HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2024-004944gs, MT o Boise, lD o Havre, MTo Helena, MT February 8,2OO2 Rob Powers Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste 288 North 1460 West P.O. Box 144880 Salt Lake City, Utah 8F.114 Re: Status Report Laundry Supply Company Salt Lake CilV, LJtah Olympus tlUork Order No. A7008 (208) 376-50m DEO ^ I02 01SR34 frq 1 2 2002/-' /)*7_= oivrsion of Sotid & ttuiffiuS Waste .,h r'innnrtilrtrnf nf FnvlrOnmental 0Ualil Dear Rob: Olympus TecfinicalServices, lnc. (Olympus), on behalf of Laundry Supply Company (l-SC), submits the endosed Status Report for LSC's f,acility located at 3785 West 1987 South, Sah Lake City, Utah. The report dooments project activity performed at the site during the third and burth quarters of 2001. Please feelfree to contact me should you have any questions or @mments. I can be rcached by telephone at (208) 37&5006 orvia Emailat MBacke@OlvTech.com. Sincerely, Olympus Technical Serviceq lnc. fil/t/lflt( MichaelBacke, P.G. Senior Hydrogeologist MAB Endosurecc: Craig Reaveley, LSC Lucy Jenkins, Jones Waldo, Holbrmk & McDonough Susan Pepitone, AIG Technical SeMces 5409 Kendall Street o Boise, ID 83706o Fax (208) 37&5091 o E-mail: Boise@OlyTech.oom mab/A7fi)B t t T t I I I I I T I I I T I I T T I hnical Servi lnc. ings, MTo Boise, lDo Havre, MTo Helena, MTdECEIVEU FEB 12 "2002 . tJ,lr,rn.d, a,/{iul**s ura$et^nrrlmont af F1yf7466q6tal QUalit, STATUS REPORT THIRD AND FOURTH QUARTERS 2AA1 LAUNDRY SUPPLY COMPANY SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Submitted to: Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste 288 North 1460 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84.114 Prepared fon Laundry Supply Company 3785 West 1987 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84145 February 5,2002 Work Order No. A7008 5409 Kendall St,Bet o . Fax (208) 37&5091 Boise, lD 83706o E-mail: Boise@OlyTech.@m(208) 37&s006 I T I I T T T I I I t I I I I t I t I Status Report 3'd - 4th Qtr 2ao1 Laundry Supply Company 4SOUmpus Technical Services, lnc. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Paqe 1.0 TNTRODUCTTON ........1 1.1 Background........... .....r.....;..... ...........1 1.2 Summary of Previous Work ..............1 2.0 GROUND WATER ELEVATION GAUGING.........-. .......2 3.0 GROUND WATER SAMPLING AND ANA1YSES............-. ............3 4.0 DOWN GRADIENT GEOPROBE ASSESSMENT.,..... .........,.........5 5.0 REMEDTAL ACTrONS............ ......6 5.1 HRC Performance Monitoring............. ...............6 5.2 Waste Disposal... .............7 6.0 DtscusstoN .............7 7.0 FUTURE PROJECT ACTIVTTY .....................7 7.1 Monitoring Well lnstallations............... ...............7 7.2 Ground Water Monitoring ..................8 8.0 LTMTTATTONS ...........,.9 9.0 REFERENCES ...........10 LSC O1SR34 Page i maUAT0OB ZSINZ Status Report 3'd - 4tn Quarters 2001 Laundry Supply Company 1 2 3 4 5 t I T t t il I T I I I I I t t I I 1 2 3 A B c D TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) FIGURES Facility Location Map Facility and Monitoring Well Location Map Ground Water Elevation Contour Map, &Aug-01 Ground Water Elevation Contour Map, 5-Nov-01 Soil Probe and Monitoring Well Location Map TABLES Sampling Field Parameters Sampling Analyses HRC Performance Sampling Analyses APPENDICES Field Procedures Laboratory Analytical Reports Soil Probe Soil Boring and Proposed Monitoring WellCompletion Logs Waste Disposal Documentiation LSC O1SR34 Page ii maUA7008 2l5fN2 I I I t I status Report 3'd - 4th Qtr 2oo1 Laundry Supply Company 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND Olympus Technica! Services, lnc., on behalf of Laundry Supply Company, lnc. (LSC), prepared this Status Report for LSC's facility located in Salt Lake County, Utah at 3785 West 1987 South in Salt Lake City (Facility). Figures 1 and 2 show a Facility Location Map and a Facility Map, respectively. The Status Report documents cunent assessment and remediation activity LSC has undertaken to mitigate subsurface halogenated volatile organic (HVO) compound impact at the Facility. The subsurface HVO impact likely resulted from a release of tetrachloroethene (perchloroethylene or PCE, an HVO compound) from a decommissioned underground storage tank (UST) system at the Facility. The UST system was decommissioned in April 1996. Analyses of soil and water samples collected following the decommissioning indicated that a release of an unknown quantity of PCE had likely occuned into the subsurface. LSC has implemented the Site Remediation Plan (Olympus, August 4, 2000) for the remediation of on-site HVO-impacted ground water. The plan was submitted to the Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste (DSHW). The assessment and remediation is being performed in accordance with the Stipulation and Consent Agreement No. 9609031, issued by the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board. This document serves as the project status report for the third and fourth quarters of 2001. Appendix A includes the field procedures used for the collection of data documented in this status report. ln this report the terms "Olympus, we, and ouf refer collectively to Olympus Technical Services, lnc. 1.2 SUMMARY OF PREVIOUS WORK The following documents, prepared by Olympus, present reports and/or plans for the assessment and remediation of subsurface HVO compounds at the Facility: . Repoft of lnvestigation, Laundry Supply Company, Saft Lake City, Utah (Olympus, May 2, 2000) - presented the results of a site assessment conducted by Olympus at the Facility. Assessment activity included soil borings with soilsampling and monitoring well completions; GeoProbe soi! probing with soil and ground water sampling, and monitoring well completions; ground water monitoring; and data evaluation. . Sife Renediation Plan, Laundry Supply Company, Saff Lake Crty, Utah (Olympus, August 4, 2000) - presented a plan for on-site HVO remediation. The plan proposed to remove HVOs from ground water by enhanced biodegradation by reductive dechlorination. Enhanced biodegradation by reductive dechlorination uses a benign polylactic ester manufactured by Regenesis Bioremediation Products (Regenesis) called HRC (Hydrogen T I t l I t I T I I I I I LSC O1SR34 Page 1 mab/47008 z5rN2I Status Report 3td - +'n Quarters 2OO1 Laundry Supply Cornpany Release Compound). The plan prcposed HRC injec{ion through GeoProbe advanced soi! probes on a predetermined grid spacing. Olympus also prepared and submitted project status reports to DEQ. The reports documented GeoProb*based ground watEr assessments and monitoring well completions; quarterly grcund water monitoring; aquifer testing; HRC design, application, and monitoring; and waste disposal activities. The reports include: . Siafus Report Second aN Third Quarters 2Un, LauNry Supply Company, Salt Lake City, Ufaf (November 16,2000); and . Siafus Repoft Fourth Quafter20il) - Second Quafter2001 l-auNry Supply Company Salt Lake City, Ufafi (August 31, 2001). 2.0 GROUND WATER ELEVATION GAUGING Olympus gauged ground water elevations in the Facility monitoring wells MW-1 thrcugh MW-8; and nested well set MW-gd (deep), MW-gi (intermediate) and MW-9s (shallor) (Figure 2) on August 6 and November 5, 2001. A summary of the Facility grcund water elevation gauging during the Third Quarter 2001 (August 6) follortrs: o grcund water elevations (above mean sea level) in monitoring wells MW-1 through MW-9s ranged lrom 4,234.29 feet in MW-9s to 4,2%.17 feet in MW-4, with an average depth to ground water (below top of well casing) of 3.89 feet; o on averiage, grcund water elevations in the wells decreased 0.09 feet between the second (May, 30,2001) and third quarters of 2001; and . Olympus calculated the ground water flor direction in the surficia! aquifer to be generally frcm the southeast to the northwest with an average hydraulic aradient of 0.0O4 feet per feet betuveen MW4 and MW€. A summary of Facility ground water elevation gauging during the Fourth Quarter2001 (NovemberO and 8) follortrs: o glourd waterelevations in surficial monitoring wells MW-1 through MW-9s mnged from 4,232.U feet in MW-9s to 4,236.11feet in MW€, with an average depth to ground water of 3.90 feet; . on average, ground water elevations in the surficial vyells decreased 0.01 feet between the third and fourth quarters of 2001; and I I I t I I I I I t I I T I I I I t LSC 01SR34 Page 2 rmuA7008?fitwl I I I T I I Status Report 3'd - +tn Quarters 2oO1 Laundry Supply Company . Olympus calculated the ground water flow direction in the sufficial aquifer to be generally from the east-southeast to the west-nofihwest with an average hydraulic gradient of 0.0O5 feet per feet between MW-6 and MW-8. Table 1 presents a summary of the ground water elevation-gauging program. Figures 3 and 4 show ground water elevation contour maps of the surficial aquifer compiled from the August and November 2001 gauging data, respectively. 3.0 GROUND WATER SAMPLING AND ANALYSES Olympus collec{ed quarterly ground water samples from monitoring wells MW-1 thrcugh MW- 9(d/i/s) on August 7 and 8, 2001, and November 6, 7, and 8, 2001. Prior to ground water sampling, Olympus purged all vtrells of three casing water volumes using dedicated, disposable polyethylene bailers or a peristaltic pump with dedicated tubing. Water generated during the purging of wells MW-1, MW-2, MW-3, MW-s, MW-gd, MW-gi, and MW-9s was contained in 5$ gallon drums and stored at the Facility pending disposalanangements. Olympus collected water samples from the wells immediately following the purge using dedicated, disposa! polyethylene bailers. Follouring the sampling, Olympus measured pH, reduction-oxidization potential(REDOX) electricalconductivity (K), dissolved orygen (DO), temperature ([), and fenous iron (Fe-') in ground waterto evaluate well and sample integrity, and monitor remediation indicator parameters. Table 1 presents a summary of the field parameters measured during the monitoring events. Olympus prepared duplicate samples and equipment (labeled EB) and trip (labeled TB) blanks for Quality Assurance/Quality Control (OA/OC) purposes. Olympus shipped the quarterly ground water and QA/QC samples by ovemight courier, using chain of custody procedures, to Evergreen Analytical, lnc. (Evergreen) of Wheat Ridge, Colorado. The laboratory analyzed the samples for HVO compounds using protocol established in SW-&46 Method 8260. Target compounds for analysis included: . Chloroethane;. 1,1-Dichloroethane (1,1-DCA);o 1,2-Dichloroethane (1,2-DCA);o 1,1-Dichloroethene (1,1-DCE);o Cis-1,2 Dichloroethene (Cis-1,2-DCE);o Trans-1,2 Dichloroethene (lrans 1,2-DCE);o Tetrachloroethene (Perchloroethylene or PCE);. 1,1,l-Tricholoethane (1,1,1-TCA);. Triclrolorethene (tCE); and. VinylChloride. t I I I 1 I t t LSC 01 SR34 Page 3 rnab/A7008 2l5lw2 Status Report 3'd - dh Quarters 2001 Laundry Supply Company A summary of the Third Quarter2O0l grcund water sample laboratory analyses follonvs: . MW-1: the analysis detected 1,1-DCE at 15 micrograms per liter (pgA), Cis-1,2-DCE at 1,4@ pg/|, PCE at 8,9(X) Ug/|, and TCE at 1,0@ pg/l; MW-2: the analysis detected l,1-DCE at5.2 pfl, Cis-1,2-DCE at 4,700 pg/|, Trans-1,2- DCE at 39 Ug/!, PCE at 680 lrgfl, and TCE at 440 trgrfl; MW-3: the analysis detected 1,1-DCE at 35 pgll, Cis-1,2-DCE at 15,0@ pg/|, Trans-1,2- DCE at140 pg/|, PCE at 53 pdl, and TCE at 300 ]rgfl; MW-S: the analysis detected Cis-1,2-DCE at 2,000 pg/|, Trans-1,2-DCE at 140 pg/|, PCE at 1,100 pg/|, and TCE at 280 Ug/l; . MW-9d: the analysis detected PCE at 24 ygll, and TCE at 8.1 pg/l; and . MW-9s: the analysis detected PCE at 10,000 pg/|, and TCE at a1 yil; A summary of the Fourth Quarter 2001 ground water sample laboratory analyses follorc: MW-1: the analysis detected l,1-DCE at47 1tgtl, Cis-1,2-DCE at 1,400 pgfl, PGE at 19,000 pg/|, TCE at7,4@ pgfl, and vinyl chloride at 23 trgll; MW-2: the analysis detected Cis-1,2-DCE at 2,900 pg/|, Tran+1,2-DCE at 29 pgr/|, PCE at 1,400 pg/!, and TCE at 470 ttg[; MW-3: the analysis detected 1,1-DCE at 55 pg/|, Cis-1,2-DCE at 24,000 lrgfl, Tnans.1,2- DCE at 120 ygll, PCE at 47 ttg[, and TCE at72 ygll; MW-S: the analysis detected Cis.1,2-DCE at2,3fi) pgll, Tmn+l,2-DCE at220 trg/|, PCE at 1,300 ;rg/1, and TCE at 400 trg/l; MW-9d: the analysis detec'ted Cis.l,2-DCE 18 pgn and at 16 in its duplicate sample (labeled IvlW-10), PCE at 39 Udl (31 Ugfl duplicate), and TCE ar17 pgll (14 Ugn duplicate); MW-9s: the analysis detcted 1,I-DCE at 5.6 Ugr/|, Cis-l,2-DCE at25 pg/|, PCE at 1,400 pg/|, and TCE at fiA Vgfi; The laboratory analyses did not detect any target HVOs above the laboratory Reporting Limit (RL) of 10 trg/l for cfiloroothane and 5 pg/l for 1,1-DCA, 1,2-DCA, I-DCE, Cis-1,2-DCE, Trans. 1,2-DCE, PCE, 1,1,I-TCA, TCE, and vinyl chloride in any of the rcmaining Third and Fourth Quarter ground water or QAIQC samples. I I T I I I I I I I I t I t t t I I LSC 01SR34 Page 4 rnab/A7o$ ?J1tZW7 t I Status Report 3'd - 4th Quarters 2001 Laundry Supply Company t I I I I t I I I t I I t t I I Table 2 presents a summary of the ground water sampling analyses. Appendix B includes the laboratory analytical reports, the sample Chain of Custody Records, and the Ground Water Sampling Information Forms forthe quarterly monitoring events. Olympus collected samples from the drummed purge water on June 1,2OO1. Laboratory analyses of the samples are induded in Appendix B. Olyrnpus reviewed the quarterly monitoring event's sampling and analyses data to validate QA/QC parameters. The QA/QC validation compares sample data to pre'established criteria to ensure that the data are adequate fortheir intended use. The OA/QC revievv determined that the laboratory data are valid. Appendix B also includes a copy of Olympus' Datia Validation Reports. 4.0 DOWN GRADIENT GEOPROBE ASSESSMENT Olympus continued LSC's assessment of HVGimpacted ground water in the Facility area ag described in the Srfe Rernediation Plan. We continued the assessment by soil probing and collecting ground water samples down gradient of the Site on property owned by Floppy Copy. Floppy Copy is located a13822 West 1987 South, Salt Lake City, Utah. Priorto soil probing, LSC obtained a Right-of-Entry to work on the properly. Olympus and its soil probe subcontractor EarthProbe of Salt Lake City, Utah collected ground water samples on the Floppy Copy property from GeoProbe-advanced soil prcbes on November 13 and 14,2OO1. Three soil probes were advanced to a depth of approximately 45 feet BGS. Figure 5 shorc the locations of the soil probe labeled SP-26, SP-27, and SP-28. EarthProbe and Olympus collecled soil and ground water samples at depths of approximately 15,25,35, and 45 feet BGS at SP-28. Olympus logged the soil samples for physical characteristics and collect ground water samples for laboratory analyses. Appendix C indudes copies of the Soil Boring Logs. We collected water samples from depths of approximately 15, 30, 35, and 45 feet BGS at SP-27; and from depths of 15, 24.35, and 45 feet BGS at SP-28. Olympus delivered the ground water samples, using chain of cnstody procedures, to Enviropro Laboratories (Enviropro) of Salt Lake City for screening analyses. The laboratory analyzed the water samples for PCE and TCE using methodology established in SW-846 Method 8260. The laboratory analyses of the GeoProbe grcund water samples did not detec{ PCE or TCE at the RL of 3 trg/l in any of the GeoProbe water samples. Table 2 presents a summary of the GeoPpbe grcund water sampling analyses. Appendix B indudes the laboratory analytical reports, the sample Chain of Custody Records, and the Ground Water Sampling lnformation Forms for the GeoProbe sampling event. Wastes generated (decontamination water and soil sample cores) during the soil probing were stored at the Facility in a S$gallon drum pending disposal arangements. Olympus collected a sample of the drummed water and delivengd it to EnviroPro for PCE and TCE analyses. The LSC 01SR34 Page 5 rmuA7008215ffi2I Status Report 3'd - 4s Quarters 2OA1 Laundry Supply Company I I laboratory analyses the decontamination water sample (labeled SP-111404-DVy) did not detect PCE or TCE at the RL of 3 pgil. 5.0 REMEDAL AGTIONS As proposed in the Site Remediation Plan, Olympus designed and implemented a remedial injection HRC. HRC injections into the aquifer at the Facili$ were performed in the fall of, 2000. During quarterly grcund water monitoring events (Section 3.0), we also collected ground water samples from MW-1, MW-2, MW-3, MW-s, and MW-9(d//s) for HRC performance monitoring. 5.1 HRC PERFORMANCE MONITORING As part of the ground water monitoring program, Olympus monitors selected wells to evaluate HRGenhanced HVO biodegnadation. ln addition to the samples collected for HVO analyses, samples collected from MW-1, MW-2, MW-3, MW-s, and MW-9(d/ys) are analyzed for HRC performance indicatorc. HRC performan@ indicatorc indude: . acids (acetic, butyric, laclic, propionic, and pyruvic);. dissolved gasses (carbon dioxide, ethane, ethane, methane, nitnogen, orygen);o dissolved metals (iron and manganese);o chloride;o fenous iron;. nitrate;o nitriteio phosphate;. soluble organic carbon; ando sulfate. Olympus collected ground water samples for HRC performance-monitoring on August 8 and November 7, 2001. The samples were collected concunenfly with samples collected for HVO analyses (Section 3.0). Olympus shipped the samples, using chain of custody prctocol, by ovemight courier to Microseeps in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Microseeps anatyzed the samples for the abov+listed analytes in accordance wtth their standard laboratory practies. Table 3 presents a summary of the HRC performan@ sampling analyses. Appendix B includes copies of the laboratory analytical reports, the Sample Chain of Custody Record, and Olympus' Data Validation report. Olympus is cunently working with Regenesis to better evaluate the HRC performance analyses data. We are developing a plan for extending the remedial effort to include off-site areas and to further enhance on-site remedial efforts, as neoessary. These additional remedial efforts will be discussed in the First Quailer2@l2 Status rcport. I t I I T I I I I I I t I I I I LSC 01 SR34 Page 6 mauATU)8 ?firwz I t t Status Report 3td - +th Quarters 2001 Laundry Supply Gompany I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I 5.2 WASTE DISPOSAL Olympus containerized purge water during ground water assessment and monitoring events. Nine drums of purge water, listed as hazardous waste, were transported by Safety Kleen for incineration at its Aragonite, Utah facility on August 9, 2001. Appendix D includes a copy of the waste disposal documentation 6.0 DrscussroN Ground water monitoring performed by Olympus indicates that PCE concentrations in ground water in the HRC teatment area are reducing. Significant reductions in PCE have been observed in samples collected at MW-1 (high 80,000 pgfl to cunent 19,0(D Ug/l), MW-2 (high 81,000 Ugllto cunent 1,400 pg/l), and MW-3 (high 85,000 pgfl to cunent 47 VeL) during the project life. HRC performance analyses suggests thatthere is sufficient lactic acid (as lactic or propionoc acids) to sustain an environment favorable for enhanced biodegradation by reductive dechlorination of HVO compounds. Laboratory analyses of GeoProbecollected samples at SP-26, SP-27, and SP-28 did not detect HVO compounds in ground water samples. This data suggests that the down gradient impact of the HVO release from LSC is limited to an area on or up gradient of the Floppy Copy properly. Ground water elevation gauging has recorded a ground water depression in the area of MW- 9s. This depression may be the result of an enor in the well-head elevation surveyed. Olympus will check the well-head elevations during the survey of the proposed monitoring wells MW-10d and MW-10s. 7.0 FUTURE PROJECT ACTMTY 7.1 MONITORING WELL INSTALLATIONS LSC proposes to finalize the off-site HVO characterization by the installation of a down gradient nested pair of monitoring wells on property owred by Floppy Copy. Access to the site forwell installation is contingent on Floppy Copy granting a right-of-entry to its prcperty. Two soil probes t ,ill be advanced to approximate depths of 50 and 30 feet belont the ground surface and completed as one-inch diameter monitoring wells. Figure 5 shorc the proposed location of the nested deep and shallor well pair labeled MW-10d and tUIV\l-10s, respectively. MW-10d will be completed with five feet of wellsqeen and MW-10s with 20 feet of screen. Appendix C includes copies of the Poposed Monitoring WellCompletion Logs. LSC 01SR34 Page 7 rnauA7008 2EW2I Status Report 3d - 4th Quarters 2OO1 Laundry Supply Company 7.2 GROUND WATER MONITORING LSC proposes to continue the Facility ground water monitoring program on a quarterly basis. The ground water monitoring prcgram will indude: o groufld water sampling of monitoring wells MW-1, MW-2, MW-3, MW.4, MW-s, MW€, MW-7, MW-8, MW-gd, MW-gi, and MW-9s for HVO analyses; and HRC performance analyses from samples collected from MW-1, MW-2, MW-3, MW-s, MW-gd, MW-9i and MW-9s; o preparation of equipment and trip blanks, and ollection of a duplicate sample for QA/QC purposes; o laboratory analyses of ground water and QA/QC samples for HVO compounds using protocol established in SW-846 Method 8260; and o laboratory analyses of selected ground water samples for HRC performance indicators (Section 5.2). Purge water generated during the sampling of wells MW-1, MW-2, MW-3, MW-s, MW-gd, MW- 9i, and MW-9s will be stored at the Facility in SSgallon drums pending disposal anangements. I T I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I T LSC 01 SR34 Page I rmuAT(n82J5lN2 I I Status Reprt 3'd - 4h Quarters 2001 Laundry Supply Company t I T I t t t I t I I I I I I I 8.0 LIMITATIONS Olympus performed the services documented in this report in a manner consistent with generally accepted principles and praclices for the nature of the work completed in the same or similar localities, at the time the work was performed. No other wananty, express or implied, is made. Opinions contained in this report apply to conditions existing when the services were performed, Allcondusions and recommendations are based on readily available and reasonably ascertainable information on site conditions at the time of the work and for the laua in effect at that time. We are not responsible for any changes in environmental standards, practices, or regulations subsequent to performance of services. This report is not meant to represent a legal opinion. We do not warmnt the accuracy of information supplied by others, nor the use of segregated portions of this report. This report was prepared by: Olympus Technical Services, tnc. L-- OQ1- DateBacke, P.G. Senior Hydrogeologist Lsc 01sR34 Page 9 rnayATo(B ?fifamzI I I I I t I I I t I Status Report 3'd - 4m Quarters 2OA1 Laundry Supply Company 9.0 REFERENGES Olympus Technical Services, lnc., May 2,2OOO, Report of lnvestigation, l-aundry Supply Company, Salt Lake City, Utah: Olympus Work Order No. A7008, Boise, ldaho, submitted to DSHW. Olympus Technical Services, lnc., August 4, 2000, Site Remediation Plan, Laundry Supply Company, Salt Lake City, Ubh: Olympus Work Order No. A7008, Boise, ldaho, submitted to DSHW. Olympus Technical Seryices, Inc., November 16, 2000, Sfafus Report Seoond aN Third Quafterc 2000, l-aundry Supply Company, Salf Lake City, Utah: Olympus Work Order No. A7008, Boise, ldaho, submitted to DSHW. Olympus TechnicalServices, Inc., August 31, 2001, Sfafus Report Fourth Quarter2000 - Second Quarter200l LauNry Supply Company Salt Lake City, Uhh: Olympus Work Order No. A7008, Boise, ldaho, submitted to DSHW. United States Environmental Prctection Agency, November 1986. Test Methods for Eualuating Solid Waste, SW-846 Third Edition. Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, Washington DC. United States Department of the lnterior, Geological Survey. Salt Lake City South Quadrangle, Utah-Salt Lake County, 7.5 Minute Series fl'opographic), 1963 (photorevised 1968 and 1975), Reston Virginia. Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Conhol Board, Stipulation and Consent Agreement No. 9609031, executed on June 4,1997. LSC O1SR34 Page 10 rmuA7008 ?J5lN2 Status Report 3'd - 4th Qtr 2oo1 Laundry Supply Company 4olympus Technical Services, lnc. FIGURES LSC O1SR34 mab/A7008 Z1lmz g: ; ,' ( f f i 1-eOotr JzGoo HIFJ ro AF -r OD F r =o \ rE @F 65 3 N =E 6E EH L- | l- L J t - !- l. l j = -i a- v E =€ - $ uJ G i t! E6 K Hs Et ,lll !n(t )\\s /u /t t ilil ililllllilllllli H E. Ou r 8n h nl l = ll 3 :i l f l - ll ll l E: sh l ll l :E *i l l " i l r r ll Hi ; Hl i l HE e =H - H ,4 "H _ H H sH Js r i , l - - t tq o :O C l 2 __ I \\- - l r,4I st it r ll _/ l@ l i - ii , ji t ii : i\ ., ' 7 . ' , f-tr -aa &o\{qo ff f f q : 5 i z , 7 7 t , lr t! - , &- - -' - . \t E - rl- t- E lr . l O tr t z- o =t ! Lr OEr 22 pU ot p F. <???i ol fH :) ff i l: l -l . l <: =l zt l <t l or f ': l -r il:, /; l z.oDFHt l--J6b- .. C n! t\b* ot = FC , =g U: Q OrN- }o t a trgo.Eo(, ->o- Cl . ,utB!tr,oJooc,Faaoz. -ooa? 6ErFl. . aao-lr ooIg=INaao+oo tr]o-t r,agtaoE(,v, !ob ,aT'oJC'o-t() -ogEaa '1 , ooLoo .ogEaaE=ol-a .ooEaacE' -oocr TIItITItIIIIIIIIIII lr E i$ f i u' 9Hg gk (o gq.go!e! i o= E,TE .s q E( s ar - &TE g E' H a 3t o :Q P N 6. q FJ - b EE E ide2oo le a r l g ls e / n 0e 8 € @1' (r )*= ,i o=o-Eoz E' - Z : S, o-ooo-o.oJIL ed r TZ f r EE E = t; gB .a i Eg il BEhoz-ooa? t\ I btl )GIg,o!FEQJo:=LLE.coo(!oEa IItIITTIIITIItTIItI U9 HP ET 6 gggED9e o: .c1E (E ( u +E g E' H E 3{ t : ;4 9 N 6. q F. I L F5 E hie5oa pa r c ls e r u t 09 8 e ogaa:,Et\@o) o=o-Eoz , iE - Z g. t\@(r ) (9 r r{ rq aa6e o6bE €c -g€Ei EsS EOA a) r- (E 0 qE -r -( D =r o OL - ol =# zl o3 uJ l .g E Sl €5 -r t EE E", 8 >. O > (t ) =i zotr#o _ uI = 5 fr 5 E gg t r 28 :)ouo EE fi i EE 6( q , EtLi5z.c loa ar : , hstroFEoJoLL5so106otU(,o IItIItIIItIIITIIIII -co.g(r ,€E .c ,1E .q e +E g E$ $ :Q P N Ae ;1L EA E oieao(, le e r c ls e f n 09 8 8 c. , E tx€{ ; c.8 . R=. IE' o. E6€5Er\E o=o- t,oz r (- 2 rr ! L (o (f )C" l qf Eq *$=c { >' s O^ =e ic :E EE et s- t $E ut l .E p >. = fl l sE EE =r 5E EE E qg v ,E ' "t $ s zotr#o _ ru = 5 fr 5 E EE S 28 3oE,o EE .t ! EHoINiiz.c lo? $b$P3t , F(,C)U' Jid lL t,osoo.C ,o H.9o(1 )o IttIIIIttIItIIIIITI -cCLEEDee oE o. U ' .( E g u 5f ; qu ) q .- tEH B 9f t : -s g &a E FJ Fa E oeJoo li f*= Fs r l s ls e f n () g g e 6JCD .EE6o-6o.o c.8 . a,o=.8o 6' r- r- lo. rL ocJggg6LEr.gTL (\ I .T .&w,:c) , '0 L l a, E6.cy=Et\p D* [ GI (\ Id.U)C\ I (L@ lt I (La' rf )d. ' oco*. F* a1 (LU) I-o-G,oz , i7 - Z ,r 13 , looo-o.oJIL @(\ .da A, ^EE58 o- *g !s v-o h 'd . a(o .T o-a H* E l: - l .( o d- r# r ff i F* d_a"! eEo)*E .u o .J ug .E ()o!t .G r .d _ a gI tr€GI CO .0 q v8=6g ol r fi l s s Hl & € -t l := c 6o ci ) = 'i l o= ?E I H9 i , qE E 3, g e EE ,t l EHEoz-oo-? (ojp5N!F$uo!Foil ) lJ . 55ooo-uo()o F?CD){F(aa, *.No ItIIIITIIIItIIItIII Status Report 3td - 4h Quarters 2001 Laundry Supply Company I I t I I I I I I I t t I I t I I TABLES I Gailffi I mab/A7OOB 2l5lv2 CooJ6ctEc=o-os, .gooEooI t I Cc, -o-c.g(t ,oE(UaI f t I I (I ,=oC3o-oooE(Ua I o=c=o-o .C , .( ,Eoa.q Co)o=ac(U(I ,=-c .BooI()oI lr } e\ IEoo.EG'a cr ) I==Eo(l ) -o(U(l ) tU .9E=o o=(, (Uoo(Uo.C ,E(UaqC) C(t )o=6c(UL.o=-c3-oI -c tolL IEoaoc. i +,coo=aC. (ELc3olrE(E cr )qc) C) l (r )E(Uaoc. i c(l ,o=6cE-c .g--olo,=Io)ooo.E(uao Pco()a6c(u-c)Ioz.I f-E3Ua- oro Iv oro Iv o,o)Iv to (f ) t lo(r } I o C) ro Iv olr ) Iv ol( } Iv olr ) IV o) CD Iv qo (oc. i oq qc{ o$ (t ?GI c{ (" , c! (o q ol c. i qo \f , c. i qF ol (o$ @e. . i q(o q(o ol- (oCJ (Y )ci oqo ol c\ I q q() lr )o q oo00 - roF-ol oo@_ ot$ o(oot (f , oc\ I {:o$ oGI $o\f , oc{ (o -ol or-ot to o(o (t ) o(ooo(f , olr ,@.fot oo\@ oory toD. - c{ of-(o - ot$ o(r ) ry (r ) otr !t ro\f , oC\ Ia.o$ o(o@_ tr )C! orf ) _ (o oo\ot o(oc{o(f ) olr , o_ lr ,ol o@(t _@ I-oqr\ Il 'nf- loF- lr )c!N lr ,c! F. - roa?N ol\I: . fr 'q@ (o ft - o)q}* o)qf- ol oqN (r )$lt - $l- (?ot l' - $ot lt - (f ) (f ,tt - e\ t \i- (og@ (oU?F- (or-F- or U? r- . \ \(r ) q(r ) q@ q@ q(o o)$ ot -f o$ o) rt (t ) - r- $(o(r ) c{$ oqlr ) (,of rt o) (o(r ) c{$ C\ t \to (f )ol rt ot\rf ) (f )ot$ ot\rr ) (r )of$ (r }ul lf , (r , c\ l !t ir . roro (f ,c\ I -f ol |r ) lf i (f ,of .f (oqlo (f ,c\ t rt (0o)$(f )c\ t$ (oc! lf ) (f )of rt $\!D(r )of rf oc{ tr ) (f )ot$ ol o) rf (f )e{$ o1r ) (f ,of ri t | . Ir .al rf , (r , c\ t t c\ t .( r (r ,ot rt c\ l cr )$(f )GI .t @oqot C\ I c! (f , oi oal (r ) osl (Y ) oa(r ) o)$(t , to$ai ou? (r ) (oc? (f ) (oorf (o\(r ) @c! (r , C\ Iq(r ) ov or{ | . rf )q(r ) @t o!-$ (E=+ @o)Ic:,aI (oC\ I o)o)I(o=+ CDo)I(U=I r, o o)o)Ic=?+e\ t o)o)Ioo,oof o,o)Io(l ,o1 (t ) c\ t ooIc(U -? I l\ ootoI@ ooI=?I loc\ t ooI(,=I ooIoo+e\ I ooIooI lo(\ I ooIoooIot oICto?I (o oI (U I o!(U=Ic) (f ) oIo=! (o oIozl ro GIooot rool@ooN-o(UE(o rt soocr ) (U (L-0 ) -otEFI$(r )E,aooU' J c(l }o=aCgc3ol--ool oq (r , o)o)IooIo(\ t @\(r )o)o)lc=.?+c{ Coo=6c(EC3o-oE, .go\(r )o,o)I (U=, ro o\:o)o)ao=+ (o$c. ioo)tC, :,?! (o(\ $I==Ec) (1 , -o(E(l } (I , .9;o)I (U=I lf ) C3o-o(l }o.E(Eoa(r ) (U=I lf ) tIa1 c\ T oq lf , (f )ol .tot$(t , otooi (f ,N$t== U' t, lUFlU=t[LoJuJ IlLtEE -- ( . .r E l- l ft & z 6 s JA(' ) =- X &E ' :a ? ' >l ( lU = G, rl V l -l .D J q == FJ U ' tIttttIIIIIIIItIItI (f 6 u ) uo r l sn o r r e J atro,- I |ELoo.C tootigoEEoo (a p c l p n p ) XO O = 1 U (n t u ) xo o r u (a p c ; p n p ) ua b A x g pa ^ p s s ; g ao r n d - l s o d (U f t n ) ua 6 A x g pe ^ l o s s l o eE r n d ' l s o d (a l e c g d n p ) ua 6 A x g pa ^ l o s s l g a6 r n d - e J d fi l D u t ) ua b A x g pa ^ p s s l o aD r n d - e r d (a p c ; p n p ) rt l a S c n p u o S lB r u p e l f lC "g d @ ru c r s r l ) fr y a g c n p u o C ls o l r p a l 3 (a p q p n p ) Hd (s l u n pr e p u e t s ) Hd (C J ar n l e r a d u r a l (p e r ) uo l l P ^ e l f re l P n f i pu n o r g (p a $ re t e r y t oI qd a g al P o ir ( :o Ei ! ei < E: < oi = oi -! 6 O: C 3i p uE ii ?C .E : { Ll9i = gi = (p e l ) uo l l P ^ a l 3 6u ; s e 3 l o do l uo ! l P 3 u ! l u e p l IIIIIIIIt c{ooot tf )N@oolt ' - -o(UE co():,ocg()I .c IoIL ! !. Coo=6C(UL.=o aJco}o5acg (o I3=Elu(l , -otUoI (ULC, ) -oIozID. -Eo sg-oIt,aICD (EI (r , tooE(UU' oooooE(oa cC,C)=aC(Eo,=E,3oI -ooIL !E(l )oE(6CI ' IEEo6-o(Eo6(, o=o(UooC3ol--o a-L.o5.ELoo.c too f troEEoC' IIIItI FT *;l oIctoat F(o tf )q(7 ) --ootoo(f !ol ooIoo+ct oo.LJ-? I lf )C{ oo]Loso ooIc(U?I t\ (r ,o,Ioool (f )ol o)o)IooIo$t o)o)Ic=?+ot @o)Ic=-? t (o(\ I lr )qo, (7 ) ot .t (o a3 oolc)Ioz! lf , otc(s-)t (r ) ooto(l ,ol$t oot()o+(\ I oI=?I l. C , (\ I c)o.L=.? 1 l. ( )ot ooIctU .? IF- o)o)IC)ooI ({ )ot atrUTFtU=to-oJul r-ll .E,EF =c L -? e E- fr l 6 J- =6 s X p. 3 XE 3 :a ? ' >r lU * (r J Y J q == F- J O o=E(Eo Fr (U E n r ) uo r l sn o r r e I (p e l ) ra l P n ol uo ! l P 3 ! l ! l u e p l c{ooc{he\ t@oof--oruE(oocr ) (,o)oTL(l ) -o(U l-+(f )E.aooa o=ct (Eo.oC=oL-o-o!oz, (o c(I )o=6c(t r l-aaoLoooJ ()I(u=I (f ) Coo=actE l-o=.c3o)olC. (U .? I (f ) ooIoooI cc)o=6col-o)=.C ,=ooIooI tr }NooI()o+ot C(1 ) L(uoaCtEt-<=o6ooEoCD oo-Iaa1 r, oot co(uoac(U l-aaooooo}EE(Eaoo!oI@ c(l ,o:,6CTU l-(l ) lz-c ,3ooIc(U -a t@ ;o)IoC,oI (ool coo=6EEC=oL- -o;(D 1ooIo(\ t ;o)Icf-)+$t coo=6c(UL o)o)I (E=+(o\@(f )c\ I $!t I= -oIozID. -1' (l } to tbaaooE()-oIo)=Io) (r )Eoo,E(Ua@q(r )oI(E=Io(f ) atroa- {Jtt r Loo.c loaILroEEoC) ci tsl oE, lUFIJ J=to-oJlUtr tr ,EF =c L -' ^ E - c z 5 g JA(. ) a - X &E ' :a ? ' >- Y ru * (U J = J q == F. J U ' IIIIIItIIItIItItItI acE=o:E(oa (f 6 t u ) uo r l sn o r r o coo=ac(U(Uo-c , .gooE(Ea of-(EL.ooEE(Ua (o I=Eoo-o(UoTE() c(1 }o=aC(EC,=ol--o-c.gC}oE(Uo o)I3=Eo6-oooo.oE:,c] (u -o '6aooo(Uoco= c(Et-oaooEoooE(Eo o)tB=EoE-o(Uo(U .9o=o II R q q ot e. i c!ol orf ) @-t n q q ac\ l $Gi c! tJ ) rr i t or\ o) _ c{ o\tc\ t (o (f ) ooto(o (v ) oo) ro oCD lr ) @o, f-s (0o)D: '$ I oe{ (r ) o$_ 1r ) (r ) oo) (o (f ) oo)or r, o oO) o_ ro oo@s oo@.t loNd e{\o o, F: . oc , r-oqF- N@tt - F-\N o@ft * I C\ I c{d @a, rf )\@ c{ oqD- ol oqN tt\N @qF- \(r , ot rO c! lr ) c!ot c!ot sl o) C\oi r- (o$(r )ol t r- fr . \r (ool$ $(os(oN.t o)$s(f )ol t I: - (o.t (f ,C!$ Fa:o)o)Io=+oo) t- (r ) c{ rt1r ) IE= ry-:o)o)I (U=I tf ) ta? (r )o)o)Ic=a+C\ l o,g,Ic=T+ol ct ) .q(oo)o,Iootoc{ Io)o)!()oIoot I CDo)lo(1 )ot (f )c\ l sl (f )ooIcruaI f. - IooIc(U-)IF- (U O u t ) ua 6 A x C> r- tr ) -@ (s 1 ; u n pr e p u e l s ) (p a l ) re l e r n o l uo l l P ^ e | 3 Du l s B S lo do uo ! l B r u l l u a p l IIIItIIII c{oool roC\ t@ooF- -o(EE:l (, ) (ELI IIIIIEl *gl 3 I otr ,9 rt -GLoo-c looutroEEoo Eoo=6c(E l-=o:o,ooE(t ra o)I=I'oo-o(Eo(E ,oo=o co()36C(UBo:oooE(UU' acgaaq) t-o6o(l )EE(UU) Coo=acgo=E,=ooIooI rOoloooE(Ua Coo:,ac(UL(UL-E, .C , .g(l )o'E(Ua Coo=actU(l ,=.C ,=ooE(ECD o)lBu(l )6-o(U(l , tE .9E:f(f coL(Eoac(oaooooo(l ,o,E(Ua oI (U I (qEoEE(ECN C, (l )o:,oc(Ur-attol-ooo-oIolat@EoE.E(Ua c(l } L.(Eo.oCE(EL.o)-oIozIr\Eoo.E(EU' co,o=6ctEC3ot- -o-c.gc, (uo C(t }o=aC(t ro=-c .=ooEtEa actoLaaoL-ooo(l ,oE(Ua EE(Uoacfi tLaao, t-o6oooE(Uo cE(uoacEaaol-oooooE(t ro co\- (Uoac(U l-vaa(l ) t-ooo(t ,EE(EC" oIto=I (r )E' (l )oE(U (t , act5t-oo(l } LoEo-oIo)=Ir-Eoo.Eoo Co) L(Uo.octELatt(l , L.ooo-(> Ioz6Eo,ctE(Eo oc(ot-aaot-oooooE6U) (U E t u ) uo r l sn o r r e qo ocj qo oci oo qo oci qo c!o qo qo qo (a p q P n p ) xo o r u to$ oo $o o\t lO $C\ I hu r ) xo o 3 u rf ) rOc{ oro lf )o oo orr ) ,v orf ) oo lr )@ rr )ot- o1r ) Iv o(o rf )ot F ot (o (e p c ; p n p ) ue 6 f x g pa ps s ; g a6 r n d - F o d qot qN c! (r ) q(r ) \rc. i (f )rt ot$ q(7 ) qot e. i oi Ir .ri qot s q(f ) (oGi qot e. i $.of e. i (f 6 t u ) ua 6 r t x 6 pa A p s s ; g ab r n d - l s o d cq rF c. i ri q(f ) $e. . i orf ort otai roGi c! F slN c. i \(f , Gi c{ .f q(r ) a?ol qot ol- qof cf , e. . i (e p c ; p n p ) ua 6 r t r g pe n p s s ; q a6 r n d - a r d q slo oq (f qrf ) ulol q (y 6 r u ) ua 6 A x g pa a p s s ; g ab r n d - e r d qlr ) oq lf ) q(f , q ao oqo (oc. i @rf ) c! \tC\ a (a p c ; p n p ) A; ; a ; p n p u o 3 lP c U p a E o@@lf ) o@@_ I' r ) oo) (o _ (o oo) ro _ ro orf )c{ (o r- () _ (f , of-o_ (r ) c\ I$(f ) _ (r ) (oo)@.t oo)-ro $l( ) rf oot (7 ) (o o@oc' , i @c\ l (o _ol oo(" r _ C! o@(t - (f , o@o) _ CD c\ I (r ,@$ o$Ir ' lo o(f )@_ !. \ o\r\rot (C oS Z @ tu c / S d ) f1 n l p n p u o C le r p p e l f o@@_ 1r ) oI. -@- lf ) o@(f ) _() oF(o _ lf ) o@oI (o o) f-or _ c{ r\ f-o) -ol l. r ) lf ) _ (f , (Y ) D-@s ool ro lt - (o$rC oott - ooFGi (oot@_ $t orrc{ o@(r r _ (f ) orr .or o) lr )oq. \r olt\rf ) c,o@- fr . , oot$o, (e t e q d n p ) Hd q@ r-ol f: ' (r )alN qI- CDqf- d $. ct ) Nc!@ o)c!@ (o@ c?@ ot !tlt - sl r: . o)D- lt * rr , (o lt - loF* t- o)C)@ oq@ q@ o)qN '$(o tt - (s 1 u n pr e p u e p ) Hd oq@ (oo)F- (r } a? I. - qI- ot loF- @ o) a?@ loolo o)c!@ (r )d (Y )ot rf ) (7 )N (f )1t ' . o) rl . tt - ir . (o lt - lr )F- lt - oE; COq@ o)C' ) t. . - t-C' } F- (r )qF- (3 o ) ar n l e r e d u r e l u? u? qc\ tot e{o$t aot qlt - ql\ !-@ qIr . q(f )ot al@ C\ l (o @o roo rOoc{ F- tr i oc. i qrf ) (f ,oi c{ o)F- ir - :F - :F f-c. i Oe e l ) uo l p ^ a l 3 re l B f i , t pu n o r e !tr-$(r ) CT$ o) (r )$(f ,Nrt $\t.f(r )ot$ tto)$(f ,of .f t(o.t (f )ot rt lr ) lr )$(f ,ot$ (\ to) .f(r )ot$ D- (o$(oot$ o) rf , .t (f ,c\ Is Ir . !t$(oc\ t rt @.t (f )ol$ @$(t ) (\ I$ (r } (ort (f )c\ I .t (\ t@$(f )c{ rt rr .@rtC' ) $t .f e{qu) (t )of tt D- rr } (oot$ o) lo.t (r )ot .f c\ l (,$(t )ot .t @rtCOot rt (r ) (r ) ro (t )of rt $qtl ) (f )ot$ (o (v )C! .t o)s.f(r , c{$ (o (f )$(oc{ rt (p a l ) ,e l P 1 , t ol ql d e q $c\ (r ) o)ul (r ) !tU? (r ) sq(f ) ttsl 0l ) (r )$(t ) (oq(r , o? (f ) C' ) c? (r ) u? (r ) @s F@-f (r )ol$ oo$ tf ) F. *$ o(orf lf )$.f (r )q1r ) oa? tf ) Fort (oot \r @(f )$ FU? (f ) :io f :rl' t o)qfi ) c{o.t E} P G ooIoI@ ooIot@ oo.!:, -? I lr ) c\ t ooIo=I oc)Ioo+c\ l ooIo(l ) c)tot oIco-t (r ) o,ctEat (f ) oI tE=l o9(U=t (f ) oIo=I (o FoIozI tf ) cl )olIooIoGIGI (ooi (f )N.t (o I== o)o)Io(l ) rfI (f )ot ootc(E?!@ ooILoI@ ooI=-? I 1r ) c\ I =I ()oIoo+(\ t oo.oooI otctU-)I (r ) oI tU I oI IE=I (f , oto=I (o oIoz! rf ) o)C' ) lo(t } (f ! (f )ot C)oIc(o-)I ft - (r a a r ) uo l l B ^ e l S Eu l s P 3 l o do l tr ) I3 uo ! l E 3 u ! l u a p l at]UF-ul=to-oJlU-tLtr ,EE ,- a- o =- c 16 s *, ;; 3 XE 3 \r , 3 ?i :3 E u{ E q -l 1 r Jq == FJ A atr ,9T.t r L.ootloa:,EoEc, LoC) cE(t rooC(U l-aa(1 )o6o(l )oE(Ea c(ULaoooooo)oE(u@ ac(ULaa(l }ooooo,E(Ua co!b(uoaC(Ut-aoo(}ooo,oEoa o*(U=I (r ) I'(l }oE(Ua C.o(Uo.ac(Et-aa(l )oooJoI(, )=tF-Eoo.EIUCD C, (t ) (Uo,aC(U !b=o:oooE(ua coo6c(ULo=-c3ooE(ua CoL(Uoacgaaoooo(l )EE(Ea ycoL(Uoac(t r tbBoo(t }o.E(oCI ' C(l ) L(Uoac(EL.aaol-oooooE(Uo aC(U l-aa(1 ,oooocrE(t ra I (r ) (Eo co()=acol-aaol-oo()-oIo) f,IN1'oo.E(Ua Coof6c(Uaaoo6oJoIozI (oEoo.E(UU' oIc=?IE' (l )oE(Ea c(t } t-oo.oc(Ut6g, .J.Cg-oI(, ,=I@Eoo.E(UCI ' acgPtUL(, )JoIozIr- I'oCLEIEU' oI==Eoo) -( } (Uo .J (u .ocr :,o (f 6 u ) uo r l \tC; qo qo qo qo q() qo oo qo q() oqo oqo (a l e q p n p ) X9 O J U oo oo) l- -$ o@ o1r ) Iv (f ,(o tr ) lf , ! oro IV o)o)Iv o)o)!v hr u ) xo o 3 u o(r )ot o\r lr ) ool roe{ ll )@ olo Iv !Oo) toot tf )o o\rI olo !v o)o)av o)o)tv (a p c l l d n p ) ua 6 { x g pa ^ p s s l o eb r n d - l s o d qc{ c{s u? (r ) .qC\ q \ q qc{ .qc{ q!t U? (f , (t , qol a \ .qN q ul \ (U E r u ) ua 6 { x g pa ^ l o s s l g a6 r n d - F o d c. i GI $ t(f , (r ) e\ i ol sl \ .qc\ t (f )c\ i o) (t , !tCf , q(f ) U?ot a? e. i .q f- (o . ol \ (e p c ; p n p ) ua 6 r t x g pa n p s s l o eo r n d - a r d os qot c. i qc{ c- i a?c\ I q \ (f 6 u ) ua b A x g po ^ l o s s l o aD r n d - e J d oq (f ) o)€i .q $toi ri ol ol q(\ t q q q (a l e e l d n p ) r{ y n g c n p u o 3 le r p p a l 3 o) ro.f orf , (o _ ro o(r ) c\ T ro oolo _o) c> fr .o) lt - oo) tf _ rf ) olr )$F- ooo, rO@_ (f ) o(o r. - _o) o$$o or. -\l' - C)ooto of*(t , o@() _o @f-ro ol () _ (o\ f-c{ i- - (C og Z @ ut c l s d ) rt y 4 p n p u o 3 le r p p a l 3 oC\ I lr ) .f o$(o lr ) oc{ rr , oIr ' loo, o(f )o_@ oro lo1r , ()$t$tt - ooo(, , Fr '@_ (r ) oI. - t\o, o(o tfo o@l- ft - oC' )@ oot o) _ol oCDo-o (0F- tr ) (r ) (r } o_ rr ) (o(o - \ (a p c l d n p ) Hd (o lf )@ @c?@ o)cl@ {o \q@ o) U?@ q@ (r )\}- (o(o@ (oo{@ (r )@ c\ I U?@ (f )\@ o)ct o) C\ I co (oa?@ o)gF- CDc! f- o)c! i- (s 1 1 u n pr e p u e p ) Ud (ou?@ @(r )d o)sto $rf@ C{ \f _@ @U?@ c)R@ (r )\}- (o(o@ (oc\ t €; a?@ (r ) lo@ \o o)g@ fr .c!@ (o$d $oF- fr .c!F\ lt -otF- (C J er n p r o d u a l oe. i oriC\ l c;N ae{ gCD ooi st qF- c! (r ) qcf ) oriot (o(o C\ I t o@ (r )$ol qF- qIl ' qo) (t , q(f , (p a r ) uo R P A e l S re l P r l ^ pu n o r g c\ I lr ,$(f ,ot$ I-$rt (f )GI rt @$.tc) e\ Is $r, ) (r )c{ rt N!ts(oc\ I$ Ir .q(Y ) (I ! or rt |r ) rt (r ) CY .t srt (r )e{$ @(o.f (f )c\ t$ o) \t-t (r ) e\ I .t -f (f )c\ I rt (oo.t (r )N$ o)o$(f )c{$ F-F- (t ) (r )c{$ cr l (t ) (f ,C{ .t o) (r ) rt (f )c{$ \e{ (f )C{ rt otq(t ) a4 ) ot rC F-ol (r ) (r )ol rt r-C\ I rt (r )ot rt F-@ri (f )ot$ r-\(t )(oc{ .f @r- . C\ I (9c\ t rt Fai (r ) (\ t$ (r )@c. i (f )C\ t rt (f a a l ) re l e l , l ol rf l d e g (ooq (f ) ol CO oCD(" !tc! (f ) (ool ({ , 1r ) $ F- oq (r ) f. -ol (f ) o\(r , o)@(t ) loroc. i oqot F- rr ) c. i o)@c\ i lo\ol lt - . c!of lI )ol (r ) rfq(o o)qc{ o) (r ) c. i o)\ot o)qN (o(o (7 )qtr } -(o I el B o ooILoI@ oo.I=?I loot I ooIoo+c\ I ooIo(l }ot oIc(E -? I (f , oI (U=I (f ) oIo:,I (o o!ozI@ o)o)IC) (l )oa (r )of ooICIU .? ]F. - ooIot@ ooJf?I loc{ . ooIoo+(\ t oo,o(l )oI otctETt (r ) oI(UI oI oIo=! (o oIozI lo ot(E=to(f ) oIc,=s(o olozI ro ()!ozI lr ) (p a l ) uo l l P A e l S 6u l s P 3 Jo do l i-* $q@(f ,oLsEo)I= uo ! l P r u ! l u a p l IIIIttTIIIIIIttIItI c{ooot Loc{@oofr ' -otoE ti igt -l o-oIUF+(r )EU'ooU) J ottUFtU=tTLoJUI trt,EE =c L 6F - c Z. rX tu I. V Pd >. f xe $ :a ? . >- y 'q E q -l 1 r Jq == }. J CT ' q, tJ t 'i lC'a-(t r .9c.G()o, Fo (ooro(l )o) (UTL IIItIIIII c{ooe\ t rf ) C\ I@ooT\ -o(EE IIIIIIIII (1 } -o(UFI$(r )Ea()oaJ EI o) (U .YC(o tr IC(t ,E^e= Y3=.YC(EmcoE.o3 Y==-vcod)coE.o=oUI .YC(Ud!c(l ,Eo3(, lU LCTU CDcoEg:,oUJ .YC, (UETcoE.o=(, ll J -vCtU tnC(1 )Eo=oUJ .YC(Ud)CoE.o=(, r. u .Yc(U (t )CoE.o=(, lU t oC(E tbg(, )-oIozIN coo=6c(UC=oL- -o-cgJoIo,=Io (Uaao)oo()-oIozI (oEo o-Lo,-UoLoolrooItroEtrLoC) qt l EI -t3t l or l ol r- l=t (uCA -l(t r Iol r- 1 -lLI -E lolol l- lut=Iot EI*Elold ==a*o,a?B=EctE .i?=EI==I=h==I=== .Jo.cEg VAEE =E -c c oo co , o? mEE 3 xo o iE E E .- tr ) e o .t t , .: i O A EF o 1o i5 = O! rr EE E (L $ O k. = !. ;i : gE E *t P HE EE EB g E i F E E g gi p I t g I # t g fi s, g . B E H E P ' : oooz ;oI f oo+C{ ;oI3aI l. c ) ot ;oIo- I@ ;otctEaI@ o)o)Ic=.?+ot 1mtI J (U E t u ) uo r f s o) -:oIozI to \lr )oI tU Io(f ,@qo) (f )c{$o)I3 oE, lUFtU=tro-oJUI IILtrEE ac L 6F - c z 5 g di ? xE 3 ia ? r >- y 'q E q -l ? r aq= = FJ A (e p c ; p n p ) ua b A x (a p c l p n p ) ua 6 [ x oN!t$c\ I $a a l ) ra l u l , t ot uo l l e n e ; 3 6u ; s e 3 ; o do . uo ! l e r u ! l u a p l I I I I I I I I I t I I I TABLE2 - SAMPLING ANALYSES Laundry Supply Company Salt Lake City, Utah Groundwate.rlr/l,o.ntlgf.1ng..![:.!1.*nf.ly.:S: MW-1 MW-2 4OUrprt r..n-i.rl I ,1.. i"' """" iurW:5""" """Ttrffi;-bdii-i0: ii '. - """' ivtW:,i" " " " - " "flrvil; ItI I I t t I Field lnformation iHaloqenated Volatile Orqanics (SW-846 Method 8260 or equivalent)I c ,9 rfa G(, a-lbi=-l-ot lr lr-! o=itsE,!o+a?l- iE€t(1,5! o.-s iEgI i6B E')s C'}aJr-oo= orclo,]#t-.Ei3 E"E CD-fJ .I oo= -r CDEL rtoroAI *r,G'Gi= E"s E"Il-.t a-oo= ruEoro6 laJFoi3 EE HgJEDrE 3E -l.'H= ilEoi.esigtsgB l-1 (t,x E"a^ l-,= E"\/ra?Ytru9 8S E,,E E'}=.^g\,'= EDtJ -ro?vLru9sg -l,ia-O... Io= i -EDio=r!rg:'troio= i -rlut-c=;o - it-Ei S E iconments 1$May-981 ND<l ND<l ND<1 45 28 3J 69,000 190 25i 5-Mar-99 i ND<l ND<l ND<l 130 52 3J 90,000 800 76i 18-Apr40 iND<l ND<5 ND<5 230 100 ND<5 86,000 730 ND<l0 i 25-Oct-00 lNO.tO ND<5 ND<5 214 110 ND<5 80,0008 714 ua! 25-Oct-00 ! ND<10 ND<5 ND<5 180 124 ND<5 73,0008 690 130 lDuplicate labeled MW-g 12-Dec-00 iND<l0 ND<5 ND<5 64 480 ND<5 55,000 370 56i 1-Feb-01 IND<I0 ND<5 ND<5 57 250 ND<5 35,000 360 63; 31-May-01 IND<l0 ND<5 ND<5 na 130 ND<5 39,000 1,600 140 l iND<l0 ND<5 ND<5 15 1,400 ND<5 8,900 1,000 ND<10 i 7-Nov-01 i ND<10 ND<5 ND<5 47 1,400 5.9 19,000 7,400 23i 15-Mav-98 i ND<l ND<l ND<1 6 340 ""'i'd""81,000 I'60"" 15-May-98 iND<l0 ND<l0 ND<l0 ND<1 C 390 10J 79,000 290 ND<l0 iDuplicate labeled [,I\Ar-4 5-Mar-99 I ND<l ND<l ND<1 ND<1 950 45 17,000 800 ND<1 I 20-Oct-99 1 ND<1 ND<l ND<1 1J 1,100 47 10,000 610 ND<l i 25-Jul-00 iND<10 ND<5 ND<5 25 73 6.6 43,000 290 17; 25-Jul-00 !ND<10 ND<5 ND<5 61 90 7.5 59,000 350 e2i 12-Dec4O I ND<l0 ND<5 ND<5 5.1 2AO0 23 21,000 1,700 ND<l0 | 1-Feb{l iND<l0 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 1,900 34 7,200 2,300 ND<l0 i 31-May-01 I ND<l0 ND<5 ND<5 6.5 3,400 34 1,400 1,100 ND<l0l I !ND<10 ND<5 ND<5 5.2 4,7A0 39 680 uo ND<l01 7-Nov-01 iND<10 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 2,900 29 1,400 474 ND<l0 i lSMay-g8 !ND<10 ND<l0 ND<10 50J 210 ND<l0 95,000 350 10J ! 5-Mar-99 i ND<l ND<1 ND<1 17 480 31 17,000 710 8Ji 5-Mar-99 i ND<l ND<1 ND<l 34 400 27 19,000 790 19 iDuplicate labeled MW€ 2*Jun-99: ND<l ND<1 ND<1 4:I 200 17 21,000 320 22i 17-Jan4O i ND<l ND<l ND<1 69 130 9.2 21,000 330 39! 12-Dec-00 i ND<l0 ND<5 ND<5 8.6 2,300 20 25,000 2,100 ND<10 i 1-Feb41 IND<l0 ND<5 ND<5 9.2 2,000 27 9,900 6,300 ND<l01 31-Mav41 lND<10 ND<5 ND<5 25 9,100 110 320 2,244 ND<10 ! 9-Auq-01 iND<I0 ND<5 ND<5 35 15,000 ua 53 300 ND<l 0 i 7-Nov{1 iND<10 ND<5 ND<5 55 21,440 pa 47 72 ND<l 0 l $Mar-99 i ND<l ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<l 13 ND<1 ND<l i 24-Jun-99 3 ruO.t ND<1 ND<l ND<1 ND<l ND<1 ND<1.2 ND<l ND<l ! 20-Oct-99 i ND<t ND<l ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<l.2 ND<1 ND<l I l7-Jan{O i ND<l ND<l ND<l ND<1 ND<l ND<l 2J ND<1 ND<l i 1&Apr40 iND<10 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<I0l 25-Jul-0O IND<10 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<I 0 i 25-Oct-00 i ND<10 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<l 0 i 31-Jan-01 ; ND<10 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<l0; 31-filay-Ol iND<l0 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<l0 i 7-Aug-01 1ND<l0 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<l0 i 6-Nov{1 iND<10 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<I0; MW-s $Mar-99 i ND<l@ a24-Jun-99 I ND<l - 2GOct-99 i ND<lffi ND<I ND<1 ND<l 590 35 214 ND<1 i ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 850 52 750 190 ND<1 i ND<l ND<1 2J 830 52 750 190 ND<1 lDuplicate labeled MW€ ND<l ND<1 3J 700 49 2,400 340 ND<l ! ND<l ND<1 2J 660 50 2,&O 350 ND<l iDuplicate labeled MW-g LSC 01SR34Table 2 Page I of 6 mab/A70OB ZSl2OOz TABLE 2. SAMPLING ANALYSES Laundry Supply Company Salt Lake City, Utah 4Oryrprst..r,nit Field lnformation lHalosenated Volatile Orsanics (SW-S46 Method 8260 or equivalent) l- .9IltrO,9 -b,lb -j)FEbtglgo9 t*iE3lo+iC!= l#E! o.-ILFhfi ifiE i,.- E,,ql-..L a-oo= oroal+,FtUj3 i;E ED--J. a-oo= -- CDE}cI6r9N'Ei= i,-- EDrl-J l-oo= ruPoro61IF.Ei= EEr;? HgdE,rS 3E I t-o ffEogegigtsgB 1-1 cDs E"=^l-'= E'urofYL lrr OEy()!uo-B EDI E')*=-\,,6P o?Vl-ru9sg -l.la-o.^:U,= i -Erio=. Irrg!'=oio=i5ii R.E i 'E E iconments MW-5 17-Jan4O i ND<l ND<l ND<1 3J 1,100 120 2,800 560 ND<l i 17-Jan{O I ND<l ND<1 ND<1 3J 1,000 120 2,800 520 ND<1 !Duplicate labeled MW-g l8-Apr$ IND<l ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 910 97 1,400 234 ND<l0 ! 1&Apr{O iND<10 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 710 90 1,200 21A ND<l 0 ! Duplicate labeled lvnv-g 2S-JulS lttO.tO ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 150 23 710 95 ND<10 ! 25-Oct{0 IND<l0 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 630 110 2,2008.290 ND<l01 12-Dec-00 i ND<l0 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 980 110 1,600 200 ND<10 i 31-Jan-01 jND<l0 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 990 77 930 170 ND<l0 ! 31-Jan{1 iND<10 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 1,200 92 960 200 ND<10 iDupl'rcate labebd fU\ /-9 31-Mav-01 iND<l0 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 690 33 480 76 ND<l0 i &Auo41 iND<10 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 2,000 140 1,100 280 ND<l0 i 7-Nov-01 IND<l0 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 2,300 220 1,300 400 ND<l0 ! I I t I I t I I t I I I I I I I I I t l "" " ""' ivrWd " " " " " " 2c6'Cdil5 t' i'i I"'-"""'ilnv:7 " - """ " 2o:Gi:iriti'i " " " " "' ivtfi:it " - " " "' -' zu ci":t: MW.9d I {".':':' 2u6'Ct:iiiiI'i'i'di'ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<I ND<l ND<1 18-Jan40 I ND<l ND<l ND<1 ND<l ND<1 ND<1 2J ND<l ND<l ] 18-Aor4O I ND<l0 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<10l 2$Jul-00 iND<l0 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 6.5 ND<5 ND<l0 i 24-Oct40 IND<l ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<l01 31-Jan-01 iND<l0 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<10 l-Jun{l iND<10 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<l0 i 7-Auo-01 IND<l0 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<l0 20-Oct-99 i ND<l ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<l ND<1.2 ND<1 ND<1 18-Jan{0 i ND<l ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<l 2J ND<1 ND<1 18-Apr-OO iND<l0 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<l0 25-Jul-00 iND<10 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 7.0 ND<5 ND<l O 24-Oct4O i ND<l0 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<l0 31-Jan-01 IND<10 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<10 l-Jun{l ! ND<10 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<10 7-Auo-01 iND<l0 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<l0 8-Nov{1 IND<lO ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<l0 zuci":t-iiiil'triilf ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<l.2 ND<1 ND<l 'l&Jan{O I ND<1 ND<1 ND<l ND<1 ND<1 ND<l ND<l.2 ND<1 ND<l i 1&Apr-OO IND<l0 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<l01 2AJUHO iND<10 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<l0 t 2$Oct40 lNOctO ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<l0! 31-Jan41 IND<10 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<l 0 l 1-Jun41 iND<l0 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<1 0 i 7-Aug{2 iND<10 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<l0; &Nov41 IND<10 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<l0l 1-Jun{l ND<l0 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 7.2 ND<5 ND<l O I ND<l0 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 24 8,1 ND<l0 7-Nov-O1 7+fov{1 ND<l0 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 18 ND<5 39 17 ND<l0 ND<l O ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 16 ND<5 31 11 ND<l0 labeled MW-10 MW-gi l-Jun{l iND<10@ &Aug41 IND<10GNov{l !ND<10 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 5-3 ND<5 ND<l0 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<l0 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<l0 lDuplicate labeled f\rvv-l0 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<l0 t LSC 01SR34-Table 2 Page 2 of 6 mablA7008 ZSlnO2 I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I TABLE 2 . SAMPLING ANALYSES Laundry Supply Company Salt Lake City, Utah 4OW,prrt rfrrirrl Services,lnc IPCHTCE screen @ 25 BGS iPCE/TCE screen @ 35'BGS IPCE/TCE screen @ 25' BGS iPCE/TCE screen @ 35 BGS I I IPCE/TCE screen @ 25 BGS |PCHTCE screen @ 35'BGS iPCEJTCE screen @ 15 BGS iPCE/TCE screen @ 25'BGS IPCEffCE screen @ 35'BGS I |PCUTCE screen @ 25 BGS IPCE/TCE screen @ 35'BGS I 15'BGS iPCE/TCE screen 25 BGS !PCUTCE screen 35'BGS t IPCHTCE screen @ 15 BGS IPCE/TCE screen @ 25'BGS IPCHTCE screen @ 35 BGS ND<s I ND<s |PCUTCE screen @ 15'BGS IPCUTCE screen @ 25'BGS iPCglfCE screen @ 35' BGS iPCE/TCE screen ;PCHTCE screen - iPCE/TCE screen SPl-35 26-Jun-98 i I"" """5F2:i5"""' -" 2ejffi :iig i-""'r"' SP2-25 2GJun-98 i SP2-35 26-Jun-98 i SP}l5 sP3-2s SP}35 sP3-35 SP+15 2&Jun-98 iSP+25 2&Jun-98 l SP+35 26-Jun-98 i I I SP5-25 26-Jun-98 i SP5-35 2&Jun-98 i ND<2,3 14,500 i 167 tI.r.........ttSP6-15 23Feb-99 i SP6-25 23-Feb-99 SPG35 24-Feb99 I sP7-15 sP7-25 sP7-35 2}Feb-S i 23-Feb99 t SP8-25 23-Feb99 !SP&35 23Feb99 i """"'3Cid:i5"""" sPlC25 SPlG35 2GFetr99 i Field lnformation iHalosenated Volatile Orsanics (SW€46 Method 8260 or equivalent) C, ,9ToO,9 -b-r rL 5rr =-e=ods i*! o-lrsE,lo+ iErit=s iEgI i5P E"s o,:1.l a-oo= -r Elrf-orotil*,t-0EiB E"- ED =LJ.,-oo= -1 E,lrto il-oalyN.Ui3 ii: C"!t--tr-oo= lrJ Porodl{Jrtlui= EEr;? HgJ E,,rS 3E -.t 9aogegi5gs EB l- rl CD! CD=.-l-'= E,t/ao?vLru9()oo.= E"s ED*=i\'= EDL, !ro? -Lru9 Pg -rlO.-it,!= iYorio=!E, '!. I'=oi -eE i6:i!- E, i E E icorrn ,"nt= MW-9s 1-Jun-01 iND<l0 ND<5 ND<5 1&27 ND<5 4,300 600 ND<l0 i 8-Auo41 !ND<l0 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 10,000 41 ND<l 0 l 7-Nov{1 I ND<l0 ND<5 ND<5 5.6 25 ND<5 1,400 fia ND<l01 ND<l.6 2GJun-98 t 49,200 1,630 |PCE/TCE screen @ 15' BGS 2GJun-98 i 49 8.5 iPCUTCE screen @.25' BGS 2GJun-98 |540 ND <8.0 |PCE/TCE screen @ 35' BGS 26-Jun-98 ! ND<l ND<1 ND<l ND<I 3J ND<l 460 8,3 ND<l lAnalytical du I t I S pil :i'5 " " " ""26 rud:6'd l' - " ": SPl 1-% 2GFeb99 ! SP11-35 2GFetr99 I i FCETTC E'.dl.r66il rdi. r 5'iios IPCE/TCE screen @ 25 BGS IPCE/TCE screen @ 35' BGS LSC O1SR3+Table 2 Page 3 of 6 mabtA7008 2l5l2OO2 TABLE 2. SAMPLING ANALYSES Laundry Supply Company Salt Lake City, Utah I I Field lnformation iHalogenated Volatile Orsanics (SW€46 Method 8260 or quivalent)I F-.9 {JoO,9 -bArab-itre =odE l* iEElo+ichiEtto5!o.-s iEgI i6P i,s E"rl--,1IIoo= c, .rcIat l*JF.EiB t,s ED =LJ II oo= -a E,r{ qto il-o6!+aN.Ei= tx CD =J l-oo= ruPoroaryt- tU !iI EE HE Te 8E = *aogoqlra-igtsEBl- rl l- E'T E"a^l- -\r'= E,vaafYl-rugooo.3 i,T E') =L^l-i\'6P ofYLu9 Pg ..r!a-O^IUl< i\ri O, io:L!t,i.:'=oloE i5:i !- E, ! g E icorr-"nt" SP12-15 2GFeb-99 i ND<5 ND<5 PCE/TCE screen @ 15 BGS SPl2-15 26-Feb-S ! ND<l sP1 2-2s ffi ND<l ND<l ND<1 ND<l ND<1 ND<l.2 ND<1 ND<l lAnaMical du ND<5 ND<5 |PCUTCE screen @ 25' BGS sPl2-35 2GFeb99 i 8 ND<5 IPCE/TCE screen @ 35' BGS iliil:'d SPCE/TCE screen @ 15 BGS iPCUTCE screen @ 25 BGS iPCE/TCE screen @ 35' BGS iPCUTCE screen @ 25 BGS |PCUTCE screen @ 35 BGS IPCUTCE screen @ 45' BGS IPCE/TCE screen @ 55 BGS |PCE/TCE screen @ 25 BGS |PCUTCE screen @ 35' BGS I ]'CCEnC d;;;; di'Ti Ei65" """ - iPcE/TcE screen @ 25 BGS IPCE/TCE screen @ a5' BGS I I I I I I I I IsP17-15 sP17-25 sPl7-35 sP21-15 1 sPl..$|25 sP1$,35 """"'3Citi-5"' sPl&25 sPl&35 sP21-25 sP21-35 sP21-45 sP21-55 """"'5pzz-I5' sPz-25 sP22-35 sP22-35 sP22-45 sP22-55 27-Feb-99 i 27-Feb99 I 27-Feb99 i 27-Feb99 I 27-Feb99 3 10-Aug-00; ND<5 I IPCE/TCE screen @ 25'BGS ]PCEITCE screen @ 35' BGS I IPCE/TGE screen lPCE/TCE screen iPCE/TCE screen IPCE/TCE screen - IPCE/TCE screen IPCUTCE screen @ 15' BGS IPCUTCE screen @ 25 BGS IPCE/TCE screen @ 35'BGS ND<s jAnalytical duplicate IPCE/TCE screen iPCE/TCE screen IPCUTCE screen @ 25 BGS |PCUTCE screen @ 35'BGS t I I I I SPZ}I?5 10-Auo4O i SPA35 lG'Aug-@i sPl$15 sPl&|25 sPl33s 6-Feb-99 i 2&Feb-S i I" """'5 C' { +i 6 " " " "z7:rudiie i"" SPI +25 27-Feb99 i SP14-35 27-FebS I SPI +45 27-Feb-99 ! SPl+55 27-Feb-99 i sP2+25 1 sP2+3s 1 ;PCE/TCE screen @ 25' BGS IPCUTCE screen @ 35' BGS I ILSC 01SR34-Table 2 I Page 4 of 6 mablA7008 ASl2OOz I I I I I I I I I I I t I TABLE2 - SAMPLING ANALYSES Laundry Supply Company Salt Lake Gity, Utah SP26-25 13-Nov-01 i 13-Nov-01 | 13-Nov{1 ! sP26-35 sP26-45 iPCE/TCE screen @ 25' BGS iPCE/TCE screen @ 35' BGS iPCEITCE screen @ 45'BGS PCFJTCE screen @ 25 BGS IPCE/TCE screen @ 35' BGS IPCE/TCE screen @ 45' BGS iiiti.C'] " " " : "" "i'CC ErrC E;;ffi 6'Tii' H GS' iPCffCE screen @ 30' BGS IPCE/TCE screen @ 35' BGS iPCE/TCE screen @ 45'BGS water sample N D<6.3i Composite sample ND<l.3lGrab sample @24 BGS sP27-35 sP27-45 13Nov-01 i 1lNov-01 l I T" """'s czili5' "" "' "T3- i,ffiiiir"" "- ""' sP2&30 sP2&35 13Nov-01 ! 13-Nov-01 | sP28-45 13Nov-01 i UST -""""'5812""""" SB3-Comp IND<I. 1&Mav-98 iND<6. South-SS 4-Aor-96 East-SS 4 Apr-96 West-SS 4Aor-96 North-SS 4-Apr-96 West-GW SHi :6;ir; . "'T2-ui;i€6iiirili:Siliiii': SB2-Comp 13-May-98 iND<6. I I 180,000 I I I'iilf:iD<l. Field lnformation iHalosenated Volatile Orqanics (SW-846 Method 8260 or eguivalent)t L. .9voo.9 -bl-- Ft- =0,ds lr lr-! o-i.!gBlo+i..L iE€t0,5!o--s !EgI i6B i,s E,,rl-Jr-oa= oroA, I rlJt-Gd3 i,-g,a -!.r-oo= -z E,ra\ -iC)roEr+,(\tgi= i,.x ED-r-J..-oo= ruPorctE1{JT'oi3 EE HgjE,rS 3E -.!,, 9a(, i.ogl{E EsgE, F=- E".E E" = .-. l-'= E't-o?YLEIg()!so-3 ED.E E'}=^t-i\,'6P ofvLur9 Pg rl O^!o< i -Erio=Lrtt .!. !'=oioE !6:l -E, I E E i"o--ents sP25-45 2+Od-00 i 48 ND<5 iPCEITCE screen @ 45' BGS, labeled SP-2315 SP25-55 2+Oct-00 l sp2s65 ffi Sp2s-6s ffi 400 ND<5 IPCE/TCE screen @ 45' BGS, labeled SP-2$55 2,10A ND<5 !PCE/TCE screen @ 65' BGS, labeled SP-23S5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 2,100 ND<5 ND<s iAnalytical duplicate, lahled SP-2365 SP25-80 24Ocl-00 I sP2sA-eoe2 ffi Sp2sA-es ffi 695 ND<5 ipCfffCE screen @ 80' BGS, labebd SP-23-80 ND<28 ND<28 ND<28 ND<28 ND<28 ND<55 ND<28 ND<sslSoil sample @ 9G92 BGS ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 3,300 ND<5 ND<10 iWater samole @ 95' BGS sP25A-1 00102 1 1 -Dec-00 i ND<61 sP25A-105 ND<30 ND<30 ND<3C ND<30 ND<30 ND<61 ND<30 ND<61 iSoil sample @ 10S102 BGS ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 5,600 6.7 ND<10 lWater sample @- 105' BGS sP25A-110112 sP25A-105 1 1-Dec-00 iND<57 ND<29 ND<29 ND<29 ND<29 ND<29 ND<57 ND<29 ND<57 iSoil sample @ 11G'112 BGS 1 1-Dec-00 i ND<l0 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 9,300 21 ND<l0iWater sample @ 115 BGS SB4Comp I I I Drum 4 5-Mar-99 i ND<l Drurng 5-Mar-99 :ND<l D-10-2G99 2GOct-S ! ND<l D-5 21-Oct-99 i ND<s - lJune-98 GeoProbe decon water ND<l rFeb99 GeoProbe decon water ND<l lFeb99 GeoProbe ND<l llvnv6,-7,-8 LSC 0lsR3+Table 2 Page 5 of 6 ND<s rSB-S soil mab/A7008 2l5l2W2 TABLE 2. SAMPLING ANALYSES Laundry Supply Company Salt Lake City, Utah I I IField lnformation lHalooenated Volatile Organics (SW€46 Method 8260 or equirralent)I tr .9Io(, a-t-.E trot, l* iEEio+rE!-iEtro,! o.-s iEgI i6s t;E u,1I t-oa= .z E,6iod,irFtlElii i,a EDrl-.I a-oo= -r Et\lrto il-oaiITGl.!i= i,s ED =-t oo= r!PC' roal9 F.!Ei= HAr;? Hgd E,,r,- 3E J'H= {,E lu :Loi,clEl a-i5 EsgErF :r- E,,- E"Ia^ l-'= E't-o?vl-ruSo!Eo.B EDx o)a .-.l- r:\'- E,lJ qro? -Lru9 PS .-t i a-O.-,!Ut< i\rt io =1 !t, .:. !'Eoio=i5iiE.E i E E' iconunents D-6 21-Oct-99 i ND<s ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 7J 10J ND<s iSB-S soil D€ 21-Oct-99 i ND<1D-1r @D2g^l ffi ND<l ND<l ND<1 ND<l ND<1 3J ND<1 ND<l ISB-5/SB-4 auqer deon water ND<1 ND<1 ND<l ND<1 ND<1 2J ND<1 ND<l 3SB-5/SB4 auger decon water ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 600 ND<5 6 150 ND<l0 ! Purge water (1-Feb-01 D205 1-Jun41 ! ND<10 sP-l 111N1-DWffi ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 7.3 ND<5 ND<10 lPurge water (11-Aug{0, l-Feb{l , & 5-3141) 3,000 ND<20 lJune-98 GeoProbe decon water I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Gontrol Sample 1+ffi'i$dj-Nij;i.l .iiiili ND<1 ND<1 ND<l ND<1 ND<l ND<1 ND<1 Equipment Blank @- lrr\Iv-3 26-Jun-98 l ND<2.3 ND<l.6 GeoProbe Rinse Blank-PCE/TCE screen 23Feb-99 i ND<5 ND<5 GeoProbe Equipment BIank-PCE/TC E screen $Mar-99 i ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<l .2 ND<l ND<l Equipment Blank @ lt VV-l 24-Jun-99 | ND<l ND<1 ND<l ND<l ND<1 ND<1 ND<l.2 ND<l ND<1 Blank @ ttIW€ 20-Oct-99 ! ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 3J ND<l u 2J ND<l Eouioment Blank @ MW-7 18-Jan-00 i ND<t ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<I ND<1 ND<1,2 ND<1 ND<1 Blank @ MW-4 1&Apr-00 iND<IO ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<l0 Equipment Blank @ [ruV-8 2$Jul-00 IND<10 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<l0 Blank @ Ivlw-s l GAuo-OO i ND<5 ND<5 GeoProh Eouipment Blank-PCE/TCE screen 2SOct-00 !ND<10 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<l0 Eouipment Blank @ MW4 31-Jan{1 ! ND<10 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<l0 Eouioment Blank @. l\rfi/V-4 t -Jun-01 i ND<10 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<l0 Eouioment Blank @ fir\ r-gd labeled EQ6-141 7-Auo41 IND<l0 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<l0 Equipment Blank @ tvlvV-7 labeled EB-l 7-Aug-01 IND<l0 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<l0 Blank @ [UVV-7 TB 25-Jun-98 iffi@ffiffi@ 25-gs1-00 lNDl< 0ffi ffi ND<2.3 ND<l .6 lTrio Blank PCE/TCE screen ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<l ND<1 ND<l.2 ND<1 ND<1 IT Blank ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<l.2 ND<1 ND<l lTrip Blank ND<l ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 5.6 ND<1 ND<l iTrip Blank ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<l0 lTrio Blank ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<l0iTrip Blank ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<l0 iTrio Blank ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<l0lTrip Blank ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<l0 lTriD Blank ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<l0 iTrio Blank Notes:pg/kg = Micr€rams per Kilogram Hg/l = Micrograms per Liter ND = Not Detected (at laboratory reporting limit) - = Not Anatyzed or Reported J = Analyte detected below practical quantitation limit 1,1 -DCA = 1,l-Dichloroethane 1,I-DCE = 1,l-Dichloroethene Cis-1 ,2-DCE = Cis-l ,2-Dichloroethene Trans-l,2-DC E = Trans -1,Z-Dichloroethene PCE = Tetrachlorrethene TCE = Trichloroethene Mn = Manganese (milligrams per liter) NO2+NO3 = Nitrite + Nitrate (milligrams per liter) SO4 = Sulfate (milligrarns per liter) BGS = Below Ground Surface I ILSC 01SR34Table 2 Page 6 of 6 mablA7008 ZSIN2 c{ooot ioot@ooF-s-c t (oE E(EaE'oo=rt sC:) I aal r : ) c' : ) t c' ) oqN os!GI tt c? !t N CON l T N (o IF rFGI ]\F I 1\ t ot- qC' ) t oo lo No Nlo :r oFN q1r )v oC\ I ?- ool- oroF too) ,l o6IF oo1!F @F NF (0C\ t (oF :t @ao c?C" oF' o) to -o) FF ov ov ov c)v ov ov qv gv qv qv qv qv tr )c{v lr )otv lf )c!v loc{v tr )olv rootv o\ qv qF'v qv qv qv I oNGI qv oa F'v qv qv qv C{ tiq(, ItFc; roFqo ol- to o) (oqo Bgi )qo Ntoqo I otr ,q()v ttulo oroqov oov otoqov g: ) F€; o)ott ofi ) oo o(o(D oro(o oFN oNt o$ tIr - !tF FF ci ) r g,N rl- 1 oqo oov oov oov @tGI oov ovoz IF!- ao oC;v oov oov oov oov \ovoz oFc; oov oqN o-ov oFov oov oa Fv gv qv qv ooGl si t ooqF o(,o- F ooqF o(D]\ oro l\ 1 tr ) != ooIooote{ oICtE .? I (r , ot(UI r(r , oIo:,!@ oloz.t F- c\ Iooo) (UTL (r )oE(EFI \t (f )CEU'ooo oIoza i* oT(U=I (f ) ot (u=I oI -oC, IL I o]\to,oz.I I. - Iof Io) G, : ) ED aootNoI l-(E=I ti l\ aooq, roo, -o(l } lJ - I oIozI lt - oto:,!@ oooqFoI ooo-oa(( ,=t (,ott _ tC)I -oolL I oc)tooote{ oo.E(UoE(1 ,o=c?_to)voz.lt AZo3oa>i E: ??<: -.E:3: rr r i -. Lr a- r f- :oi f: a- .o:=i g3oi €. tE 33:E' i l- .3jo: L. :o: oe-troEL. l-oo Eo-co(t )=C.o(UEocE.0 ) LL -cIUP=*=C)o.YG' J=Ga aUIaJzozIJ(L=otuoZnc68 ll Etr =Hd ,t -> Y, _ & .L - - tC 1 u* rt V -l -tr l i FJ IIItIIIIIIIttIIIItt (f 6 u ) ua 6 [ r (y D t u ) pp y rp r { n g oN(\ t (r , F qved: ) @NNd e]\oNF qo)o6aF ci )o)q:_ooG, : ) Na.:o@!F loF aoFF 6r. ,qoqGI N6! :. tF oo(\ t a, (U E r u ) uo r l sn o r r e J (f 6 u ) ep p o l q uo ! l P 3 u ! l u a p l IIIIItItII ofoootholoooNs-o(UEolo$too) tuTL (f , o-o(EF+(r ,E, cr )ooC" J a*JtroEEo(, -- .9 ,E, (y D n r ) ua 6 [ x oa F io a aa3F :ic o :F3F .l3E a :O ioiojc l , 3_ :c ) io:N Zi( o:. :@:ioiv-ioiv:u ) iC t t :v :lOiv:_ ::F:t rG l r( D 'lio6rF ir raic ' : ) ilc ) ro il o rDIF iic r it ? :NNFioiv iOivtu ) io t :VrO ivio i-iv c?F bE b E la l f {r j , - J .- -t N+ E E ?? op E, F g E Eg = i mt r l t z < bt ) 9) rl C =- E I so (U f r u ) ua 6 o r 1 1 ro (U O r [ eu e q l e u g oN rt (U D u ) eu a q l f (,o(0 D G: } ooo. a, (U E u ) eu e q l 3 oG) ol , ooGI 06 t n ) ap l x o l o uo g r B S G)N o' l )N (y h n ) pp v o- t nr ^ d oFv ov (u h n l pl c v co u o $ o r 6 Gl 1\ qv (U e u ) pp y rg 3 e l lr )olv loc\ tv (U O u ) pp v er A p g qv qv (U D r u ) pp v r! 1 a o y FE qv (y 6 t u - p e n l o s s ; p ) es a u B E u B t \ l tG!o l- ' :3 e 31 - !r:Ot-it o 3F :o ic ) itiold ic ) il ' ) rO ic i iv oao o([o (f 6 t r p e n l o s s l p ) uo r t @FG; 3' , 1 ) !Fd Eo-coo, =_co(EE\-oCo.o , TL al B l l n s tG} :0 1 30 ) :r o 3F :Oio3V ir t :! t i< >3- io:v-io3F :Vio3C :. c ic ) ic r ) io ID,- iG ' , : ) ic a !- ;Fi.il - !*io l-ic j i' i-io It -idrV ii6 iFivrOo.NtO o(,Ga . G' : } fu h n ) uo q r e o rl u B o r o aH n p s C'otF oN (U e u ) al p q d s o q d oFC)v o-ov fu 6 t u ) aU r i l N oa c\ l o-ov (U 6 n r l al e r t l N oov oov (U E t u ) uo r l sn o r r a J qv q!Fv (U E n r ) ep ; r o t L l o oNN oeoq rO el P o oIozINT' CDI3= Z:5 .l:>3c ) izid 3lOi* i> olC,=Ioo)l= =Do9ozt I: ' uo ! l P : ) u ! l u e p l U' lUaJz(,zfo.=olt joz5[ ll Etr i f ; o- v = ,r ) -l Y& B r 5 a! ;3 , E u{ E q J1 r r lq == FJ O Status Report 3'd - 4h Quarters 2001 Laundry Supply Company APPENDIX A FIELD PROCEDURES LSC 01 SR34 I I Status Report 3'd - dn Qtr 2oa1 Laundry Supply Company I I I I I I I I t I I I I t I I APPENDIX A FIELD PROCEDURES A.1 GROUND WATER ELEVATION GAUGING A stationary permanent benchmark is established on site and is surveyed relative to a United States Geolo$ical Survey benchmark. The measuring point (top of casing) on the monitoring wells, the top of the protective housings, and the ground surfaces are surveyed by direct leveling relative to the benchmark. Depth to ground water measurements are obtained using a Solinst ground water levelprobe. The device consists of a conductive probe connected to a meterwith a calibrated measuring tape. The probe is lorered until the meter signals contact with the ground water surface. Depth to ground water is measured as the distance from the top of the casing to the probe. Measurements are recorded to the nearest 0.01 foot. A.2 DNAPL PRESENCE/THICKNESS MEASUREMENT DNAPL presence/thickness measurements are oblained using a Solinst product interface probe outfitted with conductivity and refractive probes (in a single probe unit). The probe is connected to the meterwith a calibrated measuring tape. The probe is lowered untilthe meter signals contact with the ground water surface. Depth to ground water is measured as the distance from the top of the casing to the probe. The probe is then lowered to the bottom of the well to determine if DNAPL is present. The presence of DNAPL is indicated by a separate signalfrom the ground water signal. Monitoring well DNAPL thickness is recorded as the distance from the top of the DNAPL surface to the bottom of the well. Ground water and DNAPL thickness measurements are recorded to the nearest 0.01 foot. A.3 GROUND WATER SAMPLING Monitoring wells are sampled from up gradient to down gradient utilizing the folloring field protocol. All pertinent information is recorded on sampling information forms. Field Protocol for Ground Water Safnplino 1. Determine well purge volume: measure water level depth and calculate casing water volume. 2. Purge well: a disposable polyethylene bailer or a decontaminated electric submersible pump is used to purge the monitoring wells prior to sampling. A minimum of three, with a maximum of five, well casing water volumes are purged from each well. I LSC 01SR34 Page A-1 mawA7008 z5lm2 I Status Report 3'd - 4s Quarters 2OO1 Laundry Supply Company I I I t t I I t I I I I I I t I 3. 4, Collect samples: water samples are collected using disposable polyethylene bailers and then placed into labeled sample containerc. The type and size of the sample containerc are recorded on the Chain of Custody Record. Prepare and transport samples: samples are cooled to approximately four degrees Centigrade and delivered to the laboratory for analysis. Chain of custody procedures are followed to trace the possession and handling of the samples from collection to anival at 'thelaboratory. 5. Chain of Custody Records include the following information: project name and location, client number, shipped by, shipped to, suspected hazard, sampling point identification, date and time of sample collection, sample maUix, number of containens, preseryative, analysis required, sampler signature, etc. The records are shipped with the samples. The samples are checked and logged in by laboratory personnel upon anival at the laboratory. A"[ SOIL PROBE SAiiPLING Soil and ground water samples are collec{ed using a hydraulically driven soil probe. As ne@ssary, an impact drill is used to drill an opening for the probe in the concrete or asphalt surfaces. Following sample collection, the probe hole is abandoned using soilcuttings, bentonite and applying an appropriate surface patctr. Soil samples are collected by driving the soil probe to the desired sampling depth, opening the sampling end of a acetate lined steeltube sampler, driving the sampling tube an additionaltwo feet into the subsurface, removing the soil probe, and removal of the sampling tube from the sampler. The soil sample is cut from the liner and placed into contraineci appropriate for the required laboratory analyses. Ground water samples are collected by driving the soil probe to the desired sampling depth, retracting a stainless steel ground water sampler to open an 1&incfi screened interva!, and pumping waterto the surface through polyethylene tubing with a peristaltic pump. The water sample is collected into containers appropriate for the required laboratory analyses after a purge of the sample line is complete and water turbidity is reduced. Rising head slug tests are performed in monitoring wells to obtain data for hydraulic conductivity calculation. The tests are generally performed in monitoring wells with little or no detectable contamination levels. After determining static water level, a slug (sealed and weighted PVC pipe) is quickly removed from the well and water level recovery data is recorded unti! the water retums to static level. Data is collected using a pressure transducer and electronic data logger. The drawdown is normalized to a relative datum point and graphed as a log value venses time. Horizontalhydraulic conductivity is calculated using data analytical methods presented by Bouwer and Rice (1976) and Bor.nrer (1989). LSC O1SR34 Page A-2 rnauA7008 21trN2 t I I I I Status Report 3'd - 4h Quarters 2AO1 4 OUmpus Technical Services, lnc. Laundry Suppty Company A.6 DECONTAMINATION PROCEDU RES I The ground water teveland soil gas probes are cleaned priorto and between uses by rinsing with distilled water, isopropylalcohol, followed by a finaldistilled water rinse. I Ground water sampling equipment is decontaminated priorto and betrrveen uses by the following procedure: 1) phosphate free soap/distilled waterwash, 2) distilled water rinse, 3) I isopropyl alcohol rinse, 4) distilled ivater rinse, and'S) sample water rinse. Soil probe equipment is decontraminated priorto and between uses by the follorting procedure: I 1) pressure wash 2) phosphate free soap wash, 3) pressure rinse. I I I I I I I I t I I .*ffi Page A-3 rnab/A7008 ?fi1w2 status Report 3'd - +tn Qtr 2ao1 Laundry Supply Company 4 OUmpus Tech nical ServicesJnc. I I t I J l I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX B LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORTS I LSC 01sR34 mab/A7008 Z5lm2 Status Report 3'd - 4s Quarters 2OA1 Laundry Supply Company I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t I t I OUARTERLY MONITORI NG ANALYSES I LSC O1SR34 rnaUA7008 28ffi2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I ,4.Euergreen,4.,fr. AnalyticalZN\. r'-s') ^/ \ Laboratory August 23 ,2001 MIKE BACKE OLYMPUS TECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. 5409 KENDALL STREET BOISE, lD 83706 Lab Work Client Project: A7008 Dear Mike Backe: Enclosed are the analytical results for the samples shown in the Laboratory Work Order Summary. Except for subcontracted analyses, the enclosed data have been reviewed for quality assurance. A case narrative is included to describe any anomalies associated with the samples or data. EAL will dispose of all samples one month from the date of this letter. lf you want samples returned, please advise us by mail or fax as soon as possible. A copy of this project report and supporting data will be retained for a period of five years. lf you want the project file sent to you afterthe five-year period, please return a copy of this letter. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Evergreen Analytical Laboratory. The invoice for this work will be mailed to your Accounts Payable department shortly. Thank you for using the services of Evergreen Analytical. lf you have any questions concerning the reported information, please contact me. Sincerely, O--( /r*. I ?::i,:lxitiurector of chemicar Anarysis I I This report contains a total ofJT pages including the cover letter. f*rsr""n Analytical, Inc. 4036 Youngfield St. Wheat Ridge. CO 80033 -3862 (303) 425-6021 FAX l3}3l 425-6854 IIIIIIIIIIIIIItIIII I'rotl , dl ,I ta ) tNa^ ,oottVxoILtla ) at ,6tN,-€o!tYotro.t ro. FoiF6) toF=otr , tr a--= 'o Nc;zogoJoL.oo=tt tF(Dolo t roFc, .- . tt 'C' (\ l r,xlU ILooona (o]\ c' l D .^ l oooNYoEoF-o. (oo}\cl , treo3oot r-E!te,o-(Dotrl , (\ I cr l ,NIco$.AroottYx6ILFGOoG' I6l ' $t,- GOo!tYoco.Eo- Foio(Dro Ar -=ct ?--9o -D4:-oo=o() roeoF oulFoUJ=oruGouloJz v)FzIU==oo \ r!sto= t\ . .b )> -a L\c rf r{s Y ra C\ n-$dN UI rIPI {tolEI ,h JM#sH El €\J ;- h{ L*{ oB, s > \- / ta tgd o. F =lb=loEo- Hdo uJ l =l FI Hr $ II J I EI .) , a qf tr l q) Ac HI R ol . - 5 HI LS l- lzlEIel>l co l ol uJ l >t ru l ol uJ l rl i5 r a a €t - tt -g b8 EB EL58 OE G, 2 { x \ -- ) )Tv06€t \-(z6F-o5fU' IUG,Ftr ,oo- ruOE Ht d gl 'h :l l l tr l oc gl F 5l < 3l ll g sl o 3l b 8l ,o 6l lr BI R z ut O IE3z o iag ? E Eq E =, 4 f i - - J JO u , co c o I tr E t r 8(" ru r \ h 5l :rW UI l-sELUU' UJEtL Jro {t Oo J- I .i . Y\u= ' -lfi _< s d$ ur l tr l rl3lol0l li i * =i = gg )i o L' l f- c, l = CD i ; -l = CI o (J l r '= l o =i e -t EI E t- i d U) i .o al 1- .J l G ot - - sl tl D- l o El p *oi ,d oOLo(JUIGooFo=(J ILoz--o bf f i &. 2 H= =E JO 4. c) r0 M aa ,r - ) tr lUZw f, * Zl - oK) st -IIIr aI-1I O1, ar ' t Jt3,E,\ oll{ i$ l. i IHlz cf ) c0 .( ) hB -lji a .: \) 9\eP * }: S .a jr *- { J-s t cf ) , s=$5 o0E'E if i xeE trs€? L.9 ts G3 a(- aF + II J I <, =l fi uf l =l rlFI 0.r - -\) \, n \ auJ l -lJIol dV'J ut l =l ,t r- lol tu l -lOIEI o- l l-sJvI zlolEIE 0 es -l -- E, I Jqt c ff i l .- s . tl i II J=F tr-t' l huto t4I hsl To I\, tn1, l- l^:r tr u orE HI B sl B uJ l EI E oEE t oFo0as Ecl-ttn€ -oF(,0.C IE oFoaC) ., Deoouto ts-( ,E0o.o ar P + fl F hl s Ol - Hl ,r il a FIzlEI o- l \- {>l tr i l ol uI l -lal -l3l ol lzl -IJIur l cl zI 5k (L ( ) =t r 6,UIe *32 SL3G-Des?o \LF- o.=z r\Ieu o$l \D=a e.l r7a rJC72 nt'?s tn7I oF I2ooU) (o0-Ho :a C( t L. l- .L,o)a(r , a) lroa+iL{9c i t- . aJ !: ct L. tt Lr \, O. - o6 ll =+EHS ' 8e CA t s . l- . .9 or , ;. cE€ ii o&E aI IF td :E Dj < O6lIOI)I rr rOOt\ tAI$cf ) c! ta tBt9c\ lY oOc. l Iol .? '{\Oc. l Iatsrac{GT€cllIlIII1jI €l C\ 1BI>l III <l 6l rlOI $I c{ l YiOI oOc. l Iol3$1r )OONIal$fnc{O\oc\€ol .F ao\B]>l IIl <l @lOI IIoi 'f l (\ l i Y] -. I OI OO(\IOT)$lr )Oc. l ta({faNOo(\ l Ia0{oo\o(\ I oooOF.Bf-OIo$c{Yo r. -oONIBII rf ,OONIOI {(7 )N\c6I€C\oB\oOIOsc{Io oOc{Io{I \f ,OOc!Io[$roNO\o6t€or- atr fr l \?l ol \fc{Y=t ]ol OONIOIa{sOc. l Io({cac\ \ot\ t€cf-B\toIatfe. lTo OOr\IOI {$OONIOI t' coe. lO\o(\ l€c€B(7 )Oto\rc!Yo Ooc\IOI$\fOOc\Io(t. rnc. l OOc\ lIOI$ra(\ tOt\ Iotso\ OOeiIo0{fr . lrq, ) c! ts ,yitG,Eol{F o\c(\ I€crcBoIOsc{Yo JdIG'El- .l LFc\ IoIosc{YO HHt{c)--a1,s)- .I l q) Ie) fr-Xo.- {aI()--oU(Jqr{x '- l tr3G'Ea.-O-GI t--aHq)-E-hIGT CAT-l-e) .L-Ual- a (u-atr hG' CA ee E5 O i6 ln E PF s = 33 \t (, ) .. .. = q) gx e. r - l I 'T E3 \' tr Or \. t J 3 =- -E\€ ) d=su (. ) -9L. .o t| .(Jqa)u, l- , a9 qi E Fr L ,; :. (l ) E () a .a * .( l ) r_ l_ L- a g Gt - E -. . 6 o E .g : l o ,7 , dz E S z YI LE8 ? E ; E E = 3s # g E E v F gn E, i Eq /A O t r F r Li + = - = il 60 Ile !+ r3 IEIIItilIlItr {r a IE e! I; rl{r ) 3B IE La0 IET Evergreen Analytical Laboratory Date: I7-Aug-01 I I CLIENT: Project: Lab Order: CASE NARRATI\TB SAMPLE RECEIVING Samples were received in good condition within method specified holding times. Custody seals were present and intact. Samples did not require preservation. The temperature ofthe sample(s) upon arrival was 9 oC. Samples for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were received with no headspace present. NJO GAS CHROMATOGRAPI{Y / MASS SPECTROMETRY Method 8260ALL_W : There are no anomalies to report for this work order. SWT Olympus Technical Services, Inc. A7008 0r-4240 I I I I I I T t I I I ! t I I I T I of t ! I I I I I i I I I I I t I I ! t T A Euergreen /\ AnalYtical ^/ \ Laboratory August 24, MIKE BACKE OLYMPUS TECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. 5409 KENDALL STREET BOISE, tD 93706 Lab Work Order: 01 -4286 Client Project: 47008 Dear Mike Backe: Enclosed are the analytical results for the samples shown in the Laboratory Work Order Summary. Except for subcontracted analyses, the enclosed dala have been reviewed for quality assurance. A case narrative is included to describe any anomalies associated with the samples or dala. EAL will dispose of all samples one month from the date of this letter. lf you want samples returned, please advise us by mail or fax as soon as possible. A copy of this project report and supporting data will be retained for a period of five years. lf you want the project file sent to you afierthe five-year period, please return a copy of this letter. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Evergreen Analytical Laboratory. The invoice for this work will be mailed to your Accounts Payable department shortly. Thank you for using the services of Evergreen Analytical. lf you have any questions concerning the reported information, please conlact me. Sincerely, Carl Smits Technical Director of Chemical Analysis This report contains a total of JV pages including the cover letter. I ur"rgreen ril Analytical, [nc. 4036 Youngfield St.Wheat Ridge. CO 80033-3862 (303) 425-6021 FAx (303) 425-6854 sIIItItIIttTIIIIITI T' lotor,Iu)tN,- r0otYxTE ILEto (t ,6!tN.A(ootYotro.Co, Fo?C' ) u)F=oCD€r- ,o Gi ctzotroJoLoo=il t IF(DoT)t (oNa' , ,AoooNvxtU ILoooto a (oFar l , ,^ . GOoNYoco-5o- (ooF6aoeogooiiE'coYooE 6a6r ,G'?GI '$.A l rootYx.U ILFGOo60I (r 1 )$.ACOot-oEoto- rF .o(o (Dr, +-=dg-9o?-;-oo-o() r: l aoF outFolu:)olr Jtall JoJz oFzuJ==oC) "/ ) {di6 fl J 51 3 il $ 9l -3 d L\ ) -auJ l tr l fl3l EI H ,l Q -, l- l J E. l. m + HE a = e b H# d + Ir o ? ; s p Ss E E s 3l fi Fl b.a { a F, Ic t\ , \ a :ya Ht s uJ l EI na{ el - i fi EHl s vFI=lEI (L I v>l co l ol ru l >t ur l ol tr t l rl I( anFIolulJo[ ut l tl \. 1tt tHzl uJ l =ldc[ol cl fl l$tIt E$ o68oOE ?LEO =- o OE tr , 2 I \\{\I,J\\ NA ItEl l -qJ -\ ) ;1 1<3 oFq,FJ3aII JE, l-Goo- UJE, :E r aJ 5l ,r tl b 9t Ir l ff i l m gl p 5l < =l :t H -r l tr I U' I >lolol r- lal=lol z ru O dEEE3;o ils E E =, u fr . - - J JO l u co o l xB n lR#ztol -lol tUtrsEruU) IJ JE& ) 3$ ,l . EdgK il a LU I tr l=l -lflolOI li i * Er = .r rd EI E (, t # rr i - )i o r- i P (I , l = tD ! " IE -l ; (U t -s (J r 'E i ! Lr .E l 3 Fl o u) l .o Al l- .J t - cl l - - rt dD Ft oD El p* rl '- oi 'd oEo(J luGooFo3C. ) ILozrl r.t --o hp tv , UJ EzHf 2B t, !3 + G, II JZg f, i zl - oo = d €s-a E{ t ) Tt:{-r3d H$HS H' ; d1E elHH.- Sztd Il*[$HS lh I5 '' < ) l> + l$ t le E lolu l! t Ir iI HtL xt3 \t3 ar ) ) 4 HO r, u l =I olFI JU\DJ J(/ uI l =l flrlol 1r I I -lolEIol I:o zlolEIqt j UJ=]- o-.O ,oos orf )o oro-- EI E l' r l l EI lt JF6 s&Do zcx - ,) a8 EI J tl r 3l -r fl d FIzlGI (L I \- a>l d) Iol ur l -lal -lflo|zl3tu l al zI 5k (L ( ) =t r 6,tUo /lz 3n72 t, lB€ ;z o\, - ,2 t\\o\\oU!oa. Ito+. ) cC l- .k€+. )v)q) .a - ,horr 2 +- , () . i - 14 , >a aJ =G t ts E O- () 5 (l ) . ' . ! 7E =l - L- '- a 20 . #68e AE. f. . { a- , r .2 Br ) -. aE€ '5 E (l ) r y . A ts r a ll .ai l il F I' r a :E rJ { OootIBTI \oONIo0$li rc. l \cN00oFIBvoI \o€(\ lY-O oOGIIol$\oOoC\ l,o0I\r6l \c(\ I€oeoOI \o@(\ IYr<O Ooc{Io[$\oOoolIo0I$(\ loO(\ l Io0Io\ \oc\€c(nB(\ lOI \o€(\lo OOc. lIol$\nOOC\ l Ia0a$sc!OOC!Io0IOOO(\ l Io0)$€ka. ) adB\oGI oocq,o\BOI \o€(\ lYr- ao c) sl-araUo .- l 6) Ioila-ao .! ataI()-EaoUUqHx.r a lr JGIEa .L a I. c, a-aAFI l- t 6)-a-aL-c, (a3-taq) .LraUat{o-AIlr aEIG' CA \o F< ee = = O i6 r. n er lF PF ci 88 E - Sl s ) =* r \' I .. .. ri \ . ( l ) C ) x ! '3 =< lr . . c = -r c. ar cc .D :s '- -E\c ) A .E t \, -a t\ ' U _r (. )gL. .o tLUq0) (a tJ (r ,a)2 ({ cr l Fr ;- ,; :^ (l ) E C) o 'a o . ac ) Lr r- L- U ) 9 Gt - ! : Ji a l o E .g a a E -E Ua l U L' JE 'E i E S 3 A :, =g -- c) cD r, { E @ * rt = i sE e E fr = = s* r E E V ,: * t E, ; Eq -q = = r Y ? = - = &, s. IlE N ll ,- lv IIIIIIitIIr *r )CB I€ F] IE .-:) TB TE ao l$T Evergreen Analytical Laboratory Date: 28-Aug-01 T I CLIENT: Project: Lab Order: CASE NARRATI\TE SA]vIPLE RECEIVING Samples were received in good condition within method specified holding times. Custody seals were present and intact. Water samples requiring preservation were received at acceptable pH levels. The temperature ofthe sarnple(s) upon arrival was 8 "C. $amples for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were received with no headspace present. JD GAS CHROMATOGRAPT{Y / MASS SPECTROMETRY Matrix spikes and LCS / LCSD recoveries for 2-Chloroethylvinylether were above historical limits on 8l14l}l. Since the bias was high and this analyte was not detected in the samples, no further action was required. The matrix of the sample used for matrix spikes on 08/15/01 was unusual (permanganate? - puryle color) and appears to have destroyed some double bonded compounds. There were no other anomalies. SWT/CMS Olympus Technical Services, Inc. A7008 014286 t I I I I I I I I I T I I t T I T I of I / : GROUND WATER SAMPL"UG INFORTITATION FORilI MT o Boise, lD o Hawe, MTo l,bbna, MT gample Information Sample lD: Label ID: Project Narne: Comments: Location: SfelrrT_e ^*-.fry fr#/f Work Order No.: A ?o O 8'Time: I fBO Date: 0t0 1ol Sample Collection Typel-|Dedicated ENon Dedicated CgDisposabte t_]Peristaltic Pump f]Sample Port tIPVC f]Stainlesssted Devicer\FBailer t_]Submersible Pump llrlaterid:nTeflon Comments: Polyethylene Field tleasurements Well Depth: ?O.3Oft DepthtoWatec *,? I ft Depth of Waten I 1, Llq ft Well Depthfl(measured) ^ E]t',,r"ll table) Purge Volume = (n = 3.14) x (well radius: ft)2 x (deptn of watec ft) x 7.48 g"ttt' Well Votume: Z , ,l =1 gal Purge Volume: --) ,./ t gal vorume Furgeo, 5-. Zi gal (calculated) (3 x vvell volume) (measured purge) PurseStart lt tf PurgeStop: it2-t a Comments: Field Parameters Purge Start Purge Stop Pre Purge DO: O,( mg/l DO: n. 3 mg/l tnsituB Exsitut] DO Temp: Zl , O' oC Post Purqe ORP:mV oRP: (3 n mv 14,4 t'c tc, tnsitu ,2 qat \:z '['c. ^--ZS.o(.#err 't urnsiuf ExSitul-| Fe*z: l.o mg/l Qt(.q E- rnsitu[ ExSituE DO Tenrp: frb= "C Omer U DO: IYA mg/lDo:Tmgf Sampfe Description: Field Cornments sarnplen f)f U Fz^tt<r6on Samplen (printed) (signature) Oc 1ol o.ate Sapfirg Fsrrs.ns€rq.rnd WG oTvATom 7mm1 Client Sample II) Lab Sample II) Date Collected Date Received Date Prepared Date Analyzed MWI 011286-04A 08t09/2001 08110/2001 08/151200r 08/l5l2a0l Evergreen Analytical, fnc. 4036 Youngfield St., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 425-6021 Client Project II) Lab Work Order Sample Matrix Lab File ID Method Blank Prep F'actor Efrective Dilution A7008 014286 Water voA3081 5\12772.D R8081501 I I I I I Method: SW8260B Volatile Halocarbons (SW801 0 !ist)pg/L IAnalyteCAS #Goncentration PQL Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 75-27-4 75-25-2 74-83-9 s6-23-5 108-90-7 U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 5 5 10 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 10 5 5 I I t I I I I I I I I I Chloroethane 2-C hlo ro ethylvi nyleth er Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane 75-00-3 1 10-75-8 67€6-3 74-87-3 124-48-1 10 10 5 10 5 1 ,Z-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene Dich lorodifl u o ro m ethan e 1 ,1-Qichloroethane 95-50-1 541-73-1 106-46-7 75-71-8 75-34-3 5 5 5 10 5 1 ,2-Dichloroethane 1 ,1-Dichloroethene cis- 1, 2-Dich lo roethen e trans- 1,2-Dich lo roeth en e 1 ,?-Dichloropropane 107-06-2 75-35-4 156-59-2 156€0-5 78-87-5 15 1400 E U U 5 5 5 5 5 cis- 1, 3-Dichloro pro pene tra ns- 1, 3-Dichlo ro pro pen e Methylene chloride Tetrachloroethene 1,1,z,z-Tetrach loroeth ane 1 0061-01-5 10061-42-6 75-09-2 127-18-4 79-34-5 3600 5 5 5 5 5 U U U E U U U E U U 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane 1,1,z-Trichlo roethan e Trichloroethene Trich Io rofl uo ro m eth ane Vinyl chloride 71-55€ 79-00-5 79-01-6 75-694 75-014 1 100 5 5 5 5 10 Surrogate Recovery 1,2-Dichloroethan+d4 (SS-1 ) Toluene-d8 (SS-2) 4-Bromofl uorobenzene (SS-3) 100% lAAo/o 113o/o QC Limits 79 123 79 118 74 129 I U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit (RL) J - Analyte detected below Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) E - Extrapolated value. See rerun at ditution. B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank S - Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery limits I - Compound detected above regulatory limit X - Not Applicable. Y- T I Qualifers: Approved 8/17i2001 II:13AM l t I I Client Sample ID Lab Sample II) Date Collected Date Received Date Prepared Date Analyzed MWI 0l-4286-04A 081a912001 08/101200t 08/r sl200t 08/l 512001 Evergreen Analytical, Inc. 4036 Youngfield St., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 42s402r Client Project II) Lab Work Order Sample Matrix Lab File II) Method Blank Prep Factor Effective Dilution A7008 0t4286 Water voA308ls\I278 t.D RB081s0l I 50 Method: SW8260B Volatile Halocarbons (SW801 0 list)Units:pg/L Analyte CAS #Goncentration RL cis- 1,2-Dichlo roeth en e Tetrachloroethene Trichloroethene 1s6-59-2 127-18-4 79-01-6 1 400 8900 1 000 250 250 2s0 2sa 250 254I I I I I I I I I I I I Surrogate Recovery 1,2-Dich lo roeth an e-d4 (SS- 1 ) Toluene-d8 (SS-2) 4-Bromofl uorobenzene (SS-3) 104% 142% 102% QC Limits79 123 79 118 74 129 I t I U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit (RL) J - Analyte detested below Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) E - Extrapolated value. See renrn at dilution. B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank S - Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery limits t - Compound detested above regulatory limit X - Not Applicable. Qurlifisys3 Approved 8/17/2001 I:24 PM Quantitation Report Dar.a File : C:\HpCHEM\1\DATA\voas081s\12772.D Acq On : 15 Aug 2001 12:19 pm I Tyson I 08'.r I 826008 SampIe Misc : 0 L- 4286 - 04A. SAIVIP 826OALL W ViaI : 9 Operator: SLeve fnsL : VOA3 MuItiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Aug L7 1l-:09 200L Method TitIeLast Updat,e Response via 6.5e+O7 j : a-4.5e+O7, 2.5e+Q7: Quant Results FiIe: c : \HpcHEM\r\MsrHops\s2600808.M (RTE rnregraror) 8260 Wed Aug 08 l4zlLz24 200L Initial Calibration TIC: 12772.D 9.00 10.00 11.00 ,lllllltllrllrrrl'r I tJirrrl rr,ll 12.OA 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 I I I I 4.00 5.00 6.00 I I I T I t I t t I I CD. Ac,Iaa;-b?8E8dteEE9lEts9 Lo6 L69s @_ ot Ia cf) @EI @g (D,EF ocoE, oo o o E.$Hd6N€ FgE EI-e dEs EeE cl-CD- ocos oo o .oo I(\l_ I .9.(J t-og.(DF_s PF 8fig €5.n i=E, tJ (\I.9c--?8 b LL(ErurFO!z Foo'=oso >c, L2772.D 82600808.M Fri Aug L7 11:09:15 2A0L Page 2 I I I T I I I I t I I I I I I t Sample Mi sc Quantitation Report Data File : C:\ltpCHEM\1\DAra\voaaogrs\rzz81.D Acg On : 15 Aug 200L 3:53 pm Vial : 18 Operator: Steve Tyson f nst : VOA3 Multiplr: 1.00 Quant Results File : B 25A0808 . RES : OL-4286 - 04A DF=50 : SAIvIP B260ALL W MS Int egration Params : Tt,eint . p Quant Time : Aug L7 l-3 : 15 20AL Method Title t t I : c:\HpcHEM\1\MEtHons\ezG00BoB.M (RTE rnregraror): 8260 Last Update : Wed Aug 08 L4:LL:24 2001 Response via: Initial Calibration TIC: 12781 .D 6000000 55000m I ! 3000000j 2500000 2000000 1 500000 1 000000 ,irlr.l ,,'l lill ,, lr, llll9.00 10.00 1 1 .00 12.ao 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 @_ (\ I U)a @o Ioc(D =6 ocoN LIo o: 6 I-t- (t)- (o Io U) ocoNEIo o =o E e(D I3 roE IoEoNcIo -9 o t- o oE oo o o F @- r-6- TeF Pbs Pc@=6E Poo YLt-oo=--!!rtAE 5lJer clt 5 (r- FT(D .9.o 4.00 5.00 6.00 a27 81 . D 826 00808 . M Fri Aug L7 l-3 :L7 :L2 20OL Page 2 IGROUND WATER S,{,IIPLING Nrc,|RTfrArON FORTil MT o Bobe, lD o Hawe, MTr Helena, MT Sampb Information Sample lD: Label ID: Project Name: Comments: Time:t Date: Ote, Ol MNLA.? Samole Collection I I I I ryDisposable t]Peristaltic Purnp tfSample Port Type:EDedicated t]Non Dedicated Devic",FBailer tlSubmersible Pump Itlaterid:nTeflon tloVethytene I]PVC t]Stainless Steel Comments: Field ileasurements I I I Well Depth: -2,o,OO 11 Well Volume: Z ,{g gal (calculated) Depth toWater j.$ t n Purge Volum e: -T .1 ( gd (3 x vyell votume) Depth of Water: t L . (L ft Volume Purged:gal (measured purge) Well Depthl-l(measured) [Xl(,,vetttaHe) PuryeVolume = (zt= 3.14)-x (vrell radius: n)'z x (Oepn of vwtec ft) x 7.48 gaUft3 Commerts: Purge Start tO r O Purge Stop: r Field Parameterc Pre Purqe Purge Start Purge Stop DO: 0.(a- mg/l Ll.5'CnSituE Do: A.+ mstfllCbTenrp:- Exsitut] OC Post Purqe pH: -7 .Ob oRP: C( mV oRP: Of mV ExSitu Exsitut] ExSituI oc I T I T I pH: 1.o{ t Za.j'c Insitu rc 3..<Ff= ps/cnr&ajFsitrr@ Do: msft Z,oLlnstuffi@: O,? m$ ZZ.{@Tenrp:Fe*2: :,tr rngl Othen Sampl6Description: Yt ^a./reloulyl**1trl,.lf + <* ya S, e > Field Gomments Sampler: Sampler (printed) (signature) I I I I Ofvl 0l oate Sarpmg Fqrrc.rs€rurtd W#oTsi/A7Ur 7mn1 I t I Client Sampte II) Lab Sample ID Date Collected Date Received Date Prepared Date Analped MW2 014286-03A aa09a00r 08/10/2001 08/l 5/2001 0811512001 Evergreen Analytical, Inc. 4036 Youngfield St, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 42s-6021 Client Project II) Lab Work Order Sample Matrix Lab File ID Method Blank Prep Factor Effective Dilution A7008 011286 Water voA308l 5\12771.D R8081501 I I Method: SW8260B Volatile Halocarbons (SW801 0 list)pg/LIAnal!&CAS #Goncentration PQL T I I I I I I I I Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 75-274 75-25-2 74-83-9 s6-23-5 108-90-7 U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 5 5 5 5 5 U U U U E U U U E U U 5 5 10 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 10 5 5 Chloroethane 2-C h lo ro ethylvi nyleth er Chloroforrn Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane 75-00-3 110-75-8 67-66-3 7 4-87-3 124-48-1 10 10 5 10 5 1 ,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene Dich Io rodifl u o ro m eth an e 1 ,1-Dichloroethane 95-50-1 541-73-1 106-46-7 75-71-8 75-34-3 5 5 5 10 5 1 ,2-6ichloroethane 1 ,1-Dichloroethene cis-1, 2-Dichloroethen e trans- 1,2-Dich lo roeth en e 1 ,2-Dichloropropane 107-A6-2 75-35-4 156-59-2 156-60-5 78-87-5 5.2 3200 39 5 5 5 5 5 cis-1, 3-Dich loropropene trans-1, 3-Dichlo ropropene Methylene chloride Tetrachloroethene 1,1,2,z-Tetrach lo roeth an e 1 0061 -01-5 10061-02-6 75-A9-2 127-18-4 79-34-5 600 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane 1,1,z-Trichlo roeth an e Trichloroethene Trich Iorofl uoro m eth an e Vinyl chloride 71-55-6 79-00-5 79-01-6 75-69-4 75-014 500 5 5 5 5 10 T I T I Surrogate Recovery 1,Z-Dichlo roeth an e-d4 (SS-1 ) Toluene.dS (SS-2) 4-Bromofl uorobenzene ( SS-3) 99% 98% 107o/o QC Limits 79 123 79 118 74 129 Quali6crs: Approved 8/17/2001 I0:51 AtuI U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit (RL) J - Analye detected below Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) S - Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery limits * - Compound detected above regutatory limit X - Not Applicable.I I bB - fuialvte detected in the associated Method Blank E - Extrapolated value. See rerun at dilution. Client Sample ID Lab Sample II) Date Collected Date Received Date Prepared Date Analyzed lvIW2 0r-4286-03A 08t0912001 08/10/2001 08/15t200t 08/1512001 Evergreen Andytical, Inc. 4036 Youngfield St., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 42s4021 Client Project II) Lab Work Order Sample Matrix Lab File II) Method Blank Prep X'actor Effective Dilution 4'7008 0t-4286 Water voA308 r 5\12780.D RB08l50l I 2A I I I Method: SW8260B Volatile Halocarbons (SW8010 !ist)Units:pg/L tAnalyteCAS #Goncentration PQL cis- 1,2-Dich lo roeth en e Tetrachloroethene Trichloroethene 156-59-2 127-184 79-016 47AA 680 440 100 100 100 100 100 100 T Surrogate Recovery 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (SS-1 ) Toluene-d8 (SS-2) 4-Bromofl uoro benzen e (SS-3) 100% fi0% 102% QC Limits 79 123 79 118 74 129 I I t I I I t I I I I I t I U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit (RL) J - Analyte detected below Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) E - E:rtrapolated value. See rerun at dilution. B - fulalyte detected in the associated Method Blank S - Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery limits * - Compound detected above regulatory limit. X - Not Applicable. U Qualifiers: Approved 8/17/2001 I:10 PM I T I I T I t Quantitation Report Data File : C: \ueCHEM\1\DATA\VoA308i-5\1277L.DAcq On Sample Misc : 15 Aug 2A0L 11:55 am : 0L-4285-03A : SAIvIP 8260ALL W Vial: Operat,or:Inst : MuIt iplr : Results FiIe: B Steve Tyson VOA3 1.00 82600g0g.RES Page 2 MS Int,egrat ion Params r rEeint , p Quant Time: Aug L7 10: 47 200L Quant Method Tit IeLast Update Response via TIC: 12771.D 4.OO 5.00 6.00 7.@ 8.@ 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.OO 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 c: \ttpcltuM\r\MgrHoos\ezG00BoB . M (RTE rnregrator) 8260 Wed Aug 08 L4217224 200L Initial Calibration 4.8e+57 4.6e+57 4.4e+Q7 4.2e+$7 4e+Q7 i ) 3.6e+O7- : 3.4e+57-. 'r 3.2e+Q7: : 3e+07- : : 2.8e+47: Hs. E fit I il il Ir il il t I I I I I ! @ Lo C) --o(o o @cos oo oco @_ A(o chg ogoE \.N 6LEEo){iNSJh9EEoh =oofi II o- C\,a C') @o IoC(D =6 o9E-s-sE Pfi E f E6 bxE,7YE 6:9(.1(!- F oc(D !.6FogF- E(Do,+€rr.=(D=(.gA d,-*6 TEE HqE ! dp.E oEO >' I I I I I 1,277L.D 92600808.M Fri Aug L7 10:47:48 2001 Quantl_tat,j.on Report Dara File : C:\HpCHEM\1\DATA\VOA3O815\12780.D I Tyson I OB.-T826008 Acq On Sample Misc : 15 Aug 200A 3:29 pm : 0 L- 4286 - 03A DF =20: SAIvIP 8260ALL W Vial: L7 Operat,or: SteveInst : VOA3 Multiplr: 1 . 00MS f ntegrat,ion Params : rteint . p Quant Time: Aug 1"7 L2 25L 200L MethodTit 1e Last, Update onse vr_a Quant Results File: C: \HPCHEtI\rU,lefl{Oos\AZ50o8OB . M (RTE rntegraror) 8260 Wed Aug 08 L4:lL:24 2OOLInitial Calibration TIC: 1278O.D 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.0o 12.00 13.m 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 3800000i Ii i 3600000i ai 3400000j : 3200000, j : 2400000i I 220AAcf-j 2000000 1 800000 16000@ 14000@ 1 200000 1 000000 800000 600000 400000 200000 0 I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I T @_ (t) Ia U) oc(t) NgIo o =o Eo d)i!(r r()E Ioc(I) NEIo ocO o (D Io -9 o(u (D a_ C! Ioa @E I(l) Eo E F. C'coG oo oEo F oC(I, NcIo o = i5 Is- a ;- 3, co(ECc(\,-(DECO6e.E€E8E*(D t- I?E (DoE ! EE -@ F oc (DE oo oE.9oiot !oc(E 1,27 80,D 82600808.M Fri Aug L7 L2:52:09 2001 Page 2 GROUND WATER SAMPL,,\'G WNORIfrAT'ON FORTil MT o Bois€, lD o Hawe, [lTo llelerra, MT M(/U 3' f*nd Sarnple Information Sample lD: Label ID: Project Name: Comments: Location: 1! ', ' ,!-LanJl fr*pf lr WorkOrderNo.: fr^t v Time: Date: 0o& Ol Sample Go-llection Comments: Type:[-|Dedicated Device:[El Bailer-rV lJSubmersible Pump Materid:l--lreno;hecryPorye['ytene f]pvc f]Stainless Sted f]Non Dedicated ryisposable tf Peristaltic Pump Esample Port t I I I t I I I T I I I I I T I I I I Field Measurements Well Depth: Depth to Waten DepthofWater: (b,"{n (3 x vtrell volume) (measured purge) 0n Well Volume: ? .bfl gal (calculated) Purge Volume: Volume Purged: Purge StartField Parameters Pre Ptrrqe Purge Stop mg/t Z-(.S'Clnsit ms/r 73,6i6snpt Post Purqe ,MV . rnV EE tfoc Insitutr mg/l lZ,S'<JnSitu M ExSitu rngl (?.O€9Temp: mg/l Field Comments Samplen Sampler: (printed) (signature) OEoZo/ o"te t I a Sarphg Farrs.ns-Grurnd Wder OTS/A7M Client Sample II) Lab Sample II) Date Collected Date Received Date Prepared Date Anatyzed MW3 0l-4286-A2A 08109t2001 08/l0na0t 08/l 512001 08/l 51200t Evergreen Analytical, fnc. 4036 Youngfield St, \ilheat Ridge, CO 30033 (303) 425-6021 Client Project ID Lab Work Order Sample Matrix Lab F'ile II) Method Blank Prep Factor Effective Dilution A7008 0L-4286 Water voA308l 5\12770,D RB08l50l 1 I I t I Method: SW8260B Volatile Halocarbons (SW8010 list)Units:pg/L IAnalyteCAS #Concentration RL PQL Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 75-27-4 75-2s-2 74-83-9 56-23-5 108-90-7 I I U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 5 5 10 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 10 5 5 Chloroethane 2-C h lo ro ethylvi nyleth er Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane 75-00-3 1 10-75-8 67-66-3 7 4-87-3 124-48-1 10 10 5 10 5 1 ,Z-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlo rodifl u o ro meth an e 1 ,1-Dichloroethane 95-50-1 541-73-1 106-46-7 75-71-8 75-34-3 5 5 5 10 5 I t I I t T I 1 ,Z-Dichloroethane 1 ,1-Dichloroethene cis- 1, 2-Dichloroeth en e trans- 1,2-Dichlo roeth en e 1 ,2-Dichloropropane 107-06-2 75-35-4 156-59-2 156-60-5 78-87-5 35 4300 140 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 U U U U U U U cis-1, 3-Dichlo ropro pene trans- 1, 3-Dichlo ro pro pen e Methlene chloride Tetrachloroethene 1,1,z,z-Tetrach lo roeth an e 1 0061-01-5 10061-02-6 75-A9-2 127-18-4 79-34-5 53 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane 1 J ,z:frichloroethane Trichloroethene Trich lo rofl uo ro m ethane Vinl chloride 71-55-6 79-00-5 79-01-6 75-69-4 75-414 300 5 5 5 5 10 U U Surrogate Recovery 1,Z-Dichloroeth ane-d4 (SS- 1 ) Toluene-d8 (SS-2) 4-B ro mofl uo robenzene (SS-3) 1A1% 95% 110% QG Limits 79 123 79 118 74 129 T I t I U - Not Detested at the Reporting Limit (RL) J - Analyte detected below Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) E - E:<trapolated value. See rerun at dilution. B - Analyte detected in the associated Method BlankW_/ Analyst S - Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery limits * - Compound detected above regulatory limif X - Not Applicable. v(-I I Qualifiers: Approved 8/17i2001 I 0:42 AM ! I I I Client Sample ID Lab Sample II) Date Collected Date Received Date Prepared Date Analyzed MW3 01-4286-A2A 0810912001 08/1012001 08/t512001 08/t 5l20at Evergreen Analytical, Inc. 4036 Youngfield St., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 425-6021 Client Project ID Lab Work Order Sample Matrix Lab File II) Method Blank Prep Factor Effective Dilution A7008 ot-4286 Water voA308r s\r2791.D RB08 r501 I 100 Method: SW8260B Volatile Halocarbons (SW801 0 list)Units:pg/L Analyte CAS #Concentration cis- 1,2-Dichlo roethene 156-59-2 1 5000 500 500t I T I I I I I t t I I t Surrogate Recovery 1,Z-Dichlo roethan e-d4 (SS-1 ) Toluene.d8 (SS-2) 4-B rom ofl uorobenzene (SS-3) 102% 99% 103% QC Limits 79 123 79 118 74 - 129 U - Not Detected at the R"porting Limit (FJ.) J - Analyte detected below Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) S - Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery limits * - Compound detected above regulatory limit. X - Not Applicable-I I E - Extrapolated value. See rerun at dilution. B - Analytg detectqd in the associated Method Blank Approved Qualifiers: 8/17/2001 3:32 Ph{ guanE, LE,aE Lon Report, Data File : C:\HeCHEM\1\DATA\VoA30g1s\12720.D Acq On : 1-5 Aug 2OO1- Ll-.z32 amSample : OL-4285-02A Misc : SAMP B250ALL W MS Integration Params r rEeint . p Quant Time: Aug L7 10:37 20Al MethodTitIeLast Update Vial: 7 OperaLor: St,eve Tyson f nsL : VOA3 Multiplr: 1.00 Quant Resu1t,s File: 82500808.RES I t I I I : C: \ltpCHEM\1\METHoDS\82G00808.M (RTE rnregraror): 8260 : Wed Aug 08 L421,1-224 2001- Response via : Init ia} Cal ibrat ion TIC: 12T7O.D 5.5e+07 4.5e+O7 4e+Q7 .F 3.5e+O7 3e+O7i 2.5e+57 2e+Q7 1.5e+O7 5000000 5.00 6.00 9.00 10.00 1 1 .00 12.oa 13.00 14.00 15.0o 16.00 T T I t I I @co @o -9 o F T I I I I I F. o,c Eeo=€-l/,Ei5 EE o o'E'co o c F @go g o .C'oIGt Ioc,c, o-o --Lo;ioEYN(E0c.cCo6 s*5VL'Jg=ooYg=ox= = ; o8 E+Eo--P cn- (D !r- a- (o 6g -{,FroESo1?l!E E g Ev-!o);?E H E600!=g?00gEEE C}.=-LE6()cl'F+ L277O.D 82600808 -IvI t I oc(D (Do oE(, i5 Ie\l ,o Fri Aug 17 10:38 zO2 2001 I 17.00 Page 2 I t I I I T I t I I t I I t T I Quantitation Report Data File : C: \ltpCHEM\L\DATA\voA3oB1s\12791_ . D Acq On : 15 Aug 2AOL 7:51- pm SampIe Misc : 01,- 4285 - 02A DF=10 0 : SAMP 8250 W ViaI : Operator:fnsL: MuIt iplr : Results File: 2B Steve Tyson VOA3 1.00 82500g0B.RES MS Int,egration Params : rteint . p Quant Time: Aug L7 L5:24 200L Method Tit 1e Last Update ResDonse via 4000000 3800000 3600000 3400000 3200000 3000000 2800000 2600000 2400000 2200aoo 2000000 1 800000 1 600000 1 400000 1 200000 1 000000 800000 600000 400000 200000 I4.00 5.00 6.00 Quant c: \HpcHEr,r\r\r'4rrHoos\az6ooBoB . M (RTE rnregraror) 826A Wed Aug 08 L4;!1-224 2001-Initial Calibration TIC: 12791 .D 9.00 10.00 1 1 .00 12.oa 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 t- oco oo I I I tr,E Ioc(D NcIo o O a_ c\I I U)a @ E Ioco EF- o^ (o I U) U) ocoN LIo o f o Eo @ts a -f9(DgE tu*:c.(D69FO9+:5t"1E-o CD oco oo ot .o l- ocoEoo oE.9o Io{ ,ac fi, I L27 el-. D 92600808.M Fri Aug L7 15: 24 254 2AOL Page 2 GROUND WATER SAMPLING INFORITATION FORM MT o Boise, lD o Hawe, MTo Helem, MT Sample Information Sample lD: Label lD: Project Name: Comments: $,\ uJ .[ I I t Work Order No.: Tirne: lLlA Date: to-lol Sample Gollection T I I ! Esubmersible Pump tEDisposable t]Peristaltic Pump Esample Port Type:f]Dedicated t]Non Edicated Material:l--lTeflon t$otyethylene nPVc Estainless Steel Device: [Tl Bailer Comments: Field tleasurements Well Depth: 21.1 o ft DepthtoWater 2 'bf ft Depth of Water: T73S n Well Depth[(measurd) Purge Volume = (n = 3.14) i (well radius: fr)' Comments: L" Wel! Vcilume: L+ , ?L gd (calculated) PurgeVolume: I3,I gal (3xwell volurne) Volume Purged: I j. a gd (measured purge) lTJ(vrrell table) x (Oepth of water: ft) x 7.8 gal/ft3 Purge Start I l.{ O Purge Stop: I Zo ? I t I Field Parameters Pre Puroe Purge Start Purge Stop Do: o.( mg/t Zz-{: lnsituE ExSitut] Do: 0 -{ mg/l l-L'bb Ternp: Q-L, f L oc Post Pt.rqe pH: 8.Zr{pH: t.L; t t I t I r: tVA 'c rc rrfA ps/crn lnsihrt] K: N A pS/cmDO:Emfl ?2.t'c;nSituffiDO:Er@t u,o'(DoTenrp: Fe*2: .- rngl ExSitu F-xSituf] Exsitut] OC oRP: lq0 mV ORP:(Ls mV lnSitu Samp6 Description: Field Conrments K did - 6nhr r;es Lenl, .T I t T Sarnpler Sampler (printed) (signature) Sarp3rg Farns.:G€rwnd Wder oTvA7o@ 7mn1 I I I Client Sample ID Lab Sample II) Date Collected Date Received Date Prepared Date Analyzed MW4 0t-4240-0lA 08107 /2001 0810912001 08/13t200r 08/1312001 Evergreen Analytical, Inc. 4A36 Youngfield St., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 42s-6A21 Client Project II) Lab Work Order Sample Matrix Lab File ID Illethod Blank Prep Factor Effective Dilution A7008 0t-4240 Water voA308l 3\t2723,D RB081301 I I Method: SW8260B Volatile Halocarbons (SW801 0 list)Units:pg/LIAnalyteCAS #Concentration RL PQL t I I I T I I I I Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 75-27-4 75-25-2 74-83-9 56-23-5 108-90-7 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 5 5 10 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 q 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 10 5 5 Chloroethane 2-C h lo ro ethylvi nyleth er Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane 75-00-3 110-75-8 67-66-3 74-87-3 124-48-1 10 10 5 10 5 1 ,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene Dich lo rodifl uo rom eth an e 1 ,1-Dichloroethane 95-50-1 541-73-1 106-46-7 75-71-8 75-34-3 5 5 5 10 5 1 ,Z-Oichloroethane 1 ,1-Dichloroethene cis- 1,2-Dich lo roeth ene trans-1, 2-Dich lo roethen e 1 ,Z-Dichloropropane 107-A6-2 7 5-35-4 156-59-2 156-60-5 78-87 -5 cis- 1, 3-Dichloro pro pen e trans-1, 3-Dichlo ropro pene Methylene chloride Tetrachloroethene 1,1,2,z-Tetrachloroethan e 10061-01-5 10061-02-6 75-A9-2 127 -18-4 79-34-5 1,1,1 -Trichloroethan e 1,1,z-Trichlo roeth an e Trichloroethene Trich lo rofl u o ro m eth an e Vinyl chloride 71-55-6 79-00-5 79-01-6 75-69-4 75-41-4 5 5 5 5 10I I I T Surrogate Recovery 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (SS-1 ) Toluene-d8 (SS-2) 4-Brom ofl uoro benzen e (SS-3) 1A1% 99% 105o/o QG Limits 79 123 79 118 74 129 U - Not Detected at the Reporting Lirnit (RL) J - furalyte detected below Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) E - E*rapolated value. See rerun at dilution. B - fuialyte detected in the associated N{ethod BlankW S - Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery limits * - Compound detected above regulatory limit. X - Not Applicable.? I Qualifiers: Approved 8/11/2001 9:47 A n euantl_taLion Report Dara FiIe : C: \lrpCHEM\1\DATA\voa:0813\12723 .D I n t I I t I I I I I I I I T I t I T I Tyso o- (r) t U)o ocoNcIo o:l o Eo crt I!c roo IocoNc EIo @- C\l6 @ o oN o -oo o)i=6 Iiif- a II' Io9E ttr!EO69EoOE,x.o:LJ E c{t- EFo (D Acq On Sample Mi sc : 13 Aug 200L 2:46 pm : 0L-4244-01A. SAJVIP B?SOALL W Vial : Operator: fnst: Mult iplr : Results File: L5 Steve VOA3 1.00 92600908.R MS Integrat ion Params : Tteint . p QuanL Time: Aug 14 9:A9 200L Met,hod Tit IC LasL Update Res onse via Quant 26000m 2500000 2400000 2300000 2200000 I i 1 800000: a .F' 1 700000- j , 1 600000- c : \HpcHEu\r\uBrsoos\ezGooBoB .M (RTE rnregraror) 8260 Wed Aug 08 L4:1"1:24 2001Initial Calibration TIC: 12723.D 4.00 5.00 6.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 1 1 .00 12.oa 13.00 14.00 L2723 -D 82600808.M 7.00 Tue Aug L4 09:L9:45 2001 Page 2 GROUND WATER SAMPL'A'G INTORTfrATION FORfrT ings, MTo Bobe, lDo HaVre, llTt lJe/r,tr,,){T Sample lnformation Sample lD: Label ID: Project Name: Comments: MN5.i^tllsA- F Location: Work Order No.: Time: Date: AgOl 10oE Sample Gollection Type:[-|Dedicated tlNon Dedicated Device:[FBailer L]Submersible Pump Materid: l-lTeflon Comments: $oisposable t]Peristaltic Pump Esarnple Port T ! t T I I I I I t I t I I t I t I I Field Measurements Well Depth t] (rneasurd) Purge Volume = (r = 3.14) x (uuell radius: ft)z Comments: Purse Start -L\JSPurgeStop:W Well Depth' Zq,Q n Well Vcilume: 4t . l'l gal (calculated) DepthtoWater: 1-3an PurgeVolume: 1 2. f gd (3xwell volume) Depth of Water: 1 , .ll ft Volume Purged: lZ .5 gal (measured purge) $|(raell table) x tOepth of vrratec ft) x 7.8 gal/ft3 Field Parameterc Pre Purge Purge Start Do: 0 '5 mg/l Purge Stop lnSituffi|ExSituI Do: 0 .3 mg/l DO Ternp; ,?-j .6 oC Post Puroe ptl: I ,\7 Wnil-v, ORP: i OO :YWpH: 8.tU oRP: i00 r t3.3-!. "c rnsituM ersit n K: R.tz-- ,EtZ-l.f lnsinrffi ot*[r: 3.r4 f$Brnz?. b Do: \"1 ngflZ'{-O<floTerniz - og Fe'2: O mgllFvta-oi' Othen- l- ?.Ll- 61* Samp6 Description: Field Comments Samplen Samplen (printed) (signature) $Y01 Date Sarphg Farns.ns€rund Wder oTS/A7m 7mn1 Client Sample II) Lab Sample II) Date Collected Date Received Date Prepared Date Analyzed MWs 0t-4240-t0A 08/08/2001 08/09/2001 08/1312001 08/t312001 Evergreen Analytical, fnc. 4036 Youngfield St, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 42s4021 Client Project II) Lab Work Order Sample Matrix Lab F'ite ID Method Blank Prep f,'actor Effective Dilution A7008 0l-4240 Water voA30813\12731.D R8081301 I I I t I Method: SW8260B Volatile Halocarbons (SW801 0 list)Units:pdL Analyte cAs #Goncentration PQL I Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 75-27-4 75-25-2 74-83-9 56-23-5 108-90-7 U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U E U U U U E U U U 5 5 10 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 tr 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 10 5 5 I I I I t I I t I Chloroethane 2-C hlo ro ethylvi nyleth er Chloroforrn Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane 75-00-3 1 10-75-8 67-66-3 7 4-87-3 124-48-1 10 10 5 10 5 1 ,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene Dic h lo rodifl u o ro m eth a n e 1 ,1-Dichloroethane 95-50-1 541-73-1 106-46-7 75-71-8 75-34-3 5 5 5 10 5 1 ,2-Cichloroethane 1 ,1-Dichloroethene cis- 1 . 2-Dich loroethen e trans- 1, 2-Dichloroethen e 1 ,Z-Dichloropropane 1A7-06-2 75-35-4 156-59-2 156-60-5 78-87-5 210A 140 5 5 5 5 5 cis- 1, 3-Dichloropropen e trans-1, 3-Dichloropro pen e Methylene chloride Tetrachloroethene 1,1,2,2-Tetrachlo roeth an e 1 0061 -01 -5 10061-02-6 75-09-2 127-18-4 79-34-5 1 300 5 5 5 5 5 1, 1, 1 -Trichloroethane 1,1,2-Trich lo roeth an e Trichloroethene Trichlorofl uo ro m eth ane Mny,l chloride 71-55-6 79-00-5 79-01-6 75-69-4 75-01-4 280 5 5 5 q 10 U U Surrogate Recovery 1,Z-Dichloroeth an e-d4 (SS- 1 ) Toluene-d8 (SS-2) 4-B romofl u o robenzen e (SS-3) 99% 98% 140% QC Limits79 123 79 118 74 129 I I T I U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit (RL) J - Analyte detected below Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) S - Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery limits * - Compound deteaed above regulatory limit. X - Not Applicable. T t t E - Esrapolated value. See rerun at dilution. B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank Qualifiers: Approved 8/l -s/2001 3: I 5 PM I Evergreen Analytical, fnc. 4036 Youngfield St, \Yheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 42s-6O21 Client Project II) Lab Work Order Sample Matrix Lab ['ile ID Method Blank Prep Factor Effective Dilution I Client Sample IDr ;:1"'#,J'*"? Date ReceivedI Bil:ilHil:x MW5 0l-4240-l0A 08/08/2001 08t09/2001 081t412001 0811412001 A7008 4b4240 Water voA30814\l 27 54.D R8081401 I 20 Method: SW8260B Volatile Halocarbons (SW8010 list) Units: pdl T Analyte CAS # Concentration RL PQL cis- 1, 2-Dichlo roeth en e Tetrachloroethene 156-59-2 127-18-4 2000 1 100 100 100 100 100t I I I Surrogate Recovery eC Limits 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (SS-1) 98o/o 79 - 123 Toluene-d8 (SS-2) 100% 79 - 118 4-Bromofluorobenzene(SS-3) 100% 74 - 129 il - I I I I T I I I I I Qualifiers: U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit (RL)S - Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery limis J - fuialyte detected below Practical Quartritation Limit (PQL) r . Compound detecled above regulatory limit E-E).trapolatedvalue. Seererunatdilution. X- NotApplicabla ?U E - Extrapolated vatue. See rertrn at dilution. B - Anatyte detected in the associated Method Blank Approved UI siz)Ot 3: t S PM oc(Dc oo -9 oo Quantitation Report Dara FiIe : C:\lrpcHEM\1\DATA\VOA3O813\rZZ:r.O Acq On Sample Misc : 13 Aug 200L 5 :55 pm : 0 L- 4240 - 10A. SAJVIP B26OALL W ViaI : Operator:fnst: MuIt iplr : 24 Steve Tyson VOA3 1.00 I I I I I I I MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Aug L4 11:13 200L Met,hodTitle Last Update 3.8e+O7 3.6e+07 3.4e+07 3.2e+Q7 3e+O7 2.8e+57 -2.6e+47 1.6e+O7 1.4e147 1.2e+57 1e+57 8000000 60000001 4000000 20omoo 5.OO 6.00 L2731.D 92600808.M Quant Result,s File: 82600808.RES : c: \HPCHeIq\rU4srHoDS\B26ooBo8 . M (RTE rnregraror): 8260 : Wed Aug 08 1,4zALz24 2001 Response via: Initial Calibrat,ion ance 4e+Q7 TIC: 12731 .D 7.OO 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 't2.oo 13.00 14,00 1s.00 16.00 17.@ 18.@ Tue Aug L4 11:13 F oco 6o .E€g $ T I I : i 2.4e+57: i j 2.2e+Q7: a 1 ! i 2e+{U.7:, 1 a i 1,8e+07: I I I T T I I I t T I T @coE oo o o F F oE(l, ! oo -9s.9o Ic\t Ioc(u OoE SE(E@!: -ccqta .t .LI(D-E95 Ee6 bE-c.7uP E+EOJLt9N_(I) F oEos (D Ig_t6l€ oE.E oEo > a AIaI (DeEYNoc58N9hgeboE..cOo6 + o- (\r aoa (Ou a @g (D =6F 20 0a Page 2 I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I t QuanEl_EatLon Report Data File : c:\HpcHEM\1\DATA\VoA308l_4\12254.D Acq On : 14 Aug 2001 5:15 pm Sample Mi sc : 0L-424A - 10A DF=2A : SAMP 826OALL W Vial : Operator:Inst :Multip1r: Quant Result,s File: 2L Steve Tyson VOA3 1.00 82500909 . RES MS Integrration Params : rt,eint . p Quant, Time : Aug 15 13 : 01 200L Method Tit Ie : c: \HpcseM\r\I4ertroos\ezGoo8oB .M (RTE rnregraror): 8260 Last Update : Wed Aug 08 L4:LLz24 2O0 1 Response via: Initial Calibration TIC: 12754.D 21 00000 2000000 1 900000 1 7000O0, 1 400000- 1 3oOOOO- : 1 2oOOOO- l l oOOOO- 1 000000- . gooooo- ime-> 4.00 5.00 6.00 9.00 10.00 1 1 .m 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 @_ C\f I @(D oc(l) (l)o o q) (U 0)t I I I oEoNcIo o =o Ig- o- C4 Ioa ocoNEIo o =o Eo cot$ U)s oocc(UC, .L .SeUooE9oo LOS ti5ETo- co F oco (Do -9 o F I t l1 (D Eos (l) o o .ooI(\r_ Ioc(tr L2754-D 82600808.M Wed Aug 15 l-3 : A2: 0l- 2 0 01 Page 2 GROUND WATER SAMPLING WFONNAflON FORTII MT o Bobe, lD o Hawe, MTo Helena, MT Sampb lnformation Sample ID: Project Name: {tcl LSC_ Comments: - t*auel lD: l.rt hJO Work order no.: A -l o OK I I I tv\hl t!Location:St-c t^f^[.. Time: Date: lb<? oro? 0l Sample Collection t I I I I Type:FDedicated ENon Dedicated t]Dispeble Devicezl9Baiter FPeristaltic PumP t]Submersible Pump f]Sample Port Marerid:l-r,*oLn*Frryg . *F;[ . O.",",* ** comments: ,rnr-a , ili*p. l" pu rxr' :r, n , Field Measurements Well Depth: ZB.5D ft Depth toWater' -++k 3f,ft Depth of Water: 2.1 , I L ft Well Deptht] (measured) Purge Volume = Uc= 3,14) x (well radius: ft)2 Comments: Well Vc*ume:O aC, gal (calculated) Purge Volume: ) - ?1 gal (3 x rlrell volume) Volume Purged:gal (measured purge) lF}(wdl table) x (depth of vrrater: ft) x 7.8 gauft3 Purge Start: Purge Stop: lb30 I I Field Parameterc Pre Purqe Purge Start Purge Stop Do: l, Z mg/l ?!-S'C4nSitut]ExSituf * Do: L,{ mg/l DO Temp:oc Post Rrrge pH: - e^ pH: S,bt t: ZZ.3 oc K: <.?q +S/€m-ry\S f, r*S ORP: ( mVd mV.l fc ( ra-?idty mVd s*, tt g lt ,'...- '1rro(sh lt glt i,.5'{o I T I t I t t I T DO: [ .1 mg/l lnsituf]ExSitu[7| DO: Z.l rngl oc Fe*2: O mg/l Field Comments * lc* c* b*4 ly-rrrg.A.. Oo ccrd.ip Yoo't Cl)otbia?r gO|erti.*+< -to i^crcts<-:n*,','C-r-' frrl**<-* W Samp6Description: 0Ooe r-h {. .r T. Sampter: O, n*r*aO,nra 0f0 10 I oate Samplen 0, I Q,.0' (printed) (signature) ORP: t^ 6 lnSitu lnSitu DOTemp: Othen FxSitu ExsltuM Srrp-rg Fans.t€rqrtd Wda orvATU) 7mn1 t I I Client Sample II) Lab Sample ID Date Collected Date Received Date Prepared Date Analped MW6 0t-4240-06.4 08t0712001 081091200 r 08/1312001 08/1312001 Evergreen Analytical, Inc. 4036 Youngfield St, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 42s-6021 Client Project ID Lab Work Order Sample Matrix Lab File ID Method Blank Prep Factor Effective Dilution A7008 0t-4240 Water voA308l3\12727 .D RB08l30l I I Method: SW8260B Volatile Halocarbons (SW801 0 list)Units:pgaIAnalyteGAS #Goncentration RL PQL U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U I I I I t I t I I Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 75-27-4 75-25-2 74-83-9 s6-23-5 108-90-7 5 5 10 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 10 5 5 Chloroethane 2-C h lo ro ethytvi nyleth er Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane 75-00-3 1 10-75-8 67-66-3 74-87-3 124-48-1 10 10 5 10 5 1 ,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene Dich lo rodifl uorom eth ane 1 ,1-Dichloroethane 95-50-1 541-73-1 1A6-46-7 75-71-8 75-34-3 5 5 5 10 5 1 ,Z-Oichloroethane 1 ,1-Dichloroethene cis- 1, 2-Dich lo roethen e tra ns- 1,2-Dich lo roeth en e 1 ,2-Dichloro propane 107 -06-2 75-35-4 156-59-2 156-60-5 78-87 -5 5 5 5 5 5 cis-1, 3-Dich lo ro pro pen e trans-1, 3-Dich lo ropro pen e Methlene chloride Tetrachlo roeth ene 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroeth an e 1 0061-01-5 10061-02-6 75-09-2 127 -18-4 79-34-5 5 5 5 5 5 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane 1,1,z-Trichloroethan e Trichloroethene Trich lo rofl u o ro m eth a n e Vinyl chloride 71-55€ 79-00-5 79-01-6 75-69-4 75-01-4 5 5 5 5 10 T I t I Surrogate Recovery 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (SS-1 ) Toluene-d8 (SS-2) 4-B romofl uoro benzene (SS-3) 102% 99% 104% QC Limits 79 123 79 118 74 129 U - Not Detested at the Reporting Limit (RL) J - Analyte detected below Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) S - Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery limits * - Compound detected above regulatory limit X - Not Applicable.I I E - Extrapolated value. See rerun at dilution. B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank Approved Qualifiers: 8/11/2001 I0:lI AM Quantitation Report Data File : c:\HpcHEM\1\DATA\voago813\12727 .DAcq On : 13 Aug 2001 4:21 pm I nI T t t I Sample Mi sc : 0L-4240-05A : SAI4P 8260ALL W Vial : Operat,or:Inst : MuIt, iplr : 2A Steve Tyso VOA3 1.00 92500909.R : c: \HpcHeM\r\Mgrnoos\ezGooSoB.M (RTE rnregraror): 8260: Wed Aug 08 1-4z1-1-:24 20OL Response via: fnitial Calibration TIC: 12727.D MS fntegrat ion Params : rEeint . p Quant Time : Aug 14 10 : 07 2 0 01 Method Tit leLast Update Quant Result,s File: I10.00 1 1 .00 12.@ 13.00 14.00 15.00 'l"il,16.00 17.00 18.00 2300000 2200000 21 00000 2000000 1 900000 1 700000; looo@j :oi 5.00 6.00 a- GI ch @ I I T I I T t ocoNcIo o) E6 Itc- a- (r) Iaa ocoNcIo o =o Eo co I9 adro Iocq,P L-tu!p-c9ULoo t-O.o6o 1EC!oOF Eo (D I I I I I I T L2727.D 82600808.M Tue Aug L4 10: 07 :54 2001 Page 2 GROUND WATER SAMPL"VG NrcR,,,ATION FORTT , MT o Bolse, lD o Hawe, MTr Flelefla, MT Sample Information Sample lD: l\rtnl, -f Project Narne: At C / LSL Comrnents: Location: 1c-c nf.h Time: #\s3? Date: O/O'?o I LabellD: MUJ-I, WorkOrder No.: Albol Sample Collection Derrice:l-_lBailer t]Disposable KPeristaltic Pump tl* 7(tEst't- Esample PortEsubmersible Pump Type:EDedicated ENon Dedicated Material: l-lTeflon t]Pofethylene f]PVC f]Stainless Sted Comments: € c*tTQ ,j,itl I i t? ,r-tr l, I "r, :a,"* ?o4 t"*.t.-- ) r.) . Well Depthl--l(measurcd) . IYl(nrell table) Purge Volume = (n = a.f +)x ltrelt raOius: fi)2 x (depth of vrratec ft) x 7.48 gal/ft3 Comments: EOt -bdrr-, @ tSZq T I I I I I t I I I I T I I I T I I I Field tleasurements Well Depth: Depth to Water Depth of Water: z8.re) a.1o2q.? ft ft ft Purge Volurne: 3 . O gal (3 x vrell volurne) Volume Purged: J. I gal (measured purge) Well Volume: O. t 1 gal (calculated) Purge Start I SA o PurgeStop: fftf Field Parameterc Purge Start Pre Purqe Purge Stop DO: I .,-{ mg/l rnsituf]ExSitu[7] DO: '?-.0 mg/f DO Terrrp: ZUO 'C Post Purqe pH: tr,SF pH: ?,51 T: 79'o'c lnSitu K: 5.55 tS/em.-rnS lnSitut] ORP: IZA mV ORP: qf mV.( #r^AA'r\- r-I r-I O ExSitu ExSitu rc 5.1 1 rrslemrnS -rOOr@mg/l z$.O'ClnSitu[ F-:rSituM DO: t -r rno/lTl-o DOTemo: F IDo:__L-? mgl Tl .o DoTemp: - "c Fe*\Trrfl Ofier Samp6 Description: Q-lt o *>*Fata,7 Field Cornments Sarp3rg Fqrns.is€rund Wder oTSi/A7mo 7130/01 Client Sample II) Lab Sample II) Date Collected Date Received Date Prepared Date Analyzed MW7 0t-4240-04A 08/07 12001 08/0912001 08/13t2001 08/r 312001 Evergreen Analytical, fnc. 4036 Youngfield St., Wheat Ridge, C0 80033 (303) 4254021 Client Project II) Lab Work Order Sample Matrix Lab File II) Method Blank Prep Factor Effective Dilution A7008 0l-4240 Water voA308l3\12725.D R8081301 I I I I I Method: SW8260B Volatile Halocarbons (SW801 0 list)Units:pg/L Analyte CAS #Concentration RL PQL I Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 75-27-4 75-25-2 74-83-9 56-23-5 108-90-7 U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 5 5 10 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 10 5 5 I I I I I I t T I Chloroethane 2-C h lo ro ethylvi nyleth er Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane 75-00-3 110-75-8 67€6-3 74-87-3 124-48-1 20 10 10 5 10 5 1 ,Z-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlo rodifl u o rom eth ane 1 ,1-Dichloroethane 95-50-1 541-73-1 106-46-7 75-71-8 75-34-3 5 5 5 10 5 1 ,2-Dichloroethane 1 ,1-Dichloroethene cis-1, 2-Dichlo roeth ene trans-1, 2-Dich lo roethen e 1 ,Z-Dichloropropane 107-06-2 75-35-4 156-59-2 156-60-5 78-87-5 5 5 5 5 5 cis- 1, 3-Dichlo ro pro pen e trans- 1, 3-Dich lo ro propene Methyiene chloride Tetrachloroethene 1,1,z.z-Tetrach lo roeth an e 1 0061 -01 -5 10061-02-6 75-09-2 127-18-4 79-34-5 5 5 5 5 5 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane 1,1,2-Trichlo roethan e Trichloroethene Trich lo rofl u o ro m eth an e Vinyl chloride 71-55-6 79-00-5 79-01€ 75-69-4 75-01-4 5 5 5 5 10 Surrogate Recovery 1,2-Dichloroeth ane-d4 (SS-1 ) Toluene-d8 (SS-2) 4-Bromofl uorobenzene (SS-3) 102% 99o/o 104o/o QC Limits79 123 79 118 74 129 I I t t U - Not Detested at the Reporting Limit (RL) J - Analye detected below Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) E - Extrapolated value. See rerun at dilution. B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank S - Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery limits * - Compound detected above regulatory limit. X - Not Applicable.I T Qualifiers: Approved 8/11,'2001 9:46 AM I I I I I I t I Quantitation Report Data File : c:\ueCHEM\1\DATA\voaao813\rzzzs.o Acq On : 1-3 Aug ZOOL 3:33 pm Sample Mi sc : 0 L- 4240 - 04A : SAMP B26OALL W ViaI: Operat,or:Inst :Multiplr: r-B St,eve Tyson VOA3 1.00 8260OBOB.RES : c: \HPCgru\r\urtgoos\e 2600808 .M (nrp rnr.egraror): 8260 Last Updat,e : Wed Aug 0 B L4 : LL :24 2 0 01 ResDonse via : Init ial Cal ibrat ion TIC: 12725.D MS Inte grat ion Params : Tt,eint . p Quant Time: Aug L4 9 :43 200L Method Tit Ie Quant Result s File : ,l;rrrl,irilIl'lrrtr. lr.lrl ili 9.00 10.o0 1 1 .00 12.oo 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 1 800000: 1 7oOO0o. . 1 4oOOOO- . 1 300000- 1 200000- . 1 1 00000- : 1 000000- 900000- ocoNCIo o = E s- Q- N cb @ obo &t d)I I i t i a_ (r) I U)o oCoNcIo o f, o Eo co IsI I I I I Fsg.!= o L6a \.JbP I I I I I I osrc Ioc(!E (Do o ! .oo I cv- oc(!c (t) Eo oEoo Eo @ F. E .o ime-> 4.OO 5.00 6.00 1"2725.D 82500808.M Tue Aug 1,4 09:43:24 2001 Page 2 GROUND WATER SAMPLING NFORTNAT'ON FORM MT o Boise, lD o Hawe, MTr Fblena, MT Sample Information Comments:Date: OtrO1O I I I I Sample Collection Device:nBaiter t_]Submersible Purnp Type:f[|Dedicated ENon Dedicated - f]Disposable WPeristaitic Pump E]Sample Port Materid:[--ITeflon tfPofetrrylene trPVc f]Stainless Sted Comments: I I I I Field Measurements DepthtoWatec L-11 ft Depth of Water ZS . -7 I rt Well Depth[(measured) Purge Volume = (n = 3.14) x (vrel! radius: ft)z Comments: (measured purge) Purge Star[ \3?5 Purge Stc ,rr# Well Depth: Zg.Q ft [" weil votume:L:g?_gal (calculated) PuryeVolume: &gd (3xwel! volurne) Volume Purged: ?,tr gal Wn,ttT fI(rrrell table) 'ur x (depth of vnatec ft) x 7,8 gal/ft3 Field Parameterc Purge Start Pre Puroe Purge Stop Do-la,Vtna{tzrDO: l.a mg/f \.O-c- lnSituf]Exsitutr Gi;;;;;i--OralJl!t-' Eonulerh4or Post Purqe Field Comments pH: a . C)n pH: <.lq T: 7A.7 oc lnSitrr K: [,2.R-?s/em,nE Insihrl- K: I B, t ? ps/cm r,.s e Zr{;l'c ORP: Z5 mVdQL\\i^L ORP: A. mV { ExSitu ExSitu ExSitu rE troc I t I I t I I I T I t T DO: 1.3 mgfl %.6L lnSihrl DO: t.ct mgl Ul.f '(- DO Ternp: Fe*2: C rngl Otrec Samp6 Description: fal{4? sarnpten Oot F^l lcoreon Samplen (printed) (signature) rcWl ,"e Sarplig Farns.is€rqrnd W*er oTS/A7m 7RAm1 I I I Client Sample II) Lab Sample II) Date Collected Date Received Date Prepared Date Analyzed, MW8 0t-4240-03A 0810712001 08109/200 r 08/13/2001 08/t3/2001 Evergreen Analytical, Inc. 4036 Youngfield St., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 42s-6021 Client Project ID Lab Work Order Sample Matrix Lab File II) Method Blank Prep Factor Effective Dilution A7008 0l-4240 Water voA30813\t2724.D RB08l30l I I Method: SW8260B Volatile Halocarbons (SW801 0 list)Units:pg/LIAnalyteGAS #Goncentration RL PQL t I I I I I t I I Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 75-274 75-25-2 74-83-9 56-23-5 108-90-7 U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 5 5 10 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 q 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 10 5 5 Chloroethane 2-C h lo ro ethylvi nyleth er Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane 75-00-3 1 10-7s-8 67-66-3 7 4-87-3 124-48-1 10 10 5 10 5 1 ,Z-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene Dic h lo rodifl uo ro meth an e 1 ,1-Dichloroethane 95-50-1 541-73-1 106-46-7 75-71-8 75-34-3 5 5 5 10 5 1 ,2-Dichloroethane 1 , 1-Dichloroethene cis- 1, 2-Dich lo roeth en e trans- 1, 2-Dichlo roeth en e 1 ,Z-Dichloropropane 107 -A6-2 7 5-35-4 156-59-2 156-60-5 78-87-5 5 5 5 5 5 cis-1, 3-Dichloro propene trans-1, 3-Dichloropropen e Methylene chloride Tetrach lo roeth en e 1,1,z,z-Tetrachlo roeth an e 1 0061-01-5 10061-42-6 75-09-2 127-18-4 79-34-5 5 5 5 5 5 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethan e Trichloroethene Trich lo rofl u o ro m eth an e Vinyl chloride 71-556 79-00-5 79-01€ 75-69-4 7 5-01-4 5 5 5 5 10 I I I I Surrogate Recovery 1,2-Dichloroeth an e-d4 (SS-1 ) Toluene.dS (SS-2) 4-B ro mofl uorobenzene (SS-3) 101% 97% rc3% QC Limits 79 123 79 118 74 - 129 Qualifiers: 8/l1i2001 9:47 Alut U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit (RL) J - Analye detected below Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) S - Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery limits * - Compound detected above regulatory limit. X - Not Applicable.I I B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank E - Extrapolated value. See rerun at dilution Approved Quantitation Report Data File : C: \HpCHEM\l-\DATA\voA308l-3\tztzq .o Acq On : L3 Aug 2001 3:1-0 pm I n I I I T I I I I I I t I I I t I I t Tyso Sample Mi sc : 0]--4240-03A : SAII{P 8250ALL W Vial : Operator: fnst: Mult iplr : Result s File : L7 Steve VOA3 1.00 82500809.R MS Integration Params : rteint . p Quant Time : Aug L4 9 :37 200L Method Tit 1eLast Update onse via Quant c: \HpcHEM\r\MgrHoos\ez6o0B0B .M (RTE rnregraror) 8260 Wed Aug 08 L4zLlt24 2001 Initial Calibration TIC: 12724.D 2400000 2300000 2200000 21 00000 2000000 1 900000 1 800000 1 700000 I 1 400000i 1 300000: 1 2000001 1 1 00000 1 000000 900000 700000j 600000 500000 400000 300000 200000 1 00000 0 ,lrirrlrlrr.rl,rr,lr 9.00 10.00 1 1 .00 12.00 13.00 14.005.00 6.00 rf) YoG d) a_ c{ I U) @ oc 0,N Io o = 6 Is- @- (a 1o U) ocoNcIo o) o Eo co Is u)-s YogE (E=€(l)69 FO b .c) =oE e..-E-o 6 Fococ(U =d) lGI L2724,D 82500808.M Tue Aug L4 09 :37:19 2001 ,l rrl, 15.00 16.00 Page 2 GROUND WATER SAMPL'A'G INFORTITATION FORTT MTo Bobe, lDo Hawe, MTo l*e/pra,|{T Sample Information Sample lD: Label ID: tr\w4D Proiect Name: ht e [ (5r Comments: ttr^lqD Work Order No.: Tirne: He: I I I t I I I I I Sample Gollection Type:f.]Dedicated t_]Non Dedicated Device:ryBailer Itt t_]Submersible Pump fSoisposable tf Peristaltic Pump t]Sample Port Material: l-lTeflon fqzPoryettrytene []PVC? 'f]Stainless Steel Comments: Well Depth ' (1 ,zI n DepthtoWater: S.?3 ft Depth of Water: JS.3 Krt difir drA,cr,l<{ t t" Well Vcilume:3.ol gal (calculated) Purge Volume: I . O1 gd (3 x well volume) Volurne Purged: 7 , ( gal (measured purge) wett oeptnl7](measured) n(tvdtable) I Purge Volume = ('r = 3.14) x (vrell rdius i,f , Edir of r,vatJ ft) x 7.48 gauft3I comments: PurgeStart ,OS7 Purge Stop: fl,S-n Field Measurements Field Parameters Pre Puroe Purge Start DO: l. b DO:f Purge Stop mg/t zl. o -@it, mg/f2p Oqgl'errp: ExSitu 7 troc I I I I I Post Purqe pH: J. 0qpH: -\.CR T: ?Z*SS oC lq.['C Insitut]Exsitutr ORP: ORP: mV mV K tt\, Io?s/crnl4'L' rnsitut] Exsitu$ N,f-K: N$ ior,pS/cm lq.g'c -r t.,, mg/f Ll-oQnsituI_ ^Exsitutrnrgl Zz-Off>remp: ZZ.O o'C Sampl6 Description: Field Gornmentst I I I Samplen Samplen (printed) (signdure) ESDI Date Sarp3rg Fqrns.:G€rqrnd WG oTvAm 7RO/O1 Client Sample II) Lab Sample ID Date Collected Date Received Date Prepared Date Anatyzed MWed 0t-4240-09A aa0u200l 0810912001 08/13t200r 08/1312001 Evergreen Analytical, fnc. 4036 Youngfield St., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 425-6021 Client Project II) Lab Work Order Sample Matrix Lab X'ile II) Method Blank Prep X'actor Effective Dilution A7008 0t1240 Water voA308l3\r2730.D R8081301 I I I I I Method: SW8260B Volatile Halocarbons (SW801 0 !ist)Units:pg/L Analyte CAS #Concentration RL PQL t Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 75-274 7s-25-2 7 4-83-9 56-23-5 108-90-7 U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 5 5 10 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 10 5 5 I I I I t I I I I Chloroethane 2-C h lo roethytui nyleth er Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane 75-00-3 1 10-75-8 67-66-3 7 4-87-3 12448-1 6.4 10 10 5 10 5 1 ,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlo rodifl uo ro m eth an e 1 ,1-Dichloroethane 95-50-1 541-73-1 106-46-7 7 5-71-8 75-34-3 5 5 5 10 5 1 ,Z-Oichloroethane 1 ,1-Dichloroethene cis-1, 2-Dichlo roethen e trans- 1,2-Dichlo roeth en e 1 ,2-Dichloropropane 107-06-2 75-35-4 156-59-2 156-60-5 78-87-5 7.4 5 5 5 5 5 cis- 1, 3-Dichlo ro pro pen e trans-1, 3-Dich loropro pen e Methylene chloride Tetrachloroethene 1,1,2,z-Tetrach lo roeth an e 1 0061-01-5 10061-02-6 75-09-2 127 -18-4 79-34-5 24 5 5 5 5 5 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroetha n e Trichloroethene Trich lo rofl uo ro meth an e Vinyl chloride 71-55-6 79-00-5 79-01€ 75-69-4 75-01-4 8.1 5 5 5 5 10 U U Surrogate Recovery 1,Z-Dichloroeth an e-d4 (SS-1 ) Toluene-d8 (SS-2) 4-B ro mofl uoro benzen e (SS-3) 97% lAOo/o 141% QC Limits 79 123 79 118 74 129 t I I I U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit (RL) J - Analyte detected below Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) E - Extrapolated value. See rerun at dilution. B - fuialyte detected in the associated Method Blank )k-tJY -A{ralvst S - Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery lirnits I - Compound detected above regulatory limir X - Not Applicable.I I Qunlifiers: 8/lli200l II:a5,4ItI \Juanrr-EaELon ReporE I Data File : c:\upcHEM\1\DATA\voA308r.3\12730.D Acq On : l-3 Aug 2001 5:32 pm I T I I I I I I I t I I o_ (o (h !agYo(l)cc(D(DNNC68fi9troo= SoE e+3 F @c(D (Do o o€ (DF a- C\I Iao @ot(Dco =ol- F oco ! (l)o o o F ocoNcIoo = i5 at- t-o!'g -g€ EpF E I E 6ES.H EE EIaf;E 'E=E ei50 6EE* R8 E5€E frE E =5 1 000000 I I I I I T Sample Misc : 01-- 4240 - 0 9A. SAIVIP 825OALL W ViaI : OperaLor:Inst : Mult iplr : Quant Result s File : 23 Steve Tyson VOA3 1.00 8250080g.RES MS fntegration Params t rEeint.p Quant Time : Aug L4 11 : 01 2 0 01 Method Tir leLast Update : C: \uecHEM\i-\MEtsoos\ a26o0B0B .M (RTE rnregraror): 8260: Wed Aug 08 L4:Llz24 20OL Response via: Initial Calibration TIC: 1273O.D 1.5e+07 1.4e+Q7 1.3e+O7 1.2e+$7 1 .1e+07, I a I : 800000Oi : : ! 7000000i 400000Oi 3000000 2000000 0+9.00 to.oo 11.00 'l lll 12.OO 13.00 14.00 15.00 'll'l'16.00 17.O4 18.00ime-> 4.OO 5.00 6.00 12730.D 82600808.M Tue Aug 14 l-1 :02:l-3 2001 Page 2 GROUND WATER SAMPLING INFORTITATION FORM , MTo Bolso, lDo Hawe, MTr l**rr,){T aample Information sample lD: [At'\qL -. l,rU,\)qL A-F Label lO: Project Namet Comments: ttl- WorkOrder No.: &a6O8 Tims 4.{t Date: gfOl I I I Sample Collection I I I I I Type:[-|Dedicated ENon Dedicated Device:fXlBailer 1r [E|Disposable EPeristaltic Pump f]Sample Port tIPVC t]Staintesssted Esubmersible Pump Material:l-lTeflon Poryetfrylene Comments: Measurements Well Depth lr0+.bK ft Depth toWater: (O .3O n Well Depth@(measured) Purge Volume = (zr = 3.14) x (vrlrall rdius: ft)2 Comments: Well Volume: Purge Volume: 2.33 sal (calculated) (3 x well volume)1.o gal Depth of Water: S8.36 rt volume Purgedr -) , d gd (measured purge) [-I(tvell table) x (depth of vnater ft) x 7.8 gal/ft3 Purse Starr 6 gO Purge Stop: 1 SS Field Parameters Pre Puroe Purge Start Purge Stop ms/r ?n,q;Qnsitu mEl lg,fDtF-r"-pt l€ Do: z.S DO: Z,b F-:<SituM oc Post Purqe oRP: tfO mV ORP: Dr mV r: l1.c[ 'c InsituI Exsituffi rc 4cl0 ps/crn lnsituf] Exsitutr r: qal pS/cm Do:;i:S nenXg6(- lnsitu[ ExSituM Fd': O mgI OthenFd': O mgl Sampl6 Description: 0 0arf .+y a)r nI: <- OJtr.I fF- I Samplen (printed) (signature) Field Comments Srrpitg Farns:G-Grumd WG l4l in r:t1za o&ogol oTS/A7Dm 7mn1 I I I I I Client Sample II) Lab Sample ID Date Collected Date Received Date Prepared Date Analyzed MW9i 0t-4240-08A 08/08/2001 0810912001 08/131200r 08/r 3t2001 Evergreen Analytical, fnc. 4036 Youngfield St., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 42s4021 Client Project II) Lab Work Order Sample Matrix Lab File ID Method Blank Prep F'actor Efrective Dilution A7008 0l-4240 Water voA30813\r2729.D RB081301 I I I Method: SW8260B Volatile Halocarbons (SW8010 list)Units:pgrl Analyte CAS #Concentration RL PQL U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U I I I I I I T I I Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 7s-27-4 75-25-2 7 4-83-9 56-23-5 108-90-7 5 5 10 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 10 5 5 Chloroethane 2-C h Io ro ethylvi nyleth er Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane 75-00-3 110-75-8 67-66-3 74-87-3 124-48-1 9.4 10 10 5 10 5 1 ,Z-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene Dich Io rodifl uo ro meth ane 1 ,1-Dichloroethane 95-50-1 541-73-1 106-46-7 7 5-71-8 75-34-3 5 5 5 10 5 1 ,2-Dichloroethane 1 ,1-Dichloroethene cis- 1, 2-Dich lo roeth en e trans- 1,2-Dichlo roeth en e 1 ,2-Dichloropropane 107-A6-2 75-35-4 156-59-2 156-60-5 78-87-5 5 5 5 5 5 cis-1, 3-Dichlo ro propene trans-1, 3-Dichloropro pen e Methylene chloride Tetrachlo roethene 1,1,z,z-Tetrach lo roeth an e 1 0061-01-5 1 0061-02-6 75-09-2 127 -18-4 79-34-5 5 5 5 5 5 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane 1,1,z-Trichloroethan e Trichloroethene Trichlorofl u o ro m eth an e Vinyl chloride 71-55-6 79-00-5 79-01-6 75-69-4 75-A1-4 5 5 5 5 10I I t I Surrogate Recovery 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (SS-1 ) Toluene-d8 (SS-2) 4-Bromofl uorobenzene (SS-3) 100% 102% 103% QC Limits79 123 79 118 74 129 Qrrelifis133 Approved 8/11i2001 l0:53 Ann U - Not Daected at the Reporting Limit (RL) J - Analye detested below Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) S - Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery limits * - Cornpound detected above regulatory limit. X - Not Applicable.I I B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank E - Extrapolated value, See rerun at dilution. Quantitation Report Data File : c:\upCHEM\1\DATA\voag0B13\12729 .D Acq On : 13 Aug 200J- 5:09 pm Vial: Operat,or:Inst : Mult iplr : Quant Results File: lllttt13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 Sample Misc : 0L-4240-08A : SAIvIP 8260ALL W 22 I Steve Tysonffi3 I 8260080 t'*"1MS Integrat ion Params : rt,eint . p Quant Time : Aug L4 l- 0 : 48 2 0 01- Met,hod Tir le Last Update : c: \HpcHeM\Lu4gttroos\ez600B0B .M (RTE rnregraror): 8260 : Wed Aug 08 142L1z24 200L Response vi-a : Initial Calibration TIC: 127n.D 4200000 4000000 3800000 3600000 2600000. 1000000 j 800000j 5.00 6.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I @- (o I U)a ogoNcIo o =o Eo L(D t I rf)I' Io oNcIo o ! O t- o o (Do =oitr o @_ C\ I ct) U) @ro Ioco5o F- F oc(U o Eo o o E'o Eo (D ocoNcIo o, 6 Is- (r)_ \rEg0 L(5(E€-cEEEboE =oEEEoL eo l- F @coc(E tdtI GT l-oo 5o6 gI c,o L2729 -D 82500808.M Tue Aug L4 10: 48:22 2001 Page 2 GROUND WATER SAMPLING INF€.RIfrATION FORTIT MT o Boise, lD o Hawe, MTo Helena, MT Samoh lnformation samp-te lo: NAru 4l atrPti cat<- Location: Label tD: Work Order No.:I ruls Project Narne: Comments: Sampb Collection Type:f]Dedicated ENon Dedicated Device:EBailer ( rt t]Submersible Pump Materid:[-lTeflon f]PoVetrrytene t_]PVC Estainlesssteel WDisposable t]Peristaltic Pump t]Sample Port lnsituI ft ft ft I I I t I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I Comments: Well Volume: Purge ! yc/,uifne Purged: Well Depth[(measu t](vvell table) Purge Volume = (n = 3.14) x (well_inadlus:ft)' x (depth of vrrater: ft) x 7.8 gal/ft3 Field Measurements Well Depth: Depth to Water Depth of Waten Field Parameterc Pre Purqe gal (calculated) gal (3 x well volume) gal (measured purge) Purge Start: Purge Stop: Post Rrrqe Purge Start pH: pH: T: K: K: DO: DO; ORP: ORP: lnSitu lnSitu lnSitu DO Temp: Stop pS/an pS/cm mg/l nygl mg/l Exsitut] oc .mV .mVtltl tl Oat ExSitu ExSitu ExSitu a a ption: Field Gomments (printed) (signature) Sarp3rg Fqrrrs.:G€rcund Wder oTS/A7m 7mn1 Client Sample ID Lab Sampte ID Date Collected Date Received Date Prepared Date Analyzed : IvIWl0 : 0l -4210-07A : 08/0812001 : 08/0912001 : 08/1312001 : 08/1312001 Evergreen Analytical, Inc. 4036 Youngfietd St, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 425-602r Client Project ID Lab Work Order Sampte Matrix Lab F'ile ID Method Blank Prep Factor Effective Dilution A7008 014240 Water voA308l3\r2728.D RB08l30l I I I t I Method: SW8260B Volatile Halocarbons (SW801 0 list)Units:pg/L IAnalyteCAS #Concentration RL PQL Bromodichloromethane Bromoforrn Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 75-27-4 75-25-2 74-83-9 56-23-5 108-90-7 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 5 5 10 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 10 5 5 t I I I I I I I I Chloroethane 2-C h lo roethylvinyleth er Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane 75-00-3 1 10-75-8 67-66-3 7 4-87-3 124-48-1 8.4 10 10 5 10 5 1 ,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene Dich lo rodifl u o ro rn eth an e 1 ,1-Dichloroethane 95-50-1 541-73-1 106-46-7 75-71-8 75-34-3 5 5 5 10 5 1 ,Z-Aichloroethane 1 ,1-Dichloroethene cis- 1,2-Dichlo roethene trans- 1, 2-Dich lo roeth en e 1 ,Z-Dichloropropane 107-06-2 75-35-4 156-59-2 156-60-5 78-87-5 cis- 1, 3-Dichloropro pene trans- 1, 3-Dichlo ro propene Methlene chloride Tetrachloroethene 1,1,2,z-Tetrachlo roethane 1 0061 -01 -5 10061-02-6 75-09-2 127 -1 8-4 79-34-5 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane 1,1,z-Trichloroeth an e Trichloroethene Trichlo rofl uoro m eth ane Vinyl chloride 71-55-6 79-00-5 79-01-6 75-69-4 75-01-4 5 5 5 5 10 Surrogate Recovery 1,Z-Dichloroeth an e-d4 ( SS- 1 ) Toluene-d8 (SS-2) 4-B romofl uo robenzene (SS-3) 102o/o 99% 103% QC Limits 79 123 79 118 74 129 I I t I Qualifiers: Approved UIl/2001 I0:l9AM U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit (RL) J - Anatyte detected below Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) S - Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery limits t - Compound detected above regulatory limit X - Not Applicable.I I B - Analvts detected in the associated Method Blank E - Extrapolated value. See rerun at dilution I I T I I T I I Quantitation Report Data File : c:\ueCHEM\1\DATA\VoA308l_3\rzzze.o Acq On : 13 Aug 2001 4:45 pm Sample Mi sc : 0I-4240-07A : SAMP 826OALL W ViaI : Operator:fnst: Multip1r: Quant Resul-ts FiIe : 2L Steve Tyson VOA3 1.00 82500g0g.RES MS f ntegrration Params : TteinL . p Quant, Time: Aug L4 10 :15 2AAL Method Tit 1e : c:\HpGHEM\1\METHoDS\82600808.M (RTE rnregraror): 8260 I I I I osEgi oE Lo6 EOo=b;=.()8AEGlg d) F F ogoE(E =d) I(\I o 1C =o i5 cI (\,o I I I I I I I ndance TIC: 12728.D 48000001 I It I 4600000i t I i 4400000i 4200000 4000000 3800000 . 3600000' , 3400000j 32OOOQ9' 3oooo0o: , 2200000' : 2000000, : I 1 8oOO00: :! , 1 600000, : I : 1 4o0ooo: 1 200000 1 000000 800000 600000 ime-> 4.OO 5.00 6.00 I 8.00 9.00 li10.00 1 1 .00 12.oa 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 o^ cO I ct)a oc(l) N Io o) o Eo co I!(r rr)rc o (l) NC(t) _oo o C) o- c! i U)a @E Ioc (D =EF o L oN (l) -oo o =6 Is- o o oo 0 ()€ o FoEo (D E eoEoEo Eo d) L2728.D 82600808.M 7.OO Tue Aug 14 10:15 :24 2001-Pagre 2 GROUND WATER SAMPL"VG INFIORIUAT'ON FORTT MT o Bobe, lD o Hawe, MTo ]#lerta, MT I ISamole lnformation samprerD: MtNqsfMW45A-F Location: UOa fOr Work Order No.: Project N"rn", Time: Comments: Date:?tro( WDisposable lf t]Peristaltic Pump t_]Sample Port Materiat:lJreflon n*FPotyethytene t]PVc t]Stainless Steel Comments:dt- eJic fz,l Sarnple Collection I t I I I t I I I I I I Typet]Dedicated ENon Dedicated Dwic"tFBailer f]Submersible Pump Well Dep$rlTl(measured) l-l(r.tttable) Purge Volume = (:t = 3.14)-i (\rrcll radius: n)'z x (Oeptfr of vwter: ft) x 7-48 gal/ft3 Comments: Purge Start l'53{ PurgeStop: lb Og rf&fttc Well Depth: )4,60 n Well Vcilume: n,qq gd (calculated) DepthtoWaten sRf ft Purge Volume: Z, g gal (3 x rrvell volume) Depth of Water: Z?,bS ft Volume Purged: __3, a gal (measured purge) Field tieasurements Field Parameters Pre Purqe Purge Start Purge Stop Do: L.3 ms/t Ztl.fc lnsitut] F-.xstup DO: t. .,( mg/l Zl.CPQ,Jernp' ------ 6C Post Rrrqe pH: 1,bL ORP: (tr mV oRP: O f mV ExSitulF| pH: '7. e tr r: \1.{ "c Insituf *, Lrl ., aq #t& p qcrnsit, f]r: ] Y.L{ -?ffi* tf ,l'(.-.Do:TD mgl L?.OqnSitut] DO: t. t ng/l Zz-O(WTerntr Fe*2:En$. r ofier Field Gomments Samplen Samplen (printed) (signature) O</&l oate I I I tSarrptrg Farrc.ns.Grq.lnd Wter oTS/A7U) 7mn1 Client Sample ID Lab Sample II) Date Collected Date Received Date Prepared Date Analyzed : MW9s : 0l-4286-0lA : 08/0812001 : 08/1012001 : 08/141200L : 08/1412001 Evergreen Analytical, Inc. 4036 Youngfield St., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 42s-6A21 Client Project II) Lab Work Order Sample Matrix Lab F'iIe II) Method Btank Prep f,'actor Effective Dilution A7008 0l-4296 Water voA308r 4\r2762.D RB08l40l I I Method: SW8260B Volatile Halocarbons (SW801 0 list)Units:pg/L Analyte CAS #Concentration PQL I I I I I I I I I I I I I Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 75-274 75-25-2 74-83-9 56-23-5 108-90-7 U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U E U U U 5 5 10 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 10 5 5 Chloroethane 2-C h lo ro ethylvi nyleth er Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane 75-00-3 110-75-8 67€6-3 74-87-3 124-48-1 10 10 5 10 5 1 ,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene Dich lo rodifl u o ro m eth an e 1 ,1-Dichloroethane 95-50-1 541-73-1 106-46-7 75-71-8 75-34-3 5 5 5 10 5 1 ,Z-Dichloroethane 1 ,1-Dichloroethene cis- 1,2-Dich lo roeth en e trans- 1, 2-Dichloroeth en e 1 ,Z-Dichloropropane 107 -06-2 75-35-4 156-59-2 156-60-5 78-87-5 5 5 5 5 5 cis- 1, 3-Dichloro propen e trans-1, 3-Dich lo ro propene Methlene chloride Tetrachloroethen e 1,1,z,z-Tetrach lo roeth an e 1 0061 -01 -5 10061-02-6 75-49-2 127 -18-4 79-34-5 3700 5 5 5 5 5 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane 1,1,z-Trich lo roeth an e Trichloroethene Trichlo rofl u o ro m eth an e Vinyl chloride 71-55-6 79-00-5 79-01-6 75€9-4 75-01-4 41 U U 5 5 5 5 10 T I I I Surrogate Recovery 1,Z-Dichlo roethan e-d4 (SS-1 ) Toluen+'d8 (SS-2) 4-B romofl u oro benzen e (SS-3) 99% 102% 1A5% QG Limits 79 123 79 118 74 129 U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit (RL) J - tuialyte detected below Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) S - Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery limits I - Compound detected above regulatory limit. X - Not Applicable.I I L E - Extrapolated vatue. See rerun at dilution. B - fuiatyte detected in the associated Method Blank Qualifiers: Approved 8/16/2001 1:41 PM Client Sample ID Lab Sampte II) Date Collected Date Received Date Prepared Date Analyzed MW9s 0l-4286-01A 08/08/2001 08/10/2001 08/l 51200r 08115/2001 Evergreen Analytical, Inc. 4036 Youngfield St., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 42s-6A21 Client Project II) Lab Work Order Sample Matrix Lab Fite II) Method Blank Prep tr'actor Effective Dilution A.7008 0t-4286 Water voA308l s\r2769.D R8081501 I 50 t I I T Method: SW8260B Volatile Halocarbons (SW801 0 list)Units:pdL Analyte CAS #Concentration RL PQL Tetrachloroethene 127-184 1 0000 250 250 Surrogate Recovery 1,2-Dichlo roethan e-d4 (SS- 1 ) Toluene-d8 (SS-2) 4-Bromofl uorobenzene (SS-3) 99% 98% 1 09% QG Limits79 123 79 118 74 129 I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit (RL) J - Analyte detected below Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) E - E:<trapolated value. See rerun at dilution. B - Analvte detected in the associated Method Blankk*ulr $halyst S - Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery limits * - Compound detected above regulatory limit X - Not fuplicable. Drttl-=- Qualifiers: Approved Al7i200l I0:29,4;,lu{ o_ A(o Ic)I ocoNEIotbor-:rbo9.EFg6B-=<, LLIg.+ 6lc) gE EEF fiEE #€E 5bg E 9? i-sg- o E o =.9* = 6 b r- *E E*E E'60 F F-- o€ E .9.o c8 (Uo oEo @9_ E aF oE't o () c I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I T I i I guantLtaEr-on Report Dara File : C:\HPCHEM\1\DATA\VoA30B14\L2762.D Acq On SampIe Misc : L4 Aug 2OOA B:24 pm : 0 L- 4285 - 01A : SAI4P B260ALL W ViaI : 29 Operat.or: Steve Tyson f nst : VOA3 Multiplr: 1. 00 MS fnLegration Params: rt,einL.p Quant Time : Aug L5 L6 z 07 2 0 01 Method Tit IeLast Update Response via 6.5e+O7 : I i I I! a 5e+O7: : I : I ! 1.5e+O71 5000000 TIC: 12762.D 4.00 5.00 6.00 't "'t"l!t""t"il1 I I | | I I I7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.oo 13.q) 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 Quant Results File: 82600808.RES c: \HpcHEl,t\r-\unrgoos\ 82600808 .M (RTE rnregrator) 8250 Wed Aug 08 t4:tL:24 2001Initial Calibration L27 52 .D 82600808.M Thu Aug 15 15:08:18 2001-Page 2 Quantitation Report Data File : c:\HpCHEM\l-\DATA\voas0Bi-5\122G9 .D I I L I I I I I Acg On SampIe NIi sc : 15 Aug 2001 11:08 am : 0 L- 4285 - 01A DF=5 0. SA]VIP BZSOALL W Vial: Operator: fnsL: MuIt iplr : Quant Results File: 6 Steve Tyson voA3 1.00 82600808.RE MS Integration Params : rt,eint . p Quant, Time: Aug L7 10:18 200A Method TitIe : c: \HPCrinM\r\Merirops\ez60o808.M (RTE rnregraror) z 8260 Last Updat,e : Wed Aug 0B L4zLL:24 2001 Response via: fnitial Calibration I I I I I I t I I I I TIC: 12769.D I 1 e+071 i I I 9500000{ i {j I sooooool I { I 1 85000001 I I I : 8000000i i I Tsoooool : ., . g o E06' o I I I I ti 6000000. : 55OOOOO. : j 5oooooo; .? t i 45OOOOOj : . a 4000000r i : a 3soooooi I i i3000mj j a ocoNcIo o =6 I9- a_ (\r Ioa cO! I(Dc(D =o rf)! IocoNcIo o go a- (t) I U) U) ocoNcIo o =o Eo (D ,s 2000000.1 a 96EEu&96EO9bo=co86tsGt9-dt 1500000.{ : 1000000.i F- o)Eoc(E 3 co I(\ 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.@ 10.00 11.@ 12.@ 13.@ 14.@ 15.00 '16.00 17.00 18.00 1,2759.D 82600808.M Fri Aug L7 10 :18 :34 2001 Page 2 GROUND WATER SAMPUNG INFORTUAT'ON FORTT , MT o Boise, tD o Hawe, MTo llebna, MT Sample Information Sample lD:2tsr Location: SLC I WT Label ID: R( Work Order No.:*-7ooy Project Name: At G / {5C..- Comments: Time: tf,z-S Date: Oto?o I t I t t t I I I I I I I I I I Material:l-lTefton peotyeurytene f]pvc flst"inless sted Othet: UUOO &A i.^-' ,f$ 0. S Comments: ft ft + t,t *l gal gal Sample CollectioE Type:fEDedicated t_]Non Dedicated f]Disposable EPeristaltic Pump t_]Sample Port Device: [-ElBailer Field Measurements Well Depth: Depth to Waten Depth of Water: Well DepthE(measured) Purge Volume = (n = 3.14) x (vuell radius: ft)2 x Comments: -r/ lJfuell table) (Fprnof wdec ft) x 7.aagal/ft3 Well Volume: Purge Vd;n6: Voluqrdurged:-./ (3 x well volume) (measured purge) Purge Start: Purge Stop: t]Submersible Pump -t O( ddI-l ft Field Parameters Pre Puroe Post Purqe Purge Start Purge Stop pH: pH: T: K: K: DO: DO: Fg*2' ORP: ORP: lnSitu DOTemg Other rnsitut] lnSitu F-:<Situ ExSitu ExSitu ,mV ,mVtltl tloc lnsituf DO Ternp: cm pS/cm mg/l mgl mg/f Sampld Description: Field CommentsI I I I samprer Dl,br6t!4f<rn- (printed) |tOlol *ae s*rev, D.-IW (sisnature) Srrpmg Farrsrds€rutnd W&r oTvATm 7BAA1 Client Sample II) Lab Sample ID Date Collected Date Received Date Prepared Date Analyzed : EBI : 0l -4240454 : 0810712001 : 08/09 /2001 : 08/1312001 : 08/1312001 Evergreen Analytical, Inc. 4036 Youngfield St., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 425-6021 Client Project ID Lab Work Order Sampte Matrix Lab Fite II) Method Blank Prep F'actor Effective Dilution A7008 al-4240 Water voA30813\r2726.D R808130t I I Method: SW8260B Volatile Halocarbons (SW801 0 list)Units:pyL Analyte cAs #Concentration RL PQL Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 75-27-4 75-25-2 74-83-9 56-23-5 108-90-7 U U U U U 5 5 10 5 5 75-00-3 114-75-8 67-66-3 74-87-3 124-48-1 U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 5 5 10 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 5 10 5 ,I I ,l I I I I I I t 1 I t 1 ,Z-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlo rodifl u oro m ethan e 1 ,1-Dichloroethane 95-50-1 541-73-1 106-46-7 75-71-8 75-34-3 5 5 5 10 5 1 ,Z-Aichloroethane 1 , 1-Dichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichlo roethen e tra ns- 1,Z-Dich lo ro eth en e 1 ,Z-Dichloropropane 107-06-2 75-35-4 156-59-2 156-60-5 78-87-5 5 5 5 5 5 cis- 1, 3-Dichlo ro propen e trans- 1, 3.Dichloro propen e Methlene chloride Tetrachloroeth ene 1,1,z,z-Tetrach lo roeth a n e 1 0061 -01 -5 1 0061-02-6 75-0e-2 127 -18-4 79-34-5 5 5 5 5 5 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane 1,1 ,zJrichloroethane Trichloroethene Trichlo rofl uo ro m eth an e Vinyl chloride 71-55-6 79-00-5 79-01-6 75-69-4 75-01-4 5 5 5 5 10 Chloroethane 2-C h lo ro ethylvi nleth er Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane Surrogate Recovery 1,Z-Dichlo roethane-d4 (SS- 1 ) Toluene-d8 (SS-2) 4-Brom ofl u o ro benzene (SS-3) 102o/o lAAo/o 103% QC Limits 79 123 79 118 74 129 I I I I U - Not Detested at the Reporting Limit (RL) J - Analyte detected below Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) E - Extrapolated value. See renrn at dilution. B - Analye detected in the associated Method Blank S - Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery limits t - Compound detected above regulatory limif X - Not Applicable.I I Qualifiers: Approved 8/11/2001 9:58 AM Quantitation Report Data File : C: \IIPCHEM\1\DATA\VoA3oBt-3\tztze .o Acq On Sample Mi sc : 13 Aug 2001 3:57 pm : 0A-4240-05A. SAJVIP B26OALL W Vial : L9 Operator: Steve Tyson f nst : VOA3 Multiplr: 1.00 Quant, Results File: 82500808.RES 10.00 1 1 .00 12.oo 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 MS f ntegrat,ion Params t rEeinL . p Quant. Time: Aug L4 9 252 200L MethodTit Ie Last Update : c:\HPCHEM\1\MErtroos\ezG0080B.M (RTE rnregraror) z 8250 : Wed Aug 08 L4zLLz24 2001 Response via: fnitial CalibraLion TIC: 12726.D 22AOOOA 21 00000 2000000 1 900000i : 1 1 oOOOO, 1000000- o LoN Io o:fE6 Is_ @- COta U) ocoNcIo o) Eo Eo @ tsr I T I l t T I I I o .C IJ;'eCr-(sq ,.-LEEooot 569ci >b-fi o oc(o d) I C\t 4.OO 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 L2726 .D 92600808.M Tue Aug L4 09:52:24 2001-Page 2 Lab Sample ID : Date Prepared : Date Analyzed : RB08l30l 08/131200t 08/13DA}r Evergreen Analytical, fnc. 4036 Youngfield St., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 425-6021 Method Blank Report Client Project ID Lab Work Order Lab F'ite II) Prep Factor Effective Dilution A7008 0l-4240 voA308l 3\t271 r.D I I Method: SW8260B voA 8260 Units:pg/L Analyte CAS #Goncentration RL PQL Bromodichloromethane Brornoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 75-274 75-25-2 74-83-9 56-23-5 108-90-7 U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 5 5 10 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 10 5 5 I I I I t I I I I I I t I I 75-00-3 110-75-8 67-66-3 7 4-87-3 124-48-1 10 10 5 10 5 95-50-1 541-73-1 106-46-7 7 5-7 1-8 75-34-3 5 5 5 10 5 107-06-2 75-35-4 156-59-2 156-60-5 78-87-5 5 5 5 5 5 1 0061-01-5 1 0061-02-6 75-09-2 127-18-4 79-34-5 5 5 5 5 5 71-55€ 79-00-5 79-01€ 75-69-4 75-014 5 5 5 5 10 Chloroethane 2-C h lo ro ethylvi nyl eth er Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane 1 ,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlo rodifl u oro m eth an e 1 ,1-Dichloroethane 1 ,Z-Eichloroethane 1 ,1-Dichloroethene cis- 1, 2-Dich lo roeth en e tra ns- 1, 2-Dichlo roeth en e 1 ,2-Dichloropropane cis- 1, 3-Dichloropropen e trans- 1, 3-Dichlo ro pro pen e Methylene chloride Tetrachloroethene 1,1,2,2-Tetrachlo roethan e 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane 1,1,z-Trichlo roethan e Trichloroethene Trichlo rofl u o ro m eth an e Vinyl chloride Surrogate Recovery 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (SS- 1 ) Toluene-d8 (SS-2) 4-B rom ofl u o ro benzene (SS-3) 104% 98% 1A60/o QC Limits79 123 79 - 118 74 129 I I IQualifis6' U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit (RL) J - Analye detected below Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) E - Extrapolated value. See rerun at dilution. B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank S - Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery limits X - Not Applicable. v t IApproved8/11/2001 9:46,4]t{ I I I t I I I I T Quantitation Report Data File : c: \HeCHEM\]-\DATA\VoA3oBt-3\1271-1 . DAcq On Sample Misc : 13 Aug 20 01, 9 :59 am : R8081301 : MBLK 8260 S ViaI: 4 Operat,or: Steve TysonInst : VOA3 MulLiplr: 1, 00 MS fntegration Paramsl rLeint.p Quant Time : Aug 13 11 : 09 2007 Method TitleLast Update Res onse via ndance 2600000' 2000000- 1 900000- 1 800000- 1700000- 1 600000- 1 500000- 1 400000- 1300000- 1 200000- 1 1 00000- 1000000- 900000- 800000- 700000- 600000- Quant Results File: 82600B0g.RES c: \HpcHEM\:-\MerHoDS\B 26008o8 .M (Rrn rnregraror) 8260 Wed Aug 08 L4:L1,:24 2OOL Initial Calibration TIC: 12711.D 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.@ 8.00 9.00 10.00'r1.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00'r8.@ a- C! chg cOYoc d) o oNco -oo o = 6 I.q- a_ cf) lU'a o I.oNcIo o Eo Eo co II a-s ooCE(trocgy€ooE99o =otdE c{'- 9F(n o oco3(D I(\ T 1 I t t I T I L27 11 - D 826 00808 . M Tue Aug L4 09: L7:53 2001 Page 2 Lab Sample ID 3 Date Prepared : Date Analyzed : RB08l40l 08/1 41200r 08/14/200t Evergreen Analytical, Inc. 40t36 Youngfield St., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 42s-6021 Method Blank Report Client Project II) Lab Work Order Lab File II) Prep F'actor Effective Dilution A7008 011240 voA308l 4\12737 .D I I Method: SW8260B voA 8260 Units:pg/L Analyte CAS #Goncentration RL PQL Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 75-27-4 75-25-2 74-83-9 56-23-5 108-90-7 U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 5 5 10 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 10 5 5 t I I I I I T I T I I t I 75-00-3 11A-75-8 67-66-3 74-87-3 124-48-1 10 10 5 10 5 95-50-1 541-73-1 106-46-7 75-71-8 75-34-3 5 5 5 10 5 107-06-2 75-354 156-59-2 156-60-5 78-87-5 5 5 5 5 5 1 0061-01-5 1 0061-02-6 75-49-2 127-18-4 79-34-5 5 5 5 5 5 71-55-6 79-00-5 79-01.6 75-69-4 75-01-4 5 tr 5 5 10 Chloroethane 2-C h lo ro ethylvi nyleth er Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane 1 ,Z-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,3-Dichlo ro benzen e 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene Dich lo rodifl u o ro m eth an e 1 ,1-Dichloroethane 1 ,2-Dichloroethane 1 ,1-Dichloroethene cis- 1,2-Dich loroeth en e trans- 1, 2-Dichloroethen e 1 ,2-Dichloropropane cis-1, 3-Dichlo ro pro pen e trans- 1, 3-Dichloropropen e Methylene chloride Tetrachloroethene 1,1,z,Z-Tetrach lo roeth a n e 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane 1,1,z-Trichloroeth an e Trichloroethene Trich lo rofl u o ro m eth an e Viny,l chloride Surrogate Recovery 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (SS-1 ) Toluene-d8 (SS-2) 4-Bromofl uo robenzene (SS-3) 100% 100o/o 105% QC Limits 79 123 79 118 74 129 I t t tU - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit (RL) J - Analyte detected below Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) E - Extrapolated value. See rerun at dilution. B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank S - Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery limits X - Not Applicable. 8/l 5/2001 3: I 5 PM Quantitation Report Dara Fil-e : C:\HpCHEM\1\DATA\VOA3O814\12737 .DAcq On SampIe Mi sc z L4 Aug 200L 10:30 am : RBO81401 : MBLK 8260 S ViaI : Operator:Inst :Multip1r: 4 Steve Tyson VOA3 1. 00 82500g0g.RES : c: \HpcHEM\r-\MErnoos\ezGooBoS.M (RTE rnregraror): 8260 Last Update : Wed Aug 08 L4:LL:24 zOOa Response via : Init ial Cal ibrat ion TIC: 12737.D MS fntegration Params: Tteint.p Quant, Time : Aug 15 9 :27 2 0 01 Method Tir le Quant Result s File: lilllrltrrrlrlrrl'I|l Li,rr'lrr'il 10.00 1 1 .00 12.oo 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17 .oo 18,00 2300000 22000ao 21 00000 20000001 I Itj 1900000 j : 1 700000, a_ or 6 CD I ocoN Io o JE6 I.<r_ a_ (f) I U)a oc o)NcIo o f o Eo co tst I I T I T I o- .<r Yo (t)fit LEP66sco9t:Foc\ro_- bo co ococ,(U =(D aCI t I 1 I ime-> 4.0O 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 L2737.D 82600808.M Wed Aug l-5 09:33:2L 2001 Page 2 . rb '$ E€ 9t r E Q, ' t J ,7 _\ cn\o' t\ r 3=e, .J8 .e , ot r l- La .o = .g h rx8H (t ) t - ,o E ) 4E ^G ) \r obg IE ,J ., , &, E Eo .5 & tt (t ) d4sco\, t4 ( ) tr o .- ffa -zXE .= c) dC l l -E ' p ?n ir c d 1J o65 3C |- l .- . no 1, )c )56 !c ) .) O) EEd. ) oBE ddtl ;a o .gF -. t r C n !- . - r \ tr - v -! .- . L. rd Jo r - ao E o .E . i I E. E E 3 cr x ;T E €f E 3€ 9 Bl ! cr EE € 6g . e ,^ Y - uo g -r a t r L o .j - c, i€ 2 Fr tZh * S\ e -- .L (1 J- l -' / \ ) \_ / J a I =Io- I o El E dl 'F F l oo l O C, .- , ' NN ' = tlE' E' '= -JJJ A*s il G4 ) c' 1 , tY tF rF b id h i A i6 r 6 H (] o & CL I / I . \ g s, '6 0\ tr - > (Uc it It so c' 1 , ,F r -L JB& -o.? l S E 9s E -J- e2 C=A s E3oJ 'C )EY -l E-s ICf ]i EP co v o= o5 a . c) r (O Ga ' Sd of A 9 EY €? k (J EE E , Fd L=Jaq)E, f-o I G3xl-(u=o=FIotNTl-ed;o o, E= t FL _EC , ( o (U : = c O (O (\ l @ !t $ $ lD aO l. c t O O O O O) lI , F O) $ (O l\ o) @ lD F (O d) aD ct - o{ \ a - - q' r ; o \ lr , lr , l. r , u) o di s O (( ) 6 F c, - = i, 6 ; = 6 ci s ri tr i N Gi cr i Ai ci ro - - - - o 6i c, ri ri ri d ci ri { ri oi Fi d - (\ l O l ( I r - - G l $ l - U ) - (' ) - ( t ) ( , G l ( ' ( ' ) N ( \ l O l ( ' r N ? 6 ItIItttITITI g) - (t ) (o ln c) F F O C! O O O O O r\ lO C. { (i , d, rO co cD (. t ro r, $ 6 6 \ ol a u? a q q a d a r, r, lf , 'r , q c a u? Q - ul c q co c c - q 16 @ O l, ) lr ) I - O (, Ol $ - lD O) l. r ) tf , tt $ O O) - rf , N o 1\ ( o l l ) t \ @ ( o o t- ,\ @ ( o ( o t - N t \ N | - F- @ N N st S a a s s * t S s a a a s * 8 a s s a * a a S a s s s c! q u? \ ot - q \ a? q o! \ q q q Y q c a? a c! c! g q c c q q u? V r+ r\ .O Ol (o 6l o) (o @ O, (t (O t- g, Ol (' ) F tO - - - (O G) ts (O (( ! (o C) O g) O O) - O, (o O l. - o) O O O O) O - O O O - O - O O - 6 ; 6 - oo ( ] o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o z z z z z z z z z z z. z z. z z z z. z z z z z z z z. z z z z o oo o o o o o o o o o o oo o oo o o o r c o o o oo o o o 6I ( \ l c\ | 6, l G l 61 c\ | c\ l N ( \ I c \ l 6, 1 6, 1 a, l 6a c \ l (\ t N C , l 6l J d c . l o t N N N N N Gl - lr ) tt , o l. r ) lr ) o o lD o u) lo rr ) l, , o lf ) l' , u, rr ) tr ) rD rJ ) ro rr ) rJ ) r' ) tl ) lr ) ro r' , c, - cD (9 d) r ro \t (o l\ t\ t cr l l' , e N (o (o (o (, (o o, o) I\ rf r u) rJ . , (o - q q a \ u? c! u? ol q \ o! \ ; u? ol J \ c! q c! a cj - \ a q q q oj O @ ? O, (\ o) (O ? lJ ) O) - O C{ O) - 6l O O ? (\ l - C\ l - O (r ) - O - C\ l Gl - O, l F 6l ? c' , 1 Oa F -C l N F Ol (r a Ol (r 1 6l Ol Ol ol ol 6t N Ol Gl DOu, l.(u)- t-.- l-6t--o E eg s e F EE E g E E s E E B f f , f E s E E g g E g E: -9 fr ' a 1. \ A vOr .X rr l E t= il + ,- (r )UCy o-FT(r , c, ) () i- aa)a-cg(J .E f -)r a -E (J(uF9-J r, A. . + € =q o )- tr F ^r 5i F 3'-.J -a J OO ? a-F Ar . . zv ; ii t * 5 -= ' 3d; E SaC\tbO haT\aa(u+)GIeCJ-L f- G -l GcJ r-{r )-G-H-Hc)C)Lu0Le) EE I .= \ - .r , -; -l - \- - / o a a - N O U2 A - a f q q A -- i l e. l r- c) F- Cl c, C} l. . ' - C) O r\ .{ ) g t/ l r. . -. J \ ;e 5 E ) &' ) , ' J en\o' c\ rr 2Et-q)8. € s. E E-ghs6EI 3E (t ) t - E, O '= o ;3 =2r vor' B9q At aSE t{ o-g o '= O. ,; i l ;lca & JcC,E'o .a O tr q, , 2 XE .= c) .C c\ , €t ?8 oc i !) c) Z€ €. E 'o 'o G: t (l ) ooe) o ) o c, ) '! , 'o c) a ) il ( ! t{ l, i: I C0 9, = (? (9 to () = - @ c. . l a A (J O O) , : - tO C{ (Y ) @ tf ) @ o) (' ) to to tf \ ol n a q q q a d .q to tr , U) rJ ) q q .q Ul q - u? q c co c F? - @o t o t r ) v o ( o c \ l r t F r r ) o r r ) r o t f v o o ) F $ N fr - ( O t O f r - @ ( O @ F r . f . - @ ( O @ F - f - . F - f - F . - f . . @ F , - ae ae A A aQ ts e ts Q aQ ts e ae A A aQ ae ts e A ae A Ee ts e A A A ts € A ae ae - \ ol R R u? q q \ a \ - qq q? \q \q \ - q q u? q o! oq - u? ot A (V ) @ @ rt f- , (Y ) tO @ (o f' - N, F N @ !t o) .t f- (O (o (o O) V S $ F F F F F F - F F oo o o o o o o oo o oo o o o o o o o o oo o o o o zz z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z o o o o oo o o o o o o oo o oo o o o c{ co o o oo o c\ l N c\ r Gt C! N c\ t N C! Gt c\ l c\ l N N C{ c\ t N N C{ Gl _ d N N N N N N a r. 'E ca .- .- C, - \ J Li - ) .- L- l- t Jo r - sE a EE # &5 F 3 (t x ; tE €; E H: ;EE ; ES € 6. E . s ,A v - :s * -o . 3 € ZE ; At z It Zr - * =o--( U*a F F ooOO € N( \ r ' = &, u, '= -d)J A*s E (r ' c, (v FF b id h r A 6i 6 H oo E O- l / D . . 9 E' u - 0 - (L - - (Ec E E a3 * E a3 S A I S ae A ts e ts e aQ ts e * A ts € eQ s $ ae ee a€ AA O rf cr , (7 , @ lf ) (7 ) f- O [O @ @ (o @ F @ O F l' - (r ) cO cO (r t or F f- aO $ O - O t- 'l . . O <r i <v ) Oi r. - \f t - O O Gi Cl rr j .f 't ol tg l' l ) - ; !- - (? - Q) (O @ r tf ) S (O F- f' - t C{ tO - F- (O (o (o @ (O O) O, F- lf l lf ) tD q q q \ u? c! u? ol c! \ ol \, | - u? ol a \ c! c o! n: d - \ q c! o? A @ r CD N o) qq - lf ) O) !: O Ol O) r e. l O O - Ol F N !F O rv ) F tr ) C\ l Cr l !r - Ol !F C{ e{ F F (r f Cr l Cr l e{ Cr l ( \ C! Cr l C{ Cr l 6l N Ol O t @ qq C. l A lt q 9 to 9A !r ) a a a a q, lo N Q) $ (o F* o) o tf ) r. - (0 o) - C\ t F- S i = !! rf , O) f\ lf ) LO lO LO Ol rr i S O (O @ F O F rf Ol q, f ; q :t t? @ c. t tg N 6i o to !- F F o 6i o rj rj c' j o o to $ r, (\ (r ) Ol Cr l (r , !- (r ) Cr l , r - tO F (r , F (O (r ) C{ tr ) <r ) Cr l C. l C{ <r ) N - -! - ! F F F F F F - - ! F F - t - EoE,o(LE.=EJE, .9 , -=E=3oJC) [r JE,aE(l )E,Yo-o(l ,=(oY(LU) -r lol "l=f,a& <c,ooIFC' .? l B -Z C' ) dx o2 LAs {E' ) EI-aC:) c' ' : ) Fooo 95 , (D ce ' Gl r=e ol /^ i E=ootEE F.Lo I o=.x(U= ro lr ) o ro ro o o ro o ro rr , rr , ro o ro ro ro ro rr ) ro Lo lr ) rr , ro ro ro ro F? F $l r f l . - q ) q ) Il ) ( 7 ) uD (Y ) O) (r , C\ F f\ @ (' ) ( 7 ) C\ l (o tr , C\ l ( O f . - GI O ) @ q \ \ q oq oj q - \ c! u? .f . (' ? u? q c! ol q q u? a q c! ol q q ol O @ F O) O F (g .r - |I ) o) O) @ @ O F (r l O o) O !- O O) F O) S O Ol Ol ! F - C \ ! - C { Cr I C ! ! F !- . r C! C ! N C { C{ C ! C ! F C { C! ( \ l N aaa,L(u ,- t- ad6t3o € E E * 65 5 E e e E E = gH ; H * E E E EE tE E E EE tE E c E E E E EE E E E F 6 E E E E E E E E E ; E s E s S E f E E E i: - 3 E 3 3 :* E *e E E e ;: = ; : oo=IF?otC\ tT!-oCJ;o o, E= t ?EEC ' ( u (E : c Hg fr ' a -\ a V0r .X fr l 5 ts t3 Itz)U)Ue o) ( f ) @ o ) o) (\ t Gl tt - F F (r )FO ) O ) S Ol F- f- f- (o (r )ss s s o! u ? o ! - o) o N f- O O O F F oo o c ) z. z . z . z io o o o ;N t f ) t O t O ;I oo o o sl r ) @ l r ) @e { o l . o rr r o ; o Fl f r t O t O () H )- l ,;0) () .t )L. a. )aF. (!() .F a k rl a ()a)F3oO. ' + € tq l c lr . <P .b i F i:q, rl t Y aa a ?-FA - - Z \r ; H+ . 5 iE - '- .j _ ^Fl d tr =a ' LA \r 9 qbYC ' Pf f E EE : - E sE g E n( l ) o .a d € F TItIIItITIIII;IIttI IIIItItItiItIITTItI cnt. ' cn .e=e. q)8P gE .1 , = ghrP3E ,D L. EE . -A 0, vor' 8 9Q ) oaq= r{ OEa ,; & glu) d l4sc0 'o ur o = a, ) -2 , FE .= G' Gl C , t-€tEf r !) e) Z€ €. E 'o E o( ) (. , o oc ) c) ( ) 't , E oc ) Gl c t l cgtl tc c 0 .€ .i . E cn .-E; . \ J La - \ .- LJ. 9 lr BE ; E. E H . ,9 e x Eg E E: ; Eg ; Eg € 6. g . 9 A Y - =E * ^o .: a Gl 7€ 2 !- t a ZF i * 6Lc) t-!- aa-d63--o (o F S O O ( f :N B = = z (\ t oc ) @ c N N $ r (r r O l F F t - - *a * * a * F- l \ f r . O ( ) O .t o r i o o o oo o o o o Gl c{ C\ l ro lr ) lr ) lr ) r o o o o o F. ( g t8A= \r / O. . O. 3Ha *o ) lr l v1 -! ?. r !r ( A €- c ) l- -a )o . AEU# c cD o o r ( ' ) c o o ) !t - t D C D C \ { F C { O! F l . - ! F F t - (q ) G, !- rF O) O F O ) O ) l i f O lJ ) O) l- f. - f- c. i (o f' - (' ) a8 s * * 8 a\ c ! q \ q o) c ! o ( a o ) oo @ o o o ) F- ! - Foo o o o o z. z . z z z z @S S @ ( O F ot o ) \ r o ) @ @ d- ( o o i - o i $l ( \ l ! F S I f ) V :; o, -: H. H: i Ai(D r o.-l-C) a! ! -cB i (J i .- : -it--() : (l ) ; F. ; I a_ i - o i O. sl . €: tr qf cr )- r? ,^ .b i Fi O o <l :I: .. I Liq) ; I' 9; aa r I ?- .F ,A .. 1 z v fi : E- t * fi : f- = 'F : d; E 3aA ,i 2 os !P * ( l , Ei 6 € ef t E o, E E ch t E E E E ug gE € E E E EE F i E $ t! o' ^ r i b. , Ii t- r ,. - i .- - ;= '> t- ,( ) ;>i8 e 1( ) C :l - L a ;' o = 'g h ,1 9 . tr , v rH I :o l i :. 1 C € i' g E i{ t * tl c ) ,v o ib 3 i9 . g tA . \ J ,V . - i( ) . n iq = ix 6 lE o !' = o . ir ; i l ir ! iv ) d ttiIiIIit;I:i (\ l ? O) O - (' ) r\ V (O $ lr , (' ) l\ Ol l\ O) €, (\ l - G) d) (\ l (i , O l. t (' t N - 6 O Gl Ol lr , (o (o (t al F t (o (\ l (, (' ) 6l C\ l 61 (\ l (\ ol - (7 , Gl @ Ol I- N C\ r tD (r I F F I =l o- I C' EI E dl FF I oo l O O -r l N( \ t ' - = &, *| '= -- - J J- a A{{ t 34 , fi t tv rF F b*- H P oo E O. A \. o E' 6 0 - (L --(Uc J4- .L ct t :- e't , ut o -.- - FJtr 0 ) .d tE f -2l- \J .= c) #t - c, fi , t-€t ?8 () c l 9c )Z5 €. E 'o €oc ) JPo( ) (. ) a) d: .a) q) '! , E o( u d- a- - ct G, Etl r: l Cq .2- .r E A .-C- 9 La - ' t .- L- H *E b .E . * g EE # Eg * S ct x cr ' ^ 5 5t E H: ; -l r a J B. 9 o EE € 6, 9 . 9 A v - [J o q .1 L C . OJ a c l i€ 2 -r tZ| - * i;L(l ) t-t-.{ EG,-o Era -o, CA ,- \ a- r_ , B& tFoo? l F E 9$ 6 :t r e2 C- =EE 5 =oJ A AA 8 ae S t* 8 S 8 4 S I 8a e t ae 8 * I 8A *t s Q s8 8 8 (O @ (r , (' C' , 1 N (Y ) Ol (o - O) ls S tO lr , $ $ c> (o O) @ lJ ) O G, ls (O - t O $ cc i 6i F- e. i $ + F ri ri Gi d to - ri ; + d ri ' r i ci ci ct ci ri F- F r{ - O) O O o) - O O Ol O o) O O t- O O - O O) O O O FO O O O CD 6 - S o O) r\ @ o) - F. Al e () @ cO O (O O) ln N (o - - (\ l O, O U) C\ l N - $l Gl l\ I\ (O (i , (o (o t\ (o (O (, t\ tI ) t\ F f\ N l\ N @ cO 60 (o (o N (O N I\ (o O O O O OO O O O O O O O O O O O O O () (' ) l\ O O O O Cl O O r, ) lr , tr , ro ro ro rr , ro ro lr ) ro lr ) l. r , r' , rr ) |r , lo lo r, , lr , rr , \t ro lo rt rr , lo t' ) ro .7 o ED .v rl r-s U;c3 E $p c( l v (r = 95 , 6 (o ca ' Se o t I EY €: b () EEE , Fd (L oo o o o o o o o o o o o o oo o o o o o o o o o o o o o z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z. z z z z z z z z o o u, o o o o o o ro o o o rI ) o rl , o o rf ) o o o o o o o o o o (o - -F r , -P - - -N e t f r - e - = (\ 1 6l I\ rD (O N t (O Ol lf , lf , tO O) ? (i l e (\ l O) 6) N N !i 61 (\ l l\ (( l rO Gr (O ; a? . q - q g c? - .r j e u? ! c? - \ \ \ q $ q q a ol a q q (. j u? \ o! ;i l\ t - 0O G) $l Nt N C) - (' , @ O 6l l. ( , (\ l F (\ l rt F (' ) t (\ l l, , C, Gr U , E S rD r' *l r , U ) r r , Ur \ l U ' rI , (? , r' ) lr , U) lo U) lo rO l, r U ) rO |l , tC t r O $ E E E c $ sE g e F= E E E€ E E E f , f , f * * gg , g E -oqx(U=For, FooooC'JCJ ;o o, E= = . -LEo ( U 01 1 1 : = c -. 9UE Pe , Hrd ; x# xA . r' 0 *- . Il ! o ts cZ- q ts ( L, / -Ld€Ub c€ J (J 1- , L. )r - a da)o.-L. q, )aFtGIo.-L.-o(uF3cO. ' + € tr q l c IT - P A - - a i:q) I' J aa e t- : . . z v; id # 5 ts = ' = d; E aSc\IOO F.T\aac) 9cta tIIIttIIIIIIItl: cg (J TE a-a l; lra0 IgI IIIItTIIIItIIIItIIt cnt, C\ t taEbo8. 2 oc lr L a ro - tf . C) E7 sE or . 'O E4E =o vc ) t( l '9- g At A&EEo ,; i l 1la& JdE'1 , v2 0 tr ( ) -2 .= c) €G l x' 6 =oE3 () c , 9o ) a€ €. E 't , 'o q, a) () o o( ) (, ) c) a, 'o o( u 6a i ll rd co .g .r E u , .- .- c- \ J L' \ .- L. t- a Jo r - ao ; o .E . * 8 E. E ; . 3( t x ;T E si E E: ; -l J { Eg o EE € 6* g . 9 A Y - =E & o. r a € i€ 2 ts r lZ* IAtq) tr l5-ct-Jo a F a A - a O) F- O U2 a - A N (o Ot r- O f- O O {r ) {' ) (O Cr l (O - F F Ol (Q C! 1r ) Ol N N ; O ; 6 6 I a3 eI ae ae I I ae I I A A A ae Ee ae A A S ae I q a c? - c! ol q q u? c! ry q q q - \ \q q q a a : Ct { (o r' - S (o ol t, ) tr ) R @ o $ to (o tr ) {o $ C! =rNgxd F! FooOO € NN ' = rt P E" E' .= -f J -- A** t 3l , ., : ) (Y lF F b oi d A i6 E H oo f t o- l o \ 0 E' a ., \ ar >r L. l - (uC S! - Q a = (? l! 9 (o V 1O C) N N r\ O) tf ) C\ t F- (o O) A Cr l Gl tf ) (O co tf ) Cr l F $ to N (O (A ct { Cr l Ol N $t N !- C{ F ! - F - - - - - - - - F ! r - F - t F - Erb(l , 9o !& Fo.? l 3 E t= 5 9s E T c- _a s 53oJ N q. f N lQ A ]\ $ (O C! !A l{ ) lf ) O) $ (Y ) !- N O) o) f, . $I cr l !t , r - (o q c? : @ q u? a A - \ \ \ c! ( q q q rt tr ) rr ) $ rr ) ro lr ) lr ) $ lo lr ) (f ) rr ) lf ) rD tr ) lo rr , io A A A aQ ae ae ae A ac aQ A ee A A ts e ts Q A ts Q ts Q ts e aQ a? F? q .q a? - c! \ q c! q q q \ q c! of s? q .q q e{ (9 (Y ) (' ) S O) @ rf (\ O C! F- (O lf ) O $ @ C{ @ @ F O () O O F O) o) O O) (V ) O) f- O O O O) O) o) C) O IF F - F F F F ! F ? - t F F lf O) O) l' - @ O) E f' - C. l r (o @ @ @ (o O) U) f. - (o F !t - C{ f. - N (Q (r ) (O (O fr - @ (p (r ) t- tO f- N fr . fl - F. - l: - q) q) o o to o o o o o o lr ) o o o lf ) o ro o o lf ) o o (O ! F - l J ( ) r F - F O F - ! F F F - oo o o o o o o C f o o o o o o o o o o o o z z z z z, z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z oo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ( o rr ) ro lr , tr ) rr ) lr ) rr ) lr ) to ro lr ) ro to to to tr ) rr ) ro ro ro ro oUJE.s(u SE r. L GI ' V 3i l oa I c,I9E Y oL a o(Uco J oo- E' 'YE"-a=cf@o@NGl ,=ooEooaoF = (? ) S C\ (r l (O f\ @ (r ) C{ @ F @ (t ) O) !F @ tO O} C\ tO J F F co r\ - to o c? q rr j c! oq o! q o. g\ i A - (4 . {' ol 3, <o r' i - - <r i o, oi r- - V d co d Gi o to o) (o o) ro c' r E lr ) lr ) lf ) lr ) rr ) lf ) $ $ rO (O $ (7 ) rr ) LO !t V S ro =oo.xL-(E= T E E gE H E € € ga o o E E E F E c, €E ; Et r t r E E E $ E E E E E E c E E EE E g E E E E s a* g i u E g e I q E .E = = I = = € ;- c' t i .b F (\ .h t-oa? FoooooJci ;8 o, E- = E FEE( l , O G' : = C F- ( .9 UE PU , t- tH; x# fl -r t- o tr g 2, O t= a (Jt. i€Ub a€ J (O F ' - l J ) ( 0 ( O N O I O t O t O C{ G l ( r ) - ( \ l ( v ) ( \ l ! C{ ' r . . FF T F I ! - F ! - F F - SA S A S A * S A A q- q q q q ? . q u ? a ? ( ' ? FO ) @ ( ' ) ( O O ) | f , ) N O L O OO ) O O O ) r ' - O ) O O O tF !t - - oo o o o o o o o o zz z z z z z z , z z , oo o o o o o o o o rr ) rr ) lo ro r. o Lo rr ) ro ro Lo oo o o o o o o o o !- F F T F F F C { lr ( r ) ! F O ) @ F @ l J ) f - f r . cO I { ) ( D @ S O ( O C { ! F ( O 61 6 l r $ ; dF _ _ O e . i lr r $ | f ) u ) (o $ l r ) r o r r ) olr l- a v;o)oL.q)0d(!o.--l' . t rl a ()a)F3o i) . - + * tr q l C )- t! . ? ,\ : v5- : r. . i. : e) rE a I aa zLF , .. z v; fr f # 5 E= ' =d; E 30 ;h i os o, n , * g c. c Y ( u Gl (U O^ t { E, -C ec \ l E Eg E s € " , E ( h t s e F s H € gE EE o- - - - ' = . 8 . 8 6 r y € F cnL-o' cn rn .==ba)8. 9 (l ) t r t- l- !=ghs6HE Y( J rY r 0) (, LE1 ' z- a ^( u v( Je, H 9. g o. y 0( ) t2 o= fl o-E o ,; f r 1l ?t ) &-1 4 G'E'1 C U' O = c. , A =E .= c. ) dc , i^ . () =o?a c) 6 6 !) c. ) .E€. s oq ) a) ( J oq ) i) c, ) 13 'o o( ) €c , al .t cc .2- .r E A .- , \ c- \ J l- - \ .- L. l- a Jo r - sE 2 .- a .- G, EE * c. - d ,3 f x ; XE 5; E €t - \ - l{ - O -\ r : rUg q) EE € 6 '8 .g A v - =s & .O j 5 , - C ' 78 6 It Zr - * IAf.(l ) ,- !Ir-d€--o () F lf ) r' - O O F O O O f- O O @ O O O O (? ) N N F (O (7 ) C\ t (V ) C. l (O C{ (f ) (r , - (f ) C! C. , l (\ l C{ (r , O lo (7 , F- @ CD l' - LO (O (v , $l Ol O tO lf ) (7 ) N @ Ol f- Ol Ol lf ) (r l C{ (r ) F C{ (' ) C. l F C{ - F t- !t - rF - F !l - F F !F !F rF - tF - - F i C! o) O t. C ) e{ N r- - e{ @ @ (O F !t @ N lf ) Ol $ @ (p (g f- (O }- f- (p f- f- f- @ F- (p N f\ @ F. - r- O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O $ LO lr , lO lr ) tO tO tO LO tO LO tr , tr } tO tr , tO tO LD oo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o -F C { F t O F - ! - t t - F F F O I ae a e E Q A S a e A A a e S a c a e S a e a e a e a e a e c! ol a? q c! sl q q q - q o! c! u? ol q q c] (t ) lf ) f, - (D lf ) O @ o) (Y ) O f- lo !- O F () O O F- 9 N ry l\ @ !4 9. 1 !P - A = Q A = a O O O o) !t (o @ rj u? \ ol q u? a? q $ co (o = : ; .t ' & ro .o .o rr l o o) !r !- \r ; I z z z ro l r ) t r ) r o tf tf lr ) l r ) \ r l r ) l . o (r $ ae S ae I S S A aQ A S ae $ * $ I A S $ - l- (o (O (7 ) O O) tf ) (O O C{ (O C{ N @ C\ @ O s o oi oi lJ ) (o oi (f ) o cr i t- oo D- - oi ri oi t- (o - O C{ O C{ O) @ C{ CI , O) .- O) O) N O) O) O) O -- F - ! FCr l $ (V ) (\ l t( ) Ol (o V F @ @ O (o !F O) O) O) (\ q a? q? a? q .q q \ (' ? q u? c! cd q \ u? cd q (O O $ - $l @ \t F O) O) @ O) S O) (O O) lf (r ) LO l. D (O tO @ .t S (o $ S tO V (o $ li f lO 9- o) U, E = \r ' o- O. = f. f C *c ) lr ( .\ 4 ae pE ' ag 7. CB IJ h cv # J oo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o c ] zz z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z i:i::. ? o ,i H e A 0 er ug EE sE EE ss H E bE eF EE o Ea E : EF f ; g i a E : E : : - F s s E * E E (JSaHui o)o r- )L0) ct ) FlCE (J . r- aSa Ita-()c)F3oO. $ € tq l c lr ar P ^ >\ i X - - I aaLq) FY aa o 2-FA . - Z \r ; fr l i l J E= ' = 'r v v -l \- t- IIIItItIIIIItIItIII tIIttIIIIITIIIITIIt ent. ' r\ f q'= -r t r c / ) .- .- , \ c- \ J l- - l .- L i l dBE Z J-EE B S cr x €E E t: ; - \J .a J B. 9 o ES € Eg . o ,\ v ; .:E * og G l iE E -t rZl r t a\ NU :r f' ' \_ , I =l o. I o El 3 dl 'F F l cr o l O O *' NN ' F && , ' = -- JJJ A** t t= E oi d A 6r i H oo f r . CL l o \ 9 E' a 0- o- -- (Uc or- -o) !t ,- l - H E& !Fc, l* ? - r? d F 3$ E , I e2 C- =AE E =oJ 0,=Eh()8. e 00 ) c li . tr .c =F9 =( J P( )ot - 13 'o 'g s {t t=0 ) vo t- Gt gc ) Or , 3E !{ o-g o .a & ttai l llsc0 '1 , vr o cq ) -2xt .= G) dc l€t EA '. ) cE :r o a= es E' o |9 a ) <- ) o oc ) o( ) oode s tl .J ] c0 oo o o o o o o o o o o o oo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o z. z. z. z. z. z. z 2 z. z z z z. z. z z z z z z z z z z z z. z z. z. lr t O, c, (, al t\ N O I t S lf , cO lJ ) Ot I. ( i N O) ! (O N (D - - @ N ll t r. t I\ u? c! - c! \ i q a - - c! rj ot \ q o, A q 9 c9 - q q - - 1 A -{ Q (o (o o si (t F o o ol (o Gl ol o (l , o c. { o r, , rD (q , o o (o (\ t ro Lc , t rt r- a t I\ (\ l $l (\ l (' , O $l - - d) 6l - lJ ) - O - (o (i l (\ l (I , (t Ol Gl $ (\ l t ol N .i t d, N CD - (q ) - (O G, lO (' t e - O (\ a O) l\ lr , (\ l G, (, l. r , cO - (D O) C, i (l l L! o! u? \ ol .q c - u? Y q q a ci a q q v u? Q : u? q q oj q q ol o q l, o (, @ O ln O O lJ ) t - O (' C. , l !( l - lI ) o) lr ) U, t $ O V t o) (o O Gl ( D F ( O l ^ ( , tl f \ c O ( ( , () l\ N C r ( O ( O l \ N r \ N G , i- ( O F - t\ a r I s a I a s * a I a s I a * * *l s a I a a a * * * *l * lo O O) (t l\ l\ C{ O - $ (o $ q) (O (o O V Ol - (' O O) V - o) O O c. , l l ( r , d d + cr i ri $ r" i ci s J oi ri cc , o c. i oi co ri l o t ci ri oi <o @ o ci $ rc i l o i 6r - O ( D - - O O r O O l - I s O - - O O I O - O -- O O l e -- l - - - - l - = CD O) l\ (O (i , (' , t l\ F N ? F @ (O - lr , I: (O F ln CD (i , I\ F ls o) (o (! , Ol 7 q r o! = \ ol C - q o! o! ' q \ - u? ol q 6 q q q c! o! c! i i cj q ol xi 6 d, o .o Gl (\ l o o ol o u, N t, o (\ r (o - c\ l F ({ - r () E, N o c. { - !l d -N N- N N N N N 6 | N 6l - C{ Ol t r l N ol ( r l <l l cr l $ l oI Al < r l ol < r l 'O E' tv -E'' s gcf '0 6 $p oo \. / c) = g5 , b EI ' . , A I EY €? h (J EEE r FO .t L oo o o o o o o o o o o o oo o oo o o N q r o oo o o o o N Gt (\ l N c{ c{ (\ t c{ c\ r (\ r (\ r (\ 1 61 61 (\ 1 6r c{ Gl c. , t (\ t J co c. t c. r (\ r ol C\ I (\ l ol 6l - o u, rn l, , 0 0 rD rn t. ( , o o u) o lD ro l^ o tn lI , ro t, , tI ' (, ll , o l. r ) o u, l, , u) O FO tf ) tO a!.Ir-r-.dcl3o E, A $ s $ eF a g EE EI * *E E? E H E$ H *I $ E * s E f, i s = f El = oco.c ,€ool-o.C , .ooIo{ !- Io'5 (t ,C(U€. - r u o r u o, c c c 9( r ( E ( l , I- ? ? ? 1 L 5 ! lJ - u u L- o , ( l ) ( l ) Lo o o PL L L - =o o o vcr -c . -c -c . =o o ( ) Loo o o -a : d : OJ - - (l ) L coao E .c , E 6 6' =E e g€ s a r g E r H E E € E c $ E€ fl e g EE E E E E E E T b = b b Eb 9 9 g P E E = E 9 = = lDoIo3.xL.(U=FottFoooaoJci ;E G' E- : - 5 . Fl -Eo ( U 16 : = C F- .9 TE PH , Erd ; x# x- Q . r' a tv - l- o tr gz- q F\ J tr a€Ub CI € J R0 rd )Ut1 ,r , i) o-- l- a v; 0r ) () .E f e(. )a-c( I (J .r a tsj--()a)FgA -J V if . + € 9G . | o = '< ! ' o 3 _1 t> i:,J rI - aa ?-FA . . |z V U A ii E HL t Qd i E (JtxFt (t \ -l 6! I.- {r )>- . -G-ts-H€) e)Lu0 trq) fE I aaC\IbO Fi lThaoc)uGTa t$ tr \ ' N' 9 rIo{ cnb- c\ an '= E=e,o8. 2 gE t=Sx 95 wi 0) ot - 'o E 'E s7r vobg 9c , Oq )3E )* . O -g o '= O. 6& 1! ca & JddE'o .a o tr q ) -2 .= c, ) (€ € €E?n () ( l , -C ) a) t" 5 €. E €Eooooc) c ) oc ) 'c E (t ) ( u dG , tr q tl iJ ] ce(a -. 'E ca .-C- \ J La - \ .- L. t- J. 9 k ao : ( r .s . g 8 E E* ' s+ r ; TE €t E E: ; -t J a J Bl ! cl EE € 6* q . g /A Y - .=s & .O .j . ct 4E E tl ZF t * a I a a - a O) N A qR a !- O r- (o c{ t\ O r\ O C) (r , C{ (O (7 , C! (A F Ol Ol (Y ) Ol (D C{ C. I Ol F O ; 6 6 I * A * S A * * S A A I * S S S * Sl * S I O) @ f- f' - (O Gl (7 ) C\ (r ) O (O F (\ (O (O (\ l O NI O l. - - : o $ o to ri 3 to d l. - ri - r- ro \r - oi -r n - 'f to =o. rg3d IF F00OO € NN ' = o, ot '= -- AJJ A+$ t lt t t f ' , tt - F id i d A 66 H oo a O. A \ 9 g) '6 0- d- > tUc Q O) E Q !D e? lt l' - = N = |\ @ (O F l( ) f- (O F ln O, O - O) $ f. - O) (Q , F - @ C\ t g) to F- F rO o) q 6 q C e cd El a a; N N <> o et a ri ni ri o c. i rj rF , c. t F ot , F !- C{ (\ l F (r l $l C{ C{ C{ C. | $l C\ , l tt - Cr l Cr l Ol Cr l (r l N N tO 9) @ @ C{ f- N @ $ !t :f 1. 1 1 , @ tO O) lf ) f- O} $ (O r\ lD c! !- Gl r- F ol $ _ r c! tI ) ol \ ol d q q qq q - @ (o d :t tD t> a cc , c. t to e. . i N o <o o N o rd a rj o f\ C\ N C{ (7 , @ C{ F (7 , Ol F lf ) F (D F (r ) (r ) N G) O F F F F - F F F i! . - F F F ! tr ! . !t - tl - !F - @ f\ - O) = (? = (O (O lr ) (? = F @ (\ O) f- tf ) C{ (r , @ to ol u? \ ol q q - u? A q q \q @ q q q q u? e - u? lr ) r, @ o ro o () lr ) v o (o N v |r ) o) Lo rr , !c rf (Q @ F. . (O LO !t l. r . @ (! @ lr . f- @ (Q (O fr . fl . f\ * s s s s $ ts a s $ s s * s ee s s s xl x s a c! r q q - a q F? \ \ ol q oq a? q n (o e{ l o c\ r ?- @ ro o (a -- d d N ro co c\ 't v ro r- @ @ {l N rr i F- 3 = 3 o) I = = 3 = 3 S = @ o) = = F or - o o) -t - - o l' - (l , 3oB& Fo-l rr r = c? 6 F 3S E , I o2 CF F =AE E 3oJ oo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o C f o o z z z z. z, z z z z z z z z z. z z. z z z z z o oo o o o o o o o o o o o o () o o o oc { Gl c{ N c\ I c! c\ l c\ l c{ c{ N e{ c\ e{ c{ N e{ c{ N N N _(\ l 'O E" IY a-s pcf E $p GE t v oi @5 6 or (g Ga ' $d al =r g EY E? h oi 5EE I Fd (L o rr ) lr , |r ) o o ro ro ro o o rJ 2 o ro ro ro lr ) ro lo lr ) to Or O ! - F t- - = .C F O O) (\ @ @ (o S $ F- Cr l (o (O f' - N !- $ O) tf O) 3 (o O C{ lf ) $l (O @ rf N F- lf ) o) O) O lf ) (O f\ @ (V ) O tO g? - c. i d $ ri cr i - oi -- ' t o. i @ oi rr l <r i ri o ri - o E C! C{ F Cr l (r l Gl (\ N $l C\ , l Ol F C{ Cr l Cr l Gl C{ Cr l Ol ?Io ,at- a .Id6t-Jc, s s E E ,E $ P B 6o - c , q t E :r s 6 S ae E ? g€ s 6 , E sg * * E g * g g g H $E E E E E E gg gg E E ; g; t* = t E E g g g g .E E = = I = = g i c. { +_ .b F c, r _ .b LotJ!E=x.Eo=Fot!-oooooC)Jci ;c ] n, E= 5 . PLEa , ( U tU : = c $( o o ) o ) o o ) o ) ( , ) @ o , O. q r j f o l o ) N $ l F c t l rr l c . i d / t o € r N < o F C\ I N ! - ( ' ) ( r ) ( V ) C ! !- F F - ! F t t - La ( ) U, ' E PU , -14 ; fr # xO . lv ) t -. 40 ti E2, O Fi U t- d€ rr l - \J Oc€ J tIIItIt !r - l f ) $ O ) O l F t f ) O ) O ) $ If ) ( r ) - O @ O ) O ) f - F - f r . 19 a : F - 1 r 1 C . j t 6 l . . @@ f ' - f \ ( o ( 7 ) @ i ae A A a e A a e e € a e A t s e iC r l $ O ) C r ) C r l O ) l - f - C r l N 't 61 i 1p .1 . cO cO 6l rf O - lf ) i- O ! - O O ) @ O O O O ;j - ! F F T F F - F i -i io o o c ) o o o o o o ; ZZ Z Z Z z Z z z Z dLr )- {ui ()() .r { EG)a(qo .t { L. i{ ()() t- '3o o. s * tr q l o F. =F ^, -b i F i:q) r, v aa o a-FA . . z v; F. I # U f- = ' = ,J Y t r ItIITTtIIIt I1ro o o o o o o o ( ) o :c l c l G t o t c { c { N r o t o l r , i:i lo l r ) l r ) t r ) o o r o o o o (Y ) f- . f\ (O !t f\ (v ) (O O) (g .q o ! o l q q - q s ? u l c . i (\ I F C { , F O ) ( O O O O t O (\ l C r l (\ l ( \ l F - C r l t O l f ) 3t pA, h os ae s H e e , 9l EE H$ H EE H o #g - € 55 q o l = i s t E g g a 3 EE E E H i E o t , t r + F E I E FE H E =* E E E E R H E IIttIIIIIIIIIIIIItI t? t \o' cn U'=e, !)8. e s. E E-gho. ti E: BE (, tr E- t r '; ota=o vobH 9- e Oc A3E l. r t O *a ,; d gl (a & J4€E.o vl 0 tr C ) ts -aAE .= q) (t c, €t ?g 'J ct !) c, ) 65 €. E '5 '1 3 o( l ) ooa) ( ) G) c ) 'o 1' c) q ) Gl 6 al ta E 3 +. t s U | .-c- \ J La - 1 .- L HJo r -PE ; .- .- q, EE # E+ r ;X E s; E E: ; -\ J . P Eg o EE € 6g . s A Y - Fa t u E EE F i€ 2 lr a r lZ ). . r * aaol-(u t- a II-ct--o O F lf ) F' - O O F O O O f\ O O @ O O O O (o c{ ol (r ) (f ) c{ (o c\ l (Y ) c\ t (, ) (a (o c\ t c{ c\ t oo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o c\ t e\ | c\ t c{ Gt c\ t N c\ t c\ t c{ c\ t ot c{ c\ t rr ) Lo Lo rr ) r^ r ) o ro o lr ) lI ) lr ) lr ) ro rJ ) ro o o Lo o o o tO t O F ae A S I I I ae r a e ae * * A * * I ae ae ae o) - r^ c l F ol I ql u ? a? o! \ r ol c! - q q q to (r i .f - ri - F- l O <r i $ c. i o - - O o o o (t ) ,F t- [ O (\ l S C\ O F _ (2 h - r \ s ) @ ( 2 e ! A N E t Q S N e 1 ) O O O c! c! c! - - d o{ ol a c! ol q q - q = = = - ri o c. i ri a( - r, N i c. f ; o, to o lL Ol Ol Cr | $l (\ l (\ l C{ Ol $l C{ N !t - F Ol O) !F F @ f- lj l ) lI ) f' - $ (o O) o) O, cD o) (r ) @ O) q q - - a ry .q q q q rj r ot o, N ot ot o cc , tr i tr ) ri ' t -f lr l lr l (r i ni o co t' . - @ F - Cl l N V (r l $ $l (r l (r ) C{ Cr l F (o (7 , (' ) (r l -F F ? . F ! - F ! - ! F F F t F @ O) O) @ $ (t ) lf ) t- lf ) $ O) C{ F tO o) o) \f q q oj q q q @ q u? c? - C q q q r\ N r- O rf $ O) @ O - (O $ F- (O (O (o rr - fr - @ N @ f - f r . @ @ f \ F - ( Q ( r r @ * s I I * A *l S * * A * S S S I S A \q q u? - q q Cl c ! q q q A \ q q q \ q l. ( ) @ - Ol O Ol (f ) I O \f t- ,F @ O O rt O (o (f ) O F C{ F (\ l O FI C ! - F O !- O) O O O O t- F F F F tF -l - rF F F !r - F !F F (r l f\ O) (r l F N f\ $ (O O) (o @ (' ) @ (o t (O @ q \ c! a - u? \ q q - a? q - q q o c? -- O) 5r ) $ $t $ O 6r t !q Ot Ot (\ !F Gt @ O lr l ) (7 , l4 , F (\ l Ol (\ Ol N (r l Cr l C{ C{ N (\ N - C! lf ) t{ g il 8 A=VO . O. = ic Q nc ) ti l -s 4 ns = e' . a9 ?. CB uho# J (f o o o C f o o o o o o o o o o o o o z, z , z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z q@ 3t p H P ?, - g E0 o \ / \ ' / 4, ' r i : s e F Ei P f l f i Is s € f i E g g B e E* * $ g s E l = f = i E F F E s E $ :::: () " t- iHHui , (. ) ; () .t t t-(D r ai Ft :60 f () ; .- i lr tF: -a (J i (l ) :F. i 3 a i O. S €i t $ cl .} i F; O o d; ii aa I t- : -U aa ?LF A .. i 2 v ;? . ii i # 5, E= ' F : d; E It I I lill['8ff SlTi'0l.:5^TY,3i?JH; ctienuProjea: ft te / LSC. Reuiene, Er-Vtorah FtLilaGbA work order No.: Af COY Laboratory: Olympus' Sample ldentification Numbers: MtAJtl , Mtrtrt Ml,t).l, t B I , Mdk , -T ldrUJI0. |rA\^.) %, Date Sampled:E_y_*_ EPA Analytical Method: Data Completeness See attached analvtical report C1 Results received out of q expected =too o/o. Are completeness results acceptable? (Y/N): Comments: I I I I I t t I I I I t I t I Detunsibility Chain-of-Custody form present and signed? (Y/N): Samples stored and/or shipped cool? (Y/N): Preservative present in sample containers? (Y/N): Are defensibility p"r"reters acceptable? (Y/N): Cornments: bU\ U nc Holding Time Were samptes extracted within acceptable holding times? (Y/N) t Xl/_ Were samples analyzed within acceptable holding times? (Y/N) Are holding tirne parameters acceptable? (Y/N), V: id NrVlna'vt 6 cJ4kdt'74'Cornments. Page 1 wo "r., h10c8 sanprerDNumbers, 7 Gtr 6Ut) sarpbor,* 8 --J -0 flt -la 8- 8- 0s n P Equipment and Trip Blank Analyses Appropriate number of equipment blanks submitted? (Y/N): Appropriate number of trip blanks submitted? (Y/N): Are results above method detection limits? (Y/N): lf yes, provide concentrations detected and concentiations of those compounds in sample data if present: t/{/J/ ,a' I I I I I I I I I tlethod Blanks Are results above method detection limits? (Y/N): }.t"O lf yes, provide concentrations detected and concentrations of those compounds in sample data if present: Surrogate Recoveries Are recoveries within acceptable percent recovery control limits? (Y/N) lf no, Iist results. outside of limits. tlatrix Spike and Spike Duplicate Recoveries Are recoveries within acceptable percent recovery control limits? (Y/N) lf no, list results outside of limits. I t t I il t I I T Are dupticate RPDs within acceptable limits? (Y/N) -9W - lf no, Iist results outside of limits: Page 2 I I t ; sil'pte rr-:J'. Sanrpre on"' <-1- O'( *O 8-8-O I Laboratory Duplicates Are RPDs for laboratory duplicates within acceptable ranges? (Y/N): lf no, list results outside of ranges. I I I I I I I T I t I I t t I Field Duplicates Calculate and list RPDs for field duplicates. Do the RPDs appear appropriatec 't$l) ' OA/QC Discussion .e-q- Ur-a,rt^Yi<-iB D l-aq-oz Page 3 REI.AT]VE PERCENT DIFFERENCE CALCUI.ATIONS Analytical Data Validation Form Olympus Technical ServiceS, lnc. ClientrP$ect Work Order No. Sample Date Sample ldentification Duplicate Sample ldentification Labonatory Date Analyzed AlGl Laundry Supply Co. A7008 8t8t01 MW-9i [J[W-10 Evergreen Analytical, tnc. u13rc1 RPD Formula RPD = relative percent differen@ SR = sample recovery DSR = duolicate AnalyE R P D= (SR-DSRI((S R+ DS R)/2) *1 00 I I I T I I T I I I I t I I I I I I T 1,1 Dictrloroethane 1,1 Dicirloroethene cis-!, 2-Dich I oroeth ene tra ns- 1,2-Dich lo roethen e Tetrachloroethene Trichloroethene SR (pg/l) ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 DSR (pg/l) ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 pg/l = rnicrograms per liter ND = not detected at laboratory reporting limits - = not calculated a$mps Technial Senaces, Inc. RPD 8€.Ol - RPD fed\A70Bl 1nqvzPage 4 Lab Sample ID : Date Prepared : Date Analyzed : RB08l40l 08/t41200r 081141200t Evergreen Analytical, fnc. 4036 Youngfield St., \ilheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 42s-6A21 Method Blank Report Client Project ID : A7008 Lab Work Order : 0l -4286 Lab file ID : VOA308I4\12137.D Prep F'actor : I Effective Dilution : I Units:pg/LvoA 8260Method: SW8260B I I I I I I Analyte CAS #Concentration RL PQL U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U I I I I I t I Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 75-274 75-25-2 74-83-9 56-23-5 108-90-7 5 5 10 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 10 5 5 Chloroethane 2-Chlo roethylvi nyleth er Chloroform Chlorornethane Dibromochloromethane 75-00-3 110-75-8 6766-3 74-87-3 12448-1 10 10 5 10 5 1 ,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlo rodifl u o rom eth ane 1 ,1-Dichloroethane 95-50-1 541-73-1 146-46-7 7 5-71-8 75-34-3 5 5 5 10 5 1 ,2-Eichloroethane 1 , 1 -Dichloroethene cis-1,2-Dich lo roeth en e tra ns- 1,2-Dich lo roeth en e 1 ,Z-Dichloropropane 107-06-2 75-35-4 156-59-2 156-60-5 78-87-5 5 5 5 5 5 cis-1, 3-Dichlo ropropen e trans- 1, 3-Dichloropropene Methylene chloride Tetrachloroethene 1,1,z,z-Tetrach lo roetha n e 1 0061 -01 -5 10061-02-6 75-09-2 127-18-4 79-34-5 5 5 5 5 5 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane 1,1,z:Trichloroeth ane Trichloroethene Trichlo rofl u o ro m eth an e Vinyl chloride 71-55-6 79-00-5 79-01-6 75€9-4 75-01-4 5 5 5 5 10 t I T t Surrogate Recovery 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (SS-1 ) Toluene.dS (SS-2) 4-Bro mofl uoro benzen e (SS-3) 1AA% 1AO% 105% QC Limits 79 123 79 118 74 129 I I Qualifiers: U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit (RL) J - furalyte detected betow Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) E - Extrapolated value. See rerun at dilution B - fualyte detected in the associated Method Blank S - Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery limits X - Not Applicable. Approved 8/16/2001 4:41 PM Quantitation Report Data File : C: \ltpCHEM\i.\DATA\VoA3oB14\1273't .D 4l Steve Tysonffi3 I 8250080 $'.1MS Integration Params : rt,eint . p Quant Time: Aug 15 9:27 20Al Acq On Sample Mi sc Method Title : L4 Aug 2001 10:30 am : RBO 814 01 : MBLK 8260 S Vial : Operat,or:Inst : MuItip1r: Quant Results File: . M (RTE Int.egrator): c : \upcHEM\r\METHoDS\ a 260 o 8 o I: 8260 LasL Update : Wed Aug 08 L4:LLz24 2001 ResDonse via : Initial Calibrat ion T I I I T I I I I l I I I I I I TIC: 12737.D 2300000 2200000 21 00000 2000000 1 900000 1 800000 1 700000 1 600000 (t)- N ocoNcIo o =6 Is- @_ (o I U) U) ocoNEIo o =o Eo (D I 1 500000 1 400000 1 300000 1 200000 1 1 00000 1 000000 900000 800000 700000 600000 500000 400000 osYo 9q !P6Eq ctJ9toi- ato(l9-- tso cD *o*i I,o*j F @Eoc(g =TD I(Y 't ime-->4.00 5.00 6.00 7.N 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.@ 12.@ 13.@ 14.00 15.m 16.00 17.00 18.00 L2737 .D 82600808 . M Thu Aug 15 L6:43:28 200L Page 2 I I I I I Lab Sample ID : Date Prepared : Date Analyzed : RB08l50l 08/15/2001 08/l 51200t Evergreen Analytical, Inc. 4036 Youngfield St., lYheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 42s402t Method Blank Report Client Project ID Lab Work Order Lab File ID Prep F'actor Effective Dilution A7008 0t-4286 voA3081 5\r2768.D I I Method: SW8260B voA 8260 Units:pg/t Analyte CAS #Concentration PQL Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 75-27-4 75-25-2 74-83-9 56-23-5 108-90-7 U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 5 5 10 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 10 5 5I I T I I I I I Chloroethane 2-C h Io ro ethylvi nyleth er Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane 75-00-3 110-75-8 67-66-3 74-87-3 12448-1 10 10 5 10 5 1 ,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlo rodifl u o ro m eth an e 1 ,1-Dichloroethane 95-50-1 541-73-1 10646-7 75-71-8 75-34-3 5 5 5 10 5 1 ,2-Dichloroethane 1 ,1-Dichloroethene cis-1, 2-Dichlo roeth en e trans- 1, 2-Dich lo roeth en e 1 ,2-Dichloropropane 107-06-2 75-35-4 156-59-2 156-60-5 78-87-5 5 5 5 5 5 cis-1, 3-Dich lo ro pro pene trans-1, 3-Dichlo ropropene Methylene chloride Tetrachloroethene 1,1,z,z-Tetrac h loroeth an e 1 0061-01-5 1 0061-02-6 75-09-2 127-18-4 79-34-5 5 5 5 5 5 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane 1,1,z-Trichlo roeth an e Trichloroethene Trich lorofl u o ro m eth an e Vinyl chloride 71-55€ 79-00-5 79-01-6 75-69-4 75-01-4 5 5 5 5 10 I t I Surrogate Recovery 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (SS-1 ) Toluene-d8 (SS-2) 4-Bromofl uo robenzene (SS-3) 99% 104o/o 103% QC Limits 79 123 79 118 74 129 I t I Qualifierc: U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit (RL) J - fuialyte detected below Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) E - Exrapolated value. See rerun at dilution B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank S - Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery limits X - Not Applicable. >a- Approved 8/I 7/2001 l0:29 AM euantl_tat, l_on Report Data File : C:\ltpcHEM\L\DATA\voA3oB15\l_27G8.D I nt "l I I I I T I I T I I t I t I I I a_ (o I U) U) ocoNcIo o =o Eo CD Is rr)E Ioc(l) NcIo osoocoNcIo o5 6 Is- a-sE I (Dcc,(E(EE,-=0)oo LEO L_t1(J =i58ci?EF e TD F oEoc(u =trtt(\r Quant Acg On Sample Misc : 15 Aug 2001- Laz44 am: R808150L : MBLK 826A S ViaI: Operator:fnst: Mult iplr : Results File: 5 Steve Tyso VOA3 1.00 92600909.R MS Int,egration Params : rteint . p Quant Time : Aug L7 10 : 0 0 200L Method Tit Ie LasL Update ResDonse via c : \HpcHEu\r\ueuroDs\ 82600B08 .M (RTE rnregraror) 8260 Wed Aug 0B L4:1L:24 2001-Initial Calibration TIC: 12768.D ,l I4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 1 1 .00 12.@ 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 l.2758,D 82600808.M Fri Aug L7 10:00 257 2001 Page 2 \ \ tI =1 , }i \ !g-U) \ enb. ' l\ r IAEt-c)e ., 2 gE .g 1 = ghs6EE sE ot 1, .O Ze * 6ge' g 9o ) c) ? A &, E -g o '= O. d& 1lu) & JIFatl l pa 'o ut o tr G ) -2 .= o GI G' 5' E ac , 9a )6€ €. E '< , '! , () a ) () o e" ) ( ) 0) o E, O o{ ) (( l G , ct r tlEt t r =E=o(LE,o(LE,* =o-o*fi ) FFoooo NNItE, , E" == tt !t tl F F at id eY(U r E ooo. oE' 6 (L A ruC l' , O) O (O Ol N (\ l @ $ S 3 l. ) cO rO O) tr , N O) $ (O r\ (D e - co r\ h 6 N rr (\ - c. , r r: r c. , t v i = c! , r j 9 \ E oi tq C 9 e - 9 9 - - a q q e d tc t ci .t ri F- o o ot ro 6i N o ro d N ci ri rn ri ct o d cr i ro rr r \r !i r. r F Oa Ol Ol (' ) (o 6l - e (D $l e lI ) F (r ) F (t (t Gl (, (r , N N $ N \i N (\ t ni F? - Era -o =or& rF(, lr r = *? c i g yS . s , .! C* =EY , E =oJoUJE.* JE' ) Et IC:f tFGOo 95 , @ Ga ' $l lae€e o() EEE l- (E(t ,E,Y(La(l ,EYo-a-r lol "l==ooE. 0O l\ O) - tr ) - (1 , @ r, ) O e e .( , (\ l g, t- tO (\ l a, ) c, ln d) - d) Ot @ t .D rl r o) u) N cD s o - n a c q 9 d a q c Y u? Q - u? c c oj c q c d, ci d rj 6i a rj o o rj * ; cj ro N s - rn oi ' r i ro s r cj $ ( oj d. d - (O @ r \ ( O l . ( ) rC F C r ( , (o Nf \ O ( o @ F f \ N N O t- @ N l\ sS E A S t t * t 8 * A S S S 8 A 8 A * t * A AA A 8 8 S lO O CD G) F r- O| Ol F q (0 sl o) (, (O GO $ O F (v ) (, o) I - o) O O Gl (o ci rr i $ Gi ri .t ri d .c - oi ri ci d c. i oi d ri oi ci ri e. i <c i t< , ci tr i $ <r i oi o) F O o ) F F O O - O ( \ I F F O - F O O O - O -F C r c , - oo o o o o o o o o o o o o oa o o o o c ] o o o o o o o o z z z. z z z z z z z z z z. z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z oo o o o o o o oo o o o o oo o o o o (\ l . o o o o o o o o Ol Ot (\ l C. ' l N (\ 1 (\ l Ol C' , 1 (\ l N e{ C{ N N 6l Ol (\ l Cl C' , 1 J d C. l C. l c\ | 6l Ol Ol (\ l C. l - o rl ) l, ) 1, ) o o lr ) l, o lr , o o rJ ) o rn lD rl ) rD lo rJ ) rr ) ro rD r, , o rD o rD lo tc , O FO tf , tf ) .= ri . E a .- .- c- \ J La - f .- L HJ. 9 k HE I EE # Ee r ;I E€t E E: ; -( . r . . , 8. 9 c) EE E 6t g . e /^ v - HG r g r, fa CL -9 . 4 * l i$ 2 Fr , Zr - r * Ot o) i* (O (, (r ) $ l: e F - ls @ (O e tr ) N (o ? l, ) O) (' ) ls - t\ (D @ c, (\ l O - O, !C l\ o @ - @ N o (o I\ - tJ ) o q O q q q c! c! c! - - ci q ol .c i ri ci ci cr i ci d ci e. i ci ' r i oi tr i ci cr i ri ; N ; N ; ; rt <' i aa ri N ; ri -c \ l N -G l C { ( \ l N N ( \ l G l Ol - C{ (\ C - { $ l ol N$ l N( \ l ( \ l Gl Ol ol O l aat, l.(l , l- a rt a--6leo E€ s * ' ' t * E g r E * * g g - g E EE E E E E E E g g g e g E E E Lo I tU=x.E(u=FettFq,c,ooJci;e o E€ - 5 . FL . tr c ) l E 1g : = E l- o?, . E PN , l{ .ta ; x# \O . a ct ) n. ;< -o tr EZP lr L, , -t <d€ ,. L r \- I Oa€ J o- l- aa) () .E l e()a-L9() .-?FTF-(Jc,F2\ c il . € € t$ o =9 c 3 _: r. . aot- tt ) -- I aa ?-FA . . Z, V: . i il t + g U E =' 3 i; T aSc\Ib0 :sTNao() {Jcla ItIIIIItItTIIIti el t CJ IE aI t; tra0 I$T IIItItTIIITIIIIIIII cnb. ' c\ t raEt-()8. e gE !. . E ghsdET rE tD L. ,o ! '; (, :l E . 6gag 9s r oa&, E -9 o ^t {6d slu) d J4scaE qo tr a, ) .- -< -2FE .= o) cl Gl .E ' q () d ec )a€ €cGl '- . 'o ! c) q ) ooG) ( u c) o E ,t , G) ( u CI t ( l tr t r tlEr caE, I +a .= :E y? C- \ J La - \ .- L H*E b c iJ a .- .A O, g-E. g B S ct x ; IE 5f E E: ; -r J - Eg o Eg € 6g . g A Y _ lJ o O . .r i? CL .o . j a ( l , 7€ 2 Fa t t ZE * S, t\,-' \t\- . / a \ \\a a a a - a o) F- A tO a r O fl . (p (r l f, - O f\ O O (r ) Ct l (A (, ) Cr l (A 'l - F Ol C\ (f ) C. t (D N 6l N ; - ; 6 - =o- t? g3d FFeo OO e NN ' = &, &, 'q rl - i . l J J- As$ t .C t r Y F' Foi d A ?6 6 H o( r il CL l o - O E' 0 , C (L } lUc or' -o =oE& o.? l E -i 9s E 4 o2 Cr F =as 5 3oJ ,( JEH -t r- -*ac3 ts e * a * * a * * 8 * s s * * * * * 8 s * s O) @ f\ N (v ) (\ l (r , C{ (' ) O (' ) ?- e{ (C ) (O (\ t O Ot O f. - F : O rf O (o (r i I (o O lt - tO =- t- tO 'f - Oi '- l. - $ (p Q O) I! 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F !a : - !F oEYo-U) JoL= {. !- O O, (\ l co ) Q) (o ) \f $ f\ N (c ) (c ) f\ f\ tF tt o) $ O) J (o O C! lf ) $l (O @ $ l\ I\ rO O) o) O lr ) (O f\ cO (7 ) O lr ) 3, - tr l co .f tr i cr i - c. i - $ <r i to oi ct , tr , c. i o ri - o E $l N !- C r l ( r l (r l O l ( r l C { O . l C { .e ( r l C r l G l C r l N N O l ?o i-t.--GIao H . €E E H E€ E g a (U o 9 a 'c ' E 6 5o o 6 '= E- e E ., €E o a oH E E E E EE E E $ E S E E E E E F I g E E EE E EE E E I tE t g E6 f i f i i lf i 3 E E E E E R E 5 5 5R 5 5 t =i = s E i s bo f .U3.xro=FotFooooooJci ;o o, E- - B ?l - -Eo , T E 1g : = c 9- ( ) u' E PF , Hrq ; g# i -. ?E rr EZ, o U( J t- d€ , r L \J Oa€ J $( o o ) o g ) o o ( a o o ) qq r j - C { O ) } ' - G l F G l l, ) (r i dS o co t- @ F t- F Gl (\ l r- (7 , (O (V ) (\ l -F ! - ! r - - ! t - !F lf ) $ O) (\ l !r - tJ l ) O) O) !t tf ) ( r ) C) @ o ) o ) N N F - (o $ 1 . - ( r ) G ) ( o - @@ l \ N ( o ( 7 ) @ Aa e e e t s c a e 8 t s e t s e t s Q a Q (\ l V O) (' ) Ol O, l' - f\ C. l Al c. i t o . f c o @ o $ o - r i -O F O O T @ O O O O -! - F F - r F ! 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F OF T O N O O F O O O f * O O @ O O O O (r ) N N (r , (r ) Ot (r ) C. l CO N (r ) (r ) cr ) Ol N Ol co o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 6g ; Ol Cr l Ct l N Gl C{ Cr l C{ Cr l C{ C{ c\ { C{ C{ tO !o tO rr ) ro o tr ) o ro lI ) ro t. r ) lr ) Lo ro o o ro o o o tf ) t O F oo o o o o o C f o o C ] o o o o o o o zz z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z C\ l f\ O) (\ l\ f\ \t ({ ) O) (( ) @ (t ) @ (o {' (7 ) @ cc l f- Ol S F tO N O O) F (r ) (O - q q O q - oi ri .f cr i $ o c. i s Gi oi cr i - Gi co o 6 to to ; C\ l Cr l Ol Cr l Cr l Ol $l Of C\ Ol (\ C{ F C. l LO 3t p !u o h c h cc c n g !1 , 6 \/ tr a r g - - t S ( D g E t gg Y 6 g EE gE EE PS H o' =aE E EE . EE s =E € H E sE t E Ea $ i g F E i E : t E i i E $ E E E- g &8 = \/ O . O. = t. I e t4 O l{ . 5 4nf -l t- u) g UE a€ J () t-H,;a) (J o- l -k0)a-cl () .r { /H rl a (J0)F3\ o A. € * tr r y c ;, Y = EJ I i;a) -a IJ aa a ?lFA . . z v; r- i # 5 E= ' =d; E IIIIIIIIIITTIIIIITI IIIIIItIIItIIIIIIIT cn \- r o' t\ f v) '= )-=bo8. 2 gE€- ghs6Et sE (t ) t r E< lEA =o voe3 9i ) o. Y Ot a 6t = lr t O -i a ,; & 1l (n i l 14(l ,E'( , ur o tr q ) -z .9 U (\ , .l , €t ?a () c t 9o to 5 -o F '( \ t .= .o '1 c oq ) oc ) oG ) G) q ) 'o E c) q, ) BB c, cl at 14 c 0 .2 , ?a .r t r A .- .- E- l . , La - 1 .- L. !{ J. 9 h oo E e .E . s I E. E H . ,y o: ' x ;T E €t E E€ ; EE ; EE € Eg . e A Y _ LJ o o .r P O . -O .4 Gt zE x ;t z Fr . Zi r . ) rr ,Lq) r-U.- a-6t t0 I =l o- I oo El E dl ,F t - I oc l l O O -t (\ I CY '= &, &r '= ar t . 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( , o o u, o l. l , rI ) r. r , rl ) o u) r, , ro u) ln r, , ro tJ ) t. r , r. r , lr ) l. r , u, lo tr , = (D G' (O CD I\ (' (t rl l t \l (' , N (' t lf , , t rD N (\ l o) t tJ : N (o t (r t (o tt (' 7 - e - ci d ol c! \ - ol c? c Y ol cj q cj a o! c c (- \ c ol i c! \ - ci ;i (o CD F C- { l\ - Or r l t \ O O O O (\ l O Ol CD O O (D (D - CD - CD O OO I E F( \ l c . , l - - C { ( \ l ( \ l - (\ l -C . , 1 (\ l - - N F ( ! F O l o l E eg s e F s E E E g g E s € E $ E E $ E E E $ g g s g bo!|!3.xL .J (U=FolOFooo(,Jd;o o, E€ s t _E _Eo ( u (U : = E Fr .9 il EPg . =, Ea ; ) x# tY40Hcz- q ts r \J -t ra€Ub a€ J ot-F' )- f ui q, ) (J .-e(, )a-CE (J .-Fts- rl a ()()F3e if . * € tr y c HI F P A .} i F i:q) - o. :' t- : . . 2 v; fr l + 5 f- = ' 3d; E SSe\Ib0 F. \< INaaC) uG,eeJ-LFT a\ -ct I .E l+i -Gl aE' a-q)q)La0Lq) FE I cnt. 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N N F, N ; FI F F T F F - ! - F F I - F F F I - F F - s ieE \- ' (r ) A a - f' - O tO a - A D- a A a I (p N f- O f- O O O l. - t- O O f\ (r ) ( ? ) (\ ! r - Cr l ( r r C { CO Cr I C{ Cr l O l C{ C\ t O l F (r r F (r ) (r ) r; ) Ol O cD N o o o o o o (f o o o o o () o o o o o o o c{ co o o o o c) C{ c\ t C{ N Gl c{ c\ l c\ t N c\ l c\ I c\ l c\ l c{ N c\ l c\ l Gl Ol c\ l ; c( j N C{ C{ c! (\ c\ t tr ) ro o ro ro o o ro o ro lr ) lr ) t^ r ) o Lo ln to ro rr ) Lo ro ro rr ) ro ro lr ) lo !F - !F - A I ae A A* ae S ae ac ae ae ae ae ae ae * ee A ee ae ae ae a e ae A8 O (O (g Ol g) (r ) f\ o) @ (O (O F O (O @ f- (o f\ (' ) lf , S F @ O o) $ o' t cd to oi ri ro <' r cr i - c. i d o <' r -f to cr i c. i - <o oi oi v rr i ro co - I- F - ! F ' F F l F =o.N( U *R Gl \. , FFooOO . r (\ 1 (\ r '= ltE" E' ' .= -JJ) A{{ t ro r. l (Y t- t | ' . 5ar i D , ^ 6E H oo a O. 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C, O e Ll , (i ! t l\ F l. c ) t\ CO (o F ? O !C (l , O) O) @ O) O) O I\ ll ) N ; c c! Q : Q u? c u? u? - I q u? c! u? q c ol - c! _ q _ - u? Q c! ;i F (D O O (r l Cl $ - l, ) O (i , N N d, F 6l ? (D - C. r l C' , , 1 e 6l - rf e G) d C. l - Ol a l Ol - 0{ c- a - 6l (\ l C. { $l - 6l O l (\ l - 6l C\ l ol ol ol (\ l N s b s H e sH H () O c t ( J ( Lo!.EE.x(U=rForOFooooo()JCJ ;o o , E- = = FL - -Eo ( E G, : = c l- ( )U, ' E PF . HI14 ; x# xA . r' a il E HEz, o UU l- d€ r1 l- \J Oa€ J IIIIIII o) ( r @ o ) O) C! rl . C\ 1: , - t F (7 ) FFO ) O ) t f Ol I\ f' - F- (o(o : ae a e s a e i u? \ u l q i@ ! F O ) O | r- o o ) 3 oo o ( f z. z . z z tIIII oo o o c\ t l r ) L O r O oo o o iii 6; r \ r \ i( o @ f \ ( 7 , , ui d o t - 't - t O $ l j ) ;IIiIItItIIIIi,iIIitIr= 6 ' i Lu :s 9 'E - ,r ( l ) i go E iE E i - E = t dr P :o ) . Y c E , ; =e I g , CG t = C l l i> J E + () S.H l- a d(, ) () .-t(. )aF. cgo.--lr-*.(J(. )F3\ o ao o a Fq I C .* f = i:q) I. .. y F- : . . z v; rr 1 + t 5 f- = ' = FJ - Y t r IIIIIII ItItIIIIIIIIIIItIIT ent. ' en qEl-!,8. 9 !r a l- fr 1r = ghSP 8E ot - E€4e =a ) vob, 8 tsOt n e! =&6 -g o 6& taa& J4(( ,e1, ?a o tr C ) !' -2 , .= c) .3 C ( ' x' 6 =o?f i cJ r d 9o ) t" €€. s 'c E c, c) o( ) cD 0) GJ t G, ) €' o o0 ) sd cg rl rd c0IA ia .= : E i tr - \ . , t- \ . i- L. r. - *€ b .E . g 8 EE # ss r ;* E€; E E: ; - \, ar Bg o EE € 6g . s ,^ | V - Hq r o . €L C . O ., i ? cl i€ E ta Z) - * aa?DLq) tirtr-6l--o 8S 8 A * 8 (o F I f ) O O O (o o o o o o : H H 22 2 Gl !F o) o o ) ( Y ) @ o ) -t f ) C D ( \ I F ( \ Ot - f \ F r F F (Y ) ( 7 ) !- !F O) O ! 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E T . 3c x ;T E €f E E3 ; -\ J a J 8. 9 cl ES E 69 . 9 A v - Lt o O . .. ra CL oi c , ZE x ;, t z Fr tZr - * =EJo(LE, (f (LE,a =o_qt t: t FFC' O ooN( \ t ItE" E' -- JJlt tt !t FI Foi d --ol Uoo cL O c, ' ; ; tr 5 IUc El. - o =or& Foo? I E E s$ e 5 o2 CF F =EE E =oJ 'C )EH -e e Ic= E $p 99 Y B= , k (g Ga ' Sa o =r g EY E: h OEEE , Fd (L==o(t ,E, boT|g3.x a,(E=o=F?(DoFaIFoci"g ol E= E Ft -Eo ) I U 1g : = c lJ , O) cO (, Gl l\ (\ l @ i $ $ lO @ l. c , O, La , I\ O) tf (O N O e - (o N tO l, ) I\ u? c! - n \ - q a ; -Q ri ol \ q oi 1 q q Q - I Q : - Y n a Q aO (o O !t (, ) N O @ al () Ol Gl O (O O Ol O U, lr ) (t O O O (\ l tD r, D t t Lt F Ot C\ t 6l (' ) O Gl - - (r ) N F lO - C) F (' ) (i , N c, d) N (\ l !C c{ \t N N (' 6 t\ Cr , - (i t e c) (( , lr , (O r - 6 6r O) N LO Gl (i , @ rf ) dt - (D O) c, t (l , ta , ol u? \ ol .q q - u? a q q a (( j Y q q a u? Q - u? c c o, q q ol (o q lO (Y ) @ O lr , O O to rt - O (' N $ - l, , O) t, l, ) $ V O $ t o) (c , c, (o @ t - @ r , tN @ ( O O Fr s @ ( o ( O N l \ F - l \ O l. - ( o t \ t- t8 a 8 s 8 8 A * 8 8 8 * t 8 A * 8 t t 8 A A * A A 8 8 A \ u? q c oq q c! - o! ol c .! -q ol q ol oq u? q ol \ q q c ot : q q c? G, Gl (t S (, lt t O O) O lf , O O O) O) S ln O .O (o - - C' , 1 @ O) fl ) e (\ l l: tF O O r - ( r l O O O O ) N F c O O ) O - O O O O O O- O O F oo o o o o o o o o o o o oo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ' z z. z z z z z z z z z z z. z z. z z z z z z z z z z z z z o o o o o oo o o o o o o o o o o oo o (\ r . o o oo oo o o Gt (\ t $t ol N C\ l $l C\ t Gl (\ l N 6l c! ot c\ t $t 6t c. l N c. t J d c. t N Gl Gl N c{ ot Gl - o lo ro lr , o o lD ro u, o o |J ) o r, ) rI , ro rI , ro ll ) (, l, , rD tr ) o |l , o u) t, , tl , O -O ll ) tf ) d) u) (o o, l, ) (o c, (\ t @ cD rD s t\ c, r. r , @ lD - (, (, G, N (o (o @ - ol @ ro c ci \ \ \ u? c c ol \ c. , r g c ol ol q - cj ; \ u? c. q rj ol e o' u? a ot (r l O (o (r l l O O O -O ) 6l (o O, FG I - NC ' , 1 - e O o{ C' , 1 - C- , 1 NO ( r ) Gi N- ( r l C . , l C . . l C 1 Ol - (r l - - ( \ ( r l O l (r l a l N ( r l Ol O l Ol $ l $ E E E c E s E g s Fs E E EE E E E E f , E g * gg , 9 E l- o) ?, t 11 a VO. .X rE l E ts t3 Hz)aUCY ()/l- f- ,;a) () .-Eo)0-cg() .-l-(--(J0, )F3\ c O. A e L- q r } 5i F i:c) rLU aa a- a-FA . - >V IA # 3 - =' ; t d; E aac\IbO F.TF\ aac)+,clAE' IIIIItIItIIT CJ l: Gl CJ lEIE a0L l$I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII \tc\ t .2L.=t-(u8 .e , C) c t- La !=.g h s6ET3H (t ) t r E' o 'i ; Q) xE . =c ) v( Je, g 9. e OU , SE l{ o*R di l ttu) & llL-sE'o E9 , E( ) -2 , FE .= c) 61 t c\ t 5' q Eg cl c i 90 . > a5 €. s 'o E c, a) o( J C) a. ) 0) C ' 'd 'o (l ) c ) ct € tl rd C I .eF -f t r U ) .- .- C- \ J L. - \ .- L. r- t JO r -HE A E E* t Ee r ;* E€t E H: ;BE ; ES € 69 . 9 /\ v - l{ t l ) o . .J , l i C L .o J } €7€ 2 l- a . tz; * oLq) ,! a la r a r--GT--o I I * ae ae ae ae A ac ee A ae ae ec * ae I A * * * (c , $ @ tO F LO @ @ g) (o F f- . !: . C, (f ) (\ l - O, O u) - o c. i $ <o o <o cr i - ri - ri s s <o .f 'f ri c. i s cr i tr i F !l - =o- rr ( U3a FFooOO v NN ' = rl F E" E' '= _4 )J A*{ t tt t ( Y !F F id d A i6 'i 6 H oo a o- l / ! \ o E' o - 0 \ (L = TUc lU r' -o t ,' ! _HE& t-oar t E s$ e I e2 CF F =aE 5 3oJ ,OEH {r I-' s oC:) E $p oo v o= 95 , 6 EI ' s A 9 EY E: h () EE E , Fd (L )\ rJ *-a a q a a - a o) N a U) a r a F (o c! t\ o t\ o o (, ) Ct l (r , (r ) C{ (r ) F r- (\ C{ (O N (7 ) C{ N N ; 6 ; 6 6 q? to lo g) to tQ t? or qQ ) o lo !' E <) ro @ ro (o @ (o I e, . i \ \ \ q I I ol \ N q q q q ol r o = \ q (D Ol g @ $l lO O O - O) (r l (O O) F C{ , F - N (r l !r - !r - (r , Cr l !F (\ l C\ C\ l Cr l Ol q Cr l F Cr l Ol Cr l CY Ot l{ , 9) @ -( o $l r\ e{ A $ $ rf r, @ to o) lf ) N o) $ (o r\ lr ) ol , F ct l r- F Cr l !t _ - c! rj ol \ ol O, q q q q - (o q9 0 v co t- o d (\ (o c{ Gt o (o o c{ o ri ri (f , o F- Gl C{ Ol (r ) @ (\ l l- (, ) N F lf , F (O F (r ) (O C\ l G) (D FF - F - F F t - F F F ! - ! t . ! | - @ l- O) 'r - (r ) - (C ) (O lO (7 ) r @ (\ l O) F- tf ) (\ l (v ) @ lJ ) ol u? \ ol .q q r u? a q q R @ a oq q \q u? q - u? Lo (r ) o o rr ) o a lr ) $ o (, Gl \r F ro o) tr ) tr ) \t !t (p @ l . - ( O l { ) \f fr . @ ( O @ f- F . - @ ( p ( O f r - f . - N A ae ts a ts e eQ ae ts e ts Q ts e ae ts e A ts e eQ ae ee A ts e ae ae ee F O) O) f\ , CD li f (A (r ) f- (O O F F O C{ tO N @ (r ) (o ri oi d o c. i to .- @ rr i r. - o, to t- v rr i o Gi to ri <o <o @ O O) O) O (O O O) O o) Ol O f- O) O - O O) O O O) tF - ! - t t - - ! - - ! l - F F r t - l . oo o o o o o oo o o o o oc ) oo o o c o z, z z. z. z z z. z z z z z. z z. z z z z z z o o o o o o o o oo o o o o o o o o o o c\ t c\ l (\ l C! C\ t c\ l c\ l C! C{ N N C! C{ c\ l N N C{ C{ C! C! C\ t -C\ o tr ) Lo ro o o ro ro to o o rr , o lr ) ro ro ro ro ro ro Lo OF O l F l - IF IF = Ol l\ O) S f\ @ tf ) (o (' ) f- O) Cr l C! F C\ . l $ lf ) S lJ ) tO @ ? G, g, r- rO (\ Cr l <o tF \f f' - O rt @ O q O A? \ c! a Hl oi - oi a, o F- o oj ; oi rr i ' - rr l a, - e. i d( of o F o E tf Ol !F Gl (\ l C{ C! rF N (\ l .l - F Cr l (\ l (\ l Ol C{ I E E sE H € g f €H H H f i E a $ E ., €E ' , e ., H E E E g E F o - H F E E E E E E gE g E E E g g * t* g a U E g e e q -E E = = e = = € i ot i .b F ci t .0 f-o f tE3itL-(E=oo=tF?(oo!FTFoci ;e o, E= B FLEo r ( u (E : = E t' 1 -g fr ' a ^a v0i .X nS tt r )0Ua $( o o ) c r r o ) o ) o ) ( o @ o ) qq l J ) - $ l o ) i \ G l c\ l to e. i F o @ t- to F - F Gt ( r I F ( O ( 7 r ( 7 ) ( \ l F! F t I - F !r - L O \ t Q ) ( \ l r r - t O O ) o ) t u? t ' l r q q q q F - F - F - @! t r \ . ( V ) ( 7 ) ( ) - @@ f - N ( o ( 7 ) @ ;$ t s Q 6 l 6 B a Q a e 3 $ e € 8 ; B c{ ( o r t $ o $ o l o r - g ) or ' t r i d - r i c . i o i c r i . t OO - O O @ O O T O O -- - ! F . F ! - F - - (' r ) o o oo o o o o zz zz z z z z oo o o o o o o o o ot c \ t o t o l N N c { t r ) l o l r ) lr , t r ) r o l r ) o o t r ) o o o t@ f \ O r @ S l f ) t f i r S @o ) ( o ( o - q A o i c l \ q 'r o G i c r i o t o o V ; c r i $l Cr l (\ l (\ (\ l !r - (\ lJ ) lf ) ci kF{vi (. ) () . ri aEo)0r< C!o.-1ir a .1 ta r a (Jo) t- '3\ c A. € * tr y o TY E 5- L r - i:q) r-U ao a a-FA . . 2 v; i{ + . 5 -= ' = d; E A!- ( ?A, h os aq s H cc , ! l ) .o . o t t l . . - . D { -E -E e c- . 1 E E E P E i s EB q P E E €f i =g E I E o- _ - - . = = g . _ s E o r f i + \\o' cn .2€l-a)8. 2 a) t r t- L. E=gh,t 9 96 Ba ) ot -EBEF V( )-, 9 9c ) AE 0( ) Q, , ,9 8 ts o*a .x & Itu) d JscaE ca o -2x '1 3 .= c) nG t €t Eg () € !. ) c ) a€ €. E EA ' a) 0 ) .J o t. ) ( ) a) ( ) =' oO( l ) E' E Gt ct l tl .l o =l o- I t EI s dl ' F- F l oc , I O O +. e l (\ t 6t '= &, &, 'q -- . J JJ Ass t lt t t r . F - q, i d A i6 i 6 H oo f r . CL I / D \ g g) '6 0- (Uc Era -o !t -r H B& !l -o.? l R -i . -2 0 . = 9H 6 T- no=ZC, * =aE 5 =oJ ae A a Q ; l ; l ; $ a q ; i B ; l 5 l A 5 3 5 ? tO ( O F C r l l f ) @ C{ O ) $ t O O <o - - cl i cr i t- .- O @ Oj tr j d O O) O) O) O t' - @ O) O) l' ' - @ O) aa a a a a o o o o o o o ro r o r o r o l r ) r r ) l r ) L o r o l R l D !t - F F = - F F ! F - ! - ! - - - - - aa a a a o o o o o o o o lo rf ) ro ro rr , lo ro Lo lr ) ro lD F- ( \ l . - - F ! F O 1 J zz or, uE. aQ(u(l )E,Y(Lao=EY(LaJIot ==a(l )E. JcD-bo==rr t FFTEE =- l "' i t r, BO oc i (Jo() t 5 .J EE F-C' TEb€xutxIU= oo o C ] o C f o o o o o o o zz z . z z z z z z z z z z F lf ) tO lf ) F tf ) lf ) LO tO tO lf ) lf ) LO oq q q o. q q q q q q q oo o oo o o o o o o .€- r E '. r ) .- .- L. - ' l .- L. '- jO r - uo ' E a s= ?. EE B S ct x o^ 5 €t E H: ; -\ J - a B. g . u Es € E€ € i- l 11 1 C. .r L C L 2 e x ,l t z F3 l Zt - t (? 9 Q ! Q N t O 9 t b @ l O - t ? Q O tO O l O ( \ l ! t f \ ( ) F @ \ f \ f O - ol o l o l _ - - q o ? o t \ q q - oo o oo o o o o o CILgE.--63-c (1 , H HE E f; * € * Pe s E gE E E E 5 . , t E l E H 3t e t * s E s s g t e i 3t=TFIooFT?Ici ;o o E= X ?LEo r ( U (E : = c \\\ * eQ I S * ts Q 3e ts c * ;Q ae $ * 3e A 5s A 5$ F- . (v ) (O (r , G, @ Cr l fl . rt V (o t rr - f\ (r ) O (f O to .f @ <o d to cr i -- c. i - ct , cr l - ri ri o o o E rQ to qg = c{ Q tQ 9 = p I> o) @ 9 n O O 9I q ' , o l 94 9 1 9 ? 9 9 r q q ; z z o c. i i. i - c. i a{ o ri .t d c. i c. i o to o' ' Cr l Cr l C{ C{ C{ Ol C\ (\ l Ol Cr l (\ l !F Ol O) F F @ I\ lO tO f- $ (O g) O) O) o) o) (' ) @ O) q q r r .q c! .q q q q rj - c! ol \ e\ t F ot o @ (\ to to \t \t lr ) Lo ol (' ) o @) t\ (o ) F !F - rF Cl l (\ $ C{ $ $l Ol (v ) Cr l Ol F (A (f , (O C{ F! - F F F - - F F F t F ! | . @ F O) O) cO !t (Y ) tO - tO S O) (\ l lf ) O) O) $ q q o, q q q @ q u? a? r q q q q r- F- r\ Ot f r ; | O ) ( Q @ F ( p $ F . - ( r ) ( v ) @ ! - l' : . @ f r ' ( l ) f - N @ @ f r . f r ' ( p ( r ) @ Aa e a e a e A a e a e t s e $ A A a e a e a Q t s e a Q t s e a Q q q \ c! a? s? q a \ - R \ q oq oq q \ n F- f- @ Cr ) (7 ) tO O O) (O (O o) $ O) @ @ O !t - F O O C{ O C{ O) O F O O O O O) f- O) O O O -F T F F F F F F F F - O !F tO f- O O () O O F* O O 0O O O O O (f , e{ c{ (o (f ) N (f ) c{ (, ) ol (f ) (f ) (o c{ c! ot oo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o c\ t c\ t ot c{ N N c{ c\ t e{ N Gl c{ N c\ l tf ) to ro Fg t3 = VO . O. = f" 1 A i6 ) l{ - s 4a* ?. 7 !: { a Ao ) l- \ - )o . AEu3 a OO C f O O O O O t , T O O F O O O O ( ] O z. z z z z . z z z zz zz z z z z q@ro ro o ro o lr , tr ) rr ) [o ro ro tr ) () o lo o o o tO tO -' C! @ (' ) (o lf ) (O (r l F- (7 ) @ !f (O (o l- !t $ $l - \q \ q q q - oq a? q q q q \ \ o oq \ O - tf ) O rf O) O (7 ) !t O =' - O) lJ ) O) tO () O (r t (\ C{ N C{ F C! C\ Ol C{ (\ l C\ -, r f - F l{ ) lO 30 eo ' ' h c h Ec a g e6 \ ' 4a r - c $ o g E f PP Y 5 g gE HE EE Hf E tg s B $ s E t s i i g g g g t g g rl,i 'i 't I :l:: :l:i,lil -l t. r ;i i- :l H ii Hi l a il (t t ll (. ) It () ,i .! . 4 i I L ;: 0. r ti cr ) il -r il cr l il <- l i l .- 1l tr ll - lt r- a lt (J 'l a) ii Fi i 3 \o ii O. € *i l tr (\ l o il L -P ^ ll 5 i Fr l o c <! i ti !til.t ir .. it l- i! e il -: i !, ii aa . ;! r L 1! F A .. ' i Z v; i i ir i # 5l i 3; Ei l ITIIItTIIIIIITIII IIIIIItII \t- ' \ IA '= F=b(u8. e g, E E- ghsx sH oL . =!sf ; . =0 ) vor, 8 9o oc A &, E Eo d& 1lu2 & Jcla'1 , ra o tr q , .- r- -2.= ( ) €G l tr '- €t Eg () c t g) o6€ €. 8 E!C) ( u oo (u ( u c) o ) 't , 'E q) c ) BR GI G, t! rI ] O a.J '= .r E V ) .- .- ,\ C- \ . , L- ' l .- L ld *€ b .E . E 8 E E* ' E+ V ;T E €t E H3 ;BE ; EE € E€ € =s & .O Je ct 7$ 2 tl ZF r * IIIIIIII aaU' ,-or= .r a ra(l=o H_ g x' a -\ a V0r 'X aS fr 3 )aUc oo o c ) o ) @ $l C { F !F F oo o c D $ o ) f- f - F ae a e * 8 S t s Q qq q r q q OO O O I ,' - O ) oo ) o F oo o o o o z. z z z z . z oo o u ? u ? u ? z. z , z o o o rr , r o r o o 6 o qq q oo o 9e 9 8 $ S -- 1 L t F 0 o s D u? q u ? oo o I;I .: ii 'l iI ,l i ti.::l i 'I I:iI :tit.i :l.: :l;i:l :lii :!.i o il -r lLa :i Hi l ^ il A :i o) il (J .' i .t l \tr. :l H .i G) lt 0i l rl F- l !l Ct l rl o il .- . !l r- ll l{ :l -t t (J :i o) il Fi t 3 \o il a oo € il fi 6l oi i >a !P /A il 5 r ti l O o di l il i!:l lt .. il t- ii c) ll E .i .. P ii 7 L al F A .- ; l |T \J r; l A # Si i SS E i i =( oA, h os sP9EO^ N e C\ t E qf ; s f i *g c l g 9 gE E E E Es t t S 0 F iS E i & E E == F ! F F \ i cn\o' t\ r .2=r, q)8, 2 s. E E-sxHH ol . 1' E '; ; qH -o . =o ) V( )bg t€ (J Q ,9 E l* . O -g a c; & 1lu) d JG,EE .a o tr a, ) -z .= ( ) cl cl , t-€EEA () c , s) c ) a5 €. E € '1 3 (r ) 6 ) oo (l ) ( ) or o 'o 'o oo ) Gl cl st r tt rI ] E cA !, 'E u, .-C, - l J La - \ .- L. Fa J. 9 x .E ' .E I E. E H . 3 Er x ; TE 5t E €F \ H6= o - \J aJ E. g c ) EE € 6, E . 9 /^ Y . i . l- a 11 1 O. .r 'f a tr L .O .: } ct 4E E ,- , t l AF r . 1 , OAhc) IIr- a i--,€--o \ 9* aa I =lo- IN tr l F -r l s ol Ft - I oo l O O yl IY N ' = ot &, 'q rl r t 4 -J A{$ t l. , lt , tY tF tF b at i d A 6i 6 : i oo & . O- U D \ 9 E' a , 0 \ L- - IUC (U r} . (l ) ll , r^ r -lB& oo? l 3 E -i o . = -r a - l98 5 ! o2 C? e =a8 E =oJ @ (O Gl @ V S $ u) (o lI , O O O O O) U) t- O) S (o t\ o) O l, , l\ (O o) o) o - o! \ Y - - o! ' r i o) \ r, lo to tr ) o! di $ O to to F O e s o o r; F lD ci r rj d N Gi o, i N cj (C j - - - - cj 6i d rj rj rj d d rj .+ rj (\ i Fi cj - N (r l (, F F (o (r | e tD - c) - tD (t al (' ) (D N (r l $l (, Ol F (i , O) - d) (o l. O (o ? F O Ol O O O O o) F rr , Gl d, (O LC , @ CD (i , U) rD $ cD O \ ol a u? a q c ! cd Y ro &o to l. r , q q Y u? Q - u? q q (o Q c? - Q rD @O l O l r ) t - O ( ' ) N S Fl I ) C D l D l t !t t O O ) -S N . ' l\ @ u : , l- c r ( o @ l\ t- @ ( o ( o N N t \ t \ F - t\ o r \ r \ aa s * a * * a 8 a 8 a s *s s a 8 8 * * a s *s * s * 8 q - q ol c! q c e a Y q u? c! ol q \ r ol - ol Q c q a ol c a? \ ol e (i l (D (r ) (D O O S @ (o C{ .O aO 6l O @ $ - lI ) o) O O F- (, - O) (O - O Oo O ) O ) O o ) O( o O ) O ) @ c O o ) O C r N ( r l O OO N O ) F @ o o o oo o oo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o c. r oo oo o z. z z z z z z z z z z z z z. z z z z z z z z z. z z z z z. (J [UEao(l )E.YLao=oY(LU) -r lol "l=.= @oE, JE' ) rl-@cf rOFCOo 95 , F or ' ae €E i ooi 5EE Ff.o rH !E3.xL.lu= o o oo o oo o o o o o o o o o o o o oG r o o o oo o oo N Ol (\ $l Gl 6l N Gl 6l Ol Gl ol c\ , 1 Sl (\ l c. , l 61 (\ l N e. I J d N a, l (\ C{ c\ | 6l C{ c. , l - u) r. c ) o rD l l ) o or n o l r ) rr ) lJ , r D o r' ) r I ) Lr ) 1( , ro ro l, ) ro u) ro r t u, r o l r ) r o (O - (D N (t (\ l tl 6l d, Ot e O) !t @ (O (' Gl @ - N 6 6 - @ (, - lr , S q, (D (o rD N (\ e = O, (o Ot U, (r , (O lD - I\ @ (Y ) O A = = tO tO (' , CD Ot (' , - Oc t .O q r - q r - ( ) ( ' ) ( , ) C r t \ I \ (O O - S S e - -@ S O I ( o O T O NF F ; N ; 6l ; ? - i i - N c r r - O, l Gr - ( \ 1 -( \ r - G l g eg s s F s E E E E g E E E E f E E E E s E E E i E E o=FItF$taFoci ;o o, E= E -L -Ec , t u (E : = c F_ g fr ' a AA vR. .X =E *t r ll rZ, -)aUc() L- |- r ,; c. ) (J .-t-c)a-l , -() 1----()q) L- L3€ i3 . * € =q l c L- a+ /- r - - a - ta:- .J raJ ao . ?-FA . . r. z \ r - -- .r i- I ;. 5 r- =' = Uf a . IIt T lI a IIIItIIITIITict (' ) TE a-a l; tra0 lgI I s .gEl eiE I E=AF Ei=- - I EB r, 3EE I Eo ,; &ri t llso'1 , rt t O tr q ) -zXE .= a, ) c6 ct €i i ?g (J C , !, q) to €€. E 'o E oq ) ooc) q ) 0) q ) € '( , or o G, ( i Et r tlEI c c a .= : E A c- \ J Li - \ .- L a HBE : .- .- q, --E. g B ,9 e x 5f E E: ; -\ r -Eg G) EE € 6g . e AY - l{ c r E .J ra CL .o . . l } a , 7€ 2 Fr lZr - * IIIIIIIIIIIII rtLq) fr t--r{6t-Jo U' A a a - F- O () a - a N A I I g tQ C{ r\ Ql r. - 6l 6l ql r\ O O r\ (r , (r ) C{ !r - F (r l (' ) C! (V ) C{ Cr l Cr l C{ Cr l Ol Ol - (D i (D O 6 - N 6 6 N oo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o c\ t co o oo o o (\ t c\ t c\ t c{ c{ C\ t c\ t c{ N 6t c! c\ t c{ N N c\ l c\ l N c{ c\ l _ co N c{ N ot c\ t c{ ro ro o l^ c ) l^ c ) o o tf ) o ro ro l. ( , rr ) o ro ro lf ) ro ro ro ro tr ) rD Lo ro Lo lr ) -- t l - r t - F F ae I ae ae 8 a e I ae a e ;e ae ts Q ts e ts Q A A ts e ts e ts e ts Q ts Q A * aQ * t s e a e ol q a? q q - q q? q u? ol c! - a? .q q q \ q \ q q u? q q ry q O C\ (O (' ) F (O O r? - !t - (r , Of F (' ) (V ) -l O O O O O O O O F O Ol (o r_ NR =o. rr tU *F , t \r ' l- FooOO + - 6I 6 l ' F o& , ' = -- dJJ As* t ll ? rl i ) rY rF !F 5 it , il i A 6' i 6 H oo f r . CL l l 2 \ g E' o , . , \ (L = (Uc (Eb 9oE& FC' .? l E E 9X 5 -4 CF F =EE 5 =oJ ,OEH -* Ecf E EP 9! 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F o ) t F - @ ? - t O @ O ) f \ F - F $ ( ' ) F r @ ( \ O N OI F O I F ( \ I F O I F t - F - O l C \ F ( \ l ( \ t F G l ?\ E1 -E fr ' a /1 A v0{ .X Ed t s ts t* l: ia)OUc or r @ o ) O) C r . l F ( \ l t- F - F (t )F!- O ) O ) t Ot f- f\ f- (o (r )*a s * qq \ a l @( o N c{ o o g ) !F - oo o o zz z z oo o o C\ t ro to ro oo o o (O F ( o F - ri u ? o q q FO @ lr , r. c , t =o80 !c g -l - Yo ) PO E E? E :r v r -EE E no o -. - r LcY 6 e !r - F r f i.' (p ,l EL ,O t, C,o E> () FHqr i a. )o.-ka)a-Cg (J .-1Hir -r a (J(uF3\ c o€ € tr r y c t- a !? r- r h, F i:c) -U aa ?-FA . . 2 v; rE f +I 5 H- t - ,j _ Ad; E ca\o' cn .2 ,=-,o8. 2 s. E 'r , - ghq6Ei sE (l ) L . -o E .= GJ D {E . ^c ) v( )B, g 9- e o .: , 0( ) tt , e, a Eo 8i l ftv) i l vC, co 'o qo tr a ) -z .= c, G, CI € x' 6 EA () € 9q )65 -O CGl .- E' oc) ( ) oocl ) ( u (t ) ( l ) 'o 'o o q, ) Gt d tlEt c Q .€t +r t r q ) .-c- \ J L- \ .- L. d€ r .= . : 6 EE * ^q + T c) ) ^ . ! J €; E H: ; -\ r | { - Eg c) ES € 6, 9 . e ,A V _ L' r u o . .J ti El . .O l } G l Z rt : ;t z l- r lZl - * IAL(l ) t-IIo-d6t -a-d CD g. \ S oo @ c \ c { c \ t (r r ( \ l F ? - . r - F s@ ( o o o o X; ' r i z z z F( \ I itIi E- gi l /, 8 i l c ei t O. = ii r" r e ii F{ o il t- . - : l i , l 4g i l ES i l a er i l )- r . '- . !l -) o. ll AE I I Us I I C) i l II !lit:i ;l lrl :, 1 'l:l s* 8 a * s q\ a ? q q q @$ o ) o o o o) o o ) ( v ) @ o ) lf ) O) C! !- C\ l ot r - F * F ! - F (f , (Y ) Fo) O ! - o ) O ) $ ql f ) O l f - f - F - (f ) (o f\ ( r )Ee s s s a Q a o@ r o ( r ) c \ l @ t- rd tf i O C. i lr - ro o c { o o o ) F F oo o o o o zz z . z z z c) o o o o o c! c ! N r o r o t r , tJ ) r o o o o o O) l f ) ! F $ O ) O ) qr r i - u ? q lF F O @ F( \ I t O l I T S \o€€ ql c -i ! ' c :c - i:q) r! - Yf- A .. Vr .*E-. - YV oa- :a i- l (n(. ) (J .F a t(. ) cr )-c6() .t { -l{- rf . a ()q)Fu, ,l-ot-Yk>- t doaa t-zrd lrFlU 3t pAc h @@ PY E ki 5 * Po E 9 E E & E EE E E 3 . q EE E E H € 66 t . ( ) E E ?7 - . 1 (l ) 0 EE E& E E tIIIIIIIIIIilIIIIIII OLYTPUS TECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. ANALYTICAL DATA VALIDATION FORiI ctienuProject I iG i LSL Rerie*"r [\Cbd"a h ftli KcrSo]'r work order No.: ftlOO8'Laboratory: I it(rtJfU,n- kwcuL'r.I-i C]1,[------Cl- I I I I I I I I I t I J I otympus'sample tdentification Numbers: lVl,t/JQS, MVUts , NtUla , MtUl Date sampted' X-8-0\ fu X-ct -O\ EPA Analytical Method: Data Completeness t-t Results received out of 4 expecled =locJ o/o. Are completeness results acceptable? (Y/N): Comments: See attached ana -- Elefiensibility Chain-of-Custody form present and signed? (Y/N): Samples stored and/or shipped cool? (Y/N): Preservative present in sample containers? (Y/N): Arc defensibility parameters acceptable? (Y/N): Comrnents: v1L7 U no Holding Time I I I I I I Were samples extracted within acceptable holding times? (Y/N) W Were samples anatyzed within acceptable holding times? MN) ,*4 Are holding time parameters acceptable? (Y/N): Comments: Page 1 WONo.:A1 008 Sanpte Dde: Eguipment and Trip Blank Analyses Appropriate number of equipment blanks submitted? (Y/N): Appropriate number of trip blanks submitted? (Y/N): Are results above method detection limits? (Y/N): g -3'o t to g-q-ol lf yes, provide concentrations detected and concentrations of those compounds in sample data if present:l/A sarrprerDNtrnbers, 2rA (Xfr Gn) NF ilro loatch. Un I I T t I I I I t t I I t T I I I T t Method Blanks Are results above method detection limits? (Y/N): Na lf yes, provide concentrations detected and concentrations of those compounds in sample data if present. Surrogate Recoveries Are recoveries within acceptable percent recovery control limits? MN)w lf no, Iist results outside of limits, tlalrix Spike and Spike Duplicate Recoveries Are recoveries within acceptable percent recovery control limits? (Y/N)[vo tf no, tist resutts outside ot limits.fi!! lrMy *ISD\OK or't 8 -t4. Art ?-tU, MS it/d- St*ft IN**Z n Oiill,?D;chloll'eltttt+ *-lta,*al,ADicLlorc<14*ru-, 4 lo*b**cloy-io la,Jlin)l {J- ficllovo<*ts.t. - Are duplicate RPDs within acceptable limits? (Y/N) h,IJ - tf no, tist results outside of limits: tfz"rn - I , a n,.i^torottt^r-..t- iS ?Oo4 & )W by our-p + .,f^: t^ ru*n fv,Xr"^l WO No,:A'1flD8 I I I I l se'ptetDNunbers, '\l M ,* ,-*" t"" Laboratory Duplicates Are RPDs for laboratory duplicates within acceptable ranges? (Y/N): lf no, Iist results outside of ranges. Fbld Duplicates Calculate and list RPDs for field duplicates./VA - i^ ot1^14 l,x^Jd*' I I I t I Do the RPDs appear appropriate?nJ* Q/A/QC Discussion b+-*<-r,. #n tl o - ryns a rtsD avv 7-i! , ,oi,t-ct-, -tAT al.b a€*L!-qLd ,r\ e-ryLU-ul- . lkt'fr tto , '-', CLlg\ t_?q^oa I T I I I tl a"-rr-rl, kP DS vuH/\r\ fi/* I I I IPage 3 I I I t I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I ! Evergr een This report contains a total of 2L pages including the cover letter. A Euergreen fi. AnalYtical ^/ \ Laborotory November 21 ,20A1 MIKE BACKE OLYMPUS TECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. 5409 KENDALL STREET BO|SE, tD 83706 Lab Work Order: 01-6079 Client Project: 47008 Dear Mike Backe: Enclosed are the analytical results and invoice for the samples shown in the Laboratory Work Order Summary. Except for subconlracted analyses, the enclosed data have been reviewed for quality assurance. A case nanative is included to describe any anomalies associated with the samples or data. EAL will dispose of all samples one month from the date of this letter. lf you want samples retumed, please advise us by mail or fax as soon as possible. A copy of this project report and supporting data will be retained for a period of five years unless othenryise advised by you. A document retrieval charge will apply. Thank you for using the services of Evergreen Analytical. lf you have any questions conceming the analytical data, please contact me. Direct other questions to Client Services. Sincerely,c*Lw Carl Smits Technical Director of Chemical Analysis Analytical, Inc. 4036 Youngfield St. Wheat Ridge. CO 80033-3862 IIIIlIIItIIIIItIIII r) to ta ) (? I totNrootYxolrilUI at t6ttN.^ (ootYocoEo. !FoFonF=oEDcO-= ,o Nc;zogr!JoLoo=tIt \?ooto I ior\ at , t^ ,ooslx3E ILrooolr ) I (oFci ) .- )€oN=t ,€,go-Lo.oo]\6r ,oeo-3oo--i3!,troxCDoE GI 6r 'N?aq ,$Aeoo!tYxr! lrt\ .Do(r , tcl '$.A lrootYogo--o- (Fo(oCD tob=ocgo-Eo-9-ooroe0F olt JFoul3oUJ tro]UoJ= U)FzUJ==oo l$ r l ! -- q | ; t - r E Ws ff i E g E $1 $ ; i *- l o F ? 3S E # E fi l rl:lIlel -, d Aarl l rl?l rlel -Inl Ya zld-l]- ld=lEIol Il . lA-IolA>l-rUuET il>l tr IolHflold3 ) EioE(L Et I -I LHS \. uf l=l -lFI HI \ ur l BI e *lS ar \ \ >-o \, - . qC \El \ El , sN J as fl N olHl sH\ tl I{.s .I .-a,5V\) rl v\aq/ |- / , S€5,\ > ,€ !: ) t- - - 1- l- l {G ci l ' E / H' T ll J l r t ei ; Hl -. ' < , Z ts L P z A, u. t ,A BE Y Ev . ) o il3l $lnl5l ' - :6b8E3 to=. c D (l , E tr 2 x ,' X. -f \diJ>8-G( \J ar ) ol-o5=oLuGFtroo-ulE, El d el p Yl ^. gl t #rl F ff i F el * 3l 'b z ut O IE3;o t* q? E = u E JO U J GI O I tr B n Lor ) TE SIel s)<.dfr ff i UJ trstrUJv) lUtro- i F I !4J{*$ -*BE , El e UI tr l=l3lcl0l (r i . -i P ts l = gE )i o Li F (D l = fl 2 i ; -i ; 3U l o c, l r '= l i Fi g Fi o 0r l .o I1 f- Jl - cl L - - sl Ol l- i o, Ei p#oi 'w cIEo()UI sccIoFo=CJ ILo=t--.L(J bf f i tr zH3 =2 ig n p -- E, tr l3r u f, i Z; - oC) s2€e) .- FJ Ir . (f<, i_oa =5 l? F*IE)JJ HSH. i l$ot -IHda<l Il$ tols83 . B$ ld ; l> * ln n .? le 3 lr l{ , l0lr I Bf i xE,E t3 Lo?s3 Et g FI E, J ul l =I -lFI 1UaJtv l- lztul -lJI () I .J ENfi L41Ji'b H$ E.E -- ) ? -\ )-rt r ,^ - g ,l rt i El h ff i l -\ dl ,* 3l q- - lt J=tr eir ) a- - -J - t, ta a b Jc{ oCTf oCT tn g -Q . sl s uf l FI6t 3 -e . -S \f. , 2 .- U a€ EI :J O- l et -- { hI tE HI E el o il ( ) tr l fizt -tEI o- l \- a>l tr i l ol ru l -lal 3I o| l zl=l ul l EI zI5t o- o =t r6'UJe co32 ->.>-) ;>- T2-z ,J f3=\r - J-tGot' iF t\\ooOt (ua-iocl l l-€:cna) t-oai, L-9! , tr ( t ' E' O ocoo -e € O. l; tr ' a Bi l q) q ) ot r a. = .F . Ao o <i 5(t ' _: a [f i cn ll il F ts - :E } j { OOc\ t IozI c\ l oOot,oza caOc\ t Iozt c\ l OOc\Iz, coc{IozIot \c6t coca. l-F\r )OIo\ r\O\o Io B!t?o\ f-O9O $BcooIo\ fr .a9o OOc{IozI coOOc\ t Io4c\ tO\oc! ooo OOotIo4cf taOc\ t Io4c\ IOOc\ I Iozt f-oOc\ t Io4\ot-q)G,BO\o(\ I ooo t-FT )r .€) sa-a1'€) .r a €) (Joils,ho.--uq) ra-oQ(JoJx .- l L36, ta .-a-G'-Ho-q) aaAEa-L€(a I-tit) .L-,UoEe) a,g-hHG, CA ee E5 e il i ln o I t F FF ci 89 r - sl c ) A\ 3 \' (J .. ,r 3 .+ iI =' - t = \i - 3r or U-=d r{ . = SU 6o)T.o ({ . {Uqa) cah>J,t , (. )2 gs 1- i. , a) E (J o 'E s L- U) 9, t-!r ! - -c S O = '= E . o i u _= E. g 8 ? a c) i= @ * :3 = E SE . E fr = g 5= H E E vV ,: gn * E 9 A / oE E v = = U o\ f= r- lv\o I F{ .- lv IIIItTlt l.o*r )C€LoA-€gFf -61 3 CJ o- l {r a -c{--a-,H()q)La0Lc) fr l :IItIITITI I I IEvergreen Analytical Laboratory Date: 26-Nov-01 CLIENT: Project: Lab Order: CASE NARRATI\M SAMPLE RECEIVING Samples were received in good condition within method specified holding times. Custody seals were present and intact. Samples did not require preservation. The temperature of the sample(s) upon arrival was 6 "C. Samples for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were received with no headspace present. NJO GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY / MASS SPECTROMETRY Method 8260ALL_W : The LCS / LCSD showed high recoveries for 2-Chloroethylvinylether. Since the bias was high and this analyte was not detected in the samples, no further action was required. Bromomethane showed no recovery on the LCS ; the LCSD and matrix spikes all showed brornomethane recovery within QC limits. There were no other anomalies. SWT/CMS Olympus Technical Services, Inc. A7008 0t-6079 I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I tI of I ! I I I ! t ! Euergreen /\ AnalYtical ^/ \ Laboratory I I I I T I I I T I I I Evergr een November 26,2001 MIKE BACKE OLYMPUS TECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. 5409 KENDALL STREET BO|SE, tD 83706 Lab Work Order: 01-6116 Client Project: A7008 Dear Mike Backe: Enclosed are the analytical results and invoice for the samples shown in the Laboratory Work Order Summary. Except for subcontracted analyses, the enclosed data have been reviewed for quality assurance. A case nanative is included to describe any anomalies associated with the samples or data. EAL will dispose of all samples one month from the date of this letter. lf you want samples returned, please advise us by mail or fax as soon as possible. A copy of this project report and supporting data will be retained for a period of five years unless othenrise advised by you. A document retrieval charge will apply. Thank you for using the services of Evergreen Analytical. lf you have any questions conceming the analytical data, please contact me. Direct other questions to Client Services. Sincerely, Carl Smits Technical Director of Chemical Analysis This report contains a totat of +1 pages including the cover letter. Analytical, Inc. 4036 Youngfield St. Wheat Ridge. CO 80033-3862 (303) 425-6021 FAX (303)425-6854 IIIttIIIIIIIIIIttII tl l ) lou) 3, )I lotNrootxoILtlocoI totN,t(oottoco-co- Fo!FCD loF=ct EDC D= 'o GIc;zotroJor,oo=ttt FC"olo I (oNfi ) ,- .€oNxoILr0oorf ) I roFcr : ' ,^€oN-otro?-o- (ooF(r : )@eo,9oo-EE'CoYcDot?to (\ ' (t )(\ IoI ', : ) !!ta0otx.s ILFGOoa,tCO tt,- reoot-oEoaD-o. tFo(oota ) +-=d,- b(Do?-i(Dgo()E(0t\ olUFoIU3olt l trouloJz "l $ / ?* e W€ J a 5 D, s , x E J$ g $ { : gs s f i E \r 0 V el .o +o La '- $D Cr .a h\ca_( I fi l \ il N uI tr l=lFI ,tolEI ztol -lHHilol li la-ldz-ldu. dol Et l fr>l ttolHEIold3 {So -- l oE l' r l I=l \ FI \\e lr l I=l r- l uI3l s tu l klot T ,- - S il \) -ltl \J (L l n ;l Fl olHl N ol uJ l tl aEIgI>l dl l ol ru l >t ru l ol uJ l rl I\ ct t l- f 3t l ur l =l o[ ur l tr l s, r l FIzl ur l =lHol r. l l $t il t is l is t \ l\ l ! il lo o lE 8 iE B le L l= o l= -o l. - , ? lo E 1" 2 I y 4 r "l AJJ\oJtI -. J-- - -! -2oFoFJ:)aLt ,G,Ftroo- UJ tr Ul $l 8l t d) l -t sl b IUor lEl e HI R ur l t Bl = 9l rL 6l Q flol z tr t O IE3;o i*E? g Eq E =, H q - - J JO U J tr t " c o t nt s t r tr xs {?'1 LUFstrUTalUtr (L gGJ .5 lr r I Ri {\S S 'n t ^- \ r* 5l sJH tr l I tr l=l3l (9 tOI I a (r i . lt t l - Lr S Zt G : .t tU Ei E cr i # r- i - )i o L. i F (l , i = @l E -l > (t r l to c, e '= i o b! O 1) l - -t Ei E l- i d 9I : _J ! _ CI L - - t- t ll Fi gp El p>* = 6i 6 ff i oEo(JUIGooFco3(, ILo=--!o bf r E, Z HF =i JO L< ) rn + - G, II J1u f, i zt - o() =L -3=.LL,.-) E + \l I '( ]aNUs ds il \^ - otol l$elHfld lnI o( \ IBRs [s s l* t H+ l- \ r r tol0lE Ii dHt1BE s(L 7 xEFs ts\)= L. t3 rn c =l n -l =, F' | e ul l=l -lFI v J'* nJ \\, .- - - - J4, )- l zl II J I olJIol Ja*J=l<tzl r- l ol ur l -lOIEI (L l l-5\,J*t olH IJ El = Et k fl a IU=tr (Ots c-t\,q. a\,c$ \ ac. ) Fo -i VCT \r \ aL^ P*n lD ,u J l e Et ! ru t EI II JFo ot\ * P 6Ig < es El s il rF Hl 5 al fl s/ gn =l r ru l tr l FI ztEI&l>l cl l ol ur l -lU' I =l o[zl JI 1r I I EI zI 5k o- o =t r 6,ll jo $2- s=<. -- > t4=< ( \E. so?€ == n'v;€ €IsEf I\Looo,oa- .9(ltr€lr;ao{r lt-ocD+ag. g tr G t tr E ocooEE tr ' a 'Toc ) q) E a. = ,1 io a t r o -:c, -: a 'E o LE ct 2 ll IF )r . a +L >- . OOc\ l Io4!( rOolIozI \oc. l \cGI oocO=f- I \o\o Io oOc\Io4!fOO(\ t Io4\oc\ t \oGI oooB\oOI \o9o OOc{Io4sOOc\Io4\oc\ l \oc\ ooocf ) \nOI \o\o IO OOc\ lIo4rfGIIozI \oc\ I \c6l 0cosoI \o\o IO OoltozIvOc!IozI \oc\ t \ot\00c\n3coOI \o9 OOotIo1vOOolIo4\oc\ l \cc\€c(Ao\Bc\ l?=\o IO OOc\ lto4tfOOolIo4\oc\ l OOc\Io4vaOc\ l Io4\oc{OOc\ l IozI€Oc\IozI f- \oc\ ooo!o\BoI \o+- a \o IO N.VGI paol- t- {@OI \o\o IO FHrlq)-)a1,c) .! a c)uq)&-aLo .- a I Uq)--oUUo']x .- l LiJcg Faa.-ah -a cg-balr q) -,Et-bGIaa.taq) .l-,Ua-q, rf a-F-6' v) ee E5 e i6 r n o 1 r - FF e gg - - s) c , =! ) \' I .. .. t (l ) c) x An .r ! - - : i P- ES = d -= =t \r a c. r = \. U ri < c, )gk-o ({ - {Uq(. ) t) )- - \ >Jer ) 0)2 gs tE =. , ,; = (l ) E () o '= O. a a. ) l- L =a 2 ft -ii c l o E .9 : l o E E U( o U E Ei 8 3 ? -: n, FE o f i iJ = E SE . E fr E tg l g : E = =o * d - E E V ,? * E 4. i i 5 a r- - /^ c t r - r Y = = - II\ o F{ r5 e tIIIIIiIIlF €r 3 IE d I; .- \h f IB IE tr rg I I tEvergreen Analytical Laboratory Date: 29-Ir{ov-01 CLIETYT: Project: Lab Order: CASE I\ARRATT\'E SAMPLE RECEIVING Samples were received in good condition within method specified holding times. Custody seals were present and intact. Samples did not require preservStion. The temperature of the sample(s) upon arrival was 2 oC. Samples for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were received with no headspace present. JD GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY / MASS SPECTROMETRY Method 8260ALL_W : LCS / LCSD recoveries for 2-chloroethylvinylether were above historical limis. Bromomethane was non-detect on one LCS but within QC limits on the LCSD and the matrix spikes. Neither analyte was detected in the samples. There were no other anomalies. SWT/CMS Olympus Technical Services, Inc. A7008 0l-6r t6 il I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I It of I I I I t T I I t l I I t I t I t I I I ur.rsreen Euergreen fi. AnalYtical ^/ \ Laboratorv November 27, 2001 MIKE BACKE OLYMPUS TECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. 5409 KENDALL STREET BOISE, ID 83706 Lab Work Order: 01-6154 Client Project: A7008 Dear Mike Backe: Enclosed are the analytical results and invoice for the samples shown in the Laboratory Work Order Summary. Except for subcontracted analyses, the enclosed data have been reviewed for quality assurance. A case narrative is included to describe any anomalies associated with the samples or data. EAL will dispose of all samples one month from the date of this letter. lf you want samples returned, please advise us by mail or fax as soon as possible. A copy of this project report and supporting data will be retained for a period of five years unless otherwise advised by you. A document retrieval charge will apply. Thank you for using the services of Evergreen Analytical. lf you have any questions concerning the analytical data, please contact me. Direct other questions to Client Services. Sincerely, Carl Smits Technical Director of Chemical Analysis This report contains a total of I L pages inctuding the cover letter. Analytical, Inc. 4036 Youngfield St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-3862 (3031425-6021 FAX BA3\ 425-6854 IItIITIIIIIIIIItITI tog, toC' I lotNAr0ottxoILEtocr ) I lottN.A(oo!Yotro)-o. rFoForoF=oED tr-= .t 0 GIc;zotr (UJoLooEtt Fotorl o I (oF3i ) ,^ooNYxoILroootl , I (oFC' , .AooNYotro-&o-@oNa! i , oeo-goo-ii !,coY(r ,oE (\ I aq ,N?fi D$ArootYx6ILt\ooc'tGl )$a^eoct t-ogoso, tFoCO (Dro+=.Eg(Do-!j-oo-o(JE' rC , F otuFo]UfoUJG,o]UoJ= aFzIU==oo H :l l !E a ; BE g€ $f f i ! 5E s. E HoE-lht -- f \. 1al5= \. . - < - :t J "s \ [r J t EI=l3lol0l ^l l, r t I od :lFI {lol a) z)d-lH<tHEI ci l lr . IA-lol4,-u{oluld>l ttolHflold3 ) I t-o ) I H, EI : -l it Fl o tu l =lFI ,, t 3t : r, u l EI \o .Ia A\ ) il s il E 3l q il ts H\ rl aalEI>l tr i lol ru l >t uJ l ol uJ l EI alFI It t ul l 3Io[ ur l tr l -. 1U' I FIAlu lH=lolul ii r , a YLaO l- rn o68oOE ?t - tr o 3- ( ) (D E t, 2 / /. . + J-3 -\ '. - J (: nX t. . L ov_= -) \oFoFJ-r JU' UJG,FE,oo-UJG, :E l vlolol co l ol et lHalul8l b vl O El r- 9l k 36 fi t * 3l r 8l u bl A =l c- l l z ru O IE3E zF (1 ) z T9 af r . -JOU I Co t EN zFzo=vjozaJJo 4a ={ q. 5J d6tV)HJ5l cl *) TU l-sEUI v) lUEtL g .P GI tr l llslcl0l aOi . l- t F E; = EE (, i # l- i - )t o Li l- (I , i = @l e -l > Gl -t o (r i r '= i o f- i O 1- l - tr.E i 3 Fi @ U) i .o -l t- Jl - ct - - st O Fi t ts i p*6i a ff i oEo() luEooFo=(, ILo=-t-(J bf f i G, Z H= =i q - Jt a -\ J.- () !' r 4 trLu3u t f, i Zl - oo €:>--z,c7 + U{\ 'l\) ,F Fx\)\,JT HS H\ t s q. . ]EOIH-- [s<t Ilv t lm l€kt loF6 ' U tl \ l$ $ ll u loHA ls " I. . lol0IE ' lE It HIL xG,Fs Lt3 + sr I tr l rJ ul=l -lFI u<UUlJ EI ur la JU)J uI l3rlol ur l 6lGI o- l t-1\lJ'- f t zlolH Ccual '. \ I Fl -, r zlEl ,$ tr l -s Hl c UJ=tr otn5 \^-o-- 2 uf i 6 BI T-- ul lBI UJko 46taJ ,+ -l ,5 =l \3 El o. Ll ,- * ;l ci tn t ) El tr ol -9 f, l a- ) g. JI ,- - ' rx l rl .AFIzlEI (L I -a>I Gi l ol ur l -lal -tfIo[zl=l uJ l EI zI ul : Jq . o. o =t r 6,ule 4u) r2a 9 ts\-oF.oo, (!a_l-o€Ft- ,o \- a l-:u,oa- , l-oa+Jtr9l l F- -tr ' i , -o=ocAE F' = F L' . E6 oe ) c) = (A .= t- Ac 0 == 3l t : [€ a! l il F E tr - Ooc\ t Iozt \nOoc\ t ,ozt f-ot \oGI oooc{OI \r \n\o IO OOc\ t Io4\OOolto4f-c\ looc\ t Io4o\ rE aooc\ l Ioz' t- 6tioq,BO\cGI 00cOIsrn9o €)--a-l IJe) .-€) Ioil-h0 . lr a-(Jq) rr t -l oUIoJx.-liTG' Eaa .I l t, I' 6, t-hots r €) J. g-bhG'aI -ah(r ) .- a raUaH€)-ga-rbcl CA !+rnF{ \o I F{ r- r v !IIItI 3 HH -r l= \5 \ o < ss ,- - , ci tt t. j r\ (r l \./ \l/ *.I .. .. (l ) a) X 'e E3 fr EF f O{ Fr {r a-L.9 raU' - G)gt' .€UoC)aEE gs >a )i L .r = cr )ot r () a '5 8 l- l- (L ) I ct ) g -cl o () r i A 6A R x ? I tE ; E E g S3 g E E ii a: : F E' lr q ) q ) L- tot r l F r g EU a) il Ee iIililtilr!iiili lltlilil t,ii irl, - = i! . \, ii \ ii G1 il!i \r ii a il \ l: )ii e il = !: I ri q ii a iliiltiiil trri liii!i:t :lrliil;iilili:l!i;ili:ll!Ii iril l- ll G3 !t - il E it E it = !l a il tv il El il r- \ ii - ii A il -l !l (u !l -II A ii v ii }4 ii tY il - ii c Lo+r ) cgLcsc! '. ] lr t 6BCr ) .-{r a -€gaIIaEI()c)La0Lq. ) Fr l ItIIItItIIItI Date: 29-Nav-01 I IEvergreen Analytical Laboratory CLIENT: Project: Lab Order: CASE NARRATIVE SAMPLE RECEIVING Samples were received in good condition within method specified holding times. Custody seals were present and intact. Semples did not require preservation. The temperature of the sample(s) upon arrival was 6 "C. Samples for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were received with no headspace present. NJO GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY / MASS SPECTROMETRY Method 8260ALL_W : Bromomethane showed low or no recovery on the LCS's and matrix spikes, due to an anomaly in the initial calibration. Manually re-calculating the results from the raw counts of the CCV (continuing calibration check standard), the LCS's, and the matrix spikes, gave bromomethane recdv'eries between 121 and 145 %. Bromomethane was not detected in the samples. There were no other anomalies. CMS Olympus Technical Services, Inc. A7008 0l -6154 I I t I I I I I I I I I I I t II of I GRO UND WATER SAIYIPLING INFORTUATION FOR/,T MT o Bobe, lD o Hawe, MTo Flelena, ilT Sample Inforqation Sample lD: IA \lJ t rime: lF gtr Date: It--l -01 Label lO: AV\/ I Work Order No.: Project Name: Comments: Samole Collection Type:f]Dedicated t]Non Dedicated EDisposable t]Peristaltic Pump t]Sample Port Device:[ElBailer t]Submersible Pump Material:[-lTeflon Comments: Polyethylene f]PVC t]StainlessSted Depth toWaten q.01 ft Depth ofWater: I (, . ? [ ft t t T t t I t 1 I I I I I T T I 1 t T Field Measurements Well Depth:Well Volume:gal PurgeVc*ume: 1,g gal Volume Purged: 1 .X gal (calculated) (3 x vrell volume) (measured purge) Wett Deptltfll(measured) ^ I-lt r,"l! taHe) Purge Volume = (:r = 3.14) x (wett radius: ft)z x (depth of watec ft) x 7.48 g"Uft' Purge Starr lLtSk PurgeStop: tSrf ExSitu[X| OaU Comments:nsf allvtt hvW@ 1-g aa,,l Field Parameterc Purge Start Purge Stop Pre R.roe Do: i ,C mg/l t-l-Q'c- lnSituf] DO: O. S mg/l [(.fDoTerrrp:S Post Ptrge pH: -l:Sa ORP: Or mV pH: 1, bq oRP: C)r mV r: I J,3 oc rnsitut] Exstuffi rc | g' 38 psilemmS Insihrt] Exstum K: l*,Jolr8/€ffi^S DO:-\,4 mg/l tb.o'C- lnsiitul F-xSitutg ',:"'t'\ mgl othe[ (printed) lt-1 ;0J. Dgte@iMLt,"dts (signature) Sanptte FanBr&€rqmdw#oTsrATIDO TmOl Client Sample II) Lab Sample ID Date Collected Date Received Date Prepared Date Analyzed MWI 0l-6116-064. ry0712001 tU0812001 tv0912001 tv09l200l Evergreen Analytical, Inc. 4036 Youngfield St., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 42s4021 Client Project II) Lab Work Order Sample Matrix Lab File II) Method Blank Prep Factor Effective Dilution A7008 01{116 Water voA3l 109\13852.D R8110901 I I I I I Method: SW8260B Volatile Halocarbons (SW801 0 list)Units:pg/L tAnalyteCAS #Concentration RL PQL Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 75-274 75-25-2 74-83-9 56-23-s 108-90-7 U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 5 5 20 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 5 5 20 5 5 I I I I t t I I I Chloroethane 2-C hlo roethylvi nyleth er Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane 75-00-3 110-75-8 6766-3 74-87-3 124-48-1 10 10 5 10 5 1 ,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlo rodifl u o romethan e 1 ,1-Dichloroethane 95-50-1 541-73-1 10646-7 75-71-8 75-34-3 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 U U U E U U 5 5 5 10 5 1 ,2-Aichloroethane 1 ,1-Dichloroethene cis- 1,2-Dichlo roethen e trans-1, 2-Dichloroethene 1 ,Z-Dichloropropane 1A7-06-2 75-354 156-59-2 156-60-5 78-87-5 47 1500 E 5.9 U 5 5 5 5 5 cis- 1, 3-Dichlo ropropene trans- 1, 3-Dichlo ro pro pen e Methylene chloride Tetrachloroethene 1,1,2,2-Tetrachlo roeth an e 10061-01-5 10061-02-6 75-49-2 127-184 79-34-5 5800 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane 1,1,z-Trichlo roethane Trichloroethene Trich lo rofl uo ro m eth an e Viny{ chloride 71-s5S 79-00-5 79-01€ 75€9-4 75-414 7.8 3100 E U 23 Surrogate Recovery 1,Z-Dichloroeth an e-d4 (SS-1 ) Toluene-d8 (SS-2) 4-B romofl uorobenzen e (SS-3) 99% 1A7% lOOo/o QC Limits 79 123 79 - 118 74 129 I I I I Quelifiers: I l/14/2001 4:39 PM U - Not hected at the Reporting Limit (RL) J - Analyte detected below Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) S - Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery limits t - Compound detected above regulatory limit. X - Not Applicable.I I B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank E - Extrapolated value. See rerun at dilution. I I i I I I Client Sample ID Lab Sample II) Date Collected Date Received Date Prepared Date Analyzed MWI 0l-6116-06A lu071200l tu08l200l tyt2/200r Lut2l200l Evergreen Analytical, fnc. 4036 Youngfield St, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 42s402t Client Project II) Lab Work Order Sample Matrix Lab File ID Method Blank Prep X'actor Effective Dilution A7008 01-6116 Water voA3 l r 12\13869.D RBI1120r I 50 Method: SW8260B Volatile Halocarbons (SW8010 list)Units:pg/L Analyte CAS #Goncentration POL cis- 1,2-Dich lo roeth en e Trichloroethene 156-59-2 79-016 1 400 7400 250 254 250 2s0 Surrogate Recovery 1,Z-Dichlo roeth an e-d4 (SS- 1 ) Toluene,dS (SS-2) 4-Bromofl uorobenzene (SS-3) 105o/o 96% 94% QC Limits79 123 79 118 74 129 I I t I I I I I I t I U - Not Detested at the Reporting Limit (RL) J - Analyte detected below Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) E - Extrapolated vatue. See rerun at dilution B - fuialvte detected in the associated Method Blank S - Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery limits * - Compound detected above regulatorv limif X - Not Applicable.t I Qualifiers: Analvst t t/11/2001 1: j9 Ptv,t Evergreen Analytical, Inc. 4036 Youngfield St, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 42s4021 Client Project II) Lab Work Order Sample Matrix Lab F'ite ID Method Blank Prep Factor Effective Dilution I Client Sample II) Lab Sample II) Date Collected Date Received Date Prepared Date Analyzed MWl 0l-6r 1646A, tt/0712001 tU0812001 tt/1212001 tyt2l200l A7008 016116 Water voA3 t I 12\13885.D RBl l l20l t 100 I I I I I pg/LVolatile Halocarbons (SW801 0 list)Method: SW8260B Analyte CAS #Concentration PQL Tetrachloroethene 127-184 1 9000 Surrogate Recovery 1,2-Dichloroeth an +d4 (SS-1 ) Toluene-d8 (SS-2) 4-B romofl u oro benzen e (SS-3) 101% 101% 92% QC Limits79 123 79 118 74 129 I I I I t I I t I I I I I U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit (RL) J - Analyte detected below Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) S - Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery limis t - Compound daected above regulatory limir X - Not AppliLable. J,t- E - E:<trapolated value. See rertur at dilution B - Analvlsdetested in the associated Method Blank Qualificrs: 1 l/11i2001 4:39 PM ! t I I I T I I I T t I ct)_ (\l I C"a @€ Ioco,oF g 9E(ooNc.ccE .88E EEo6=E EEE i5+EI or- dl !F F o.cFo B *i.E E gE *E ao xf6gEid s -!P --g Eg e F @-!,'E -9 o :>)c I ! I I T Quantitation Report Dara File : C:\HPCHEM\1\DATA\VOASrrOg\r3ASZ.O Acq On : 9 Nov 2001 5:35 pm Sample Misc MS Integration Params : rEeint . p QuanL Time: Nov 14 9:09 200L Method Title Last Update Response via Vial z 22 Operat,or: St,eve TysonInst : VOA3Multip1r: 1,00 Quant Results File : 8 2601102 . RES 9.00 10.00 1 I .oo 12.oo 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.@ : 0]--511-5-05A: SAIvIP 8250ALL W c: \HpcHEu\r\urrriops\aze 01L02 .M (RTE rnregraror) 8260 Fri Nov 02 L5:03 :0L 2001Initial Calibration TIC: 13852.D 5.5e+O7 5e+07 5.5e+07 5e+07 4.Se+QJ 3.5e+07 2.5e+Q7 1.5e+O7 5000000 5.00 "6.00 , 7.00 F ocos fieG,(D |DE6Ft F @c(D (l, eo .9 F oco oo oE.eo Io{ I.oo (D- A(o cho; LSEPSSE.$EilE-ubfifi\Lro!+ =o 13852.D 82601_102.M Wed Nov 14 09:09:59 2001 Page 2 Quantitation Report Dara File : c: \ltpcHEM\1\DATA\VoA31l-L2\138G9 .D Acq On ; 12 Nov 2001- 12:35 pm I I ViaI : l-1 Operator: SLeve Tyson f nst : VOA3 Multip1r: 1.00 SampIe Mi sc 1.8e+07 1.7e+07 1.6e+O7 1.5e+07 1.4e+47 1.3e+07j : -,j 1.2e+Q7: 1.1e+07: 1 000000i 5.00 6.00 : 0L-6115-05A DF=50 : SAIvIP 8250ALL W : c: \HPCHEM\r-\MEtiroos\e2G01102 .M (nre rnregraror): 8260: Fri Nov 02 15:03:01 2001 Response via : f niL iaI Calibration TIC: 13869.D MS Int,egration Params : rteint, . p Quant Time: Nov L4 15 :18 20AL Method Tit le Last Update Quant Results File: 8250 1102 .RE 'l '|rl'9.00 10.00 1 1 .00 12.OO 1 3.00 14.00 1 5.OO 1 6.00 1 7.00 18,00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t F (l)Eo oo o @coE (Do o .9 t-- ocoNcI eo3 6t9- t-- $ HE E€E SPE E;E E 3s I;b.E a_ A(o chag;YCo(DCNOEE88eegOIE?o6E oh+ a- G3 Ioa cOo Iogo =oF 13 8 69 .D 82601L02 . M Wed Nov L4 15 :20:2L 2001 Page 2 (t)- (f) Iaa ocoNcIo o5 o Eo (D Isl rr)1'I(DcoNcIo o o F- @ (D (D eI l-- a-Pfre6Eg9coOE tG(Doc'E(D F=6F o oN Io o, 6 Iq- (rr_ sp @6ccgq -!-(DogoEbo€ I 58eEotO- co og (Ds (Do os, .9o ary I .9.ootco (l) o I I I I ! t T I I I I ! I I I 7 I I T Quantitation Report Data File : C:\ueCHEM\1\DATA\voagt 112\L3BBs.D Acq On SampIe Misc 5400000 5200000 5000000 4800000 4600000 4400000 4200000 j 4000000. : L2 Nov 2001 5:56 pm : 0L-5115-05A DF=100 : SAMP 8250ALL W Vial : Operator:Inst : Mult ip1r : Results File: 27 Steve Tyson VOA3 1.00 826 011 02 . RES MS Int.egrat,ion Params : rt.eint . p Quant Time: Nov L4 LG 236 TAAL Method Tir IeLast Update Res onse vr-a nce Quant c: \HPCHEU\r\uargops\e2G01102 .M (nre rnregraror) 8260Fri Nov 02 1-5:03:01 2001Initial Calibration TIC: 13885.D 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.@ 8.@ 9.00 10.00 11.@ 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.@ 18.00 13885.D 82601102.M Wed Nov 14 L6 :36: LB 200L Page 2 GROUND WATER SAMPLING INFORTfrATION FORfiT ; MT o Boise, lD o Hawe, llTo l,lelena, iIT Sample Infgrntation Sample ID: Label ID: Comments: Location: Work Order No.: Time: Date: Sampb Collection I I I I I I I I I I I t Device:lflBailer [IDisposable EPeristaltic Pump t]Sample Portf]Submersible Purnp Type:t]Dedicated ENonHicated ilaterid:l-lTeflon MPofiethytene t]PVc EstainlessSteel Comments: Field Measurements Well Depth:\.1Well Volume: Purge Volume: (calculated) (3 x vrrcll volume) gal gal5,\DepthtoWaten Wn Depth of Water: t 0 . [pX ft Welt Depth[Fl(measured) l--]t,,"lttable) Purge Volume = (n = a.t+1 i (rine!! rdius: fl)2 x (depth of rrnater: ft) x 7.48 gaUft3 Comments: Volume Purged: F. : gal (measured purge) Purge Start: Purge Stop: I,SO t7*; Field Parametenr Pre Purqe Purge Start DO: \ .C mg/l DO: O. tr mg/l Purge Stop InSitu ExSitulF| DO Terrrp: l?. C\ oC Pct Purge pH: -7. tr? pH: 1.8b T: tg.F J< 21 21" Oat, pS/cnr lnsitut] lnsitut] lnsitu|.-| ORP: Or mV oRP: Or mV ExSituf ExSituf DOTernp - oc Offier I I I K: A8"1 pS/crn DO: l.F ntgl lg,t 11.o .:.' " ' sampren AbfolkrSon samprer: Q/F n (printed) (signature) : t t I Fq-oJ Sap3rg FansJdr€tqrndw#oTvATm 7mn1 I I t Client Sample ID Lab Sample II) Date Collected Date Received Date Prepared Date Analyzed MW2 0l-611644A tU07l200l rU0812001 rlt091200l nrc912001 Evergreen Analytical, Inc. 4036 Youngfield St., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 42s402t Client Project II) Lab Work Order Sample Matrix Lab tr'ile ID Method Blank Prep Factor Effective Dilution A7008 016116 Water voA3 1109\13850.D RBl1090l I IIMethod: SW8260B Volatile Halocarbons (SW8010 !ist)Units:pdL Anatyte CAS #Goncentration RL PQL t T ! I I I I I I Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 75-274 75-25-2 74-83-9 56-23-5 108-90-7 U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U E U U U U E U U U E U U 5 5 20 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 20 5 5 Chloroethane 2-C h lo roethylvi nyleth er Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane 75-00-3 11A-75-8 67€6-3 7 4-87-3 124-48-1 10 10 5 10 5 1 ,Z-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlo rodifl uo ro m ethan e 1 ,1-Qichloroethane 95-50-1 541-73-1 146-46-7 75-71-8 75-34-3 5 5 5 10 5 1 ,2-Dichloroethane 1 ,1-Dichloroethene cis- 1,2-Dichloroeth en e tran*1, 2-Dichlo roeth ene 1 ,2-Dichloropropane 107-06-2 75-35-4 156-59-2 156-60-5 78-87-5 2800 29 5 5 5 5 5 cis- 1, 3-Dichlo ro propene tran* 1, 3-Dichlo ropro pene Methlene chloride Tetrachloroethene 1,1,2.2-T etrach lo roeth ane 1 0061-01-5 1 0061-02-6 75-49-2 127 -18-4 79-34-5 1 500 tr 5 5 5 5 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane 1,1,2-T richlo roeth an e Trichloroethene Trichlo rofl u o ro m ethan e Vinyl chloride 71-55-6 79-00-5 79-01-6 75$9-4 75-01-4 530 5 5 5 5 10 T I J T Surrogate Recovery 1,Z-Dichloroeth ane-d4 (SS-1 ) Toluen+d8 (SS-2) 4-B ro mofl u o robenzen e (SS-3) 100% 103o/o 97% QG Lirnits 79 123 79 118 74 129 I I U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit (RL) J - tuialye detected below Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery limits Compound detected above regulatory limit. Not Applicable.E - E:<trapolated value. See rerun at dilution. B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank Approved I I/l1/2001 4:25 PM Client Sample II) Lab Sample ID Date Collected Date Received Date Prepared Date Analyzed MW2 0l-6116-04A 1U07 t2001 Ly08l200l 11/121200t I l/1212001 Evergreen Analytical, Inc. 4036 Youngfield St, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 425-6021 Client Project ID : A7008 Lab \Mork Order : 0l-6116 Sample Matrix : Water Lab F'iIe ID : VOA3 1112\13867.D Method Blank : RBl l l20l Prep F'actor : I Effective Dilution : 20 I I I Method: SW8260B Volatile Halocarbons (SW801 0 list)Units:pg/L IAnalyteGAS #Goncentration RL PQL cis- 1, 2-Dich lo roeth en e Tetrachloroethene Trichloroethene 156-59-2 127-184 79-016 2900 1 400 470 100 100 100 100 100 100 I Surrogate Recovery 1,Z-Dichlo roeth an td4 (SS-1 ) Toluene-d8 (SS-2) 4-Bromofl uorobenzene (SS-3) 102o/o 95% 100% QG Limits79 123 79 118 74 129 I I I I t I I I I I I I Qualifier:s: Approved I I/11/2001 4:25 PM U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit (RL) J - Analyte deteaed below Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) S - Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery limits , - Compound dAected above regulatory limit. X - Not Applicable. [* t t B - Analyt} Cetected,in the associated Method Blank E - E:rtrapolated value. See rertrn at dilution I I I I I I I I T I I t I Quantitation Report Data File : c:\HeCHEM\1\DATA\voagLt-09\13Bso.D Acq On : 9 Nov 200L 4:48 pm SampIe Misc : 0 L- 6LL6 - 04A : SAMP 826OALL W ViaI : Operator:fnsL: Mult ip1r : 2A Steve Tyson VOA3 1.00 825 011 02 . RES MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time : Nov L4 8 :42 2A0L Method TitIe Quant Results File: : c: \lipcHEM\r-\MEruoos\a2G01102.M (RTE rnregraror): 8260Last Update : Fri Nov 02 15 :03 :01- 2001 Response via : Init.ial Calibration TIC:13850.D 3.6e+07 3.4e+57 3.2e+e7 2.6e+{: : 2.4e+47' : 80000m 60000m 40000m 5.00 6.00 7.00 I10.00 11.00 12.w 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.m @ (D 5c .E oe I I f F ococ oo o o F -bR. tr\ L!,*{ Ir F @E.E o () >c I I T I T I { S\ Gl t ,.1 t, ,.A- rJ 'v + \.--t-\./ g (DG_l-(DEEEE8e fl'sgs a- CIIao @EI(Dg @ =o @-gqt@I'NgfiqE 69o=.EEE!.g lt- eot a- c, Io(t) (DcoN Io o =o EItrt I€ 13850.D 82501-102.M Wed Nov L4 08: 12:35 2001 Page 2 Quantitation Report Data File : C:\HeCHEM\1\DA"A\voA31LL2\rg 867 .DAcq On : 12 Nov 2001 Llz47 amSample : 01- 61-16-04A DF=20 Mi sc : SAIvIP 8250ALL W MS fntegration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Nov L4 14:58 20OL Method Title Vial: Operator: fnsL: MuIt, iplr : Quant Result,s File: 9 Steve Tyso VOA3 1,00 8260LL02 . R I nI "l I I : c: \HpcHgtI\r\Mnflrops\ez6o11o2 . M (RrB rnregraror)z 8260 Last Update : Fri Nov A2 15:03 :01- ZOO1 Response vla: fnitial Calibration TIC:13867.D I2800000i 200000 o 5.00 6.00 9.00 10.@ 11.0O 12.OO 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 ndance J ItI F at os @o o E,ot! oF I I I I I I I I CD- (\ Iaa @oIoc(D J6F ro 1C ,ocoNcIo -o-cO ocoN I eo = t5 I!f- a- (Y) taa ocoNEIo o =o Eo (D ,!c F @co.c oo -9 () F adEtoc(U (Do os.9oIe{- F oco ! JIr- _9 -c,.9o€to cl- gth(Dc€E T I t I I I13 8 67 .D 9260 1-102 . M Wed Nov 14 L5 :00 :03 2001 Page 2 GROUND WATER SAMPLING WNORMATION FORM pus Tech nical Services-lnr , MT o Bobe, lD o Hawe, MTo H*B,lf,f Sample lnformation Sample lD: Label lD: Location: Work Order No.: Project Name: t r t wltj Q . ffluf Comments: rims lqaf Date: ll-1-ol Sample Gollectiot! Type:f]Hicated f]Non Dedicated Device:[-VlBailer?d Esubmersible Pump Materid:[-lTeflon trPotyethylene Other Cornments: EDispebte t]Peristaltic Pump f]Sample Port f]PVc Estaintess Steet I I I T I t T I I I I I I I I T I I I Field Measurements Wen Depth: 90, 1t0 n Depth toWater: *.00 ft Depth of Water: ltz . .+ ft Well Depthffi(measurd) Purge Volume = (r = 3.14) i (,rrrell radius: ft)2 Comments: Well Vcilume: e,Lt gal Purge Volum ", -l ,7 gal Volume Purged: tr, O gal [-I(nell taHe) x (depth of vvater: ft) x 7.8 galfft3 (calculated) (3 x vrell volume) (measured purge) Purge Start l=SO Purge Stop: lr-|()0 Field Parameters Pre Purge Purge Start DO: t,1, mg/l DO: \,q mg/l Purge Stop ExSitu DO Ternp: i ff. O oC lnSitu[-J Post Ptrrqe pH: -l . I S PH: J.\3 T: \t.J "c K 36:.,A ps/crn K: 281-1 pS/cm ORP: Or mV ORP: (af mV Insitu ExSitu[F| tnsitut] bcsitum DO: t,S rng/l \f, O'C-, lnsiu.r f] Exsitup .*."" Sarnpler: Sampler (printed) [l-1-Ol Date e&s"rVttc (signature) Sarpfrg Fqrns;ds,€rqmd Wdcr oTsrA7m 7mn1 Client Sample ID Lab Sample II) Date Collected Date Received Date Prepared Date Analyzed MW3 0l-6116-05A tU07l200l tt/08t2001 tU0912001 rU0912001 Evergreen Analytical, Inc. 4036 Youngfield St., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 42S4O2t Client Project II) Lab Work Order Sample Matrix Lab F'ile II) lVlethod Blank Prep Factor Effective Dilution A7008 01-6116 Water voA3l109\13851.D RBl 10901 I I I T I Method: SW8260B Volatile Halocarbons (SW8010 list)Units:pg/L IAnalyteGAS #Concentration RL Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 75-27-4 75-25-2 74-83-9 56-23-s 108-90-7 U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 5 5 20 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 2A 5 5 I I T I I T I I t Chloroethane 2-C h lo ro ethylvinyleth er Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane 75-00-3 110-75-8 67€6-3 74-87-3 124-48-1 10 10 5 10 tr\, 1 ,Z-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene Dic h lo rodifl u o ro m eth an e 1 ,1-Dichloroethane 95-50-1 541-73-1 1A6-46-7 75-71-8 75-34-3 5 5 5 10 5 1 ,Z-Dichloroethane 1 ,1-Dichloroethene cis-1, 2-Dich lo roeth en e tra ns- 1, 2-Dichloroeth en e 1 ,2-Dichloropropane 1A7-A6-2 75-35-4 156-59-2 156-60-5 78-87-5 55 6400 E 120 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 U U U U U U U cis-1, 3-Dichlo ro pro pen e trans- 1, 3-Dichlo ro pro pen e Methlene chloride Tetrachloroethene 1,1,2,2-Tetrachlo roethane 1 0061-01-5 10061-02-6 75-09-2 127-18-4 79-34-5 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane 1,1,z-Trichlo roeth an e Trichloroethene Trich lo rofl u o ro m eth an e Vinyl chloride 71-55-6 79-00-5 79-01€ 75694 75-01-4 U U 5 5 5 5 10 Surrogate Recovery 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (SS-1 ) Toluene-d8 (SS-2) 4-B ro mofl uo ro benzen e (SS-3) 1060/o 1A1o/a 97% QC Limits79 123 79 118 74 129 I I I I U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit (RL) J - Analye detected below Pragtical Quantitation Limit (PQL) Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery limits Compound detected above regulatory limit Not fuplicable,I Iil.- E - Extrapolated value. See rerun at dilution. B - Analvte detected in the associated Method Blank x- Approved I 1/I 4/2001 1:29 PM I I T Client Sample ID Lab Sample II) Date Collected Date Received Date Prepared Date Analyzed MW3 0l-6r 16-05A tU071200l ru08/2001 tUtznaot ryt2t200l Evergreen Analytical, fnc. 4036 Youngfield St., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 42s402t Client Project II) Lab Work Order Sample Matrix Lab File II) Method Blank Prep f,'actor Effective Dilution A7008 0I-6116 Water voA3 1112\13868.D RBI r 1201 I 100IMethod: SW8260B Volatile Halocarbons (SW8010 !ist)Units:pgrL Analyte CAS #Concentration POL cis- 1,2-Dichlo roeth ene 156-59-2 2404AI ! I I I T I t I I I t T Surrogate Recovery 1,2-Dich lo roethane-d4 (SS-1 ) Toluene'd8 (SS-2) 4-B rom ofl u o ro benzene (SS-3) 101% 97% 960/o QC Limits 79 123 79 118 74 129 U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit (RL) J - Analyte detected below Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) S - Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery limits t - Compound detected above regulatory limit. X - Not Applicable. ,lur I I E - Extrapolated value. See rerun at dilution. B - Analvte detected in the associated Method Blank Qualifiers: I 1/14/200/, 1:29 PM Quantitation Report Dara File : c:\HeCHEM\1\DATA\voA3i.1o9\L3Bs1.D I nt T I I I I I I I t T I I I t Acq On Samp1e Misc : 9 Nov 2001 5 zLZ pm : 01-5115-05A : SAIvIP 8260ALL W Vial : Operator:Inst : Mult iplr: Quant Results File: 2L St eve Tyso VOA3 1.00 82501102 . R MS Integiration Params : rteint . p Quant Time: Nov L4 B:53 2001 Method Title Last Update Ionse v1a 5.5e+07 4e+57' a. 3.5e+O7- : 3e+O7- 2e+t.7; Iime-> 4.0O 5.00 6.00 1o-\) sqz,) t Y \5I 9 tl F oE oE C) >c, 2 3g @ETET fi E E ti= = o,o Y e E Eq E 4€ s E E oE E Eg 6= ,- r^ c E E Eo 6 Eg @ = tr oEEi= EEt EET dlF Fg .oFE.EEEE.EFfl+gE C: \HPCHEM\r\MerHooS\ez5o11o2 .M (RTE rnregraror) 8260Fri Nov 02 15:03:01- 200LInitial Calibration TIC: 13851 .D 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.w 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.m I I Il-3851_,D 8260L102.M Wed Nov 14 08 :53 :23 2A0l Page 2 I I Quantitation Report Data File : c:\ueCHEM\r-\DATA\voagr-i.r-2\13868.D t t I t t t t I I I I T I t I t T Acq On SampIe Misc i sooooooj { I I J 4800000i I 4600000i j i! 44000001 3200000- . : 1800000: ., 1600000. 4.00 5.00 6.00 : L2 Nov 2 0 01 1"2 :1A pm : 01-6AL6-05A DF=100 : SAMP 8260ALL W ViaI : Operator:fnst:Multiplr: Results File: 10 Steve Tyson VOA3 1.00 826 011 02 . RES MS f ntegrat,ion Params : rteint . p Quant Time: Nov L4 15:08 200L MethodTitle Last Update onse via Quant, c : \HPCHEU\1\UEUrODS\e2501102 .M (RTE Inregraror) 8260Fri Nov 02 1-5:03:01 2001Initial Calibration TIC: 13868.D .l ,, I l. I I I ' | '' r I r8.00 9.00 10.00 11.0o 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.q) 17.00 18.00 a- (f) I ct) ct) (Dc @Ncetlo o =o Eo (I} I.(t rf)! IocoNcIo o ! O a_ c{ t U) U) @lC toc(D =E o oN Ior-o: 6tsf- (r, ID I (Dcc(E(I,E d =ooo?LEOO=\-5o().EOEctE- eo ?- (Dco (Do 13868 . D 92601102.M Wed Nov 1,4 15 : 09 :55 2001 Page 2 GROUND WATER SAMPLING INFIORIUATION FORM MTo Bobe, lDr Hawe, MTo Helena, MT Sample lnformation Sample lD: Label ID: Mvvtt Location: 3, 1 L,lrLT -Nll,t/v r{WorkorderNo.: ft100K ProjectName: t qWnil|f, ?'ffu# Comments: Time: l3^ Date: I lt -k -01 Sampb Collection Device:ffiBaiterV [IDispcable EPeristaltic Pump t_]Sample Portt]Submersible Pump Type:f]Dedicated ENon Dedicated Materid:[--lTeflon EPoryerrylene tf PVc tf ;Stainless Steel Comments: Field Lleasurements Well Depth:2Q,.40 n Well Vcilume: 4. 33 gal r(calculated) I t I I I T I I I I t t I I I I I I I Depth to Waten _ J.83 ft Depth of Water: J],0'-t ft Wett Oep*rl-Fl(measured) f-]$,"tttable) Purge Volume = (n = 3.14) x (vvell radius: ft)2 x (depth of watec fr) x7.48 grtttt Comments: Purge Vcilume: i 3.O gal Volume Purged: i 3.O gal r(3 x vrell volume) (measured purge) PurgeStart laSb PurgeStop: i3 lt Field Parametenr Pre Purqe Purge Start DO: C,U mg/l DO: n.3 mg/l Purge Stop lnSituf Exsitut] DO Ternp:l€.o oc Post Puroe pH: a, ^CpH: <.ea T: K: ORP: ip I mV ORP: it I mV lq,7 I 005 oc pS/cnr lnsitu ExSitu ExSitu ExSitu x: 1c1l Ps/cmDo:Tmsll DO: f ,5 mgl Fe*z: n mg/f DOTenrp ir,O oC Othen Sample Description: Insihrt] lnsituf Field Comments sarnpten Df h 6'lkerSon samprenOf'(len (printed) (signature) JJ:Q-o I , DateMaW' fi',L(d' noVl ' Sarpmg FqrnsJds€ru.rnd Wder oT9A70m 7mn1 I I I Client Sample ID Lab Sample II) Date Collected Date Received Date Prepared Date Analyzed MW4 01-6079-03A rU06/2001 ry071200 r tU09/2001 1u09t2001 Evergreen Analytical, Inc, 4036 Youngfield St., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 425-6021 Client Project II) Lab Work Order Sample Matrix Lab F'ile II) Method Blank Prep F'actor Effective Dilution A7008 0l-6079 Water voA3 l r09\13838.D RBl 1090t I I T Method: SW8260B Volatile Hafocarbons (SW8010 !ist)Units:pg/L Analyte CAS #Goncentration RL I I t I I I T T I Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 75-274 75-25-2 74-83-9 56-23-5 108-90-7 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 5 5 2A 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 q q 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 20 5 5 Chloroethane 2-C h Io ro ethlvi nyleth er Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane 75-00-3 1 10-75-8 6766-3 74-87-3 124-48-1 10 10 5 10 5 1 ,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene Dich lo rodifl u o rom eth an e 1 ,1-Dichloroethane 95-50-1 541-73-1 10646-7 75-71-8 75-34-3 5 5 5 10 5 1 ,2-Dichloroethane 1 ,1-Dichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichlo roeth ene tra ns- 1, 2-Dich lo roethen e 1 ,2-Dichloropropane 107-06-2 75-35-4 156-59-2 156-60-5 78-87-5 cis-1, 3-Dichlo ro propene trans-1, 3-Dichloropropene Methlene chloride Tetrachloroethene 1,1,z,z-Tetrach loroethan e 1 0061-01-5 10061-A2-6 75-09-2 127-184 79-34-5 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane 1,1,z-Trichlo roeth an e Trichloroethene Trichlo rofl u o ro m eth an e 71-55-6 79-00-5 79-01€ 75€9-4 75-014 5 5 5 5 10I T T t Vinvl chloride Surrogate Recovery 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (SS-1 ) Toluene-d8 (SS-2) 4-B ro mofl uo robenzene (SS-3) 105% 1A4% 95% QG Limits 79 123 79 118 74 129 U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit (RL) J - Andyte detected below Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) S - Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery limits ' - Compound detected above regulatory limit X - Not Applicable.t I E - Extrapolated value. See rerun at dilution. B - AnalytEjetectedit th" associated Method Blank Quafftrcrs: Approved I lil 3/20il 1A:25 Alut Quantitation Report Dara File : C:\HpCHEM\1\DATA\VOA3L109\13838.D I TysonIAcq On SampIe Misc 2700000 2600000 2500000 2400000 zaoooool 2200040 21 00000 2000000 1 900000 1 8000Q9 1 400000i 1 300000 1200mo 1 1 00000 1 000000 900000 80m00 700000 600000 500000 400000 300000 200000 1 00000 o MS fntegration Params: rEeint.p Quant Time: Nov 13 9 228 200L Method Tir, 1eLast Update onse via ndance : 9 Nov2001 L2zA2 pm : 0L-5A79-03A : SAIvIP 8250ALL W 5.00 6.00 Quant ViaI : Operator: -tnst : l4u1t iplr : Resu-Lts File: 8 Steve VOA3 1.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 8250 1102..I c : \HpcHEM\r\MefiIoDS\82601102 .M (RTE rnregraror) 8260Fri Nov 02 L5:03:01 2001Initial Calibration TIC: 13838.D 1 1 .00 12.OA 13.00 14.00 o It, Ioco -!96EAoY5o@E=()Loo Loe{--oo Eoo t\ T F) ( I I I I T I I I I I I I t I t I a- (o I U)a (DcoNcIo o =o Eg CDts r()p ,oc(D NgI eo od oN Io o =o rt- t -- fl I l-3838.D 926 0l_L02 . M Tue Nov 13 09:28:28 2001-Page 2 GROUND WATER SAMPLING INFORTITATION FORTIT , Uf o Boise, lDo Hawe, tlTo l{e,b,Jta.,|{T Sample lnformation Sample lD: Label lD: Location: 1LC,UT Work Order No. , Time: I AIO Date: It-1-OI Proiect Name: V ,, d15C rv?f |u{ Comments: Sample Gollection Device: fzlBailer [Y|Dispcable f]Peristaltic Pump Esample Portt]Submersible Pump Type:f]Dedicated t_]Non Dedicded Material: [-lTeflon t]Potyethytene t]PVc Estainless Sted Comments: T I T T I T I I I T I I t t I I T I I Field Measurements Well Depth: Depth to Waten Depth of Water: Well Depthp(measured) Purge Volume = (n = 3.14)'x (well nadius: ft)2 Comments: 2q,so 3,5 I e5,aq ft ft ft Well Volume: 4, I tp_ gal (calculated) Purge Volume: I 7.€ gal (3 x vvell volurne) Volume Purged: i ?. ; gal (measured purge) f](rrell table) x (depth of tster fi) x 7.8 gal/ft3 PurgeStart lt?b Purge Stop: t{ Ltf Field Parameters Pre Purge Purge Start DO: f .f mg/l Purge Stop InSituf ExSituJlr| DO: O,K mg/l DO Tenrp: (1 ,O oC Post Purqe oRP: 1; mV r: \6'3;lE,t oc Insihr ORP: flL{ mV ExSitu ExSitu ExSitu rc Aqb-l ps/crn K: 45t-il pS/cnr Do: a-3 mg/l lnsihr[-| DOTenrp: |.1, O oC 'l sarnpten frhfutferson sampten W0 (printed) (signature) -q-ol pate vOCu Sarp3tg FqrnsJG€rqrnd Wder oTS/A7m 7mn1 Evergreen Analytical, fnc. 4036 Youngfield St., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 42s402t Client Project II) Lab Work Order Sampte Matrix Lab f ile II) Method Blank Prep F'actor Effective Dilution I IClient Sample ID Lab Sample II) Date Collected Date Received Date Prepared Date Analyzed N[\M5 0l{l 16-03A tU07l200r 1110812001 tll091200l ru09l200r A7008 0l-6116 Water voA3 r 109\13849.D RBl109C)l I I I Method: SW8260B Volatile Halocarbons (SW8010 list)Units:pglL IAnalyteCAS #Concentration RL PQL B ro rnodic hlo ro m eth an e Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 75-27-4 75-25-2 74-83-9 56-23-5 108-90-7 U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U E U U U U E U 5 5 2A 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 20 5 5 I I I I I I t I I Chloroethane 2-C h Io ro ethylvi nyleth er Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane 75-00-3 110-7 5-8 67-66-3 7 4-87-3 12448-1 10 10 5 10 5 1 ,Z-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene Dich lo rodifl u o ro m eth a n e 1 ,1-Dichloroethane 95-50-1 541-73-1 106-46-7 75-71-8 75-34-3 5 5 5 10 5 1 ,2-Drchloroethane 1 , 1 -Dichloroethene cis-1 . 2-Dichloroeth en e tra ns- 1,Z-Dichlo roeth en e 1 ,2-Dichloropropane 107-06-2 75-35-4 156-59-2 156-60-5 78-87-5 2300 220 5 5 5 5 5 cis-1, 3-Dichlo ropro pene trans- 1, 3-Dichlo ro propen e Methylene chloride Tetrachloroethene 1,1,z,z-Tetrach loroeth an e 10061-01-5 10061 -02-6 75-09-2 127-18-4 79-34-5 1 300 5 5 5 5 5 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane 1,1,2-Trichlo roeth an e Trichloroethene Trichlo rofl uo ro m ethan e Vinyl chloride 71-55-6 79-00-5 79-01€ 75€94 75-014 U U 430 E U U 5 5 5 5 10 Surrogate Recovery 1,2-Dichlo roeth ane-d4 (SS- 1 ) Toluene-d8 (SS-2) 4-Bro mofl uo robenzen e (SS-3) 101% 99% 98o/o QC Limits79 123 79 118 74 129 I I I I Quelifers: I 1/14/2001 4: I6 PM U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit (RL) J - Analyte detected below Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) S - Spike Recovery outside accr:pted recovery limits I - Compound detected above :regulatory limit. X - Not Applicable.t I B - Analvte detected in the associated Method Blank E - Extrapolated value. See rerun at dilution. Approved I I I Client Sample II) Lab Sample II) Date Collected Date Received Date Prepared Date Analyzed MW5 0t-6116-03A rU0712001 tU08/2001 rllt2l200l tUt2l200l Evergreen Analytical, Inc. 4036 Youngfietd St, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 42s402t Client Project II) Lab Work Order Sampte Matrix Lab File II) Method Blank Prep f,'actor Effective Dilution A7008 0l-6116 Water voA3 t I l2\13866.D RBl1120l t 20IMethod: SW8260B Volatile Halocarbons (SW8010 list)Units:[rg/L Analyte CAS #Concentration POL I cis- 1,2-Dichlo roethene Tetrachloroethene Trichloroethene 156-59-2 127-184 79-01-6 2300 1 300 400 100 100 100 100 100 100 t I I I I I I I I I I I Surrogate Recovery 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (SS- 1 ) Toluene-d8 (SS-2) 4-Bromofl uorobenzene (SS-3) 104% 94o/o 99o/o QC Limits 79 123 79 118 74 129 U - Not Detected at the R"portirrg Limit (Rt) J - Analyte detected below Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) E --E>rtrapolated value. See rerun at dilution. B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank ,Y--th/ S - Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery limits * - Compound detected above regulatory limir X - Not Applicable.t I Approved Qualifers: I I/ I 4/2001 4: I 6 Plvt *N\ \" I ^t 1l F oE'=:o Quantitation ReporL Data rile : C:\HpCHEM\L\DATA\voA31Lo9\13849 .D tsl St,eve Tvsonrffil MS f ntegration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Nov L4 8 :33 200L Acq On Sample Misc Method Tit 1e LasE Update z 9 Nov 20 0l- 4 :24 pm : 0L-61L5-03A : SAIvIP 8260ALL W Vial : C)perator:l.nst : Ivtult,iplr: Quant Resul.ts File: , M (Rfe Int.egrator): c : \spcHEM\r\UETHoDS\azGolaaz: 8264 : Fri Nov 02 15:03 :01 2001 3.6e+07 3.4e+Q7 3.2e+57 3e+07 2.8e+07 2.6e+07 I :-:; 2.4e+Q7- : : j 2.2e+{-7: : i 2e+t.7: : : 1.8e+07; : . 1.6e+07j : 1.4e+O7 1.2e+Q7 1e+07 8000000 6000000 4000000 2000000 o Response vr-a: fnitial Calibration TIC: 13849.D 4.00 5.m 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 1 1 .00 12.oo 13.00 14.00 15.m 16.00 'tt17.00 18.00 Fo oE $ .9 -(log o* I I I I I I Ii I I I I I I\r $\ c,? Ilr.) rl ,^rJ\, A : -\.-, F ocos ooi;If GI{ oc(D oo o o F I I I I I I I t I I t a- A CI'Iaov (De6YN(DE68NO L8-3ebOE Ssoo6 Is Fogo I -9s.9oto!. Ioc(s o_ GII CI)a I,(Dcoa6F o_g qpNE OE€ EEE EEoonE E+-E EFg or- dl 13849.D 82501102.M Wed Nov L4 08 :33 :46 2001 Page 2 ro 1C Ioc(D NcIo o o a_ GI, U)s) @o,oc(D J6F oco oo o !o i5]ol I .o() ! I I I I I I Quantitation Report Dara File : C: \HpCHEM\1\DATA\voa:rrr2\rgBG6.DAcq On z 1-2 Nov 2001 t1-223 amSample : 01-61-L6-03A DF=20 Misc . SAIVIP 825OALL W MS Int.egrat,ion Params : rteint . p Quant, Time : Nov L4 L4:45 20AL Vial : Operator:Inst : MuIt, iplr : Results File: 8 Steve Tyson VOA3 1. 00 826 01- 1- A2 . RES Method Tir leLast Update onse vl_a : 2300000- .; 2200000: 2100000: 1800000- 17000m- 1600000- 1500000- 1400000- 1300000- . 1200000- 1 100000- Quant c: \HpcHEM\r\MerHoos\ezGoLj_02 .M (nte rnregraror) 8250Fri Nov 02 L5:03:0L 2001Initial Calibration I t I I t I I I t I I I TIC: 13866.D 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 '|Illlll,l!,lll'.irll' 10.00 1 1 .00 12.oa 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 ocoNcIo o) 6 Is- a_ (Y) , U)a ocoNcIo o3 o Eo CD Is Fogo oo oE.9 F a_!tE l(Dc(EoSco(E0 L =oO=sEo96€t()o Eo(} o,co-coo o o6IN. Io (E 9- oco (Do 13856.D 82601102.M Wed Nov L4 L4:46:38 2001 Page 2 GROUND WATER SAMPLING INFORTUIATION FORM Sample lnformation Sample lD: Label lD: Project Name: Comments: MKlt/Location: Stl I t IlAt,d V Work Order No.:j-lf .Otr_ Time: lllt-tr Date: I ['- lo - Ol Sample Gollection I I I I I Type:EDedicated t]Non Hicated tf Disposable MPeristaltic Pump Esample Port Polyethylene f]PVC t]Stainless Sted Device:nBailer f]Submersible Purnp Material:[--lTeflon Cornments: Field Measurements wetr Depth: e$.So ft DepthtoWater: H.55ft Depth of Water: A3,q 5 ft (measured purge) PurgeStart tAiO Purge Stop: 17 Ag Well Volume: 0,qL! gal (calculated) Purge Volum"= 2 ,1 gal (3 x vtrell volume) Volume Purqed: Lgal Welt DepthlTl(measured) l-l(','relltable) Purge Volume = (r = S.l+1 i (rruell radius: ft)2 x (depth of ulatec ft) x 7.,l8 gaUft3 Commerils: Field Parameters Pre Purqe Purge Start Do: 2,q Purge Stop mg/l lnsituf]ExSitu[| I I I I I Do: l.q rngl DO Temp: 17,(l oC Post Rrrqe '1 ,71 1.qq pH: pH: T: K: * ORP: l,( A mV ExSitu t8,o oRP: " 4 mV t-] ,1 Oat lnSitu ExSitu 1' 80 -Hsrt'rns Insitut]FxSitulX| DO: 3 .t-r mg/l lnsitut] K: J, 8: a, trS#enr tnS Do: a.'t ngl Fe'2' n rngn DOTemp Offier: Sample Descriptlon:,? Field Gornments x ncP O+ilt f"\\iB a+t,r ,^.t r(adi^? aflr 3 rh,^(,1-rs- I I I I ,l I Samplen De \ofi^l h.c'rscn (printed) (signature) It-{ -o I oat"wlsffitArtmtsampren.eZ FC Sarplrg ForrrBJG€rcund Wder oTsrATm 7mn1 ; MT o Boise, lD r Hawe, MTo Hebna, MT I t I Client Sampte ID Lab Sample II) Date Collected Date Received Date Prepared Date Analyzed MW6 0l-6079424 tv06t200l tv07 tz001 nla9a00l rU0912001 Evergreen Analytical, Inc. 4036 Youngfield St, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 42s402t Client Project II) Lab Work Order Sample Matrix Lab File ID Method Blank Prep F'actor Effective Dilution A7008 0l-6079 Water voA3 r 109\13837.D RBl1090l I I Method: SW8260B Volatile Halocarbons (SW801 0 list)pg/LIAnalyteCAS #Concentration POL I I I I I I I I I Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 75-274 75-25-2 74-83-9 56-23-5 108-90-7 U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 5 5 20 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 20 5 5 Chloroethane 2-C hlo roethylvi nyleth er Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane 75-00-3 1fi-75-8 67-66-3 74-87-3 12448-1 10 10 5 10 5 1 ,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene Dich lo r",difl u o ro m eth an e 1 ,1-Dichloroethane 95-50-1 541-73-1 106-46-7 7 5-71-8 75-34-3 5 5 5 10 5 1 ,2-crchloroethane 1 ,1-Dichloroethene cis-1, 2-Dichloroeth en e trans- 1, 2-Dichloroeth en e 1 ,2-Dichloropropane 107-A6-2 75-35-4 156-59-2 156€0-5 78-87-5 5 5 5 5 5 cis-1, 3-Dichloro pro pene trans- 1, 3-Dichloro propen e Methylene chloride Tetrachloroethene 1,1,z,z-Tetrach lo roeth an e 1 0061-01-5 10061-02-6 75-A9-2 127-18-4 79-34-5 5 5 5 5 5 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane 1,1,z-Trich loroeth an e Trichloroethene Trich lo rofl u o ro m eth a ne Vinyl chloride 71-55$ 79-00-5 79-01€ 75-69-4 75-01-4 5 5 5 5 10I I t I SurrogaE Recovery 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (SS-1 ) Toluene-d8 (SS-2) 4-B ro mofl uo ro ben zene (SS-3) 104% 104% 98% QC Limits 79 123 79 118 74 129 Qualifiers: Approved I I/13/2001 10:25 ,4tvl U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit (RL) J - Analyte detected below Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) E - E:crapolated value. See rerun at dilution. B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank S - Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery limits I - Compound detected above regulatory limir X - Not Applicable.t ! Quantitation Report Data File : C: \ttpCHEM\l-\DATA\voA3r.109\13837 . D I nt T I I I I I I I I I I I I I Acq On Samp1e Mi sc 2700oc0 2600000 2500m 2400000 2300000 2200000 21 00000j : 17000@: 16000m: : 1500000i : 1400000j ) 1 30000O, 1 200000: : 1 1 00000; : : 1000m; : 900000i 5.00 6.00 7.00 : 9 Nov 2O0L 11:39 am : 0L-6079 - 02A : SAIvIP 8260ALL W Vial : Operator:Inst :Multiplr: Results File: 7 Steve Tyso VOA3 1.00 826011-02 . R MS fnLegration Paramst rEeint.p Quant Time : Nov 13 9 : 05 2A0L Method Tir,1eLast Update Ionse vra undance Quant c : \HpcHEM\r\MerHoos\ezG0r-r-02 .M (RTE rnregraror) 8260 Fri Nov 02 l-5:03:01 2001 Initial Calibration TIC: 13837.D 10.00 11 .00 12.00 13.00 'l,rrl 'l ll14.00 15.00 16.00 17 .W 18.00 CD. cr ocoNco -f.to o E6 Is_ @- (O I U) U) ocoNEIo o3 o Eo (D t.<r (r) .+ Y og(!osE8 L69?gE(JEq = Gr-oo Eo co t I t I13 8 37 .D 826 01102 . M Tue Nov 13 09:06:04 2001 Pagre 2 GROUND WATER SAMPLING INFORTfrAT'ON FORM , MT o Boise, lD r Hawe, MTo l-blena, MT Sample Information Sample ID: Label lD: Proiect Name: L wni,n{3u,p?luf Comments: Work Order No.: ftlnO K Time: ln I < Date: t (- R- O I Sampb Gollection Type:f Dedicated ENon Dedicated t]Disposable tlPeristaltic PumP Esample Port t]PVc t]StaintessSteet Device:nBailer Esubmersible Pump Materid: [--lTeflon Potyethylene Comments: I I T I I T I I I t I I I I I I I I I Field Measurements Well Depth: &8,50 ft Depth to Water 3.81 ft Depth of Water: ;f .{. G I ft Well Depthffi(measured) Purge Volume = (r = 3.14)'x (well radius: ft)2 Wett Votume: C. q 8 gat Purge Volume: '1 , C'i gal Volume Purged: Z, 3 gal E(vrrell table) x (depth of vrrater: ft) x 7.# gaUft3 (calculated) (3x\rell volume) (measured purge) Purge Star[ 4aO Purge Stop: ot A\ Comments:i stzr ttr L prr ry1 pNito.L i r 5la ?pd dwi,t+ wtwrU Field Parameters Purge Start Purge Stop Pre R.roe DO: J.a mg/l t$,C'C lnSitutf Exsitum Do: e'\ mg/lll.fPTernP:oc Post Ptrrqe pH: 8,qCpH: g,r-l t ORP: tf,.S mV ORP: lL{ -1 rnV ExSitu ExSitu d.- T: IJ.( "C lnsitut]brsituM K: -J. q?- esrcnnns lnsihl K: 1.c-{fPSle*rnSDO: t.-J mgf \t0.0'q- InSihl fl tl Field Gornments Sampler Samplen (printed) (signature) Sarpag Farrcrds€rqrnd Wder IfartsciMtil oTvAT.'m 7mn1 Client Sample II) Lab Sample II) Date Collected Date Received Date Prepared Date Analyzed : IvfWT : 014154-024 : I l/0812001 : I l/0912001 z llll2l200l : I l/1212001 Evergreen Analytical, fnc. 4036 Younglield St, \ilheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 42s4021 Client Project II) Lab Work Order Sample Matrix Lab F'ile II) Method Blank Prep Factor Effective Dilution A7008 0l-6154 Water voA311 12\13874.D RBl1120l I I I I I Method: SW8260B Volatile Halocarbons (SW801 0 list)Units:trdL IAnalyteCAS #Concentration RL PQL Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 75-274 75-2s-2 74-83-9 56-23-5 108-90-7 U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 17 5 5 2A 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 20 5 5 t I I I I I I I I Chloroethane 2-C h lo ro ethylvi nyleth er Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane 7s-00-3 1fi-75-8 67-66-3 74-87-3 12448-1 10 10 5 10 5 1 ,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene Dic hlo rodifl u o rom eth an e 1 ,1-Dichloroethane 95-50-1 541-73-1 106-46-7 75-71-8 75-34-3 5 5 5 10 5 1 ,2-$tchloroethane 1 ,1-Dichloroethene cis- 1,2-Dich loroethen e trans-1, 2-Dich loroeth ene 1 ,2-Dichloropropane 107-46-2 75-35-4 156-59-2 156-60-5 78-87-5 5 5 5 5 5 cis- 1, 3-Dichloropro pene trans- 1, 3-Dichloropro pen e Methlene chloride Tetachloroethene 1,1,z,z-Tetrach lo roeth a n e 10061-01-5 1 0061-02-6 75-09-2 127-184 79-34-5 5 5 5 5 5 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane 1,1,z-Trichloro eth an e Trichloroethene Trichlo rofl u o ro m eth an e Vinl chloride 71-556 79-00-5 79-01-6 75€94 75-At4 5 5 5 5 10 Surrogate Recovery 1,2-Dichlo roethane-d4 (SS- 1 ) Toluene-d8 (SS-2) 4-B rom ofl uorobenzene (SS-3) 101o/o 98o/o 95o/o QG Limits 79 123 79 118 74 129 I I I I Quelifiers: I l/15/2001 9:08 AM U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit (RL) J - Analye detected below Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) S - Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery limits * - Compound detected above regulatory limit. X - Not Applicable.I I B - Analvte detected in the associated Method Blank E - E:<trapolated value. See rerun at dilution. I t I I I I I I Sample Misc Quantitation Report Data File : C:\HPCHEM\1\DATA\VoA3111z\13874.D Acq On : L2 Nov 2001 2:34 pm ViaI z aG Operat,or: Steve TysonInst : VOA3 Mu1t,iplr: 1. O0 Quant Results File: B 2601-102 . RES : 0L-6L54-02A : SAI,IP 8250ALL W MS Integrat,ion Params : rt,eint , p Quant Time: Nov L4 15:57 2A0L MethodTit 1eLast Updat,e I I I I a_ (o !(Da @coNcIo o5 o E e(t Ilrr rJ)E I(Dc(D NEI eo go a- N,aa @o Io o J6F F ococ(E 8. Iot I o E I!c @coNEIo o =o !it- I I T I I I : c: \HpcHgtvt\r\Mefiioos\e2601102 .M (RTE rnregraror) z 8260 : Fri Nov 02 L5:03:0L 200L Response via: fnitial Calibration TIC: 1*74.D 7000000 6500000 6000000 I 5500000r 4500000i ! 4000000j 1 : I 1 35oOOOOj 2500000 2000000 1 500000 100moo 5000@ 5.00 6.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.w 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.m 17.00 18.00 I 13874.D 82601102.M Wed Nov L4 15:57:50 2001 Page 2 GROUND WATER SAMPL'A'G INFORTITATION FORTT , Uf o Boise, lD o Hawe, MTr Helena, MT I ISample Information Sample lD: l\/ltlvt Label lD: MN I Project Name: Lat^nd'\ Swppiq Comments: \t30 ll -v-o I Location: St{, ttT Work Order No.: AIOOg Time: Date: Samole Collection I I I I I Elevice:nBailer tlDisposable mPeristaltic Pump Esample PortEsubmersible Pump Type:[Tr}Dedicated ENon Hicated Materid: l-lTeflon f,JPofettrylene tf PVC t]Staintess Sted Comments: Field iieasurements Well Depth: 16,50 Depth to Wder: i.-?Ll Depth of Water: e5.1lo ft ft ft Well Volume: Purge Volume: gal (calculated) gal (3 x well volurne) i, 03 PurgeStart t ll-l PurgeStop: rt 25 Volume Purged: 3 ' I gal (rneasured purge) Wett OeptfrlTl(measured) n1vrelltable) Purge Volume = (:t = 3.14) x (vnell radius: ft)2 x (depth of rarater ft) x 7.48 g"ttt' Comments: Field Parameters Pre Purge Purge Start Do: 2.V Purge Stop mg/l U,S C- lnsitut]ExSitu[F| I I I I I DO: A-3 mg/l ?-C-A'(W Temp?, - OC Post Purge pH: 7 "1pH: A.?1 r: 11.1 oc rc lO'Ccl tgem rnS K: LO, OB +rSlcm n.S DO: ,,1 rnglH.o'C lnsitu[-| XORP: ICS mV oRP: b 3 mV lnsitut]ExSitu[T| rnsitut] ExSitu ExSitu DO: 1.1 mglt6.0'<-- DOTenrp Fe*2: a nrgl t I I I I I Sample Description: 00 o ir*voPaa-enf Field Gornments )k ogP fztlinq a.Titr 3rninte+<s *o - I nrV -r sti lt &\\inq . Sarnpler Samplen (printed) ll- q-Ct Date ,r^Hibt wfrt F,rtkrsd^ Srtpfrg FarrB.rs€rcund Wder (signature) oTsi/A7om 7,3ryOl I I I Client Sample II) Lab Sample ID Date Collected Date Received Date Prepared Date Analyzed MW8 016079-01A tU06/2001 rU071200l tv09l200l ru09l200l Evergreen Analytical, fnc. 4036 Youngfield St., \ilheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 4254021 Client Project II) Lab Work Order Sample Matrix Lab Fite II) Method Blank Prep X'actor Effective Dilution A7008 0t4079 Water voA3l r09\r3836.D R8110901 I IIMethod: SW8260B Volatile Halocarbons (SW801 0 list)Units:trg/L Analtrte CAS #Goncentration RL POL U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U I I I I I I I t I Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 75-274 75-25-2 74-83-9 56-23-5 108-90-7 5 5 2A 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 2A 5 5 Chloroethane 2-C hlo ro ethylvi nyleth er Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane 75-00-3 1fi-75-8 67-66-3 74-87-3 124-48-1 10 10 5 10 5 1 ,Z-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlo rodifl u oro m eth a n e 1 ,1-Qichloroethane 95-50-1 541-73-1 106-46-7 75-71-8 75-34-3 5 5 5 10 5 1 ,2-Dichloroethane 1 ,1-Dichloroethene cis- 1,Z-Dichlo roeth en e trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 ,Z-Dichloropropane 107-06-2 75-35-4 156-59-2 156€0-5 78-87 -5 5 5 5 5 5 cis-1, lDichloropro pene trans-1, 3-Dichlo ro pro pen e Methylene chloride Tetrachloroethene 1,1,z,z-Tetrach lo roeth an e 1 0061-01-5 10061-02-6 75-09-2 127-18-4 79-34-5 5 5 5 5 5 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane 1,1,z-Trichlo roeth an e Trichloroethene Trich lo rofl u o ro m eth an e Vinyl chloride 71-55$ 79-00-5 79-016 75€9-4 75-01-4 5 5 5 5 10I I I I Surrogate Recovery 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (SS-1 ) Toluene-d8 (SS-2) 4-Bromofl uoro benzene (SS-3) 103% 98% 99% QC Limits79 123 79 - 118 74 - 129 U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit (RL) J - tualyte detected below Practical Qtrantiurion Limit (PQL) E - Extrapolated value. See rerun at dilution. B - Analvte detected in the associated Metttod Blank k/n7-9_ S - Spike Recovery outside accepted recoverv limits I - Compound detected above regulatory limit. X - Not Applicable.I I Qualffiers: Approved I Iil S/2001 l0:25 ,4ivt Acq On Samp1e Misc rgooom: rF- 1700000: . 1100000- : r oooooo: 100000: g: : 9 Nov 2001 11:15 am : 0L-6079-01A : SAI4P B260ALL W 5.00 6.00 Quantitation Report Data File : C:\HeCsnu\r\oarA\voA3rrog\rg836.D Vial : 5Operat,or: Steve f nsL : VOA3 Multip1r: 1 . 00 Quant Results File: 82G01102.R I Tyson tMS f ntegration Pararns : trt,eint . p Quant Time: Nov 911:4A 2001 MethodTit IeLast Update onse vl_a c : \HpcHeM\r\mgtHoDs\82G01102 .M (RTE rnregraror) 8260Fri Nov 02 l-5 :03 :01 2001-Initial Calibration TIC: 13836.D 9.00 10.00 ittl 1 1 .00 12.00 13.00 14.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I t T I a_ (r) ]ao ocoNcIo o =o Eo (D I-t ocoNcIo o: i5 Is- @-qp Ioc (t)€cfiEP6o cEL. llA.=Y(1OT =Gt5oo Eo cn i 13835 -D 82601102.M Fri Nov 09 11:4O:35 2001 15.00 16.00 'l 17.00 Page 2 I I GROUND WATER SAMPLING INFORINAflON FORM MT o Boise, lD o Hawe, MTo Helena, MT Sampb Infonnation Sample lD: Label lD: Project Name: Comments: f\A\lJq, d Location: 5U lrff Work Order No.:I I I N\r^l qd, Time: Ol-it Date: t t-rl-0 t Sampb Collection Device:nBaiter t]Disposable MPeristaltic Pump t]Sample PortI I I t]Submersible Pump Type:[|Dedicated ENon Dedicated Material: l--lTeflon MPofiethytene t]PVc EstainlessSteet Comments: Field Measurements gal gal galt I Well Depth: 8i .2 [ n Well Volume: Depth to Water la ' I I ft Purge Volume: Depth of Water: J 5. I ' ft Volurne Purged: Welt Depthl-l(measured) fl(t*lttable) Purge Volume = (n = g.t+) x (rr'rell radius: ft)2 x (depth of watec ft) x 7.48 galfft3 Comments: 3,C (calculated) (3 x well volume) (measured purge) Purge Start 8l? PurgeStop: q )A ?,C I I Field Parameters Pre Pwoe Purge Start Purge Stop lnSitu ExSituDO: \,q mg/l DO:mgfl DO Temp: \ ,, O oCi,a Post Purge pH: 1. a-J pH: 1. aa T: i 3.\: l3,b oc K: i( o (o 5 pS/cm K: t-llLr pS/cm DO: l, 1 mg/l DO: i, S rngf ORP: C r rnV ORP: Or mV rnsitut] Exsituff| lnsitut] lnsitut] I t T I ExSitu ExSitu DOTenrp l3,Cl oC . Fe":-A.-X Nl otter- Sample Description: . in W lVarwgO(t tl-f-f Field Comments I I t sampter Dt ta6"ttct rson samprenOn [-qP (printed) I t-q -0-i Date I (signature) Sarphg FarrB.ns€rund Wder oTsi/A7m 7tmlol Client Sample II) Lab Sample II) Date Collected Date Received Date Prepared Date Analyzed N[\M9d 016116-01A tU0712001 tu08/2001 LU09l200l tu09l200l Evergreen Analytical, fnc. 4036 Youngfield St., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 42s4021 Client Project II) Lab Work Order Sample Matrix Lab FiIe II) Method Blank Prep Factor Effective Dilution A7008 016116 Water voA31l09\t3847 .D R8110901 I I I t I Method: SW8260B Volatile Halocarbons (SW8010 list)Units:trg/L IAnalyteGAS #Goncentration RL PQL Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 75-274 75-25-2 74-83-9 56-23-5 108-90-7 U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 5 5 20 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 tr 5 5 5 5 5 tr 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 20 5 5 I I I I I I I Chloroethane 2-C h lo roethylvi nyleth er Chloroform Chlorornethane Dibromochloromethane 75-00-3 110:/5-8 67-66-3 74-87-3 12448-1 10 10 5 10 5 1 ,Z-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene Dich lo rodifl uo rom eth an e 1 ,1-Dichloroethane 95-50-1 541-73-1 10646-7 75-71-8 75-34-3 5 5 5 10 5 1 ,2-Dichloroethane 1 ,1-Dichloroethene cis- 1,2-Dichlo roeth en e trans-1, 2-Dich loroeth en e 1 ,2-Dichloropropane 147-06-2 75-35-4 156-59-2 156€0-5 78-87-5 18 5 5 5 5 5 cis- 1, SDich loropropene trans-1, 3-Dichloropropen e Methylene chloride Tetachloroethene 1,1,2,zJetrach lo roeth an e 10061-01-5 10061-42-6 75-09-2 127-184 79-34-5 39 5 5 5 5 5 1,1,1 -Trichlo roeth ane 1,1,z-Trich lo roeth an e Trichloroethene Trichlo rofl u o ro m eth an e Vinl chloride 71-55€ 79-00-5 79-01€ 75-69-4 75-014 17 5 5 5 5 10 I I U U Surrogate Recovery 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (SS-1 ) Toluene-d8 (SS-2) 4-B romofl uo robenzene (SS-3) 99% 102% 97o/o QC Limits 79 123 79 118 74 129 I I t I U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit (RL) J - Analyte detected below Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) S - Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery limits * - Compound detested above regulatory limit X - Not Applicable.L I I E - Extrapolated value. See renrn at dilution. " - *ffiin the associated Method Blank Quafifiers: Approved I I / I 1/2001 8: l8 Alt[ I I Quantitation Report Data File : C:\ueCHEM\1\DATA\voa:rro9\13947 .D Acq On : 9 Nov 2001 3:35 pm Sample Mi sc : 0L-51-15-01A : SAMP 826OALL W Vial : Operator: fnst: MuIt iplr : Results File: L7 Steve Tyson VOA3 1.00 82501102 . RES \t - E.tg Ef;N g Eil1 1 \) q IlJ c. ? 1 c Y '\.1 +-t \ d It ,- F- Eg =o 8g cc Qoy> tUt3()o = t I I I I T I T I t I I I I I I MS Integration Params : rteint . p Quant Time: Nov L4 B :11 200L Method Tit IC Last Upd.at,e onse v1a Quant c : \HpCHEM\1\METtroos\gzG011o2 .M (RTE rnregraror) 8260Fri Nov 02 15:03:0L 2001Initial Calibration TIC: 13847.D 4.OO 5.OO 6.00 7.00 8.OO 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.fi 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.m * h\.\t^ tl F o' o 6o -g .9oIc\l IoEg (DcoNcIo o =6It_ a- Ia tOvD,(Doceot--SEatEg58eEeb(Do=E5Es6()Eod).l= .6-? o_ (\ aoa @E' I(Dg @ =6F2500000 2000000 1 500000 1 000000 50m: n-l\, F oco oI -9c .9 F I 13I 47 .D 826 01r-02 . M Wed Nov L4 08:11:44 2001 Page 2 GROUND WATER SAMPL'A'G Nrc,RNANON FORfrII MT o Boba, lD o Hawe, MTo Hebm, MT I ISampb Information Location: 7tJr, t 'T Work Order No.: ft1003 rime:440i taheied l9S Date: tt- i-0 I Sample lD: M Uthd dapti care-, Labet tD: IVt t^l [0 Project Name: Cornments: Sampb Collection I I I I I Device:nBailer [-|Dispcable EPeristaltic Pump f]Sample PortEsubmersible Pump Type[5T|Dedicated tlNon Dedicated Material:l--lTeflon EPotvethvtene EPVC t_]Stainless Steet Comments: Field tleasurements Well Depth: Depth to Water: Depth of Water: Comments: ft ft ft Volume Purged: q,3_ gal (measured purge) Purge Volume: q,' O gal (3 x uell volume) wetl oeptn[El(measured) - f]]tu'r"ll table) Purge Volume = (r = 3.14)-x (uell radius: ft)'z x (depth of rruatec ft) x 7.48 g"ffr' Purge Start 6| 8 81 ,21T 15, I Well Volume: 3,O gal (calculated) Purge Stop: 7 gO Field Parameterc Pre Purqe Purge Start )F OO: I ,q mg/l DO: l:1 mglt Purge Stop lnSituf]ErSituM DO Ternp:t L,o oc Post Purge pH: 1,2a pH: 1. 21 T: tZ,Lf, oC r: l-1 ll psrcrn K: 1" 1 ,:t1 ps/cm DO: l. -l mg/l ORP: F,r mV ORP: Cf mV Exsitu|Ir| lnsitut] I I I I I I I I I I t I lnsitu lnsih,Exsituf ErSitu Do: t. -? rrg/l".Ar- ^n E T"nrp--j3..{)-"CP"'LW* o",en Sampl6 Description: Field Gomments feW4*5 f: unaclz. 41tl oate rnrrt; wAfutr, filfurrfri' (printed) (signature) t)rv"6 tt-enonMOSampler Sampler Sarphg Fqrrs.ns€rqrnd Wder OTSTATU) 7R0,Ol ! T I Client Sample ID Lab Sample II) Date Collected Date Received Date Prepared Date Anatyzed MWl0 01-6116-07A tt/07 /2001 ty08l200t tu09l200l tu09l200l Evergreen Analytical, Inc. 4036 Younglield St., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 42s402r Client Project II) Lab Work Order Sample Matrix Lab F''ile II) Method Blank Prep F'actor Effective Dilution A7008 0l-6116 Water voA3 I109\13853.D RBt 10901 I I Method: SW8260B Volatile Halocarbons (SW8010 !ist)Units:pg/LtAnalyGCAS #Concentration PQL U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 16 14 I I I I I I I I I Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 75-274 75-25-2 74-83-9 56-23-5 108-90-7 5 5 20 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 20 5 5 Chloroethane 2-C h lo roethylvi nyleth er Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane 75-00-3 1 10-75-8 6766-3 74-87-3 12448-1 10 10 5 10 5 1 ,Z-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlo rodifl u o ro m eth an e 1 ,1-Dichloroethane 95-50-1 541-73-1 146-46-7 75-71-8 75-34-3 5 5 5 10 5 1 ,Z-Urchloroethane 1 ,1-Dichloroethene cis- 1,2-Dich !o roeth en e trans- 1, 2-Dich lo roeth en e 1 ,2-Dichloropropane 107 -06-2 75-354 156-59-2 156-60-5 78-87-5 5 5 5 5 5 cis- 1, lDich loropropen e trans-'!, 3-Dichloropro pene Methylene chloride Tetrachloroethene 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroeth an e 10061-01-5 10061 -02-6 75-09-2 127-18-4 79-34-5 31 5 5 5 5 5 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane 1,1,z-Trich lo roeth ane Trichloroethene 71-55€ 79-00-5 79-01€ 7569-4 75-414 5 5 5 5 10 1 I I I Trichlo rofl uo ro m eth an e Vinvl chloride Surrogate Recovery 1,Z-Dichlo roethan e-d4 (SS-1 ) ToluenedS (SS-2) 4-B ro m ofl uorobenzene (SS-3) 1A0o/o 1A1% 98o/o QC Limits 79 123 79 118 74 129 U - Not Detected at the Repoiling Limit (RL) J - Analyte detected below Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) S - Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery limits * - Compound detected above regulatory limit X - Not Applicable.I I E - E>rrapolated value. See rerun at dilution B - Analyte dp[ected ul the associated Metttod Blank Qualifien: I I/14/2001 4:43 PM Quantitation Report Dara File : C:\ttpcHEM\L\DATA\voe:rro9\l_3853.D Acq On z 9 Nov 2001 5:59 pm t I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I 825 011 A2 . RE (r)- A(r);-gPoocsO(DNNCco,8€9bo= boE ol- P$ F o o oo -9 o(5 o a- c! IoU' @oI(Dc(D =6F F atCo-c (D eoEo F ocoNcIo o5 6 I!f_ 1.3e+07 1.25e+QT 1.2e+07 1 .15e+07 1.1e+QT 1 e+O7: : 9500000: 9000000..-, 8500000- 8000000; 7500000; : 70000mj j j 6500000j : 6000000j . 5500000; ; s000000: : 4500000; : 4000000; . 35O00OOr : .! 3000000j{j 2soooooj : 2ooooooj 1i l soooooi: 1 't 1000000j : 500000: g: 5.00 6.00 10.00 1 1 .00 12.@ 13.00 14.00 15.00 ViaI : 23 Operator: St,eve Tyson f nst : VOA3 Multiplr: 1.00 SampIe Misc : 01"-5115-07A. SAIVIP 826OALL W MS Integration Params : rt,eint . p Quant Time: Nov L4 9:18 200a MethodTitIeLast Update Ionse v].a Quant, Result,s FiJe: c : \HpcHBM\r\Mafl{oos\sz601i-02 .M (RTE rnregraror) 8260Fri Nov 02 15;03:01 2OO7-Initial Calibration TIC: 13853.D + t ;r3-E,{s = '' (EorEr6oIoSILgf o eJ T E-E5E YL*\d\\6 ft.J ^',! !,rrE' g OE !E E g Eb 9 G €E fl EE: E E(Itt3 C,() o (o-= ! 13853,D 82501L02.M Wed Nov L4 09:18:50 2001- '! 17.00 Page 2 GROUND WATER SAMPLING INFORMATION FOR//IT Technical Services. ln MT o Boise, lD o Hawe, MTr Helena, MT Samole Information Sample lD: IA1AJ 4u Label lD: ;\A h/ { r_Work Order No.: Project Name= I t' t, 'n{ * Wl| Comments: Time: l5e n Date: t t- l.o - Cl Sampb Gollection Device:l--lBailer t]Disposable MPeristaltic PumP f]Sample Portt_]Submersible Pump Type:MDedicated t-]Non Dedicated Materid:l-lTeflon MPofethytene f]PVc f]Stainless Steet Comments: Field Measurements t t I I I I : I I I I I I T I I I I t Well Depth: ir 4, [^oB n Depth to Waten l,,SLa ft Depth of Water: S K .l ?- ft (measured purge) PurgeStart 2tO Purge Stop: 3; Well Volume: a,3 a gal (calculated) Purge Volume: 'l (l gal (3 x well volume) Volume Purged: ? . () gal Well DepthlVl(measured) _ n(vvell table) PuryeVolume = (zr = 3.14) x (vnell radius: ft)2 x (depth of watec ft) x 7.a8 gal/ft3 Comments: Field Parameters Purge Start Pre Purge Purge Stop Do: ,..1 mg/l Insitut]ExSitu DO: l,f mg/l DO Temp: ll, O oC Post Rrrqe pH: 1,55 ORP: A.v- mV ORP: Or' mV tnsituf] F-xsitulX| pH: 1,LoC Ib.4 'c ,?ql ps/crn Insituf] Do: [, (r mg/l lnsihlt] DO: ['t mgl Fe*2' n rndl K: 2 ?38 ps/cm Sample Description: O0 r at iTt*tn*?,.*Ua.T T: K:ExSitu ExSitu DOTemp'. _1-7,O oC Othen Field Gomments sampten LYtnhAl kefeOn (printed) (signature) Srrphg Fqrns.is€rurnd Wder oTS/A7m 7mn1 Evergreen Analytical, fnc. 4036 Youngfield St., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 42s402t I I I Client Sample II) Lab Sample II) Date Collected Date Received Date Prepared Date Anatyzed w/f 9!n^-c) 014079-04A t' d - ru06l200l ru071200l tt/0912001 tu09l200l Client Project II) Lab Work Order Sampte Matrix Lab File ID Method Blank Prep Factor Effective Dilution A7008 016079 Water voA3 l109\13839.D RBI10901 I I Method: SW8260B Volatile Halocarbons (SW801 0 list)pg/L IAnalyteCAS #Concentration PQL Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 75-274 75-25-2 74-83-9 56-23-5 108-90-7 U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 5 5 2A 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 2A 5 5 I I I I I I Chloroethane 2-C h Io ro ethylvi nyleth er Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane 75-00-3 1 10-75-8 67€6-3 7 4-87-3 12448-1 10 10 5 10 5 1 ,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlo rodifl u o ro m eth an e 1 ,1-Dichloroethane 95-50-1 541-73-1 10646-7 75-71-8 75-34-3 5 5 5 10 5 1 ,2-irchloroethane 1 ,1-Dichloroethene cis- 1, 2-Dichloroethene trans- 1, 2-Dich lo roeth en e 1 ,Z-Dichloropropane 107 -06-2 75-35-4 156-59-2 15660-5 78-87-5 5 5 5( 5 cis-1, 3-Dichloro propene trans-1, 3-Dich lo ro pro pen e Methylene chloride Tetrachloroethene 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 0061-01-5 10061-02-6 75-09-2 127-18-4 79-34-5 5 tr 5 5 5 I t t 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane 1,1,z-Trichlo roethan e Trichloroethene Trichlo rofl u o ro m eth an e Vinyl chloride 71-55-6 79-00-5 79-01€ 75-694 75-01-4 5 5( 5 10 Surrogate Recovery 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (SS-1 ) Toluene-d8 (SS-2) 4-B rom ofl uoro benzene (SS-3) 101% 102% 96% QC Limits 79 123 79 118 74 129 T I T U - Not Detested at the Reporting Limit (RL) J - Analyte detected below Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) S - Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery limits t - Compound detegted above regulatory limit X - Not Applicabte. vC- ) t I E - E:rtrapolated value. See rerun at dilution. B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank Qualifiers: Approved I I/13i200/ I0:25 AM I t I I t I I o_ C\J U) U) @Et(D =(l) 60) oN o_oo o 6 I.q_ a9Y(l)gE C,!goxotoo-cb.o =o8 ct- Eo d) F oco (E =(D I(\l J o L o j J( r q_ -.1 cl 9r o t,\ Fop E .9,o I (Eo I I I I t I I I I I euanEltation Report. Data File : c:\HeCHEM\1\DATA\VoA3l_Lo9\13839.DAcq On Sample Misc Method Tit 1eLast Update Response via 350moo 3400000 3200000 : 3000000: ! : .. -J2800000; : 9 Nov 2001 12:25 pm : 0L-6079 - 04A : SAIIP B250ALL W 5.00 6.00 MS Integration Params : rteint. . p Quant Time : Nov 13 10 : 00 20OL Quant, ViaI : Operator:Inst :Multiplr: Results File: 9 Steve Tyson VOA3 1.00 925 011 02 . RES bundance I I 420ooool I I 4ooooooi I I 3soooooi c : \HpcHEM\1\METHoos\szGol_102 .M (RTE rnregraror) 8260Fri Nov 02 l-5:03 :0L 2OO1fnitial Calibration TIC: 13839.D 't I i I I I I9.00 10.00 1 1 .oo 12.N 13.00 14.00 15.00 'l i!'lr16.00 17.00 18.m t I lr)E Io LoNcIo os O a- (f) Iaa ocoNcIo o =o Eo @ II Ti\ it:i\ * Jr'\ ,'-J lt F o I o eo (, E (D 13839.D 92501102.M Tue Nov 13 10:00:30 2OO1 Page 2 GROUND WATER SAMPLING INFORTfrAr,ON FORTT MT o Boise, lD o Hawe, MTo l,blena, MT Qample Information sample lD: MnJqS labellD: mnhs WorkOrdertto.: AltJt]f Project Name: | ,lWntn#?,WlW rime: ln+0 Comments:Date: ll-1-01 Sample Collection f]Submersible Pump f-]Dispcable EPeristaltic Pump Esample Port TypemDedicated t_]Non Dedicated taterid:[--ITeflon MPoryethytene tfPvc t]Stainlessi Sted Device:nBailer Comments: Field Measurements I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I Well Depth: 14.(,^O ft Depth toWaten lo , 14 ft DepthofWater: 27,uit ft Well Volume: O,olq gd (calculded) Purge Volume: 2 ,4 gal (3 x vrell volume) Volurne Purqed: Lgal (measured purge) Well Depthn(measured) l-l(tvetltable) Purge Volume = (:t = 3.14)-x (uell radius: nf x tOeptn of vnater: ft) x 7.48 gallfis Comments: Purge Start IOC.J Purge Stop: lO e* Field Parameters Pre Purqe Purge Start Do: J, U Purge Stop mg/l rnsitut]ExSitu[F| DOE= [,e"^alt Do: | ,A mg/l DO Temp: [ 3, () oC Post Purqe pH: 1.T oRP: Or mV pH: -1 .31 oRP: Cr mV oc rnsituf] ExSitu|F| K: -?'t.fr{ FS/em*S lnsitut] ErSitulTl K: Zl-nb ps/cm*.S Do: i ,1 mg/l i.i.o'c- lnSitut] ExsituE DO: | ,5 ntgl [q.S'C DO Tenrg - oC Fe'2: 4i.q mg/l Sampl6 Description: . aw,, iyd.ryt>o*rert Field Comments Sampler Samplen (printed) ttqijl . _Date (signature) Llnoo I I C"' t ISarptirg Farrs.ns€rqmd Wter oTvATm 7mn1 I t I Client Sample II) Lab Sample II) Date Collected Date Received Date Prepared Date Anatyzed MW9s 0r-6r l6-02A tt/07 /2001 tU0812001 tt/0912001 tv09l200l Evergreen Analytical, fnc. 4036 Youngfield St, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 42s4021 Client Project II) Lab Work Order Sample Matrix Lab f ile ID Method Blank Prep X'actor Efrective Dilution A7008 0l-6r 16 Water voA3 r 109\13848.D RBI10901 I I Method: SW8260B voA 8260 Units:pg/LIAnatyteCAS #Concentration RL PQL I I I I I I I I I Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 75-274 75-25-2 7 4-83-9 56-23-5 108-90-7 U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 5 5 20 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 20 5 5 Chloroethane 2-C h Io ro ethylvi nyleth er Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane 75-00-3 1fi-75-8 A-' AA Ao / -oo-J 7 4-87-3 124-48-1 10 10 5 10 5 1 ,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene Dich lo rodifl u o ro m eth an e 1 ,1-Dichloroethane 95-50-1 541-73-1 106-46-7 75-71-8 75-34-3 q 5 5 10 5 1 ,2-Oichloroethane 1 ,1-Dichloroethene cis- 1,Z-Dich Io roeth en e trans- 1, 2-Dich lo roeth en e 1 ,2-Dichloropropane 107 -06-2 75-35-4 156-59-2 156-60-5 78-87-5 5.6 25 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 U U U U U E U U U cis-1, 3-Dichloro propene trans-1, 3-Dichloropropen e Methylene chloride Tetrachlo roethene 1,1,2,2-Tetrachlo roeth a n e 1 0061-01-s 10061-42-6 75-09-2 127 -18-4 79-34-5 1 300 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane 1,1,2-T rich lo roeth an e Trichloroethene Trichlo rofl uo ro m eth an e Vinyl chloride 71-55-6 79-00-5 79-01-6 75€9-4 75-014 174 5 5 5 5 10 U UI I t I Surrogate Recovery 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (SS-1 ) Toluene-d8 (SS-2) 4-B rom ofl uo ro benzen e (SS-3) 1A2% 100% 99o/o QC Limits 79 123 79 118 74 129 Qualifiers: I I/14/2001 4:04 Ptvt U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit (RL) J - Analyte detected below Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) S - Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery limits * - Compound daected above regulatory limit X - Not Applicable.I I B - furalvte detected in the associated Method Blank E - E:rtrapolated value. See rerun at dilutiorr Client Sample II) Lab Sample II) Date Collected Date Received Date Prepared Date Analyzell MW9s 0l-6116-02A tu0712001 tU0812001 tvt2l2001 tvt2l200l Evergreen Analytical, fnc. 4036 Youngfield St., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 42s402t Client Project II) Lab Work Order Sample Matrix Lab file II) Method Blank Prep Factor Effective Dilution A7008 0l-6116 Water voA3 I r l2\1386s.D RBI11201 I l0 I I I Method: SW8260B voA 8260 Units:pg/L IAnalybCAS #Concentration RL PQL Tetrachloroethene 127-184 1 400 50 Surrogate Recovery 1,2-Dichlo roeth an e-d4 (SS-1 ) Toluene-d8 (SS-2) 4-Bromofl uo robenzene (SS-3) 103% 95% 98% QC Limils 79 123 79 118 74 129 I t t I I I T t I I I I I U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit (RL) J - Analyte detected below Prastical Quantitation Limit (PQL) S - Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery limits I - Compound detected above regulatory limit. X - Not Applicable.I t E - Extrapolated value. See rerrm at dilution B - Analytq {etectedin the associated Method Blank Qualitrcrs: I l/14/2001 a:04 PtuI ! I I I I I t I I I I I I I t t T Samp1e Misc Quantitation Report, Data File : C: \HPCHEM\L\DATA\voA31r-09\l-3848 . D Acq On : 9 Nov 20OL 4:00 pm : 0L-5115-02A : SAMP 826OALL W Vial : Operat,or:Inst :MuItiplr: 1B Steve Tyson voA3 1.00 826 0 11 02 . RESQuant Results FiIe: : c: \HpcHgM\r\r{ernoos\42601102 .M (RTE rnregrator) z 8260 Last Update : Fri Nov 02 15:03 :01 2A01 Response vra : fnitial Calibration anoe TIC: 13848.D 3.6e+07 3.4e+O7 3.2e+$7 3e+07 : ; 2.2e+Q7' I j 2e+t.7: l . 1.8e+07' 1.6e+O7i : : 8000000.i 4000000i a l4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 1 1 .00 12.oo 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 MS Integrration Params : rEeint . p Quant Time: Nov L4 8 224 2001 Method Title oco 6o o .GooIL o T B + \ aO t\9 ;l F o Eo (J >c @_ c\a I(t)a @E!oc(D3o dcos oo o .9 F -1,j r-,-a-g (D@oENcc,c.r-ET EE H {g EE E Ef; IE EE6 8E E3. E ET i EC) F ococ (l,o -o f, oE'€ o- Aco ch9 €EEEEEh96EOE =9od + T t 13 948 . D 826 01102 . M Wed Nov L4 08 :24:24 2001 Page 2 Quantitation Report Data File : C:\ueCHEM\1\DATA\voagll-12\138G5.D t Acq On SampIe Mi sc 5200000 5000000 4800000 4600000 4400000 4200000; 1000@o1 : L2 Nov 200L 10:59 am : 0 L- 5 115 - 02A DF=10. SAIyIP 826OALL W 5,@ 6.00 ViaI : 7 Operator: St,eve Inst, : VOA3 Multiplr : L. 00 Tyson MS Integration Params : rt,eint . p Quant Time: Nov 1"4 L4 232 200L MethodTitleLast Update Ionse v].a Quant Results File: 82501102 c : \HpcHEyr\r.\Mgri{oDS\82G0L102 .M (RTE rnregraror) 8260Fri Nov 02 L5:03:01- 2001Initial Calibration TIC: 13865.D 9.00 10.00 llll 1 1 .m 12.OO 13.00 14.00 1s.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 Wed Nov L4 L4:35: L8 200L I '**l I T I I o_ C\. aaU) @ro l(D o 6 a_ (o Iao oCoNcIo o =o Eo CD Is rop ,(DcoN LI e -9Eo I I I I T I I I I I t I ocoNgIo o = 5 Is_ F o o€oo o (, F o.qE' o,oCE(s(oE€EEooEEEOP clr I co FoEo oo oE.9o IoL I.oq) 13855.D 82601102 . M Page 2 GRO UND WATER SATITPLIN G INFIORTfrATION FORTT Sampb lnformation Sample to ?? Lwtion: gLCtlAT u,r*rn,T -workffierNo.rW ProiectName: I t wcLr%, S, WLW Time: qSD Comments:Date: il-8-0 I MT o Boise, lD o Hawe, llTo llelena, ilT ! I t T T I 1 T Sampb Gollection Type:EHicated ENon Dedicated DeviceMBailer Esubmersible Pump Material:FTeflon Ofier Comments: mDispcable t]Peristaltic Pump t]Sample Port trPo[ettrvtene EPVc f]StainlessSted t I J I I I T I I Field Measureme Depth to Depth of W - Well Depth (measured) Purge Voluine = (r = 3.1 radius: ft)' Well Volume: Purge Volume: Volume Purged: f](well taHe) x (depth of water ft) x 7.8 gal (calcul ) gal (3 I volume) purge) Field Pararneters Purge Start Pre Puroe Post R.roe Exsitut] oc ORP: 88 mV ORP: i \2.. mV lnsitut] lnsihl ExSitu ExsituB mg/l DO Ternp: (printed) (signature) 1t-4-oi pde v1fr6I I Ssrpng FcrnsJ&,Grqrnd Wdlr orgA7u 7mn1 Client Sample II) Lab Sample ID Date Collected Date Received Date Prepared Date Analyzed EB 0l-6154-0lA rU08l2a0l tv09l200l tUL2l200l tt/1212001 Evergreen Analytical, Inc. 4036 Youngfield St, lVheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 42s402t Client Project II) Lab Work Order Sample Matrix Lab F'ile II) Method Blank Prep Factor Effective Dilution A7008 0l{154 Water voA3 r I t2\13873.D RBl l l20t I I I t T Method: SW8260B Volatile Halocarbons (SW801 0 list)Units:pg/L IAnalyteCAS #Goncentration RL POL Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 75-274 75-25-2 74-83-9 56-23-5 108-90-7 U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 5 5 20 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 20 5 5 ! I I I I I I I T Chloroethane 2-C hlo roethyMinyleth er Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane 75-00-3 110-75-8 6766-3 74-87-3 12448-1 10 10 5 10 5 1 ,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlo rodifl u o ro m etha n e 1 ,1-Dichloroethane 95-50-1 541-73-1 10646-7 75-71-8 75-34-3 5 5 5 10 5 1 ,Z-Aichloroethane 1 ,1-Dichloroethene cis- 1, 2-Dich lo roethen e trans- 1, 2-Dich lo roeth en e 1 ,2-Dichloropropane 1A7-A6-2 75-35-4 156-59-2 156€0-5 78-87-s q 5 5 5 5 cis- 1, 3-Dichloro propen e trans- 1, 3-Dich lo ro pro pen e Methylene chloride Tetrachloroethene 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroeth an e 1 0061-01-5 1 0061-02-6 75-09-2 127-184 79-34-5 5 5 5 5 5 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane 1,1,z-Trichlo roethane Trichloroethene Trichlo rofl u o ro meth an e Vinyl chloride 71-55€ 79-00-5 79-01€ 75€94 75-014 5 5 5 5 10 Surrogate Recovery 1,2-Dichloroethan+d4 (SS-1 ) Toluene-d8 (SS-2) 4-Bromofl uorobenzene (SS-3) 1A4% 98% 97olo QC Limits 79 123 79 118 74 129 T I I I U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit (RL) J - Analyte detected below Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery limits Compound detected above regulatory limir Not Applicable.t I E - EXrapolated value. See rerun at dilution. B - Analvte detected in the associated Method Blank Approved x- I l/15i200i, 9:08, ,tVt @_ (o Iao ocoNcIo o:, o Eo (D Iv (t)coN IIo5 6 Is- @ 9! Ioc(E o eo .9otot oco o E eo oo Eo TD t I I I I t I I I t I I t t I I I I I Quantitation Report Dara File : C:\HpcHEM\1\DATA\voagll_L2\L3873.D Acq On : 12 Nov 2O0t 2:10 pmSample : 0l- -61,54-01A Misc : SAMP 826OALL W MS Integration Params : rteint . p Quant, Time : Nov L4 15 : 47 2 0 O 1 Vial: Operator:fnst:Multiplr: 15 Steve Tysor VOA3 1.00 82601102 . Rr Met,hod TitleLast Update 1 3oOOCO- l2oOOOO- 1 100000- loooooc- gooooo- Eooooo: 70oooo- 400000, : 3OOOOO. 200000. . 100000- 5.00 6.00 'll,lrtltrHlrrl'l'rrtll9.00 10.00 1 1 .00 12.oo 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 Quant Results File: : c: \HpcHEM\1\MEruoos\ez60l_102.M (RTE rnregraror): 8260: Fri Nov 02 15:03:01 2OO1Response via : Initial Calibration TIC:13873.D l_3873.D 826011-02.M Wed Nov 14 l-5 :50 :55 2A0a Page 2 Client Sample II) Lab Sample II) Date Collected Date Received Date Prepared Date Analyzed Trip Blank 0l-6079454 Not Specified ry07l200l 1U0912001 1y0912001 Evergreen Analytical, fnc. 4036 Younglield St, \ilheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 42s4021 Client Project ID Lab Work Order Sample Matrix Lab F'iIe ID Method Blank Prep F'actor Effective Dilution A7008 014079 Water voA3 I109\13840.D RBl1090l I 1 I I I Method: SW8260B Volatile Halocarbons (SW801 0 list)rc/L tAnalyteCAS #Goncentration PQL Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 75-274 75-25-2 74-83-9 56-2T5 108-90-7 U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 5 5 20 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 20 5 5 t t t I t I t t I Chloroethane 2-C h Io roethytvi nyleth er Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane 75-00-3 1 10J5-8 67€6-3 7 4-87-3 12448-1 10 10 5 10 5 1 ,Z-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene Dich lo rodifl u o ro rn eth an e 1 ,1-Dichloroethane 95-50-1 541-73-1 14646-7 75-71-8 75-34-3 5 5 5 10 5 1 ,2-Bichloroethane 1 ,1-Dichloroethene cis- 1, 2-Dich lo roeth en e trans- 1,2-Dichlo roeth en e 1 ,2-Dichloropropane 107-46-2 75-35-4 156-59-2 156€0-5 78-87-5 5 5 5 5 5 cis- 1, 3-Dichlo ropropen e trans-1, 3-Dichloropro pen e Methylene chloride Tetrachloroethene 1,1,z,z-Tetrach loroeth an e 10061-01-5 1 0061-02-6 75-09-2 127-184 79-34-5 5 5 5 5 5 1,1,1 -Trichlo roethane 1,1,?-Trich lo ro ethan e Trichloroethene Trichlorofl uoro m eth ane Vinl chloride 71-55€ 79-00-5 79-01€ 75€9-4 75-414 5 5 5 5 10 Surrogate Recovery 1,Z-Dich lo roeth ane-d4 ( SS- 1 ) Toluen+'d8 (SS-2) 4-Bromofl uoro benzene (SS-3) 103% 99% 99% QC Limits 79 123 79 118 74 129 t I T t Qualifiers:U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit (RL) J - Analye detected below Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) E - Extrapolated value. See renrn at dilution B - Analyte daeaed in the associated Method Blank S - Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery limits I - Compound detected above regulatory limit. X - Not Applicable.I tApprovedI I/l3EAO| l0:25 AM Quantitation Report I Dara Fire : c:\HecHEM\1\DATA\voagr-1oe\13840.D' Acq On : 9 Nov 2001 J-2:50 pm a_ CO lv)o (t)coNcIo o =o Eo CD I !q roo IocoNEIo o o CD- (\ 6 @ ocoN o-oo o =6t =r_ o- q Y(D t- o€ L6tEP6-ocsk.o5e =otoo Eo [D \ tA Et f I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I I I T SampIe Misc :0L-6479-05A : SAIvIP 8250ALL W ViaI : Operator:Inst : Mult iplr: Results File: 10 St,eve Tysor VOA3 1.00 826 0l-1 A2 . RE MS f nLegration Params : rL,einL . p Quant Time: Nov 13 10 :09 200L Met,hod Tit,le Last Update ResDonse via Quant c: \HpcHEu\r\uetuops\azG0r-102 .M (RTE rnregraror) 8260Fri Nov 02 15:03:01 2001 Initial Calibration 2500000 2400000 2300000 22000ffi 21 00000 2000m 1 900000j a i .! 18000@. .. j 1 700000i aL: : 1 600000: : 1 500000; ; 1 400000: 1300000: 1 200000j . 1 100000; t 1 000000i j ; 90moor j : 600000j i : so0000l i +oocnol: t a 3oooooi I : 200000.i ; a : TIC:1384O.D 'i1t4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.0o 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 13840.D 826011-02.M Tue Nov 13 10:09:59 2001 Page 2 Lab Sample ID : Date Prepared : Date Analyzed : RBI10901 tU09/2001 tu09l200t Evergreen Analytical, fnc. 4036 Youngfield St, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 42s402t Method Blank Report Client Project ID : A7008 Lab Work Order : 014079 Lab File ID : VOA3 1109\13834.D Prep Factor : 1 Effective Dilution : I I I I Method: SW8260B voA 8260 Units:pg/L Anatyte CAS #Concentration POL I Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 75-27-4 75-25-2 74-83-9 56-23-5 108-90-7 U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 5 5 20 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 20 5 5 t I I I t I T I I Chloroethane 2-C h Io roethlvinylether Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane 75-00-3 110-75-8 6766-3 74-87-3 124-48-1 10 10 5 10 5 1 ,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene Dich Io rodifl u o ro m eth an e 1 , 1-Dichloroethane 95-50-1 541-73-1 rc6-46-7 75-71-8 75-34-3 5 5 5 10 5 1 ,Z-Eichloroethane 1 ,1-Dichloroethene cis- 1, 2-Dichlo roeth en e tra ns- 1, 2-Dichloroeth en e 1 ,Z-Dichloropropane 107-06-2 75-35-4 156-59-2 156-60-5 78-87-5 5 5 5 5 5 cis-1, 3-Dichlo ro pro pene trans-1, 3-Dichlo ro pro pen e Methlene chloride Tetachloroethene 1,1,z,z-Tetrac h loroeth an e 1 0061 -01-5 10061-02-6 75-09-2 127-184 79-34-5 5 5 5 5 5 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane 1, 1,z-Trichloroeth ane Trichloroethene Trichlo rofl u o ro m eth an e Vinyl chloride 71-555 79-00-5 79-01€ 75-69-4 75-014 5 5 5 5 10 Surrogate Recovery 1,2-Dichloroethan+d4 (SS-1 ) Toluene-d8 (SS-2) 4-B romofl u oro benzen e (SS-3) 107olo 98% 96% QC Limits 79 123 79 118 74 129 I I t IQuelitrers: U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit (RL) J - Analyte detected below Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) E - Extrapolated value. See rerun at dilution B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank S - Spike Recovery ou8ide accepted recovery limits X - Not Applicable. Vu I IApprovedI l/13/2001 l0:25 AM t I Quantitation Report Data File : C: \HPCHEM\1\DATA\VoA3l-l-09\13834 . D Acq On : 9 Nov 2001 1A:28 am Sample Misc : R8110 9 01 : MBLK 826OALL W Vial : Operator: InST : MuIt iplr: 4 St,eve Tysor VOA3 1.00 82601102.RII I t I I I MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Nov 9 11:16 2001 Method Tit 1eLast Update Quant Results FiIe: : c: \HPCltsur\rudBfiroos\ezG0l-l-02 . M (RTE rnregraror)z 8260: Fri Nov 02 l-5:03:01 2001 ndance ! I 1 I t! I 3000000.1 I i ! a I 1 2800000i I i '! ; I iI 2600000 j 1 : 2400000' : : , 2200cfo-, 1600000. 1400000- 1200000' a 6000@i a 4000@; 200000. Response via : Initial Calibrat,ion TIC: 13831.D 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.ao 8.00 ,lrrrrl rill i. lrr,l'l9.00 10.00 11.00 12.oo 13.00 14.00 15.00 't i I16.00 17.00 18.00 a_ c{ @coNcIo o E6 I\t- @_ (o ,a U) ocoN Io o =o Eo E) Is t I I I I I I I I T T o -f Y(l, c oo5c(l)(U0€ELEC)o=b? - \! oo Eo ID l Ef 13 B 34 -D 826 01102 . M Fri Nov 09 11: L5:2I 2001 Page 2 ^.J, ! r) ,\ ,J-o I =lo. El ; sl !F l tr r rF I C) O er fi f i : E 22 8 o) o ) b at i d A Ei d H o( ) f r . gE * IItIIIIIIt u,Et,ot, u, 6. = 9= !=SP sE (, l- 'o -t r 'a o) :i E6g tg9g OU , &, E JF 6/ tlai l JZ(! , /n cA O tr ( , -2 , tl t 6€t?n () 6 0 9o ) 65 €t r (\ ,q) L ) oc ) 19 q. ) C) c ) Io . , o) ( )BR ct r e 3 t,14 E 2I ir E agE l t gi t I UE q) Eg € ii FrI @ @ Ol @ !r S t lO O tl , O () O O CD U) l\ Ot S (o r\ O) (l , ro t\ (c } ct r d) 6 - (\ I: S i - (\ , ^ O I\ lO U) l, ) l' , CD ^i = O (O (D - Ci - \i a, 6, : = l] ' c, * r, d c. r rc i c. i N d rr , - - - - ci Hi c, rj rj rj cj ct rj .+ rj cj Fi d - Ol (\ l (' , e e (f ) C. , l r lO - Gt e (r ) (' , (\ a (' ) (i ) (\ l (\ l C{ c, N - 6 O, - tr ) (O lO t' ) - q @ Ol O O O O O) N tO Gl (' , @ lO C, O) r, ll ! to t cD ct \ q a u? . c ol c ! cj a |r ) lr ) tr , lr , q q ! u? Q - u? q q (o Q c? - Q o @ g lo !r , I = O (. ' , Oa :f r lD q) u) lO S !n O CD ? $ I\ (' l\ ( o u ) t \ q r ( . , q, N Nq ) @ ( ( , l - F t \ F l \ r\ d r i \ r \ or-o O, ,- r C' = !F lJ - FE FC'ar E E 3s E , - oo ,L C F? . != AE E 3oJ s* a a S S t s a a a a a aa s a a n a 8 8 8 8 8 8 a a 8 Ot lJ ) O t' , $ S Gl Gl Ol O S - N l: - - O N c) (l ) ol G, l\ O) - u. , 1, O ; oi F- o r- Gi ci F- d d ci ci - d' d oi .r d r- tr i rr , oi F- d J F- Gi <' i ^i tr i o @ o) o o6 r o o ) o o ) o , o) co o oo o o og ) o o o o) o o oo 'C )EY rl E-* aCf -i 6 5P l- v-- Et h E' I@1 r 1 ' Sa o, e 9 EY €: h OEEE , Fd (L oo o o o o o o o o o o a oo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o z z z z z z z z z z z z z. z z z z z z z z z. z z z z z z z o o o o o oo o o o o o o o o o o o o oo l co o o o o oo o (\ l ol ol o, l c{ 6I c! N N C\ { C\ l c{ Ga 61 (\ l 6l N Gl c. l C, l J od 6l c. l N C\ t al N (\ l (\ l - rl , lJ ) o u) 1r ) 0 0 ro o l, ) lt rJ ) ll , o r' , ro ro Lo u) r' , |I ) l, , lr , ro t, rt r. r , ro ro 6t = aa l tl n (l ! t\ @ t aa , (' , Lt Gl ? q lf - F N i (O - O) (' l (' ) @ ? l. . l N ? N 7 ol Fj = a a q a q q q q c! q - q q \ a J a? ol ol a? cl a d q q c! ii CD - - (D O C) tf t e (o O, @ @ GC I l\ - O - F 6l F O O - Ct O) 6l Ct Ct - ii - -C \ | 61 C\ | 6l r F? ( \ a o l ( \ l N $l ( \ O l ( \ l 0{ - NN o l E eE s e F s s E g g g E E E E f E E E i s E E i E E E f-o!TE=x'=(U=tFoo)C) FFooJci ;e o, Ev - B ?LEo t ( U cl = c rr ,L3l I F. P TE PU , Hf- l ; x# \9 . -a fV - )- o lr Ez, o =r U i€U5 o€ J (J l-->-caq) (J r- a L-a)a--atv() .- r Fts--(Jq) l-\3c . o. D a Eg 8 .2 -! f- . aaE- I tL j aa a ?-FA . . z, v ; r- I i l u -= ' = d; T aSc\toaI enaoc) IcleCJ t-t fr t ar \ -cgCJ .-+. -l Gl tts-H€) (l ) lia0L(l ) tr ] cn\o' c\ l 3=bo8. 2 s. E .t , - t? h rxsE (l ) t - EEE^ g* =o vobHX€ 0( ) t) q= |, o | O -i a d& glcA & J4cOE=, vr o tr q r <. .= (, ) GI Cl l l- '- €t Eg (J € () c )e€ €. E 'o "o c) o ) o( J C) ( u (t ) o. ) 'l c 'o cr ( u cd t \ t tlEt !ov, .= : E i L. - ' l .- L. t- a Jo r - ao : o .E . E 8 EE * ^r e 7 €. H E H: ;BE ; ES € 6. 9 . 9 O; E d .r , O. oJ } € zE x A+ 4 Zr - . * rt l.o i-j.--G,3o 1- , .\ , t_ \_ , fa- a A - f\ O () a - a N a A () () N l' - O f- O O O f- F O O r, - CO (r ) Cr t tt - F Cr l (O N (r , Cr l C! Cr l Cr l N C{ Gl F (r ) !F (r ) tD tD i- (\ 6 6 O{ LO rO O rO LO O O tr ) O rO rr ) lr ) LO O lf ) rO rO tr ) LO 1r ) rf ) rO rO tr ) to to LO NF =o. - 6 Ea F F oc r . , fi B : q 22 H 6) ( , r b oi d A 6i 6 H oo a . Cl - l / ) \ g E* o \ c O) !- (A (o lo (, ) r - O Cr l O O O O O) f- tO C\ (D @ tO @ O) (r ) tO l. O rf \ ol \q u? .q q q q cd R 'r ) rr ) rf ) ro q q q u? oq - u? q q @ q c? - @ O lf ) tI ) $ !r - O (O Ol :f F lI ) O) tO tJ ) $ $ O O) F rf F, - F. . @ t O f l - O ( p @ f - f . . @ ( O ( p l : . f \ F - f . - f r . F , - @ F \ S ae ae ae A ae ae ae ae ae ae ae A ae ae ae ae ee ts e ts e ee ts e aQ ts e S aQ S O) t- @ @ F- O) (r ) lJ ) f\ O) C! O !t tO tf f- O, C{ ti l (f , lf ) F F (r ) LO o .f of to - c. i a, .f o t. - o oi oi v t- ri ci $ tr i to o, @ 'f N co N to O o) r\ o) O O Cl l O O O) O O) O) @ O O O O O O O) O O O, O O O F- - - F F t F F ! F t l - l - F r F r F - ! - oo o o o oo C f o o o o oo oo o o oo o oo o o o o z z z z z z z z z z z. z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z E ae E* * ts I E ae A ae ae ts e ee ee A ee ts e ee ts e aQ $ ts e A ee 88 aQ q c? q q q u? ol u? \ - (' l \q r- . \q q q \ a q a .q qq r q q c! q r- 1' - a O O Gl O (y , f' - F O @ CD !F O O Cr l C{ O O O C{ !t O () rr ) OF F cv @ lf ) (f (9 N @ V (? (? lO @ - S \f - t: r\ *t (O F O) <r ) rr ) @ lr l r- oi -' , . o g g t. r , i @ oi @ d d F- r g r - ot r o o o on c{ o F! t - ( \ l O l ( \ ( \ I F F - C \ C . J ( \ l O l ( \ l C r l N G l N - 6 t @ qa C. l A $ $ :t lf ) d) !f ) a A a a Q) lr ) l> Q :t (o F- o) @ to r\ to o, - ry \ q - - C! lJ ) O) l- lr ) tO tO LO A r' i \f O (O co F O r \f q q Uj g 9 cl l o ot tg N N d @ F !, . a 6i a rr r tf i t? d o rj $ to (r r co Cr l Cr l (r ) t: - (' ) Ol F lf ) - 1r ) - (r , (r , 61 t gr 1 61 1 C{ 61 l 61 l 91 N ; F- F t F F F t - - F - F - F T F F F F T F ! | - t F o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o c{ co o o oo o C\ r N N N Cr l C{ Cr l C{ C{ Cl l C. J Cr l Cr l Cr l Cr l C{ N Gl Cr l Gl - cO C{ N N cv Cr l C{ F = O .i , r, (, $ (, (, (n (i , r\ * O (o o) C. , t (o F G, 0O (' ) I\ (O O) N (\ l tO F, 7 - Q ol c c? q q q - u? 9 oi q rc t Y q q ol - sl q al q a q Y - Xi Cl .o lf ! 6) O O rO O O O, O - (D - F C, - O e - - O O O - O $l i C - F ? (r l $l Ol (r l (r a - C{ Ol (r l (r l 6l Gl C' { (r a (r l N F rr l 6l ErF(l , O) l. , r o=Ft + tF f f t-o l- + , t? ' ;o 'E 3S E , 5 o2 Cv ? =EE E =oJ ,OEH E -* Ic= E 5P -\ 1 - gL , b @ Ga ' Se o A I EY €e h {JotEE I F- O L EE t E E € E * E E g g EE s E = = f i E = E e a l g l e Lo9o=.xl-(U=FootoFFoooJci,g c , E= E ?L - -Eo ( U 1g : = c F. r .9 UE PP , l{ r ra ; fr * \4 . r' a il -40 rr { g >, o UU t- d€ r \ L \J Ocv € J o) ( 7 ) @ o ) CI ) (\ t !F C{ tt - F (r ) -O ) O ) $ Ol f - f \ N (o (f )** * s r- $ ( O O Wr t - r f oo o o ) F - i: oo o o .' ZZ Z Z :' ;l .Ii' oo o o c! l r ) r o r o ,, O O O O .:ri t; FO O ) q- \ g oo r o r \ c\ r Lo ro s oL{ H,;0) (J 'F a Lo)aFr {(go.--l- a- r- - o(. )F3o \ cL r - * =a c =, Y = -- t t =as0 \r 9 al -Yo , go E ., 8 6 t EE ? E SE g E na , o a& € E L:a) i rr a ; Ui aa . i sY lz v; l rr ] # 5i E= ' = l Fl d tr : IIIItIIIIttIIIITIIT -' l t. 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( , rJ ) o u) ro l. c , rl ) l^ c ) ro r, l . f , , ro to t. ( , lt tn u) l , , (\ l {,-q) ,- t- r--GI3o E eg s s g s E E $ E g E E E E E E E f , E s s $ E E E E o=tF?grNoI!Foci;e o, E= B -l -Eo , ( E (U : = C , F_ g fr ' a 1. \ a VO. .X rd E fr : fr * Hz-taUc (J t)-ui (, ) .9eo)a--o .t t FHf--Ia)F3s \ i" . t > € Ee 8 -? j r- . i: i) II U oa ! ?-FA . . Z v; ii 1 +U -= ' = d i E asc\IoeI enaaq) IG,e rt IIIIl-tIIITII (Js,H lr i a\ -a c, CJ o-+) -Gl -T-H()C)La0Lc) Ed IITItIT I\- ' IIIIIIIIII rt , ,E L.=t(u8 .2 , rD C t- La E=ghri 3E ot E, Ogs - 6ga. g 9s 0( ) t, q= E. O -g o dd It (r ) dJI (nE ur o tr c ) -2 .Y . , ) (! dh' 5 =oENOc , () c )AE €. E E, O oc ) oo0) } ( u q] ) ( l ) 'o E c) a ) cl tl t tl r: ] cc2I i, E u ,9E i l i= = I Ug c, Eg € == = = t Al l Z) - . * I ^. .=I , o I S * g I I A A I g A * A A * * * * * A "= Q * * I S ga Q F li f N O) @ $ O O Ol Ol tf ) (\ l O (O (O $ - O, O tO (r , $ Cr , l (o o) lf ) tO c. i -r : ri d oi tc , ri c. i - s c. i - oi - d ri c, c. i e. i <' t oi e. i c. i cd ' r o !F A (O tO 9) $f @ l' - A q_ ) F @ tF E {) @ Q) (7 , lt (' ) O) o) O) O $ l. - (o O) Y t- I IY a - q, ) \ I q - : I q : I c{ q c. i o : q c! r? q d ol cI , !- (g C\ C{ - (r l N o) @ @ @ @ @ e. l O - Cr l O, l O O) !r - O cO 6| O) F F (\ l Cr | C! F F F - !r - F (\ l (Y C{ (\ l rr - (! 6l t- @ (0 (\ co $ tf $ lI ) @ ll o o a a o o) tf ) F o) $ (o r\ o) @ r. t ) t\ to o) - c! \ A - - ry rj O) t\ lf ) tO lf ) tr ) Ol di $ O G, @ F O F $ Ol C, r , o' f <' l c, or to c! c! o <o - F F o Fi o ri ro ri o o ri .f rr r ot s, (r l C{ c/ ) F - (O (\ tO !- (O F (r , (r ) (\ l (' ) (r , Ol (r l Ol (r , Ol F FF t l - r F F t t - F F F F F ! F ! - ! - F F o) F (r ) (O U) (Y ) F @ Ol O O O O CD F- tO (r l (7 , @ lf ) @ o) (7 ) tO lf ) t \ ol q q a q q \q d .q rr , rr ) rr , rf ) q q a q q r u? q q @ q a? - @O l O t O V O( r ) $ l $ !F I f ) O ) t ( ) L O $ $ O o ) F$ f \ f\ ( p l ' 1 ( ) f \ @ @ @ F - f . - @ ( Q ( p f - f \ F - f \ f r - } - @ t : - A A ae ec ts e ae ts e ae aQ ec ee ts c ae ae ae A ae ae ee S ac eQ S ae A S ts Q \q q o! - q a q q a? oq r q q c! \ ol q c! \ q c! c! r a c! \ u? lJ ) (\ rF lJ ) !F (o l/ ) O !F !F tf ) (\ l F O) (\ I (' ) l- O) (r , Gl (\ l $ $ (V ) f- O O) O) O O O F (r l F O) O) O) O) O) !F O (\ O O O) O O O O () O F! F F ! | - F - ! F - = ' F - a a - f- O tO a - A N a a A a (o e. l F- a f- A O O r\ O O r. . (r , (r ) Ol rF ? Ol (r ) Gl (q C! Cr l C\ l C{ C\ t Ol (\ l - (r , - (f , (r ) <o !- C{ O O C. f oo o oo o o o o o o o o oo o o o o o c! @o o o oo ot c! c{ c{ N c{ c{ c{ c{ c\ r c\ l c{ c{ c\ t c{ ol c\ r c\ l c\ l c\ l _ @ c! c{ c{ c\ l c{ C! F =O. E fi a N F F OO < - fi B : E 22 # o) o r h ar h i A 6i 6 H oo f r . CL ( / D \ g E- I 0 , 0 \ o- e c o 'r o O) ,- r o= tF l, I - tF f l ro.? l t E ys E , .! CF ? =E s E=oJ .OPc r , -*ac:) (E 5P FV - @t b C' I (O Ga ' $e o A I EY €: h (J EEE r F- O L s E s ,, 8 e aF $P s E E E lE E i- E E g g g E g g g tt g g a I g r gg E E E E* * E E E E aa i E ii g t E e f E l i E i= i 9e g H 66 6 o O O c t o c . l o - - j Lo-IE3xt-ii=clo=FIo)1\oI?od;o o E- = B IP LEo , ( o tl ' : = c oC f o oo o o o o o () oo o o o o o o o oo o oo o o z z z zz z z z z z z z. z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z lr ) tr ) o rr ) ro o o rr ) o ro r. o ro rr ) o ro ro rr , lo rr ) lr ) ro to lf ) ro ro Lo ro (\ I F F = 6 dt t e (o (o I: - lr i } rJ ) (l l (l a Ol t i 6 Ol (, I Ot $ $l (\ l: (i l sl - 7 E Q q q q q - - c! cl q u? - Q u? \ + q \ q u? C q q q u? o' Xi o) co o - o (' , lD (\ r 6t @ o .o o cD c{ o $l - c. l Q o, o O O O r $l &; - N ( \ I N O I N ( \ I C { F - - - - $ l (\ 1 6l ( \ l (\ l - F o l $ l 6| c { EET I t- 9TE ^a v0{ .X :\ L Et r l ++ ts t3 t{z)aUCy o) ( a @ o ) O) C r l F O l l. - F tF - rt - (a.e O ) O ) $ O) t \ N F - (o (r )** a * (f ) (o o) (o ds c . i v oo o o ) F- ,o o o o : ZZ Z Z :, 'i oo o o c\ r t o l ' ) t o oo o o tO O) r- O) @o t $ c { - Cr i - 1. - C\ I l r ) l r ) $ 12 : 1- )t H,; : (. )o.-Li(t ) : a, -c€ i () i .r { | 1i )r-r*.() i (l ) l t- l2, A. ; 4X ee : B Y =: - - I : O o d; I; .. : Li9, lL U aa . 2-F ,Q .. i z \, ;i ii l # 5: E= ' 3 ' Fl : i: =oa8 !c gebgo E EE r E .C , * (l , Y o. Y C E nq , o e& * E cF t t, on TAEe, Q)8. € s. E .o -si sE () t - 1, 'E , '= c) iF \r o}HEf ; (r a3E HO-g o '= O. d& glcn /,JG,oa, ut o tr q ) -2 .=- .= o. ) Gl dx' 6 =o?g () C , Ac ) 35 €. E -o 't , 0) ( ) ooo) q , c) {, ) 1r = oc ) (( t ( , cq rlEl ce .2 .- . E a r- .- q- \ J L- ' l .- L. t- { i€ i .= .= ii EE * g+ x ; TE €t E E: ; BE ; EE E 6. 9 . 9 /\ v - l{ c) Q- .r fa C. o. a ( ' 7€ 2 I- a r f AF + U' to t! a r- a d-c--o 8* * A * * -u ? - q q q C{ O ) f - O O O -\ t t / ) O O O $O @ = _ _ ci o l - ' z z c{ ot (\ t o) o o ) ( 7 ) @ o ) !- t O O ) C { F O l OF F - F F F (o (7 ) Ft Fo) o o) o ) $ Ot O O ) l \ F - f \ ri r o F- (O *s s 8 s * a? a ? . q \ q q Sf - O I ( Y ) t t OC r I F O O O ) F= ' - F oo @ N o r o l (' ) (\ t ti r - - F F oc ) o o o o c{ c\ t c\ l l, o r. o r. o ro r o o o o o !. t- { g t8A= v O. O. = te o tl o) FI . 5 4 t*?. r lr ( A eq ) )- -a )o . AEU8 o oo o o o o zz z , z z z lt | ) U D f \ f \ f \ C { @N ! t r r o ) o Ci tf (r i - -- t' - c! c { ( \ t r o r o $ (J(- E)- rc; ()() .t l t(, )ad (g() 'd t-T--oa) F*3c \ if . L € sE = =oA ,i ) ag gE E E g E 77 - n ( l , O EE E& . E E IIIItIIIIITItITItIT OLYMPUS TECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. ANALYTICAL DATA VALIDATION FORM crienuproj"a, A le i CSL A"ui.*", D( brc.hfulkrv^ work order No., ff-l OOK Laboratory , 2 t U t {tt rt fordl-?n cs-A- Olympus' Sample ldentification Numbers:f\4t^JB MW(r t(v)4u DateSampled: ll-( -0[lt, EPA Analytical Method Data Completeness : See attached analvtical report Results received out of 5 expected =100 Yo. Are completeness results acceptable? (Y/N): Comments: Defensibility Chain-of-Custody form present and signed? (Y/N): Samples stored and/or shipped cool? (Y/N): Preservative present in sample containers? (Y/N): Are defensibility parameters acceptable? (Y/N) : Comments: I I I I I I I t T I I I I I I T I t T 'Yto Holding Time Were samples extracted within acceptable holding times? MN) Were samples analyzed within acceptable holding times? (Y/N) Are holding time pararneters acceptable? (Y/N): wc Comments: Page 1 MrA AlooE sarrpte lD Numo*., 4tfn &tr Gh/ sarpbDatq il- U-O I Equipment and Trip Blank Analyses Appropriate number of eguipment blanks submitted? (Y/N): Appropriate number of trip blanks submitted? UIN). Are results above method detection limits? (Y/N): lf yes, provide concentrations detec{ed and concentrations of those compounds in sample data it present: N]A vy m0 WO No.:I ! I t I I I I I I t I I I T I t T T ilethod Blanks Are results above method detection limits? fYlrul' NC lf yes, provide concentrations detected and concentrations of those compounds in sample data if present: Surrogate Recoveries Are recoveries within acceptable percent recovery control limits? (Y/N) tyo lf no, list resultsoutside of limits. illatrix Spike and Spike Duplicate Recoveries Are recoveries within acceptable percent recovery control limits? (Y/N) lf no, Iist results outside of limits. Are duplicate RPDs within acceptable limits? (Y/N) L# " lf no, list results outside of limits: Page 2 woN", A-l00$ SanprerDNum*,", q4fh Qtf 610 I ! I I T Sarple Dde:l(-U-al Laboratory Duplicates Are RPDs for laboratory duplicates within acceptable ranges? (Y/N): lf no, list results outside of ranges. Field Duplicates Calculate and list RPDs for field duplicates.t'lA - norw lkuw batttt Do the RPDs appear appropriate?l.J+\ OA/QG Discussion I I I I I I I I I I I I I IPage 3 I T I Lab Sample ID : Date Prepared : Date Anatyzed : RBl t090l LU09l200l tv09/2001 Evergreen Analytical, Inc. 4036 Youngfield St., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 4254021 Method Blank Report Client Project II) Lab Work Order Lab File II) Prep X'actor Effective Dilution A7008 01-6116 voA3l 109\13834.D 1 1 Method: SW8260B voA 8260 Units:pg/LIAnalyteCAS #Concentration RL U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U I t I I T I T I I Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 75-274 75-25-2 74-83-9 56-23-5 108-90-7 5 5 20 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 tr 5 E 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 20 5 5 Chloroethane 2-C h lo roethylvi nyleth er Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane 75-00-3 1 10-75-8 6766-3 74-87-3 12448-1 10 10 5 10 5 1 ,Z-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene Dich lo rodifl u o ro m ethan e 1 ,1-Dichloroethane 95-50-1 541-73-1 rc6-46-7 75-71-8 75-34-3 5 5 5 10 5 1 ,2-Dichloroethane 1 ,1-Dichloroethene cis-1,2-Dich lo roeth ene trans- 1,2-Dich lo roeth en e 1 ,Z-Dichloropropane 147-46-2 75-35-4 156-59-2 156€0-5 78-87-5 5 5 5 5 5 cis-1, 3-Dichloropropen e trans-1, 3-Dichloro propene Methlene chloride Tetrachloroethene 1,1,2,2-Tetrachlo roeth an e 10061-01-5 10061-02-6 75-09-2 127-18-4 79-34-5 5 5 5 5 5 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane 1,1,z-Trich lo roeth an e Trichloroethene Trichlo rofl uo ro m eth an e Vinyl chloride 71-55€ 79-00-5 79-01€ 75-69-4 75-414 5 5 5 5 10 I I T I Surrogate Recovery 1,2-Dtchloroethane-d4 (SS-1 ) Toluene-d8 (SS-2) 4-Bromofl uorobenzene (SS-3) 107% 98% 96% QC Limits 79 123 79 118 74 129 Quelitrcrs: U - Not Daected at the Reporting Limit (RL)S - Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery limits X - Not Applicable.J - Analyte detected below Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) I I E - Extrapolated value. See rerun at dilution B - Analyte-detested in the associated Method Blank Approved I lill/2001 8:I8AM Quantitation Report Dara File : C: \HpCHEM\i.\DATA\voeglLo9\t_3834 . DAcq On : 9 Nov 20O:. 10:28 am 4l Steve Tysorffi3 I 825 011C ,I' Sample Misc : RB110901 : IvIBLK 8260ALL W Vial: Operator:Inst : Mult,ip1r: MS Int,egrat,ion Params t rEeint . p Quant Time: Nov 9 l-l-:15 20AL Method Tit Ie Last Update Quant Result,s File: : c: \HpcHeI,r\r\MerHoDs\82G01102.M (RTE rnregraror): 8260: Fri Nov 02 15:03:01 2001- Response via : f nitial Calibrat,ion TIC: 13834.D 3000000 2800000 2600000 4.00 5.00 6.00 9.00 10.00 1 1 .00 12.oo 13.00 14.00 15.0o 16.00 17.00 18.00 t T I I I a- (Y) I U)a (l} (D N Io o o Eo (Il I9 ocoNCIo o =6 Is- U) 9 Yog (!osco(EgTE?!E() v !LI : cl- (J tt-o Eo [D I I I I I t I I I I I --ogooo 13 8 34. D 826 01102 .M Fri Nov 09 1l-:3,7:43 2001 Page 2 I I T Lab Sample ID : Date Prepared : Date Analyzed : RBl1120l tUt2l200l tur2l200l Evergreen Analytical, fnc. 4036 Youngfield St, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 42s4D2t Method Blank Report Client Project II) Lab Work Order Lab File ID Prep Factor Effective Dilution A7008 01-6116 voA3l r 12\13863.D I I Method: SW8260B voA 8260 Units:pg/LtAnalyteCAS #Concentration RL PQL U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U I I t I I T I I I Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 75-274 75-25-2 74-83-9 56-23-5 108-90-7 5 5 20 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 20 5 5 Chloroethane 2-C h lo ro ethylvi nyleth er Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane 75-00-3 114-75-8 67-66-3 74-87-3 12448-1 10 10 5 10 5 1 ,Z-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlo rodifl u o ro m eth a n e 1 ,1-Dichloroethane 95-50-1 541-73-1 10646-7 75-71-8 75-34-3 5 5 5 10 5 1 ,2-Di,chloroethane 1 ,1-Dichloroethene cis-1, 2-Dich loroeth ene trans-1, 2-Dich loroeth ene 1 ,2-Dichloropropane 107-06-2 75-35-4 156-59-2 156-60-5 78-87-5 5 5 5 5 5 cis- 1, 3-Dichloro propen e trans-1, 3-Dichloropro pen e Methylene chloride Tetrachloroethene 1,1,2,2-Tetrachlo roeth a n e 10061-01-5 10061-42-6 75-09-2 127-18-4 79-34-5 5 5 5 5 5 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane 1,1,z-Trichlo roethane Trichloroethene Trichlo rofl u o ro m eth an e Vinyl chloride 71-55-6 79-00-5 79-01€ 75€9-4 75-014 5 5 5 5 10 I Surrogate Recovery 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (SS-1 ) Toluene-d8 (SS-2) 4-Bro mofl uoro benzen e (SS-3) QC Limits 79 123 79 118 74 129 100o/o 96% 98o/o T T I I U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit (RL) J - Analyte detected below Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) E - Extrapolated value. See rerun at dilution. B - Analyte d*eaed in the associated Method Blank lLb7, Knalyst S - Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery limits X - Not Applicable. It* Approved I l/11i300/, 4:04 Ptu{ Quantitation Report Data File : c: \ltpcHEM\L\DATA\VoA31i-L2\13853 .D I son I Acq On SampIe Misc 2300000 220cm 2100mo 2000000 '! i t gooooo' r zooooo: : r oooooo- --tsom. r +ooooo- : 1 300000- 1200mo. r r ooooo- : rooom: gom: : L2 Nov 2001 L0 zL2 am : RB11L20L : MBLK 8250ALL W Vial: 5 Operat,or: Steve Ty Inst : VOA3 Mult,iplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params : rt,eint . p Quant Time: Nov L2 10:4L 2001 Met,hod TitleLast Update Quant Results File: g26aLL02 : C:\HPCHEM\1\METHoDS\82501102.M (RTE Integrator): 8260: Fri Nov 02 L5:03:01 200L Response via: Initial Calibrat,ion TIC: 13863.D 4.00 5.00 6.@ 7.@ 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.@ 12.aO 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17..@'18.00 @_ (t) I U) U) o oNcIo o =o Eo co Is (DcoNcIo o3 i5 I9_ I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I o.fEtoco I.gE (EE -cOP=.bo \-lO CY. c. !Foo Eo d) ocoo() 13853 -D 826 01102 . M Mon Nov 12 10 : 42:03 2001 Page 2 h\-o' t\ l IF=bo8. € gE .o F3h i] . 6 Ei sH 11 1 L 'o -o 'a !t EE =Q ) vc ) LG lX€ Ot a q= ti . r O -g o 6d 1l rt ) il)4(l lE .r , o tr c ) '- -{ -aEE .= c) c( , Gt h' 6 =o?g () G t 9c ) 6€ €. E E' o (u a . ) oo c) t ) 0) a. ) E' Uoo ) cl €€€ tl rd co .=F -t r 4 .- .- ,\ c- l / La - ' l .- L t s Jo r - .- I ao = e .5 . : E EE # E+ r ;I E€; E !€ g Eg c, ES € 6g . s o; E .. L A . o3 a t 7$ E tl ZF , * t,L(l ) ,a a rt--GT=o I =l o. EI r 6l (F l FI F IO O vr fi f :E 22 H o) c D h oi d A 6E H oo E O- U D \ g sB c E o la - o} O) ,- r 3t FE Fo.? l E E *$ 5 YH E. , 4 CF F =aE 5 BoJ s * 8$ a a $ t a 8 a a a 8 8 a 8 * 8 t a 8 s * s 8 * a s q u? q a? a a c! c! c! I a - c! \ - I ol c! q q c q \ q - u? a I : o) F O t\ (r l O N d) (r ) (O O F O |l , O) t. O N @ (O O) l: (D - t\ 6r (l ) N (o o) @ o) o o (\ r o o) o, o) (D o) @ o o o o o o o) o o o o) o o o o 'O E" IY -t r- )s acf, iE 5P F \. / -- o5 h C' I (D cD ' Sd o a s Ev E: b o6E E , Fd L ^-.JY.s \_ _ _ / aa C, (o (\ l @ !f $ sl t) () tO O O O O O) lo r\ Ot rl (O N Cr ! c, tc , N (o dt o 6 e (\ l I\ S -i F (\ . ^ O) F lO l. c , tO l. ( , O, ^i t O (O @ r O e * a, 6. r - 6 d .r <. i @ N rc j oi N ci @ - - - - ci Ki ci ri r. i ri ci ci ri r ri oi Ei d - Ol 6l (t e - O (\ l - lf , - ./ ) e (D aO Gl (i , (. , (! N ci l (o N - O q, E (? !9 to !1 , = r (O N A A A A o) F C, (\ l (' , @ [O (O o) (' lO lO t o) O rs cD t u) t (, ) o * d 9 rr , rl ) rr , lr , q C a u? e - u? q q .o C C - ci 6 ct a r o r r i v i c i r ' i N v -o o r u : u > t $ o o -s F - r i t\ ( o r r N a o ( o (o t\ F- @ ( o G r r \ N I \ t r t \ i\ @ N r \ o oo o o o o o o o o o o o oo o o o o o o oo o o o o o z z z z z z z z z z z, z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z o o o oo o o o oo o o o o o oo o o o Gt co o o o o o o o c\ l ol Or c\ | N N c. , l o{ C! c. , l $l N C! c\ a (\ l 6l N C! N c. a J d N N N (\ 6| ft (a (\ l F n, l{ ) 0 u, rn o o lo o lr , r. c , rJ ) rJ ) o ra , rr , rl , r. l , l. r ) lr ) rl , [o ro lo lo ro lr ) u) ro C{ = c, lr , .1 cl t\ q, $ (' (q , u , o - s I e -N sl Gl - o, !. , (q , (o - ro r: -c . { ; ot Fj z \c a c a q q q c c! <? - q q \ a J a? ol c! c? a? ! cj q u? c! ;i (, ) - (, ) O O (l -C ) ( l ) q, (, @ Is - O - - (\ a F O O - O 6) C. { O O e d F - Ol C. , l c, l al ? - - Cr l Ol Ol Gl (\ l (\ a Ol N C. , l - (\ l $l ol E = *E s *e = * g e c E E gE E EH c g F E E EE E* E E E s 8 s E fi E EE 3a s E 3E 3 T E 3 [ E EE i= T E E L.o-o=x.Ey(U=!FootoIFtFo(,Jci;e o, E= X Fl _ -Eo O 61 : = c F. P TE PH , II I i- ' t I r- G) x# \o . -a lY -! f- o lr Ez, o U( J a€ 7r l <L/ o Cy € J (J F)- ld vi e) ()tc)a-GIo.- I(- -a ()c. )F3\ c O. - €Eg 8 3- i r- . .. 1 :l9i c) l .- l ol r. t Or l 3' iIi) -a .. :' ?-zv EE I + l- =d; aScr l toeI\aa() IG,aIats lr ( t\ -l Gl I o- l *r ) -l c!a-t-x()()La0 lro) rd IIITTIItIItIIIItIII Tb. 'IItIIIIIITt cAaa .E L=L-o8. 2 oc Ll - '1 , = ghrxsH (l ) l . 'o -E } ga 6E LG l9. g Ou 2 c) =x6Eo di l ttcA & }4GI !a! vt o tr G ) -2X' o .= q) CN GI x' 6 =c?n (J c E Aa ra5 .o = ag .- TEc) o) O, J (l ) q ) oc ) E' ooc ) Gt c ! ll el .J t s A *E I r gs - f Ie E I Ug c) Eg E ig E l Fr tZr - * I E3I I 't ,:;L \- . Et=o a (2 - F- O A a - a h q a A O (9 e. l r\ O F- o o o N ? o O r- (A tr } Ol !F -- Ol cr ) C{ rr , Gl Cr l N (\ t N N N ; O' - O O O ; (\ 6 6 b' f =o. i 6Ea FF ' oc r uBf i : E oo u 44 } OI CJ ' b at i d A '1 6 i6 H oo a g fr . a t4 . (UC Er. -o O) ,^ r o= rF lJ - Ff I , Fo I _ y F? ' ;o 'E g3 s I e2 CF F =AE E =oJ rOEH -* u;Cf 6 5P l- \ / !- - @5 h ET , ., e 9 EY €= * oEEE r FO o- E I I E iI ae E ts 3 I ae A ae I ae I $ ae I ae I eQ ;c ae ae ts Q * A q c? I q I u? ol u? \ - a .q \ .q q q \ a g t .q q r oq e c! c F f\ a O O Ol O (7 ) F- !- O @ CD F - O O Ol Ol O O O $l $ O O (r ) OF F c\ I A LO O !Q N A V (? 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O) (' ) tJ ) f\ O) CY O $ tO F $ F F- . O) (r l S (v ) lr ) F F (A to a v oi to .- c. i d s o t- o oi qr 'f t- ri d 'f rr i <o oi co .t t- oc , oi to O O) l- g) O O c{ O O O) O O) O) @ O O O O C) O o) O () O) O O O F F F !F F - F F F - F F F F !F F oo o o o o o o o o c oo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o z z z z z z z z z z z. z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z o o o oo o o o o o o o oo o o o o o o c! @ o o oo o c{ ol c{ c\ l c{ c{ ol c{ c{ c{ e\ r c\ l ol c! c{ N Gt c! c{ Gr , : - d N c\ t c{ c\ t (\ t C{ F lo ro c) rI ? rr ) o o rr ) o to r) lr ) tr ) o ro lo lr ) rf ) ro r^ r ) tf ) rr ) rJ ) rn ro lo rr ) Gl ! = F - = @ tO ll , lO tl O lO o) tt N S aO (( , O) Gl G, - (t O (' , l\ G, o) Ol Ol rD (o ? - Q ol c a u? q c - u? I ot q rr i a q q ol - o{ q c? c a q a ; Xi C, aO rO Ct O O rO O O Ot O r (D - - O e O e - e O O (, - O C{ d At - - e C. { N( \ t N c- { ? 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E E-s6EZsE (l i ) t - €= l '; , C, *E . -A ( t ) V( ) LG lX€ Oc n ,9 8 t4 . o gF c; & 1lcA & J4clE'1 , ul 0 tr c r -2 , .= q) (l l ( ! t-€t?n (J €g) c . r to E €. E -c € (l ) c ) oooo ) c) c ) '5 'o (t ) O Gl c\ t tl .J ] c0 .2F. r- t r ( / ) .E EF I J La - \ .- L. lr a Jo r - qp € 9 .= . = 6 EE * 5; E E: ; -\/ . . a 8. 9 c r Eg € 6- 9 . 9 AV IJ o g .J 'P C. O .! a ct t Zq x Ai z r{ ! rZ. * rr ,LI tr a r- a.--GI--0 ae a s * s s (o @ @ o o o o( f ) o o o o 6N E g o o u: ; z z z $t ot $t g) o o ) ( ' ) @ o ) !F LO O) $l !- C{ OF F - F - - (7 ) (f , IO) O . r - O ) O ) $ q tO Ol N f' - f' - (a (o F\ ( ' ) ac a e a e a e a e a e qo l o l \ q q a ? c! ( \ s o o ) c r oo o o ) o ) o ) FF -oo @ o l o r c { (O O I F F F F oo o o o o c{ N c { r o r o r o ro L o o o o o F oo o o o o z. z . z . z . z z . O) r o O F @ ( 7 , r? a q \ \ r oo o o ) o ) @ C\ t c \ t ( \ l s \ r s =o Ai 2 AA HY H f; gs H q E E i E EE € E * ; EE € E s E 77 - n ( 1 , O EE . a & € q t- g t8 A=vo - A- o H ) fr f C *G ) Fl v. tr - a af ts r t s 45p e' . ag ,. (B uho€ J () l- , l- . vi o) ()L.Gi )o-a c! (J '- l ltt- -a ()q)F3\ o O. '{ co i- a ^ . a .F, Y = - 4 a i:e) -tU ao rLFA . - z v; r. I # 5 f- = ' = IttIIIIItItTIIIIIII _l \o' E =l t-:E I rrEB I LC l+7 t JL JA ts . 6&;i ItIIIII JIstr rc tn c tr o ) -2 , .= c) C, G, t-€t (J c t !) C ,e€ €. s €' g (t ) Q ) ?J ( J (1 ) 0 ) oq ) 'o 'o c) q ) ER cl c, rl rI ] C I el -r E c n E= ! I Bi * == = I E. 9 o ) Eg E =z E t At z z; -' I ?,eI I o) l r ) o ) ( ' ) @ c D O\ t ! F O l F O { |J ) \ r o F F F (o ( \ r ( r , !- - -c{ ( v ) o ) o ) o ) $ U? @ O . N I ' - F - rD ( r ) (o f - OF O ( \ I O I C \ r l (f , (\ t (O rt - F - oo o o o o ol c\ r c{ rr , rr ) lr , lr ) r r , t J ) o o o aa S a s * (o ( o $ o o o -- . t ( T O O O $9 E g o o ,. , i :; z ' z z c\ or or ** * * * s r? u ? u ? q q . q Of \ C I l F @ ( o FO O O O ) O ) !F F - IF (o r r o ) @ ( I , q- - O o t c ! (\ t ( \ t C \ t l r ) \ f @ or s oo o C f o o zz . z . z z z 3a ;h i os 9$ e L- .F r C oY 0 , .C , ( l l ^ N !P . q r ? ( \ l C g E !e E ,h g E E € g 3E H; s € g E =E E 5 " , o EE E d € F (, I- - ! F - S =o.(o g Id t- Foe (r o r - T$ . E oo = 44 t NC \ I t Y Fi Eoi r r A 6i 6 H oo i l 0f r 8 &e c tE l' - o N ,F \ _ f_ a i- ( L ,F E IFo^l t o = qo r t r -i sr .= )! ! o - t - ys E , J- e2 CF F =aF t E =oJ rOEY r! ra - -a IC3 i6 $p \1 g! , h HI ' o e I EY E: b o 'i 5 EE I Fd (L==ooE, L.o f o3.xr-(o=rFoNtFFFoooJci;e c, E= B PL - -Ea , ( U tE : C =a,Ng Id IF FooOO € (\ I N . F 9i . q oo = 44 t 3\ T N I Y lF F t id i d A i6 i 6 H oo E O. A \ g o 'i cr - E# c ol r r o ) ( r @ o ) OS T F C \ l r F O l lJ l ) tt Ci !F !F - (7 ) C\ l (? !- tl - c{ ( 7 ) o ) o ) o ) \ f U? @ C f - f - N rr ) (a (o r\ o la - o C\ l .F r _Hi( LFE Fo lr a = l? o F9= 5 T e2 CF F = <vJr i l -8 6 53oJ ts e * a 8 * * -q q u ? a ? q C\ l J ) ( \ t F ! - t J ) TF ( ) O O O O ) F! - F t t - 'OEH -* Icf E $p rF \1 tr gi , k EX ' a r a e EY €: b oi 5E E , Fd (L C] o o o o o zz , z z z z oo o o o o or o l c { r r r o t r ) rr ) u l u r o o o =$ l ( C ) t l l ) ( ' ) t t ! - =! ( r F l l ) F ( O r l ) {t , c r i - d d d N E ol (\ l (\ l lo to \t 30 ;h ,i 2 os H +H Eg t E g g C\ l ? i 0 . ! Z c E -: 6 = o e p gE E I E $ bo f o=x.E(Uo(\ l FF!-ooJci ;o o, E= = . ,- r -Ec r ( U (l , : = c F. P fr E PF , HH; E# \O . ta t{ - . t- ! o l- t r z- - a ts { tJ -t {d€Ub c€ J () I)-ui a) .9t-Cr )a-ct r (J .F a -t-/ F()o)F3\ c O. -r OO -- l t -\ J-+ : R aai3) rr a J aa . ?-F ,Q .. zv ; il r +. U -= ' = d * E SSc\Io=I \taac) IclaCJ-L lr a\ rl cl CJ .-+f -l c!-L-tc)q) lia0LQ) rd cn\o' t\ r taEr, a)83 , 0( ) c L- L ,( , = sxHE ol -EB tr -o . 6gb3 tf i o. n o=&dEo 6& tt cA d JI6,E13 .a o tr 4 ) -Z .= r: . ) Cg g J €t 3 ?? , (J c t 9c ra€ G' .- '5 "O o 0. ) oC J (D 'r ) t) t ) E' oC) q ) tr r t ! l1 ta cc o oo o o oo o o o o o o o o o o oo o (\ . o o o o o oo o $l Ol N Ol N 6l $l (\ l 61 c\ l ol N C! 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Et r * 5+ r ; x' 5 €; E E: ; \, -a ts g tt EE € 69 . 9 /^ Y - l- a cl A. .J t i g o .j ? G, zE x ;t z -f aZ F- , .* .o (( t r t CD 6l (C l N( o O) I- @ - - (i Ct O) (i t $ (o O) O) O) cO S Is (D O) - { s a ol e d - d \ c u? - - q q r q N q c\ i d - a c! c? q d ol q q cD F (( , (r 1 ( \ l FN ( r I O) d, .o (O 6 6, N O - (r l N O Ol - O @ (r l o) O al .H a-)o(l ,E, Lo I TE=.x\- (U=o=t-oIotFo@T tFoci ;o o E= 5 , ,- L _Eo , ( u at r : = c t,3.qf r-r--€--o E eg g e a eE g g g E g t g * t g i A g g t E g g E H- E x' a ^a vR- .X rd 5 cs x3 H)aUo aSc\I)ozI\aaq) IG'a IIIIIIttII "I ' ls I oH i- 6a) (Jec. )a-(+ g() .--l- t- t oa)F3e A. - € =. E E E - I 3'-.J rEU aa . ?-FA o . zv ; rr l # 5 -= ' 3U; E Iax t{ a\ -cl eJ o!*. -,G, a--Lc)€) tra0 trq) fE l IIItIII Ib,IIIIIIIIIItIIIII .=F .J t r A .- .- c- \ J I- 'i .- a t l. - a J. 9 h g€ n b 5* g. = d &, f .r o l5 €t E E: ; - \, rd EJ g q) EE € 6g . e o; E -. 't i O. oJ ? ( , 7$ E l{ r l At - * .2l-=l-(u8pgE .o - ghfxHg (L , t- € .r , ga =a ) \r o t- ! U9a ) o .: a OU , ,9 8 noEo 6d1l cn d J(B ,Y \ .o ul o tr ( ) -2 .= c) €e g €E () c l !) c) to € €. E 'o 'o (l ) ( l ) o( ) q. ) ( u e) q ) EEoq ) rn L (l , cl tl LL l- . t,L3l I ^.?!a a (2 - N o A A - a f a A a a qq N N A r. - a A o N r o o r\ (o c' ) (r l - cr l (a Cr l O Gl Cr l c{ ol (r l N N - (D i- O O O - N 6 6' ( r 1 =O' 6 fi a N F F OO < - fi f i : E 22 H CD C " b oi d . ^ 6i 6 H oo a Cl - f , . \ g E '6 C' - (L - - (Uc (Eb O) ,n o= 1r tL F0 f , Fo,? l t E 98 5 - o2 CF F =EE 5 BoJ 'C ) E' rv -l ra - -8 Ic= E EP \1- EL b C' I (o Ga ' Se of A I EY €= b o6EE , FO (L s E E e e eg $p p g gt E € i - E E g g g E g g g * a g g a I g t g g EE E E E s s s ; s fi s s E ia i E ge 3 t E 3 t E i , i= i Lo!TE=xL. i6=cl 3A=FIo)NoIroci ;o o, E= BEE E A I ie I E E E a3 ee a s ae ae ae ae * ae A ae ae ac s I 8a A* - $ r. - o) @ s o o ol ol rr , ol o (o (o !f - o) o rb (7 ) t N (o 6, r, u) cr i s r. - ri o oi to to oi - $ Gi - oi - o ri o cr i oi ri cr i c. i oi d + d FF e e !Q A Ol cO l. - I O l- : @ i- = !! @ A () 9 t, } CD O) o) o ri l F- tO O) f F- I II a r q) \ I q - - q q : I or q e. . i o I .q ry a? q 6 ol O) F (o N C\ - Ol N O) cO co @ @ @ N q - (\ l (\ l O o) F O @ N O) FC { N O I . . - F ! F F F G - ( \ l $ I ( \ I N F O I N r . F @ G' Ol CO $ !f $ tO @ r' O O O O O) rJ ) r. - O) !t (c ) r. . O) @ tJ ) t\ (o o) tr - Ol r' - S - - C! u. i O) F' - lf ) lf ) lf ) lf ) O) rr i $ O (O @' F O - S Ol q ui o g c. i o c{ <o N c. t a to r! - F !r - o Xi d ri rr i o o o lo v rr N ro Ol $l (O !F (O Gl F lf ) - (O F (t ) (7 , (\ l <r ) <o (\ l Ol C{ tv ) N ; IF F I - F t l | - - - F F F F F F F F F ! - O) = (r ) (o lO (? =. - @ (\ l O O O O O) N lo Ol (r , @ tO @ ol ta lr : tf , tt \ q \q u? q q q \q d q tr , tr ) rr , to q q A u? q - u? q C co q a? r @ O tO lf ) $ E O (Y ) $l S l tO O) lf ) lf ) \f $ () o) $ r. - f\ . 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Z Z I oo o o N r. o u) ro oo o o ,i -fr : H:q, i i (. ) , o .r < t:(1 ) i a, t 6i oi .! a ; 1:H-: *. i () : (l ) ; ,r t; I 3 \o ; g' - * igE =i O C <i iI: .. : L:() : -i U: aa I i ?-F ,Q .- i z \r ; i- I +r 5, E= ' 3 i Fl ^Y =; tf ) o ) N o ) qc ! \ q q FO I F I ' - (\ l l r ) r o $ 3qa0 rgebPO E E ch E s s 3E EE E E ,A & E E cnL*o' on U' .==bG)8. € s. E E- l9 hSx Hg ol . 'O 't 'a oE -o . 7G ) Y( )e3 9- g 0( ) t n ,9 -= *. o -g o 6& 1la& J4G,E'o ta O tr ( ) -z .= o) €d€8 Eg () d90 , e€ €. = 'c ! c' ) ( , o( ) c) ( ) (u c ) !c rc c) c ) .d c, tl rd o .9 _ F :. t r A .-C - L/ !. t l .- l- l- a J. 9 h E' . E ; EE # 9G l . \ A. = d 3c x ; r' E 5; E E: ; BE ; EE E 6g . e AV I. ] c) o. {L q . o. . a c ( , 7$ E l- a tZh r * oLo F.rt .a a-6l,o *8 S S A * Ft O t F O O O c. i oi t- o o o st E 9 0 0 JX : z z z c{ c! (\ t o) o o ) ( 7 ) @ o ) tr - tO O) Ol C{ OF ; t - F F (a ( 7 ) FFO) O F O ) O ) ! t O t{ ) O) l' - f- l' - ri t o F- ( f ) ae a e 8 a e a e A qq . q \ q q $r r l ' - O l 1 v 1 $ OC r I F O O O ) FF F T - oo @ o t e . l N (f ) c { ! F . F F - oo o o o o c{ N c ! r o l r ) t r ) ro r r ) o o o o F oo o o o o z. z z z z z tO l f ) f - N N C { @c \ r $ ( ' ) o o OS ( r i - - t ' - $l ( \ l o t l o t l ) $ =o 'r h ,h og EE E E g E = -n ( l ) o EE . A d € E F. { g il 8 = v o. O- = r. i O *G ) -l - \ 4?. r r- Ae o. ) )- Fa )o .OEU8 aoHF- td0. ) () .r - Lo)aCg()-H*.oG)F3\ o o. t < . € =. q = - - I i:q) rI l U ao o a-FA - - z v - r- 1 # 5 r- = ' =d; E tIItIIItItIIIIIIItI OLYTIPUS TECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. ANALYTICAL DATA VALIDATION FORM I I I I ctienuProjed: A [6 I LS(--. R"ui"*., fufunrtvt E,r lY-erg1 Work order No.: tr-l 0 Laboratory: olympus'sample ldentification Numbers, lVtltJQd, t,lbOqs t I'ilWS t lANa, MllSt Date Sampled: \ \-1- O\ EPA Analytical Method: See attached analvtical report Data Completeness I Results received out ofI Results received out ol -l expected= [CO of. I I I Are completeness results acceptable? (Y/N): Comments: w Defensibility Chain-of-Custody form present and signed? (Y/N): Samples stored and/or shipped cool? (Y/N): Preservative present in sample containers? (Y/N): Are defensibilityparameters acceptable? (Y/N): Comments: ,"tJ qLa i4(1 d.4 I I I I I I I I I I I I Holding Tirne Were samples extracted within acceptable holding times? (Y/N) ry" Were samples analyzed within acceptable holding times? (Y/N) Are holding time parameters acceptable? (Y/N): Comments. Page 1 WoNo.: /^-T OOY sanptetDNumo"*, Q11n Qflr 6hJ sanpbo*e i t- 1-o { t\ NA-Uvr ottn'''" btfuh' Equipment and Trip Blank Analyses Appropriate number of equipment blanks submitted? (Y/N): Appropriate number of trip blanks submitted? (Y/N): Are results above method detection limits? (Y/N): I?od/Nfl tn aW(vntch rr0 lf yes, provide concentrations detected and concentrations of those compounds in sample data if present: T I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I T I I ilethod Blanks Are results above method detection limits? (Y/N): ltit lf yes, provide concentrations detected and concentrations of those compounds in sample data if present: Surogate Recoveries Are recoveries within acceptable percent recovery control limits? (Y/N) lf no, list resultsoutside of limits, ,g,n Matrix Spike and Spike Duplicate Recoveries Are recoveries within acceptable percent recovery control limits? (Y/N) lf no, Iist results outside of limits. Are duplicate PPDs within acceptable limits? (Y/N) lf no, Iist results outside of limits: Page 2 woNo., . ft?00f sanrptetD Numo"o, '[ {h Q+r Gtrl sanpteoa"' I l-1 -D \ Laboratory Duplicates Are RPDs for laboratory duplicates within acceptable ranges? (Y/N): lf no, Iist results outside of ranges. Field Duplicates I I I I I t I t t I Calculate and list RPDs for field duplicates. iqhlq D Dw O3 the RPDs appear appropriate? QIA/QC Discussion l-J 3-0e I I I I t I I I IPage 3 I - RE.-ATI,E ,ER.ENT DTFFEREN'E cALcutirroNs r Analytical Data Validation Form I Ofmpus Technical Services, tnc. I I I I I I Client/Project Work Order No. Sample Date Sam$e ldentification AIG/ Laundry Suppfy Co. A7008 finn1 MW.9d Evergreen Analytical, lnc. 11t9t01 Duplicate Sample ldentification MW-10 Labonatory Date Analyzed RPD Formula RPD=(SR-DSRX(SR+DSR)/2)*100 RPD = relative percent difference SR = sample recovery DSR = duplicate sample recovery Analyte SR (pgll) DSR {trg/l} RPD 1,1 Dichloroethane ND<s ND<s - 1,1 Dichloroethene ND<s ND<s cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 8 16 11 .76a/o trans- 1 ,z-Dichloroethene ND<s ND<sTetrachloroethene 39 31 22.86o/a Trichloroethene 17 14 19.35% ugfl = micrograms per liter ND = not detected at laboratory reporting limits - = not calculated I I t I I I I t I I I ;rrffH:t";l'eruice* tnc fed\A7re1 1tz3tg2Page 4 Lab Sample ID : Date Prepared : Date Analyzed : RBl l l20l LUl2l200t I l/l2DA0l Evergreen Analytical, fnc. 4036 Youngfield St, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 42s4021 Method Blank Report Client Project II) Lab Work Order Lab f ile II) Prep Factor Effective Dilution A7008 0l-6154 voA3 l112\13863.D I I t I I Method: SW8260B voA 8260 Units:pg/L Analyte CAS #Goncentration RL I Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 75-27-4 75-25-2 74-83-9 56-23-5 108-90-7 U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 5 5 20 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 2A 5 5 I I I t I I I I I Chloroethane 2-C hlo roethylvi nyleth er Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane 75-00-3 110-75-8 67S6-3 7 4-87-3 12448-1 10 10 5 10 5 1 ,Z-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene Dich lorodifl u o ro m eth an e 1 ,1-Dichloroethane 95-50-1 541-73-1 106-46-7 75-71-8 75-34-3 5 5 5 10 5 1 ,Z-Dichloroethane 1 ,1-Dichloroethene cis- 1,2-Dich lo roeth ene trans- 1, 2-Dichloroethene 1 ,2:Dichloropropane 107 -06-2 75-35-4 156-59-2 156-60-5 78-87-5 5 5 5 5 5 cis- 1, 3-Dich lo ropropene trans- 1, 3-Dichloro propene Methylene chloride Tetrachloroethene 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethan e 1 0061-01-5 10061-A2-6 75-49-2 127-18-4 79-34-5 5 5 5 5 5 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane 1,1,z-Trichlo roethan e Trichloroethene Trich lo rofl uo ro meth ane Vinyl chloride 71-55-6 79-00-5 79-01-6 75-694 75-01-4 5 5 5 5 10 Surrogate Recovery 1,Z-Dichlo roeth an e-d4 (SS-1 ) Toluene-d8 (SS-2) 4-Bromofl uo ro benzen e (SS-3) 100o/o 960/o 984/o QC Limits 79 123 79 118 74 129 I I I t Qualifiers: U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit (RL) J - Analyte detected below Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) E - Extrapolated value. See rerun at dilution. B - Analyte detected in the a-ssociated Method Blank S - Spike Recovery outside accepted recovery limits X - Not Applicable"I IApproved ru /Analyst I I/15/2001 9:08 Atl I Quantitation Report Dara File : C: \HpCHEM\1\DATA\VOA3i_11_2\138G3 . DAcq On Sample Misc : L2 Nov 2001 L0:L2 am : RB11120L : MBLK B260ALL W ViaI : 5 Operator:Inst : MuItip1r: Quant Results File: Steve Tysor VOA3 1.00 826 01102 . REI ,t T I I I I T MS fnLegration Params: trteint.p Quant Time: Nov L2 10:41, 200L Method Tit le Last Update : c:\HPCHEM\r\MeTHoDs\8260L102.M (nrs rnregraror): 8260: Fri Nov 02 l-5:03 :01- 200L Response via: fnitial Calibration TIC: 13863.D t I 23oooool I { 22oOOOOl I I 21 00000 2000000 1 900000 -. 180000Oi 1500000. : 1400000. 200000j 4.OO 5.OO 6.00 a_ (Y) lq) U) ocoNcIo oa o Eo (D Ig oc o)NcIo o) L5 Is_ --oco (l)o I I I I I I t a_.('p Ioco !gE (6trEO iDs8.96ot-tootEoo Eo @ I 9.00 10.00 1 1 .00 12.ao 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 13853.D 826 01102 . M !,Ied Nov L4 L4:A7:59 2001 Page 2 I h:- '-lIi ll ( aElr=t-o8 .2 , gE E-s6E7 rg ol .EE xE6g LG ,9s Ou , SE |r . O ,. 9 F A T- ' ,; & 1l ad J4sl{ l vr o tr ( ) -2 .= 0, C\ t d x' 6 =o?J ct g) q r to € €. E EEoq ) oooc ) ., ) ) q ) E!C) C , BR Gt c, tl ta ca t:t: itIIIIT PI F -) t r O .- .- - BE ; I b E* oa d ,3 c r x :E E I -v - Bg o EE € =Z = l o1 7 ZF ) . + I gl T * I =l o, _l tr r to l r dl rF r - I o( , I o c, e' (\ r cr '7 t. Eoo = 44 t (\ l (\ l tY rF tF E oi r r A 6. ? 6 H oo f r . CI - U D \ g E' a , 0 - (L - (uC o (o ol @ $ t t r, ) @ u, o o o o o rn N o \i (o N (D @ rl , N (o (, cD cr - c! \ \q - - q rd ot \ lo ln rr ) lr ) Ol di S o (o @ e O - $ o) O ; - lD d + ri d tr t Gi ci N cj cj - - - - c, Xi ci ri ri o d ct rd r ri c. i Ei d - al Ol (c , er ( ' ) (\ - U) - (' , ? (' , (' O I ( ' ) (' r Ol $l C. , l Gt ( \ l -. t ' , (D - Gl (O 14 , (r ) - e @ (\ . l O O O O CD N tC , 6l (t t O l. r , G, O) r, l. , rO t aD Ct F- ot $ ro s o o. t d a l, , lr , to lr , q C a u? Q - u? g oq o Q e? - Q O d ci ri ri w - o <. i fr s ; r, oi ri ri $ $ d oi - $ r- to N( O I l ) N @ ( o (o I\ I\ O ( O ( o t \ N f \ N r \ N@ l \ F at a a t a t t t a t a t 88 s a a a t 8 a 8 8 a t 8 8 * q c! q - ot u? \ q u? c c e! Q - c! a Q - c q \ - \ q 9 - \ I -t (q , S O (r ) (t (o lD O, O N $ CO t, ) ls - (O (t , Gl @ - (r ) CO (O () O) @ aO al O, O) l\ O) O o) 0O O O .o O) O) O) @ - O - - F O CD o) () O @ O) O) O - (u ra -o C\ l ,F r -Hi; ( L !F E ro-l ra = f' r o r F 98 6 I oo - a- C- = -\ J -=o t s rr - A = 3oJ oo o o o o o o o o o o C] oo o o o o o oo o o o o o o o z. z. z z 2 z z z z z z z z. z. z. z z z z z z z, z z z z. z z z 'O E" IY rt l- -* ocf E $p F\ 1 - @t b C' I (O Ga ' Se ql a e EY €? b () tE E r Fd (L oo o o o o o o oo o o o o oo o o o o 6 t o o oo o o o o ot ot N 6l c- ' l al ot c\ l c\ c- , 1 6t c! or c! ol (\ l N c\ or ol J d C\ t N ol 61 (\ t ol ot (\ l - l^ c , l' ) o u, ro o o tl ) o ro ro rI ) r' , o t, ) lo tI ) t, , ln u) to to to ro [o t' ) lo u) u, (\ I = (. r ta ! r - r 6 a r \ c D 1 4 , ( o c n ( , G , t (o - (, N( r , 6 l c { -F l. c , s (o o (t t r t (o 7 \ e = q \ Q - Q q al q I - Y q c! a? a a, A q S e - F- q \ u? 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O: } c l 7$ 2 Ft lZ ra . * rr ,Lo.- h.a I-6--o t I a3 I f * E Ei e I E ae E ae aQ s I I s a ae s ae a * ** s a? u? 9. q \ u? q \ q q .q or . r q u? \ - q q .q c! q q q o! c q O O) O lO (o C{ (o O Cr l F Cl ) @ .r tO O Ol F F N F* F C\ - F- <o Gl I| - F I F F F F !O tQ O N F- A lf ) A A A I S (o - () F (Q N e{ - r- tO !t (o co r, $ \ q z I \ I - q I q q 9: n I! c! q. q ri I q R c? - s q i @ $ @ a O) F- - A F @ O) O) f- N r (} e! C\ A O) @ - F =- O) O) tr - - F $l !r - F Ol $l r! - - - - F Ol Of Gl (\ l (\ - -- (\ l Gl F @ (l , (\ l @ $ \r s rf ) @ ro o o o o o) ro l. - o, s (o F- or @ ro F- (o cr ) g 9 r? @ cl to N 6i a to F F F F a N o ro ro ri o c> ri d ri o. i pt (\ l Ol (O r- !- Co CV F lJ ) (' ) F (r ) (O C\ l (O (f ) N N N (r , N ; FI ! - F T F F F F F F F ? ' i | - t F t F 9) = (? (9 tO () = - @ N a a A O o) l: - l{ ) C{ (Y ) @ lf ) @ o) ty ) lr ) tr l !t r\ o) \t rr l \t ol q A @ \q to tr } tr ) tr t q q q u? q r u? q q @ q o? - @o r i r o { - o t ? N d rr o o i r o t o d d o o i -d r . - f. r . ( Q l f ) f - @ ( O @ fr . F. - @ ( p ( p I \ f r . N N F - F. - C O f . r a a A - N O A. a - a N a A a q I N N A F- () O O r. . !- cl O F. - (O (O C\ C{ (o Cr l (' ) (r l Cr l Cl l Cr l Ct l c{ C{ - (r ) F (D (D (D - Ol 6 6' N oo o o o o o o o o oo o o o o o o o oN c o o oo o o Gl C{ C{ C{ c\ l N N C{ c\ l c\ l C. { c\ l C{ c\ l c{ c\ l C! c\ l C{ N _ cO C{ C{ C! C{ C{ C\ l t- =o.19 ( Uxd F F ooOO v rr : E -. , roo = 44 t NN ( Y tF tl - - qr h i A i; i i H oo i l O. A \ g sg o - (Uc (u r-(t ) N ,^ r H i- O- FE !-o-l ( D = .? c D t r -i or .= X€ 4YH E , I e2 C* = -\ J=o t s r! o = =oJ 5B A I $ 3e 5l ;e ts € ;e 5$ BQ $ S ae S ;e A ae I A ;e ae ae 5B 3e 5l 3e ol a? q u? r - n? q? - q qq a - q q c! .q q a q \ u? ol u? \ q c' t r O O @ !F - @ r @ @ @ (7 ) f- N N O @ $ O rf O) O O O) f. - u) $ O o) O) O) () O O) O) O O O @ F O - t- O O F O O O O tF !- F - - F F F F ,O 5 -s aCf i6 $p FV - oL h c) r (D Ga ' Sd n, A I EY E: h () EE E I Fd o- oo o o o o o o o o o C) oo o o o o o o o oo o o o o z z z z z z z z z z z. z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z lr , u) o ro lo o o rr ) o rr ) ro lr ) tr ) o lr ) ro ro lr ) rr ) ro ro tr ) lr , ro ro Lo tr ) C{ rr - !F !- F = (( , (O .1 O, Oa ? rt F c) (o - I\ (\ a (o F c) I\ (O @ F U, l\ N 1r , t rl , (, P c' O t to c{ o| c{ l1 ro di r\ s 9 tr ) r to @ o rD co (t f\ o) _ - Q c! 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E A C, - L. , L- ' l .- E r- a B€ ; . ra tl , g-k s* E+ r o^ 5 €f E E: ; EE ; Eg € r€ s ha o o . -f a E l . OJ ? € 7€ E ts a l lZt - *gl I *s 8 a * * ao q . q o . q q (o ( ' ) ( 7 ) o o o ts E 5 e e e o( o o ) 1 ' ' 1 - (\ l 6 l F o) o o ( o @ o ) tf ) O) C{ !F C\ . l O F l. - - !F - !t - (o ( ' ) -FO) O - O ) O ) t qr r q r - F F - (r ) G) f- (O sa 8 8 a s ro o ) l o ( o ( o s oi ' f d - d t o () - O ) O O ) O ) F - il - oo @ o t $ t o l (r ) G t F F ! F oo o o o o NN e \ I I r ) T O I I 2 lr , r r o o o o oo o o o o zz . z z z z o) o ! F - o ( ' ) ' r - _o l s ? o o i c ! c{ ( \ r o ) r f ) $ @ (\ r $ aO 'r h ,i 2 cn g PY a qE Er t iE E s n E 66 ' i s . e E E == = o o o EE E d € F L- ( l ) L' + - . t8A= \' / O. O. 3 f. f C *c ) f- l -Y aa t- ( =ab ,- t- as ,. CC LJ h c# J ()-L !< vi q)o .r a l.q)a-€o .F a l- a i- -i oc)Ftt t=s g. i n * EG 8 .3 j r. . aotq) rr a I ao a 7-F ,A .. z \r ; r- i # 5 H- t - ,j a ^ ld; E oab. t\ r o '= lr=ao8. 9 s. E 1r - .g h$t ;g (t ) t r !1 , 'g E tu . =G ) v( Jb3 go (, v, &, E .i a di l 1tCA i l \tl. Jd L L. cnE* 'o ut o tr o ) -2 , aX' E , .= o) C, €x' 6 =ooG t 9c ) to 5 €. E E, O oa ) o( J (l ) q ) oc ) 1' E (l ) A, ) d( \ l {€ tl lI ] t Q IAar a .= : E ? E= Y .d L. JO r -HE ; EE * ge T €. H E E: ; -\ J H Ug o EE € E€ € H1 9 O . - 'r a tr L o .j a tt , i€ 2 !- a t lZ| - l * Iaq -a ' o lo lo t, ) o o lr , u) 1r , o o r, , o ll , rt rJ ) tr , ro ro lr l L, rt ro o lD o u, r f , t r o O FO U) tO oo oo o o o o o o o o o 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 z z z. z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z lr l CD O (O (\ l t- Ol @ $ tt $ lf , (o l. r , O, lf , l l\ o) t (O N (D - - .o r\ n b N M : ct \ - ! t i :n lr ' r I \ q o, f c I Q - Q 9 - r a qt o l (o Gr o $ (, r\ o @ c. , r (o Gt ot o (l , o N o r. . l rl , (t , o o @ or rf , rr r c ri l\ Gl Gl 6l (' @ $r - - (7 ) Gr F rl ) - fi , F (i , (I , Or (i , (t N N t N n ot N i5 aO t* O) F (v , F (O (o t' , Gt - e (, (\ O, N rO (\ l Cl Cl L, lO p Ot O! o t o 6 o rJ ) r\ cD \r o - o 1 q q a (c t a q c a u? g - u? q e oj c q q d, q rj r, ci ar j oo o s ; d r i N s - ri oi r r l r i . f s cj r < oj r r j . d - (O q r l \ ( . r t r , !t N @ ( O @ NI \ C O ( o ( o t \ l \ l \ F @ N( O l \ N A8 I A* A * * tt I I A * SS a A S S aA 8 * 8t Be 8 * o! q a ol q c! c! q u? a c u? . t c q q q q o! \ c \ ol q c a \ \ a t F- o I- (D ro s @ (r ) o o (' , N rt t- lo (r ) oa o) ot () (o o t. f , o @ @ - - -O O) t\ (' ) (, - O ) O r - - @ r O Gl - - O () o) O O, -C D . O c l c l o o o oo o o o o o o o o o o o oo o o (\ t d, o o o oo o o (\ l (\ l 61 (\ 1 6l (\ l C\ l (\ l C. , l C\ l C. , l C! (\ l N C\ (\ l 61 (\ l (\ l C. , l J @' C- , 1 Ol 6l N (\ N N 6l r = t (o cD t\ (o t G, lo cr , @ ar N (, c, - (o l: - (o ct (o (o @ o) lo F t (' , co , 6 lr , O lJ ) N O (o l\ (o O = ^i rC , ^ lL - ls rO O) lr : , G, F F - O @ N c, (\ a gl c. i J. d ri r< , oi ci o t ci c, i - ii i ci : ai - v oi ri ci d d ci ci oi F- c i ct Ec { t r l - F ?( \ e o l ( \ Or NO I O I O a N N - e G l Ol - F ( \ a { r l I =lO- -l 6) (U l E dl r- - l oo l GD O .- t $$ E oo = 44 t C\ I CI (Y rF F - iu ir i A 'i 6 ?6 H oo i l O. O \ g E' 6 0 - (L - = tUc Et. . o N ,^ r -L J i- LF0 r , o lx = .? a o F 9s E I o2 Cp = \r - =o t s s- a - 3 3oJ rOEY r- -s Icf ]i $p !F \. / I- + E5 h G' I (O Ga ' Sd of A 9 sY €: h oi 5E E , Fd L rDLo r! a(r r--6lao $ E E e c e s E gE Fe E E EE E $ E f , g E * u gg , $ E boaa.E=x.E€(U=o=F?r. ,oFIFoci ;o o E= B PEEo ) ( E tE : = c =€ /r \ A V0. .X aS tt r )aUc \l \j l\l :t I .. ll Hl i lt l il l \/ 1 .t l ,UF-\Al aSNI-oeI t, n aac)€€a l (J-FI lr f G -Gl (J .-*. -cl ats-I'q)q) lru0L€) FE I IIIIiIIIIIllI3IIII oHHui (. ) (J .t { t-()a-c€(J .t { 1-HSa-()C)F3$ A. r a € t- -< H\ J f\ ? 0 5_ t f- i: i),-U aa t a-F A. o zv ; Lr i ; g 5 E= ' 3 .I U ! 7 -\ - I - Ilil t ll F\ l: t. : 1, . . ^II,fII U'Et-(u8. € gE 't =gP \ sx rE ol - E= l '= ( u iE=o vL ) e' H tf i 0( ) t, &, E Eo ,- a 6i l 1l (a i l xc(( lErc ut o =q ) ;= .= o) (l , G, E' g ?a (J G t 9c r 6€ €. E €' t , 1) q ) o( ) G) o oq ) E' oC, Q) BR c! tu tl id co2i -E a iE ! I E. E ; . ll E I B. u ; BH = lE E il At z =- * l,f tTI aalDLi) t-r- , .- J6t3o a a a a - a O) F- O tO O F O l' - (O Ol N O f\ O O *E,a' a - 9 !9 a ]\ !O S !? !r , A A O N A @ - c) r\ F @ (t , G) q u? q u? \ q @. \ q q z oi . q (( j u? - \ q, ol ul e N - @ lJ l ) (O CD C! O) a N Ol e. l F (A !! - lf Ol tI , O cO (\ l C! - !F F Ol r- Ol (\ l Ol (\ l Ol Ol N N N F E I I ae I I s ae s A A ae ae ts Q ts € ac ts e ee aQ 8* ol g a c? q q - q? q q g \ q a r c! s? oq q a q P {r ) tO C\ . l 3 s) tO N lf ) O F O) lf ) !q F tf ) O CY Ol tO =o.o: ' q EH (o \' ' -FooeO v NC Y . ? ar l - \. \- .= -- roo = 44 t NG I T Y tF F b ar i d A 6i i H oo a o- l / | \ o E' 6 0 \ (L --(Ec 6l> o So ir L F0 6 , tFC'AI E E gs B -J. o2 C 7. a -- aE 5 =oJ A * ae ae A A ae A ae Ee ae A ae ae ae ae ae ae a e S ae S, F lJ ) f- @ O) t( ) Cr l O) $ O (g C! G, O @ V (o (' ) O t- - r, oi c. j - d F- o 'q o - oi @ oi tr - oi ri 19 rd 61 1 O) !r - O) l. - .p O) O O) !F - () F O O .e O F F !F O O) F- F F F F F - F o[UE,s JE" rl-Ic:) NFFF 95 , (l t aA ' hI lae 8Q o() EEE F !A q! @ () C. t N N A $ tf tl f lf ) @ U, o) l( l F- O) $ (o t- u) ol ct l l\ , F ol s - f c! rj ol \ ol oi .q q q q I lo qq A 9 tD E C) @ ol t9 N Gl A to A c{ o rr i ri tn o N C\ Ol Ol (A O Gl F !- (, , C{ F tO F (r ) !- (D (r , N rv i rD FF F F F F t t - F F F - F F F t - ! - F @ F o) = (7 ) r (D (O tO (7 ) - F @ C\ O) l' ' - lf ) (r l (r ) @ lO ol u? \ ol .q q - u? A q C A ai q q q .q u? q - ul lO (" , cO A LO O A l( ) $ !- O (, ) Ol $ IO O) tf ) lf ) S $ (( ) @ F. . (p lJ ) S f. - @ @ @ f- fr - @ (Q (Q F. . F- F- o o o o o o o o o oo o o o o o o oo o or c{ ot c\ t c{ c\ r c{ c{ or N c{ c{ ot c\ l c\ t c\ r c{ N c{ (\ or _N o rf ) to u) o o lo Lo lo o o tf ) o Lo ro lr ) lo tl ) lr ) lr ) u, O1 - O a . T F F !-oo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o z z z z z. z z z z z z z z. z z. z, z. z, z z z iB(l , E.YLa(l ,=EY(La-r l ol Li III =o(t ,E E $ *e e e E t s f , ? gE E EE E E E t E E . FE 93 , E E H ! tr E E E E E E E o- = EE E E ; E E E E E E e e e g I e a EE R . 5 5 5 5 H 5 5 t = i : s E i B oco.c€oEor-9Eo EH E o c = oo Y LtoTIE3.xL-(U=oo=Iroo!FItl -oci ;Q o, 1- L - -Ea , ( U tU : c O tl - tr ) (g f\ l\ (r ) @ @ A tF (r , r (t l - (O @ C{ lO Ol oi oi = to rr r co <r t o) oi o tL cr i <> F- cr i - r, oi ri - oi FN - C\ l N C\ l C r | r - C l I N C { $ l C \ O l F t- gTE ^aVRr "X r\ L - IE +- t ts fr 3 ll az)OUc $( o o ) o ) o ) o ) o ) r r @ o ) qq r j - o { o ) F - o l ol ri c . i d S o c o l - ( o F ! F ! - C\ C{ !- (, ) (O (' ) Cr l F! F F F ! ' Ft O 9 o ) O I F t O O ) O ) $ u) ( f ) F o @ c , ) o ) r - N F \ . 16 j . f F - r i r i t g l - cO @ f - N ( O ( r r @ ae e Q A a e A t s e t s e a Q t s Q A \- q q \ u ? c ! o q q o l tf ) O O N - t - f - C \ ( A oo o o o o o ) o o o ) !- F F - - F oo o o o o o o ( f o z. z z z z z z z z z ;r O O O O O O O O O O :: C\ r c! e{ N N c\ l N ro to lr ) ,i , ,, O l f ) t O t f ) O O t O O O O ' - !r - (O - ( O O ) $ O ) C ' ) - ( O ( O FO O ( ' ) ( 7 ) $ V ! t ( O O ) -O O O O ; O r - O ( o $l C{ (\ l Gl C{ Ol !F tO lf ) li f i!iII .loi-L. ! F- r i A: aio) i () ; .J 4 r l. ;c) l al I -iCl l i () i .t l a- lh. i -l *. i() l (l ) !Fi rn I 3. + l o in €i t1 r< A ! tr \. ! =i - d I : o o <i IIiiI .. i t- icr l r- l .. :' : tr : .- i z v -i f- l # 5r E= ' = ! d; 5 i 30 ;h ,h os lD E S H CE r ( D (s t u o N -E E e C. l E sE E E t = s : t E E: : E S S E i P S onb. on rt ,Ef-q)8. e s. E a- .g h q6Ei sH A 1. . !' o '= o :,JEO . =o ) eoe. 3 X€ OU , o= HO -g o ^t { c; i l tt (t ) &J4CBE'o ao tr c ) .= ( l ) cl cd -E 'q E2 (. ) G l I q, ) a€ -o = lt t .. - 't , '( , e' ) a ) (r ( ) OC ) lD q ) EE t) a ) C\ , (g tl ;: l G.2 , .r E a .-E- \ J La - l .- l- rd Jo r - ee E 2 .= .= [i EE * g e. r ;T E 5t E E: ; -\ J a J Bl ! tl ES € 6g . e /^ Y - t- a d, C) . rl J q . oa c ( l i$ E 2; *' IALC) .- b--6l-)o a* 8 a s 8 a Q * a s * 8 s 8 * a 8 * (O !F (E ) S o) t' - C{ O) @ C' ) C{ (o $ rt O) O O O ri to .r =- ri ro ri o ro - ri o ri <o i o o o @@ o ) A ] > l < r A A t ? T = A A g a 0 ? o O O - F o (c ) r. - cf , c! - o o (' ) (a \r !t = @ a' - ; ;{ ; ii J E 6 ; lj : ; zz z -( r l Ol (r l O l $ l G l $ l O l ( r l C \ { - O) F !- @ F- lf ) lf ) F $ (O O) O) o) o) O) (' ) @ O) q C - - A c! a q q q' . o - ry q \ N Gr o @ (\ t lr ) !r ) $ v l{ , to (\ l -t o @ r\ @ !F !F F Gr ot $ ot $ ot ol (, ) c\ t ot (, ) (, ) (? ) c{ -- F I F F F ! : - F - ! F ! F @ F O) O) @ lf (7 ) tf ) !F lf ) $ O) O{ !- lf ) o) O) tt q q oi q q q @ q u? a? - q q q q r\ F, \ O$ S O ) ( o @ F ( o \ f f - ( 7 ) ( Y ) ( o F l\ @ f. - (( ) f\ . f\ @ 0o l\ F- (O (Y ) () ae ae .= € A ae ae A * ae ac ae A ae ae ae A ae ae c! a? \ @- q q r n? q a q q a q q a q \ o r. , - C, !- $ (7 ) r\ N C\ l F (f ) (\ (o o c{ (7 ) $ $ O O O) F CD O) O O tt - O O O O) O O O O O) FF ! - F F ! - ! F - t t - F - O !- tO f' - O O F O O O l- O () @ O O O O (D C{ C\ F (, (r ) Ol (r , Cr l (7 ) C{ (' ) (r ) !- (' ) Ol Gl Ol @o o o o o o o o o o o ( ) C ) o o o o @ e{ c{ c! c\ c{ c{ N ol c{ c! c{ c{ c{ c{ lr ) lr , ro ro lr ) o ro o lJ ) ro ro rr ) ro ro to o o ro o o o I^ ( ) I I ) F - II F- gi c4 8 l =i \r / A. i O- =i ic e l F{ (t ) i l- 1 -! l i ?. r i ao i ,- - . I ) a. i aE i U8 i ai IIi:iii: oo o o o C f o o o o o o o o o o o o z. z z z z z z z z. z. z, z z z z z z z $ (O $ lI ) F @ (\ l (C , $ @ F !- @ (O 9 F- $l lf ) @ \r <r ) o) t\ !t $ oi c! \ u? o! - cl _ q a? cc i - d c. i @ @ - o N o o o oi o a( uD c. i t. . - F (\ l - (\ l F .r . (\ l (\ l C! (r l C{ F Ol tO $ I!tiiiIIiIIIii "q i* r 0. U r( D ; i \ Ig E E E E E E E g E rt g $ B $ s t l s t E g g l r u i $ (J-H l- r : a()() .t { lr0, ) ct ) t< G, ;() ; .--i[{ '. Sa-o: (uFi (r , : rl ! + ia ri €: F. q = - - I O o dl ii aaLi l- U ao a ?-FA - - z \J - il i +r 5 f- ! = '= i Ft X tr IIIIiIIIIIIIIlIIT ctienuProi"a' A lG if-SC Reri"*", fu, Vny(lnfufi?r9fr Work Order No.: A1 Laboratory: Olympus' Sample ldentification Numbers: I I ; i fi t I OLYMPUS TECHiIICAL SERVICES, INC. ANALYTICAL DATA VALIDATION FORM Cu: Date Sampled:l\-t-ol EPA Analytical Method: Data Gompleteness See attached analvtical report ;.f, Results received out of Are completeness results acceptable? (Y/N): Comments: )expected =lco a/o. Defiensibility Chain-of-Custody form present and signed? (Y/N): Samples stored and/or shipped cool? (Y/N): Preservative present in sample containers? (Y/N): Are defensibility parameters acceptable? (Y/N): Cornments: L l I I I I I I t I I t Holding Time Were samples extracted within acceptable holding times? (Y/N) Were samples analyzed within acceptable holding times? (Y/N) Are holding time parameters acceptable? MN): Page 1 Sanple Dde: Equipment and Trip Blank Analyses Appropriate number of equipment blanks submitted? (Y/N): Appropriate number of trip blanks submitted? (Y/N): Are results above method detection limits? MN): lf yes, provide concentrations detected and concentrations of ,n*" compounds in sample data if present: tr/ tl t I I T I t t T I T I I tl l, t I i I Method Blanks Are results above method detection limits? (Y/N): i16\ lf yes, provide concentrations detected and concentrations of those compounds in sample data if present: Surrogate Recoveries Are recoveries within acceptable percent recovery control limits? (Y/N) lf no, list results-outside of limits. Matrix Spike and Spike Duplicate Recoveries Are recoveries within acceptable percent recovery control limits? (Y/N) If no, list results outside of limits. Are duplicate RPDs within acceptable limits? (Y/N) If no, list results outside of limits: Page 2 woN"., A-J00 tr sanpte tD Numu"*, t l th Qtrf 6 tnl T I ; I i t I Sanple Dde:t\ - g- c\ Laboratory Duplicates Are RPDs for laboratory duplicates within acceptable ranges? (Y/N): lf no, list results outside of ranges. Field Duplicates Calculate and list RPDs for field duplicates./v\ Do the RPDs appear appropriate?N* QA/QC Discussion il I I I I l dMrt l-)3- 0) il I il I I IPage 3 I t ilm#gf-fi,i.";flr,*irters 2001 4oumpus Technicalsewices,lnc.r SOIL PROBE ASSESSMENT ANALYSES il I I i Uffi I nnUA7008 2l5tffi2 ENVIROPRO LABORATORI ES 2712 South 3600 West, Suite E Salt Lake City, UT 841 19 Phone: (801) 9e-2511 / FAX: (801) 964-2721 CLIENT : Ol]rmpus Environmenta I Address: 5 409 KendaII Street Boise, ID 83705 Date Received: 1 1-1 4-2001 Date Collected: 1 1-1 3-2001 Project: LSC Analysis Vo1atile Cmpds Lab Sample ID. 318 011A A}IALYTE ! , 7- Di chloroethane 1, 1-Dichloroethene cis - L, 2-Dichloroethene E rans - L, 2- Dichloroethene -letrachloroethyleneTrichloroethene -'l LnyI Chloride Analysis-7o1ati1e Cmpds Lab Samp1e fD. 318 013A E}IALYTE Ii T I I I I I I Il I l t I I I i I CONTACT: Mike Backe Received By: Tom Bosch Matrix: Water Job: A7008 Prep.Method DiI. 1 SWB46 5O3OA Customer Samp1e ID. s P- 25- 15W REPORTTNG LIMIT (rng / L) 0.003 0.003 0.003 0. 003 0.003 c,003 0.003 Prep.Mettrod D:-I. 1 SWB46 5030A S ?- 26-25vi REPORTTNG LTMIT (nrg / L) 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 Analysis Method SWg 45 82608 Date Analyzed 11-15 A!{OTINT (mg /t) ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Analysis Method SW846 B26OB FIags FIagrs Cugtomer Sample ID. Date Analyzed i, L-Dichloroethane 1 , 7- Di chloroethene ci s- 1, 2-Dichloroethene t rans- 1, 2-Dichloroethene Tetrachloroethylene Trichloroethene Viny1 Chloride ,''1 Lab Director Date 11-16 AMOT'NT (mg /L) ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 1 (-?-i -o I ENVIROPRO LABORATORI ES 2712 South 3600 West, Suite E Salt Lake City, UT 841 19 Phone: (801) 964-2s11 / FAX: (801) 964-2721 CLIENT : Olympus Environmental Address: 5 409 Kendall Street Boise, ID 83706 Date Received: 11-1 4-2001 Date Collected: 11-1 3-2001 Project: LSC Analysis Volatile Cmpds Lab Sample ID. 318 015A A}IAIYTE I , 1 -Dichloroethane L,1-Dichloroethene cis- 1, z-Dichloroethene t rans - 7 , 2-Dichloroethene .. Tet rachl oro et hy1 ene Tri- chloroethene Vinyl Chloride Ana].vsis Vo1atile Cmpds Lab Sample ID, 318017A A}IALYTE CONTACT: Mike Backe Received By: Tom Bosch Matrix: Water ilob: A7008 t I l I i i I I t I I I IL , 1-Dichloroethane I , 1-Dichloroethene cis- 1, Z-Dichloroethene t rans - l, 2- Dichloroethene Tet rachloroethylene Trichloroethene Vinyl Chloride Prep.Method, Dit. 1 SWB46 5030A Customer Sample ID. sP-26-35w REPORTING LIMTT (ms /t) 0. 003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 Prep.Mettrod Dil. 1 sw846 5030A Customer Samp1e ID. sP-26-45W REPORTING LIMIT (mg /L) 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0,003 0.003 0.003 Ana]'ysis Method SWB 46 82608 Date Analyzed 11-15 AIr{Ot NT (mg /t) ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Ana].ysis Method SWB46 8250B Date Analyzed 11-16 AMOT'NT (mg / 1) ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Flags FIag:s Lab Director r'i l; -i:ii-=.{i Date \ \-Z r __o, t I I I Rudy Labban ENVIROPRO LABORATORIES 2712 South 3600 West, Suite E Salt Lake City, UT 841 19 Phone: (801) 964-2511 / FAX: (801) 964-2721 CLIENT : Olympus Environmental Address:5 409 Kendall Street Boise, ID 83706 Date Received: 11-1 4-2001 Date Collected: 1 1-1 3-2001 Project: LSC Analysis Vo1atile Cmpds Lab Sample ID. 318 0 01A A}IALYTE L,1-Dichloroethane L,1-Dichloroethene ci s - 7, 2-Dichloroethene trans-1, Z-Dichloroethene -T et rachl oroethyl ene Trichloroethene Viny1 Chloride Ana1ysis Volat il-e Cmpds Lab Sample ID. 318002A A}IALYTE t t T I I ili I I I I I I CONTACT: Mike Backe Received By: Tom Bosch Matrix: Water ilob: A7008 l, L-Dichloroethane 7 ,1-Dichloroethene ci s- l, 2-Dichloroethene t rans- L, 2- )ichloroethene Tet rachloroethylene Trichloroethene Vinyl Chloride Prep.Mettrod Di1. 1 SV{846 5030A Customer Sample ID. sP-21-15W REPORTING LIMIT (ms /L) 0.003 0.003 0.003 0. 003 0.003 0.003 0.003 Prep.Mettrod Dii. 1 sr'[?46 5030A Customer Sample ID. s P- 21 -25W REPORTTNG LIMTT (mg / L) 0.003 0.003 0. 003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 Analysis Method F1ags SWB 46 82608 Date Analyzed 11-15 AMOT'NT (mg /L) ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Analysis Method Flagrs SWB46 B26OB Date Analllzed 11- 15 AMOUNT (mg /L) ND ND ND ND ND ND ND I I T I Lab Director Date _ it-z-L*o I Rudy Labban ENVIROPRO LABORATORIES 2712 South 3600 West, Suite E Salt Lake City, UT 841 19 Phone: (801) 964-2511 / FAX: (801) 964-2721 CLIENT : Olympus Environmental Address: 5 409 Kendall Street Boise, ID 83706 Date Received: 11-L4-2007 Date Collected: 1 1-1 3-2001 Project: LSC Analysis Vo1atile Cmpds Lab SamP.le ID. 318003A A}IALYTE L ,7-Dichloroethane i , l-Dichloroethene ci s - l, 2-Dichloroethene t rans - L, 2-Dichloroethene -TetrachloroethyleneTrichloroethene Vinyl Chloride Ana].ysis r/o1at i Ie Cmpds Lab Samp1e ID. 318004A E}IALYTE i, L-Dichloroethane i, 1-Dichloroethene cis - I, 2-Dichloroethene t rans - L, 2-Dichloroethene Tet rachloroethylene Trichloroethene Vinyl Chloride CONTACT: Mike Backe Received By: Tom Bosch t'Iatrix: Water Job: A7008 t I l I T I I ,l I I I I Prep.Method DiT. 1 SWB45 5O3OA Customer Samp1e ID. sP-21-35W REPORTING LTMIT (mg / L) 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 Prep.Method DiI. 1 SW846 5030A Customer Sample ID. sP-21-45W REPORTING LIMIT (ms / L) 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 Analysis Mettrod Flaqs SWB 46 B25AB Date Analyzed 11-15 AMOUNT (mg /L) ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Analysis Method F1acrs SWB 46 826A8 11-15 AIr{OUNT (mg / L) ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Lab Director Date i( ^Q.l .q= I I I I I i ,T I Rudy Labban ENVIROPRO LABORATORIES 2712 South 3600 West, Suite E Salt Lake City, UT 841 19 Phone: (801) 964-2511 / FAX: (801) 964-2721 CLIENT : Olympus Environmental Address:5 409 Kendall Street Boise, ID 83706 Date Received: 11-1 4-2001 Date Collected: 11-1 4-2001 Project: LSC Ana1ysis Volatile Cmpds Lab Samp1e ID. 318005A A}IALYTE i,1-Dichloroethane L,1-Dichloroethene ci s - l, 2- Dichloroethene irans-1, 2-Dichloroethene - Tetrachloroethylene Tri chI oroethene Vinyl Chloride Ana]-ysis Volat i Ie Cmpds Lab Sample ID. 3iB006A A}IALYTE I ; I I I I I t I ; I I I 0 I I I I T CONTACT: Mike Backe Received By: Tom Bcsch Matrix: Water Job: A7008 L,1-Dichloroethane L,1-Dichloroethene cis- 1, 2-Dichloroethene trans-1, Z-Dichloroethene Tet rachloroethylene Trichloroethene Vinyl Chloride Prep.Method DiI . 1 SWB46 5030A Customer Samp].e ID. SP-28_15W REPORTING LIMIT (ms / L) 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0,003 Prep.Method Dii. 1 sw946 5030A Customer Samp1e ID. sP-28-30W REPORTTNG LTMIT (ms / L) 0.003 0. 003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 Analysis Method st/{B 4 6 82608 Date Analyzed 11-15 A}TOT'NT (ms /L) ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Ana].ysis Method SWB46 8250B Date Analyzed 11-15 AMOT'NT (mg /L) ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Flagrs FIags Date_ [l z-l ^.o I - ENVI ROPRO LABORATORI ES 2712 South 3600 West, Suite E Salt Lake City, UT 841 19 Phone: (801) 964-2511 / FAX: (801) 964-2721 CLIENT : Olympus Environmental Address: 5 409 Kendall Street Boise, ID 83706 Date Received: 11-1 4-2001 Date Collected: 11-74-200l- Project: LSC Analysis Volatile Cmpds Lab Sample ID. 318001A A}IAIYTE i,1-Dichloroethane i,1-Dichloroethene ci s - 1, 2-Dichloroet,hene z rans-1, 2-Dichloroethene -!etrachloroethyleneTrichloroethene Vinyl Chloride Ana].ysis Volatile Cmpds Lab Sample ID. 3lBOOBA E}IALYTE CONTACT: Mike Backe Received By: Tom Bosch Matrix: Water ilob: A7008 I t I I I L,1-Dichloroethane !,1-Dichloroethene ci s - L, 2- Dichloroethene Erans- 1, Z-Dichloroethene Tet rachl o roethylene Trichloroethene Vinyl Chloride Prep.Mettrod DiI. 1 SWB45 5030A Customer Sample fD. sP-28-35W REPORTTNG LIMIT (ms /L) 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0. 003 Prep.Method DiI. 1 SW346 5030A Customer Sample ID. sP-28-45W REPORTING LTMIT (mg / L) 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 Analysis Method sv{846 8250B Date Analyzed 11-15 A},IOT'NT (mg /L) ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Analysis Method SWB 46 82608 Date Analyzed 11-15 AD{OT'NT (ms /L) ND ND ND ND ND ND ND f-=== I I I fr=== 3 T I t I l I l I t t ?.*^ t-\aa^^\Lab Director Date ((- Li^o I I I ENvrRoPRoht#P.:[?toRrEs Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 964-2511 / FAX: (8O1') 964-2721 t cLTENt:olympus Environmental coNTAcT: Mike Backe - Address:5409 Kendall Street I Boise, ID 83706] Date Received: 11-14-200L Received By: Tom Bosch Date Collected: Lt-14-200L Matrix: Water t Project: LSC ilob: A7008 Analvsis Prep.Method Arralvsis Method FlagsI v"Im cmpds Dir. 1 sw846 5030A swa4 6 gz6ol l! Customer Samp],e ID. Date Analyzedh ffi sP-11140r--DW 11-16; AlrAr,YEE REPoRTTNG LrMrf AMouNT ') (-rl1) (*g/1 ) ia 1, 1-DichLoroethane 0. 003 ND I 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.003 ND! cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.003 ND .r trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.003 ND I -Tetrachloroethylene 0.003 NDtt Trichloroethene 0. 003 ND - Vinvl Chloride 0.003 NDI Date [t- Li _ o I abban ri;sri '-: :' '- : ..;: ,^ it :' ::'- n i '- -\.^ r.. !^ !.i. 1. .. -1. -: : L. ""' ;a\-f.) :'\'? .'.'. :',,r'.Ll..; \':.; :. :. '.'.!. ..1:::... l\'l' * ' .\ 't i: - ,>.'.: -" ':);i *:: .; !..- ^.i- -:- l.i.:. ::: Rudy L ]l:: *l: e l.'-'.':.:- .i.'.'e .:i.(: :j i.: i: t :. t: ''.)::--.: (i i .")i) i. +" 1 i:.t ''.:| s.> .1 j"' ti ,1) "! r5,'! i'' : i: .l: *::r*ii 1.. ,:'.f f'.::' z'r I :1. )t:1.:":':',,'* lt t..' i".,i t t l T I 1 n t I I'ro tortI Il , tNA€ot .Y x 'oILtIIct6tN+(0o!tYogo-- -o . tFo?oT' l-=oCD tr--=!oo.G,=ogoJo.f - oo=ta !Foolo Ia0FG) aAoC'Gl Y,x6IL(ooot. , i (oFG' .^ooG. Yotro.EA(0oF6, ,oeo-g0o--E!,?-oY' oC't G' cr tGI?at Ds.- (oC'gxaILFooGDIGr )t.+GOotYoco-5o. tFoa04F=IEE ._ t D -- - o-5ioo= _j.otoe0F oUJ t-ouJ=oIUEo]UoJ= aFzlu J=6o \{ / l+ n / J nr I 1# rl :6 dr 4utEI flFI flol -ta, \r l ztolHExtol IL Iadol4tHru lddolHflold3 JI TDoloEo- v x x x Er 9 ru l =l oIl- l rr t z 3l i* uJ l BI Aq 5t E EI P 9l ;f z g[ , , ' t 9 pl I FIzlEIE>l@l ol rx l >t ul lol uJ l GI VIHtt , Iu=tslud obEot6l-IE=z IIIIIIIr i 1. , lo tL - toIElolclr - l= l€loIt r Y x x >< Iv,/\$s raL.: tai6l-o53oUI c,FGoo-ulG, :E l 1 YI v gl i 8l ( -{ d ar \Gt\ :* lGI lu l . PI L gl i 9l s :rHI ^ >lololFIal f, lol z lf r ' o IE3E '0 oq(-N tY l \JFr) \d;a€ i. . ' tqIe tP") feU. q\4 Uas ,. . - , \ JqYF' ) o.goSo-I taaE l =u $ , , JO l u co c o - nt s t r !. ' - tI ru l >EE, II Jv)uJ tr ,o- +r ra -. i .. ? :aI, I -J > ! : * tr . ;T :i " . i 4l' r , I EI llHzlol -tal vl tl l . tl 1 - =i = g| $ )l o f- l F ol = s: l E EI E '= l o =i o El s ' or l t 3l E t- l O' F. i sr -l rp >i = ff , ff i oG,ooulG, cIoFo3(, ILo=t--!o bf f i E, Z H3 =i - 30 '' <) -- l rl -. t nl -t Fl - J E,ulZ' - r r Eg z. l- oo ,t l \:,- ts*- ]Jq+ -I\}-& r{ Jv* I\)J. . t' t l \i* ?s* o{ -- - . G' d' ! gs 5u r d. .SE .l ( U az gHx-. t rzt ' <l I[. F l-t-[]F\ h llIJi1 S h: ls \, fr . lr \ F' : ir It EtaN\ f'B}Fi I a0!,E ll xG3 rl \, t JJ--, EiJr S-C -b t- 0\, cF -r-a r \- 'iV c+ Ht u tr l *, a\ tu l =I -IFI ul l=l6l J uf l \/ r fl - l \ zl Aol vHJ JS fi L =l c EI Cl rl ll j l .- t| r UJ=F -t, \D-r \oa^-=r . \, .l t r aa \>'- t \)F,- 5-,. /- r^ t" ' -t \^>, )o ,. i oTU. 9- u{ \- E{\- ru l EI t^r{l\ E -InI\- aaf-I Yfl ^_rI-- \- \) lAil I \Dii ii r r9f\-= \r .IG^\i.- \sf{-,-, \D oaF-- fizt -lEI rL l il l r ol d tu l ,5 . , H* EI L ]- lz-IEI o- l \- aelol ur l -lU, I flolzl -IJI ru lGI EJl rb i$l ul l ZI 5k (L O =t r $,IUo H\\c. ,d- \. / ) tI \to- \n vl t^Gl \i^lI A\- . \n tt\ tiac- !n v\ f^nlIc- vr J t-tf i IbTA-n .\ i t^((\ J Ic. - \n Jt^ !r . I \,NIC-6 Ef i fi I' tl o |octIr) tN(Do!t Yx6lrEloC'6tN.- il ,otYotro?-e, t-oFCD loF=oEDE-El . , l4 i l ctzotroJoboo=Et (Footo t roFG) ,^ | c,C'Gl-xoIL(o .o or)I (o :FG) . .4 ,o0Ni, otro.co. \ rooFG' 00e-o.EtB-E!,trovoot GI .' ,N?G'$aA l@o!i-xoILT\ooC'a (r ,$.- . root?-otro.Eo. !For0orr )F=dtr (D-o-io.E-ootf ,@F oruFoul=olutr ,olt toJz CI 'FzUJ==oo t ,. & 4ul l tr l ll3lol0l zl ci l dFl=tEIol Ir . lA_IolA>t dur l () l uxEIdol l- l flolOIs AlbiloEo- Hf i ur l =l -lFI 'J D ru l a Bl a= ru l EI cr J fi l s al to fi l f il ,o El tr +t r z_ l rlUil lel J, t l >trlol rl l rl stHGI t - ut l -. tJIo| i ur l EI \r l3t lHAuT=l -lol (, obEobrIE:,z ilIIItIIIIto l-io it -ro iElols lr - l. = ioI' IIIII x * )< >/ x. { x Y J\\Jc /\ n \, \, - ae:-l-L6Fo5:)ou,EFEoo- ruE H| i er E :* lod . HI J \ ;l P ft :t H -r l fi Ial>lololFIal ]Iol z ut O IE3E 0{ t l/ .:0099C cj l NJ0oEo, ) nCcqa ^D \${>BEr" r j $n ,iVroooo$r ) hn '. i I \$ a09q Nl f-n\,oep-q r\ a<- \9 00as fr ul i\C0o \oE t* q? E Eq E =, 4 f r . -_ - J J O UJ to r0 . t I tr u I n ar I ll tt-sElr Jar, uEL t, t I I fl " (,sIooC' .EoaI tE .gtraa -CJoFo--IE-=o2at l-=+6 rl c ,l o ll -t0 ' ll - ,l o ,I F {={; lf -{> ll o )l - tl o ,l O ll - _ , rl o to ll . -lo 'l t o ,l o 'l F li = arl 6 ,l t r! E t= ;i ol oGo(,utEool-o3oILoz--o bHE, Z gE ig J J -, N CJ J J J J G, u,=u t r9Zl - oC) h> s \, \i+ -.s5 \)* { \-* -,?-\) t' - t t' t )?) .o\)+ -,?? $t> rE > rl, \) . !' : , ,t I $ A\d\. t di OI F H- fl t l ol d<9 JE 41HIztd -. 3 rl = :b !\tt - \ . *. - ,{ 1- -\ ,s\ i. tsSs : ]$i dgE1 TI 'l :qI tE fi q - b xtr , t-E 's J *. $J \r-, cta -- GJ+ sC+-- \,rf s-J\r , -\)iJ -l- - o^J \. - tu t U =t b :- l r l- l -t fi r uI=-lFI J.nJ\YH< t ut -l-- [ol ,F ) il OI rudtr I o- l Js; HC T olEIO- l . vlal (- Hl c H lu=-F lr .$a l- r ' LAI a \r . \, \, ns$ oseas rr \ .\ L $; \^^, a,r r\ (' \ a a tF - g\t a rt\) -D Jrt r \ ){\ e Ht + E{ lu l EI lUko b\) IFI\- \b $6t\. \D sInt, t-\r . \r .rS IF-,-\- \Lo*tI-- lr r$s\.,' t\- \r$Lst-- 5i\i ,-\- t9\\-, \, Q} b- e-lEI 0- l va>l s ol J dt Y Hl s il s El < zEo.ooUJLa3oz-JUJ t zI 5k o- ( ) - - =l L6E UJo )trbI,\ t. ) * Jt\rr l a f\r\ .l+.. f )t^ t^ Ir\dIG- t^ -, ) sI/\ r- l tq- vl -*fA:3d\f r <; ' . ) of\ n Isf{d. rn ., l. r f. A t*aJ* cL-tF,te- l\ n {{{tq IItItItItIIttIIItf, , . It' OLYilIPUS TECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. ANALYTICAL DATA VALIDATION FORM ctienuProjea: A\G I LSC R"u."*", Wbrkh Frrll<tm,'1 work order ruo.: A10tX Laboratory, 4.nt,twP"o Olympus'sample ldentification Numbers: SP- Ak -iStal ) ASttJ ) 3Stt/) t{9 ttl ; 9-21-\5lJ. 2StnJ, 3Stur. qS\"J I SP- ag- lsh/, 3Ay.) , V7AJ.t+Sh) '. 1? ltt'tot-- Dt^J I I IDate Sampled: I l- [a -0 | t, lt- tt-{ -p I EPA Analytical Method: Data Gompleteness See attached analvtical report I i Results received out of t3 expected= ICO o1o. I !l I I Are completeness results acceptable? (Y/N): Comments: Defnsibility Chain-of-Custody form present and signed? (Y/N): Samples stored and/or shipped cool? (Y/N): Preservative present in sample containers? (Y/N): Are defensibility parameters acceptable? (Y/N): Comments: i%1-4 IJ NA nc i,lk) Holding Time Were samples extracted within acceptable holding times? (Y/N) Were samples analyzed within acceptable holding times? (Y/N) Are holding time parameters acceptable? (Y/N): AAE ,P T I T T l I I w Comments: Page 1 Vin,*l\) A fb Mt/^'' wo ""., fr100t sanpre rD Nurnbers , SOi I ?fl be, sarpr" Dde, ll-. [3'01frU-IL|-C Equipment and Trip Blank Analyses Appropriate number of equipment blanks submitted? (Y/N): Appropriate number of trip blanks submitted? (YlN): Are results above method detection limits? (Y/N): lf yes, provide concentrations detected and concentrations of those compounds in sample data if present: x) n N+ A,,/+ I t I I I I I I T I I I I I I I t t I tlethod Blanks Are results above method detection limits? (Y/N): MA lf yes, provide concentrations detected and concentrations of those compounds in sample data if present. Surrogab Recoveries Are recoveries within acceptable percent recovery control limits? (Y/N) lf no, list results_outside of limits.nl+ ,'J4 ilatrix Spike and Spike Duplicate Recoveries Are recoveries within acceptable percent recovery control limits? (Y/N) lf no, Iist results outside of limits. Arc duplicate RPDs within acceptable limits? (Y/N) lf no, list results outside of limits: Page 2 NN wo *"., A1 DoK srnprerDNumn", St)i I fubl- Sanple Dde:l[- t3 -ol tl l{'tLl-ol Laboratory Duplicates Are RPDs for laboratory duplicates within acceptable ranges? (Y/N):NN lf no, Iist results outside of ranges. I I I Field Duplicates Calculate and list RPDs for field duplicates.t'Lft Do the RPDs appear appropriate?lt) a QA/QC Discussion Page 3 Status Report 3"r - Ch Quarters 2001 4Otyrpr- t*t rl*l S. Laundry Supply Company HRC PERFORMANCE MONITORING ANALYSES I l lo srrn," * Ctient Samote tD )010816741 i M A-F lrosr 6l-02 tvrws A-FI oarur.i - r,r\,vss A-F )01081 6744 lvlvV3 A-F f ou,67-0s r'rw2 A-F MICROSEEPS,:;!:3 ;:;;::::::::::;:;:;:;::: :: ; ; ; ; ; :; ;;:; ; ; :::'._'.;oo:ooa a o a a a o o o a o a a t o o a a a o a o o a o t o o a a a o a a a a o a t o i o.^ a_t-o . o a ?. a a a a o . .. . . . . a . . i o i i i o i o o . . . o o . . o . i i o 1 o^! ? o ! ?!o oo?ooo oo. o.oo o oaaa ii o i o o o.. o. o o..ii o o^ Ooo.ooooao..ooo.ooooiooiiiioioooooooeoiii- - o I I t l I Client Name: Olympus Technical Services Contact: Mike Backe Address: 5409 Kendall Boise, ID 83706 Page: Order #: Report Date: Client Proj Name: Client Proj #: Page 1 of 6 P01 081 67 08i2AA1 LSC A7008 Sample ldentification 1 t I l I I t I 22OWilliam PittWay, Pittsburgh, PA 15238 o Phone 14121826-5245,Fax (412) 826-3433 F" l I b-loE ot o (\ l l t L' I Y 5.F p r - *B s ;, , ,* , ' l rt r () dr r ru l X. ol \, 5l x Yl il El . et E ll Dc fi l a ?l 3 6l r Bl I flol i*A ., i at 3 1A f r . -- - J JO t u (D o : E tr t r t r bf f i tzH= =i 2B C' . . -i l - Li = -' . L l- ;r (U Ei E (, r # ll l - )l o r- i r (I , l = cD l , IL -l ; tu l o cr i .L '= i i rL l .E I B Fl o u) i . . al l- rJ l - aL i tt l O HP >i = L rs ?t A -t , -- E+ 7O - .>b)6, ' * :- t .L - - 3- s rr . f OY Fl - ' i{ d ouE't tr tUZw g, * z' i - oo ;I T es Gl a) (L I I( . T vl tl - q- s El 7 4 ': . . a - vi l ?L-av\ }.\, -) 4 fr , €Lt-- .. ) ) tr 'a zo 5k o. O =t r 6,UJe IIilIIIItIIItIu,lI o, I .? ol (\ r "l e ro I G, , Nl tt fq r l t sl Bl E =t Et : El lt - *l e_ 1 , q gI EI E EI EI fi ol sl - ll - I - Jl - I - -l ol E 0l E' I O El il fi -I O, I Y tl ol rt ro l tr l (o ti l lo l l\ Cr ,FzUJ= \, - = "' " O "1 () \ \\ 1v * i. a 7 f u E - / ou * i . Z6,' b t vn3oFo5faIUEl-toTLulE *l c. #l r ol 'b i ' >l Le Ol r- r ol \, hl ': - , - =l n Ol 'i r , ? i*AE ? =u g JO t r ' t tr l g I : E NE t r t€Y t. F .. ,\ .- lr b it .- - lC d *: ' L\rI . v' , d1 -t i F tl i . lt i t - L! = -i e:- gf rr l - )l o )l o f- l f- (1 , i = rl > tl t l o 'E l 3 -r 9 l ' 6 Fl o bf f i tr . 2 H3 =i Jr ^ r -\ J1o trt!Zw s, 9 Z, l - . o' o t- t ' a;3rn '. . . f ' l - *K - *o\\) 'e=Hz PH n{ '- I * {t (j=EN$ o0E {cfrl j-rc-s zI 5k o. o =t r6'UIe tss3<\- / I I I Page: Order #: Report Date: Client Proj Name: Client Proj #: Page 2 of 6 P01 081 67 08128t01 LSC A7008 Olympus Technical ServicesClient Name: Olympus TechnicI ^'.?3:; ffi?:*:,, Boise, lD 83706 Lab Sample #: P0108167-01 Matrix Water Sampled Date/Time 08 Aug. 01 9:45 Received 10 Aug. 01 nalyte(s) Chloride *;:::''ron Nitrite ffi:lJ*"- Metals G;issorved Manganese-dissolved Ithers *n';reorsanic carbon 130 < 1.0 < 0.10 < 0.10 0.45 91 < 0.050 0.014 16 < 1.0 < 1.0 6.3 MA 2000 <25 2.6 17 1.0 < 1.0 < 10 1.0 1.0 0.1 0 0.1 0 0.1 0 1.0 0.050 0.010 5.0 1.0 1.0 0.60 5.0 5.0 25 0.015 0.40 0.15 1.0 10 mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L ng/L ng/L mg/L ug/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L 9056 Mod.-7199 9056 601 0B 9060 AM21G AM2OGAX AM18 AM21G AM2OGAX AM21G ffi ilcetic Actcl Butyric acid kff:dioxide Ethene f":nff'o Nitrogen ffiil,"acidPyruvic acid t I I I I Page: Order #: Report Date: Client Proj Name: Client Proj #: Page 6 of 6 P01 081 67 08128101 LSC A7008 I t I Client Name: Olympus Technical Services Contact Mike Backe Address: 5409 Kendall Boise, lD 83706 Lab Sample #: P0108167-05 I ISample Description MW2 A.F Matrix Water Sampled Date/Time Received 09 Aug. 01 10:30 10 Aug. 01 Analyte(s)PQL Method # WetChem Water Chloride Ferrous lron Nitrate Nitrite Phosphate Sulfate Metals Water lron-dissolved Manganese-dissolved Others Water SolubleOrganic Carbon RiskAnalysis Water Acetic Acid Butyric acid Carbon dioxide Ethane Ethene Lactic Acid Methane Nitrogen Oxygen Propionic acid Pyruvic acid 450 22 4.22 9.2 0.54 93 4.1 12 360 120 90 160 53 420 <25 8000 9.2 0.40 200 <10 5.0 1.0 0.1 0 0.1 0 0.1 0 5.0 0.050 0.050 5.0 1.0 1.0 0.60 5.0 5.0 25 0.015 0.40 0.15 1.0 10 mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L ng/L ng/L mg/L ug/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L 9056 Mod.-71ee I9056 a, T 60108 t I 9060 AM21G ! ^l'^:if, I ^ilyilil I AM21c I I t I I I I I Page: Order #: Report Date: Client Proj Name: Client Proj #: Page 5 of 6 P01 081 67 08t281a1 LSC A7008 Client Name: Contact: Address: Olympus Technical Services Mike Backe 5409 Kendall Boise, lD 83706 Lab Sample #: P01081 67-A4l Sampled Dateffime 09 Aug. 01 9:00 Received 10 Aug. 01 mol nalyte(s) tillF'" Nitrite [x;:lJ*"- Metals ffinllissorved Manganese-dissolved ithers *mteorsanic carbonffi Butyric acid lrf:dioxide Ethene f",nff'o Nitrogen 630 5.5 < 0.10 < 0.10 0.73 2.8 0.058 0.17 920 26 12 360 410 4600 <25 6000 7.1 0.34 44 < 10 5.0 1.0 0.1 0 0.1 0 0.10 1.0 0.050 0.010 5.0 1.0 1.0 0.60 5.0 5.0 25 0.015 0.40 0.15 1.0 10 mglL mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L ng/L ng/L mg/L ug/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L 9056 Mod._7199 9056 601 0B 9060 AM21G AM2OGAX AM18 AM21G AM2OGAX AM21Gffiil,"acid-Pyruvic acid t t I I Page: Order #: Report Date: Client Proj Name: Client Proj #: Page 3 of 6 P01 081 67 a8l28la1 LSC A7008 I I I I Client Name: Olympus Technical Services Contact Mike Backe Address: 5409 Kendall Boise, lD 83706 Lab Sample #: P01081 67-02 Sampled Date/Time Received 08 Aug. 01 13:40 10 Aug. 01 I ISample Description MWs A-F Matrix Water Analyte(s) WetGhem Water Chloride Ferrous lron Nitrate Nitrite Phosphate Sulfate Metals Water lron-dissolved Manganese-dissolved Others Water SolubleOrganic Carbon RiskAnalysis Water Acetic Acid Butyric acid Carbon dioxide Ethane Ethene Lactic Acid Methane Nitrogen Oxygen Propionic acid Pyruvic acid PQL Method # 9056 Mod._7199 9056 9060 AM21G AM2OGAX AM18 AM21G AM2OGAX AM21G 60108 t 790 < 1.0 < 0.10 < 0.10 2.6 470 < 0.050 0.038 29 < 1.0 < 1.0 9.5 26 150 <25 82 21 4.4 < 1.0 < 10 10 1.0 0.1 0 0.1 0 0.1 0 10 0.050 0.010 5.0 1.0 1.0 0.60 5.0 5.0 25 0.015 0.40 0.15 1.0 10 mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L ng/L ng/L mg/L ug/L rng/L mg/L mg/L rng/L I T I I I t I I I I I I I I T Page: Order #: Report Date: Client Proj Name: Client Proj #: Page 4 of 6 P01 081 67 08128101 LSC A7008 Client Name: Olympus Technical Services I Contact Mike Backer Address: ffi,ort:'tr.3[rou Matrix Water Lab Sample #: P0108167-03 Sampled Date/Time Received 08 Aug. 01 16:10 10 Aug. 01 alyte(s) jhloride ffi:::''ron Nitrite ll;:lJ*"- Metals J*issorved Manganesedissolved Others morganiccarbonffi Butyric acid lrr:dioxide Ethene c:nff'o Nitrogen 5200 <1.0 < 0.10 < 0.10 1.1 3000 < 0.050 0.40 50 1.0 0.10 0.10 0.10 50 0.050 0,010 1.0 1.0 0.60 5.0 5.0 25 0.015 0.40 0,15 1.0 10 mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L 9056 Mod._7199 90s6 601 0B AM21G AM2OGAX AM18 AM21G AM2OGAX AM21Gffiil'"acidPyruvic acid I < 1.0 < 1.0 17 240 1 500 <25 3.4 18 0.62 < 1.0 < 10 mg/L mg/L mg/L ng/L ng/L mg/L ug/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L t I I OLYi'PUS TECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. ANALYTICAL DATA VALIDATION FORM ClienuProj".t' AIG / lSL Reviewe r De Wraln Ft'tlke rsorl Work order r.ro.: A-?0OB Laboratory lUl i C izs.ePS Olympus'sample ldentification Numb"or M l,Ul U A -l,lu,) a A- F tvlila... A- F ) \AL,O qS A -F N0+( ; MtilL A-F ;s c\cl14etl" NtNqLn- F Datesampreo: (-E'-0t fo 8-1-c,tl EPA Analytical Method: Data Completeness See attached analvtical report I I I ! T I Results received out of Are completeness results acceptable? (Y/N): Comments: t expected =ioo o/o. Defensibility Chain-of-Custody form present and signed? (YlN): Samples stored and/or shipped cool? (Y/N): Preservative present in sample containers? (Y/N): Are defensibility parameters acceptable? (Y/N): Comments: L}lI LW I I t t I t I T I I I I I C cn So'1U- t . Holding Time Were samples extracted within acceptable holding times? (YlN) Were samples analyzed within acceptable holding times? (Y/N) Are holding time parameters acceptable? (Y/N): /"-A Comments: cffrUlOSeept oaltq 'pyra<S AllR gctnuPzze(, dlf rzcei/ecl, + I"'A NA Page 1 I I I Equipment and Trip Blank Analyses I Appropriate number of Appropriate number of I Are results above meth lf yes, provide concentrati woNo.: AIOAtr sanprerDNumw", Zfd Otr 6N sampr, o*", R'K-O I tO f -'l-O I equipment blanks submitted? (Y/N), NA trip blanks submitted? MN): od detection limits? (Y/N): ions detected and concentrations of those compounds in NJA VA I sample data if present: od detection limits? (Y/N), NA - n 0 e^Q-' ratiions detected and concentrations of those compounds in meth tcentl sent: )ve co1 pr€ 0n t'91 rks bol ec ifo Me Are lfv-- sar lar ia yid rta BI rlts rov dal )vt ati }SUI ,pr lec Irod resr s,p ple n rt Jt ri Meth Are n lf yes-- SAME t I I I I Surrogate Recoveries r ;:"::::;J::::::: percent recovery control limits? (Y/N) .f-JA I irlatrb( Spike and Spike Duplicate Recoveries I Are recoveries within acceptable percent recovery control limits? (Y/N)NIA If no, Iist results outside of limits.I t I I I Are duplicate RPDs within acceptable timits? fVlU fr.JA lf no, Iist results outside of limits: Page 2 sanpre rr.l#, sanrpreoae' Y-8-Ol+o t-1 -O\{ ! T t tj ; : I: T Laboratory Duplicates Are RPDs for laboratory duplicates within acceptable ranges? (Y/N):AIA lf no, Iist results outside of ranges. Field Duplicates Calculate and list RPDs for field duplicates.IJA I Do the RPDs appear appropriate?NK I I QA/QC Discussion ,VA I I Il-,9L| -04 I T t l I Page 3 SEE::;;;;:;:::;: oaaaaaootoaao 3333:333333::ooooaaooooo'! MtcRot aaa aaa!aOaar aa aaaaO aaa3: 33333::3333: ::::33S3oooaaaooooo oaaa oaoaaa oaoooooooooo ooaoooaoooo I I I I I I t PS,j;!:3 iiiiiiii.:t.:'aoo.a...L--o Client Name: Olympus Technical Services Contact: Mike Backe Address: 5409 Kendall Boise, !D 83706 Page: Order #: Report Date: Client Proj Name: Client Proj #: Page 1 of 8 P0111133 11t23t01 LSC 47008 l srror" *client samole lD ,011113341 Hrwgi r 1113342 lrvvgd ill;;ffi; -Hr '0111133{5 lvfw2 lr 113s-o6 ,vrw3 I r 1133{7 urwl Sample ldentification T I I t t I I I I . Hrph 22O William Pitt Way, Pittsburgh, PA 1 5238 o Phone W12l 826-5245, Fax {.4121 826-3433 II. '. r + TttItTIIIIIltIIII 3)J= I)lr , to !1 , I rotNa^t0o!tYxoILEIt ) NDt la ) ItNrArootYotroEo.-o(F(DloF=oED tr ..-= ,o NctzotroJoLoo=Et Foolo I (oFGi ) ar - .€oNYx.E ILa0oolt , I .oFC, ' .A€oNY0,Eo-5o. (0oF(! l ,eeo-3oo-EE'goYooE (\ ' Ci ,N?., ) ttcootYx.o ]Lt\€eCi D I 6D$.- ) root-,otro--o- IFo(o(Dro?=dtroo .F-:bog-o(J l( ,c0F oulFoUJ foIUGoruoJz-J U'FzUJ==oo ,? \* - ) "/ t l q1 .= ( aJ il \- fl < t?1; ? . 45 ^a lr l l tr l=l !lol0l zt ON -lFI<tEttol lL l zt -lol zt -tilutolulddolHfloldj Ln ; bioE(L * uJ l =I -lFI ul l=l l- l + * * ru u S 3t 4 lr l I EI t' + "a af zl 'd El '- a ' / gl ) BI ; ol s' tr j l a )l '' = < ' tu l *t OI C J ur l rt l FIzlEIel>l di lol ru l >t ur l ol lU l rr l I\, :sF rF V\ ._ , cg \- '.e.- , \$a,r(\tY-' - ': ' \, jt t a, H .3 - fr l \^ =i lcA k lu l .P El .1 -l u id , Fl - . - - 7t l . . - . \ g5 : =| r- - ) olol 1l fi $o68oOE ELE( D f- oOE E, 2, x * It .J :' \!+s0i l $yJ-)>, 'L r - C, F-ol-JfaII JG,FG,o(LUJG ut d gl * ol !- i - q :l HrlHI E ol c il - 9l d- :E l -r l fi lal>lololFI at llol ur O *E3H o t* a E E Ee - E zu J l * =9 , 5 JO u l dt r @ f nn n €s j \- j at q{Ui, { -/ qiGt ui l : XF UJFsEIUa[r J to- 1Zt -r ' 4 -1I ., > -. - ,2 \r ' C >z.4! I .(<. > i)(.\ , qI/ j t),l\(.\ ;tr f l tr l=l FI *tola t (r l . rr F tl = ir rt ( U EI E (, r ; ri l - )l o r- i r (I , l = se l e rl ;r tt r l s cr t r '= l o bi o ar l - r- l .E l g Fl @ l, ) l .o 3l = cu - - sl 6l El ex6i od oGo(,UTEooFo3(J ILozII-o bf f i G, Z H= =i JO1o fi 1- ft r\ (. \ -' ( (l aa ) G C trTUZwsi zr - oo /<q,I.-a4 =IsC' l IJ:l t r' +:t ,a \-\ ) .i L 1- ., - J 1<.- '>-, 1\J= €i.s=l > ir. - D iD>s-c) L7*vft -*\' ra>)t- -J -4 :i l t - \at€\-- /t /ls-$ dBg;gi d. . {HAz C' I -lxad IhF f1 6 tr $ l l' -2 l-hr11 d l< , n l\ ' - - ld l- - l" \i ' l' t -- 17 J l- a Ia t' 1 l. - I r+ . l, $ F 1. . * ld , l0l8l< ilEf i xE,Fs I\,67 l- _ 5- \. , .+\.? + ll l l ^- r =l G1 l- f ll \ \J uJ l =l oIFI .y s,1 qS J,J l J FIzl u$ -lJI () l J\n) ru l ?l zt r- l (J l u. l l -lol oc l ol 1-*)-lJ{l 6lEIE (- \. .af\- s* El Lt ql f H| D tr l=tr o(^ [ Lo + o<J jf\, + ul r 5 3t f uf l BI ]Ul-6 -\- , I -- S I 4 -- L -<) - t -- + C- es =l sI MtL l '* ;l c. ol -s #l ?< s 5t \al '\ aE =l v, uJ i -- - ' EI ,<FIzl -lEILI \r a>lotol uI l =lal5l r EN ' -tJI uJ l EI r zI 5k o- o =t r 6,ute 4,)r2= na ,J.<\)z \ ?t a- , r€\ J-> :. 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Ei = ri ( U EI E CJ I # rr i - )i o I- i l- (l , i = cD l , IL -l 1r GI -t o (r l r '= l .o Li ar Fl = -t EI E Fl d ur l .o 3r = cI L a tr l 3 El p \- 1 . = >= -[ . - ^\ i O oEo()UIGcIoFo=(J ILo={I-I(, trUJ3r u iiZl - oo S5,. ) ,;>- - Hz t3A- ! V- -3d U ,' \viJ zI 5k o. o =t r 6E UJe IIITTIITIIITITIIIII .l lo l |r ) I "l lo l rlNI ^l (o l ol rlxl .u l *isl lo l ar i t I ,A l !t lNI ^l ro l ol rl YIol tr lol -c l "l I -lol -lol lo lFI=l-l ol ED I cl .- l -l 'o l -l NI.tol zl0, l tr l -5 I ol LIolol =lsl rl ?o,ol. ) I (oF(t .A 'cooNYxoIL@oolo I roN(a,- .ooNYoco-5o- (oo]\ a' : t€eo.9oto--r E !,troYotoE (\ ' ci ,NoIa' ,$,- r(ootYx6lrT\@o.. ) tG'$J^rooItVocoEo. 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E tr t o tr i o ol = \1 | o ;! c) oi n tt co lt t I l\ Yl Y xl x ro l I\ ol o ol o Ir O I Gl t rl t (o l cl ) Fl t (t l r? ol ro ol o $l l t? YI -' , -r I .A l -l N cD I 6i t ol N ?l ? "l ? @l c, : , l\ l t .r l t GO I @ c, I o (\ l l t .t r t lE tL l u- ol o cl e, rf , ror( ) (tIr)tN,^ (OottxoILtrl , ' (o t rOtNa^ r (oottYotroEo- !-o?o, |r )F=oCD tr .--= ,o NCizotroJoL.oo= I* E fo d oFoFJf(t , ruEFGoo.utE v+J\)\rc i*18 1 o- - s = u fr JO U J (D E l I tr E t r tt a\\5Y\) ( \ r\.+ bf f i G, Z HF =i2g cr i . -t I - =i = i- EE rJ t # r- i - )i o f- i F o, i = cu - - sl 6 }r 1 s; El p>i . = -l .- oi ' oEootuEooFo=(J ILozTI:t r (J trUJZw f, i Z) - o() EI E\- , (ra Lu -g \, .< ,l uJ l =lol J\, / ^ \ \i zo 5E o- o =t r 6,UJe I I I Page: Order #: Report Date: Client Proj Name: Client Proj#: Page 8 of 8 P0111133 11123101 LSC A7008 Client Name: Contact: Address: Olympus Technical Services Mike Backe il09 Kendall Boise, ID 83706 Matrix Water Lab Sample #: P01 11133-07I Sampled Dateffime 07 Nov. 01 15:30 Received 08 Nov. 01 mol Result Units Method # 9056 Mod.J199 9056 9060 9056 601 0B AM21G AM2OGAX AM18 AM21G AM2OGAX AM21G Chloride k:::''ron Nitrite |ll,'fl8:?-ic carbon Sulfate 5400 2.9 1.2 < 0.10 1.5 73 3600 0.1 1 0.65 43 < 1.0 24 100 9400 81 2A 15 0.94 3.4 < 10 1.0 1.0 0.1 0 0.10 0.1 0 5.0 1.0 0.050 0.010 1.0 1.0 0.60 5.0 5.0 25 0.015 0.40 0.15 1.0 10 mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mglL mg/L ng/L ng/L mg/L ug/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L ffffisotued Manganese-dissolvedP Acetic Acid lffixiiooo" ftllk'. Nitrogen lm3l,'acid Pyruvic acid I T I I iI Page: Order #: Report Date: Client Proj Name: Client Proj #: Page 6 of 8 P0111133 11123101 LSC A7008 I I I T Client Name: Olympus Technical Services Contact Mike Backe Address: 5409 Kendall Boise, ID 83706 Lab Sample #: P01 11133-05 Sampled Date/Time Received 07 Nov. 01 13:20 08 Nov. 01 T ISamErle Description MW2 Matrix Water Analyte(s) WetChem Water Chloride Fenous lron Nitrate Nitrite Phosphate Sol'u bleOrgsn ic Ca rbon Sulfate Metals Water lron-dissolved Manganese-dissolved RiskAnalysis Water Acetic Acid Butyric acid Carbon dioxide Ethane Ethene Lactic Acid Methane Nitrogen Oxygen Propionic acid Pyruvic acid 470 5.3 < 0.10 < 0.10 < 0.10 17 160 0.32 3.3 < 1.0 < 1.0 88 35 160 <25 4404 16 1.2 < 1.0 < 10 1.0 1.0 0.1 0 0.1 0 0.1 0 5.0 1.0 0.050 0.010 1.0 1.0 0.60 5.0 5.0 25 0.015 0.40 0.15 1.0 10 mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mglL mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L ng/L ng/L mg/L ug/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L Method # 9056 Mod._7199 9056 9060 9056 601 0B AM21G AM2OGAX AM18 AM21G AM2OGAX AM21G I I I t T I t t I I I t I t I Page: Order #: Report Date: Client Proj Name: Client Proj#: Page 7 of 8 P0111133 11123101 LSC A7008 Client Name: Contact: Address: Olympus Technical Services Mike Backe il09 Kendall Boise, lD 83706 Matrix Water Lab Sample #: P01 11133-06I Sampled Date/Time 07 Nov. 01 14:25 Received 08 Nov. 01 mol $nalyte(s) ater Result Units Method # 9056 Mod._7199 9056 9060 9056 601 0B AM21G AM2OGAX AM18 AM21G AM2OGAX AM21G Chloride **usrron Nitrite Ilil'flAi?*ic carbon Sulfate iiletals I;missorved Manganese{issolvedP Acetic Acid [,ffixiio,.o" ft,llk,. Nitrogen lmil,,acid Pyruvic acid I I I I I s80 10 < 0.10 < 0.10 < 0.10 400 14 0.27 1.8 460 64 230 254 2600 <25 8800 6.5 0.70 350 < 10 1.0 1.0 0.10 0.1 0 0.10 5.0 1.0 0.050 0.010 1,0 1.0 0.60 5.0 5.0 25 0.015 0.40 0.1 5 1.0 10 mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L ng/L ng/L mg/L ug/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L Page: Order #: Report Date: Client Proj Name: Client Proj #: Page 5 of 8 P0111133 11123101 LSC A7008 I I I T Client Name: Olympus Technical Services Contact Mike Backe Address: il09 Kendall Boise, lD 83706 Lab Sample #: P01 11133-04 Sampled Date/Time Received 07 Nov. 01 12:10 08 Nov. 01 I ISample Description MW5 Matrix Water Analyte(s) WetChem Water Chloride Fenous lron Nitrate Nitrite Phosphate SolubleOrganic Carbon Sulfate Metals Water lron-dissolved Manganesedissolved RiskAnalysis Water Acetic Acid Butyric acid Carbon dioxide Ethane Ethene Lactic Acid Methane Nitrogen Orygen Propionic acid Pyruvic acid 750 < 1.0 < 0.10 < 0.10 < 0.10 11 440 0.13 0.052 < 1.0 < 1.0 11 16 95 <25 5? 17 4.3 < 1.0 < 10 PQL 1.0 1.0 0.1 0 0.1 0 0.10 5,0 1.0 0.050 0.010 1.0 1.0 0.60 5.0 5.0 25 0.015 0.40 0.1 5 1.0 10 mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L ng/L ng/L mg/L ug/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L Method # 9056 Mod._7199 9056 9060 9056 601 0B AM21G AM2OGAX AM18 AM21G AM2OGAx AM21G I I I t I t t I I t I t I T t Page: Order #: Report Date: Client Proj Name: Client Proj #: Page 3 of 8 P0111133 11123101 LSC A7008 Client Name: Contact: Address: Olympus Technical Services Mike Backe il09 Kendall Boise, lD 83706 Matrix Water Lab Sample #:P01 11133-02I SamBIed Date/Time 07 Nov. 01 9:40 Received 08 Nov. 01 $nalyte(s)Result PQL Units Method # ater Chloride ftXusrron 220 <1.0 < 0.10 2.8 < 0.10 100 34 0.16 4.24 81 < 1.0 23 330 3600 <25 124 15 1.0 72 < 10 1.0 1.0 0.10 0.1 0 0.1 0 5.0 1.0 0.050 0.010 1.0 1.0 0.60 5.0 5.0 25 0.015 0.40 0.1 5 1.0 10 mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L ng/L ng/L mg/L ug/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L 9056 Mod._7199 9056 601 0B AM21G AM2OGAX AM18 AM21G AM2OGAX AM21G Nitrite $l,'fl8i?*ic carbon Sulfate ffiff'sorved Manganese-dissolvedP Acetic Acid [#HXiix,o" ff:encio *ethane Nitrogen lmil,.acid Pyruvic acid I 9060 9056 I I I I Page: Order #: Report Date: Client Proj Name: Client Proj #: Page 2 of 8 P0111133 11t23101 LSC A7008 I I I T Client Name: Olympus Technical Services Contact Mike Backe Address: 5409 Kendall Boise, lD 83706 Lab Sample #: P01 11133-01 Sampled Date/Time Received 06 Nov. 01 15:20 08 Nov. 01 I ISamBle Description MW9i Matrix Water Analyte(s) WetGhem Water Chloride Ferrous lron Nitrate Nitrite Phosphate SolubleOrganic Carbon Sulfate Metals Water lron-dissolved Manganesedissolved RiskAnalysis Water Acetic Acid Butyric acid Carbon dioxide Ethane Ethene Lactic Acid Methane Nitrogen Orygen Propionic acid Pyruvic acid 400 < 1.0 < 0,10 4.4 < 0.10 15 99 0.1 6 0.13 4.1 < 1.0 6.6 204 3000 <25 3.1 16 1.3 < 1.0 < 10 1.0 1.0 0.10 0.10 0.10 5.0 1.0 0.050 0.010 1.0 1.0 0.60 5.0 5.0 25 0.015 0.40 0,1 5 1.0 10 mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L ng/L ng/L mg/L ug/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L Method # 9056 Mod._7199 9056 601 0B AM21G AM20GAX AM18 AM21G AM2OGAX AM21G I I I I t I I I I t I t 9060 90s6 ! t t Page: Order #: Report Date: Client Proj Name: Client Proj #: Page 4 of 8 P0111133 11123t01 LSC A7008 Client Name: Contact: Address: Olympus Technical Services Mike Backe 5409 Kendall Boise, ID 83706 Matrix Water Lab Sample #: P01 11133-03I Sampled Date/Time 07 Nov. 01 10:40 Received 08 Nov. 01 an lyte(s) ##Tron Nitrite ffiTl!8''?*iccarbon Sulfate ffffisorved Manoanesedissolvedr Acetic Acid fffix?ix,o" ft.,l},. Nitrooen ffili"acid Pyruvic acid I I I I t 5800 <1.0 < 0.10 < 0.10 < 0.10 2A 3300 0.13 0.48 < 1.0 < 1.0 23 280 3000 <25 3.5 17 1.3 < 1.0 < 10 1.0 1.0 0.10 0.1 0 0.10 5.0 1.0 0.050 0.010 1.0 1,0 0.60 5.0 5,0 25 0.015 0.40 0.1 5 1.0 10 mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L ng/L ng/L mg/L ug/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L 9060 9056 601 0B AM21G AM2OGAX AM18 AM21G AM2OGAX AM21G OLYMPUS TECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. ANALYTICAL DATA VALIDATION FORM I I I T I Work Order No.: Af 00g Laboratory, (T\i c-nst -?S' otympus' Sample ldentification Numbers , lld I h -f , mWg A'F , MUIZ A- i , crienuproj".t' Ate f LSC- R"ui.*", DIV)OY( h€lrll?ffi EPA Analytical Method: See attached analvtical report Data Gompleteness Results received out of I expected =tOO o/o. Are completeness results acceptable? (Y/N): Comments: Mrds A - F. MurJQ s n- F, MtLt qf n-F , Mh/q"{ A -F Date Sampled' \[- Uz -01 {D [[-1 -o I Defensibility Chain-of-Custody form present and signed? (Y/N): Samples stored and/or shipped cool? (Y/N): Preservative present in sample containers? (Y/N): Are defensibility-parameters acceptable? (Y/N): Comments: I I I I I I I I T I I Holding Time Were samples extracted within acceptable holding times? (Y/N) Were samples analyzed within acceptable holding times? (Y/N) Are holding time parameters acceptable? (Y/N), Wlttil C{n* f44il ) dt/til hmt) ;Cornments: ?10 I I I , ,-I,pLVK Page 1 nol vYaU.ui:al Eguipment and Trip Blank Analyses Appropriate number of equipment blanks submitted? (Y/N): Appropriate number of trip blanks submitted? (Y/N): Are results above method detection limits? (Y/N): woNo: A1 0og sanpte rD Numo""' t{tt^ 0hre UtJ sanpreo** [[-b-dttO \t-1-0 I /\' lf yes, provide concentrations detected and concentrations of those compounds in sample data if present:N+ /{4 T l t I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I Method Blanks Are results above method detection limits? (Y/N): NA lf yes, provide concentrations detected and concentrations of those compounds in sample data if present: Surrogate Recoveries Are recoveries within acceptable percent recovery control limits? (Y/N)ri* If no, list results-outside of limits. tlatrb( Spike and Spike Duplicate Recoveries Are recoveries within acceptable percent recovery control limits? MN) lf no, list results outside of limits. Nr+ Are duplicate RPDs within acceptable limits? (Y/N) NA lf no, list results outside of limits: Page 2 woNo.: Ar oog sanpte lD Numu"o, ut fl Otf 6 tnj sarpleoae 't t- 0'- 0[ fu [t-1- 0[ I I I t T Laboratory Duplicates Are RPDs for laboratory duplicates within acceptable ranges? MN): lf no, Iist results outside of ranges. Field Duplicates Calculate and list RPDs for field duplicates.!+ Do the RPDs appear appropriate?/VA Q/A/QC Discussion l-eTo? I T I t I I I T t I I I I IPage 3 Status Report 3td - dn Quarters 2001 Laundry Supply Company APPENDIX C SOIL PROBE SOIL BORI NG LOGS I t t I I I I l I I T I I T I T I I t LSC 01 SR34 rnaUA7008 2l5fN2 I I I I t I I I I I I I t T I I I I t SOIL BORING LOG Laundry Supply Company Salt Lake City, Utah Gontractor: EarthProbeSurface Elevationr -4327Borinq lD: S8-26 Driller: Mark TaggertSampler: GeoProbeFinishDrillin Method: Soil ProbeSize: 1.5" x2'11:05 14:10 Rio: GeoProbe 6600d Bv: M. Backe13-Nov-01 13-Nov-01 Gompletion lnformation Sample Description Soil classifications by ASTM D 2488-90 eo OEoootrGr= Soil Probe Abandoned GoncreteConcrete0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9,0 10.0 11.0 12.0 CL: Clay; gray, moist, fine grained, poor grading, firm, moderate plasticity Water: G ray/tra nsl ucent Water sample GeoProbe screen 15-18' @ 1 1:36 CL: Clay; gray, moist, fine grained, poor grading, firm, moderate plasticity Water: G rayltransl ucent Water sample GeoProbe screen 25-28' GD 12:05 CL: Clay; greenish-gray, moist, fine grained, poor rading, firm, moderate plasticity Water: Ta n/transl ucent Water sample GeoProbe screen 35-38' @ 13:13 LSC Logs-SP-26 Page 1 of 2 mab/A7008 2l5lM2 SOIL BORING LOG Laundry Supply Company Salt Lake City, Utah 4Olyrprrrrcnric LSC Logs-SP-26 Page 2 of 2 mab/A7008 AgNz I I I I T I I T I ! I I I t I I I I T SOIL BORING LOG Laundry Supply Company Salt Lake City, Utah Contractor: EarthProbeSurface Elevation' +v4327Borinq lD: SB-27 Driller: Mark TaggertSampler: GeoProbeFinishDrillin Method: Soil ProbeSize: 1.5" x2' Rio: GeoProbe 660013-Nov-01 13-Nov-01 Gompletion lnformation Sample Description Soil classifications bv ASTM D 2488-90 Observations ao OE(,, (JC)EE,g Soil Probe Abandoned 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 p.a 13.0 14.0 Water: Ta n/tra nsDarent Water sample GeoProbe screen 15-18' @ 15:05 Water: Tan/translucent Water sample GeoProbe screen 25-28' @ 15:25 Water Tan/ooaoue Water sample GeoPrgbe screen 35-38' @ 16:05 LSC Logs-SP-27 Page 1 of 2 mab/A7008 A5lM2 SOIL BORING LOG Laundry Supply Gompany Salt Lake City, Utah I I I T I I I I t T I I I T I I I I I Gontractor: EarthProbeBorinq ID: SB-27 Surface Elevation' -4327 Driller: Mark TaooertSampler: GeoProbeDrillin Method: Soil Probe17:00 Size: 1.5" x2' 13-Nov-01 13-Nov-01 Sample Description Soil classifications bv ASTM D 2488-90 Gompletion !nformation ao o .c,(, (,otrE r?, Soil Probe Abandoned Water: Tan/o Water sample GeoProbe screen 45-48' @ 17:00 Soil probe terminated at 48 feet Probe hole abandoned LSC Logs-SP-27 Page 2 af 2 mab/A7$8 ASIN2 I I I I I t I I t I SOIL BORING LOG Laundry Supply Company Salt Lake City, Utah Contractor: EarthProbeBorino lD: SB-28 Surface Elevation' ,ry4327 Driller: Mark TaooertSampler: GeoProbeDrillin Method: Soil ProbeSize: 1.5" x2' Rio: GeoProbe 660013-Nov-01 13-Nov-01 Gompletion Information Sample Description Soil classifications bv ASTM D 2488-90 Observations eo OEC,uotrtr, l? Soil Probe Abandoned 0.0 1.0 2.4 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.4 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 Water: Gray/opaque Water sample GeoProbe screen 15-1 8' @ 8:05 Water: no recovery GeoProbe screen 25-28'@ 8:45 Waten Tanltranslucent Water sample GeoProbe screen 28.$-31 .5' @ 9:15 Water: Ta n/tra nslucent Water sample GeoProbe screen 35-38' @ 9:57 t t I I I I I I T LSC Logs-SP-28 Page 1 mab/A7008 ASIN2 SOIL BORING LOG Laundry Supply Gompany Salt Lake City, Utah I I I I T I t I I I I I I T I t I T I Borins ID: SB-28 Surface Elevation' A,4327 Contractor: EarthProbe Drilling Start Finish Sampler: GeoProbe Driller: Mark Taggert Time 14:50 17:00 Size: 1.5" x2'Method: Soil Probe Date 13-Nov-01 13-Nov-01 Logged By: M. Backe Ris: GeoProbe 6600 Eaooog +,3=-96oo t-o o.tr(, (,otrG,g Sample Description (Soi! classifications by ASTM D 2488-90)Observations Completion lnformation C'I -9o-.I- .tsJ Soil Probe Abandoned 41 .0 42.0 43.0 44.0 ,m 45.0 46,0 47,A Waten Gray/translucent Water sample GeoProbe screen 45-48' @- 10:44 Soil probe terminated at 48 feet Probe hole abandoned LSC Logs-SP-28 Page 2 of 2 mab/A7008 2l5lM2 I I I I I I I I I I I MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION LOG Laundry Supply Company Salt Lake City, Utah Monitoring Well ID: MW-10d (proposed) Well Soecifications L-1 Setdown: 0.4 feet L-zRiser: 453 feet L-3 Screen: ---T6-feet L-4 Bottom Cap 0r4 feet L-5 Well Depth: 50.4 feet L-6 tsoring Depth: 50.8 feet LSC Logs-ttlW-l0d Completion Date: NA Protective Housino with Lockinq Waterproof Well Cao Diameter: 0.70 feet Total Length: -t Sa feet Stickupr -- OOt feet Material: Steel Riser Pipe Diameter: 1 inch Material:ffi4oPVc Backfill: Granular Bentonite Seal Type of Seal: Bentonite Pellets Thickness: 2.O feet Distance Above screen : Td- feet Diameter: 1 inch Slot Size: O010 inch Material:ffi Filter Pack: 2040 Silica Sand Depth to Bottom of Filter Pack 50.8 feet Borehole Seal Type of Seal: Native Materia! Thickness: 0.0 feet Borehole Diameter: -----T inches 4Olyrprrrernrit I t I I I t Elevations Top of Housing: Top of Casing: Surface NA feet NA feet NA feet Page 1 of 1 mab/A7008 A5lN2 MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION LOG Laundry Supply Company Salt Lake City, Utah Monitoring Well ID: MW-10s (proposed) I I I t I I I I t I t I I t I I I I t Completion Date: NA Protective Housino with Lockino Waterproof Well Cap Diameter: 0,70 feet Total Length:Tsa-feet Stickupt - OOt feet Material: Stee! Type of Seal: Concrete/Sand Drain Upper Concrete Thickness: 1.0 feet Sand Drain Thickness: O.5 feet ower Concrete Thickness: ----63 feet Riser Pipe Diameter: 1 inch Materiat:S6ffi40 PVc Backfill: Granular Bentonite Seal Type of Seal: Thickness: Distance Above Screen: Bentonite Pellets 2.0 feet 2.0 feet Diameter: 1 inch Slot Size: 0^010 inch Material:STilo Pvc Filter Pack: 20-40 Silica Sand Depth to Bottom of Filter Pack: 30.0 feet Borehole Seal Type of Seal: Native Material Thickness: 0.0 feet Borehole Diameter: -----T inches L-4 Well Specifications L-l Setdown: L-2 Riser: L-3 Screen: L-4 Bottom Cap L-5 Well Depth: L-6 Boring Depth: LSC Logs-lr/lW-10s 0.4 feet 9.6 feet 19^6 feet OA feet 29^6 feet 3OJ feet Elevations Top of Housing: Top of Casing: Surface NA feet NA feet NA feet Page 1 of 1 maWA7008 ASIN2 il:1ffi#tr#,ii;flr*;rters 2001 4oumpus Technrcarsenrces, rnc. APPENDIX D WASTE DISPOSAL DOCUMENTATION IIE'IJ E'U .I{]]Z'L TI'JTg BsmursE PROFIIJ N)IIEIi|DUM INSTRUSUONS c S|ECIIONL Alwrysconplctc. SECTION 2. Complctc whan thcm arc modlflcciog b a Matcrhl Prrofilc. Thir nay bc rt lnitirl proIIIc complaion or a r lrnr date. This scctlon ary bc omplctrd by tie Gcorraor Rcprc*uodvo or br il athorlzcd Sefc6-Klcca Rcprcsroaivo, SECTION 3. Coopla:d by tbo Gcncralor Rcp'n*nutivc thd has complctcd Scction I &,\ {qplitnblc, IIECfION {, Comglctad by ilro Srfcty.Klcar Rcp,raaradvo thu har complacd Soctioo I &?, {qplilnblc SECTIOIY g. Compl*cd by tbc Garcr$or Rcprescotrtivc for pmfilc lc{crtliatton pury*rs vlun rcq&cd by S@lttt-Klaerl D.MATERIAL PnoFILE A,ppENDITM Y,AA/WC I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I T I I T. GENERA'TOR INTORMATION Gcocrorllrrr IJANDRY SU?PLYCOMPINT CrcncntorReprcseotativc DAWDEJEVONS @Title Nrnc of lv(rtEdd Phons 208 176 5006 Fs 2N 376 5091 TSTRACHLOROETffTLENE St( Ptotile # lPSl tlt35 L IIODTEICATION TO IVIATERIAL PR,OT'II^B Add Dda? l,hcridCoopdrctrrt&Coopodde grn El "'f Ad D.l.t li&trrirlCrnpmouAComposldoa Wo E*r vol lt I lvol rr 1, SI( ATIrIIORIZED I}IODItrICATIONS On ftB Dat4 I hnrc spokcn \xith ths Gcncrator Rrp'rtscntrtive shovra abovc rad yar urtoriad to m*e thc rbove moditicrd0"(r) b dtb MErirl Prctile. 3. GE TERATOR CERTIHCAUON I hcnby ccrdf &* I an n ruilrorizcd rgsm of tf,c gcntrtbr, ud wanrnt on Ebalf of he SEornrr tlut the intbtu{ion $pplicd oo thir fonn ad on ury ambncos qr $pplcmcoB trrcb ir conptoto Ed tccumtc, rud ttrt 8ll Lnown ot suspc#d brrufi of trs mruial(s) &scrihd brrcin ltavc bcco disclosc4 It WASTESTBEAD{RE.CERTIflC/ITION O, O DrlcGWr$rSfcrn Clwtbulln*Aalltrcloryugm**d I hcftDy ccrd& th* I rn a rutoriud 4cllt of ttrc fcrunbr. ad wanut oa brhdf of lhc fnnrrtt lt{ [lc!r blt bcar no cllu3e ir! the lllctid fcocrdry poccsl a'n thc rr* aacrlds rsod it tbc proccrs; dtd, thns lrs bcto ro Etug. h dtcmlcd coapodtloo * p[ygical ohrr*rirtier of dre ,rt!3rid notcd rad tl11 dt iatrnrdou dilin3 b fu larJrt ud c&tt lrryc bacn dhcbred, tf r rrrlc lr rquln4 I u0rorLs S!&trKtccn b d rt UE ScnrnrEr'r rgnnt in srnrylc for rodyticrl n'ccnificdoo.(,D- R.g-rqJC l, ? Nrmc & Titlc filotcd or_ DgAlllllSrar,lal&tncu.Lroprrour(fl, F,r TOTRL P,A2 PRGE.AWzRIJG I ',A1. 11:38 I T I Emergency Contact Telephone Number lnformation in the shaded areas is not required by Federal law. 15. Special l''landling lnstructions and Additional lnformation D. P. O. * T. PO# ffi TEEPHOIIE (800 1 451-8345 3-E COMPANY LOAD* 16. GENEBATOR'S CEBTIFICATION: I hereby declare that the contenls ot lhis consignmenl are tully and accurately descnbed abov€ by proper shipping name and are classirie ll I am a hrge quantity generator, I cgrtity lhat I have a program in place to reducg the volume and toxicity ol wasle gensrated to the degrBe I have delermined to be economica and the environrnent OB, il I am a small quantity generator, I have made a good lailh sllon to minimize my waste gensraiion and select the best waste management melhod that available to nr€ and that I can afford. Signatu_Day 7 17. Transporter 1 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials oay 0 Signature Month Day Y 19. Discregancy lndication Space 20. Facility Orner or Operalor: C€.tirication ol receipt o, hazardous materials covered by this manitest Except as noted in ltem 19. Signature Yc oD Y 0o Monthf UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST 1. Generator's US EPA lD No.Manilest Document Noo-.Elo.'g-.R 3. Generator's Name and Mailing Address IrAultDRY ST PPLY 3785 I'lESf 1987 SOLII}I SALT LAIG CITr, lrr 84104 4. Generator's Phone ( 2Og 3Z._'OOG 5. Transporter 1 Company Name 6. US EPA lD Number SAEETY KTTTFN (TG) INC. 7. Transporter 2 Company Name 8. US EPA lD Number 9. Designated Facilily Name and Site Address 10. US EPA lD Number SAIEIY KLEBI (ARAC'oNTTE) INC. 11600 N Aptus Rd. Aragonlte, III 84029 |U.T.D.9.8'1.5' US DOT Description (lncluding Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, and lD Number)12. Containers RQ WASIE TOXIC LTQUTD TNORGAIITC N.O.S. (ffiOffi) 5.L, 1JN3287, PG II r Printed/Typed Name'X,, P. Rr,..qryC LEtf T R A Ns Po B T E R 18. Transporler 2 Acknowledgemeht of Fleceipt of Mat6rials Printed/Tlped Name F Ac I L I T Y I t I ,f T f, a ORIGINAL . RETURN TO GENERATOR Month Day a S.t ty-Kl.tn (C.lifornlr), lnc. P-O- BOX il393 @LIJMBIA" SC 29,2ll-t393 DUNS! NO. 05-397-65'5t ORIGI]IAL I}IVOICE )ta h1 oof FILE I tI[r|I3In d- ro No' 3e-6oeoorg ST SERVICE FACTLITE PH0ENIX. ,LZ TAX STATUVNUMBER INN'OICE DATE: 09/01 /2A0L FACILITY P}IONE HITBER:(502) 258-6155 VETDOB iIUMBER TEBiiS: il30 SERVICE LOGATION: ACCOIINTS PATABLE oLnPUS TECEIIICAL SmVICES, nlc. 5409 KENDALL STREET BOISE, ID 83706 LAUNDRI SUPPLY COUPANY 3785 WEST 1987 SOUTH sALr LAKE CrTY, UT 84101 I I I I ACCOUNT NUUTCR 0008-2753-82 SERVICE ]iIUMBER 0008-3004-86 LOGATION TUiIBER 0581 SPECI.AL BILUNG coDE I Depantraent : Depantnent Name:Se'nvice Date: C,8/1O/2OO1 Senvf'ce Doc Nunben: 47649Release Numben:T n anspont en : PO Numben: SHERRY HARRIS filani f est N'umben:I QUANTITY DESC . /REFERENCE NUMBER 9 . OOOO TETRACHLORETHYLENE AP3131435-9 . @OO TRANSPORTATION COMMEpTS F mC 3OE(I9A PRICE PER 125. OOOO 55 INVOICE TOTAL: SALES TAX ITEM TOTAL o. oo 1 ,125. OO o. oo 450. oo 31,575.00 I I I t I I I I I I I %H, PLEASE RETURII THIS PORTIOT TITH PAYIEXT. TAKE OLYMPUS TECH]IIICAI SEM'EES, ITC- 5'(p KETOATI STREET, ANY ADORESS CORRECTIOI{Ii BELOT. BOttiE, to ul70c a 5rtrro : 0001,5?),?? t{b0006 ?753 8e 1,0 000 1,5? 5000 TO:SEXD PAYIIE}ITS OilLY SAFETY-KLEE}I P.O. BoX t23t9 coLuttB I A, sc 292t I -23&9 o2J@ l..'.:t:',i:i,.i'.i:":'il::i,,i;:i:410.[lT .n E."ji::.l';i:'i::i,ii;:ti'::t.. ...r....,i..1.:.:'.ii.rl:.1..i. :..' ,,::::';'ii,:i:.li::::.,.;:,ii,:,,,..:,::.i,i,::::'il.''1,.:rrtJ$'$$:,':,:,; 7e 2001 LDtE-rDrD lDtD t'iD r' - t-.-- -t'- (REV B