HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-0049801
Site ID 10892 (B5)
THROUGH: Harold Burge, Major Source Compliance Section Manager
FROM: Rob Leishman, Environmental Scientist
DATE: February 7, 2024
SUBJECT: Source: Millcreek Generating Station Turbine #2 (MC-2)
Contact: Melissa Armer (Trinity Consultants, Inc) – 280-870-3215
Brad Burner – 435-627-4885
Location: Millcreek Station, 170 North 3232 East
St. George, Washington County, UT
Test Contractor: TRC Environmental
FRS ID#: UT00000049004900234
Permit/AO#: Title V operating permit 5300011005 dated April 29, 2019
Subject: Review of RA/PST Protocol dated January 18, 2024
On January 23, 2024, DAQ received a protocol for a RA/PST (relative accuracy/performance
specification test) of the St. George City Power Millcreek MC-2 turbine in St. George, UT. Testing will
be performed on April 18, 2024, to determine the relative accuracy of the O2, NOX, and CO monitoring
1. RM 3A used to determine dry molecular weight of the gas stream; OK
2. RM 7E used to determine NOX concentrations of emissions; OK
3. RM 10 used to determine CO concentrations of emissions; OK
4. RM 19 used to determine volumetric flow; OK
5. RM 205 used to validate gas dilution systems for field instrument calibration; OK
DEVIATIONS: No deviations were noted.
CONCLUSION: The protocol appears to be acceptable.
RECOMMENDATION: Send attached protocol review and test date confirmation notice.
1 8 2
January 18,2024
Mr. Bryce Bird
Division Director
Attn: Rob Leishman
Utah Division of Air Quality
P.O. Box 144820
Salt Lake ciry, utah 84114-4820
RE: Notification of periodic RATA for ORIS Code: 56253, Unit/Stack ID: MC-2
In accordance with 40 CFR Part 75.61(a)(5) St. George City Power is submitting notification that
a continuous emissions monitoring system (CEMS) periodic relative accuracy test audit (RATA)
will be conducted on April 18,2024. This test protocol is being submitted at least 2l days prior to the
test and in accordance with 40 CFR Part75.6l(ax5).
If you have any questions or comments regarding this matter, please contact either myself or
Melissa Armer of Trinity Consultants, Inc. at (208) 870-3215. Thank you for your time and
attention to this matter.
cc:US EPA Clean Air Markets Division (CAMD)
US EPA Region 8
435-627-4000 I tZS E. 2OO N. - St. George, Ur A477O I sgcity.org
January 15,2024
Mr. Brad Burner
City of St. George
170 N. 3232E.
St. George, UT 84790
Dear Mr. Burner:
Attached, please find the Test Protocol for the Continuous Emission Monitoring
System (CEMS) Relative Accuracy Test Audit (RATA) to be performed on Turbine
No. 2 (MC-2) at the Millcreek Generating Station in St. George, Utah on Thursday,
April 18,2024.
lf you have any questions or need additiona! information, please contact me at
(714) 713-6530 (cell).
Marco Somoano
Project Manager
TRC Environmental Protocol 585284 -MC2
TRC Environmental
1711 Newport Circle
Santa Ana, CA 92705
T 714-713-6530
Turbine No.2 (ttiC-2)
Prepared For
St. George Gity Power
St. George, Utah
Millcreek Generating Station
170 N.3232E.
St. George, Utah 84790
TRC Environmental Protocol
January 15,2024
Submifted By
Marco Somoano
Project Manager
(714) 7136530
msomoano@trccompan ies. com
TRC Environmental
171'l NewportCircle
SantaAna, CA 92705
TRC Protocol 585284-MC2
'l of 10
1.0 INTRODUCTION...... ...............3
1.1 Project Contact lnformation ...........3
2.0 SPECIFIC TEST PROCEDURES............... .....................4
3.1 Bias Test and Adjustment Factor ......................4
4.0 TEST PROGMM SCHEDULE ...................5
5.0 PROJECT PERSONNE1................ .............5
6.0 PI-ANT REQUIREMENTS............. ..............5
7.0 TEST PROCEDURES............... ..................5
7.1 Oxygen (Oz)Determination ...........5
7.2 Nitrogen Oxides (NO') Determination ...............6
7.3 Carbon Monoxide (CO) Determination......... .........,...............6
7.4 Gaseous Sampling P1an............ ........................6
8.0 QUALTTY ASSUMNCE PROCEDURES............. ...........6
Traverse Point Layout
Documentation of EPA Approvalfor Divider Use
TRC Protocol 585284-MC2 2ot10
TRC Environmental Corporation (TRC Environmental), will perform a continuous emissions
monitoring system (CEMS) relative accuracy test audit (RATA) to evaluate monitored levels of
nitrogen oxides (NO,), oxygen (Oz) and carbon monoxide (CO) from Turbine No. 2 (MC-2) at the
Millcreek Generating Station in St. George, Utah. The RATA will be completed in accordance with
Performance Specifications 2, 3 and 44, Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 60 (40CFR60)
and Part 75 (40CFR75) at the source sampling locations.
The Millcreek Generating Station has two GE LM 6000 naturalgas turbines (MC-1 and MC-2).
1.1 Project Contact lnformation
Location Address Contact
Source Millcreek Generating Station
170 N. 3232E.
St. George, Utah 84790
Brad Burner
Generation Superintendent
St. George City Power
170 N. 3232E.
St. George, UT 84790
(435) 6274885 (phone)
brad. burner@socitv.com
Testing Company TRC Environmental
1711 Newport Circle
Santa Ana, CA 92705
Marco Somoano
Project Manager
(714) 713-6530 (cell)
TRC Protocol 585284-MC2 3of10
Test procedures are presented in Table 1, Test Matrix
Table 1: Test Matrix for MC-2
Please also note the following:
1. Nitrogen Oxides (NO,), carbon monoxide (CO), and oxygen (Oz) will be measured in
accordance with United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Title 40, Code of
Federal Regulations, Part 60 (40CFR60) Methods 7E, 10 and 3A.
2. Lb/mmBtu calculations will be calculated in accordance with 40CFR75 Appendix A and EPA
Method 19 using the Fd-factor for natural gas of 8710 dscf/mmBtu.
3. Lb/hr calculations will utilize published heat input values for natural gas to determine
volumetric flow rate in accordance with EPA Method 19 (using Fd of 8710 dscf/mmBtu and
HHV of 1050 scf/Btu). lf the facility has an HHV data feed, this data may also be used.
4. A stratification test performed on April 30, 2012 by Air Pollution Testing, lnc. at steady state
and normal load conditions showed NOx stratification above't0%. As such, RATA samples
will be collected by traversing the stack using the three long points published in 40CFR60,
App. B, P.5.2 (16.7o/o, 50% and 83.3% of diameter).
5. The RATA testing will be performed at normal load (which can be termed as high or base
load) and is based on the unit's operating history as long as normal load is above 50%.
6. Expected concentrations: NO,, '1.0 to 2.0 ppmv, CO 0.4 to 1.5 ppmv, Oz 15.60/o.
7. CEMS datawillbe recorded on a data acquisition system (one-minuteaverages during runs;
1 S-second averages during calibrations).
8. Reports will be submitted to the District within 30 days of test completion and will include all
req uired documentation.
3.1 Bias Test and Adjustment Factor
The relative accuracy test data sets will be evaluated to determine the bias of each NO, continuous
emissions monitoring system in accordance with the procedures of Section 7.6, 40CFR75, Appendix
Procedu re Pa ra meter Un its Perf. Spec.
(40CFR60 or
EPA Method
App. A)
No. of
Performa nce Specifi cati on
(Semia nnua l;Annua l)
Sta nda rd
o2 %75, App. A 3A 9;2L
P art 7 5, LO% or d+/ - t%; 7.5% or d+/ -
NOx lblmmBtu 75, App. A 7EIL9 9;2t
Pa rt 75, tOlo or il RM < 0.2 lb/mmBtu
)+/- O.02lblmmBtu; 7.5/o or il RM <0.2
I b/mmBtu d+/- 0.0151 b/mmBtu
co ppmv
60, App. B,
10/3A 9;27
Part 60, n/a;LO% of RM or 5% of std or
+/-5 ppmv
co I b/hr 60, App. B,
P.S. 6
10/L9 9;27
Pa rt 60, n/a;2O% ol RM or 10% of std 5.21
TRC Protocol 585284-MC2 4o110
The following is the current schedule.
Day, Date Activity
Thur, Apr 18 MC-2: Perform CEMS RATA.10
1 Project Manager1 Field Engineer
TRC Environmental must be supplied with the following items in order to complete this test program:
1. Safe access to test locations.2. Electrical power 1 10 V, 30 A, 60 cycle service at the test locations.3. Four-inch test ports cleaned and loose prior to arrival of test crew.4. Any scaffolding or manlift required to reach the test locations.5. Sufficient lighting at the test locations.6. Plant or pollution controlequipment operating data for report.7. Steady load during test period.
8. Parking location to place TRC Environmental mobile trailer within 200 feet of sampling
locations with access to 480 V power.
9. Fuel samples, if required (analysis cost not included).10. Radio/telephone communication between the test location and the control room.11. All data and summaries required to complete the RATA report including but not limited to
operating data during that period, calibration data, equipment descriptions required for the
report (TRC Environmental must be supplied all data prior to crew leaving site).
All testing, sampling, analytical, and calibration procedures used for this test program will be
performed as described in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Part 60, Appendix A
(40CFR60), Methods 3A,78, 10 and 19 and the latest revisions thereof. Where applicable, the
Quality Assurance Handbook for Air Pollution Measuremenf Sysfems, Volume lll, Stationary Source
Specific Methods, USEPA 60014-77-027b is used to determine the precise procedures.
7.1 Oxygen (Oz) Determination
An oxygen (Oz) analyzer is used to determine 02 concentrations in the stack gas in accordance with
Method 3A, 40CFR60. This instrument has a paramagnetic-based detector. Three-point calibration error
checks are performed before and after each run series using Protocol One gases for high- and mid-range
checks and ultra-pure nitrogen for the zero check. Two-point calibration bias/drift checks are performed
before and after each run series, using zero gas and the upscale gas closest to the effluent
TRC Protocol 585284-MC2 5 of 10
concentration. A gas divider (dilution system) certified in accordance with EPA Method 205 may be used
to generate calibration concentrations (see EPA approval documentation at the end of protocol).
7.2 Nitrogen Oxides (NO, Determination
Methods 7E, 40CFR60, is used for determining nitrogen oxides (NO*) emissions from the test
location. A gas sample is continuously extracted from the gas stream through a heated probe and
gas conditioning system to remove the moisture. A portion of the sample stream is conveyed via a
sampling line to gas analyzers for determination of NO,. The NO' analyzer uses a
chemiluminescence's-based detector. Three-point calibration error checks are performed before and
after each run series using Protocol One gases for high- and mid-range checks and ultra-pure nitrogen
for the zero check. Two-point calibration bias/drift checks are performed before and after each run
series, using zero gas and the upscale gas closest to the effluent concentration. A gas divider (dilution
system) certified in accordance with EPA Method 205 may be used to generate calibration
concentrations (see EPA approval documentation at the end of protocol). A NO, converter efficiency
check will be conducted using 15-18 ppmv NO2 gas.
7.3 Carbon Monoxide (CO) Determination
The Method 10,40CFR60 test procedure is used to determine the carbon monoxide (CO)
concentrations. A continuous gas sample is extracted from the gas and analyzed for CO content
using a nondispersive infrared (NDIR) analyzer. The gas stream is conditioned by condensing
moisture and filtering particulate prior to the analyzer. This instrument employs an internal gas
correlation filter wheel that eliminates potential detector interference. lnstruments so equipped do not
require the use of an interference removal trap.
Three-point calibration error checks are performed before and after each run series using Protocol One
gases for high- and mid-range checks and ultra-pure nitrogen for the zero check. Two-point calibration
bias/drifi checks are performed before and after each run series, using zero gas and the upscale gas
closest to the effluent concentration. A gas divider (dilution system) certified in accordance with EPA
Method 205 may be used to generate calibration concentrations (see EPA approvaldocumentation at the
end of protocol).
7.4 Gaseous Sampling Plan
TRC Environmentalwill complete a minimum of nine 21-minute tests by traversing the stack each run
using the three long points of 40 CFR 60, App. B, P.S. 2 of 16.7,50.0 and 83.3 percent of stack
diameter. The system will be calibrated as described above. Following each calibration, a stable on-
line response will be regained prior the start of the next run. Data will be collected by a data logger.
The actual time of each test will be compared to the output of the monitor taking into consideration
response times determined on both the TRC Environmental and plant CEM system. The
determination of relative accuracy will be calculated based on the emissions as reported by each
system corrected on the same basis.
TRC Environmental recognizes the previously described reference methods to be very technique-
oriented and attempts to minimize all factors that can increase error by implementing its Quality
Assurance Program into every segment of its testing activities.
Shelf life of chemical reagents prepared at the TRC Environmental laboratory or at the jobsite does
not exceed those specified in the above-mentioned methods. ln addition, those reagents having a
TRC Protocol 585284-MC2 6 of '10
shelf life of one week are prepared daily at the jobsite. When on-site analyses are required, the same
person performing the analysis performs all reagent standardization daily.
Dry and wet test meters are calibrated according to methods described in the Qua/lty Assurance
Handbook for Air Pollution Measurement Sysfems, Sections 3.3.2,3.4.2 and 3.5.2. Percent error for
the wet test meter according to the methods is less than the allowable error of 1.0%. The dry test
meters measure the test sample volumes b within 2o/o at the flow rate and conditions encountered
during sampling. Calibration gases are EPA Protocolgases.
Raw data is kept on file at the TRC Environmental offices in Costa Mesa, CA. All samples from the
test program will be retained for 60 days after the submittal of the report, after which they will be
discarded unless TRC Environmental is advised otherwise.
Calculations are performed by computer. An explanation of the nomenclature and calculations along
with the complete test results will be appended. Also to be appended are calibration data sheets and
copies of the raw field data sheets.
TRC Protocol 585284-MC2 7ot10
Traverse Point Layout
13ft.0 in.
Stack Eta.: 13.0 ft. 0.0 in.
$tack EIa.: 156.@ in.
tort Lengh: 6.0 in.
WellThickne 3.5 in.
Treverse R. % Stack EIa.
furt lturter
Stack Dbtance
furt Dbtance
TRC Protocol 5852U-MC2 8of10
Conroy, Neal
Patefield, Scott < Patefield.Scott@epa.gov>
Monday, March 24,20L4 9:12 AM
Melissa L. Armer
Conroy, Neal; Rod Carter; Phillip Solomon
RE:St. George City Power- Millcreek MC-2 RATA
This is an EXTERNAL email. STOP. THINK before you CLICK links or OPEN attachments.
Thanks for that information. Using a dilution system following method 205 will be acceptable for the St. George City
Power RATA on the MC-2 unit scheduled to be conducted on April L8,2Ot4.
Please feel free to contact me with any additional questions or comments.
Scott Patefield
Air and Toxics Enforcement
U.S. EPA, Region 8 (8ENF-AT)
1595 Wynkoop Street
Denver, CO 8O2OZ-L129' 303-312-6248 (office)
patefie ld.scott@e pa.gov
Flom: Melissa L. Armer [mailto: marmer@jbrenv.com]
SenE Monday, March 24,20t4 10:08 AM
To: Patefield, Scott
Cc Conroy, Neal; Rod Carter; Phillip Solomon
Subject: RE: St. George City Power- Millcreek MC-2 RATA
I confirmed with the test company and the divider is a dilution system that is certified according to Method 205. The
divider is tested on-site the day of the test to confirm the method requirements.
Let me know if you need additional information.
Melissa Armer, P.E.
JBR Environmental Consultants, lnc.
7669 West Riverside Drive, Suite 101
Boise, lD 83714
lpl 208.853.0883
TRC Protocol 585284-MC2 1 9 of 't o
From : Patefi eld, Scott [ma i lto : Patefi eld. Scott@epa. gov]
Sent: Monday, March 24,2014 9:26AM
To: Melissa L. Armer
Cc: Conroy, Neal; Rod Carter; Phillip Solomon
Subject: RE: St. George City Power- Millcreek MC-2 RATA
Could you give me more information regarding the divider? l'm not sure l'm familiar with this. The use of method 205
using a dilution system would be acceptable, not sure if this is what is meant by the divider...
scott Patefield
Air and Toxics Enforcement
U.S. EPA, Region 8 (8ENF-AT)
1595 Wynkoop Street
Denver, CO 802O2-LL29
303-3L2-6248 (office)
patefield.scott@e pa.sov
From : Melissa L. Armer [mailto: marmer@jbrenv.com]
Sent: Thursday, March t3,2014 8:33 PM
To: Patefield, Scott
Cc: Conroy, Neal; Rod Cafter; Phillip Solomon
Subject: St. George City Power- Millcreek MC-2 RATA
Per our discussion earlier this week and your voice message from 3/13/14 below is a summary of our request. St.
George City Power will be conducting a RATA on their MC-z unit on April 18, 2014. The testing company, TRC Solutions
is requesting the use of NOx and CO test gasses with a range of 0-10 ppm. At the estimated emission rates for the MC-2
unit NOx would be at 18% and CO at 8% of the test gas range. The method requires "To the extent practic select a
high-level gas concentration that will result in the measured emissions being between 20 and 100 percent of the
calibration span". St. George is requesting approval of a minor modification for this test protocol as it is not practicable
for the test company to acquire a lower range test gas. As an alternative, TRC Solutions would be able to meet the
acceptable ranges identified in the test method by using a divider if approved.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I will be out of the office Friday March 14th returning March 17th.
Melissa Armer, P.E.
JBR Environmental Consultants, lnc.
7669 West Riverside Drive, Suite 101
Boise, lD 83714
[p] 208.853.0883
TRC Protocol 585284-MC2 10 of 10