HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2024-004983leanHar c Clean Harbors Aragonite. LLC I 1600 Nonh Aptus Road Aragonite. UT 84029 435.884.8100 www.cleanharbors.com March 1.2024 Sent via email to dwmrcsubmit@utah.gov Mr. Douglas J. Hansen. Director Division of Waste Management & Radiation Control Department of Environmental Quality 195 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144880 Salt Lake Cify, UT 841 l4-4880 RE: Exception Report Clean Harbors Aragonite, LLC EPA Number - L.lTD 981 552 177 Dear Mr. Hansen. In accordance with Module I condition 1.A.3 of Clean Harbors Aragonite's (CHA) State RCRA Permit. 40 CFR 262.42, 40 CFR 76'l .217 and R3l5-262-42, this correspondence serves as written notification of one (l) shipment of hazardous waste or PCB regulated waste to other facilities that CHA has not received a signed copy of the received manifest from the destination facility. The manifest inlormation and efforts CHA are taking to resolve each issue can be seen below: Manilest 019123022FLE - CHA has tracked this manifest. and it is still on route to the destination facility. It has been delayed due to several backlogs. A copy ofthe manifest has been attached. I certif under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision according to a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluale the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system. or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information. the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief. true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false inlbrmation. including the possibitity of a fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. "People and Technolopy Creoting o Betler Enyironntent" 0ss,rtlrB' Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at the number listed below. Sincerely, fu"%o- Bryan Lunt Facility Operations Manager Clean Harbors Aragonite I 1600 North Aptus Road Aragonite, UT 84029 (o) a3s.884.8309 (c) 801.589.0246 www.cleanharbors.com UTIIFORII! HAZAROOUS IVASTE MANIFESI j 1 . Gsnorelor lD limb.r r) I L' L! B l 2 Peoo 1 ot 1 FLEaooi 4 * J ma lilB address) D Number 5 U t1 s Arrgor\{e I L, Name end /. Tlanspcner 2 Corpany l,ldie 14ar 'l a \- lean I lat oLir 5 !ncI r]rlmentalSetvtces U.S EPA lD Nurnber "rirrSfinEft' N t-.ii 5l Fl r/\ L PAkx 10. Conla ners9, rlM 9D U.S 0OT Des.r piid| @lni.! Prcper Slipdlg llanlc, Baad ftss, l0 Nu,nb€r and PariirB Goup {il eny)) I I Iot. Ouanrq 12 Unl ttk F rAA T EIt 8(PH 5 \irl lil ., P t, l',1 I;IPH EN I L5 I .1 i.r t NO\ 3 oo40( l,l Ai(rk NRUtr ERGTl -oR!t! LRL;* r OEINI D.RUII. Hfi:h i{?E Expon6r Ic€nit tEl tha co enls ol th,s coosonnE co{6rh to lia Ennsolthe altadsd EPAA.rno*dSn€ ol Cdr3erll I codt lial rE sasb nmimlzatoll 3raEnroor denlfi?d in 40 CFR 262.27(.) {t I ain a BOe qorbly gdElaror) , tb) (itl am a srndl qud jty h, 11, do ulz, uJo = 18 ldenr*ord Sbomnrs' LJ tmpo.r to U S IrdE ortlr sigEture (or erpods oflr)Dale lea/hg U S- E p,prt r,* r.s l7 T,ansporer Aclnoir€dgr'eir ol Racepl ol MaErdsc eo z. S€nalu,e fiodn U./ Yoar 'arspo,le, I Prlednyped li.nls ier 2 Pr nbdilyp€d Naru 19 Dscreparry E *r,a,* lbnilErt R6hldrco Numb€r 1&. Discieoancy ndration Space trtr ! or* nq**E rrr n"i,ai, 18b A lenae FaciLily (d Ger€ralro U S FPA l0 Nlmler I lihnh fuy l€ertl 19 Haz dous Wasre Rspon Maragsmsil MelM Codes { e . cod$ lor harrdous wasle tealnEnt. disposal, flxl lccydry syslems) 1 D oesigmred Fs.iity ovflor or Oporalo. Cenincelron ol.s€ht of h.zadols materia s cov€.ed by lh3 manilen ocep{ as n bd in ilorn 18a t I = o -uzat o LILNionh Day Year PleJse Fo'm 0lil8 No. 2050-0039 EPA Fo.m 8700-22 (Rev 12-17) Previous editions are obso ele oESIGNATEo FACILITY T0 EPA'S e-ItANIFEST SYSTEM lin i I :i