 93.5 90.8 1 75.0-125 2.50 20 Lead 102 169 262 251 91.1 80.9 1 75.0-125 4.02 20 Selenium 102 U 91.4 90.5 89.6 88.7 1 75.0-125 0.986 20 Silver 20.4 1.44 21.4 20.4 98.0 93.1 1 75.0-125 4.78 20 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 100 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 100 of 109 GLOSSARY OF TERMS Guide to Reading and Understanding Your Laboratory Report The information below is designed to better explain the various terms used in your report of analytical results from the Laboratory. This is not intended as a comprehensive explanation, and if you have additional questions please contact your project representative. Results Disclaimer - Information that may be provided by the customer, and contained within this report, include Permit Limits, Project Name, Sample ID, Sample Matrix, Sample Preservation, Field Blanks, Field Spikes, Field Duplicates, On-Site Data, Sampling Collection Dates/Times, and Sampling Location. Results relate to the accuracy of this information provided, and as the samples are received. Abbreviations and Definitions (dry)Results are reported based on the dry weight of the sample. [this will only be present on a dry report basis for soils]. MDL Method Detection Limit. MDL (dry)Method Detection Limit. RDL Reported Detection Limit. RDL (dry)Reported Detection Limit. Rec.Recovery. RPD Relative Percent Difference. SDG Sample Delivery Group. U Not detected at the Reporting Limit (or MDL where applicable). Analyte The name of the particular compound or analysis performed. Some Analyses and Methods will have multiple analytes reported. Dilution If the sample matrix contains an interfering material, the sample preparation volume or weight values differ from the standard, or if concentrations of analytes in the sample are higher than the highest limit of concentration that the laboratory can accurately report, the sample may be diluted for analysis. If a value different than 1 is used in this field, the result reported has already been corrected for this factor. Limits These are the target % recovery ranges or % difference value that the laboratory has historically determined as normal for the method and analyte being reported. Successful QC Sample analysis will target all analytes recovered or duplicated within these ranges. Original Sample The non-spiked sample in the prep batch used to determine the Relative Percent Difference (RPD) from a quality control sample. The Original Sample may not be included within the reported SDG. Qualifier This column provides a letter and/or number designation that corresponds to additional information concerning the result reported. If a Qualifier is present, a definition per Qualifier is provided within the Glossary and Definitions page and potentially a discussion of possible implications of the Qualifier in the Case Narrative if applicable. Result The actual analytical final result (corrected for any sample specific characteristics) reported for your sample. If there was no measurable result returned for a specific analyte, the result in this column may state “ND” (Not Detected) or “BDL” (Below Detectable Levels). The information in the results column should always be accompanied by either an MDL (Method Detection Limit) or RDL (Reporting Detection Limit) that defines the lowest value that the laboratory could detect or report for this analyte. Uncertainty (Radiochemistry)Confidence level of 2 sigma. Case Narrative (Cn) A brief discussion about the included sample results, including a discussion of any non-conformances to protocol observed either at sample receipt by the laboratory from the field or during the analytical process. If present, there will be a section in the Case Narrative to discuss the meaning of any data qualifiers used in the report. Quality Control Summary (Qc) This section of the report includes the results of the laboratory quality control analyses required by procedure or analytical methods to assist in evaluating the validity of the results reported for your samples. These analyses are not being performed on your samples typically, but on laboratory generated material. Sample Chain of Custody (Sc) This is the document created in the field when your samples were initially collected. This is used to verify the time and date of collection, the person collecting the samples, and the analyses that the laboratory is requested to perform. This chain of custody also documents all persons (excluding commercial shippers) that have had control or possession of the samples from the time of collection until delivery to the laboratory for analysis. Sample Results (Sr) This section of your report will provide the results of all testing performed on your samples. These results are provided by sample ID and are separated by the analyses performed on each sample. The header line of each analysis section for each sample will provide the name and method number for the analysis reported. Sample Summary (Ss)This section of the Analytical Report defines the specific analyses performed for each sample ID, including the dates and times of preparation and/or analysis. Qualifier Description B The same analyte is found in the associated blank. J The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. J3 The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for precision. J5 The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is high. J6 The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is low. O1 The analyte failed the method required serial dilution test and/or subsequent post-spike criteria. These failures indicate matrix interference. V The sample concentration is too high to evaluate accurate spike recoveries. 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 101 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 101 of 109 Pace Analytical National 12065 Lebanon Rd Mount Juliet, TN 37122 Alabama 40660 Nebraska NE-OS-15-05 Alaska 17-026 Nevada TN000032021-1 Arizona AZ0612 New Hampshire 2975 Arkansas 88-0469 New Jersey–NELAP TN002 California 2932 New Mexico ¹TN00003 Colorado TN00003 New York 11742 Connecticut PH-0197 North Carolina Env375 Florida E87487 North Carolina ¹DW21704 Georgia NELAP North Carolina ³41 Georgia ¹923 North Dakota R-140 Idaho TN00003 Ohio–VAP CL0069 Illinois 200008 Oklahoma 9915 Indiana C-TN-01 Oregon TN200002 Iowa 364 Pennsylvania 68-02979 Kansas E-10277 Rhode Island LAO00356 Kentucky ¹ ⁶KY90010 South Carolina 84004002 Kentucky ²16 South Dakota n/a Louisiana AI30792 Tennessee ¹ ⁴2006 Louisiana LA018 Texas T104704245-20-18 Maine TN00003 Texas ⁵LAB0152 Maryland 324 Utah TN000032021-11 Massachusetts M-TN003 Vermont VT2006 Michigan 9958 Virginia 110033 Minnesota 047-999-395 Washington C847 Mississippi TN00003 West Virginia 233 Missouri 340 Wisconsin 998093910 Montana CERT0086 Wyoming A2LA A2LA – ISO 17025 1461.01 AIHA-LAP,LLC EMLAP 100789 A2LA – ISO 17025 ⁵1461.02 DOD 1461.01 Canada 1461.01 USDA P330-15-00234 EPA–Crypto TN00003 ACCREDITATIONS & LOCATIONS ¹ Drinking Water ² Underground Storage Tanks ³ Aquatic Toxicity ⁴ Chemical/Microbiological ⁵ Mold ⁶ Wastewater n/a Accreditation not applicable * Not all certifications held by the laboratory are applicable to the results reported in the attached report. * Accreditation is only applicable to the test methods specified on each scope of accreditation held by Pace Analytical. 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Sr 6 Qc 7 Gl 8 Al 9 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:05 102 of 109 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Salt Lake City, UT 61227505 L1635370 07/25/23 15:08 102 of 109 APPENDIX E Risk Evaluation Cover Page Risk Evaluation Park City Gordo Site Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road Park City, Summit County, Utah August 11, 2023 | Terracon Project No. 61227505 Prepared for: Park City Municipal Corporation Park City, Utah Table Of Contents 1.0 Introduction ................................................................................ 1 1.1 Site Description ..................................................................................... 1 1.2 Background Information .......................................................................... 2 1.3 Standard of Care .................................................................................... 6 1.4 Additional Scope Limitations .................................................................... 6 1.5 Reliance ................................................................................................ 6 2.0 Conceptual Site Model .................................................................. 6 2.1 Sources, Release Mechanisms, and Affected Media ..................................... 7 2.2 Receptors and Routes of Exposure............................................................ 7 2.3 Chemicals of Interest (COI) ..................................................................... 8 3.0 RSL Calculator ............................................................................. 8 3.1 RSL Calculator Data Inputs ...................................................................... 8 3.2 Results of the Onsite Risk Evaluation ........................................................ 9 4.0 Ecological Risk Assessment.......................................................... 15 5.0 Conclusion................................................................................. 16 6.0 References ................................................................................ 16 Appendices Appendix A Exhibits Exhibit 1: Site Topographic Map Exhibit 2: Site Diagram Exhibit 3: Conceptual Site Model Appendix B Tables Table 1: Calculated 95% Upper Confidence Limits Appendix C Risk Evaluation Input And Output Sheets Appendix D Application For A Waiver Of An Ecological Risk Assessment Risk Evaluation Gordo Site | Park City, Utah August 11, 2023 | Terracon Project No. 61227505 Facilities | Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Site Description The site is comprised of approximately 16 acres of land currently owned by Park City Municipal Corporation (PCMC) consisting of the addresses, Summit County Assessor Parcel Numbers (APNs), and land uses listed below: Address APN Acres Use Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road PCA-9-95-K-X 0.70 soil stockpile Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road PCA-95-1-X 1.00 undeveloped/unused Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road PCA-95-B-X 1.00 parking and storage area Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road PCA-95-A-1-X 0.58 undeveloped/unused Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road PCA-95-A-X 1.42 undeveloped/unused Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road PCA-9-95L-X 0.70 soil stockpile Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road PCA-9-95-H-X 1.00 soil stockpile Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road PCA-9-95-J-X 1.78 undeveloped/unused Risk Evaluation Gordo Site | Park City, Utah August 11, 2023 | Terracon Project No. 61227505 Facilities | Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 2 Address APN Acres Use Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road PCA-9-95-G-X 0.87 undeveloped/unused Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road PCA-9-95-M-X 1.70 undeveloped/unused Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road PCA-9-95-F-X 0.95 undeveloped/unused Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road PCA-9-95-X 3.52 undeveloped/unused Exhibit 1 (Appendix A) presents the site location on a portion of the United States Geological Survey (USGS) topographic map. 1.2 Background Information The site was historically used primarily as open space. A portion of the site was used for vehicle parking. The site was acquired by PCMC in multiple phases from 1996 through 2008. Beginning in 2010 and with approval from the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ), Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) and acknowledgment from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), PCMC utilized the site to temporarily stockpile approximately 34,000 cubic yards of Bevill-exempt metals- contaminated soil excavated from mining-impacted development projects throughout the Park City area. PCMC anticipated that the site would be developed as a permitted repository for metals-impacted soils with oversight from UDEQ’s Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control (DWMRC), but PCMC has since revised its development plans for the site and intends to remediate and redevelop the site for other purposes. Two previous investigations have been conducted at the site. A field X-ray fluorescence (XRF) survey was conducted by AMEC Earth & Environmental (AMEC) in September 2010. Approximately 180 locations were sampled via XRF for arsenic and lead. AMEC’s XRF data indicated that lead impacts exceeding EPA Regional Screening Levels (RSLs) for Residential or Industrial use were largely confined to the soil stockpile, but that limited impacts were present on the northern portion of the site near the site entrance road. Risk Evaluation Gordo Site | Park City, Utah August 11, 2023 | Terracon Project No. 61227505 Facilities | Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 3 A second investigation was conducted by Gerhart Cole Inc (GCI) in 2016. GCI collected 48 soil samples from 36 test pits located throughout the site. The results from GCI’s investigation were largely consistent with the results of AMEC’s XRF survey and displayed a similar pattern of impacts. Site Characterization Sampling Site characterization sampling was conducted at the site in July 2023 to fully evaluate the known and suspected environmental impacts from metals in soil. The site was divided into three sampling zones and a combined thirty locations were sampled (sample locations B-1 through B-30,Exhibit 2), with two soil samples collected at each sample location. Zone 1 consists of the soil stockpile. In Zone 1, at each sampling location one sample was collected from the most impacted depth interval (as determined by field XRF screening) and one sample was collected from native soils 6–12 inches beneath the stockpile soils. Zone 1 samples were collected using a track-mounted direct- push drill rig. Drilling depths varied according to the soil stockpile depth which averages approximately 10 feet, but ranges from less than 5 feet to approximately 20 feet. Drilling was conducted in 5-foot increments as-needed to fully intercept underlying native soils. Zone 2 consists of the area near the site entrance where previous investigations identified off-stockpile impacted soil. In Zone 2, at each sampling location one sample was collected from near-surface soils (0–2 inches) and one sample was collected from shallow subsurface native soils (6–12 inches). Zone 2 samples were primarily collected via hand digging or hand auger. A limited number of Zone 2 samples were collected using a track-mounted direct-push drill rig where non-native soils were present at depths that precluded hand digging or hand auger collection methods. These locations sample locations are B-12, B-16, and B-17 (Exhibit 2). Zone 3 consists of unimpacted native soil areas and Zone 3 sample results are considered site-specific background concentrations for risk evaluation and screening contaminants of potential concern (COPCs). In Zone 3, at each sampling location one sample was collected from near-surface soils (0–2 inches) and one sample was collected from shallow subsurface native soils (6–12 inches). Zone 3 samples were collected via hand digging. Constituent concentrations in soil were compared to EPA RSLs for Residential or Industrial use and groundwater protection soil screening levels (Dilution Attenuation Factor 20 [DAF 20] SSLs). Results of the Site Characterization investigation were as follows. See the full Site Characterization Report for complete laboratory analytical results. Risk Evaluation Gordo Site | Park City, Utah August 11, 2023 | Terracon Project No. 61227505 Facilities | Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 4 Arsenic o all soil samples exceeded the EPA Residential RSL o seven soil samples exceeded the EPA Industrial RSL but were below the DAF 20 SSL o fifty-one soil samples exceeded the DAF 20 SSL o the maximum reported soil arsenic concentration was 395 mg/kg in sample “Z1-B7 @ 2” collected from the soil stockpile material in Zone 1. Barium o no soil samples exceeded a screening level for barium o the maximum reported barium concentration was 313 mg/kg in sample “Z1- B9 @ 14” collected from sub-stockpile native soil in Zone 1. Cadmium o eight soil samples exceeded the EPA Residential RSL o six soil samples exceeded the DAF 20 SSL o no soil samples exceeded the EPA Industrial RSL o all soil samples that exceeded a cadmium screening level were collected from imported fill material in Zone 1 or Zone 2 o the maximum reported cadmium concentration was 79.6 mg/kg in sample “Z1-B7 @ 2” collected from the soil stockpile material in Zone 1. Chromium o no soil samples exceeded a screening level for chromium o the maximum reported chromium concentration was 36.6 mg/kg in sample “Z1-B3 @ 5” collected from sub-stockpile native soil in Zone 1. Lead o thirteen soil samples exceeded the DAF 20 SSL o ten soil samples exceeded the EPA Residential RSL o seven soil samples exceeded the EPA Industrial RSL o all soil samples that exceeded the EPA Residential RSL or Industrial RSL were collected from imported fill material in Zone 1 or Zone 2 o the maximum reported lead concentration was 7,810 mg/kg in sample “Z1-B7 @ 2” collected from the soil stockpile material in Zone 1. Selenium: o no soil samples exceeded a screening level for selenium o the maximum reported selenium concentration was 8.98 mg/kg in sample “Z1-B7 @ 2” collected from the soil stockpile material in Zone 1. Silver: Risk Evaluation Gordo Site | Park City, Utah August 11, 2023 | Terracon Project No. 61227505 Facilities | Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 5 o four soil samples exceeded the DAF 20 SSL o no soil samples exceeded the EPA Residential RSL or EPA Industrial RSL o all soil samples that exceeded a silver screening level were collected from imported fill material in Zone 1 o the maximum reported silver concentration was 8.98 mg/kg in sample “Z1-B7 @ 2” collected from the soil stockpile material in Zone 1. Mercury: o six soil samples exceeded the DAF 20 SSL o two soil samples exceeded the EPA Residential RSL o no soil samples exceeded the EPA Industrial RSL o all soil samples that exceeded a mercury screening level were collected from imported fill material in Zone 1 or Zone 2 o the maximum reported mercury concentration was 23.3 mg/kg in sample “Z1-B7 @ 2” collected from the soil stockpile material in Zone 1. Site Investigation Conclusions Based on the previous investigations and the current site characterization conducted at the site, the nature and extent of metals contamination in soil has been sufficiently characterized and defined. Soil Contamination Evaluation: Metals impacts exceeding screening levels and background concentrations appear to be limited to imported fill soils in Zone 1 and Zone 2. Zone 3 (background) 95% upper confidence limits (UCL95s) and UCL95 substitutes indicate that subsurface native soils in Zone 1 and Zone 2 have not been impacted by leaching from overlying non-native contaminated soils. Reported metals concentrations in subsurface native soils in Zone 1 and Zone 2 are consistent with background concentrations present in Zone 3 samples. All calculated background metals concentrations in Zone 3 were below RSLs and DAF 20 SSLs except for arsenic. Site-specific background concentrations of arsenic in soil are estimated to range from approximately 12 mg/kg to 26 mg/kg. Arsenic UCL95s for subsurface native soils in Zone 1 and Zone 2 are within the estimated background range. Barium is not elevated above background concentrations in otherwise contaminated fill soils present in Zone 1 and Zone 2. Risk Evaluation Gordo Site | Park City, Utah August 11, 2023 | Terracon Project No. 61227505 Facilities | Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 6 1.3 Standard of Care Terracon’s services were performed in a manner consistent with generally-accepted practices of the profession undertaken in similar studies in the same geographical area during the same time period. Terracon makes no warranties, either express or implied, regarding the findings, conclusions, or recommendations. Please note that Terracon does not warrant the work of laboratories, regulatory agencies, or other third parties supplying information used in the preparation of the report. 1.4 Additional Scope Limitations Findings, conclusions, and recommendations resulting from these services are based upon information derived from the on-site activities and other services performed under this Scope of Services such information is subject to change over time. Certain indicators of the presence of hazardous substances, petroleum products, or other constituents may have been latent, inaccessible, unobservable, nondetectable, or not present during these services, and we cannot represent that the site contains no hazardous substances, toxic materials, petroleum products, or other latent conditions beyond those identified during the Scope of Services completed to date. Subsurface conditions may vary from those encountered at specific borings or wells or during other surveys, tests, assessments, investigations, or exploratory services; the data, interpretations, findings, and our recommendations are based solely upon data obtained at the time and within the scope of these services. 1.5 Reliance This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Park City Municipal Corporation, who can convey this report to an affiliate, related entity, subsidiary, lender, title insurer, regulatory or municipal agency, and their agents. Use or reliance by any other third party other than the DWMRC is prohibited without the written authorization of PCMC and Terracon. Any unauthorized distribution or reuse is at PCMC’s sole risk. Notwithstanding the foregoing, reliance by authorized parties will be subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations stated in the proposal and Terracon’s Terms and Conditions. The limitation of liability defined in the Terms and Conditions is the aggregate limit of Terracon’s liability to PCMC and all relying parties unless otherwise agreed in writing. 2.0 CONCEPTUAL SITE MODEL Terracon prepared this Risk Evaluation using the EPA’s online RSL calculator (https://epa- prgs.ornl.gov/cgi-bin/chemicals/csl_search) to evaluate the cumulative risk posed by metals Risk Evaluation Gordo Site | Park City, Utah August 11, 2023 | Terracon Project No. 61227505 Facilities | Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 7 present at the site in soil. The first step was to develop a Conceptual Site Model (CSM), which is used to document the potential for exposure to chemicals at the site based on the source(s) of contamination, the release mechanism(s), potential routes of exposure (ROE), representative concentrations of contaminants of interest (COI), and receptors (i.e., property occupants) in order to evaluate site-specific risks associated with the COIs remaining. A graphical representation of the CSM is presented as Exhibit 3 (Appendix A). It is important to bear in mind that the CSM assumes residential land use with complete exposure pathways and no controls for exposure to impacted site media, and thus provides a highly conservative evaluation. The objective of the Risk Evaluation was to evaluate whether impacted soils on-site are contaminated to the extent they pose a human health risk at levels above target maximum risk levels and hazard indices. Concentrations of COIs in soils were first compared to the EPA’s RSL Generic Tables and Dilution Attenuation Factor 20 (DAF 20) soil screening level concentrations as requested by DWMRC.Concentrations of individual COIs in soils exceed these screening levels specific to those individual COIs. In addition, the concern existed that the cumulative effect of all the remaining COIs would present a risk that exceeded the acceptable target excess carcinogenic risk of 1x10-6 and non-carcinogenic hazard quotient of 1.0. To evaluate the cumulative risk, Terracon utilized EPA’s RSL Calculator to evaluate the calculated UCL95s and UCL95 substitutes for COIs present on-site. The following subsections describe the key elements and aspects of the Risk Evaluation. 2.1 Sources, Release Mechanisms, and Affected Media Bevill-exempt metals-contaminated soil excavated from mining-impacted development projects throughout the Park City area were purposefully imported to the site by PCMC. PCMC anticipated that the site would be developed as a permitted repository for metals- impacted soils. PCMC has since revised its development plans for the site and intends to remediate and redevelop the site for other purposes. Metals COIs for soil are listed in Table 1 (Appendix B). Smaller quantities of metals-impacted soils also appear to have been imported to the site prior to PCMC’s acquisition of the site. 2.2 Receptors and Routes of Exposure The site is currently undeveloped and minimally used by PCMC. The future use of the site is expected to be mixed-use with potential residential, commercial, and transit hub development. Subsurface excavation and construction is likely to occur at the site in the near future as PCMC plans to develop the site. In order to be conservative, this Risk Evaluation uses residential land use to represent the potential residential receptors. The following routes of exposure were evaluated in this Risk Evaluation. Risk Evaluation Gordo Site | Park City, Utah August 11, 2023 | Terracon Project No. 61227505 Facilities | Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 8 Soil Routes of Exposure: Ingestion of soil and dermal contact with soil are the routes of exposure considered for soils in the Risk Evaluation. To provide a conservative evaluation regarding exposure risks, all routes and potential receptors (residential, indoor worker, and construction worker) were included in the Risk Evaluation. 2.3 Chemicals of Interest (COI) Soils COI were identified as those metals reported above background UCL95s calculated from Zone 3 sampling results. All RCRA 8 metals except barium were reported in soil above background UCL95s in at least one sampling zone and depth interval. The list of COIs for soil and the respective UCL95s and UCL95 substitutes are presented in Table 1 (Appendix B). 3.0 RSL CALCULATOR 3.1 RSL Calculator Data Inputs Parameter Input Screening Level Type RSLs Hazard Quotient 1.0 was selected at the direction of UDEQ to evaluate cumulative the non-cancer risk posed by COIs at the site. Target Risk 10-6 (i.e., one in one million) was selected at the direction of UDEQ to evaluate the cumulative cancer risk posed by COIs at the site. Scenario Resident To be conservative, the Resident was initially selected as the receptor (see Section 2.2). Other scenarios were also run for indoor worker and construction worker. Media The calculator was run for soil. Risk Evaluation Gordo Site | Park City, Utah August 11, 2023 | Terracon Project No. 61227505 Facilities | Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 9 Parameter Input Screening Level Choice Site Specific inputs were selected, as required by the next choice, “Risk Output.” Within this parameter the option “Database Hierarchy Defaults” was selected. Risk Output Risk Output was affirmative as this directs the RSL Calculator to present site-specific risk posed by each individual COI and the cumulative risk. RfD/RdC Choice Chronic Chemicals Soils: the COIs identified for soil at the site were entered in this section, as discussed in Section 2.3 and listed in Table 1 (Appendix B). Particulate Emission Factor Wind Driven The calculator allows for the selection of selected site-specific parameters based on guidance from the updated Supplemental Guidance for Developing Soil Screening Levels for Superfund Sites (EPA, 2002). For the City Salt Lake City was selected as the Climatic Zone Terracon also input the concentrations of all COIs. All other parameters were default parameters associated with the options described above, except where indicated. 3.2 Results of the Onsite Risk Evaluation Zone 1 Fill Soils This section summarizes calculated risks in Zone 1 fill soils. The following table summarizes the results from the EPA’s software for the Residential Scenario. Carcinogenic Risk Non-Carcinogenic Hazard Index Soil=3.56 x 10-4 Soil (Adult)=2.82 Soil (Child)=17.1 Risk Evaluation Gordo Site | Park City, Utah August 11, 2023 | Terracon Project No. 61227505 Facilities | Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 10 The cumulative non-carcinogenic hazard posed by the remaining chemicals at the site for an adult is 2.82 and 17.1 for a child. These calculated hazard indices exceed the target hazard index of 1. As summarized above, the cumulative carcinogenic risk posed by the remaining chemicals at the site is 3.56 x 10-4, exceeding the target excess cancer risk identified for the site of 1 x 10-6. The scenario was run for the Indoor Worker. A cumulative carcinogenic risk and hazard index are shown below. Carcinogenic Risk Non-Carcinogenic Hazard Index Soil=3.32 x 10-5 Soil (Adult)=0.772 The following table summarizes the results from the EPA’s software for the Construction Worker Scenario. Carcinogenic Risk Non-Carcinogenic Hazard Index Soil=1.02 x 10-5 Soil (Adult)=18.5 Appendix C contains the input and output information from the EPA software. The scenarios listed above are for comparison and worst-case scenario purposes assuming no controls are in place (i.e., complete exposure pathways for future residents with no controls for exposure to impacted soil and groundwater). As such, this evaluation results in highly conservative risk estimates. Zone 1 Sub-Fill Native Soils This section summarizes calculated risks in Zone 1 sub-fill native soils. The following table summarizes the results from the EPA’s software for the Residential Scenario. Carcinogenic Risk Non-Carcinogenic Hazard Index Soil=4.37 x 10-5 Soil (Adult)=0.128 Soil (Child)=0.928 Risk Evaluation Gordo Site | Park City, Utah August 11, 2023 | Terracon Project No. 61227505 Facilities | Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 11 The cumulative non-carcinogenic hazard posed by the remaining chemicals at the site for an adult is 0.128 and 0.928 for a child. These calculated hazard indices are below the target hazard index of 1. As summarized above, the cumulative carcinogenic risk posed by the remaining chemicals at the site is 4.37 x 10-5, exceeding the target excess cancer risk identified for the site of 1 x 10-6. The scenario was run for the Indoor Worker. A cumulative carcinogenic risk and hazard index are shown below. Carcinogenic Risk Non-Carcinogenic Hazard Index Soil=4.06 x 10-6 Soil (Adult)=0.0357 The following table summarizes the results from the EPA’s software for the Construction Worker Scenario. Carcinogenic Risk Non-Carcinogenic Hazard Index Soil=1.25 x 10-6 Soil (Adult)=0.701 Appendix C contains the input and output information from the EPA software. The scenarios listed above are for comparison and worst-case scenario purposes assuming no controls are in place (i.e., complete exposure pathways for future residents with no controls for exposure to impacted soil and groundwater). As such, this evaluation results in highly conservative risk estimates. Zone 2 Fill and Surface Native Soils This section summarizes calculated risks in Zone 2 fill and surface native soils. The following table summarizes the results from the EPA’s software for the Residential Scenario. Carcinogenic Risk Non-Carcinogenic Hazard Index Soil=2.85 x 10-5 Soil (Adult)=0.111 Soil (Child)=0.880 Risk Evaluation Gordo Site | Park City, Utah August 11, 2023 | Terracon Project No. 61227505 Facilities | Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 12 The cumulative non-carcinogenic hazard posed by the remaining chemicals at the site for an adult is 0.111 and 0.880 for a child. These calculated hazard indices are below the target hazard index of 1. As summarized above, the cumulative carcinogenic risk posed by the remaining chemicals at the site is 2.85 x 10-5, exceeding the target excess cancer risk identified for the site of 1 x 10-6. The scenario was run for the Indoor Worker. A cumulative carcinogenic risk and hazard index are shown below. Carcinogenic Risk Non-Carcinogenic Hazard Index Soil=2.40 x 10-6 Soil (Adult)=0.0316 The following table summarizes the results from the EPA’s software for the Construction Worker Scenario. Carcinogenic Risk Non-Carcinogenic Hazard Index Soil=7.36 x 10-7 Soil (Adult)=0.311 Appendix C contains the input and output information from the EPA software. The scenarios listed above are for comparison and worst-case scenario purposes assuming no controls are in place (i.e., complete exposure pathways for future residents with no controls for exposure to impacted soil and groundwater). As such, this evaluation results in highly conservative risk estimates. Zone 2 Shallow Subsurface Native Soils This section summarizes calculated risks in Zone 2 shallow subsurface native soils. The following table summarizes the results from the EPA’s software for the Residential Scenario. Carcinogenic Risk Non-Carcinogenic Hazard Index Soil=2.83 x 10-5 Soil (Adult)=0.159 Soil (Child)=1.27 Risk Evaluation Gordo Site | Park City, Utah August 11, 2023 | Terracon Project No. 61227505 Facilities | Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 13 The cumulative non-carcinogenic hazard posed by the remaining chemicals at the site for an adult is 0.159 and 1.27 for a child. These calculated hazard indices exceed the target hazard index of 1 for a child but are below the target hazard index for an adult. As summarized above, the cumulative carcinogenic risk posed by the remaining chemicals at the site is 2.83 x 10-5, exceeding the target excess cancer risk identified for the site of 1 x 10-6. The scenario was run for the Indoor Worker. A cumulative carcinogenic risk and hazard index are shown below. Carcinogenic Risk Non-Carcinogenic Hazard Index Soil=2.64 x 10-6 Soil (Adult)=0.0443 The following table summarizes the results from the EPA’s software for the Construction Worker Scenario. Carcinogenic Risk Non-Carcinogenic Hazard Index Soil=8.08 x 10-7 Soil (Adult)=0.370 Appendix C contains the input and output information from the EPA software. The scenarios listed above are for comparison and worst-case scenario purposes assuming no controls are in place (i.e., complete exposure pathways for future residents with no controls for exposure to impacted soil and groundwater). As such, this evaluation results in highly conservative risk estimates. Zone 3 Surface Native Soils This section summarizes calculated risks in Zone 3 surface native soils. The following table summarizes the results from the EPA’s software for the Residential Scenario. Carcinogenic Risk Non-Carcinogenic Hazard Index Soil=3.89 x 10-5 Soil (Adult)=0.413 Soil (Child)=1.71 Risk Evaluation Gordo Site | Park City, Utah August 11, 2023 | Terracon Project No. 61227505 Facilities | Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 14 The cumulative non-carcinogenic hazard posed by the remaining chemicals at the site for an adult is 0.413 and 1.71 for a child. These calculated hazard indices exceed the target hazard index of 1 for a child but are below the target hazard index for an adult. As summarized above, the cumulative carcinogenic risk posed by the remaining chemicals at the site is 3.89 x 10-5, exceeding the target excess cancer risk identified for the site of 1 x 10-6. The scenario was run for the Indoor Worker. A cumulative carcinogenic risk and hazard index are shown below. Carcinogenic Risk Non-Carcinogenic Hazard Index Soil=3.63 x 10-6 Soil (Adult)=0.107 The following table summarizes the results from the EPA’s software for the Construction Worker Scenario. Carcinogenic Risk Non-Carcinogenic Hazard Index Soil=1.11 x 10-6 Soil (Adult)=0.214 Appendix C contains the input and output information from the EPA software. The scenarios listed above are for comparison and worst-case scenario purposes assuming no controls are in place (i.e., complete exposure pathways for future residents with no controls for exposure to impacted soil and groundwater). As such, this evaluation results in highly conservative risk estimates. Zone 3 Shallow Subsurface Native Soils This section summarizes calculated risks in Zone 3 shallow subsurface native soils. The following table summarizes the results from the EPA’s software for the Residential Scenario. Carcinogenic Risk Non-Carcinogenic Hazard Index Soil=1.75 x 10-5 Soil (Adult)=0.120 Soil (Child)=0.723 Risk Evaluation Gordo Site | Park City, Utah August 11, 2023 | Terracon Project No. 61227505 Facilities | Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 15 The cumulative non-carcinogenic hazard posed by the remaining chemicals at the site for an adult is 0.120 and 0.723 for a child. These calculated hazard indices are below the target hazard index of 1. As summarized above, the cumulative carcinogenic risk posed by the remaining chemicals at the site is 1.75 x 10-5, exceeding the target excess cancer risk identified for the site of 1 x 10-6. The scenario was run for the Indoor Worker. A cumulative carcinogenic risk and hazard index are shown below. Carcinogenic Risk Non-Carcinogenic Hazard Index Soil=1.63 x 10-6 Soil (Adult)=0.0328 The following table summarizes the results from the EPA’s software for the Construction Worker Scenario. Carcinogenic Risk Non-Carcinogenic Hazard Index Soil=5.00 x 10-7 Soil (Adult)=0.0977 Appendix C contains the input and output information from the EPA software. The scenarios listed above are for comparison and worst-case scenario purposes assuming no controls are in place (i.e., complete exposure pathways for future residents with no controls for exposure to impacted soil and groundwater). As such, this evaluation results in highly conservative risk estimates. 4.0 ECOLOGICAL RISK ASSESSMENT No surface water bodies are located on the site or adjoining properties. The future use of the site is potentially mixed-use commercial, residential, and transit hub uses. As such, the site will not be a viable habitat and will not be used by potential ecological receptors as a habitat. Per Utah Administrative Code R315-101-5(j)(3), an Application for a Waiver of an Ecological Risk Assessment has been prepared and is included as Appendix D. Risk Evaluation Gordo Site | Park City, Utah August 11, 2023 | Terracon Project No. 61227505 Facilities | Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 16 5.0 CONCLUSION This Risk Evaluation for the Gordo site evaluated the cumulative risk posed by reported metals concentrations in site soils. The risk evaluation results indicate the following: Metals concentrations in imported contaminated fill soils in Zone 1 and Zone 2 present a risk to future residential or commercial receptors at the site. Metals concentrations in underlying native soils in Zone 1 and Zone 2 are approximately equivalent to background metals concentrations in Zone 3. If imported contaminated fill soils in Zone 1 and Zone 2 were removed, these underlying would native soils in Zone 1 and Zone 2 would present risks that are comparable to current background risks in Zone 3. Background risks (i.e., Zone 3) at the site for potential residential receptors exceed a cancer risk of 1 x 10-6 and a non-cancer Hazard Index of 1.0 for children (but not adults) due to elevated background concentrations of arsenic. Thus, the overall conclusion of this Risk Evaluation is that excavation and off-site disposal of imported contaminated fill soils in Zone 1 and Zone 2 would reduce overall site risks to background levels. Any residual background risks present following excavation and off-site disposal of imported contaminated fill soils in Zone 1 and Zone 2 could be managed through the following means. A site-specific Health and Safety Plan should be developed that would provide construction workers with hazard awareness training and detail specific engineering controls and personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements to mitigate potential exposures during development of the site. Following the completion of site development, the site will be managed per the requirements of the Park City Soils Ordinance (Park City Municipal Code Section 11- 15-1). If required, site specific-institutional controls (i.e., a Site Management Plan) could be implemented that outline continuing obligations and land use limitations associated with the site to ensure that exposure pathways are incomplete for future occupants and commercial workers and will protect the site from impacts remaining at the site. 6.0 REFERENCES Terracon 2023. Site Characterization Report, Gordo Property, Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road Park City, Summit County, Utah, August. Risk Evaluation Gordo Site | Park City, Utah August 11, 2023 | Terracon Project No. 61227505 Facilities | Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 17 United States Environmental Protection Agency, Soil Screening Guidance: Technical Background Document, 1996. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Supplemental Guidance for Developing Soil Screening Levels for Superfund Sites, 2002. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Regional Screening Levels for Chemical Contaminants at Superfund Sites;https://epa-prgs.ornl.gov/cgi- bin/chemicals/csl_search. Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control (DWMRC), Technical Guide for Risk Assessments: Utah Administrative Code R315-101, 2023. Appendix A Exhibits Exhibit 1: Site Topographic Map Exhibit 2: Soil Sampling Locations Exhibit 3: Conceptual Site Model N : \ G I S \ 6 1 2 2 7 5 0 5 _ P a r k _ C i t y _ G o r d o \ 6 1 2 2 7 5 0 5 _ P a r k _ C i t y _ G o r d o n e w \ 6 1 2 2 7 5 0 5 P a r k _ C i t y _ G o r d o m a p \ M a p s \ P r o j e c t N u m b e r _ P r o j e c t N a m e \ P r o j e c t N u m b e r _ P r o j e c t N a m e \ 6 1 2 2 7 5 0 5 - P a r k C i t y G o r d o . a p r x Exhibit terracon.com801-545-8500 6949 S. High Tech Dr Midvale, Utah Reviewed By: Drawn By: Aug 2023 Date: 61227505 Project No.: Park City Gordo Site Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road Park City, Utah Soil Sampling Locations and Lead Screening Level Exceedances 2 DMD SJH K e a r n s B l v d K e a r n s B l v d 248 248 S il v e r C r e e k B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8 B-9 B-10 B-11 B-12 B-13 B-14 B-15 B-16 B-17 B-18B-19 B-20 B-21 B-22 B-23 B-24 B-25 B-26 B-27 B-28 B-29 B-30 0 150 30075 Feet ³ Site Boundary Fill Soil Zones Exceeds Industrial Lead RSL Exceeds Residential Lead RSL Zone 1 Borings Zone 2 Borings Zone 3 Borings Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Note: See Table C.1 for full analysis results. Imported Fill Soil: Metals: Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, Lead, Mercury, Selenium, Silver Construction Worker CONCEPTUAL SITE MODEL 6949 S High Tech Drive Midvale, Utah 84047 61227505 Employee Resident Current Use/Future Use Park City Gordo Site Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road Park City, Utah Project Manager: Drawn by: Checked by: Approved by: SH DD DD DD Exhibit3 August 2023 Scale: Project No. File Name: Date: NA 3 Exhibit RECEPTORS Complete pathway Incomplete pathway Fill Soil Dermal Contact SOURCE INTERACTION Contamination Exposure Medium Exposure Route Ingestion Appendix B Tables Table 1: Calculated 95% Upper Confidence Limits Table 1 - Calculated 95% Upper Confidence Limits Gordo Property - Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road, Park City, Utah Terracon Project No. 61227505 Fill Sub-Fill Native Fill/Surface Native Shallow Subsurface Native Surface Native Shallow Subsurface Native Analyte CAS UCL95 (mg/kg) UCL95 (mg/kg) UCL95 (mg/kg) UCL95 (mg/kg) UCL95 (mg/kg) UCL95 (mg/kg) ARSENIC 7440-38-2 241 15.483 17.46 19.17 26.36 11.85 BARIUM 7440-39-3 191 240.8 227 222.2 216.9 214.6 CADMIUM 7440-43-9 63.3 0.29 2.50 4.87 4.83 2.34 CHROMIUM 7440-47-3 17.4 20.5 19.15 17.14 12.64 13.65 LEAD 7439-92-1 3396 20.53 260.2 283.6 346.2 140.7 SELENIUM 7782-49-2 8.981 1.081 0.9221 0.9372 0.9241 1.321 SILVER 7440-22-4 26.44 0.1572 1.42 2.11 1.911 0.4481 MERCURY 7439-97-6 11.33 0.3431 0.444 0.524 2.182 0.426 Notes: 1 - Insufficient detections in zone/depth interval to calculate UCL95, highest detected concentration substituted. 2 - All samples in zone/depth interval non-detect, highest MDL substituted. 3 - A Q-test indicated that the arsenic result from sample Z1-B5 @ 4 was an outlier and the result was excluded from the UCL95 calculation. Sampling Zone Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Depth Interval Page 1 of 1 Appendix C Risk Evaluation Input And Output Sheets Output generated 09AUG2023:17:12:23 Site-specific 1 Resident Soil Inputs Variable Resident Soil Default Value Site-Specific Value A (PEF Dispersion Constant)16.2302 13.2559 A (VF Dispersion Constant)11.911 13.2559 A (VF Dispersion Constant - mass limit)11.911 11.911 B (PEF Dispersion Constant)18.7762 19.2978 B (VF Dispersion Constant)18.4385 19.2978 B (VF Dispersion Constant - mass limit)18.4385 18.4385 City (PEF Climate Zone) Selection Default Salt Lake City, City (VF Climate Zone) Selection Default Salt Lake City, C (PEF Dispersion Constant)216.108 221.3379 C (VF Dispersion Constant)209.7845 221.3379 C (VF Dispersion Constant - mass limit)209.7845 209.7845 ds (depth of source) m .2 foc (fraction organic carbon in soil) g/g 0.006 0.006 F(x) (function dependent on U m/Ut) unitless 0.194 0.0441 n (total soil porosity) L pore /L soil 0.43396 0.43396 pb (dry soil bulk density) g/cm 3 1.5 1.5 pb (dry soil bulk density - mass limit) g/cm 3 1.5 1.5 PEF (particulate emission factor) m 3/kg 1359344438 6316146854.6324 ps (soil particle density) g/cm 3 2.65 2.65 Q/Cwind (g/m2-s per kg/m 3)93.77 58.277267909869 Q/Cvol (g/m2-s per kg/m 3)68.18 58.277267909869 Q/Cvol (g/m2-s per kg/m 3 - mass limit)68.18 49.155590733023 As (PEF acres)0.5 3.3 As (VF acres)0.5 3.3 As (VF mass-limit acres)0.5 3.3 AF0-2 (mutagenic skin adherence factor) mg/cm 2 0.2 0.2 AF2-6 (mutagenic skin adherence factor) mg/cm 2 0.2 0.2 AF6-16 (mutagenic skin adherence factor) mg/cm 2 0.07 0.07 AF16-26 (mutagenic skin adherence factor) mg/cm 2 0.07 0.07 AFres-a (skin adherence factor - adult) mg/cm 2 0.07 0.07 AFres-c (skin adherence factor - child) mg/cm 2 0.2 0.2 Output generated 09AUG2023:17:12:23 Site-specific 2 Resident Soil Inputs Variable Resident Soil Default Value Site-Specific Value ATres (averaging time - resident carcinogenic)365 365 BW 0-2 (mutagenic body weight) kg 15 15 BW 2-6 (mutagenic body weight) kg 15 15 BW 6-16 (mutagenic body weight) kg 80 80 BW 16-26 (mutagenic body weight) kg 80 80 BW res-a (body weight - adult) kg 80 80 BW res-c (body weight - child) kg 15 15 DFSres-adj (age-adjusted soil dermal factor) mg/kg 103390 103390 DFSMres-adj (mutagenic age-adjusted soil dermal factor) mg/kg 428260 428260 EDres (exposure duration) years 26 26 ED0-2 (mutagenic exposure duration) years 2 2 ED2-6 (mutagenic exposure duration) years 4 4 ED6-16 (mutagenic exposure duration) years 10 10 ED16-26 (mutagenic exposure duration) years 10 10 EDres-a (exposure duration - adult) years 20 20 EDres-c (exposure duration - child) years 6 6 EFres (exposure frequency) days/year 350 350 EF0-2 (mutagenic exposure frequency) days/year 350 350 EF2-6 (mutagenic exposure frequency) days/year 350 350 EF6-16 (mutagenic exposure frequency) days/year 350 350 EF16-26 (mutagenic exposure frequency) days/year 350 350 EFres-a (exposure frequency - adult) days/year 350 350 EFres-c (exposure frequency - child) days/year 350 350 ETres (exposure time) hours/day 24 24 ET0-2 (mutagenic exposure time) hours/day 24 24 ET2-6 (mutagenic exposure time) hours/day 24 24 ET6-16 (mutagenic exposure time) hours/day 24 24 ET16-26 (mutagenic exposure time) hours/day 24 24 ETres-a (adult exposure time) hours/day 24 24 ETres-c (child exposure time) hours/day 24 24 THQ (target hazard quotient) unitless 0.1 1 Output generated 09AUG2023:17:12:23 Site-specific 3 Resident Soil Inputs Variable Resident Soil Default Value Site-Specific Value IFS res-adj (age-adjusted soil ingestion factor) mg/kg 36750 36750 IFSM res-adj (mutagenic age-adjusted soil ingestion factor) mg/kg 166833.3 166833.3 IRS0-2 (mutagenic soil intake rate) mg/day 200 200 IRS2-6 (mutagenic soil intake rate) mg/day 200 200 IRS6-16 (mutagenic soil intake rate) mg/day 100 100 IRS16-26 (mutagenic soil intake rate) mg/day 100 100 IRSres-a (soil intake rate - adult) mg/day 100 100 IRSres-c (soil intake rate - child) mg/day 200 200 LT (lifetime) years 70 70 SA0-2 (mutagenic skin surface area) cm 2/day 2373 2373 SA2-6 (mutagenic skin surface area) cm 2/day 2373 2373 SA6-16 (mutagenic skin surface area) cm 2/day 6032 6032 SA16-26 (mutagenic skin surface area) cm 2/day 6032 6032 SAres-a (skin surface area - adult) cm 2/day 6032 6032 SAres-c (skin surface area - child) cm 2/day 2373 2373 TR (target risk) unitless 1.0E-06 1.0E-06 Tw (groundwater temperature) Celsius 25 25 Theta a (air-filled soil porosity) L air/L soil 0.28396 0.28396 Theta w (water-filled soil porosity) L water /L soil 0.15 0.15 T (exposure interval) s 819936000 819936000 T (exposure interval) yr 26 26 Um (mean annual wind speed) m/s 4.69 3.93 Ut (equivalent threshold value)11.32 11.32 V (fraction of vegetative cover) unitless 0.5 0.5 VFml (volitization factor - mass limit) m 3/kg .13434.812814424 Output generated 09AUG2023:17:12:23 Site-specific 4 Resident Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Chemical CAS Number Mutagen?Volatile? Chemical Type SFo(mg/kg-day)-1 SFoRef IUR (ug/m 3)-1 IUR Ref RfD (mg/kg-day) RfD Ref RfC (mg/m 3) RfC Ref GIABS ABS Arsenic, Inorganic 7440-38-2 No No Inorganics 1.50E+00 I 4.30E-03 I 3.00E-04 I 1.50E-05 C 1 0.03 Cadmium (Diet)7440-43-9 No No Inorganics -1.80E-03 I 1.00E-04 A 1.00E-05 A 0.025 0.001 Chromium, Total 7440-47-3 No No Inorganics ----0.013 - Lead and Compounds 7439-92-1 No No Inorganics ----1 - Mercury (elemental)7439-97-6 No Yes Inorganics ---3.00E-04 I 1 - Selenium 7782-49-2 No No Inorganics --5.00E-03 I 2.00E-02 C 1 - Silver 7440-22-4 No No Inorganics --5.00E-03 I -0.04 - Output generated 09AUG2023:17:12:23 Site-specific 5 Resident Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. RBA Soil Saturation Concentration (mg/kg) S (mg/L) Koc\ (cm 3/g) Kd\ (cm 3/g) HLC (atm-m 3/mole) Henry's Law Constant Used in Calcs (unitless) H` and HLC Ref Normal Boiling Point BP (K) BP Ref Critical Temperature TC\ (K) TC\ Ref 0.6 ---2.90E+01 --888.15 PHYSPROP 1673 CRC 1 ---7.50E+01 --1038.15 PHYSPROP 2291 YAWS 1 ---1.80E+06 --2915.15 PHYSPROP 8560.93 YAWS 1 ---9.00E+02 --2022.15 CRC 5400 YAWS 1 3.13E+00 6.00E-02 -5.20E+01 8.62E-03 3.52E-01 PHYSPROP VP/S 629.75 PHYSPROP 1764 CRC 1 ---5.00E+00 --958.15 PHYSPROP 1766 CRC 1 ---8.30E+00 --2273.15 PHYSPROP 6410 CRC Output generated 09AUG2023:17:12:23 Site-specific 6 Resident Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Chemical Type Dia\ (cm 2/s) Diw \ (cm 2/s) DA\ (cm 2/s) Particulate Emission Factor (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Unlimited Reservoir (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Mass Limit (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Selected (m 3/kg) Ingestion SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Dermal SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Inhalation SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 ---7.72E-01 5.49E+00 4.12E+03 INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 -----9.85E+03 INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 ------ INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 ------ INORGANIC 3.07E-02 6.30E-06 1.10E-05 6.32E+09 2.97E+04 1.34E+04 2.97E+04 --- INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 ------ INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 ------ Output generated 09AUG2023:17:12:23 Site-specific 7 Resident Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Carcinogenic SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Ingestion SL Child THQ=1 (mg/kg) Dermal SL Child THQ=1 (mg/kg) Inhalation SL Child THQ=1 (mg/kg) Noncarcinogenic SL Child THI=1 (mg/kg) Ingestion SL Adult THQ=1 (mg/kg) Dermal SL Adult THQ=1 (mg/kg) Inhalation SL Adult THQ=1 (mg/kg) Noncarcinogenic SL Adult THI=1 (mg/kg) Screening Level (mg/kg) 6.77E-01 3.91E+01 3.30E+02 9.88E+04 3.49E+01 4.17E+02 1.98E+03 9.88E+04 3.43E+02 6.77E-01 ca 9.85E+03 7.82E+00 8.24E+01 6.59E+04 7.14E+00 8.34E+01 4.94E+02 6.59E+04 7.13E+01 7.14E+00 nc --------- --------- ---9.28E+00 9.28E+00 --9.28E+00 9.28E+00 9.28E+00 nc sat -3.91E+02 -1.32E+08 3.91E+02 4.17E+03 -1.32E+08 4.17E+03 3.91E+02 nc -3.91E+02 --3.91E+02 4.17E+03 --4.17E+03 3.91E+02 nc Output generated 09AUG2023:17:12:23 Site-specific 8 Resident Risk for Soil Chemical SFo(mg/kg-day)-1 SFoRef IUR (ug/m 3)-1 IUR Ref RfD (mg/kg-day) RfD Ref RfC (mg/m 3) RfC Ref GIABS ABS RBA Soil Saturation Concentration (mg/kg) S (mg/L) Koc\ (cm 3/g) Kd\ (cm 3/g) HLC (atm-m 3/mole) Arsenic, Inorganic 1.50E+00 I 4.30E-03 I 3.00E-04 I 1.50E-05 C 1 0.03 0.6 ---2.90E+01 - Cadmium (Diet) -1.80E-03 I 1.00E-04 A 1.00E-05 A 0.025 0.001 1 ---7.50E+01 - Chromium, Total ----0.013 -1 ---1.80E+06 - Lead and Compounds ----1 -1 ---9.00E+02 - Mercury (elemental) ---3.00E-04 I 1 -1 3.13E+00 6.00E-02 -5.20E+01 8.62E-03 Selenium --5.00E-03 I 2.00E-02 C 1 -1 ---5.00E+00 - Silver --5.00E-03 I -0.04 -1 ---8.30E+00 - *Total Risk/HI ------------ Output generated 09AUG2023:17:12:23 Site-specific 9 Resident Risk for Soil Henry's Law Constant Used in Calcs (unitless) H` and HLC Ref Normal Boiling Point BP (K) BP Ref Critical Temperature TC\ (K) TC\ Ref Chemical Type Dia\ (cm 2/s) Diw \ (cm 2/s) DA\ (cm 2/s) Particulate Emission Factor (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Unlimited Reservoir (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Mass Limit (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Selected (m 3/kg) -888.15 PHYSPROP 1673 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 --- -1038.15 PHYSPROP 2291 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 --- -2915.15 PHYSPROP 8560.93 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 --- -2022.15 CRC 5400 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 --- 3.52E-01 PHYSPROP VP/S 629.75 PHYSPROP 1764 CRC INORGANIC 3.07E-02 6.30E-06 1.10E-05 6.32E+09 2.97E+04 1.34E+04 2.97E+04 -958.15 PHYSPROP 1766 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 --- -2273.15 PHYSPROP 6410 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 --- ---------- Output generated 09AUG2023:17:12:23 Site-specific 10 Resident Risk for Soil Concentration (mg/kg) Ingestion Risk Dermal Risk Inhalation Risk Carcinogenic Risk Ingestion Child HQ Dermal Child HQ Inhalation Child HQ Noncarcinogenic Child HI Ingestion Adult HQ Dermal Adult HQ Inhalation Adult HQ Noncarcinogenic Adult HI 2.41E+02 3.12E-04 4.39E-05 5.84E-08 3.56E-04 6.16E+00 7.31E-01 2.44E-03 6.90E+00 5.78E-01 1.22E-01 2.44E-03 7.02E-01 6.33E+01 --6.43E-09 6.43E-09 8.09E+00 7.68E-01 9.61E-04 8.86E+00 7.59E-01 1.28E-01 9.61E-04 8.88E-01 1.74E+01 ------------ 3.40E+03 ------------ 1.13E+01 ------1.22E+00 1.22E+00 --1.22E+00 1.22E+00 8.98E+00 ----2.30E-02 -6.82E-08 2.30E-02 2.15E-03 -6.82E-08 2.15E-03 2.64E+01 ----6.76E-02 --6.76E-02 6.34E-03 --6.34E-03 -3.12E-04 4.39E-05 6.49E-08 3.56E-04 1.43E+01 1.50E+00 1.22E+00 1.71E+01 1.34E+00 2.50E-01 1.22E+00 2.82E+00 Output generated 09AUG2023:17:26:22 Site-specific 1 Construction Worker Inputs Variable Construction Worker Soil - Other Default Value Site-Specific Value A (PEF Dispersion Constant)2.4538 2.4538 Asurf (areal extent of site) m 2 2023.43 13354.637999999 A (VF Dispersion Constant)2.4538 2.4538 B (PEF Dispersion Constant)17.5660 17.5660 B (VF Dispersion Constant)17.5660 17.5660 C (PEF Dispersion Constant)189.0426 189.0426 C (VF Dispersion Constant)189.0426 189.0426 ds (average source depth) m .2 FD Unitless Dispersion Correction Factor 0.185837208 0.185837208 foc (fraction organic carbon in soil) g/g 0.006 0.006 F(x) (function dependant on U m/Ut derived using Cowherd et al. (1985))0.194 0.194 Mm-doz (Gravimetric soil moisture content) %7.9 7.9 Mm-excav (Gravimetric soil moisture content) %12 12 Mwind (dust emitted by wind erosion) g 8803.91354585 58105.829402612 NA-dump (number of times soil is dumped)2 2 NA-till (number of times soil is tilled)2 2 n (total soil porosity) L pore /L soil 0.43396 0.43396 pb (dry soil bulk density) g/cm 3 1.5 1.5 pb (dry soil bulk density - mass limit) g/cm 3 1.5 1.5 ps (soil particle density) g/cm 3 2.65 2.65 Q/Csa (g/m2-s per kg/m 3)14.31407 10.130446109560 Q/Cvol (g/m2-s per kg/m 3)14.31407 10.130446109560 Q/Csa (g/m2-s per kg/m 3)14.31407 10.130446109560 psoil (density) g/cm 3 - chemical-specific 1.68 1.68 As (VFmlim-sc acres)0.5 3.3 As (VFulim-sc acres)0.5 3.3 sdoz (soil silt content) %6.9 6.9 AFcon (skin adherence factor - construction worker) mg/cm 2 0.3 0.3 ATcon (averaging time - construction worker) days 365 365 ATcon-a (averaging time - construction worker) days 350 350 Output generated 09AUG2023:17:26:22 Site-specific 2 Construction Worker Inputs Variable Construction Worker Soil - Other Default Value Site-Specific Value BW con (body weight - construction worker) kg 80 80 EDcon (exposure duration - construction worker) yr 1 1 EFcon (exposure frequency - construction worker) day/yr 250 250 ETcon (exposure time - construction worker) hr/day 8 8 THQ (target hazard quotient) unitless 0.1 1 IRScon (soil ingestion rate - construction worker) mg/day 330 330 LT (lifetime) yr 70 70 SAcon (surface area - construction worker) cm 2/day 3527 3527 TR (target cancer risk) unitless 1.0E-06 1.0E-06 Sdoz (dozing speed) kph 11.4 11.4 Sgrade (dozing speed) kph 11.4 11.4 still (soil silt content) %18 18 tc (overall duration of construction) hours 8400 8400 Tc (overall duration of construction) s 30240000 30240000 Theta a (air-filled soil porosity) L air/L soil 0.28396 0.28396 Theta w (water-filled soil porosity) L water /L soil 0.15 0.15 T (time over which traffic occurs) s 7200000 7200000 Tt (overall duration of traffic) s 7200000 7200000 Um (mean annual wind speed) m/s 4.69 4.69 Ut (equivalent threshold value) m/s 11.32 11.32 VFmlim-sc (volitization factor) m 3 air/kgsoil .549.48574552609 V (fraction of vegetative cover)0 0 Output generated 09AUG2023:17:26:22 Site-specific 3 Construction Worker Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil - Other Construction Activities Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Subchronic toxicity values will be used where available. RfC and RfD references will be followed by either 'Chronic' or 'Subchronic' to indicate which toxicity value was used. Chemical CAS Number Mutagen?Volatile? Chemical Type SFo(mg/kg-day)-1 SFoRef IUR (ug/m 3)-1 IUR Ref RfD (mg/kg-day) RfD Ref RfC (mg/m 3) Arsenic, Inorganic 7440-38-2 No No Inorganics 1.50E+00 I 4.30E-03 I 3.00E-04 I /Chronic 1.50E-05 Cadmium (Diet)7440-43-9 No No Inorganics -1.80E-03 I 5.00E-04 A /Subchronic 1.00E-05 Chromium, Total 7440-47-3 No No Inorganics ---- Lead and Compounds 7439-92-1 No No Inorganics ---- Mercury (elemental)7439-97-6 No Yes Inorganics ---3.00E-04 Selenium 7782-49-2 No No Inorganics --5.00E-03 H /Subchronic 2.00E-02 Silver 7440-22-4 No No Inorganics --5.00E-03 H /Subchronic - Output generated 09AUG2023:17:26:22 Site-specific 4 Construction Worker Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil - Other Construction Activities Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Subchronic toxicity values will be used where available. RfC and RfD references will be followed by either 'Chronic' or 'Subchronic' to indicate which toxicity value was used. RfC Ref GIABS ABS RBA Soil Saturation Concentration (mg/kg) S (mg/L) Koc\ (cm 3/g) Kd\ (cm 3/g) HLC (atm-m 3/mole) Henry's Law Constant Used in Calcs (unitless) H` and HLC Ref Normal Boiling Point BP (K) C /Chronic 1 0.03 0.6 ---2.90E+01 --888.15 A /Chronic 0.025 0.001 1 ---7.50E+01 --1038.15 0.013 -1 ---1.80E+06 --2915.15 1 -1 ---9.00E+02 --2022.15 H /Subchronic 1 -1 3.13E+00 6.00E-02 -5.20E+01 8.62E-03 3.52E-01 PHYSPROP VP/S 629.75 C /Chronic 1 -1 ---5.00E+00 --958.15 0.04 -1 ---8.30E+00 --2273.15 Output generated 09AUG2023:17:26:22 Site-specific 5 Construction Worker Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil - Other Construction Activities Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Subchronic toxicity values will be used where available. RfC and RfD references will be followed by either 'Chronic' or 'Subchronic' to indicate which toxicity value was used. BP Ref Critical Temperature TC\ (K) TC\ Ref Chemical Type Dia\ (cm 2/s) Diw \ (cm 2/s) DA\ (cm 2/s) Particulate Emission Factor (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Unlimited Reservoir (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Mass Limit (m 3/kg) PHYSPROP 1673 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 -- PHYSPROP 2291 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 -- PHYSPROP 8560.93 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 -- CRC 5400 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 -- PHYSPROP 1764 CRC INORGANIC 3.07E-02 6.30E-06 1.10E-05 6.32E+09 -- PHYSPROP 1766 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 -- PHYSPROP 6410 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 -- Output generated 09AUG2023:17:26:22 Site-specific 6 Construction Worker Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil - Other Construction Activities Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Subchronic toxicity values will be used where available. RfC and RfD references will be followed by either 'Chronic' or 'Subchronic' to indicate which toxicity value was used. Volatilization Factor Selected (m 3/kg) Ingestion SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Dermal SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Inhalation SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Carcinogenic SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Ingestion SL THQ=1 (mg/kg) Dermal SL THQ=1 (mg/kg) Inhalation SL THQ=1 (mg/kg) Noncarcinogenic SL THI=1 (mg/kg) Screening Level (mg/kg) -2.75E+01 1.72E+02 4.50E+05 2.37E+01 1.70E+02 1.06E+03 3.98E+05 1.46E+02 2.37E+01 ca** ---1.08E+06 1.08E+06 1.70E+02 1.32E+03 2.65E+05 1.50E+02 1.50E+02 nc --------- --------- 5.49E+02 ------6.92E-01 6.92E-01 6.92E-01 nc -----1.70E+03 -5.31E+08 1.70E+03 1.70E+03 nc -----1.70E+03 --1.70E+03 1.70E+03 nc Output generated 09AUG2023:17:26:22 Site-specific 7 Construction Worker Risk for Soil - Other Construction Activities Chemical SFo(mg/kg-day)-1 SFoRef IUR (ug/m 3)-1 IUR Ref RfD (mg/kg-day) RfD Ref RfC (mg/m 3) RfC Ref GIABS ABS RBA Soil Saturation Concentration (mg/kg) S (mg/L) Koc\ (cm 3/g) Kd\ (cm 3/g) Arsenic, Inorganic 1.50E+00 I 4.30E-03 I 3.00E-04 I /Chronic 1.50E-05 C /Chronic 1 0.03 0.6 ---2.90E+01 Cadmium (Diet)-1.80E-03 I 5.00E-04 A /Subchronic 1.00E-05 A /Chronic 0.025 0.001 1 ---7.50E+01 Chromium, Total ----0.013 -1 ---1.80E+06 Lead and Compounds ----1 -1 ---9.00E+02 Mercury (elemental) ---3.00E-04 H /Subchronic 1 -1 3.13E+00 6.00E-02 -5.20E+01 Selenium --5.00E-03 H /Subchronic 2.00E-02 C /Chronic 1 -1 ---5.00E+00 Silver --5.00E-03 H /Subchronic -0.04 -1 ---8.30E+00 *Total Risk/HI ----------- Output generated 09AUG2023:17:26:22 Site-specific 8 Construction Worker Risk for Soil - Other Construction Activities HLC (atm-m 3/mole) Henry's Law Constant Used in Calcs (unitless) H` and HLC Ref Normal Boiling Point BP (K) BP Ref Critical Temperature TC\ (K) TC\ Ref Chemical Type Dia\ (cm 2/s) Diw \ (cm 2/s) DA\ (cm 2/s) Particulate Emission Factor (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Unlimited Reservoir (m 3/kg) --888.15 PHYSPROP 1673 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 - --1038.15 PHYSPROP 2291 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 - --2915.15 PHYSPROP 8560.93 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 - --2022.15 CRC 5400 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 - 8.62E-03 3.52E-01 PHYSPROP VP/S 629.75 PHYSPROP 1764 CRC INORGANIC 3.07E-02 6.30E-06 1.10E-05 6.32E+09 - --958.15 PHYSPROP 1766 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 - --2273.15 PHYSPROP 6410 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 - --------- Output generated 09AUG2023:17:26:22 Site-specific 9 Construction Worker Risk for Soil - Other Construction Activities Volatilization Factor Mass Limit (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Selected (m 3/kg) Concentration (mg/kg) Ingestion Risk Dermal Risk Inhalation Risk Carcinogenic Risk Ingestion HQ Dermal HQ Inhalation HQ Noncarcinogenic HI --2.41E+02 8.75E-06 1.40E-06 5.35E-10 1.02E-05 1.42E+00 2.28E-01 6.06E-04 1.65E+00 --6.33E+01 --5.88E-11 5.88E-11 3.73E-01 4.78E-02 2.39E-04 4.21E-01 --1.74E+01 -------- --3.40E+03 -------- -5.49E+02 1.13E+01 ------1.64E+01 1.64E+01 --8.98E+00 ----5.29E-03 -1.69E-08 5.29E-03 --2.64E+01 ----1.56E-02 --1.56E-02 ---8.75E-06 1.40E-06 5.94E-10 1.02E-05 1.81E+00 2.76E-01 1.64E+01 1.85E+01 Output generated 09AUG2023:17:19:14 Site-specific 1 Indoor Worker Soil Inputs Variable Indoor Worker Soil Default Value Site-Specific Value A (PEF Dispersion Constant)16.2302 13.2559 A (VF Dispersion Constant)11.911 13.2559 A (VF Dispersion Constant - mass limit)11.911 13.2559 B (PEF Dispersion Constant)18.7762 19.2978 B (VF Dispersion Constant)18.4385 19.2978 B (VF Dispersion Constant - mass limit)18.4385 19.2978 City (PEF Climate Zone) Selection Default Salt Lake City, City (VF Climate Zone) Selection Default Salt Lake City, C (PEF Dispersion Constant)216.108 221.3379 C (VF Dispersion Constant)209.7845 221.3379 C (VF Dispersion Constant - mass limit)209.7845 221.3379 ds (depth of source) m .2 foc (fraction organic carbon in soil) g/g 0.006 0.006 F(x) (function dependent on U m/Ut) unitless 0.194 0.0441 n (total soil porosity) L pore /L soil 0.43396 0.43396 pb (dry soil bulk density) g/cm 3 1.5 1.5 pb (dry soil bulk density - mass limit) g/cm 3 1.5 1.5 PEF (particulate emission factor) m 3/kg 1359344438 6316146854.6324 ps (soil particle density) g/cm 3 2.65 2.65 Q/Cwind (g/m2-s per kg/m 3)93.77 58.277267909869 Q/Cvol (g/m2-s per kg/m 3)68.18 58.277267909869 Q/Cvol (g/m2-s per kg/m 3 - mass limit)68.18 58.277267909869 As (PEF acres)0.5 3.3 As (VF acres)0.5 3.3 As (VF mass-limit acres)0.5 3.3 ATind (averaging time - indoor worker)365 365 BW ind (body weight - indoor worker)80 80 EDind (exposure duration - indoor worker) year 25 25 EFind (exposure frequency - indoor worker) day/year 250 250 ETind (exposure time - indoor worker) hour 8 8 Output generated 09AUG2023:17:19:14 Site-specific 2 Indoor Worker Soil Inputs Variable Indoor Worker Soil Default Value Site-Specific Value THQ (target hazard quotient) unitless 0.1 1 IRSind (soil ingestion rate - indoor worker) mg/day 50 50 LT (lifetime) year 70 70 TR (target cancer risk) unitless 1.0E-06 1.0E-06 Tw (groundwater temperature) Celsius 25 25 Theta a (air-filled soil porosity) L air/L soil 0.28396 0.28396 Theta w (water-filled soil porosity) L water /L soil 0.15 0.15 T (exposure interval) s 819936000 819936000 T (exposure interval) yr 26 26 Um (mean annual wind speed) m/s 4.69 3.93 Ut (equivalent threshold value)11.32 11.32 V (fraction of vegetative cover) unitless 0.5 0.5 VFml (volitization factor - mass limit) m 3/kg .15927.876646982 Output generated 09AUG2023:17:19:14 Site-specific 3 Indoor Worker Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Chemical CAS Number Mutagen?Volatile? Chemical Type SFo(mg/kg-day)-1 SFoRef IUR (ug/m 3)-1 IUR Ref RfD (mg/kg-day) RfD Ref RfC (mg/m 3) RfC Ref RBA Soil Saturation Concentration (mg/kg) S (mg/L) Arsenic, Inorganic 7440-38-2 No No Inorganics 1.50E+00 I 4.30E-03 I 3.00E-04 I 1.50E-05 C 0.6 -- Cadmium (Diet)7440-43-9 No No Inorganics -1.80E-03 I 1.00E-04 A 1.00E-05 A 1 -- Chromium, Total 7440-47-3 No No Inorganics ----1 -- Lead and Compounds 7439-92-1 No No Inorganics ----1 -- Mercury (elemental)7439-97-6 No Yes Inorganics ---3.00E-04 I 1 3.13E+00 6.00E-02 Selenium 7782-49-2 No No Inorganics --5.00E-03 I 2.00E-02 C 1 -- Silver 7440-22-4 No No Inorganics --5.00E-03 I -1 -- Output generated 09AUG2023:17:19:14 Site-specific 4 Indoor Worker Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Koc\ (cm 3/g) Kd\ (cm 3/g) HLC (atm-m 3/mole) Henry's Law Constant Used in Calcs (unitless) H` and HLC Ref Normal Boiling Point BP (K) BP Ref Critical Temperature TC\ (K) TC\ Ref Chemical Type Dia\ (cm 2/s) Diw \ (cm 2/s) DA\ (cm 2/s) -2.90E+01 --888.15 PHYSPROP 1673 CRC INORGANIC --- -7.50E+01 --1038.15 PHYSPROP 2291 YAWS INORGANIC --- -1.80E+06 --2915.15 PHYSPROP 8560.93 YAWS INORGANIC --- -9.00E+02 --2022.15 CRC 5400 YAWS INORGANIC --- -5.20E+01 8.62E-03 3.52E-01 PHYSPROP VP/S 629.75 PHYSPROP 1764 CRC INORGANIC 3.07E-02 6.30E-06 1.10E-05 -5.00E+00 --958.15 PHYSPROP 1766 CRC INORGANIC --- -8.30E+00 --2273.15 PHYSPROP 6410 CRC INORGANIC --- Output generated 09AUG2023:17:19:14 Site-specific 5 Indoor Worker Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Particulate Emission Factor (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Unlimited Reservoir (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Mass Limit (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Selected (m 3/kg) Ingestion SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Inhalation SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Carcinogenic SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Ingestion SL THQ=1 (mg/kg) Inhalation SL THQ=1 (mg/kg) Noncarcinogenic SL THI=1 (mg/kg) Screening Level (mg/kg) 6.32E+09 ---7.27E+00 1.80E+04 7.26E+00 1.17E+03 4.15E+05 1.16E+03 7.26E+00 ca 6.32E+09 ----4.30E+04 4.30E+04 2.34E+02 2.77E+05 2.33E+02 2.33E+02 nc 6.32E+09 --------- 6.32E+09 --------- 6.32E+09 2.97E+04 1.59E+04 2.97E+04 ----3.90E+01 3.90E+01 3.90E+01 nc sat 6.32E+09 ------1.17E+04 5.53E+08 1.17E+04 1.17E+04 nc 6.32E+09 ------1.17E+04 -1.17E+04 1.17E+04 nc Output generated 09AUG2023:17:19:14 Site-specific 6 Indoor Worker Risk for Soil Chemical SFo(mg/kg-day)-1 SFoRef IUR (ug/m 3)-1 IUR Ref RfD (mg/kg-day) RfD Ref RfC (mg/m 3) RfC Ref RBA Soil Saturation Concentration (mg/kg) S (mg/L) Koc\ (cm 3/g) Kd\ (cm 3/g) Arsenic, Inorganic 1.50E+00 I 4.30E-03 I 3.00E-04 I 1.50E-05 C 0.6 ---2.90E+01 Cadmium (Diet)-1.80E-03 I 1.00E-04 A 1.00E-05 A 1 ---7.50E+01 Chromium, Total ----1 ---1.80E+06 Lead and Compounds ----1 ---9.00E+02 Mercury (elemental)---3.00E-04 I 1 3.13E+00 6.00E-02 -5.20E+01 Selenium --5.00E-03 I 2.00E-02 C 1 ---5.00E+00 Silver --5.00E-03 I -1 ---8.30E+00 *Total Risk/HI --------- Output generated 09AUG2023:17:19:14 Site-specific 7 Indoor Worker Risk for Soil HLC (atm-m 3/mole) Henry's Law Constant Used in Calcs (unitless) H` and HLC Ref Normal Boiling Point BP (K) BP Ref Critical Temperature TC\ (K) TC\ Ref Chemical Type Dia\ (cm 2/s) Diw \ (cm 2/s) DA\ (cm 2/s) Particulate Emission Factor (m 3/kg) --888.15 PHYSPROP 1673 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 --1038.15 PHYSPROP 2291 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 --2915.15 PHYSPROP 8560.93 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 --2022.15 CRC 5400 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 8.62E-03 3.52E-01 PHYSPROP VP/S 629.75 PHYSPROP 1764 CRC INORGANIC 3.07E-02 6.30E-06 1.10E-05 6.32E+09 --958.15 PHYSPROP 1766 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 --2273.15 PHYSPROP 6410 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 -------- Output generated 09AUG2023:17:19:14 Site-specific 8 Indoor Worker Risk for Soil Volatilization Factor Unlimited Reservoir (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Mass Limit (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Selected (m 3/kg) Concentration (mg/kg) Ingestion Risk Inhalation Risk Carcinogenic Risk Ingestion HQ Inhalation HQ Noncarcinogenic HI ---2.41E+02 3.32E-05 1.34E-08 3.32E-05 2.06E-01 5.81E-04 2.07E-01 ---6.33E+01 -1.47E-09 1.47E-09 2.71E-01 2.29E-04 2.71E-01 ---1.74E+01 ------ ---3.40E+03 ------ 2.97E+04 1.59E+04 2.97E+04 1.13E+01 ----2.91E-01 2.91E-01 ---8.98E+00 ---7.69E-04 1.62E-08 7.69E-04 ---2.64E+01 ---2.26E-03 -2.26E-03 ----3.32E-05 1.48E-08 3.32E-05 4.80E-01 2.91E-01 7.72E-01 Output generated 09AUG2023:18:09:12 Site-specific 1 Construction Worker Inputs Variable Construction Worker Soil - Other Default Value Site-Specific Value A (PEF Dispersion Constant)2.4538 2.4538 Asurf (areal extent of site) m 2 2023.43 13354.637999999 A (VF Dispersion Constant)2.4538 2.4538 B (PEF Dispersion Constant)17.5660 17.5660 B (VF Dispersion Constant)17.5660 17.5660 C (PEF Dispersion Constant)189.0426 189.0426 C (VF Dispersion Constant)189.0426 189.0426 ds (average source depth) m .2 FD Unitless Dispersion Correction Factor 0.185837208 0.185837208 foc (fraction organic carbon in soil) g/g 0.006 0.006 F(x) (function dependant on U m/Ut derived using Cowherd et al. (1985))0.194 0.194 Mm-doz (Gravimetric soil moisture content) %7.9 7.9 Mm-excav (Gravimetric soil moisture content) %12 12 Mwind (dust emitted by wind erosion) g 8803.91354585 58105.829402612 NA-dump (number of times soil is dumped)2 2 NA-till (number of times soil is tilled)2 2 n (total soil porosity) L pore /L soil 0.43396 0.43396 pb (dry soil bulk density) g/cm 3 1.5 1.5 pb (dry soil bulk density - mass limit) g/cm 3 1.5 1.5 ps (soil particle density) g/cm 3 2.65 2.65 Q/Csa (g/m2-s per kg/m 3)14.31407 10.130446109560 Q/Cvol (g/m2-s per kg/m 3)14.31407 10.130446109560 Q/Csa (g/m2-s per kg/m 3)14.31407 14.31407 psoil (density) g/cm 3 - chemical-specific 1.68 1.68 As (VFmlim-sc acres)0.5 3.3 As (VFulim-sc acres)0.5 0.5 sdoz (soil silt content) %6.9 6.9 AFcon (skin adherence factor - construction worker) mg/cm 2 0.3 0.3 ATcon (averaging time - construction worker) days 365 365 ATcon-a (averaging time - construction worker) days 350 350 Output generated 09AUG2023:18:09:12 Site-specific 2 Construction Worker Inputs Variable Construction Worker Soil - Other Default Value Site-Specific Value BW con (body weight - construction worker) kg 80 80 EDcon (exposure duration - construction worker) yr 1 1 EFcon (exposure frequency - construction worker) day/yr 250 250 ETcon (exposure time - construction worker) hr/day 8 8 THQ (target hazard quotient) unitless 0.1 1 IRScon (soil ingestion rate - construction worker) mg/day 330 330 LT (lifetime) yr 70 70 SAcon (surface area - construction worker) cm 2/day 3527 3527 TR (target cancer risk) unitless 1.0E-06 1.0E-06 Sdoz (dozing speed) kph 11.4 11.4 Sgrade (dozing speed) kph 11.4 11.4 still (soil silt content) %18 18 tc (overall duration of construction) hours 8400 8400 Tc (overall duration of construction) s 30240000 30240000 Theta a (air-filled soil porosity) L air/L soil 0.28396 0.28396 Theta w (water-filled soil porosity) L water /L soil 0.15 0.15 T (time over which traffic occurs) s 7200000 7200000 Tt (overall duration of traffic) s 7200000 7200000 Um (mean annual wind speed) m/s 4.69 4.69 Ut (equivalent threshold value) m/s 11.32 11.32 VFmlim-sc (volitization factor) m 3 air/kgsoil .549.48574552609 V (fraction of vegetative cover)0 0 Output generated 09AUG2023:18:09:12 Site-specific 3 Construction Worker Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil - Other Construction Activities Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Subchronic toxicity values will be used where available. RfC and RfD references will be followed by either 'Chronic' or 'Subchronic' to indicate which toxicity value was used. Chemical CAS Number Mutagen?Volatile? Chemical Type SFo(mg/kg-day)-1 SFoRef IUR (ug/m 3)-1 IUR Ref RfD (mg/kg-day) RfD Ref RfC (mg/m 3) Arsenic, Inorganic 7440-38-2 No No Inorganics 1.50E+00 I 4.30E-03 I 3.00E-04 I /Chronic 1.50E-05 Cadmium (Diet)7440-43-9 No No Inorganics -1.80E-03 I 5.00E-04 A /Subchronic 1.00E-05 Chromium, Total 7440-47-3 No No Inorganics ---- Lead and Compounds 7439-92-1 No No Inorganics ---- Mercury (elemental)7439-97-6 No Yes Inorganics ---3.00E-04 Selenium 7782-49-2 No No Inorganics --5.00E-03 H /Subchronic 2.00E-02 Silver 7440-22-4 No No Inorganics --5.00E-03 H /Subchronic - Output generated 09AUG2023:18:09:12 Site-specific 4 Construction Worker Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil - Other Construction Activities Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Subchronic toxicity values will be used where available. RfC and RfD references will be followed by either 'Chronic' or 'Subchronic' to indicate which toxicity value was used. RfC Ref GIABS ABS RBA Soil Saturation Concentration (mg/kg) S (mg/L) Koc\ (cm 3/g) Kd\ (cm 3/g) HLC (atm-m 3/mole) Henry's Law Constant Used in Calcs (unitless) H` and HLC Ref Normal Boiling Point BP (K) C /Chronic 1 0.03 0.6 ---2.90E+01 --888.15 A /Chronic 0.025 0.001 1 ---7.50E+01 --1038.15 0.013 -1 ---1.80E+06 --2915.15 1 -1 ---9.00E+02 --2022.15 H /Subchronic 1 -1 3.13E+00 6.00E-02 -5.20E+01 8.62E-03 3.52E-01 PHYSPROP VP/S 629.75 C /Chronic 1 -1 ---5.00E+00 --958.15 0.04 -1 ---8.30E+00 --2273.15 Output generated 09AUG2023:18:09:12 Site-specific 5 Construction Worker Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil - Other Construction Activities Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Subchronic toxicity values will be used where available. RfC and RfD references will be followed by either 'Chronic' or 'Subchronic' to indicate which toxicity value was used. BP Ref Critical Temperature TC\ (K) TC\ Ref Chemical Type Dia\ (cm 2/s) Diw \ (cm 2/s) DA\ (cm 2/s) Particulate Emission Factor (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Unlimited Reservoir (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Mass Limit (m 3/kg) PHYSPROP 1673 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 -- PHYSPROP 2291 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 -- PHYSPROP 8560.93 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 -- CRC 5400 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 -- PHYSPROP 1764 CRC INORGANIC 3.07E-02 6.30E-06 1.10E-05 6.32E+09 -- PHYSPROP 1766 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 -- PHYSPROP 6410 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 -- Output generated 09AUG2023:18:09:12 Site-specific 6 Construction Worker Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil - Other Construction Activities Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Subchronic toxicity values will be used where available. RfC and RfD references will be followed by either 'Chronic' or 'Subchronic' to indicate which toxicity value was used. Volatilization Factor Selected (m 3/kg) Ingestion SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Dermal SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Inhalation SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Carcinogenic SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Ingestion SL THQ=1 (mg/kg) Dermal SL THQ=1 (mg/kg) Inhalation SL THQ=1 (mg/kg) Noncarcinogenic SL THI=1 (mg/kg) Screening Level (mg/kg) -2.75E+01 1.72E+02 4.50E+05 2.37E+01 1.70E+02 1.06E+03 3.98E+05 1.46E+02 2.37E+01 ca** ---1.08E+06 1.08E+06 1.70E+02 1.32E+03 2.65E+05 1.50E+02 1.50E+02 nc --------- --------- 5.49E+02 ------6.92E-01 6.92E-01 6.92E-01 nc -----1.70E+03 -5.31E+08 1.70E+03 1.70E+03 nc -----1.70E+03 --1.70E+03 1.70E+03 nc Output generated 09AUG2023:18:09:12 Site-specific 7 Construction Worker Risk for Soil - Other Construction Activities Chemical SFo(mg/kg-day)-1 SFoRef IUR (ug/m 3)-1 IUR Ref RfD (mg/kg-day) RfD Ref RfC (mg/m 3) RfC Ref GIABS ABS RBA Soil Saturation Concentration (mg/kg) S (mg/L) Koc\ (cm 3/g) Kd\ (cm 3/g) Arsenic, Inorganic 1.50E+00 I 4.30E-03 I 3.00E-04 I /Chronic 1.50E-05 C /Chronic 1 0.03 0.6 ---2.90E+01 Cadmium (Diet)-1.80E-03 I 5.00E-04 A /Subchronic 1.00E-05 A /Chronic 0.025 0.001 1 ---7.50E+01 Chromium, Total ----0.013 -1 ---1.80E+06 Lead and Compounds ----1 -1 ---9.00E+02 Mercury (elemental) ---3.00E-04 H /Subchronic 1 -1 3.13E+00 6.00E-02 -5.20E+01 Selenium --5.00E-03 H /Subchronic 2.00E-02 C /Chronic 1 -1 ---5.00E+00 Silver --5.00E-03 H /Subchronic -0.04 -1 ---8.30E+00 *Total Risk/HI ----------- Output generated 09AUG2023:18:09:12 Site-specific 8 Construction Worker Risk for Soil - Other Construction Activities HLC (atm-m 3/mole) Henry's Law Constant Used in Calcs (unitless) H` and HLC Ref Normal Boiling Point BP (K) BP Ref Critical Temperature TC\ (K) TC\ Ref Chemical Type Dia\ (cm 2/s) Diw \ (cm 2/s) DA\ (cm 2/s) Particulate Emission Factor (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Unlimited Reservoir (m 3/kg) --888.15 PHYSPROP 1673 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 - --1038.15 PHYSPROP 2291 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 - --2915.15 PHYSPROP 8560.93 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 - --2022.15 CRC 5400 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 - 8.62E-03 3.52E-01 PHYSPROP VP/S 629.75 PHYSPROP 1764 CRC INORGANIC 3.07E-02 6.30E-06 1.10E-05 6.32E+09 - --958.15 PHYSPROP 1766 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 - --2273.15 PHYSPROP 6410 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 - --------- Output generated 09AUG2023:18:09:12 Site-specific 9 Construction Worker Risk for Soil - Other Construction Activities Volatilization Factor Mass Limit (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Selected (m 3/kg) Concentration (mg/kg) Ingestion Risk Dermal Risk Inhalation Risk Carcinogenic Risk Ingestion HQ Dermal HQ Inhalation HQ Noncarcinogenic HI --2.96E+01 1.08E-06 1.72E-07 6.58E-11 1.25E-06 1.75E-01 2.80E-02 7.44E-05 2.03E-01 --2.90E-01 --2.70E-13 2.70E-13 1.71E-03 2.19E-04 1.09E-06 1.93E-03 --2.05E+01 -------- --2.05E+01 -------- -5.49E+02 3.43E-01 ------4.95E-01 4.95E-01 --1.08E+00 ----6.36E-04 -2.04E-09 6.36E-04 --1.57E-01 ----9.25E-05 --9.25E-05 ---1.08E-06 1.72E-07 6.60E-11 1.25E-06 1.77E-01 2.82E-02 4.95E-01 7.01E-01 Output generated 09AUG2023:17:54:00 Site-specific 1 Indoor Worker Soil Inputs Variable Indoor Worker Soil Default Value Site-Specific Value A (PEF Dispersion Constant)16.2302 13.2559 A (VF Dispersion Constant)11.911 13.2559 A (VF Dispersion Constant - mass limit)11.911 13.2559 B (PEF Dispersion Constant)18.7762 19.2978 B (VF Dispersion Constant)18.4385 19.2978 B (VF Dispersion Constant - mass limit)18.4385 19.2978 City (PEF Climate Zone) Selection Default Salt Lake City, City (VF Climate Zone) Selection Default Salt Lake City, C (PEF Dispersion Constant)216.108 221.3379 C (VF Dispersion Constant)209.7845 221.3379 C (VF Dispersion Constant - mass limit)209.7845 221.3379 ds (depth of source) m .2 foc (fraction organic carbon in soil) g/g 0.006 0.006 F(x) (function dependent on U m/Ut) unitless 0.194 0.0441 n (total soil porosity) L pore /L soil 0.43396 0.43396 pb (dry soil bulk density) g/cm 3 1.5 1.5 pb (dry soil bulk density - mass limit) g/cm 3 1.5 1.5 PEF (particulate emission factor) m 3/kg 1359344438 6316146854.6324 ps (soil particle density) g/cm 3 2.65 2.65 Q/Cwind (g/m2-s per kg/m 3)93.77 58.277267909869 Q/Cvol (g/m2-s per kg/m 3)68.18 58.277267909869 Q/Cvol (g/m2-s per kg/m 3 - mass limit)68.18 58.277267909869 As (PEF acres)0.5 3.3 As (VF acres)0.5 3.3 As (VF mass-limit acres)0.5 3.3 ATind (averaging time - indoor worker)365 365 BW ind (body weight - indoor worker)80 80 EDind (exposure duration - indoor worker) year 25 25 EFind (exposure frequency - indoor worker) day/year 250 250 ETind (exposure time - indoor worker) hour 8 8 Output generated 09AUG2023:17:54:00 Site-specific 2 Indoor Worker Soil Inputs Variable Indoor Worker Soil Default Value Site-Specific Value THQ (target hazard quotient) unitless 0.1 1 IRSind (soil ingestion rate - indoor worker) mg/day 50 50 LT (lifetime) year 70 70 TR (target cancer risk) unitless 1.0E-06 1.0E-06 Tw (groundwater temperature) Celsius 25 25 Theta a (air-filled soil porosity) L air/L soil 0.28396 0.28396 Theta w (water-filled soil porosity) L water /L soil 0.15 0.15 T (exposure interval) s 819936000 819936000 T (exposure interval) yr 26 26 Um (mean annual wind speed) m/s 4.69 3.93 Ut (equivalent threshold value)11.32 11.32 V (fraction of vegetative cover) unitless 0.5 0.5 VFml (volitization factor - mass limit) m 3/kg .15927.876646982 Output generated 09AUG2023:17:54:00 Site-specific 3 Indoor Worker Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Chemical CAS Number Mutagen?Volatile? Chemical Type SFo(mg/kg-day)-1 SFoRef IUR (ug/m 3)-1 IUR Ref RfD (mg/kg-day) RfD Ref RfC (mg/m 3) RfC Ref RBA Soil Saturation Concentration (mg/kg) S (mg/L) Arsenic, Inorganic 7440-38-2 No No Inorganics 1.50E+00 I 4.30E-03 I 3.00E-04 I 1.50E-05 C 0.6 -- Cadmium (Diet)7440-43-9 No No Inorganics -1.80E-03 I 1.00E-04 A 1.00E-05 A 1 -- Chromium, Total 7440-47-3 No No Inorganics ----1 -- Lead and Compounds 7439-92-1 No No Inorganics ----1 -- Mercury (elemental)7439-97-6 No Yes Inorganics ---3.00E-04 I 1 3.13E+00 6.00E-02 Selenium 7782-49-2 No No Inorganics --5.00E-03 I 2.00E-02 C 1 -- Silver 7440-22-4 No No Inorganics --5.00E-03 I -1 -- Output generated 09AUG2023:17:54:00 Site-specific 4 Indoor Worker Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Koc\ (cm 3/g) Kd\ (cm 3/g) HLC (atm-m 3/mole) Henry's Law Constant Used in Calcs (unitless) H` and HLC Ref Normal Boiling Point BP (K) BP Ref Critical Temperature TC\ (K) TC\ Ref Chemical Type Dia\ (cm 2/s) Diw \ (cm 2/s) DA\ (cm 2/s) -2.90E+01 --888.15 PHYSPROP 1673 CRC INORGANIC --- -7.50E+01 --1038.15 PHYSPROP 2291 YAWS INORGANIC --- -1.80E+06 --2915.15 PHYSPROP 8560.93 YAWS INORGANIC --- -9.00E+02 --2022.15 CRC 5400 YAWS INORGANIC --- -5.20E+01 8.62E-03 3.52E-01 PHYSPROP VP/S 629.75 PHYSPROP 1764 CRC INORGANIC 3.07E-02 6.30E-06 1.10E-05 -5.00E+00 --958.15 PHYSPROP 1766 CRC INORGANIC --- -8.30E+00 --2273.15 PHYSPROP 6410 CRC INORGANIC --- Output generated 09AUG2023:17:54:00 Site-specific 5 Indoor Worker Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Particulate Emission Factor (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Unlimited Reservoir (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Mass Limit (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Selected (m 3/kg) Ingestion SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Inhalation SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Carcinogenic SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Ingestion SL THQ=1 (mg/kg) Inhalation SL THQ=1 (mg/kg) Noncarcinogenic SL THI=1 (mg/kg) Screening Level (mg/kg) 6.32E+09 ---7.27E+00 1.80E+04 7.26E+00 1.17E+03 4.15E+05 1.16E+03 7.26E+00 ca 6.32E+09 ----4.30E+04 4.30E+04 2.34E+02 2.77E+05 2.33E+02 2.33E+02 nc 6.32E+09 --------- 6.32E+09 --------- 6.32E+09 2.97E+04 1.59E+04 2.97E+04 ----3.90E+01 3.90E+01 3.90E+01 nc sat 6.32E+09 ------1.17E+04 5.53E+08 1.17E+04 1.17E+04 nc 6.32E+09 ------1.17E+04 -1.17E+04 1.17E+04 nc Output generated 09AUG2023:17:54:00 Site-specific 6 Indoor Worker Risk for Soil Chemical SFo(mg/kg-day)-1 SFoRef IUR (ug/m 3)-1 IUR Ref RfD (mg/kg-day) RfD Ref RfC (mg/m 3) RfC Ref RBA Soil Saturation Concentration (mg/kg) S (mg/L) Koc\ (cm 3/g) Kd\ (cm 3/g) Arsenic, Inorganic 1.50E+00 I 4.30E-03 I 3.00E-04 I 1.50E-05 C 0.6 ---2.90E+01 Cadmium (Diet)-1.80E-03 I 1.00E-04 A 1.00E-05 A 1 ---7.50E+01 Chromium, Total ----1 ---1.80E+06 Lead and Compounds ----1 ---9.00E+02 Mercury (elemental)---3.00E-04 I 1 3.13E+00 6.00E-02 -5.20E+01 Selenium --5.00E-03 I 2.00E-02 C 1 ---5.00E+00 Silver --5.00E-03 I -1 ---8.30E+00 *Total Risk/HI --------- Output generated 09AUG2023:17:54:00 Site-specific 7 Indoor Worker Risk for Soil HLC (atm-m 3/mole) Henry's Law Constant Used in Calcs (unitless) H` and HLC Ref Normal Boiling Point BP (K) BP Ref Critical Temperature TC\ (K) TC\ Ref Chemical Type Dia\ (cm 2/s) Diw \ (cm 2/s) DA\ (cm 2/s) Particulate Emission Factor (m 3/kg) --888.15 PHYSPROP 1673 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 --1038.15 PHYSPROP 2291 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 --2915.15 PHYSPROP 8560.93 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 --2022.15 CRC 5400 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 8.62E-03 3.52E-01 PHYSPROP VP/S 629.75 PHYSPROP 1764 CRC INORGANIC 3.07E-02 6.30E-06 1.10E-05 6.32E+09 --958.15 PHYSPROP 1766 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 --2273.15 PHYSPROP 6410 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 -------- Output generated 09AUG2023:17:54:00 Site-specific 8 Indoor Worker Risk for Soil Volatilization Factor Unlimited Reservoir (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Mass Limit (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Selected (m 3/kg) Concentration (mg/kg) Ingestion Risk Inhalation Risk Carcinogenic Risk Ingestion HQ Inhalation HQ Noncarcinogenic HI ---2.96E+01 4.08E-06 1.64E-09 4.08E-06 2.54E-02 7.14E-05 2.54E-02 ---2.90E-01 -6.74E-12 6.74E-12 1.24E-03 1.05E-06 1.24E-03 ---1.92E+01 ------ ---2.60E+02 ------ 2.97E+04 1.59E+04 2.97E+04 3.43E-01 ----8.80E-03 8.80E-03 ---9.22E-01 ---7.89E-05 1.67E-09 7.89E-05 ---1.42E+00 ---1.22E-04 -1.22E-04 ----4.08E-06 1.65E-09 4.08E-06 2.68E-02 8.87E-03 3.57E-02 Output generated 09AUG2023:18:03:03 Site-specific 1 Resident Soil Inputs Variable Resident Soil Default Value Site-Specific Value A (PEF Dispersion Constant)16.2302 13.2559 A (VF Dispersion Constant)11.911 13.2559 A (VF Dispersion Constant - mass limit)11.911 13.2559 B (PEF Dispersion Constant)18.7762 19.2978 B (VF Dispersion Constant)18.4385 19.2978 B (VF Dispersion Constant - mass limit)18.4385 19.2978 City (PEF Climate Zone) Selection Default Salt Lake City, City (VF Climate Zone) Selection Default Salt Lake City, C (PEF Dispersion Constant)216.108 221.3379 C (VF Dispersion Constant)209.7845 221.3379 C (VF Dispersion Constant - mass limit)209.7845 221.3379 ds (depth of source) m .2 foc (fraction organic carbon in soil) g/g 0.006 0.006 F(x) (function dependent on U m/Ut) unitless 0.194 0.0441 n (total soil porosity) L pore /L soil 0.43396 0.43396 pb (dry soil bulk density) g/cm 3 1.5 1.5 pb (dry soil bulk density - mass limit) g/cm 3 1.5 1.5 PEF (particulate emission factor) m 3/kg 1359344438 6316146854.6324 ps (soil particle density) g/cm 3 2.65 2.65 Q/Cwind (g/m2-s per kg/m 3)93.77 58.277267909869 Q/Cvol (g/m2-s per kg/m 3)68.18 58.277267909869 Q/Cvol (g/m2-s per kg/m 3 - mass limit)68.18 58.277267909869 As (PEF acres)0.5 3.3 As (VF acres)0.5 3.3 As (VF mass-limit acres)0.5 3.3 AF0-2 (mutagenic skin adherence factor) mg/cm 2 0.2 0.2 AF2-6 (mutagenic skin adherence factor) mg/cm 2 0.2 0.2 AF6-16 (mutagenic skin adherence factor) mg/cm 2 0.07 0.07 AF16-26 (mutagenic skin adherence factor) mg/cm 2 0.07 0.07 AFres-a (skin adherence factor - adult) mg/cm 2 0.07 0.07 AFres-c (skin adherence factor - child) mg/cm 2 0.2 0.2 Output generated 09AUG2023:18:03:03 Site-specific 2 Resident Soil Inputs Variable Resident Soil Default Value Site-Specific Value ATres (averaging time - resident carcinogenic)365 365 BW 0-2 (mutagenic body weight) kg 15 15 BW 2-6 (mutagenic body weight) kg 15 15 BW 6-16 (mutagenic body weight) kg 80 80 BW 16-26 (mutagenic body weight) kg 80 80 BW res-a (body weight - adult) kg 80 80 BW res-c (body weight - child) kg 15 15 DFSres-adj (age-adjusted soil dermal factor) mg/kg 103390 103390 DFSMres-adj (mutagenic age-adjusted soil dermal factor) mg/kg 428260 428260 EDres (exposure duration) years 26 26 ED0-2 (mutagenic exposure duration) years 2 2 ED2-6 (mutagenic exposure duration) years 4 4 ED6-16 (mutagenic exposure duration) years 10 10 ED16-26 (mutagenic exposure duration) years 10 10 EDres-a (exposure duration - adult) years 20 20 EDres-c (exposure duration - child) years 6 6 EFres (exposure frequency) days/year 350 350 EF0-2 (mutagenic exposure frequency) days/year 350 350 EF2-6 (mutagenic exposure frequency) days/year 350 350 EF6-16 (mutagenic exposure frequency) days/year 350 350 EF16-26 (mutagenic exposure frequency) days/year 350 350 EFres-a (exposure frequency - adult) days/year 350 350 EFres-c (exposure frequency - child) days/year 350 350 ETres (exposure time) hours/day 24 24 ET0-2 (mutagenic exposure time) hours/day 24 24 ET2-6 (mutagenic exposure time) hours/day 24 24 ET6-16 (mutagenic exposure time) hours/day 24 24 ET16-26 (mutagenic exposure time) hours/day 24 24 ETres-a (adult exposure time) hours/day 24 24 ETres-c (child exposure time) hours/day 24 24 THQ (target hazard quotient) unitless 0.1 1 Output generated 09AUG2023:18:03:03 Site-specific 3 Resident Soil Inputs Variable Resident Soil Default Value Site-Specific Value IFS res-adj (age-adjusted soil ingestion factor) mg/kg 36750 36750 IFSM res-adj (mutagenic age-adjusted soil ingestion factor) mg/kg 166833.3 166833.3 IRS0-2 (mutagenic soil intake rate) mg/day 200 200 IRS2-6 (mutagenic soil intake rate) mg/day 200 200 IRS6-16 (mutagenic soil intake rate) mg/day 100 100 IRS16-26 (mutagenic soil intake rate) mg/day 100 100 IRSres-a (soil intake rate - adult) mg/day 100 100 IRSres-c (soil intake rate - child) mg/day 200 200 LT (lifetime) years 70 70 SA0-2 (mutagenic skin surface area) cm 2/day 2373 2373 SA2-6 (mutagenic skin surface area) cm 2/day 2373 2373 SA6-16 (mutagenic skin surface area) cm 2/day 6032 6032 SA16-26 (mutagenic skin surface area) cm 2/day 6032 6032 SAres-a (skin surface area - adult) cm 2/day 6032 6032 SAres-c (skin surface area - child) cm 2/day 2373 2373 TR (target risk) unitless 1.0E-06 1.0E-06 Tw (groundwater temperature) Celsius 25 25 Theta a (air-filled soil porosity) L air/L soil 0.28396 0.28396 Theta w (water-filled soil porosity) L water /L soil 0.15 0.15 T (exposure interval) s 819936000 819936000 T (exposure interval) yr 26 26 Um (mean annual wind speed) m/s 4.69 3.93 Ut (equivalent threshold value)11.32 11.32 V (fraction of vegetative cover) unitless 0.5 0.5 VFml (volitization factor - mass limit) m 3/kg .15927.876646982 Output generated 09AUG2023:18:03:03 Site-specific 4 Resident Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Chemical CAS Number Mutagen?Volatile? Chemical Type SFo(mg/kg-day)-1 SFoRef IUR (ug/m 3)-1 IUR Ref RfD (mg/kg-day) RfD Ref RfC (mg/m 3) RfC Ref GIABS ABS Arsenic, Inorganic 7440-38-2 No No Inorganics 1.50E+00 I 4.30E-03 I 3.00E-04 I 1.50E-05 C 1 0.03 Cadmium (Diet)7440-43-9 No No Inorganics -1.80E-03 I 1.00E-04 A 1.00E-05 A 0.025 0.001 Chromium, Total 7440-47-3 No No Inorganics ----0.013 - Lead and Compounds 7439-92-1 No No Inorganics ----1 - Mercury (elemental)7439-97-6 No Yes Inorganics ---3.00E-04 I 1 - Selenium 7782-49-2 No No Inorganics --5.00E-03 I 2.00E-02 C 1 - Silver 7440-22-4 No No Inorganics --5.00E-03 I -0.04 - Output generated 09AUG2023:18:03:03 Site-specific 5 Resident Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. RBA Soil Saturation Concentration (mg/kg) S (mg/L) Koc\ (cm 3/g) Kd\ (cm 3/g) HLC (atm-m 3/mole) Henry's Law Constant Used in Calcs (unitless) H` and HLC Ref Normal Boiling Point BP (K) BP Ref Critical Temperature TC\ (K) TC\ Ref 0.6 ---2.90E+01 --888.15 PHYSPROP 1673 CRC 1 ---7.50E+01 --1038.15 PHYSPROP 2291 YAWS 1 ---1.80E+06 --2915.15 PHYSPROP 8560.93 YAWS 1 ---9.00E+02 --2022.15 CRC 5400 YAWS 1 3.13E+00 6.00E-02 -5.20E+01 8.62E-03 3.52E-01 PHYSPROP VP/S 629.75 PHYSPROP 1764 CRC 1 ---5.00E+00 --958.15 PHYSPROP 1766 CRC 1 ---8.30E+00 --2273.15 PHYSPROP 6410 CRC Output generated 09AUG2023:18:03:03 Site-specific 6 Resident Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Chemical Type Dia\ (cm 2/s) Diw \ (cm 2/s) DA\ (cm 2/s) Particulate Emission Factor (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Unlimited Reservoir (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Mass Limit (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Selected (m 3/kg) Ingestion SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Dermal SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Inhalation SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 ---7.72E-01 5.49E+00 4.12E+03 INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 -----9.85E+03 INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 ------ INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 ------ INORGANIC 3.07E-02 6.30E-06 1.10E-05 6.32E+09 2.97E+04 1.59E+04 2.97E+04 --- INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 ------ INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 ------ Output generated 09AUG2023:18:03:03 Site-specific 7 Resident Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Carcinogenic SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Ingestion SL Child THQ=1 (mg/kg) Dermal SL Child THQ=1 (mg/kg) Inhalation SL Child THQ=1 (mg/kg) Noncarcinogenic SL Child THI=1 (mg/kg) Ingestion SL Adult THQ=1 (mg/kg) Dermal SL Adult THQ=1 (mg/kg) Inhalation SL Adult THQ=1 (mg/kg) Noncarcinogenic SL Adult THI=1 (mg/kg) Screening Level (mg/kg) 6.77E-01 3.91E+01 3.30E+02 9.88E+04 3.49E+01 4.17E+02 1.98E+03 9.88E+04 3.43E+02 6.77E-01 ca 9.85E+03 7.82E+00 8.24E+01 6.59E+04 7.14E+00 8.34E+01 4.94E+02 6.59E+04 7.13E+01 7.14E+00 nc --------- --------- ---9.28E+00 9.28E+00 --9.28E+00 9.28E+00 9.28E+00 nc sat -3.91E+02 -1.32E+08 3.91E+02 4.17E+03 -1.32E+08 4.17E+03 3.91E+02 nc -3.91E+02 --3.91E+02 4.17E+03 --4.17E+03 3.91E+02 nc Output generated 09AUG2023:18:03:03 Site-specific 8 Resident Risk for Soil Chemical SFo(mg/kg-day)-1 SFoRef IUR (ug/m 3)-1 IUR Ref RfD (mg/kg-day) RfD Ref RfC (mg/m 3) RfC Ref GIABS ABS RBA Soil Saturation Concentration (mg/kg) S (mg/L) Koc\ (cm 3/g) Kd\ (cm 3/g) HLC (atm-m 3/mole) Arsenic, Inorganic 1.50E+00 I 4.30E-03 I 3.00E-04 I 1.50E-05 C 1 0.03 0.6 ---2.90E+01 - Cadmium (Diet) -1.80E-03 I 1.00E-04 A 1.00E-05 A 0.025 0.001 1 ---7.50E+01 - Chromium, Total ----0.013 -1 ---1.80E+06 - Lead and Compounds ----1 -1 ---9.00E+02 - Mercury (elemental) ---3.00E-04 I 1 -1 3.13E+00 6.00E-02 -5.20E+01 8.62E-03 Selenium --5.00E-03 I 2.00E-02 C 1 -1 ---5.00E+00 - Silver --5.00E-03 I -0.04 -1 ---8.30E+00 - *Total Risk/HI ------------ Output generated 09AUG2023:18:03:03 Site-specific 9 Resident Risk for Soil Henry's Law Constant Used in Calcs (unitless) H` and HLC Ref Normal Boiling Point BP (K) BP Ref Critical Temperature TC\ (K) TC\ Ref Chemical Type Dia\ (cm 2/s) Diw \ (cm 2/s) DA\ (cm 2/s) Particulate Emission Factor (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Unlimited Reservoir (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Mass Limit (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Selected (m 3/kg) -888.15 PHYSPROP 1673 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 --- -1038.15 PHYSPROP 2291 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 --- -2915.15 PHYSPROP 8560.93 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 --- -2022.15 CRC 5400 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 --- 3.52E-01 PHYSPROP VP/S 629.75 PHYSPROP 1764 CRC INORGANIC 3.07E-02 6.30E-06 1.10E-05 6.32E+09 2.97E+04 1.59E+04 2.97E+04 -958.15 PHYSPROP 1766 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 --- -2273.15 PHYSPROP 6410 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 --- ---------- Output generated 09AUG2023:18:03:03 Site-specific 10 Resident Risk for Soil Concentration (mg/kg) Ingestion Risk Dermal Risk Inhalation Risk Carcinogenic Risk Ingestion Child HQ Dermal Child HQ Inhalation Child HQ Noncarcinogenic Child HI Ingestion Adult HQ Dermal Adult HQ Inhalation Adult HQ Noncarcinogenic Adult HI 2.96E+01 3.83E-05 5.39E-06 7.18E-09 4.37E-05 7.57E-01 8.99E-02 3.00E-04 8.48E-01 7.10E-02 1.50E-02 3.00E-04 8.63E-02 2.90E-01 --2.94E-11 2.94E-11 3.71E-02 3.52E-03 4.40E-06 4.06E-02 3.48E-03 5.87E-04 4.40E-06 4.07E-03 2.05E+01 ------------ 2.05E+01 ------------ 3.43E-01 ------3.70E-02 3.70E-02 --3.70E-02 3.70E-02 1.08E+00 ----2.76E-03 -8.20E-09 2.76E-03 2.59E-04 -8.20E-09 2.59E-04 1.57E-01 ----4.01E-04 --4.01E-04 3.76E-05 --3.76E-05 -3.83E-05 5.39E-06 7.21E-09 4.37E-05 7.98E-01 9.34E-02 3.73E-02 9.28E-01 7.48E-02 1.56E-02 3.73E-02 1.28E-01 Output generated 09AUG2023:18:14:28 Site-specific 1 Resident Soil Inputs Variable Resident Soil Default Value Site-Specific Value A (PEF Dispersion Constant)16.2302 13.2559 A (VF Dispersion Constant)11.911 13.2559 A (VF Dispersion Constant - mass limit)11.911 13.2559 B (PEF Dispersion Constant)18.7762 19.2978 B (VF Dispersion Constant)18.4385 19.2978 B (VF Dispersion Constant - mass limit)18.4385 19.2978 City (PEF Climate Zone) Selection Default Salt Lake City, City (VF Climate Zone) Selection Default Salt Lake City, C (PEF Dispersion Constant)216.108 221.3379 C (VF Dispersion Constant)209.7845 221.3379 C (VF Dispersion Constant - mass limit)209.7845 221.3379 ds (depth of source) m .0.5 foc (fraction organic carbon in soil) g/g 0.006 0.006 F(x) (function dependent on U m/Ut) unitless 0.194 0.0441 n (total soil porosity) L pore /L soil 0.43396 0.43396 pb (dry soil bulk density) g/cm 3 1.5 1.5 pb (dry soil bulk density - mass limit) g/cm 3 1.5 1.5 PEF (particulate emission factor) m 3/kg 1359344438 5851037964.8599 ps (soil particle density) g/cm 3 2.65 2.65 Q/Cwind (g/m2-s per kg/m 3)93.77 53.985842140270 Q/Cvol (g/m2-s per kg/m 3)68.18 53.985842140270 Q/Cvol (g/m2-s per kg/m 3 - mass limit)68.18 53.985842140270 As (PEF acres)0.5 5.3 As (VF acres)0.5 5.3 As (VF mass-limit acres)0.5 5.3 AF0-2 (mutagenic skin adherence factor) mg/cm 2 0.2 0.2 AF2-6 (mutagenic skin adherence factor) mg/cm 2 0.2 0.2 AF6-16 (mutagenic skin adherence factor) mg/cm 2 0.07 0.07 AF16-26 (mutagenic skin adherence factor) mg/cm 2 0.07 0.07 AFres-a (skin adherence factor - adult) mg/cm 2 0.07 0.07 AFres-c (skin adherence factor - child) mg/cm 2 0.2 0.2 Output generated 09AUG2023:18:14:28 Site-specific 2 Resident Soil Inputs Variable Resident Soil Default Value Site-Specific Value ATres (averaging time - resident carcinogenic)365 365 BW 0-2 (mutagenic body weight) kg 15 15 BW 2-6 (mutagenic body weight) kg 15 15 BW 6-16 (mutagenic body weight) kg 80 80 BW 16-26 (mutagenic body weight) kg 80 80 BW res-a (body weight - adult) kg 80 80 BW res-c (body weight - child) kg 15 15 DFSres-adj (age-adjusted soil dermal factor) mg/kg 103390 103390 DFSMres-adj (mutagenic age-adjusted soil dermal factor) mg/kg 428260 428260 EDres (exposure duration) years 26 26 ED0-2 (mutagenic exposure duration) years 2 2 ED2-6 (mutagenic exposure duration) years 4 4 ED6-16 (mutagenic exposure duration) years 10 10 ED16-26 (mutagenic exposure duration) years 10 10 EDres-a (exposure duration - adult) years 20 20 EDres-c (exposure duration - child) years 6 6 EFres (exposure frequency) days/year 350 350 EF0-2 (mutagenic exposure frequency) days/year 350 350 EF2-6 (mutagenic exposure frequency) days/year 350 350 EF6-16 (mutagenic exposure frequency) days/year 350 350 EF16-26 (mutagenic exposure frequency) days/year 350 350 EFres-a (exposure frequency - adult) days/year 350 350 EFres-c (exposure frequency - child) days/year 350 350 ETres (exposure time) hours/day 24 24 ET0-2 (mutagenic exposure time) hours/day 24 24 ET2-6 (mutagenic exposure time) hours/day 24 24 ET6-16 (mutagenic exposure time) hours/day 24 24 ET16-26 (mutagenic exposure time) hours/day 24 24 ETres-a (adult exposure time) hours/day 24 24 ETres-c (child exposure time) hours/day 24 24 THQ (target hazard quotient) unitless 0.1 1 Output generated 09AUG2023:18:14:28 Site-specific 3 Resident Soil Inputs Variable Resident Soil Default Value Site-Specific Value IFS res-adj (age-adjusted soil ingestion factor) mg/kg 36750 36750 IFSM res-adj (mutagenic age-adjusted soil ingestion factor) mg/kg 166833.3 166833.3 IRS0-2 (mutagenic soil intake rate) mg/day 200 200 IRS2-6 (mutagenic soil intake rate) mg/day 200 200 IRS6-16 (mutagenic soil intake rate) mg/day 100 100 IRS16-26 (mutagenic soil intake rate) mg/day 100 100 IRSres-a (soil intake rate - adult) mg/day 100 100 IRSres-c (soil intake rate - child) mg/day 200 200 LT (lifetime) years 70 70 SA0-2 (mutagenic skin surface area) cm 2/day 2373 2373 SA2-6 (mutagenic skin surface area) cm 2/day 2373 2373 SA6-16 (mutagenic skin surface area) cm 2/day 6032 6032 SA16-26 (mutagenic skin surface area) cm 2/day 6032 6032 SAres-a (skin surface area - adult) cm 2/day 6032 6032 SAres-c (skin surface area - child) cm 2/day 2373 2373 TR (target risk) unitless 1.0E-06 1.0E-06 Tw (groundwater temperature) Celsius 25 25 Theta a (air-filled soil porosity) L air/L soil 0.28396 0.28396 Theta w (water-filled soil porosity) L water /L soil 0.15 0.15 T (exposure interval) s 819936000 819936000 T (exposure interval) yr 26 26 Um (mean annual wind speed) m/s 4.69 3.93 Ut (equivalent threshold value)11.32 11.32 V (fraction of vegetative cover) unitless 0.5 0.5 VFml (volitization factor - mass limit) m 3/kg .59019.913948166 Output generated 09AUG2023:18:14:28 Site-specific 4 Resident Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Chemical CAS Number Mutagen?Volatile? Chemical Type SFo(mg/kg-day)-1 SFoRef IUR (ug/m 3)-1 IUR Ref RfD (mg/kg-day) RfD Ref RfC (mg/m 3) RfC Ref GIABS ABS Arsenic, Inorganic 7440-38-2 No No Inorganics 1.50E+00 I 4.30E-03 I 3.00E-04 I 1.50E-05 C 1 0.03 Cadmium (Diet)7440-43-9 No No Inorganics -1.80E-03 I 1.00E-04 A 1.00E-05 A 0.025 0.001 Chromium, Total 7440-47-3 No No Inorganics ----0.013 - Lead and Compounds 7439-92-1 No No Inorganics ----1 - Mercury (elemental)7439-97-6 No Yes Inorganics ---3.00E-04 I 1 - Selenium 7782-49-2 No No Inorganics --5.00E-03 I 2.00E-02 C 1 - Silver 7440-22-4 No No Inorganics --5.00E-03 I -0.04 - Output generated 09AUG2023:18:14:28 Site-specific 5 Resident Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. RBA Soil Saturation Concentration (mg/kg) S (mg/L) Koc\ (cm 3/g) Kd\ (cm 3/g) HLC (atm-m 3/mole) Henry's Law Constant Used in Calcs (unitless) H` and HLC Ref Normal Boiling Point BP (K) BP Ref Critical Temperature TC\ (K) TC\ Ref 0.6 ---2.90E+01 --888.15 PHYSPROP 1673 CRC 1 ---7.50E+01 --1038.15 PHYSPROP 2291 YAWS 1 ---1.80E+06 --2915.15 PHYSPROP 8560.93 YAWS 1 ---9.00E+02 --2022.15 CRC 5400 YAWS 1 3.13E+00 6.00E-02 -5.20E+01 8.62E-03 3.52E-01 PHYSPROP VP/S 629.75 PHYSPROP 1764 CRC 1 ---5.00E+00 --958.15 PHYSPROP 1766 CRC 1 ---8.30E+00 --2273.15 PHYSPROP 6410 CRC Output generated 09AUG2023:18:14:28 Site-specific 6 Resident Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Chemical Type Dia\ (cm 2/s) Diw \ (cm 2/s) DA\ (cm 2/s) Particulate Emission Factor (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Unlimited Reservoir (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Mass Limit (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Selected (m 3/kg) Ingestion SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Dermal SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Inhalation SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) INORGANIC ---5.85E+09 ---7.72E-01 5.49E+00 3.82E+03 INORGANIC ---5.85E+09 -----9.13E+03 INORGANIC ---5.85E+09 ------ INORGANIC ---5.85E+09 ------ INORGANIC 3.07E-02 6.30E-06 1.10E-05 5.85E+09 2.75E+04 5.90E+04 5.90E+04 --- INORGANIC ---5.85E+09 ------ INORGANIC ---5.85E+09 ------ Output generated 09AUG2023:18:14:28 Site-specific 7 Resident Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Carcinogenic SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Ingestion SL Child THQ=1 (mg/kg) Dermal SL Child THQ=1 (mg/kg) Inhalation SL Child THQ=1 (mg/kg) Noncarcinogenic SL Child THI=1 (mg/kg) Ingestion SL Adult THQ=1 (mg/kg) Dermal SL Adult THQ=1 (mg/kg) Inhalation SL Adult THQ=1 (mg/kg) Noncarcinogenic SL Adult THI=1 (mg/kg) Screening Level (mg/kg) 6.77E-01 3.91E+01 3.30E+02 9.15E+04 3.49E+01 4.17E+02 1.98E+03 9.15E+04 3.43E+02 6.77E-01 ca 9.13E+03 7.82E+00 8.24E+01 6.10E+04 7.14E+00 8.34E+01 4.94E+02 6.10E+04 7.13E+01 7.14E+00 nc --------- --------- ---1.85E+01 1.85E+01 --1.85E+01 1.85E+01 1.85E+01 nc sat -3.91E+02 -1.22E+08 3.91E+02 4.17E+03 -1.22E+08 4.17E+03 3.91E+02 nc -3.91E+02 --3.91E+02 4.17E+03 --4.17E+03 3.91E+02 nc Output generated 09AUG2023:18:14:28 Site-specific 8 Resident Risk for Soil Chemical SFo(mg/kg-day)-1 SFoRef IUR (ug/m 3)-1 IUR Ref RfD (mg/kg-day) RfD Ref RfC (mg/m 3) RfC Ref GIABS ABS RBA Soil Saturation Concentration (mg/kg) S (mg/L) Koc\ (cm 3/g) Kd\ (cm 3/g) HLC (atm-m 3/mole) Arsenic, Inorganic 1.50E+00 I 4.30E-03 I 3.00E-04 I 1.50E-05 C 1 0.03 0.6 ---2.90E+01 - Cadmium (Diet) -1.80E-03 I 1.00E-04 A 1.00E-05 A 0.025 0.001 1 ---7.50E+01 - Chromium, Total ----0.013 -1 ---1.80E+06 - Lead and Compounds ----1 -1 ---9.00E+02 - Mercury (elemental) ---3.00E-04 I 1 -1 3.13E+00 6.00E-02 -5.20E+01 8.62E-03 Selenium --5.00E-03 I 2.00E-02 C 1 -1 ---5.00E+00 - Silver --5.00E-03 I -0.04 -1 ---8.30E+00 - *Total Risk/HI ------------ Output generated 09AUG2023:18:14:28 Site-specific 9 Resident Risk for Soil Henry's Law Constant Used in Calcs (unitless) H` and HLC Ref Normal Boiling Point BP (K) BP Ref Critical Temperature TC\ (K) TC\ Ref Chemical Type Dia\ (cm 2/s) Diw \ (cm 2/s) DA\ (cm 2/s) Particulate Emission Factor (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Unlimited Reservoir (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Mass Limit (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Selected (m 3/kg) -888.15 PHYSPROP 1673 CRC INORGANIC ---5.85E+09 --- -1038.15 PHYSPROP 2291 YAWS INORGANIC ---5.85E+09 --- -2915.15 PHYSPROP 8560.93 YAWS INORGANIC ---5.85E+09 --- -2022.15 CRC 5400 YAWS INORGANIC ---5.85E+09 --- 3.52E-01 PHYSPROP VP/S 629.75 PHYSPROP 1764 CRC INORGANIC 3.07E-02 6.30E-06 1.10E-05 5.85E+09 2.75E+04 5.90E+04 5.90E+04 -958.15 PHYSPROP 1766 CRC INORGANIC ---5.85E+09 --- -2273.15 PHYSPROP 6410 CRC INORGANIC ---5.85E+09 --- ---------- Output generated 09AUG2023:18:14:28 Site-specific 10 Resident Risk for Soil Concentration (mg/kg) Ingestion Risk Dermal Risk Inhalation Risk Carcinogenic Risk Ingestion Child HQ Dermal Child HQ Inhalation Child HQ Noncarcinogenic Child HI Ingestion Adult HQ Dermal Adult HQ Inhalation Adult HQ Noncarcinogenic Adult HI 1.75E+01 2.26E-05 3.18E-06 4.57E-09 2.58E-05 4.46E-01 5.30E-02 1.91E-04 5.00E-01 4.19E-02 8.84E-03 1.91E-04 5.09E-02 2.50E+00 --2.74E-10 2.74E-10 3.20E-01 3.03E-02 4.10E-05 3.50E-01 3.00E-02 5.06E-03 4.10E-05 3.51E-02 1.92E+01 ------------ 2.60E+02 ------------ 4.44E-01 ------2.40E-02 2.40E-02 --2.40E-02 2.40E-02 9.22E-01 ----2.36E-03 -7.56E-09 2.36E-03 2.21E-04 -7.56E-09 2.21E-04 1.42E+00 ----3.63E-03 --3.63E-03 3.40E-04 --3.40E-04 -2.26E-05 3.18E-06 4.84E-09 2.58E-05 7.72E-01 8.33E-02 2.43E-02 8.80E-01 7.24E-02 1.39E-02 2.43E-02 1.11E-01 Output generated 09AUG2023:18:32:41 Site-specific 1 Construction Worker Inputs Variable Construction Worker Soil - Other Default Value Site-Specific Value A (PEF Dispersion Constant)2.4538 2.4538 Asurf (areal extent of site) m 2 2023.43 21448.358 A (VF Dispersion Constant)2.4538 2.4538 B (PEF Dispersion Constant)17.5660 17.5660 B (VF Dispersion Constant)17.5660 17.5660 C (PEF Dispersion Constant)189.0426 189.0426 C (VF Dispersion Constant)189.0426 189.0426 ds (average source depth) m .0.5 FD Unitless Dispersion Correction Factor 0.185837208 0.185837208 foc (fraction organic carbon in soil) g/g 0.006 0.006 F(x) (function dependant on U m/Ut derived using Cowherd et al. (1985))0.194 0.194 Mm-doz (Gravimetric soil moisture content) %7.9 7.9 Mm-excav (Gravimetric soil moisture content) %12 12 Mwind (dust emitted by wind erosion) g 8803.91354585 93321.483586014 NA-dump (number of times soil is dumped)2 2 NA-till (number of times soil is tilled)2 2 n (total soil porosity) L pore /L soil 0.43396 0.43396 pb (dry soil bulk density) g/cm 3 1.5 1.5 pb (dry soil bulk density - mass limit) g/cm 3 1.5 1.5 ps (soil particle density) g/cm 3 2.65 2.65 Q/Csa (g/m2-s per kg/m 3)14.31407 9.3433827422477 Q/Cvol (g/m2-s per kg/m 3)14.31407 9.3433827422477 Q/Csa (g/m2-s per kg/m 3)14.31407 9.3433827422477 psoil (density) g/cm 3 - chemical-specific 1.68 1.68 As (VFmlim-sc acres)0.5 5.3 As (VFulim-sc acres)0.5 5.3 sdoz (soil silt content) %6.9 6.9 AFcon (skin adherence factor - construction worker) mg/cm 2 0.3 0.3 ATcon (averaging time - construction worker) days 365 365 ATcon-a (averaging time - construction worker) days 350 350 Output generated 09AUG2023:18:32:41 Site-specific 2 Construction Worker Inputs Variable Construction Worker Soil - Other Default Value Site-Specific Value BW con (body weight - construction worker) kg 80 80 EDcon (exposure duration - construction worker) yr 1 1 EFcon (exposure frequency - construction worker) day/yr 250 250 ETcon (exposure time - construction worker) hr/day 8 8 THQ (target hazard quotient) unitless 0.1 1 IRScon (soil ingestion rate - construction worker) mg/day 330 330 LT (lifetime) yr 70 70 SAcon (surface area - construction worker) cm 2/day 3527 3527 TR (target cancer risk) unitless 1.0E-06 1.0E-06 Sdoz (dozing speed) kph 11.4 11.4 Sgrade (dozing speed) kph 11.4 11.4 still (soil silt content) %18 18 tc (overall duration of construction) hours 8400 8400 Tc (overall duration of construction) s 30240000 30240000 Theta a (air-filled soil porosity) L air/L soil 0.28396 0.28396 Theta w (water-filled soil porosity) L water /L soil 0.15 0.15 T (time over which traffic occurs) s 7200000 7200000 Tt (overall duration of traffic) s 7200000 7200000 Um (mean annual wind speed) m/s 4.69 4.69 Ut (equivalent threshold value) m/s 11.32 11.32 VFmlim-sc (volitization factor) m 3 air/kgsoil .2027.1784979003 V (fraction of vegetative cover)0 0 Output generated 09AUG2023:18:32:41 Site-specific 3 Construction Worker Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil - Other Construction Activities Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Subchronic toxicity values will be used where available. RfC and RfD references will be followed by either 'Chronic' or 'Subchronic' to indicate which toxicity value was used. Chemical CAS Number Mutagen?Volatile? Chemical Type SFo(mg/kg-day)-1 SFoRef IUR (ug/m 3)-1 IUR Ref RfD (mg/kg-day) RfD Ref RfC (mg/m 3) Arsenic, Inorganic 7440-38-2 No No Inorganics 1.50E+00 I 4.30E-03 I 3.00E-04 I /Chronic 1.50E-05 Cadmium (Diet)7440-43-9 No No Inorganics -1.80E-03 I 5.00E-04 A /Subchronic 1.00E-05 Chromium, Total 7440-47-3 No No Inorganics ---- Lead and Compounds 7439-92-1 No No Inorganics ---- Mercury (elemental)7439-97-6 No Yes Inorganics ---3.00E-04 Selenium 7782-49-2 No No Inorganics --5.00E-03 H /Subchronic 2.00E-02 Silver 7440-22-4 No No Inorganics --5.00E-03 H /Subchronic - Output generated 09AUG2023:18:32:41 Site-specific 4 Construction Worker Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil - Other Construction Activities Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Subchronic toxicity values will be used where available. RfC and RfD references will be followed by either 'Chronic' or 'Subchronic' to indicate which toxicity value was used. RfC Ref GIABS ABS RBA Soil Saturation Concentration (mg/kg) S (mg/L) Koc\ (cm 3/g) Kd\ (cm 3/g) HLC (atm-m 3/mole) Henry's Law Constant Used in Calcs (unitless) H` and HLC Ref Normal Boiling Point BP (K) C /Chronic 1 0.03 0.6 ---2.90E+01 --888.15 A /Chronic 0.025 0.001 1 ---7.50E+01 --1038.15 0.013 -1 ---1.80E+06 --2915.15 1 -1 ---9.00E+02 --2022.15 H /Subchronic 1 -1 3.13E+00 6.00E-02 -5.20E+01 8.62E-03 3.52E-01 PHYSPROP VP/S 629.75 C /Chronic 1 -1 ---5.00E+00 --958.15 0.04 -1 ---8.30E+00 --2273.15 Output generated 09AUG2023:18:32:41 Site-specific 5 Construction Worker Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil - Other Construction Activities Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Subchronic toxicity values will be used where available. RfC and RfD references will be followed by either 'Chronic' or 'Subchronic' to indicate which toxicity value was used. BP Ref Critical Temperature TC\ (K) TC\ Ref Chemical Type Dia\ (cm 2/s) Diw \ (cm 2/s) DA\ (cm 2/s) Particulate Emission Factor (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Unlimited Reservoir (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Mass Limit (m 3/kg) PHYSPROP 1673 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 -- PHYSPROP 2291 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 -- PHYSPROP 8560.93 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 -- CRC 5400 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 -- PHYSPROP 1764 CRC INORGANIC 3.07E-02 6.30E-06 1.10E-05 6.32E+09 -- PHYSPROP 1766 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 -- PHYSPROP 6410 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 -- Output generated 09AUG2023:18:32:41 Site-specific 6 Construction Worker Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil - Other Construction Activities Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Subchronic toxicity values will be used where available. RfC and RfD references will be followed by either 'Chronic' or 'Subchronic' to indicate which toxicity value was used. Volatilization Factor Selected (m 3/kg) Ingestion SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Dermal SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Inhalation SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Carcinogenic SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Ingestion SL THQ=1 (mg/kg) Dermal SL THQ=1 (mg/kg) Inhalation SL THQ=1 (mg/kg) Noncarcinogenic SL THI=1 (mg/kg) Screening Level (mg/kg) -2.75E+01 1.72E+02 4.50E+05 2.37E+01 1.70E+02 1.06E+03 3.98E+05 1.46E+02 2.37E+01 ca** ---1.08E+06 1.08E+06 1.70E+02 1.32E+03 2.65E+05 1.50E+02 1.50E+02 nc --------- --------- 2.03E+03 ------2.55E+00 2.55E+00 2.55E+00 nc -----1.70E+03 -5.31E+08 1.70E+03 1.70E+03 nc -----1.70E+03 --1.70E+03 1.70E+03 nc Output generated 09AUG2023:18:32:41 Site-specific 7 Construction Worker Risk for Soil - Other Construction Activities Chemical SFo(mg/kg-day)-1 SFoRef IUR (ug/m 3)-1 IUR Ref RfD (mg/kg-day) RfD Ref RfC (mg/m 3) RfC Ref GIABS ABS RBA Soil Saturation Concentration (mg/kg) S (mg/L) Koc\ (cm 3/g) Kd\ (cm 3/g) Arsenic, Inorganic 1.50E+00 I 4.30E-03 I 3.00E-04 I /Chronic 1.50E-05 C /Chronic 1 0.03 0.6 ---2.90E+01 Cadmium (Diet)-1.80E-03 I 5.00E-04 A /Subchronic 1.00E-05 A /Chronic 0.025 0.001 1 ---7.50E+01 Chromium, Total ----0.013 -1 ---1.80E+06 Lead and Compounds ----1 -1 ---9.00E+02 Mercury (elemental) ---3.00E-04 H /Subchronic 1 -1 3.13E+00 6.00E-02 -5.20E+01 Selenium --5.00E-03 H /Subchronic 2.00E-02 C /Chronic 1 -1 ---5.00E+00 Silver --5.00E-03 H /Subchronic -0.04 -1 ---8.30E+00 *Total Risk/HI ----------- Output generated 09AUG2023:18:32:41 Site-specific 8 Construction Worker Risk for Soil - Other Construction Activities HLC (atm-m 3/mole) Henry's Law Constant Used in Calcs (unitless) H` and HLC Ref Normal Boiling Point BP (K) BP Ref Critical Temperature TC\ (K) TC\ Ref Chemical Type Dia\ (cm 2/s) Diw \ (cm 2/s) DA\ (cm 2/s) Particulate Emission Factor (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Unlimited Reservoir (m 3/kg) --888.15 PHYSPROP 1673 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 - --1038.15 PHYSPROP 2291 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 - --2915.15 PHYSPROP 8560.93 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 - --2022.15 CRC 5400 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 - 8.62E-03 3.52E-01 PHYSPROP VP/S 629.75 PHYSPROP 1764 CRC INORGANIC 3.07E-02 6.30E-06 1.10E-05 6.32E+09 - --958.15 PHYSPROP 1766 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 - --2273.15 PHYSPROP 6410 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 - --------- Output generated 09AUG2023:18:32:41 Site-specific 9 Construction Worker Risk for Soil - Other Construction Activities Volatilization Factor Mass Limit (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Selected (m 3/kg) Concentration (mg/kg) Ingestion Risk Dermal Risk Inhalation Risk Carcinogenic Risk Ingestion HQ Dermal HQ Inhalation HQ Noncarcinogenic HI --1.75E+01 6.34E-07 1.02E-07 3.88E-11 7.36E-07 1.03E-01 1.65E-02 4.39E-05 1.19E-01 --2.50E+00 --2.32E-12 2.32E-12 1.47E-02 1.89E-03 9.42E-06 1.66E-02 --1.92E+01 -------- --2.60E+02 -------- -2.03E+03 4.44E-01 ------1.74E-01 1.74E-01 --9.22E-01 ----5.43E-04 -1.74E-09 5.43E-04 --1.42E+00 ----8.37E-04 --8.37E-04 ---6.34E-07 1.02E-07 4.11E-11 7.36E-07 1.19E-01 1.84E-02 1.74E-01 3.11E-01 Output generated 09AUG2023:18:17:54 Site-specific 1 Indoor Worker Soil Inputs Variable Indoor Worker Soil Default Value Site-Specific Value A (PEF Dispersion Constant)16.2302 13.2559 A (VF Dispersion Constant)11.911 13.2559 A (VF Dispersion Constant - mass limit)11.911 13.2559 B (PEF Dispersion Constant)18.7762 19.2978 B (VF Dispersion Constant)18.4385 19.2978 B (VF Dispersion Constant - mass limit)18.4385 19.2978 City (PEF Climate Zone) Selection Default Salt Lake City, City (VF Climate Zone) Selection Default Salt Lake City, C (PEF Dispersion Constant)216.108 221.3379 C (VF Dispersion Constant)209.7845 221.3379 C (VF Dispersion Constant - mass limit)209.7845 221.3379 ds (depth of source) m .0.5 foc (fraction organic carbon in soil) g/g 0.006 0.006 F(x) (function dependent on U m/Ut) unitless 0.194 0.0441 n (total soil porosity) L pore /L soil 0.43396 0.43396 pb (dry soil bulk density) g/cm 3 1.5 1.5 pb (dry soil bulk density - mass limit) g/cm 3 1.5 1.5 PEF (particulate emission factor) m 3/kg 1359344438 5851037964.8599 ps (soil particle density) g/cm 3 2.65 2.65 Q/Cwind (g/m2-s per kg/m 3)93.77 53.985842140270 Q/Cvol (g/m2-s per kg/m 3)68.18 53.985842140270 Q/Cvol (g/m2-s per kg/m 3 - mass limit)68.18 53.985842140270 As (PEF acres)0.5 5.3 As (VF acres)0.5 5.3 As (VF mass-limit acres)0.5 5.3 ATind (averaging time - indoor worker)365 365 BW ind (body weight - indoor worker)80 80 EDind (exposure duration - indoor worker) year 25 25 EFind (exposure frequency - indoor worker) day/year 250 250 ETind (exposure time - indoor worker) hour 8 8 Output generated 09AUG2023:18:17:54 Site-specific 2 Indoor Worker Soil Inputs Variable Indoor Worker Soil Default Value Site-Specific Value THQ (target hazard quotient) unitless 0.1 1 IRSind (soil ingestion rate - indoor worker) mg/day 50 50 LT (lifetime) year 70 70 TR (target cancer risk) unitless 1.0E-06 1.0E-06 Tw (groundwater temperature) Celsius 25 25 Theta a (air-filled soil porosity) L air/L soil 0.28396 0.28396 Theta w (water-filled soil porosity) L water /L soil 0.15 0.15 T (exposure interval) s 819936000 819936000 T (exposure interval) yr 26 26 Um (mean annual wind speed) m/s 4.69 3.93 Ut (equivalent threshold value)11.32 11.32 V (fraction of vegetative cover) unitless 0.5 0.5 VFml (volitization factor - mass limit) m 3/kg .59019.913948166 Output generated 09AUG2023:18:17:54 Site-specific 3 Indoor Worker Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Chemical CAS Number Mutagen?Volatile? Chemical Type SFo(mg/kg-day)-1 SFoRef IUR (ug/m 3)-1 IUR Ref RfD (mg/kg-day) RfD Ref RfC (mg/m 3) RfC Ref RBA Soil Saturation Concentration (mg/kg) S (mg/L) Arsenic, Inorganic 7440-38-2 No No Inorganics 1.50E+00 I 4.30E-03 I 3.00E-04 I 1.50E-05 C 0.6 -- Cadmium (Diet)7440-43-9 No No Inorganics -1.80E-03 I 1.00E-04 A 1.00E-05 A 1 -- Chromium, Total 7440-47-3 No No Inorganics ----1 -- Lead and Compounds 7439-92-1 No No Inorganics ----1 -- Mercury (elemental)7439-97-6 No Yes Inorganics ---3.00E-04 I 1 3.13E+00 6.00E-02 Selenium 7782-49-2 No No Inorganics --5.00E-03 I 2.00E-02 C 1 -- Silver 7440-22-4 No No Inorganics --5.00E-03 I -1 -- Output generated 09AUG2023:18:17:54 Site-specific 4 Indoor Worker Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Koc\ (cm 3/g) Kd\ (cm 3/g) HLC (atm-m 3/mole) Henry's Law Constant Used in Calcs (unitless) H` and HLC Ref Normal Boiling Point BP (K) BP Ref Critical Temperature TC\ (K) TC\ Ref Chemical Type Dia\ (cm 2/s) Diw \ (cm 2/s) DA\ (cm 2/s) -2.90E+01 --888.15 PHYSPROP 1673 CRC INORGANIC --- -7.50E+01 --1038.15 PHYSPROP 2291 YAWS INORGANIC --- -1.80E+06 --2915.15 PHYSPROP 8560.93 YAWS INORGANIC --- -9.00E+02 --2022.15 CRC 5400 YAWS INORGANIC --- -5.20E+01 8.62E-03 3.52E-01 PHYSPROP VP/S 629.75 PHYSPROP 1764 CRC INORGANIC 3.07E-02 6.30E-06 1.10E-05 -5.00E+00 --958.15 PHYSPROP 1766 CRC INORGANIC --- -8.30E+00 --2273.15 PHYSPROP 6410 CRC INORGANIC --- Output generated 09AUG2023:18:17:54 Site-specific 5 Indoor Worker Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Particulate Emission Factor (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Unlimited Reservoir (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Mass Limit (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Selected (m 3/kg) Ingestion SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Inhalation SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Carcinogenic SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Ingestion SL THQ=1 (mg/kg) Inhalation SL THQ=1 (mg/kg) Noncarcinogenic SL THI=1 (mg/kg) Screening Level (mg/kg) 5.85E+09 ---7.27E+00 1.67E+04 7.26E+00 1.17E+03 3.84E+05 1.16E+03 7.26E+00 ca 5.85E+09 ----3.99E+04 3.99E+04 2.34E+02 2.56E+05 2.33E+02 2.33E+02 nc 5.85E+09 --------- 5.85E+09 --------- 5.85E+09 2.75E+04 5.90E+04 5.90E+04 ----7.76E+01 7.76E+01 7.76E+01 nc sat 5.85E+09 ------1.17E+04 5.13E+08 1.17E+04 1.17E+04 nc 5.85E+09 ------1.17E+04 -1.17E+04 1.17E+04 nc Output generated 09AUG2023:18:17:54 Site-specific 6 Indoor Worker Risk for Soil Chemical SFo(mg/kg-day)-1 SFoRef IUR (ug/m 3)-1 IUR Ref RfD (mg/kg-day) RfD Ref RfC (mg/m 3) RfC Ref RBA Soil Saturation Concentration (mg/kg) S (mg/L) Koc\ (cm 3/g) Kd\ (cm 3/g) Arsenic, Inorganic 1.50E+00 I 4.30E-03 I 3.00E-04 I 1.50E-05 C 0.6 ---2.90E+01 Cadmium (Diet)-1.80E-03 I 1.00E-04 A 1.00E-05 A 1 ---7.50E+01 Chromium, Total ----1 ---1.80E+06 Lead and Compounds ----1 ---9.00E+02 Mercury (elemental)---3.00E-04 I 1 3.13E+00 6.00E-02 -5.20E+01 Selenium --5.00E-03 I 2.00E-02 C 1 ---5.00E+00 Silver --5.00E-03 I -1 ---8.30E+00 *Total Risk/HI --------- Output generated 09AUG2023:18:17:54 Site-specific 7 Indoor Worker Risk for Soil HLC (atm-m 3/mole) Henry's Law Constant Used in Calcs (unitless) H` and HLC Ref Normal Boiling Point BP (K) BP Ref Critical Temperature TC\ (K) TC\ Ref Chemical Type Dia\ (cm 2/s) Diw \ (cm 2/s) DA\ (cm 2/s) Particulate Emission Factor (m 3/kg) --888.15 PHYSPROP 1673 CRC INORGANIC ---5.85E+09 --1038.15 PHYSPROP 2291 YAWS INORGANIC ---5.85E+09 --2915.15 PHYSPROP 8560.93 YAWS INORGANIC ---5.85E+09 --2022.15 CRC 5400 YAWS INORGANIC ---5.85E+09 8.62E-03 3.52E-01 PHYSPROP VP/S 629.75 PHYSPROP 1764 CRC INORGANIC 3.07E-02 6.30E-06 1.10E-05 5.85E+09 --958.15 PHYSPROP 1766 CRC INORGANIC ---5.85E+09 --2273.15 PHYSPROP 6410 CRC INORGANIC ---5.85E+09 -------- Output generated 09AUG2023:18:17:54 Site-specific 8 Indoor Worker Risk for Soil Volatilization Factor Unlimited Reservoir (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Mass Limit (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Selected (m 3/kg) Concentration (mg/kg) Ingestion Risk Inhalation Risk Carcinogenic Risk Ingestion HQ Inhalation HQ Noncarcinogenic HI ---1.75E+01 2.40E-06 1.05E-09 2.40E-06 1.49E-02 4.54E-05 1.50E-02 ---2.50E+00 -6.27E-11 6.27E-11 1.07E-02 9.76E-06 1.07E-02 ---1.92E+01 ------ ---2.60E+02 ------ 2.75E+04 5.90E+04 5.90E+04 4.44E-01 ----5.73E-03 5.73E-03 ---9.22E-01 ---7.89E-05 1.80E-09 7.89E-05 ---1.42E+00 ---1.22E-04 -1.22E-04 ----2.40E-06 1.11E-09 2.40E-06 2.59E-02 5.78E-03 3.16E-02 Output generated 09AUG2023:18:48:13 Site-specific 1 Resident Soil Inputs Variable Resident Soil Default Value Site-Specific Value A (PEF Dispersion Constant)16.2302 13.2559 A (VF Dispersion Constant)11.911 13.2559 A (VF Dispersion Constant - mass limit)11.911 11.911 B (PEF Dispersion Constant)18.7762 19.2978 B (VF Dispersion Constant)18.4385 19.2978 B (VF Dispersion Constant - mass limit)18.4385 18.4385 City (PEF Climate Zone) Selection Default Salt Lake City, City (VF Climate Zone) Selection Default Salt Lake City, C (PEF Dispersion Constant)216.108 221.3379 C (VF Dispersion Constant)209.7845 221.3379 C (VF Dispersion Constant - mass limit)209.7845 209.7845 ds (depth of source) m .0.5 foc (fraction organic carbon in soil) g/g 0.006 0.006 F(x) (function dependent on U m/Ut) unitless 0.194 0.0441 n (total soil porosity) L pore /L soil 0.43396 0.43396 pb (dry soil bulk density) g/cm 3 1.5 1.5 pb (dry soil bulk density - mass limit) g/cm 3 1.5 1.5 PEF (particulate emission factor) m 3/kg 1359344438 5851037964.8599 ps (soil particle density) g/cm 3 2.65 2.65 Q/Cwind (g/m2-s per kg/m 3)93.77 53.985842140270 Q/Cvol (g/m2-s per kg/m 3)68.18 53.985842140270 Q/Cvol (g/m2-s per kg/m 3 - mass limit)68.18 45.520789524822 As (PEF acres)0.5 5.3 As (VF acres)0.5 5.3 As (VF mass-limit acres)0.5 5.3 AF0-2 (mutagenic skin adherence factor) mg/cm 2 0.2 0.2 AF2-6 (mutagenic skin adherence factor) mg/cm 2 0.2 0.2 AF6-16 (mutagenic skin adherence factor) mg/cm 2 0.07 0.07 AF16-26 (mutagenic skin adherence factor) mg/cm 2 0.07 0.07 AFres-a (skin adherence factor - adult) mg/cm 2 0.07 0.07 AFres-c (skin adherence factor - child) mg/cm 2 0.2 0.2 Output generated 09AUG2023:18:48:13 Site-specific 2 Resident Soil Inputs Variable Resident Soil Default Value Site-Specific Value ATres (averaging time - resident carcinogenic)365 365 BW 0-2 (mutagenic body weight) kg 15 15 BW 2-6 (mutagenic body weight) kg 15 15 BW 6-16 (mutagenic body weight) kg 80 80 BW 16-26 (mutagenic body weight) kg 80 80 BW res-a (body weight - adult) kg 80 80 BW res-c (body weight - child) kg 15 15 DFSres-adj (age-adjusted soil dermal factor) mg/kg 103390 103390 DFSMres-adj (mutagenic age-adjusted soil dermal factor) mg/kg 428260 428260 EDres (exposure duration) years 26 26 ED0-2 (mutagenic exposure duration) years 2 2 ED2-6 (mutagenic exposure duration) years 4 4 ED6-16 (mutagenic exposure duration) years 10 10 ED16-26 (mutagenic exposure duration) years 10 10 EDres-a (exposure duration - adult) years 20 20 EDres-c (exposure duration - child) years 6 6 EFres (exposure frequency) days/year 350 350 EF0-2 (mutagenic exposure frequency) days/year 350 350 EF2-6 (mutagenic exposure frequency) days/year 350 350 EF6-16 (mutagenic exposure frequency) days/year 350 350 EF16-26 (mutagenic exposure frequency) days/year 350 350 EFres-a (exposure frequency - adult) days/year 350 350 EFres-c (exposure frequency - child) days/year 350 350 ETres (exposure time) hours/day 24 24 ET0-2 (mutagenic exposure time) hours/day 24 24 ET2-6 (mutagenic exposure time) hours/day 24 24 ET6-16 (mutagenic exposure time) hours/day 24 24 ET16-26 (mutagenic exposure time) hours/day 24 24 ETres-a (adult exposure time) hours/day 24 24 ETres-c (child exposure time) hours/day 24 24 THQ (target hazard quotient) unitless 0.1 1 Output generated 09AUG2023:18:48:13 Site-specific 3 Resident Soil Inputs Variable Resident Soil Default Value Site-Specific Value IFS res-adj (age-adjusted soil ingestion factor) mg/kg 36750 36750 IFSM res-adj (mutagenic age-adjusted soil ingestion factor) mg/kg 166833.3 166833.3 IRS0-2 (mutagenic soil intake rate) mg/day 200 200 IRS2-6 (mutagenic soil intake rate) mg/day 200 200 IRS6-16 (mutagenic soil intake rate) mg/day 100 100 IRS16-26 (mutagenic soil intake rate) mg/day 100 100 IRSres-a (soil intake rate - adult) mg/day 100 100 IRSres-c (soil intake rate - child) mg/day 200 200 LT (lifetime) years 70 70 SA0-2 (mutagenic skin surface area) cm 2/day 2373 2373 SA2-6 (mutagenic skin surface area) cm 2/day 2373 2373 SA6-16 (mutagenic skin surface area) cm 2/day 6032 6032 SA16-26 (mutagenic skin surface area) cm 2/day 6032 6032 SAres-a (skin surface area - adult) cm 2/day 6032 6032 SAres-c (skin surface area - child) cm 2/day 2373 2373 TR (target risk) unitless 1.0E-06 1.0E-06 Tw (groundwater temperature) Celsius 25 25 Theta a (air-filled soil porosity) L air/L soil 0.28396 0.28396 Theta w (water-filled soil porosity) L water /L soil 0.15 0.15 T (exposure interval) s 819936000 819936000 T (exposure interval) yr 26 26 Um (mean annual wind speed) m/s 4.69 3.93 Ut (equivalent threshold value)11.32 11.32 V (fraction of vegetative cover) unitless 0.5 0.5 VFml (volitization factor - mass limit) m 3/kg .49765.512106432 Output generated 09AUG2023:18:48:13 Site-specific 4 Resident Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Chemical CAS Number Mutagen?Volatile? Chemical Type SFo(mg/kg-day)-1 SFoRef IUR (ug/m 3)-1 IUR Ref RfD (mg/kg-day) RfD Ref RfC (mg/m 3) RfC Ref GIABS ABS Arsenic, Inorganic 7440-38-2 No No Inorganics 1.50E+00 I 4.30E-03 I 3.00E-04 I 1.50E-05 C 1 0.03 Cadmium (Diet)7440-43-9 No No Inorganics -1.80E-03 I 1.00E-04 A 1.00E-05 A 0.025 0.001 Chromium, Total 7440-47-3 No No Inorganics ----0.013 - Lead and Compounds 7439-92-1 No No Inorganics ----1 - Mercury (elemental)7439-97-6 No Yes Inorganics ---3.00E-04 I 1 - Selenium 7782-49-2 No No Inorganics --5.00E-03 I 2.00E-02 C 1 - Silver 7440-22-4 No No Inorganics --5.00E-03 I -0.04 - Output generated 09AUG2023:18:48:13 Site-specific 5 Resident Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. RBA Soil Saturation Concentration (mg/kg) S (mg/L) Koc\ (cm 3/g) Kd\ (cm 3/g) HLC (atm-m 3/mole) Henry's Law Constant Used in Calcs (unitless) H` and HLC Ref Normal Boiling Point BP (K) BP Ref Critical Temperature TC\ (K) TC\ Ref 0.6 ---2.90E+01 --888.15 PHYSPROP 1673 CRC 1 ---7.50E+01 --1038.15 PHYSPROP 2291 YAWS 1 ---1.80E+06 --2915.15 PHYSPROP 8560.93 YAWS 1 ---9.00E+02 --2022.15 CRC 5400 YAWS 1 3.13E+00 6.00E-02 -5.20E+01 8.62E-03 3.52E-01 PHYSPROP VP/S 629.75 PHYSPROP 1764 CRC 1 ---5.00E+00 --958.15 PHYSPROP 1766 CRC 1 ---8.30E+00 --2273.15 PHYSPROP 6410 CRC Output generated 09AUG2023:18:48:13 Site-specific 6 Resident Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Chemical Type Dia\ (cm 2/s) Diw \ (cm 2/s) DA\ (cm 2/s) Particulate Emission Factor (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Unlimited Reservoir (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Mass Limit (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Selected (m 3/kg) Ingestion SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Dermal SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Inhalation SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) INORGANIC ---5.85E+09 ---7.72E-01 5.49E+00 3.82E+03 INORGANIC ---5.85E+09 -----9.13E+03 INORGANIC ---5.85E+09 ------ INORGANIC ---5.85E+09 ------ INORGANIC 3.07E-02 6.30E-06 1.10E-05 5.85E+09 2.75E+04 4.98E+04 4.98E+04 --- INORGANIC ---5.85E+09 ------ INORGANIC ---5.85E+09 ------ Output generated 09AUG2023:18:48:13 Site-specific 7 Resident Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Carcinogenic SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Ingestion SL Child THQ=1 (mg/kg) Dermal SL Child THQ=1 (mg/kg) Inhalation SL Child THQ=1 (mg/kg) Noncarcinogenic SL Child THI=1 (mg/kg) Ingestion SL Adult THQ=1 (mg/kg) Dermal SL Adult THQ=1 (mg/kg) Inhalation SL Adult THQ=1 (mg/kg) Noncarcinogenic SL Adult THI=1 (mg/kg) Screening Level (mg/kg) 6.77E-01 3.91E+01 3.30E+02 9.15E+04 3.49E+01 4.17E+02 1.98E+03 9.15E+04 3.43E+02 6.77E-01 ca 9.13E+03 7.82E+00 8.24E+01 6.10E+04 7.14E+00 8.34E+01 4.94E+02 6.10E+04 7.13E+01 7.14E+00 nc --------- --------- ---1.56E+01 1.56E+01 --1.56E+01 1.56E+01 1.56E+01 nc sat -3.91E+02 -1.22E+08 3.91E+02 4.17E+03 -1.22E+08 4.17E+03 3.91E+02 nc -3.91E+02 --3.91E+02 4.17E+03 --4.17E+03 3.91E+02 nc Output generated 09AUG2023:18:48:13 Site-specific 8 Resident Risk for Soil Chemical SFo(mg/kg-day)-1 SFoRef IUR (ug/m 3)-1 IUR Ref RfD (mg/kg-day) RfD Ref RfC (mg/m 3) RfC Ref GIABS ABS RBA Soil Saturation Concentration (mg/kg) S (mg/L) Koc\ (cm 3/g) Kd\ (cm 3/g) HLC (atm-m 3/mole) Arsenic, Inorganic 1.50E+00 I 4.30E-03 I 3.00E-04 I 1.50E-05 C 1 0.03 0.6 ---2.90E+01 - Cadmium (Diet) -1.80E-03 I 1.00E-04 A 1.00E-05 A 0.025 0.001 1 ---7.50E+01 - Chromium, Total ----0.013 -1 ---1.80E+06 - Lead and Compounds ----1 -1 ---9.00E+02 - Mercury (elemental) ---3.00E-04 I 1 -1 3.13E+00 6.00E-02 -5.20E+01 8.62E-03 Selenium --5.00E-03 I 2.00E-02 C 1 -1 ---5.00E+00 - Silver --5.00E-03 I -0.04 -1 ---8.30E+00 - *Total Risk/HI ------------ Output generated 09AUG2023:18:48:13 Site-specific 9 Resident Risk for Soil Henry's Law Constant Used in Calcs (unitless) H` and HLC Ref Normal Boiling Point BP (K) BP Ref Critical Temperature TC\ (K) TC\ Ref Chemical Type Dia\ (cm 2/s) Diw \ (cm 2/s) DA\ (cm 2/s) Particulate Emission Factor (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Unlimited Reservoir (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Mass Limit (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Selected (m 3/kg) -888.15 PHYSPROP 1673 CRC INORGANIC ---5.85E+09 --- -1038.15 PHYSPROP 2291 YAWS INORGANIC ---5.85E+09 --- -2915.15 PHYSPROP 8560.93 YAWS INORGANIC ---5.85E+09 --- -2022.15 CRC 5400 YAWS INORGANIC ---5.85E+09 --- 3.52E-01 PHYSPROP VP/S 629.75 PHYSPROP 1764 CRC INORGANIC 3.07E-02 6.30E-06 1.10E-05 5.85E+09 2.75E+04 4.98E+04 4.98E+04 -958.15 PHYSPROP 1766 CRC INORGANIC ---5.85E+09 --- -2273.15 PHYSPROP 6410 CRC INORGANIC ---5.85E+09 --- ---------- Output generated 09AUG2023:18:48:13 Site-specific 10 Resident Risk for Soil Concentration (mg/kg) Ingestion Risk Dermal Risk Inhalation Risk Carcinogenic Risk Ingestion Child HQ Dermal Child HQ Inhalation Child HQ Noncarcinogenic Child HI Ingestion Adult HQ Dermal Adult HQ Inhalation Adult HQ Noncarcinogenic Adult HI 1.92E+01 2.48E-05 3.49E-06 5.02E-09 2.83E-05 4.90E-01 5.82E-02 2.09E-04 5.49E-01 4.60E-02 9.70E-03 2.09E-04 5.59E-02 4.87E+00 --5.34E-10 5.34E-10 6.23E-01 5.91E-02 7.98E-05 6.82E-01 5.84E-02 9.86E-03 7.98E-05 6.83E-02 1.71E+01 ------------ 2.84E+02 ------------ 5.24E-01 ------3.37E-02 3.37E-02 --3.37E-02 3.37E-02 9.37E-01 ----2.40E-03 -7.68E-09 2.40E-03 2.25E-04 -7.68E-09 2.25E-04 2.11E+00 ----5.40E-03 --5.40E-03 5.06E-04 --5.06E-04 -2.48E-05 3.49E-06 5.55E-09 2.83E-05 1.12E+00 1.17E-01 3.39E-02 1.27E+00 1.05E-01 1.96E-02 3.39E-02 1.59E-01 Output generated 09AUG2023:18:53:38 Site-specific 1 Construction Worker Inputs Variable Construction Worker Soil - Other Default Value Site-Specific Value A (PEF Dispersion Constant)2.4538 2.4538 Asurf (areal extent of site) m 2 2023.43 21448.358 A (VF Dispersion Constant)2.4538 2.4538 B (PEF Dispersion Constant)17.5660 17.5660 B (VF Dispersion Constant)17.5660 17.5660 C (PEF Dispersion Constant)189.0426 189.0426 C (VF Dispersion Constant)189.0426 189.0426 ds (average source depth) m .0.5 FD Unitless Dispersion Correction Factor 0.185837208 0.185837208 foc (fraction organic carbon in soil) g/g 0.006 0.006 F(x) (function dependant on U m/Ut derived using Cowherd et al. (1985))0.194 0.194 Mm-doz (Gravimetric soil moisture content) %7.9 7.9 Mm-excav (Gravimetric soil moisture content) %12 12 Mwind (dust emitted by wind erosion) g 8803.91354585 93321.483586014 NA-dump (number of times soil is dumped)2 2 NA-till (number of times soil is tilled)2 2 n (total soil porosity) L pore /L soil 0.43396 0.43396 pb (dry soil bulk density) g/cm 3 1.5 1.5 pb (dry soil bulk density - mass limit) g/cm 3 1.5 1.5 ps (soil particle density) g/cm 3 2.65 2.65 Q/Csa (g/m2-s per kg/m 3)14.31407 9.3433827422477 Q/Cvol (g/m2-s per kg/m 3)14.31407 9.3433827422477 Q/Csa (g/m2-s per kg/m 3)14.31407 9.3433827422477 psoil (density) g/cm 3 - chemical-specific 1.68 1.68 As (VFmlim-sc acres)0.5 5.3 As (VFulim-sc acres)0.5 5.3 sdoz (soil silt content) %6.9 6.9 AFcon (skin adherence factor - construction worker) mg/cm 2 0.3 0.3 ATcon (averaging time - construction worker) days 365 365 ATcon-a (averaging time - construction worker) days 350 350 Output generated 09AUG2023:18:53:38 Site-specific 2 Construction Worker Inputs Variable Construction Worker Soil - Other Default Value Site-Specific Value BW con (body weight - construction worker) kg 80 80 EDcon (exposure duration - construction worker) yr 1 1 EFcon (exposure frequency - construction worker) day/yr 250 250 ETcon (exposure time - construction worker) hr/day 8 8 THQ (target hazard quotient) unitless 0.1 1 IRScon (soil ingestion rate - construction worker) mg/day 330 330 LT (lifetime) yr 70 70 SAcon (surface area - construction worker) cm 2/day 3527 3527 TR (target cancer risk) unitless 1.0E-06 1.0E-06 Sdoz (dozing speed) kph 11.4 11.4 Sgrade (dozing speed) kph 11.4 11.4 still (soil silt content) %18 18 tc (overall duration of construction) hours 8400 8400 Tc (overall duration of construction) s 30240000 30240000 Theta a (air-filled soil porosity) L air/L soil 0.28396 0.28396 Theta w (water-filled soil porosity) L water /L soil 0.15 0.15 T (time over which traffic occurs) s 7200000 7200000 Tt (overall duration of traffic) s 7200000 7200000 Um (mean annual wind speed) m/s 4.69 4.69 Ut (equivalent threshold value) m/s 11.32 11.32 VFmlim-sc (volitization factor) m 3 air/kgsoil .2027.1784979003 V (fraction of vegetative cover)0 0 Output generated 09AUG2023:18:53:38 Site-specific 3 Construction Worker Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil - Other Construction Activities Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Subchronic toxicity values will be used where available. RfC and RfD references will be followed by either 'Chronic' or 'Subchronic' to indicate which toxicity value was used. Chemical CAS Number Mutagen?Volatile? Chemical Type SFo(mg/kg-day)-1 SFoRef IUR (ug/m 3)-1 IUR Ref RfD (mg/kg-day) RfD Ref RfC (mg/m 3) Arsenic, Inorganic 7440-38-2 No No Inorganics 1.50E+00 I 4.30E-03 I 3.00E-04 I /Chronic 1.50E-05 Cadmium (Diet)7440-43-9 No No Inorganics -1.80E-03 I 5.00E-04 A /Subchronic 1.00E-05 Chromium, Total 7440-47-3 No No Inorganics ---- Lead and Compounds 7439-92-1 No No Inorganics ---- Mercury (elemental)7439-97-6 No Yes Inorganics ---3.00E-04 Selenium 7782-49-2 No No Inorganics --5.00E-03 H /Subchronic 2.00E-02 Silver 7440-22-4 No No Inorganics --5.00E-03 H /Subchronic - Output generated 09AUG2023:18:53:38 Site-specific 4 Construction Worker Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil - Other Construction Activities Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Subchronic toxicity values will be used where available. RfC and RfD references will be followed by either 'Chronic' or 'Subchronic' to indicate which toxicity value was used. RfC Ref GIABS ABS RBA Soil Saturation Concentration (mg/kg) S (mg/L) Koc\ (cm 3/g) Kd\ (cm 3/g) HLC (atm-m 3/mole) Henry's Law Constant Used in Calcs (unitless) H` and HLC Ref Normal Boiling Point BP (K) C /Chronic 1 0.03 0.6 ---2.90E+01 --888.15 A /Chronic 0.025 0.001 1 ---7.50E+01 --1038.15 0.013 -1 ---1.80E+06 --2915.15 1 -1 ---9.00E+02 --2022.15 H /Subchronic 1 -1 3.13E+00 6.00E-02 -5.20E+01 8.62E-03 3.52E-01 PHYSPROP VP/S 629.75 C /Chronic 1 -1 ---5.00E+00 --958.15 0.04 -1 ---8.30E+00 --2273.15 Output generated 09AUG2023:18:53:38 Site-specific 5 Construction Worker Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil - Other Construction Activities Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Subchronic toxicity values will be used where available. RfC and RfD references will be followed by either 'Chronic' or 'Subchronic' to indicate which toxicity value was used. BP Ref Critical Temperature TC\ (K) TC\ Ref Chemical Type Dia\ (cm 2/s) Diw \ (cm 2/s) DA\ (cm 2/s) Particulate Emission Factor (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Unlimited Reservoir (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Mass Limit (m 3/kg) PHYSPROP 1673 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 -- PHYSPROP 2291 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 -- PHYSPROP 8560.93 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 -- CRC 5400 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 -- PHYSPROP 1764 CRC INORGANIC 3.07E-02 6.30E-06 1.10E-05 6.32E+09 -- PHYSPROP 1766 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 -- PHYSPROP 6410 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 -- Output generated 09AUG2023:18:53:38 Site-specific 6 Construction Worker Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil - Other Construction Activities Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Subchronic toxicity values will be used where available. RfC and RfD references will be followed by either 'Chronic' or 'Subchronic' to indicate which toxicity value was used. Volatilization Factor Selected (m 3/kg) Ingestion SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Dermal SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Inhalation SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Carcinogenic SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Ingestion SL THQ=1 (mg/kg) Dermal SL THQ=1 (mg/kg) Inhalation SL THQ=1 (mg/kg) Noncarcinogenic SL THI=1 (mg/kg) Screening Level (mg/kg) -2.75E+01 1.72E+02 4.50E+05 2.37E+01 1.70E+02 1.06E+03 3.98E+05 1.46E+02 2.37E+01 ca** ---1.08E+06 1.08E+06 1.70E+02 1.32E+03 2.65E+05 1.50E+02 1.50E+02 nc --------- --------- 2.03E+03 ------2.55E+00 2.55E+00 2.55E+00 nc -----1.70E+03 -5.31E+08 1.70E+03 1.70E+03 nc -----1.70E+03 --1.70E+03 1.70E+03 nc Output generated 09AUG2023:18:53:38 Site-specific 7 Construction Worker Risk for Soil - Other Construction Activities Chemical SFo(mg/kg-day)-1 SFoRef IUR (ug/m 3)-1 IUR Ref RfD (mg/kg-day) RfD Ref RfC (mg/m 3) RfC Ref GIABS ABS RBA Soil Saturation Concentration (mg/kg) S (mg/L) Koc\ (cm 3/g) Kd\ (cm 3/g) Arsenic, Inorganic 1.50E+00 I 4.30E-03 I 3.00E-04 I /Chronic 1.50E-05 C /Chronic 1 0.03 0.6 ---2.90E+01 Cadmium (Diet)-1.80E-03 I 5.00E-04 A /Subchronic 1.00E-05 A /Chronic 0.025 0.001 1 ---7.50E+01 Chromium, Total ----0.013 -1 ---1.80E+06 Lead and Compounds ----1 -1 ---9.00E+02 Mercury (elemental) ---3.00E-04 H /Subchronic 1 -1 3.13E+00 6.00E-02 -5.20E+01 Selenium --5.00E-03 H /Subchronic 2.00E-02 C /Chronic 1 -1 ---5.00E+00 Silver --5.00E-03 H /Subchronic -0.04 -1 ---8.30E+00 *Total Risk/HI ----------- Output generated 09AUG2023:18:53:38 Site-specific 8 Construction Worker Risk for Soil - Other Construction Activities HLC (atm-m 3/mole) Henry's Law Constant Used in Calcs (unitless) H` and HLC Ref Normal Boiling Point BP (K) BP Ref Critical Temperature TC\ (K) TC\ Ref Chemical Type Dia\ (cm 2/s) Diw \ (cm 2/s) DA\ (cm 2/s) Particulate Emission Factor (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Unlimited Reservoir (m 3/kg) --888.15 PHYSPROP 1673 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 - --1038.15 PHYSPROP 2291 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 - --2915.15 PHYSPROP 8560.93 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 - --2022.15 CRC 5400 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 - 8.62E-03 3.52E-01 PHYSPROP VP/S 629.75 PHYSPROP 1764 CRC INORGANIC 3.07E-02 6.30E-06 1.10E-05 6.32E+09 - --958.15 PHYSPROP 1766 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 - --2273.15 PHYSPROP 6410 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 - --------- Output generated 09AUG2023:18:53:38 Site-specific 9 Construction Worker Risk for Soil - Other Construction Activities Volatilization Factor Mass Limit (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Selected (m 3/kg) Concentration (mg/kg) Ingestion Risk Dermal Risk Inhalation Risk Carcinogenic Risk Ingestion HQ Dermal HQ Inhalation HQ Noncarcinogenic HI --1.92E+01 6.96E-07 1.12E-07 4.26E-11 8.08E-07 1.13E-01 1.81E-02 4.82E-05 1.31E-01 --4.87E+00 --4.53E-12 4.53E-12 2.87E-02 3.68E-03 1.84E-05 3.24E-02 --1.71E+01 -------- --2.84E+02 -------- -2.03E+03 5.24E-01 ------2.05E-01 2.05E-01 --9.37E-01 ----5.52E-04 -1.77E-09 5.52E-04 --2.11E+00 ----1.24E-03 --1.24E-03 ---6.96E-07 1.12E-07 4.71E-11 8.08E-07 1.43E-01 2.18E-02 2.05E-01 3.70E-01 Output generated 09AUG2023:18:50:57 Site-specific 1 Indoor Worker Soil Inputs Variable Indoor Worker Soil Default Value Site-Specific Value A (PEF Dispersion Constant)16.2302 13.2559 A (VF Dispersion Constant)11.911 13.2559 A (VF Dispersion Constant - mass limit)11.911 13.2559 B (PEF Dispersion Constant)18.7762 19.2978 B (VF Dispersion Constant)18.4385 19.2978 B (VF Dispersion Constant - mass limit)18.4385 19.2978 City (PEF Climate Zone) Selection Default Salt Lake City, City (VF Climate Zone) Selection Default Salt Lake City, C (PEF Dispersion Constant)216.108 221.3379 C (VF Dispersion Constant)209.7845 221.3379 C (VF Dispersion Constant - mass limit)209.7845 221.3379 ds (depth of source) m .0.5 foc (fraction organic carbon in soil) g/g 0.006 0.006 F(x) (function dependent on U m/Ut) unitless 0.194 0.0441 n (total soil porosity) L pore /L soil 0.43396 0.43396 pb (dry soil bulk density) g/cm 3 1.5 1.5 pb (dry soil bulk density - mass limit) g/cm 3 1.5 1.5 PEF (particulate emission factor) m 3/kg 1359344438 5851037964.8599 ps (soil particle density) g/cm 3 2.65 2.65 Q/Cwind (g/m2-s per kg/m 3)93.77 53.985842140270 Q/Cvol (g/m2-s per kg/m 3)68.18 53.985842140270 Q/Cvol (g/m2-s per kg/m 3 - mass limit)68.18 53.985842140270 As (PEF acres)0.5 5.3 As (VF acres)0.5 5.3 As (VF mass-limit acres)0.5 5.3 ATind (averaging time - indoor worker)365 365 BW ind (body weight - indoor worker)80 80 EDind (exposure duration - indoor worker) year 25 25 EFind (exposure frequency - indoor worker) day/year 250 250 ETind (exposure time - indoor worker) hour 8 8 Output generated 09AUG2023:18:50:57 Site-specific 2 Indoor Worker Soil Inputs Variable Indoor Worker Soil Default Value Site-Specific Value THQ (target hazard quotient) unitless 0.1 1 IRSind (soil ingestion rate - indoor worker) mg/day 50 50 LT (lifetime) year 70 70 TR (target cancer risk) unitless 1.0E-06 1.0E-06 Tw (groundwater temperature) Celsius 25 25 Theta a (air-filled soil porosity) L air/L soil 0.28396 0.28396 Theta w (water-filled soil porosity) L water /L soil 0.15 0.15 T (exposure interval) s 819936000 819936000 T (exposure interval) yr 26 26 Um (mean annual wind speed) m/s 4.69 3.93 Ut (equivalent threshold value)11.32 11.32 V (fraction of vegetative cover) unitless 0.5 0.5 VFml (volitization factor - mass limit) m 3/kg .59019.913948166 Output generated 09AUG2023:18:50:57 Site-specific 3 Indoor Worker Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Chemical CAS Number Mutagen?Volatile? Chemical Type SFo(mg/kg-day)-1 SFoRef IUR (ug/m 3)-1 IUR Ref RfD (mg/kg-day) RfD Ref RfC (mg/m 3) RfC Ref RBA Soil Saturation Concentration (mg/kg) S (mg/L) Arsenic, Inorganic 7440-38-2 No No Inorganics 1.50E+00 I 4.30E-03 I 3.00E-04 I 1.50E-05 C 0.6 -- Cadmium (Diet)7440-43-9 No No Inorganics -1.80E-03 I 1.00E-04 A 1.00E-05 A 1 -- Chromium, Total 7440-47-3 No No Inorganics ----1 -- Lead and Compounds 7439-92-1 No No Inorganics ----1 -- Mercury (elemental)7439-97-6 No Yes Inorganics ---3.00E-04 I 1 3.13E+00 6.00E-02 Selenium 7782-49-2 No No Inorganics --5.00E-03 I 2.00E-02 C 1 -- Silver 7440-22-4 No No Inorganics --5.00E-03 I -1 -- Output generated 09AUG2023:18:50:57 Site-specific 4 Indoor Worker Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Koc\ (cm 3/g) Kd\ (cm 3/g) HLC (atm-m 3/mole) Henry's Law Constant Used in Calcs (unitless) H` and HLC Ref Normal Boiling Point BP (K) BP Ref Critical Temperature TC\ (K) TC\ Ref Chemical Type Dia\ (cm 2/s) Diw \ (cm 2/s) DA\ (cm 2/s) -2.90E+01 --888.15 PHYSPROP 1673 CRC INORGANIC --- -7.50E+01 --1038.15 PHYSPROP 2291 YAWS INORGANIC --- -1.80E+06 --2915.15 PHYSPROP 8560.93 YAWS INORGANIC --- -9.00E+02 --2022.15 CRC 5400 YAWS INORGANIC --- -5.20E+01 8.62E-03 3.52E-01 PHYSPROP VP/S 629.75 PHYSPROP 1764 CRC INORGANIC 3.07E-02 6.30E-06 1.10E-05 -5.00E+00 --958.15 PHYSPROP 1766 CRC INORGANIC --- -8.30E+00 --2273.15 PHYSPROP 6410 CRC INORGANIC --- Output generated 09AUG2023:18:50:57 Site-specific 5 Indoor Worker Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Particulate Emission Factor (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Unlimited Reservoir (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Mass Limit (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Selected (m 3/kg) Ingestion SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Inhalation SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Carcinogenic SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Ingestion SL THQ=1 (mg/kg) Inhalation SL THQ=1 (mg/kg) Noncarcinogenic SL THI=1 (mg/kg) Screening Level (mg/kg) 5.85E+09 ---7.27E+00 1.67E+04 7.26E+00 1.17E+03 3.84E+05 1.16E+03 7.26E+00 ca 5.85E+09 ----3.99E+04 3.99E+04 2.34E+02 2.56E+05 2.33E+02 2.33E+02 nc 5.85E+09 --------- 5.85E+09 --------- 5.85E+09 2.75E+04 5.90E+04 5.90E+04 ----7.76E+01 7.76E+01 7.76E+01 nc sat 5.85E+09 ------1.17E+04 5.13E+08 1.17E+04 1.17E+04 nc 5.85E+09 ------1.17E+04 -1.17E+04 1.17E+04 nc Output generated 09AUG2023:18:50:57 Site-specific 6 Indoor Worker Risk for Soil Chemical SFo(mg/kg-day)-1 SFoRef IUR (ug/m 3)-1 IUR Ref RfD (mg/kg-day) RfD Ref RfC (mg/m 3) RfC Ref RBA Soil Saturation Concentration (mg/kg) S (mg/L) Koc\ (cm 3/g) Kd\ (cm 3/g) Arsenic, Inorganic 1.50E+00 I 4.30E-03 I 3.00E-04 I 1.50E-05 C 0.6 ---2.90E+01 Cadmium (Diet)-1.80E-03 I 1.00E-04 A 1.00E-05 A 1 ---7.50E+01 Chromium, Total ----1 ---1.80E+06 Lead and Compounds ----1 ---9.00E+02 Mercury (elemental)---3.00E-04 I 1 3.13E+00 6.00E-02 -5.20E+01 Selenium --5.00E-03 I 2.00E-02 C 1 ---5.00E+00 Silver --5.00E-03 I -1 ---8.30E+00 *Total Risk/HI --------- Output generated 09AUG2023:18:50:57 Site-specific 7 Indoor Worker Risk for Soil HLC (atm-m 3/mole) Henry's Law Constant Used in Calcs (unitless) H` and HLC Ref Normal Boiling Point BP (K) BP Ref Critical Temperature TC\ (K) TC\ Ref Chemical Type Dia\ (cm 2/s) Diw \ (cm 2/s) DA\ (cm 2/s) Particulate Emission Factor (m 3/kg) --888.15 PHYSPROP 1673 CRC INORGANIC ---5.85E+09 --1038.15 PHYSPROP 2291 YAWS INORGANIC ---5.85E+09 --2915.15 PHYSPROP 8560.93 YAWS INORGANIC ---5.85E+09 --2022.15 CRC 5400 YAWS INORGANIC ---5.85E+09 8.62E-03 3.52E-01 PHYSPROP VP/S 629.75 PHYSPROP 1764 CRC INORGANIC 3.07E-02 6.30E-06 1.10E-05 5.85E+09 --958.15 PHYSPROP 1766 CRC INORGANIC ---5.85E+09 --2273.15 PHYSPROP 6410 CRC INORGANIC ---5.85E+09 -------- Output generated 09AUG2023:18:50:57 Site-specific 8 Indoor Worker Risk for Soil Volatilization Factor Unlimited Reservoir (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Mass Limit (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Selected (m 3/kg) Concentration (mg/kg) Ingestion Risk Inhalation Risk Carcinogenic Risk Ingestion HQ Inhalation HQ Noncarcinogenic HI ---1.92E+01 2.64E-06 1.15E-09 2.64E-06 1.64E-02 4.99E-05 1.65E-02 ---4.87E+00 -1.22E-10 1.22E-10 2.08E-02 1.90E-05 2.09E-02 ---1.71E+01 ------ ---2.84E+02 ------ 2.75E+04 5.90E+04 5.90E+04 5.24E-01 ----6.76E-03 6.76E-03 ---9.37E-01 ---8.02E-05 1.83E-09 8.02E-05 ---2.11E+00 ---1.81E-04 -1.81E-04 ----2.64E-06 1.27E-09 2.64E-06 3.75E-02 6.83E-03 4.43E-02 Output generated 09AUG2023:18:56:52 Site-specific 1 Resident Soil Inputs Variable Resident Soil Default Value Site-Specific Value A (PEF Dispersion Constant)16.2302 13.2559 A (VF Dispersion Constant)11.911 13.2559 A (VF Dispersion Constant - mass limit)11.911 13.2559 B (PEF Dispersion Constant)18.7762 19.2978 B (VF Dispersion Constant)18.4385 19.2978 B (VF Dispersion Constant - mass limit)18.4385 19.2978 City (PEF Climate Zone) Selection Default Salt Lake City, City (VF Climate Zone) Selection Default Salt Lake City, C (PEF Dispersion Constant)216.108 221.3379 C (VF Dispersion Constant)209.7845 221.3379 C (VF Dispersion Constant - mass limit)209.7845 221.3379 ds (depth of source) m .0 foc (fraction organic carbon in soil) g/g 0.006 0.006 F(x) (function dependent on U m/Ut) unitless 0.194 0.0441 n (total soil porosity) L pore /L soil 0.43396 0.43396 pb (dry soil bulk density) g/cm 3 1.5 1.5 pb (dry soil bulk density - mass limit) g/cm 3 1.5 1.5 PEF (particulate emission factor) m 3/kg 1359344438 5550848141.9553 ps (soil particle density) g/cm 3 2.65 2.65 Q/Cwind (g/m2-s per kg/m 3)93.77 51.216077102208 Q/Cvol (g/m2-s per kg/m 3)68.18 51.216077102208 Q/Cvol (g/m2-s per kg/m 3 - mass limit)68.18 51.216077102208 As (PEF acres)0.5 7.4 As (VF acres)0.5 7.4 As (VF mass-limit acres)0.5 7.4 AF0-2 (mutagenic skin adherence factor) mg/cm 2 0.2 0.2 AF2-6 (mutagenic skin adherence factor) mg/cm 2 0.2 0.2 AF6-16 (mutagenic skin adherence factor) mg/cm 2 0.07 0.07 AF16-26 (mutagenic skin adherence factor) mg/cm 2 0.07 0.07 AFres-a (skin adherence factor - adult) mg/cm 2 0.07 0.07 AFres-c (skin adherence factor - child) mg/cm 2 0.2 0.2 Output generated 09AUG2023:18:56:52 Site-specific 2 Resident Soil Inputs Variable Resident Soil Default Value Site-Specific Value ATres (averaging time - resident carcinogenic)365 365 BW 0-2 (mutagenic body weight) kg 15 15 BW 2-6 (mutagenic body weight) kg 15 15 BW 6-16 (mutagenic body weight) kg 80 80 BW 16-26 (mutagenic body weight) kg 80 80 BW res-a (body weight - adult) kg 80 80 BW res-c (body weight - child) kg 15 15 DFSres-adj (age-adjusted soil dermal factor) mg/kg 103390 103390 DFSMres-adj (mutagenic age-adjusted soil dermal factor) mg/kg 428260 428260 EDres (exposure duration) years 26 26 ED0-2 (mutagenic exposure duration) years 2 2 ED2-6 (mutagenic exposure duration) years 4 4 ED6-16 (mutagenic exposure duration) years 10 10 ED16-26 (mutagenic exposure duration) years 10 10 EDres-a (exposure duration - adult) years 20 20 EDres-c (exposure duration - child) years 6 6 EFres (exposure frequency) days/year 350 350 EF0-2 (mutagenic exposure frequency) days/year 350 350 EF2-6 (mutagenic exposure frequency) days/year 350 350 EF6-16 (mutagenic exposure frequency) days/year 350 350 EF16-26 (mutagenic exposure frequency) days/year 350 350 EFres-a (exposure frequency - adult) days/year 350 350 EFres-c (exposure frequency - child) days/year 350 350 ETres (exposure time) hours/day 24 24 ET0-2 (mutagenic exposure time) hours/day 24 24 ET2-6 (mutagenic exposure time) hours/day 24 24 ET6-16 (mutagenic exposure time) hours/day 24 24 ET16-26 (mutagenic exposure time) hours/day 24 24 ETres-a (adult exposure time) hours/day 24 24 ETres-c (child exposure time) hours/day 24 24 THQ (target hazard quotient) unitless 0.1 1 Output generated 09AUG2023:18:56:52 Site-specific 3 Resident Soil Inputs Variable Resident Soil Default Value Site-Specific Value IFS res-adj (age-adjusted soil ingestion factor) mg/kg 36750 36750 IFSM res-adj (mutagenic age-adjusted soil ingestion factor) mg/kg 166833.3 166833.3 IRS0-2 (mutagenic soil intake rate) mg/day 200 200 IRS2-6 (mutagenic soil intake rate) mg/day 200 200 IRS6-16 (mutagenic soil intake rate) mg/day 100 100 IRS16-26 (mutagenic soil intake rate) mg/day 100 100 IRSres-a (soil intake rate - adult) mg/day 100 100 IRSres-c (soil intake rate - child) mg/day 200 200 LT (lifetime) years 70 70 SA0-2 (mutagenic skin surface area) cm 2/day 2373 2373 SA2-6 (mutagenic skin surface area) cm 2/day 2373 2373 SA6-16 (mutagenic skin surface area) cm 2/day 6032 6032 SA16-26 (mutagenic skin surface area) cm 2/day 6032 6032 SAres-a (skin surface area - adult) cm 2/day 6032 6032 SAres-c (skin surface area - child) cm 2/day 2373 2373 TR (target risk) unitless 1.0E-06 1.0E-06 Tw (groundwater temperature) Celsius 25 25 Theta a (air-filled soil porosity) L air/L soil 0.28396 0.28396 Theta w (water-filled soil porosity) L water /L soil 0.15 0.15 T (exposure interval) s 819936000 819936000 T (exposure interval) yr 26 26 Um (mean annual wind speed) m/s 4.69 3.93 Ut (equivalent threshold value)11.32 11.32 V (fraction of vegetative cover) unitless 0.5 0.5 VFml (volitization factor - mass limit) m 3/kg .0 Output generated 09AUG2023:18:56:52 Site-specific 4 Resident Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Chemical CAS Number Mutagen?Volatile? Chemical Type SFo(mg/kg-day)-1 SFoRef IUR (ug/m 3)-1 IUR Ref RfD (mg/kg-day) RfD Ref RfC (mg/m 3) RfC Ref GIABS ABS Arsenic, Inorganic 7440-38-2 No No Inorganics 1.50E+00 I 4.30E-03 I 3.00E-04 I 1.50E-05 C 1 0.03 Cadmium (Diet)7440-43-9 No No Inorganics -1.80E-03 I 1.00E-04 A 1.00E-05 A 0.025 0.001 Chromium, Total 7440-47-3 No No Inorganics ----0.013 - Lead and Compounds 7439-92-1 No No Inorganics ----1 - Mercury (elemental)7439-97-6 No Yes Inorganics ---3.00E-04 I 1 - Selenium 7782-49-2 No No Inorganics --5.00E-03 I 2.00E-02 C 1 - Silver 7440-22-4 No No Inorganics --5.00E-03 I -0.04 - Output generated 09AUG2023:18:56:52 Site-specific 5 Resident Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. RBA Soil Saturation Concentration (mg/kg) S (mg/L) Koc\ (cm 3/g) Kd\ (cm 3/g) HLC (atm-m 3/mole) Henry's Law Constant Used in Calcs (unitless) H` and HLC Ref Normal Boiling Point BP (K) BP Ref Critical Temperature TC\ (K) TC\ Ref 0.6 ---2.90E+01 --888.15 PHYSPROP 1673 CRC 1 ---7.50E+01 --1038.15 PHYSPROP 2291 YAWS 1 ---1.80E+06 --2915.15 PHYSPROP 8560.93 YAWS 1 ---9.00E+02 --2022.15 CRC 5400 YAWS 1 3.13E+00 6.00E-02 -5.20E+01 8.62E-03 3.52E-01 PHYSPROP VP/S 629.75 PHYSPROP 1764 CRC 1 ---5.00E+00 --958.15 PHYSPROP 1766 CRC 1 ---8.30E+00 --2273.15 PHYSPROP 6410 CRC Output generated 09AUG2023:18:56:52 Site-specific 6 Resident Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Chemical Type Dia\ (cm 2/s) Diw \ (cm 2/s) DA\ (cm 2/s) Particulate Emission Factor (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Unlimited Reservoir (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Mass Limit (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Selected (m 3/kg) Ingestion SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Dermal SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Inhalation SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) INORGANIC ---5.55E+09 ---7.72E-01 5.49E+00 3.62E+03 INORGANIC ---5.55E+09 -----8.66E+03 INORGANIC ---5.55E+09 ------ INORGANIC ---5.55E+09 ------ INORGANIC 3.07E-02 6.30E-06 1.10E-05 5.55E+09 2.61E+04 0.00E+00 2.61E+04 --- INORGANIC ---5.55E+09 ------ INORGANIC ---5.55E+09 ------ Output generated 09AUG2023:18:56:52 Site-specific 7 Resident Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Carcinogenic SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Ingestion SL Child THQ=1 (mg/kg) Dermal SL Child THQ=1 (mg/kg) Inhalation SL Child THQ=1 (mg/kg) Noncarcinogenic SL Child THI=1 (mg/kg) Ingestion SL Adult THQ=1 (mg/kg) Dermal SL Adult THQ=1 (mg/kg) Inhalation SL Adult THQ=1 (mg/kg) Noncarcinogenic SL Adult THI=1 (mg/kg) Screening Level (mg/kg) 6.77E-01 3.91E+01 3.30E+02 8.68E+04 3.49E+01 4.17E+02 1.98E+03 8.68E+04 3.43E+02 6.77E-01 ca 8.66E+03 7.82E+00 8.24E+01 5.79E+04 7.14E+00 8.34E+01 4.94E+02 5.79E+04 7.13E+01 7.14E+00 nc --------- --------- ---8.16E+00 8.16E+00 --8.16E+00 8.16E+00 8.16E+00 nc sat -3.91E+02 -1.16E+08 3.91E+02 4.17E+03 -1.16E+08 4.17E+03 3.91E+02 nc -3.91E+02 --3.91E+02 4.17E+03 --4.17E+03 3.91E+02 nc Output generated 09AUG2023:18:56:52 Site-specific 8 Resident Risk for Soil Chemical SFo(mg/kg-day)-1 SFoRef IUR (ug/m 3)-1 IUR Ref RfD (mg/kg-day) RfD Ref RfC (mg/m 3) RfC Ref GIABS ABS RBA Soil Saturation Concentration (mg/kg) S (mg/L) Koc\ (cm 3/g) Kd\ (cm 3/g) HLC (atm-m 3/mole) Arsenic, Inorganic 1.50E+00 I 4.30E-03 I 3.00E-04 I 1.50E-05 C 1 0.03 0.6 ---2.90E+01 - Cadmium (Diet) -1.80E-03 I 1.00E-04 A 1.00E-05 A 0.025 0.001 1 ---7.50E+01 - Chromium, Total ----0.013 -1 ---1.80E+06 - Lead and Compounds ----1 -1 ---9.00E+02 - Mercury (elemental) ---3.00E-04 I 1 -1 3.13E+00 6.00E-02 -5.20E+01 8.62E-03 Selenium --5.00E-03 I 2.00E-02 C 1 -1 ---5.00E+00 - Silver --5.00E-03 I -0.04 -1 ---8.30E+00 - *Total Risk/HI ------------ Output generated 09AUG2023:18:56:52 Site-specific 9 Resident Risk for Soil Henry's Law Constant Used in Calcs (unitless) H` and HLC Ref Normal Boiling Point BP (K) BP Ref Critical Temperature TC\ (K) TC\ Ref Chemical Type Dia\ (cm 2/s) Diw \ (cm 2/s) DA\ (cm 2/s) Particulate Emission Factor (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Unlimited Reservoir (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Mass Limit (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Selected (m 3/kg) -888.15 PHYSPROP 1673 CRC INORGANIC ---5.55E+09 --- -1038.15 PHYSPROP 2291 YAWS INORGANIC ---5.55E+09 --- -2915.15 PHYSPROP 8560.93 YAWS INORGANIC ---5.55E+09 --- -2022.15 CRC 5400 YAWS INORGANIC ---5.55E+09 --- 3.52E-01 PHYSPROP VP/S 629.75 PHYSPROP 1764 CRC INORGANIC 3.07E-02 6.30E-06 1.10E-05 5.55E+09 2.61E+04 0.00E+00 2.61E+04 -958.15 PHYSPROP 1766 CRC INORGANIC ---5.55E+09 --- -2273.15 PHYSPROP 6410 CRC INORGANIC ---5.55E+09 --- ---------- Output generated 09AUG2023:18:56:52 Site-specific 10 Resident Risk for Soil Concentration (mg/kg) Ingestion Risk Dermal Risk Inhalation Risk Carcinogenic Risk Ingestion Child HQ Dermal Child HQ Inhalation Child HQ Noncarcinogenic Child HI Ingestion Adult HQ Dermal Adult HQ Inhalation Adult HQ Noncarcinogenic Adult HI 2.64E+01 3.41E-05 4.80E-06 7.27E-09 3.89E-05 6.74E-01 8.00E-02 3.04E-04 7.54E-01 6.32E-02 1.33E-02 3.04E-04 7.68E-02 4.83E+00 --5.58E-10 5.58E-10 6.18E-01 5.86E-02 8.34E-05 6.76E-01 5.79E-02 9.78E-03 8.34E-05 6.78E-02 1.26E+01 ------------ 3.46E+02 ------------ 2.18E+00 ------2.67E-01 2.67E-01 --2.67E-01 2.67E-01 9.24E-01 ----2.36E-03 -7.98E-09 2.36E-03 2.22E-04 -7.98E-09 2.22E-04 1.91E+00 ----4.89E-03 --4.89E-03 4.58E-04 --4.58E-04 -3.41E-05 4.80E-06 7.83E-09 3.89E-05 1.30E+00 1.39E-01 2.68E-01 1.71E+00 1.22E-01 2.31E-02 2.68E-01 4.13E-01 Output generated 09AUG2023:19:02:25 Site-specific 1 Construction Worker Inputs Variable Construction Worker Soil - Other Default Value Site-Specific Value A (PEF Dispersion Constant)2.4538 2.4538 Asurf (areal extent of site) m 2 2023.43 29946.764000000 A (VF Dispersion Constant)2.4538 2.4538 B (PEF Dispersion Constant)17.5660 17.5660 B (VF Dispersion Constant)17.5660 17.5660 C (PEF Dispersion Constant)189.0426 189.0426 C (VF Dispersion Constant)189.0426 189.0426 ds (average source depth) m .0 FD Unitless Dispersion Correction Factor 0.185837208 0.185837208 foc (fraction organic carbon in soil) g/g 0.006 0.006 F(x) (function dependant on U m/Ut derived using Cowherd et al. (1985))0.194 0.194 Mm-doz (Gravimetric soil moisture content) %7.9 7.9 Mm-excav (Gravimetric soil moisture content) %12 12 Mwind (dust emitted by wind erosion) g 8803.91354585 130297.92047858 NA-dump (number of times soil is dumped)2 2 NA-till (number of times soil is tilled)2 2 n (total soil porosity) L pore /L soil 0.43396 0.43396 pb (dry soil bulk density) g/cm 3 1.5 1.5 pb (dry soil bulk density - mass limit) g/cm 3 1.5 1.5 ps (soil particle density) g/cm 3 2.65 2.65 Q/Csa (g/m2-s per kg/m 3)14.31407 8.8385045525420 Q/Cvol (g/m2-s per kg/m 3)14.31407 8.8385045525420 Q/Csa (g/m2-s per kg/m 3)14.31407 8.8385045525420 psoil (density) g/cm 3 - chemical-specific 1.68 1.68 As (VFmlim-sc acres)0.5 7.4 As (VFulim-sc acres)0.5 7.4 sdoz (soil silt content) %6.9 6.9 AFcon (skin adherence factor - construction worker) mg/cm 2 0.3 0.3 ATcon (averaging time - construction worker) days 365 365 ATcon-a (averaging time - construction worker) days 350 350 Output generated 09AUG2023:19:02:25 Site-specific 2 Construction Worker Inputs Variable Construction Worker Soil - Other Default Value Site-Specific Value BW con (body weight - construction worker) kg 80 80 EDcon (exposure duration - construction worker) yr 1 1 EFcon (exposure frequency - construction worker) day/yr 250 250 ETcon (exposure time - construction worker) hr/day 8 8 THQ (target hazard quotient) unitless 0.1 1 IRScon (soil ingestion rate - construction worker) mg/day 330 330 LT (lifetime) yr 70 70 SAcon (surface area - construction worker) cm 2/day 3527 3527 TR (target cancer risk) unitless 1.0E-06 1.0E-06 Sdoz (dozing speed) kph 11.4 11.4 Sgrade (dozing speed) kph 11.4 11.4 still (soil silt content) %18 18 tc (overall duration of construction) hours 8400 8400 Tc (overall duration of construction) s 30240000 30240000 Theta a (air-filled soil porosity) L air/L soil 0.28396 0.28396 Theta w (water-filled soil porosity) L water /L soil 0.15 0.15 T (time over which traffic occurs) s 7200000 7200000 Tt (overall duration of traffic) s 7200000 7200000 Um (mean annual wind speed) m/s 4.69 4.69 Ut (equivalent threshold value) m/s 11.32 11.32 VFmlim-sc (volitization factor) m 3 air/kgsoil .0 V (fraction of vegetative cover)0 0 Output generated 09AUG2023:19:02:25 Site-specific 3 Construction Worker Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil - Other Construction Activities Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Subchronic toxicity values will be used where available. RfC and RfD references will be followed by either 'Chronic' or 'Subchronic' to indicate which toxicity value was used. Chemical CAS Number Mutagen?Volatile? Chemical Type SFo(mg/kg-day)-1 SFoRef IUR (ug/m 3)-1 IUR Ref RfD (mg/kg-day) RfD Ref RfC (mg/m 3) Arsenic, Inorganic 7440-38-2 No No Inorganics 1.50E+00 I 4.30E-03 I 3.00E-04 I /Chronic 1.50E-05 Cadmium (Diet)7440-43-9 No No Inorganics -1.80E-03 I 5.00E-04 A /Subchronic 1.00E-05 Chromium, Total 7440-47-3 No No Inorganics ---- Lead and Compounds 7439-92-1 No No Inorganics ---- Mercury (elemental)7439-97-6 No Yes Inorganics ---3.00E-04 Selenium 7782-49-2 No No Inorganics --5.00E-03 H /Subchronic 2.00E-02 Silver 7440-22-4 No No Inorganics --5.00E-03 H /Subchronic - Output generated 09AUG2023:19:02:25 Site-specific 4 Construction Worker Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil - Other Construction Activities Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Subchronic toxicity values will be used where available. RfC and RfD references will be followed by either 'Chronic' or 'Subchronic' to indicate which toxicity value was used. RfC Ref GIABS ABS RBA Soil Saturation Concentration (mg/kg) S (mg/L) Koc\ (cm 3/g) Kd\ (cm 3/g) HLC (atm-m 3/mole) Henry's Law Constant Used in Calcs (unitless) H` and HLC Ref Normal Boiling Point BP (K) C /Chronic 1 0.03 0.6 ---2.90E+01 --888.15 A /Chronic 0.025 0.001 1 ---7.50E+01 --1038.15 0.013 -1 ---1.80E+06 --2915.15 1 -1 ---9.00E+02 --2022.15 H /Subchronic 1 -1 3.13E+00 6.00E-02 -5.20E+01 8.62E-03 3.52E-01 PHYSPROP VP/S 629.75 C /Chronic 1 -1 ---5.00E+00 --958.15 0.04 -1 ---8.30E+00 --2273.15 Output generated 09AUG2023:19:02:25 Site-specific 5 Construction Worker Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil - Other Construction Activities Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Subchronic toxicity values will be used where available. RfC and RfD references will be followed by either 'Chronic' or 'Subchronic' to indicate which toxicity value was used. BP Ref Critical Temperature TC\ (K) TC\ Ref Chemical Type Dia\ (cm 2/s) Diw \ (cm 2/s) DA\ (cm 2/s) Particulate Emission Factor (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Unlimited Reservoir (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Mass Limit (m 3/kg) PHYSPROP 1673 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 -- PHYSPROP 2291 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 -- PHYSPROP 8560.93 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 -- CRC 5400 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 -- PHYSPROP 1764 CRC INORGANIC 3.07E-02 6.30E-06 1.10E-05 6.32E+09 -- PHYSPROP 1766 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 -- PHYSPROP 6410 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 -- Output generated 09AUG2023:19:02:25 Site-specific 6 Construction Worker Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil - Other Construction Activities Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Subchronic toxicity values will be used where available. RfC and RfD references will be followed by either 'Chronic' or 'Subchronic' to indicate which toxicity value was used. Volatilization Factor Selected (m 3/kg) Ingestion SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Dermal SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Inhalation SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Carcinogenic SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Ingestion SL THQ=1 (mg/kg) Dermal SL THQ=1 (mg/kg) Inhalation SL THQ=1 (mg/kg) Noncarcinogenic SL THI=1 (mg/kg) Screening Level (mg/kg) -2.75E+01 1.72E+02 4.50E+05 2.37E+01 1.70E+02 1.06E+03 3.98E+05 1.46E+02 2.37E+01 ca** ---1.08E+06 1.08E+06 1.70E+02 1.32E+03 2.65E+05 1.50E+02 1.50E+02 nc --------- --------- 0.00E+00 ------7.96E+06 7.96E+06 7.96E+06 nc sat max -----1.70E+03 -5.31E+08 1.70E+03 1.70E+03 nc -----1.70E+03 --1.70E+03 1.70E+03 nc Output generated 09AUG2023:19:02:25 Site-specific 7 Construction Worker Risk for Soil - Other Construction Activities Chemical SFo(mg/kg-day)-1 SFoRef IUR (ug/m 3)-1 IUR Ref RfD (mg/kg-day) RfD Ref RfC (mg/m 3) RfC Ref GIABS ABS RBA Soil Saturation Concentration (mg/kg) S (mg/L) Koc\ (cm 3/g) Kd\ (cm 3/g) Arsenic, Inorganic 1.50E+00 I 4.30E-03 I 3.00E-04 I /Chronic 1.50E-05 C /Chronic 1 0.03 0.6 ---2.90E+01 Cadmium (Diet)-1.80E-03 I 5.00E-04 A /Subchronic 1.00E-05 A /Chronic 0.025 0.001 1 ---7.50E+01 Chromium, Total ----0.013 -1 ---1.80E+06 Lead and Compounds ----1 -1 ---9.00E+02 Mercury (elemental) ---3.00E-04 H /Subchronic 1 -1 3.13E+00 6.00E-02 -5.20E+01 Selenium --5.00E-03 H /Subchronic 2.00E-02 C /Chronic 1 -1 ---5.00E+00 Silver --5.00E-03 H /Subchronic -0.04 -1 ---8.30E+00 *Total Risk/HI ----------- Output generated 09AUG2023:19:02:25 Site-specific 8 Construction Worker Risk for Soil - Other Construction Activities HLC (atm-m 3/mole) Henry's Law Constant Used in Calcs (unitless) H` and HLC Ref Normal Boiling Point BP (K) BP Ref Critical Temperature TC\ (K) TC\ Ref Chemical Type Dia\ (cm 2/s) Diw \ (cm 2/s) DA\ (cm 2/s) Particulate Emission Factor (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Unlimited Reservoir (m 3/kg) --888.15 PHYSPROP 1673 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 - --1038.15 PHYSPROP 2291 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 - --2915.15 PHYSPROP 8560.93 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 - --2022.15 CRC 5400 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 - 8.62E-03 3.52E-01 PHYSPROP VP/S 629.75 PHYSPROP 1764 CRC INORGANIC 3.07E-02 6.30E-06 1.10E-05 6.32E+09 - --958.15 PHYSPROP 1766 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 - --2273.15 PHYSPROP 6410 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 - --------- Output generated 09AUG2023:19:02:25 Site-specific 9 Construction Worker Risk for Soil - Other Construction Activities Volatilization Factor Mass Limit (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Selected (m 3/kg) Concentration (mg/kg) Ingestion Risk Dermal Risk Inhalation Risk Carcinogenic Risk Ingestion HQ Dermal HQ Inhalation HQ Noncarcinogenic HI --2.64E+01 9.58E-07 1.54E-07 5.85E-11 1.11E-06 1.55E-01 2.49E-02 6.62E-05 1.80E-01 --4.83E+00 --4.49E-12 4.49E-12 2.85E-02 3.65E-03 1.82E-05 3.21E-02 --1.26E+01 -------- --3.46E+02 -------- -0.00E+00 2.18E+00 ------2.74E-07 2.74E-07 --9.24E-01 ----5.45E-04 -1.74E-09 5.45E-04 --1.91E+00 ----1.13E-03 --1.13E-03 ---9.58E-07 1.54E-07 6.30E-11 1.11E-06 1.85E-01 2.86E-02 8.47E-05 2.14E-01 Output generated 09AUG2023:18:59:39 Site-specific 1 Indoor Worker Soil Inputs Variable Indoor Worker Soil Default Value Site-Specific Value A (PEF Dispersion Constant)16.2302 13.2559 A (VF Dispersion Constant)11.911 13.2559 A (VF Dispersion Constant - mass limit)11.911 13.2559 B (PEF Dispersion Constant)18.7762 19.2978 B (VF Dispersion Constant)18.4385 19.2978 B (VF Dispersion Constant - mass limit)18.4385 19.2978 City (PEF Climate Zone) Selection Default Salt Lake City, City (VF Climate Zone) Selection Default Salt Lake City, C (PEF Dispersion Constant)216.108 221.3379 C (VF Dispersion Constant)209.7845 221.3379 C (VF Dispersion Constant - mass limit)209.7845 221.3379 ds (depth of source) m .0 foc (fraction organic carbon in soil) g/g 0.006 0.006 F(x) (function dependent on U m/Ut) unitless 0.194 0.0441 n (total soil porosity) L pore /L soil 0.43396 0.43396 pb (dry soil bulk density) g/cm 3 1.5 1.5 pb (dry soil bulk density - mass limit) g/cm 3 1.5 1.5 PEF (particulate emission factor) m 3/kg 1359344438 5550848141.9553 ps (soil particle density) g/cm 3 2.65 2.65 Q/Cwind (g/m2-s per kg/m 3)93.77 51.216077102208 Q/Cvol (g/m2-s per kg/m 3)68.18 51.216077102208 Q/Cvol (g/m2-s per kg/m 3 - mass limit)68.18 51.216077102208 As (PEF acres)0.5 7.4 As (VF acres)0.5 7.4 As (VF mass-limit acres)0.5 7.4 ATind (averaging time - indoor worker)365 365 BW ind (body weight - indoor worker)80 80 EDind (exposure duration - indoor worker) year 25 25 EFind (exposure frequency - indoor worker) day/year 250 250 ETind (exposure time - indoor worker) hour 8 8 Output generated 09AUG2023:18:59:39 Site-specific 2 Indoor Worker Soil Inputs Variable Indoor Worker Soil Default Value Site-Specific Value THQ (target hazard quotient) unitless 0.1 1 IRSind (soil ingestion rate - indoor worker) mg/day 50 50 LT (lifetime) year 70 70 TR (target cancer risk) unitless 1.0E-06 1.0E-06 Tw (groundwater temperature) Celsius 25 25 Theta a (air-filled soil porosity) L air/L soil 0.28396 0.28396 Theta w (water-filled soil porosity) L water /L soil 0.15 0.15 T (exposure interval) s 819936000 819936000 T (exposure interval) yr 26 26 Um (mean annual wind speed) m/s 4.69 3.93 Ut (equivalent threshold value)11.32 11.32 V (fraction of vegetative cover) unitless 0.5 0.5 VFml (volitization factor - mass limit) m 3/kg .0 Output generated 09AUG2023:18:59:39 Site-specific 3 Indoor Worker Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Chemical CAS Number Mutagen?Volatile? Chemical Type SFo(mg/kg-day)-1 SFoRef IUR (ug/m 3)-1 IUR Ref RfD (mg/kg-day) RfD Ref RfC (mg/m 3) RfC Ref RBA Soil Saturation Concentration (mg/kg) S (mg/L) Arsenic, Inorganic 7440-38-2 No No Inorganics 1.50E+00 I 4.30E-03 I 3.00E-04 I 1.50E-05 C 0.6 -- Cadmium (Diet)7440-43-9 No No Inorganics -1.80E-03 I 1.00E-04 A 1.00E-05 A 1 -- Chromium, Total 7440-47-3 No No Inorganics ----1 -- Lead and Compounds 7439-92-1 No No Inorganics ----1 -- Mercury (elemental)7439-97-6 No Yes Inorganics ---3.00E-04 I 1 3.13E+00 6.00E-02 Selenium 7782-49-2 No No Inorganics --5.00E-03 I 2.00E-02 C 1 -- Silver 7440-22-4 No No Inorganics --5.00E-03 I -1 -- Output generated 09AUG2023:18:59:39 Site-specific 4 Indoor Worker Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Koc\ (cm 3/g) Kd\ (cm 3/g) HLC (atm-m 3/mole) Henry's Law Constant Used in Calcs (unitless) H` and HLC Ref Normal Boiling Point BP (K) BP Ref Critical Temperature TC\ (K) TC\ Ref Chemical Type Dia\ (cm 2/s) Diw \ (cm 2/s) DA\ (cm 2/s) -2.90E+01 --888.15 PHYSPROP 1673 CRC INORGANIC --- -7.50E+01 --1038.15 PHYSPROP 2291 YAWS INORGANIC --- -1.80E+06 --2915.15 PHYSPROP 8560.93 YAWS INORGANIC --- -9.00E+02 --2022.15 CRC 5400 YAWS INORGANIC --- -5.20E+01 8.62E-03 3.52E-01 PHYSPROP VP/S 629.75 PHYSPROP 1764 CRC INORGANIC 3.07E-02 6.30E-06 1.10E-05 -5.00E+00 --958.15 PHYSPROP 1766 CRC INORGANIC --- -8.30E+00 --2273.15 PHYSPROP 6410 CRC INORGANIC --- Output generated 09AUG2023:18:59:39 Site-specific 5 Indoor Worker Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Particulate Emission Factor (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Unlimited Reservoir (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Mass Limit (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Selected (m 3/kg) Ingestion SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Inhalation SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Carcinogenic SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Ingestion SL THQ=1 (mg/kg) Inhalation SL THQ=1 (mg/kg) Noncarcinogenic SL THI=1 (mg/kg) Screening Level (mg/kg) 5.55E+09 ---7.27E+00 1.58E+04 7.26E+00 1.17E+03 3.65E+05 1.16E+03 7.26E+00 ca 5.55E+09 ----3.78E+04 3.78E+04 2.34E+02 2.43E+05 2.33E+02 2.33E+02 nc 5.55E+09 --------- 5.55E+09 --------- 5.55E+09 2.61E+04 0.00E+00 2.61E+04 ----3.43E+01 3.43E+01 3.43E+01 nc sat 5.55E+09 ------1.17E+04 4.86E+08 1.17E+04 1.17E+04 nc 5.55E+09 ------1.17E+04 -1.17E+04 1.17E+04 nc Output generated 09AUG2023:18:59:39 Site-specific 6 Indoor Worker Risk for Soil Chemical SFo(mg/kg-day)-1 SFoRef IUR (ug/m 3)-1 IUR Ref RfD (mg/kg-day) RfD Ref RfC (mg/m 3) RfC Ref RBA Soil Saturation Concentration (mg/kg) S (mg/L) Koc\ (cm 3/g) Kd\ (cm 3/g) Arsenic, Inorganic 1.50E+00 I 4.30E-03 I 3.00E-04 I 1.50E-05 C 0.6 ---2.90E+01 Cadmium (Diet)-1.80E-03 I 1.00E-04 A 1.00E-05 A 1 ---7.50E+01 Chromium, Total ----1 ---1.80E+06 Lead and Compounds ----1 ---9.00E+02 Mercury (elemental)---3.00E-04 I 1 3.13E+00 6.00E-02 -5.20E+01 Selenium --5.00E-03 I 2.00E-02 C 1 ---5.00E+00 Silver --5.00E-03 I -1 ---8.30E+00 *Total Risk/HI --------- Output generated 09AUG2023:18:59:39 Site-specific 7 Indoor Worker Risk for Soil HLC (atm-m 3/mole) Henry's Law Constant Used in Calcs (unitless) H` and HLC Ref Normal Boiling Point BP (K) BP Ref Critical Temperature TC\ (K) TC\ Ref Chemical Type Dia\ (cm 2/s) Diw \ (cm 2/s) DA\ (cm 2/s) Particulate Emission Factor (m 3/kg) --888.15 PHYSPROP 1673 CRC INORGANIC ---5.55E+09 --1038.15 PHYSPROP 2291 YAWS INORGANIC ---5.55E+09 --2915.15 PHYSPROP 8560.93 YAWS INORGANIC ---5.55E+09 --2022.15 CRC 5400 YAWS INORGANIC ---5.55E+09 8.62E-03 3.52E-01 PHYSPROP VP/S 629.75 PHYSPROP 1764 CRC INORGANIC 3.07E-02 6.30E-06 1.10E-05 5.55E+09 --958.15 PHYSPROP 1766 CRC INORGANIC ---5.55E+09 --2273.15 PHYSPROP 6410 CRC INORGANIC ---5.55E+09 -------- Output generated 09AUG2023:18:59:39 Site-specific 8 Indoor Worker Risk for Soil Volatilization Factor Unlimited Reservoir (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Mass Limit (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Selected (m 3/kg) Concentration (mg/kg) Ingestion Risk Inhalation Risk Carcinogenic Risk Ingestion HQ Inhalation HQ Noncarcinogenic HI ---2.64E+01 3.63E-06 1.67E-09 3.63E-06 2.26E-02 7.23E-05 2.26E-02 ---4.83E+00 -1.28E-10 1.28E-10 2.07E-02 1.99E-05 2.07E-02 ---1.26E+01 ------ ---3.46E+02 ------ 2.61E+04 0.00E+00 2.61E+04 2.18E+00 ----6.37E-02 6.37E-02 ---9.24E-01 ---7.91E-05 1.90E-09 7.91E-05 ---1.91E+00 ---1.64E-04 -1.64E-04 ----3.63E-06 1.79E-09 3.63E-06 4.35E-02 6.38E-02 1.07E-01 Output generated 09AUG2023:19:05:15 Site-specific 1 Resident Soil Inputs Variable Resident Soil Default Value Site-Specific Value A (PEF Dispersion Constant)16.2302 13.2559 A (VF Dispersion Constant)11.911 13.2559 A (VF Dispersion Constant - mass limit)11.911 13.2559 B (PEF Dispersion Constant)18.7762 19.2978 B (VF Dispersion Constant)18.4385 19.2978 B (VF Dispersion Constant - mass limit)18.4385 19.2978 City (PEF Climate Zone) Selection Default Salt Lake City, City (VF Climate Zone) Selection Default Salt Lake City, C (PEF Dispersion Constant)216.108 221.3379 C (VF Dispersion Constant)209.7845 221.3379 C (VF Dispersion Constant - mass limit)209.7845 221.3379 ds (depth of source) m .0 foc (fraction organic carbon in soil) g/g 0.006 0.006 F(x) (function dependent on U m/Ut) unitless 0.194 0.0441 n (total soil porosity) L pore /L soil 0.43396 0.43396 pb (dry soil bulk density) g/cm 3 1.5 1.5 pb (dry soil bulk density - mass limit) g/cm 3 1.5 1.5 PEF (particulate emission factor) m 3/kg 1359344438 5550848141.9553 ps (soil particle density) g/cm 3 2.65 2.65 Q/Cwind (g/m2-s per kg/m 3)93.77 51.216077102208 Q/Cvol (g/m2-s per kg/m 3)68.18 51.216077102208 Q/Cvol (g/m2-s per kg/m 3 - mass limit)68.18 51.216077102208 As (PEF acres)0.5 7.4 As (VF acres)0.5 7.4 As (VF mass-limit acres)0.5 7.4 AF0-2 (mutagenic skin adherence factor) mg/cm 2 0.2 0.2 AF2-6 (mutagenic skin adherence factor) mg/cm 2 0.2 0.2 AF6-16 (mutagenic skin adherence factor) mg/cm 2 0.07 0.07 AF16-26 (mutagenic skin adherence factor) mg/cm 2 0.07 0.07 AFres-a (skin adherence factor - adult) mg/cm 2 0.07 0.07 AFres-c (skin adherence factor - child) mg/cm 2 0.2 0.2 Output generated 09AUG2023:19:05:15 Site-specific 2 Resident Soil Inputs Variable Resident Soil Default Value Site-Specific Value ATres (averaging time - resident carcinogenic)365 365 BW 0-2 (mutagenic body weight) kg 15 15 BW 2-6 (mutagenic body weight) kg 15 15 BW 6-16 (mutagenic body weight) kg 80 80 BW 16-26 (mutagenic body weight) kg 80 80 BW res-a (body weight - adult) kg 80 80 BW res-c (body weight - child) kg 15 15 DFSres-adj (age-adjusted soil dermal factor) mg/kg 103390 103390 DFSMres-adj (mutagenic age-adjusted soil dermal factor) mg/kg 428260 428260 EDres (exposure duration) years 26 26 ED0-2 (mutagenic exposure duration) years 2 2 ED2-6 (mutagenic exposure duration) years 4 4 ED6-16 (mutagenic exposure duration) years 10 10 ED16-26 (mutagenic exposure duration) years 10 10 EDres-a (exposure duration - adult) years 20 20 EDres-c (exposure duration - child) years 6 6 EFres (exposure frequency) days/year 350 350 EF0-2 (mutagenic exposure frequency) days/year 350 350 EF2-6 (mutagenic exposure frequency) days/year 350 350 EF6-16 (mutagenic exposure frequency) days/year 350 350 EF16-26 (mutagenic exposure frequency) days/year 350 350 EFres-a (exposure frequency - adult) days/year 350 350 EFres-c (exposure frequency - child) days/year 350 350 ETres (exposure time) hours/day 24 24 ET0-2 (mutagenic exposure time) hours/day 24 24 ET2-6 (mutagenic exposure time) hours/day 24 24 ET6-16 (mutagenic exposure time) hours/day 24 24 ET16-26 (mutagenic exposure time) hours/day 24 24 ETres-a (adult exposure time) hours/day 24 24 ETres-c (child exposure time) hours/day 24 24 THQ (target hazard quotient) unitless 0.1 1 Output generated 09AUG2023:19:05:15 Site-specific 3 Resident Soil Inputs Variable Resident Soil Default Value Site-Specific Value IFS res-adj (age-adjusted soil ingestion factor) mg/kg 36750 36750 IFSM res-adj (mutagenic age-adjusted soil ingestion factor) mg/kg 166833.3 166833.3 IRS0-2 (mutagenic soil intake rate) mg/day 200 200 IRS2-6 (mutagenic soil intake rate) mg/day 200 200 IRS6-16 (mutagenic soil intake rate) mg/day 100 100 IRS16-26 (mutagenic soil intake rate) mg/day 100 100 IRSres-a (soil intake rate - adult) mg/day 100 100 IRSres-c (soil intake rate - child) mg/day 200 200 LT (lifetime) years 70 70 SA0-2 (mutagenic skin surface area) cm 2/day 2373 2373 SA2-6 (mutagenic skin surface area) cm 2/day 2373 2373 SA6-16 (mutagenic skin surface area) cm 2/day 6032 6032 SA16-26 (mutagenic skin surface area) cm 2/day 6032 6032 SAres-a (skin surface area - adult) cm 2/day 6032 6032 SAres-c (skin surface area - child) cm 2/day 2373 2373 TR (target risk) unitless 1.0E-06 1.0E-06 Tw (groundwater temperature) Celsius 25 25 Theta a (air-filled soil porosity) L air/L soil 0.28396 0.28396 Theta w (water-filled soil porosity) L water /L soil 0.15 0.15 T (exposure interval) s 819936000 819936000 T (exposure interval) yr 26 26 Um (mean annual wind speed) m/s 4.69 3.93 Ut (equivalent threshold value)11.32 11.32 V (fraction of vegetative cover) unitless 0.5 0.5 VFml (volitization factor - mass limit) m 3/kg .0 Output generated 09AUG2023:19:05:15 Site-specific 4 Resident Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Chemical CAS Number Mutagen?Volatile? Chemical Type SFo(mg/kg-day)-1 SFoRef IUR (ug/m 3)-1 IUR Ref RfD (mg/kg-day) RfD Ref RfC (mg/m 3) RfC Ref GIABS ABS Arsenic, Inorganic 7440-38-2 No No Inorganics 1.50E+00 I 4.30E-03 I 3.00E-04 I 1.50E-05 C 1 0.03 Cadmium (Diet)7440-43-9 No No Inorganics -1.80E-03 I 1.00E-04 A 1.00E-05 A 0.025 0.001 Chromium, Total 7440-47-3 No No Inorganics ----0.013 - Lead and Compounds 7439-92-1 No No Inorganics ----1 - Mercury (elemental)7439-97-6 No Yes Inorganics ---3.00E-04 I 1 - Selenium 7782-49-2 No No Inorganics --5.00E-03 I 2.00E-02 C 1 - Silver 7440-22-4 No No Inorganics --5.00E-03 I -0.04 - Output generated 09AUG2023:19:05:15 Site-specific 5 Resident Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. RBA Soil Saturation Concentration (mg/kg) S (mg/L) Koc\ (cm 3/g) Kd\ (cm 3/g) HLC (atm-m 3/mole) Henry's Law Constant Used in Calcs (unitless) H` and HLC Ref Normal Boiling Point BP (K) BP Ref Critical Temperature TC\ (K) TC\ Ref 0.6 ---2.90E+01 --888.15 PHYSPROP 1673 CRC 1 ---7.50E+01 --1038.15 PHYSPROP 2291 YAWS 1 ---1.80E+06 --2915.15 PHYSPROP 8560.93 YAWS 1 ---9.00E+02 --2022.15 CRC 5400 YAWS 1 3.13E+00 6.00E-02 -5.20E+01 8.62E-03 3.52E-01 PHYSPROP VP/S 629.75 PHYSPROP 1764 CRC 1 ---5.00E+00 --958.15 PHYSPROP 1766 CRC 1 ---8.30E+00 --2273.15 PHYSPROP 6410 CRC Output generated 09AUG2023:19:05:15 Site-specific 6 Resident Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Chemical Type Dia\ (cm 2/s) Diw \ (cm 2/s) DA\ (cm 2/s) Particulate Emission Factor (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Unlimited Reservoir (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Mass Limit (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Selected (m 3/kg) Ingestion SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Dermal SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Inhalation SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) INORGANIC ---5.55E+09 ---7.72E-01 5.49E+00 3.62E+03 INORGANIC ---5.55E+09 -----8.66E+03 INORGANIC ---5.55E+09 ------ INORGANIC ---5.55E+09 ------ INORGANIC 3.07E-02 6.30E-06 1.10E-05 5.55E+09 2.61E+04 0.00E+00 2.61E+04 --- INORGANIC ---5.55E+09 ------ INORGANIC ---5.55E+09 ------ Output generated 09AUG2023:19:05:15 Site-specific 7 Resident Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Carcinogenic SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Ingestion SL Child THQ=1 (mg/kg) Dermal SL Child THQ=1 (mg/kg) Inhalation SL Child THQ=1 (mg/kg) Noncarcinogenic SL Child THI=1 (mg/kg) Ingestion SL Adult THQ=1 (mg/kg) Dermal SL Adult THQ=1 (mg/kg) Inhalation SL Adult THQ=1 (mg/kg) Noncarcinogenic SL Adult THI=1 (mg/kg) Screening Level (mg/kg) 6.77E-01 3.91E+01 3.30E+02 8.68E+04 3.49E+01 4.17E+02 1.98E+03 8.68E+04 3.43E+02 6.77E-01 ca 8.66E+03 7.82E+00 8.24E+01 5.79E+04 7.14E+00 8.34E+01 4.94E+02 5.79E+04 7.13E+01 7.14E+00 nc --------- --------- ---8.16E+00 8.16E+00 --8.16E+00 8.16E+00 8.16E+00 nc sat -3.91E+02 -1.16E+08 3.91E+02 4.17E+03 -1.16E+08 4.17E+03 3.91E+02 nc -3.91E+02 --3.91E+02 4.17E+03 --4.17E+03 3.91E+02 nc Output generated 09AUG2023:19:05:15 Site-specific 8 Resident Risk for Soil Chemical SFo(mg/kg-day)-1 SFoRef IUR (ug/m 3)-1 IUR Ref RfD (mg/kg-day) RfD Ref RfC (mg/m 3) RfC Ref GIABS ABS RBA Soil Saturation Concentration (mg/kg) S (mg/L) Koc\ (cm 3/g) Kd\ (cm 3/g) HLC (atm-m 3/mole) Arsenic, Inorganic 1.50E+00 I 4.30E-03 I 3.00E-04 I 1.50E-05 C 1 0.03 0.6 ---2.90E+01 - Cadmium (Diet) -1.80E-03 I 1.00E-04 A 1.00E-05 A 0.025 0.001 1 ---7.50E+01 - Chromium, Total ----0.013 -1 ---1.80E+06 - Lead and Compounds ----1 -1 ---9.00E+02 - Mercury (elemental) ---3.00E-04 I 1 -1 3.13E+00 6.00E-02 -5.20E+01 8.62E-03 Selenium --5.00E-03 I 2.00E-02 C 1 -1 ---5.00E+00 - Silver --5.00E-03 I -0.04 -1 ---8.30E+00 - *Total Risk/HI ------------ Output generated 09AUG2023:19:05:15 Site-specific 9 Resident Risk for Soil Henry's Law Constant Used in Calcs (unitless) H` and HLC Ref Normal Boiling Point BP (K) BP Ref Critical Temperature TC\ (K) TC\ Ref Chemical Type Dia\ (cm 2/s) Diw \ (cm 2/s) DA\ (cm 2/s) Particulate Emission Factor (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Unlimited Reservoir (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Mass Limit (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Selected (m 3/kg) -888.15 PHYSPROP 1673 CRC INORGANIC ---5.55E+09 --- -1038.15 PHYSPROP 2291 YAWS INORGANIC ---5.55E+09 --- -2915.15 PHYSPROP 8560.93 YAWS INORGANIC ---5.55E+09 --- -2022.15 CRC 5400 YAWS INORGANIC ---5.55E+09 --- 3.52E-01 PHYSPROP VP/S 629.75 PHYSPROP 1764 CRC INORGANIC 3.07E-02 6.30E-06 1.10E-05 5.55E+09 2.61E+04 0.00E+00 2.61E+04 -958.15 PHYSPROP 1766 CRC INORGANIC ---5.55E+09 --- -2273.15 PHYSPROP 6410 CRC INORGANIC ---5.55E+09 --- ---------- Output generated 09AUG2023:19:05:15 Site-specific 10 Resident Risk for Soil Concentration (mg/kg) Ingestion Risk Dermal Risk Inhalation Risk Carcinogenic Risk Ingestion Child HQ Dermal Child HQ Inhalation Child HQ Noncarcinogenic Child HI Ingestion Adult HQ Dermal Adult HQ Inhalation Adult HQ Noncarcinogenic Adult HI 1.19E+01 1.53E-05 2.16E-06 3.27E-09 1.75E-05 3.03E-01 3.60E-02 1.36E-04 3.39E-01 2.84E-02 6.00E-03 1.36E-04 3.45E-02 2.34E+00 --2.70E-10 2.70E-10 2.99E-01 2.84E-02 4.04E-05 3.28E-01 2.80E-02 4.74E-03 4.04E-05 3.28E-02 1.37E+01 ------------ 1.41E+02 ------------ 4.26E-01 ------5.22E-02 5.22E-02 --5.22E-02 5.22E-02 1.32E+00 ----3.38E-03 -1.14E-08 3.38E-03 3.16E-04 -1.14E-08 3.16E-04 4.48E-01 ----1.15E-03 --1.15E-03 1.07E-04 --1.07E-04 -1.53E-05 2.16E-06 3.54E-09 1.75E-05 6.07E-01 6.44E-02 5.24E-02 7.23E-01 5.69E-02 1.07E-02 5.24E-02 1.20E-01 Output generated 09AUG2023:19:10:17 Site-specific 1 Construction Worker Inputs Variable Construction Worker Soil - Other Default Value Site-Specific Value A (PEF Dispersion Constant)2.4538 2.4538 Asurf (areal extent of site) m 2 2023.43 29946.764000000 A (VF Dispersion Constant)2.4538 2.4538 B (PEF Dispersion Constant)17.5660 17.5660 B (VF Dispersion Constant)17.5660 17.5660 C (PEF Dispersion Constant)189.0426 189.0426 C (VF Dispersion Constant)189.0426 189.0426 ds (average source depth) m .0 FD Unitless Dispersion Correction Factor 0.185837208 0.185837208 foc (fraction organic carbon in soil) g/g 0.006 0.006 F(x) (function dependant on U m/Ut derived using Cowherd et al. (1985))0.194 0.194 Mm-doz (Gravimetric soil moisture content) %7.9 7.9 Mm-excav (Gravimetric soil moisture content) %12 12 Mwind (dust emitted by wind erosion) g 8803.91354585 130297.92047858 NA-dump (number of times soil is dumped)2 2 NA-till (number of times soil is tilled)2 2 n (total soil porosity) L pore /L soil 0.43396 0.43396 pb (dry soil bulk density) g/cm 3 1.5 1.5 pb (dry soil bulk density - mass limit) g/cm 3 1.5 1.5 ps (soil particle density) g/cm 3 2.65 2.65 Q/Csa (g/m2-s per kg/m 3)14.31407 8.8385045525420 Q/Cvol (g/m2-s per kg/m 3)14.31407 8.8385045525420 Q/Csa (g/m2-s per kg/m 3)14.31407 8.8385045525420 psoil (density) g/cm 3 - chemical-specific 1.68 1.68 As (VFmlim-sc acres)0.5 7.4 As (VFulim-sc acres)0.5 7.4 sdoz (soil silt content) %6.9 6.9 AFcon (skin adherence factor - construction worker) mg/cm 2 0.3 0.3 ATcon (averaging time - construction worker) days 365 365 ATcon-a (averaging time - construction worker) days 350 350 Output generated 09AUG2023:19:10:17 Site-specific 2 Construction Worker Inputs Variable Construction Worker Soil - Other Default Value Site-Specific Value BW con (body weight - construction worker) kg 80 80 EDcon (exposure duration - construction worker) yr 1 1 EFcon (exposure frequency - construction worker) day/yr 250 250 ETcon (exposure time - construction worker) hr/day 8 8 THQ (target hazard quotient) unitless 0.1 1 IRScon (soil ingestion rate - construction worker) mg/day 330 330 LT (lifetime) yr 70 70 SAcon (surface area - construction worker) cm 2/day 3527 3527 TR (target cancer risk) unitless 1.0E-06 1.0E-06 Sdoz (dozing speed) kph 11.4 11.4 Sgrade (dozing speed) kph 11.4 11.4 still (soil silt content) %18 18 tc (overall duration of construction) hours 8400 8400 Tc (overall duration of construction) s 30240000 30240000 Theta a (air-filled soil porosity) L air/L soil 0.28396 0.28396 Theta w (water-filled soil porosity) L water /L soil 0.15 0.15 T (time over which traffic occurs) s 7200000 7200000 Tt (overall duration of traffic) s 7200000 7200000 Um (mean annual wind speed) m/s 4.69 4.69 Ut (equivalent threshold value) m/s 11.32 11.32 VFmlim-sc (volitization factor) m 3 air/kgsoil .0 V (fraction of vegetative cover)0 0 Output generated 09AUG2023:19:10:17 Site-specific 3 Construction Worker Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil - Other Construction Activities Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Subchronic toxicity values will be used where available. RfC and RfD references will be followed by either 'Chronic' or 'Subchronic' to indicate which toxicity value was used. Chemical CAS Number Mutagen?Volatile? Chemical Type SFo(mg/kg-day)-1 SFoRef IUR (ug/m 3)-1 IUR Ref RfD (mg/kg-day) RfD Ref RfC (mg/m 3) Arsenic, Inorganic 7440-38-2 No No Inorganics 1.50E+00 I 4.30E-03 I 3.00E-04 I /Chronic 1.50E-05 Cadmium (Diet)7440-43-9 No No Inorganics -1.80E-03 I 5.00E-04 A /Subchronic 1.00E-05 Chromium, Total 7440-47-3 No No Inorganics ---- Lead and Compounds 7439-92-1 No No Inorganics ---- Mercury (elemental)7439-97-6 No Yes Inorganics ---3.00E-04 Selenium 7782-49-2 No No Inorganics --5.00E-03 H /Subchronic 2.00E-02 Silver 7440-22-4 No No Inorganics --5.00E-03 H /Subchronic - Output generated 09AUG2023:19:10:17 Site-specific 4 Construction Worker Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil - Other Construction Activities Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Subchronic toxicity values will be used where available. RfC and RfD references will be followed by either 'Chronic' or 'Subchronic' to indicate which toxicity value was used. RfC Ref GIABS ABS RBA Soil Saturation Concentration (mg/kg) S (mg/L) Koc\ (cm 3/g) Kd\ (cm 3/g) HLC (atm-m 3/mole) Henry's Law Constant Used in Calcs (unitless) H` and HLC Ref Normal Boiling Point BP (K) C /Chronic 1 0.03 0.6 ---2.90E+01 --888.15 A /Chronic 0.025 0.001 1 ---7.50E+01 --1038.15 0.013 -1 ---1.80E+06 --2915.15 1 -1 ---9.00E+02 --2022.15 H /Subchronic 1 -1 3.13E+00 6.00E-02 -5.20E+01 8.62E-03 3.52E-01 PHYSPROP VP/S 629.75 C /Chronic 1 -1 ---5.00E+00 --958.15 0.04 -1 ---8.30E+00 --2273.15 Output generated 09AUG2023:19:10:17 Site-specific 5 Construction Worker Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil - Other Construction Activities Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Subchronic toxicity values will be used where available. RfC and RfD references will be followed by either 'Chronic' or 'Subchronic' to indicate which toxicity value was used. BP Ref Critical Temperature TC\ (K) TC\ Ref Chemical Type Dia\ (cm 2/s) Diw \ (cm 2/s) DA\ (cm 2/s) Particulate Emission Factor (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Unlimited Reservoir (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Mass Limit (m 3/kg) PHYSPROP 1673 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 -- PHYSPROP 2291 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 -- PHYSPROP 8560.93 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 -- CRC 5400 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 -- PHYSPROP 1764 CRC INORGANIC 3.07E-02 6.30E-06 1.10E-05 6.32E+09 -- PHYSPROP 1766 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 -- PHYSPROP 6410 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 -- Output generated 09AUG2023:19:10:17 Site-specific 6 Construction Worker Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil - Other Construction Activities Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Subchronic toxicity values will be used where available. RfC and RfD references will be followed by either 'Chronic' or 'Subchronic' to indicate which toxicity value was used. Volatilization Factor Selected (m 3/kg) Ingestion SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Dermal SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Inhalation SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Carcinogenic SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Ingestion SL THQ=1 (mg/kg) Dermal SL THQ=1 (mg/kg) Inhalation SL THQ=1 (mg/kg) Noncarcinogenic SL THI=1 (mg/kg) Screening Level (mg/kg) -2.75E+01 1.72E+02 4.50E+05 2.37E+01 1.70E+02 1.06E+03 3.98E+05 1.46E+02 2.37E+01 ca** ---1.08E+06 1.08E+06 1.70E+02 1.32E+03 2.65E+05 1.50E+02 1.50E+02 nc --------- --------- 0.00E+00 ------7.96E+06 7.96E+06 7.96E+06 nc sat max -----1.70E+03 -5.31E+08 1.70E+03 1.70E+03 nc -----1.70E+03 --1.70E+03 1.70E+03 nc Output generated 09AUG2023:19:10:17 Site-specific 7 Construction Worker Risk for Soil - Other Construction Activities Chemical SFo(mg/kg-day)-1 SFoRef IUR (ug/m 3)-1 IUR Ref RfD (mg/kg-day) RfD Ref RfC (mg/m 3) RfC Ref GIABS ABS RBA Soil Saturation Concentration (mg/kg) S (mg/L) Koc\ (cm 3/g) Kd\ (cm 3/g) Arsenic, Inorganic 1.50E+00 I 4.30E-03 I 3.00E-04 I /Chronic 1.50E-05 C /Chronic 1 0.03 0.6 ---2.90E+01 Cadmium (Diet)-1.80E-03 I 5.00E-04 A /Subchronic 1.00E-05 A /Chronic 0.025 0.001 1 ---7.50E+01 Chromium, Total ----0.013 -1 ---1.80E+06 Lead and Compounds ----1 -1 ---9.00E+02 Mercury (elemental) ---3.00E-04 H /Subchronic 1 -1 3.13E+00 6.00E-02 -5.20E+01 Selenium --5.00E-03 H /Subchronic 2.00E-02 C /Chronic 1 -1 ---5.00E+00 Silver --5.00E-03 H /Subchronic -0.04 -1 ---8.30E+00 *Total Risk/HI ----------- Output generated 09AUG2023:19:10:17 Site-specific 8 Construction Worker Risk for Soil - Other Construction Activities HLC (atm-m 3/mole) Henry's Law Constant Used in Calcs (unitless) H` and HLC Ref Normal Boiling Point BP (K) BP Ref Critical Temperature TC\ (K) TC\ Ref Chemical Type Dia\ (cm 2/s) Diw \ (cm 2/s) DA\ (cm 2/s) Particulate Emission Factor (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Unlimited Reservoir (m 3/kg) --888.15 PHYSPROP 1673 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 - --1038.15 PHYSPROP 2291 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 - --2915.15 PHYSPROP 8560.93 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 - --2022.15 CRC 5400 YAWS INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 - 8.62E-03 3.52E-01 PHYSPROP VP/S 629.75 PHYSPROP 1764 CRC INORGANIC 3.07E-02 6.30E-06 1.10E-05 6.32E+09 - --958.15 PHYSPROP 1766 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 - --2273.15 PHYSPROP 6410 CRC INORGANIC ---6.32E+09 - --------- Output generated 09AUG2023:19:10:17 Site-specific 9 Construction Worker Risk for Soil - Other Construction Activities Volatilization Factor Mass Limit (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Selected (m 3/kg) Concentration (mg/kg) Ingestion Risk Dermal Risk Inhalation Risk Carcinogenic Risk Ingestion HQ Dermal HQ Inhalation HQ Noncarcinogenic HI --1.19E+01 4.30E-07 6.90E-08 2.63E-11 4.99E-07 6.98E-02 1.12E-02 2.98E-05 8.11E-02 --2.34E+00 --2.18E-12 2.18E-12 1.38E-02 1.77E-03 8.82E-06 1.56E-02 --1.37E+01 -------- --1.41E+02 -------- -0.00E+00 4.26E-01 ------5.35E-08 5.35E-08 --1.32E+00 ----7.78E-04 -2.49E-09 7.78E-04 --4.48E-01 ----2.64E-04 --2.64E-04 ---4.30E-07 6.90E-08 2.85E-11 5.00E-07 8.47E-02 1.30E-02 3.87E-05 9.77E-02 Output generated 09AUG2023:19:07:26 Site-specific 1 Indoor Worker Soil Inputs Variable Indoor Worker Soil Default Value Site-Specific Value A (PEF Dispersion Constant)16.2302 13.2559 A (VF Dispersion Constant)11.911 13.2559 A (VF Dispersion Constant - mass limit)11.911 13.2559 B (PEF Dispersion Constant)18.7762 19.2978 B (VF Dispersion Constant)18.4385 19.2978 B (VF Dispersion Constant - mass limit)18.4385 19.2978 City (PEF Climate Zone) Selection Default Salt Lake City, City (VF Climate Zone) Selection Default Salt Lake City, C (PEF Dispersion Constant)216.108 221.3379 C (VF Dispersion Constant)209.7845 221.3379 C (VF Dispersion Constant - mass limit)209.7845 221.3379 ds (depth of source) m .0 foc (fraction organic carbon in soil) g/g 0.006 0.006 F(x) (function dependent on U m/Ut) unitless 0.194 0.0441 n (total soil porosity) L pore /L soil 0.43396 0.43396 pb (dry soil bulk density) g/cm 3 1.5 1.5 pb (dry soil bulk density - mass limit) g/cm 3 1.5 1.5 PEF (particulate emission factor) m 3/kg 1359344438 5550848141.9553 ps (soil particle density) g/cm 3 2.65 2.65 Q/Cwind (g/m2-s per kg/m 3)93.77 51.216077102208 Q/Cvol (g/m2-s per kg/m 3)68.18 51.216077102208 Q/Cvol (g/m2-s per kg/m 3 - mass limit)68.18 51.216077102208 As (PEF acres)0.5 7.4 As (VF acres)0.5 7.4 As (VF mass-limit acres)0.5 7.4 ATind (averaging time - indoor worker)365 365 BW ind (body weight - indoor worker)80 80 EDind (exposure duration - indoor worker) year 25 25 EFind (exposure frequency - indoor worker) day/year 250 250 ETind (exposure time - indoor worker) hour 8 8 Output generated 09AUG2023:19:07:26 Site-specific 2 Indoor Worker Soil Inputs Variable Indoor Worker Soil Default Value Site-Specific Value THQ (target hazard quotient) unitless 0.1 1 IRSind (soil ingestion rate - indoor worker) mg/day 50 50 LT (lifetime) year 70 70 TR (target cancer risk) unitless 1.0E-06 1.0E-06 Tw (groundwater temperature) Celsius 25 25 Theta a (air-filled soil porosity) L air/L soil 0.28396 0.28396 Theta w (water-filled soil porosity) L water /L soil 0.15 0.15 T (exposure interval) s 819936000 819936000 T (exposure interval) yr 26 26 Um (mean annual wind speed) m/s 4.69 3.93 Ut (equivalent threshold value)11.32 11.32 V (fraction of vegetative cover) unitless 0.5 0.5 VFml (volitization factor - mass limit) m 3/kg .0 Output generated 09AUG2023:19:07:26 Site-specific 3 Indoor Worker Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Chemical CAS Number Mutagen?Volatile? Chemical Type SFo(mg/kg-day)-1 SFoRef IUR (ug/m 3)-1 IUR Ref RfD (mg/kg-day) RfD Ref RfC (mg/m 3) RfC Ref RBA Soil Saturation Concentration (mg/kg) S (mg/L) Arsenic, Inorganic 7440-38-2 No No Inorganics 1.50E+00 I 4.30E-03 I 3.00E-04 I 1.50E-05 C 0.6 -- Cadmium (Diet)7440-43-9 No No Inorganics -1.80E-03 I 1.00E-04 A 1.00E-05 A 1 -- Chromium, Total 7440-47-3 No No Inorganics ----1 -- Lead and Compounds 7439-92-1 No No Inorganics ----1 -- Mercury (elemental)7439-97-6 No Yes Inorganics ---3.00E-04 I 1 3.13E+00 6.00E-02 Selenium 7782-49-2 No No Inorganics --5.00E-03 I 2.00E-02 C 1 -- Silver 7440-22-4 No No Inorganics --5.00E-03 I -1 -- Output generated 09AUG2023:19:07:26 Site-specific 4 Indoor Worker Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Koc\ (cm 3/g) Kd\ (cm 3/g) HLC (atm-m 3/mole) Henry's Law Constant Used in Calcs (unitless) H` and HLC Ref Normal Boiling Point BP (K) BP Ref Critical Temperature TC\ (K) TC\ Ref Chemical Type Dia\ (cm 2/s) Diw \ (cm 2/s) DA\ (cm 2/s) -2.90E+01 --888.15 PHYSPROP 1673 CRC INORGANIC --- -7.50E+01 --1038.15 PHYSPROP 2291 YAWS INORGANIC --- -1.80E+06 --2915.15 PHYSPROP 8560.93 YAWS INORGANIC --- -9.00E+02 --2022.15 CRC 5400 YAWS INORGANIC --- -5.20E+01 8.62E-03 3.52E-01 PHYSPROP VP/S 629.75 PHYSPROP 1764 CRC INORGANIC 3.07E-02 6.30E-06 1.10E-05 -5.00E+00 --958.15 PHYSPROP 1766 CRC INORGANIC --- -8.30E+00 --2273.15 PHYSPROP 6410 CRC INORGANIC --- Output generated 09AUG2023:19:07:26 Site-specific 5 Indoor Worker Risk-Based Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Soil Key: I = IRIS; P = PPRTV; O = OPP; A = ATSDR; C = Cal EPA; X = PPRTV Screening Level; H = HEAST; D = OW; W = TEF applied; E = RPF applied; G = see user guide; U = user provided; ca = cancer; nc = noncancer; * = where: nc SL < 100X ca SL; ** = where nc SL < 10X ca SL; SSL values are based on DAF=1; max = ceiling limit exceeded; sat = Csat exceeded. Particulate Emission Factor (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Unlimited Reservoir (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Mass Limit (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Selected (m 3/kg) Ingestion SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Inhalation SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Carcinogenic SL TR=1E-06 (mg/kg) Ingestion SL THQ=1 (mg/kg) Inhalation SL THQ=1 (mg/kg) Noncarcinogenic SL THI=1 (mg/kg) Screening Level (mg/kg) 5.55E+09 ---7.27E+00 1.58E+04 7.26E+00 1.17E+03 3.65E+05 1.16E+03 7.26E+00 ca 5.55E+09 ----3.78E+04 3.78E+04 2.34E+02 2.43E+05 2.33E+02 2.33E+02 nc 5.55E+09 --------- 5.55E+09 --------- 5.55E+09 2.61E+04 0.00E+00 2.61E+04 ----3.43E+01 3.43E+01 3.43E+01 nc sat 5.55E+09 ------1.17E+04 4.86E+08 1.17E+04 1.17E+04 nc 5.55E+09 ------1.17E+04 -1.17E+04 1.17E+04 nc Output generated 09AUG2023:19:07:26 Site-specific 6 Indoor Worker Risk for Soil Chemical SFo(mg/kg-day)-1 SFoRef IUR (ug/m 3)-1 IUR Ref RfD (mg/kg-day) RfD Ref RfC (mg/m 3) RfC Ref RBA Soil Saturation Concentration (mg/kg) S (mg/L) Koc\ (cm 3/g) Kd\ (cm 3/g) Arsenic, Inorganic 1.50E+00 I 4.30E-03 I 3.00E-04 I 1.50E-05 C 0.6 ---2.90E+01 Cadmium (Diet)-1.80E-03 I 1.00E-04 A 1.00E-05 A 1 ---7.50E+01 Chromium, Total ----1 ---1.80E+06 Lead and Compounds ----1 ---9.00E+02 Mercury (elemental)---3.00E-04 I 1 3.13E+00 6.00E-02 -5.20E+01 Selenium --5.00E-03 I 2.00E-02 C 1 ---5.00E+00 Silver --5.00E-03 I -1 ---8.30E+00 *Total Risk/HI --------- Output generated 09AUG2023:19:07:26 Site-specific 7 Indoor Worker Risk for Soil HLC (atm-m 3/mole) Henry's Law Constant Used in Calcs (unitless) H` and HLC Ref Normal Boiling Point BP (K) BP Ref Critical Temperature TC\ (K) TC\ Ref Chemical Type Dia\ (cm 2/s) Diw \ (cm 2/s) DA\ (cm 2/s) Particulate Emission Factor (m 3/kg) --888.15 PHYSPROP 1673 CRC INORGANIC ---5.55E+09 --1038.15 PHYSPROP 2291 YAWS INORGANIC ---5.55E+09 --2915.15 PHYSPROP 8560.93 YAWS INORGANIC ---5.55E+09 --2022.15 CRC 5400 YAWS INORGANIC ---5.55E+09 8.62E-03 3.52E-01 PHYSPROP VP/S 629.75 PHYSPROP 1764 CRC INORGANIC 3.07E-02 6.30E-06 1.10E-05 5.55E+09 --958.15 PHYSPROP 1766 CRC INORGANIC ---5.55E+09 --2273.15 PHYSPROP 6410 CRC INORGANIC ---5.55E+09 -------- Output generated 09AUG2023:19:07:26 Site-specific 8 Indoor Worker Risk for Soil Volatilization Factor Unlimited Reservoir (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Mass Limit (m 3/kg) Volatilization Factor Selected (m 3/kg) Concentration (mg/kg) Ingestion Risk Inhalation Risk Carcinogenic Risk Ingestion HQ Inhalation HQ Noncarcinogenic HI ---1.19E+01 1.63E-06 7.49E-10 1.63E-06 1.01E-02 3.25E-05 1.02E-02 ---2.34E+00 -6.19E-11 6.19E-11 1.00E-02 9.62E-06 1.00E-02 ---1.37E+01 ------ ---1.41E+02 ------ 2.61E+04 0.00E+00 2.61E+04 4.26E-01 ----1.24E-02 1.24E-02 ---1.32E+00 ---1.13E-04 2.71E-09 1.13E-04 ---4.48E-01 ---3.84E-05 -3.84E-05 ----1.63E-06 8.10E-10 1.63E-06 2.03E-02 1.25E-02 3.28E-02 Appendix D Application For A Waiver Of An Ecological Risk Assessment Application for a Waiver of an Ecological Risk Assessment Gordo Site, Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road Park City, Summit County, Utah This application is being submitted to request a waiver for performing an ecological risk assessment at the Gordo site, located at Kearns Boulevard and Richardson Flat Road, Park City, Utah. In accordance with the Utah Administrative Code (UAC) R315-101, site investigations must include an evaluation of human health and ecological risk to support risk-based closure. An ecological risk assessment is warranted when it has been determined that exposure pathways are potentially complete for ecological receptors. A complete pathway consists of: 1) a source, 2) a mechanism of contaminant release, 3) a receiving or contact medium, 4) a potential receptor population, and 5) exposure route. Of these five criteria, the most fundamental is the fourth criterion. In order for a potential receptor population to exist, a site must contain open areas that would allow plant growth and suitable habitat for wildlife. The Gordo site is slated for redevelopment following remediation of the existing environmental impacts. Following development, the site will be nearly completely paved and developed. Significant areas of vegetation will not be present, and the site will not contain suitable habitat for wildlife. Although it is possible that some species could casually be present (such as birds resting in nearby trees or crossing the property), it is not plausible that any receptor would forage, nest, or den on the Gordo property itself when development is complete. Since there will not be a potential receptor population present following completion of site redevelopment, an ecological risk assessment is not deemed required at this facility and a waiver for conducting a quantitative ecological risk assessment per R315-101.5.3(a)(8) is requested.