HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2024-004932DPG 2024 Biennial Post Closure Report EP-009-24 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY INSTALLATION MANAGEMENT COMMAND UNITED STATES ARMY GARRISON, DUGWAY PROVING GROUND DUGWAY UTAH 84022-5000 Doug Hansen, Director Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control Utah Department of Environmental Quality P.O. Box 144880 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4880 Dear Mr. Hansen: On behalf of U.S. Army Dugway Proving Ground (Dugway), I am pleased to provide the Dugway Biennial Post Closure for 2024. This report details the overall DPG effort to inspect and maintain Installation remediation features in accordance with the Part B Permit. Report information as summarized reflects continued restoration status as effective and protective. Please direct your staff to contact Jeff Carter of my staff at (435) 849-1200 with any questions or comments. I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Sincerely, Enclosure Christopher Damour Garrison Manager Dugway Proving Ground Biennial Post-Closure Report 2024 This 2024 biennial report details the activities performed to meet the post-closure requirements for closed Hazardous Waste Management Units (HWMUs) and Solid Waste Management Units (SWMUs) at Dugway Proving Ground (DPG), Utah. These requirements for SWMUs and HWMUs are described under Utah Administrative Rule R315-264 and 40 Code of Federal Regulations 264/265 Subparts G. The purpose of this report is to provide documentation of the ongoing post-closure inspection and maintenance activities for the previous two years. Maintenance summaries, inspection forms, and conclusions of the inspections are documented within this biennial report. In addition, this report identifies deficiencies found, if any, during the inspections and provides information on the effort that addressed them. The general locations of the sites that are included in this biennial report are shown on Figure 1. Site Information The Utah Department of Environmental Quality—Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control has issued Module VII to the DPG RCRA Part B Permit. Module VII includes site-specific post- closure inspection, monitoring, and reporting requirements for closed sites at DPG. As of this report, post-closure requirements have been submitted for the following sites: Hazardous Waste Management Units Solid Waste Management Units HWMU 2 HWMU 48 SWMU 3 SWMU 118 HWMU 7 HWMU 55 SWMU 11 SWMU 172 HWMU 9 HWMU 58 SWMU 17 SWMU 177 HWMU 14 HWMU 63-2 SWMU 21 SWMU 180 HWMU 33 HWMU 90 SWMU 41 SWMU 192 HWMU 36 HWMU 124 SWMU 52 SWMU 194 HWMU 37 HWMU 128 SWMU 54 SWMU 197 HWMU 38 HWMU 158 SWMU 56 SWMU 199 HWMU 39 HWMU 163 SWMU 60 SWMU 200 HWMU 43 HWMU 169 SWMU 61 SWMU 201 HWMU 47 SWMU 75 SWMU 204 SWMU 79 SWMU 207 SWMU 114 SWMU 213 SWMU 215 In accordance with state and federal regulations, inspection of these sites is required given that upon completion of the remedial actions, hazardous material, pollutants, or contaminants remain above levels that allow for unlimited use and unrestricted exposure. HWMUs 7, 9, 33, 36, 38, 47, 48, 63-2, 124, 128, 158, 163, and 169, along with SWMUs 41, 60, 61, 75, 114, 118, 172, 177, 180, 199, and 201, have been closed with no waste remaining on site; however, residual media contamination prevents future unrestricted use of the sites. The remaining sites, collectively referred to as the landfill sites, have been closed with waste in place. HWMU 2 was closed by constructing an evapo-transpiration cover system over the waste burial cell. HWMU 37 was closed with waste in place by constructing a soil cover protected by rock to prevent waste disturbance. Each of the remaining landfill sites have been closed with waste in place through installation of an engineered cover system consisting of a geomembrane-supported geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) placed over the identified waste features. Post-Closure Inspections The required post-closure inspections for non-landfill industrial closure sites and landfill sites closed with waste in place have been performed in accordance with the site-specific attachments to Module VII of the DPG RCRA Part B Permit. Beginning in 2010, the frequency of site inspections was scaled back to once per year, with field inspections occurring prior to November 1 of the inspection year. Non-Landfill, Industrial Site Closures As of this report, post-closure inspection requirements are in place for the following non-landfill, industrial sites closures: •HWMUs 7, 9, 33, 36, 38, 47, 48, 63-2, 124, 128, 158, 163, and 169 •SWMUs 41, 60, 61, 75, 114, 118, 172, 177, 180, 199, and 201 Qualified personnel conducted inspections for these sites during March to October 2022 and 2023. Features observed during each site inspection included the general site access, site conditions, as well as other miscellaneous site features. As of this report, post-closure inspection requirements are in place for the following landfill sites: •HWMUs 2, 14, 37, 39, 43, 55, 58, and 90 •SWMUs 3, 11, 17, 21, 52, 54, 56, 79, 192, 194, 197, 200, 204, 207, 213, and 215 Qualified personnel conducted site inspections for these sites during March to October of 2022 and 2023. Features observed during each site inspection included the general site access, cover conditions, as well as other miscellaneous site features. A summary of inspections for each Landfill/and Industrial site follows and captures the overall findings of the critical remediation features. In an holistic sense, DPG sites were determined to be in good condition following all inspections. The summaries below support the determination that the remediation sites at Dugway continue to be protective of human health and the environment: 1. Access Control (Entrance Road, Warning Signs, and Fencing where Applicable) Roads All roads were adequate to access sites with little difficulty during the 2022 and 2023 inspections. Signs Some signs at various sites had shown fading from the original installation status. Dugway continues to refurbish existing signs with UV resistant printed labels restoring the warning intent. DPG sees this as an ongoing effort and as such, the signs remain in good condition and repair. Fences Fences, where present, are in good condition and repair. Fence note: In 2022 DPG gained approval from Utah DWMRC to remove the fence fabric from DPG-043. Starting in November 2023 DPG executed this improvement resulting in an immediate and substantial upgrade to sustainability, safety, and access to this site. (photos attached) 2. Condition of the Engineered Cover System Site inspections included visual observations of the current condition of the engineered landfill cover system at each of the closed landfill sites. In general, the site inspections found that the cover systems were working as designed and constructed. During each inspection, observations are made to ensure that the overlying 1-foot thick protective soil layer is functioning as designed (i.e., protecting the underlying GCL, providing drainage, and minimizing erosion). If signs of soil erosion are excessive (e.g., cracks or rills wide and deep enough to expose the underlying GCL) or continual (recurring in the same area, and therefore having a potential for causing slope instability), corrective action may be necessary. Minor erosion does not affect the integrity and performance of the cover system as designed; however, notations can be made so that any areas of concern can be monitored in the future. Dugway is committed to maintaining the longevity of the constructed cover systems. Based on the robust performance of the cover systems at DPG-192, which feature an upscaled rock layer that reinforces the protective soil layer, Dugway is applying that same methodology to many of the other covers within the program. The thought is to eventually include all covers in this effort. During the 2022/2023 reporting cycle many sites in the Carr area were included in this effort including and most notably DPG-079. The 2022 and 2023 inspections documented landfill sites/site covers remain in good condition. 3. Vegetation Some shrub growth is normal and expected on covers during the inspection cycle. The annual inspection for 2022/2023 revealed some shrub growth on multiple sites that is considered normal. During the inspection cycle when excessively sized shrubs were encountered on cover areas they were removed as needed. . 4. Settlement Markers Settlement markers were installed on the closed landfill sites to monitor settlement of the engineered cover system during the post-closure period as an indicator for subsidence. The most recent survey effort took place in 2017 to 2018. During this effort, DPG implemented a technology change to GPS survey methodology. Last CY, 2023, was the next cycle for this assessment. This most recent settlement survey was again accomplished with GPS technology and the report is included as an attachment. 5. Monitoring Wells Monitoring wells located at applicable sites were also inspected. All wells were found to be secure and in good condition. •Continue to conduct long-term monitoring in accordance with the site-specific attachments contained in Module VII of the DPG RCRA Part B Permit. •Continue site inspections in preparation for the 2026 Post-closure Report. •Continue a consistent practice of documenting corrections to issues noted on the individual site inspection forms. •Continue enforcement of access restrictions to the sites through DPG’s base security. Year 2023 was a monitoring year for the DPG GMAs. This effort was completed in CY 23 with wells being an obvious focus of that effort. In addition to inspections associated with the annual site inspections no critical issues were noted from the GMA monitoring effort. 6. Miscellaneous On 1 September and 9 November 2022 DPG Meteorology reported that the Carr and English Village (respectively) weather stations reported an exceedance of the 1 inch of rain per 24 hour period. (Special Inspections attached) On 3 August 2023 DPG Meteorology reported the West Downwind weather station reported an exceedance of the 1 inch of rain per 24 hour period. (Special Inspections attached) The Army required Site Radiation Inspections for DPG-011 were completed in November of 2022 and 2023. (Inspection Memos attached) 7. Deficiencies No deficiencies of note during the 2022/2023 inspection cycle. Recommendations and Required Actions Based on the results of this 2024 biennial report, the following recommendations are made for the closed sites: DPG IRP – All Sites FFigure 1 Attachment 1 Supporting Photos DPG Sign Repair 2022 DPG-043 Fence Fabric Removal Sign Post-Repair 2022 Pre-Removal 2024 Post-Removal Slope Hardening efforts 2022/2023 Crushing and Screening for DPG-079 and other Carr Sites Attachment 2 Special Inspections 2022 Attachment 3 Special Inspections 2023 Attachment 4 Industrial Inspections 2022 Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSEPCTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. HWMU 7 1 Industrial use, Range control monitors access. ✔ ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. HWMU 7 2 Time:1301 Temp: 70° F ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: __________________________________________________ Company: _________________________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _______________________________________________ Time and Date of Inspection: ____________________________Site Location: _______________ HWMU 7 HWMU 7 3 None Brandon Lawrence Mellor Engineering 10/12/22 13:01 Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSEPCTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. HWMU 7 1 Industrial use, Range control monitors access. ✔ ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. HWMU 7 2 Time:1301 Temp: 70° F ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: __________________________________________________ Company: _________________________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _______________________________________________ Time and Date of Inspection: ____________________________Site Location: _______________ HWMU 7 HWMU 7 3 None Brandon Lawrence Mellor Engineering 10/12/22 13:01 Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSEPCTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. HWMU 7 1 Industrial use, Range control monitors access. ✔ ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. HWMU 7 2 Time:1301 Temp: 70° F ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 8.Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: __________________________________________________ Company: _________________________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _______________________________________________ Time and Date of Inspection: ____________________________Site Location: _______________ HWMU 7 HWMU 7 3 None Brandon Lawrence Mellor Engineering 10/12/22 13:01 Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSEPCTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. HWMU 7 1 Industrial use, Range control monitors access. ✔ ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. HWMU 7 2 Time:1301 Temp: 70° F ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: __________________________________________________ Company: _________________________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _______________________________________________ Time and Date of Inspection: ____________________________Site Location: _______________ HWMU 7 HWMU 7 3 None Brandon Lawrence Mellor Engineering 10/12/22 13:01 Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSEPCTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. HWMU 7 1 Industrial use, Range control monitors access. ✔ ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. HWMU 7 2 Time:1301 Temp: 70° F ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: __________________________________________________ Company: _________________________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _______________________________________________ Time and Date of Inspection: ____________________________Site Location: _______________ HWMU 7 HWMU 7 3 None Brandon Lawrence Mellor Engineering 10/12/22 13:01 Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSEPCTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. HWMU 7 1 Industrial use, Range control monitors access. ✔ ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. HWMU 7 2 Time:1301 Temp: 70° F ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: __________________________________________________ Company: _________________________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _______________________________________________ Time and Date of Inspection: ____________________________Site Location: _______________ HWMU 7 HWMU 7 3 None Brandon Lawrence Mellor Engineering 10/12/22 13:01 Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSEPCTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. HWMU 7 1 Industrial use, Range control monitors access. ✔ ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. HWMU 7 2 Time:1301 Temp: 70° F ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: __________________________________________________ Company: _________________________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _______________________________________________ Time and Date of Inspection: ____________________________Site Location: _______________ HWMU 7 HWMU 7 3 None Brandon Lawrence Mellor Engineering 10/12/22 13:01 Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSEPCTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. HWMU 7 1 Industrial use, Range control monitors access. ✔ ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. HWMU 7 2 Time:1301 Temp: 70° F ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: __________________________________________________ Company: _________________________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _______________________________________________ Time and Date of Inspection: ____________________________Site Location: _______________ HWMU 7 HWMU 7 3 None Brandon Lawrence Mellor Engineering 10/12/22 13:01 Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSEPCTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. HWMU 7 1 Industrial use, Range control monitors access. ✔ ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. HWMU 7 2 Time:1301 Temp: 70° F ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: __________________________________________________ Company: _________________________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _______________________________________________ Time and Date of Inspection: ____________________________Site Location: _______________ HWMU 7 HWMU 7 3 None Brandon Lawrence Mellor Engineering 10/12/22 13:01 Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSEPCTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. HWMU 7 1 Industrial use, Range control monitors access. ✔ ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. HWMU 7 2 Time:1301 Temp: 70° F ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: __________________________________________________ Company: _________________________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _______________________________________________ Time and Date of Inspection: ____________________________Site Location: _______________ HWMU 7 HWMU 7 3 None Brandon Lawrence Mellor Engineering 10/12/22 13:01 Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSEPCTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. HWMU 7 1 Industrial use, Range control monitors access. ✔ ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. HWMU 7 2 Time:1301 Temp: 70° F ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: __________________________________________________ Company: _________________________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _______________________________________________ Time and Date of Inspection: ____________________________Site Location: _______________ HWMU 7 HWMU 7 3 None Brandon Lawrence Mellor Engineering 10/12/22 13:01 Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSEPCTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. HWMU 7 1 Industrial use, Range control monitors access. ✔ ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. HWMU 7 2 Time:1301 Temp: 70° F ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: __________________________________________________ Company: _________________________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _______________________________________________ Time and Date of Inspection: ____________________________Site Location: _______________ HWMU 7 HWMU 7 3 None Brandon Lawrence Mellor Engineering 10/12/22 13:01 Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSEPCTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. HWMU 7 1 Industrial use, Range control monitors access. ✔ ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. HWMU 7 2 Time:1301 Temp: 70° F ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: __________________________________________________ Company: _________________________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _______________________________________________ Time and Date of Inspection: ____________________________Site Location: _______________ HWMU 7 HWMU 7 3 None Brandon Lawrence Mellor Engineering 10/12/22 13:01 Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSEPCTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. HWMU 7 1 Industrial use, Range control monitors access. ✔ ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. HWMU 7 2 Time:1301 Temp: 70° F ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: __________________________________________________ Company: _________________________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _______________________________________________ Time and Date of Inspection: ____________________________Site Location: _______________ HWMU 7 HWMU 7 3 None Brandon Lawrence Mellor Engineering 10/12/22 13:01 Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSEPCTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. HWMU 7 1 Industrial use, Range control monitors access. ✔ ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. HWMU 7 2 Time:1301 Temp: 70° F ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: __________________________________________________ Company: _________________________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _______________________________________________ Time and Date of Inspection: ____________________________Site Location: _______________ HWMU 7 HWMU 7 3 None Brandon Lawrence Mellor Engineering 10/12/22 13:01 Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSEPCTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. HWMU 7 1 Industrial use, Range control monitors access. ✔ ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. HWMU 7 2 Time:1301 Temp: 70° F ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: __________________________________________________ Company: _________________________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _______________________________________________ Time and Date of Inspection: ____________________________Site Location: _______________ HWMU 7 HWMU 7 3 None Brandon Lawrence Mellor Engineering 10/12/22 13:01 Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSEPCTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. HWMU 7 1 Industrial use, Range control monitors access. ✔ ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. HWMU 7 2 Time:1301 Temp: 70° F ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: __________________________________________________ Company: _________________________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _______________________________________________ Time and Date of Inspection: ____________________________Site Location: _______________ HWMU 7 HWMU 7 3 None Brandon Lawrence Mellor Engineering 10/12/22 13:01 Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSEPCTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. HWMU 7 1 Industrial use, Range control monitors access. ✔ ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. HWMU 7 2 Time:1301 Temp: 70° F ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: __________________________________________________ Company: _________________________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _______________________________________________ Time and Date of Inspection: ____________________________Site Location: _______________ HWMU 7 HWMU 7 3 None Brandon Lawrence Mellor Engineering 10/12/22 13:01 Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSEPCTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. HWMU 7 1 Industrial use, Range control monitors access. ✔ ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. HWMU 7 2 Time:1301 Temp: 70° F ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: __________________________________________________ Company: _________________________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _______________________________________________ Time and Date of Inspection: ____________________________Site Location: _______________ HWMU 7 HWMU 7 3 None Brandon Lawrence Mellor Engineering 10/12/22 13:01 Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSEPCTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. HWMU 7 1 Industrial use, Range control monitors access. ✔ ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. HWMU 7 2 Time:1301 Temp: 70° F ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: __________________________________________________ Company: _________________________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _______________________________________________ Time and Date of Inspection: ____________________________Site Location: _______________ HWMU 7 HWMU 7 3 None Brandon Lawrence Mellor Engineering 10/12/22 13:01 Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSEPCTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. HWMU 7 1 Industrial use, Range control monitors access. ✔ ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. HWMU 7 2 Time:1301 Temp: 70° F ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: __________________________________________________ Company: _________________________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _______________________________________________ Time and Date of Inspection: ____________________________Site Location: _______________ HWMU 7 HWMU 7 3 None Brandon Lawrence Mellor Engineering 10/12/22 13:01 Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSEPCTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. HWMU 7 1 Industrial use, Range control monitors access. ✔ ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. HWMU 7 2 Time:1301 Temp: 70° F ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: __________________________________________________ Company: _________________________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _______________________________________________ Time and Date of Inspection: ____________________________Site Location: _______________ HWMU 7 HWMU 7 3 None Brandon Lawrence Mellor Engineering 10/12/22 13:01 Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSEPCTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. HWMU 7 1 Industrial use, Range control monitors access. ✔ ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. HWMU 7 2 Time:1301 Temp: 70° F ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: __________________________________________________ Company: _________________________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _______________________________________________ Time and Date of Inspection: ____________________________Site Location: _______________ HWMU 7 HWMU 7 3 None Brandon Lawrence Mellor Engineering 10/12/22 13:01 Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSEPCTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. HWMU 7 1 Industrial use, Range control monitors access. ✔ ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. HWMU 7 2 Time:1301 Temp: 70° F ✔ ✔ Sept. 2017 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ________________ Page _______________ 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: __________________________________________________ Company: _________________________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _______________________________________________ Time and Date of Inspection: ____________________________Site Location: _______________ HWMU 7 HWMU 7 3 None Brandon Lawrence Mellor Engineering 10/12/22 13:01 Attachment 5 Industrial Inspections 2023 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 1 of 3 FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSPECTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. INDUSTRIAL USE, RANGE CONTROL MONITORS ACCESS 7 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 2 of 3 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. TIME:1010 TEMP: 38 F 7 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 3 of 3 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: ________________________________________ Company: _______________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _____________________________________ Date of Inspection: ________________________________________ NO PROBLEMS BRANDON LAWERENCE MELLOR ENGINEERING November 1, 2023 7 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 1 of 3 FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSPECTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. INDUSTRIAL USE, SOIL DISTURBANCE 9 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 2 of 3 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. TIME: 0959 TEMP: 35 F 9 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 3 of 3 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: ________________________________________ Company: _______________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _____________________________________ Date of Inspection: ________________________________________ NO PROBLEMS BRANDON LAWERENCE MELLOR ENGINEERING November 1, 2023 9 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 1 of 3 FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSPECTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. INDUSTRIAL USE, SECURITY CONTROLS, SIGNS 33 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 2 of 3 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. TIME: 1313 TEMP: 40 F 33 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 3 of 3 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: ________________________________________ Company: _______________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _____________________________________ Date of Inspection: ________________________________________ NO PROBLEMS BRANDON LAWRENCE MELLOR ENGINEERING October 30, 2023 33 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 1 of 3 FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSPECTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. INDUSTRIAL USE, EVIDENCE OF SOIL DISTURBANCE 36 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 2 of 3 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. TIME: 1228 TEMP: 39 F 36 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 3 of 3 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: ________________________________________ Company: _______________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _____________________________________ Date of Inspection: ________________________________________ NO PROBLEMS BRANDON LAWERENCE MELLOR ENGINEERING October 30, 2023 36 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 1 of 3 FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSPECTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. INDUSTRIAL USE, EVIDENCE OF SOIL DISTURBANCE 38 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 2 of 3 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. TIME: 1222 TEMP: 39 F 38 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 3 of 3 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: ________________________________________ Company: _______________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _____________________________________ Date of Inspection: ________________________________________ NO PROBLEMS BRANDON LAWERENCE MELLOR ENGINEERING October 30, 2023 38 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 1 of 3 FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSPECTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. INDUSTRIAL USE, EVIDENCE OF SOIL DISTURBANCE 41 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 2 of 3 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. TIME: 1124 TEMP: 36 F 41 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 3 of 3 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: ________________________________________ Company: _______________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _____________________________________ Date of Inspection: ________________________________________ NO PROBLEMS BRANDON LAWERENCE MELLOR ENGINEERING October 30, 2023 41 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 1 of 3 FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSPECTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. INDUSTRIAL USE, EVIDENCE OF SOIL DISTURBANCE 47 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 2 of 3 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. TIME: 1030 TEMP: 35 F 47 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 3 of 3 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: ________________________________________ Company: _______________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _____________________________________ Date of Inspection: ________________________________________ NO PROBLEMS BRANDON LAWERENCE MELLOR ENGINEERING October 30, 2023 47 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 1 of 3 FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSPECTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. INDUSTRIAL USE, EVIDENCE OF SOIL DISTURBANCE 48 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 2 of 3 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. TIME: 1045 TEMP: 35 F 48 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 3 of 3 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: ________________________________________ Company: _______________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _____________________________________ Date of Inspection: ________________________________________ NO PROBLEMS BRANDON LAWERENCE MELLOR ENGINEERING October 30, 2023 48 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 1 of 3 FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSPECTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. INDUSTRIAL USE, SOIL DISTURBANCE 60 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 2 of 3 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. TIME: 1139 TEMP: 37 F 60 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 3 of 3 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: ________________________________________ Company: _______________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _____________________________________ Date of Inspection: ________________________________________ NO PROBLEMS BRANDON LAWERENCE MELLOR ENGINEERING October 30, 2023 60 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 1 of 3 FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSPECTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. INDUSTRIAL USE, SOIL DISTURBANCE 61 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 2 of 3 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. TIME: 1141 TEMP: 37 F 61 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 3 of 3 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: ________________________________________ Company: _______________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _____________________________________ Date of Inspection: ________________________________________ NO PROBLEMS BRANDON LAWERENCE MELLOR ENGINEERING October 30, 2023 61 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 1 of 3 FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSPECTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. INDUSTRIAL USE, SOIL DISTURBANCE, RANGE CONTROL MONITORING 63-2 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 2 of 3 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. TIME: 1133 TEMP: 37 F 63-2 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 3 of 3 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: ________________________________________ Company: _______________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _____________________________________ Date of Inspection: ________________________________________ NO PROBLEMS BRANDON LAWERENCE MELLOR ENGINEERING October 30, 2023 63-2 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 1 of 3 FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSPECTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. INDUSTRIAL USE, EVIDENCE OF SOIL DISTURBANCE 75 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 2 of 3 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. TIME: 1042 TEMP: 35 F 75 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 3 of 3 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: ________________________________________ Company: _______________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _____________________________________ Date of Inspection: ________________________________________ NO PROBLEMS BRANDON LAWERENCE MELLOR ENGINEERING October 30, 2023 75 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 1 of 3 FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSPECTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. INDUSTRIAL USE, SOIL DISTURBANCE 114 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 2 of 3 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. TIME: 1355 TEMP: 42 F 114 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 3 of 3 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: ________________________________________ Company: _______________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _____________________________________ Date of Inspection: ________________________________________ NO PROBLEMS BRANDON LAWERENCE MELLOR ENGINEERING October 30, 2023 114 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 1 of 3 FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSPECTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. INDUSTRIAL USE, EVIDENCE OF SOIL DISTURBANCE, DRAINAGE PATTERNS 118 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 2 of 3 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. TIME: 1347 TEMP: 43 F 118 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 3 of 3 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: ________________________________________ Company: _______________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _____________________________________ Date of Inspection: ________________________________________ NO PROBLEMS BRANDON LAWERENCE MELLOR ENGINEERING October 30, 2023 118 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 1 of 3 FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSPECTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. INDUSTRIAL USE, SECURITY CONTROL 124 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 2 of 3 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. TIME: 1148 TEMP: 37 F 124 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 3 of 3 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: ________________________________________ Company: _______________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _____________________________________ Date of Inspection: ________________________________________ NO PROBLEMS BRANDON LAWERENCE MELLOR ENGINEERING October 30, 2023 124 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 1 of 3 FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSPECTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. INDUSTRIAL USE, SECURITY CONTROL, SIGNS 128 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 2 of 3 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. TIME: 1050 TEMP: 37 F 128 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 3 of 3 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: ________________________________________ Company: _______________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _____________________________________ Date of Inspection: ________________________________________ NO PROBLEMS BRANDON LAWERENCE MELLOR ENGINEERING October 30, 2023 128 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 1 of 3 FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSPECTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. INDUSTRIAL USE, EVIDENCE OF SOIL DISTURBANCE 158 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 2 of 3 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. TIME: 1209 TEMP: 39 F 158 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 3 of 3 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: ________________________________________ Company: _______________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _____________________________________ Date of Inspection: ________________________________________ NO PROBLEMS BRANDON LAWERENCE MELLOR ENGINEERING October 30, 2023 158 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 1 of 3 FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSPECTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. INDUSTRIAL USE, SOIL DISTURBANCE 163 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 2 of 3 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. TIME: 1156 TEMP: 37 F 163 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 3 of 3 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: ________________________________________ Company: _______________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _____________________________________ Date of Inspection: ________________________________________ NO PROBLEMS BRANDON LAWERENCE MELLOR ENGINEERING October 30, 2023 163 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 1 of 3 FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSPECTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. INDUSTRIAL USE, SOIL DISTURBANCE 169 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 2 of 3 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. TIME: 1308 TEMP: 40 F 169 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 3 of 3 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: ________________________________________ Company: _______________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _____________________________________ Date of Inspection: ________________________________________ NO PROBLEMS BRANDON LAWERENCE MELLOR ENGINEERING October 30, 2023 169 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 1 of 3 FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSPECTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. INDUSTRIAL USE, EVIDENCE OF SOIL DISTURBANCE 172 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 2 of 3 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. TIME: 1118 TEMP: 36 F 172 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 3 of 3 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: ________________________________________ Company: _______________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _____________________________________ Date of Inspection: ________________________________________ NO PROBLEMS BRANDON LAWERENCE MELLOR ENGINEERING October 30, 2023 172 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 1 of 3 FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSPECTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. INDUSTRIAL USE, EVIDENCE OF SOIL DISTURBANCE 177 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 2 of 3 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. TIME: 1220 TEMP: 39 F 177 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 3 of 3 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: ________________________________________ Company: _______________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _____________________________________ Date of Inspection: ________________________________________ NO PROBLEMS BRANDON LAWERENCE MELLOR ENGINEERING October 30, 2023 177 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 1 of 3 FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSPECTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. INDUSTRIAL USE, SOIL DISTURBANCE, DRAINAGE PATTERNS 180 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 2 of 3 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. TIME: 1144 TEMP: 37 F 180 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 3 of 3 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: ________________________________________ Company: _______________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _____________________________________ Date of Inspection: ________________________________________ NO PROBLEMS BRANDON LAWERENCE MELLOR ENGINEERING October 30, 2023 180 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 1 of 3 FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSPECTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. CRATER FILLS, SIGNS, DRAINAGE, MEC SURFACE EXPOSURES, RE-ROUTED STREAM CHANNEL 199 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 2 of 3 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. TIME: 1447 TEMP: 46 F 199 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 3 of 3 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: ________________________________________ Company: _______________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _____________________________________ Date of Inspection: ________________________________________ NO PROBLEMS BRANDON LAWERENCE MELLOR ENGINEERING October 30, 2023 199 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 1 of 3 FORM A - GENERAL POST-CLOSURE SITE INSPECTION CHECKLIST Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 1. List any site-specific inspection requirements outlined in the Site Post Closure Plan and any special tracking requirements contained in Module VII, Table VII-2. Note that this may include evaluating groundwater plumes tracked under the regional groundwater plan and impact on other site uses. ATTENTION: Verbal notification within 24-Hours (direct communication or voice mail) MUST be provided to the DPG Environmental Office on information concerning any non-compliance, which may endanger public drinking water supplies, human health, or the environment. 2. Inspect the site and surrounding land use. Does the area remain in industrial use? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 3. Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. 4. Are posted warning signs, security measures, and/or perimeter fencing and locks in good condition and in place? Yes No* *If no, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. If fence is damaged, mark area of fence needing repair on sketch and include/attach with this form. INDUSTRIAL USE, EVIDENCE OF SOIL DISTURBANCE 201 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 2 of 3 5. Is there any orphan waste present at the site? Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 6. Is there any soil disturbance in the vicinity of the site? (This may also include conditions of roads up to site: significant potholes and/or erosion and areas specified in Module VII Table VII-2.) Yes* No *If yes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. Comments: 7. Addition notes/sketches: indicate time, temperature, wind direction and other observations. TIME: 1434 TEMP: 45 F 201 March 2023 Form A – Industrial Sites Checklist Site ______ Page 3 of 3 8. Verify the security of Groundwater Monitoring Wells – (are caps intact, securely locked, etc.) Comments: Name of Inspector: ________________________________________ Company: _______________________________________________ Signature of Inspector: _____________________________________ Date of Inspection: ________________________________________ NO PROBLEMS BRANDON LAWERENCE MELLOR ENGINEERING October 30, 2023 201 Attachment 6 Landfill Inspections 2022 ept. 2017 Form B -Landfill Sites Site t,,,Page ___ --=6 __ _ 8.Is a location map showing location of deficiencies and/or watch items attached?QYes l,21No 9.Were any dig permits issued for this site since the last inspection?0Yes* @No *lfyes, coordinate with the DPG Environmental Office to determine the appropriate course of action. ame of Inspector cf ompany ignature of,.lnspect r I Site Name / ...,___.,. JC'\i7., IA 7 -�--Time and Date of Inspection' Attachment 7 Landfill Inspections 2023 Attachment 8 DPG-199 Five Year UXO Inspection SWMU-199 5 Year UXO Survey 7 September 2023 The DPG IRP program initiated the effort to GPS locate and flag the three 1 acre grid square UXO Survey locations on 31 August 2023. The grid squares were aligned East to West (as shown in the attached map). The grids were further divided into sections 10 yards wide to delineate walking lanes. The following week on 6 September 2023, a team of personnel from the DPG Weapons Branch, with observance from DPG IRP, walked the lanes to complete the UXO survey process. No UXO, MEC, or MPPEH items were identified. The items that were identified are as follows: •Scattered general surface metal frag •2 functioned smoke canisters •Two small fuze components (non-MEC/non-MPPEH) from a functioned fuze system Walking Grid Lanes Undisturbed then Inspected Smoke Can Bits of Fiber and Metal Frag !(!( !(!( !(!( !(!( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( SWMU 1992018 SurveyGrids 2023 SurveyGrids Grid 5Grid 4 Grid 6 Grid 2 Grid 1 Grid 3 Source: Esri, Maxar, Earthstar Geographics, and the GIS User Community Dugway Proving Ground SWMU 199 4 Map produced by AMIM-DUP-E GIS, 31 August 2023, SWMU_199_Grids.mxd 0 200 400 600100Feet UTM Projection WGS84 Datum Zone 12N, Meters Map Extent Attachment 9 DPG Settlement Monument Survey 2023 Jacobs Dugway Team Settlement Monument Report 21 Dec 2023 Dugway is periodically required to verify integrity of the waste-in-place cover systems by taking survey measurements of fixed markers on certain SWMU/HWMU sites. The prior data set for this effort is the Jacobs settlement monument survey of 2018. Data for the 2018 report was gathered utilizing control monuments determined using dual GNSS receivers, Model X90-OPUS. This procedure included four hour Static Observations that were processed through the NGS OPUS Projects Management System. Dual Topcon GR-3 receivers were then used to determine Northing, Easting and Elevations for the various sites. Data collection for 2023 occurred using the same equipment/methodology from 25 October thru 6 December. The overall survey results indicate no significant settlement occurring and the continuity of the cover systems and waste cells are acceptable. Site 2017 Elevation Meters 2017 Elevation ft 2023 Elevation Meters 2023 Elevation ft Elevation Delta M 2017 to 2023 Delta in ft 2023 2023 Elevation Meters 2023 Elevation ft Elevation Delta M 2017 to 2023 Delta in ft 2023 Elevation Change Swmu Mon to Settle Mon 2011 Elevation Change Swmu Mon to Settle Mon 2018 Elevation Change Swmu Mon to Settle Mon 2023 2023 ∆ (ft) 3 1308.486 4291.090 1308.583 4293.252 0.097 2.162 1308.567 4293.199 0.081 2.109 4291.09 003-S 1308.62 4293.373 1308.719 4293.696 0.099 0.323 1308.702 4293.643 0.082 0.270 0.47 0.44 0.444 0.004 003-N1 1308.214 4292.041 1308.318 4292.382 0.104 0.342 1308.302 4292.329 0.088 0.288 -0.86 -0.89 -0.870 0.020 003-N2 1308.256 4292.178 1308.362 4292.526 0.106 0.347 1308.346 4292.472 0.090 0.294 -0.69 -0.75 -0.726 0.024 14 1315.857 4317.116 1315.864 4317.141 0.007 0.024 1315.879 4317.189 0.022 0.073 4316.04 014-1 1316.473 4319.137 1316.470 4319.128 -0.003 -0.010 1316.485 4319.175 0.012 0.038 2.03 2.02 1.986 -0.034 17 1338.073 4390.003 1338.079 4390.024 0.006 0.020 1338.068 4389.987 -0.005 -0.016 4380.76 17N 1337.39 4387.762 1337.400 4387.795 0.010 0.033 1337.389 4387.758 -0.001 -0.005 -2.22 -2.24 -0.679 17S 1339.957 4396.184 1339.972 4396.233 0.015 0.048 1339.960 4396.195 0.003 0.011 6.19 6.18 6.208 0.028 39 1329.047 4360.390 1329.224 4360.972 0.177 0.582 1329.204 4360.907 0.157 0.517 4360.99 39-1 1329.88 4363.123 1330.034 4363.627 0.154 0.504 1330.013 4363.560 0.133 0.437 2.75 2.73 2.653 -0.077 43 1490.024 4888.530 1490.053 4888.624 0.029 0.094 1490.027 4888.538 0.003 0.008 4888.62 43-1 1478.537 4850.843 1478.760 4851.574 0.223 0.731 1478.736 4851.495 0.199 0.652 -37.76 -37.69 -37.043 0.647 43-2 1481.557 4860.751 1481.810 4861.583 0.253 0.832 1481.786 4861.502 0.229 0.751 -27.88 -27.78 -27.037 0.743 43-3 1484.75 4871.227 1485.027 4872.135 0.277 0.908 1485.001 4872.051 0.251 0.824 -17.29 -17.3 -16.488 0.812 43-4 1482.988 4865.446 1483.239 4866.270 0.251 0.823 1483.239 4866.270 0.251 0.823 -23.08 -23.08 -22.269 0.811 43-5 1484.701 4871.066 1484.934 4871.829 0.233 0.763 1484.908 4871.745 0.207 0.679 -17.32 -17.46 -16.794 0.666 43-6 1483.879 4868.369 1484.128 4869.185 0.249 0.816 1484.102 4869.103 0.223 0.733 -20.18 -20.16 -19.436 0.724 43-7 1486.557 4877.156 1486.825 4878.035 0.268 0.880 1486.799 4877.951 0.242 0.795 -11.36 -11.37 -10.588 0.782 43-8 1483.922 4868.511 1484.166 4869.310 0.244 0.800 1484.141 4869.228 0.219 0.717 -19.99 -20.02 -19.311 0.709 43-9 1488.11 4882.251 1488.378 4883.129 0.268 0.879 1488.352 4883.045 0.242 0.795 -6.31 -6.28 -5.493 0.787 43-10 1487.066 4878.825 1487.329 4879.688 0.263 0.862 1487.304 4879.606 0.238 0.780 -9.77 -9.7 -8.933 0.767 52 1331.94 4369.882 1332.340 4371.194 0.400 1.312 1332.337 4371.185 0.397 1.303 4370.24 52-1 1332.648 4372.205 1333.024 4373.440 0.376 1.235 1333.022 4373.431 0.374 1.226 2.34 2.32 2.246 -0.074 54 1331.903 4369.761 1332.283 4371.006 0.380 1.245 1332.279 4370.994 0.376 1.234 4370.9 54-1 1332.291 4371.033 1332.672 4372.283 0.381 1.250 1332.668 4372.271 0.377 1.237 1.26 1.27 1.277 0.007 55 1333.359 4374.537 1333.730 4375.756 0.371 1.218 1333.724 4375.736 0.365 1.199 4375.67 55-A 1334.174 4377.211 1334.683 4378.880 0.509 1.669 1334.676 4378.860 0.502 1.649 2.71 2.67 3.124 0.454 55-B 1334.488 4378.241 1334.560 4378.479 0.072 0.238 1334.554 4378.459 0.066 0.218 3.16 3.7 2.723 -0.977 56A 1336.918 4386.214 1337.264 4387.348 0.346 1.134 1337.252 4387.310 0.334 1.096 4368.1 56A-1 1336.646 4385.322 1336.999 4386.480 0.353 1.159 1336.987 4386.442 0.341 1.120 -0.95 -0.89 -0.868 0.022 56B 1335.219 4380.640 1335.442 4381.372 0.223 0.732 1335.434 4381.345 0.215 0.705 4383.6 56B-1 1335.057 4380.108 1335.271 4380.812 0.214 0.704 1335.263 4380.785 0.206 0.677 -0.47 -0.53 -0.560 -0.030 2023 IRP Settlement Monument Survey Datum: g2012bu Datum: g2018u5 21 December 2023 58 1331.438 4368.235 1331.814 4369.467 0.376 1.232 1331.808 4369.450 0.370 1.215 4368.51 58-1 1332.734 4372.487 1333.100 4373.688 0.366 1.201 1333.095 4373.672 0.361 1.185 4.27 4.25 4.221 -0.029 79 1343.59 4408.104 1343.889 4409.083 0.299 0.979 1343.868 4409.017 0.278 0.913 4408.71 79-1 1343.266 4407.041 1343.574 4408.050 0.308 1.010 1343.554 4407.985 0.288 0.944 -1.01 -1.06 -1.032 0.028 90 1333.222 4374.088 1333.583 4375.273 0.361 1.185 1333.577 4375.254 0.355 1.166 4372+(3.15) 90-3 1333.858 4376.175 1334.228 4377.388 0.370 1.213 1334.222 4377.369 0.364 1.195 2.09 2.07 2.116 0.046 90-2 1333.442 4374.810 1333.810 4376.016 0.368 1.207 1333.805 4375.999 0.363 1.189 0.75 0.7 0.745 0.045 90-1 1333.575 4375.246 1333.940 4376.444 0.365 1.198 1333.935 4376.427 0.360 1.181 1.16 1.14 1.174 0.034 106 1341.125 4400.016 1341.322 4400.663 0.197 0.646 1341.303 4400.601 0.178 0.585 4400.31 106-1 1342.21 4403.560 1342.394 4404.181 0.184 0.621 1342.375 4404.118 0.165 0.558 3.58 3.54 3.517 -0.023 192 1308.378 4292.579 1308.549 4293.140 0.171 0.562 1308.537 4293.102 0.159 0.523 No Info 192-1 1308.722 4293.707 1308.900 4294.292 0.178 0.585 1308.889 4294.255 0.167 0.547 1.13 1.153 0.023 194-A 1332.919 4373.094 1333.284 4374.291 0.365 1.197 1333.278 4374.291 0.359 1.198 4369.02 194-A-1 1333.242 4374.154 1333.605 4375.345 0.363 1.191 1333.599 4375.344 0.357 1.191 1.07 1.06 1.053 -0.007 194-B 1335.429 4381.329 1335.764 4382.429 0.335 1.101 1335.754 4382.428 0.325 1.099 4377.79 194-B-1 1335.391 4381.204 1335.734 4382.330 0.343 1.126 1335.723 4382.329 0.332 1.125 -0.09 -0.12 -0.098 0.022 194-C 1338.304 4390.761 1336.636 4385.289 -1.668 -5.472 1336.624 4385.335 -1.680 -5.427 4380.62 194-C-1 1337.94 4389.567 1336.264 4384.068 -1.676 -5.499 1336.251 4384.121 -1.689 -5.446 -1.21 -1.19 -1.214 -0.024 197 1314.03 4311.122 1314.052 4311.195 0.022 0.073 1314.067 4311.242 0.037 0.120 4310.11 197-1 1314.3 4312.008 1314.343 4312.149 0.043 0.141 1314.357 4312.195 0.057 0.187 0.91 0.89 0.953 0.063 200 1332.793 4372.680 1333.242 4374.155 0.449 1.474 1333.240 4374.147 0.447 1.466 4371.3 200-1 1332.818 4372.762 1333.229 4374.111 0.411 1.348 1333.226 4374.103 0.408 1.340 0.02 0.08 -0.044 -0.124 207 1331.043 4366.939 1331.457 4368.299 0.414 1.360 1331.453 4368.284 0.410 1.345 4368.51 207-1 1331.956 4369.934 1332.162 4370.609 0.206 0.675 1332.157 4370.594 0.201 0.660 1.15 1.7 2.310 0.610 207-2 1331.692 4369.068 1332.075 4370.326 0.383 1.258 1332.071 4370.311 0.379 1.243 0.85 0.83 2.027 1.197 213 1313.596 4309.700 1313.925 4310.779 0.329 1.079 1313.942 4310.834 0.346 1.134 4309.7 213-1 1311.884 4304.081 1313.937 4310.816 2.053 6.734 1313.953 4310.870 2.069 6.789 0 0.02 0.037 0.017 215 1314.501 4312.667 1314.679 4313.250 0.178 0.583 1314.686 4313.274 0.185 0.606 4312.24 215-1 1314.32 4312.073 1314.501 4312.668 0.181 0.594 1314.508 4312.691 0.188 0.618 -0.58 -0.59 -0.582 0.008 Elevation Change Swmu Mon to Settle Mon 2023 Value as ented in 2011 report Value is the differnece in 2018 elevation between SWMU Monument and Settle Monument Value is the differnece in 2023 elevation between SWMU Monument and Settle Monument 2023 ∆ (ft)Value is the diffence between 2023 SWMU Mon to Settle Mon value and 2018 SWMU Mon to Settle Mon value Elevation Change Swmu Mon to Settle Mon 2011 Elevation Change Swmu Mon to Settle Mon 2018 End of Report