HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2024-004913 358 South 700 East, B518 Salt Lake City UT 84102 Office: 801.935.4917 www.oneatlas.com February 27, 2024 Ms. Paige Walton Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control 195 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84114 SUBJECT: Expanded Subsurface Investigation Report Murray Station Apartments 171, 173, 175, 177, 179, 237, 257, and 261 W. BERGER LANE Murray, Utah 84107 Dear Ms. Walton: Atlas Technical Consultants LLC (Atlas) has completed the Expanded Subsurface Investigation at the site referenced above pursuant to the approved work plan dated December 13, 2023. Upon your review of the report, please feel free to give me a call if you have any questions. Our services consist of professional opinions and recommendations made in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical and environmental engineering principles and practices. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties either expressed or implied. Sincerely, Atlas Technical Consultants Jim Coletta, P.G. Branch Manager Utah Certified Petroleum Consultant BA/JC Cc: Mr. Jared Shupe, Shupe Builders EXPANDED SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION REPORT MURRAY STATIONS APARTMENTS 171, 173, 175, 177, 179, 237, 257, and 261 W. BERGER LANE MURRAY, UTAH 84107 Prepared by: Atlas Technical Consultants 358 South 700 East, B518 Salt Lake City, Utah 84102 Prepared for Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control 195 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84114 And Shupe Builders P.O. Box 901146 Sandy, Utah 84090 February 27, 2024 Murray Station Apartments February 2024 Expanded Subsurface Investigation Report Version 1 Project No. 271EM00850 i Atlas Technical Consultants LLC TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Site Description ............................................................................................................................ 1 1.2 Purpose and Scope ...................................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Previous Assessments and Sampling Results ............................................................................. 1 2.0 SITE CHARACTERIZATION TASKS ................................................................................................. 2 2.1 Soil Boring Advancement and Sample Collection ........................................................................ 2 2.2 Monitoring Well Installation and Sample Collection ..................................................................... 3 2.3 Equipment Decontamination Procedures ..................................................................................... 4 3.0 SITE CHARACTERIZATION RESULT AND FINDINGS .................................................................... 5 3.1 Subsurface Lithology ................................................................................................................ 5 3.2 Groundwater Gradient Analysis ................................................................................................ 5 3.3 Soil Analysis Summary ............................................................................................................. 5 3.4 Groundwater Analysis Summary .............................................................................................. 5 3.5 Data Validation and Assessment ................................................................................................. 6 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................................. 6 5.0 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................... 7 FIGURES Figure 1 – Site Vicinity Map Figure 2 – Site Map Figure 3 – Groundwater Gradient Map TABLES Table 1 – Groundwater Elevation and Monitoring Well Completion Details Table 2 – RCRA 8 Metals Soil Analytical Data Summary Table 3 – RCRA 8 Metals TCLP Analytical Data Summary Table 4 – RCRA 8 Metals Groundwater Analytical Data Summary APPENDICES Appendix A – Soil Boring Logs and Monitoring Well Construction Details Appendix B – Laboratory Reports Murray Station Apartments February 2024 Expanded Subsurface Investigation Report Version 1 Project No. 271EM00850 Page 1 Atlas Technical Consultants LLC 1.0 INTRODUCTION This document presents the results of the Expanded Subsurface Investigation conducted at the proposed Murray Station Apartments located at 171, 173, 175, 177, 179, 237, 257, and 261 W. Berger Lane, Murray, Utah. Please refer to Figure 1 for the Site Vicinity Map. This report was produced for Shupe Builders and the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ) Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control (DWMRC). 1.1 Site Description The property consists of developed and undeveloped land located near the southeast corner of the intersection of 300 West and Berger Lane, Murray, Utah. In total, the property comprises eight parcels of land approximately 7.34 acres in size. The property is developed with several building structures occupied primarily by Tuck Landscape, camper and trailer storage, and two residential structures. The surrounding area consists mainly of commercial properties with some residential properties present as well. 1.2 Purpose and Scope The purpose of the Expanded Subsurface Investigation was to further delineate soil and potential groundwater impacts beneath the property as the site is proposed to be redeveloped primarily for residential use. In conversations with representatives with the DWMRC, further characterization of the site was necessary to determine if historical activities/uses have impacted soil and groundwater beneath the property. Based on previous sampling investigations and the site history, the contaminants of concern (COC) for the soil and groundwater are heavy metals. Upon completion of the expanded investigation, potential remedial activities will be evaluated that may include soil excavation, groundwater monitoring, institutional controls, and environmental covenants, if necessary. 1.3 Previous Assessments and Sampling Results In June 2023 EBI Consulting (EBI, June 7, 2023) conducted a Phase I ESA for the Subject Property. According to the report, Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) were identified at the Subject Property. The RECs were associated with the former Murray Smelter, located at 5300 S. Main Street, Murray, Utah, which is located approximately 0.5-miles to the south- southeast of the Subject Property. Because of the close proximity of the former smelter to the Subject Property, EBI conducted a file review of the USEPA Superfund online database. Based upon review of the documentation, it was determined that the western boundary of Murray Smelter Operable Unit (OU-1) is located adjacent to the eastern boundary of the Subject Property. The former Murray Smelter consisted of 142 acres of land that was utilized as a mineral processing plant with numerous smoke stacks. The area of the former Murray Smelter has been redeveloped into the Intermountain Medical Center and additional commercial uses such as the Murray Central light rail station. A review of the Record of Decision (ROD) prepared by the USPEA, dated 1998 indicates that investigations were completed in two areas; “on- facility” area meaning the 142 acres of the former operational areas of the Murray Smelter and adjacent Germania Smelter as well as “off-facility” area noted to be approximately 30 acres west of the facility, 106 acres to the south and southwest of the on-facility area and a small areas between 5200 South Street and Little Cottonwood Creek to the east of the on-site facility area. The west portion of the off-facility area is bounded by Little Cottonwood Creek to the north, 300 West Street to the west, 5300 South Street to the south, and the on-facility boundary to the east. Based upon review of the information, it was determined that the Subject Property is included within the off-facility area of the Murray Smelter ROD. The off-facility boundaries Murray Station Apartments February 2024 Expanded Subsurface Investigation Report Version 1 Project No. 271EM00850 Page 2 Atlas Technical Consultants LLC were determined by the USEPA based on the results of air dispersion modeling performed in November 1994. For environmental sampling, the 136 acre off-facility area was divided into eight “initial study zones” (ISZ’s). The Subject Property is located within ISZ-1, within the figures of the ROD. A review of Figure 11 - Lead Concentrations Measured In Surface Soil In ISZ-1, indicates four samples were collected from the Subject Property and submitted for laboratory analysis. Groundwater samples were not collected during the investigation. The results of the laboratory analysis indicated lead concentrations of 700 mg/kg, 2,100 mg/kg, 1,900 mg/kg, and 2,200 mg/kg. As indicated in the USEPA ROD for the Murray Smelter, lead impacted soil has been identified at the Subject Property at elevated concentrations. In addition, groundwater impacts have been identified beneath the former Murray Smelter property. Based upon review of the information, EPI identified the metals contamination as a REC to the Subject Property, and recommended further investigation. In September 2023, EBI conducted a limited subsurface investigation at the Subject Property (EBI Consulting, September 8, 2023). As part of the investigation, 10 soil borings were advanced and five surface soil samples were collected from a soil pile located near the northeast corner of the Subject Property. The soil borings were advanced to a depth of 10 feet below grade. Groundwater was not encountered during the investigation. The results of the subsurface investigation revealed the presence of arsenic and lead in soil above the USEPA Risk Screening Levels and above the State of Utah Background Threshold Values (UDEQ DWMRC Technical Guidance for Risk Assessments: Utah Administrative Code R315-101, June 2023), throughout the Subject Property. 2.0 SITE CHARACTERIZATION TASKS This section describes the field activities and sampling rationale that was performed during the expanded subsurface investigation effort. Specifics about the field sample collection methods, equipment, sample custody, and the management of investigation-derived wastes where provided in the workplan (Atlas, December 13, 2023). Sampling was concentrated in areas not previously sampled during the previous subsurface investigation. 2.1 Soil Boring Advancement and Sample Collection Five soil borings were advanced to characterize subsurface conditions beneath the property with all of the soil borings converted to monitoring wells. The monitoring well installation procedures are discussed in Section 2.2 of this report. The soil boring and monitoring well locations are present in Figure 2. The soil borings were advanced using direct push technology. Prior to the start of the field work, Atlas contacted the Utah Blue Stakes Center and scheduled a utility locate for the investigation area. In addition, a private underground utility locator was utilized to verify that there were no underground utilities present within two feet of the proposed boring locations and each soil boring was day-lighted to a depth of 5-feet below grade using a hydrovac system. During the day-lighting effort, hand auger samples were collected in each soil boring at 2 and 4-feet below grade. During direct push drilling a macro sampler equipped with a nylon sample liner was utilized to collect continuous soil samples starting at a depth of 5-feet and ending at a depth of approximately 17 feet. All soil samples were field logged by an experienced geologist. The logging information included soil type (Unified Soil Classification), color, consistency, moisture content, odor, and organic vapor monitor (OVM) readings. The OVM was calibrated with 100 Murray Station Apartments February 2024 Expanded Subsurface Investigation Report Version 1 Project No. 271EM00850 Page 3 Atlas Technical Consultants LLC ppm isobutylene at the start of each day of sampling. Immediately following retrieval, a composite of each soil sample interval (approximate 2-ft. intervals) was transferred to laboratory provided jars and to a zip lock type plastic bag. The soil samples were collected by a Utah Certified Soil and Groundwater Sampler in general accordance with the sampling protocol as set by Utah State and the Environmental Protection Agency. The field portable OVM was used to screen each bag after adequate time passed for volatilization and capture of organic vapors inside the bags. The field logging observations and OVM data described above were used to select appropriate samples for chemical analysis. The samples were labeled and immediately stored in an insulated cooler with ice to maintain an appropriate temperature of approximately 4ºC. Soil samples (at least three per boring) were submitted to a State of Utah certified laboratory for RCRA 8 metals (arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, selenium, and silver) using EPA Method 6020/7471. In addition, the sample with the highest lead and arsenic concentrations was analyzed for the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP). All soil samples were maintained under chain of custody documentation throughout the sample collection, storage, transportation, and laboratory analysis process. All of the samples were submitted to the laboratory requesting a normal turn-around time of 10 to 15 business days. The subsurface sampling equipment was decontaminated prior to arrival and between each borehole with brushes and a non-phosphate detergent (Alconox) and rinsed with tap water. An equipment blank quality assurance sample was obtained during soil boring advancement. After the drill rods were cleaned with non-phosphate detergent (Alconox) and rinsed with tap water, distilled water was poured over the decontaminated piece of equipment and collected in containers that were appropriate for metals. Quality control Level 3 was used by the analytical laboratory. 2.2 Monitoring Well Installation and Sample Collection In addition to the soil boring advancement effort discussed above, all of the soil borings were converted to 2-inch diameter groundwater monitoring wells. The wells were installed to a depth of approximately 17 feet below the ground surface (bgs) with the use of direct push drill rig. The wells were constructed with 10 feet of 2-inch diameter, 0.010-inch slotted, non-plugging schedule 40 PVC well screen. Each well was packed with pre-washed silica sand that extended 2-feet above the well screen and then sealed with hydrated bentonite chips to within 1 foot of the ground surface. Each well was completed with a 7-inch diameter flush-mounted monument embedded in concrete with a locking well cap. In addition, a top of well casing survey was also conducted by a professional survey contractor. The monitoring well construction details are summarized in Table 1 and presented on the soil boring logs in Appendix A. Development of the wells was performed as soon as it was practical after the wells were installed, but no sooner than 48 hours after the installation. The wells were developed with the use of disposable bailers. The wells were purged of at least five well volumes of water or until dry during the development. Following the well development, the wells were allowed to recover at least 48 hours to the static water level prior to purging and sampling. The depth to water was measured prior to purging and sample collection to ensure data consistency, to calculate well volumes, and to record fluctuations. The depth to groundwater was measured with an electronic water level indicator probe to the nearest 0.01-foot from a marked point on the top of the well casing. The water level probe was decontaminated between each well with the use of non-phosphate detergent (Alconox) and rinsed with tap water. The Murray Station Apartments February 2024 Expanded Subsurface Investigation Report Version 1 Project No. 271EM00850 Page 4 Atlas Technical Consultants LLC time and date of the measurement, point of reference, measurement method, depth-to-water measurement, and calculations were recorded on sampling data sheets. The groundwater elevations were used to calculate and plot the approximate hydraulic gradient and groundwater flow direction across the property. From the information obtained for the casing diameter, total well depth and depth-to-water measurements, the volume of water in the well was calculated. This well volume was used to determine the minimum volume of water to be purged from the well before the sample was collected. The color, clarity, and odor of the water was recorded as the water was purged. Odors, sheens or other evidence of contamination in the water samples was noted. New dedicated polyethylene tubing was used for each well. After approximately one liter was removed during the purging, a flow-through cell was connected to the discharge tubing of the pump. The flow-through cell allowed for measurements of water-quality-indicator parameters without allowing contact with the atmosphere. Measurements for temperature, pH, oxidation reduction potential (ORP), specific conductance (SEC), dissolved oxygen (DO), and turbidity were recorded as each one-half well volume was removed with a water multi-parameter meter. Purging ceased when measurements for all five parameters had stabilized for three consecutive readings. If the wells were purged relatively dry, the wells were allowed to recharge to near the static water level before being sampled after purging one additional liter of water. After the purging had been completed, the groundwater samples were collected by a Utah Certified Soil and Groundwater Sampler in general accordance with the sampling protocol as set by Utah State and the Environmental Protection Agency. The same device and tubing used during the purging was used for sample collection to help minimize disturbance of the water column, and reduce volatilization and turbidity. The bottom of the HDPE tubing was set approximately in the middle of the water column within each well. During the low flow sampling, the peristaltic pump was restricted to less than 200 milliliters per minute to help minimize draw down of the groundwater. The water samples were transferred directly to laboratory provided containers. The samples were labeled and immediately stored in an insulated cooler with ice to maintain an appropriate temperature of approximately 4ºC. The groundwater samples were submitted to a State of Utah certified laboratory for RCRA 8 metals (arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, selenium, and silver) analysis using EPA Method 6020/7470. During the sampling of the wells, one blind field duplicate groundwater sample was obtained. Quality control Level 3 was used by the analytical laboratory. 2.3 Equipment Decontamination Procedures Disposable sampling equipment (nitrile gloves and polyethylene tubing) were used where possible to reduce the amount of equipment that needed to be decontaminated between sample locations. The Geoprobe rods in contact with the on-site soils were decontaminated between locations by washing the equipment with a power washer, brushes and non-phosphate detergent (Alconox) and rinsing the equipment with tap water. Gloves, PVC liners and other investigation derived waste were disposed off-site at a municipal sanitary landfill. Soil cuttings generated during soil sampling; and monitoring well development and purge water removed during groundwater sampling, were contained in 55-gallon drums. The investigative derived is currently stage on-site pending disposal at a permitted facility. Murray Station Apartments February 2024 Expanded Subsurface Investigation Report Version 1 Project No. 271EM00850 Page 5 Atlas Technical Consultants LLC 3.0 SITE CHARACTERIZATION RESULT AND FINDINGS 3.1 Subsurface Lithology Subsurface lithology encountered during the investigation consisted primarily of fill material (sand, silt, and gravel) to a depth of approximately 2 to 3-feet bgs. Beneath the fill material, medium grained sand was primarily encountered to the depth of approximately 10 to 11-feet bgs. Beneath the medium grained sand, silty sand and very fine sand were primarily encountered to the depth of soil borings at 17 feet bgs. Groundwater was encountered during drilling at a depth of approximately 11 to 12-feet bgs. No organic vapors above the background value of 1.0 ppm-v were measured during sampling. The OVM measurements collected in the field are included with soil boring logs in Appendix A. 3.2 Groundwater Gradient Analysis Groundwater elevation data collected from wells was used to generate a groundwater flow direction map for the site. The data indicate that groundwater flows is to the northwest at a gradient of 0.004 ft/ft between MW -4 and MW -1. The groundwater elevation data are summarized in Table 1 and the groundwater gradient map is presented as Figure 3. 3.3 Soil Analysis Summary Review of the metals analytical data indicate the presence of arsenic above the USEPA Residential Risk Screening Level (RSL – 0.68 mg/kg) and above the UDEQ DWMRC Background Threshold Value (BTV – 27 mg/kg) in the soil samples collected from SB-14/MW -4 @ 2-3’ (98.0 mg/kg) and SB-15/MW -5 @ 8-10’ (32.6 mg/kg). Lead was also measured above its Residential RSL (400 mg/kg) and BTV (60 mg/kg) in the soil sample collected from SB- 14/MW -4 @ 2-3’ (560 mg/kg). Cadmium and mercury were also measured above their BTVs in several samples; however, the concentrations measured did not exceeded their respective USEPA Residential RSLs. Lead was also measured above its BTV in the soil sample collected from SB-11/MW -1 @ 2-3’ (202 mg/kg); however, the concentration is below the USEPA Residential RSL of 400 mg/kg. No other USEPA Residential RSLs or UDEQ DWMRC BTVs were exceeded in any of the other soil samples submitted for laboratory analysis. The soil metals data are summarized in Table 2 and copy of the analytical reports are included in Appendix B. In addition to the soil analysis discussed above, the soil sample (SB-14/MW -4 @ 2-4’) measuring the highest arsenic and lead concentrations was analyzed for the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP). The results indicated an arsenic concentration of 0.881 mg/L and a lead concentration of 0.728 mg/L. Based upon review of the data, it is unlikely that the soil beneath the site would be classify as hazardous waste. The TCLP metals data are summarized in Table 3 and copy of the analytical report is included in Appendix B. 3.4 Groundwater Analysis Summary Review of the groundwater metals data indicate the presence of arsenic above the USEPA MCL of 10.0 µg/L in MW -1 (13.8 µg/L). Lead was also measured above its MCL of 15 µg/L in MW -3 (20.9 µg/L), MW -4 (21.6 µg/L), and in the blind duplicate sample (BDS-1) collected from MW -4 (22.2 µg/L). Selenium was also measured above its MCL of 50 µg/L in MW -4 (83.2 µg/L), and in BDS-1 collected from MW -4 (84.0 µg/L). The UDEQ has not established ISLs for metals. No other metals were measured above their respective MCLs in any of the other groundwater samples submitted for analysis. The groundwater metals data are summarized in Table 4 and copies of the analytical reports are included in Appendix B. Murray Station Apartments February 2024 Expanded Subsurface Investigation Report Version 1 Project No. 271EM00850 Page 6 Atlas Technical Consultants LLC 3.5 Data Validation and Assessment The objectives of the data validation and assessment program for this investigation was to examine and validate all data and documentation from field and laboratory instrumentation and method quality assurance elements to ensure that all requirements specified in the Workplan (Atlas, December 2023) had been met. The samples were analyzed for the contaminants of concern in accordance with the approved test methods using USEPA Quality Assurance Level 3 reporting. The data validation reports included analysis of the sample holding times, laboratory method blanks, laboratory control sample analysis, matrix spike analysis, matrix spike duplicate analysis, field duplicate analysis, completeness of data and an overall assessment of the sensitivity, accuracy, precision, completeness, representativeness and comparability of the data. The method blanks, matrix spikes, matrix spike duplicates and laboratory control samples were analyzed for each group of samples analyzed together by the laboratories using samples selected from this investigation. All samples were received at the correct temperature, in the proper containers, with the appropriate preservatives, and within method specified holding times. Where applicable, all method detection limits (MDLs) and Reported Detection Limits (RDLs) values reported for environmental samples have been corrected for the dilution factor used in the analysis. All Method and Batch Quality Control are within established criteria except where addressed in the laboratory report case narrative. The following laboratory qualifiers were identified by the testing laboratory during the data validation and assessment process for analytes concentrations that were measured at or above the laboratory method detection limits: B - The same analyte is found in the associated blank J - Identification of analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. J3 - The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for precision. J5 - The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is high. J6 - The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make an accurate determination; spike value is low. O1 - The analyte failed the method required serial dilution test and/or subsequent post- spike criteria. These failures indicate matrix interference. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Review of the metals analytical data indicate the presence of arsenic above the USEPA Residential RSL and above the UDEQ DWMRC BTV in two soil samples ((SB-14/MW -4 @ 2-3’ (98.0 mg/kg) and SB-15/MW -5 @ 8-10’ (32.6 mg/kg)). Lead was also measured above its Residential RSL and BTV in one soil sample ((SB-14/MW -4 @ 2-3’ (560 mg/kg)). Cadmium and mercury were also measured above their BTVs in several samples; however, the concentrations did not exceeded their respective USEPA Residential RSLs. No other USEPA Residential RSLs or UDEQ DWMRC BTVs were exceeded in any of the other soil samples submitted for laboratory analysis. Review of the groundwater metals data indicate the presence of arsenic above the USEPA MCL of 10.0 µg/L in MW -1. Lead was also measured above its MCL of 15 µg/L in MW -3 and MW -4. Selenium was also measured above its MCL of 50 µg/L in MW -4. No other metals were Murray Station Apartments February 2024 Expanded Subsurface Investigation Report Version 1 Project No. 271EM00850 Page 7 Atlas Technical Consultants LLC measured above their respective MCLs in any of the other groundwater samples submitted for analysis. Based upon review of the historical data (EBI, September 2023) and data collected during this investigation, it appears that arsenic and lead impacted soil are present above the DWMRC BTVs and above the USEPA Residential RSLs starting at the surface down to a depth of approximately 5-feet below grade. Below approximately 5-feet, metals are present; however, the concentrations measured are either below their respective BTVs or below their respective USEPA RSLs. Review of the groundwater data indicate arsenic, lead, and selenium are also present above their respective MCLs. Information provided by the property owner indicates that during redevelopment the soil currently present will remain on-site and that the site will be graded to the appropriate elevation prior to construction. Upon completion of the site grading effort, imported clean fill will then be utilized to build the site up to the appropriate elevation prior to construction of the apartment complex. Based upon review of the data collected at the site, Atlas recommends that a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) be prepared to manage the metals impacted soil during redevelopment of the property. 5.0 REFERENCES EBI Consulting, Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Berger Lane Property, 261, 257, 237, 179, 171, 173, 175, 177 Berger Lane, Murray, Utah, June 7, 2023. EBI Consulting, Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, Murray Station Apartments, Berger Lane, Murray, Utah, September 8, 2023. Atlas Technical Consultants, Additional Subsurface Investigation Work Plan, Murray Station Apartments, 171, 173, 175, 177, 179, 237, 257, and 261 W. Berger Lane, Murray, Utah. December 13, 2023. Project No. 271EM00850 Atlas Technical Consultants LLC FIGURES 358 South 700 East, B518 Salt Lake City, Utah 84102 (801) 973-1095 FIGURE 1 Site Vicinity Map SOURCE: Google Maps DATE: 2/24 PROJECT NO: 271EM00850 Murray Station Apartments 171, 173, 175, 177, 179, 237, 257, 261 W. Berger Lane Murray, Utah 84107 Approximate Scale: Not to scale 271EM00850PROJECT NUMBER:DATE:02-23-24 2 FIGURE DRAWN BY:JCAPPROVED BY:BA 358 South 700 East, B518 Salt Lake City, Utah 84102 801-935-4917 SOIL STOCKPILE LOCATION (EBI CONSULTING 8/23/23) SOIL BORING LOCATION (EBI CONSULTING 8/23/23) MONITORING WELL LOCATION S 271EM00850PROJECT NUMBER:DATE:02-23-24 3 FIGURE DRAWN BY:JCAPPROVED BY:BA 358 South 700 East, B518 Salt Lake City, Utah 84102 801-935-4917 ESTIMATED GROUNDWATER CONTOUR LINE MEASURED IN FEET MONITORING WELL LOCATION WITH GROUNDWATER ELEVATION IN FEET MONITORING WELL LOCATION S Project No. 271EM00850 Atlas Technical Consultants LLC TABLES Well ID Well Diameter (inches) Screened Interval (ft- bgs) Top of Casing Elevation (feet)* Date Depth to Water (ft- btoc) Groundwater Elevation (feet) Notes: ft-bgs = feet below ground surface ft-btoc = feet below top of casing * = Top of casing survey conducted on 02/07/24. Values represent surrogate elevations and do not reflect actual mean sea level surveyed elevations. An arbitrary elevation of 100.00 feet was established for the top of well casing for MW-4. Other well elevations are relative to MW-4. 171, 173, 175, 177, 179, 237, 257, and 261 W. BERGER LANE 2 7-17 MW-3 2 7-17 MW-5 98.49 98.36 MW-4 2 7-17 100.00 MURRAY, UTAH MW-2 2 7-17 101.64 TABLE 1 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND MONITORING WELL COMPLETION DETAILS 97.47MW-1 2 02/07/24 6.04 91.437-17 MURRAY STATION APARTMENTS 02/07/24 8.62 93.02 02/07/24 5.79 92.57 02/07/24 6.74 93.26 02/07/24 6.18 92.31 Page 1 of 2 SB-1 @ 0-0.5'08/23/23 86.9 81.1 8.70 11.7 1070 0.605 <2.06 4.40 SB-1 @ 3-3.5'08/23/23 15.2 47.0 <0.521 5.72 12.0 <0.0417 <2.08 <1.04 SB-1 @ 5-5.5'08/23/23 31.8 67.8 1.04 12.4 78.2 <0.0444 <2.22 <1.11 SB-1 @ 9.5-10'08/23/23 15.4 172 <0.672 22.8 43.7 <0.0538 <2.69 <1.34 SB-2 @ 0-0.5'08/23/23 24.4 202 0.589 27.1 37.0 <0.0452 <2.26 <1.13 SB-2 @ 3-3.5'08/23/23 14.8 98.2 1.04 11.6 88.5 <0.155 <2.30 <1.15 SB-2 @ 5-5.5'08/23/23 9.70 65.1 <0.561 13.5 38.1 <0.0449 <2.24 <1.12 SB-2 @ 9.5-10'08/23/23 5.26 192 1.62 16.4 34.5 <0.0512 <2.56 <1.28 SB-3 @ 0-0.5'08/23/23 211 127 20.7 50.7 1520 2.68 <2.09 6.74 SB-3 @ 3-3.5'08/23/23 17.7 34.6 <0.516 4.79 8.11 <0.0413 <2.06 <1.03 SB-3 @ 5-5.5'08/23/23 7.63 40.8 <0.568 6.47 11.4 <0.0454 <2.27 <1.14 SB-3 @ 9.5-10'08/23/23 6.22 102 <0.629 14.8 31.8 <0.0503 <2.52 <1.26 SB-4 @ 0-0.5'08/23/23 20.5 143 0.976 17.2 72.1 <0.0447 <2.24 <1.12 SB-4 @ 3-3.5'08/23/23 15.8 201 <0.585 26.3 47.0 <0.0468 <2.34 <1.17 SB-4 @ 5-5.5'08/23/23 11.5 211 <0.602 33.5 67.3 <0.0482 <2.41 <1.20 SB-4 @ 9.5-10'08/23/23 8.45 82.4 0.666 12.7 26.7 <0.0510 <2.55 <1.27 SB-5 @ 0-0.5'08/23/23 13.5 102 0.831 13.7 66.0 <0.0434 <2.17 <1.09 SB-5 @ 3-3.5'08/23/23 55.6 113 5.25 11.8 722 <0.179 <2.31 2.37 SB-5 @ 5-5.5'08/23/23 32.1 97.2 4.14 13.5 307 0.129 <2.34 1.36 SB-5 @ 9.5-10'08/23/23 13.5 55.7 <0.574 6.11 9.25 <0.0459 <2.30 <1.15 SB-6 @ 0-0.5'08/23/23 16.7 109 0.764 17.7 60.1 <0.0433 <2.17 <1.08 SB-6 @ 3-3.5'08/23/23 14.2 114 1.07 15.6 140 <0.0421 <2.11 <1.05 SB-6 @ 5-5.5'08/23/23 29.6 105 4.23 50.3 388 0.110 <2.22 2.22 SB-6 @ 9.5-10'08/23/23 8.44 186 0.837 17.4 38.7 <0.0521 <2.61 <1.30 SB-7 @ 0-0.5'08/23/23 11.1 89.1 0.770 10.9 78.3 <0.0418 <2.09 1.10 SB-7 @ 3-3.5'08/23/23 27.6 50.6 2.03 6.67 145 0.0594 <2.11 <1.06 SB-7 @ 5-5.5'08/23/23 20.0 99.0 <0.553 7.29 12.9 <0.0442 <2.21 <1.11 SB-7 @ 9.5-10'08/23/23 14.5 44.7 <0.586 6.11 6.40 <0.0468 <2.34 <1.17 SB-8 @ 0-0.5'08/23/23 40.7 112 4.51 13.1 399 0.135 <2.12 1.53 SB-8 @ 3-3.5'08/23/23 32.7 60.1 <0.529 6.60 11.5 <0.0423 <2.11 <1.06 SB-8 @ 5-5.5'08/23/23 35.7 56.1 <0.555 14.0 11.8 <0.0444 <2.22 <1.11 SB-8 @ 9.5-10'08/23/23 11.5 98.6 <0.623 13.9 33.5 <0.0498 <2.49 <1.25 SB-9 @ 0-0.5'08/23/23 9.92 72.3 0.710 11.9 44.9 <0.0413 <2.06 <1.03 SB-9 @ 3-3.5'08/23/23 40.2 89.9 0.732 12.6 28.1 <0.0470 <2.35 <1.17 SB-9 @ 5-5.5'08/23/23 83.3 80.9 4.63 14.2 919 <0.462 <2.32 3.88 SB-9 @ 9.5-10'08/23/23 <2.55 118 0.955 13.0 23.5 <0.0510 <2.55 <1.27 SB-10 @ 0-0.5'08/23/23 117 159 12.7 9.32 1150 0.552 <2.06 5.43 SB-10 @ 3-3.5'08/23/23 25.6 44.4 <0.527 4.79 7.13 <0.0421 <2.11 <1.05 SB-10 @ 5-5.5'08/23/23 39.7 49.6 1.92 9.07 158 0.122 <2.20 <1.10 SB-10 @ 9.5-10'08/23/23 3.88 48.2 <0.630 5.40 4.60 <0.0504 <2.52 <1.26 SS-1 08/23/23 17.3 120 1.06 16.2 80.0 0.0576 <2.07 <1.04 SS-2 08/23/23 12.4 102 0.705 13.2 37.9 <0.0418 <2.09 <1.05 SS-3 08/23/23 4.19 53.5 <0.0527 6.25 8.25 <0.0421 <2.11 <1.05 SS-4 08/23/23 20.7 138 0.785 15.0 80.5 <0.0419 <2.09 <1.05 SS-5 08/23/23 6.22 106 0.661 15.0 18.2 <0.0420 <2.10 <1.05 SB-11/MW-1 @ 2-3'02/01/24 16.8 33.9 2.24 3.87 J 202 0.0911 0.189 J 1.23 SB-11/MW-1 @ 10-12'02/01/24 2.91 15.3 <1.00 5.01 4.98 <0.0400 0.546 J <0.500 (all values expressed in milligrams per kilogram [mg/kg) Metals (EPA Method 6020/7471A) Cadmium TABLE 2 RCRA 8 METALS SOIL ANALTICAL DATA SUMMARY MURRAY STATION APARTMENTS 171, 173, 175, 177, 179, 237, 257, and 261 W. BERGER LANE MURRAY, UTAH MercuryBarium Date Arsenic Sample ID Chromium Lead SilverSelenium Page 2 of 2 (all values expressed in milligrams per kilogram [mg/kg) Metals (EPA Method 6020/7471A) Cadmium TABLE 2 RCRA 8 METALS SOIL ANALTICAL DATA SUMMARY MURRAY STATION APARTMENTS 171, 173, 175, 177, 179, 237, 257, and 261 W. BERGER LANE MURRAY, UTAH MercuryBarium Date Arsenic Sample ID Chromium Lead SilverSelenium SB-11/MW-1 @ 15-17'02/01/24 2.41 10.0 0.228 J 2.62 J 2.78 <0.0400 2.89 <0.500 SB-12/MW-2 @ 2-3'02/01/24 7.54 211 0.383 J 7.89 29.6 0.0408 0.463 J 0.152 J SB-12/MW-2 @ 10-12'02/01/24 6.76 123 0.809 J 13.1 29.8 0.0241 J 9.43 0.375 J SB-12/MW-2 @ 15-17'02/01/24 7.06 46.0 0.126 J 9.17 19.2 <0.0400 2.37 J 0.151 J SB-13/MW-3 @ 2-3'02/01/24 22.5 49.6 0.357 J 5.93 17.8 <0.0400 <2.50 0.117 J SB-13/MW-3 @ 10-11'02/01/24 3.95 127 0.886 J 12.6 28.5 <0.0400 0.930 J 0.347 J SB-13/MW-3 @ 15-17'02/01/24 10.1 79.8 0.257 J 14.3 30.0 <0.0400 0.423 J 0.274 J BDS-1 02/01/24 10.0 82.6 0.259 J 14.2 32.9 <0.0400 0.448 J 0.311 J SB-14/MW-4 @ 2-3'02/01/24 98.0 84.0 5.19 8.30 560 0.322 0.773 J 3.06 SB-14/MW-4 @ 10-11'02/02/24 10.2 179 J6 0.436 J 13.1 30.7 <0.0400 0.243 J <0.500 SB-14/MW-4 @ 15-17'02/02/24 5.21 109 0.343 J 13.8 33.2 <0.0400 0.665 J 0.341 J SB-15/MW-5 @ 2-3'02/01/24 10.9 42.0 0.513 J 5.68 32.6 0.0379 J 0.228 J 0.210 J SB-15/MW-5 @ 8-10'02/02/24 32.6 40.7 0.111 J 6.56 11.9 <0.0400 <2.50 <0.500 SB-15/MW-5 @ 15-17'02/02/24 1.38 25.7 <1.00 7.70 4.81 <0.0400 <2.50 <0.500 27 521 0.4 51 60 0.03 NE NE 0.68 15,000 7.1 NE 400 11 390 390 Notes: Data for soil borings SB-1 through SB-10 and soil samples SS-1 through SS-5 were collected by EBI Consulting (EBI). The EBI data presented above has not been verified by Atlas and is a summary of the data presented in Tables 4.1 and 4.2 of the EBI report dated September 8, 2023. J - Identification of analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. J6 - The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is low. BDS - 1 - Blind Duplicate Sample was collected from SB-13/MW-3 @ 15-17' [1] - Utah UDEQ Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control (DWMRC) Background Threshold Value (BTV), June 2023 [2] - United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Regional Screening Levels (RSL) November 2023, TR = 1x10-6, HQ = 1.0 NE - Not Established Red bold values indicate concentration in excess of UDEQ DWMRC BTV Bold values indicate concentration in excess of UDEQ DWMRC BTV and the EPA Residential Risk Screening Level (RSL) USEPA Residential RSL[2] DWMRC BTV - Salt Lake County[1] SB-14/MW-4 @ 2-3'02/01/24 0.881 EPA Hazardous Waste Level 5.0 TCLP - Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure Lead 0.728 5.0 Notes: Sample ID Date Metals Arsenic TABLE 3 METALS TCLP ANALTICAL DATA SUMMARY MURRAY STATION APARTMENTS 171, 173, 175, 177, 179, 237, 257, and 261 W. BERGER LANE MURRAY, UTAH (all values expressed in milligrams per liter [mg/L) MW-1 02/07/24 13.8 110 0.361 J 2.60 7.44 <0.200 6.53 <2.00 MW-2 02/07/24 4.74 213 0.268 J <2.00 3.13 <0.200 5.66 <2.00 MW-3 02/07/24 5.49 106 0.701 J 7.15 20.9 <0.200 37.4 0.172 J MW-4 02/07/24 4.41 163 1.87 4.46 21.6 <0.200 83.2 0.0787 J BDS-1 02/07/24 4.54 168 1.90 4.95 22.2 <0.200 84.0 <0.0885 J MW-5 02/07/24 2.78 79.1 0.878 J 2.76 5.82 <0.200 23.4 0.0714 J Equip. Blank 02/02/24 1.64 J 18.0 0.218 J 6.71 11.60 <0.200 <2.00 0.0895 J Equip. Blank 02/07/24 <2.00 1.04 J <1.00 <2.00 <2.00 <0.200 <2.00 <2.00 10 2,000 5.0 100 15 2.0 50 100 BDS-1 - Blind Duplicate 1 - Collected from MW-4 B - The same analyte is found in the associated blank. J - Identification of analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. The equipment blank dated 02/02/24 was collected from the drill rods and the equipment blank dated 02/07/24 was collected from the groundwater sampling equipment. Notes: SilverMercury EPA MCL Sample ID Date Metals (EPA Method 6020/7470A) Tabular data summary includes analytes that were detected in at least one groundwater sample. Refer to official laboratory report for laboratory reporting limits and method detection limits for other constituents not presented in this summary. EPA MCL - United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) Bold concentration indicates an exceedence of the USEPA MCL Arsenic SeleniumLeadCadmiumBariumChromium UDEQ - Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Environmental Response and Remediation TABLE 4 RCRA 8 METALS GROUNDWATER ANALTICAL DATA SUMMARY MURRAY STATION APARTMENTS 171, 173, 175, 177, 179, 237, 257, and 261 W. BERGER LANE MURRAY, UTAH (all values expressed in micro grams per liter [µg/L) Project No. 271EM00850 Atlas Technical Consultants LLC APPENDIX A Soil Boring Logs and Monitoring Well Construction Details Project No. 271EM00850 Atlas Technical Consultants LLC APPENDIX B Laboratory Reports ANALYTICAL REPORT February 12, 2024 Revised Report One Atlas Sample Delivery Group:L1702045 Samples Received:02/03/2024 Project Number:271EM00850 Description:Murray Station Apts. Report To:Jim Coletta 1775 South 4130 West, Ste A Salt Lake City, UT 84104 Entire Report Reviewed By: February 12, 2024 [Preliminary Report] Daphne Richards Project Manager Results relate only to the items tested or calibrated and are reported as rounded values. This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval of the laboratory. Where applicable, sampling conducted by Pace Analytical National is performed per guidance provided in laboratory standard operating procedures ENV-SOP-MTJL-0067 and ENV-SOP-MTJL-0068. Where sampling conducted by the customer, results relate to the accuracy of the information provided, and as the samples are received. Pace Analytical National 12065 Lebanon Rd Mount Juliet, TN 37122 615-758-5858 800-767-5859 www.pacenational.com 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Su 6 Gl 7 Al 8 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 1 of 189 February 12, 2024 Daphne Richards Project Manager ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:21 1 of 189 TABLE OF CONTENTSTABLE OF CONTENTSTABLE OF CONTENTSTABLE OF CONTENTSTABLE OF CONTENTS Cp: Cover Page 1 Tc: Table of Contents 2 Ss: Sample Summary 7 Cn: Case Narrative 10 Su: Summary Results 11 6020 Metals (ICPMS) 11 Sample Result Inorganic Analysis Data Sheet 12 L1702045-01 02/06/24 19:54 ICPMS11 12 L1702045-02 02/06/24 19:57 ICPMS11 13 L1702045-03 02/07/24 12:07 ICPMS8 14 L1702045-04 02/07/24 12:10 ICPMS8 15 L1702045-05 02/07/24 12:13 ICPMS8 16 L1702045-06 02/07/24 12:25 ICPMS8 17 L1702045-07 02/06/24 20:01 ICPMS11 18 L1702045-08 02/07/24 12:28 ICPMS8 19 L1702045-09 02/07/24 12:31 ICPMS8 20 L1702045-10 02/07/24 11:50 ICPMS8 21 L1702045-11 02/07/24 12:35 ICPMS8 22 L1702045-12 02/06/24 19:01 ICPMS11 23 L1702045-13 02/07/24 12:38 ICPMS8 24 L1702045-14 02/07/24 12:41 ICPMS8 25 L1702045-15 02/06/24 20:04 ICPMS11 26 L1702045-16 02/06/24 20:07 ICPMS11 27 L1702045-17 02/07/24 14:30 ICPMS8 28 BLANK(R4030545-1) WG2220616 02/06/24 18:54 ICPMS11 29 BLANK(R4030874-1) WG2220617 02/07/24 11:43 ICPMS8 30 BLANK(R4030950-2) WG2220990 02/07/24 14:23 ICPMS8 31 LCS(R4030545-2) WG2220616 02/06/24 18:58 ICPMS11 32 LCS(R4030874-2) WG2220617 02/07/24 11:47 ICPMS8 33 LCS(R4030950-3) WG2220990 02/07/24 14:27 ICPMS8 34 MS(R4030545-5) WG2220616 02/06/24 19:11 ICPMS11 35 MS(R4030874-5) WG2220617 02/07/24 12:00 ICPMS8 36 MS(R4030950-5) WG2220990 02/07/24 14:37 ICPMS8 37 MSD(R4030545-6) WG2220616 02/06/24 19:14 ICPMS11 38 MSD(R4030874-6) WG2220617 02/07/24 12:03 ICPMS8 39 MSD(R4030950-6) WG2220990 02/07/24 14:40 ICPMS8 40 PS(R4030545-4) WG2220616 02/06/24 19:08 ICPMS11 41 PS(R4030874-4) WG2220617 02/07/24 11:57 ICPMS8 42 SD(R4030545-7) WG2220616 02/06/24 19:24 ICPMS11 43 SD(R4030874-3) WG2220617 02/07/24 11:53 ICPMS8 44 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Su 6 Gl 7 Al 8 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 2 of 189 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:21 2 of 189 SD(R4030950-4) WG2220990 02/07/24 14:33 ICPMS8 45 Calibration Verification 46 ICPMS8 020724ICPMS8 46 ICPMS11 020624ICPMS11 49 Blank 51 ICPMS8 020724ICPMS8 51 ICPMS11 020624ICPMS11 53 ICP Interference Check Sample 55 ICPMS8 02/07/24 09:40 55 ICPMS11 02/06/24 12:41 56 Matrix Spike / Duplicate 57 WG2220616 MS(R4030545-5) MSD(R4030545-6) 57 WG2220617 MS(R4030874-5) MSD(R4030874-6) 58 WG2220990 MS(R4030950-5) MSD(R4030950-6) 59 Post Digestion Spike 60 WG2220616 PS(R4030545-4) 60 WG2220617 PS(R4030874-4) 61 Laboratory Control Sample / Duplicate 62 WG2220616 LCS(R4030545-2) 62 WG2220617 LCS(R4030874-2) 63 WG2220990 LCS(R4030950-3) 64 Serial Dilution 65 WG2220616 SD(R4030545-7) 65 WG2220617 SD(R4030874-3) 66 WG2220990 SD(R4030950-4) 67 Detection Limit Summary 68 6020 - GW 68 6020 - Solid 69 Linear Dynamic Range 70 ICPMS8 01/31/24 12:50 70 ICPMS11 01/31/24 13:00 71 Internal Standard Association 72 ICPMS8 02/07/24 08:22 72 ICPMS11 02/06/24 09:58 73 Analysis Log 74 ICPMS8 020724ICPMS8 02/07/24 08:39 74 ICPMS11 020624ICPMS11 02/06/24 11:04 75 ICP/MS Tune 76 ICPMS8 020724ICPMS8 02/07/24 08:22 76 ICPMS11 020624ICPMS11 02/06/24 09:58 77 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Su 6 Gl 7 Al 8 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 3 of 189 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:21 3 of 189 Internal Standard Relative Intensity 78 ICPMS8 020724ICPMS8 78 ICPMS11 020624ICPMS11 82 Initial Calibration Recovery 86 ICPMS8 020724ICPMS8 02/07/24 08:39 86 ICPMS11 020624ICPMS11 02/06/24 11:04 91 ICP/MS Initial Calibration 96 ICPMS8 020724ICPMS8 02/07/24 08:39 96 ICPMS11 020624ICPMS11 02/06/24 11:04 97 7470A Mercury 98 Sample Result Inorganic Analysis Data Sheet 99 L1702045-17 02/07/24 10:02 CVAA7 99 BLANK(R4030890-1) WG2220218 02/07/24 09:57 CVAA7 100 LCS(R4030890-5) WG2220218 02/07/24 13:15 CVAA7 101 MS(R4030890-3) WG2220218 02/07/24 10:04 CVAA7 102 MSD(R4030890-4) WG2220218 02/07/24 10:07 CVAA7 103 PS(R4030890-6) WG2220218 02/07/24 13:18 CVAA7 104 Calibration Verification 105 CVAA7 020724CVAA7 WC 105 Blank 108 CVAA7 020724CVAA7 WC 108 Matrix Spike / Duplicate 110 WG2220218 MS(R4030890-3) MSD(R4030890-4) 110 Post Digestion Spike 111 WG2220218 PS(R4030890-6) 111 Laboratory Control Sample / Duplicate 112 WG2220218 LCS(R4030890-5) 112 Detection Limit Summary 113 7470A - GW 113 Linear Dynamic Range 114 CVAA7 06/27/19 15:34 114 Analysis Log 115 CVAA7 020724CVAA7 WC 02/07/24 09:16 115 Initial Calibration Recovery 116 CVAA7 020724CVAA7 WC 02/07/24 09:16 116 Initial Calibration 119 CVAA7 020724CVAA7 WC 02/07/24 09:16 119 7471A Mercury 120 Sample Result Inorganic Analysis Data Sheet 121 L1702045-01 02/09/24 14:36 CVAA7 121 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Su 6 Gl 7 Al 8 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 4 of 189 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:21 4 of 189 L1702045-02 02/07/24 14:51 CVAA10 122 L1702045-03 02/07/24 14:58 CVAA10 123 L1702045-04 02/07/24 15:00 CVAA10 124 L1702045-05 02/07/24 15:03 CVAA10 125 L1702045-06 02/07/24 16:44 CVAA10 126 L1702045-07 02/07/24 16:46 CVAA10 127 L1702045-08 02/07/24 16:48 CVAA10 128 L1702045-09 02/07/24 16:51 CVAA10 129 L1702045-10 02/07/24 16:53 CVAA10 130 L1702045-11 02/07/24 16:56 CVAA10 131 L1702045-12 02/07/24 16:17 CVAA10 132 L1702045-13 02/07/24 16:58 CVAA10 133 L1702045-14 02/07/24 17:01 CVAA10 134 L1702045-15 02/07/24 17:11 CVAA10 135 L1702045-16 02/07/24 17:14 CVAA10 136 BLANK(R4031044-1) WG2221306 02/07/24 14:04 CVAA10 137 BLANK(R4031082-1) WG2221314 02/07/24 15:53 CVAA10 138 BLANK(R4032114-1) WG2221325 02/09/24 14:18 CVAA7 139 LCS(R4031044-3) WG2221306 02/07/24 14:31 CVAA10 140 LCS(R4031082-2) WG2221314 02/07/24 16:14 CVAA10 141 LCS(R4032114-2) WG2221325 02/09/24 14:26 CVAA7 142 MS(R4031044-4) WG2221306 02/07/24 14:43 CVAA10 143 MS(R4031082-3) WG2221314 02/07/24 16:19 CVAA10 144 MS(R4032114-3) WG2221325 02/09/24 14:31 CVAA7 145 MSD(R4031044-5) WG2221306 02/07/24 14:46 CVAA10 146 MSD(R4031082-4) WG2221314 02/07/24 16:22 CVAA10 147 MSD(R4032114-5) WG2221325 02/09/24 16:50 CVAA7 148 PS(R4032114-6) WG2221325 02/09/24 17:11 CVAA7 149 Calibration Verification 150 CVAA7 020924CVAA7 S 150 CVAA10 020724CVAA10 S 155 Blank 160 CVAA7 020924CVAA7 S 160 CVAA10 020724CVAA10 S 162 Matrix Spike / Duplicate 166 WG2221306 MS(R4031044-4) MSD(R4031044-5) 166 WG2221314 MS(R4031082-3) MSD(R4031082-4) 167 WG2221325 MS(R4032114-3) MSD(R4032114-5) 168 Post Digestion Spike 169 WG2221325 PS(R4032114-6) 169 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Su 6 Gl 7 Al 8 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 5 of 189 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:21 5 of 189 Laboratory Control Sample / Duplicate 170 WG2221306 LCS(R4031044-3) 170 WG2221314 LCS(R4031082-2) 171 WG2221325 LCS(R4032114-2) 172 Detection Limit Summary 173 7471A - Solid 173 Linear Dynamic Range 174 CVAA7 06/27/19 15:34 174 Analysis Log 175 CVAA7 020924CVAA7 S 02/09/24 09:44 175 CVAA10 020724CVAA10 S 02/07/24 11:18 176 Initial Calibration Recovery 178 CVAA7 020924CVAA7 S 02/09/24 09:44 178 CVAA10 020724CVAA10 S 02/07/24 11:18 181 Initial Calibration 184 CVAA7 020924CVAA7 S 02/09/24 09:44 184 CVAA10 020724CVAA10 S 02/07/24 11:18 185 Gl: Glossary of Terms 186 Al: Accreditations & Locations 187 Sc: Sample Chain of Custody 188 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Su 6 Gl 7 Al 8 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 6 of 189 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:21 6 of 189 SAMPLE SUMMARY Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time SB-11/MW-1@2-3' L1702045-01 Solid Beau Anderson 02/01/24 09:25 02/03/24 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Mercury by Method 7471A WG2221325 1 02/07/24 20:38 02/09/24 14:36 LAS Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICPMS) by Method 6020 WG2220616 5 02/06/24 09:17 02/06/24 19:54 LD Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time SB-11/MW-1@10-12' L1702045-02 Solid Beau Anderson 02/01/24 10:15 02/03/24 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Mercury by Method 7471A WG2221306 1 02/06/24 19:30 02/07/24 14:51 LAS Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICPMS) by Method 6020 WG2220616 5 02/06/24 09:17 02/06/24 19:57 LD Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time SB-11/MW-1@15-17' L1702045-03 Solid Beau Anderson 02/01/24 10:25 02/03/24 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Mercury by Method 7471A WG2221306 1 02/06/24 19:30 02/07/24 14:58 LAS Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICPMS) by Method 6020 WG2220617 5 02/06/24 12:12 02/07/24 12:07 SJM Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time SB-12/MW-2@2-3' L1702045-04 Solid Beau Anderson 02/01/24 10:05 02/03/24 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Mercury by Method 7471A WG2221306 1 02/06/24 19:30 02/07/24 15:00 LAS Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICPMS) by Method 6020 WG2220617 5 02/06/24 12:12 02/07/24 12:10 SJM Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time SB-12/MW-2@10-12' L1702045-05 Solid Beau Anderson 02/01/24 11:40 02/03/24 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Mercury by Method 7471A WG2221306 1 02/06/24 19:30 02/07/24 15:03 LAS Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICPMS) by Method 6020 WG2220617 5 02/06/24 12:12 02/07/24 12:13 SJM Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time SB-12/MW-2@15-17' L1702045-06 Solid Beau Anderson 02/01/24 11:55 02/03/24 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Mercury by Method 7471A WG2221314 1 02/06/24 19:33 02/07/24 16:44 LAS Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICPMS) by Method 6020 WG2220617 5 02/06/24 12:12 02/07/24 12:25 SJM Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time SB-13/MW-3@2-3' L1702045-07 Solid Beau Anderson 02/01/24 10:50 02/03/24 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Mercury by Method 7471A WG2221314 1 02/06/24 19:33 02/07/24 16:46 LAS Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICPMS) by Method 6020 WG2220616 5 02/06/24 09:17 02/06/24 20:01 LD Mt. Juliet, TN 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Su 6 Gl 7 Al 8 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 7 of 189 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:21 7 of 189 SAMPLE SUMMARY Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time SB-13/MW-3@10-11' L1702045-08 Solid Beau Anderson 02/01/24 14:10 02/03/24 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Mercury by Method 7471A WG2221314 1 02/06/24 19:33 02/07/24 16:48 LAS Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICPMS) by Method 6020 WG2220617 5 02/06/24 12:12 02/07/24 12:28 SJM Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time SB-13/MW-3@15-17' L1702045-09 Solid Beau Anderson 02/01/24 14:20 02/03/24 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Mercury by Method 7471A WG2221314 1 02/06/24 19:33 02/07/24 16:51 LAS Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICPMS) by Method 6020 WG2220617 5 02/06/24 12:12 02/07/24 12:31 SJM Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time BDS-1 L1702045-10 Solid Beau Anderson 02/01/24 00:00 02/03/24 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Mercury by Method 7471A WG2221314 1 02/06/24 19:33 02/07/24 16:53 LAS Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICPMS) by Method 6020 WG2220617 5 02/06/24 12:12 02/07/24 11:50 SJM Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time SB-14/MW-4@2-3' L1702045-11 Solid Beau Anderson 02/01/24 11:30 02/03/24 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Mercury by Method 7471A WG2221314 1 02/06/24 19:33 02/07/24 16:56 LAS Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICPMS) by Method 6020 WG2220617 5 02/06/24 12:12 02/07/24 12:35 SJM Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time SB-14/MW-4@10-11' L1702045-12 Solid Beau Anderson 02/02/24 08:50 02/03/24 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Mercury by Method 7471A WG2221314 1 02/06/24 19:33 02/07/24 16:17 LAS Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICPMS) by Method 6020 WG2220616 5 02/06/24 09:17 02/06/24 19:01 LD Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time SB-14/MW-4@15-17' L1702045-13 Solid Beau Anderson 02/02/24 09:00 02/03/24 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Mercury by Method 7471A WG2221314 1 02/06/24 19:33 02/07/24 16:58 LAS Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICPMS) by Method 6020 WG2220617 5 02/06/24 12:12 02/07/24 12:38 SJM Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time SB-15/MW-5@2-3' L1702045-14 Solid Beau Anderson 02/01/24 11:50 02/03/24 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Mercury by Method 7471A WG2221314 1 02/06/24 19:33 02/07/24 17:01 LAS Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICPMS) by Method 6020 WG2220617 5 02/06/24 12:12 02/07/24 12:41 SJM Mt. Juliet, TN 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Su 6 Gl 7 Al 8 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 8 of 189 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:21 8 of 189 SAMPLE SUMMARY Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time SB-15/MW-5@8-10' L1702045-15 Solid Beau Anderson 02/02/24 10:00 02/03/24 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Mercury by Method 7471A WG2221314 1 02/06/24 19:33 02/07/24 17:11 LAS Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICPMS) by Method 6020 WG2220616 5 02/06/24 09:17 02/06/24 20:04 LD Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time SB-15/MW-5@015-17' L1702045-16 Solid Beau Anderson 02/02/24 10:20 02/03/24 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Mercury by Method 7471A WG2221314 1 02/06/24 19:33 02/07/24 17:14 LAS Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICPMS) by Method 6020 WG2220616 5 02/06/24 09:17 02/06/24 20:07 LD Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time EQUIPMENT BLANK L1702045-17 GW Beau Anderson 02/02/24 09:20 02/03/24 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Mercury by Method 7470A WG2220218 1 02/06/24 12:38 02/07/24 10:02 NDL Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICPMS) by Method 6020 WG2220990 1 02/07/24 07:48 02/07/24 14:30 SJM Mt. Juliet, TN 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Su 6 Gl 7 Al 8 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 9 of 189 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:21 9 of 189 CASE NARRATIVE All sample aliquots were received at the correct temperature, in the proper containers, with the appropriate preservatives, and within method specified holding times, unless qualified or notated within the report. Where applicable, all MDL (LOD) and RDL (LOQ) values reported for environmental samples have been corrected for the dilution factor used in the analysis. All Method and Batch Quality Control are within established criteria except where addressed in this case narrative, a non-conformance form or properly qualified within the sample results. By my digital signature below, I affirm to the best of my knowledge, all problems/anomalies observed by the laboratory as having the potential to affect the quality of the data have been identified by the laboratory, and no information or data have been knowingly withheld that would affect the quality of the data. [Preliminary Report] Daphne Richards Project Manager Report Revision History Level III Report - Version 1: 02/12/24 10:17 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Su 6 Gl 7 Al 8 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 10 of 189 Daphne Richards Project Manager ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:21 10 of 189 6020 Metals (ICPMS) ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 11 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SB-11/MW-1@2-3' Lab Sample ID:L1702045-01 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:SB-11/MW-1@2-3'Collected Date/Time:02/01/24 09:25 Lab File ID:20240206195441 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 09:17 Analytical Batch:WG2220616 Analysis Date/Time:02/06/24 19:54 Dilution Factor:5 Prep Method:3050B Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.46 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Arsenic 7440-38-2 16.8 0.100 1.00 Barium 7440-39-3 33.9 0.152 2.50 Cadmium 7440-43-9 2.24 0.0855 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 3.87 J 0.296 5.00 Lead 7439-92-1 202 0.0990 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 0.189 J 0.180 2.50 Silver 7440-22-4 1.23 0.0865 0.500 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 12 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SB-11/MW-1@10-12' Lab Sample ID:L1702045-02 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:SB-11/MW-1@10-12'Collected Date/Time:02/01/24 10:15 Lab File ID:20240206195757 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 09:17 Analytical Batch:WG2220616 Analysis Date/Time:02/06/24 19:57 Dilution Factor:5 Prep Method:3050B Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.45 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Arsenic 7440-38-2 2.91 0.100 1.00 Barium 7440-39-3 15.3 0.152 2.50 Cadmium 7440-43-9 U 0.0855 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 5.01 0.296 5.00 Lead 7439-92-1 4.98 0.0990 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 0.546 J 0.180 2.50 Silver 7440-22-4 U 0.0865 0.500 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 13 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SB-11/MW-1@15-17' Lab Sample ID:L1702045-03 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:SB-11/MW-1@15-17'Collected Date/Time:02/01/24 10:25 Lab File ID:20240207120706 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 12:12 Analytical Batch:WG2220617 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 12:07 Dilution Factor:5 Prep Method:3050B Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.46 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Arsenic 7440-38-2 2.41 0.100 1.00 Barium 7440-39-3 10.0 0.152 2.50 Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.228 J 0.0855 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 2.62 J 0.296 5.00 Lead 7439-92-1 2.78 0.0990 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 2.89 0.180 2.50 Silver 7440-22-4 U 0.0865 0.500 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 14 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SB-12/MW-2@2-3' Lab Sample ID:L1702045-04 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:SB-12/MW-2@2-3'Collected Date/Time:02/01/24 10:05 Lab File ID:20240207121026 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 12:12 Analytical Batch:WG2220617 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 12:10 Dilution Factor:5 Prep Method:3050B Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.48 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Arsenic 7440-38-2 7.54 0.100 1.00 Barium 7440-39-3 211 0.152 2.50 Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.383 J 0.0855 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 7.89 0.296 5.00 Lead 7439-92-1 29.6 0.0990 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 0.463 J 0.180 2.50 Silver 7440-22-4 0.152 J 0.0865 0.500 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 15 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SB-12/MW-2@10-12' Lab Sample ID:L1702045-05 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:SB-12/MW-2@10-12'Collected Date/Time:02/01/24 11:40 Lab File ID:20240207121344 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 12:12 Analytical Batch:WG2220617 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 12:13 Dilution Factor:5 Prep Method:3050B Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.45 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Arsenic 7440-38-2 6.76 0.100 1.00 Barium 7440-39-3 123 0.152 2.50 Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.809 J 0.0855 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 13.1 0.296 5.00 Lead 7439-92-1 29.8 0.0990 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 9.43 0.180 2.50 Silver 7440-22-4 0.375 J 0.0865 0.500 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 16 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SB-12/MW-2@15-17' Lab Sample ID:L1702045-06 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:SB-12/MW-2@15-17'Collected Date/Time:02/01/24 11:55 Lab File ID:20240207122506 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 12:12 Analytical Batch:WG2220617 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 12:25 Dilution Factor:5 Prep Method:3050B Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.46 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Arsenic 7440-38-2 7.06 0.100 1.00 Barium 7440-39-3 46.0 0.152 2.50 Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.126 J 0.0855 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 9.17 0.296 5.00 Lead 7439-92-1 19.2 0.0990 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 2.37 J 0.180 2.50 Silver 7440-22-4 0.151 J 0.0865 0.500 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 17 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SB-13/MW-3@2-3' Lab Sample ID:L1702045-07 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:SB-13/MW-3@2-3'Collected Date/Time:02/01/24 10:50 Lab File ID:20240206200116 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 09:17 Analytical Batch:WG2220616 Analysis Date/Time:02/06/24 20:01 Dilution Factor:5 Prep Method:3050B Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.46 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Arsenic 7440-38-2 22.5 0.100 1.00 Barium 7440-39-3 49.6 0.152 2.50 Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.357 J 0.0855 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 5.93 0.296 5.00 Lead 7439-92-1 17.8 0.0990 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 U 0.180 2.50 Silver 7440-22-4 0.117 J 0.0865 0.500 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 18 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SB-13/MW-3@10-11' Lab Sample ID:L1702045-08 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:SB-13/MW-3@10-11'Collected Date/Time:02/01/24 14:10 Lab File ID:20240207122826 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 12:12 Analytical Batch:WG2220617 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 12:28 Dilution Factor:5 Prep Method:3050B Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.46 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Arsenic 7440-38-2 3.95 0.100 1.00 Barium 7440-39-3 127 0.152 2.50 Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.886 J 0.0855 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 12.6 0.296 5.00 Lead 7439-92-1 28.5 0.0990 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 0.930 J 0.180 2.50 Silver 7440-22-4 0.347 J 0.0865 0.500 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 19 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SB-13/MW-3@15-17' Lab Sample ID:L1702045-09 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:SB-13/MW-3@15-17'Collected Date/Time:02/01/24 14:20 Lab File ID:20240207123144 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 12:12 Analytical Batch:WG2220617 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 12:31 Dilution Factor:5 Prep Method:3050B Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.45 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Arsenic 7440-38-2 10.1 0.100 1.00 Barium 7440-39-3 79.8 0.152 2.50 Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.257 J 0.0855 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 14.3 0.296 5.00 Lead 7439-92-1 30.0 0.0990 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 0.423 J 0.180 2.50 Silver 7440-22-4 0.274 J 0.0865 0.500 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 20 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET BDS-1 Lab Sample ID:L1702045-10 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:BDS-1 Collected Date/Time:02/01/24 00:00 Lab File ID:20240207115035 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 12:12 Analytical Batch:WG2220617 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 11:50 Dilution Factor:5 Prep Method:3050B Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.55 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Arsenic 7440-38-2 10.0 0.100 1.00 Barium 7440-39-3 82.6 0.152 2.50 Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.259 J 0.0855 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 14.2 0.296 5.00 Lead 7439-92-1 32.9 0.0990 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 0.448 J 0.180 2.50 Silver 7440-22-4 0.311 J 0.0865 0.500 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 21 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SB-14/MW-4@2-3' Lab Sample ID:L1702045-11 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:SB-14/MW-4@2-3'Collected Date/Time:02/01/24 11:30 Lab File ID:20240207123502 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 12:12 Analytical Batch:WG2220617 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 12:35 Dilution Factor:5 Prep Method:3050B Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.45 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Arsenic 7440-38-2 98.0 0.100 1.00 Barium 7440-39-3 84.0 0.152 2.50 Cadmium 7440-43-9 5.19 0.0855 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 8.30 0.296 5.00 Lead 7439-92-1 560 0.0990 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 0.773 J 0.180 2.50 Silver 7440-22-4 3.06 0.0865 0.500 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 22 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SB-14/MW-4@10-11' Lab Sample ID:L1702045-12 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:SB-14/MW-4@10-11'Collected Date/Time:02/02/24 08:50 Lab File ID:20240206190132 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 09:17 Analytical Batch:WG2220616 Analysis Date/Time:02/06/24 19:01 Dilution Factor:5 Prep Method:3050B Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.51 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Arsenic 7440-38-2 10.2 0.100 1.00 Barium 7440-39-3 179 J6 0.152 2.50 Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.436 J 0.0855 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 13.1 0.296 5.00 Lead 7439-92-1 30.7 0.0990 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 0.243 J 0.180 2.50 Silver 7440-22-4 U 0.0865 0.500 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 23 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SB-14/MW-4@15-17' Lab Sample ID:L1702045-13 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:SB-14/MW-4@15-17'Collected Date/Time:02/02/24 09:00 Lab File ID:20240207123820 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 12:12 Analytical Batch:WG2220617 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 12:38 Dilution Factor:5 Prep Method:3050B Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.52 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Arsenic 7440-38-2 5.21 0.100 1.00 Barium 7440-39-3 109 0.152 2.50 Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.343 J 0.0855 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 13.8 0.296 5.00 Lead 7439-92-1 33.2 0.0990 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 0.665 J 0.180 2.50 Silver 7440-22-4 0.341 J 0.0865 0.500 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 24 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SB-15/MW-5@2-3' Lab Sample ID:L1702045-14 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:SB-15/MW-5@2-3'Collected Date/Time:02/01/24 11:50 Lab File ID:20240207124138 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 12:12 Analytical Batch:WG2220617 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 12:41 Dilution Factor:5 Prep Method:3050B Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.48 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Arsenic 7440-38-2 10.9 0.100 1.00 Barium 7440-39-3 42.0 0.152 2.50 Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.513 J 0.0855 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 5.68 0.296 5.00 Lead 7439-92-1 32.6 0.0990 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 0.228 J 0.180 2.50 Silver 7440-22-4 0.210 J 0.0865 0.500 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 25 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SB-15/MW-5@8-10' Lab Sample ID:L1702045-15 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:SB-15/MW-5@8-10'Collected Date/Time:02/02/24 10:00 Lab File ID:20240206200434 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 09:17 Analytical Batch:WG2220616 Analysis Date/Time:02/06/24 20:04 Dilution Factor:5 Prep Method:3050B Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.52 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Arsenic 7440-38-2 32.6 0.100 1.00 Barium 7440-39-3 40.7 0.152 2.50 Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.111 J 0.0855 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 6.56 0.296 5.00 Lead 7439-92-1 11.9 0.0990 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 U 0.180 2.50 Silver 7440-22-4 U 0.0865 0.500 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 26 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SB-15/MW-5@015-17' Lab Sample ID:L1702045-16 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:SB-15/MW-5@015-17'Collected Date/Time:02/02/24 10:20 Lab File ID:20240206200750 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 09:17 Analytical Batch:WG2220616 Analysis Date/Time:02/06/24 20:07 Dilution Factor:5 Prep Method:3050B Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.50 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Arsenic 7440-38-2 1.38 0.100 1.00 Barium 7440-39-3 25.7 0.152 2.50 Cadmium 7440-43-9 U 0.0855 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 7.70 0.296 5.00 Lead 7439-92-1 4.81 0.0990 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 U 0.180 2.50 Silver 7440-22-4 U 0.0865 0.500 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 27 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET EQUIPMENT BLANK Lab Sample ID:L1702045-17 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:EQUIPMENT BLANK Collected Date/Time:02/02/24 09:20 Lab File ID:20240207143027 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Preparation Date/Time:02/07/24 07:48 Analytical Batch:WG2220990 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 14:30 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:3015 Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:GW Initial Wt/Vol:45 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL ug/l ug/l ug/l Arsenic 7440-38-2 1.64 J 0.180 2.00 Barium 7440-39-3 18.0 0.381 2.00 Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.218 J 0.150 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 6.71 1.24 2.00 Lead 7439-92-1 11.6 0.849 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 U 0.300 2.00 Silver 7440-22-4 0.0895 J 0.0700 2.00 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 28 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4030545-1 Lab Sample ID:R4030545-1 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:BLANK Collected Date/Time:_______________ Lab File ID:20240206185459 Received Date/Time:_______________ Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 09:15 Analytical Batch:WG2220616 Analysis Date/Time:02/06/24 18:54 Dilution Factor:5 Prep Method:3050B Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.51 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Arsenic 7440-38-2 U 0.100 1.00 Barium 7440-39-3 0.514 J 0.152 2.50 Cadmium 7440-43-9 U 0.0855 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 U 0.297 5.00 Lead 7439-92-1 U 0.0990 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 U 0.180 2.50 Silver 7440-22-4 U 0.0865 0.500 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 29 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4030874-1 Lab Sample ID:R4030874-1 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:BLANK Collected Date/Time:_______________ Lab File ID:20240207114355 Received Date/Time:_______________ Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 12:11 Analytical Batch:WG2220617 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 11:43 Dilution Factor:5 Prep Method:3050B Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.54 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Arsenic 7440-38-2 U 0.100 1.00 Barium 7440-39-3 U 0.152 2.50 Cadmium 7440-43-9 U 0.0855 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 U 0.297 5.00 Lead 7439-92-1 U 0.0990 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 U 0.180 2.50 Silver 7440-22-4 U 0.0865 0.500 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 30 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4030950-2 Lab Sample ID:R4030950-2 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:BLANK Collected Date/Time:_______________ Lab File ID:20240207142346 Received Date/Time:_______________ Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Preparation Date/Time:02/07/24 07:48 Analytical Batch:WG2220990 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 14:23 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:3015 Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:GW Initial Wt/Vol:45 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL ug/l ug/l ug/l Arsenic 7440-38-2 U 0.180 2.00 Barium 7440-39-3 U 0.381 2.00 Cadmium 7440-43-9 U 0.150 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 U 1.24 2.00 Lead 7439-92-1 U 0.849 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 U 0.300 2.00 Silver 7440-22-4 U 0.0700 2.00 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 31 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4030545-2 Lab Sample ID:R4030545-2 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:LCS Collected Date/Time:_______________ Lab File ID:20240206185819 Received Date/Time:_______________ Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 09:15 Analytical Batch:WG2220616 Analysis Date/Time:02/06/24 18:58 Dilution Factor:5 Prep Method:3050B Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.50 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Arsenic 7440-38-2 97.8 0.100 1.00 Barium 7440-39-3 97.1 0.152 2.50 Cadmium 7440-43-9 98.6 0.0855 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 98.0 0.297 5.00 Lead 7439-92-1 88.0 0.0990 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 100 0.180 2.50 Silver 7440-22-4 20.4 0.0865 0.500 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 32 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4030874-2 Lab Sample ID:R4030874-2 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:LCS Collected Date/Time:_______________ Lab File ID:20240207114715 Received Date/Time:_______________ Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 12:11 Analytical Batch:WG2220617 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 11:47 Dilution Factor:5 Prep Method:3050B Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.48 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Arsenic 7440-38-2 108 0.100 1.00 Barium 7440-39-3 101 0.152 2.50 Cadmium 7440-43-9 103 0.0855 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 107 0.297 5.00 Lead 7439-92-1 101 0.0990 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 102 0.180 2.50 Silver 7440-22-4 21.6 0.0865 0.500 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 33 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4030950-3 Lab Sample ID:R4030950-3 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:LCS Collected Date/Time:_______________ Lab File ID:20240207142707 Received Date/Time:_______________ Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Preparation Date/Time:02/07/24 07:48 Analytical Batch:WG2220990 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 14:27 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:3015 Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:GW Initial Wt/Vol:45 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL ug/l ug/l ug/l Arsenic 7440-38-2 50.2 0.180 2.00 Barium 7440-39-3 43.5 0.381 2.00 Cadmium 7440-43-9 49.3 0.150 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 50.9 1.24 2.00 Lead 7439-92-1 48.4 0.849 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 46.3 0.300 2.00 Silver 7440-22-4 48.7 0.0700 2.00 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 34 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4030545-5 Lab Sample ID:R4030545-5 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:MS Collected Date/Time:02/02/24 08:50 Lab File ID:20240206191115 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 09:15 Analytical Batch:WG2220616 Analysis Date/Time:02/06/24 19:11 Dilution Factor:5 Prep Method:3050B Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.46 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Arsenic 7440-38-2 109 0.100 1.00 Barium 7440-39-3 246 J6 0.152 2.50 Cadmium 7440-43-9 105 0.0855 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 112 0.297 5.00 Lead 7439-92-1 143 0.0990 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 107 0.180 2.50 Silver 7440-22-4 20.8 0.0865 0.500 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 35 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4030874-5 Lab Sample ID:R4030874-5 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:MS Collected Date/Time:02/01/24 00:00 Lab File ID:20240207120030 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 12:12 Analytical Batch:WG2220617 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 12:00 Dilution Factor:5 Prep Method:3050B Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.54 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Arsenic 7440-38-2 97.0 0.100 1.00 Barium 7440-39-3 187 0.152 2.50 Cadmium 7440-43-9 90.8 0.0855 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 104 0.297 5.00 Lead 7439-92-1 125 0.0990 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 92.6 0.180 2.50 Silver 7440-22-4 18.9 0.0865 0.500 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 36 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4030950-5 Lab Sample ID:R4030950-5 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:MS Collected Date/Time:02/02/24 09:20 Lab File ID:20240207143720 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Preparation Date/Time:02/07/24 07:48 Analytical Batch:WG2220990 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 14:37 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:3015 Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:GW Initial Wt/Vol:45 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL ug/l ug/l ug/l Arsenic 7440-38-2 51.6 0.180 2.00 Barium 7440-39-3 66.7 0.381 2.00 Cadmium 7440-43-9 50.6 0.150 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 58.1 1.24 2.00 Lead 7439-92-1 61.2 0.849 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 49.2 0.300 2.00 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 37 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4030545-6 Lab Sample ID:R4030545-6 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:MSD Collected Date/Time:02/02/24 08:50 Lab File ID:20240206191426 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 09:15 Analytical Batch:WG2220616 Analysis Date/Time:02/06/24 19:14 Dilution Factor:5 Prep Method:3050B Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.51 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Arsenic 7440-38-2 100 0.100 1.00 Barium 7440-39-3 228 J6 0.152 2.50 Cadmium 7440-43-9 93.7 0.0855 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 101 0.297 5.00 Lead 7439-92-1 136 0.0990 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 97.1 0.180 2.50 Silver 7440-22-4 18.4 0.0865 0.500 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 38 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4030874-6 Lab Sample ID:R4030874-6 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:MSD Collected Date/Time:02/01/24 00:00 Lab File ID:20240207120348 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 12:12 Analytical Batch:WG2220617 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 12:03 Dilution Factor:5 Prep Method:3050B Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.55 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Arsenic 7440-38-2 98.0 0.100 1.00 Barium 7440-39-3 277 J3 J5 0.152 2.50 Cadmium 7440-43-9 85.4 0.0855 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 104 0.297 5.00 Lead 7439-92-1 139 0.0990 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 84.4 0.180 2.50 Silver 7440-22-4 18.0 0.0865 0.500 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 39 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4030950-6 Lab Sample ID:R4030950-6 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:MSD Collected Date/Time:02/02/24 09:20 Lab File ID:20240207144040 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Preparation Date/Time:02/07/24 07:48 Analytical Batch:WG2220990 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 14:40 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:3015 Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:GW Initial Wt/Vol:45 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL ug/l ug/l ug/l Arsenic 7440-38-2 49.0 0.180 2.00 Barium 7440-39-3 64.1 0.381 2.00 Cadmium 7440-43-9 49.2 0.150 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 55.9 1.24 2.00 Lead 7439-92-1 58.8 0.849 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 47.9 0.300 2.00 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 40 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4030545-4 Lab Sample ID:R4030545-4 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:PS Collected Date/Time:02/02/24 08:50 Lab File ID:20240206190804 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 09:17 Analytical Batch:WG2220616 Analysis Date/Time:02/06/24 19:08 Dilution Factor:5 Prep Method:3050B Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.51 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Arsenic 7440-38-2 117 0.100 1.00 Barium 7440-39-3 287 0.152 2.50 Cadmium 7440-43-9 112 0.0855 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 120 0.297 5.00 Lead 7439-92-1 136 0.0990 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 116 0.180 2.50 Silver 7440-22-4 19.2 0.0865 0.500 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 41 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4030874-4 Lab Sample ID:R4030874-4 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:PS Collected Date/Time:02/01/24 00:00 Lab File ID:20240207115712 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 12:12 Analytical Batch:WG2220617 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 11:57 Dilution Factor:5 Prep Method:3050B Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.55 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Arsenic 7440-38-2 111 0.100 1.00 Barium 7440-39-3 190 0.152 2.50 Cadmium 7440-43-9 102 0.0855 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 116 0.297 5.00 Lead 7439-92-1 135 0.0990 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 100 0.180 2.50 Silver 7440-22-4 19.3 0.0865 0.500 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 42 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4030545-7 Lab Sample ID:R4030545-7 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:SD Collected Date/Time:02/02/24 08:50 Lab File ID:20240206192409 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 09:17 Analytical Batch:WG2220616 Analysis Date/Time:02/06/24 19:24 Dilution Factor:25 Prep Method:3050B Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.51 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Arsenic 7440-38-2 10.4 0.500 5.00 Barium 7440-39-3 173 0.760 12.5 Cadmium 7440-43-9 U 0.428 5.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 13.6 1.48 25.0 Lead 7439-92-1 32.0 0.495 10.0 Selenium 7782-49-2 U 0.898 12.5 Silver 7440-22-4 U 0.433 2.50 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 43 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4030874-3 Lab Sample ID:R4030874-3 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:SD Collected Date/Time:02/01/24 00:00 Lab File ID:20240207115353 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 12:12 Analytical Batch:WG2220617 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 11:53 Dilution Factor:25 Prep Method:3050B Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.55 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Arsenic 7440-38-2 8.87 O1 0.500 5.00 Barium 7440-39-3 75.4 0.760 12.5 Cadmium 7440-43-9 U 0.428 5.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 13.1 1.48 25.0 Lead 7439-92-1 30.0 0.495 10.0 Selenium 7782-49-2 U 0.898 12.5 Silver 7440-22-4 U 0.433 2.50 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 44 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4030950-4 Lab Sample ID:R4030950-4 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:SD Collected Date/Time:02/02/24 09:20 Lab File ID:20240207143349 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Preparation Date/Time:02/07/24 07:48 Analytical Batch:WG2220990 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 14:33 Dilution Factor:5 Prep Method:3015 Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:GW Initial Wt/Vol:45 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL ug/l ug/l ug/l Arsenic 7440-38-2 1.32 0.900 10.0 Barium 7440-39-3 17.8 1.91 10.0 Cadmium 7440-43-9 U 0.750 5.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 6.28 6.20 10.0 Lead 7439-92-1 10.5 4.25 10.0 Selenium 7782-49-2 U 1.50 10.0 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 45 of 189 2-IN CALIBRATION VERIFICATION SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/07/24 08:39 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Calibration (end) date/time:02/07/24 09:08 Analytical Method:6020 Analytical Run:020724ICPMS8 Concentration Units:mg/l ICV ICVLL CCV Sample ID:ICPMS80207240913-3 ICPMS80207240932-3 ICPMS80207241131-2 Analyte True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD ARSENIC 0.10 0.1032815 103 3.550000 0.0010 0.001054419 105 6.250000 0.10 0.09840054 98.4 0 3.140000 BARIUM 0.10 0.09622064 96.2 0 1.200000 0.0020 0.001811432 90.6 0 16.700000 0.10 0.09469488 94.7 0 2.920000 CADMIUM 0.10 0.1002181 100 0.440000 0.0010 0.000934197 93.4 0 7.230000 0.10 0.09735097 97.4 0 3.000000 CHROMIUM 0.10 0.1027891 103 4.290000 0.0010 0.001108967 111 4.600000 0.10 0.09838609 98.4 0 2.580000 LEAD 0.10 0.1027305 103 3.190000 0.0010 0.001048212 105 1.270000 0.10 0.09696273 97 1.030000 SELENIUM 0.10 0.1046785 105 1.260000 0.0010 0.001103319 110 19.300000 0.10 0.09692169 96.9 0 2.710000 SILVER 0.10 0.106358 106 1.170000 0.0010 0.001207212 121 2.710000 0.10 0.1024213 102 2.280000 ICV Limits:90 - 110 ICVLL Limits:50 - 150 CCV Limits:90 - 110 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 46 of 189 2-IN CALIBRATION VERIFICATION SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/07/24 08:39 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Calibration (end) date/time:02/07/24 09:08 Analytical Method:6020 Analytical Run:020724ICPMS8 Concentration Units:mg/l CCV CCV CCV Sample ID:ICPMS80207241217 ICPMS80207241255 ICPMS80207241343 Analyte True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD ARSENIC 0.10 0.09741302 97.4 0 1.210000 0.10 0.09873752 98.7 0 0.670000 0.10 0.0983183 98.3 0 2.390000 BARIUM 0.10 0.09401942 94 1.040000 0.10 0.09560529 95.6 0 2.790000 0.10 0.09166267 91.70 3.380000 CADMIUM 0.10 0.09731953 97.3 0 1.090000 0.10 0.09880789 98.8 0 1.290000 0.10 0.0970278 97 1.370000 CHROMIUM 0.10 0.09740496 97.4 0 0.670000 0.10 0.1009414 101 0.850000 0.10 0.1000352 100 2.970000 LEAD 0.10 0.09889092 98.9 0 1.660000 0.10 0.09891259 98.9 0 1.460000 0.10 0.09780185 97.8 0 1.100000 SELENIUM 0.10 0.09595332 96 2.540000 0.10 0.0966262 96.6 0 1.130000 0.10 0.0972692 97.3 0 4.260000 SILVER 0.10 0.1026815 103 3.000000 0.10 0.1035653 104 0.550000 0.10 0.1027556 103 2.620000 ICV Limits:90 - 110 ICVLL Limits:50 - 150 CCV Limits:90 - 110 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 47 of 189 2-IN CALIBRATION VERIFICATION SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/07/24 08:39 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Calibration (end) date/time:02/07/24 09:08 Analytical Method:6020 Analytical Run:020724ICPMS8 Concentration Units:mg/l CCV Sample ID:ICPMS80207241457 Analyte True Found %R %RSD ARSENIC 0.10 0.1005015 101 3.550000 BARIUM 0.10 0.09594421 95.9 0 2.140000 CADMIUM 0.10 0.09966297 99.7 0 1.890000 CHROMIUM 0.10 0.1030218 103 2.230000 LEAD 0.10 0.09780194 97.8 0 2.570000 SELENIUM 0.10 0.09779565 97.8 0 1.370000 SILVER 0.10 0.1026373 103 2.550000 ICV Limits:90 - 110 ICVLL Limits:50 - 150 CCV Limits:90 - 110 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 48 of 189 2-IN CALIBRATION VERIFICATION SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/06/24 11:04 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Calibration (end) date/time:02/06/24 11:32 Analytical Method:6020 Analytical Run:020624ICPMS11 Concentration Units:mg/l ICV ICVLL CCVLL Sample ID:ICPMS110206241202-4 ICPMS110206241237-4 ICPMS110206241513-2 Analyte True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD ARSENIC 0.10 0.1028531 103 0.460000 0.0010 0.00101703 102 1.660000 0.0010 0.001006046 101 4.140000 BARIUM 0.10 0.100391 100 1.570000 0.0020 0.001959998 98 7.920000 0.0020 0.001985927 99.3 0 5.090000 CADMIUM 0.10 0.1007401 101 2.240000 0.0010 0.00096223 96.2 0 3.710000 0.0010 0.000998871 1 99.9 0 5.400000 CHROMIUM 0.10 0.1023151 102 0.550000 0.0010 0.001010998 101 1.420000 0.0010 0.001050981 105 4.710000 LEAD 0.10 0.09944146 99.4 0 1.780000 0.0010 0.00098484 2 98.5 0 6.260000 0.0010 0.001041144 104 4.600000 SELENIUM 0.10 0.1011326 101 1.010000 0.0010 0.000979672 98 19.600000 0.0010 0.001048661 105 3.640000 SILVER 0.10 0.1056861 106 0.680000 0.0010 0.000987587 98.8 0 1.820000 0.0010 0.000995434 99.5 0 1.200000 ICV Limits:90 - 110 ICVLL Limits:50 - 150 CCVLL Limits:50 - 150 CCV Limits:90 - 110 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 49 of 189 2-IN CALIBRATION VERIFICATION SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/06/24 11:04 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Calibration (end) date/time:02/06/24 11:32 Analytical Method:6020 Analytical Run:020624ICPMS11 Concentration Units:mg/l CCV CCV CCV Sample ID:ICPMS110206241818 ICPMS110206241927 ICPMS110206242011-2 Analyte True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD ARSENIC 0.10 0.1020166 102 0.690000 0.10 0.1009973 101 2.360000 0.10 0.1014278 101 0.620000 BARIUM 0.10 0.1008398 101 0.520000 0.10 0.1010524 101 3.510000 0.10 0.1024841 102 1.070000 CADMIUM 0.10 0.1009586 101 0.910000 0.10 0.1011969 101 1.120000 0.10 0.1019834 102 0.650000 CHROMIUM 0.10 0.1049012 105 1.340000 0.10 0.1037225 104 1.880000 0.10 0.1029514 103 1.770000 LEAD 0.10 0.1024171 102 1.800000 0.10 0.1019428 102 6.160000 0.10 0.1015538 102 1.320000 SELENIUM 0.10 0.105379 105 0.880000 0.10 0.1049954 105 1.610000 0.10 0.1051563 105 1.810000 SILVER 0.10 0.1045555 105 1.970000 0.10 0.1056298 106 1.110000 0.10 0.1053561 105 0.780000 ICV Limits:90 - 110 ICVLL Limits:50 - 150 CCVLL Limits:50 - 150 CCV Limits:90 - 110 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 50 of 189 3-IN BLANKS SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/07/24 08:39 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Calibration (end) date/time:02/07/24 09:08 Analytical Method:6020 Analytical Run:020724ICPMS8 Sample ID:ICB Result ICB Qual CCB Result CCB Qual BLANK Result BLANK Qual CCB Result CCB Qual File ID:20240207091909-3 20240207113457-2 20240207114355 20240207122023 Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/kg mg/l ARSENIC -0.000003509 U 0.000003770 U U 0.000004420 U BARIUM -0.000024896 U -0.000012686 U U 0.000042149 U CADMIUM 0.000017109 U 0.000014279 U U 0.000021848 U CHROMIUM -0.0000007720 U -0.000022563 U U -0.000058681 U LEAD -0.000016163 U -0.0000005260 U U 0.000007996 U SELENIUM 0.000014054 U 0.000065747 U U 0.000086288 U SILVER 0.000808732 0.000015289 U U 0.000025555 U ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 51 of 189 3-IN BLANKS SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/07/24 08:39 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Calibration (end) date/time:02/07/24 09:08 Analytical Method:6020 Analytical Run:020724ICPMS8 Sample ID:CCB Result CCB Qual CCB Result CCB Qual BLANK Result BLANK Qual CCB Result CCB Qual File ID:20240207125911 20240207134625 20240207142346 20240207150040 Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l ARSENIC -0.000005701 U 0.00001010 U U 0.00001849 U BARIUM -0.000023608 U -0.000036061 U U 0.000005858 U CADMIUM -0.000002305 U 0.000004091 U U 0.000007760 U CHROMIUM -0.000016307 U -0.000016945 U U -0.000002206 U LEAD 0.000002985 U -0.000006357 U U -0.0000008330 U SELENIUM 0.000116869 U 0.000048767 U U 0.000006733 U SILVER 0.000012569 U 0.000025247 U U 0.000026059 U ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 52 of 189 3-IN BLANKS SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/06/24 11:04 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Calibration (end) date/time:02/06/24 11:32 Analytical Method:6020 Analytical Run:020624ICPMS11 Sample ID:ICB Result ICB Qual CCB Result CCB Qual BLANK Result BLANK Qual CCB Result CCB Qual File ID:20240206121632-4 20240206182133 20240206185459 20240206193044 Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/kg mg/l ARSENIC 0.000020556 U 0.000007969 U U 0.000006702 U BARIUM 0.000009386 U 0.000035009 U 0.514 J 0.00003227 U CADMIUM 0.000004218 U 0.000010075 U U 0.00001074 U CHROMIUM 0.000001779 U -0.000011193 U U -0.000017773 U LEAD 0.000013183 U 0.000066008 U U 0.000093668 U SELENIUM 0.000009413 U 0.000029321 U U 0.000027775 U SILVER -0.000056284 U -0.000049603 U U -0.000054413 U ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 53 of 189 3-IN BLANKS SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/06/24 11:04 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Calibration (end) date/time:02/06/24 11:32 Analytical Method:6020 Analytical Run:020624ICPMS11 Sample ID:CCB Result CCB Qual File ID:20240206201424-2 Analyte mg/l ARSENIC 0.000003037 U BARIUM 0.000009489 U CADMIUM 0.000001543 U CHROMIUM -0.000010179 U LEAD 0.000079922 U SELENIUM 0.000053614 U SILVER -0.000053612 U ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 54 of 189 4-IN INTERFERENCE CHECK SAMPLE SDG:L1702045 Analytical Method:6020 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Date:02/07/24 09:40 Instrument Run:020724ICPMS8 Analyte True Found True Found ICSA ICSA ICSA ICSAB ICSAB ICSAB mg/l mg/l % Rec.mg/l mg/l % Rec. ALUMINUM 100 98.30657 98.30 100 97.57133 97.60 ANTIMONY 0 0.000661209 0.02 0.02490731 125 ARSENIC 0 0.000069433 0.02 0.01940484 97 BARIUM 0 0.000417929 0.02 0.01986647 99.30 BERYLLIUM 0 -0.00001023 0.02 0.02038687 102 BISMUTH (NO HE)1232626 89.90 1237304 90.20 BORON 0 0.00370778 0.02 0.02485817 124 CADMIUM 0 0.000242531 0.02 0.02100774 105 CALCIUM 100 97.45038 97.50 100 98.79072 98.80 CHROMIUM 0 0.001350973 0.02 0.02117347 106 COBALT 0 0.000608257 0.02 0.0205007 103 COPPER 0 0.001035732 0.02 0.0203914 102 GERMANIUM 3971.753 96.80 3964.413 96.60 GERMANIUM (HIGH HE)7090.307 93.90 7112.317 94.20 GERMANIUM (NO HE)54986.86 95.50 54069.71 93.90 IRON 100 98.5992 98.60 100 97.7925 97.80 LEAD 0 0.000199361 0.02 0.02070618 104 LITHIUM 0 0.000520953 0 0.000610652 MAGNESIUM 100 99.66948 99.70 100 99.52646 99.50 MANGANESE 0 0.001057393 0.02 0.02075905 104 MOLYBDENUM 2 2.035415 102 2 2.042863 102 NICKEL 0 0.000515574 0.02 0.0199674 99.80 POTASSIUM 100 102.1476 102 100 98.94304 98.90 RHODIUM 103145.7 89.80 104106.9 90.60 SCANDIUM 51734.01 92.50 51461.2 92 SCANDIUM (NO HE)2458048 96.50 2371982 93.20 SELENIUM 0 0.000158836 0.02 0.02052934 103 SILVER 0 0.000058337 0.02 0.02060133 103 SODIUM 100 99.74799 99.70 100 98.2889 98.30 STRONTIUM 0 0.00072107 0.02 0.020561 103 TELLURIUM 13757 92.80 13419.19 90.60 TELLURIUM (HIGH HE)66891.78 91.60 66489.57 91.10 TELLURIUM (NO HE)183320 90.20 182516.1 89.80 THALLIUM 0 0.000007939 0.02 0.0200615 100 THORIUM 0 0.000289008 0.02 0.02071166 104 TIN 0 0.000197092 0.02 0.02038904 102 TITANIUM 2 1.998623 99.90 2 2.028899 101 URANIUM 0 0.000015274 0.02 0.02001587 100 VANADIUM 0 0.000050487 0.02 0.01978315 98.90 ZINC 0 0.00114763 0.02 0.02066906 103 ICSA Limits:80 - 120 ICSAB Limits:80 - 120 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 55 of 189 4-IN INTERFERENCE CHECK SAMPLE SDG:L1702045 Analytical Method:6020 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Date:02/06/24 12:41 Instrument Run:020624ICPMS11 Analyte True Found True Found ICSA ICSA ICSA ICSAB ICSAB ICSAB mg/l mg/l % Rec.mg/l mg/l % Rec. ALUMINUM 100 100.0411 100 100 99.67856 99.70 ANTIMONY 0 -0.000041601 0.02 0.02183819 109 ARSENIC 0 0.000051853 0.02 0.01862527 93.10 BARIUM 0 0.000324794 0.02 0.02108947 105 BERYLLIUM 0 -0.000029596 0.02 0.0200928 100 BISMUTH (NO HE)8882099 98.10 8578503 94.70 BORON 0 0.000672543 0.02 0.02169747 108 CADMIUM 0 0.000404798 0.02 0.02064502 103 CALCIUM 100 97.50786 97.50 100 99.59653 99.60 CHROMIUM 0 0.001323263 0.02 0.01995237 99.80 COBALT 0 0.000652615 0.02 0.01933516 96.70 COPPER 0 0.000119298 0.02 0.01909063 95.50 GERMANIUM 24564.8 102 24990.79 104 GERMANIUM (HIGH HE)32476.92 100 32585.81 100 IRON 100 93.92486 93.90 100 96.03602 96 LEAD 0 0.000184811 0.02 0.02018174 101 LITHIUM 0 0.000448791 0 0.000502098 MAGNESIUM 100 99.22887 99.20 100 101.2788 101 MANGANESE 0 0.000246986 0.02 0.019284 96.40 MOLYBDENUM 2 2.079364 104 2 2.12214 106 NICKEL 0 0.000312235 0.02 0.0190793 95.40 POTASSIUM 100 101.5434 102 100 101.0337 101 RHODIUM 597740.4 91 605423.5 92.20 SCANDIUM 238009.6 95.40 242031.7 97.10 SCANDIUM (NO HE)9784857 94.40 9891849 95.50 SELENIUM 0 0.000015545 0.02 0.02055407 103 SILVER 0 -0.000050926 0.02 0.02019603 101 SODIUM 100 99.19057 99.20 100 100.5737 101 STRONTIUM 0 0.000698984 0.02 0.02148129 107 TELLURIUM 108817.4 92.40 109909.3 93.40 TELLURIUM (HIGH HE)358694 93.50 363147.3 94.70 TELLURIUM (NO HE)1338519 92.60 1340615 92.70 THALLIUM 0 -0.000006758 0.02 0.02030602 102 THORIUM 0 0.000135557 0.02 0.01994337 99.70 TIN 0 0.000068476 0.02 0.0205276 103 TITANIUM 2 1.973544 98.70 2 1.996068 99.80 URANIUM 0 0.000022745 0.02 0.01987057 99.40 VANADIUM 0 0.000061289 0.02 0.01908376 95.40 ZINC 0 0.000792581 0.02 0.01940448 97 ICSA Limits:80 - 120 ICSAB Limits:80 - 120 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 56 of 189 5A-IN MATRIX SPIKE /SAMPLE NO.: MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE RECOVERY R4030545-5 L1702045-01,02,07,12,15,16 R4030545-6 MS Sample / File ID:R4030545-5 / 20240206191115 SDG:L1702045 MSD Sample / File ID:R4030545-6 / 20240206191426 Analytical Batch:WG2220616 OS Sample / File ID:L1702045-12 / 20240206190132 Matrix:Solid Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Analytical Method:6020 Analyte Spike Amount OS Result MS Result MSD Result MS Rec.MSD Rec.Dilution Rec. Limits RPD RPD Limits mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg %%%%% Arsenic 100 10.2 109 100 98.4 89.8 5 75.0 - 125 8.28 20 Barium 100 179 246 228 67.3*48.5*5 75.0 - 125 7.95 20 Cadmium 100 0.436 105 93.7 105 93.2 5 75.0 - 125 11.8 20 Chromium 100 13.1 112 101 98.6 88.2 5 75.0 - 125 9.82 20 Lead 100 30.7 143 136 112 106 5 75.0 - 125 4.42 20 Selenium 100 0.243 107 97.1 107 96.8 5 75.0 - 125 9.76 20 Silver 20.0 U 20.8 18.4 104 91.9 5 75.0 - 125 12.5 20 *: Value outside the established quality control limits. D: Surrogate recovery cannot be used for control limit evaluation due to dilution. ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 57 of 189 5A-IN MATRIX SPIKE /SAMPLE NO.: MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE RECOVERY R4030874-5 L1702045-03,04,05,06,08,09,10,11,13,14 R4030874-6 MS Sample / File ID:R4030874-5 / 20240207120030 SDG:L1702045 MSD Sample / File ID:R4030874-6 / 20240207120348 Analytical Batch:WG2220617 OS Sample / File ID:L1702045-10 / 20240207115035 Matrix:Solid Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Analytical Method:6020 Analyte Spike Amount OS Result MS Result MSD Result MS Rec.MSD Rec.Dilution Rec. Limits RPD RPD Limits mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg %%%%% Arsenic 100 10.0 97.0 98.0 86.9 88.0 5 75.0 - 125 1.03 20 Barium 100 82.6 187 277 104 194*5 75.0 - 125 38.8*20 Cadmium 100 0.259 90.8 85.4 90.5 85.2 5 75.0 - 125 6.09 20 Chromium 100 14.2 104 104 89.7 89.7 5 75.0 - 125 0.0617 20 Lead 100 32.9 125 139 92.1 107 5 75.0 - 125 10.9 20 Selenium 100 0.448 92.6 84.4 92.1 84.0 5 75.0 - 125 9.16 20 Silver 20.0 0.311 18.9 18.0 92.8 88.4 5 75.0 - 125 4.84 20 *: Value outside the established quality control limits. D: Surrogate recovery cannot be used for control limit evaluation due to dilution. ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 58 of 189 5A-IN MATRIX SPIKE /SAMPLE NO.: MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE RECOVERY R4030950-5 L1702045-17 R4030950-6 MS Sample / File ID:R4030950-5 / 20240207143720 SDG:L1702045 MSD Sample / File ID:R4030950-6 / 20240207144040 Analytical Batch:WG2220990 OS Sample / File ID:L1702045-17 / 20240207143027 Matrix:GW Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Analytical Method:6020 Analyte Spike Amount OS Result MS Result MSD Result MS Rec.MSD Rec.Dilution Rec. Limits RPD RPD Limits ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l %%%%% Arsenic 50.0 1.64 51.6 49.0 100 94.8 1 75.0 - 125 5.16 20 Barium 50.0 18.0 66.7 64.1 97.3 92.1 1 75.0 - 125 3.96 20 Cadmium 50.0 0.218 50.6 49.2 101 97.9 1 75.0 - 125 2.96 20 Chromium 50.0 6.71 58.1 55.9 103 98.3 1 75.0 - 125 3.80 20 Lead 50.0 11.6 61.2 58.8 99.3 94.3 1 75.0 - 125 4.14 20 Selenium 50.0 U 49.2 47.9 98.4 95.9 1 75.0 - 125 2.55 20 *: Value outside the established quality control limits. D: Surrogate recovery cannot be used for control limit evaluation due to dilution. ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 59 of 189 5B-IN POST-DIGESTION / DISTILLATION SPIKE SAMPLE NO.: SAMPLE RECOVERY R4030545-4 L1702045-01,02,07,12,15,16 PS Sample / File ID:R4030545-4 / 20240206190804 SDG:L1702045 OS Sample / File ID:L1702045-12 / 20240206190132 Analytical Batch:WG2220616 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Dilution Factor:5 Analytical Method:6020 Matrix:Solid Analyte Spike Amount OS Result PD Result DS Result PD Rec.DS Rec.Dilution Rec. Limits RPD RPD Limits mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg %%%mg/kg mg/kg Arsenic 100 10.2 117 107 5 80.0 - 120 Barium 100 179 287 108 5 80.0 - 120 Cadmium 100 0.436 112 112 5 80.0 - 120 Chromium 100 13.1 120 106 5 80.0 - 120 Lead 100 30.7 136 105 5 80.0 - 120 Selenium 100 0.243 116 115 5 80.0 - 120 Silver 20.0 U 19.2 96.0 5 80.0 - 120 *: Value outside the established quality control limits. D: Surrogate recovery cannot be used for control limit evaluation due to dilution. ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 60 of 189 5B-IN POST-DIGESTION / DISTILLATION SPIKE SAMPLE NO.: SAMPLE RECOVERY R4030874-4 L1702045-03,04,05,06,08,09,10,11,13,14 PS Sample / File ID:R4030874-4 / 20240207115712 SDG:L1702045 OS Sample / File ID:L1702045-10 / 20240207115035 Analytical Batch:WG2220617 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Dilution Factor:5 Analytical Method:6020 Matrix:Solid Analyte Spike Amount OS Result PD Result DS Result PD Rec.DS Rec.Dilution Rec. Limits RPD RPD Limits mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg %%%mg/kg mg/kg Arsenic 100 10.0 111 101 5 80.0 - 120 Barium 100 82.6 190 107 5 80.0 - 120 Cadmium 100 0.259 102 101 5 80.0 - 120 Chromium 100 14.2 116 102 5 80.0 - 120 Lead 100 32.9 135 102 5 80.0 - 120 Selenium 100 0.448 100 99.5 5 80.0 - 120 Silver 20.0 0.311 19.3 94.7 5 80.0 - 120 *: Value outside the established quality control limits. D: Surrogate recovery cannot be used for control limit evaluation due to dilution. ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 61 of 189 7-IN LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE SAMPLE NO.: LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE DUPLICATE R4030545-2 RECOVERY _______________ L1702045-01,02,07,12,15,16 LCS Sample / File ID:R4030545-2 / 20240206185819 SDG:L1702045 LCSD Sample / File ID:_______________Analytical Batch:WG2220616 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Dilution Factor:5 Analytical Method:6020 Matrix:Solid Analyte Spike Amount LCS Result LCSD Result LCS Rec.LCSD Rec.Rec. Limits RPD RPD Limits mg/kg mg/kg %%%%% Arsenic 100 97.8 97.8 80.0 - 120 Barium 100 97.1 97.1 80.0 - 120 Cadmium 100 98.6 98.6 80.0 - 120 Chromium 100 98.0 98.0 80.0 - 120 Lead 100 88.0 88.0 80.0 - 120 Selenium 100 100 100 80.0 - 120 Silver 20.0 20.4 102 80.0 - 120 *: Value outside the established quality control limits. D: Surrogate recovery cannot be used for control limit evaluation due to dilution. ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 62 of 189 7-IN LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE SAMPLE NO.: LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE DUPLICATE R4030874-2 RECOVERY _______________ L1702045-03,04,05,06,08,09,10,11,13,14 LCS Sample / File ID:R4030874-2 / 20240207114715 SDG:L1702045 LCSD Sample / File ID:_______________Analytical Batch:WG2220617 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Dilution Factor:5 Analytical Method:6020 Matrix:Solid Analyte Spike Amount LCS Result LCSD Result LCS Rec.LCSD Rec.Rec. Limits RPD RPD Limits mg/kg mg/kg %%%%% Arsenic 100 108 108 80.0 - 120 Barium 100 101 101 80.0 - 120 Cadmium 100 103 103 80.0 - 120 Chromium 100 107 107 80.0 - 120 Lead 100 101 101 80.0 - 120 Selenium 100 102 102 80.0 - 120 Silver 20.0 21.6 108 80.0 - 120 *: Value outside the established quality control limits. D: Surrogate recovery cannot be used for control limit evaluation due to dilution. ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 63 of 189 7-IN LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE SAMPLE NO.: LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE DUPLICATE R4030950-3 RECOVERY _______________ L1702045-17 LCS Sample / File ID:R4030950-3 / 20240207142707 SDG:L1702045 LCSD Sample / File ID:_______________Analytical Batch:WG2220990 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Dilution Factor:1 Analytical Method:6020 Matrix:GW Analyte Spike Amount LCS Result LCSD Result LCS Rec.LCSD Rec.Rec. Limits RPD RPD Limits ug/l ug/l %%%%% Arsenic 50.0 50.2 100 80.0 - 120 Barium 50.0 43.5 87.0 80.0 - 120 Cadmium 50.0 49.3 98.5 80.0 - 120 Chromium 50.0 50.9 102 80.0 - 120 Lead 50.0 48.4 96.7 80.0 - 120 Selenium 50.0 46.3 92.7 80.0 - 120 Silver 50.0 48.7 97.3 80.0 - 120 *: Value outside the established quality control limits. D: Surrogate recovery cannot be used for control limit evaluation due to dilution. ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 64 of 189 8-IN ICP AND ICP/MS SAMPLE NO.: SERIAL DILUTIONS R4030545-7 L1702045-01,02,07,12,15,16 SD Sample / File ID:R4030545-7 / 20240206192409 SDG:L1702045 OS Sample / File ID:L1702045-12 / 20240206190132 Analytical Batch:WG2220616 Lab File ID:20240206192409 Dilution Factor:25 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Matrix:Solid Analytical Method:6020 Analyte OS Result SD Result RPD RPD Limits mg/kg mg/kg %% Arsenic 10.2 10.4 2.15 10 Barium 179 173 3.25 10 Cadmium 0.436 U 100 10 Chromium 13.1 13.6 3.21 10 Lead 30.7 32.0 4.24 10 Selenium 0.243 U 0.000 10 Silver U U 0.000 10 *: Value outside the established quality control limits. D: Surrogate recovery cannot be used for control limit evaluation due to dilution. ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 65 of 189 8-IN ICP AND ICP/MS SAMPLE NO.: SERIAL DILUTIONS R4030874-3 L1702045-03,04,05,06,08,09,10,11,13,14 SD Sample / File ID:R4030874-3 / 20240207115353 SDG:L1702045 OS Sample / File ID:L1702045-10 / 20240207115035 Analytical Batch:WG2220617 Lab File ID:20240207115353 Dilution Factor:25 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Matrix:Solid Analytical Method:6020 Analyte OS Result SD Result RPD RPD Limits mg/kg mg/kg %% Arsenic 10.0 8.87 11.7*10 Barium 82.6 75.4 8.74 10 Cadmium 0.259 U 0.000 10 Chromium 14.2 13.1 7.26 10 Lead 32.9 30.0 8.57 10 Selenium 0.448 U 0.000 10 Silver 0.311 U 0.000 10 *: Value outside the established quality control limits. D: Surrogate recovery cannot be used for control limit evaluation due to dilution. ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 66 of 189 8-IN ICP AND ICP/MS SAMPLE NO.: SERIAL DILUTIONS R4030950-4 L1702045-17 SD Sample / File ID:R4030950-4 / 20240207143349 SDG:L1702045 OS Sample / File ID:L1702045-17 / 20240207143027 Analytical Batch:WG2220990 Lab File ID:20240207143349 Dilution Factor:5 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Matrix:GW Analytical Method:6020 Analyte OS Result SD Result RPD RPD Limits ug/l ug/l %% Arsenic 1.64 1.32 19.5 10 Barium 18.0 17.8 1.29 10 Cadmium 0.218 U 0.000 10 Chromium 6.71 6.28 6.40 10 Lead 11.6 10.5 9.24 10 Selenium U U 0.000 10 *: Value outside the established quality control limits. D: Surrogate recovery cannot be used for control limit evaluation due to dilution. ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 67 of 189 9-IN DETECTION LIMIT SUMMARY Lab Sample IDs:L1702045-17 Analytical Method:6020 Matrix:GW Prep Method:3015 Analyte CAS Wavelength Mass MDL RDL mg/l mg/l Chromium 7440-47-3 52 0.001240 0.0020 Lead 7439-92-1 208 0.000849 0.0020 Selenium 7782-49-2 78 0.0003 0.0020 Silver 7440-22-4 107 0.000070 0.0020 Arsenic 7440-38-2 75 0.000180 0.0020 Barium 7440-39-3 137 0.000381 0.0020 Cadmium 7440-43-9 111 0.000150 0.0010 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 68 of 189 9-IN DETECTION LIMIT SUMMARY Lab Sample IDs:L1702045-01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,1 6 Analytical Method:6020 Matrix:Solid Prep Method:3050B Analyte CAS Wavelength Mass MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg Silver 7440-22-4 107 0.0173 0.10 Arsenic 7440-38-2 75 0.02 0.20 Barium 7440-39-3 137 0.0304 0.50 Cadmium 7440-43-9 111 0.0171 0.20 Chromium 7440-47-3 52 0.0593 1 Lead 7439-92-1 208 0.0198 0.40 Selenium 7782-49-2 78 0.0359 0.50 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 69 of 189 10C-IN LINEAR DYNAMIC RANGE SDG:L1702045 Analytical Method:6020 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Date:01/31/24 12:50 Analyte LDR ppm ALUMINUM 100 ANTIMONY 10 ARSENIC 10 BARIUM 2 BERYLLIUM 10 BORON 10 CADMIUM 10 CALCIUM 1000 CHROMIUM 10 COBALT 10 COPPER 0.40 IRON 100 LEAD 10 LITHIUM 10 MAGNESIUM 1000 MANGANESE 10 MOLYBDENUM 10 NICKEL 10 POTASSIUM 1000 SELENIUM 5 SILVER 0.20 SODIUM 1000 STRONTIUM 5 THALLIUM 10 THORIUM 10 TIN 5 TITANIUM 10 URANIUM 10 VANADIUM 10 ZINC 10 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 70 of 189 10C-IN LINEAR DYNAMIC RANGE SDG:L1702045 Analytical Method:6020 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Date:01/31/24 13:00 Analyte LDR ppm ALUMINUM 100 ANTIMONY 2 ARSENIC 10 BARIUM 10 BERYLLIUM 0.20 BORON 0.40 CADMIUM 10 CALCIUM 1000 CHROMIUM 10 COBALT 10 COPPER 0.40 IRON 100 LEAD 10 LITHIUM 10 MAGNESIUM 1000 MANGANESE 10 MOLYBDENUM 10 NICKEL 10 POTASSIUM 1000 SELENIUM 1 SILVER 0.20 SODIUM 1000 STRONTIUM 10 THALLIUM 10 THORIUM 10 TIN 10 TITANIUM 10 URANIUM 10 VANADIUM 10 ZINC 10 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 71 of 189 11-IN INTERNAL STANDARD ASSOCIATION SDG:L1702045 Analytical Method:6020 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Analysis Date:02/07/24 08:22 Instrument Run:020724ICPMS8 Analyte Assoc. Internal Standard 1 ARSENIC - 75 GERMANIUM - 72 BARIUM - 137 RHODIUM - 103 CADMIUM - 111 TELLURIUM - 125 CHROMIUM - 52 GERMANIUM - 72 LEAD - 208 BISMUTH (NO HE) - 209 SELENIUM - 78 TELLURIUM (HIGH HE) - 125 SILVER - 107 RHODIUM - 103 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 72 of 189 11-IN INTERNAL STANDARD ASSOCIATION SDG:L1702045 Analytical Method:6020 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Analysis Date:02/06/24 09:58 Instrument Run:020624ICPMS11 Analyte Assoc. Internal Standard 1 ARSENIC - 75 GERMANIUM - 72 BARIUM - 137 RHODIUM - 103 CADMIUM - 111 TELLURIUM - 125 CHROMIUM - 52 GERMANIUM - 72 LEAD - 208 BISMUTH (NO HE) - 209 SELENIUM - 78 TELLURIUM (HIGH HE) - 125 SILVER - 107 RHODIUM - 103 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 73 of 189 12-IN ANALYSIS LOG SDG:L1702045 Analytical Method:6020 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Calibration Start Date:02/07/24 08:39 Analytical Run:020724ICPMS8 Calibration End Date:02/07/24 09:08 Client Sample ID Lab Sample ID File ID Analysis Date Time Dilution Batch CALBLK ICPMS80207240835 20240207083511 02/07/24 08:35 CAL STD1 20240207083923 02/07/24 08:39 CAL STD2 20240207084302 02/07/24 08:43 CAL STD3 20240207084640 02/07/24 08:46 CAL STD4 20240207085019 02/07/24 08:50 CAL STD5 20240207085357 02/07/24 08:53 CAL STD6 20240207085735 02/07/24 08:57 CAL STD7 20240207090113 02/07/24 09:01 CAL STD8 20240207090450 02/07/24 09:04 CAL STD9 20240207090826 02/07/24 09:08 ICV ICPMS80207240913-3 20240207091331-3 02/07/24 09:13 ICB ICPMS80207240919-3 20240207091909-3 02/07/24 09:19 ICVLL ICPMS80207240932-3 20240207093232-3 02/07/24 09:32 ICSA ICPMS80207240940-3 20240207094035-3 02/07/24 09:40 ICSAB ICPMS80207240943-3 20240207094352-3 02/07/24 09:43 CCV ICPMS80207241131-2 20240207113136-2 02/07/24 11:31 CCB ICPMS80207241134-2 20240207113457-2 02/07/24 11:34 BLANK R4030874-1 20240207114355 02/07/24 11:43 5 WG2220617 LCS R4030874-2 20240207114715 02/07/24 11:47 5 WG2220617 BDS-1 L1702045-10 20240207115035 02/07/24 11:50 5 WG2220617 SD R4030874-3 20240207115353 02/07/24 11:53 25 WG2220617 PS R4030874-4 20240207115712 02/07/24 11:57 5 WG2220617 MS R4030874-5 20240207120030 02/07/24 12:00 5 WG2220617 MSD R4030874-6 20240207120348 02/07/24 12:03 5 WG2220617 SB-11/MW-1@15-17'L1702045-03 20240207120706 02/07/24 12:07 5 WG2220617 SB-12/MW-2@2-3'L1702045-04 20240207121026 02/07/24 12:10 5 WG2220617 SB-12/MW-2@10-12'L1702045-05 20240207121344 02/07/24 12:13 5 WG2220617 CCV ICPMS80207241217 20240207121702 02/07/24 12:17 CCB ICPMS80207241220 20240207122023 02/07/24 12:20 SB-12/MW-2@15-17'L1702045-06 20240207122506 02/07/24 12:25 5 WG2220617 SB-13/MW-3@10-11'L1702045-08 20240207122826 02/07/24 12:28 5 WG2220617 SB-13/MW-3@15-17'L1702045-09 20240207123144 02/07/24 12:31 5 WG2220617 SB-14/MW-4@2-3'L1702045-11 20240207123502 02/07/24 12:35 5 WG2220617 SB-14/MW-4@15-17'L1702045-13 20240207123820 02/07/24 12:38 5 WG2220617 SB-15/MW-5@2-3'L1702045-14 20240207124138 02/07/24 12:41 5 WG2220617 CCV ICPMS80207241255 20240207125551 02/07/24 12:55 CCB ICPMS80207241259 20240207125911 02/07/24 12:59 CCV ICPMS80207241343 20240207134305 02/07/24 13:43 CCB ICPMS80207241346 20240207134625 02/07/24 13:46 BLANK R4030950-2 20240207142346 02/07/24 14:23 1 WG2220990 LCS R4030950-3 20240207142707 02/07/24 14:27 1 WG2220990 EQUIPMENT BLANK L1702045-17 20240207143027 02/07/24 14:30 1 WG2220990 SD R4030950-4 20240207143349 02/07/24 14:33 5 WG2220990 MS R4030950-5 20240207143720 02/07/24 14:37 1 WG2220990 MSD R4030950-6 20240207144040 02/07/24 14:40 1 WG2220990 CCV ICPMS80207241457 20240207145720 02/07/24 14:57 CCB ICPMS80207241500 20240207150040 02/07/24 15:00 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 74 of 189 12-IN ANALYSIS LOG SDG:L1702045 Analytical Method:6020 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Calibration Start Date:02/06/24 11:04 Analytical Run:020624ICPMS11 Calibration End Date:02/06/24 11:32 Client Sample ID Lab Sample ID File ID Analysis Date Time Dilution Batch CALBLK ICPMS110206241101 20240206110126 02/06/24 11:01 CAL STD1 20240206110457 02/06/24 11:04 CAL STD2 20240206110828 02/06/24 11:08 CAL STD3 20240206111158 02/06/24 11:11 CAL STD4 20240206111528 02/06/24 11:15 CAL STD5 20240206111859 02/06/24 11:18 CAL STD6 20240206112230 02/06/24 11:22 CAL STD7 20240206112559 02/06/24 11:25 CAL STD8 20240206112924 02/06/24 11:29 CAL STD9 20240206113244 02/06/24 11:32 ICV ICPMS110206241202-4 20240206120226-4 02/06/24 12:02 ICB ICPMS110206241216-4 20240206121632-4 02/06/24 12:16 ICVLL ICPMS110206241237-4 20240206123731-4 02/06/24 12:37 ICSA ICPMS110206241241-4 20240206124111-4 02/06/24 12:41 ICSAB ICPMS110206241244-4 20240206124427-4 02/06/24 12:44 CCVLL ICPMS110206241513-2 20240206151330-2 02/06/24 15:13 CCV ICPMS110206241818 20240206181818 02/06/24 18:18 CCB ICPMS110206241821 20240206182133 02/06/24 18:21 BLANK R4030545-1 20240206185459 02/06/24 18:54 5 WG2220616 LCS R4030545-2 20240206185819 02/06/24 18:58 5 WG2220616 SB-14/MW-4@10-11'L1702045-12 20240206190132 02/06/24 19:01 5 WG2220616 PS R4030545-4 20240206190804 02/06/24 19:08 5 WG2220616 MS R4030545-5 20240206191115 02/06/24 19:11 5 WG2220616 MSD R4030545-6 20240206191426 02/06/24 19:14 5 WG2220616 PS R4030532-6 20240206192052 02/06/24 19:20 1 WG2220934 SD R4030545-7 20240206192409 02/06/24 19:24 25 WG2220616 CCV ICPMS110206241927 20240206192728 02/06/24 19:27 CCB ICPMS110206241930 20240206193044 02/06/24 19:30 SB-11/MW-1@2-3'L1702045-01 20240206195441 02/06/24 19:54 5 WG2220616 SB-11/MW-1@10-12'L1702045-02 20240206195757 02/06/24 19:57 5 WG2220616 SB-13/MW-3@2-3'L1702045-07 20240206200116 02/06/24 20:01 5 WG2220616 SB-15/MW-5@8-10'L1702045-15 20240206200434 02/06/24 20:04 5 WG2220616 SB-15/MW-5@015-17'L1702045-16 20240206200750 02/06/24 20:07 5 WG2220616 CCV ICPMS110206242011-2 20240206201109-2 02/06/24 20:11 CCB ICPMS110206242014-2 20240206201424-2 02/06/24 20:14 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 75 of 189 13-IN ICP/MS TUNE Lab File ID:20240207082223-3 SDG:L1702045 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Analysis Date/Time 02/07/24 08:22 Analytical Method:6020 Element - Mass Avg. Measured Mass Avg. Peak Width Height RSD u u %% IN - 115 115 0.43786720 10 0.92549190 PB - 206 205.95 0.43990510 10 1.526828 PB - 207 206.95 0.45385320 10 0.62500880 PB - 208 207.95 0.449970 10 0.75354530 MG - 24 24 0.440885 10 0.79197880 MG - 25 25 0.426992 10 1.045920 MG - 26 26 0.43774450 10 0.96538270 CO - 59 58.95 0.44231040 10 1.279322 BE - 9 9 0.42790490 10 1.406880 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 76 of 189 13-IN ICP/MS TUNE Lab File ID:20240206095844-4 SDG:L1702045 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Analysis Date/Time 02/06/24 09:58 Analytical Method:6020 Element - Mass Avg. Measured Mass Avg. Peak Width Height RSD u u %% IN - 115 115 0.50419370 10 1.785509 PB - 206 206 0.49560550 10 1.284237 PB - 207 206.95 0.46742150 10 1.038953 PB - 208 207.95 0.464732 10 0.51312990 MG - 24 23.90 0.522796 10 0.17010650 MG - 25 24.90 0.52832320 10 0.51709050 MG - 26 25.90 0.52697160 10 0.61427370 CO - 59 58.95 0.51570260 10 2.388248 BE - 9 9 0.47918380 10 0.75141730 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 77 of 189 14-IN ICP/MS INTERNAL STANDARDS RELATIVE INTENSITY SDG:L1702045 Analytical Method:6020 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Start Date:02/07/24 09:13 Instrument Run:020724ICPMS8 End Date:02/07/24 14:40 Client Sample ID Lab Sample ID Analysis Date Time Dilution BISMUTH (NO HE)GERMANIUM GERMANIUM (HIGH HE) % Rec.Q % Rec.Q % Rec.Q ICV ICPMS80207240913-3 02/07/24 09:13 1 94.50 101 98.40 ICB ICPMS80207240919-3 02/07/24 09:19 1 97.70 98 96.90 ICVLL ICPMS80207240932-3 02/07/24 09:32 1 95.60 99.50 97 ICSA ICPMS80207240940-3 02/07/24 09:40 1 89.90 96.80 93.90 ICSAB ICPMS80207240943-3 02/07/24 09:43 1 90.20 96.60 94.20 CCV ICPMS80207241131-2 02/07/24 11:31 1 93.40 99.40 96 CCB ICPMS80207241134-2 02/07/24 11:34 1 96.90 101 100 CCV ICPMS80207241217 02/07/24 12:17 1 95.10 94.50 93.80 CCB ICPMS80207241220 02/07/24 12:20 1 95.80 93.70 93.60 CCV ICPMS80207241255 02/07/24 12:55 1 91.50 90.20 94.60 CCB ICPMS80207241259 02/07/24 12:59 1 94.30 90.10 94.10 CCV ICPMS80207241343 02/07/24 13:43 1 88.10 88.50 90.40 CCB ICPMS80207241346 02/07/24 13:46 1 90.40 86.90 91.30 CCV ICPMS80207241457 02/07/24 14:57 1 88.10 85.90 89.40 CCB ICPMS80207241500 02/07/24 15:00 1 88.20 86.90 90.90 SB-11/MW-1@15-17'L1702045-03 02/07/24 12:07 5 95.50 95.20 94.60 SB-12/MW-2@2-3'L1702045-04 02/07/24 12:10 5 95.50 94.40 95.40 SB-12/MW-2@10-12'L1702045-05 02/07/24 12:13 5 92.50 93.10 95.70 SB-12/MW-2@15-17'L1702045-06 02/07/24 12:25 5 94.20 92 93.90 SB-13/MW-3@10-11'L1702045-08 02/07/24 12:28 5 94 91.40 93.20 SB-13/MW-3@15-17'L1702045-09 02/07/24 12:31 5 93.70 89.90 94.80 BDS-1 L1702045-10 02/07/24 11:50 5 93.80 97.30 98.50 SB-14/MW-4@2-3'L1702045-11 02/07/24 12:35 5 95.30 89.90 92.40 SB-14/MW-4@15-17'L1702045-13 02/07/24 12:38 5 93.40 92.60 92.80 SB-15/MW-5@2-3'L1702045-14 02/07/24 12:41 5 92.80 89.30 93.10 EQUIPMENT BLANK L1702045-17 02/07/24 14:30 1 90.20 87.10 90.10 BLANK R4030874-1 02/07/24 11:43 5 94.30 95.30 98.90 LCS R4030874-2 02/07/24 11:47 5 93.20 93.40 97 SD R4030874-3 02/07/24 11:53 25 96.60 96.20 96.50 PS R4030874-4 02/07/24 11:57 5 94.50 94.30 96.60 MS R4030874-5 02/07/24 12:00 5 93 98.50 98.40 MSD R4030874-6 02/07/24 12:03 5 91.70 97.80 100 BLANK R4030950-2 02/07/24 14:23 1 89.90 87.10 91 LCS R4030950-3 02/07/24 14:27 1 88.30 83.80 91.60 SD R4030950-4 02/07/24 14:33 5 89.70 89.30 89.90 MS R4030950-5 02/07/24 14:37 1 85.20 84.10 89.60 MSD R4030950-6 02/07/24 14:40 1 88.80 87.50 89.50 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 78 of 189 14-IN ICP/MS INTERNAL STANDARDS RELATIVE INTENSITY SDG:L1702045 Analytical Method:6020 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Start Date:02/07/24 09:13 Instrument Run:020724ICPMS8 End Date:02/07/24 14:40 Client Sample ID Lab Sample ID Analysis Date Time Dilution GERMANIUM (NO HE)RHODIUM SCANDIUM % Rec.Q % Rec.Q % Rec.Q ICV ICPMS80207240913-3 02/07/24 09:13 1 97.20 98.50 98.50 ICB ICPMS80207240919-3 02/07/24 09:19 1 96.10 98.30 97.80 ICVLL ICPMS80207240932-3 02/07/24 09:32 1 95.30 97.10 97.20 ICSA ICPMS80207240940-3 02/07/24 09:40 1 95.50 89.80 92.50 ICSAB ICPMS80207240943-3 02/07/24 09:43 1 93.90 90.60 92 CCV ICPMS80207241131-2 02/07/24 11:31 1 95 97.70 95.90 CCB ICPMS80207241134-2 02/07/24 11:34 1 93.60 99 95.90 CCV ICPMS80207241217 02/07/24 12:17 1 90.60 93.30 90.10 CCB ICPMS80207241220 02/07/24 12:20 1 88 93.60 89.60 CCV ICPMS80207241255 02/07/24 12:55 1 87.30 90.80 88.40 CCB ICPMS80207241259 02/07/24 12:59 1 87.10 91.80 89.20 CCV ICPMS80207241343 02/07/24 13:43 1 84.40 88.20 86.30 CCB ICPMS80207241346 02/07/24 13:46 1 85.10 88.30 86.80 CCV ICPMS80207241457 02/07/24 14:57 1 82.90 87.10 85.50 CCB ICPMS80207241500 02/07/24 15:00 1 83 88.20 86.60 SB-11/MW-1@15-17'L1702045-03 02/07/24 12:07 5 87.60 94.60 89.30 SB-12/MW-2@2-3'L1702045-04 02/07/24 12:10 5 88.90 92.40 89 SB-12/MW-2@10-12'L1702045-05 02/07/24 12:13 5 88.40 90.90 88.20 SB-12/MW-2@15-17'L1702045-06 02/07/24 12:25 5 87.30 90.70 87.60 SB-13/MW-3@10-11'L1702045-08 02/07/24 12:28 5 87.10 89.60 86.70 SB-13/MW-3@15-17'L1702045-09 02/07/24 12:31 5 86.30 88.60 85.70 BDS-1 L1702045-10 02/07/24 11:50 5 93.30 93.80 91.80 SB-14/MW-4@2-3'L1702045-11 02/07/24 12:35 5 86.70 89.20 85.70 SB-14/MW-4@15-17'L1702045-13 02/07/24 12:38 5 84.80 87.60 84.90 SB-15/MW-5@2-3'L1702045-14 02/07/24 12:41 5 84.80 87.90 83.60 EQUIPMENT BLANK L1702045-17 02/07/24 14:30 1 82.30 90.30 83.20 BLANK R4030874-1 02/07/24 11:43 5 89.90 96.60 92.80 LCS R4030874-2 02/07/24 11:47 5 91.10 94.80 91.90 SD R4030874-3 02/07/24 11:53 25 93.20 95 93.40 PS R4030874-4 02/07/24 11:57 5 91.10 91.50 90.40 MS R4030874-5 02/07/24 12:00 5 89.90 92.50 90.10 MSD R4030874-6 02/07/24 12:03 5 91.60 89.30 90.10 BLANK R4030950-2 02/07/24 14:23 1 79.90 89.90 82.90 LCS R4030950-3 02/07/24 14:27 1 81.10 89.50 83.20 SD R4030950-4 02/07/24 14:33 5 85.10 89.60 86.80 MS R4030950-5 02/07/24 14:37 1 80.20 88.10 83.40 MSD R4030950-6 02/07/24 14:40 1 81.30 87.80 82.60 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 79 of 189 14-IN ICP/MS INTERNAL STANDARDS RELATIVE INTENSITY SDG:L1702045 Analytical Method:6020 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Start Date:02/07/24 09:13 Instrument Run:020724ICPMS8 End Date:02/07/24 14:40 Client Sample ID Lab Sample ID Analysis Date Time Dilution SCANDIUM (NO HE)TELLURIUM TELLURIUM (HIGH HE) % Rec.Q % Rec.Q % Rec.Q ICV ICPMS80207240913-3 02/07/24 09:13 1 96.50 101 98.80 ICB ICPMS80207240919-3 02/07/24 09:19 1 97 99.70 98.10 ICVLL ICPMS80207240932-3 02/07/24 09:32 1 98 100 97.90 ICSA ICPMS80207240940-3 02/07/24 09:40 1 96.50 92.80 91.60 ICSAB ICPMS80207240943-3 02/07/24 09:43 1 93.20 90.60 91.10 CCV ICPMS80207241131-2 02/07/24 11:31 1 93.70 101 99.20 CCB ICPMS80207241134-2 02/07/24 11:34 1 93.80 99.80 98.30 CCV ICPMS80207241217 02/07/24 12:17 1 89.60 95.20 94.30 CCB ICPMS80207241220 02/07/24 12:20 1 88.20 93.50 93.50 CCV ICPMS80207241255 02/07/24 12:55 1 88.80 92.40 92.50 CCB ICPMS80207241259 02/07/24 12:59 1 87.10 92.30 91.70 CCV ICPMS80207241343 02/07/24 13:43 1 82.90 89.40 90.50 CCB ICPMS80207241346 02/07/24 13:46 1 83.30 90.10 89.60 CCV ICPMS80207241457 02/07/24 14:57 1 82 87.40 89.40 CCB ICPMS80207241500 02/07/24 15:00 1 81.90 87.30 88.40 SB-11/MW-1@15-17'L1702045-03 02/07/24 12:07 5 87 93.60 93.70 SB-12/MW-2@2-3'L1702045-04 02/07/24 12:10 5 89.90 92.90 93 SB-12/MW-2@10-12'L1702045-05 02/07/24 12:13 5 88.70 90.60 92 SB-12/MW-2@15-17'L1702045-06 02/07/24 12:25 5 86.90 90.60 91.30 SB-13/MW-3@10-11'L1702045-08 02/07/24 12:28 5 86.80 88.60 89.80 SB-13/MW-3@15-17'L1702045-09 02/07/24 12:31 5 85.80 89.20 90.20 BDS-1 L1702045-10 02/07/24 11:50 5 92.40 94.50 94.20 SB-14/MW-4@2-3'L1702045-11 02/07/24 12:35 5 84.50 88.80 89.90 SB-14/MW-4@15-17'L1702045-13 02/07/24 12:38 5 89.20 87.40 88.70 SB-15/MW-5@2-3'L1702045-14 02/07/24 12:41 5 84.40 86.90 89.20 EQUIPMENT BLANK L1702045-17 02/07/24 14:30 1 79.10 84.50 87.10 BLANK R4030874-1 02/07/24 11:43 5 91.80 95.90 95.10 LCS R4030874-2 02/07/24 11:47 5 89.60 96.10 96.50 SD R4030874-3 02/07/24 11:53 25 90.70 98 97 PS R4030874-4 02/07/24 11:57 5 88.50 92.40 92.70 MS R4030874-5 02/07/24 12:00 5 91 92.90 92 MSD R4030874-6 02/07/24 12:03 5 89.50 91 91.80 BLANK R4030950-2 02/07/24 14:23 1 80.80 82.10 85.70 LCS R4030950-3 02/07/24 14:27 1 81.30 83.30 87.30 SD R4030950-4 02/07/24 14:33 5 84 89 90.10 MS R4030950-5 02/07/24 14:37 1 80.30 82.60 86.50 MSD R4030950-6 02/07/24 14:40 1 77.50 83 85.90 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 80 of 189 14-IN ICP/MS INTERNAL STANDARDS RELATIVE INTENSITY SDG:L1702045 Analytical Method:6020 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Start Date:02/07/24 09:13 Instrument Run:020724ICPMS8 End Date:02/07/24 14:40 Client Sample ID Lab Sample ID Analysis Date Time Dilution TELLURIUM (NO HE) % Rec.Q ICV ICPMS80207240913-3 02/07/24 09:13 1 97.30 ICB ICPMS80207240919-3 02/07/24 09:19 1 97 ICVLL ICPMS80207240932-3 02/07/24 09:32 1 96.40 ICSA ICPMS80207240940-3 02/07/24 09:40 1 90.20 ICSAB ICPMS80207240943-3 02/07/24 09:43 1 89.80 CCV ICPMS80207241131-2 02/07/24 11:31 1 96 CCB ICPMS80207241134-2 02/07/24 11:34 1 94.70 CCV ICPMS80207241217 02/07/24 12:17 1 92.50 CCB ICPMS80207241220 02/07/24 12:20 1 90.30 CCV ICPMS80207241255 02/07/24 12:55 1 88.70 CCB ICPMS80207241259 02/07/24 12:59 1 87.30 CCV ICPMS80207241343 02/07/24 13:43 1 85.70 CCB ICPMS80207241346 02/07/24 13:46 1 84 CCV ICPMS80207241457 02/07/24 14:57 1 83.70 CCB ICPMS80207241500 02/07/24 15:00 1 82.20 SB-11/MW-1@15-17'L1702045-03 02/07/24 12:07 5 89.90 SB-12/MW-2@2-3'L1702045-04 02/07/24 12:10 5 89.70 SB-12/MW-2@10-12'L1702045-05 02/07/24 12:13 5 88.10 SB-12/MW-2@15-17'L1702045-06 02/07/24 12:25 5 87.30 SB-13/MW-3@10-11'L1702045-08 02/07/24 12:28 5 87.10 SB-13/MW-3@15-17'L1702045-09 02/07/24 12:31 5 86.70 BDS-1 L1702045-10 02/07/24 11:50 5 91.60 SB-14/MW-4@2-3'L1702045-11 02/07/24 12:35 5 87.50 SB-14/MW-4@15-17'L1702045-13 02/07/24 12:38 5 85.40 SB-15/MW-5@2-3'L1702045-14 02/07/24 12:41 5 85.40 EQUIPMENT BLANK L1702045-17 02/07/24 14:30 1 80.20 BLANK R4030874-1 02/07/24 11:43 5 91.10 LCS R4030874-2 02/07/24 11:47 5 92.20 SD R4030874-3 02/07/24 11:53 25 94.80 PS R4030874-4 02/07/24 11:57 5 90 MS R4030874-5 02/07/24 12:00 5 89.20 MSD R4030874-6 02/07/24 12:03 5 88.40 BLANK R4030950-2 02/07/24 14:23 1 79.50 LCS R4030950-3 02/07/24 14:27 1 80.60 SD R4030950-4 02/07/24 14:33 5 85.20 MS R4030950-5 02/07/24 14:37 1 79.10 MSD R4030950-6 02/07/24 14:40 1 79.10 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 81 of 189 14-IN ICP/MS INTERNAL STANDARDS RELATIVE INTENSITY SDG:L1702045 Analytical Method:6020 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Start Date:02/06/24 12:02 Instrument Run:020624ICPMS11 End Date:02/06/24 19:24 Client Sample ID Lab Sample ID Analysis Date Time Dilution BISMUTH (NO HE)GERMANIUM GERMANIUM (HIGH HE) % Rec.Q % Rec.Q % Rec.Q ICV ICPMS110206241202-4 02/06/24 12:02 1 99.70 101 102 ICB ICPMS110206241216-4 02/06/24 12:16 1 99.90 104 102 ICVLL ICPMS110206241237-4 02/06/24 12:37 1 98.20 103 102 ICSA ICPMS110206241241-4 02/06/24 12:41 1 98.10 102 100 ICSAB ICPMS110206241244-4 02/06/24 12:44 1 94.70 104 100 CCVLL ICPMS110206241513-2 02/06/24 15:13 1 89.10 101 101 CCV ICPMS110206241818 02/06/24 18:18 1 92.20 103 99.70 CCB ICPMS110206241821 02/06/24 18:21 1 95.30 102 99.50 CCV ICPMS110206241927 02/06/24 19:27 1 88.50 102 99.50 CCB ICPMS110206241930 02/06/24 19:30 1 95.30 103 99.10 CCV ICPMS110206242011-2 02/06/24 20:11 1 88.50 102 97.10 CCB ICPMS110206242014-2 02/06/24 20:14 1 94.20 101 98.50 SB-11/MW-1@2-3'L1702045-01 02/06/24 19:54 5 97.10 101 98.30 SB-11/MW-1@10-12'L1702045-02 02/06/24 19:57 5 91 98.90 98.10 SB-13/MW-3@2-3'L1702045-07 02/06/24 20:01 5 88.60 100 99.90 SB-14/MW-4@10-11'L1702045-12 02/06/24 19:01 5 93.80 103 101 SB-15/MW-5@8-10'L1702045-15 02/06/24 20:04 5 88.50 100 98.70 SB-15/MW-5@015-17'L1702045-16 02/06/24 20:07 5 90.90 101 98.70 BLANK R4030545-1 02/06/24 18:54 5 94.60 98.60 98 LCS R4030545-2 02/06/24 18:58 5 97.80 99.90 100 PS R4030545-4 02/06/24 19:08 5 91.90 103 102 MS R4030545-5 02/06/24 19:11 5 89 105 101 MSD R4030545-6 02/06/24 19:14 5 91 104 101 SD R4030545-7 02/06/24 19:24 25 92.40 102 99.90 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 82 of 189 14-IN ICP/MS INTERNAL STANDARDS RELATIVE INTENSITY SDG:L1702045 Analytical Method:6020 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Start Date:02/06/24 12:02 Instrument Run:020624ICPMS11 End Date:02/06/24 19:24 Client Sample ID Lab Sample ID Analysis Date Time Dilution GERMANIUM (NO HE)RHODIUM SCANDIUM % Rec.Q % Rec.Q % Rec.Q ICV ICPMS110206241202-4 02/06/24 12:02 1 98.50 98.20 101 ICB ICPMS110206241216-4 02/06/24 12:16 1 98.30 100 106 ICVLL ICPMS110206241237-4 02/06/24 12:37 1 99.90 100 104 ICSA ICPMS110206241241-4 02/06/24 12:41 1 91 95.40 ICSAB ICPMS110206241244-4 02/06/24 12:44 1 92.20 97.10 CCVLL ICPMS110206241513-2 02/06/24 15:13 1 97.70 97.30 104 CCV ICPMS110206241818 02/06/24 18:18 1 103 97.10 106 CCB ICPMS110206241821 02/06/24 18:21 1 101 96.70 105 CCV ICPMS110206241927 02/06/24 19:27 1 106 94.20 103 CCB ICPMS110206241930 02/06/24 19:30 1 103 95.80 104 CCV ICPMS110206242011-2 02/06/24 20:11 1 103 93.10 103 CCB ICPMS110206242014-2 02/06/24 20:14 1 103 96 103 SB-11/MW-1@2-3'L1702045-01 02/06/24 19:54 5 107 94.90 101 SB-11/MW-1@10-12'L1702045-02 02/06/24 19:57 5 105 93.60 100 SB-13/MW-3@2-3'L1702045-07 02/06/24 20:01 5 107 92.20 100 SB-14/MW-4@10-11'L1702045-12 02/06/24 19:01 5 114 91.70 99.40 SB-15/MW-5@8-10'L1702045-15 02/06/24 20:04 5 109 92.10 101 SB-15/MW-5@015-17'L1702045-16 02/06/24 20:07 5 108 93.70 102 BLANK R4030545-1 02/06/24 18:54 5 94.80 94.10 101 LCS R4030545-2 02/06/24 18:58 5 102 93.50 101 PS R4030545-4 02/06/24 19:08 5 113 92.20 101 MS R4030545-5 02/06/24 19:11 5 114 93.80 101 MSD R4030545-6 02/06/24 19:14 5 114 92 101 SD R4030545-7 02/06/24 19:24 25 107 94.20 103 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 83 of 189 14-IN ICP/MS INTERNAL STANDARDS RELATIVE INTENSITY SDG:L1702045 Analytical Method:6020 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Start Date:02/06/24 12:02 Instrument Run:020624ICPMS11 End Date:02/06/24 19:24 Client Sample ID Lab Sample ID Analysis Date Time Dilution SCANDIUM (NO HE)TELLURIUM TELLURIUM (HIGH HE) % Rec.Q % Rec.Q % Rec.Q ICV ICPMS110206241202-4 02/06/24 12:02 1 102 100 101 ICB ICPMS110206241216-4 02/06/24 12:16 1 102 102 101 ICVLL ICPMS110206241237-4 02/06/24 12:37 1 103 102 102 ICSA ICPMS110206241241-4 02/06/24 12:41 1 94.40 92.40 93.50 ICSAB ICPMS110206241244-4 02/06/24 12:44 1 95.50 93.40 94.70 CCVLL ICPMS110206241513-2 02/06/24 15:13 1 98.60 98.90 98.80 CCV ICPMS110206241818 02/06/24 18:18 1 97.50 97.80 96.70 CCB ICPMS110206241821 02/06/24 18:21 1 97.70 96.70 95.70 CCV ICPMS110206241927 02/06/24 19:27 1 94.60 96.40 95.50 CCB ICPMS110206241930 02/06/24 19:30 1 96.90 95.20 94.70 CCV ICPMS110206242011-2 02/06/24 20:11 1 95.60 95.70 94.90 CCB ICPMS110206242014-2 02/06/24 20:14 1 96.90 95.10 93.20 SB-11/MW-1@2-3'L1702045-01 02/06/24 19:54 5 97.30 93.80 93.60 SB-11/MW-1@10-12'L1702045-02 02/06/24 19:57 5 96.50 93 93.40 SB-13/MW-3@2-3'L1702045-07 02/06/24 20:01 5 94.70 92.10 92.70 SB-14/MW-4@10-11'L1702045-12 02/06/24 19:01 5 99.60 89.50 92.20 SB-15/MW-5@8-10'L1702045-15 02/06/24 20:04 5 97.80 92.20 92.50 SB-15/MW-5@015-17'L1702045-16 02/06/24 20:07 5 97.30 93.30 93.50 BLANK R4030545-1 02/06/24 18:54 5 96.40 91.30 92.50 LCS R4030545-2 02/06/24 18:58 5 98.30 92.90 94.20 PS R4030545-4 02/06/24 19:08 5 95.40 90.60 92.50 MS R4030545-5 02/06/24 19:11 5 95.60 91.20 92.80 MSD R4030545-6 02/06/24 19:14 5 99 90.50 92.20 SD R4030545-7 02/06/24 19:24 25 94.60 94.40 94.60 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 84 of 189 14-IN ICP/MS INTERNAL STANDARDS RELATIVE INTENSITY SDG:L1702045 Analytical Method:6020 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Start Date:02/06/24 12:02 Instrument Run:020624ICPMS11 End Date:02/06/24 19:24 Client Sample ID Lab Sample ID Analysis Date Time Dilution TELLURIUM (NO HE) % Rec.Q ICV ICPMS110206241202-4 02/06/24 12:02 1 97.90 ICB ICPMS110206241216-4 02/06/24 12:16 1 96.20 ICVLL ICPMS110206241237-4 02/06/24 12:37 1 101 ICSA ICPMS110206241241-4 02/06/24 12:41 1 92.60 ICSAB ICPMS110206241244-4 02/06/24 12:44 1 92.70 CCVLL ICPMS110206241513-2 02/06/24 15:13 1 95.70 CCV ICPMS110206241818 02/06/24 18:18 1 93.90 CCB ICPMS110206241821 02/06/24 18:21 1 93.20 CCV ICPMS110206241927 02/06/24 19:27 1 93.30 CCB ICPMS110206241930 02/06/24 19:30 1 91.70 CCV ICPMS110206242011-2 02/06/24 20:11 1 92 CCB ICPMS110206242014-2 02/06/24 20:14 1 90.60 SB-11/MW-1@2-3'L1702045-01 02/06/24 19:54 5 93.40 SB-11/MW-1@10-12'L1702045-02 02/06/24 19:57 5 90.90 SB-13/MW-3@2-3'L1702045-07 02/06/24 20:01 5 90.70 SB-14/MW-4@10-11'L1702045-12 02/06/24 19:01 5 91.60 SB-15/MW-5@8-10'L1702045-15 02/06/24 20:04 5 89.40 SB-15/MW-5@015-17'L1702045-16 02/06/24 20:07 5 91.40 BLANK R4030545-1 02/06/24 18:54 5 87.10 LCS R4030545-2 02/06/24 18:58 5 93.90 PS R4030545-4 02/06/24 19:08 5 90.50 MS R4030545-5 02/06/24 19:11 5 89.70 MSD R4030545-6 02/06/24 19:14 5 89 SD R4030545-7 02/06/24 19:24 25 92.80 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 85 of 189 15-IN INITIAL CALIBRATION RECOVERY SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/07/24 08:39 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Calibration (end) date/time:02/07/24 09:08 Analytical Method:6020 Analytical Run:020724ICPMS8 Analyte Std Conc Result Rec.Std Conc Result Rec. mg/l mg/l %mg/l mg/l % CADMIUM 0.0002 .000210297 105 ARSENIC 0.0005 .000484152 96.80 SILVER 0.0005 .000511021 102 LEAD 0.0005 .000535207 107 CHROMIUM SELENIUM BARIUM File ID: 20240207083923 20240207084302 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 86 of 189 15-IN INITIAL CALIBRATION RECOVERY SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/07/24 08:39 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Calibration (end) date/time:02/07/24 09:08 Analytical Method:6020 Analytical Run:020724ICPMS8 Analyte Std Conc Result Rec.Std Conc Result Rec. mg/l mg/l %mg/l mg/l % CADMIUM 0.0010 .000967269 96.70 0.0020 .002007646 100 ARSENIC 0.0010 .001020063 102 0.0020 .002029975 101 SILVER 0.0010 .001034422 103 0.0020 .002048874 102 LEAD 0.0010 .000999732 100 0.0020 .002010581 101 CHROMIUM 0.0010 .001181445 118 0.0020 .002141715 107 SELENIUM 0.0010 .000999316 99.90 0.0020 .001911326 95.60 BARIUM 0.0010 .000978861 97.90 0.0020 .002129268 106 File ID: 20240207084640 20240207085019 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 87 of 189 15-IN INITIAL CALIBRATION RECOVERY SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/07/24 08:39 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Calibration (end) date/time:02/07/24 09:08 Analytical Method:6020 Analytical Run:020724ICPMS8 Analyte Std Conc Result Rec.Std Conc Result Rec. mg/l mg/l %mg/l mg/l % CADMIUM 0.01 .01041699 104 0.05 .05172459 103 ARSENIC 0.01 .01049871 105 0.05 .05134886 103 SILVER 0.01 .01073756 107 0.05 .05313702 106 LEAD 0.01 .01022107 102 0.05 .04979459 99.60 CHROMIUM 0.01 .01079981 108 0.05 .0524054 105 SELENIUM 0.01 .00941248 94.10 0.05 .04948308 99 BARIUM 0.01 .009720495 97.20 0.05 .05098701 102 File ID: 20240207085357 20240207085735 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 88 of 189 15-IN INITIAL CALIBRATION RECOVERY SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/07/24 08:39 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Calibration (end) date/time:02/07/24 09:08 Analytical Method:6020 Analytical Run:020724ICPMS8 Analyte Std Conc Result Rec.Std Conc Result Rec. mg/l mg/l %mg/l mg/l % CADMIUM 0.10 .1023178 102 0.20 .2026821 101 ARSENIC 0.10 .102381 102 0.20 .1956263 97.80 SILVER 0.10 .1067798 107 0.20 .1957883 97.90 LEAD 0.10 .105225 105 0.20 .2018758 101 CHROMIUM 0.10 .1034414 103 0.20 .1975839 98.80 SELENIUM 0.10 .0998766 99.90 0.20 .2027121 101 BARIUM 0.10 .09696638 97 0.20 .1997092 99.90 File ID: 20240207090113 20240207090450 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 89 of 189 15-IN INITIAL CALIBRATION RECOVERY SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/07/24 08:39 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Calibration (end) date/time:02/07/24 09:08 Analytical Method:6020 Analytical Run:020724ICPMS8 Analyte Std Conc Result Rec. mg/l mg/l % CADMIUM 0.40 .3978536 99.50 ARSENIC 0.40 .4014103 100 SILVER LEAD 0.40 .3977759 99.40 CHROMIUM 0.40 .4000259 100 SELENIUM 0.40 .3987546 99.70 BARIUM 0.40 .4007868 100 File ID: 20240207090826 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 90 of 189 15-IN INITIAL CALIBRATION RECOVERY SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/06/24 11:04 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Calibration (end) date/time:02/06/24 11:32 Analytical Method:6020 Analytical Run:020624ICPMS11 Analyte Std Conc Result Rec.Std Conc Result Rec. mg/l mg/l %mg/l mg/l % CADMIUM 0.0002 .000216514 108 ARSENIC 0.0005 .000533484 107 SILVER 0.0005 .00048364 96.70 LEAD 0.0005 .000496285 99.30 CHROMIUM SELENIUM BARIUM File ID: 20240206110457 20240206110828 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 91 of 189 15-IN INITIAL CALIBRATION RECOVERY SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/06/24 11:04 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Calibration (end) date/time:02/06/24 11:32 Analytical Method:6020 Analytical Run:020624ICPMS11 Analyte Std Conc Result Rec.Std Conc Result Rec. mg/l mg/l %mg/l mg/l % CADMIUM 0.0010 .000996011 99.60 0.0020 .00198524 99.30 ARSENIC 0.0010 .001053136 105 0.0020 .001999544 100 SILVER 0.0010 .000980364 98 0.0020 .001998314 99.90 LEAD 0.0010 .001001799 100 0.0020 .001958049 97.90 CHROMIUM 0.0010 .001002148 100 0.0020 .001954957 97.70 SELENIUM 0.0010 .000825194 82.50 0.0020 .001778483 88.90 BARIUM 0.0010 .001070456 107 0.0020 .001973401 98.70 File ID: 20240206111158 20240206111528 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 92 of 189 15-IN INITIAL CALIBRATION RECOVERY SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/06/24 11:04 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Calibration (end) date/time:02/06/24 11:32 Analytical Method:6020 Analytical Run:020624ICPMS11 Analyte Std Conc Result Rec.Std Conc Result Rec. mg/l mg/l %mg/l mg/l % CADMIUM 0.01 .01030936 103 0.05 .05072299 101 ARSENIC 0.01 .01048739 105 0.05 .05248007 105 SILVER 0.01 .0106268 106 0.05 .05165668 103 LEAD 0.01 .01055557 106 0.05 .05189981 104 CHROMIUM 0.01 .01052682 105 0.05 .05272706 105 SELENIUM 0.01 .009494257 94.90 0.05 .04834316 96.70 BARIUM 0.01 .01008816 101 0.05 .05098201 102 File ID: 20240206111859 20240206112230 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 93 of 189 15-IN INITIAL CALIBRATION RECOVERY SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/06/24 11:04 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Calibration (end) date/time:02/06/24 11:32 Analytical Method:6020 Analytical Run:020624ICPMS11 Analyte Std Conc Result Rec.Std Conc Result Rec. mg/l mg/l %mg/l mg/l % CADMIUM 0.10 .09978018 99.80 0.20 .2009608 100 ARSENIC 0.10 .1029494 103 0.20 .2002694 100 SILVER 0.10 .104018 104 0.20 .1975457 98.80 LEAD 0.10 .1015907 102 0.20 .2063994 103 CHROMIUM 0.10 .1015818 102 0.20 .1999522 100 SELENIUM 0.10 .09717206 97.20 0.20 .1981293 99.10 BARIUM 0.10 .1015739 102 0.20 .2023812 101 File ID: 20240206112559 20240206112924 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 94 of 189 15-IN INITIAL CALIBRATION RECOVERY SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/06/24 11:04 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Calibration (end) date/time:02/06/24 11:32 Analytical Method:6020 Analytical Run:020624ICPMS11 Analyte Std Conc Result Rec. mg/l mg/l % CADMIUM 0.40 .3994765 99.90 ARSENIC 0.40 .3988056 99.70 SILVER LEAD 0.40 .3961515 99 CHROMIUM 0.40 .3992746 99.80 SELENIUM 0.40 .4018636 100 BARIUM 0.40 .3982909 99.60 File ID: 20240206113244 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 95 of 189 16B-IN ICP/MS INITIAL CALIBRATION SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/07/24 08:39 Instrument ID:ICPMS8 Calibration (end) date/time:02/07/24 09:08 Analytical Method:6020 Analytical Run:020724ICPMS8 Analyte Mass Cal. Type Weightage Corr.Slope Incpt CHROMIUM 52 0 5 0.999927 129.6496 0.067583 CHROMIUM 52 0 5 0.999927 129.6496 0.067583 ARSENIC 75 0 5 0.999903 17.5715 0.001179 ARSENIC 75 0 5 0.999903 17.5715 0.001179 SELENIUM 78 0 5 0.999966 0.177571 0.000009 SELENIUM 78 0 5 0.999966 0.177571 0.000009 SILVER 107 0 5 0.999067 8.847471 0.000053 SILVER 107 0 5 0.999067 8.847471 0.000053 CADMIUM 111 0 5 0.999944 7.917992 0.000067 CADMIUM 111 0 5 0.999944 7.917992 0.000067 BARIUM 137 0 5 0.999963 0.782286 0.000039 BARIUM 137 0 5 0.999963 0.782286 0.000039 LEAD 208 0 5 0.999891 1.409408 0.000083 LEAD 208 0 5 0.999891 1.409408 0.000083 Calibration Type 0 = Linear Regression Weightage 5 = None ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 96 of 189 16B-IN ICP/MS INITIAL CALIBRATION SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/06/24 11:04 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Calibration (end) date/time:02/06/24 11:32 Analytical Method:6020 Analytical Run:020624ICPMS11 Analyte Mass Cal. Type Weightage Corr.Slope Incpt CHROMIUM 52 0 5 0.999972 100.9533 0.020236 ARSENIC 75 0 5 0.999958 18.33736 0.001085 SELENIUM 78 0 5 0.999956 0.173487 0.000012 SILVER 107 0 5 0.999683 9.519302 0.000754 CADMIUM 111 0 5 0.999995 7.092266 0.000037 BARIUM 137 0 5 0.999964 1.087001 0.000037 LEAD 208 0 5 0.999811 1.388812 0.000135 Calibration Type 0 = Linear Regression Weightage 5 = None ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 97 of 189 7470A Mercury ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 98 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET EQUIPMENT BLANK Lab Sample ID:L1702045-17 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:EQUIPMENT BLANK Collected Date/Time:02/02/24 09:20 Lab File ID:20240207100208 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 12:38 Analytical Batch:WG2220218 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 10:02 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7470A Analytical Method:7470A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:GW Initial Wt/Vol:30 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:30.0 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL ug/l ug/l ug/l Mercury 7439-97-6 U O1 0.100 0.200 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 99 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4030890-1 Lab Sample ID:R4030890-1 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:BLANK Collected Date/Time:_______________ Lab File ID:20240207095709 Received Date/Time:_______________ Instrument ID:CVAA7 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 12:36 Analytical Batch:WG2220218 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 09:57 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7470A Analytical Method:7470A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:GW Initial Wt/Vol:30 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:30.0 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL ug/l ug/l ug/l Mercury 7439-97-6 U 0.100 0.200 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 100 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4030890-5 Lab Sample ID:R4030890-5 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:LCS Collected Date/Time:_______________ Lab File ID:20240207131553 Received Date/Time:_______________ Instrument ID:CVAA7 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 12:36 Analytical Batch:WG2220218 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 13:15 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7470A Analytical Method:7470A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:GW Initial Wt/Vol:30 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:30.0 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL ug/l ug/l ug/l Mercury 7439-97-6 3.29 0.100 0.200 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 101 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4030890-3 Lab Sample ID:R4030890-3 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:MS Collected Date/Time:02/02/24 09:20 Lab File ID:20240207100438 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 12:38 Analytical Batch:WG2220218 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 10:04 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7470A Analytical Method:7470A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:GW Initial Wt/Vol:30 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:30.0 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL ug/l ug/l ug/l Mercury 7439-97-6 3.59 0.100 0.200 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 102 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4030890-4 Lab Sample ID:R4030890-4 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:MSD Collected Date/Time:02/02/24 09:20 Lab File ID:20240207100707 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 12:38 Analytical Batch:WG2220218 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 10:07 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7470A Analytical Method:7470A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:GW Initial Wt/Vol:30 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:30.0 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL ug/l ug/l ug/l Mercury 7439-97-6 3.57 0.100 0.200 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 103 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4030890-6 Lab Sample ID:R4030890-6 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:PS Collected Date/Time:02/02/24 09:20 Lab File ID:20240207131824 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 12:38 Analytical Batch:WG2220218 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 13:18 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7470A Analytical Method:7470A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:GW Initial Wt/Vol:30 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:30.0 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL ug/l ug/l ug/l Mercury 7439-97-6 3.96 O1 0.100 0.200 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 104 of 189 2-IN CALIBRATION VERIFICATION SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/07/24 09:16 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Calibration (end) date/time:02/07/24 09:28 Analytical Method:7470A Analytical Run:020724CVAA7 WC Concentration Units:mg/L ICV ICV CCV Sample ID:CVAA70207240941-2 CVAA70207240944-2 CVAA70207240949-2 Analyte True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD MERCURY 0.0050 0.005398548 108 2.460000 0.0050 0.005244823 105 1.770000 0.0050 0.005129812 103 0.790000 ICV Limits:90 - 110 CCV Limits:90 - 110 ICVLL Limits:70 - 130 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 105 of 189 2-IN CALIBRATION VERIFICATION SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/07/24 09:16 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Calibration (end) date/time:02/07/24 09:28 Analytical Method:7470A Analytical Run:020724CVAA7 WC Concentration Units:mg/L ICVLL CCV CCV Sample ID:CVAA70207240954-2 CVAA70207241022-2 CVAA70207241252 Analyte True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD MERCURY 0.0002 0.00020560 42 103 5.850000 0.0050 0.005165455 103 1.130000 0.0050 0.005493521 110 1.530000 ICV Limits:90 - 110 CCV Limits:90 - 110 ICVLL Limits:70 - 130 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 106 of 189 2-IN CALIBRATION VERIFICATION SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/07/24 09:16 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Calibration (end) date/time:02/07/24 09:28 Analytical Method:7470A Analytical Run:020724CVAA7 WC Concentration Units:mg/L CCV CCV Sample ID:CVAA70207241340-3 CVAA70207241342-3 Analyte True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD MERCURY 0.0050 0.005328128 107 1.780000 0.0050 0.005324702 106 1.520000 ICV Limits:90 - 110 CCV Limits:90 - 110 ICVLL Limits:70 - 130 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 107 of 189 3-IN BLANKS SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/07/24 09:16 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Calibration (end) date/time:02/07/24 09:28 Analytical Method:7470A Analytical Run:020724CVAA7 WC Sample ID:ICB Result ICB Qual CCB Result CCB Qual BLANK Result BLANK Qual CCB Result CCB Qual File ID:20240207094715-2 20240207095212-2 20240207095709 20240207102438-2 Analyte mg/L mg/L mg/l mg/L MERCURY 0.00002360726 U 0.00003077055 U U 0.0000069402 32 U ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 108 of 189 3-IN BLANKS SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/07/24 09:16 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Calibration (end) date/time:02/07/24 09:28 Analytical Method:7470A Analytical Run:020724CVAA7 WC Sample ID:CCB Result CCB Qual CCB Result CCB Qual File ID:20240207125438 20240207134455-3 Analyte mg/L mg/L MERCURY 0.00002581657 U -0.0000015233 57 U ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 109 of 189 5A-IN MATRIX SPIKE /SAMPLE NO.: MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE RECOVERY R4030890-3 L1702045-17 R4030890-4 MS Sample / File ID:R4030890-3 / 20240207100438 SDG:L1702045 MSD Sample / File ID:R4030890-4 / 20240207100707 Analytical Batch:WG2220218 OS Sample / File ID:L1702045-17 / 20240207100208 Matrix:GW Instrument ID:CVAA7 Analytical Method:7470A Analyte Spike Amount OS Result MS Result MSD Result MS Rec.MSD Rec.Dilution Rec. Limits RPD RPD Limits ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l %%%%% Mercury 3.00 U 3.59 3.57 120 119 1 75.0 - 125 0.564 20 *: Value outside the established quality control limits. D: Surrogate recovery cannot be used for control limit evaluation due to dilution. ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 110 of 189 5B-IN POST-DIGESTION / DISTILLATION SPIKE SAMPLE NO.: SAMPLE RECOVERY R4030890-6 L1702045-17 PS Sample / File ID:R4030890-6 / 20240207131824 SDG:L1702045 OS Sample / File ID:L1702045-17 / 20240207100208 Analytical Batch:WG2220218 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Dilution Factor:1 Analytical Method:7470A Matrix:GW Analyte Spike Amount OS Result PD Result DS Result PD Rec.DS Rec.Dilution Rec. Limits RPD RPD Limits ug/l ug/l ug/l %%%ug/l ug/l Mercury 3.00 U 3.96 132*1 80.0 - 120 * *: Value outside the established quality control limits. D: Surrogate recovery cannot be used for control limit evaluation due to dilution. ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 111 of 189 7-IN LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE SAMPLE NO.: LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE DUPLICATE R4030890-5 RECOVERY _______________ L1702045-17 LCS Sample / File ID:R4030890-5 / 20240207131553 SDG:L1702045 LCSD Sample / File ID:_______________Analytical Batch:WG2220218 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Dilution Factor:1 Analytical Method:7470A Matrix:GW Analyte Spike Amount LCS Result LCSD Result LCS Rec.LCSD Rec.Rec. Limits RPD RPD Limits ug/l ug/l %%%%% Mercury 3.00 3.29 110 80.0 - 120 *: Value outside the established quality control limits. D: Surrogate recovery cannot be used for control limit evaluation due to dilution. ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 112 of 189 9-IN DETECTION LIMIT SUMMARY Lab Sample IDs:L1702045-17 Analytical Method:7470A Matrix:GW Prep Method:7470A Analyte CAS Wavelength Mass MDL RDL mg/l mg/l Mercury 7439-97-6 253.70 0.0001 0.0002 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 113 of 189 10C-IN LINEAR DYNAMIC RANGE SDG:L1702045 Analytical Method:7470A Instrument ID:CVAA7 Date:06/27/19 15:34 Analyte LDR ppm MERCURY 0.01 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 114 of 189 12-IN ANALYSIS LOG SDG:L1702045 Analytical Method:7470A Instrument ID:CVAA7 Calibration Start Date:02/07/24 09:16 Analytical Run:020724CVAA7 WC Calibration End Date:02/07/24 09:28 Client Sample ID Lab Sample ID File ID Analysis Date Time Dilution Batch CALBLK CVAA70207240914 20240207091403 02/07/24 09:14 CAL STD 0.2 20240207091632 02/07/24 09:16 CAL STD 0.4 20240207091900 02/07/24 09:19 CAL STD 1.0 20240207092130 02/07/24 09:21 CAL STD 2.0 20240207092400 02/07/24 09:24 CAL STD 5.0 20240207092631 02/07/24 09:26 CAL STD 10.0 20240207092859 02/07/24 09:28 ICV CVAA70207240941-2 20240207094117-2 02/07/24 09:41 ICV CVAA70207240944-2 20240207094443-2 02/07/24 09:44 ICB CVAA70207240947-2 20240207094715-2 02/07/24 09:47 CCV CVAA70207240949-2 20240207094943-2 02/07/24 09:49 CCB CVAA70207240952-2 20240207095212-2 02/07/24 09:52 ICVLL CVAA70207240954-2 20240207095440-2 02/07/24 09:54 BLANK R4030890-1 20240207095709 02/07/24 09:57 1 WG2220218 EQUIPMENT BLANK L1702045-17 20240207100208 02/07/24 10:02 1 WG2220218 MS R4030890-3 20240207100438 02/07/24 10:04 1 WG2220218 MSD R4030890-4 20240207100707 02/07/24 10:07 1 WG2220218 L1700808-12 L1700808-12 20240207100936 02/07/24 10:09 1 WG2220218 CCV CVAA70207241022-2 20240207102208-2 02/07/24 10:22 CCB CVAA70207241024-2 20240207102438-2 02/07/24 10:24 CCV CVAA70207241252 20240207125208 02/07/24 12:52 CCB CVAA70207241254 20240207125438 02/07/24 12:54 LCS R4030890-5 20240207131553 02/07/24 13:15 1 WG2220218 PS R4030890-6 20240207131824 02/07/24 13:18 1 WG2220218 L1701296-54 L1701296-54 20240207132055 02/07/24 13:20 2 WG2220676 L1701315-01 L1701315-01 20240207132558 02/07/24 13:25 5 WG2220676 LCS R4030891-5 20240207132828 02/07/24 13:28 1 WG2220220 CCV CVAA70207241340-3 20240207134012-3 02/07/24 13:40 CCV CVAA70207241342-3 20240207134226-3 02/07/24 13:42 CCB CVAA70207241344-3 20240207134455-3 02/07/24 13:44 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 115 of 189 15-IN INITIAL CALIBRATION RECOVERY SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/07/24 09:16 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Calibration (end) date/time:02/07/24 09:28 Analytical Method:7470A Analytical Run:020724CVAA7 WC Analyte Std Conc Result Rec.Std Conc Result Rec. mg/L mg/L %mg/L mg/L % MERCURY 0.0002 .0002361477 118 0.0004 .0003527916 88.20 File ID: 20240207091632 20240207091900 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 116 of 189 15-IN INITIAL CALIBRATION RECOVERY SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/07/24 09:16 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Calibration (end) date/time:02/07/24 09:28 Analytical Method:7470A Analytical Run:020724CVAA7 WC Analyte Std Conc Result Rec.Std Conc Result Rec. mg/L mg/L %mg/L mg/L % MERCURY 0.0010 .0009572888 95.70 0.0020 .002048275 102 File ID: 20240207092130 20240207092400 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 117 of 189 15-IN INITIAL CALIBRATION RECOVERY SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/07/24 09:16 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Calibration (end) date/time:02/07/24 09:28 Analytical Method:7470A Analytical Run:020724CVAA7 WC Analyte Std Conc Result Rec.Std Conc Result Rec. mg/L mg/L %mg/L mg/L % MERCURY 0.0050 .00494354 98.90 0.01 .01002401 100 File ID: 20240207092631 20240207092859 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 118 of 189 16A-IN INITIAL CALIBRATION SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/07/24 09:16 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Calibration (end) date/time:02/07/24 09:28 Analytical Method:7470A Analytical Run:020724CVAA7 WC Analyte Wavelength Cal. Type Weightage Corr.Slope Incpt MERCURY 253.7 0 5 0.999867 10.96647 -0.000416 Calibration Type 0 = Linear Regression Weightage 5 = None ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 119 of 189 7471A Mercury ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 120 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SB-11/MW-1@2-3' Lab Sample ID:L1702045-01 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:SB-11/MW-1@2-3'Collected Date/Time:02/01/24 09:25 Lab File ID:20240209143651 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Preparation Date/Time:02/07/24 20:38 Analytical Batch:WG2221325 Analysis Date/Time:02/09/24 14:36 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7471A Analytical Method:7471A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.28 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Mercury 7439-97-6 0.0911 0.0180 0.0400 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 121 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SB-11/MW-1@10-12' Lab Sample ID:L1702045-02 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:SB-11/MW-1@10-12'Collected Date/Time:02/01/24 10:15 Lab File ID:20240207145105 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:CVAA10 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 19:30 Analytical Batch:WG2221306 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 14:51 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7471A Analytical Method:7471A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.25 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Mercury 7439-97-6 U 0.0180 0.0400 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 122 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SB-11/MW-1@15-17' Lab Sample ID:L1702045-03 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:SB-11/MW-1@15-17'Collected Date/Time:02/01/24 10:25 Lab File ID:20240207145820 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:CVAA10 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 19:30 Analytical Batch:WG2221306 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 14:58 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7471A Analytical Method:7471A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.25 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Mercury 7439-97-6 U 0.0180 0.0400 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 123 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SB-12/MW-2@2-3' Lab Sample ID:L1702045-04 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:SB-12/MW-2@2-3'Collected Date/Time:02/01/24 10:05 Lab File ID:20240207150047 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:CVAA10 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 19:30 Analytical Batch:WG2221306 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 15:00 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7471A Analytical Method:7471A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.27 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Mercury 7439-97-6 0.0408 0.0180 0.0400 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 124 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SB-12/MW-2@10-12' Lab Sample ID:L1702045-05 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:SB-12/MW-2@10-12'Collected Date/Time:02/01/24 11:40 Lab File ID:20240207150313 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:CVAA10 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 19:30 Analytical Batch:WG2221306 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 15:03 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7471A Analytical Method:7471A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.26 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Mercury 7439-97-6 0.0241 J 0.0180 0.0400 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 125 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SB-12/MW-2@15-17' Lab Sample ID:L1702045-06 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:SB-12/MW-2@15-17'Collected Date/Time:02/01/24 11:55 Lab File ID:20240207164401 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:CVAA10 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 19:33 Analytical Batch:WG2221314 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 16:44 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7471A Analytical Method:7471A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.28 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Mercury 7439-97-6 U 0.0180 0.0400 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 126 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SB-13/MW-3@2-3' Lab Sample ID:L1702045-07 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:SB-13/MW-3@2-3'Collected Date/Time:02/01/24 10:50 Lab File ID:20240207164628 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:CVAA10 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 19:33 Analytical Batch:WG2221314 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 16:46 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7471A Analytical Method:7471A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.28 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Mercury 7439-97-6 U 0.0180 0.0400 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 127 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SB-13/MW-3@10-11' Lab Sample ID:L1702045-08 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:SB-13/MW-3@10-11'Collected Date/Time:02/01/24 14:10 Lab File ID:20240207164856 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:CVAA10 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 19:33 Analytical Batch:WG2221314 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 16:48 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7471A Analytical Method:7471A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.28 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Mercury 7439-97-6 U 0.0180 0.0400 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 128 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SB-13/MW-3@15-17' Lab Sample ID:L1702045-09 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:SB-13/MW-3@15-17'Collected Date/Time:02/01/24 14:20 Lab File ID:20240207165123 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:CVAA10 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 19:33 Analytical Batch:WG2221314 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 16:51 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7471A Analytical Method:7471A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.27 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Mercury 7439-97-6 U 0.0180 0.0400 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 129 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET BDS-1 Lab Sample ID:L1702045-10 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:BDS-1 Collected Date/Time:02/01/24 00:00 Lab File ID:20240207165350 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:CVAA10 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 19:33 Analytical Batch:WG2221314 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 16:53 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7471A Analytical Method:7471A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.31 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Mercury 7439-97-6 U 0.0180 0.0400 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 130 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SB-14/MW-4@2-3' Lab Sample ID:L1702045-11 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:SB-14/MW-4@2-3'Collected Date/Time:02/01/24 11:30 Lab File ID:20240207165617 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:CVAA10 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 19:33 Analytical Batch:WG2221314 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 16:56 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7471A Analytical Method:7471A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.26 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Mercury 7439-97-6 0.322 0.0180 0.0400 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 131 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SB-14/MW-4@10-11' Lab Sample ID:L1702045-12 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:SB-14/MW-4@10-11'Collected Date/Time:02/02/24 08:50 Lab File ID:20240207161705 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:CVAA10 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 19:33 Analytical Batch:WG2221314 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 16:17 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7471A Analytical Method:7471A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.30 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Mercury 7439-97-6 U 0.0180 0.0400 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 132 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SB-14/MW-4@15-17' Lab Sample ID:L1702045-13 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:SB-14/MW-4@15-17'Collected Date/Time:02/02/24 09:00 Lab File ID:20240207165844 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:CVAA10 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 19:33 Analytical Batch:WG2221314 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 16:58 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7471A Analytical Method:7471A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.30 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Mercury 7439-97-6 U 0.0180 0.0400 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 133 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SB-15/MW-5@2-3' Lab Sample ID:L1702045-14 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:SB-15/MW-5@2-3'Collected Date/Time:02/01/24 11:50 Lab File ID:20240207170111 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:CVAA10 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 19:33 Analytical Batch:WG2221314 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 17:01 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7471A Analytical Method:7471A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.29 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Mercury 7439-97-6 0.0379 J 0.0180 0.0400 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 134 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SB-15/MW-5@8-10' Lab Sample ID:L1702045-15 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:SB-15/MW-5@8-10'Collected Date/Time:02/02/24 10:00 Lab File ID:20240207171145 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:CVAA10 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 19:33 Analytical Batch:WG2221314 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 17:11 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7471A Analytical Method:7471A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.30 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Mercury 7439-97-6 U 0.0180 0.0400 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 135 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SB-15/MW-5@015-17' Lab Sample ID:L1702045-16 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:SB-15/MW-5@015-17'Collected Date/Time:02/02/24 10:20 Lab File ID:20240207171412 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:CVAA10 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 19:33 Analytical Batch:WG2221314 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 17:14 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7471A Analytical Method:7471A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.26 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Mercury 7439-97-6 U 0.0180 0.0400 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 136 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4031044-1 Lab Sample ID:R4031044-1 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:BLANK Collected Date/Time:_______________ Lab File ID:20240207140424 Received Date/Time:_______________ Instrument ID:CVAA10 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 19:30 Analytical Batch:WG2221306 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 14:04 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7471A Analytical Method:7471A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.30 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Mercury 7439-97-6 U 0.0180 0.0400 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 137 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4031082-1 Lab Sample ID:R4031082-1 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:BLANK Collected Date/Time:_______________ Lab File ID:20240207155325 Received Date/Time:_______________ Instrument ID:CVAA10 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 19:32 Analytical Batch:WG2221314 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 15:53 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7471A Analytical Method:7471A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.30 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Mercury 7439-97-6 U 0.0180 0.0400 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 138 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4032114-1 Lab Sample ID:R4032114-1 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:BLANK Collected Date/Time:_______________ Lab File ID:20240209141858 Received Date/Time:_______________ Instrument ID:CVAA7 Preparation Date/Time:02/07/24 20:36 Analytical Batch:WG2221325 Analysis Date/Time:02/09/24 14:18 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7471A Analytical Method:7471A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.30 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Mercury 7439-97-6 U 0.0180 0.0400 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 139 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4031044-3 Lab Sample ID:R4031044-3 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:LCS Collected Date/Time:_______________ Lab File ID:20240207143130 Received Date/Time:_______________ Instrument ID:CVAA10 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 19:30 Analytical Batch:WG2221306 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 14:31 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7471A Analytical Method:7471A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.30 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Mercury 7439-97-6 0.433 0.0180 0.0400 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 140 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4031082-2 Lab Sample ID:R4031082-2 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:LCS Collected Date/Time:_______________ Lab File ID:20240207161440 Received Date/Time:_______________ Instrument ID:CVAA10 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 19:32 Analytical Batch:WG2221314 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 16:14 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7471A Analytical Method:7471A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.30 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Mercury 7439-97-6 0.517 0.0180 0.0400 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 141 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4032114-2 Lab Sample ID:R4032114-2 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:LCS Collected Date/Time:_______________ Lab File ID:20240209142634 Received Date/Time:_______________ Instrument ID:CVAA7 Preparation Date/Time:02/07/24 20:36 Analytical Batch:WG2221325 Analysis Date/Time:02/09/24 14:26 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7471A Analytical Method:7471A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.30 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Mercury 7439-97-6 0.521 0.0180 0.0400 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 142 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4031044-4 Lab Sample ID:R4031044-4 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:MS Collected Date/Time:02/02/24 16:50 Lab File ID:20240207144347 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 09:00 Instrument ID:CVAA10 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 19:30 Analytical Batch:WG2221306 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 14:43 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7471A Analytical Method:7471A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.32 g Total Solids (%):74.4 Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Mercury 7439-97-6 0.615 0.0180 0.0400 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 143 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4031082-3 Lab Sample ID:R4031082-3 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:MS Collected Date/Time:02/02/24 08:50 Lab File ID:20240207161933 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:CVAA10 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 19:32 Analytical Batch:WG2221314 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 16:19 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7471A Analytical Method:7471A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.29 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Mercury 7439-97-6 0.507 0.0180 0.0400 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 144 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4032114-3 Lab Sample ID:R4032114-3 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:MS Collected Date/Time:01/30/24 16:30 Lab File ID:20240209143142 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 09:00 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Preparation Date/Time:02/07/24 20:36 Analytical Batch:WG2221325 Analysis Date/Time:02/09/24 14:31 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7471A Analytical Method:7471A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.27 g Total Solids (%):87.1 Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Mercury 7439-97-6 0.635 0.0180 0.0400 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 145 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4031044-5 Lab Sample ID:R4031044-5 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:MSD Collected Date/Time:02/02/24 16:50 Lab File ID:20240207144613 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 09:00 Instrument ID:CVAA10 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 19:30 Analytical Batch:WG2221306 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 14:46 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7471A Analytical Method:7471A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.34 g Total Solids (%):74.4 Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Mercury 7439-97-6 0.570 0.0180 0.0400 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 146 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4031082-4 Lab Sample ID:R4031082-4 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:MSD Collected Date/Time:02/02/24 08:50 Lab File ID:20240207162200 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:CVAA10 Preparation Date/Time:02/06/24 19:32 Analytical Batch:WG2221314 Analysis Date/Time:02/07/24 16:22 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7471A Analytical Method:7471A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.27 g Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Mercury 7439-97-6 0.569 0.0180 0.0400 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 147 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4032114-5 Lab Sample ID:R4032114-5 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:MSD Collected Date/Time:01/30/24 16:30 Lab File ID:20240209165045 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 09:00 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Preparation Date/Time:02/07/24 20:36 Analytical Batch:WG2221325 Analysis Date/Time:02/09/24 16:50 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7471A Analytical Method:7471A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.27 g Total Solids (%):87.1 Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Mercury 7439-97-6 0.790 J3 J5 0.0180 0.0400 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 148 of 189 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4032114-6 Lab Sample ID:R4032114-6 SDG:L1702045 Client Sample ID:PS Collected Date/Time:01/30/24 16:30 Lab File ID:20240209171159 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 09:00 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Preparation Date/Time:02/07/24 20:38 Analytical Batch:WG2221325 Analysis Date/Time:02/09/24 17:11 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7471A Analytical Method:7471A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Solid Initial Wt/Vol:0.27 g Total Solids (%):87.1 Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Mercury 7439-97-6 0.511 0.0180 0.0400 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 149 of 189 2-IN CALIBRATION VERIFICATION SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/09/24 09:44 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Calibration (end) date/time:02/09/24 09:57 Analytical Method:7471A Analytical Run:020924CVAA7 S Concentration Units:mg/kg ICV ICVLL CCV Sample ID:CVAA70209241001 CVAA70209241011 CVAA70209241348 Analyte True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD MERCURY 0.0050 0.005220195 104 2.090000 0.0002 0.000220182 110 2.550000 0.0050 0.005074718 101 2.150000 ICV Limits:90 - 110 ICVLL Limits:70 - 130 CCV Limits:90 - 110 CCVLL Limits:70 - 130 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 150 of 189 2-IN CALIBRATION VERIFICATION SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/09/24 09:44 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Calibration (end) date/time:02/09/24 09:57 Analytical Method:7471A Analytical Run:020924CVAA7 S Concentration Units:mg/kg CCVLL CCV CCV Sample ID:CVAA70209241353 CVAA70209241421 CVAA70209241516 Analyte True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD MERCURY 0.0002 0.000175709 8 87.9 0 56.400000 0.0050 0.00498045 6 99.6 0 0.970000 0.0050 0.004970688 99.4 0 4.950000 ICV Limits:90 - 110 ICVLL Limits:70 - 130 CCV Limits:90 - 110 CCVLL Limits:70 - 130 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 151 of 189 2-IN CALIBRATION VERIFICATION SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/09/24 09:44 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Calibration (end) date/time:02/09/24 09:57 Analytical Method:7471A Analytical Run:020924CVAA7 S Concentration Units:mg/kg CCV CCVLL CCV Sample ID:CVAA70209241519 CVAA70209241607 CVAA70209241620 Analyte True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD MERCURY 0.0050 0.004889646 97.8 0 4.820000 0.0002 0.000195603 2 97.8 0 9.420000 0.0050 0.005173614 103 3.000000 ICV Limits:90 - 110 ICVLL Limits:70 - 130 CCV Limits:90 - 110 CCVLL Limits:70 - 130 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 152 of 189 2-IN CALIBRATION VERIFICATION SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/09/24 09:44 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Calibration (end) date/time:02/09/24 09:57 Analytical Method:7471A Analytical Run:020924CVAA7 S Concentration Units:mg/kg CCVLL CCV CCVLL Sample ID:CVAA70209241625 CVAA70209241655 CVAA70209241700 Analyte True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD MERCURY 0.0002 0.00022267 52 111 5.390000 0.0050 0.005136799 103 3.200000 0.0002 0.000201951 2 101 5.640000 ICV Limits:90 - 110 ICVLL Limits:70 - 130 CCV Limits:90 - 110 CCVLL Limits:70 - 130 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 153 of 189 2-IN CALIBRATION VERIFICATION SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/09/24 09:44 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Calibration (end) date/time:02/09/24 09:57 Analytical Method:7471A Analytical Run:020924CVAA7 S Concentration Units:mg/kg CCV CCVLL Sample ID:CVAA70209241714 CVAA70209241719 Analyte True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD MERCURY 0.0050 0.005332439 107 1.670000 0.0002 0.000208810 3 104 3.100000 ICV Limits:90 - 110 ICVLL Limits:70 - 130 CCV Limits:90 - 110 CCVLL Limits:70 - 130 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 154 of 189 2-IN CALIBRATION VERIFICATION SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/07/24 11:18 Instrument ID:CVAA10 Calibration (end) date/time:02/07/24 11:30 Analytical Method:7471A Analytical Run:020724CVAA10 S Concentration Units:mg/kg ICV ICVLL CCV Sample ID:CVAA100207241154-2 CVAA100207241204-2 CVAA100207241336-2 Analyte True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD MERCURY 0.0050 0.00546191 109 3.250000 0.0002 0.00022634 23 113 4.030000 0.0050 0.005495781 110 2.960000 ICV Limits:90 - 110 ICVLL Limits:70 - 130 CCV Limits:90 - 110 CCVLL Limits:70 - 130 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 155 of 189 2-IN CALIBRATION VERIFICATION SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/07/24 11:18 Instrument ID:CVAA10 Calibration (end) date/time:02/07/24 11:30 Analytical Method:7471A Analytical Run:020724CVAA10 S Concentration Units:mg/kg CCV CCV CCV Sample ID:CVAA100207241409 CVAA100207241412 CVAA100207241415 Analyte True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD MERCURY 0.0050 0.005884185 118 0.591000 0.0050 0.005300516 106 0.295000 0.0050 0.005252333 105 0.621000 ICV Limits:90 - 110 ICVLL Limits:70 - 130 CCV Limits:90 - 110 CCVLL Limits:70 - 130 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 156 of 189 2-IN CALIBRATION VERIFICATION SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/07/24 11:18 Instrument ID:CVAA10 Calibration (end) date/time:02/07/24 11:30 Analytical Method:7471A Analytical Run:020724CVAA10 S Concentration Units:mg/kg CCVLL CCV CCV Sample ID:CVAA100207241426-2 CVAA100207241453 CVAA100207241522 Analyte True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD MERCURY 0.0002 0.000213830 2 107 1.150000 0.0050 0.005170384 103 0.921000 0.0050 0.0051438 103 0.631000 ICV Limits:90 - 110 ICVLL Limits:70 - 130 CCV Limits:90 - 110 CCVLL Limits:70 - 130 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 157 of 189 2-IN CALIBRATION VERIFICATION SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/07/24 11:18 Instrument ID:CVAA10 Calibration (end) date/time:02/07/24 11:30 Analytical Method:7471A Analytical Run:020724CVAA10 S Concentration Units:mg/kg CCV CCVLL CCV Sample ID:CVAA100207241555 CVAA100207241601 CVAA100207241610-2 Analyte True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD MERCURY 0.0050 0.005114904 102 0.567000 0.0002 0.000201997 9 101 4.010000 0.0050 0.005191654 104 2.350000 ICV Limits:90 - 110 ICVLL Limits:70 - 130 CCV Limits:90 - 110 CCVLL Limits:70 - 130 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 158 of 189 2-IN CALIBRATION VERIFICATION SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/07/24 11:18 Instrument ID:CVAA10 Calibration (end) date/time:02/07/24 11:30 Analytical Method:7471A Analytical Run:020724CVAA10 S Concentration Units:mg/kg CCV CCV CCV Sample ID:CVAA100207241634 CVAA100207241703-2 CVAA100207241754 Analyte True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD MERCURY 0.0050 0.004884376 97.7 0 4.280000 0.0050 0.00486366 97.3 0 4.380000 0.0050 0.004969424 99.4 0 3.370000 ICV Limits:90 - 110 ICVLL Limits:70 - 130 CCV Limits:90 - 110 CCVLL Limits:70 - 130 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 159 of 189 3-IN BLANKS SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/09/24 09:44 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Calibration (end) date/time:02/09/24 09:57 Analytical Method:7471A Analytical Run:020924CVAA7 S Sample ID:ICB Result ICB Qual CCB Result CCB Qual BLANK Result BLANK Qual CCB Result CCB Qual File ID:20240209100351 20240209135108 20240209141858 20240209142404 Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg MERCURY 0.00000001160 805 U 0.00004055476 U U 0.00000846877 7 U ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 160 of 189 3-IN BLANKS SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/09/24 09:44 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Calibration (end) date/time:02/09/24 09:57 Analytical Method:7471A Analytical Run:020924CVAA7 S Sample ID:CCB Result CCB Qual CCB Result CCB Qual CCB Result CCB Qual CCB Result CCB Qual File ID:20240209152159 20240209162255 20240209165819 20240209171703 Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg MERCURY -0.0000009425 599 U 0.00003707937 U 0.00000761521 U 0.00000364691 3 U ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 161 of 189 3-IN BLANKS SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/07/24 11:18 Instrument ID:CVAA10 Calibration (end) date/time:02/07/24 11:30 Analytical Method:7471A Analytical Run:020724CVAA10 S Sample ID:ICB Result ICB Qual CCB Result CCB Qual BLANK Result BLANK Qual CCB Result CCB Qual File ID:20240207115703-2 20240207133854-2 20240207140424 20240207141726 Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg MERCURY -0.0000038201 88 U 0.00001733162 U U 0.0000386183 U ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 162 of 189 3-IN BLANKS SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/07/24 11:18 Instrument ID:CVAA10 Calibration (end) date/time:02/07/24 11:30 Analytical Method:7471A Analytical Run:020724CVAA10 S Sample ID:CCB Result CCB Qual CCB Result CCB Qual BLANK Result BLANK Qual CCB Result CCB Qual File ID:20240207145557 20240207152511 20240207155325 20240207155806 Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg MERCURY 0.00004617102 U 0.0000385602 5 U U 0.00004305571 U ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 163 of 189 3-IN BLANKS SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/07/24 11:18 Instrument ID:CVAA10 Calibration (end) date/time:02/07/24 11:30 Analytical Method:7471A Analytical Run:020724CVAA10 S Sample ID:CCB Result CCB Qual CCB Result CCB Qual CCB Result CCB Qual CCB Result CCB Qual File ID:20240207161229-2 20240207163641 20240207170921-2 20240207175920 Analyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg MERCURY 0.00004247242 U 0.00000110633 9 U 0.00000463853 3 U 0.0002718578 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 164 of 189 3-IN BLANKS SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/07/24 11:18 Instrument ID:CVAA10 Calibration (end) date/time:02/07/24 11:30 Analytical Method:7471A Analytical Run:020724CVAA10 S Sample ID:CCB Result CCB Qual File ID:20240207180300 Analyte mg/kg MERCURY -0.0000015804 99 U ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 165 of 189 5A-IN MATRIX SPIKE /SAMPLE NO.: MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE RECOVERY R4031044-4 L1702045-02,03,04,05 R4031044-5 MS Sample / File ID:R4031044-4 / 20240207144347 SDG:L1702045 MSD Sample / File ID:R4031044-5 / 20240207144613 Analytical Batch:WG2221306 OS Sample / File ID:L1702046-03 / 20240207144122 Matrix:Solid Instrument ID:CVAA10 Analytical Method:7471A Analyte Spike Amount OS Result MS Result MSD Result MS Rec.MSD Rec.Dilution Rec. Limits RPD RPD Limits mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg %%%%% Mercury 0.500 0.0505 0.615 0.570 113 104 1 75.0 - 125 7.54 20 *: Value outside the established quality control limits. D: Surrogate recovery cannot be used for control limit evaluation due to dilution. ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 166 of 189 5A-IN MATRIX SPIKE /SAMPLE NO.: MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE RECOVERY R4031082-3 L1702045-06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 R4031082-4 MS Sample / File ID:R4031082-3 / 20240207161933 SDG:L1702045 MSD Sample / File ID:R4031082-4 / 20240207162200 Analytical Batch:WG2221314 OS Sample / File ID:L1702045-12 / 20240207161705 Matrix:Solid Instrument ID:CVAA10 Analytical Method:7471A Analyte Spike Amount OS Result MS Result MSD Result MS Rec.MSD Rec.Dilution Rec. Limits RPD RPD Limits mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg %%%%% Mercury 0.500 U 0.507 0.569 101 114 1 75.0 - 125 11.5 20 *: Value outside the established quality control limits. D: Surrogate recovery cannot be used for control limit evaluation due to dilution. ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 167 of 189 5A-IN MATRIX SPIKE /SAMPLE NO.: MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE RECOVERY R4032114-3 L1702045-01 R4032114-5 MS Sample / File ID:R4032114-3 / 20240209143142 SDG:L1702045 MSD Sample / File ID:R4032114-5 / 20240209165045 Analytical Batch:WG2221325 OS Sample / File ID:L1702121-03 / 20240209142908 Matrix:Solid Instrument ID:CVAA7 Analytical Method:7471A Analyte Spike Amount OS Result MS Result MSD Result MS Rec.MSD Rec.Dilution Rec. Limits RPD RPD Limits mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg %%%%% Mercury 0.500 0.0502 0.635 0.790 117 148*1 75.0 - 125 21.7*20 *: Value outside the established quality control limits. D: Surrogate recovery cannot be used for control limit evaluation due to dilution. ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 168 of 189 5B-IN POST-DIGESTION / DISTILLATION SPIKE SAMPLE NO.: SAMPLE RECOVERY R4032114-6 L1702045-01 PS Sample / File ID:R4032114-6 / 20240209171159 SDG:L1702045 OS Sample / File ID:L1702121-03 / 20240209142908 Analytical Batch:WG2221325 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Dilution Factor:1 Analytical Method:7471A Matrix:Solid Analyte Spike Amount OS Result PD Result DS Result PD Rec.DS Rec.Dilution Rec. Limits RPD RPD Limits mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg %%%mg/kg mg/kg Mercury 0.500 0.0502 0.511 92.2 1 80.0 - 120 *: Value outside the established quality control limits. D: Surrogate recovery cannot be used for control limit evaluation due to dilution. ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 169 of 189 7-IN LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE SAMPLE NO.: LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE DUPLICATE R4031044-3 RECOVERY _______________ L1702045-02,03,04,05 LCS Sample / File ID:R4031044-3 / 20240207143130 SDG:L1702045 LCSD Sample / File ID:_______________Analytical Batch:WG2221306 Instrument ID:CVAA10 Dilution Factor:1 Analytical Method:7471A Matrix:Solid Analyte Spike Amount LCS Result LCSD Result LCS Rec.LCSD Rec.Rec. Limits RPD RPD Limits mg/kg mg/kg %%%%% Mercury 0.500 0.433 86.7 80.0 - 120 *: Value outside the established quality control limits. D: Surrogate recovery cannot be used for control limit evaluation due to dilution. ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 170 of 189 7-IN LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE SAMPLE NO.: LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE DUPLICATE R4031082-2 RECOVERY _______________ L1702045-06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 LCS Sample / File ID:R4031082-2 / 20240207161440 SDG:L1702045 LCSD Sample / File ID:_______________Analytical Batch:WG2221314 Instrument ID:CVAA10 Dilution Factor:1 Analytical Method:7471A Matrix:Solid Analyte Spike Amount LCS Result LCSD Result LCS Rec.LCSD Rec.Rec. Limits RPD RPD Limits mg/kg mg/kg %%%%% Mercury 0.500 0.517 103 80.0 - 120 *: Value outside the established quality control limits. D: Surrogate recovery cannot be used for control limit evaluation due to dilution. ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 171 of 189 7-IN LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE SAMPLE NO.: LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE DUPLICATE R4032114-2 RECOVERY _______________ L1702045-01 LCS Sample / File ID:R4032114-2 / 20240209142634 SDG:L1702045 LCSD Sample / File ID:_______________Analytical Batch:WG2221325 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Dilution Factor:1 Analytical Method:7471A Matrix:Solid Analyte Spike Amount LCS Result LCSD Result LCS Rec.LCSD Rec.Rec. Limits RPD RPD Limits mg/kg mg/kg %%%%% Mercury 0.500 0.521 104 80.0 - 120 *: Value outside the established quality control limits. D: Surrogate recovery cannot be used for control limit evaluation due to dilution. ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 172 of 189 9-IN DETECTION LIMIT SUMMARY Lab Sample IDs:L1702045-01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,1 6 Analytical Method:7471A Matrix:Solid Prep Method:7471A Analyte CAS Wavelength Mass MDL RDL mg/kg mg/kg Mercury 7439-97-6 253.70 0.0180 0.04 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 173 of 189 10C-IN LINEAR DYNAMIC RANGE SDG:L1702045 Analytical Method:7471A Instrument ID:CVAA7 Date:06/27/19 15:34 Analyte LDR ppm MERCURY 0.01 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 174 of 189 12-IN ANALYSIS LOG SDG:L1702045 Analytical Method:7471A Instrument ID:CVAA7 Calibration Start Date:02/09/24 09:44 Analytical Run:020924CVAA7 S Calibration End Date:02/09/24 09:57 Client Sample ID Lab Sample ID File ID Analysis Date Time Dilution Batch CALBLK CVAA70209240941 20240209094156 02/09/24 09:41 CAL STD 0.2 20240209094425 02/09/24 09:44 CAL STD 0.4 20240209094655 02/09/24 09:46 CAL STD 1.0 20240209094926 02/09/24 09:49 CAL STD 2.0 20240209095158 02/09/24 09:51 CAL STD 5.0 20240209095431 02/09/24 09:54 CAL STD 10.0 20240209095701 02/09/24 09:57 ICV CVAA70209241001 20240209100115 02/09/24 10:01 ICB CVAA70209241003 20240209100351 02/09/24 10:03 ICVLL CVAA70209241011 20240209101123 02/09/24 10:11 CCV CVAA70209241348 20240209134837 02/09/24 13:48 CCB CVAA70209241351 20240209135108 02/09/24 13:51 CCVLL CVAA70209241353 20240209135341 02/09/24 13:53 L1702114-57 L1702114-57 20240209140621 02/09/24 14:06 5 WG2221327 L1702114-59 L1702114-59 20240209140852 02/09/24 14:08 5 WG2221327 L1702114-61 L1702114-61 20240209141124 02/09/24 14:11 10 WG2221327 L1702114-63 L1702114-63 20240209141356 02/09/24 14:13 5 WG2221327 PS R4031987-5 20240209141628 02/09/24 14:16 1 WG2221327 BLANK R4032114-1 20240209141858 02/09/24 14:18 1 WG2221325 CCV CVAA70209241421 20240209142132 02/09/24 14:21 CCB CVAA70209241424 20240209142404 02/09/24 14:24 LCS R4032114-2 20240209142634 02/09/24 14:26 1 WG2221325 OS L1702121-03 20240209142908 02/09/24 14:29 L1702121-03 L1702121-03 20240209142908 02/09/24 14:29 1 WG2221325 MS R4032114-3 20240209143142 02/09/24 14:31 1 WG2221325 SB-11/MW-1@2-3'L1702045-01 20240209143651 02/09/24 14:36 1 WG2221325 L1702114-55 L1702114-55 20240209144500 02/09/24 14:45 5 WG2221327 CCV CVAA70209241516 20240209151659 02/09/24 15:16 CCV CVAA70209241519 20240209151928 02/09/24 15:19 CCB CVAA70209241521 20240209152159 02/09/24 15:21 CCVLL CVAA70209241607 20240209160739 02/09/24 16:07 CCV CVAA70209241620 20240209162024 02/09/24 16:20 CCB CVAA70209241622 20240209162255 02/09/24 16:22 CCVLL CVAA70209241625 20240209162525 02/09/24 16:25 MSD R4032114-5 20240209165045 02/09/24 16:50 1 WG2221325 L1702114-41 L1702114-41 20240209165317 02/09/24 16:53 10 WG2221325 CCV CVAA70209241655 20240209165549 02/09/24 16:55 CCB CVAA70209241658 20240209165819 02/09/24 16:58 CCVLL CVAA70209241700 20240209170049 02/09/24 17:00 PS R4032114-6 20240209171159 02/09/24 17:11 1 WG2221325 CCV CVAA70209241714 20240209171431 02/09/24 17:14 CCB CVAA70209241717 20240209171703 02/09/24 17:17 CCVLL CVAA70209241719 20240209171932 02/09/24 17:19 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 175 of 189 12-IN ANALYSIS LOG SDG:L1702045 Analytical Method:7471A Instrument ID:CVAA10 Calibration Start Date:02/07/24 11:18 Analytical Run:020724CVAA10 S Calibration End Date:02/07/24 11:30 Client Sample ID Lab Sample ID File ID Analysis Date Time Dilution Batch CALBLK CVAA100207241115 20240207111554 02/07/24 11:15 CAL STD 0.2 20240207111819 02/07/24 11:18 CAL STD 0.4 20240207112043 02/07/24 11:20 CAL STD 1.0 20240207112308 02/07/24 11:23 CAL STD 2.0 20240207112534 02/07/24 11:25 CAL STD 5.0 20240207112801 02/07/24 11:28 CAL STD 10.0 20240207113026 02/07/24 11:30 ICV CVAA100207241154-2 20240207115438-2 02/07/24 11:54 ICB CVAA100207241157-2 20240207115703-2 02/07/24 11:57 ICVLL CVAA100207241204-2 20240207120404-2 02/07/24 12:04 CCV CVAA100207241336-2 20240207133629-2 02/07/24 13:36 CCB CVAA100207241338-2 20240207133854-2 02/07/24 13:38 L1701871-60 L1701871-60 20240207134343 02/07/24 13:43 1 WG2220488 L1701974-01 L1701974-01 20240207134610 02/07/24 13:46 1 WG2220488 L1701974-02 L1701974-02 20240207134837 02/07/24 13:48 1 WG2220488 L1701974-03 L1701974-03 20240207135104 02/07/24 13:51 1 WG2220488 BLANK R4031044-1 20240207140424 02/07/24 14:04 1 WG2221306 CCV CVAA100207241409 20240207140917 02/07/24 14:09 CCV CVAA100207241412 20240207141214 02/07/24 14:12 CCV CVAA100207241415 20240207141502 02/07/24 14:15 CCB CVAA100207241417 20240207141726 02/07/24 14:17 CCVLL CVAA100207241426-2 20240207142637-2 02/07/24 14:26 L1701871-83 L1701871-83 20240207142902 02/07/24 14:29 5 WG2219794 LCS R4031044-3 20240207143130 02/07/24 14:31 1 WG2221306 L1701871-55 L1701871-55 20240207143625 02/07/24 14:36 5 WG2220488 L1701871-57 L1701871-57 20240207143854 02/07/24 14:38 5 WG2220488 OS L1702046-03 20240207144122 02/07/24 14:41 L1702046-03 L1702046-03 20240207144122 02/07/24 14:41 1 WG2221306 MS R4031044-4 20240207144347 02/07/24 14:43 1 WG2221306 MSD R4031044-5 20240207144613 02/07/24 14:46 1 WG2221306 L1701974-04 L1701974-04 20240207144839 02/07/24 14:48 1 WG2221306 SB-11/MW-1@10-12'L1702045-02 20240207145105 02/07/24 14:51 1 WG2221306 CCV CVAA100207241453 20240207145332 02/07/24 14:53 CCB CVAA100207241455 20240207145557 02/07/24 14:55 SB-11/MW-1@15-17'L1702045-03 20240207145820 02/07/24 14:58 1 WG2221306 SB-12/MW-2@2-3'L1702045-04 20240207150047 02/07/24 15:00 1 WG2221306 SB-12/MW-2@10-12'L1702045-05 20240207150313 02/07/24 15:03 1 WG2221306 CCV CVAA100207241522 20240207152246 02/07/24 15:22 CCB CVAA100207241525 20240207152511 02/07/24 15:25 LCS R4031007-5 20240207154335 02/07/24 15:43 1 WG2220488 L1701871-59 L1701871-59 20240207154603 02/07/24 15:46 5 WG2220488 L1702428-08 L1702428-08 20240207155058 02/07/24 15:50 1 WG2221306 BLANK R4031082-1 20240207155325 02/07/24 15:53 1 WG2221314 CCV CVAA100207241555 20240207155541 02/07/24 15:55 CCB CVAA100207241558 20240207155806 02/07/24 15:58 CCVLL CVAA100207241601 20240207160139 02/07/24 16:01 CCV CVAA100207241610-2 20240207161005-2 02/07/24 16:10 CCB CVAA100207241612-2 20240207161229-2 02/07/24 16:12 LCS R4031082-2 20240207161440 02/07/24 16:14 1 WG2221314 SB-14/MW-4@10-11'L1702045-12 20240207161705 02/07/24 16:17 1 WG2221314 MS R4031082-3 20240207161933 02/07/24 16:19 1 WG2221314 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 176 of 189 12-IN ANALYSIS LOG SDG:L1702045 Analytical Method:7471A Instrument ID:CVAA10 Calibration Start Date:02/07/24 11:18 Analytical Run:020724CVAA10 S Calibration End Date:02/07/24 11:30 Client Sample ID Lab Sample ID File ID Analysis Date Time Dilution Batch MSD R4031082-4 20240207162200 02/07/24 16:22 1 WG2221314 CCV CVAA100207241634 20240207163416 02/07/24 16:34 CCB CVAA100207241636 20240207163641 02/07/24 16:36 SB-12/MW-2@15-17'L1702045-06 20240207164401 02/07/24 16:44 1 WG2221314 SB-13/MW-3@2-3'L1702045-07 20240207164628 02/07/24 16:46 1 WG2221314 SB-13/MW-3@10-11'L1702045-08 20240207164856 02/07/24 16:48 1 WG2221314 SB-13/MW-3@15-17'L1702045-09 20240207165123 02/07/24 16:51 1 WG2221314 BDS-1 L1702045-10 20240207165350 02/07/24 16:53 1 WG2221314 SB-14/MW-4@2-3'L1702045-11 20240207165617 02/07/24 16:56 1 WG2221314 SB-14/MW-4@15-17'L1702045-13 20240207165844 02/07/24 16:58 1 WG2221314 SB-15/MW-5@2-3'L1702045-14 20240207170111 02/07/24 17:01 1 WG2221314 CCV CVAA100207241703-2 20240207170338-2 02/07/24 17:03 CCB CVAA100207241709-2 20240207170921-2 02/07/24 17:09 SB-15/MW-5@8-10'L1702045-15 20240207171145 02/07/24 17:11 1 WG2221314 SB-15/MW-5@015-17'L1702045-16 20240207171412 02/07/24 17:14 1 WG2221314 BLANK R4031083-1 20240207172706 02/07/24 17:27 1 WG2219120 LCS R4031083-2 20240207172934 02/07/24 17:29 1 WG2219120 LCSD R4031083-3 20240207173202 02/07/24 17:32 1 WG2219120 CCV CVAA100207241754 20240207175440 02/07/24 17:54 CCB CVAA100207241759 20240207175920 02/07/24 17:59 CCB CVAA100207241803 20240207180300 02/07/24 18:03 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 177 of 189 15-IN INITIAL CALIBRATION RECOVERY SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/09/24 09:44 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Calibration (end) date/time:02/09/24 09:57 Analytical Method:7471A Analytical Run:020924CVAA7 S Analyte Std Conc Result Rec.Std Conc Result Rec. mg/kg mg/kg %mg/kg mg/kg % MERCURY 0.0002 .0002282109 114 0.0004 .000387086 96.80 File ID: 20240209094425 20240209094655 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 178 of 189 15-IN INITIAL CALIBRATION RECOVERY SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/09/24 09:44 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Calibration (end) date/time:02/09/24 09:57 Analytical Method:7471A Analytical Run:020924CVAA7 S Analyte Std Conc Result Rec.Std Conc Result Rec. mg/kg mg/kg %mg/kg mg/kg % MERCURY 0.0010 .0009960054 99.60 0.0020 .001979215 99 File ID: 20240209094926 20240209095158 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 179 of 189 15-IN INITIAL CALIBRATION RECOVERY SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/09/24 09:44 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Calibration (end) date/time:02/09/24 09:57 Analytical Method:7471A Analytical Run:020924CVAA7 S Analyte Std Conc Result Rec.Std Conc Result Rec. mg/kg mg/kg %mg/kg mg/kg % MERCURY 0.0050 .0050573 101 0.01 .009975862 99.80 File ID: 20240209095431 20240209095701 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 180 of 189 15-IN INITIAL CALIBRATION RECOVERY SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/07/24 11:18 Instrument ID:CVAA10 Calibration (end) date/time:02/07/24 11:30 Analytical Method:7471A Analytical Run:020724CVAA10 S Analyte Std Conc Result Rec.Std Conc Result Rec. mg/kg mg/kg %mg/kg mg/kg % MERCURY 0.0002 .0001556177 77.80 0.0004 .0003661503 91.50 File ID: 20240207111819 20240207112043 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 181 of 189 15-IN INITIAL CALIBRATION RECOVERY SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/07/24 11:18 Instrument ID:CVAA10 Calibration (end) date/time:02/07/24 11:30 Analytical Method:7471A Analytical Run:020724CVAA10 S Analyte Std Conc Result Rec.Std Conc Result Rec. mg/kg mg/kg %mg/kg mg/kg % MERCURY 0.0010 .001041227 104 0.0020 .002013873 101 File ID: 20240207112308 20240207112534 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 182 of 189 15-IN INITIAL CALIBRATION RECOVERY SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/07/24 11:18 Instrument ID:CVAA10 Calibration (end) date/time:02/07/24 11:30 Analytical Method:7471A Analytical Run:020724CVAA10 S Analyte Std Conc Result Rec.Std Conc Result Rec. mg/kg mg/kg %mg/kg mg/kg % MERCURY 0.0050 .005213226 104 0.01 .009888734 98.90 File ID: 20240207112801 20240207113026 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 183 of 189 16A-IN INITIAL CALIBRATION SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/09/24 09:44 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Calibration (end) date/time:02/09/24 09:57 Analytical Method:7471A Analytical Run:020924CVAA7 S Analyte Wavelength Cal. Type Weightage Corr.Slope Incpt MERCURY 253.7 0 5 0.999943 14.23999 0.000337 Calibration Type 0 = Linear Regression Weightage 5 = None ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 184 of 189 16A-IN INITIAL CALIBRATION SDG:L1702045 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/07/24 11:18 Instrument ID:CVAA10 Calibration (end) date/time:02/07/24 11:30 Analytical Method:7471A Analytical Run:020724CVAA10 S Analyte Wavelength Cal. Type Weightage Corr.Slope Incpt MERCURY 253.7 0 5 0.999353 17.74549 0.001399 MERCURY 253.7 0 5 0.999353 17.74549 0.001399 Calibration Type 0 = Linear Regression Weightage 5 = None ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 185 of 189 GLOSSARY OF TERMS Guide to Reading and Understanding Your Laboratory Report The information below is designed to better explain the various terms used in your report of analytical results from the Laboratory. This is not intended as a comprehensive explanation, and if you have additional questions please contact your project representative. Results Disclaimer - Information that may be provided by the customer, and contained within this report, include Permit Limits, Project Name, Sample ID, Sample Matrix, Sample Preservation, Field Blanks, Field Spikes, Field Duplicates, On-Site Data, Sampling Collection Dates/Times, and Sampling Location. Results relate to the accuracy of this information provided, and as the samples are received. Abbreviations and Definitions Corr.Correlation Coefficient. Incpt Intercept. Mass Mass of parameter. MDL Method Detection Limit. RDL Reported Detection Limit. Rec.Recovery. RPD Relative Percent Difference. RSD Relative Standard Deviation. SDG Sample Delivery Group. Analyte The name of the particular compound or analysis performed. Some Analyses and Methods will have multiple analytes reported. Dilution If the sample matrix contains an interfering material, the sample preparation volume or weight values differ from the standard, or if concentrations of analytes in the sample are higher than the highest limit of concentration that the laboratory can accurately report, the sample may be diluted for analysis. If a value different than 1 is used in this field, the result reported has already been corrected for this factor. Limits These are the target % recovery ranges or % difference value that the laboratory has historically determined as normal for the method and analyte being reported. Successful QC Sample analysis will target all analytes recovered or duplicated within these ranges. Qualifier This column provides a letter and/or number designation that corresponds to additional information concerning the result reported. If a Qualifier is present, a definition per Qualifier is provided within the Glossary and Definitions page and potentially a discussion of possible implications of the Qualifier in the Case Narrative if applicable. Result The actual analytical final result (corrected for any sample specific characteristics) reported for your sample. If there was no measurable result returned for a specific analyte, the result in this column may state “ND” (Not Detected) or “BDL” (Below Detectable Levels). The information in the results column should always be accompanied by either an MDL (Method Detection Limit) or RDL (Reporting Detection Limit) that defines the lowest value that the laboratory could detect or report for this analyte. Slope Slope of calibration curve. Uncertainty (Radiochemistry)Confidence level of 2 sigma. Wavelength Wavelength of parameter. Case Narrative (Cn) A brief discussion about the included sample results, including a discussion of any non-conformances to protocol observed either at sample receipt by the laboratory from the field or during the analytical process. If present, there will be a section in the Case Narrative to discuss the meaning of any data qualifiers used in the report. Quality Control Summary (Qc) This section of the report includes the results of the laboratory quality control analyses required by procedure or analytical methods to assist in evaluating the validity of the results reported for your samples. These analyses are not being performed on your samples typically, but on laboratory generated material. Sample Chain of Custody (Sc) This is the document created in the field when your samples were initially collected. This is used to verify the time and date of collection, the person collecting the samples, and the analyses that the laboratory is requested to perform. This chain of custody also documents all persons (excluding commercial shippers) that have had control or possession of the samples from the time of collection until delivery to the laboratory for analysis. Sample Results (Sr) This section of your report will provide the results of all testing performed on your samples. These results are provided by sample ID and are separated by the analyses performed on each sample. The header line of each analysis section for each sample will provide the name and method number for the analysis reported. Sample Summary (Ss)This section of the Analytical Report defines the specific analyses performed for each sample ID, including the dates and times of preparation and/or analysis. Qualifier Description J The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. J3 The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for precision. J5 The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is high. J6 The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is low. O1 The analyte failed the method required serial dilution test and/or subsequent post-spike criteria. These failures indicate matrix interference. 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Su 6 Gl 7 Al 8 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 186 of 189 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:21 186 of 189 Pace Analytical National 12065 Lebanon Rd Mount Juliet, TN 37122 Alabama 40660 Nebraska NE-OS-15-05 Alaska 17-026 Nevada TN000032021-1 Arizona AZ0612 New Hampshire 2975 Arkansas 88-0469 New Jersey–NELAP TN002 California 2932 New Mexico ¹TN00003 Colorado TN00003 New York 11742 Connecticut PH-0197 North Carolina Env375 Florida E87487 North Carolina ¹DW21704 Georgia NELAP North Carolina ³41 Georgia ¹923 North Dakota R-140 Idaho TN00003 Ohio–VAP CL0069 Illinois 200008 Oklahoma 9915 Indiana C-TN-01 Oregon TN200002 Iowa 364 Pennsylvania 68-02979 Kansas E-10277 Rhode Island LAO00356 Kentucky ¹ ⁶KY90010 South Carolina 84004002 Kentucky ²16 South Dakota n/a Louisiana AI30792 Tennessee ¹ ⁴2006 Louisiana LA018 Texas T104704245-20-18 Maine TN00003 Texas ⁵LAB0152 Maryland 324 Utah TN000032021-11 Massachusetts M-TN003 Vermont VT2006 Michigan 9958 Virginia 110033 Minnesota 047-999-395 Washington C847 Mississippi TN00003 West Virginia 233 Missouri 340 Wisconsin 998093910 Montana CERT0086 Wyoming A2LA A2LA – ISO 17025 1461.01 AIHA-LAP,LLC EMLAP 100789 A2LA – ISO 17025 ⁵1461.02 DOD 1461.01 Canada 1461.01 USDA P330-15-00234 EPA–Crypto TN00003 ACCREDITATIONS & LOCATIONS ¹ Drinking Water ² Underground Storage Tanks ³ Aquatic Toxicity ⁴ Chemical/Microbiological ⁵ Mold ⁶ Wastewater n/a Accreditation not applicable * Not all certifications held by the laboratory are applicable to the results reported in the attached report. * Accreditation is only applicable to the test methods specified on each scope of accreditation held by Pace Analytical. 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Su 6 Gl 7 Al 8 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:18 187 of 189 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1702045 02/12/24 10:21 187 of 189 ANALYTICAL REPORT February 15, 2024 Revised Report One Atlas Sample Delivery Group:L1704712 Samples Received:02/03/2024 Project Number:271EM00850 Description:Murray Station Apts. Report To:Jim Coletta 1775 South 4130 West, Ste A Salt Lake City, UT 84104 Entire Report Reviewed By: February 15, 2024 [Preliminary Report] Daphne Richards Project Manager Results relate only to the items tested or calibrated and are reported as rounded values. This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval of the laboratory. Where applicable, sampling conducted by Pace Analytical National is performed per guidance provided in laboratory standard operating procedures ENV-SOP-MTJL-0067 and ENV-SOP-MTJL-0068. Where sampling conducted by the customer, results relate to the accuracy of the information provided, and as the samples are received. Pace Analytical National 12065 Lebanon Rd Mount Juliet, TN 37122 615-758-5858 800-767-5859 www.pacenational.com 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Su 6 Gl 7 Al 8 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704712 02/15/24 08:46 1 of 32 February 15, 2024 Daphne Richards Project Manager ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704712 02/15/24 09:05 1 of 32 TABLE OF CONTENTS Cp: Cover Page 1 Tc: Table of Contents 2 Ss: Sample Summary 3 Cn: Case Narrative 4 Su: Summary Results 5 6010B Metals (ICP) 5 Sample Result Inorganic Analysis Data Sheet 6 L1704712-01 02/14/24 16:34 ICP16 6 BLANK(R4033863-1) WG2226150 02/14/24 16:01 ICP16 7 LCS(R4033863-2) WG2226150 02/14/24 16:03 ICP16 8 MS(R4033863-4) WG2226150 02/14/24 16:08 ICP16 9 MSD(R4033863-5) WG2226150 02/14/24 16:10 ICP16 10 SD(R4033863-3) WG2226150 02/14/24 16:07 ICP16 11 Calibration Verification 12 ICP16 021424ICP16 12 Blank 14 ICP16 021424ICP16 14 ICP Interference Check Sample 16 ICP16 02/14/24 06:44 16 ICP16 02/14/24 13:44 17 ICP16 02/14/24 17:51 18 Matrix Spike / Duplicate 19 WG2226150 MS(R4033863-4) MSD(R4033863-5) 19 Laboratory Control Sample / Duplicate 20 WG2226150 LCS(R4033863-2) 20 Serial Dilution 21 WG2226150 SD(R4033863-3) 21 Detection Limit Summary 22 6010B - Waste 22 Linear Dynamic Range 23 ICP16 01/25/24 15:25 23 Analysis Log 24 ICP16 021424ICP16 02/14/24 06:25 24 Initial Calibration Recovery 25 ICP16 021424ICP16 02/14/24 06:25 25 Initial Calibration 28 ICP16 021424ICP16 02/14/24 06:25 28 Gl: Glossary of Terms 29 Al: Accreditations & Locations 30 Sc: Sample Chain of Custody 31 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Su 6 Gl 7 Al 8 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704712 02/15/24 08:46 2 of 32 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704712 02/15/24 09:05 2 of 32 SAMPLE SUMMARY Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time SB-14/MW-4@2-3' L1704712-01 Waste Beau Anderson 02/01/24 11:30 02/03/24 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Preparation by Method 1311 WG2225058 1 02/13/24 09:20 02/13/24 09:20 PNK Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 6010B WG2226150 1 02/14/24 12:15 02/14/24 16:34 ZSA Mt. Juliet, TN 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Su 6 Gl 7 Al 8 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704712 02/15/24 08:46 3 of 32 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704712 02/15/24 09:05 3 of 32 CASE NARRATIVE All sample aliquots were received at the correct temperature, in the proper containers, with the appropriate preservatives, and within method specified holding times, unless qualified or notated within the report. Where applicable, all MDL (LOD) and RDL (LOQ) values reported for environmental samples have been corrected for the dilution factor used in the analysis. All Method and Batch Quality Control are within established criteria except where addressed in this case narrative, a non-conformance form or properly qualified within the sample results. By my digital signature below, I affirm to the best of my knowledge, all problems/anomalies observed by the laboratory as having the potential to affect the quality of the data have been identified by the laboratory, and no information or data have been knowingly withheld that would affect the quality of the data. [Preliminary Report] Daphne Richards Project Manager Report Revision History Level III Report - Version 1: 02/15/24 08:45 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Su 6 Gl 7 Al 8 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704712 02/15/24 08:46 4 of 32 Daphne Richards Project Manager ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704712 02/15/24 09:05 4 of 32 6010B Metals (ICP) ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704712 02/15/24 08:46 5 of 32 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SB-14/MW-4@2-3' Lab Sample ID:L1704712-01 SDG:L1704712 Client Sample ID:SB-14/MW-4@2-3'Collected Date/Time:02/01/24 11:30 Lab File ID:20240214163414 Received Date/Time:02/03/24 08:00 Instrument ID:ICP16 Preparation Date/Time:02/14/24 12:15 Analytical Batch:WG2226150 Analysis Date/Time:02/14/24 16:34 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:3015 Analytical Method:6010B Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Waste Initial Wt/Vol:5 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/l mg/l mg/l Arsenic 7440-38-2 0.881 0.0330 0.100 Lead 7439-92-1 0.728 0.0330 0.100 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704712 02/15/24 08:46 6 of 32 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4033863-1 Lab Sample ID:R4033863-1 SDG:L1704712 Client Sample ID:BLANK Collected Date/Time:_______________ Lab File ID:20240214160158 Received Date/Time:_______________ Instrument ID:ICP16 Preparation Date/Time:02/14/24 11:44 Analytical Batch:WG2226150 Analysis Date/Time:02/14/24 16:01 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:3015 Analytical Method:6010B Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Waste Initial Wt/Vol:5 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/l mg/l mg/l Arsenic 7440-38-2 U 0.0330 0.100 Lead 7439-92-1 U 0.0330 0.100 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704712 02/15/24 08:46 7 of 32 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4033863-2 Lab Sample ID:R4033863-2 SDG:L1704712 Client Sample ID:LCS Collected Date/Time:_______________ Lab File ID:20240214160340 Received Date/Time:_______________ Instrument ID:ICP16 Preparation Date/Time:02/14/24 11:44 Analytical Batch:WG2226150 Analysis Date/Time:02/14/24 16:03 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:3015 Analytical Method:6010B Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Waste Initial Wt/Vol:5 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/l mg/l mg/l Arsenic 7440-38-2 10.7 0.0330 0.100 Lead 7439-92-1 10.5 0.0330 0.100 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704712 02/15/24 08:46 8 of 32 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4033863-4 Lab Sample ID:R4033863-4 SDG:L1704712 Client Sample ID:MS Collected Date/Time:01/31/24 10:00 Lab File ID:20240214160844 Received Date/Time:02/01/24 08:00 Instrument ID:ICP16 Preparation Date/Time:02/14/24 12:15 Analytical Batch:WG2226150 Analysis Date/Time:02/14/24 16:08 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:3015 Analytical Method:6010B Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Waste Initial Wt/Vol:5 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/l mg/l mg/l Arsenic 7440-38-2 10.7 0.0330 0.100 Lead 7439-92-1 10.5 0.0330 0.100 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704712 02/15/24 08:46 9 of 32 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4033863-5 Lab Sample ID:R4033863-5 SDG:L1704712 Client Sample ID:MSD Collected Date/Time:01/31/24 10:00 Lab File ID:20240214161026 Received Date/Time:02/01/24 08:00 Instrument ID:ICP16 Preparation Date/Time:02/14/24 12:15 Analytical Batch:WG2226150 Analysis Date/Time:02/14/24 16:10 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:3015 Analytical Method:6010B Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Waste Initial Wt/Vol:5 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/l mg/l mg/l Arsenic 7440-38-2 10.5 0.0330 0.100 Lead 7439-92-1 10.4 0.0330 0.100 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704712 02/15/24 08:46 10 of 32 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4033863-3 Lab Sample ID:R4033863-3 SDG:L1704712 Client Sample ID:SD Collected Date/Time:01/31/24 10:00 Lab File ID:20240214160703 Received Date/Time:02/01/24 08:00 Instrument ID:ICP16 Preparation Date/Time:02/14/24 12:15 Analytical Batch:WG2226150 Analysis Date/Time:02/14/24 16:07 Dilution Factor:5 Prep Method:3015 Analytical Method:6010B Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:Waste Initial Wt/Vol:5 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL mg/l mg/l mg/l Arsenic 7440-38-2 ND 0.0333 0.500 Lead 7439-92-1 ND 0.0333 0.500 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704712 02/15/24 08:46 11 of 32 2-IN CALIBRATION VERIFICATION SDG:L1704712 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/14/24 06:25 Instrument ID:ICP16 Calibration (end) date/time:02/14/24 06:34 Analytical Method:6010B Analytical Run:021424ICP16 Concentration Units:mg/l ICV ICVLL CCV Sample ID:ICP160214240636-2 ICP160214240643-2 ICP160214241558 Analyte True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD ARSENIC 1 0.9576469 95.8 0 1.070000 0.01 0.01122071 112 64.800000 1 0.9706143 97.10 0.222000 LEAD 1 0.9574518 95.7 0 0.607000 0.0050 0.004023702 80.5 0 37.000000 0.50 0.4818459 96.4 0 0.778000 ICV Limits:90 - 110 ICVLL Limits:50 - 150 CCV Limits:90 - 110 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704712 02/15/24 08:46 12 of 32 2-IN CALIBRATION VERIFICATION SDG:L1704712 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/14/24 06:25 Instrument ID:ICP16 Calibration (end) date/time:02/14/24 06:34 Analytical Method:6010B Analytical Run:021424ICP16 Concentration Units:mg/l CCV CCV Sample ID:ICP160214241618 ICP160214241639-2 Analyte True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD ARSENIC 1 0.9752964 97.5 0 0.402000 1 0.9675284 96.8 0 0.798000 LEAD 0.50 0.4853364 97.10 0.290000 0.50 0.4853114 97.10 0.264000 ICV Limits:90 - 110 ICVLL Limits:50 - 150 CCV Limits:90 - 110 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704712 02/15/24 08:46 13 of 32 3-IN BLANKS SDG:L1704712 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/14/24 06:25 Instrument ID:ICP16 Calibration (end) date/time:02/14/24 06:34 Analytical Method:6010B Analytical Run:021424ICP16 Sample ID:ICB Result ICB Qual CCB Result CCB Qual BLANK Result BLANK Qual CCB Result CCB Qual File ID:20240214063814-2 20240214160014 20240214160158 20240214162036 Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l ARSENIC 0.004784997 U -0.003156608 U U 0.001926302 U LEAD 0.001084442 U 0.0008520305 U U 0.001878376 U ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704712 02/15/24 08:46 14 of 32 3-IN BLANKS SDG:L1704712 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/14/24 06:25 Instrument ID:ICP16 Calibration (end) date/time:02/14/24 06:34 Analytical Method:6010B Analytical Run:021424ICP16 Sample ID:CCB Result CCB Qual File ID:20240214164101-2 Analyte mg/l ARSENIC 0.00266217 U LEAD -0.0003703829 U ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704712 02/15/24 08:46 15 of 32 4-IN INTERFERENCE CHECK SAMPLE SDG:L1704712 Analytical Method:6010B Instrument ID:ICP16 Date:02/14/24 06:44 Instrument Run:021424ICP16 Analyte True Found True Found ICSA ICSA ICSA ICSAB ICSAB ICSAB mg/l mg/l % Rec.mg/l mg/l % Rec. ALUMINUM 500 476.1245 95.20 500 472.3605 94.50 ANTIMONY 0 0.01540264 0.50 0.4776847 95.50 ARSENIC 0 0.007128796 0.50 0.4913785 98.30 BARIUM 0 0.001539639 0.50 0.4978872 99.60 BERYLLIUM 0 -0.00001030726 0.50 0.4769858 95.40 BORON 0 0.05246011 1 0.9704839 97 CADMIUM 0 0.002690257 1 1.01523 102 CALCIUM 500 482.4515 96.50 500 481.8991 96.40 CERIUM 0 0.04615122 0 0.04375674 CHROMIUM 0 0.001049022 0.50 0.4704954 94.10 COBALT 0 0.002024409 0.50 0.4581663 91.60 COPPER 0 -0.005836175 0.50 0.4956446 99.10 IRON 200 190.9706 95.50 200 191.014 95.50 LANTHANUM 0 -0.002159951 0 -0.006139206 LEAD 0 -0.001616691 1 0.9268568 92.70 LITHIUM 0 0.002776485 0 0.002588181 MAGNESIUM 500 479.5164 95.90 500 477.8961 95.60 MANGANESE 0 -0.0006688578 0.50 0.4945153 98.90 MOLYBDENUM 0 0.0002406844 0.50 0.4787523 95.80 NICKEL 0 0.001936518 1 0.9064079 90.60 PHOSPHORUS 0 0.002010409 0 -0.02135115 POTASSIUM 0 0.07545184 0 0.07951518 SELENIUM 0 0.005070097 0.50 0.5124379 102 SILICON 0 -0.01116909 1 0.9239951 92.40 SILVER 0 -0.0006619952 1 1.011105 101 SODIUM 0 0.04918406 0 0.06711811 STRONTIUM 0 0.003372416 0 0.003347278 SULFUR 0 0.3358104 0 0.344296 THALLIUM 0 0.003319787 0.50 0.4766434 95.30 TIN 0 0.002085911 0.50 0.4624718 92.50 TITANIUM 0 -0.005948219 0.50 0.4464824 89.30 VANADIUM 0 0.002620872 0.50 0.4475654 89.50 ZINC 0 0.008708825 1 0.8940278 89.40 ICSA Limits:80 - 120 ICSAB Limits:80 - 120 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704712 02/15/24 08:46 16 of 32 4-IN INTERFERENCE CHECK SAMPLE SDG:L1704712 Analytical Method:6010B Instrument ID:ICP16 Date:02/14/24 13:44 Instrument Run:021424ICP16 Analyte True Found True Found ICSA ICSA ICSA ICSAB ICSAB ICSAB mg/l mg/l % Rec.mg/l mg/l % Rec. ALUMINUM 500 523.8632 105 500 518.2054 104 ANTIMONY 0 0.01125664 0.50 0.5341646 107 ARSENIC 0 0.002231048 0.50 0.537547 108 BARIUM 0 0.001545075 0.50 0.5476611 110 BERYLLIUM 0 -0.000005653261 0.50 0.5234912 105 BORON 0 0.056956 1 1.064956 106 CADMIUM 0 0.002643155 1 1.135915 114 CALCIUM 500 523.2035 105 500 524.9457 105 CERIUM 0 0.04018548 0 0.05092957 CHROMIUM 0 0.0001518088 0.50 0.5223366 104 COBALT 0 0.002955239 0.50 0.4981439 99.60 COPPER 0 -0.005568294 0.50 0.5451372 109 IRON 200 206.9159 103 200 207.6198 104 LANTHANUM 0 -0.002570641 0 -0.007037541 LEAD 0 -0.005181318 1 1.01275 101 LITHIUM 0 0.002676394 0 0.002904532 MAGNESIUM 500 512.2138 102 500 510.2851 102 MANGANESE 0 -0.0006129478 0.50 0.5453805 109 MOLYBDENUM 0 0.0003682473 0.50 0.5243687 105 NICKEL 0 0.002433143 1 0.9990201 99.90 PHOSPHORUS 0 0.002771606 0 -0.02178234 POTASSIUM 0 0.1286383 0 0.1175279 SELENIUM 0 0.01542192 0.50 0.5795522 116 SILICON 0 -0.0131158 1 1.029725 103 SILVER 0 0.0001385071 1 1.105973 111 SODIUM 0 0.05820771 0 0.08032667 STRONTIUM 0 0.003693358 0 0.003663096 SULFUR 0 0.3867337 0 0.4042673 THALLIUM 0 0.0019964 0.50 0.5287044 106 TIN 0 0.003115707 0.50 0.509036 102 TITANIUM 0 -0.005926531 0.50 0.4928859 98.60 VANADIUM 0 0.00295686 0.50 0.4861939 97.20 ZINC 0 0.009572552 1 0.9906209 99.10 ICSA Limits:80 - 120 ICSAB Limits:80 - 120 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704712 02/15/24 08:46 17 of 32 4-IN INTERFERENCE CHECK SAMPLE SDG:L1704712 Analytical Method:6010B Instrument ID:ICP16 Date:02/14/24 17:51 Instrument Run:021424ICP16 Analyte True Found True Found ICSA ICSA ICSA ICSAB ICSAB ICSAB mg/l mg/l % Rec.mg/l mg/l % Rec. ALUMINUM 500 524.4472 105 500 516.4676 103 ANTIMONY 0 0.02045701 0.50 0.5367512 107 ARSENIC 0 0.00367178 0.50 0.5231553 105 BARIUM 0 0.001631042 0.50 0.5363461 107 BERYLLIUM 0 -0.000003689824 0.50 0.5218315 104 BORON 0 0.05833015 1 1.054237 105 CADMIUM 0 0.003756281 1 1.085871 109 CALCIUM 500 531.571 106 500 526.9546 105 CERIUM 0 0.04898113 0 0.06784681 CHROMIUM 0 0.0004651191 0.50 0.511741 102 COBALT 0 0.002021506 0.50 0.5059927 101 COPPER 0 -0.006185388 0.50 0.5405298 108 IRON 200 206.9901 103 200 205.6846 103 LANTHANUM 0 -0.002565539 0 -0.005596386 LEAD 0 -0.001548888 1 1.010382 101 LITHIUM 0 0.003648772 0 0.003250172 MAGNESIUM 500 515.2412 103 500 507.5473 102 MANGANESE 0 -0.0005694218 0.50 0.5282313 106 MOLYBDENUM 0 0.0006904707 0.50 0.5150154 103 NICKEL 0 0.001149357 1 1.007469 101 PHOSPHORUS 0 0.003242385 0 -0.02897271 POTASSIUM 0 0.1056635 0 0.08721915 SELENIUM 0 0.003936994 0.50 0.5821877 116 SILICON 0 -0.0006964296 1 0.98688 98.70 SILVER 0 -0.00001407456 1 1.110416 111 SODIUM 0 0.06209492 0 0.0691065 STRONTIUM 0 0.003836827 0 0.003798248 SULFUR 0 0.4084122 0 0.4050896 THALLIUM 0 -0.0004709101 0.50 0.5215014 104 TIN 0 0.001188452 0.50 0.5082999 102 TITANIUM 0 -0.006502559 0.50 0.4875739 97.50 VANADIUM 0 0.003413574 0.50 0.4890992 97.80 ZINC 0 0.009822479 1 0.9793359 97.90 ICSA Limits:80 - 120 ICSAB Limits:80 - 120 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704712 02/15/24 08:46 18 of 32 5A-IN MATRIX SPIKE /SAMPLE NO.: MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE RECOVERY R4033863-4 L1704712-01 R4033863-5 MS Sample / File ID:R4033863-4 / 20240214160844 SDG:L1704712 MSD Sample / File ID:R4033863-5 / 20240214161026 Analytical Batch:WG2226150 OS Sample / File ID:L1704714-01 / 20240214160521 Matrix:Waste Instrument ID:ICP16 Analytical Method:6010B Analyte Spike Amount OS Result MS Result MSD Result MS Rec.MSD Rec.Dilution Rec. Limits RPD RPD Limits mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l %%%%% Arsenic 10.0 ND 10.7 10.5 107 105 1 75.0 - 125 1.25 20 Lead 10.0 ND 10.5 10.4 105 104 1 75.0 - 125 1.58 20 *: Value outside the established quality control limits. D: Surrogate recovery cannot be used for control limit evaluation due to dilution. ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704712 02/15/24 08:46 19 of 32 7-IN LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE SAMPLE NO.: LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE DUPLICATE R4033863-2 RECOVERY _______________ L1704712-01 LCS Sample / File ID:R4033863-2 / 20240214160340 SDG:L1704712 LCSD Sample / File ID:_______________Analytical Batch:WG2226150 Instrument ID:ICP16 Dilution Factor:1 Analytical Method:6010B Matrix:Waste Analyte Spike Amount LCS Result LCSD Result LCS Rec.LCSD Rec.Rec. Limits RPD RPD Limits mg/l mg/l %%%%% Arsenic 10.0 10.7 107 80.0 - 120 Lead 10.0 10.5 105 80.0 - 120 *: Value outside the established quality control limits. D: Surrogate recovery cannot be used for control limit evaluation due to dilution. ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704712 02/15/24 08:46 20 of 32 8-IN ICP AND ICP/MS SAMPLE NO.: SERIAL DILUTIONS R4033863-3 L1704712-01 SD Sample / File ID:R4033863-3 / 20240214160703 SDG:L1704712 OS Sample / File ID:L1704714-01 / 20240214160521 Analytical Batch:WG2226150 Lab File ID:20240214160703 Dilution Factor:5 Instrument ID:ICP16 Matrix:Waste Analytical Method:6010B Analyte OS Result SD Result RPD RPD Limits mg/l mg/l %% Arsenic ND ND 0.000 10 Lead ND ND 0.000 10 *: Value outside the established quality control limits. D: Surrogate recovery cannot be used for control limit evaluation due to dilution. ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704712 02/15/24 08:46 21 of 32 9-IN DETECTION LIMIT SUMMARY Lab Sample IDs:L1704712-01 Analytical Method:6010B Matrix:Waste Prep Method:3015 Analyte CAS Wavelength Mass MDL RDL mg/l mg/l Lead 7439-92-1 220.3530 0.0330 0.10 Arsenic 7440-38-2 189.0420 0.0330 0.10 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704712 02/15/24 08:46 22 of 32 10C-IN LINEAR DYNAMIC RANGE SDG:L1704712 Analytical Method:6010B Instrument ID:ICP16 Date:01/25/24 15:25 Analyte LDR ppm ALUMINUM 500 ANTIMONY 10 ARSENIC 50 BARIUM 50 BERYLLIUM 10 BORON 50 CADMIUM 10 CALCIUM 1000 CHROMIUM 50 COBALT 50 COPPER 50 IRON 500 LEAD 100 LITHIUM 10 MAGNESIUM 1000 MANGANESE 20 MOLYBDENUM 20 NICKEL 50 PHOSPHORUS 200 POTASSIUM 500 SELENIUM 10 SILICON 100 SILVER 10 SODIUM 1000 STRONTIUM 20 SULFUR 200 THALLIUM 10 TIN 50 TITANIUM 50 VANADIUM 20 ZINC 20 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704712 02/15/24 08:46 23 of 32 12-IN ANALYSIS LOG SDG:L1704712 Analytical Method:6010B Instrument ID:ICP16 Calibration Start Date:02/14/24 06:25 Analytical Run:021424ICP16 Calibration End Date:02/14/24 06:34 Client Sample ID Lab Sample ID File ID Analysis Date Time Dilution Batch CALBLK ICP160214240623 20240214062328 02/14/24 06:23 CAL STD1 20240214062505 02/14/24 06:25 CAL STD2 20240214062642 02/14/24 06:26 CAL STD3 20240214062819 02/14/24 06:28 CAL STD4 20240214062957 02/14/24 06:29 CAL STD5 20240214063134 02/14/24 06:31 CAL STD6 20240214063311 02/14/24 06:33 ICV ICP160214240636-2 20240214063637-2 02/14/24 06:36 ICB ICP160214240638-2 20240214063814-2 02/14/24 06:38 ICVLL ICP160214240643-2 20240214064306-2 02/14/24 06:43 ICSA ICP160214240644-2 20240214064444-2 02/14/24 06:44 ICSAB ICP160214240646-2 20240214064621-2 02/14/24 06:46 ICSA ICP160214241344-2 20240214134422-2 02/14/24 13:44 ICSAB ICP160214241346-2 20240214134602-2 02/14/24 13:46 CCV ICP160214241558 20240214155832 02/14/24 15:58 CCB ICP160214241600 20240214160014 02/14/24 16:00 BLANK R4033863-1 20240214160158 02/14/24 16:01 1 WG2226150 LCS R4033863-2 20240214160340 02/14/24 16:03 1 WG2226150 OS L1704714-01 20240214160521 02/14/24 16:05 L1704714-01 L1704714-01 20240214160521 02/14/24 16:05 1 WG2226150 SD R4033863-3 20240214160703 02/14/24 16:07 5 WG2226150 MS R4033863-4 20240214160844 02/14/24 16:08 1 WG2226150 MSD R4033863-5 20240214161026 02/14/24 16:10 1 WG2226150 CCV ICP160214241618 20240214161855 02/14/24 16:18 CCB ICP160214241620 20240214162036 02/14/24 16:20 L1704675-01 L1704675-01 20240214163051 02/14/24 16:30 1 WG2226150 SB-14/MW-4@2-3'L1704712-01 20240214163414 02/14/24 16:34 1 WG2226150 CCV ICP160214241639-2 20240214163919-2 02/14/24 16:39 CCB ICP160214241641-2 20240214164101-2 02/14/24 16:41 ICSA ICP160214241751 20240214175106 02/14/24 17:51 ICSAB ICP160214241752 20240214175248 02/14/24 17:52 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704712 02/15/24 08:46 24 of 32 15-IN INITIAL CALIBRATION RECOVERY SDG:L1704712 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/14/24 06:25 Instrument ID:ICP16 Calibration (end) date/time:02/14/24 06:34 Analytical Method:6010B Analytical Run:021424ICP16 Analyte Std Conc Result Rec.Std Conc Result Rec. mg/l mg/l %mg/l mg/l % ARSENIC 0.01 .009364938 93.60 0.20 .1873766 93.70 LEAD 0.0050 .004137594 82.80 0.10 .09385125 93.90 File ID: 20240214062505 20240214062642 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704712 02/15/24 08:46 25 of 32 15-IN INITIAL CALIBRATION RECOVERY SDG:L1704712 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/14/24 06:25 Instrument ID:ICP16 Calibration (end) date/time:02/14/24 06:34 Analytical Method:6010B Analytical Run:021424ICP16 Analyte Std Conc Result Rec.Std Conc Result Rec. mg/l mg/l %mg/l mg/l % ARSENIC 0.40 .3846999 96.20 1 .9856267 98.60 LEAD 0.20 .1899367 95 0.50 .4855077 97.10 File ID: 20240214062819 20240214062957 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704712 02/15/24 08:46 26 of 32 15-IN INITIAL CALIBRATION RECOVERY SDG:L1704712 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/14/24 06:25 Instrument ID:ICP16 Calibration (end) date/time:02/14/24 06:34 Analytical Method:6010B Analytical Run:021424ICP16 Analyte Std Conc Result Rec.Std Conc Result Rec. mg/l mg/l %mg/l mg/l % ARSENIC 2 1.992346 99.60 4 4.009583 100 LEAD 1 .9775437 97.80 2 2.016167 101 File ID: 20240214063134 20240214063311 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704712 02/15/24 08:46 27 of 32 16A-IN INITIAL CALIBRATION SDG:L1704712 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/14/24 06:25 Instrument ID:ICP16 Calibration (end) date/time:02/14/24 06:34 Analytical Method:6010B Analytical Run:021424ICP16 Analyte Wavelength Cal. Type Weightage Corr.Slope Incpt ARSENIC 189.042 8 5 0.999971 157.5533 0.33086 LEAD 220.353 8 5 0.99983 567.6076 0.912487 Calibration Type 8 = Linear Regression Forced through Blank Weightage 5 = None ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704712 02/15/24 08:46 28 of 32 GLOSSARY OF TERMS Guide to Reading and Understanding Your Laboratory Report The information below is designed to better explain the various terms used in your report of analytical results from the Laboratory. This is not intended as a comprehensive explanation, and if you have additional questions please contact your project representative. Results Disclaimer - Information that may be provided by the customer, and contained within this report, include Permit Limits, Project Name, Sample ID, Sample Matrix, Sample Preservation, Field Blanks, Field Spikes, Field Duplicates, On-Site Data, Sampling Collection Dates/Times, and Sampling Location. Results relate to the accuracy of this information provided, and as the samples are received. Abbreviations and Definitions Corr.Correlation Coefficient. Incpt Intercept. Mass Mass of parameter. MDL Method Detection Limit. RDL Reported Detection Limit. Rec.Recovery. RPD Relative Percent Difference. SDG Sample Delivery Group. Analyte The name of the particular compound or analysis performed. Some Analyses and Methods will have multiple analytes reported. Dilution If the sample matrix contains an interfering material, the sample preparation volume or weight values differ from the standard, or if concentrations of analytes in the sample are higher than the highest limit of concentration that the laboratory can accurately report, the sample may be diluted for analysis. If a value different than 1 is used in this field, the result reported has already been corrected for this factor. Limits These are the target % recovery ranges or % difference value that the laboratory has historically determined as normal for the method and analyte being reported. Successful QC Sample analysis will target all analytes recovered or duplicated within these ranges. Qualifier This column provides a letter and/or number designation that corresponds to additional information concerning the result reported. If a Qualifier is present, a definition per Qualifier is provided within the Glossary and Definitions page and potentially a discussion of possible implications of the Qualifier in the Case Narrative if applicable. Result The actual analytical final result (corrected for any sample specific characteristics) reported for your sample. If there was no measurable result returned for a specific analyte, the result in this column may state “ND” (Not Detected) or “BDL” (Below Detectable Levels). The information in the results column should always be accompanied by either an MDL (Method Detection Limit) or RDL (Reporting Detection Limit) that defines the lowest value that the laboratory could detect or report for this analyte. Slope Slope of calibration curve. Uncertainty (Radiochemistry)Confidence level of 2 sigma. Wavelength Wavelength of parameter. Case Narrative (Cn) A brief discussion about the included sample results, including a discussion of any non-conformances to protocol observed either at sample receipt by the laboratory from the field or during the analytical process. If present, there will be a section in the Case Narrative to discuss the meaning of any data qualifiers used in the report. Quality Control Summary (Qc) This section of the report includes the results of the laboratory quality control analyses required by procedure or analytical methods to assist in evaluating the validity of the results reported for your samples. These analyses are not being performed on your samples typically, but on laboratory generated material. Sample Chain of Custody (Sc) This is the document created in the field when your samples were initially collected. This is used to verify the time and date of collection, the person collecting the samples, and the analyses that the laboratory is requested to perform. This chain of custody also documents all persons (excluding commercial shippers) that have had control or possession of the samples from the time of collection until delivery to the laboratory for analysis. Sample Results (Sr) This section of your report will provide the results of all testing performed on your samples. These results are provided by sample ID and are separated by the analyses performed on each sample. The header line of each analysis section for each sample will provide the name and method number for the analysis reported. Sample Summary (Ss)This section of the Analytical Report defines the specific analyses performed for each sample ID, including the dates and times of preparation and/or analysis. Qualifier Description The remainder of this page intentionally left blank, there are no qualifiers applied to this SDG. 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Su 6 Gl 7 Al 8 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704712 02/15/24 08:46 29 of 32 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704712 02/15/24 09:05 29 of 32 Pace Analytical National 12065 Lebanon Rd Mount Juliet, TN 37122 Alabama 40660 Nebraska NE-OS-15-05 Alaska 17-026 Nevada TN000032021-1 Arizona AZ0612 New Hampshire 2975 Arkansas 88-0469 New Jersey–NELAP TN002 California 2932 New Mexico ¹TN00003 Colorado TN00003 New York 11742 Connecticut PH-0197 North Carolina Env375 Florida E87487 North Carolina ¹DW21704 Georgia NELAP North Carolina ³41 Georgia ¹923 North Dakota R-140 Idaho TN00003 Ohio–VAP CL0069 Illinois 200008 Oklahoma 9915 Indiana C-TN-01 Oregon TN200002 Iowa 364 Pennsylvania 68-02979 Kansas E-10277 Rhode Island LAO00356 Kentucky ¹ ⁶KY90010 South Carolina 84004002 Kentucky ²16 South Dakota n/a Louisiana AI30792 Tennessee ¹ ⁴2006 Louisiana LA018 Texas T104704245-20-18 Maine TN00003 Texas ⁵LAB0152 Maryland 324 Utah TN000032021-11 Massachusetts M-TN003 Vermont VT2006 Michigan 9958 Virginia 110033 Minnesota 047-999-395 Washington C847 Mississippi TN00003 West Virginia 233 Missouri 340 Wisconsin 998093910 Montana CERT0086 Wyoming A2LA A2LA – ISO 17025 1461.01 AIHA-LAP,LLC EMLAP 100789 A2LA – ISO 17025 ⁵1461.02 DOD 1461.01 Canada 1461.01 USDA P330-15-00234 EPA–Crypto TN00003 ACCREDITATIONS & LOCATIONS ¹ Drinking Water ² Underground Storage Tanks ³ Aquatic Toxicity ⁴ Chemical/Microbiological ⁵ Mold ⁶ Wastewater n/a Accreditation not applicable * Not all certifications held by the laboratory are applicable to the results reported in the attached report. * Accreditation is only applicable to the test methods specified on each scope of accreditation held by Pace Analytical. 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Su 6 Gl 7 Al 8 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704712 02/15/24 08:46 30 of 32 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704712 02/15/24 09:05 30 of 32 ANALYTICAL REPORT February 16, 2024 One Atlas Sample Delivery Group:L1704195 Samples Received:02/09/2024 Project Number:271EM00850 Description:Murray Station Report To:Jim Coletta 1775 South 4130 West, Ste A Salt Lake City, UT 84104 Entire Report Reviewed By: February 16, 2024 [Preliminary Report] Daphne Richards Project Manager Results relate only to the items tested or calibrated and are reported as rounded values. This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval of the laboratory. Where applicable, sampling conducted by Pace Analytical National is performed per guidance provided in laboratory standard operating procedures ENV-SOP-MTJL-0067 and ENV-SOP-MTJL-0068. Where sampling conducted by the customer, results relate to the accuracy of the information provided, and as the samples are received. Pace Analytical National 12065 Lebanon Rd Mount Juliet, TN 37122 615-758-5858 800-767-5859 www.pacenational.com 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Su 6 Gl 7 Al 8 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 1 of 77 February 16, 2024 Daphne Richards Project Manager ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 08:15 1 of 77 TABLE OF CONTENTSTABLE OF CONTENTSTABLE OF CONTENTS Cp: Cover Page 1 Tc: Table of Contents 2 Ss: Sample Summary 5 Cn: Case Narrative 6 Su: Summary Results 7 6020 Metals (ICPMS) 7 Sample Result Inorganic Analysis Data Sheet 8 L1704195-01 02/15/24 15:39 ICPMS11 8 L1704195-02 02/15/24 15:54 ICPMS11 9 L1704195-03 02/15/24 15:57 ICPMS11 10 L1704195-04 02/15/24 16:01 ICPMS11 11 L1704195-05 02/15/24 15:17 ICPMS11 12 L1704195-06 02/15/24 16:04 ICPMS11 13 L1704195-07 02/15/24 16:07 ICPMS11 14 BLANK(R4034288-1) WG2225427 02/15/24 15:10 ICPMS11 15 LCS(R4034288-2) WG2225427 02/15/24 15:14 ICPMS11 16 MS(R4034288-4) WG2225427 02/15/24 15:23 ICPMS11 17 MS(R4034288-6) WG2225427 02/15/24 15:33 ICPMS11 18 MSD(R4034288-5) WG2225427 02/15/24 15:26 ICPMS11 19 MSD(R4034288-7) WG2225427 02/15/24 15:36 ICPMS11 20 PS(R4034288-8) WG2225427 02/15/24 16:45 ICPMS11 21 SD(R4034288-3) WG2225427 02/15/24 15:20 ICPMS11 22 Calibration Verification 23 ICPMS11 021524ICPMS11 23 Blank 26 ICPMS11 021524ICPMS11 26 ICP Interference Check Sample 28 ICPMS11 02/15/24 12:40 28 Matrix Spike / Duplicate 29 WG2225427 MS(R4034288-4) MSD(R4034288-5) 29 WG2225427 MS(R4034288-6) MSD(R4034288-7) 30 Post Digestion Spike 31 WG2225427 PS(R4034288-8) 31 Laboratory Control Sample / Duplicate 32 WG2225427 LCS(R4034288-2) 32 Serial Dilution 33 WG2225427 SD(R4034288-3) 33 Detection Limit Summary 34 6020 - GW 34 Linear Dynamic Range 35 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Su 6 Gl 7 Al 8 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 2 of 77 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 08:15 2 of 77 ICPMS11 01/31/24 13:00 35 Internal Standard Association 36 ICPMS11 02/15/24 08:49 36 Analysis Log 37 ICPMS11 021524ICPMS11 02/15/24 11:15 37 ICP/MS Tune 38 ICPMS11 021524ICPMS11 02/15/24 08:49 38 Internal Standard Relative Intensity 39 ICPMS11 021524ICPMS11 39 Initial Calibration Recovery 43 ICPMS11 021524ICPMS11 02/15/24 11:15 43 ICP/MS Initial Calibration 48 ICPMS11 021524ICPMS11 02/15/24 11:15 48 7470A Mercury 49 Sample Result Inorganic Analysis Data Sheet 50 L1704195-01 02/14/24 21:44 CVAA7 50 L1704195-02 02/14/24 21:47 CVAA7 51 L1704195-03 02/14/24 21:50 CVAA7 52 L1704195-04 02/14/24 21:52 CVAA7 53 L1704195-05 02/14/24 21:34 CVAA7 54 L1704195-06 02/14/24 21:55 CVAA7 55 L1704195-07 02/14/24 22:02 CVAA7 56 BLANK(R4033907-1) WG2224598 02/14/24 21:24 CVAA7 57 LCS(R4033907-2) WG2224598 02/14/24 21:32 CVAA7 58 MS(R4033907-3) WG2224598 02/14/24 21:37 CVAA7 59 MSD(R4033907-4) WG2224598 02/14/24 21:39 CVAA7 60 Calibration Verification 61 CVAA7 021424CVAA7 WB 61 Blank 64 CVAA7 021424CVAA7 WB 64 Matrix Spike / Duplicate 66 WG2224598 MS(R4033907-3) MSD(R4033907-4) 66 Laboratory Control Sample / Duplicate 67 WG2224598 LCS(R4033907-2) 67 Detection Limit Summary 68 7470A - GW 68 Linear Dynamic Range 69 CVAA7 06/27/19 15:34 69 Analysis Log 70 CVAA7 021424CVAA7 WB 02/14/24 17:25 70 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Su 6 Gl 7 Al 8 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 3 of 77 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 08:15 3 of 77 Initial Calibration Recovery 71 CVAA7 021424CVAA7 WB 02/14/24 17:25 71 Initial Calibration 74 CVAA7 021424CVAA7 WB 02/14/24 17:25 74 Gl: Glossary of Terms 75 Al: Accreditations & Locations 76 Sc: Sample Chain of Custody 77 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Su 6 Gl 7 Al 8 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 4 of 77 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 08:15 4 of 77 SAMPLE SUMMARY Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time MW-1 L1704195-01 GW Olaf Questereit 02/07/24 14:15 02/09/24 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Mercury by Method 7470A WG2224598 1 02/14/24 10:51 02/14/24 21:44 AKB Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICPMS) by Method 6020 WG2225427 1 02/15/24 06:07 02/15/24 15:39 JPD Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time MW-2 L1704195-02 GW Olaf Questereit 02/07/24 13:20 02/09/24 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Mercury by Method 7470A WG2224598 1 02/14/24 10:51 02/14/24 21:47 AKB Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICPMS) by Method 6020 WG2225427 1 02/15/24 06:07 02/15/24 15:54 LD Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time MW-3 L1704195-03 GW Olaf Questereit 02/07/24 10:30 02/09/24 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Mercury by Method 7470A WG2224598 1 02/14/24 10:51 02/14/24 21:50 AKB Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICPMS) by Method 6020 WG2225427 1 02/15/24 06:07 02/15/24 15:57 LD Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time MW-4 L1704195-04 GW Olaf Questereit 02/07/24 12:20 02/09/24 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Mercury by Method 7470A WG2224598 1 02/14/24 10:51 02/14/24 21:52 AKB Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICPMS) by Method 6020 WG2225427 1 02/15/24 06:07 02/15/24 16:01 LD Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time MW-5 L1704195-05 GW Olaf Questereit 02/07/24 11:30 02/09/24 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Mercury by Method 7470A WG2224598 1 02/14/24 10:51 02/14/24 21:34 AKB Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICPMS) by Method 6020 WG2225427 1 02/15/24 06:07 02/15/24 15:17 JPD Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time EQUIPMENT BLANK L1704195-06 GW Olaf Questereit 02/07/24 14:30 02/09/24 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Mercury by Method 7470A WG2224598 1 02/14/24 10:51 02/14/24 21:55 AKB Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICPMS) by Method 6020 WG2225427 1 02/15/24 06:07 02/15/24 16:04 LD Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time BDS-1 L1704195-07 GW Olaf Questereit 02/07/24 09:00 02/09/24 08:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Mercury by Method 7470A WG2224598 1 02/14/24 10:51 02/14/24 22:02 AKB Mt. Juliet, TN Metals (ICPMS) by Method 6020 WG2225427 1 02/15/24 06:07 02/15/24 16:07 LD Mt. Juliet, TN 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Su 6 Gl 7 Al 8 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 5 of 77 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 08:15 5 of 77 CASE NARRATIVE All sample aliquots were received at the correct temperature, in the proper containers, with the appropriate preservatives, and within method specified holding times, unless qualified or notated within the report. Where applicable, all MDL (LOD) and RDL (LOQ) values reported for environmental samples have been corrected for the dilution factor used in the analysis. All Method and Batch Quality Control are within established criteria except where addressed in this case narrative, a non-conformance form or properly qualified within the sample results. By my digital signature below, I affirm to the best of my knowledge, all problems/anomalies observed by the laboratory as having the potential to affect the quality of the data have been identified by the laboratory, and no information or data have been knowingly withheld that would affect the quality of the data. [Preliminary Report] Daphne Richards Project Manager 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Su 6 Gl 7 Al 8 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 6 of 77 Daphne Richards Project Manager ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 08:15 6 of 77 6020 Metals (ICPMS) ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 7 of 77 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET MW-1 Lab Sample ID:L1704195-01 SDG:L1704195 Client Sample ID:MW-1 Collected Date/Time:02/07/24 14:15 Lab File ID:20240215153957 Received Date/Time:02/09/24 08:00 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Preparation Date/Time:02/15/24 06:07 Analytical Batch:WG2225427 Analysis Date/Time:02/15/24 15:39 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:3015 Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:GW Initial Wt/Vol:45 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL ug/l ug/l ug/l Arsenic 7440-38-2 13.8 0.180 2.00 Barium 7440-39-3 110 0.381 2.00 Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.361 J 0.150 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 2.60 1.24 2.00 Lead 7439-92-1 7.44 0.849 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 6.53 0.300 2.00 Silver 7440-22-4 U 0.0700 2.00 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 8 of 77 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET MW-2 Lab Sample ID:L1704195-02 SDG:L1704195 Client Sample ID:MW-2 Collected Date/Time:02/07/24 13:20 Lab File ID:20240215155436 Received Date/Time:02/09/24 08:00 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Preparation Date/Time:02/15/24 06:07 Analytical Batch:WG2225427 Analysis Date/Time:02/15/24 15:54 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:3015 Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:GW Initial Wt/Vol:45 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL ug/l ug/l ug/l Arsenic 7440-38-2 4.74 0.180 2.00 Barium 7440-39-3 213 0.381 2.00 Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.268 J 0.150 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 U 1.24 2.00 Lead 7439-92-1 3.13 0.849 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 5.66 0.300 2.00 Silver 7440-22-4 U 0.0700 2.00 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 9 of 77 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET MW-3 Lab Sample ID:L1704195-03 SDG:L1704195 Client Sample ID:MW-3 Collected Date/Time:02/07/24 10:30 Lab File ID:20240215155747 Received Date/Time:02/09/24 08:00 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Preparation Date/Time:02/15/24 06:07 Analytical Batch:WG2225427 Analysis Date/Time:02/15/24 15:57 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:3015 Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:GW Initial Wt/Vol:45 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL ug/l ug/l ug/l Arsenic 7440-38-2 5.49 0.180 2.00 Barium 7440-39-3 106 0.381 2.00 Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.701 J 0.150 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 7.15 1.24 2.00 Lead 7439-92-1 20.9 0.849 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 37.4 0.300 2.00 Silver 7440-22-4 0.172 J 0.0700 2.00 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 10 of 77 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET MW-4 Lab Sample ID:L1704195-04 SDG:L1704195 Client Sample ID:MW-4 Collected Date/Time:02/07/24 12:20 Lab File ID:20240215160100 Received Date/Time:02/09/24 08:00 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Preparation Date/Time:02/15/24 06:07 Analytical Batch:WG2225427 Analysis Date/Time:02/15/24 16:01 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:3015 Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:GW Initial Wt/Vol:45 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL ug/l ug/l ug/l Arsenic 7440-38-2 4.41 0.180 2.00 Barium 7440-39-3 163 0.381 2.00 Cadmium 7440-43-9 1.87 0.150 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 4.46 1.24 2.00 Lead 7439-92-1 21.6 0.849 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 83.2 0.300 2.00 Silver 7440-22-4 0.0787 J 0.0700 2.00 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 11 of 77 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET MW-5 Lab Sample ID:L1704195-05 SDG:L1704195 Client Sample ID:MW-5 Collected Date/Time:02/07/24 11:30 Lab File ID:20240215151719 Received Date/Time:02/09/24 08:00 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Preparation Date/Time:02/15/24 06:07 Analytical Batch:WG2225427 Analysis Date/Time:02/15/24 15:17 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:3015 Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:GW Initial Wt/Vol:45 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL ug/l ug/l ug/l Arsenic 7440-38-2 2.78 0.180 2.00 Barium 7440-39-3 79.1 0.381 2.00 Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.878 J 0.150 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 2.76 1.24 2.00 Lead 7439-92-1 5.82 0.849 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 23.4 0.300 2.00 Silver 7440-22-4 0.0714 J 0.0700 2.00 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 12 of 77 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET EQUIPMENT BLANK Lab Sample ID:L1704195-06 SDG:L1704195 Client Sample ID:EQUIPMENT BLANK Collected Date/Time:02/07/24 14:30 Lab File ID:20240215160412 Received Date/Time:02/09/24 08:00 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Preparation Date/Time:02/15/24 06:07 Analytical Batch:WG2225427 Analysis Date/Time:02/15/24 16:04 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:3015 Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:GW Initial Wt/Vol:45 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL ug/l ug/l ug/l Arsenic 7440-38-2 U 0.180 2.00 Barium 7440-39-3 1.04 J 0.381 2.00 Cadmium 7440-43-9 U 0.150 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 U 1.24 2.00 Lead 7439-92-1 U 0.849 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 U 0.300 2.00 Silver 7440-22-4 U 0.0700 2.00 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 13 of 77 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET BDS-1 Lab Sample ID:L1704195-07 SDG:L1704195 Client Sample ID:BDS-1 Collected Date/Time:02/07/24 09:00 Lab File ID:20240215160733 Received Date/Time:02/09/24 08:00 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Preparation Date/Time:02/15/24 06:07 Analytical Batch:WG2225427 Analysis Date/Time:02/15/24 16:07 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:3015 Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:GW Initial Wt/Vol:45 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL ug/l ug/l ug/l Arsenic 7440-38-2 4.54 0.180 2.00 Barium 7440-39-3 168 0.381 2.00 Cadmium 7440-43-9 1.90 0.150 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 4.95 1.24 2.00 Lead 7439-92-1 22.2 0.849 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 84.0 0.300 2.00 Silver 7440-22-4 0.0885 J 0.0700 2.00 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 14 of 77 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4034288-1 Lab Sample ID:R4034288-1 SDG:L1704195 Client Sample ID:BLANK Collected Date/Time:_______________ Lab File ID:20240215151042 Received Date/Time:_______________ Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Preparation Date/Time:02/15/24 06:06 Analytical Batch:WG2225427 Analysis Date/Time:02/15/24 15:10 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:3015 Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:GW Initial Wt/Vol:45 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL ug/l ug/l ug/l Arsenic 7440-38-2 U 0.180 2.00 Barium 7440-39-3 U 0.381 2.00 Cadmium 7440-43-9 U 0.150 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 U 1.24 2.00 Lead 7439-92-1 U 0.849 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 U 0.300 2.00 Silver 7440-22-4 U 0.0700 2.00 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 15 of 77 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4034288-2 Lab Sample ID:R4034288-2 SDG:L1704195 Client Sample ID:LCS Collected Date/Time:_______________ Lab File ID:20240215151403 Received Date/Time:_______________ Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Preparation Date/Time:02/15/24 06:06 Analytical Batch:WG2225427 Analysis Date/Time:02/15/24 15:14 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:3015 Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:GW Initial Wt/Vol:45 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL ug/l ug/l ug/l Arsenic 7440-38-2 49.8 0.180 2.00 Barium 7440-39-3 46.2 0.381 2.00 Cadmium 7440-43-9 51.0 0.150 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 51.8 1.24 2.00 Lead 7439-92-1 49.5 0.849 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 49.6 0.300 2.00 Silver 7440-22-4 49.9 0.0700 2.00 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 16 of 77 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4034288-4 Lab Sample ID:R4034288-4 SDG:L1704195 Client Sample ID:MS Collected Date/Time:02/07/24 11:30 Lab File ID:20240215152345 Received Date/Time:02/09/24 08:00 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Preparation Date/Time:02/15/24 06:07 Analytical Batch:WG2225427 Analysis Date/Time:02/15/24 15:23 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:3015 Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:GW Initial Wt/Vol:45 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL ug/l ug/l ug/l Arsenic 7440-38-2 53.8 0.180 2.00 Barium 7440-39-3 125 0.381 2.00 Cadmium 7440-43-9 51.4 0.150 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 56.1 1.24 2.00 Lead 7439-92-1 56.0 0.849 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 74.9 0.300 2.00 Silver 7440-22-4 50.4 0.0700 2.00 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 17 of 77 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4034288-6 Lab Sample ID:R4034288-6 SDG:L1704195 Client Sample ID:MS Collected Date/Time:02/07/24 13:30 Lab File ID:20240215153325 Received Date/Time:02/10/24 09:00 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Preparation Date/Time:02/15/24 06:07 Analytical Batch:WG2225427 Analysis Date/Time:02/15/24 15:33 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:3015 Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:GW Initial Wt/Vol:45 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL ug/l ug/l ug/l Arsenic 7440-38-2 51.5 0.180 2.00 Barium 7440-39-3 150 0.381 2.00 Cadmium 7440-43-9 51.1 0.150 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 54.9 1.24 2.00 Lead 7439-92-1 50.5 0.849 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 50.7 0.300 2.00 Silver 7440-22-4 50.2 0.0700 2.00 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 18 of 77 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4034288-5 Lab Sample ID:R4034288-5 SDG:L1704195 Client Sample ID:MSD Collected Date/Time:02/07/24 11:30 Lab File ID:20240215152658 Received Date/Time:02/09/24 08:00 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Preparation Date/Time:02/15/24 06:07 Analytical Batch:WG2225427 Analysis Date/Time:02/15/24 15:26 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:3015 Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:GW Initial Wt/Vol:45 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL ug/l ug/l ug/l Arsenic 7440-38-2 53.8 0.180 2.00 Barium 7440-39-3 126 0.381 2.00 Cadmium 7440-43-9 51.1 0.150 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 52.8 1.24 2.00 Lead 7439-92-1 56.6 0.849 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 75.3 0.300 2.00 Silver 7440-22-4 50.3 0.0700 2.00 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 19 of 77 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4034288-7 Lab Sample ID:R4034288-7 SDG:L1704195 Client Sample ID:MSD Collected Date/Time:02/07/24 13:30 Lab File ID:20240215153641 Received Date/Time:02/10/24 09:00 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Preparation Date/Time:02/15/24 06:07 Analytical Batch:WG2225427 Analysis Date/Time:02/15/24 15:36 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:3015 Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:GW Initial Wt/Vol:45 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL ug/l ug/l ug/l Arsenic 7440-38-2 51.7 0.180 2.00 Barium 7440-39-3 149 0.381 2.00 Cadmium 7440-43-9 51.2 0.150 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 54.4 1.24 2.00 Lead 7439-92-1 52.6 0.849 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 50.9 0.300 2.00 Silver 7440-22-4 49.9 0.0700 2.00 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 20 of 77 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4034288-8 Lab Sample ID:R4034288-8 SDG:L1704195 Client Sample ID:PS Collected Date/Time:02/07/24 13:30 Lab File ID:20240215164504 Received Date/Time:02/10/24 09:00 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Preparation Date/Time:02/15/24 06:07 Analytical Batch:WG2225427 Analysis Date/Time:02/15/24 16:45 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:3015 Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:GW Initial Wt/Vol:45 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL ug/l ug/l ug/l Arsenic 7440-38-2 55.0 0.180 2.00 Barium 7440-39-3 150 0.381 2.00 Cadmium 7440-43-9 54.3 0.150 1.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 57.4 1.24 2.00 Lead 7439-92-1 54.5 0.849 2.00 Selenium 7782-49-2 54.8 0.300 2.00 Silver 7440-22-4 52.2 0.0700 2.00 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 21 of 77 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4034288-3 Lab Sample ID:R4034288-3 SDG:L1704195 Client Sample ID:SD Collected Date/Time:02/07/24 11:30 Lab File ID:20240215152031 Received Date/Time:02/09/24 08:00 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Preparation Date/Time:02/15/24 06:07 Analytical Batch:WG2225427 Analysis Date/Time:02/15/24 15:20 Dilution Factor:5 Prep Method:3015 Analytical Method:6020 Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:GW Initial Wt/Vol:45 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:50 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL ug/l ug/l ug/l Arsenic 7440-38-2 2.61 0.900 10.0 Barium 7440-39-3 73.7 1.91 10.0 Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.783 0.750 5.00 Chromium 7440-47-3 U 6.20 10.0 Lead 7439-92-1 5.09 4.25 10.0 Selenium 7782-49-2 21.3 1.50 10.0 Silver 7440-22-4 U 0.350 10.0 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 22 of 77 2-IN CALIBRATION VERIFICATION SDG:L1704195 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/15/24 11:15 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Calibration (end) date/time:02/15/24 11:42 Analytical Method:6020 Analytical Run:021524ICPMS11 Concentration Units:mg/l ICV ICVLL CCV Sample ID:ICPMS110215241206 ICPMS110215241236 ICPMS110215241501-2 Analyte True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD ARSENIC 0.10 0.09911206 99.10 1.070000 0.0010 0.00099458 3 99.5 0 2.680000 0.10 0.0999806 100 0.560000 BARIUM 0.10 0.09725869 97.3 0 1.450000 0.0020 0.001938044 96.9 0 3.310000 0.10 0.09753262 97.5 0 1.880000 CADMIUM 0.10 0.09711686 97.10 1.160000 0.0010 0.000991217 99.10 2.240000 0.10 0.1000391 100 1.130000 CHROMIUM 0.10 0.09686987 96.9 0 1.740000 0.0010 0.001085364 109 7.160000 0.10 0.1024981 102 0.330000 LEAD 0.10 0.09984104 99.8 0 3.500000 0.0010 0.001064875 106 1.520000 0.10 0.1003297 100 1.890000 SELENIUM 0.10 0.09898399 99 0.270000 0.0010 0.00099986 7 100 9.530000 0.10 0.09921103 99.2 0 1.720000 SILVER 0.10 0.102082 102 1.800000 0.0010 0.001018306 102 2.750000 0.10 0.101945 102 1.610000 ICV Limits:90 - 110 ICVLL Limits:50 - 150 CCV Limits:90 - 110 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 23 of 77 2-IN CALIBRATION VERIFICATION SDG:L1704195 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/15/24 11:15 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Calibration (end) date/time:02/15/24 11:42 Analytical Method:6020 Analytical Run:021524ICPMS11 Concentration Units:mg/l CCV CCV CCV Sample ID:ICPMS110215241543 ICPMS110215241627 ICPMS110215241633 Analyte True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD ARSENIC 0.10 0.09895849 99 1.600000 0.10 0.100272 100 1.000000 0.10 0.1026964 103 0.330000 BARIUM 0.10 0.09612691 96.10 0.940000 0.10 0.09386821 93.9 0 1.270000 0.10 0.09404053 94 2.930000 CADMIUM 0.10 0.1022944 102 1.560000 0.10 0.1030619 103 0.970000 0.10 0.105823 106 0.390000 CHROMIUM 0.10 0.103186 103 0.700000 0.10 0.1046201 105 1.170000 0.10 0.1077773 108 0.690000 LEAD 0.10 0.1037505 104 2.780000 0.10 0.1006627 101 1.330000 0.10 0.1040677 104 0.930000 SELENIUM 0.10 0.09952436 99.5 0 0.800000 0.10 0.1009009 101 1.290000 0.10 0.1021224 102 0.080000 SILVER 0.10 0.1035461 104 1.390000 0.10 0.1011105 101 0.640000 0.10 0.1041674 104 2.350000 ICV Limits:90 - 110 ICVLL Limits:50 - 150 CCV Limits:90 - 110 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 24 of 77 2-IN CALIBRATION VERIFICATION SDG:L1704195 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/15/24 11:15 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Calibration (end) date/time:02/15/24 11:42 Analytical Method:6020 Analytical Run:021524ICPMS11 Concentration Units:mg/l CCV CCV Sample ID:ICPMS110215241636 ICPMS110215241722 Analyte True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD ARSENIC 0.10 0.09980652 99.8 0 1.860000 0.10 0.1026322 103 0.890000 BARIUM 0.10 0.0942532 94.3 0 3.200000 0.10 0.09609084 96.10 0.600000 CADMIUM 0.10 0.1037701 104 0.440000 0.10 0.1026388 103 0.350000 CHROMIUM 0.10 0.1046457 105 1.220000 0.10 0.1042421 104 1.220000 LEAD 0.10 0.09930327 99.3 0 1.590000 0.10 0.1062032 106 2.340000 SELENIUM 0.10 0.1021563 102 1.040000 0.10 0.1023268 102 0.480000 SILVER 0.10 0.1021413 102 1.560000 0.10 0.1036424 104 0.920000 ICV Limits:90 - 110 ICVLL Limits:50 - 150 CCV Limits:90 - 110 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 25 of 77 3-IN BLANKS SDG:L1704195 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/15/24 11:15 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Calibration (end) date/time:02/15/24 11:42 Analytical Method:6020 Analytical Run:021524ICPMS11 Sample ID:ICB Result ICB Qual CCB Result CCB Qual BLANK Result BLANK Qual CCB Result CCB Qual File ID:20240215121725 20240215150726-2 20240215151042 20240215155119 Analyte mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l ARSENIC -0.000001397 U -0.000005531 U U 0.00001021 U BARIUM 0.000003587 U -0.000004884 U U 0.000007156 U CADMIUM 0.000001670 U 0.000003548 U U 0.000002437 U CHROMIUM -0.000016822 U -0.000023464 U U -0.000021999 U LEAD 0.000008636 U -0.000001760 U U 0.0000003660 U SELENIUM 0.000009775 U 0.000005421 U U 0.000005811 U SILVER 0.000003783 U 0.000001742 U U -0.0000007550 U ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 26 of 77 3-IN BLANKS SDG:L1704195 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/15/24 11:15 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Calibration (end) date/time:02/15/24 11:42 Analytical Method:6020 Analytical Run:021524ICPMS11 Sample ID:CCB Result CCB Qual CCB Result CCB Qual File ID:20240215164145 20240215173109 Analyte mg/l mg/l ARSENIC 0.00002102 U 0.000007145 U BARIUM -0.000001873 U 0.000016368 U CADMIUM 0.000003797 U -0.0000001790 U CHROMIUM -0.000004734 U -0.000024301 U LEAD 0.000012327 U -0.000004483 U SELENIUM 0.000030061 U 0.000010883 U SILVER 0.000005062 U 0.0000007250 U ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 27 of 77 4-IN INTERFERENCE CHECK SAMPLE SDG:L1704195 Analytical Method:6020 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Date:02/15/24 12:40 Instrument Run:021524ICPMS11 Analyte True Found True Found ICSA ICSA ICSA ICSAB ICSAB ICSAB mg/l mg/l % Rec.mg/l mg/l % Rec. ALUMINUM 100 101.3144 101 100 99.36684 99.40 ANTIMONY 0 0.000280367 0.02 0.02220125 111 ARSENIC 0 0.00006948 0.02 0.01908882 95.40 BARIUM 0 0.000343804 0.02 0.02078196 104 BERYLLIUM 0 0.000006519 0.02 0.01869594 93.50 BISMUTH (NO HE)9526549 83.50 9667540 84.70 BORON 0 0.001705238 0.02 0.02056885 103 CADMIUM 0 0.000426117 0.02 0.0203597 102 CALCIUM 100 97.08562 97.10 100 96.83246 96.80 CHROMIUM 0 0.001432527 0.02 0.02066859 103 COBALT 0 0.000734278 0.02 0.0199585 99.80 COPPER 0 0.001361377 0.02 0.02087815 104 GERMANIUM 41652.83 96.80 42270.53 98.20 GERMANIUM (HIGH HE)49225.27 97.40 49081.48 97.10 GERMANIUM (NO HE)378260.5 97.10 377088.3 96.80 IRON 100 98.64845 98.60 100 98.61863 98.60 LEAD 0 0.000224025 0.02 0.0204068 102 LITHIUM 0 0.000555395 0 0.000571643 MAGNESIUM 100 98.98592 99 100 97.07212 97.10 MANGANESE 0 0.000268554 0.02 0.0197325 98.70 MOLYBDENUM 2 2.130627 107 2 2.123967 106 NICKEL 0 0.000467883 0.02 0.01943473 97.20 POTASSIUM 100 102.6342 103 100 102.0469 102 RHODIUM 865365.5 87.70 866685.3 87.80 SCANDIUM 498967.8 95.40 499893.2 95.60 SCANDIUM (NO HE)13534030 92.20 14049000 95.70 SELENIUM 0 0.000034439 0.02 0.02043786 102 SILVER 0 0.000018142 0.02 0.02035935 102 SODIUM 100 99.4352 99.40 100 98.34411 98.30 STRONTIUM 0 0.00070762 0.02 0.02082495 104 TELLURIUM 197995.1 92.90 197047.8 92.40 TELLURIUM (HIGH HE)526580.4 91.70 527206.6 91.80 TELLURIUM (NO HE)1607674 92.20 1594221 91.50 THALLIUM 0 0.000005278 0.02 0.01978341 98.90 THORIUM 0 0.000172167 0.02 0.0196036 98 TIN 0 0.000097151 0.02 0.02066036 103 TITANIUM 2 2.021528 101 2 2.026454 101 URANIUM 0 0.000030411 0.02 0.01997791 99.90 VANADIUM 0 -0.000069073 0.02 0.01939262 97 ZINC 0 0.000922846 0.02 0.02002167 100 ICSA Limits:80 - 120 ICSAB Limits:80 - 120 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 28 of 77 5A-IN MATRIX SPIKE /SAMPLE NO.: MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE RECOVERY R4034288-4 L1704195-01,02,03,04,05,06,07 R4034288-5 MS Sample / File ID:R4034288-4 / 20240215152345 SDG:L1704195 MSD Sample / File ID:R4034288-5 / 20240215152658 Analytical Batch:WG2225427 OS Sample / File ID:L1704195-05 / 20240215151719 Matrix:GW Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Analytical Method:6020 Analyte Spike Amount OS Result MS Result MSD Result MS Rec.MSD Rec.Dilution Rec. Limits RPD RPD Limits ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l %%%%% Arsenic 50.0 2.78 53.8 53.8 102 102 1 75.0 - 125 0.00589 20 Barium 50.0 79.1 125 126 92.8 94.1 1 75.0 - 125 0.521 20 Cadmium 50.0 0.878 51.4 51.1 101 100 1 75.0 - 125 0.621 20 Chromium 50.0 2.76 56.1 52.8 107 100 1 75.0 - 125 6.00 20 Lead 50.0 5.82 56.0 56.6 100 102 1 75.0 - 125 0.994 20 Selenium 50.0 23.4 74.9 75.3 103 104 1 75.0 - 125 0.594 20 Silver 50.0 0.0714 50.4 50.3 101 101 1 75.0 - 125 0.140 20 *: Value outside the established quality control limits. D: Surrogate recovery cannot be used for control limit evaluation due to dilution. ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 29 of 77 5A-IN MATRIX SPIKE /SAMPLE NO.: MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE RECOVERY R4034288-6 L1704195-01,02,03,04,05,06,07 R4034288-7 MS Sample / File ID:R4034288-6 / 20240215153325 SDG:L1704195 MSD Sample / File ID:R4034288-7 / 20240215153641 Analytical Batch:WG2225427 OS Sample / File ID:L1704445-03 / 20240215153010 Matrix:GW Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Analytical Method:6020 Analyte Spike Amount OS Result MS Result MSD Result MS Rec.MSD Rec.Dilution Rec. Limits RPD RPD Limits ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l %%%%% Arsenic 50.0 1.20 51.5 51.7 101 101 1 75.0 - 125 0.322 20 Barium 50.0 103 150 149 93.8 91.2 1 75.0 - 125 0.867 20 Cadmium 50.0 0.153 51.1 51.2 102 102 1 75.0 - 125 0.162 20 Chromium 50.0 4.05 54.9 54.4 102 101 1 75.0 - 125 0.862 20 Lead 50.0 3.80 50.5 52.6 93.4 97.7 1 75.0 - 125 4.16 20 Selenium 50.0 0.345 50.7 50.9 101 101 1 75.0 - 125 0.439 20 Silver 50.0 U 50.2 49.9 100 99.9 1 75.0 - 125 0.568 20 *: Value outside the established quality control limits. D: Surrogate recovery cannot be used for control limit evaluation due to dilution. ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 30 of 77 5B-IN POST-DIGESTION / DISTILLATION SPIKE SAMPLE NO.: SAMPLE RECOVERY R4034288-8 L1704195-01,02,03,04,05,06,07 PS Sample / File ID:R4034288-8 / 20240215164504 SDG:L1704195 OS Sample / File ID:L1704445-03 / 20240215153010 Analytical Batch:WG2225427 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Dilution Factor:1 Analytical Method:6020 Matrix:GW Analyte Spike Amount OS Result PD Result DS Result PD Rec.DS Rec.Dilution Rec. Limits RPD RPD Limits ug/l ug/l ug/l %%%ug/l ug/l Arsenic 56.0 1.20 55.0 96.0 1 75.0 - 125 Barium 56.0 103 150 84.0 1 75.0 - 125 Cadmium 56.0 0.153 54.3 96.7 1 75.0 - 125 Chromium 56.0 4.05 57.4 95.3 1 75.0 - 125 Lead 56.0 3.80 54.5 90.5 1 75.0 - 125 Selenium 56.0 0.345 54.8 97.2 1 75.0 - 125 Silver 56.0 U 52.2 93.1 1 75.0 - 125 *: Value outside the established quality control limits. D: Surrogate recovery cannot be used for control limit evaluation due to dilution. ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 31 of 77 7-IN LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE SAMPLE NO.: LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE DUPLICATE R4034288-2 RECOVERY _______________ L1704195-01,02,03,04,05,06,07 LCS Sample / File ID:R4034288-2 / 20240215151403 SDG:L1704195 LCSD Sample / File ID:_______________Analytical Batch:WG2225427 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Dilution Factor:1 Analytical Method:6020 Matrix:GW Analyte Spike Amount LCS Result LCSD Result LCS Rec.LCSD Rec.Rec. Limits RPD RPD Limits ug/l ug/l %%%%% Arsenic 50.0 49.8 99.5 80.0 - 120 Barium 50.0 46.2 92.3 80.0 - 120 Cadmium 50.0 51.0 102 80.0 - 120 Chromium 50.0 51.8 104 80.0 - 120 Lead 50.0 49.5 98.9 80.0 - 120 Selenium 50.0 49.6 99.2 80.0 - 120 Silver 50.0 49.9 99.9 80.0 - 120 *: Value outside the established quality control limits. D: Surrogate recovery cannot be used for control limit evaluation due to dilution. ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 32 of 77 8-IN ICP AND ICP/MS SAMPLE NO.: SERIAL DILUTIONS R4034288-3 L1704195-01,02,03,04,05,06,07 SD Sample / File ID:R4034288-3 / 20240215152031 SDG:L1704195 OS Sample / File ID:L1704195-05 / 20240215151719 Analytical Batch:WG2225427 Lab File ID:20240215152031 Dilution Factor:5 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Matrix:GW Analytical Method:6020 Analyte OS Result SD Result RPD RPD Limits ug/l ug/l %% Arsenic 2.78 2.61 6.31 10 Barium 79.1 73.7 6.72 10 Cadmium 0.878 0.783 10.8 10 Chromium 2.76 U 0.000 10 Lead 5.82 5.09 12.5 10 Selenium 23.4 21.3 8.98 10 Silver 0.0714 U 0.000 10 *: Value outside the established quality control limits. D: Surrogate recovery cannot be used for control limit evaluation due to dilution. ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 33 of 77 9-IN DETECTION LIMIT SUMMARY Lab Sample IDs:L1704195-01,02,03,04,05,06,07 Analytical Method:6020 Matrix:GW Prep Method:3015 Analyte CAS Wavelength Mass MDL RDL mg/l mg/l Chromium 7440-47-3 52 0.001240 0.0020 Lead 7439-92-1 208 0.000849 0.0020 Selenium 7782-49-2 78 0.0003 0.0020 Silver 7440-22-4 107 0.000070 0.0020 Arsenic 7440-38-2 75 0.000180 0.0020 Barium 7440-39-3 137 0.000381 0.0020 Cadmium 7440-43-9 111 0.000150 0.0010 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 34 of 77 10C-IN LINEAR DYNAMIC RANGE SDG:L1704195 Analytical Method:6020 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Date:01/31/24 13:00 Analyte LDR ppm ALUMINUM 100 ANTIMONY 2 ARSENIC 10 BARIUM 10 BERYLLIUM 0.20 BORON 0.40 CADMIUM 10 CALCIUM 1000 CHROMIUM 10 COBALT 10 COPPER 0.40 IRON 100 LEAD 10 LITHIUM 10 MAGNESIUM 1000 MANGANESE 10 MOLYBDENUM 10 NICKEL 10 POTASSIUM 1000 SELENIUM 1 SILVER 0.20 SODIUM 1000 STRONTIUM 10 THALLIUM 10 THORIUM 10 TIN 10 TITANIUM 10 URANIUM 10 VANADIUM 10 ZINC 10 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 35 of 77 11-IN INTERNAL STANDARD ASSOCIATION SDG:L1704195 Analytical Method:6020 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Analysis Date:02/15/24 08:49 Instrument Run:021524ICPMS11 Analyte Assoc. Internal Standard 1 ARSENIC - 75 GERMANIUM - 72 BARIUM - 137 RHODIUM - 103 CADMIUM - 111 TELLURIUM - 125 CHROMIUM - 52 GERMANIUM - 72 LEAD - 208 BISMUTH (NO HE) - 209 SELENIUM - 78 TELLURIUM (HIGH HE) - 125 SILVER - 107 RHODIUM - 103 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 36 of 77 12-IN ANALYSIS LOG SDG:L1704195 Analytical Method:6020 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Calibration Start Date:02/15/24 11:15 Analytical Run:021524ICPMS11 Calibration End Date:02/15/24 11:42 Client Sample ID Lab Sample ID File ID Analysis Date Time Dilution Batch CALBLK ICPMS110215241112 20240215111208 02/15/24 11:12 CAL STD1 20240215111531 02/15/24 11:15 CAL STD2 20240215111855 02/15/24 11:18 CAL STD3 20240215112219 02/15/24 11:22 CAL STD4 20240215112542 02/15/24 11:25 CAL STD5 20240215112906 02/15/24 11:29 CAL STD6 20240215113229 02/15/24 11:32 CAL STD7 20240215113549 02/15/24 11:35 CAL STD8 20240215113904 02/15/24 11:39 CAL STD9 20240215114215 02/15/24 11:42 ICV ICPMS110215241206 20240215120643 02/15/24 12:06 ICB ICPMS110215241217 20240215121725 02/15/24 12:17 ICVLL ICPMS110215241236 20240215123644 02/15/24 12:36 ICSA ICPMS110215241240 20240215124000 02/15/24 12:40 ICSAB ICPMS110215241243 20240215124313 02/15/24 12:43 CCV ICPMS110215241501-2 20240215150130-2 02/15/24 15:01 CCB ICPMS110215241507-2 20240215150726-2 02/15/24 15:07 BLANK R4034288-1 20240215151042 02/15/24 15:10 1 WG2225427 LCS R4034288-2 20240215151403 02/15/24 15:14 1 WG2225427 MW-5 L1704195-05 20240215151719 02/15/24 15:17 1 WG2225427 SD R4034288-3 20240215152031 02/15/24 15:20 5 WG2225427 MS R4034288-4 20240215152345 02/15/24 15:23 1 WG2225427 MSD R4034288-5 20240215152658 02/15/24 15:26 1 WG2225427 OS L1704445-03 20240215153010 02/15/24 15:30 L1704445-03 L1704445-03 20240215153010 02/15/24 15:30 1 WG2225427 MS R4034288-6 20240215153325 02/15/24 15:33 1 WG2225427 MSD R4034288-7 20240215153641 02/15/24 15:36 1 WG2225427 MW-1 L1704195-01 20240215153957 02/15/24 15:39 1 WG2225427 CCV ICPMS110215241543 20240215154308 02/15/24 15:43 CCB ICPMS110215241551 20240215155119 02/15/24 15:51 MW-2 L1704195-02 20240215155436 02/15/24 15:54 1 WG2225427 MW-3 L1704195-03 20240215155747 02/15/24 15:57 1 WG2225427 MW-4 L1704195-04 20240215160100 02/15/24 16:01 1 WG2225427 EQUIPMENT BLANK L1704195-06 20240215160412 02/15/24 16:04 1 WG2225427 BDS-1 L1704195-07 20240215160733 02/15/24 16:07 1 WG2225427 CCV ICPMS110215241627 20240215162713 02/15/24 16:27 CCV ICPMS110215241633 20240215163304 02/15/24 16:33 CCV ICPMS110215241636 20240215163628 02/15/24 16:36 CCB ICPMS110215241641 20240215164145 02/15/24 16:41 PS R4034288-8 20240215164504 02/15/24 16:45 1 WG2225427 CCV ICPMS110215241722 20240215172207 02/15/24 17:22 CCB ICPMS110215241731 20240215173109 02/15/24 17:31 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 37 of 77 13-IN ICP/MS TUNE Lab File ID:20240215084910 SDG:L1704195 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Analysis Date/Time 02/15/24 08:49 Analytical Method:6020 Element - Mass Avg. Measured Mass Avg. Peak Width Height RSD u u %% IN - 115 115 0.51014750 10 1.368675 PB - 206 206 0.50145060 10 1.382078 PB - 207 206.95 0.47240520 10 0.93102020 PB - 208 207.95 0.47756980 10 1.339589 MG - 24 23.90 0.52631360 10 3.327405 MG - 25 24.90 0.52871170 10 0.701054 MG - 26 25.90 0.55515070 10 1.303407 CO - 59 58.95 0.52241330 10 1.391019 BE - 9 8.95 0.48296450 10 0.90145280 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 38 of 77 14-IN ICP/MS INTERNAL STANDARDS RELATIVE INTENSITY SDG:L1704195 Analytical Method:6020 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Start Date:02/15/24 12:06 Instrument Run:021524ICPMS11 End Date:02/15/24 16:45 Client Sample ID Lab Sample ID Analysis Date Time Dilution BISMUTH (NO HE)GERMANIUM GERMANIUM (HIGH HE) % Rec.Q % Rec.Q % Rec.Q ICV ICPMS110215241206 02/15/24 12:06 1 90.80 101 98.70 ICB ICPMS110215241217 02/15/24 12:17 1 92.70 102 98 ICVLL ICPMS110215241236 02/15/24 12:36 1 89.60 98.50 99.40 ICSA ICPMS110215241240 02/15/24 12:40 1 83.50 96.80 97.40 ICSAB ICPMS110215241243 02/15/24 12:43 1 84.70 98.20 97.10 CCV ICPMS110215241501-2 02/15/24 15:01 1 87.80 94.10 93.90 CCB ICPMS110215241507-2 02/15/24 15:07 1 91.60 92.40 93.50 CCV ICPMS110215241543 02/15/24 15:43 1 85.70 94 95.60 CCB ICPMS110215241551 02/15/24 15:51 1 87.60 91.90 95.10 CCV ICPMS110215241627 02/15/24 16:27 1 86.20 90.90 95.70 CCV ICPMS110215241633 02/15/24 16:33 1 82.30 89.60 94 CCV ICPMS110215241636 02/15/24 16:36 1 85.20 90.80 94.50 CCB ICPMS110215241641 02/15/24 16:41 1 86.30 89.10 93.80 CCV ICPMS110215241722 02/15/24 17:22 1 79.40 90.30 92.60 CCB ICPMS110215241731 02/15/24 17:31 1 85.50 89.10 92.20 MW-1 L1704195-01 02/15/24 15:39 1 78.30 87.60 89.90 MW-2 L1704195-02 02/15/24 15:54 1 77.20 86.30 90.10 MW-3 L1704195-03 02/15/24 15:57 1 74.60 85.90 89.30 MW-4 L1704195-04 02/15/24 16:01 1 77.60 88.20 90.90 MW-5 L1704195-05 02/15/24 15:17 1 76.70 88.60 90.30 EQUIPMENT BLANK L1704195-06 02/15/24 16:04 1 83.80 90.40 94.50 BDS-1 L1704195-07 02/15/24 16:07 1 76.90 87.10 90.10 OS L1704445-03 02/15/24 15:30 1 77.20 86.70 89.40 BLANK R4034288-1 02/15/24 15:10 1 85.60 89.30 94.50 LCS R4034288-2 02/15/24 15:14 1 85.50 90.20 95.80 SD R4034288-3 02/15/24 15:20 5 86.40 92.30 95.10 MS R4034288-4 02/15/24 15:23 1 75.20 87.10 90.60 MSD R4034288-5 02/15/24 15:26 1 74.60 86.80 90.20 MS R4034288-6 02/15/24 15:33 1 81.30 85.80 91.10 MSD R4034288-7 02/15/24 15:36 1 78.20 86.30 90.40 PS R4034288-8 02/15/24 16:45 1 77.80 83.80 89.50 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 39 of 77 14-IN ICP/MS INTERNAL STANDARDS RELATIVE INTENSITY SDG:L1704195 Analytical Method:6020 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Start Date:02/15/24 12:06 Instrument Run:021524ICPMS11 End Date:02/15/24 16:45 Client Sample ID Lab Sample ID Analysis Date Time Dilution GERMANIUM (NO HE)RHODIUM SCANDIUM % Rec.Q % Rec.Q % Rec.Q ICV ICPMS110215241206 02/15/24 12:06 1 97.10 96.20 100 ICB ICPMS110215241217 02/15/24 12:17 1 95.10 97 98.60 ICVLL ICPMS110215241236 02/15/24 12:36 1 96.30 97.20 98.50 ICSA ICPMS110215241240 02/15/24 12:40 1 97.10 87.70 95.40 ICSAB ICPMS110215241243 02/15/24 12:43 1 96.80 87.80 95.60 CCV ICPMS110215241501-2 02/15/24 15:01 1 93.60 91.40 93.70 CCB ICPMS110215241507-2 02/15/24 15:07 1 90.80 92.60 93.30 CCV ICPMS110215241543 02/15/24 15:43 1 92.30 90.70 94.60 CCB ICPMS110215241551 02/15/24 15:51 1 91.10 90.10 92.80 CCV ICPMS110215241627 02/15/24 16:27 1 91.10 88.30 91.40 CCV ICPMS110215241633 02/15/24 16:33 1 89.30 87.40 92.60 CCV ICPMS110215241636 02/15/24 16:36 1 90.20 87.90 92.90 CCB ICPMS110215241641 02/15/24 16:41 1 88.80 89.30 91.40 CCV ICPMS110215241722 02/15/24 17:22 1 89.30 87.90 92 CCB ICPMS110215241731 02/15/24 17:31 1 87.10 86.20 92.40 MW-1 L1704195-01 02/15/24 15:39 1 90.60 80.80 88.50 MW-2 L1704195-02 02/15/24 15:54 1 89.30 81.10 86.90 MW-3 L1704195-03 02/15/24 15:57 1 91.30 80.70 88.40 MW-4 L1704195-04 02/15/24 16:01 1 92.50 80.80 89 MW-5 L1704195-05 02/15/24 15:17 1 90.70 80.50 88.80 EQUIPMENT BLANK L1704195-06 02/15/24 16:04 1 94.20 87.70 89.90 BDS-1 L1704195-07 02/15/24 16:07 1 91.60 79.90 87 OS L1704445-03 02/15/24 15:30 1 89.60 80.50 87.70 BLANK R4034288-1 02/15/24 15:10 1 92.20 90.10 90.70 LCS R4034288-2 02/15/24 15:14 1 93.40 90.20 90.40 SD R4034288-3 02/15/24 15:20 5 92.50 87.20 91.10 MS R4034288-4 02/15/24 15:23 1 90.80 81.10 88.70 MSD R4034288-5 02/15/24 15:26 1 91.10 80.60 88 MS R4034288-6 02/15/24 15:33 1 91 80.40 87.20 MSD R4034288-7 02/15/24 15:36 1 89.80 81.10 88.60 PS R4034288-8 02/15/24 16:45 1 87.80 78.30 86.70 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 40 of 77 14-IN ICP/MS INTERNAL STANDARDS RELATIVE INTENSITY SDG:L1704195 Analytical Method:6020 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Start Date:02/15/24 12:06 Instrument Run:021524ICPMS11 End Date:02/15/24 16:45 Client Sample ID Lab Sample ID Analysis Date Time Dilution SCANDIUM (NO HE)TELLURIUM TELLURIUM (HIGH HE) % Rec.Q % Rec.Q % Rec.Q ICV ICPMS110215241206 02/15/24 12:06 1 97.70 101 99.80 ICB ICPMS110215241217 02/15/24 12:17 1 97.50 97.90 97.10 ICVLL ICPMS110215241236 02/15/24 12:36 1 97.60 99.20 99.10 ICSA ICPMS110215241240 02/15/24 12:40 1 92.20 92.90 91.70 ICSAB ICPMS110215241243 02/15/24 12:43 1 95.70 92.40 91.80 CCV ICPMS110215241501-2 02/15/24 15:01 1 94.90 93.30 93.90 CCB ICPMS110215241507-2 02/15/24 15:07 1 95.20 89.40 91.80 CCV ICPMS110215241543 02/15/24 15:43 1 94.90 90.50 93.40 CCB ICPMS110215241551 02/15/24 15:51 1 93.10 88.40 91.10 CCV ICPMS110215241627 02/15/24 16:27 1 91.60 86.20 91.40 CCV ICPMS110215241633 02/15/24 16:33 1 90.90 86.40 91.10 CCV ICPMS110215241636 02/15/24 16:36 1 90.20 86.50 90.60 CCB ICPMS110215241641 02/15/24 16:41 1 92.20 85.80 90.20 CCV ICPMS110215241722 02/15/24 17:22 1 88.70 88 89.60 CCB ICPMS110215241731 02/15/24 17:31 1 89.40 86 88.60 MW-1 L1704195-01 02/15/24 15:39 1 88.60 80.70 84.10 MW-2 L1704195-02 02/15/24 15:54 1 86.50 80.20 83.20 MW-3 L1704195-03 02/15/24 15:57 1 86.70 80.50 83.70 MW-4 L1704195-04 02/15/24 16:01 1 87 80.80 84 MW-5 L1704195-05 02/15/24 15:17 1 88.10 81 84.30 EQUIPMENT BLANK L1704195-06 02/15/24 16:04 1 93.90 82.10 87.40 BDS-1 L1704195-07 02/15/24 16:07 1 87.20 79.70 83.70 OS L1704445-03 02/15/24 15:30 1 90.40 79.10 82.50 BLANK R4034288-1 02/15/24 15:10 1 91.50 83.80 88.10 LCS R4034288-2 02/15/24 15:14 1 90.40 84.30 89.90 SD R4034288-3 02/15/24 15:20 5 93.40 88.40 90.90 MS R4034288-4 02/15/24 15:23 1 84.90 81.10 84.90 MSD R4034288-5 02/15/24 15:26 1 87.20 80.90 83.70 MS R4034288-6 02/15/24 15:33 1 90.30 79.40 83.40 MSD R4034288-7 02/15/24 15:36 1 92.50 79 83.80 PS R4034288-8 02/15/24 16:45 1 87 77 81.80 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 41 of 77 14-IN ICP/MS INTERNAL STANDARDS RELATIVE INTENSITY SDG:L1704195 Analytical Method:6020 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Start Date:02/15/24 12:06 Instrument Run:021524ICPMS11 End Date:02/15/24 16:45 Client Sample ID Lab Sample ID Analysis Date Time Dilution TELLURIUM (NO HE) % Rec.Q ICV ICPMS110215241206 02/15/24 12:06 1 102 ICB ICPMS110215241217 02/15/24 12:17 1 98.50 ICVLL ICPMS110215241236 02/15/24 12:36 1 101 ICSA ICPMS110215241240 02/15/24 12:40 1 92.20 ICSAB ICPMS110215241243 02/15/24 12:43 1 91.50 CCV ICPMS110215241501-2 02/15/24 15:01 1 94.30 CCB ICPMS110215241507-2 02/15/24 15:07 1 92.60 CCV ICPMS110215241543 02/15/24 15:43 1 97.50 CCB ICPMS110215241551 02/15/24 15:51 1 93.30 CCV ICPMS110215241627 02/15/24 16:27 1 94.30 CCV ICPMS110215241633 02/15/24 16:33 1 92 CCV ICPMS110215241636 02/15/24 16:36 1 92.20 CCB ICPMS110215241641 02/15/24 16:41 1 89.90 CCV ICPMS110215241722 02/15/24 17:22 1 93 CCB ICPMS110215241731 02/15/24 17:31 1 88.70 MW-1 L1704195-01 02/15/24 15:39 1 85.30 MW-2 L1704195-02 02/15/24 15:54 1 82.70 MW-3 L1704195-03 02/15/24 15:57 1 83.50 MW-4 L1704195-04 02/15/24 16:01 1 84.90 MW-5 L1704195-05 02/15/24 15:17 1 85.60 EQUIPMENT BLANK L1704195-06 02/15/24 16:04 1 89.60 BDS-1 L1704195-07 02/15/24 16:07 1 84.10 OS L1704445-03 02/15/24 15:30 1 85.80 BLANK R4034288-1 02/15/24 15:10 1 89.30 LCS R4034288-2 02/15/24 15:14 1 90.60 SD R4034288-3 02/15/24 15:20 5 95.10 MS R4034288-4 02/15/24 15:23 1 86 MSD R4034288-5 02/15/24 15:26 1 85.70 MS R4034288-6 02/15/24 15:33 1 85.40 MSD R4034288-7 02/15/24 15:36 1 86.20 PS R4034288-8 02/15/24 16:45 1 82.80 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 42 of 77 15-IN INITIAL CALIBRATION RECOVERY SDG:L1704195 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/15/24 11:15 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Calibration (end) date/time:02/15/24 11:42 Analytical Method:6020 Analytical Run:021524ICPMS11 Analyte Std Conc Result Rec.Std Conc Result Rec. mg/l mg/l %mg/l mg/l % CADMIUM 0.0002 .000185308 92.70 ARSENIC 0.0005 .000479022 95.80 SILVER 0.0005 .000508307 102 LEAD 0.0005 .000495155 99 CHROMIUM SELENIUM BARIUM File ID: 20240215111531 20240215111855 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 43 of 77 15-IN INITIAL CALIBRATION RECOVERY SDG:L1704195 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/15/24 11:15 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Calibration (end) date/time:02/15/24 11:42 Analytical Method:6020 Analytical Run:021524ICPMS11 Analyte Std Conc Result Rec.Std Conc Result Rec. mg/l mg/l %mg/l mg/l % CADMIUM 0.0010 .000997626 99.80 0.0020 .0019924 99.60 ARSENIC 0.0010 .000990535 99.10 0.0020 .00200458 100 SILVER 0.0010 .001025783 103 0.0020 .002059439 103 LEAD 0.0010 .000999595 100 0.0020 .002034461 102 CHROMIUM 0.0010 .001017362 102 0.0020 .001990704 99.50 SELENIUM 0.0010 .000997733 99.80 0.0020 .001921106 96.10 BARIUM 0.0010 .000976181 97.60 0.0020 .001970618 98.50 File ID: 20240215112219 20240215112542 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 44 of 77 15-IN INITIAL CALIBRATION RECOVERY SDG:L1704195 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/15/24 11:15 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Calibration (end) date/time:02/15/24 11:42 Analytical Method:6020 Analytical Run:021524ICPMS11 Analyte Std Conc Result Rec.Std Conc Result Rec. mg/l mg/l %mg/l mg/l % CADMIUM 0.01 .0102942 103 0.05 .04886226 97.70 ARSENIC 0.01 .01035864 104 0.05 .05004612 100 SILVER 0.01 .01082091 108 0.05 .05299904 106 LEAD 0.01 .01045785 105 0.05 .0508698 102 CHROMIUM 0.01 .01047594 105 0.05 .05017235 100 SELENIUM 0.01 .01013837 101 0.05 .04826156 96.50 BARIUM 0.01 .01012968 101 0.05 .04932756 98.70 File ID: 20240215112906 20240215113229 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 45 of 77 15-IN INITIAL CALIBRATION RECOVERY SDG:L1704195 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/15/24 11:15 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Calibration (end) date/time:02/15/24 11:42 Analytical Method:6020 Analytical Run:021524ICPMS11 Analyte Std Conc Result Rec.Std Conc Result Rec. mg/l mg/l %mg/l mg/l % CADMIUM 0.10 .09838946 98.40 0.20 .1999267 100 ARSENIC 0.10 .1008017 101 0.20 .2013924 101 SILVER 0.10 .1027456 103 0.20 .1978356 98.90 LEAD 0.10 .1029312 103 0.20 .2030991 102 CHROMIUM 0.10 .1009018 101 0.20 .2024743 101 SELENIUM 0.10 .0984176 98.40 0.20 .1967287 98.40 BARIUM 0.10 .09952647 99.50 0.20 .2004336 100 File ID: 20240215113549 20240215113904 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 46 of 77 15-IN INITIAL CALIBRATION RECOVERY SDG:L1704195 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/15/24 11:15 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Calibration (end) date/time:02/15/24 11:42 Analytical Method:6020 Analytical Run:021524ICPMS11 Analyte Std Conc Result Rec. mg/l mg/l % CADMIUM 0.40 .4005742 100 ARSENIC 0.40 .3990886 99.80 SILVER LEAD 0.40 .3975973 99.40 CHROMIUM 0.40 .398504 99.60 SELENIUM 0.40 .4022455 101 BARIUM 0.40 .3999826 100 File ID: 20240215114215 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 47 of 77 16B-IN ICP/MS INITIAL CALIBRATION SDG:L1704195 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/15/24 11:15 Instrument ID:ICPMS11 Calibration (end) date/time:02/15/24 11:42 Analytical Method:6020 Analytical Run:021524ICPMS11 Analyte Mass Cal. Type Weightage Corr.Slope Incpt CHROMIUM 52 0 5 0.999971 100.2263 0.030878 ARSENIC 75 0 5 0.99999 17.81737 0.001003 SELENIUM 78 0 5 0.999937 0.174986 0.000007 SILVER 107 0 5 0.999745 9.192699 0.000048 CADMIUM 111 0 5 0.999988 5.970359 0.000016 BARIUM 137 0 5 0.999997 1.216228 0.000035 LEAD 208 0 5 0.999929 1.339902 0.000079 Calibration Type 0 = Linear Regression Weightage 5 = None ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 48 of 77 7470A Mercury ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 49 of 77 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET MW-1 Lab Sample ID:L1704195-01 SDG:L1704195 Client Sample ID:MW-1 Collected Date/Time:02/07/24 14:15 Lab File ID:20240214214453 Received Date/Time:02/09/24 08:00 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Preparation Date/Time:02/14/24 10:51 Analytical Batch:WG2224598 Analysis Date/Time:02/14/24 21:44 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7470A Analytical Method:7470A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:GW Initial Wt/Vol:30 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:30.0 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL ug/l ug/l ug/l Mercury 7439-97-6 U 0.100 0.200 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 50 of 77 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET MW-2 Lab Sample ID:L1704195-02 SDG:L1704195 Client Sample ID:MW-2 Collected Date/Time:02/07/24 13:20 Lab File ID:20240214214727 Received Date/Time:02/09/24 08:00 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Preparation Date/Time:02/14/24 10:51 Analytical Batch:WG2224598 Analysis Date/Time:02/14/24 21:47 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7470A Analytical Method:7470A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:GW Initial Wt/Vol:30 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:30.0 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL ug/l ug/l ug/l Mercury 7439-97-6 U 0.100 0.200 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 51 of 77 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET MW-3 Lab Sample ID:L1704195-03 SDG:L1704195 Client Sample ID:MW-3 Collected Date/Time:02/07/24 10:30 Lab File ID:20240214215000 Received Date/Time:02/09/24 08:00 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Preparation Date/Time:02/14/24 10:51 Analytical Batch:WG2224598 Analysis Date/Time:02/14/24 21:50 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7470A Analytical Method:7470A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:GW Initial Wt/Vol:30 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:30.0 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL ug/l ug/l ug/l Mercury 7439-97-6 U 0.100 0.200 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 52 of 77 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET MW-4 Lab Sample ID:L1704195-04 SDG:L1704195 Client Sample ID:MW-4 Collected Date/Time:02/07/24 12:20 Lab File ID:20240214215234 Received Date/Time:02/09/24 08:00 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Preparation Date/Time:02/14/24 10:51 Analytical Batch:WG2224598 Analysis Date/Time:02/14/24 21:52 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7470A Analytical Method:7470A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:GW Initial Wt/Vol:30 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:30.0 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL ug/l ug/l ug/l Mercury 7439-97-6 U 0.100 0.200 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 53 of 77 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET MW-5 Lab Sample ID:L1704195-05 SDG:L1704195 Client Sample ID:MW-5 Collected Date/Time:02/07/24 11:30 Lab File ID:20240214213439 Received Date/Time:02/09/24 08:00 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Preparation Date/Time:02/14/24 10:51 Analytical Batch:WG2224598 Analysis Date/Time:02/14/24 21:34 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7470A Analytical Method:7470A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:GW Initial Wt/Vol:30 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:30.0 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL ug/l ug/l ug/l Mercury 7439-97-6 U 0.100 0.200 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 54 of 77 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET EQUIPMENT BLANK Lab Sample ID:L1704195-06 SDG:L1704195 Client Sample ID:EQUIPMENT BLANK Collected Date/Time:02/07/24 14:30 Lab File ID:20240214215508 Received Date/Time:02/09/24 08:00 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Preparation Date/Time:02/14/24 10:51 Analytical Batch:WG2224598 Analysis Date/Time:02/14/24 21:55 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7470A Analytical Method:7470A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:GW Initial Wt/Vol:30 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:30.0 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL ug/l ug/l ug/l Mercury 7439-97-6 U 0.100 0.200 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 55 of 77 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET BDS-1 Lab Sample ID:L1704195-07 SDG:L1704195 Client Sample ID:BDS-1 Collected Date/Time:02/07/24 09:00 Lab File ID:20240214220242 Received Date/Time:02/09/24 08:00 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Preparation Date/Time:02/14/24 10:51 Analytical Batch:WG2224598 Analysis Date/Time:02/14/24 22:02 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7470A Analytical Method:7470A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:GW Initial Wt/Vol:30 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:30.0 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL ug/l ug/l ug/l Mercury 7439-97-6 U 0.100 0.200 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 56 of 77 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4033907-1 Lab Sample ID:R4033907-1 SDG:L1704195 Client Sample ID:BLANK Collected Date/Time:_______________ Lab File ID:20240214212431 Received Date/Time:_______________ Instrument ID:CVAA7 Preparation Date/Time:02/14/24 10:49 Analytical Batch:WG2224598 Analysis Date/Time:02/14/24 21:24 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7470A Analytical Method:7470A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:GW Initial Wt/Vol:30 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:30.0 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL ug/l ug/l ug/l Mercury 7439-97-6 U 0.100 0.200 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 57 of 77 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4033907-2 Lab Sample ID:R4033907-2 SDG:L1704195 Client Sample ID:LCS Collected Date/Time:_______________ Lab File ID:20240214213205 Received Date/Time:_______________ Instrument ID:CVAA7 Preparation Date/Time:02/14/24 10:49 Analytical Batch:WG2224598 Analysis Date/Time:02/14/24 21:32 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7470A Analytical Method:7470A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:GW Initial Wt/Vol:30 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:30.0 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL ug/l ug/l ug/l Mercury 7439-97-6 3.15 0.100 0.200 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 58 of 77 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4033907-3 Lab Sample ID:R4033907-3 SDG:L1704195 Client Sample ID:MS Collected Date/Time:02/07/24 11:30 Lab File ID:20240214213712 Received Date/Time:02/09/24 08:00 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Preparation Date/Time:02/14/24 10:51 Analytical Batch:WG2224598 Analysis Date/Time:02/14/24 21:37 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7470A Analytical Method:7470A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:GW Initial Wt/Vol:30 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:30.0 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL ug/l ug/l ug/l Mercury 7439-97-6 2.81 0.100 0.200 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 59 of 77 1-IN SAMPLE RESULT SUMMARY SAMPLE NO.: INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET R4033907-4 Lab Sample ID:R4033907-4 SDG:L1704195 Client Sample ID:MSD Collected Date/Time:02/07/24 11:30 Lab File ID:20240214213946 Received Date/Time:02/09/24 08:00 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Preparation Date/Time:02/14/24 10:51 Analytical Batch:WG2224598 Analysis Date/Time:02/14/24 21:39 Dilution Factor:1 Prep Method:7470A Analytical Method:7470A Sample Vol Used:_______________ Matrix:GW Initial Wt/Vol:30 mL Total Solids (%):_______________Final Wt/Vol:30.0 mL Analyte CAS Result Qualifier MDL RDL ug/l ug/l ug/l Mercury 7439-97-6 2.84 0.100 0.200 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 60 of 77 2-IN CALIBRATION VERIFICATION SDG:L1704195 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/14/24 17:25 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Calibration (end) date/time:02/14/24 17:38 Analytical Method:7470A Analytical Run:021424CVAA7 WB Concentration Units:mg/L ICV ICVLL CCV Sample ID:CVAA70214241742-2 CVAA70214241752-2 CVAA70214242053-2 Analyte True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD MERCURY 0.0050 0.005143934 103 4.490000 0.0002 0.000215891 3 108 5.750000 0.0050 0.0053113 106 2.690000 ICV Limits:90 - 110 ICVLL Limits:70 - 130 CCV Limits:90 - 110 CCVLL Limits:70 - 130 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 61 of 77 2-IN CALIBRATION VERIFICATION SDG:L1704195 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/14/24 17:25 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Calibration (end) date/time:02/14/24 17:38 Analytical Method:7470A Analytical Run:021424CVAA7 WB Concentration Units:mg/L CCVLL CCV CCV Sample ID:CVAA70214242059 CVAA70214242127 CVAA70214242157 Analyte True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD MERCURY 0.0002 0.000217254 6 109 5.870000 0.0050 0.00538028 6 108 2.170000 0.0050 0.005430291 109 2.000000 ICV Limits:90 - 110 ICVLL Limits:70 - 130 CCV Limits:90 - 110 CCVLL Limits:70 - 130 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 62 of 77 2-IN CALIBRATION VERIFICATION SDG:L1704195 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/14/24 17:25 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Calibration (end) date/time:02/14/24 17:38 Analytical Method:7470A Analytical Run:021424CVAA7 WB Concentration Units:mg/L CCV CCVLL Sample ID:CVAA70214242228 CVAA70214242233 Analyte True Found %R %RSD True Found %R %RSD MERCURY 0.0050 0.005439399 109 1.430000 0.0002 0.00022888 96 114 3.510000 ICV Limits:90 - 110 ICVLL Limits:70 - 130 CCV Limits:90 - 110 CCVLL Limits:70 - 130 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 63 of 77 3-IN BLANKS SDG:L1704195 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/14/24 17:25 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Calibration (end) date/time:02/14/24 17:38 Analytical Method:7470A Analytical Run:021424CVAA7 WB Sample ID:ICB Result ICB Qual CCB Result CCB Qual BLANK Result BLANK Qual CCB Result CCB Qual File ID:20240214174450-2 20240214205630-2 20240214212431 20240214212935 Analyte mg/L mg/L mg/l mg/L MERCURY 0.00001413856 U 0.00002211767 U U 0.00002637778 U ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 64 of 77 3-IN BLANKS SDG:L1704195 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/14/24 17:25 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Calibration (end) date/time:02/14/24 17:38 Analytical Method:7470A Analytical Run:021424CVAA7 WB Sample ID:CCB Result CCB Qual CCB Result CCB Qual File ID:20240214220012 20240214223049 Analyte mg/L mg/L MERCURY 0.00001804138 U 0.00002356145 U ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 65 of 77 5A-IN MATRIX SPIKE /SAMPLE NO.: MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE RECOVERY R4033907-3 L1704195-01,02,03,04,05,06,07 R4033907-4 MS Sample / File ID:R4033907-3 / 20240214213712 SDG:L1704195 MSD Sample / File ID:R4033907-4 / 20240214213946 Analytical Batch:WG2224598 OS Sample / File ID:L1704195-05 / 20240214213439 Matrix:GW Instrument ID:CVAA7 Analytical Method:7470A Analyte Spike Amount OS Result MS Result MSD Result MS Rec.MSD Rec.Dilution Rec. Limits RPD RPD Limits ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l %%%%% Mercury 3.00 U 2.81 2.84 93.6 94.6 1 75.0 - 125 1.08 20 *: Value outside the established quality control limits. D: Surrogate recovery cannot be used for control limit evaluation due to dilution. ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 66 of 77 7-IN LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE SAMPLE NO.: LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE DUPLICATE R4033907-2 RECOVERY _______________ L1704195-01,02,03,04,05,06,07 LCS Sample / File ID:R4033907-2 / 20240214213205 SDG:L1704195 LCSD Sample / File ID:_______________Analytical Batch:WG2224598 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Dilution Factor:1 Analytical Method:7470A Matrix:GW Analyte Spike Amount LCS Result LCSD Result LCS Rec.LCSD Rec.Rec. Limits RPD RPD Limits ug/l ug/l %%%%% Mercury 3.00 3.15 105 80.0 - 120 *: Value outside the established quality control limits. D: Surrogate recovery cannot be used for control limit evaluation due to dilution. ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 67 of 77 9-IN DETECTION LIMIT SUMMARY Lab Sample IDs:L1704195-01,02,03,04,05,06,07 Analytical Method:7470A Matrix:GW Prep Method:7470A Analyte CAS Wavelength Mass MDL RDL mg/l mg/l Mercury 7439-97-6 253.70 0.0001 0.0002 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 68 of 77 10C-IN LINEAR DYNAMIC RANGE SDG:L1704195 Analytical Method:7470A Instrument ID:CVAA7 Date:06/27/19 15:34 Analyte LDR ppm MERCURY 0.01 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 69 of 77 12-IN ANALYSIS LOG SDG:L1704195 Analytical Method:7470A Instrument ID:CVAA7 Calibration Start Date:02/14/24 17:25 Analytical Run:021424CVAA7 WB Calibration End Date:02/14/24 17:38 Client Sample ID Lab Sample ID File ID Analysis Date Time Dilution Batch CALBLK CVAA70214241723 20240214172308 02/14/24 17:23 CAL STD 0.2 20240214172538 02/14/24 17:25 CAL STD 0.4 20240214172808 02/14/24 17:28 CAL STD 1.0 20240214173039 02/14/24 17:30 CAL STD 2.0 20240214173311 02/14/24 17:33 CAL STD 5.0 20240214173544 02/14/24 17:35 CAL STD 10.0 20240214173813 02/14/24 17:38 ICV CVAA70214241742-2 20240214174215-2 02/14/24 17:42 ICB CVAA70214241744-2 20240214174450-2 02/14/24 17:44 ICVLL CVAA70214241752-2 20240214175222-2 02/14/24 17:52 CCV CVAA70214242053-2 20240214205359-2 02/14/24 20:53 CCB CVAA70214242056-2 20240214205630-2 02/14/24 20:56 CCVLL CVAA70214242059 20240214205900 02/14/24 20:59 L1703820-10 L1703820-10 20240214210131 02/14/24 21:01 10 WG2223259 L1703820-11 L1703820-11 20240214210404 02/14/24 21:04 10 WG2223259 L1703820-12 L1703820-12 20240214210638 02/14/24 21:06 10 WG2223259 BLANK R4033894-1 20240214210911 02/14/24 21:09 1 WG2226013 LCS R4033894-2 20240214211144 02/14/24 21:11 1 WG2226013 OS L1704111-01 20240214211418 02/14/24 21:14 L1704111-01 L1704111-01 20240214211418 02/14/24 21:14 1 WG2226013 MS R4033894-3 20240214211651 02/14/24 21:16 1 WG2226013 MSD R4033894-4 20240214211924 02/14/24 21:19 1 WG2226013 BLANK R4033907-1 20240214212431 02/14/24 21:24 1 WG2224598 CCV CVAA70214242127 20240214212704 02/14/24 21:27 CCB CVAA70214242129 20240214212935 02/14/24 21:29 LCS R4033907-2 20240214213205 02/14/24 21:32 1 WG2224598 MW-5 L1704195-05 20240214213439 02/14/24 21:34 1 WG2224598 MS R4033907-3 20240214213712 02/14/24 21:37 1 WG2224598 MSD R4033907-4 20240214213946 02/14/24 21:39 1 WG2224598 L1704182-01 L1704182-01 20240214214219 02/14/24 21:42 10 WG2224598 MW-1 L1704195-01 20240214214453 02/14/24 21:44 1 WG2224598 MW-2 L1704195-02 20240214214727 02/14/24 21:47 1 WG2224598 MW-3 L1704195-03 20240214215000 02/14/24 21:50 1 WG2224598 MW-4 L1704195-04 20240214215234 02/14/24 21:52 1 WG2224598 EQUIPMENT BLANK L1704195-06 20240214215508 02/14/24 21:55 1 WG2224598 CCV CVAA70214242157 20240214215742 02/14/24 21:57 CCB CVAA70214242200 20240214220012 02/14/24 22:00 BDS-1 L1704195-07 20240214220242 02/14/24 22:02 1 WG2224598 CCV CVAA70214242228 20240214222819 02/14/24 22:28 CCB CVAA70214242230 20240214223049 02/14/24 22:30 CCVLL CVAA70214242233 20240214223319 02/14/24 22:33 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 70 of 77 15-IN INITIAL CALIBRATION RECOVERY SDG:L1704195 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/14/24 17:25 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Calibration (end) date/time:02/14/24 17:38 Analytical Method:7470A Analytical Run:021424CVAA7 WB Analyte Std Conc Result Rec.Std Conc Result Rec. mg/L mg/L %mg/L mg/L % MERCURY 0.0002 .0001531232 76.60 0.0004 .0004282103 107 File ID: 20240214172538 20240214172808 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 71 of 77 15-IN INITIAL CALIBRATION RECOVERY SDG:L1704195 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/14/24 17:25 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Calibration (end) date/time:02/14/24 17:38 Analytical Method:7470A Analytical Run:021424CVAA7 WB Analyte Std Conc Result Rec.Std Conc Result Rec. mg/L mg/L %mg/L mg/L % MERCURY 0.0010 .0009797422 98 0.0020 .002073241 104 File ID: 20240214173039 20240214173311 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 72 of 77 15-IN INITIAL CALIBRATION RECOVERY SDG:L1704195 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/14/24 17:25 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Calibration (end) date/time:02/14/24 17:38 Analytical Method:7470A Analytical Run:021424CVAA7 WB Analyte Std Conc Result Rec.Std Conc Result Rec. mg/L mg/L %mg/L mg/L % MERCURY 0.0050 .005041411 101 0.01 .00996648 99.70 File ID: 20240214173544 20240214173813 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 73 of 77 16A-IN INITIAL CALIBRATION SDG:L1704195 Calibration (begin) date/time:02/14/24 17:25 Instrument ID:CVAA7 Calibration (end) date/time:02/14/24 17:38 Analytical Method:7470A Analytical Run:021424CVAA7 WB Analyte Wavelength Cal. Type Weightage Corr.Slope Incpt MERCURY 253.7 0 5 0.999856 12.119 0.000512 Calibration Type 0 = Linear Regression Weightage 5 = None ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 74 of 77 GLOSSARY OF TERMS Guide to Reading and Understanding Your Laboratory Report The information below is designed to better explain the various terms used in your report of analytical results from the Laboratory. This is not intended as a comprehensive explanation, and if you have additional questions please contact your project representative. Results Disclaimer - Information that may be provided by the customer, and contained within this report, include Permit Limits, Project Name, Sample ID, Sample Matrix, Sample Preservation, Field Blanks, Field Spikes, Field Duplicates, On-Site Data, Sampling Collection Dates/Times, and Sampling Location. Results relate to the accuracy of this information provided, and as the samples are received. Abbreviations and Definitions Corr.Correlation Coefficient. Incpt Intercept. Mass Mass of parameter. MDL Method Detection Limit. RDL Reported Detection Limit. Rec.Recovery. RPD Relative Percent Difference. RSD Relative Standard Deviation. SDG Sample Delivery Group. Analyte The name of the particular compound or analysis performed. Some Analyses and Methods will have multiple analytes reported. Dilution If the sample matrix contains an interfering material, the sample preparation volume or weight values differ from the standard, or if concentrations of analytes in the sample are higher than the highest limit of concentration that the laboratory can accurately report, the sample may be diluted for analysis. If a value different than 1 is used in this field, the result reported has already been corrected for this factor. Limits These are the target % recovery ranges or % difference value that the laboratory has historically determined as normal for the method and analyte being reported. Successful QC Sample analysis will target all analytes recovered or duplicated within these ranges. Qualifier This column provides a letter and/or number designation that corresponds to additional information concerning the result reported. If a Qualifier is present, a definition per Qualifier is provided within the Glossary and Definitions page and potentially a discussion of possible implications of the Qualifier in the Case Narrative if applicable. Result The actual analytical final result (corrected for any sample specific characteristics) reported for your sample. If there was no measurable result returned for a specific analyte, the result in this column may state “ND” (Not Detected) or “BDL” (Below Detectable Levels). The information in the results column should always be accompanied by either an MDL (Method Detection Limit) or RDL (Reporting Detection Limit) that defines the lowest value that the laboratory could detect or report for this analyte. Slope Slope of calibration curve. Uncertainty (Radiochemistry)Confidence level of 2 sigma. Wavelength Wavelength of parameter. Case Narrative (Cn) A brief discussion about the included sample results, including a discussion of any non-conformances to protocol observed either at sample receipt by the laboratory from the field or during the analytical process. If present, there will be a section in the Case Narrative to discuss the meaning of any data qualifiers used in the report. Quality Control Summary (Qc) This section of the report includes the results of the laboratory quality control analyses required by procedure or analytical methods to assist in evaluating the validity of the results reported for your samples. These analyses are not being performed on your samples typically, but on laboratory generated material. Sample Chain of Custody (Sc) This is the document created in the field when your samples were initially collected. This is used to verify the time and date of collection, the person collecting the samples, and the analyses that the laboratory is requested to perform. This chain of custody also documents all persons (excluding commercial shippers) that have had control or possession of the samples from the time of collection until delivery to the laboratory for analysis. Sample Results (Sr) This section of your report will provide the results of all testing performed on your samples. These results are provided by sample ID and are separated by the analyses performed on each sample. The header line of each analysis section for each sample will provide the name and method number for the analysis reported. Sample Summary (Ss)This section of the Analytical Report defines the specific analyses performed for each sample ID, including the dates and times of preparation and/or analysis. Qualifier Description J The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Su 6 Gl 7 Al 8 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 75 of 77 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 08:15 75 of 77 Pace Analytical National 12065 Lebanon Rd Mount Juliet, TN 37122 Alabama 40660 Nebraska NE-OS-15-05 Alaska 17-026 Nevada TN000032021-1 Arizona AZ0612 New Hampshire 2975 Arkansas 88-0469 New Jersey–NELAP TN002 California 2932 New Mexico ¹TN00003 Colorado TN00003 New York 11742 Connecticut PH-0197 North Carolina Env375 Florida E87487 North Carolina ¹DW21704 Georgia NELAP North Carolina ³41 Georgia ¹923 North Dakota R-140 Idaho TN00003 Ohio–VAP CL0069 Illinois 200008 Oklahoma 9915 Indiana C-TN-01 Oregon TN200002 Iowa 364 Pennsylvania 68-02979 Kansas E-10277 Rhode Island LAO00356 Kentucky ¹ ⁶KY90010 South Carolina 84004002 Kentucky ²16 South Dakota n/a Louisiana AI30792 Tennessee ¹ ⁴2006 Louisiana LA018 Texas T104704245-20-18 Maine TN00003 Texas ⁵LAB0152 Maryland 324 Utah TN000032021-11 Massachusetts M-TN003 Vermont VT2006 Michigan 9958 Virginia 110033 Minnesota 047-999-395 Washington C847 Mississippi TN00003 West Virginia 233 Missouri 340 Wisconsin 998093910 Montana CERT0086 Wyoming A2LA A2LA – ISO 17025 1461.01 AIHA-LAP,LLC EMLAP 100789 A2LA – ISO 17025 ⁵1461.02 DOD 1461.01 Canada 1461.01 USDA P330-15-00234 EPA–Crypto TN00003 ACCREDITATIONS & LOCATIONS ¹ Drinking Water ² Underground Storage Tanks ³ Aquatic Toxicity ⁴ Chemical/Microbiological ⁵ Mold ⁶ Wastewater n/a Accreditation not applicable * Not all certifications held by the laboratory are applicable to the results reported in the attached report. * Accreditation is only applicable to the test methods specified on each scope of accreditation held by Pace Analytical. 1 Cp 2 Tc 3 Ss 4 Cn 5 Su 6 Gl 7 Al 8 Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 07:48 76 of 77 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: One Atlas 271EM00850 L1704195 02/16/24 08:15 76 of 77