HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2010-036885 - 0901a068801bdbf4DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY us ARMY CHEMICAL MATERIALS AGENCY TOOELE CHEMICAL AGENT DISPOSAL FACILITY 11620 STARK ROAD STOCKTON, UTAH 84071 REPLY TO ATTENTION OF: JUL 1 4 2010 RECEIVED JUL 1 li 2010 DEPARTMENTOF ENVIRONMENTAL QUAUTY Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility PM0518-10 SUBJECT: Transmittal of the Relative Accuracy Test Audit Report (RATA) for the Spare Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS) [AT ^ ^ I ^ 0'^ 0 O 0 SL Mr. Scott Anderson, Director Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste P.O Box 144880 195 North 1950 West Sah Lake City, Utah 84114-4880 JUL \ h 2010 UTAH DIVISION OF SOLID & HAZARDOUS WASTE Dear Mr. Anderson: Please find enclosed the RATA reports for the Spare CEMS annual certifications. These tests were conducted at the TOCDF facility May 14 - May 23, 2010. The results demonstrate that these CEMS performed to the established specifications. If you have any questions regarding this issue, please contact Ms. Sheila R. Vance at (435) 833- 7577 or Mr. Trace Salmon at (435) 833-7428. Sincerely, Elizabeth A. Lowes EG&G Defense Materials, Inc. •CERTIFICATION STATEMENT Thaddeus A. Ryba, Jr. TOCDF Site Project Manager •CERTIFICATION STATEMENT Enclosure • I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF LAW THAT THIS DOCUMENT AND ALL ATTACHMENTS WERE PREPARED UNDER MY DIRECTION OR SUPERVISION IN ACCORDANCE WITH A SVSTEM DESIGNED TO ASSURE THAT QUALIFIED PERSONNEL PROPERLY GATHER AND EVALUATE THE INFORMATION SUBMITTED. BASED ON MY INQUIRY OFTHE PERSON OR PERSONS WHO MANAGE THE SYSTEM, OR THOSE PERSONS DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR GATHERING THE INFORMATION, THE INFORMATION SUBMITTED IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, TRUE, ACCURATE AND COMPLETE. I AM AWARE THAT THERE ARE SIGNIFICANT PENALTIES FOR SUBMITTING FALSE INFORMATION, INCLUDING THE POSSIBILITY OF FINE AND IMPRISONMENT FOR KNOWING VIOLATIONS. SCANNABLE MATERIALS associated with this document have been sent to be processed. TOOELE CHEMICAL AGENT DISPOSAL FACILITY v;::^'-'- (TOCDF) ] Performance Specification Test (PST) Results for the 2"° Round of Spare CO and O2 CEMS HAND DELIVERED EG&G Defense Materials, INC. July 2010 JUL H2010 UTAH DIVISION OF SOLID & HAZARDOUS WASTE DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY us ARMY CHEMICAL MATERIALS AGENCY TOOELE CHEMICAL AGENT DISPOSAL FACILITY 11620 STARK ROAD STOCKTON, UTAH 84071 REPLY TO ATTENTION OF JUL 1 4 2010 RECEIVED JUL 1 h 2010 DEPARIMENTOF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility PM0518-10 SUBJECT Transmittal of the Relative Accuracy Test Audit Report (RATA) for the Spare Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS) (AT 6^ ^ I ^ 00 0 O 0 Si Mr Scott Anderson, Director Utah Department of Environmental Quahty Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste P O Box 144880 195 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4880 JUL 1 h 2010 UTAH DIVISION OF SOLID & HAZARDOUS WASTE Dear Mr Anderson Please find enclosed the RATA reports for the Spare CEMS annual certifications These tests were conducted at the TOCDF facility May 14 - May 23,2010 The results demonstrate that these CEMS performed to the established specifications If you have any questions regarding this issue, please contact Ms Sheila R Vance at (435) 833- 7577 or Mr Trace Salmon at (435) 833-7428 Sincerely, Elizabeth A Lowes EG&G Defense Materials, Inc *CERTIFICATION STATEMENT Thaddeus A Ryba, Jr TOCDF Site Project Manager *CERTIFICATION STATEMENT Enclosure I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF LAW THAT THIS DOCUMENT AND ALL ATTACHMENTS WERE PREPARED UNDER MY DIRECTION OR SUPERVISION IN ACCORDANCE WITH A SYSTEM DESIGNED TO ASSURE THAT QUALIFIED PERSONNEL PROPERLY GATHER AND EVALUATE THE INFORMATION SUBMITTED BASED ON MY INQUIRY OF THE PERSON OR PERSONS WHO MANAGE THE SYSTEM OR THOSE PERSONS DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR GATHERING THE INFORMATION THE INFORMATION SUBMITTED IS TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF TRUE ACCURATE AND COMPLETE I AM AWARE THAT THERE ARE SIGNIFICANT PENALTIES FOR SUBMITTING FALSE INFORMATION INCLUDING THE POSSIBILITY OF FINE AND IMPRISONMENT FOR KNOWING VIOLATIONS HAND DELIVERED JUL 1 2010 Performance Specification Test Resuits for tlie Common Stack Spare CEIVIS SOLIDTH"OUS WASTE Tooele Chiemical Agent Disposal Facility Stoclcton, Utah Prepared for EG&G Defense Materials Inc 11600 Stark Road Stockton, UT 84071 Prepared by URS Corporation 9400 Amberglen Blvd P O Box 201088 Austin, Texas 78720-1088 July 2010 Table of Contents Page 10 Introduction 1-1 2 0 Summary of Results 2-1 21 Calibration Drift 2-2 2 2 Absolute Calibration Audit 2-6 2 3 Response Time 2-8 2 4 Relative Accuracy 2-9 3 0 Quahty Assurance 3-1 APPENDIX A - Calibration Drift Data Sheets APPENDIX B - Absolute Calibration Audit and Response Time Data Sheets APPENDIX C - RelaUve Accuracy Spreadsheet and Reference Method Data APPENDIX D - Reference Method Calibration Results APPENDIX E - Spare CEMS Relative Accuracy Data APPENDIX F - Spare RATA Heat Input Data APPENDIX G - TOCDF EPA Protocol 1 Gas Certifications APPENDIX H - Reference Method EPA Protocol 1 Gas Certifications APPENDIX I - Reference Method CEMs Interference Test 2010 Spare CEMS PST 11 TOCDF 40942240 06 List of Tables Page 1-1 General Facility and Testing Information 1-2 1- 2 CEMS Identification 1-2 2- 1 Annual PST Requirements and Acceptance Cntena 2-1 2-2 24-AIT-1000/API-162 CO CEMS Calibration Drift Test Results 2-3 2-3 24-AIT-1001/65780 O2 CEMS Calibration Dnft Test Results 2-4 2-4 24-AIT- 1002/API-158 CO CEMS Calibration Dnft Test Results 2-5 2-5 24-AIT-1003/65783 O2 CEMS Calibration Dnft Test Results 2-6 2-6 Absolute Calibration Audit Gas Concentrations 2-7 2-7 Absolute Calibration Audit Test Results 2-7 2-8 Response Time Test Results 2-8 2-9 Common Stack RM Sampling Location Stratification Check Results 2-12 2-10 24-AIT-1 GOO/API-162 CO CEMS Relative Accuracy Test Results 2-12 2-11 24-Arr-1001/65780 O2CEMS RelaUve Accuracy Test Results 2-13 2-12 24-AIT-1002/API-15 8 CO CEMS RelaUve Accuracy Test Results 2-14 2-13 24-AIT-1003/65783O2 CEMS RelaUve Accuracy Test Results 2-15 2010 Spare CEMS PST HI TOCDF 40942240 06 1 0 Introduction The Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility (TOCDF) operates the multiple incinerators which exhaust to atmosphere through a common stack Each incinerator is equipped with redundant carbon monoxide (CO) and oxygen (O2) continuous ermssions monitoring systems (CEMS) Backup (Spare) CEMs are housed and maintained m the common stack CEMs shelter In accordance with the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) permit and the Utah Air RegulaUon R307-170 under which the TOCDF facility operates, each Spare CEMS must undergo annual Performance Specification Testing (PST) This report presents the PST results for the Spare CO and O2 CEMS The general information regarding the tesUng at this facility is summarized in Table 1-1 The PST acceptance cntena are shown in Table 2-1 The PST of the Spare CO and O2 CEMS was completed in May of 2010 The CEMS were audited according to the procedures detailed in 40 CFR 60, Appendix B, Performance Specification 4B, "Specifications and Test Procedures for Carbon Monoxide and Oxygen Continuous Monitoring Systems in Stationary Sources" (PS 4B), 40 CFR 266, Appendix IX, Section 2, "Performance Specifications for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems" 40 CFR 63 Subpart EEE, "National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants from Hazardous Waste Combustors" and EG&G QA/QC document EG 037, "Continuous Emission Monitoring System Certification Test Protocol" The CEMS met all the PST criteria outiined in the above- cited refeiences Section 2 presents a detailed summary of these test results Supporting documentation is located m the appendices The analyzer identification numbers and serial numbers for the monitors are presented below in Table 1-2 The CO analyzers are Teledyne Advanced Pollution Instrumentation (API) Model 300 EM gas correlauon CO analyzers The CO analyzers are designed using a single sample cell equipped with an individual detector system for each of two measurement ranges (0- 200 ppmv and 0-5,000 ppmv) Except for the relaUve accuracy testing, each range of each CO analyzer was treated as a separate monitor for the purposes of this testing The O2 analyzers are Seivomex PM 1158 analyzers The data for the CEMS is recorded by the TOCDF Process Data Acquisition and Recording System (PDARS) Data printouts from these monitors documenting the CEMS performance are presented in Appendix E of this report 2010 S pare CEMS PST 1 -1 TOCDF 40942240 06 Table 1-1 Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility Spare CEMS Performance Specification Testing General Facility and Testing Information Facility Name Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility Contact Person Karl Scott Telephone Number 435-833-7861 Facility Address EG&G Defense Materials, Inc 11600 Stark Road Stockton, UT 84071 Facility Manager Gary McCIoskey Types of Process Sampled Spare Exhaust Gas Person Responsible for ConducUng Test Michael Fuchs Telephone Number 512-454-4797 Company Name URS CorporaUon Address 9400 Amberglen Boulevard AusUn, Texas 78729 Person(s) ConducUng Tests Adam Blank Crawford D Currin William Mullins Test Methods Performed EPA Method 3 A and EPA Method 10 Test Methods Performed CEMS CahbraUon Dnft (performed by EG&G) Test Methods Performed CEMS Absolute Calibration Audit (performed by EG&G) Test Methods Performed CEMS Response Time (performed by EG&G) Date(s) of TesUng May 14 through May 23, 2010 Table 1-2 Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility Spare CEMS Performance Specification Testing CEMS Identification Location Analyzer Type CEMS Range Analyzer Identiflcation No Senal No Spare Carbon Monoxide 0-200 ppmv Span 24-AIT-1002 API-158 Spare Carbon Monoxide 0-5,000 ppmv Span 24-AIT-1002 APM58 Spare Carbon Monoxide 0-200 ppmv Span 24-AIT-1000 API-162 Spare Carbon Monoxide 0-5,000 ppmv Span 24-MT-IOOO API-162 Spare Oxygen 0-25% Span 24-AIT-1003 65783 Spare Oxygen 0-25% Span 24-AIT-lOOl 65780 2010 Spare CEMS PST 1-2 TOCDF 40942240 06 2 0 Summary of Results Detailed PST results are presented in this section Section 2 1 provides a summary of the calibration drift (CD) tests A summary of the absolute calibration audit (ACA) tests are presented in SecUon 2 2 Results from the response Ume (RT) tests are provided in Section 2 3, and Section 2 4 details the results from the relative accuracy (RA) tests The ACA, RT, and RA testing is required to occur during the seven-day CD testing period All test results were within the acceptance cntena as stated in 40 CFR 60, Appendix B, Performance Specification 4B, "Specifications and Test Procedures for Carbon Monoxide and Oxygen Continuous Monitoring Systems in Stationary Sources" and EG&;G QA/QC document EG 037, "Continuous Emission Monitoring System Certification Test Protocol " These criteria are shown below in Table 2-1 Table 2-1 Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility Spare CEMS Performance Specification Testing Annual PST Requirements and Acceptance Criteria CO Monitors O2 Monitors Parameters Low Range (0-200 ppmv) High Range (0-5,000 ppmv) Range (0-25%) Calibration Drift (7 out of 7 days) < 3% full scale (6 ppmv) < 3% full scale (150 ppmv) <0 5% Absolute Calibration Audit < 5% full scale (10 ppmv) < 5% full scale (250 ppmv) <0 5% Response Time < 2 minutes < 2 minutes < 2 minutes Relative Accuracy (RA) The greater of 10% of the Reference Method (RM) or 5 ppmv CO corrected to 7%02 I 0% O2 2010 Spare CEMS PST 2-1 TOCDF 40942240 06 2 1 Calibration Drift Tables 2-2 through 2-5 present the results of the CD tests performed by EG&G personnel from May 14 through May 23, 2010 No analyzer adjustments were made between 24-hour calibration readings The calibration dnft values are reported in these tables as both the absolute values and the relative percentages of span of the mean differences between the CEMS response and the reference gas value All tests produced acceptable results Copies of all CEMS daily calibration responses are presented in Appendix A 2010 Spare CEMS PST 2-2 TOCDF 40942240 06 Table 2-2 Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility Spare CEMS Performance Specification Testing 24-AIT-1002/API-158 CO CEMS Calibration Drift Test Results 24-AIT-1002/API-158 Date Cal Gas (ppmv) CEMS Response (ppmv) Drift (ppmv) Drift (% Span) Zero 5/14/2010 0 0 0 0 00 5/15/2010 0 0 0 0 00 5/16/2010 0 0 0 0 00 5/17/2010 0 0 0 0 00 5/18/2010 0 03 03 015 5/19/2010 0 0 0 0 00 5/20/2010 0 0 0 0 00 5/21/2010 0 03 03 0 15 Span Low Range (0-200 ppmv) 5/14/2010 155 155 0 0 00 5/15/2010 155 155 0 0 00 5/16/2010 155 155 0 0 00 5/17/2010 155 155 0 0 00 5/18/2010 155 155 0 0 00 5/19/2010 155 155 0 0 00 5/20/2010 155 156 1 0 50 5/21/2010 155 156 1 0 50 Span High Range (0-5000 ppmv) 5/14/2010 3750 3750 0 0 00 5/15/2010 3760 3760 0 0 00 5/16/2010 3760 3753 7 0 14 5/17/2010 3760 3755 5 0 10 5/18/2010 3760 3762 2 0 04 5/19/2010 3760 3771 11 0 22 5/20/2010 3760 3750 10 0 20 5/21/2010 3760 3763 3 0 06 2010 Spaie CEMS PST 2-3 TOCDF 40942240 06 Table 2-3. Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility Spare CEMS Performance Specification Testing 24-AIT-1003/65783 O2 CEMS Calibration Drift Test Results 24-AIT-1003/65783 Date Oxygen Range 0-25% Date Cal Gas (%) CEMS Response (%) Drift (%) Zero 5/14/2010 0 0 0 00 5/15/2010 0 0 0 00 5/16/2010 0 0 0 00 5/17/2010 0 0 0 00 5/18/2010 0 0 0 00 5/19/2010 0 0 0 00 5/20/2010 0 0 0 00 5/21/2010 0 0 0 00 Span 5/14/2010 20 9 20 9 0 5/15/2010 20 9 20 9 0 5/16/2010 20 9 20 9 0 5/17/2010 20 9 20 9 0 5/18/2010 20 9 20 9 0 5/19/2010 20 9 20 9 0 5/20/2010 20 9 20 9 0 5/21/2010 20 9 20 9 0 2010 Spare CEMS PST 2-4 TOCDF 40942240 06 Table 2-4 Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility Spare CEMS Performance Specification Testing 24-AIT-1000/API-162 CO CEMS Calibration Drift Test Results 24-AIT.1000/APM62 Date Cal Gas (ppmv) CEMS Response (ppmv) Drift (ppmv) Dnft (% Span) Zero 5/16/2010 0 0 0 0 00 5/17/2010 0 0 0 0 00 5/18/2010 0 0 0 000 5/19/2010 0 0 0 0 00 5/20/2010 0 0 0 0 00 5/21/2010 0 03 03 0 15 5/22/2010 0 0 0 0 00 5/23/2010 0 0 0 0 00 Span Low Range (0-200 ppmv) 5/16/2010 155 155 0 0 00 5/17/2010 155 155 0 0 00 5/18/2010 155 155 0 0 00 5/19/2010 155 154 1 0 50 5/20/2010 155 154 1 0 50 5/21/2010 155 153 2 1 00 5/22/2010 155 155 0 0 00 5/23/2010 155 155 0 0 00 Span High Range (0-5000 ppmv) 5/16/2010 3760 3760 0 0 00 5/17/2010 3760 3764 4 0 08 5/18/2010 3760 3768 8 0 16 5/19/2010 3760 3766 6 0 12 5/20/2010 3760 3765 5 0 10 5/21/2010 3760 3767 7 0 14 5/22/2010 3760 3761 1 0 02 5/23/2010 3760 3765 5 0 10 2010 Spare CEMS PST 2-5 TOCDF 40942240 06 Table 2-5 Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility Spare CEMS Performance Specification Testing 24-AIT-1001/65780 O2 CEMS Calibration Drift Test Results 24-AIT-1001/65780 Date Oxygen Range 0-25% Date Cal Gas (%) CEMS Response (%) Drift (%) Zero 5/14/2010 0 0 0 00 5/15/2010 0 0 0 00 5/16/2010 0 0 1 0 10 5/17/2010 0 0 0 00 5/18/2010 0 0 0 00 5/19/2010 0 0 0 00 5/20/2010 0 0 0 00 5/21/2010 0 0 0 00 Span 5/14/2010 20 9 20 9 0 5/15/2010 20 9 20 9 0 5/16/2010 20 9 20 9 0 5/17/2010 20 9 20 9 0 5/18/2010 20 9 20 9 0 5/19/2010 20 9 20 9 0 5/20/2010 20 9 20 9 0 5/21/2010 20 9 20 9 0 2 2 Absolute Calibration Audit Absolute calibration audit (ACA) tests for the Spare CEMS were performed by EG&G personnel on May 18, 2010 The ACA tests were performed by challenging the CEMS with thiee concentrations of EPA Protocol 1 audit gases Table 2-6 presents the specified ranges for each of the audit gases Table 2-7 presents the results from the ACA testing The values reported in this table are the average absolute values of the mean differences between the CEMS response and the reference gas value ACA data sheets and audit gas Protocol 1 certification sheets are presented m Appendix B and Appendix G, respecUvely 2010 Spare CEMS PST 2-6 TOCDF 40942240 06 Table 2-6 Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility Spare CEMS Performance Specification Testing Absolute Calibration Audit Gas Concentrations Monitors CO Low CO High O2 Audit Gas Range One 0-40 ppmv 0-600 ppmv 0-2% Audit Gas Range Two 60-80 ppmv 1,500-2,000 ppmv 8-10% Audit Gas Range Three 140-160 ppmv 3,500-4,000 ppmv 14-16% Table 2-7 Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility Spare CEMS Performance Specification Testing Absolute Calibration Audit Test Results Spare CEMS Serial No Date Time Absolute Cahbration Audit Test" Acceptance Criterion'' Spare CEMS Serial No Date Time Zero Audit Gas Mid Audit Gas High Audit Gas Acceptance Criterion'' Carbon Monoxide Analyzers Low range 24-AIT-1002 API-158 5/18/2010 9 08 0 33 0 70 0 60 < 10 ppmv High range 24-AIT-1002 API-158 5/18/2010 9 46 0 70 38 87 2 90 < 250 ppmv Low Range 24-AIT-1000 API-162 5/18/2010 12 05 0 10 1 63 1 50 < 10 ppmv High Range 24-AIT-1000 API-162 5/18/2010 11 44 0 83 30 67 5 77 < 250 ppmv Oxygen Analyzers 24-AIT-1003 65783 5/18/2010 10 20 0 00 0 06 0 00 <0 5% 24-AIT-1001 65780 5/18/2010 11 21 0 00 0 08 0 03 <0 5% The absolute calibration audit test values are reported as the average absolute mean difference between the CEMS response and the reference gas value Hhe acceptance criteria for carbon monoxide analyzers is less than or equal to 5% of span The span of the analyzers low lange IS 200 ppmv and the span of their high range is 5 000 ppmv 2010 Spate CEMS PST 2-7 TOCDF 40942240 06 2 3 Response Time The response times (RT) for the Spare CO and O2 CEMS were determined by EG&G personnel on May 18, 2010 RT test results are presented in Table 2-8 All measured response times for the Spare CO and O2 CEMS were below the 2-minute acceptance cnterion Response time data sheets and hardcopies of the CEMS responses can be found in Appendix B Table 2-8 Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility Spare CEMS Performance Specification Testing Response Time Test Results Spare CEMS Serial No Date Start/Stop Mean Response Times System Response Time" (min sec) Spare CEMS Serial No Date Start/Stop Upscale Zero to Duct (mm sec) Downscaie High to Duct (mm sec) System Response Time" (min sec) Carbon Monoxide Analyzers Low range 24-AIT-1002 API-158 5/18/2010 10 40-10 46 1 07 1 08 1 08 High range 24-AIT-1002 API-158 5/18/2010 10 48-1056 1 16 1 21 1 21 Low Range 24-AIT-1000 API-162 5/18/2010 12 58-13 05 0 56 1 00 1 00 High Range 24-AIT-1000 API 162 5/18/2010 13 06-13 14 1 10 1 21 1 21 Oxygen Analyzers 24-AIT-1003 65783 5/18/2010 10 29-10 35 1 04 1 01 1 04 24-AIT-lOOl 65780 5/18/2010 12 50-12 57 0 57 0 54 0 57 'The acceptance cntena for ail analyzers is less than or equal to 2 minutes 2010 Spare CEMS PST 2-8 TOCDF 40942240 06 2 4 Relative Accuracy Relative accuracy (RA) testing was performed by URS personnel on May 19 and 20, 2010 RA tesUng compares the plant CEMS measurement of CO (corrected to 7% oxygen) and O2 to the Reference Method (RM) measured using EPA Method 10 for CO and EPA Method 3A for O2 For each run, sample gas was collected over 21-nunute test penods Three traverse points across the common stack exhaust duct were selected according to the procedure outlined in 40 CFR 60, Appendix B, Performance Specification 2, Section 8 13 2, and sample gas was extracted at each point for seven minutes during the test period A data sheet showing the sample points is included in Appendix C In addition, a stratification check was conducted at these sample points m accordance with EPA Method 7E Data from the stratification check are presented in Table 2-9 Oxygen was used as the flue gas constituent for the determination of stratification due to its presence m the duct at a consistently detectable level The flue gas at the common stack sampling location was demonstrated to be unstratified Data documenting the stratification check are included in Appendix C URS Corporation used a TECO Model 48C CO analyzer to measure the CO concentiation according to EPA Method 10 This analyzer is a gas filter correlation (GFC) analyzer The analyzer measures CO by comparing infrared absorption of a reference concentration to the absorption of the sample The TECO Model 48C CO measurements are not affected by carbon dioxide For this reason, the CO2 interference trap was not incorporated into the extraction system The exclusion of the CO2 interference trap eliminates the need to correct sample concentration, improving the accuracy of the analyses Oxygen was measured using a Servomex Series 1400 O2 analyzer This analyzer measures O2 on the basis of its paramagnetic properties These analyzers have been interference tested m accordance with the procedures of EPA Method 7E The interference response data is presented m Appendix I The analyzer's electronic output signals were converted to a digital format and stored by URS Corporation's computerized data acquisition system The system translated this digital signal into the proper units of measurement (ppmv CO, % O2) and stored them on a hard disk The system stored the data as ten-second averages The analyzers were calibrated prior to initiating testing using appropnately certified standaids as specified by EPA Methods 10 and 3A A system response time test was performed and documented The total system, which included the probe, sample line, sample pump, and condenser, was incorporated into the system response Copies of the system response time data 2010 Spare CEMS PST 2^ TOCDF 40942240 06 are included in Appendix D In addition, system audit tests, as defined in EG&G QA/QC document EG 033, "CEMS Certification Quality Assurance Program," were performed throughout the RATA These various checks ensured that the system remained within the tolerance level defined by the above EPA methods Documentation of the system audits are included m Appendix C A sampling system calibration bias correction was applied to all RM O2 and CO data measured during each test run by using equation EPA Method 7E-5 C =(C -C )jc- ^™ gas ^ avg ^o' (c„-c„) Where Cgas = effluent gas concentration, dry basis, ppmv Cavg = average gas concentration indicated by analyzer, dry basis, ppmv Cm = average of initial and final system calibration bias check responses for the upscale calibration gas, ppmv Cma = actual concentration of the upscale calibration gas, ppmv Co = average of initial and final system calibration bias check responses for the zero calibration gas, ppmv The arithmetic differences between the URS reference method (RM) results for the analyte gas concentrations and the plant CEMS results for the analyte gas concentrations are presented m Tables 2-10 through 2-11 Carbon monoxide results for both the RM and the Spare CEMS were corrected to 7% oxygen before calculating arithmetic differences The absolute average difference, standard deviation (Sd) and confidence coefficient (CC) of the arithmetic differences were calculated using the equations described in 40 CFR 60, Appendix B, Performance Specification 2, Section 12 At least nine runs must be used to determine average diffeience and standard deviation Twelve runs were performed during the May 19 and May 20, 2010 RA tesUng 2010 Spai e CEMS PST 2-10 TOCDF 40942240 06 The confidence coefficient (CC) was calculated according to the following equation CC = t0 975X Sd Where to 975 = 97 5% Student-1 variable (2 306 for nine runs), and n = number of tests used (must be > 9) Relative accuracy for the Spare CO CEMS was calculated in ppmv CO according to 40 CFR 60, Appendix B, Performance Specification 4A, Section 13 2, by adding together the absolute value of the average difference between the RM and Spare CEMS and the confidence coefficient applicable to nine test runs The results for the absolute average difference, standard deviation, and the confidence coefficient were not rounded before the calculation of relative accuracy Relative accuracy for the Spare O2 CEMS was calculated in % O2 according to 40 CFR 60, Appendix B, Performance Specification 3, Section 12 0, and was equivalent to the absolute average difference between the RM and Spare CEMS for twelve test runs Hardcopies from the RM data acquisition system along with hardcopies of the relative accuracy calculation spreadsheet can be found in Appendix C Hardcopies of the TOCDF CEMS data are presented in Appendix E 2010 Spare CEMS PST 2-11 TOCDF 40942240 06 Table 2-9 Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility Common Stack RM Sampling Location Stratification Check Results Traverse Points Marking Location (inches from wall) Sampbng Duration (minutes) O2 Concentration (%) Absolute % Difference from Mean 10 3 10 65 143 30 3 10 94 1 20 3 50 3 10 83 0 23 1 Mean Concentration of AH Traverse Points 10 81 1 Table 2-10 Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility Spare CEMS Performance Specification Testing 24-AIT-1000/API-162 CO CEMS Relative Accuracy Test Results Run Number Date Run Time Reference Method (RM) CEMS (ppmv CO, corrected to 7% O2) TOCDF CEMS 24-AIT-lOOO/ API-162 (ppmv CO, corrected to 7% O2) Arithmetic Difference (ppmv CO) 1 5/19/2010 1442-1503 0 77 1 -0 23 2 5/19/2010 1511-1532 0 92 1 -0 08 3 5/19/2010 1540-1601 0 74 1 -0 26 4 5/19/2010 1614-1635 0 81 1 -0 19 5 5/19/2010 1642-1703 0 70 1 -0 30 6 5/19/2010 1711-1732 0 62 1 -0 38 7 5/20/2010 756-817 0 54 1 0 46 8 5/20/2010 825-846 0 48 0 0 48 9 5/20/2010 855-916 0 48 0 0 48 10 5/20/2010 924-945 0 58 0 0 58 11 5/20/2010 955-1016 0 57 0 0 57 12 5/20/2010 1023-1044 0 69 0 0 69 Runs 1-12 Absolute Average Difference 0 07 Runs 1-12 Standard Deviation 0 44 Runs 1-12 C onfidence Coefficient (CC) 0 28 Runs 1-12 Relative Accuracy (ppmv CO) 0 35 2010 Spare CEMS PST 2-12 TOCDF 40942240 06 Table 2-11 Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility Spare CEMS Performance Specification Testing 24-AIT-1001/65780 O2CEMS Relative Accuracy Test Results Run Number Date Run Time Reference Method (RM) CEMS (% O2) TOCDF CEMS 24-AIT-lOOl/ 65780 (% O2) Arithmetic Difference (% O2) 1 5/19/2010 1442-1503 10 64 107 ^006 2 5/19/2010 1511-1532 10 26 104 -0 14 3 5/I9/20I0 1540-1601 10 53 10 6 -0 07 4 5/19/2010 1614-1635 10 44 106 -0 16 5 5/19/2010 1642-1703 10 43 10 6 -0 17 6 5/19/2010 1711-1732 10 58 10 7 -0 12 7 5/20/2010 756-817 10 69 10 8 -0 11 8 5/20/2010 825-846 10 68 10 8 -0 12 9 5/20/2010 855-916 10 62 10 7 -0 08 10 5/20/2010 924-945 10 54 10 7 -0 16 11 5/20/2010 955-1016 10 47 10 6 -0 13 12 5/20/2010 1023-1044 10 14 102 -0 06 Runs 1-12 Absolute Average Difference 0 12 Runs 1-12 Standard Deviation 0 04 Runs 1-12 Relative Accuracy (% O2) 0 12 2010 Spare CEMS PST 2-13 TOCDF 40942240 06 Table 2-12 Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility Spare CEMS Performance Specification Testing 24-A1T-1002/API-158 CO CEMS Relative Accuracy Test Results Run Number Date Run Time Reference Method (RM) CEMS (ppmv CO, corrected to 7% O2) 077 TOCDF CEMS 24-AIT-1002/ API-158 (ppmv CO, corrected to 7% O2) Arithmetic Difference (ppmv CO) 1 5/19/2010 1442-1503 1 Reference Method (RM) CEMS (ppmv CO, corrected to 7% O2) 077 1 -0 23 2 5/19/2010 1511-1532 0 92 1 -0 08 3 5/19/2010 1540-1601 0 74 1 -0 26 4 5/19/2010 1614-1635 081 1 -0 19 5 5/19/2010 1642-1703 0 70 1 -0 30 6 5/19/2010 1711-1732 0 62 1 -0 38 7 5/20/2010 756-817 0 54 0 0 54 8 5/20/2010 825-846 0 48 0 0 48 9 5/20/2010 855-916 0 48 0 0 48 10 5/20/2010 924-945 0 58 0 0 58 11 5/20/2010 955-1016 0 57 0 057 12 5/20/2010 1023-1044 0 69 0 0 69 Runs 1-12 Absolute Average Difference 0 16 Runs 1-12 Standard Deviation 0 43 Runs 1-12 Confidence Coefficient (CC) 0 27 Runs 1-12 Relative Accuracy (ppmv CO) 0 43 2010 Spare CEMS PST 2-14 TOCDF 40942240 06 Table 2-13 Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility Spare CEMS Performance Specification Testing 24-A1T-1003/65783 O2CEMS Relative Accuracy Test Results Run Number Date Run Time Reference Method (RM) CEMS (% O2) TOCDF CEMS 24-AIT-1003/ 65783 (% O2) Arithmetic Difference (% O2) 1 5/19/2010 1442-1503 10 64 10 5 014 2 5/19/2010 1511-1532 10 26 102 0 06 3 5/19/2010 1540-1601 10 53 10 5 0 03 4 5/19/2010 1614-1635 10 44 104 0 04 5 5/19/2010 1642-1703 10 43 104 0 03 6 5/19/2010 1711-1732 10 58 10 6 -0 02 7 5/20/2010 756-817 10 69 10 6 0 09 8 5/20/2010 825-846 10 68 10 6 0 08 9 5/20/2010 855-916 10 62 10 6 0 02 10 5/20/2010 924-945 10 54 10 5 0 04 11 5/20/2010 955-1016 10 47 10 4 0 07 12 5/20/2010 1023-1044 10 14 10 1 0 04 Runs 1-12 Absolute Average Difference 0 05 Runs 1-12 Standard Deviation 0 04 Runs 1-12 Relative Accuracy (% O2) 0 05 2010 Spare CEMS PST 2-15 TOCDF 40942240 06 3.0 Quality Assurance To ensure accurate and defensible results, strict quality assurance and conUrol measures were followed All testing was performed following standard EPA protocol as outlined m 40 CFR, Part 60, Appendix A All PST testing was performed while the plant was operating under normal conditions For the Spare CEMs testing, the total fuel flow to the incinerators must be, at the minimum, 50% of capacity Fuel flow for each of the operating incinerators was determined, and acceptable levels were maintained throughout the testing Hardcopies of incinerator fuel and liquid waste feed flow data are included in Appendix F All test cntena were thoroughly documented and checked for completeness EPA Protocol 1 gas certification documentation for cylindeis used during the RA testing is included in Appendix H The CO and O2 monitors used by URS Corporation were operated and calibrated in accoi dance with the EPA Methods 10 and 3A except that the CO2 interference trap was not used The gas filter correlation monitor used for CO determination uses the characteristic absorption of infraied light by CO to measure its relative concentration This is a highly specific method for determining CO and is virtually free of interference from compounds such as water or carbon dioxide System bias checks were performed before and after each test run to ensure that the measuring systems remained within their performance specifications All method performance specifications were met Calibration results are documented in Appendix D 2010 Spare CEMS PST 3-1 TOCDF 40942240 06 APPENDIX A Calibration Drift Data Sheets CEMS CALIBRATION DRIFT TEST RECORD Source Common Stack Spare Date 5/14/10 Monitor 02 Location Common Stack/ Rack 120 Serial Numt>er 65780 Span o ' Day Date Time Cylinder Number Calibration Value Monitor Response Difference % of Span 0 Nx. O o 1 0 0 a 1 2 i> . f > 1 ^ 5" /o o o \ Ze r o / L o 4 SlB'io /VI 0 o Ze r o / L o 5 0 0 6 ei O 0 7 £> & 0 0 1 2 a > a 3 •a i 4 5 6 7 0 5M lo TA o ) 1 0-103 XA ^o Zo *\ o ; 2 0 Le v e l 3 5 n {J 0 D> X 4 0 5 10 0 6 b 7 •—. 0 Operator Signature, Pg / FM PRPMO001 79 R3C0 THIS IS A RECORD CEMS CALIBRATION DRIFT TEST RECORD 1 Source Common Stack Date -mAlAQ "3 IL. 10 1 Monitor CO Location ICS-RACK-120 i \ 1 Serial Numtier APM62 Span 0 200] ppm, 0-5000ppm Date Time Cylinder Number Calibration Value Monitor Response Difference % of Span 0 5 it-io O 0 9 1 5 n lo O O G 9 5 1% 10 O O C a Ze r o / L o w L e v 3 5 h fo 0 O Q Ze r o / L o w L e v 1 ^ o 0 Ze r o / L o w L e v 5 ditto e> .•3 Ze r o / L o w L e v 8 6 iZ- fo 0 0 0 0 Ze r o / L o w L e v 7 , /^^^ 0 o 0 0 5 lU 10 SAl(>f>44 CSS /ST 0 Mid L e v e l 1 0 0 Mid L e v e l 2 0 0 Mid L e v e l 3 l^T 1 , r Mid L e v e l 4 5 to (6 t 5 Mid L e v e l 5 Mid L e v e l 6 ICS- Mid L e v e l 7 iS^ IS^~ 0 tt $15474-0 0 1 S n td *> H * 2 8 Hi g l i L e v e l 3 Tin ]o Hi g l i L e v e l 4 5 ^7(,7 7 M 6 Slip I \ 7 < r 13'lo lo ^ft to Operator Signature, Pg_L FM PRPMO001-79 R3C0 THIS IS A RECORD CEMS CALIBRATIO 14.MA M M MARY REPORT 0 OXYGEN 24-AIT-lOOl PAS STACK 102 Rack 120 Tills report or the data herein MUST be screened by the Monitoring Branch before being released from TOCDF control 65780 Ume SetUne ResDOnse Target Diff 13^909 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 13^925 Zero Set 0 0 0 1331-07 SoanDitft 208 209 1 13^125 SaanSet 209 209 0 CAIiBON MONOXIDE 24-AlT-lOOO API-162 Time Settme ResDonse Tariet DiB 1133.03 Zero Drift 0 0 0 133J17 Zero Set 0 0 Q 13 33 45 Zero Dnft 0 0 / 0 13 33 S9 Zero Set 0 0 / 0 13 4023 Soon Rl Dnft 145 155 / 10 134033 SnanRISet 146 155 / ^ 134645 Si>anR20nft 3475 3760 / 285 134703 SDanR2Set 3475 3760 285 Comment Purpose View CEMS daily calibration dnft data by rack number - 02 is in % and CO and NOx Is in PPM Difference (DIfQ Is the Response minus the Target on Stack Fuel Flow 02 Cal Drift Day 0 ^^^^^^^ 14-May-1013 28 00 414 431802 14-May-10 13 28 30 415 432845 14-May-10 13 29 00 414 431802 14-May-10 13 29 30 417 434931 14-May-10 13 30 00 417 434931 14-May-1013 30 30 416 433888 14-May-1013 31 00 418 435974 14-May-1013 31 30 422 440146 14-May-1013 32 00 424 442232 14-May-1013 32 30 438 456834 liiiiiii liii mmm IpiSii 2 1005 16 8 142658 574460 2 1004 16 8 142517 575362 3 1000 16 7 142092 573894 2 1007 16 8 142942 577873 3 1005 16 8 142800 577731 2 1003 16 8 142375 576263 1 999 16 7 141667 577641 3 1000 16 7 142092 582238 2 999 16 7 141808 584040 3 1002 16 8 142375 599209 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/14/2010 TGDDF CEMS CALIBRATIO 15-MA MMARY REPORT PAS STACK 102 Rack 120 This report or the data herein MUST be screened by the Monitoring Branch before being released from TOCDF control" OXYGEN 24-AIT 1001 65780 Time SetltiiE ResDonse Tarset Diff 07*333 Zero Drift 0 0 0 07-04 51 Span Dnft 208 209 1 CARBON MONOXIDE 24 AIT 1000 API 162 Tune SeUlns ResDonse Tanet Diff 0705 31 Zero Drift 0 0 0 0705 39 Zero Drift 0 0 A 0706 57 SoanRl Drift 146 155 /\ 070833 SoanR2Dnft 3500 3760 / 260 Comment Purpose View CEMS daily calibration drift data by rack number 02l5ln% and CO and NOx is in PPM Difference (Diff) Is the Response minus the Target ^^Inon Stack Fuel Flow 02 Cal Drift Day 1 Minimum Rea'd 297255 BTU 15-May-10 07 02 00 582 607026 15-May-10 07 02 30 581 605983 15-May-10 07 03 00 577 601811 15-May-10 07 03 30 579 603897 15-May-10 07 04 00 575 599725 15-May-10 07 04 30 572 596596 15-May-10 07 05 00 573 597639 15-May-10 07 05 30 574 598682 2 1 0 1 425 607451 3 0 01 425 606408 2 1 01 425 602236 3 1 01 567 604464 1 1 00 283 600008 2 1 01 425 597021 2 1 01 425 598064 1 0 00 142 598824 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/15/10 OEMS CALIBRATIO le-MA* NAI iM MARY REPORT OXYGEN Z4-AIT-1001 PAS STACK 102 Rack 120 This report or the data herein MUST be screened by the Monitoring Branch before being released from TOCDF control' 65780 Time Settlns ResDonse Taraet Diff 07^5:38 Zero Drift 0 0 0 0758.42 SnanDnft 209 209 0 CARBON MONOXIDE 24-AIT-lOOO API-162 Time Settme ResDonse Tarnet Diff 07 5556 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 08:0054 SnanRl Drift 146 155 9 08:03 34 SoanR2Di1ft 3475 3760 285 12.4247 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 12.4301 Zero Set 0 0 0 12.4343 Zero Dnft 0 0 12.4359 Zero Set 0 0 0 1Z4731 SoanRlDnft 156 155 1 12.4927 SoanRl Drift 155 155 0 12.54J1 SDanR2 Drift 3750 3760 10 12:55 47 Span R2 Set 3775 3760 15 Comment Purpose View CEMS daily calibration drift data by rack number 02 is in % and CO and NOx is in PPM Difference (Dffl) Is the Response minus the Target non Stack Fuel Flow 02 Cal Drift Day 2 ,T(5@i ^^^^^^ 16-May-10 07 54 00 570 594510 16-May-10 07 54 30 571 595553 16-May-10 07 55 00 570 594510 16-May-10 07 55 30 568 592424 16-May-10 07 56 00 566 590338 16-May-10 07 56 30 567 591381 16-May-10 07 57 00 566 590338 16-May-10 07 57 30 564 588252 16-May-10 07 58 00 573 597639 16-May-10 07 58 30 573 597639 16-May-10 07 59 00 574 598682 16-May-10 07 59 30 572 596596 iimi litis miii 2 1 01 425 594935 1 1 00 283 595836 3 1 01 567 595077 2 1 0 1 425 592849 2 0 00 283 590621 3 0 0 1 425 591806 1 1 00 283 590621 1 1 00 283 588535 1 0 00 142 597781 1 1 00 283 597922 1 1 00 283 598965 1 1 00 283 596879 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/16/10 rion Stack Fuel Flow 02 Cal Dnft Day 2 ^fotai^fmi^ nSmranrKTil*- 16-May-1012 41 00 573 597639 3 1 01 567 598206 16-May-1012 41 30 564 588252 3 1 0 1 567 588819 16-May-10 12 42 00 560 584080 3 1 0 1 567 584647 16-May-10 12 42 30 556 579908 3 1 0 1 567 580475 16-May-10 12 43 00 553 576779 2 1 0 1 425 577204 16-May-10 12 43 30 549 572607 2 00 283 572890 16-May-10 12 44 00 544 567392 3 1 0 1 567 567959 16-May-10 12 44 30 542 565306 1 1 00 283 565589 16-May-1012 45 00 539 562177 3 0 1 425 562602 16-May-10 12 45 30 538 561134 2 1 0 1 425 561559 16-May-1012 46 00 544 567392 3 1 01 567 567959 16-May-1012 46 30 547 570521 3 1 01 567 571088 16-May-10 12 47 00 550 573650 2 1 01 425 574075 16-May-1012 47 30 548 571564 4 01 567 572131 16-May-10 12 48 00 550 573650 1 1 00 283 573933 16-May-10 12 48 30 555 578865 2 00 283 579148 16-May-10 12 49 00 556 579908 1 1 00 283 580191 16-May-10 12 49 30 561 585123 4 1 01 708 585831 16-May-1012 50 00 561 585123 2 00 283 585406 16-May-10 12 50 30 565 589295 1 1 00 283 589578 16-May-10 12 51 00 569 593467 2 1 01 425 593892 16-May-10 12 51 30 567 591381 3 1 01 567 591948 16-May-10 12 52 00 573 597639 3 1 01 567 598206 16-May-1012 52 30 576 600768 1 1 00 283 601051 16-May-1012 53 00 583 608069 2 01 567 608636 16-May-10 12 53 30 588 613284 2 1 01 425 613709 16-May-10 12 54 00 598 623714 3 1 01 567 624281 16-May-10 12 54 30 601 626843 1 1 00 283 627126 16-May-10 12 55 00 609 635187 3 1 0 1 567 635754 16-May-10 12 55 30 616 642488 2 1 01 425 642913 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/16/10 on Stack Fuel Flow 02 Cal Drift Day 2 CO Cal Drift Day 0 ArliPnIr ns Hnwi 1 1 00 283 651115 3 1 01 567 652442 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/16/10 ^B9 CEMS CALIBRATIO 17-MA' MMARY REPORT '10 OXYGEN 24-AIT-lOOI PAS STACK 102 Rack 120 This report or the data herein, MUST be screened by the Monltonng Braixh before being released from TOCDF control 65780 Time Seltine ResDonse Tareet Diif 08 29-J2 Zero Drift 0 0 0 083112 SnanDnft 20S 209 0 CARBON MONOXIDE Z4-AIT-1000 API-162 Time Setting ResDonse Tareet Did 0829:20 Zero Drift 0 0 0 08.32.48 SoanRl Drift 156 155 1 083146 SDanR2 Drift 3775 3760 15 Comment 0% OV- X^AUf.-, T)fit\( "J Purpose View CEMS dally calibration drift data by rack number - 02 is In % and CO and NOx is In PPM Difference (DHf) Is the Response minus the Target non Stack Fuel Flow 02 Cal Drift Day 3 M li 17-May-10 08 28 00 551 574693 17-May-10 08 28 30 547 570521 17-May-10 08 29 00 550 573650 17-May-10 08 29 30 551 574693 17-May-10 08 30 00 567 591381 17-May-10 08 30 30 574 598682 17-May-10 08 31 00 535 558005 17-May-10 08 31 30 534 556962 17-May-10 08 32 00 532 554876 17-May-10 08 32 30 529 551747 17-May-10 08 33 00 530 652790 17-May-10 08 33 30 527 549661 17--May-10 08 34 00 529 551747 17-May-10 08 34 30 528 550704 17-May-10 08 35 00 528 550704 17-May-10 08 35 30 529 551747 H ffwiBnHl!llK?Bill-/IHfl 3 1 0 1 567 575260 2 1 0 1 425 570946 2 1 0 1 425 574075 2 0 1 425 575118 2 1 0 1 425 591806 1 1 00 283 598965 3 1 01 567 558572 3 1 01 567 557529 3 1 0 1 567 555443 2 01 567 552314 2 1 01 425 553215 2 1 01 425 550086 2 1 01 425 552172 3 01 425 551129 1 1 00 283 550987 2 1 01 425 552172 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/17/10 CEMS CALIBRATIO 18-MA^ NJHM MARY REPORT PAS STACK 102 Rack 120 OXYGEN 24-AIT 1001 'This report or the data herein, MUST be screened by the Monltonng Branch before being released from TOCDF control 65780 Time Settma ResDonse Tareet Difi 0759-25 Zero Drift 0 0 o; 080051 Soan Dnft 208 209 ij 1U359 Zero Drift 0 0 0 110640 Zero Dnft 6 0 6 1110 26 Zero Drift 0 0 0} U 11 52 Zero Drift 9 0 9 1113 24 Zero Drift 149 0 14.9 1 1114 42 Zero Drift 9 0 9 1115J2 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 111724 Zero Drift 14.9 0 14.9 1118.32 Zero Drift 0 0 0 1119-46 Zero Drift 9 0 9 1121.24 Zero Dnft 15 0 15, 12 50-.54 Zero Drift 0 0 o'" 12 5U2 Zero Drift 20.8 0 208 1252.10 Zero Drift 209 0 2a9 1253-00 Zero Drift 4 0 4 12.5312 Zero Drift 0 0 0 12 54 10 Zero Dnft 20.8 0 208 1254 24 Zero Dnft 208 0 208 12 55 18 Zero Dnft 1 0 1 12 5532 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 12 5630 Zero Drift 208 0 208 12.5644 Zero Dnft 208 0 208 12 57 38 Zero Dnft 2 0 2 CARBON MONOXIDE 24-AIT-1000 API-162 Time SettinE ResDonse Tarset Dia 080127 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 08:03-09 SnaDRl Drift 155 155 0 08065S SDanR2 Drift 3775 3760 15 11.2622 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 112938 Zero Dnft 70 0 70 Comment ^.^ /\CA DifferBnce (OIR) Is the Response minus the Target 1. CAc £?*'^f ion Stack Fuel Flow 02 Cal Dnft Day 4 mmssmsmm 18-May-10 07 58 00 545 568435 18-May-10 07 58 30 542 565306 18-May-10 07 59 00 544 567392 18-May-10 07 59 30 549 572607 18-May-10 08 00 00 545 568435 18-May-10 08 00 30 550 573650 18-May-10 08 01 00 557 580951 18-May-10 08 01 30 561 585123 18-May-10 08 02 00 554 577822 18-May-10 08 02 30 558 581994 18-May-10 08 03 00 558 581994 18-May-10 08 03 30 557 580951 18-May-10 08 04 00 555 578865 18-May-10 08 04 30 558 581994 18-May-10 08 05 00 552 575736 18-May-10 08 05 30 558 581994 18-May-10 08 06 00 559 583037 18-May-10 08 06 30 556 579908 18-May-10 08 07 00 554 577822 18-May-10 08 07 30 551 574693 ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ 3 1 0 1 567 569002 1 1 00 283 565589 3 1 01 567 567959 2 1 01 425 573032 1 1 00 283 568718 2 1 01 425 574075 3 1 01 567 581518 2 1 0 1 425 585548 1 1 00 283 578105 2 01 567 582561 3 1 01 567 582561 2 1 01 425 581376 1 1 00 283 579148 1 1 00 283 582277 2 1 01 425 576161 1 1 00 283 582277 3 1 01 567 583604 3 1 0 1 567 580475 2 1 0 1 425 578247 1 2 01 425 575118 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/18/10 CEMS CALIBRATIO 19-MA' m MMARY REPORT 0 OXYGEN Z4-AIT-I001 PAS STACK 102 Rack 120 This report or the data herein MUST be screened by the Monitoring Branch before being released from TOCDF control 65780 Time SeUine Resoonse Tareet DKf 08.1042 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 081204 SnanDnft 208 209 1 CARBON MONOXIDE 24-AIT-lOOO API 162 Time Sellinv Resoonse Tareet Diff 08.1116 Zero Drift 0 0 0 08.1634 SnanRl Drift 155 155 0 081904 Soan R2 Dnft 3775 3760 15 Comment 5^ c^«- 0itt4+ Purpose View CEMS daily cahbration drift data by rack number - 02 is to % and CO and NOx is in PPM Difference (Olff) Is the Response minus the Target non Stack Fuel Flow 02 Cal Drift Day 5 Total ^urVff^d^ "^ntfFeet^ A^nt Feed * ^ 19-May-10 08 09 00 565 589295 2 1 01 425 589720 19-May-10 08 09 30 562 586166 2 2 01 567 586733 19-May-10 08 10 00 553 576779 1 1 00 283 577062 19-May-10 08 10 30 556 579908 2 1 0 1 425 580333 19-May-10 0811 00 554 577822 2 1 0 1 425 578247 19-May-10 0811 30 549 572607 2 1 0 1 425 573032 19-May-10 08 12 00 542 565306 2 2 01 567 565873 19-May-10 08 12 30 546 569478 2 1 01 425 569903 19-May-10 08 13 00 544 567392 2 2 01 567 567959 19-May-10 0813 30 544 567392 1 1 00 283 587675 19-May-10 08 14 00 543 566349 1 1 00 283 566632 19-May-10 08 14 30 544 567392 3 1 0 1 567 567959 19-May-10 08 15 00 544 567392 1 1 00 283 567675 19-May-10 0815 30 544 567392 2 1 01 425 567817 19-May-10 0816 00 546 569478 2 1 01 425 569903 19-May-I0 0816 30 546 569478 1 1 00 283 569761 19-May-10 0817 00 549 572607 2 0 00 283 572890 19-May-I0 0817 30 547 570521 1 0 00 142 570663 19-May-10 08 18 00 544 567392 2 1 0 1 425 567817 19-May-10 08 18 30 543 566349 2 1 0 1 425 566774 19-May-10 08 19 00 544 567392 1 1 00 283 567675 19-May-10 08 19 30 545 568435 2 1 0 1 425 568860 19-May-10 08 20 00 548 571564 2 1 01 425 571989 19-May-10 08 20 30 544 567392 2 0 00 283 567675 TOCDF PDARS Data 6/19/10 CEMS CALIBRATIO MMARY REPORT 0 OXYGEN 24-Arr-iooi PAS STACK 102 Rack 120 This report or the data herein MUST be screened by the Monitoring Branch before being released from TOCDF control' 65780 Time SeMns Resoonse Tareet Diff 06-0827 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 06-0953 SnanDnft 20J 209 0 0610-27 SnanDnft 209 0 CARBON MONOXIDE 24-AIT-1000 API-162 nrae Settlns Resoonse Tareet Diff 0610:39 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 06.1237 SoanRl Drift 155 155 0 061409 Soan R2 Drift 3775 3760 15 Comment Purpose. View CEMS daily calibration drift data by rack number - 021$ m % and CO and NOx is in PPM Difference (Diff) is the Response minus the Target (ion Stack Fuel Flow 02 Cal Drift Day 6 4 * Total f £r(iiac|i * * 20-May-10 06 07 00 570 594510 20-May-10 06 07 30 573 597639 20-May-10 06 08 00 573 597639 20-May-10 06 08 30 572 598596 20-May-10 06 09 00 573 597639 20-May-10 06 09 30 570 594510 20-May-10 06 10 00 567 591381 20-May-10 06 10 30 570 594510 20-May-10 06 11 00 571 595553 20-May-10 0611 30 577 601811 20-May-10 0612 00 582 607026 20-May-10 06 12 30 584 609112 20-May-10 06 13 00 588 613284 20-May-10 06 13 30 587 612241 20-May-10 06 14 00 587 612241 20-May-10 0614 30 586 611198 20-May-10 06 15 00 587 612241 20-May-10 06 15 30 588 613284 ^^^^ 2 1 01 425 594935 3 0 1 567 598206 2 00 283 597922 2 1 01 425 597021 2 1 01 425 598064 1 1 00 283 594793 2 0 1 425 591806 1 1 00 283 594793 3 1 0 1 567 596120 2 1 0 1 425 602236 1 1 00 283 607309 2 1 0 1 425 609537 2 1 0 1 425 613709 1 00 142 612383 3 1 0 1 567 612808 2 1 01 425 611623 1 0 00 142 612383 1 1 00 283 613567 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/20/10 liiSiB CEMS CALIBRATIO 21-MA' N^l MMARY REPORT 0 OXYGEN 24 AIT-1001 PAS STACK 102 Rack 120 This report or the data hereto MUST be screened by the Monitortog Branch before being released from TOCDF control 65780 Time SetUne Resoonse Tareet Diff 09J)6 20 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 09-1110 Soan Dnft 20.9 209 0 CARBON MONOXIDE 24-AIT 1000 API-162 Time SeUine Resoonse Tareet Diff 09 16-04 Zero Drift 0 0 0 09 24.40 SnanRl Drift 152 155 3 092732 Soan R2 Dnft 3750 3760 10 CommenI Purpose View CEMS daily calibration dnft date by rack number 02lsto% and CO and NOx Is to PPM Difference (Diff) Is the Response minus the Target on Stack Fuel Flow 02 Cal Dnft Day 7 1' * 'To'iajLnacJj iiiiiiiii 21-May-10 09 05 00 457 476651 1 1003 16 7 142233 618884 21-May-10 09 05 30 456 475608 2 1000 16 7 141950 617558 21-May-10 09 06 00 458 477694 1 1003 16 7 142233 619927 21-May-10 09 06 30 459 478737 3 1002 16 8 142375 621112 21-May-10 09 07 00 455 474565 1 996 16 6 141242 615807 21-May-10 09 07 30 453 472479 1 998 16 7 141525 614004 21-May-10 09 08 00 453 472479 1 1003 167 142233 614712 21-May-10 09 08 30 450 469350 2 1001 167 142092 611442 21-May-10 09 09 00 453 472479 1 1002 16 7 142092 814571 21-May-10 09 09 30 452 471436 1 1003 16 7 142233 613669 21-May-10 0910 00 452 471436 2 998 16 7 141667 613103 21-May-10 0910 30 448 467264 1 1001 16 7 141950 609214 21-May-10 0911 00 453 472479 2 1004 16 8 142517 614996 21-May-10 09 11 30 451 470393 2 1003 16 8 142375 612768 21-May-10 0912 00 449 468307 3 1002 16 8 142375 610682 21-May-10 09 12 30 452 471436 2 1001 16 7 142092 613528 21-May-10 09 13 00 450 469350 3 1000 16 7 142092 611442 21-May-10 09 13 30 452 471436 3 999 16 7 141950 613386 21-May-10 09 14 00 464 473522 2 998 16 7 141667 615189 21-May-10 09 14 30 449 468307 1 1002 16 7 142092 610399 21-May-10 09 15 00 446 465178 2 1005 16 8 142658 607836 21-May-10 09 15 30 448 467264 2 1003 16 8 142375 609639 21-May-10 0916 00 448 467264 2 997 16 7 141525 608789 21-May-10 09 16 30 444 463092 2 998 16 7 141667 604759 21-May-10 09 17 00 442 461006 2 1002 16 7 142233 603239 21-May-10 0917 30 444 463092 2 996 16 6 141383 604475 21-May-10 09 18 00 445 464135 2 997 16 7 141525 605660 21-May-10 09 18 30 444 463092 2 998 16 7 141667 604759 21-May-10 09 19 00 443 462049 1 998 16 7 141525 603574 21-May-10 09 19 30 440 458920 2 1003 16 8 142375 601295 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/21/10 ion Stack Fuel Flow 02 Cal Drift Day 7 Kw Total i^^^^ '^^^^^^^^^^ 21-May-10 09 20 00 442 461006 21-May-10 09 20 30 447 466221 21-May-10 09 21 00 447 466221 21-May-10 09 21 30 445 464135 21-May-10 09 22 00 445 464135 21-May-10 09 22 30 449 468307 21-May-10 09 23 00 445 464135 21-May-10 09 23 30 449 468307 21-May-10 09 24 00 447 466221 21-May-10 09 24 30 448 467264 21-May-10 09 25 00 449 468307 21-May-10 09 25 30 451 470393 21-May-10 09 26 00 455 474565 21-May-10 09 26 30 452 471436 21-May-10 09 27 00 454 473522 21-May-10 09 27 30 450 469350 21-May-10 09 28 00 451 470393 21-May-10 09 28 30 455 474665 Ag^nt Feed Acjem FeTdd: Agent Feed eTci^^ua V.fjjjtai ^u* 2 1001 16 7 142092 603098 2 1001 16 7 142092 608313 2 1003 16 8 142375 608596 2 1000 16 7 141950 606085 2 1001 16 7 142092 606227 2 996 166 141383 609690 1 996 16 6 141242 605377 1 1002 16 7 142092 610399 2 1000 16 7 141950 608171 2 1000 16 7 141950 609214 1 1002 16 7 142092 610399 2 998 16 7 141667 612060 3 1003 16 8 142517 617082 2 1001 16 7 142092 613528 2 1001 16 7 142092 615614 2 997 16 7 141525 610875 1 1002 16 7 142092 612485 2 0 00 283 474848 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/21/10 •B8H3 CEMS CALIBRATIO 22-MA' [MMARY REPORT 0 OXYGEN 24-AIT-1001 PAS STACK 102 Rack 120 'This report, or the data hereto, MUST be screened by the Monitoring Branch before betag released from TOCDF control" 65780 Time Settioe Resoonse Tariet Dilf CARBON MONOXIDE 24-AIT-1000 API-162 Time Settme Resoonse Tareet DIfl 08.4543 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 064707 Zero Drift 155 »(SS 165 064831 Zero Drift 3775 3ll75 Comment o i.t Itt Purpose View CEMS daily calibration drift date by rack number O 2 Is in % and CO and NOx Is to PPM Difference (Diff) Is the Response minus the Target ^P^on Stack Fuel Flow CO Cal Dnft Day 6 22-May-10 06 44 00 562 586166 22-May-10 06 44 30 562 586166 22-May-10 06 45 00 562 586166 22-May-10 06 45 30 561 585123 22-May-10 06 46 00 561 585123 22-May-10 06 46 30 564 588252 22-May-10 06 47 00 563 587209 22-May-10 06 47 30 563 587209 22-May-10 06 48 00 563 587209 22-May-10 06 48 30 563 587209 22-May-10 06 49 00 663 587209 22-May-10 06 49 30 561 585123 2 1 0 1 425 586591 1 1 00 283 586449 2 1 01 425 586591 2 0 00 283 585406 2 0 00 283 585406 1 1 00 283 588535 1 1 00 283 587492 2 0 00 283 587492 2 1 0 1 425 587634 2 1 0 1 425 587634 2 1 01 425 587634 1 1 00 283 585406 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/22/10 CEMS CALIBRATIO 23-MA' NMI MMARY REPORT 0 OXYGEN 24 AIT-1001 PAS STACK 102 Rack 120 This report or the data herem, MUST be screened by the Momtoring Branch before betog released from TOCDF control 65780 Time Settme ResDOnse Tareet Diff CARBON MONOXIDE 24-AIT 1000 API-162 Time Setdne Resoonse Tareet Diff 1213 55 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 121549 SnanRl Drift 155 155 0 1U751 Soan R2 Dnft 3775 3760 15 Comment Purpose View CEMS daily calibration drift data by rack number - 02 is in % and CO and NOx is to PPM Difference (DIff) Is the Response minus the Target ion Stack Fuel Flow CO Cal Drift Day 7 Minimum Rea'd 297255 BTU liliiiiEiSI iiiiiiiiii! mmmmmmM 23-May-10 12 12 00 594 619542 23-May-10 12 12 30 591 616413 23-May-10 12 13 00 595 620585 23-May-10 12 13 30 595 620585 23-May-10 12 14 00 599 624757 23-May-10 12 14 30 595 620585 23-May-10 12 15 00 596 621628 23-May-10 12 15 30 598 623714 23-May-10 12 16 00 597 622671 23-May-10 12 16 30 596 621628 23-May-10 12 17 00 597 622671 23-May-10 1217 30 599 624757 23-May-10 12 18 00 599 624757 23-May-10 12 18 30 596 621628 2 1 01 425 619967 2 1 01 425 616838 2 0 00 283 620868 1 0 00 142 620727 2 1 0 1 425 625182 1 1 00 283 620868 2 1 0 1 425 622053 2 1 0 1 425 624139 2 0 00 283 622954 2 1 01 425 622053 2 0 00 283 622954 2 1 0 1 425 825182 1 1 00 283 625040 2 1 0 1 425 622053 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/23/10 27 CEMS CALIBRATION DRIFT TEST RECORD Source Common Stack Spare Date 5/14/10 Monitor 02 Location Common Stack/Rack 121 Day Date Time Cylinder Number Calibration Value Monitor Response Difference % of Span o O O ( w L e v e l 1 S'lS'io o <!) ) w L e v e l 1 ^ trf If'** <=> o / w L e v e l 1 ^ 5 n- Jo 0 ( Ze r o / L o 4 5 m «6 o \ Ze r o / L o 1 ^ .^•n to (7 O O 0 j Ze r o / L o 1 6 Ml-0 0 O o / 7 5-2J'Jt> o. o o / 0 Mid L e v e l 1 Mid L e v e l 2 Mid L e v e l 3 Mid L e v e l 4 5 6 7 Hi g h L e v e l 0 5 M /« 0 Hi g h L e v e l 1 S IS lo Id T 0 j Hi g h L e v e l 2 5 It'10 OSaO 0 1 Hi g h L e v e l 3 «: n \o 0 [ Hi g h L e v e l 4 0 Hi g h L e v e l 5 (D j 6 0 7 o Operator Signature, Pg_i_ FM PRPMO001 79 R3C0 THIS IS A RECORD 28 CEMS CALIBRATION DRIFT TEST RECORD Source Common Stack Spare Date 5/14/10 Monitor CO Location Common Stack/Rack 121 Serial Number AP1158 Span Day Date Time Cylinder Number Calibration Value Monitor Responjie Difference % of Span Ze r o / L o w L e v e l 0 5 IM-lo a.a do 0 0 Ze r o / L o w L e v e l 1 S-(5'-lo O o Old) o 0 Ze r o / L o w L e v e l 2 •» l<*' ID ©75^ Co o. d 0 Ze r o / L o w L e v e l 3 5 H'le) mi Oo o Ze r o / L o w L e v e l 4 Kit. c>.t? J5 Ze r o / L o w L e v e l 5 o o o o Ze r o / L o w L e v e l 6 <50Zo 0-0 o Ze r o / L o w L e v e l 7 Q <? 3 •3 0 \W \^ D 0 Mid L e v e l 1 5 iC 10 IS5-\%% 0 0 Mid L e v e l 2 t>«(»t. o Mid L e v e l 3 155 o Mid L e v e l 4 INS-0 o^'t^ <|l' Mid L e v e l 5 IST O Mid L e v e l 6 i5l/ft.to I .s Mid L e v e l 7 5'-t/-(0 . r 5"J*tfo Woo 0 (» 1 o 0 2 7 .u Le v e l 3 5 to X 4 5 I( ^^ 6 la Lo 1 0>yt7 1 37<;o 3 ^ 1 operator Signature. Pg_L FM PRPMO001-79 R3C0 THIS IS A RECORD CEMS CALIBRATIO 14-MA MMARY REPORT '10 OXYGEN 24-AIT 1003 PAS STACK 102 Rack 121 "This report or the data herem MUST be screened by the Monltonng Branch before being released from TOCDF control" 65783 Tune Settlne Resoonse Tamet Dili 13 43 17 Zero Drill a 0 0 1343.33 Zero Set 0 0 0 13.47 45 S-oanDnll Zl Z0.9 1 13.4S.-01 Soan Set 20.8 209 1 CARBON MONOXIDE 24-AIT-1002 API-158 Time Settiiw Resoonse Tareet Diff 13 48 57 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 13 49 09 Zero Set 0 0 0 134945 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 1349 51 Zero Set 0 0 0 13 52 45 SnanRl Drift 155 155 0 135517 SnanRl Set 155 155 0 14.-02 03 Soan R2 Dnft 3750 3760 10 14 02 19 SnanRZSet 3750 3760 10 Conimeiit Purpose View CEMS daily calibration dnft data by rack number 02ism% and CO and NOx is in PPM Difference (DlfQ Is the Responee minus the Target non Stack Fuel Flow Cal Dnft Day 0 Total ^CbacSv '^'^^^ 'M mmmm lillilM MM^mm 14-May-10 13 42 00 429 447447 1 1001 16 7 141950 589397 14-May-1013 42 30 434 452662 2 1001 16 7 142092 594754 14-May-10 13 43 00 433 451619 3 996 16 7 141525 593144 14-May-10 13 43 30 432 450576 2 996 16 6 141383 591959 14-May-10 13 44 00 430 448490 3 999 167 141950 590440 14-May-10 13 44 30 427 445361 1 1001 167 141950 587311 14-May-10 13 45 00 430 448490 1 998 167 141525 590015 14-May-10 13 45 30 429 447447 1 996 166 141242 588689 14-May-10 13 46 00 430 448490 1 1002 167 142092 590582 14-May-1013 46 30 432 450576 2 999 16 7 141808 592384 14-May-10 13 47 00 434 452662 3 997 167 141667 594329 14-May-10 13 47 30 429 447447 2 998 16 7 141667 589114 14-May-1013 48 00 429 447447 1 1001 16 7 141950 589397 14-May-1013 48 30 430 448490 3 999 16 7 141950 590440 14-May-1013 49 00 431 449533 2 J 1000 16 7 141950 591483 14-May-1013 49 30 431 449533 1 1004 16 8 142375 591908 14-May-1013 50 00 430 448490 1 999 16 7 141667 590157 14-May-1013 50 30 429 447447 1 1003 16 7 142233 589680 14-May-1013 51 00 429 447447 3 999 16 7 141950 589397 14-May-10 13 51 30 430 448490 1 1001 16 7 141950 590440 14-May-1013 52 00 442 461006 2 1003 16 8 142375 603381 14-May-1013 52 30 442 461006 4 998 16 7 141950 602956 14-May-1013 53 00 588 613284 2 0 00 283 613567 14-May-1013 53 30 553 576779 3 0 0 1 425 577204 14-May-10 13 54 00 580 604940 2 0 00 283 605223 14-May-10 13 54 30 577 601811 3 0 01 425 602236 14-May-10 13 55 00 567 591381 2 0 00 283 591664 14-May-10 13 55 30 568 592424 3 0 01 425 592849 14-May-10 13 66 00 571 595553 3 0 01 425 595978 14-May-10 13 66 30 573 597639 4 0 01 567 598206 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/14/2010 Imon Stack Fuel Flow Cal Drift Day 0 Minimum Rea'd 297255 BTU t 14-May-1013 57 00 571 595553 14-May-10 13 57 30 578 602854 14-May-10 13 58 00 570 594510 14-May-10 13 58 30 575 599725 14-May-10 13 69 00 574 598682 14-May-10 13 59 30 570 594510 14-May-1014 00 00 596 621628 14-May-10 14 00 30 583 608069 14-May-10 14 01 00 576 600768 14-May-1014 01 30 580 604940 14-May-10 14 02 00 580 604940 14-May-10 14 02 30 577 601811 14-May-10 14 03 00 576 600768 14-May-10 14 03 30 581 605983 4 0 0 1 567 596120 3 0 01 425 603279 3 0 0 1 425 594935 3 0 01 425 600150 1 0 00 142 598824 1 0 00 142 594652 3 1 0 1 567 622195 3 0 0 1 425 608494 2 1 0 1 425 601193 4 1 01 708 605648 2 0 00 283 605223 3 0 01 425 602236 3 0 01 425 601193 3 0 0 1 425 606408 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/14/2010 CEMS CALIBRATIO 15-MA MMARY REPORT 10 OXYGEN 24-AIT-1003 PAS STACK 102 Rack 121 "This report or the data herein MUST be screened by the Monltonng Branch before being released from TOCDF control 65783 Time Settlne Resoonse Target DUr 07 1351 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 0715 20 Soan Dnft 208 209 1 CARBON MONOXIDE 24 AIT-1002 API-158 Tme Settina Resoonse Tariet Drff 071602 Zero Drift 0 0 0 0718.06 SoanRl Dnft 156 155 1 07 20-06 Soan R2 Dnft 3775 3760 15 Comment Purpose View CEMS daily calibration drift data by rack number - 02 Is in % and CO and NOx is m PPM Difference (Diff) Is the Response minus the Target ion Stack Fuel Flow Cal Drift Day 1 '^o'taiJ'ujjjs^lBl' 11 ml m M 15-May-10 07 12 00 591 616413 3 0 01 425 616838 15-May-10 07 12 30 587 612241 2 0 00 283 612524 15-May-10 07l3 00 592 617456 1 1 00 283 617739 15-May-10 07 13 30 593 618499 1 1 00 283 618782 15-May-10 07 14 00 584 609112 3 1 01 567 609679 15-May-10 0714 30 588 613284 2 1 01 425 613709 15-May-10 07 15 00 594 619542 2 00 283 619825 15-May-10 07 15 30 590 615370 2 1 01 425 615795 15-May-10 07 16 00 590 615370 3 1 01 567 615937 15-May-10 07 16 30 591 616413 2 00 283 616696 15-May-10 07 17 00 591 616413 1 00 142 616555 15-May-10 07 17 30 693 618499 2 1 01 425 618924 15-May-10 07 18 00 591 616413 3 1 0 1 567 616980 15-May-10 0718 30 590 615370 3 1 01 567 615937 15-May-10 0719 00 587 612241 3 1 0 1 567 612808 15-May-10 07 19 30 583 608069 3 01 425 608494 15-May-10 07 20 00 575 599725 2 1 0 1 425 600150 15-May-10 07 20 30 576 600768 1 1 00 283 601051 15-May-10 07 21 00 578 602854 3 1 01 567 603421 15-May-10 07 21 30 574 598682 2 1 0 1 425 599107 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/15/10 •BaiB MMARY REPORT OXYGEN 24-A1T-1003 CEMS CALIBRATIO 16-MA PAS STACK 102 Rack 121 'This report or the data herein, MUST be screened by the Momtoring Branch before beii^ released from TOCDF control' 65783 Time Setttns Resoonse Tarset Dur 07 55 38 Zero Drift 0 0 0 07 58 42 Soan Dnft 208 20.9 1 CARBON MONOXIDE 24-AIT-1O02 API 158 Tune Setting Resoonse Taraet Dili 075556 Zero Drift 0 0 0 08.-00 54 SoanRlDnft 155 155 0 08:03 38 SnanRZ Drift 3750 3760 10 Comment Purpose View CEMS dally calibration drift data by rack number 02 is in % and CO and NOx is in PPM Difference (Olff) Is the Response minus the Target imon Stack Fuel Flow Cal Drift Day 2 " fj .Tota'i Furnl^^ ^jotpKiy/ ie-May-10 07 54 00 570 594510 16-May-10 07 54 30 571 595553 ie-May-10 07 55 00 570 594510 16-May-10 07 55 30 568 592424 16-May-10 07 56 00 566 590338 16-May-10 07 56 30 567 591381 16-May-10 07 57 00 566 590338 16-May-10 07 57 30 564 588252 16-May-10 07 58 00 573 597639 16-May-10 07 58 30 573 597639 16-May-10 07 59 00 574 598682 16-May-10 07 59 30 572 596596 16-May-10 08 00 00 570 594510 16-May-10 08 00 30 572 596596 16-May-10 08 01 00 568 592424 16-May-10 08 01 30 567 591381 16-May-10 08 02 00 567 591381 16-May-10 08 02 30 569 593467 16-May-10 08 03 00 569 593467 16-May-I0 08 03 30 566 590338 16-May-10 08 04 00 567 591381 16-May-10 08 04 30 559 583037 ISPS H 2 1 0 1 425 594935 1 1 00 283 595836 3 1 01 567 595077 2 1 0 1 425 592849 2 00 283 590621 3 01 425 591806 1 1 00 283 590621 1 1 00 283 588535 1 00 142 597781 1 1 00 283 597922 1 1 00 283 598965 1 1 00 283 596879 3 1 01 567 595077 3 1 0 1 567 597163 2 1 01 425 592849 2 1 01 425 591806 2 1 01 425 591806 2 1 0 1 425 593892 3 1 0 1 567 594034 1 0 00 142 590480 3 0 01 425 591806 3 1 01 567 583604 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/16/10 OXYGEN 24-AIT 1003 CEMS CALIBRATIOI^MMARY REPORT 17-MAW)10 PAS STACK 102 Rack 121 This report or the data herem, MUST be screened by the Monitoring Branch before being released from TOCDF control' 65783 Time Scttlni Resoonse Tareet Diff 081636 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 0818-06 Soan Dnft 207 209 2 CARBON MONOXIDE 24-AIT-1002 API-158 Time Settlne Resoonse Target Djff 081840 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 0820D8 SoanRl Drift 156 155 1 082154 Soan RZ Dnft 3750 3760 10 Comment Purpose View CEMS daily calibration drift data by rack number - 02 is In % and CO and NOx is In PPM Difference (Diff) is the Response minus the Target flmon Stack Fuel Flow Cal Dnft Day 3 Minimum Rea'd 297255 BTU 17-Wlay-10 0815 00 585 609946 17-May-10 0815 30 582 606922 17-May-10 0816 00 578 603271 17-May-10 0816 30 582 606817 17-May-10 08 17 00 582 607026 17-May-10 0817 30 583 608382 17-May-10 0818 00 581 606087 17-May-10 0818 30 583 608069 17-May-10 0819 00 583 608486 17-May-10 0819 30 682 606817 17-May-10 08 20 00 579 603793 17-May-10 08 20 30 575 599412 17-May-10 08 21 00 573 597848 17-May-10 08 21 30 562 586479 17-May-10 08 22 00 561 585332 17-May-10 08 22 30 558 582098 HBI 2 0 00 283 610230 1 1 00 283 607205 3 1 0 1 567 603838 2 1 0 1 425 607242 3 01 425 607451 3 1 0 1 567 608949 2 1 0 1 425 606512 3 1 01 567 608636 2 1 01 425 608911 1 1 00 283 607101 2 1 01 425 604218 2 1 0 1 425 599837 3 1 0 1 567 598414 2 1 0 1 425 586904 2 1 01 425 585757 3 1 01 567 582665 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/17/10 OXYGEN 24-AIT 1003 CEMS CALIBRATIO 18-MA IS^I MMARY REPORT PAS STACK 102 Rack 121 "This report or the data herein MUST be screened by the Monitoring Branch before being released from TOCDF control' 65783 Time Settlne Resoonse Tarset Diff 0812.35 Zero Drift 0 0 0" 08.14.19 Soan Dnft 208 ZOO 1 083315 Zero Dnft 2 0 2' 083143 Zero Drift 89 0 8.9 08:38:21 Zero Drift 149 0 14.9 08.37 59 Zero Drift 9 0 9 08.3935 Zero Dnft 2 0 2 08.4123 Zero Drift 14 9 0 149 08:4313 Zero Drift Z 0 2 03-4437 Zero Dnft 9 0 9 084619 Zero Drift US 0 149 10-09.55 Zero Drift 0 0 0 101U3 Zero Drift 8.9 0 89 1013.17 Zero Drift 149 0 14.9 101439 Zero Drift 9 0 9 10-16.07 Zero Drift 0 0 0 101743 Zero Drift 149 0 149 10-1323 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 10-50:31 Zero Drift 89 0 89 10-.2151 Zero Drift 148 0 14.8 10-J647 Zero Drift 0 0 0 10-2757 Zero Drift 207 0 207 10.2817 Zero Drift 20 8 0 208 10-2917 Zero Drift 4 0 4 102941 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 103045 Zero Drift 206 0 206 mm Zero Drift 20.8 0 208 10 32 03 Zero Drift .3 0 3 10 3217 Zero Drift 0 0 0 10 33 19 Zero Dnft 206 0 206 10 33J3 Zero Dnft 20.8 0 208 10 34.33 Zero Drift 4 0 4 I Comment CARBON MONOXIDE 24 AIT-1002 API-158 Difference (OifQ is the Response minus the Target CEMS CALIBRATIO 18-MA MMARY REPORT 10 PAS STACK 102 Rack 121 Time Setdni Resoonse Tareet Diff 08 1521 Zero Dnft 0 0 "1 081659 SoanRlDnft 156 155 1 0&19-J!5 Soan R2 Drift 3775 3760 15' 0&S0O9 Zero Drift 0 0 0^ 08:5423 Zero Drift 70 0 70 08.56.29 Zero Drift 156 0 ISO 08:5833 Zero Dnft 70 0 70 omza Zero Dnft 0 0 0 0902.15 Zero Drift 156 0 156 0904.-09 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 0906.31 Zero Dnft 70 0 70 09-09.35 Zero Dnft 156 0 156 j 09-1449 Zero Drift 0 0 0 09-18 59 Zero Dnft 1800 0 1800 092159 Zero Drift 3750 0 3750 09 24.29 Zero Dnft 1800 0 1800 09.3111 Zero Drift 0 0 0 0933.33 Zero Dnft 3775 0 37?S 094047 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 09-43 31 Zero Drift 1800 0 1800 094645 Zero Dnft 3750 0 3750 103605 Zero Dnft 0 0 0, 10.3809 Zero Dnft 1 0 1 10 39 13 Zero Drift 152 0 152 10 39-27 Zero Drift 155 0 155 104033 Zero Dnft 3 0 3 104043 Zero Drift 1 0 1 1041 51 Zero Dnft 154 0 154 1042-05 Zero Drift 155 0 155 10 43 13 Zero Dnft 2 0 2 10 43^3 Zero Drift 1 0 1 104433 Zero Drift 154 0 154 10 44.45 Zero Dnft 155 0 155 10-4553 Zero Dnft 2 0 2 1046 23 Zero Drift 0 0 0 1047 39 Zero Dnft 3750 0 3750 10 47 49 Zero Drift 3750 0 3750 1049-07 Zero Drift 25 0 25 »J f 111>> Difference {Diff) Is the Response minus the Target non Stack Fuel Flow Cal Dnft Day 4 Minimum Rea'd 297255 BTU J ^ 1 Tota(4ufTilL\:e Wigewptmi mm^mm 18-May-10 0811 00 535 558005 18-May-10 0811 30 538 561134 18-May.10 08 12 00 536 559048 18-May-10 08 12 30 542 565306 18-May-10 0813 00 546 569478 18-May-10 08 13 30 555 578865 18-May-10 08 14 00 649 572607 18-May-10 0814 30 567 591381 18-May-10 08 15 00 597 622671 18-May-10 0815 30 619 645617 18-May-10 08 16 00 621 647703 18-May-10 0816 30 618 644574 18-May-10 08 17 00 625 651875 18-May-10 08 17 30 613 639359 18-May-10 08 18 00 608 634144 18-May-10 0818 30 607 633101 18-May-10 0819 00 600 625800 18-May-10 08 19 30 599 624757 18-May-10 08 20 00 598 623714 18-May-10 08 20 30 597 622671 2 01 425 558430 1 1 00 283 561417 3 1 01 567 559615 2 1 0 1 425 565731 1 1 00 283 569761 1 1 00 283 579148 3 1 0 1 567 573174 1 1 00 283 591664 3 1 0 1 567 623238 2 2 01 567 646184 3 2 01 708 648411 2 0 00 283 644857 1 0 00 142 652017 2 1 01 425 639784 1 1 00 283 634427 2 1 01 425 633526 2 1 0 1 425 626225 1 1 00 283 625040 3 1 01 567 624281 1 1 00 283 622954 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/18/10 •B8iB CEMS CALIBRATIO 19-MA NMI MMARY REPORT 0 PAS STACK 102 Rack 121 This report or the data herein MUST be screened by the Monitoring Branch before being released from TOCDF control OXYGEN 24 AIT-1003 65783 Time Settlns Resoonse Tareet Diif 08.32 56 Zero Drift 0 0 0 CARBON MONOXIDE 24-AIT-1002 Time 083240 08J4 26 08.36-08 08.3848 API-158 Settlne Response Taraet Diff Zero Dnft SoanRl Drift SoanRl Drift Soan R2 Drift 0 2 156 3775 0 155 155 3760 15; 1 15 0^ Comment "DAT <^ <VH- TJM.pt . Purpose View CEMS dally calibration drift data by rack number 02 is in % and CO and NOx is in PPM Difference (Diff) Is the Response minus the Target Imon Stack Fuel Flow Cal Dnft Day 5 ^Totai Bahac6 ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^Totai Bahac6 ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ 19-May-10 08 31 00 543 566349 3 1 01 567 566916 19-May-10 08 31 30 542 565306 1 1 00 283 565589 19-May-10 08 32 00 541 564263 1 1 00 283 564546 19-May-10 08 32 30 541 564263 1 1 00 283 564646 19-May-10 08 33 00 537 560091 2 1 01 425 560516 19-May-10 08 33,30 536 559048 2 1 01 425 559473 19-May-10 08 34 00 534 556962 3 1 01 567 557529 19-May-10 08 34 30 535. 558005 2 1 01 425 558430 19-May-10 08 35 00 538 561134 1 1 00 283 561417 19-May-10 08 35 30 538 561134 2 1 01 425 561559 19-May-10 08 36 00 537 560091 2 1 01 425 560518 19-May-10 08 36 30 538 561134 1 1 00 283 561417 19-May-10 08 37 00 536 559048 2 1 0 1 425 569473 19-May-10 08 37 30 536 559048 3 1 0 1 567 559615 19-May-10 08 38 00 537 560091 2 1 01 425 560516 19-May-10 08 38 30 541 564263 1 1 00 283 564546 19-May-10 08 39 00 538 561134 2 0 00 283 561417 19-May-10 08 39 30 536 558005 3 1 01 567 558572 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/19/10 •BaBa CEMS CALIBRATIO 20-MA m MMARY REPORT OXYGEN 24-Arr-1003 PAS STACK 102 Rack 121 ' This report or the data herein MUST be screened by the Monitoring Branch before being released from TOCDF control 65783 Thne Settlne Resoonse Tareet Dia 0614 51 Zero Drift 0 0 0 061959 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 06.ZU3 Soan Drift 20.8 20J 1 CARBON MONOXIDE 24-AIT-1002 API-1S8 Tmie Setdne Resoonse Taraet Diff 062155 Zero Drift 0 0 0 06 2317 SoanRlDnft 156 155 1 06 2513 Soan RZ Dnft 3750 3760 10 Comment CA^ D^-lPT QA*( Purpose View CEMS daily calibration dnft data by rack number - 02 is in % and CO and NOx is in PPM bifference (Diff) Is the itesponse minus the Target non Stack Fuel Flow Cal Dnft Day 6 1 ^ ^ Total iUfn^icei ^^^^^^^^^^^^ mm Hiiiiiii ^^^^ 20-May-10 0613 00 588 613284 2 1 0 1 425 613709 20-May-10 0613 30 587 612241 1 0 00 142 612383 20-May-10 06 14 00 587 612241 3 1 0 1 667 612808 20-May-10 06 14 30 586 611198 2 1 0 1 425 611623 20-May-10 06 15 00 587 612241 1 0 00 142 612383 20-May-10 06 15 30 588 613284 1 1 00 283 613567 20-May-10 06 16 00 588 613284 2 0 00 283 813567 20-May-10 06 16 30 589 614327 1 0 00 142 614469 20-May-10 06 17 00 589 614327 1 0 00 142 614469 20-May-10 06 17 30 589 614327 1 1 00 283 614610 20-May-10 06 18 00 586 611198 2 1 0 1 425 611623 20-May-10 0618 30 584 609112 1 1 00 283 609395 20-May-10 06 19 00 590 615370 2 1 0 1 425 615795 20-May-10 06 19 30 587 612241 2 00 283 612524 20-May-10 06 20 00 588 613284 2 00 283 613567 20-May-10 06 20 30 587 612241 2 1 01 425 612666 20-May-10 06 21 00 582 607026 2 1 01 425 607451 20-May-10 06 21 30 583 608069 2 1 0 1 425 608494 20-May-10 06 22 00 581 605983 1 1 00 283 606266 20-May-10 06 22 30 587 612241 1 1 00 283 612524 20-May-10 06 23 00 589 614327 3 1 0 1 667 614894 20-May-10 06 23 30 588 613284 2 1 0 1 425 613709 20-May-10 06 24 00 586 611198 2 1 0 1 425 611623 20-May-10 06 24 30 582 607026 1 1 00 283 607309 20-May-10 06 25 00 585 610155 2 1 0 1 425 610580 20-May-10 06 25 30 581 605983 2 1 0 1 425 606408 20-May-10 06 26 00 681 605983 2 1 01 425 606408 20-May-10 06 26 30 684 609112 2 0 00 283 609395 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/20/10 H8SH3 OXYGEN 24-AIT-1003 CEMS CALIBRATION^MMARY REPORT 21-MAYWIO PAS STACK 102 Rack 121 This report or the data herein MUST be screened by the Monitoring Branch before bemg released from TOCDF control' 65783 Time Settlne Resoonse Tariet Dili 0906.20 Zero Drift 0 0 0 091110 SnanDnft Z08 Z0.9 1 CARBON MONOXIDE Z4-AIT-1002 API-158 Time SeUine Resoonse Tarzet Diff 09-1604 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 09-2310 SoanRl Drift 156 155 1 09-2654 Soan RZ Dnft 3775 3760 15 Comment Purpose View CEMS daily calibration drift data by rack number - 02 is in % and CO and NOx is in PPM Difference (Diff) Is the l^sponse minus the Target non Stack Fuel Flow Cal Dnft Day 7 1 rJ 1 Total PurnacV; ; TQJIIIOV/ 7-•mi ^» 21-May-10 09 05 00 457 476651 1 1003 16 7 142233 618884 21-May-10 09 06 30 456 475608 2 1000 16 7 141950 617558 21-May-10 09 06 00 458 477694 1 1003 16 7 142233 619927 21-May-10 09 06 30 459 478737 3 1002 16 8 142375 621112 21-May-10 09 07 00 455 474565 1 996 166 141242 615807 21-May-10 09 07 30 453 472479 1 998 16 7 141525 614004 21-May-10 09 08 00 453 472479 1 1003 16 7 142233 614712 21-May-10 09 08 30 450 469350 2 1001 16 7 142092 611442 21-May-10 09 09 00 453 472479 -1 1002 16 7 142092 614671 21-May-10 09 09 30 452 471436 1 1003 16 7 142233 613669 21-May-10 0910 00 452 471436 2 998 16 7 141667 613103 21-May-10 0910 30 448 467264 1 1001 16 7 141950 609214 21-May-10 0911 00 453 472479 2 1004 16 8 142517 614996 21-May-10 0911 30 451 470393 2 1003 16 8 142375 612768 21-May-10 09 12 00 449 468307 3 1002 16 8 142375 610682 21-May-10 0912 30 452 471436 2 1001 16 7 142092 613528 21-May-10 0913 00 450 469350 3 1000 16 7 142092 611442 21-May-10 0913 30 452 471436 3 999 16 7 141950 613386 21-May-10 09 14 00 454 473522 2 998 16 7 141667 615189 21-May-10 0914 30 449 468307 1 1002 16 7 142092 610399 21-May-10 0915 00 446 465178 2 1005 16 8 142658 607836 21-May-10 09 15 30 448 467264 2 1003 168 142375 609639 21-May-10 0916 00 448 467264 2 997 16 7 141525 608789 21-May-10 0916 30 444 463092 2 998 16 7 141667 604759 21-May-10 09 17 00 442 461006 2 1002 16 7 142233 603239 21-May-10 0917 30 444 463092 2 996 16 6 141383 604475 21-May-10 0918 00 445 464136 2 997 16 7 141525 605660 21-May-10 0918 30 444 463092 2 998 167 141667 604759 21-May-10 09 19 00 443 462049 1 998 16 7 141525 603574 21-May-10 0919 30 440 458920 2 1003 168 142375 601295 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/21/10 non Stack Fuel Flow Cal Drift Day 7 Minimum Req'd 297255 BTU Tpta^Purn^cs 21-May-10 09 20 00 442 461006 21-May-10 09 20 30 447 466221 21-May-10 09 21 00 447 466221 21-May-10 09 21 30 445 464135 21-May-10 09 22 00 445 464135 21-May-10 09 22 30 449 468307 21-I\/Iay-10 09 23 00 445 464135 21-May-10 09 23 30 449 468307 21-May-10 09 24 00 447 466221 21-May-10 09 24 30 448 467264 21-May-10 09 25 00 449 468307 21-May-10 09 25 30 451 470393 21-May-10 09 26 00 455 474565 21-May-10 09 26 30 452 471436 21-May-10 09 27 00 454 473522 21-May-10 09 27 30 450 469350 ^^^^ H 2 1001 16 7 142092 603098 2 1001 16 7 142092 608313 2 1003 16 8 142375 608596 2 1000 16 7 141950 606085 2 1001 16 7 142092 608227 2 996 16 6 141383 609690 1 996 16 6 141242 605377 1 1002 16 7 142092 610399 2 1000 16 7 141950 608171 2 1000 16 7 141950 609214 1 1002 16 7 142092 610399 2 998 16 7 141667 612060 3 1003 16 8 142517 617082 2 1001 16 7 142092 613528 2 1001 16 7 142092 615614 2 997 16 7 141525 610875 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/21/10 APPENDIX B Absolute Calibration Audit and Response Time Data Sheets Spare CEMS Rack 120, AIT-1001 CEMS Analyzer, O2 (Spare) O2 Analyzer S/N 65780 Manufacturer Servomex Source ID Common Stack Absolute Calibration Audit Worksheet CEMS Rack Location Common Stack CEMS Probe Location Common Stack Date y /6 to SERIAL NUMBER EXPIRATION DATE Low Cylinder Mid Cylinder High Cylinder Low 9 lAOMH^^ lUI W2 Mid High 0-2% 8-10% 14-16% Range 0-25% RUN NUMBER CALIBRATION VALUE MONITOR RESPONSE DIFFERENCE RUN NUMBER CALIBRATION VALUE MONITOR RESPONSE LOW MID HIGH 1 - Low 0 ns>9 10 O./OO LOW MID HIGH 2-Mid *? 08 3 - High 1% 0 IS 0 08 4-Mid 08 5- Low a 0 0 0 0 6 - High 0 1 7 - Low 0 0.0 08 8-Mid 08 9 - High r ^ -00 1 MEAN DIFFERENCE* = 0.00 d)05 1 (Round to 1 decimal place} Reviewer Date Date ^^^^^ Time Job Title FM-PRPMO001-59 R3C0 THIS IS A RECORD Spare CEMS Rack 120, AIT-1000 CEMS Analyzer, CO (Spare) R-1 API-162 CO Analyzer S/N _ Manufacturer Source I D Common Stack TELEDYNE Absolute Calibration Audit Worksheet CEMS Rack Location Common Stack CEMS Probe Location Common Stack Date ^ lS'le> SERIAL NUMBER EXPIRATION DATE Zero Cylinder N/A Mid Cylinder ^ ZCr ZOXO High Cylinder t06H*4 tZ '7.6 • Zci-T. Required Gas Ranges for CO R1 Zero Mid High 0{N2) 60-80ppm 140-160ppm Range 0-200 RUN NUMBER CALIBRATION VALUE MONITOR RESPONSE DIFFERENCE RUN NUMBER CALIBRATION VALUE MONITOR RESPONSE ZERO MID HIGH 1 - Zero o OS ^^^^^^^^ 2-Mid 3 - High <^«1,^ 4-Mid lo.i lA '\ i o 5-Zero o O a 6 - High 1ST IS3 7 - Zero 0 o 1 O 8-Mid pun an 9 - High MEAN DIFFERENCE = CALIBRATION ERROR* = I SO MEAN DIFFERENCE = CALIBRATION ERROR* = 0 OT % o.ez. Round to two decimal places HS1 Date Time Revtewer FM-PRPMO001-57 R3C0 Date (0 Job Title THIS IS A RECORD Spare CEMS Rack 120, AIT-1000 CEMS Analyzer, CO (Spare) R-2 API-162 CO Analyzer S/N _ Manufacturer Source I D Common Stack TELEDYNE Absolute Cahbration Audit Worksheet CEMS Rack Location Common Stack CEMS Probe Location Common Stack Date S'-tg'|q SERIAL NUMBER EXPIRATION DATE Zero Cylinder N/A Mid Cylinder // t1 Zoll High Cylinder Required Gas Ranges for CO R2 Zero Mid High 1500-2000ppm 3500-4000ppm Range 0-6000 RUN CALIBRATION MONITOR DIFFERENCE NUMBER VALUE RESPONSE ZERO MID HIGH 1 -Zero O 2 -Mid ^^^^^ 3 -High 4 -Mid vr\o Ml 5 - Zero o \ \ 6 -High )o 7 -Zero \ •^ BallHi li'i. 8 -Mid 9 -High -5153.^ MEAN DIFFERENCE = O.03 •So U-) CALIBRATION ERROR* = O.OZ •Cal Error = MD/5000x100 Round to two decimal places Date Reviewer FM-PRPMO001-58 R3C0 Date Time Job Title THIS IS A RECORD •BBB OXYGEN 24-AIT 1001 CEMS CALIBRATIO 18-AA yMMARY REPORT 10 PAS STACK 102 Rack 120 This report or the data herein, MUST be screened by the Monitoring Branch before being released from TOCDF control' 65780 Time Setdns Resoonse Tareet Del! 0759-25 ZeroDnii 0 0 "< 08 00-51 Soan Drift 208 209 l] 1103 59 Zero Drift 0 0 0 ll-fl6 40 Zero Dnft 6 0 6 111026 Zero Drift 0 0 fl> 111152 Zero Dnft 9 0 9 J 111324 Zero Dnft 14.9 0 14.9 1 1114 42 Zero Drift 9 0 9 1115J2 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 j 111724 Zero Drift 149 0 14 9 ' 111832 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 1119 46 Zero Drift 9 0 9 112124 Zero Dnft 15 0 15^ 1ZSQ34 Zero Drift 0 0 o'" 12J152 Zero Drift 20J 0 208 , 123210 Zero Drift 209 0 209 125300 Zero Drift 4 0 4 12 5312 Zero Drift 0 0 0 12 54 10 Zero Drift 208 0 208 12 54 24 Zero Dnft 208 0 208 12 55 18 Zero Drift 1 0 1 1255 32 Zero Drift 0 0 0 12 56 30 Zero Dnft 20.8 0 20.8 12 56 44 Zero Drift 208 0 208 12 57 38 Zero Dnft 2 0 2 CARBON MONOXIDE 24-AIT-1000 API 162 Time Settme Response Tarrat Diff 080127 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 08il3-09 SoanRl Drift 155 155 0 08-06 59 Scan R2 Drift 3775 3760 15 1126.22 Zero Drift 0 0 o' U 29.38 Zero Dnft 70 0 70 Comment ACA This data is from the Response Time or ACA tests The calculated "Difference" between the response and target values does not reflect pass/fail criteria, only that the data was recorded by PDARS jDlflerence (Olff) la the Itesponse minus the Targat CEMS CALIBRATIO 18-M jJMMARY REPORT 10 PAS STACK 102 Rack 120 Time Seltins Resoonse Tareel Diff 1130 58 Zero Dnft 154 0 154 1132 20 Zero Drift 70 0 70 11.3614 Zero Drift 0 0 0 113822 Zero Dnft 153 0 153. 1143-00 Zero Dnft 68 0 68 1144 38 Zero Dnft 153 0 153 11 4638 Zero Dnft 0 0 o" 1148 56 Zero Dnft 1800 0 180O 1150 50 Zero Dnft 3775 0 3775 115248 Zero Dnft 1800 0 18C0 11 5658 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 U5826 Zero Drift 3750 0 3750 12 02 32 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 120408 Zero Dnft 1775 0 1775 12 05 42 Zero Dnft 3750 0 375Q 12 5848 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 125930 Zero Dnft 169 0 169 12 59 42 Zero Drift 158 0 158 13 00 38 Zero Drift 5 0 5 13-00 52 Zero Dnft I 0 1 13-01 56 Zero Dnft 154 0 154 1302.10 Zero Dnft 155 0 155 13 0310 Zero Dnft 3 0 3 13 03 22 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 13 04 24 Zero Drift 153 0 153 1304 38 Zero Drift 153 0 153 13 05 40 Zero Dnft 2 0 2 1306 02 Zero Dnft 0 0 d 13-0716 Zero Drift 3750 0 3750 13 07 28 Zero Dnft 3750 0 3750 13 0848 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 130902 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 1310 14 Zero Dnft 3725 0 3725 131034 Zero Drift 3750 0 3750 131154 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 131206 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 131316 Zero Dnft 3750 0 3750 1313J0 Zero Dnft 3775 0 3775 •vtHSlfiD •OWkTK TA* Sort. Difference {Olff) Is the Response minus the Target to c.^ fe.r non Stack Fuel Flow 02/C0 ACA TtiP 18-May-10 11 09 00 581 605983 18-May-1011 09 30 582 607026 18-May-10 11 10 00 583 608069 18-May-1011 10 30 581 605983 18-May-10 11 11 00 580 604940 18-May-10 11 11 30 579 603897 18-May-10 11 12 00 575 599725 18-May-10 11 12 30 579 603897 18-May-10 11 13 00 681 605983 18-May-1011 13 30 573 597639 18-May-1011 14 00 580 604940 18-May-1011 14 30 581 605983 18-May-10 11 15 00 576 600768 18-May-1011 15 30 579 603897 18-May-1011 16 00 575 599725 18-May-10 11 16 30 579 603897 18-May-10 11 17 00 577 601811 18-May-10 11 17 30 572 596596 18-May-10 11 18 00 578 602854 18-May-1011 18 30 575 599725 18-May-1011 19 00 571 595553 18-May-1011 19 30 572 596596 18-May-1011 20 00 568 592424 18-May-10 11 20 30 570 594510 18-May-10 11 21 00 566 590338 18-May-1011 21 30 572 596596 18-May-10 11 22 00 569 593467 18-May-1011 22 30 569 593467 18-May-10 11 23 00 568 592424 18-May-10 11 23 30 573 597639 ^^^^ ^^^^ 2 1 0 1 425 606408 2 1 0 1 425 607451 2 1 01 425 608494 2 1 01 425 606408 2 1 01 425 605365 3 1 01 567 604464 2 00 283 600008 2 1 0 1 425 604322 2 1 0 1 425 606408 2 1 0 1 425 598064 3 1 0 1 567 605507 2 1 0 1 425 606408 3 1 01 567 601335 1 0 1 425 604322 2 1 01 425 600150 3 1 01 567 604464 1 1 00 283 602094 1 1 00 283 596879 2 1 0 1 425 603279 1 1 00 283 600008 2 1 01 425 595978 3 1 01 567 597163 1 1 00 283 592707 2 1 01 425 594935 1 1 00 283 590621 1 1 00 283 596879 1 1 00 283 593750 3 1 0 1 567 594034 1 1 00 283 592707 2 1 0 1 425 598064 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/18/10 ion Stack Fuel Flow 02/C0ACA > • ' — ' \- §»v i^Total Ffiniace ,^ tdtlipiaw 1 18-May-10 11 24 00 572 596596 2 1 01 425 597021 18-May-10 11 24 30 568 592424 1 1 00 283 592707 18-May-10 11 25 00 570 594510 2 1 01 425 594935 18-May-1011 25 30 564 588252 2 1 01 425 588677 18-May-1011 26 00 569 593467 3 1 0 1 567 594034 18-May-1011 26 30 564 588252 2 1 01 425 588677 18-May-1011 27 00 569 593467 2 1 01 425 593892 18-May-10 11 27 30 571 595553 3 0 01 425 595978 18-May-1011 28 00 567 591381 2 1 01 425 591806 18-May-1011 28 30 569 593467 1 0 00 142 593609 18-May-1011 29 00 569 593467 2 1 0 1 425 593892 18-May-10 11 29 30 568 592424 2 1 01 425 592849 18-May-10 11 30 00 570 594510 2 1 01 425 594935 18-May-10 11 30 30 564 588252 2 1 01 425 588677 18-May-10 11 31 00 568 592424 3 1 0 1 567 592991 18-May-10 11 31 30 570 594510 1 1 00 283 594793 18-May-1011 32 00 570 594510 2 1 01 425 594935 18-May-1011 32 30 570 594510 1 1 00 283 594793 18-May-10 11 33 00 567 591381 2 1 0 1 425 591806 18-May-10 11 33 30 569 593467 1 1 00 283 593750 18-May-10 11 34 00 569 593467 2 1 0 1 425 593892 18-May-10 11 34 30 578 602854 1 1 00 283 603137 18-May-1011 35 00 583 608069 3 1 01 567 608636 18-May-10 11 35 30 582 607026 2 1 01 425 607451 18-May-10 11 36 00 585 610155 2 1 01 425 610580 18-May-10 11 36 30 586 611198 2 1 0 1 425 611623 18-May-10 11 37 00 585 610155 1 1 00 283 610438 18-May-1011 37 30 582 607026 2 1 0 1 425 607451 18-May-1011 38 00 584 609112 2 1 01 425 609537 18-May-1011 38 30 582 607026 1 1 00 283 607309 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/18/10 (ion Stack Fuel Flow 02/COACA Totajj^nag^? ^^^^^^ 18-May-1011 39 00 586 611198 18-May-1011 39 30 583 608069 18-May-1011 40 00 579 603897 18-May-1011 40 30 583 608069 18-May-10 11 41 00 576 600768 18-May-1011 41 30 578 602854 18-May-1011 42 00 574 598682 18-May-10 11 42 30 577 601811 18-May-10 1143 00 572 596596 18-May-10 11 43 30 571 595553 18-May-10 11 44 00 570 594510 18-May-10 11 44 30 567 591381 18-May-10 11 45 00 569 593467 18-May-10 11 45 30 570 594510 18-May-10 11 46 00 570 594510 18-May-1011 46 30 566 590338 18-May-10 11 47 00 566 590338 18-May-101147 30 565 589295 18-May-10 11 48 00 567 591381 18-May-10 11 48 30 565 589295 18-May-10 11 49 00 570 594510 18-May-10 11 49 30 566 590338 18-May-10 11 50 00 565 589295 18-May-10 11 50 30 551 574693 18-May-10 11 51 00 561 585123 18-May-1011 51 30 567 591381 18-May-1011 52 00 563 587209 18-May-1011 52 30 565 589295 18-May-10 11 53 00 560 584080 18-May-10 11 53 30 564 588252 1 1 00 283 611481 2 1 01 425 608494 2 1 01 425 604322 1 1 00 283 608352 1 1 00 283 601061 2 01 567 603421 2 1 01 425 599107 2 1 0 1 425 602236 2 1 01 425 597021 1 1 00 283 596836 3 1 01 567 595077 1 0 1 425 591806 2 1 01 425 593892 1 1 00 283 594793 2 1 01 425 594935 2 1 0 1 425 590763 1 1 00 283 590621 2 1 01 425 589720 1 1 00 283 591664 2 1 0 1 425 589720 1 1 00 283 594793 3 1 01 567 590905 1 1 00 283 589578 3 01 708 575401 2 1 0 1 425 585548 2 1 0 1 425 591806 2 1 01 425 587634 2 1 01 425 589720 2 1 0 1 425 584505 1 1 00 283 588535 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/18/10 ion Stack Fuel Flow 02/CO ACA Total,|ufnace.-^ifobjsi^ J ^^Kru/ib 18-May-1011 54 00 563 587209 2 1 0 1 425 587634 18-May-1011 54 30 563 587209 2 2 0 1 567 587776 18-May-1011 55 00 564 588252 2 1 0 1 425 588677 18-May-1011 55 30 563 587209 1 1 00 283 687492 18-May-10 11 56 00 564 588252 3 01 708 588960 18-May-1011 56 30 563 587209 3 1 01 667 587776 18-May-10 11 57 00 563 587209 3 01 708 587917 18-May-10 11 57 30 564 588252 1 1 00 283 588535 18-May-1011 58 00 563 587209 2 1 0 1 425 587634 18-May-10 11 58 30 566 590338 1 1 00 283 590621 18-May-1011 59 00 563 587209 1 1 00 283 587492 18-May-10 11 59 30 567 591381 1 00 142 591523 18-May-1012 00 00 566 589296 2 1 01 425 589720 18-May-10 12 00 30 561 585123 2 1 0 1 425 585548 18-May-1012 01 00 556 579908 2 1 01 425 580333 18-May-10 12 01 30 551 574693 1 1 00 283 574976 18-May-10 12 02 00 549 572607 2 1 01 425 573032 18-May-10 12 02 30 549 572607 1 1 00 283 572890 18-May-1012 03 00 548 571564 2 1 0 1 425 571989 18-May-1012 03 30 551 574693 1 1 00 283 574976 18-May-1012 04 00 549 572607 3 1 0 1 567 573174 18-May-1012 04 30 551 574693 1 1 00 283 574976 18-May-1012 05 00 550 573650 1 1 00 283 573933 18-May-1012 05 30 563 576779 3 1 01 567 577346 18-May-10 12 06 00 549 572607 2 1 01 425 573032 18-May-1012 06 30 549 572607 1 1 00 283 572890 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/18/10 OEMS RESPONSE TIME DETERMINATION Plant Name TOCDF Date 5" Furnace Common Spare Rack # 120 AIT-1000 OperatorCs)^:;^-;^^^^;^^ ^ o Analyzer Type Senal No Range Clock Time Clock Time RTj Clock Time RT3 CO API-162 0-200 Upscale Response OO'.Hx or.os CO API-162 0-200 Downscaie Response 12^6 CO API-162 0-5000 Upscale Response CO API-162 0-5000 Downscaie Response i3on DEFINITIONS 1 RT = Response Time in mm ss Response Time Average (mm ss) Range Average Upscale . 5(P Average Downscaie L6t3 Range Average Upscale t'tO Average Downscaie _j I'ZI FM-PRPMO001-64 R3C0 THIS IS A RECORD CEMS CALIBRATIO 18-MA' MMARY REPORT 10 PAS STACK 102 Rack 120 This report or the data herein MUST be screened by the Monitoring Branch before being released from TOCDF control' OXYGEN 24 AIT-1001 65780 Time Settlne Resoonse Tarset Diff 07 5925 Zero Dnft 0 0 0800-51 Soan Drift 20.8 209 ij 11-03J9 Zero Drift 0 0 0 110640 Zero Drift 6 0 6 1110 26 Zero Drift 0 0 0> 111152 Zero Drift 9 0 9 , 1113 24 Zero Dnft 149 0 149 1114 42 Zero Dnft 9 0 9 1115 52 Zero Drift 0 0 U 1117 24 Zero Dnft 149 0 14 9 1118.32 Zero Drift 0 0 0 111946 Zero Drift 9 0 9 112124 Zero Dnft 15 0 '5 12 5054 Zero Drift 0 0 0 125152 Zero Drift. 208 0 208 12 52 10 Zero Dnft 209 0 209 1253-00 Zero Drift 4 0 4 12 5312 Zero Drift 0 0 0 12 54 10 Zero Drift 208 0 208 1254 24 Zero Dnft 20.8 0 208 1255 18 Zero Dnft 1 9 1 12 55J2 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 12 56 30 Zero Dnft 20.8 0 208 125644 Zero Dnft 208 0 208 12 57 38 Zero Drift 2 0 2 Comment This data is from the Response Tune or ACA tests The calculated "Difference" between the response and target values does not reflect pass/feil cntena, only that the data was recorded by PDARS CARBON MONOXIDE 24 AIT-IQOO API-162 Diiference (DIfl) Is the ftosponse minus the Target Time Settrns Ressonje Tareet Diif 08 01 27 Zero Drift 0 0 0 08 03 09 SoanRlDnft 155 155 0 08 0659 Soan R2 Dnft 3775 3760 15. 1126 22 Zero Drift 0 0 0 112938 Zero Drift 70 0 70 U> A.V ACA TGDDF CEMS CALIBRATIO MMARY REPORT 0 PAS STACK 102 Rack 120 Time Setting Resoonse Taraet Diff 113058 Zero Dnft 154 0 154 113220 Zero Drift 70 0 70 113614 Zero Drift 0 0 0 11 38 22 Zero Dnft 153 0 153 114300 Zero Dnft 68 0 68 11 44 38 Zero Drift 153 0 153 114638 Zero Drift 0 0 0^ 11 48 56 Zero Drift 1800 0 1800 1150-50 Zero Drift 3775 0 3775 115248 Zero Dnft 1800 0 1800 11 56 58 Zero Drift 0 0 0 1158J16 Zero Drift 3750 0 3750 12 02.32 Zero Drift 0 0 0 120408 Zero Drift 1775 0 1775 12 OS 42 Zero Drift 3750 0 3750^ 12 5848 Zero Drift 0 0 0 1259-30 Zero Drift 169 0 169 12 59 42 Zero Drift 158 0 158 130038 Zero Drift 5 0 5 1X00-52 Zero Drift 1 0 1 130156 Zero Drift 154 0 154 13 0210 Zero Dnft 155 0 155 13 03 10 Zero Drift 3 0 3 13-03J22 Zero Drift 0 0 0 13 04 24 Zero Dnft 153 0 153 1304 38 Zero Dnft 153 0 153 130^40 Zero Drift 2 0 z 130602 Zero Drift 0 0 13-07 16 Zero Drift 3750 0 3750 13 0728 Zero Dnft 3750 0 3750 13 0848 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 1309-02 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 1310 14 Zero Drift 3725 0 3725 1310-34 Zero Drift 3750 0 3750 131154 Zero Drift 0 0 0 1312<16 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 1313 16 Zero Drift 3750 0 3750 131330 Zero Drift 3775 0 3775 urn, AcA This data is from the Response Time or ACA tests The calculated "Difference" between the response and target values does not reflect pass/fad cntena, only that the data was recorded by PDARS jPifference (DW) Is the Response minus the Target to Cx ft. r CEMS CALIBRATIO 18-MA' MMARY REPORT 10 TGDDF PAS STACK 102 Rack 120 Time SettuiE Resoonse Tareet DICf 1314 52 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 ^0 ft.^ Ji.T. Purpose View CEMS dally calibration drift data by rack number - 02 is in % and CO and NOx is in PPM This data is from the Response Time or ACA tests The calculated "Difference" between the response and target values does not reflect pass/feil criteria, only that the data was recorded by PDARS Difference (DIff) Is the Response minus the Target 15 Spare CEMS Rack 121, AIT-1003 CEMS Analyzer, O2 (Spare) O2 Analyzer S/N fciS'^ft^ Manufacturer rAMETBK^ SegvoMXTC «H ft w Source I D Common Stack Absolute Calibration Worksheet CEMS Rack Location Common Stack CEMS Probe Location Common Stack Date S"'!^ to SERIAL NUMBER EXPIRATION DATE Low Cylinder Mid Cylinder t, IS" ZJ3\0 High Cylinder ]\C\^UIIC\J wo Low 9 rvcii r^co \J2 Mid High 0-2% 8-10% 14-16% Range 0-25% *Mean Difference = Average of the three Difference values (Round to 1 decimal place) 1 1 S i9 /o Date Reviewer FM-PRPMO001-62 R3C0 Date Time MCA. Job Title THIS IS A RECORD 16 Spare CEMS Rack 121, AIT-1002 CEMS Analyzer, CO (Spare) R-1 API-158 CO Analyzer S/N _ Manufacturer Source ID Common Stack Teledvne Absolute Calibration Worksheet CEMS Rack Location Common Stack CEMS Probe Location Common Stack Date 5-}$ lo SERIAL NUMBER EXPIRATION DATE Zero Cylinder AJ*. N/A Mid Cylinder tM-Z<> Zolo High Cylinder IZ'ZB' ZoiZ, Zero Mid High 0(N,) 60-80ppm 140-160ppm Range 0-200 MEAN DIFFERENCE CALIBRATION ERROR* *Cal Error = MD/200x100 Round to two decimal places S 18 W Cf!o6 Date Reviewer FM-PRPMO001-60 R3C20 Date Time Job Title I 1 THIS IS A RECORD 17 Spare CEMS Rack 121, AIT-1002 CEMS Analyzer, CO (Spare) R-2 API-158 CO Analyzer S/N _ Manufacturer Source ID Common Stack Teledyne Absolute Calibration Worksheet CEMS Rack Location Common Stack CEMS Probe Location Common Stack Date 5-18 )0 SERIAL NUMBER EXPIRATION DATE Zero Cylinder N/A Mid Cylinder i\ n tcw High Cylinder Zero Mid High 0(N2) 1500-2000ppm 3500-4000ppm Range 0-5000 RUN NUMBER CALIBRATION VALUE MONITOR RESPONSE 1 - Zero 0.4 2-Mid 3 - High 4-Mid 5-Zero OA 6 - High 7 - Zero 8-Mid 9 - High 3-7 bo MEAN DIFFERENCE = CALIBRATION ERROR* = *Cal Error = MD/5000x100 Round to two decimal places { 1^ (ti Date Reviewer FM-PRPMO001-61 R3C0 Date Time Job Title THIS IS A RECORD CEMS CALIBRATION 18-M AY # •2oTo MARY REPORT PAS STACK 102 Rack 121 'This report or the data herein MUST be screened by the Monitoring Branch before being released from TOCDF control OXYGEN 24 AIT-1003 65783 Time SeHinz ResDonse Tareet 0812.35 ZeroDnfl 0 0 08 14 19 SoanOnft 208 209 08 33 IS ZeroDnfl 2 0 08 3443 Zero Dnfl 89 0 0836 21 Zero Dntt 149 0 08.37 59 Zero Drift 9 0 08.3935 Zero Dnft 2 0 084123 Zero Dnft 14 9 0 08 4313 Zero Dnft 2 0 0844 37 Zero Drift 9 0 084613 Zero Drift 149 0 100955 Zero Drift 0 0 1011 S3 Zero Drift 89 0 101317 Zero Drift 149 0 1014 39 Zero Drift 9 0 10-16 07 Zero Drift 0 0 101743 Zero Dnft 149 0 1019-23 ZeroDnfl 0 0 10 20-31 Zero Dnft 89 0 10Z151 Zero Drift as 0 10 2647 Zero Dnft 0 0 102757 Zero Dnft 207 0 1028 17 Zero Dnft 20.8 0 10 2917 Zero Dnft 4 0 10-29 41 Zero Dnft 0 0 10.3045 Zero Dnft 206 0 10 3101 Zero Drift 208 0 1032.-03 Zero Dnft 3 0 1032.17 Zero Drift 0 0 10 33 (9 ZeroDnfl 206 0 10 33 33 Zero Dnft ?08 0 103433 Zero Drift 4 0 DiEf Comment This data is from the Response Time or ACA tests The calculated "Difference" between the response and target values does not reflect pass/feil cntena, only tiiat the data was recorded by PDARS CARBON MONOXIDE 24 AIT-1002 API 158 Difference (Diff) Is the Response minus the Target B5 CEMS CALIBRATION 18-M AY MARY REPORT PAS STACK 102 Rack 121 Time Setlme Resoonse Tareet Diff 08.1521 Zero Dnft 0 0 0816.59 SoanR] Dnft 156 155 li 08 19-.25 Soan R2 Dnft 3775 3760 15 J 08SO-OS Zero Dnft 0 0 0> 0854 23 Zero Dnft 70 0 70 0856 29 Zero Drift 156 0 156 085833 Zero Drift 70 0 70 09 00 29 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 090215 Zero Drift 156 0 156 090409 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 03-06 31 Zero Drift 70 0 70 09-0935 Zero Dnft 156 0 156/ 0914 49 Zero Drift 0 0 o'^ 091859 Zero Drift 1800 0 1800 0921 59 Zero Drift 3750 0 3750 0924 29 Zero Drift 1800 0 1800 0931 11 Zero Drift 0 0 0 093333 Zero Drift 3775 0 3775 09 40 47 Zero Drift 0 0 0 09-43 31 Zero Dnft 1800 0 1800 09-4645 Zero Drift 3750 0 3750' 10 36-05 Zero Dnft 0 0 q 1038-09 Zero Dnft 1 0 1 10 3913 Zero Drift 152 0 152 1039 27 Zero Dnft 155 0 155 10 40 33 Zero Drift 3 0 3 10 40 43 Zero Drift 1 0 1 10-4151 Zero Dnft 154 0 154 10 42 05 Zero Dnft 155 0 155 10-4313 Zero Dnft 2 0 2 10 43 23 Zero Dnft 1 0 1 10-44 33 Zero Drift 154 0 154 10 44 45 Zero Dnft 155 0 155 1045 53 Zero Drift 2 0 2 1046 23 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 10 47 33 Zero Drift 3750 0 3750 104749 Zero Drift 3750 0 3750 10 49 07 Zero Drift 25 0 This data is from the Response Tme or ACA tests The calculated "Difference" between the response and target values does not reflect pass/fail criteria, only that the data was recorded by PDARS Difference (DIff) is the Response minus the Target ^Ifcric fion Stack Fuel Flow 02/C0ACA Totdl FlJ^C€!i$ NGFl&w(^)' ^^^^^^ 18-May-10 08 50 00 574 598682 1 1 00 283 598965 18-May-10 08 50 30 576 600768 3 0 1 567 601335 18-May-10 08 51 00 575 599725 3 0 1 567 600292 18-May-10 08 51 30 574 598682 2 01 425 599107 18-May-10 08 52 00 572 596596 2 1 01 425 597021 18-May-10 08 52 30 574 598682 2 1 01 425 599107 18-May-10 08 53 00 572 596596 1 1 00 283 596879 18-May-10 08 53 30 580 604940 1 00 283 605223 18-May-10 08 54 00 579 603897 1 00 283 604180 18-May-10 08 54 30 578 602854 3 1 01 567 603421 18-May-10 08 55 00 580 604940 3 1 01 567 605507 18-May-10 08 55 30 578 602854 1 1 00 283 603137 18-May-10 08S6 00 577 601811 2 1 01 425 602236 18-May-10 08 56 30 579 603897 1 1 00 283 604180 18-May-10 08 57 00 579 603897 1 00 283 604180 18-May-10 08 57 30 579 603897 1 1 00 283 604180 18-May-10 08 58 00 581 605983 2 1 01 426 606408 18-May-10 08 58 30 576 600768 2 1 01 425 601193 18-May-10 08 59 00 578 602854 2 00 283 603137 18-May-10 08 59 30 578 602854 1 1 00 283 603137 18-May-10 09 00 00 574 598682 1 1 00 283 598965 18-May-10 09 00 30 579 603897 2 01 567 604464 18-May-10 09 01 00 572 596596 1 1 00 283 596879 18-May-10 09 01 30 576 600768 2 01 567 601335 18-May-10 00 02 00 578 602854 2 1 01 425 603279 18-May-10 09 02 30 574 598682 2 01 425 599107 18-May-10 09 03 00 576 600768 1 1 00 283 601051 18-May-10 09 03 30 577 601811 1 1 00 283 602094 18-May-10 09 04 00 572 596596 1 00 283 596879 18-May-10 09 04 30 559 583037 1 1 00 283 583320 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/18/10 non Stack Fuel Flow 02/COACA ' Total furfiacei< 18-May-10 09 05 00 555 578865 18-May-10 09 05 30 553 576779 18-May-10 09 06 00 554 577822 18-May-10 09 06 30 562 586166 18-May-10 09 07 00 560 584080 18-May-10 09 07 30 564 588252 18-May-10 09 08 00 565 589295 18-May-10 09 08 30 564 588252 18-May-10 09 09 00 566 590338 18-May-10 09 09 30 564 588252 18-May-10 0910 00 568 592424 18-May-10 09 10 30 567 591381 18-May-10 09 11 00 571 596553 18-May-10 09 11 30 572 596596 18-May-10 09 12 00 571 595553 18-May-10 09 12 30 571 595553 18-May-10 09 13 00 577 601811 18-May-10 0913 30 578 602854 18-May-10 0914 00 577 601811 18-May-10 0914 30 578 602854 18-May-10 09 15 00 577 601811 18-May-10 09 15 30 577 601811 18-May-10 09 16 00 577 601811 18-May-10 0916 30 576 600768 18-May-10 0917 00 579 603897 18-May-10 0917 30 574 598682 18-May-10 09 18 00 578 602854 18-May-10 0918 30 677 601811 18-May-10 0919 00 578 602854 18-May-10 09 19 30 577 601811 ^^^^^ 2 1 01 425 579290 3 1 0 1 567 577346 3 1 0 1 567 578389 2 1 0 1 425 586591 2 1 0 1 425 584505 2 01 567 588819 1 1 00 283 589578 2 1 01 425 588677 2 1 0 1 425 590763 2 1 0 1 425 688677 1 1 00 283 592707 2 1 0 1 425 591806 1 1 00 283 595836 1 1 00 283 596879 3 1 01 567 596120 1 1 00 283 595836 2 1 0 1 425 602236 3 1 0 1 567 603421 1 1 00 283 602094 2 1 01 425 603279 1 1 00 283 602094 1 1 00 283 602094 3 1 01 567 602378 1 1 00 283 601061 3 1 0 1 567 604464 1 1 00 283 598965 1 00 142 602996 1 1 00 283 602094 1 1 00 283 603137 3 1 01 567 602378 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/18/10 ion Stack Fuel Flow 02/COACA 19 ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ M 18-May-10 09 20 00 576 600768 2 1 0 1 425 601193 18-May-10 09 20 30 574 598682 2 1 0 1 425 599107 18-May-10 09 21 00 576 600768 2 1 0 1 425 601193 18-May-10 09 21 30 575 599725 3 1 01 567 600292 18-May-10 09 22 00 574 598682 1 1 00 283 598965 18-May-10 09 22 30 569 593467 2 0 1 567 594034 18-May-10 09 23 00 570 594510 3 1 01 567 695077 18-May-10 09 23 30 555 578865 3 0 1 425 579290 18-May-10 09 24 00 553 576779 3 1 01 567 577346 18-May-10 09 24 30 557 580951 2 1 0 1 425 581376 18-May-10 09 25 00 557 580951 2 0 1 567 581518 18-May-10 09 25 30 561 585123 1 1 00 283 585406 18-May-10 09 26 00 562 586166 1 0 1 425 586591 18-May-10 09 26 30 558 581994 3 1 0 1 567 582581 18-May-10 09 27 00 562 586166 1 0 1 426 586591 18-May-10 09 27 30 562 586166 2 1 0 1 425 586591 18-May-10 09 28 00 565 589295 3 1 01 567 589862 18-May-10 09 28 30 571 595553 2 1 01 425 595978 18-May-10 09 29 00 568 592424 2 01 567 592991 18-May-10 09 29 30 574 598682 2 01 567 599249 18-May-10 09 30 00 573 597639 1 1 00 283 597922 18-May-10 09 30 30 572 596596 2 1 01 425 597021 18-May-10 09 31 00 575 599725 3 1 01 567 600292 18-May-10 09 31 30 572 596596 2 01 567 597163 18-May-10 09 32 00 576 600768 2 1 01 425 601193 18-May-10 09 32 30 576 600768 1 1 00 283 601051 18-May-10 09 33 00 579 603897 2 1 01 425 604322 18-May-10 09 33 30 573 597639 2 1 01 425 598064 18-May-10 09 34 00 569 593467 1 1 00 283 593750 18-May-10 09 34 30 571 595553 2 1 01 425 595978 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/18/10 non Stack Fuel Flow 02/C0ACA mmmm ^^^^^ 18-May-10 09 35 00 569 593467 1 00 283 593750 18-May-10 09 35 30 570 594510 1 1 00 283 594793 18-May-10 09 36 00 571 595553 1 1 00 283 595836 18-May-10 09 36 30 573 597639 1 1 00 283 597922 18-May-10 09 37 00 573 597639 2 1 01 425 598064 18-May-10 09 37 30 573 597639 3 1 01 567 598206 18-May-10 09 38 00 573 597639 1 1 00 283 597922 18-May-10 09 38 30 568 592424 2 1 01 425 592849 18-May-10 09 39 00 571 595553 3 1 01 567 596120 18-May-10 09 39 30 564 588252 1 1 00 283 588535 18-May-10 09 40 00 584 588252 1 1 00 283 588535 18-May-10 09 40 30 562 586166 1 1 00 283 586449 18-May-10 0941 00 567 591381 3 1 01 567 591948 18-May-10 09 41 30 563 587209 3 1 01 567 587776 18-May-10 09 42 00 564 588252 1 1 00 283 588535 18-May-10 09 42 30 563 587209 2 00 283 587492 18-May-10 09 43 00 566 590338 2 1 01 425 590763 18-May-10 09 43 30 567 591381 1 1 00 283 591664 18-May-10 09 44 00 563 587209 2 1 01 425 587634 18-May-10 09 44 30 568 592424 3 1 01 567 592991 18-May-10 09 45 00 567 591381 2 1 01 425 591806 18-May-10 09 45 30 566 590338 1 1 00 283 590621 18-May-10 09 46 00 566 590338 3 1 01 567 590905 18-May-10 09 46 30 565 589295 2 1 01 425 589720 18-May-10 0947 00 569 593467 2 00 283 593750 18-May-10 09 47 30 566 590338 1 1 00 283 590621 18-May-10 09 48 00 575 599725 2 1 01 425 600150 18-May-10 09 48 30 578 602854 2 1 01 425 603279 18-May-10 09 49 00 573 597639 1 1 00 283 597922 18-May-10 09 49 30 574 598682 2 1 01 425 599107 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/18/10 ion Stack Fuel Flow 02/COACA ^^^^ Total ^^^^ Total Ami 18-May-10Q9 50 00 570 594510 2 1 01 425 594d35 ia-May-10 09 50 30 570 594510 2 1 01 425 594935 18-May-10 09 51 00 568 592424 1 1 00 283 592707 18-May-10 09 51 30 564 588252 1 1 00 283 588535 18-May-10 09 52 00 565 589295 3 1 0 1 567 589862 18-May-10 09 52 30 562 586166 1 1 00 283 586449 18-May-10 09 53 00 561 585123 2 1 01 425 585548 18-May-10 09 63 30 560 564080 2 01 567 584647 18-May-10 09 54 00 558 581994 2 1 01 425 582419 18-May-10 09 54 30 554 577822 3 1 0 1 587 578389 18-May-10 09 55 00 559 583037 1 1 00 283 583320 18-May-10 09 55 30 558 581994 2 01 567 582561 18-May-10 09 56 00 556 579908 1 1 00 283 580191 18-May-10 09 56 30 557 580951 2 1 01 425 581376 18-May-10 09 57 00 556 579908 2 1 0 1 425 580333 18-May-10 09 57 30 557 580951 1 1 00 283 581234 18-May-10 09 58 00 558 581994 3 0 1 708 582702 18-May-10 09 58 30 558 581994 1 1 00 283 582277 18-May-10 09 59 00 561 585123 2 1 01 425 585548 18-May-10 09 59 30 554 577822 3 1 01 567 578389 18-May-10 10 00 00 559 583037 1 1 00 283 583320 18-May-1010 00 30 557 580951 2 1 0 1 425 581376 18-May-1010 01 00 557 580951 3 1 01 567 581518 18-May-1010 01 30 554 577822 1 1 00 283 578105 18-May-10 10 02 00 560 584080 1 1 00 283 584363 18-May-10 10 02 30 556 579908 1 1 00 283 580191 18-May-10 10 03 00 560 584080 3 1 0 1 567 584647 18-May-10 10 03 30 557 580951 2 1 0 1 425 581376 18-May-I0 10 04 00 559 583037 3 1 0 1 567 583604 18-May-10 10 04 30 560 584080 2 1 0 1 425 584505 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/18/10 ion Stack Fuel Flow 02/C0 ACA 18-May-1010 05 00 560 584080 18-May-1010 05 30 556 579908 18-May-10 10 06 00 558 581994 18-May-10 10 06 30 555 578865 18-May-10 10 07 00 556 579908 18-May-10 10 07 30 557 580951 18-May-10 10 08 00 553 576779 18-May-1010 08 30 555 578865 K K 1 1 00 283 584363 2 1 01 425 580333 1 2 01 425 582419 1 1 00 283 579148 2 1 0 1 425 580333 1 1 00 283 581234 2 1 0 1 425 577204 2 0 00 283 579148 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/18/10 CEMS RESPONSE TIME DETERMINATION Plant Name TOCDF Date ^'/g./o Furnace Common Spare Rack # 120 AIT-1001 Operator(s)^^7'-^_^^ Analyzer Type Serial No Range Clock Time RTi Clock Time RT2 Clock Time RT3 O2 65780 0-25% Upscale Response 00: O2 65780 0-25% Downscaie Response \l.<i\ N/A N/A N/A Upscale Response N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Downscaie Response N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A DEFINITIONS RT = Response Time in mm ss Response Time Average (mm ss) Range Average Upscale 1^1 Average Downscaie 54' Range y Average [Jpsca\fd/^ Average Downs«Jale FM-PRPMO001-64 R3C0 THIS IS A RECORD CEMS RESPONSE TIME DETERMINATION Plant Name TOCDF Date 5-. ig Furnace Common Spare Rack #120 AIT-1000 Operator(s)^::r2^^_ ^ o Analyzer Type Senal No Range Clock Time RT, Clock Time RT2 Clock Time RT3 CO API-162 0-200 Upscale Response oo:si CO API-162 0-200 Downscaie Response izse 00*. ST CO API-162 0-5000 Upscale Response IS08 CO API-162 0-5000 Downscaie Response OWZA ol.z-i DEFINITIONS 1 RT = Response Time in mm ss Response Time Average (mm ss) Range Average Upscale . 5CP Average Downscaie \.tK> Range Average Upscale t'-tO Average Downscaie • i»CiT' 11 Zl FM-PRPMO001-64 R3C0 THIS IS A RECORD CEMS CALIBRATIO 18-MA MMARY REPORT 0 PAS STACK 102 Rack 120 Time Setting Resoonse Tareet Diff 1130 58 Zero Dnft 154 0 154 { 113220 Zero Drift 70 0 70 113614 Zero Drift 0 0 0 1138 22 Zero Drift 153 0 153 114300 Zero Drift 68 0 68 11 44 38 Zero Dnft 153 0 153 It 48 38 Zero Drift 0 0 o'^ 11 48 56 Zero Dnft 1800 0 1800 U 50-50 Zero Dnft 3775 0 3775 115248 Zero Dnft 1800 0 1800 U 56 SS Zero Drift 0 0 0 1158^6 Zero Drift 3750 0 3750 12 02.32 Zero Drift 0 0 0 12 04 08 Zero Drift 1775 0 1775 12 OS 42 Zero Drift 3750 0 3750 12 58 48 Zero Drift 0 0 0 12 59-30 Zero Dnft 169 0 169 125942 Zero Dnft 158 0 158 13 00 38 Zero Drift 5 0 5 1300-52 Zero Dnft 1 0 1 130156 Zero Dnft 154 0 154 13 0210 Zero Drift 155 0 155 13 03 10 Zero Drift 3 0 3 13-03.22 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 13 04 24 Zero Dnft 153 0 153 13 04 38 Zero Dnft 153 0 153 13 0540 Zero Dnft 2 0 2 130602 Zero Drift 0 0 (j 13-0716 Zero Drift 3750 0 3750 13 07 28 Zero Drift 3750 0 3750 130848 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 130902 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 131014 Zero Drift 37Z5 0 3725 1310-34 Zero Drift 3750 0 3750 131154 Zero Drift 0 0 0 1312-06 Zero Drift 0 0 0 131316 Zero Drift 3750 0 3750 1313 30 Zero Drift 3775 0 3775 This data is from the Response Tune or ACA tests The calculated "Difference" between the response and target values does not reflect pass/fad cntena. only that the data was recorded by PDARS Co ax. Difference (DHf) is the Response minus the Target to (z,. ft. r TGDDF CEMS CALIBRATIO 18-MA^ MMARY REPORT 10 PAS STACK 102 Rack 120 Time Settuii Resoonse Tarset Diff 1314 52 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 ^0 ft^ ji.T. Purpose View CEMS dally calibration drift data by rack number - 02 is in % and CO and NOx is In PPM This data is from the Response Tune or ACA tests The calculated "Difference" between the response and target values does not reflect pass/fail criteria, only that the data was recorded by PDARS Difference (Diff) Is the Response minus the Target CEMS RESPONSE TIME DETERMINATION Plant Name TOCDF Date ^.iQ ic Furnace Common Spare Rack# 121 AIT-1003 Operator(s^^;;7^<>(^^^^ Analyzer Type Senal No Range Clock Time RTi Clock Time RT2 Clock Time RT3 02 65783 0-25% Upscale Response ioz\ 0i:ou 01: ot. 02 65783 0-25% Downscaie Response 00'. "S*! /MlOl N/A N/A N/A Upscale Response N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Downscaie Response N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A DEFINITIONS RT = Response Time in mm ss Response Time Average (mm ss) Range Average Upscale Average Downscaie 1,0 I Range Average Upscale Average Downscal FM-PRPMO001-64 R3C0 THIS IS A RECORD TGDDF CEMS CALIBRATION 18-M AY MARY REPORT PAS STACK 102 Rack 121 OXYGEN 24-AIT-1003 This report or the data herein MUST be screened by the Morutonng Branch before being released fixjin TOCDF control 6S783 Time Settin? Resoonse Tareet DifT 08 12 35 Zero Dnft 0 0 0" 08 14 19 Span Dnft 208 209 1 ^ 08 3315 Zero Drift 2 0 2' 08 3443 Zero Dnft 89 0 89 0836 21 Zero Dnft 14 9 0 149 08 3759 Zero Drift 9 0 9 0839-35 Zero Drift 2 0 2 0841 23 Zero Drift 14 9 0 14 9 J 084313 Zero Drift 2 0 2 08 44 37 Zero Dnft 9 0 9 08 4619 Zero Dnft 149 0 14 9 10-09 55 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 101153 Zero Dnft 89 0 89 10 1317 Zero Dnft 14 9 0 14 9 1014 39 Zero Dnft 9 0 g 101607 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 101743 Zero Dnft 149 0 14 9 101923 Zero Drift 0 0 0 10^031 Zero Dnft 89 0 89 10 2151 Zero Dnft 148 0 14 8 1026 47 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 102757 Zero Drift 207 0 207 10 28 17 Zero Dnft 208 0 20 8 10 29 17 Zero Dnfl 4 0 4 1029-41 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 10 3045 ZeroDnfl 206 0 206 10 31-01 Zero Dnft 208 0 208 103203 Zero Dnft 3 0 3 10 32 17 Zero Drift 0 0 0 10 33 19 ZeroDnfl 206 0 206 103333 Zero Drift 208 0 208 10 34 33 Zero Drift 4 0 4 Comment This data is from the Response Tune or ACA tests The calculated "Difference" between the response and target values does not reflect pass/fail cntena, only that the data was recorded by PDARS CARBON MONOXIDE 24 AIT-1002 API 158 Difference (Diff) Is the Response minus the Target CEMS CALIBRATION 18-M AY MARY REPORT PAS STACK 102 Rack 121 Time Settlne Resoonse Tareel Dill 0815 21 Zero Dnft 0 0 0816.59 Soan Rl Dnft 156 155 l' OS 19 25 Snan R2 Dnft 3775 3760 15 y 08 50-09 Zero Dnft 0 0 0> 08 54 23 Zero Dnft 70 0 70 08-56 29 Zero Dnft 156 0 156 085833 Zero Dnft 70 0 70 090029 ZeroDnfl 0 0 0 09 02 15 Zero Dnft 156 0 156 0904 09 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 09-0631 Zero Dnft 70 0 70 09-0935 Zero Dnft 156 0 156/ 09-14 49 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 0918 59 Zero Dnft 1800 0 1800 09 21 59 ZeroDnfl 3750 0 3750 0924 29 Zero Dnft 1800 0 1800 09 31 11 Zero Dnfl 0 0 0 09 3333 Zero Dnft 3775 0 3775 094047 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 09 43J1 ZeroDnfl 1800 0 1800 094645 Zero Dnft 3750 0 3750 103605 Zero Dnft 0 0 q 10 38-09 Zero Dnft 1 0 1 1039 13 Zero Drift 152 0 152 103927 Zero Drift 155 0 155 10 40 33 Zero Dnft 3 0 3 104043 Zero Dnft 1 0 1 10 4151 ZeroDnfl 104 0 154 1042-05 Zero Dnft 155 0 155 10 4313 Zero Drift 2 0 2 10 4323 Zero Dnft 1 0 I 10 44 33 Zero Drift 154 0 154 10 44 45 Zero Dnft 155 0 155 10 45 53 ZeroDnfl 2 0 2 10 46 23 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 10 4739 ZeroDnfl 3750 0 3750 10 4749 ZeroDnfl 3750 0 3750 10 4907 Zero Dnft 25 0 25 This data is from the Response Tune or ACA tests The calculated "Difference" between the response and target values does not reflect pass/fail cntena, only that the data was recorded by PDARS *ji It 10 Difference (DifT) is the Response minus the Target CEMS CALIBRATION 18-M AY PAS STACK 102 Rack 121 MARY REPORT Time Setting Resoonse Tareet Diff 10-4919 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 10-50 37 Zero Drift 3725 0 3725 10-5053 Zero Drift 3775 0 3775 10 5219 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 10-52 33 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 105343 Zero Drift 3725 0 3725 10 5357 ZeroDnfl 3750 0 3750 105519 ZeroDnfl 0 0 0 to was recorded l^ S^f^ Purpose View CEMS daily calibration drift data by rack number - 02 is in % and CO and NOx is in PPM Difference {Diff) is the Response minus the Target ion Stack Fuel Flow 02/C0 RT Minimum Rea'd 297255 BTU =f T6tal Ituriiacfi'* ^^^^^ ^^^^ 18-May-10 10 25 00 621 647703 1 1 00 283 647986 18-May-1010 25 30 610 636230 1 1 00 283 636513 18-May-1010 26 00 612 638316 1 1 00 283 638599 18-May-1010 26 30 603 628929 1 1 00 283 629212 18-May-1010 27 00 608 634144 1 1 00 283 634427 18-May-1010 27 30 603 628929 3 01 708 629637 18-May-1010 28 00 594 619542 2 01 567 620109 18-May-10 10 28 30 574 598682 2 1 01 425 599107 18-May-10 10 29 00 566 590338 1 1 00 283 590621 18-May-10 10^29 30 555 578865 1 1 00 283 579148 18-May-1010 30 00 549 572607 1 1 00 283 572890 18-May-1010 30 30 551 574693 3 1 01 567 575260 18-May-1010 31 00 553 576779 3 1 01 567 577346 18-May-10 10 31 30 544 567392 2 1 01 425 567817 18-May-1010 32 00 537 560091 2 1 01 425 560516 18-May-10 10 32 30 535 558005 3 1 01 567 558572 18-May-1010 33 00 530 552790 3 1 01 567 553357 18-May-1010 33 30 534 556962 1 1 00 283 557245 18-May-10 10 34 00 545 568435 2 00 283 568718 18-May-10 10 34 30 542 565306 1 1 00 283 565589 18-May-10 10 35 00 542 565306 2 1 01 425 565731 18-May-10 10 35 30 543 566349 1 1 00 283 566632 18-May-1010 36 00 543 566349 1 1 00 283 566632 18-May-1010 36 30 545 568435 3 1 01 567 569002 18-May-1010 37 00 549 572607 2 1 0 1 425 573032 18-May-1010 37 30 544 567392 3 1 0 1 567 567959 18-May-1010 38 00 543 566349 1 1 00 283 566632 18-May-1010 38 30 559 583037 2 1 01 425 583462 18-May-10 10 39 00 561 585123 1 1 00 283 585406 18-May-1010 39 30 556 579908 2 1 0 1 425 580333 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/18/10 fmon Stack Fuel Flow 02/CO RT 18-May-10 1040 00 564 577822 1 1 00 283 578105 18-May-101040 30 556 579908 2 1 0 1 425 580333 18-May-1010 41 00 560 584080 1 1 00 283 584363 18-.May-1010 41 30 565 589295 1 1 00 283 589578 18-May-1010 42 00 569 593467 2 1 0 1 425 593892 18-May-1010 42 30 573 597639 2 01 567 598206 18-May-10 10 43 00 582 607026 2 1 01 425 607451 18-May-10 1043 30 583 608069 2 ^0 1 567 608636 18-May-10 10 44 00 586 611198 1 1 00 283 611481 18-May-1010 44 30 586 611198 3 0 1 425 611623 18-May-1010 45 00 587 612241 1 1 00 283 612524 18-May-1010 45 30 589 614327 1 1 00 283 614610 18-May-10 10 46 00 585 610155 2 1 0 1 425 610580 18-May-101046 30 589 614327 3 1 01 567 614894 18-May-10 10 47 00 589 614327 2 1 0 1 425 614752 18-May-1010 47 30 591 616413 1 1 00 283 616696 18-May-1010 48 00 586 611198 1 00 142 611340 18-May-1010 48 30 590 615370 2 1 0 1 425 615795 18-May-101049 00 587 612241 2 1 01 425 612666 18-May-10 10 49 30 586 611198 1 1 00 283 611481 18-May-1010 50 00 587 612241 3 1 0 1 567 612808 18-May-1010 50 30 589 614327 1 1 00 283 614610 18-May-1010 51 00 588 613284 1 1 00 283 613567 18-May-1010 51 30 692 617456 2 01 567 618023 18-May-1010 52 00 592 617456 2 00 283 617739 18-May-1010 62 30 688 613284 2 1 01 425 613709 18-May-10 10 53 00 591 616413 3 1 01 567 616980 18-May-1010 53 30 593 618499 1 1 00 283 618782 18-May-10 10 54 00 589 614327 1 1 00 283 614610 18-May-1010 54 30 594 619542 1 1 00 283 619825 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/18/10 CEMS RESPONSE TIME DETERMINATION Plant Name TOCDF Date ic Furnace Common Spare Rack# 121 AIT-1002 Operator(s^7^>5? ^^r, Analyzer Type Senal No Range Clock Time RTi Clock Time RT2 Clock Time RTs CO API-158 0-200 Upscale Response loMti 0« en lows Oi'0<\. CO API-158 0-200 Downscaie Response Ol'CCf CO API-158 0-5000 Upscale Response losi o^.l•r \cS^ CO API-158 0-5000 Downscaie Response 0\',ZS DEFINITIONS RT = Response Time in mm ss | Response Time Average (mm ss) Range Average Upscale f .Cl Average Downscaie t 0^ Range Average Upscale tr > 9' I-1<* w n w Average Downscaie II FM-PRPMO001-64 R3C0 THIS IS A RECORD non Stack Fuel Flow 02/CO RT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ 18-May-10 10 55 00 584 609112 18-May-10 10 55 30 592 617456 18-May-10 10 56 00 584 609112 18-May-10 1 0 56 30 588 613284 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/18/10 APPENDIX C Relative Accuracy Spreadsheet and Reference Method Data Method 1 - Circtdar Duct - Determination of Traverse Points Project Name Project Number Hot*/f^JI<t.O%. Date Source f*^'^'^ Operator ft^ n VelodW^aifly J, / 7II o Isoyriehc Sampling / n Number of Ports to be sampled ]_ Duct Diameter (in) ^Measurement • Plant Information Upsh-eam Distance (ft/In) E) Measurement • Plant Infomiation Downstream Distance fft/inl^j^/t* tffleasurement ^r-ioot g Plant Informabon Total number of Traverse Points (from Figure 2 (velocity) or 1 (all isokinetic sampling)) Number of traverse points per port 3 ] Port Depth Traverse Point Percent of Diameter Distance from Wall ^ (in) Marking Location (in) 1 /CC JO 2 3 30 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 (0 10 11 / 12 / 1 Traverse Point Percent of Diameter Distance from Wall (In) Marking Location (in) 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 17 18 19 20 He-/ 21 22 23 / / 24 Prepare a drawing of the source, showing the ports, disturtances, and the distances ^ According to Method 1, for stacks between 12 and 24", no point may be within Va inch of the wall For stacks greater than 24", no point may be within 1 inch of the wall FbS-03A Method 1 Cirajlar Duct Revision Date November Z009 Response Time Determination - EPA Method 7E Applicable to Performance of EPA Methods 3A, 6C, 7E and 10 Project Name: Jbcd CEl^lhs ^^fTTj^/TygffllSource; Qg**^ Project Number: Vo^vci^yo, Date: ^/t^/^o lotion: G^.^ Sk^e rZoo' r^J Time ^Ac<- Parameter 0>u c o Analyzer Make and Model Analyzer Name Analyzer Range O- Is" From Zero Upscale Zero Upscale Zero Upscale To Upscale Zero Upscale Zero Upscale Zero Start Time (hh mm) /w 15 sec o ^'^ Z/.C9 O'Z^ 30 sec OtZO CS.^ 45 sec Z'O 96 r 60 sec t>.%h 75 sec 90 sec 105 sec 120 sec 135 sec 150 sec 165 sec 180 sec 195 sec Response Time ^ Co CO Analyzer Response Time* Co CO /or" ^ Time in seconds to reach 95% of final stable value ' Greater of upscale and downscaie response time Cylinder Number Actual Value Upscale Upscale Upscale Zero 0 FOS-IOEPA 7E CEM Response Time Revision Oate October 2009 stratification Determination - EPA Method 7E Applicable to Performance of EPA Methods 3A 6C, 7E and 10 Parameter Plaift Operator Date 'f/?6//o Analyzer Make and- Model /\nalyzerTag Analyzer§/N Ott/tfoQt /shfS" Analyzer Range c^^Z-j"/^ System Response Time ^^j" %^cjtti«^ Traverse Points (3 ar« required) Marking Locatfon SampUng Duration Concentration <3to Differerm | from Mosn 1 2 fo, 7i 3 50" **« ••I A . / ^ *»"»- 4 - 5 6 7 8 1 ^ ! 11 12 c —.— " Mean Concentration of all Traverse Points StrabUcation Test Cntena^ ~ Evaluate m Order 1 Do the ODncentratons at eadi baverse point differ nvm the mean concentration by no more than (a) ±5 0% of ttie mean or (b) ±0 5 ppm (whidiever Is less restrictive}? If YES, use 1 point 2 Do ti« concentrations at eadt traverse point dif)«r from ttie mean ooncentrabon by more tiian (a) 15 0% of the mean or Cb) ±0 5 ppm (whidteveris less restrictive) and by no more titan (a) ±10 0% of the mean or (b) ±1 0 ppm (wlilchever is less restiKbve)? If YES, use 3 points 3 Ek) the concentnations at each traverse point dflTer ftvm the mean concentration by more than (a) ±10 0% of the mean or (b) ±1 0 ppm (whichever is less restnchve}? IfYESyuseU points ' According to EPA Method 3A, Section 8 \, the alternative acceptance cnterion for 3-point sampling Is 4:0 5% CQz or Oj, and the cntenon for single-point sampling is ±03% CQt or Qj Fl>S-iZ StratifleationTtst Revision bote March Z0O9 Reviewed februaryZOIO CEMS Operation Log Project Tjfcrt: qc^jw ^i^A Page f of y Project Number ^^^-^2.^^ Operator /f^^ Source (^^^ ^ Date ^n//t> Time Acbvity Turn on Analyzers' Analyzer Response A4t Sample Flow Rate ^gi^ 3 O.f/ 0.3/ -O 3"?- 0/ 33 •IL 03! Mo '113^ JZM- O.rx MJJL 7BB •&I37 fit iinf Altgi^rtO /I/QA 0>fi C».o> U<iyrO, ^q.s'f. CO, li 5^ MO Jl. Cf.c/ 0,(T O' bZ. 0.1Z 150?, Oiosr JSIL L3 fstf /r;>3 ILL -SLL 0,61. 9SeB ' "Turn on Analyzers" Is to document sufficient warm up time If applicable, Yesterday" is an acceptable entry FOS QIA CEMS Operation Revision bate September 2009 CEMS Operation Log Project '2«io-7rcOFC€*jhi cMw4 Page 2_ of ^ Project Number K^^^^, CS: Operator ^& ^"^^ c#.-^ &w Date Time Activity O. Analyzer Response CO Sample Flow Rate '/o Turn on Analyzers' is (.o lid. -cto 9^/ IklSL. //// y-plhu<'/ 1JL 5'0 to, 0*7- Co 6 c>V ~0.1.Z ' Turn On Analyzers' Is to document sufficient warm up time If applicable, "yesterda/ Is an acceptable entry FdS'OJA CEMS Operation Revision Oate September 2009 CEMS Operation Log Project ^^fjfr c&lt^ fij^ Page ^3 of 7 Project Number Vb*lV'7t,Vo. Oy Operator At)& Source Sfcri-Date Sfzckt> Time Activity Analyzer Response Co Sample Flow Rate Tum on Analyzers' 0 03 3^ 1-35- A/. 7. ^-gro CP. 08 3SX O.Ob 0 rOf df At2^< AJO^ ML 3M. MQx. ?t»foV^ Y^f /fH^O - 6 <Cf 9?r/ ff^^^>^ y?.f CO S' o ^5/ O. ff * "Turn On Analyzers" is to document sufildent warm-up time ir applicable, "Vesterday" Is an acceptable entry Fas-OIA CEMS Operation Revision bate September 2009 CEMS Operation Log Project 2^^e 'Tt>c.O^ C£W%& *JfrA Page Y of ^ Project Number (^tAV?!? to. oY Operator Source Qc^^^ i^^i^^ Date 5/2* //'o Time Activity Analyzer Response Co Sample Flow Rate Turn on Analyzers' 31A. Co o. 07 Tr O IFo 0,fi CP 7t 1^ Co 5V6 '2--o,tY 9w /f ill 1^ 0.0:? 0,0 o *>z y*^/ r/"^ Co ' Turn On Analyzers" is to document suHident warm-up time If applicable, "yesterday" is an acceptable entry FbS-OlA CEMS Operation Revision bate September 2009 CEMs Sampling System Audit Log Project TOCDf^ AJO^ CPl^fd^i Page / of / Project Number y^,^7.2 • Oi" Operator /^/^ Source G*^. S-fa*.^ Date ^/ft/^^ - .^ho/ro Vehicle ID ~ \^*UshrIC Heated Une ID 2 Sample Pump ID 2 >• ,—• Chiller ID CUKJCV Time Heated Line Tern Sample Pump Temp C°F) Chiller Temp ("F) Sample Flow (Ipm) Time Section 1 Section 2 Secbon 3 Pump 1 Pump 2 Chiller Temp ("F) Sample Flow (Ipm) Time Section 1 Section 2 Secbon 3 Head 1 Head 2 Head 1 Head 2 Chiller Temp ("F) Sample Flow (Ipm) 2rr . Zcr Trr '—• .— ^XY 73£> • ^jr zxr ' • '—• . ../.ryot-, 9Yo icr To Jfra-• — - — ^0 «-27/ ^^ 0 <^ 0 r ' / / —- Comments: W PS CEMS System Audit Revision bate February 2009 2010 Spares Rd 2 RATA Relative Accuracy Results URS TCEMS STACK ANALYZER DATA ARITHMETIC DIFFERENCE 24 AIT 1001 24 AIT IOOO0 24 AIT 1003 24-AIT 10020 24 AIT 1001 24 AIT IOOO0 24 AIT 1003 24-AIT 10020 65780 API 162 65783 API 158 65780 API 162 65783 API 158 CO Use CO Use Use CO Use Use CO Use Use CO Use 02 CO PPMV 02 of PP^IV of 02 of PPMV of 02 of PPMV of 02 of PPMV of DATE TIME /o PPMV O2 Corr (%) Run O2 Corr Run (/.) R"" O2 Corr Run (%) Run Oj Corr Run (%) Run O2 Corr Run 5/19/2010 Run 1 1442 1503 10 64 0 57 0 77 107 1 105 1 0 06 0 23 0 14 0 23 5/19/2010 Run 2 1511 1532 10 26 0 70 0 92 10 4 1 102 1 0 14 0 08 0 06 0 08 5/19/2010 Run 3 1540 1601 10 53 0 55 0 74 106 1 105 1 0 07 0 26 0 03 0 26 5/19/2010 Run 4 1614-1635 10 44 0 61 0 81 106 1 104 1 0 16 0 19 0 04 0 19 5/19/2010 Run 5 1642 1703 10 43 0 53 0 70 106 1 104 1 0 17 0 30 0 03 0 30 5/19/2010 Run 6 1711 1732 10 58 0 46 0 62 107 1 10 6 1 0 12 0 38 0 02 0 38 5/20/2010 Run 7 758 817 10 69 0 40 0 54 10 8 1 106 0 Oil 0 46 0 09 0 54 6/20/2010 Run 8 825 846 10 68 0 35 0 48 108 0 106 0 0 12 043 0 08 048 5/20/2010 Run 9 855 916 10 62 0 35 0 48 10 7 0 10 6 0 0 08 0 48 0 02 0 48 5/20/2010 Run 10 924 945 10 54 0 43 0 58 10 7 0 105 0 0 16 0 58 0 04 0 58 5/20/2010 Run 11 955 1016 10 47 0 43 0 57 106 0 104 0 0 13 0 57 0 07 0 57 5/20/2010 Run 12 1023 1044 10 14 0 54 0 69 10 2 0 10 1 0 0 06 0 69 0 04 0 69 Average 10 500 0 658 H umber of Runs Used In Calculation 12 12 12 12 Average Difference 0 12 0 07 0 05 016 Standard Deviation 0 04 044 0 04 043 t Value 2 20 2 20 2 20 2 20 Confidence Coeffient 0 02 0 28 0 03 0 27 Permit Limit NA 100 NA 100 Relative Accuracy (Absolute Average Difference) 0 12 0 07 }; -:o'o5i 0 18 Relative Accuracy (Absolute Average Difference + Absolute CC) 0 14 0 35 0 08 043 Relative Accuracy (% of Reference Method) 1 34 53 92 0 72 6512 Relative Accuracy (% of Permit Limit) NA 0i3S. NA An X in this column denotes a run which is not used in calculation of relative accuracy 11 2010 Spares RATA URS TCEMS Bias Corrected Concentrations Uncorrected Concentrations O2 CO 19-May-10 Time (%) (ppmv) Run 1 'f 1442-1503 10 59 0 67 Run 2 1511-1532 10 24 0 79 Run 3 1540-1601 10 53 0 56 Run 4 1614-1635 10 45 0 61 Run 5 1642-1703 10 46 064 Run 6 1711-1732 10 61 0 61 Run 7 756-817 10 65 0 41 Run 8 825-846 1064 0 46 Run 9 855-916 10 56 0 49 Run 10 924-945 10 47 054 Run 11 955-1016 ~ 10 41 0 52 Run 12 1023-1044 10 11 0 62 Corrected 0; Cone O2 Eq 7E-5 Factors Bias Corrected 5/19/2010 Time (%) Co Cma/(Cm-Co) Concentration Run 1 1442-1503 10 59 016 1 02 10 64 Run 2 1511-1532 10 24 016 1 02 10 26 Run 3 1540-1601 10 53 0 18 1 02 10 53 Run 4 1614 1635 10 45 019 1 02 10 44 Run 5 1642-1703 10 46 017 1 01 10 43 Run 6 1711-1732 10 61 0 16 1 01 10 58 Run 7 756-817 10 65 0 14 1 02 10 69 Run 8 825-846 1064 0 15 1 02 10 68 Run 9 855-916 10 56 0 15 1 02 10 62 Run 10 924-945 10 47 0 15 1 02 10 54 Run 11 955-1016 1041 0 16 1 02 10 47 Run 12 1023-1044 10 11 0 17 1 02 1014 Corrected CO Cone CO Eq 7E-5 Factors Bias Corrected 5/19/2010 Time (ppm) Co Cma/(Cm-Co) Concentration Run 1 1442-1503 0 67 0 11 1 02 0 57 Run 2 1511-1532 0 79 010 1 03 0 70 Run 3 1540-1601 0 56 0 03 1 03 0 55 Run 4 1614-1635 0 61 0 02 1 03 0 61 Run 5 1642-1703 064 0 12 1 03 0 53 Run 6 1711-1732 0 61 0 16 1 03 0 46 Run 7 756-817 0 41 0 02 1 03 0 40 Run 8 825-846 0 46 0 12 1 03 0 35 Run 9 855-916 0 49 0 15 1 03 0 35 Run 10 924-945 054 012 1 03 0 43 Run 11 955-1016 0 52 Oil 1 03 0 43 Run 12 1023-1044 0 62 0 10 1 02 054 12 2010 Spares RATA URS TCEMS RmData 12haurtlnm 02 (%) CO (ppm) Cillbratlon Error ISSppmNOX 97 1 ppm NOX 97 8 ppm CO 47 1 ppm CO 5/19/2010 14 13 34 20 863 0 87 5/19/2010 14 1344 20 863 0 833 5/19/2010 14 13 54 20 861 0848 5/19/2010 1414 04 20 858 0 828 5/19/2010 14 14 14 20 842 0 833 5/19/2010 1414 24 7 633 0855 5/19/2010 14 14 34 0213 0 863 5/19/2010 1414 44 0146 0 821 5/19/2010 14 14 54 0148 0 722 6/19/2010 14 15 04 0 151 0611 5/1S/2010 14 15 14 0146 0 046 5/19/2010 14 15 24 0143 0 018 5/19/2010 1415 34 0136 -0 095 014 -0 05 5/19/2010 14 15 44 0 121 0065 5/19/2010 14 15 54 0145 -O096 5/19/2010 14 18 04 0146 0 087 5/19/2010 141614 0 143 0156 5/19/2010 14 16 24 0 143 0 137 5/19/2010 14 16 34 0 146 0 046 5/19/2010 14 16 44 014 0 016 5/19/2010 14 16 54 0135 -0 038 5/19/2010 14 17 04 0 131 0 069 5/19/2010 14 17 14 0 136 0 038 5/19/2010 14 17 24 0 138 0 069 5/19/2010 14 17 34 017 0 042 015 -0 05 5/19/2010 14 17 44 0 131 0 06 5/19/2010 14 17 54 0 114 0 076 5/19/2010 14 IS 04 0 121 0 069 5/19/2010 14 16 14 0 111 0 045 5/19/2010 1418 24 0 118 0 042 5/19/2010 14 18 34 0 121 0 057 5/19/2010 14 18 44 0 116 0 087 5/19/2010 14 18 54 0 114 0 057 5/19/2010 14 19 04 0 136 006 012 -0 07 5/19/2010 14 19 14 0 126 0 03 5/19/2010 14 1924 0113 6 127 5/19/2010 14 19 34 0 108 28 006 5/19/2010 14 19 44 0 104 59 96 5/19/2010 14 19 54 0104 82 772 5/19/2010 14 20 04 0108 91 71 5/19/2010 14 20 14 0 106 93 323 5/19/2010 14 20 24 0 109 93 427 6/19/2010 14 20 34 0 114 93 503 5/19/2010 14 20 44 0 111 93 61 5/19/2010 14 20 54 0 111 93 649 5/19/2010 14 21 04 0114 93 916 5/19/2010 1421 14 0 113 93 751 5/19/2010 14 21 24 0104 93 533 5/19/2010 14 21 34 0 108 93 931 5/19/2010 14 21 44 0 111 97 719 5/19/2010 14 21 54 0 106 97 608 5/19/2010 14 22 04 0 111 96 718 5/19/2010 14 22 14 0 109 96 544 5/19/2010 14 22 24 0 104 97 131 011 96 80 5/19/2010 14 22 34 0121 96 823 5/19/2010 14 22 44 0 114 92 702 5/19/2010 14 22 54 0 116 79 476 5/19/2010 14 23 04 0 114 62 892 5/19/2010 14 2314 0 103 51 548 5/19/2010 14 23 24 0 106 47 064 5/19/2010 14 23 34 0 098 46 269 511912010 14 23 44 0096 46 077 5/19/2010 14 23 54 0 104 45 837 5/19/2010 14 24 04 15404 45 799 5 20 45 80 5/19/2010 14 24 14 21 717 44 462 5/19/2010 14 24 24 21 863 34 667 6/19/2010 14 24 34 21 876 19 839 5/19/2010 14 24 44 21 875 9 462 5/19/2010 14 24 64 21 873 3 666 5/19/2010 14 25 04 21 868 0 858 5/19/2010 1425 14 21 848 0 312 5/19/2010 14 25 24 11664 0 564 5/19/2010 14 25 34 11 146 0 443 5/19/2010 14 25 44 11 147 0 243 5/19/2010 14 25 54 11 144 0132 5/19/2010 14 26 04 11 152 0144 5/19/2010 14 26 14 11 142 0263 6/19/2010 14 26 24 2 502 0 267 5/19/2010 14 26 34 0 165 0 228 5/19/2010 14 26 44 0 138 0 236 5/19/2010 14 26 64 0 13 0144 5/19/2010 14 27 04 0 128 0 042 5/19/2010 14 27 14 0 131 0 069 6/19/2010 14 27 24 0 126 0 069 6/19/2010 14 27 34 0118 0 053 5/19/2010 14 27 44 0 118 0 069 Page 1 of 29 13 2010 Spares RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data ZcraN2 02JC02 012 -«06 5/19/201014 27 54 13 636 0144 6/19/201014 28 04 21 668 0 09 5/19/2010142814 21 881 0 267 5/19/201014 28 24 21 87 0 488 5/19/201014 28 34 21 871 0 575 5/19/201014 2844 21 871 -0 599 5/19/201014 2864 21 876 -0 575 5/19/20101429 04 21 885 0 587 5/19/201014 2914 21878 0 614 5/19/201014 29 24 21 897 0 63 219%02/19 5%C02 2189 -0 58 5/19/201014 29 34 11 528 -0602 5/19/2010 14 29 44 11 152 0 572 6/19/201014 29 54 11 141 0453 5/19/201014 30 04 11 149 0 377 5/19/201014 30 14 11 134 0 401 5/19/201014 30.24 11 147 0 384 111%02/9 5\C02 1114 -0 39 5/19/2010 14 30 34 11 063 0 377 5/19/201014 30 44 11 127 0 297 5/19/201014 30 54 1 672 0 384 5/19/201014 31 04 10 478 1 954 5/19/201014 31 14 6818 6 016 5/19/201014 31 24 0 853 8 03 6/19/2010 14 31 34 0 962 11 923 6/19/2010 14 31 44 1 447 21 245 5/19/2010 14 31 54 1 556 32 282 6/19/201014 32 04 1 566 38 944 5/19/201014 32 14 1 818 40 595 5/19/201014 32 24 1 904 40 046 5/19/2010 14 32 34 t 932 39 504 5/19/2010 14 32 44 1 994 38 947 5/19/201014 32 64 2 02 38 626 6/19/2010 14 33 04 2 083 38 375 5/19/201014 33 14 2 115 38 096 5/19/2010 14 33 24 2 172 37 879 5/19/2010 14 33 34 3 678 37 619 5/19/201014 33 44 3 206 37 101 5/19/201014 33 54 4 494 35 063 6/19/201014 34 04 0 236 27 045 Calibration Bias 5/19/2010 14 34 14 0 173 20 028 5/19/201014 34 24 0163 22 219 5/19/201014 34 34 0158 31 958 6/19/2010 14 34 44 0 156 41 263 5/19/2010 14 34 54 0 153 45 173 5/19/2010 14 35 04 0148 45 691 6/19/201014 35 14 0143 46 062 6/19/201014 35 24 0151 462 5/19/201014 35 34 0 148 46143 5/19/2010 14 35 44 0 135 46 158 5/19/2010 14 36 64 0128 46185 5/19/2010 14 36 04 0 16 46 254 471 ppm CO 014 48 20 5/19/201014 36 14 0 156 46 733 5/19/201014 36 24 0 151 38 695 5/19/2010 14 36 34 0 14 24 084 5/19/2010 14 36 44 0 156 10 515 5/19/2010 14 36 64 0 16 3 148 5/19/2010 14 37 04 0143 0 774 6/19/201014 37 14 0 15 0 249 5/19/201014 37 24 0166 0 262 6/19/201014 37 34 0 16 0 26 5/19/201014 37 44 0141 0 084 5/19/2010 14 37 54 0 146 0163 6/19/201014 38 04 0 143 0166 971 ppm NOX 014 013 5/19/2010 14 38 14 9 46 0 039 5/19/201014 38 24 10 986 0114 5/19/201014 38 34 11 04 0 141 6/19/201014 38 44 11 043 0 061 6/19/201014 38 54 11 048 0 057 5/19/201014 39 04 11 065 -0 09 6/19/201014 3914 11 062 0 114 5/191/2010 14 3924 11 052 0.08 5/19/2010 14 39 34 11 063 0 075 11 1%02/9 5V C02 1106 .0 09 5/19/2010 14 39 44 10 844 0 069 5/19/2010 14 39 64 2 159 0137 5/19/2010 14 40 04 1 986 0 027 5/19/2010 14 40 14 2 033 0 195 6/19/201014 40 24 1 89 0108 5/19/2010 14 40 34 0 193 0 042 5/19/2010 14 40 44 0151 0138 5/19/2010 14 40 64 0165 0 114 5/19/2010 14 41 04 0 151 0 069 5/19/2010 14 41 14 0 2 013 Zen>N2 017 010 6/19/2010 14 41 24 0 202 0 081 5/19/2010 14 41 34 9163 0 237 5/19/2010 14 41 44 10 243 0 219 5/19/201014 41 54 10431 0 354 Page 2 of 29 14 2010 Spares RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data 6/19/201014 42 04 10 474 0 413 6/19/201014 42 14 10 494 0 527 6/19/201014 42 24 10 528 0 611 5/19/201014 42 34 10 704 0 648 5/191201014 4244 10 53 0 564 5/19/2010 14 42 54 10 523 0 623 5/19/2010 14 43 04 10 516 0 648 6/19/2010 14 43 14 10 638 0 507 5/191(201014 43 24 10 683 0589 5/19/201014 43 34 10 663 0 642 6/19/201014 43 44 10 531 063 6/1sa01014 43 64 10 516 0 564 5/19/201014 44 04 10 51 066 5/19/2010 14 44 14 10 545 0 63 6/19/201014 44 24 10 548 0 691 6/19/201014 44 34 10 555 0 638 6/19/2010 14 44 44 10 625 0611 5/19/201014 44 54 10 654 0 675 5/19/2010 14 45 04 10 729 0 725 5/19/201014 4514 10 724 0 633 6/19/2010 14 46 24 10 731 0615 6/19/2010 14 46 34 10 744 0 584 5/19/201014 45 44 10 726 0 71 •il191/2010 14 45 54 10718 0 741 5/19/2010 14 46 04 10 719 0 633 5/19/2010 14 4614 10 738 0611 6/19/201014 46 24 10 758 0 749 6/19/201014 46 34 10 791 0 717 5/19/201014 46 44 10 78 0 749 5/19/2010 14 46 64 10 758 0 764 5/19/2010 14 47 04 10 766 0 623 5/19/2010 14 4714 10 773 0 638 5/19/201014 47 24 10 793 0 749 5/19/201014 47 34 10 751 0 766 5/19/201014 47 44 10 728 0 756 5/19/2010 14 47 54 10718 0 699 5/19/2010 14 48 04 10 733 0 756 5/19/2010 14 4814 10 736 0 749 5/19/201014 48 24 10 753 0 725 5/19/201014 48 34 10 768 0 762 5/19/201014 48 44 10 765 0 722 5/19/2010 14 48 64 10 78 0 658 6/19/2010 14 49 04 10 783 0 588 5/19/2010 14 4914 10 761 0 732 5/19/2010 14 49 24 10 768 0717 5/19/201014 49 34 10 753 0 729 6/19/201014 49 44 10 744 0 729 5/19/2010 14 49 64 10 781 0 68 5/19/2010 14 50 04 10 753 0 726 6/19/2010 14 5014 10719 0 714 6/19/2010 14 50 24 10721 0 675 5/19/201014 50 34 10 209 0 615 5/19/201014 50 44 10 731 0 737 6/19/201014 50 54 10 761 0 84 5/19/201014 51 04 10 698 0 816 5/19/2010 14 51 14 10 681 0 707 6/19/201014 61 24 10 652 0 717 5/19/2010 14 51 34 10 652 0 725 6/19/2010 14 51 44 10 647 0 764 5/19/2010 14 61 64 10664 0 744 5/19/2010 14 62 04 10 667 0 756 5/19/2010 14 52 14 10 682 0 638 6/19/2010 14 52 24 10 654 0 606 6/19/2010 14 62 34 10 639 0 633 5/19/2010 14 52 44 10 64 0 588 5/19/2010 14 52 64 10664 0 68 5/19/2010 14 63 04 10 642 0611 5/19/201014 6314 10 636 0 732 5/19/201014 5324 10617 0 729 5/19/2010 14 53 34 10 602 0 767 6/19/201014 5344 10 604 0 764 5/19/201014 53 54 10 573 0 737 5/19/201014 54 04 10 575 0 623 5/19/201014 5414 10 59 063 6/19/201014 64 24 10 583 0 603 5/19/201014 64 34 10 65 0 633 5/19/201014 64 44 10 536 0 668 5/19/2010 14 64 54 10 62 0 596 5/19/201014 55 04 10 685 0 729 5/19/2010 14 56 14 10 563 0 707 6/19/2010 14 55 24 10 523 0 699 6/19/2010 14 66 34 10 481 0 641 5/19/201014 55 44 10 474 0 722 5/19/2010 14 5554 10 601 0 683 5/19/201014 56 04 10 608 0 646 5/19/201014 6614 10 628 0 657 5/19/201014 56 24 10 64 0 744 5/19/201014 66 34 10 498 0 71 5/19/2010 14 56 44 10 474 0 66 6/19/2010 14 58 64 10 484 0 687 5/19/2010 14 57 04 10 486 063 5/19/201014 5714 10 636 0618 Page 3 of 29 15 2010 Spares RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data Calibration Bias 47 1 ppm CO 97 1 ppm NOX 11 1%02/9 5%C02 5/19/201014 57 24 10 515 0 63 SI19I2010 14 57 34 10 499 0 695 5/19/201014 57 44 10 473 06 5/19/201014 57 54 10469 0 668 5/19/201014 58 04 10 491 0 691 6/19/201014 68 14 10 608 0 618 5/19/201014 58.24 10 51 0 71 5/19/2010 14 58 34 10 501 0 722 6/19/201014 58 44 10481 06 6/19/2010 14 68 64 10516 0 561 5/19/201014 59 04 10 536 0 615 5/19/2010 14 6914 10 538 0 648 6/19/2010 14 69 24 10 53 0 623 5/19/201014 59 34 10 613 0 744 5/19/201014 59 44 10 494 0 668 6/19/2010 14 59 54 10 494 0611 5/19/2010 15 00 04 10491 0 816 5/19/201016 0014 10 503 063 6/19/2010 16 00 24 10513 0 63 5/19/201015 00 34 10454 0 848 5/19/2010160044 10 405 0 618 6/19/20101500 64 10419 0 769 5/19/2010 15 01 04 10 409 0 759 5/19/2010 16 01 14 10426 066 5/19/2010 16 01 24 10 469 0 615 5/19/2010 16 01 34 10 463 0 623 5/19/201016 01 44 10 444 0 672 5/19/201015 01 54 10421 0 668 5/19/2010 16 02 04 10 452 0 648 5/19/2010 15 02 14 10 478 0 66 5/19/2010 15 02 24 10 494 0 641 6/19/201015 02 34 10 481 0 648 5/19/201015 02 44 10515 0 603 6/19/201016 02 54 10 623 0 616 10 59 0 67 5/19/2010 15 03 04 10 576 0 623 5/19/2010 15 03 14 5 484 0611 6/19/2010 15 03 24 0 604 3 339 5/19/201015 03 34 0 227 12 834 6/19/2010 15 03 44 0 17 27 437 5/19/2010 15 03 64 0 16 39 207 6/19/201015 04 04 0 155 44 681 5/10/2010 15 04 14 0 163 45 997 6/19/201015 04 24 0 165 46 188 6/19/2010 16 04 34 0 161 46 084 6/19/2010 16 04 44 0 148 46 188 5/19/2010 16 04 64 0 146 46 218 015 4618 5/19/2010 15 06 04 0 155 44 983 5/19/2010 15 05 14 0 156 36 48 5/19/201015 05 24 0 16 21 066 5/19/201015 05 34 0 143 8 443 5/19/2010 16 06 44 0 135 2 297 6/19/2010 15 06 54 0 143 0 492 5/19/2010 15 06 04 0146 0195 6/19/2010 15 06 14 0145 0 237 5/19/2010 16 06 24 0146 0161 6/19/2010 15 06 34 2 244 0 084 5/19/2010 15 06 44 10 899 0 088 443 011 6/19/2010 15 06 54 11 018 0 006 6/19/201015 07 04 11 028 0 067 6/19/2010 15 07 14 11 045 0216 5/19/201015 07 24 11 047 0107 5/19/2010 15 07 34 11 043 0 084 6/19/2010 16 07 44 11 04 0 179 5/19/2010 15 07 54 11 037 0 206 11 04 -016 5/19/2010 15 08 04 0 957 0 084 5/19/201016 0814 022 0 114 5/19/2010 15 08 24 0 18 0046 5/19/2010 15 08 34 0 165 0 031 5/19/20101508 44 0 143 0 161 6/19/201015 08 64 0 146 0 163 015 012 6/19/201016 09 04 0 187 0 135 5/19/201015 09 14 3 624 0 114 5/19/2010 15 09 24 10 026 0 255 6/19/2010 16 09 34 10 669 0 348 6/19/2010 15 09 44 10 761 0 465 5/19/2010 15 09 54 10 771 0 531 5/19/201015 10 04 10 761 0 639 5/19/2010 15 1014 10 778 0 497 5/19/20101510 24 10 808 0 512 5/19/2010 15 10 34 10 797 0 512 5/19/20101510 44 10 797 0 564 6/19/2010 15 10 54 10 771 0 497 5/19/2010 16 11 04 10 748 0 542 6/19/2010 15 11 14 10 75 0 691 5/19/2010 15 11 24 10 744 0 726 5/19/2010 15 11 34 10 765 0 603 Page 4 of 29 16 2010 Spares RATA URS TCEMS Raw Dale 6/19/2010 1511 44 10 807 0 642 6/19/2010 151154 10815 0 546 6/19/2010 1512 04 10 765 0665 5/19/2010 1512 14 10 607 066 5/19/2010 1512 24 10 368 0 648 S/19/2010 1612 34 10 018 0 68 5/19/2010 1612 44 9 596 0657 6/19/2010 1512 54 9 214 0 749 6/19/2010 1513 04 9 007 0 771 5/19/2010 1513 14 8 98 0 766 6/19/2010 1513 24 9 019 0 663 5/19/2010 151334 9128 0 648 5/19/2010 151344 936 0 645 6/19/2010 15 1354 9 658 0 615 5;'1»/2010 15 1404 9 925 0626 6/19/2010 1514 14 10 036 063 5/19/2010 1514 24 10 003 0 63 5/19/2010 1514 34 9 951 0 722 5/19/2010 161444 9 83 0 720 5/19/2010 1514 54 9 734 0 741 5/19/2010 1515 04 9 692 0 638 5/19/2010 15 15 14 9 643 0 615 5/19/2010 1515 24 9 697 0 714 6/19/2010 1515 34 9 731 0 725 6/19/2010 161644 9 714 0 756 6/19/2010 15 15 64 9 69 0 63 6/19/2010 1516 04 9 704 0 623 5/19/2010 1616 14 9 806 0615 5/19/2010 15 16 24 9 932 0 638 5/19/2010 15 16 34 10 053 0 759 6/19/2010 15 1644 10 097 0 729 6/19/2010 15 16 64 10 115 0 71 5/19/2010 1517 04 10 076 0 638 5/19/2010 151714 10 043 0 729 6/19/2010 1617 24 10 046 0 633 5/19/2010 1617 34 1006 0 633 5/19/2010 15 17 44 10 051 0 633 5/19/2010 15 1754 10 026 0 648 5/19/2010 151804 9 993 0 648 5/19/2010 1518 14 9 993 0 752 5/19/2010 151824 10 04 0 71 5/19/2010 16 1834 10 078 0 623 5/19/2010 16 1844 10 128 0 744 6/19/2010 15 1854 10174 0 749 6/19/2010 1519 04 10 206 0 729 5/19/2010 151914 10 253 0 717 5/19/2010 15 1924 10 305 0 729 5/19/2010 16 1934 10 323 0618 5/19/2010 15 19 44 10 263 0 668 5/19/2010 1519 64 10 204 0 641 5/19/2010 15 20 04 10 196 0 626 6/19/2010 152014 10 172 0 732 5/19/2010 16 20 24 10 192 0 626 6/19/2010 16 20 34 10 179 0 603 5/19/2010 15 20 44 10 202 0 683 5/19/2010 15 20 54 10 206 0 725 5/19/2010 15 21 04 10 236 0 71 5/19/2010 1521 14 10 288 0 645 5/19/2010 16 21 24 10 36 0 606 6/19/2010 1521 34 9 689 0 576 5/19/2010 15 21 44 10 335 0 722 5/19/2010 15 21 64 10 328 0 741 5/19/2010 15 22 04 10 263 0 732 5/19/2010 15 22 14 10 249 0 737 5/19/2010 16 22 24 10 264 0 932 6/19/2010 15 22 34 10 276 1 122 6/19/2010 16 22 44 10 29 1 256 5/19/2010 15 22 54 10 293 1 247 5/19/201O 15 23 04 10 335 1 127 5/10/2010 16 2314 10 37 1 118 5/19/2010 15 23 24 10 431 1 127 5/19/2010 15 23 34 10 466 1 137 5/19/2010 16 23 44 10 508 1 152 6/19/2010 15 23 64 10 513 1 049 5/19/2010 16 24 04 10 546 0 813 5/19/2010 1524 14 10 506 0 737 6/19/2010 15 24 24 10 457 0 726 6/19/2010 1524 34 10414 0 641 6/19/2010 15 24 44 10416 0 633 5/19/2010 15 24 54 1041 0 588 6/19/2010 15 26 04 10 437 0 687 5/19/2010 16 2514 10 442 0615 5/19/2010 15 25 24 10 459 0611 5/19/2010 16 26 34 10 493 0 714 6/19/2010 15 25 44 10 545 0 806 6/19/2010 1526 54 10 673 1 031 6/19/2010 15 26 04 10 645 1 13 5/19/2010 1526 14 10 568 1 172 6/19/2010 16 26 24 10 621 1 294 5/19/2010 15 26 34 10 488 1 232 5/19/2010 15 26 44 10 481 1 266 5/19/2010 15 26 64 10 463 1 199 5/19/2010 15 27 04 10 446 1 252 Page 5 of 29 17 2010 Spares RATA URS TCEMS Raw DaU Calibration Bias 47 1 ppm CO 11 1A02/9S%C02 97 1 ppm NOX 5/19/201015 27 14 10 446 1 118 Si/19/2010 1527 24 10 449 1 088 5/19/20101527 34 10466 0 836 5/19/201015.2744 10 499 0 729 5/19/20101627 64 10 54 0 676 5/19/2010 16 28 04 10 55 0 648 5/19/2010 15.28 14 10 57 0618 6/19/201015 28 24 10 563 0 626 5/19/2010152834 10 551 0 684 6/19/2010152844 10 536 0 687 6/19/201016 28 54 10 493 0611 5/19/201016 29 04 10 473 0 816 5/19/2010 15.29 14 10 439 1 019 5/19/201015 29 24 10 439 1 133 5/19/201015 29 34 10454 1 137 5/19/2010 15 29 44 10 474 1 142 6/19/2010 1629 54 10 521 1 103 5/19/2010 15 30 04 10 688 1 133 5/19/201015 3014 10614 1 133 6/19/201015 30 24 10617 1 244 5/19/201015 30 34 1061 1 157 6/10/201015 30 44 10 588 1 091 6/19/2010 15 30 54 10 626 0 908 5/19/2010 16 31 04 10 513 0 774 5/19/201016 31 14 10 494 0 618 5/19/201015 31 24 10 473 0 63 5/19/2010 15 31 34 10 506 0 573 5/19/201015 31 44 10 518 0 668 5/19/2010 16 31 64 10 51 0 616 10 24 0 79 5/19/2010 15 32 04 10 446 0 672 6/19/2010 15 32 14 1 11 1 546 6/19/2010 15 32 24 0 229 7 806 5/19/2010 15 32 34 0 165 21 605 6/19/2010 16 32 44 0151 36 096 5/19/201015 32 54 0146 43 09 5/19/201015 33 04 0145 45 367 5/19/2010 15 33 14 016 45 673 6/19/2010 16 33 24 0 153 45 879 5/19/2010 15 33 34 0156 46 883 5/19/2010 15 33 44 0156 45 79 5/19/201015 33 54 0 156 46 97 018 46 88 5/19/2010 15 34 04 9 791 46 058 5/19/2010 15 34 14 11 037 36 664 5/19/2010 15 34 24 11 062 21 937 5/19/2010 15 34 34 11 084 9 93 5/19/201015 34 44 11 085 3 364 5/19/201015 34 54 11 11 0 816 5/19/2010 15 35 04 11 106 0 039 11 10 1 41 5/19/2010 15 35 14 9 048 021 5/19/2010 15 35 24 0 328 0 168 5/19/201015 35 34 0217 -0 076 5/19/2010 16 36 44 0182 0 102 5/19/2010 15 35 54 0177 0 019 6/19/2010 15 36 04 0166 0 093 5/19/201015 36 14 0 161 0 15 016 0 09 5/19/201016 36 24 0 165 0119 5/19/2010 15 36 34 0 326 0 069 5/19/201015 36 44 0 304 0 031 5/19/201015 36 54 0 321 0 039 5/19/201015 37 04 0 366 0 103 5/19/2010 15 37 14 0 393 0 126 5/19/201015 37 24 0 427 0 166 5/19/201015 37 34 0 443 0 135 5/19/2010 16 37 44 0 457 0 024 6/19/2010 15 37 54 0 457 0165 6/19/201015 38 04 0 494 0108 0 47 010 5/19/201015 38 14 4 957 0 114 5/19/201015 38 24 9 982 0 141 6/19/201015 38 34 10 402 0 226 5/19/201015 38 44 10 38 0 423 6/19/2010 15 38 54 10 365 0 408 5/19/2010 16 39 04 10 375 0 549 5/19/2010 15 39 14 10 362 0 522 5/19/2010 15 39 24 10 338 0 492 5/19/2010 15 39 34 10 36 0 569 6/19/2010 15 39 44 10 345 0 581 5/19/201015 39 54 10 355 0 522 5/19/2010 15 40 04 10 449 0 546 5/19/2010 15 40 14 10476 0 348 5/19/2010 15 40 24 10474 0 539 5/19/2010 16 40 34 10461 0 516 5/19/2010 15 40 44 10437 0 648 5/19/2010 15 40 54 10 431 0 486 6/19/201015 41 04 10417 0 534 6/19/201015 41 14 10 365 0 363 5/19/201016 41 24 10 362 0 504 Page 6 of 29 18 2010 Spares RATA URS TCEMS Raw Daui 5/19/201016 41 34 10 342 0 554 5/19/2010 15 41 44 10 376 0 653 5/10/2010 15 41 54 10 389 0 63 5/19/20101542 04 10 379 0 641 5/19/2010 1542 14 10 394 0 584 5/19/2010 15 42 24 10 416 0 633 6/10/201015 42 34 10 389 0 626 6/19/2010 15 42 44 10407 0 603 5/19/201015 42 54 10 407 0 522 6/19/201015 43 04 10419 0 561 5/19/201015 43 14 10 429 0 664 5/19/201016 43 24 10402 0 616 5/19/201015 43 34 10394 0 618 6/19/201015 43 44 10 428 0 771 6/19/201015 43 54 10 417 0 623 6/19/201016 44 04 10 402 0 673 6/19/201015 44 14 1039 0 564 5/1S/201015 44 24 10 41 0 634 6/19/201015 44 34 10 488 0 516 6/19/201015 44 44 10 468 0 512 6/19/201016 44 54 10 623 0 648 5/19/201015 45 04 10 526 0611 5/19/2010 15 45 14 10 498 0 634 5/19/2010 16 45 24 10 508 0 489 6/19/2010 15 45 34 10 541 0 573 5/19/2010 16 46 44 10 63 0 641 5/19/201016 46 54 10 649 0 612 6/19/2010 15 46 04 10 689 0 661 6/19/2010 16 46 14 10 686 0 531 5/19/2010 15 46 24 10 669 0 522 5/19/2010 15 46 34 10 676 0 501 6/19/2010 15 46 44 10 671 0 654 5/19/2010 15 46 54 10 669 0 688 5/19/2010 15 47 04 10 734 0 619 5/19/2010 15 47 14 10 746 0 649 5/19/2010 15 47 24 10 768 0 619 5/19/2010 15 47 34 10 765 0 546 5/19/2010 15 47 44 10 771 0 558 5/19/201015 47 54 108 0 519 5/19/201015 48 04 10 763 0 654 6/19/2010 16 48 14 10 773 0 665 5/19/201016 48 24 10 81 0 564 6/19/201015 48 34 10 431 0 63 6/19/2010 15 48 44 10 729 0 591 5/19/2010 15 48 54 108 066 5/19/201015 49 04 10 827 0 653 6/19/2010 15 49 14 10 65 0 665 5/19/201015 49 24 10 849 0 666 5/19/2010 15 49 34 10 852 0 66 6/19/201015 49 44 10817 0 542 5/19/201015 49 54 10 803 0 485 5/19/2010 16 60 04 10 663 0 619 5/19/2010 16 60 14 10 37 0 542 5/19/2010 15 50 24 10 439 0 527 6/19/201016 50 34 10 629 0611 5/19/2010 16 60 44 10 793 0 606 5/19/2010 15 50 54 10 849 0 607 5/19/2010 16 61 04 10 846 0 568 5/19/2010 15 51 14 10 659 0618 6/19/2010 15 51 24 10 374 0618 5/19/2010 15 51 34 10 343 0 504 6/19/2010 15 51 44 10 437 0 622 5/19/201015 51 54 10 577 0 512 5/19/201015 52 04 10 701 0 542 5/19/2010 15 52 14 10 746 0 477 5/19/2010 15 52 24 10 753 0 634 5/19/2010 16 62 34 10 743 0 619 5/19/2010 15 52 44 10 652 0 626 5/19/2010 15 52 54 10 474 0 646 6/19/2010 16 63 04 10463 0 519 6/19/2010 15 53 14 10 464 0 642 6/19/2010 16 53 24 10 363 0 601 5/19/2010 15 53 34 10 313 0 519 5/19/201015 63 44 10 386 0 668 6/19/201015 53 54 10 463 0 561 5/19/2010 16 64 04 10 526 0 531 5/19/2010 16 64 14 10 533 0 653 5/19/2010 15 54 24 10 53 0 554 6/19/2010 15 64 34 10 551 0 531 6/19/2010 15 54 44 10 587 0 631 5/19/2010 15 54 54 10 61 0 542 5/19/201015 55 04 10 558 0 516 6/19/201016 56 14 10 646 0413 5/19/2010 16 56 24 10 555 0 447 5/19/2010 15 55 34 10 668 0 622 5/19/201015 55 44 10 662 0 549 5/19/2010 16 65 64 10 662 0 653 5/19/2010 15 66 04 10 655 0 665 6/19/2010 15 66 14 10504 0554 5/19/2010 16 66 24 10 481 0 546 5/19/2010 16 56 34 10 518 0 531 6/19/2010 16 56 44 10 508 0 534 5/19/201016 66 54 10 469 0 512 Page 7 of 29 19 2010 Spares RATA URS TCEMS Raw Dale Calibration Bias 47 1 ppm CO 11 1/ 02/9 5/ C02 6/19/2010 16 67 04 10 439 0 469 5/19C01015 57 14 10 422 0 622 5/19/201016 57 24 10 392 0 642 5/19/201015 57 34 10 424 0 638 6/19/201015 57 44 10 442 0 657 5/19/2010 16 67 54 10 441 0663 6/19/201016 68 04 10 426 0668 6/19/201015 68 14 10431 0 672 5/19fl!010 16 58 24 10468 0 648 5/19/201016 68 34 10459 0 639 6/19/201016 58 44 10 431 0 669 6/19/2010 15 58 54 10 375 0 639 6/19/2010 15 50 04 10 345 0 649 5/19/201016 69 14 10318 0 668 5/19/20101669 24 10 369 0 48 5/19/201015 59 34 10 396 0428 5/19/201016 59 44 10 384 0 558 5/19/2010 16 59 64 10 395 0 584 5/19/201016 00 04 10 407 0 676 5/19/2010 16 00 14 10 402 0 561 5/19/2010 16 00 24 10 407 0 648 6/10/2010 16 00 34 10 342 0 638 5/19/2010 16 00 44 10 327 0 673 5/19/2010 16 00 64 10 229 0 549 10 53 0 66 5/19/2010 16 01 04 10 303 0 604 5/19/2010 16 01 14 10 303 0 645 6/19/2010 16 01 24 10 33 0 681 6/19/2010 16 01 34 4 415 0 531 5/19/2010 16 01 44 0 266 4 032 5/19/2010 16 01 54 0 178 14 462 5/19/2010 16 02 04 0 17 28 795 5/19/2010 16 02 14 0 168 39 738 5/19/2010 16 02 24 0 17 44 558 6/19/2010 16 02 34 0 168 45 605 6/19/2010 16 02 44 0 163 45 601 5/19/201016 02 54 0 163 46 547 5/19/201016 03 04 0 15 46 674 5/19/201016 03 14 0 153 46 635 5/19/201016 03 24 3 913 45 711 1 41 45 61 5/19/2010 16 03 34 10 961 42 106 6/19/2010 16 03 44 11 079 29 997 6/19/2010 16 03 54 11 087 15 631 5/19/2010 16 04 04 11 089 6 097 5/19/2010 16 04 14 11 08 1 729 5/19/2010 16 04 24 11 084 0 237 5/19/201016 04 34 11 079 0141 11 OS 0 61 5/19/2010 16 04 44 4 846 0 174 6/19/2010 16 04 54 0 267 0 236 6/19/2010 16 06 04 0 208 0 018 5/19/2010 16 05 14 0 196 0 064 6/19/2010 16 05 24 0 193 0 132 6/19/2010 16 05 34 0 192 0 046 6/19/2010 16 06 44 0213 0 015 0 20 .0 03 6/19/2010 16 05 54 0 177 0 054 5/19/2010 16 06 04 0 17 0 036 5/19/2010 16 06 14 0 166 0 031 5/19/2010 16 06 24 0 148 0 045 5/19/2010 16 06 34 0 153 0 036 6/19/2010 16 06 44 016 0 072 6/19/2010 16 06 54 0141 0 033 5/19/201016 07 04 0163 0 08 5/19/2010 16 07 14 0 348 0 042 6/19/2010 16 07 24 0 403 0 084 6/19/2010 16 07 34 0 472 0 042 6/19/2010 16 07 44 0 514 -0 033 6/19/2010 16 07 64 0 624 0 038 5/19/2010 16 08 04 0 536 0 075 5/19/2010 16 06 14 0 671 0 048 5/19/2010 16 08 24 0 695 0 051 5/19/2010 16 08 34 0 581 0019 6/19/201016 08 44 0 606 0 072 5/19/201016 08 54 0 591 0 042 5/19/2010 16 09 04 0 626 0 067 5/19/2010 16 09 14 06 0016 5/19/2010 16 09 24 0 633 0 027 5/19/2010 16 09 34 0 685 0 061 5/19/2010 16 09 44 8 901 0 103 5/19/2010 16 09 54 10 402 0 036 5/19/2010 16 10 04 10 673 0 172 5/19/2010 16 10 14 0 648 0 324 5/19/2010 18 10 24 0 175 0 229 5/19/2010 16 10 34 0158 0 198 5/19/2010 16 10 44 0135 013 5/19/2010 16 10 54 0 172 0 046 5/19/2010 16 11 04 0158 0 042 6/19/201016 11 14 0 163 0 024 5/19/201016 11 24 0 163 0 036 6/19/2010 16 11 34 0 141 0 015 Page 8 of 29 20 2010 Spares RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data 5/19/2010 16 11 44 0 158 0 048 5/19/2010 1611 54 0 141 0 046 5/19/2010 16 12 04 0156 0O19 6/19/201016 1214 0166 0 042 6/10/201016 12 24 0143 0 066 971 ppm NOX 019 0 04 6/19/2010 16 12 34 0 166 0 023 5/19/2010 18 12 44 8 166 0 036 6/19/201016 12 64 10 377 0 067 6/10/201016 13 04 10 548 0153 6/19/2010 161314 10 577 0 36 5/19/2010 16 13 24 10 58 0 333 6/19/2010 16 13 34 10 586 0 318 6/19/201016 13 44 10596 0 438 6/19/201016 13 54 10 577 0 413 Start Run 4 5/19/201016 14 04 10 598 0 501 5/19/2010 16 14 14 10 572 0 546 5/19/2010 16 14 24 10 682 0 664 5/19/2010 16 14 34 10 558 0 534 6/19/2010 16 14 44 1064 0 504 6/19/2010 16 14 54 10 536 0 6 5/19/201016 15 04 10499 0 573 5/19/201016 1614 10444 0 649 6/19/2010 16 15 24 10 431 0 501 5/19/2010 16 15 34 10 459 0 492 5/19/2010 16 15 44 10446 0 554 6/19/2010 16 16 54 10 442 0 649 6/19/2010 16 16 04 10 478 0 549 5/19/201016 16 14 10 494 0 622 6/19/2010 16 16 24 10 508 0 519 5/19/2010 16 16 34 10 511 0 558 6/19/2010 16 16 44 10 528 0 622 5/19/2010 16 16 54 10 546 0 646 5/19/201016 17 04 10 636 0 542 6/19/201016 17 14 10 543 0 584 5/19/2010 18 17 24 10 548 0 576 6/19/2010 16 17 34 10 541 0 634 5/19/2010 16 17 44 10 525 0 584 5/19/201016 17 64 10 533 0 633 5/19/201016 18 04 10 616 0 663 6/19/201016 18 14 10 645 0 492 6/19/2010 16 18 24 10 62 0 516 5/19/20101618 34 10 513 0 688 5/19/2010 16 18 44 10 628 0 591 6/19/2010 16 18 54 10 488 0 549 5/19/2010 16 19 04 10 484 0 497 5/19/2010 16 19 14 10469 0576 5/19/201016 19 24 10 444 0 534 5/19/201016 19 34 10449 0 645 6/19/2010 16 19 44 10 444 0 549 5/19/201016 19 54 10 449 0 63 5/19/201016 20 04 10 466 0 648 6/19/2010 16 20 14 10 456 0 696 6/19/2010 16 20 24 10 414 0 606 6/19/201016 20 34 10 419 0 667 6/19/2010 16 20 44 10 367 0 646 5/19/2010 16 20 54 10 39 0 573 5/19/2010 16 21 04 10 39 0 588 5/19/2010 16 21 14 10 394 0 534 5/19/201016 21 24 10 387 0 616 5/19/201016 21 34 10 384 0 66 6/19/2010 16 21 44 10 366 0 641 6/19/2010 16 21 64 10 353 0 584 6/19/2010 1 6 2 2 04 1 0 328 0 549 5/19/2010 16 22 14 10 234 0 606 5/19/201016 22 24 10 268 0 729 6/19/201016 22 34 10275 0 623 5/19/201016 22 44 10263 0611 5/19/201016 22 54 1031 0653 6/19/2010 16 23 04 10 338 0 606 6/19/201016 23 14 10 293 0 626 5/19/201016 23 24 10286 0663 6/19/2010 16 23 34 10 271 0 606 6/19/2010 16 23 44 10 31 0 66 6/19/2010 16 23 54 10 28 0 633 6/19/2010 16 24 04 10 298 0 623 5/19/2010 16 24 14 10 313 0 507 5/19/2010 16 24 24 10 311 0 653 6/19/2010 16 24 34 10 33 0 615 5/19/2010 16 24 44 10 306 0 681 5/19/2010 16 24 54 10 322 0 645 6/19/2010 16 25 04 10 328 0 626 6/19/201016 25 14 10 316 0 606 5/19/201016 25 24 10 32 0 668 6/19/2010 16 25 34 10 323 0 741 5/19/2010 16 26 44 10 29 0 615 5/19/2010 16 25 54 10261 06 6/19/2010 16 26 04 10 251 0 633 6/19/2010 16 26 14 10 278 0 645 5/19/2010 16 26 24 10 278 0 606 5/19/201016 26 34 10 303 0 534 6/19/2010 16 26 44 9 138 0 673 Page 9 of 29 21 2010 Spares RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data Calibrabon Bias 471 ppm CO 11 1%02/9S% C02 971 ppm NOX 5/19/201016 26 54 10 266 0 668 5/19/2010 18J!7 04 10 32 0 603 6/19/201016 2714 10 333 0717 5/19/2010 16 27 24 10 336 0 843 5/19/2010 16.27 34 10 36 0 702 5/19/201016 27 44 10 394 0 771 5/19/201016 27 54 10 419 0 71 5/19/20101628 04 10 449 0 623 S/19/2010 16.28 14 10 467 0 615 5/19/201016 28 24 10 486 0 676 6/19/201016.28 34 10494 0 668 5/19/2010 16 28 44 10611 0 623 5/19/201016 28 64 10 474 0616 5/19/201018 2904 10 464 0 606 6/19/2010 16.29 14 10 536 0 648 5/19/2010 16 29 24 10 55 0 576 5/19/2010 16 29 34 1068 0 591 5/19/201016 29 44 10 672 0 68 6/19/201016 29 54 10 668 0 691 6/19/2010 16 30 04 10 697 0611 6/19/201016 30 14 10634 0 648 6/19/2010 16 30 24 10 644 0 63 5/19/201016 30 34 10 664 0 645 5/10/2010 16 30 44 10 667 0 691 6/19/201016 30 54 10 684 0611 5/19/201016 31 04 10 726 0 606 5/19/2010 16 31 14 10 713 0 668 5/19/2010 16 31 24 10 698 0 63 6/19/2010 16 31 34 10 713 0 573 6/19/2010 16 31 44 10 768 0 48 5/19/201016 31 64 10 823 0 702 5/19/2010 16 32 04 10 85 0 653 6/19/2010 16 32 14 10 882 0 626 5/19/2010 16 32 24 10 68 0 665 6/19/2010 16 32 34 10 901 0618 6/19/2010 16 32 44 10 934 0 539 5/19/2010 16 32 64 10 922 0 615 5/19/2010 16 33 04 10 939 0 606 6/19/2010 16 33 14 10 963 0 648 5/19/201016 33 24 10 927 0 638 6/19/201016 33 34 10 904 0 69 5/19/201016 33 44 10 862 0 596 6/19/2010 16 33 54 10 753 066 5/19/2010 16 34 04 10 543 0 623 6/19/2010 16 34 14 10 266 0 725 5/19/2010 16 34 24 9 883 0 717 6/19/201016 34 34 9 539 0 666 6/19/201016 34 44 9 346 0 623 5/19/2010 16 34 54 9 366 0 657 1049 0 61 5/19/2010 16 36 04 9 306 0 618 6/19/2010 16 35 14 1 207 0 786 5/19/201016 36 24 0219 4 846 6/19/201016 36 34 018 16 267 5/19/201016 35 44 0172 30 68 5/19/201016 35 54 0 17 40 641 6/19/201016 36 04 0177 44 704 5/19/2010 16 36 14 0 173 45 802 5/19/201016 36 24 0 165 45 867 5/19/2010 16 36 34 0 161 45 622 6/19/201016 36 44 0 161 45 723 5/19/2010 16 36 54 0 146 45 997 6/19/2010 16 37 04 9 492 45 961 3 27 45(9 6/19/2010 16 37 14 11 052 40 763 5/19/201016 37 24 11 1 27 293 5/19/201016 37 34 11 109 13 517 5/19/201016 37 44 11 129 5 014 5/19/201016 37 54 11 131 1 412 5/19/2010 16 38 04 11 112 0 136 5/19/2010 16 38 14 11 112 0 075 1112 0 49 5/19/2010 16 36 24 0 954 0 24 5/19/2010 16 38 34 0 235 0179 6/19/2010 16 38 44 0 207 0 087 5/19/2010 16 38 54 0 192 0 027 6/19/2010 16 39 04 0 182 0 03 5/19/2010 16 39 14 0 173 0 108 5/19/2010 16 39 24 0 187 0 145 018 0 07 5/19/2010 16 39 34 0 173 0 126 5/19/2010 16 39 44 016 0 103 5/19/2010 16 39 54 0 168 0 111 6/19/2010 16 40 04 0 166 0138 5/19/2010 16 40 14 0 131 0 078 5/19/201016 40 24 0143 0 084 5/19/201016 40 34 0143 0 123 5/19/201016 4044 0165 0 123 5/19/2010 16 40 54 6 788 0114 2 37 012 6/19/2010 16 41 04 9 769 0 099 5/19/2010 16 41 14 9 979 0245 Page 10 of 29 22 2010 Spares RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data 5/19/201016 41 24 10 041 0 354 6/19/201016 41 34 10 07 0 436 5/19/20101641 44 10107 0 616 5/19/201016 41 54 10 125 0 474 5/19/201018 42 04 10162 0 492 6/19/2010 16 4214 10192 0603 6/18/201016 42 24 10.244 0 669 S/19/2010 16 42 34 10 269 0489 S/19/2010 16 42 44 103 0 633 5/19/2010 1642 54 10 322 0 63 6/19/201016 43 04 10316 0 691 6/19/201016 43 14 10 291 0 492 5/19/201016 43 24 10 256 0 622 5/19/201018 43 34 10 283 0 603 6/19/201016 43 44 10 295 0 623 5/19/201016 43 54 10 301 0 646 6/19/2010 16 44 04 10 303 0 762 S/19/2010 16 44 14 10 258 0603 6/19/201016 44 24 10214 0 619 5/19/201016 44 34 10 209 0 504 5/19/201016 44 44 10214 0 591 5/19/201016 44 54 10219 0 657 6/19/201016 46 04 10217 0 450 5/19/201016 4614 10 249 0 516 6/19/201016 45 24 10 29 0 648 6/19/201016 45 34 10 281 0 584 6/19/2010 16 45 44 10 281 0 732 6/19/2010 16 46 54 10 291 0 66 5/19/2010 16 46 04 10 3 0 581 5/19/201016 46 14 10 261 0 645 5/19/201016 46 24 10 264 0618 5/19/201016 46 34 10 31 0 645 5/19/201016 46 44 10 326 0 573 6/19/201016 46 64 10 32 0 741 5/19/201016 47 04 10 323 0 638 6/19/2010 16 47 14 10 327 0 63 6/19/201016 47 24 10 298 0 653 5/19/2010 16 47 34 10 281 0 687 5/19/201016 47 44 10 293 0 737 6/19/2010 16 47 54 10 281 0717 5/19/201016 48 04 10 266 0 722 5/19/201016 48 14 10 303 0 69 6/19/2010 16 48 24 10 348 0 699 6/19/2010 16 48 34 10 409 0 707 5/19/2010 16 48 44 10416 0 641 5/19/2010 16 48 54 10 422 0 596 6/19/201016 49 04 10 452 0 626 5/19/201016 49 14 10 466 0 63 5/19/2010 16 49 24 10 484 0 646 5/19/2010 16 49 34 10 525 0 791 5/19/2010 16 49 44 10 508 0 634 5/19/201016 49 54 10 551 0 676 6/19/2010 16 50 04 10 577 0 696 6/19/2010 16 50 14 10 568 0618 5/19/2010 16 50 24 10 016 0618 6/19/2010 16 50 34 10 501 0 648 5/19/2010 16 50 44 10 609 0 702 5/19/2010 16 50 64 10 62 0 809 5/19/2010 16 51 04 10 609 0 648 6/19/2010 16 51 14 10 64 0 68 6/19/201016 51 24 10 604 0 722 6/19/2010 16 61 34 10 624 0 741 5/19/2010 16 51 44 10614 0 683 6/19/2010 16 61 54 1061 0 744 5/19/2010 16 52 04 10614 0 683 5/19/2010 16 62 14 10 607 0 729 5/19/2010 16 52 24 10612 0 626 5/19/2010 16 52 34 10 624 0717 5/19/2010 16 52 44 10 63 0 744 5/19/2010 16 62 64 10 624 0 826 5/19/2010 16 53 04 10667 0 764 5/19/2010 16 5314 10 667 0 687 6/19/2010 16 53 24 10 666 0 71 5/19/2010 16 53 34 10 689 0 672 5/19/2010 16 53 44 10711 0 663 6/19/201016 63 54 10 682 0667 6/19/2010 16 64 04 10 698 0 684 5/19/2010 16 54 14 10 701 0 672 6/19/2010 16 54 24 10 674 0 618 6/19/2010 16 64 34 10 661 0 654 6/19/2010 16 64 44 10 677 0 653 6/19/2010 16 64 54 10 656 0615 5/19/201016 55 04 10 671 0 696 6/19/2010 16 66 14 10 672 0 591 5/19/201016 55 24 10 666 0 665 5/19/2010 16 56 34 10 636 0 618 5/19/201016 65 44 10 62 0 636 6/19/2010 16 56 64 10 598 0 696 5/19/2010 16 56 04 10604 0 641 5/19/201016 66 14 10 587 0 641 6/19/201016 66 24 10 568 0618 5/19/201016 56 34 10 57 0 603 Page 11 of 29 23 2010 Spares RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data Calibration Bias 47 1 ppm CO 11 1%O2/9 5AC02 97 1 ppm NOX 5/19/2010 16 66 44 10 607 0 618 5/19/2010 16 66 54 10605 0 803 5/19/2010 16 67 04 10 614 0 688 5/10/2010 16 57 14 10 612 0641 5/19/201016 57 24 10 607 0 618 6/19/201016 67 34 10 59 0 615 5/19/201016 57 44 10 68 0648 5/19^010 16 57 64 10 675 0 641 S/19/2010 16 58 04 10 662 0 633 6/19/201016 5814 10656 0 626 S/19/2010 16 58 24 10516 0 664 5/19/201016 58 34 10511 0 732 6/19/2010 16 68 44 10 493 0 641 6/19/201016 58 54 10 483 0 626 S/19/2010 16 69 04 10 476 0 681 6/19/201016 5914 10464 0 606 6/19/201016 59 24 10 461 0 633 5/19/201016 69 34 10 422 0 673 5/19/201016 59 44 10 396 0 638 S/19/2010 16 69 54 1041 066 5/19/201017 00 04 10 404 066 6/19O010 17 00 14 10 432 0 603 6/19/201017 0024 10 468 066 6/19/201017 00 34 10 489 0 616 5/19/2010 17 00 44 10466 06 5/19/2010 17 00 54 10 446 0 581 6/19/201017 01 04 10 442 0 68 5/19/201017 01 14 10 41 0 636 6/19/201017 01 24 10 449 0 741 6/19/201017 01 34 10 452 0 603 6/19/2010 17 01 44 10 436 0 657 6/19/2010 17 01 54 10 444 0 626 5/19/2010 17 02 04 10 469 0 626 5/19/2010 17 02 14 10 431 0 66 5/19/201017 02 24 10 429 06 5/19/2010 17 02 34 10 464 0 576 6/19/2010 17 02 44 10 426 0611 5/19/201017 02 54 10 432 0 539 10 46 0 64 6/19/201017 03 04 10 456 0 569 6/19/2010 17 03 14 2 602 0 596 5/19/2010 17 03 24 0 265 3 121 5/19/2010 17 03 34 02 12 376 5/19/201017 03 44 0 185 27 083 5/19/201017 03 64 0 178 38 821 6/19/2010 17 04 04 0 158 44 441 6/19/2010 17 04 14 0 168 46 963 5/19/2010 17 04 24 0 156 45 849 5/19/2010 17 04 34 0 168 45 933 5/19/2010 17 04 44 0 138 46 252 6/19/2010 17 04 54 0 143 46149 5/19/201017 05 04 0 16 46 092 5/19/201017 06 14 0 166 46 879 5/19/201017 05 24 9 335 46 933 3 22 45 97 5/19/201017 06 34 11 068 42 094 5/19/2010 17 06 44 11 099 29 767 5/19/201017 06 64 11 097 15 313 5/19/2010 17 06 04 11 129 6 021 5/19/2010 17 06 14 11 124 1 793 5/19/2010 17 06 24 11 117 0 203 5/19/2010 17 06 34 11 124 0191 1112 0 80 6/19/201017 06 44 0 972 0 08 5/19/2010 17 06 54 0 24 0 08 5/19/201017 07 04 0 208 0 009 6/19/2010 17 07 14 0 198 0108 6/19/201017 07 24 0173 0161 5/19/201017 07 34 0 166 0141 5/19/201017 07 44 0 158 0 141 5/19/201017 07 64 0 173 0 226 017 017 6/19/2010 17 08 04 0183 0 237 5/19/2010 17 08 14 0 163 0 111 5/19/201017 08 24 0156 0 138 5/19/2010 17 08 34 0 165 0 111 5/19/201017 08 44 0153 0126 5/19/2010 17 08 54 0 156 0 264 6/19/201O17 09O4 0156 013 6/19/201017 09 14 0148 0 039 5/19/201017 09 24 0 175 0 066 5/19/201017 09 34 8 848 0 024 3 06 0 04 6/19/2010 17 09 44 10 526 0 096 5/19/201017 09 64 10 684 0 249 5/19/201O1710 04 10 691 0 428 5/19/2010 17 10 14 10 729 0 443 5/19/201017 10 24 10 723 0 542 5/19/201017 10 34 10 736 0 675 6/19/201017 1044 10 768 0 664 6/19/201017 10 54 10 773 0 546 Page 12 0129 24 2010 Spares RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data 5/19/2010 171104 10 743 0 646 6/19/20101711 14 10 704 0 549 5/19/2010171124 10 691 0 497 5/19/2010171134 10 708 0 645 6/19/2010 171144 10 736 0 63 5/19/2010 1711 54 10 743 0 63 6/19/201017 12 04 10 743 0 696 5/19/2010 17 12 14 10 766 0 626 6/19/201017 1224 10 775 0676 6/19/20101712 34 10 8 0 696 5/10/201017 12 44 10791 0 606 5/19/201017 12 54 10 827 0 714 5/19/201017 13 04 10818 0 729 5/19/2010 17 13 14 10 837 0 688 5/19/2010 1713 24 10 813 0 696 5/19/2010171334 10 837 0 676 6/19/2010 1713 44 10812 0 596 6/19/2010 17 13 54 10 828 0 554 5/19/20101714 04 10815 0 633 5/19/2010 17 14 14 108 0638 6/19/201017 14 24 10 803 0 623 5/19/201017 14 34 10 775 0611 6/19/20101714 44 10 795 0 691 5/19/201017 14 54 10 791 0 668 5/19/20101715 04 10 802 0 606 5/19/2010 17 16 14 10 766 0 634 5/19/2010 1715 24 10 768 0 639 5/19/2010 1716 34 10 768 0 497 6/19/2010 17 15 44 10 77 0 501 5/19/2010 17 16 54 10 768 0 492 6/19/2010 17 16 04 10 748 0 596 5/19/2010 17 16 14 10 736 0 665 5/19/201017 16 24 10 736 0 63 6/19/2010 17 16 34 10 650 0 691 5/19/2010 17 16 44 10 624 0 584 5/19/201017 16 64 10 616 0 626 6/19/2010 17 17 04 10 572 0 633 6/19/2010 17 17 14 10 565 0 759 6/19/2010 1717 24 10 66 0 584 6/19/2010 17 17 34 10 662 0 561 5/19/2010 17 17 44 10 59 0611 5/19/2010 17 17 54 10 578 0 696 5/19/201017 18 04 10 568 0 576 5/19/2010 17 18 14 10 65 0611 5/19/2010 17 18 24 10 636 0 667 5/19/2010 17 18 34 10 541 0616 6/19/2010 17 18 44 10 621 0 684 6/19/2010 17 18 54 10 545 0 626 6/19/2010 17 19 04 10 533 0 668 6/19/2010 17 19 14 10 535 0 696 6/19/2010 17 19 24 10 646 0 581 6/19/2010 17 19 34 10 623 0 648 5/19/2010 17 19 44 10 528 0 489 6/19/2010 17 19 54 10 633 0 623 5/19/201017 20 04 10518 0 645 5/19/201017 20 14 10 504 0 663 5/19/201017 20 24 10 52 0 633 6/19/201017 20 34 10 633 0 63 5/19/201017 20 44 10 528 0 633 5/19/2010 17 20 54 10 511 0 623 6/19/2010 17 21 04 10 626 0615 6/19/201017 21 14 10 572 0 696 5/19/20101721 24 10 58 06 5/19/2010 17 21 34 10 55 0 639 5/19/201017 21 44 10 546 0 477 5/19/201017 21 64 10 526 0 645 5/19/2010 17 22 04 10 52 0 573 5/19/2010 17 22 14 10 506 0 611 6/19/201017 22 24 10 626 0615 5/19/201017 22 34 10 635 0 626 6/19/201017 22 44 10 516 0 63 6/19/201017 22 64 10 61 0 666 5/19/201017 23 04 10 503 0 596 5/19/2010 17 23 14 10 483 0 66 6/19/201017 23 24 10 471 0 633 5/19/201017 23 34 10 488 0 641 5/19/201017 23 44 10511 0611 5/19/2010 17 23 54 10 494 0 729 6/19/2010 17 24 04 10 606 0 641 5/19/2010 17 24 14 10 606 0 641 5/19/2010 17 24 24 10 52 0 66 5/19/2010 17 24 34 10 626 0 638 6/19/201017 24 44 10 459 0 675 6/19/201017 24 64 10 633 0 687 5/19/2010 17 25 04 10 551 0 648 5/19/201017 25 14 10 633 0 63 5/19/201017 26 24 10 533 0 618 6/19/2010 17 26 34 10 516 0 633 5/19/2010 17 2544 10 501 0 729 5/19/201017 25 54 10 499 0 767 5/19/2010 17 26 04 10 606 0 596 5/19/2010 17 26 14 10 488 0 623 6/19/2010 17 26 24 10 468 0 504 Page 13 of 29 25 2010 Spares RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data Calibration Bias 47 1 ppm CO 11 1/ 02/9 5y C02 97 1 ppm NOX 6/19/2010 17 26 34 10 508 0 633 6/19/201017 26 44 10 508 0 623 5/19/2010 17 26 54 10 623 0 638 5/19/201017 27 04 10 601 0 668 5/19/201017 27 14 10 526 0 668 6/19/201017 27 24 10 548 0 672 6/19/201017 27 34 10 645 0 653 6/19/201017 2744 10 658 0 638 5/19Q0101727 54 10618 0 633 5/19/2010 17 28 04 10651 0 465 5/19/201017 2814 10 555 0 618 6/19/201017 28 24 10 555 0 676 5/19/201017 28 34 10 503 0 591 5/19/201017 28 44 10 541 0 474 5/19/20101728 54 10 677 0 522 5/19/201017 29 04 10605 0 549 6/19/201017 29 14 10 593 0 47 5/19/201017 2924 10604 0 638 6/19/201017 29 34 10 624 0 527 6/19/201017 29 44 10619 0 604 6/19/2010 17 29 54 10 693 0 549 6/19/201017 30 04 10 593 0 633 5/19/2010 17 30 14 10 609 0641 5/19/201017 30 24 10 61 066 6/19/2010 17 30 34 10 659 0 646 5/10/201017 30 44 10 642 0 501 5/19/2010 17 30 54 10 604 0 504 6/19/2010 17 31 04 10 627 0 522 5/19/201017 31 14 10 646 0 633 5/19/201017 31 24 10614 0 648 6/19/2010 17 31 34 10 63 0 663 6/19/2010 17 31 44 10654 0 672 6/19/2010 17 31 54 10 671 0618 10 61 0 61 5/19/2010 17 32 04 10 305 0 663 5/19/2010 17 32 14 0 676 0 756 5/19/2010 17 32 24 0216 4 629 5/19/2010 17 32 34 0192 15 527 6/19/201017 32 44 0 182 30 039 5/19/201017 32 64 0 168 40 684 5/19/2010 17 33 04 0155 44 894 5/19/2010 17 33 14 017 48 168 5/19/201017 33 24 0 163 46 161 5/19/2010 17 33 34 0 16 46 242 6/19/2010 17 33 44 0166 46 185 5/19/2010 17 33 64 0 161 46 008 6/19/2010 17 34 04 0 166 46131 5/19/201017 34 14 0 165 46 138 5/19/201017 34 24 0 163 46 104 5/19/2010 17 34 34 0 163 46 279 5/19/2010 17 34 44 8 341 46 302 2 89 46 23 6/19/2010 17 34 64 11 033 43 689 5/19/201017 36 04 11 082 33 262 6/19/2010 17 36 14 11 085 18 236 6/19/2010 17 35 24 11 12 7 641 5/19/2010 17 36 34 11 122 2 461 5/19/2010 17 35 44 11 139 0 462 5/19/2010 17 35 64 11 132 0 08 5/19/201017 36 04 11 137 0 038 5/19/2010 17 36 14 11 139 0 168 5/19/201017 36 24 11 117 0 075 6/19/2010 17 36 34 11 139 0 072 6/19/2010 17 36 44 11 127 006 11 13 -0 07 5/19/2010 17 36 64 11 107 006 5/19/201017 37 04 8 01 0 186 5/19/201017 37 14 0 286 0 126 5/19/201017 37 24 0 21 0 072 5/19/2010 17 37 34 0187 0 072 5/19/201017 37 44 0176 0 024 5/19/2010 17 37 54 0 202 0 019 6/19/201017 36 04 0 17 0 015 6/19/2010 17 38 14 0 16 0 161 6/19/201017 38 24 0 166 0119 6/19/2010 17 38 34 0 161 0192 5/19/2010 17 38 44 0 156 0 141 5/19/2010 17 38 54 0 146 0 114 015 015 6/19/2010 17 39 04 0 166 0 084 6/19/2010 17 39 14 0 166 0 146 6/19/201017 39 24 0163 0 108 6/19/2010 17 39 34 0 146 0 138 6/19/2010 17 39 44 0 16 0 081 5/19/2010 17 39 64 0 14 0 051 5/19/201017 40 04 0 166 0 084 5/19/2010 17 40 14 0 168 0 114 5/19/201017 40 24 0166 0 213 6/19/2010 17 40 34 0 166 0 172 5/19/2010 17 40 44 0 146 0 067 5/19/2010 17 40 54 0175 0 046 016 0 06 Page 14 of 29 26 2010 Spares RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data 21 9% 02/19 5% C02 11 1 A 02/9 5% C02 97 8 ppm CO 47 1 ppm CO 47 1 ppm CO 5/19/2010 17 41 04 7 802 0 069 6/19/201017 41 14 10353 0136 6/19/201017 41 24 10 94 0198 5/19/201017 4134 10 688 0 287 5/19/20101741 44 10 847 0 447 5/19/20101741 54 10 666 0 432 5/10/201017 42 04 10 666 0627 9/19/201017 4214 10679 0489 Day 2 of RATA 6/20/2010 7 32 30 11 198 0 476 6/20/2010 7 3240 :o 5/20/2010 7 32 90 11 183 0468 6/20/2010 7 3240 :o 5/20/2010 7 32 90 11 171 0 374 5/20/2010 7 33 00 11 183 0 366 9/20/2010 7 3310 11 09 0 369 5/20/2010 7 33 20 20 24 0 366 6/20/2010 7 33 30 21 834 -0 362 6/20/2010 7 33 40 21 898 0 672 5/20/20107 33 50 21 878 0 683 6/20/2010 7 34 00 21 861 0 668 5/20/2010 7 34 10 21 863 0 77 6/20/2010 7 34 20 21 866 0 758 5/20/2010 7 34 30 21 879 0671 2187 .4 73 6/20/2010 7 34 40 22 002 0678 5/20/2010 7 34 50 11 278 0 569 5/20/2010 7 35 00 11 198 0 572 5/20/2010 7 35 10 11 199 0 465 5/20/2010 7 36 20 11 179 0 369 5/20/2010 7 36 30 11 188 0 377 6/20/2010 7 35 40 11 199 0 369 5/20/2010 7 35 50 11 188 0 374 5/20/2010 7 36 00 11 068 0 369 11 15 -0 37 5/20/2010 7 36 10 0 982 0 488 5/20/2010 7 36 20 0163 0 377 5/20/2010 7 36 30 0143 0 166 5/20O010 7 36 40 0151 0 042 5/20/2010 7 36 50 0 146 0168 5/20/2010 7 37 00 0 146 0179 6/20/2010 7 37 10 0138 0 08 014 -014 5/20/2010 7 37 20 0182 2 816 5/20/2010 7 37 30 0 13 18 595 6/20/2010 7 3740 0 131 51 391 6/20/2010 7 37 50 0 135 79133 5/20/2010 7 38 00 0143 92 836 5/20/2010 7 38 10 0 13 96 366 5/20/2010 7 38 20 0138 97 303 5/20/2010 7 38 30 0 114 97 303 5/20/2010 7 38 40 0141 97 101 6/20/2010 7 38 60 0 136 96 928 5/20/2010 7 39 00 0 14 97 311 014 9711 6/20/2010 7 39 10 019 94 919 6/20/2010 7 39 20 0 146 84 283 5/20/2010 7 39 30 0 143 87 184 5/20/2010 7 39 40 0 123 63 807 5/20/2010 7 39 50 0 118 47 585 6/20/2010 7 40 00 0 118 46084 6/20/2010 7 40 10 0123 46 802 500/2010 7 40 20 0121 45 913 5/20/2010 7 40 30 0126 46 99 5/20/2010 7 40 40 0131 45673 5/20/2010 7 40 50 0123 45 643 5/20/2010 7 41 00 0 086 46 703 5/20/2010 7 41 10 0 088 45 622 010 49 66 5/20/2O1O7 41 20 0198 45 364 5/20/2010 7 41 30 10 703 39 402 5/200010 7 41 40 4 103 26 632 6/20/20107 41 60 O 5O0/2010 7 42 00 0219 20 132 6/20/20107 41 60 O 5O0/2010 7 42 00 0 168 24 53 5/20/2010 7 42 10 016 34 232 5/20/2010 7 42 20 0 146 41 893 5/20/2010 7 42 30 0 148 44 968 5/20/2010 7 42 40 0 146 46 26 6/20/2010 7 42 50 0 146 45 826 5/20/2010 7 43 00 015 45 906 6/20/2010 7 43 10 0 13 46 967 5/20/2010 7 43 20 0148 45 691 5/20/2010 7 43 30 0 138 45 715 6/20/2010 7 43 40 018 46 017 018 49 87 5/20/2010 7 43 50 8 922 44 678 5/20/2010 7 44 00 11 36 124 5/20/2010 7 44 10 11 038 21 341 5/20/2010 7 44 20 11 066 9 538 5/20/2010 7 44 30 11 062 3 24 6/20/2010 7 44 40 11067 0 645 5/20/2010 7 44 60 11 067 0156 5/20/2010 7 45 00 11 057 0164 Page 15 of 29 27 2010 Spares RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data 11 1%02/9 5%CO2 1106 Oil 5/20/2010 7 46 10 10184 0 166 5/202010 7 45 20 0 779 -0159 5/20O010 7 4530 0 685 -0048 ' S/20/2010 7 4S40 3168 0 042 I 6/20/2010 7 46 50 9 388 0136 I 5/20/2010 7 46 00 9 828 0 264 I Calibration Error NOx 5/20/2010 7 4610 9 786 0 344 5000010 7 4620 7 329 0 321 6000010 7 46 30 019 0 24 5/20O0107 46 40 014 0138 500/2010 7 4650 0135 0114 9000010 747 00 014 0174 6000010 7 4710 0146 0 171 60000107 47 20 013 -0 09 5000010 7 47 30 013 0 08 500/2010 7 47 40 0188 0 186 189 ppm NOX 019 -012 6000010 7 47 50 0 131 0 075 5000010 7 48 00 0126 -0 08 5000010 7 4810 0123 0 066 5000010 7 48 20 0 116 0 171 6000010 7 48 30 0116 0168 6000010 7 4840 0118 0168 5/20O010 7 48 60 0109 0171 5000010 7 49 00 0 166 0 164 600/2010 7 49 10 0 131 0 06 6000010 74920 0 138 0 048 971 ppm NOX 015 -0 09 900/2010 7 49 30 0 14 0 159 6/20O010 7 49 40 0 136 0 166 6000010 7 49 60 0 133 0 164 5/20/2010 7 60 00 0121 0 169 5/20O010750 10 0114 0171 5/20/2010 7 60 20 0 096 0 164 ZeroN2 011 -018 6000010 7 50 30 0103 0 023 5/20O010 7 60 40 3 371 0164 600/2010 7 60 60 10 409 0 057 Calibration Bias NOx (zero for 02/C02/CO) 500/2010 7 51 00 1 602 0 237 6/20O010 7 61 10 0 193 0 435 5/20/2010 7 51 20 0 155 0 348 500/2010 7 51 30 0136 0138 5/20/2010 7 51 40 014 0 061 6O0Q010 7 51 50 0 136 0 039 600/2010 7 62 00 0 126 0 031 5000010 7 52 10 0 126 0 06 6000010 7 52 20 0126 0 057 ZeroN2 013 -0 03 6/20/2010 7 52 30 0 136 0 06 6000010 7 62 40 0146 0 066 600/2010 7 52 50 0 126 0 061 5000010 7 53 00 0131 0 075 6000010 7 53 10 014 0 036 5000010 7 53 20 0 135 0 027 600/2010 7 53 30 0 136 0 065 6000010 7 63 40 0 131 -0 066 6000010 7 63 50 0 14 0 066 5000010 7 54 00 0166 -0 065 5/20O010 7 54 10 0 166 0 069 6000010 7 5420 6 611 0069 971 ppm NOX 2 97 -0 07 6000010 7 64 30 10 431 0 036 5/20O010 7 64 40 10 558 0 138 6000010 7 64 50 10 617 0 234 5000010 7 56 00 10 639 0 344 5000010 7 5510 10 698 0 36 600/2010 7 65 20 10 592 0 339 5000010 7 55 30 10 617 0 24 5/20O010 7 66 40 10671 0 333 5000010 7 55 50 10 671 0 348 Start Run 7 5000010 7 56 00 10 723 0 336 5/20O010 7 5610 10733 0 428 6000010 7 56 20 10 753 0 423 6000010 7 56 30 10 778 0 443 60 0 0010 7 66 40 10 808 0 344 5/20/2010 7 56 50 10 827 0 333 5000010 7 5700 10828 0 339 5/20O010 7 57 10 10822 0 435 5000010 7 67 20 10 83 0 432 500/2010 7 67 30 10 838 0 339 500/2010 7 57 40 10 791 0 344 5000010 7 67 60 10 77 0 339 5000010 7 58 00 10 771 0 336 5/20O010 7 58 10 1076 0 329 6000010 7 58 20 10 681 0 333 5/20/2010 7 58 30 10 639 0 432 5000010 7 58 40 10 593 0 336 50 0 0010 7 58 60 10 697 0 329 6000010 7 69 00 10 617 0 339 Page 16 of 29 I 28 2010 Spares RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data 5000010 7 5910 10 606 0 344 5000010 7 59 20 10 592 0 339 5000010 7 69 30 10 607 0 333 5000010 7 59 40 10 587 0 339 SO0O010 7 69 50 10 576 0 443 50000108 0000 10 595 0 443 SO0O010 8 0010 10624 0 438 SO0O010 8 00 20 10 672 0 438 5000010 8 00 30 10 674 0 443 6000010 8 00 40 10 708 0 344 SO0O010 8 00 50 10 676 0 344 6000010 8 01 00 10 666 0 338 6000010 6 01 10 10 669 0 336 6000010 8 01 20 10 689 0 348 5000010 8 01 30 10 689 0 435 6000010 8 01 40 10866 0 344 5000010 6 01 60 10662 0 428 5000010 8 02 00 10 662 0 432 5000010 8 02 10 10 689 0 336 5000010 8 02 20 10 669 0 378 5000010 8 02 30 10661 0 438 5000010 8 02 40 10 694 0 435 6000010 8 02 50 10 636 0 333 5OQO010 8 03 00 1064 042 6/20O010 8 03 10 10 657 0 333 5000010 8 03 20 10 645 0336 6000010 603 30 10 625 0 344 500/2010 8 03 40 10 634 0 438 6000010 8 03 50 10 696 0 438 6000010 8 04 00 10 689 0 435 5000010 6 04 10 10 627 0 435 5/20O010 8 04 20 10 627 0 336 5000010 8 04 30 10 669 0 438 5/20O010 8 04 40 10 671 0 432 6/20/2010 8 04 50 10 694 0 339 6000010 8 05 00 10 687 0 333 6000010 8 05 10 10 672 0 339 600/2010 8 05 20 10 647 0 438 6000010 6 06 30 10 644 0 432 500/2010 8 06 40 10 625 0 438 5000010 6 06 50 10 661 0 339 500/2010 6 06 00 10 696 0 344 5/20O010 8 06 10 10 677 0 432 5000010 8 06 20 10 661 0 447 6000010 8 06 30 10 693 0 447 6/20O010 8 06 40 106 0 435 6000010 8 06 60 10 632 0 432 500/2010 8 07 00 10 436 0 436 5000010 8 07 10 10 63 0 443 6000010 8 0720 10 654 0 333 500/2010 8 07 30 10 664 0 435 5000010 8 07 40 10 661 0 432 600/2010 8 07 50 10 651 0 436 600/2010 8 08 00 10 677 0 329 600/2010 8 0810 10 681 0 344 500/2010 8 08 20 10 688 0 436 50000108 OS 30 10 674 0 428 500/2010 8 08 40 10 679 0 438 6000010 8 08 50 10 681 0 443 5/20/2010 8 09 00 10 687 0 423 600/2010 8 0910 10 677 0 438 600/2010 8 09 20 10 679 0 438 6000010 8 09 30 10 669 0 531 6000010 8 09 40 10 677 0 447 600/2010 8 09 60 10 649 0 466 600/2010 8 10 00 10 666 0 447 5000010 810 10 10 634 0 447 5000010 8 10 20 10 62 0 482 6000010 8 10 30 10612 0 466 6000010 8 10 40 10619 0 465 6000010 8 10 60 10 604 0 438 5000010 811 00 10 698 0 456 6000010 8 11 10 10 578 0 443 9000010 8 11 20 10 57 0 336 9000010 8 11 30 10 577 0 456 6000010 8 11 40 10 962 0 469 5/20O010 8 11 50 10 983 0 48 500/2010 8 12 00 10 606 0 469 6000010 8 12 10 10 593 0 561 5000010 812 20 10 634 0 465 6000010 8 12 30 10 647 0 45 5/20O010 8 12 40 10 654 0 428 5000010 8 12 50 10 669 0 344 6000010 8 13 00 10 645 0 363 500/2010 8 13 10 10 662 0 348 5000010 8 13 20 10 656 0 46 6000010 8 13 30 10 667 0 46 5/20/2010 8 13 40 10 684 036 6000010 8 13 50 10 607 0 354 5/20O010 8 14 00 10 693 0 45 6000010 8 14 10 10 572 0 459 6000010 8 14 20 10 535 0 459 5000010 8 14 30 10 561 0 46 Page 17 of 29 29 2010 Spares RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data Calibration Bias 47 1 ppm CO 11 1%02/9 5%C02 97 1 ppm NOX 5000010 8 14 40 10 668 0 459 5000010 814 50 10 57 0 466 5000010 8 15 00 10 67 0 466 9000010 81510 10 587 0 45 50000108 1620 10 677 0 36 5OQO010815 30 10 531 0 447 6000010 615 40 10493 0 443 SO0O010 815 50 10 638 0 499 6000010 616 00 10575 0 998 6000010 81610 10 595 0 499 6000010 616 20 10 557 0 499 5000010 8 16 30 10 583 0 462 5000010 8 16 40 10 565 0 469 5000010 8 16 60 10 678 0 462 10 69 0 41 5000010 8 17 00 10 602 0 456 5000010 81710 10617 0 462 5000010 817 20 10 654 0 465 5000010 8 17 30 6 39 0 462 6/20O010 8 17 40 0 46 2 768 5000010 8 17 50 0 212 11 629 5/20O010 8 18 00 0 166 26 034 5000010 8 1810 0153 37 94 SOO/2010 8 18 20 0161 43 967 6000010 8 18 30 0161 45 555 5000010 818 40 0 16 46 748 6000010 6 18 60 0 141 46 643 5000010 8 19 00 0 148 45 643 6/20/2010 8 19 10 0 143 46 859 5000010 8 10 20 0 151 46 077 019 45 86 600/2010 8 19 30 941 45 07 600/20108 1940 10 979 37 047 600/2010 S 19 60 11 03 22 348 500/2010 8 20 00 11059 10 175 500/2010 8 20 10 11 055 3 471 5000010 8 20 20 11 038 0 771 5/20O010 8 20 30 11 05 0 027 500/2010 8 20 40 11 042 0 132 11 04 0 20 500/2010 8 20 60 1 076 0 129 6/20/2010 8 21 00 0215 0 033 600/2010 8 21 10 0 178 0 033 6000010 8 21 20 0 178 0 069 5/20/2010 6 21 30 0 158 0 069 5/20O010 8 21 40 0 172 0 066 600/2010 8 21 60 0 163 0 072 018 0 07 6000010 8 22 00 0156 0 069 5/20/2010 8 22 10 0 146 0 072 5/20/2010 8 22 20 0 151 0 069 6/20/2010 8 22 30 0 151 0 066 5000010 8 22 40 0 161 0 072 5/20O010 8 22 60 0 143 0 103 5000010 8 23 00 0 136 0 066 5/20/2010 8 2310 0 14 0 061 600/2010 8 23 20 0 14 0 066 5/20O010 8 23 30 0 182 0 069 015 0 07 5000010 6 23 40 4 87 0 166 500/2010 8 23 90 1013 0 177 6000010 8 24 00 10 479 0 276 6/20/2010 8 24 10 10 638 0 271 600/2010 8 24 20 10 673 0 375 6000010 6 24 30 10 57 0 386 6000010 8 24 40 10 567 0 47 6000010 8 24 60 10 575 0 474 6000010 8 26 00 10 586 0 462 6000010 8 2610 10 682 0 465 6000010 8 25 20 10 607 0 47 5000010 8 26 30 10 68 0 474 6000010 8 25 40 10 677 0 363 6000010 8 26 60 10 61 0 466 6/20O010 8 26 00 1061 0 462 6000010 8 2610 10 62 0 47 6/20O010 8 26 20 10 556 0 47 6000010 8 26 30 10 597 0 366 6000010 8 26 40 10 686 0 47 6/20/2010 8 26 60 10 697 0 48 5000010 8 27 00 10 607 0 47 6000010 8 27 10 10 822 0 47 6000010 8 27 20 10 619 0 47 5000010 8 27 30 10 625 0 48 500/2010 8 27 40 10 661 0 474 6000010 8 27 60 10 676 0 47 500/2010 8 28 00 10 677 0 474 5000010 8 28 10 10 651 0 466 5/20O010 8 28 20 10 566 0 462 5000010 8 28 30 10 693 0 47 5/20O010 8 28 40 10 572 0 47 6000010 8 28 60 10615 0 47 Page 18 of 29 30 2010 Spares RATA URS7CEMS Raw Data 500/2010 8 29 00 10625 0 477 5000010 82910 10 606 0 366 500/2010 8 29 20 10 577 0 477 5000010 8 2930 10633 0474 5000010829 40 10 578 047 5O0O0106 29 50 10607 047 5000010 8 30 00 10607 0 371 SO0O010 8 30 10 10 582 0 371 50000108 30 20 1081 0366 5000010 8 30 30 10609 0474 500/2010 6 30 40 10635 0 376 600/2010 8 30 90 10614 0 375 6000010 8 31 00 10619 0 363 5000010 8 31 10 10 604 0 486 5/200010 8 3120 10 59 0469 SOO/2010 8 31 30 10634 0 474 5000010 8 31 40 10654 0 381 5000010 8 31 50 10 659 0 386 5000010 8 32 00 10 696 0 47 6000010 8 32 10 10 709 0 492 6000010 8 32 20 10 671 0469 5000010 8 32 30 10 674 0 47 5OQO010 8 32 40 10 731 0 466 500/2010 8 32 50 10 758 0 375 6000010 8 33 00 10 807 0 376 6000010 8 3310 10 836 0 465 5000010 8 33 20 1084 0 378 500/2010 8 33 30 10813 0 477 500/2010 8 33 40 10 795 0 378 5/20/2010 8 33 50 10 77 0 474 5/20/2010 8 34 00 10 785 0 474 500/2010 6 34 10 10 781 0 474 600/2010 8 34 20 10 785 0 376 5000010 8 34 30 10 738 0 474 5000010 8 34 40 10 704 0 48 6000010 8 34 50 10 667 0 47 500/2010 8 35 00 10 691 0 47 5000010 8 35 10 10 676 0477 5000010 8 35 20 10 708 0 48 500/2010 8 35 30 10711 0 371 5/20O010 8 36 40 10 691 0 381 5/20O010 8 36 60 10 706 0 47 600/2010 8 36 00 10 724 0 477 500/2010 8 36 10 10 699 0 474 5000010 8 36 20 10 733 0 576 5/20O010 8 36 30 10718 0 474 5/20/2010 8 36 40 10719 0 401 6000010 8 36 60 10 704 0 378 500/2010 8 37 00 10 671 0 386 5000010 8 37 10 10 662 0 48 6000010 63720 10 676 0 477 6000010 6 37 30 10 661 0 465 500/2010 8 37 40 10 667 0 47 500/2010 8 37 50 10 662 0 477 5000010 83800 10 64 0 474 5000010 8 3810 10 6 0 474 6000010 83820 10 697 0 47 600/2010 8 38 30 10614 0 474 500/2010 8 38 40 10616 0 474 5000010 8 38 50 10 545 0 466 5000010 8 39 00 10 688 0 607 6/20O010 6 39 10 10 683 0 47 6000010 6 39 20 10 604 0 47 600/2010 6 39 30 10 62 0 466 5000010 8 39 40 10 669 0 466 600/2010 8 39 50 10 647 0 47 600/2010 8 40 00 10619 0 474 5/20O010 8 4010 10 649 0 474 500/2010 8 40 20 10 619 0 47 5000010 8 40 30 10585 0 477 6000010 84040 10 68 0 477 600/2010 8 40 50 10 643 0 474 5000010 8 41 00 10 558 0 376 5000010 8 41 10 10 593 0 47 500/2010 8 41 20 10 573 0 492 6/20O010 8 41 30 10 555 0 474 5/20O010 8 41 40 10 538 0 47 500/2010 8 41 60 10 538 0 47 500/2010 8 4200 10 256 0 588 500/2010 8 42 10 10 603 0 673 5/20Q010 8 42 20 10 523 0 672 5000010 8 42 30 10 601 0 672 5/20O010 8 42 40 10 484 0 584 600/2010 8 42 50 10 613 0 477 5000010 8 43 00 10 682 0 474 5000010 8 4310 10619 0 477 5000010 8 43 20 10 624 0 581 5/20/2010 8 43 30 10 693 0 581 500001084340 10 573 0 489 500/2010 8 43 60 10 585 0 485 5/20/2010 8 44 00 10 607 0 474 5000010 8 4410 10 659 0477 6000010 8 44 20 10 669 0 474 Page 19 of 29 31 Calibration Bias 2010 Spares RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data 5000010 8 44 30 10 674 0 459 6000010 8 44 40 10 674 0 462 5000010 8 44 60 10 687 0 466 6/20O010 8 45 00 10 718 0 459 5000010 8 4510 10 704 0 459 f 5000010 8 46 20 10 709 0 459 5000010 8 45 30 10 731 0 469 SO0O010 84540 10 75 0 459 l 5000010 845 50 10751 0455 I 1064 048 5000010 8 46 00 10734 0 455 5/20O010 8 46 10 10 731 0 462 5000010 8 46 20 10662 0 664 6000010 6 46 30 10 612 0 681 6000010 8 46 40 10 499 0 474 5000010 8 46 50 10 356 0 469 5000010 8 47 00 10 238 0 46 6000010 8 4710 9 897 0 459 6/20O010 8 47 20 6 132 0 459 500/2010 8 47 30 0 292 3 262 6/2QO010 8 47 40 0 185 13 066 6000010 6 47 60 0161 27 907 SO0O010 8 46 00 0 143 39 417 5000010 8 48 10 0 148 44 516 6000010 8 48 20 0 136 46 616 6000010 8 4830 015 45928 500/2010 8 48 40 0 141 48 027 6000010 8 48 50 0 153 46 123 6/20O010 8 49 00 0 151 46 101 471 ppm CO 0 15 46 08 5/20/2010 8 49 10 015 45 898 6000010 8 49 20 5 261 46 901 6/20/2010 8 49 30 10 931 41 794 5/20O010 8 4940 11 026 29361 6000010 8 49 60 11 056 15 172 5000010 8 6000 11062 6 875 500/2010 8 50 10 11 055 1 679 6000010 8 60 20 11 058 0177 5/20O010 8 50 30 11 06 0 126 600001085040 11063 0016 500/2010 6 50 50 11 068 0122 500/2010 8 61 00 11 047 0 122 11 1/ 02/95AC02 11 06 -009 5/20O010 8 51 10 10862 0117 5/20O010 8 61 20 0 499 0 033 500/2010 8 61 30 0 24 0 033 6/20/2010 8 61 40 0 165 0 081 5/20O010 8 51 50 0 151 0 168 5/20/2010 8 62 00 0 141 0 161 6000010 8 62 10 0 161 0 177 Zero N2 019 0 17 6/20O010 8 52 20 0 146 0172 5/20/2010 8 62 30 0 143 0 078 600/2010 8 52 40 014 0 161 600/2010 8 52 60 0 133 0 161 5/20O010 8 63 00 0 131 0 166 6/20O010 8 53 10 014 0 168 5/20O010 6 6320 0 136 0168 5000010 8 53 30 0 121 0 168 5000010 8 53 40 0 131 0166 6/20O010 8 63 50 0 161 0 177 971 ppm NOX 013 017 500/2010 8 64 00 6 998 0 166 5000010 8 54 10 10 08 0 177 6/20/2010 8 54 20 10 377 0 279 500/2010 8 54 30 10 39 0 36 5/20O010 6 64 40 10 404 0 474 5/20O010 6 5450 10442 0 462 Start Run 9 5000010 8 99 00 10 449 0 465 500/2010 8 66 10 10 461 0 465 6/20O010 8 56 20 10 473 0 47 6/20/2010 8 56 30 10 489 0 47 5000010 8 65 40 10 479 0 477 5/20O010 8 5550 10461 0569 5/20O010 8 56 00 10 444 0 569 5/20/2010 6 6610 10442 0 466 5/20O010 8 66 20 10 459 0 573 6/20/2010 8 66 30 10 469 0 569 5/20O010 8 56 40 10 618 0 564 5/20/2010 8 56 50 10 535 0 569 5/20O010 8 67 00 10 555 0 669 5/20/2010 8 67 10 10 536 0 661 5/20O010 8 57 20 10 568 0 576 50 0 0010 6 67 30 10 667 0 462 5000010 8 67 40 10 667 0 459 500/2010 8 67 50 10 526 0 462 600/2010 8 68 00 10 535 0 486 6/20O010 8 58 10 10 536 0 474 6/20O010 6 58 20 10 565 0 569 5/20/2010 8 68 30 10 663 0 474 900/2010 8 58 40 10 535 0 465 Page 20 of 29 32 2010 Spares RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data 6000010 8 58 50 10 53 0 466 5000010 859 00 10 64 0664 50000108 5910 10 662 0 673 600/2010 8 59 20 10 628 0 576 5000010 6 69 30 10 538 0 684 6000010 8 59 40 10 563 0 569 5000010 8 69 60 10 548 0 459 5000010 9 00 00 10 557 0465 50000109 0010 10 545 0 465 60000109 00 20 10 56 0 573 SO0O010 9 00 30 10 563 0664 5000010 9 00 40 10 645 0 564 5000010 9 00 60 10 541 0 569 SO0O010 9 01 00 10 52 0 47 6000010 9 01 10 10 567 0 462 5O0O0t0 90120 10 557 0462 5000010 9 01 30 10 545 0 47 5000010 9 01 40 10 548 0 664 5000010 9 01 50 10 648 0 47 5000010 9 02 00 10 561 0 561 5000010 9 02 10 10 555 0 561 5000010 9 02 20 10 454 0 661 5000010 9 02 30 10 566 0 661 6000010 9 02 40 10 57 0 573 6000010 9 02 60 10 56 0 459 5000010 9 03 00 10 578 0 47 SO0O010 9 03 10 10 575 0 455 500/2010 9 03 20 10 592 0 673 5/20/2010 9 03 30 10 607 0 554 500/2010 9 03 40 10 609 0 673 5/20/2010 9 03 50 106 0 564 5/20/2010 9 04 00 10 606 0 558 5/20/2010 9 04 10 10617 0 576 5000010 9 04 20 10 637 0 561 5/20/2010 9 04 30 10 644 0 465 5000010 9 04 40 10 605 0 466 5/20O010 9 04 60 10 602 0 564 500/2010 9 05 00 10 58 0 576 500/2010 9 05 10 10 592 0 459 5000010 9 05 20 10 627 0 465 6/20O010 9 06 30 10 624 0 474 5/20/2010 9 06 40 10 657 0 465 6/20/2010 9 05 50 10 654 0 477 600/2010 9 06 00 10 661 0 477 6/20O010 9 08 10 10 507 0 465 500/2010 9 06 20 10 582 0 462 6/20/2010 9 06 30 10 588 0 465 6/20/2010 9 06 40 10 634 0 366 600/2010 9 06 60 10 654 0 366 500/2010 9 07 00 10 632 0 466 5000010 9 07 10 10 635 0 465 5/20O010 9 07 20 10 667 0 459 5/2O/2010 9 07 30 10 639 0 47 6/20/2010 9 07 40 1064 0 462 5000010 9 07 50 10 668 0 462 SO0O010 9 08 00 10 669 0 462 5000010 9 08 10 10 645 0 664 500/2010 9 06 20 10 647 0 477 500/2010 9 08 30 10 605 0 474 5/20/2010 9 08 40 10 609 0 469 6000010 9 08 50 10614 0 474 6000010 9 09 00 10 604 0 474 5000010 9 0910 10 602 0 474 500/2010 9 09 20 10 607 0 459 500/2010 9 09 30 10 605 0 47 6/20O010 9 09 40 10 609 0 462 6000010 9 09 50 10 602 0 455 500/2010 9 10 00 10 593 0 466 5000010910 10 10 693 0 465 5000010 910 20 10 595 0 469 5000010 910 30 10 612 0 462 5000010 910 40 10 667 0 465 6000010 910 50 10 664 0 477 5/20O010 9 11 00 10 639 0 462 6/20/20109 11 10 10 656 0 366 5000010 9 11 20 10 646 0 465 5/20O010 9 11 30 10 629 0 462 6/20/2010 9 11 40 1064 0 447 6/20O010 9 11 60 10612 0 469 500/2010 9 12 00 10 597 0 462 5/20/2010 9 12 10 10 562 0 47 5/20O010 912 20 10 643 0 474 5/20O010 9 12 30 10516 0 47 5/20/2010 9 12 40 10 557 0 462 5/20O010 9 12 50 10 572 0 47 600/20109 1300 10 648 0 47 5000010 913 10 10 643 0 465 5000010 913 20 10 548 0 469 5/20/2010 9 13 30 10 658 0 371 5000010 9 13 40 10 555 0 39 6/20/2010 9 13 60 10 526 0 474 600/2010 9 14 00 10 503 0 669 5000010 9 14 10 10518 0 474 Page 21 of 29 33 2010 Spares RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data Calibration Blia 47 1 ppm CO 11 iy 02/9 5/ C02 97 1 ppm NOX 6O0O010 9 14 20 10 52 0 466 6000010 914 30 10 498 0 462 5000010 914 40 10451 0 47 5000010 914 60 10447 0 569 5/20O010 9 16 00 10 432 0 462 5000010 9 1510 10 447 0 465 500001091520 10419 0 465 SO0O010 915 30 10 422 0474 5000010 91540 10436 0 462 60000109 1660 10407 0459 10 98 0.49 500001091800 10 374 0 462 500/2010 9 1610 2 993 0 465 5000010 9 16 20 0 224 4 067 6000010 9 16 30 016 14 897 5000010 9 16 40 0146 29 981 5/20O010 0 16 60 0 143 40 214 SOO/2010 917 00 0 131 44 708 6000010 91710 0 138 49 703 5000010 9 17 20 0 133 45 807 5000010 9 17 30 0 128 46 81 5000010 917 40 0125 46 81 5000010 9 17 50 0 135 45 604 5000010 918 00 0 136 45 691 013 45 70 5000010 9 18 10 10 662 44 696 5000010 9 18 20 10 986 35 684 5/20/2010 9 18 30 11 Oil 20 982 5/20/2010 9 16 40 11 01 9 267 6000010 9 18 60 11 013 3 176 6/20O010 9 19 00 11 013 0 672 5000010 9 19 10 11 006 0 033 11 01 1 27 6000010 9 19 20 0 642 0 228 5000010 9 19 30 0 187 0126 5/20/2010 9 19 40 0 168 0 117 5000010 9 19 50 0153 0 033 6/20/2010 9 20 00 0 143 0 051 5/20O010 9 20 10 0 145 0 172 6/20/2010 9 20 20 0 153 0 165 015 013 6/20/2010 9 20 30 0146 0 069 5/20/2010 9 20 40 0 143 0 067 5/20/2010 9 20 60 0 14 0 061 5/20/2010 9 21 00 0138 0 066 6/20O010 9 21 10 0131 0 078 5000010 9 21 20 0 136 0 066 5000010 9 21 30 0 145 0 072 5000010 9 21 40 0 136 0 069 6000010 9 21 50 0 126 0 066 500/2010 9 22 00 0 125 0 072 5000010 9 22 10 0126 0 069 6000010 9 22 20 0131 0 066 6000010 9 22 30 0 172 0 165 5/20O010 9 22 40 5 979 0 069 2 09 010 6000010 9 22 60 10 197 0 166 5/20/2010 9 23 00 10 546 0 166 5000010 923 10 10 624 0 267 5000010 9 23 20 10 632 0 363 6000010 9 23 30 10 624 0 462 5000010 9 23 40 10619 0 474 5000010 9 23 60 10 639 0 466 6000010 9 24 00 10 62 0 462 5000010 9 24 10 10 636 0 45 6000010 9 24 20 10 637 0 47 6000010 9 24 30 10 632 0 459 6000010 9 24 40 10 64 0 462 5000010 9 24 60 10 612 0 456 500/2010 9 25 00 10 614 0 462 6000010 9 26 10 10 624 0 462 600/2010 9 25 20 10617 0 462 5000010 9 26 30 10 583 0 466 600/2010 9 26 40 10 687 0 462 6000010 9 25 50 10 607 0 466 5/20/2010 9 26 00 1064 0 462 500/2010 9 26 10 10 639 0 459 5000010 9 26 20 10 64 0 466 5/20/2010 9 26 30 10 63 0 466 6/20O010 9 26 40 10 624 0 669 6/20O010 9 26 50 10 827 0 569 6000010 9 27 00 10 602 0 465 6/20O010 9 27 10 10 636 0 664 5000010 9 27 20 10 629 0 462 5000010 9 27 30 10 647 0 462 500/2010 9 27 40 1064 0 459 5/20/2010 9 27 60 10 661 0 459 5000010 9 28 00 10 661 0 459 5000010 9 2810 10 667 0 462 5000010 9 26 20 10 632 0 462 5000010 9 28 30 10 627 0 459 Page 22 of 29 34 2010 Spares RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data 5/200010 9 28 40 10 698 0 465 500/20109 28 50 10 545 0 46 500001092900 10 489 0 549 600/2010 9 2910 10 493 0 466 6000010 9 29 20 10488 0 486 6000010 929 30 10 498 0 561 SO0O010 929 40 10 913 0 998 SO0O010 9 29 50 10 601 0 981 SO0/2010 9 30 00 10466 0 961 5000010 9 30 10 10461 0 961 500/2010 9 30 20 10 442 0 469 5000010 9 30 30 10 437 0 459 5/20O010 9 30 40 1041 0 465 5000010 9 30 60 10 382 0 569 500/2010 9 31 00 10 384 0 561 5000010 9 31 10 10 39 0 469 5000010 9 31 20 10369 0 466 5000010 9 31 30 1036 0664 5/20/2010 9 31 40 10 366 0 558 50000109 31 50 10 382 0 564 600/2010 9 32 00 10 389 0 561 500/2010 9 32 10 10 402 0 569 5000010 9 32 20 10 36 0 661 SOO/2010 9 32 30 10 407 0 654 5000010 9 32 40 10 372 0 668 50000109 32 50 10 39 0 558 5/20/2010 9 33 00 10402 0 564 5/20/2010 9 33 10 10 367 0 664 5/20/2010 9 33 20 10 362 0 564 500/2010 9 33 30 10 389 0 564 6000010 9 33 40 10 397 0 462 6/20/2010 9 33 50 10 367 0 568 5000010 9 34 00 10 31 0 661 6/20/2010 9 34 10 10 248 0 558 6/20/2010 9 34 20 10 264 0 569 5000010 9 34 30 10 288 0 564 500/2010 9 34 40 10 318 0 558 5/20O010 9 34 60 10 328 0 561 6/20/2010 9 35 00 10 303 0 564 600/2010 9 3510 10 3 0 669 6000010 9 35 20 10 306 0 568 60000109 36 30 10 28 0 558 500001093640 10 276 0 668 6000010 9 36 60 10 316 0 561 5/20/2010 9 36 00 10 31 0 664 5/20/2010 9 36 10 10 32 0 554 5/20/2010 9 36 20 10 316 0 649 5/20/2010 9 36 30 10 328 0 564 5000010 9 36 40 10 303 0 568 6/20/2010 9 36 60 10271 0 561 5000010 9 37 00 10 281 0 653 500/2010 9 37 10 10 273 0 661 5000010 9 37 20 10 303 0 561 5000010 9 3730 1031 0 466 5000010 9 37 40 10 327 0 469 6000010 9 37 50 10 353 0 564 5000010 9 38 00 10 384 0 66 6/20/2010 9 38 10 10 436 0 657 500/2010 9 38 20 10 447 0 549 5/20/2010 9 38 30 10 441 0 558 5/20/2010 9 38 40 10 463 0564 5000010 9 38 50 10 469 0 661 6/20/2010 9 39 00 10 457 0 561 500/2010 9 3910 8 844 0 564 5/20/2010 9 39 20 10 347 0 66 500/2010 9 39 30 10 551 066 600/2010 9 39 40 10 578 0 665 500/2010 9 39 60 10 558 0 769 500/2010 9 40 00 10 568 0 666 6000010 9 4010 10 692 0 653 5000010 9 40 20 10 59 0 561 5000010 9 40 30 10 695 0 462 5/20O010 9 40 40 10 675 0 564 5000010 9 40 60 10 575 0 561 500/2010 9 41 00 10 596 0 561 5/20O010 9 41 10 10 563 0 554 5/20/2010 9 41 20 10 577 0 666 5/20/2010 9 41 30 10617 06 5/20/2010 9 41 40 1061 0 568 6/20/2010 941 50 10 582 0 668 600/2010 9 42 00 10 572 0 649 5/20/2010 9 42 10 10 582 0 654 6000010 9 42 20 10 692 0 459 5000010 9 42 30 10 682 0 558 6000010 0 42 40 10 662 0 558 5000010 9 42 60 10 67 0 668 6000010 9 43 00 10 657 0564 500/2010 943 10 10 541 0 569 5/20/2010 9 43 20 10 64 0 661 5/20/2010 9 43 30 10 553 0 661 500/2010 9 43 40 10 668 0 569 600/2010 9 43 60 10 56 0 664 6/20/2010 9 44 00 10 667 0 668 Page 23 of 29 35 Calibration Bias 2010 Spares RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data 5000010 9 4410 10 56 0 569 6000010 9 44 20 10 604 0 564 SOO/2010 9 44 30 10 593 0 561 50000109 44 40 10 686 0 669 6000010 9 44 50 10 698 0 564 10 47 0 54 5/20O010 9 45 00 10 988 0 5S4 500/2010 9 4510 10 607 0 569 6OQO010 9 46 20 10 602 0 47 5000010 9 45 30 10 523 0 576 SO0O01094S40 10496 0 564 5000010 9 4550 10484 0 669 600/2010 9 46 00 10 461 0 497 600/2010 9 4610 10 461 0 573 60000109 4620 6 019 0 558 5000010 9 46 30 0 292 2 354 5/200010 9 46 40 0 17 10 358 6000010 9 4650 014 24 973 600/2010 9 47 00 0 146 37 379 5000010 9 4710 0 138 43 677 6000010 9 4720 0 143 45478 5000010 9 4730 0 138 45874 6000010 9 47 40 0 138 46 069 50000109 47 50 014 46871 500/2010 9 48 00 0 13 45 772 6000010 9 4810 0 13 45 967 5000010 94620 0 131 46284 6000010 9 48 30 0 133 46 168 600/2010 9 48 40 0 126 46 667 6000010 9 48 50 2 026 45 768 471 ppm CO 0 76 45 93 5/20/2010 9 49 00 10 17 44 968 5/20O010 9 4910 10 998 37 784 600/2010 9 49 20 11 018 23 484 500/2010 9 49 30 11 02 10 884 5000010 9 49 40 11 018 3 884 5000010 9 49 60 11 037 0 989 5/20O010 0 60 00 11 035 0 078 5000010 9 5010 1102 0 023 600/201096020 11 043 0 117 6000010 9 5030 11 043 0 117 500/2010 9 50 40 11 026 0 075 6000010 9 50 60 11 026 0122 111A02I9SAC02 11 03 -010 6/20O010 9 51 00 2 263 Oil 6/20O010 9 51 10 0 227 0 038 50000109 61 20 0 18 0 015 5/20/2010 9 51 30 0 161 0 033 5/20/2010 9 51 40 0 153 0 018 6/20O010 9 51 50 0 165 0 064 50 0 0010 9 62 00 0 14 0 072 SOO/2010 9 6210 0 16 018 ZeroN2 018 Oil 5/20O010 9 52 20 0 145 0 177 5/20/2010 9 52 30 0 141 0 172 5/20O010 9 52 40 0 138 0 072 5000010 9 52 50 0 136 0 072 600/2010 9 5300 0 131 0177 6/20O010 9 6310 0 128 0 078 50000109 6320 0 136 0168 500/2010 9 63 30 0 13 0 172 6000010 9 53 40 0 145 0 078 5/20/2010 9 53 60 0 17 0 069 971 ppm NOX 015 Oil 5/20/2010 9 54 00 8 141 0 168 5/20O010 9 54 10 10 029 0 18 5/20/2010 9 54 20 10 276 0 271 6000010 9 5430 10286 0 378 6/20O010 9 54 40 10 323 0 477 SO0O010 9 54 50 10 38 0 48 sun Run 11 5000010 9 66 00 10 384 0 466 6000010 9 6610 10 375 0 489 50000109 55 20 10 399 0 676 6000010 9 6630 1039 0 477 5/20/2010 9 55 40 10 36 0 465 5000010 9 55 50 10 389 0 486 5/20/2010 9 56 00 10 463 0 48 5/20O010 9 5610 10 493 0 477 500/2010 9 56 20 10 646 0 569 5/20O010 9 66 30 10 576 0 497 5000010 0 5640 10682 0 684 6000010 9 6650 10583 0 584 5/20O010 9 67 00 10 658 0 576 5000010 9 6710 10 536 0 668 5/200010 9 67 20 10 521 0 489 6000010 9 57 30 10 469 0 486 6000010 9 5740 10 459 0 584 6000010 9 6750 10464 0 611 5000010 9 68 00 10 513 0 691 6/20/2010 9 58 10 10 623 0 485 5/20O010 9 68 20 10 518 0 474 Page 24 of 29 36 2010 Spares RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data 500/2010 9 66 30 10511 0 477 5000010 9 58 40 10 52 0 47 600/2010 9 68 50 10 543 0459 5000010 9 59 00 10 587 0 477 6000010 9 6910 10 612 0 489 6000010 9 69 20 10 632 0S19 SO0O010 959 30 10 629 0 48 5000010 9 5940 10 617 0 48 5000010 9 59 SO 10617 048 SO0O0101000 00 10 592 048 SO0O01010 0010 106 0 588 500001010 0020 10 575 0 576 5/20/2010 10 00 30 10 59 0489 900001010 00 40 10 566 0 591 600001010 00 50 10516 0 581 5OQO01010 01 00 10 621 0 584 5/20/201010 01 10 10 531 0 477 6000010100120 10 407 0 477 5000010 10 01 30 10 525 0 48 500001010 01 40 10 628 0 477 500/201010 01 60 10 548 0 573 600001010 02 00 10 55 0 47 6/20O010 10 02 10 10 657 0 485 500001010 02 20 10 65 0 477 50000101002 30 10 555 0 669 500/201010 02 40 1066 0 462 5/20O010 10 02 50 10 668 0 47 500001010 03 00 10 566 0 47 600/201010 03 10 10 678 0 47 600001010 03 20 10 577 0 569 5/20O010 10 03 30 10 605 0 664 500/2010 10 03 40 10 587 0 561 500001010 03 60 10 687 0 47 500/2010 to 04 00 10 573 0 554 6000010 10 04 10 10 683 0 564 5/20/2010 10 04 20 10 562 0 47 5000010 10 04 30 10 667 0 564 5000010 10 04 40 10 557 0 558 500/2010 10 04 60 10 641 0 573 600/201010 05 00 10 657 0 459 6000010 10 0610 106 0 465 5/20/2010 10 05 20 10 598 0 477 600/201010 06 30 10 582 0 462 600/2010 10 05 40 10 602 0 569 SO0O010 10 05 60 10 548 0 573 5/20/2010 10 06 00 10 553 0 558 500001010 0610 10 64 0 664 5/20O010 10 06 20 10618 0 45 500/201010 06 30 10 52 0 564 6/20/2010 10 06 40 10 528 0 459 6000010 10 06 60 10513 0 661 500/2010 10 07 00 10 454 0 45 6000010 10 07 10 10 452 0 375 5/20/201010 07 20 10 439 0 497 5000010100730 10418 0564 6000010 10 07 40 10 404 0 564 600/2010 10 07 50 10 424 0 549 500/2010 10 08 00 10 444 0 459 5/20/2010 10 08 10 10 452 0 47 500001010 08 20 10 442 0 564 500001010 08 30 10 407 0 669 500001010 0840 10 386 0 569 5000010 10 08 50 10 347 0 564 5/20/201010 09 00 10 389 0 459 6000010 10 09 10 10 368 0 47 500/2010 10 09 20 10 352 0 564 5/20/2010 10 09 30 10 34 0 561 600001010 09 40 10 332 0 462 500/2010 10 09 50 10 372 0 668 5/20001010 10 00 10 384 0 569 5/20/2010 10 10 10 10 358 0 477 500/201010 10 20 10 345 0 462 5000010 1010 30 10 366 0 462 5000010 1010 40 10 35 0 564 6000010 10 10 60 10 347 0 558 500001010 1100 10 352 0 569 5/20/201010 11 10 10 363 0 668 5/20/20101011 20 10 362 0 569 5000010 10 11 30 10 363 0 661 5000010 10 11 40 10 347 0 455 6000010 10 11 60 10 346 0 466 6000010 10 12 00 10 335 0 474 5000010 10 12 10 10 389 0 669 512012010 10 12 20 10 39 0 554 5000010 10 12 30 10412 0 653 500001010 12 40 10 454 0 564 5000010 10 12 60 10 467 0 558 6000010 10 13 00 10 446 0 569 6000010 10 13 10 10 432 0 573 5000010 10 13 20 10 459 0 573 5/20O010 10 13 30 10 434 0 561 5/20/201010 13 40 10 332 0 564 6000010 10 13 60 10 335 0 649 Page 25 of 29 37 Calibrabon Bias 47 1 ppm CO 111 A02/95/ C02 97 1 ppm NOX 2010 Spares RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data 5000010 1014 00 6000010 10 14 10 6000010 1014 20 50000101014 30 500001010 14 40 500/2010 10 14 SO 50000101015 00 5000010 10 15 10 50000101016 20 50000101015 30 5000010101540 500001010 15 50 50000101016 00 5000010 10 16 10 60000101016 20 6000010 10 16 30 50000101016 40 5/20O010 10 16 50 6000010 1017 00 5000010 10 17 10 5000010 1017 20 6000010 1017 30 60000101017 40 600001010 17 50 500/2010 10 18 00 5000010 10 18 10 5000010 10 18 20 600/2010 10 18 30 500/2010 1018 40 600/2010 10 18 50 5/20O010 10 19 00 500/201010 19 10 6000010 10 19 20 5/20O010 10 19 30 6/20O010 10 19 40 500/2010 10 19 60 600/2010 10 20 00 6000010 10 20 10 5/20O010 10 20 20 500/201010 20 30 6/20/2010 10 20 40 6000010 10 20 50 5000010 10 21 00 6/20/201010 21 10 5/20/2010 10 21 20 500/2010 10 21 30 500/20101021 40 5000010 10 21 60 5/20O010 10 22 00 500/2010 10 22 10 6/20/2010 10 22 20 600/201010 22 30 5000010 1022 40 5/20/2010 10 22 50 500/201010 23 00 5000010 10 23 10 5/20O01010 23 20 500/2010 10 23 30 5/20/2010 10 23 40 5000010 10 23 60 6000010 10 24 00 6000010 10 24 10 50000101024 20 5/20O010 10 24 30 5/20/2010 10 24 40 6/20O010 10 24 60 600/2010 10 26 00 500/20101026 10 600/2010 10 26 20 500/2010 10 25 30 5/20/2010 10 25 40 6/20/2010 10 26 50 500/2010 10 26 00 5000010 10 26 10 6/20O010 10 26 20 500001010 26 30 500/2010 10 26 40 6000010 10 26 60 5000010 10 27 00 6/20O010 10 27 10 5/20O01010 27 20 500001010 27 30 5000010 10 27 40 500001010 27 60 5000010 10 28 00 6000010 10 28 10 Page 26 of 29 10 283 0 661 10134 0 564 9 971 0 462 9 648 0 681 9 696 0 564 9 563 0 561 9 607 0 658 9 462 0 462 941 0 573 9 429 0 569 9 457 0 466 9471 0 564 10 41 0 92 9 479 0 976 9 442 0 549 1 363 0 558 0 195 3 453 0168 13 476 0 158 28 033 0 143 39 355 0 138 44 663 0 138 49 899 0141 49 968 0 138 45 946 0 131 46 844 0 128 45 841 8 912 45 936 3 06 45 87 10 964 42 522 11 003 30 981 11 02 16 488 11 032 6 577 11 033 1 988 11 033 0 378 11 013 0 061 11 03 0 81 10 469 0 03 0 318 0 033 017 0129 0166 0 033 016 0 072 0 163 0 061 0 168 0 172 018 010 0158 0161 0 136 0 163 0 126 0 165 0 126 0 165 0 13 0 161 0 123 0 15 0123 0 051 0119 0161 0 156 0 163 0 67 0 165 0 32 016 8 789 0 166 9 662 0 156 9 709 0 354 9719 0 47 9 662 0 417 9 606 0 569 9 643 0 665 9 46 0 66 9 36 0 66 9 316 0 665 9 336 0 66 9 393 0 564 9 474 0 564 9 669 0 668 9 663 0 665 9 799 0 672 9 893 066 9 961 0 661 10 014 066 10 075 0 561 10 096 0 564 10 127 0 668 10 128 0 663 10 125 0 657 10 1 0 554 10 096 0 546 10 083 0 663 10 04 0 657 10 061 066 10 1 066 10 087 0 665 10 076 0 663 10 045 066 10 031 0 669 10018 0 646 10013 0 573 38 2010 Spares RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data 6000010 10 26 20 10013 0 564 5/20O010 10 28 30 10 071 0 654 SO0O010 10 28 40 10 055 0 665 5000010 10 28 50 10 048 0 663 SOQO010 10 29 00 10 031 0 667 5000010 10.29 10 10 006 0 558 5000010 10 29 20 10 016 0 648 5000010 10 29 30 10 029 0 657 5000010 1029 40 10 053 066 5000010 10 29 60 10117 0 657 SO0O010 10 30 00 10149 0 648 5000010 10 3010 10 221 0653 6000010 10 30 20 10 249 0 657 6000010 10 30 30 10 199 066 5000010 10 30 40 10233 0 648 500/2010 10 30 50 10 204 0 645 SO0O010 10 31 00 10162 066 SO0O010 1031 10 1013 0 653 5000010 10 31 20 10 137 0 667 SO0O010 10 31 30 10144 0 663 5000010 10 31 40 10 134 0 657 5000010 10 31 60 10169 0 665 5000010 10 32 00 10194 0657 6000010 10 32 10 10216 0 657 6000010 10 32 20 10 226 0 554 5000010 10 32 30 10 202 0646 500/2010 10 32 40 10 238 0 666 500/2010 10 32 50 10 246 0 649 6000010 10 33 00 10 276 0 663 6000010 10 3310 10 315 0 568 5/20O010 10 33 20 10 342 0 657 5/20O010 10 33 30 10 343 066 5/20O010 10 33 40 10 367 0 653 6/20/2010 10 33 60 10 37 0 666 5000010 10 34 00 10 342 0 654 500/2010 10 34 10 10 342 0 664 5000010 10 34 20 10 332 0 66 5000010 10 34 30 10 293 0 648 5000010 10 34 40 10 285 0 648 5000010 10 34 50 10 261 0 666 5000010 10 36 00 10 266 0 546 5/20O010 10 36 10 10 249 0 667 5/20/2010 10 35 20 10 003 0 665 500/2010 10 35 30 10 243 0 666 600/2010 10 35 40 10 214 0 667 5000010 10 35 60 10 137 0 764 5000010 10 36 00 10 145 0 653 6000010 10 36 10 10113 0 661 5000010 10 36 20 10 073 0 564 5/20O010 10 36 30 10 08 0 665 5/20/2010 10 36 40 10 078 0 657 5/20/2010 10 36 60 10 031 0 654 500/2010 10 37 00 10 008 0 645 5/20/2010 10 37 10 9 987 0 568 5000010 10 37 20 9 976 0 667 6000010 10 37 30 9 92 0 653 6000010 10 37 40 9 897 0 558 5000010 10 37 50 9 892 0 648 5000010 10 38 00 9 897 0 657 5000010 10 38 10 9 929 066 5000010 10 38 20 9 956 0 646 5000010 10 38 30 9 964 066 6000010 10 38 40 9 942 0 668 500/2010 10 38 60 9 94 0 554 500/2010 10 39 00 9 987 0 554 6000010 10 3910 10 066 0 675 6000010 10 39 20 10132 0 653 5000010 10 39 30 10162 0 648 5000010 10 39 40 10217 0 646 6000010 10 39 50 10 268 0 554 6000010 10 40 00 10 226 0 657 6000010 10 4010 10 268 0 648 600/2010 10 40 20 10 332 0 568 5000010 10 40 30 10 368 0 542 6000010 10 40 40 10 342 0 665 6000010 10 40 50 10 33 066 6000010 10 41 00 10 342 0 664 6/20/2010 1041 10 10 347 0 568 500/2010 10 41 20 10 34 0 561 6000010 1041 30 10 34 0 673 5000010 10 41 40 10 353 0 558 500/2010 10 41 50 10 34 0 558 5000010 10 42 00 10 402 0 649 6000010 10 42 10 10 441 0 564 6000010 10 42 20 10 421 0 664 5/20/2010 10 42 30 10 436 0 645 5000010 10 42 40 10416 0 657 500/2010 10 42 50 10 399 0 549 500/2010 10 43 00 10 422 0 554 5000010 10 4310 10 461 0 656 5000010 10 43 20 10 471 0 558 6000010 10 43 30 10 442 0 661 6000010 10 43 40 10 437 0 665 Page 27 of 29 39 2010 Spares RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data Calibration Blaa 47 1 ppm CO 11 IV 02/9S%C02 971 ppm NOX 5/20/2010 10 43 90 10 432 066 1011 0 62 6000010 10 44 00 10451 0 549 SO0O010 10 44 10 10457 0 697 6000010 10 44.20 10 476 0 949 5000010 10 4430 10461 0 549 5000010 10 44 40 3374 0648 9000010 10 44 50 0 249 1761 6000010 10 4600 0185 8 668 5000010 104510 0178 22 833 5000010 10 4520 0179 36117 5000010 10 45 30 0 172 43 326 5000010 10 45 40 0172 45 622 5000010 10 46 60 0196 46126 5000010 1046 00 0166 46 222 5000010 10 4610 017 46 341 500/2010 10 46 20 0 161 46 416 500/2010 10 46 30 0 168 46134 5000010 10 46 40 0161 46123 5000010 10 46 50 0 15 46 222 5000010 10 47 00 016 46116 5000010 10 4710 0161 46 054 5000010 10 47 20 0163 46 314 500/2010 10 47 30 10122 46416 3 48 46 26 5000010 10 47 40 11 037 43 209 6OQO010 10 47 60 11 072 31469 5000010 10 46 00 11 073 16 68 5000010 10 48 10 11 08 6 766 6/20O010 10 48 20 11 085 2 072 5000010 10 48 30 11 079 0 469 600/2010 10 48 40 11 073 0 061 11 08 0 86 5/20/2010 1048 50 1 507 0141 500/2010 10 49 00 0 222 0 042 5000010 10 49 10 0192 0 042 SOOOOlO 10 49 20 0187 0 054 5000010 10 49 30 0 163 0 057 5/20O010 10 49 40 0166 0 061 500/2010 10 49 50 0 17 0 163 017 0 09 6000010 10 50 00 0161 0156 5000010 10 5010 0 165 0 061 6/20O010 10 60 20 0 153 0166 5000010 10 50 30 0155 0 156 5000010 10 60 40 015 016 500/2010 10 50 60 0 16 0172 6000010 10 5100 0 166 0 156 6000010 10 61 10 0 151 0 141 6/20O010 10 51 20 0 172 015 5000010 10 51 30 0166 0 146 016 015 6/20/2010 10 61 40 0143 0156 5000010 10 51 50 0146 0 054 500/2010 10 62 00 0148 0 054 5000010 10 52 10 0166 016 6000010 10 52 20 0 13 0161 6000010 10 52 30 0 161 0161 6000010 10 62 40 0131 0 054 5/20/2010 10 52 50 0 133 0 066 500/2010 10 53 00 0131 0145 5000010 10 53 10 0136 0 166 5/20/2010 10 53 20 0 146 0 161 6/20/2010 10 53 30 0133 0 161 500/2010 10 53 40 0133 0156 500/2010 10 63 50 0 14 0 061 500/2010 10 54 00 0138 0 061 sooooto 10 54 10 0213 0165 6000010 10 64 20 016 0 061 5000010 10 64 30 0146 0153 6000010 10 64 40 0143 0 141 5000010 10 54 50 0161 0 141 5000010 10 65 00 0158 015 5000010 10 5510 0 16 0 166 5000010 10 66 20 0166 0 081 5/20/2010 10 55 30 0166 0 141 6000010 10 6540 0145 0145 600/2010 10 65 60 017 0153 6000010 10 66 00 0153 0161 5000010 10 6610 0 143 0 15 5000010 10 66 20 0 138 0 15 5000010 10 56 30 0143 0 161 500/2010 10 56 40 0 14 0 163 5000010 10 56 50 0 136 0 161 5000010 10 57 00 014 0153 5000010 10 67 10 0 126 0156 6000010 10 67 20 0 131 0 153 5/20OD10 10 67 30 0 143 0165 6/20O010 10 57 40 0 143 0 192 6/20O010 10 67 50 8 571 0 156 5000010 10 58 00 9 947 0168 5000010 10 58 10 10 096 0 26 Page 28 of 29 40 2010 Spares RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data 5/20/2010 10 68 20 10 075 0 354 5000010 10 68 30 10 097 0 443 5000010 10 58 40 10128 0 549 SOOOOlO 10 58 50 1011 0 554 5000010 10 59 00 10115 0 558 5000010 10 5910 10135 0 554 500/2010 10 59 20 10164 0 549 500/2010 10 59 30 10149 0 658 SOOOOlO 10 5940 10139 0 546 500001010 59 50 10135 0S58 500001011 00 00 10177 0 591 5000010 11 0010 10 236 0 546 SOO/2010 11 00 20 10 236 0 646 Page 29 of 29 APPENDIX D Reference Method Calibration Results _^ - Spares^RATA O2 Calibration Data Summary Project ID Spares RATA Date 19-May Instrument Make/Model Servomex ID Number Hendrix Calibration Span Value 21 90 Analyzer Range 0-25 Units % Technician(s) ADB/DC CEMS Calibration Bias and Drift Tests 2% Limit Date 19-May Instrument Make/Model Servomex ID Number Hendrix Calibration Span Value 21 90 Analyzer Range 0-25 Units % Technician(s) ADB/DC CEMS Calibration Bias and Drift Tests zero gas span gas mid-range Calibration Error Test Results Certified Cylinder ID Value Time CEM Response Absolute Difference Cal Enror (% of Span) Date 19-May Instrument Make/Model Servomex ID Number Hendrix Calibration Span Value 21 90 Analyzer Range 0-25 Units % Technician(s) ADB/DC CEMS Calibration Bias and Drift Tests zero gas span gas mid-range ALM008609 CC178359 ALM052328 0 00 21 90 11 10 14 27 14 29 14 30 0 12 21 89 11 14 0 12 0 01 0 04 0 55% 0 06% 0 20% Date 19-May Instrument Make/Model Servomex ID Number Hendrix Calibration Span Value 21 90 Analyzer Range 0-25 Units % Technician(s) ADB/DC CEMS Calibration Bias and Drift Tests Date 19-May Instrument Make/Model Servomex ID Number Hendrix Calibration Span Value 21 90 Analyzer Range 0-25 Units % Technician(s) ADB/DC CEMS Calibration Bias and Drift Tests 5% Limit 1 5% Limit 3% Limit Run No Cylinder Value Cal Error CEMS Response Time P re-test CEMS Response Bias (% of Span) Time Post-test CEMS Bias Response (% of Span) Dnft (% of Span) Eq 7E-5 Run 1 0 00 0 12 14 41 0 17 0 23% 15 08 ' 0 15 0 14% -0 09% Co= 0 162 11 10 11 14 14 39 11 06 , -0 39% 15 07 11 04 -0 47% -0 09% Cma/(Cm-Co) 1 019 Run 2 0 00 0 12 15 08 0 15 0 14% , 15 36 0 16 0 20% 0 06% Co= 0 158 11 10 11 14 15 07 11 04 -0 47% 15 35 11 10 --0 20% 0 27% Cma/(Cm-Co) 1 017 Run 3 0 00 0 12 15 36 0 16 0 20% 16 05 0 20 0 36% 0 16% Co= 0 182 11 10 11 14 15 35 11 10 -0 20% 16 04 11 08 -0 28% -0 09% Cma/(Cin-Co) 1 018 Run 4 0 00 0 12 16 05 0 20 0 36% 16 39 018 0 27% -0 09% Co= 0 190 11 10 11 14 16 04 11 08 -0 28% 16 38 11 12 -0 11% 0 17% Cnia/(Cm-Co) 1 017 Run 5 0 00 0 12 16 39 0 18 0 27% 17 07 017 ' 0 21% -0 07% Co= 0 173 11 10 11 14 16 38 11 12 -0 11% 17 06 . 1112 ' -0 10% 0 02% Cma/(Cm-Co) 1 014 Run 6 0 00 0 12 17 07 0 17 0 21% 17 38 0 15 0 14% -0 07% Co= 0 158 11 10 11 14 17 06 11 12 -0 10% 17 36 11 13 -0 07% 0 03% Cma/(Cm-Co) 1 012 Project ID= CERMs RATA 2010 Common Stack CERMs RATA O2 Calibration Data Summary Date= 5/20/2010 1 2% Limit Instrument ID= Servomex 1440 Calibration Error Test Results ID Numbers HENDRIX'^: CEM Absolute Cal Error Calibration Span Value= 23 90 Cylinder ID Certified Value Time Response Difference (% of Span) Analyzer Range= 25 ALM008609 0 00 07 37 014 • 0 14 0 60% Units= % CC178359 21 90 07 34 21 87 . 0 03 0 13% Technician(s)= ADB/DC/BM ALM052328 11 10 07 36 11 15 0 05 0 22% CEMS Calibration Bias and Drift Tests 5% Limit 1 5% Limit 3% Limit Cal Error Pre-test Post-test CEMS CEMS Bias CEMS Bias Drift Run No Cylinder Value Response Time Response (% of Span) Time Response (% of Span) (% of Span) Eq 7E-5 Run 7 0 00 0 14 07 52 0 13 -0 07% 08 21 0 16 0 07% 0 15% Co= 0 144 11 10 11 15 07 45 11 06 -0 37% 08 20 11 04 -0 45% -0 09% Cma/(Cin-Co) 1 017 Run 8 0 00 0 14 08 21 0 16 0 07% 08 52 0 15 0 02% -0 06% Co= 0 154 11 10 11 15 08 20 11 04 -0 45% 08 51. 11 06 -0 39% 0 07% Cma/(Cm-Co) 1 019 Run 9 0 00 0 14 08 52 0 15 0 02% 09 20 0 15 0 02% 0 00% Co= 0 147 11 10 11 15 08 51 11 06 -0 39% 0919 11 0.1 -0 59% -0 20% Cnia/(Cm-Co) 1 020 Run 10 0 00 0 14 09 20 0 15 0 02% 09 52 0 16 0 05% 0 03% Co= 0 151 11 10 11 15 09 19 11 01 -0 59% 09 50 11 03 -0 50% 0 09% Cma/{Cm-Co) 1 021 Run 11 0 00 0 14 09 52 0 16 0 05% 10 20 0 16 0 09% 0 04% Co= 0 159 11 10 11 15 09 50 11 03 -0 50% 10 19 11 03 , -0 52% -0 02% Cma/(Cin-Co) 1 021 Run 12 0 00 0 14 10 20 0 16 0 09% 10 49 017 1 0 10% 0 01% Co= 0 165 11 10 11 15 10 19 11 03 -0 52% 10 48 11 08 -0 30% 0 22% CmaJ{Cm-Co) 1 020 Project ID Date Instrument Make/Model ID Number Calibration Span Value Analyzer Range Units Technician(s) Spares RATA 19-May-10 Thermo 48C ^ Ozzy y- 97 80 0-100 ; ! ppm ^ ' ADB/DC Spares RATA CO Calibration Data Summary zero gas span gas mid-range 1 2% Limit Calibration Error Test Results Certified CEM Absolute Cal Error Cylinder ID Value Time Response Difference (% of Span) ALM008609 CCl •13980 ALM048820. . -0 00, •'..•M4 15 • ,97 80 ' ^ -.14 22 ,^ •4710 , vf424"^ . -0 05 , j •96 80''^' 45 90 , 0 05 1 00 1 20 0 05% 1 02% 1 22%, CEMS Calibration Bias and Drift Tests Run No Cylinder Value Cal Error CEMS Response Time Pre-test CEMS Response Run \ 0 00 -0 05 <r4 41: . d 10, 47 10 45 90 ' ^14 36' " 46 2p_, Run 2 0 00 -0 05 15 08 0 12 47 10 45 90 15 04 46 16 Run 3 0 00 -0 05 15 36 0 09 47 10 45 90 15 33 45 88 ^ Run 4 0 00 -0 05 16 05 -0 03 47 10 45 90 16 03 45 61 _ Run 5 0 00 -0 05 16 39 0 07 47 10 45 90 16 37 45 89 Run 6 0 00 -0 05 1707 0 17 47 10 45 90 17 05 45 97 5% Limit 5% Limit 3% Limit Bias (% of Span) Post-test CEMS Bias Time Response (% of Span) Drift (% of Span) Eq 7E-5 0 16% 0 30% 0 17% 0 26% 0 14% -0 02% 0 02% -0 30% 0 13% -0 01% 0 23% 0 07% ; 15 08 ' '-^ •'O 1'2 / 0 17% '15 04 ' .,^'46 16 0 26% 15 36 15 33 f '16 05 16 03. p 09' - 45 88 -0 03. 4561 16 39 J ,007? '16 37 '45 89. 17 07 17 05 17 38 .17 34; 0 17 >5 97 - 0 15 .46 2l 0 14% -0 02% 0 02% -0 30% 0 13% -0 01%> 0 23% 0 07% 0 21% 0 33% 0 01% -0 04% -0 03% -0 29% -0 12% -0 28% 0 11% 0 29%, 0 10% 0 08% -0 02% 0 27% Co= Cma/(Crri Co) Co= Cma/{Cm Co) Co= Cma/(Cnn-Co) Co= Cma/(Cm Co) Co= Cma/(Cm-Co) Co= Cma/(Cm-Co) 0 110 1 022 0 101 1 026 0 027 1 030 0 020 1 030 0 122 1 028 0159 1 025 Project ID Spares RATA Spares RATA CO Calibration Data Summary Date 19-May-10 1 2% Limit Instrument Make/Model Thermo 48C Calibration Error Test Results ID Number Ozzy Certified CEM Absolute Cal Error Calibration Span Value 97 80 Cylinder ID Value Time Response Difference {% of Span) Analyzer Range 0-100 zero gas ALM008609 0 00 07 37 .-0 14 0 14 0 15% Units ppm span gas CC113980 97 80 07 39 97 11 0 69 0 70% Technician(s) ADB/DC mid-range ALM048820 47 10 07 41 • 45 66 1 44 1 48% CEMS Calibration Bias and Drift Tests 1 5% Limit 5% Limit 3% Limit Cal Error Pre-test Post-test CEMS CEMS Bias CEMS Bias Dnft Run No Cylinder Value Response Time Response (% of Span) Time Response (% of Span) (% of Span) Eq 7E-5 Run 7 0 00 -0 14 07 52 -0 03 0 12% 08 21 0 07 0 22% 0 10% Co= 0 020 47 10 45 66 07 43 45 87 0 22% 08 19 45 86 0 21% -0 01%, Cnfia/(Cm Co) 1 027 Run 8 0 00 -0 14 08 21 0 07 0 22% 08 52 0 17 0 32% 0 10% Co= 0 119 47 10 45 66 08 19 45 86 0 21% 08 49 46 08 0 44% 0 23% Cma/(Cm Co) 1 027 Run 9 0 00 -0 14 08 52 0 17 0 32% 09 20 0 13 0 28% -0 04% Co= 0 149 47 10 45 66 08 49 46 08 0 44% 09 18 45 70 -0 05% -0 39% Cma/{Cm-Co) 1 030 Run 10 0 00 -0 14 09 20 0 13 0 28% 09 52 Oil 0 26% -0 02% Co= 0 121 47 10 45 66 09 18 45 70 0 05% 09 48 45 93 ' 0 28% 0 24% Cma/(Cm Co) 1 031 Runll 0 00 -0 14 09 52 0 11 0 26% 10 20 0 10 0 25% -0 01% Co= 0 107 47 10 45 66 09 48 45 93 0 28% 10 18 45 87 . 0 22% -0 06%, Cma/(Cm Co) 1 028 Run 12 0 00 -0 14 10 20 0 10 0 25% 10 49 0 09 0 24% -0 01% Co= 0 096 47 10 45 66 10 18 45 87 0 22% 10 47 46 26 0 62% 0 40% Cma/(Cm Co) 1 025 APPENDIX E Spare CEMS Relative Accuracy Data Spare CEMS RATA Data Run 1 14 42-15 03 19-May-10 1442 00 106 1 1 104 0 0 19-Mav-10 1442 30 106 1 1 104 0 1 19-Mav-101443 00 107 1 1 105 0 0 19-May-1014 43 30 106 1 1 105 0 0 19-Mav-10 1444 00 107 1 1 105 0 1 19-May-10 1444 30 106 1 1 104 1 1 19-May-10 1445 00 10 7 1 1 104 1 1 19-May-10 1445 30 108 1 1 106 0 19-Mav-10 1446 00 10 9 1 1 106 1 1 19-May-10 14 46 30 108 1 1 106 1 1 19-May-10 1447 00 109 1 1 107 1 1 19-May-10 1447 30 108 1 1 107 1 1 19-May-10 1448 00 109 1 1 107 0 0 19-May-10 1448 30 108 1 1 107 1 0 19-May-10 14 49 00 10 9 1 1 107 0 0 19-May-10 14 49 30 109 1 1 107 0 0 19-May-10 14 50 00 109 1 1 107 0 0 19-May-10 14 50 30 108 1 1 107 1 1 19-May-10 14 51 00 108 1 1 106 1 1 19-May-10 14 51 30 109 1 1 107 1 1 19-May-10 14 52 00 107 1 1 106 1 1 19-May-10 14 52 30 108 1 1 106 1 1 19-May-10 14 53 00 108 1 1 106 1 1 19-May-10 14 53 30 108 1 1 106 1 19-May-10 14 54 00 107 105 1 1 19-May-10 14 54 30 10 7 1 1 10 5 1 1 19-May-10 14 55 00 106 1 1 105 1 1 19-May-10 14 55 30 106 1 1 104 1 1 19-May-10 14 56 00 106 1 1 104 1 1 19-May-10 14 56 30 106 0 0 104 1 1 19-May-10 14 57 00 106 0 0 104 1 1 19-May-10 14 57 30 105 0 0 104 1 1 19-May-10 14 58 00 106 0 0 104 1 1 19-May-10 14 58 30 106 1 1 104 1 1 19-May-10 14 59 00 106 0 0 104 19-May-10 14 59 30 106 0 0 104 1 1 19-May-10 15 00 00 106 0 0 104 1 1 19-May-10 15 00 30 106 0 0 104 1 1 19-May-10 15 01 00 106 0 0 104 1 1 19-May-1015 01 30 105 0 0 103 1 1 19-May-10 15 02 00 105 0 0 103 1 1 19-May-10 15 02 30 105 0 0 104 1 1 19-May-10 15 03 00 106 0 0 104 1 1 19-May-10 15 03 30 106 1 1 104 0 0 Average= 107 105 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/19/10 Spare CEMS RATA Data Run 2 1511-1532 19-Mav-10 1511 00 109 1 1 108 1 1 19-Mav-101511 30 10 9 1 1 10 7 1 1 19-Mav-101512 00 109 1 1 107 1 1 19-May-101512 30 109 1 1 10 7 1 1 19-May-101513 00 101 1 1 100 1 19-Mav-101513 30 9 1 1 1 89 1 1 19-Mav-10 1514 00 93 1 1 90 1 1 19-Mav-101514 30 101 1 1 98 1 19-Mav-101515 00 101 1 1 99 1 1 19-May-101515 30 98 1 1 96 1 1 19-May-10 1516 00 99 1 1 97 1 1 19-May-10 1516 30 98 1 1 96 1 1 19-May-101517 00 102 1 1 100 1 1 19-May-101517 30 102 1 1 100 1 1 19-May-10 1518 00 102 1 1 100 1 1 19-May-10 1518 30 10 1 1 1 99 1 1 19-May-10 1519 00 102 1 1 100 1 1 19-May-10 1519 30 104 1 1 101 1 1 19-May-1015 20 00 104 1 1 102 1 1 19-May-10 15 20 30 103 1 1 101 1 1 19-May-101521 00 103 1 1 101 1 1 19-May-1015 21 30 104 1 1 102 1 1 19-May-101522 00 105 1 1 103 1 1 19-May-10 15 22 30 104 1 1 102 1 1 19-May-10 15 23 00 104 1 1 102 1 1 19-May-10 15 23 30 104 1 1 102 1 1 19-May-1015 24 00 106 1 1 103 1 1 19-May-10 15 24 30 106 1 1 104 1 1 19-May-10 15 25 00 105 1 1 104 1 1 19-May-10 15 25 30 105 1 1 103 1 1 19-May-1015 26 00 106 1 1 104 1 1 19-May-10 15 26 30 107 1 1 105 1 1 19-May-10 15 27 00 106 1 1 104 1 1 19-May-10 15 27 30 10 6 1 1 104 1 1 19-May-10 1528 00 105 1 1 104 1 1 19-May-1015 28 30 106 1 1 104 19-May-1015 29 00 107 1 1 105 1 1 19-May-1015 29 30 106 1 1 104 1 1 19-May-10 15 30 00 106 1 1 104 1 1 19-May-1015 30 30 106 1 1 104 1 1 19-May-10 15 31 00 10 7 1 1 105 1 1 19-May-10 15 31 30 106 1 1 105 1 1 19-Mav-10 15 32 00 106 1 1 104 1 1 19-May-1015 32 30 106 1 1 104 1 1 Average= 104 1 1 102 1 1 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/19/10 Spare CEMS RATA Data Run 3 1511-1535 19-May-101540 00 105 0 0 103 19-Mav-1015 40 30 105 0 0 103 1 1 19-May-101541 00 106 0 0 104 1 1 19-May-10 1541 30 106 1 1 104 19-May-10 1542 00 105 1 1 103 19-May-101542 30 10 5 1 1 103 1 1 19-May-101543 00 105 1 1 104 1 1 19-May-10 1543 30 105 1 1 104 1 1 19-May-10 1544 00 10 5 1 1 103 1 1 19-May-101544 30 105 1 1 104 1 1 19-May-10 1545 00 106 1 1 104 1 1 19-May-10 1545 30 107 1 1 105 1 1 19-May-10 1546 00 106 1 1 105 1 1 19-May-101546 30 108 1 1 106 1 1 19-May-10 1547 00 108 1 1 106 1 1 19-May-10 15 47 30 108 1 1 106 1 1 19-May-10 15 48 00 109 1 1 107 1 1 19-May-10 15 48 30 109 1 1 107 1 1 19-May-10 1549 00 109 1 1 108 1 19-May-10 15 49 30 109 1 1 107 1 1 19-May-1015 50 00 11 0 1 1 108 1 1 19-May-10 15 50 30 109 1 1 107 1 1 19-May-1015 51 00 106 1 1 104 1 1 19-May-10 15 51 30 11 0 1 1 108 1 1 19-May-10 15 52 00 105 1 1 103 1 1 19-May-10 15 52 30 10 7 1 1 105 1 1 19-May-10 15 53 00 109 1 1 107 1 1 19-May-10 15 53 30 106 1 1 104 1 1 19-May-10 15 54 00 105 1 1 103 1 0 19-May-10 15 54 30 106 1 1 104 0 0 19-May-10 15 55 00 107 1 1 105 0 0 19-May-10 15 55 30 107 1 1 105 0 1 19-May-10 15 56 00 107 1 1 105 1 1 19-May-10 15 56 30 10 7 1 1 10 5 0 0 19-May-10 15 57 00 106 0 0 104 1 1 19-May-10 15 57 30 106 0 0 104 1 1 19-May-10 15 58 00 105 0 0 103 1 1 19-May-10 15 58 30 105 1 1 104 1 1 19-May-1015 59 00 106 1 1 104 0 1 19-May-10 15 59 30 105 1 1 103 0 0 19-May-10 16 00 00 105 1 1 103 1 1 19-May-10 16 00 30 105 1 1 103 0 0 19-May-10 16 01 00 105 1 1 103 0 0 19-May-10 16 01 30 104 1 1 102 0 0 Average= 10 6 1 1 10 5 1 1 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/19/10 Spare CEMS RATA Data Run 4 1614-16 35 19-Mav-101614 00 107 1 1 106 1 1 19-Mav-101614 30 107 1 1 105 1 1 19-Mav-10 1615 00 10 7 1 1 105 1 1 19-Mav-101615 30 106 1 1 105 1 19-May-101616 00 106 1 1 104 1 19-May-10 1616 30 106 104 1 1 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1 1 19-May-101711 30 109 1 1 107 1 1 19-Mav-10 1712 00 108 1 1 106 1 1 19-May-10 1712 30 109 1 1 107 1 1 19-May-10 1713 00 109 1 1 107 0 0 19-May-10 1713 30 109 1 1 108 0 0 19-Mav-10 1714 00 11 0 1 1 10 8 0 0 19-May-10 1714 30 109 1 1 108 1 0 19-May-10 1715 00 109 1 1 108 0 0 19-May-10 1715 30 109 1 1 107 1 1 19-May-10 1716 00 109 1 1 107 1 1 19-May-10 1716 30 109 1 1 10 7 1 1 19-May-10 1717 00 10 8 1 1 10 7 1 19-May-10 1717 30 107 1 1 106 1 1 19-May-10 1718 00 107 1 1 105 1 1 19-May-10 1718 30 107 1 1 105 1 1 19-May-10 1719 00 106 1 1 105 1 1 19-May-10 17 19 30 107 1 1 105 1 1 19-May-10 17 20 00 106 1 1 105 19-May-10 17 20 30 106 1 1 104 19-May-10 17 21 00 106 1 1 105 1 1 19-May-10 17 21 30 106 1 1 105 19-May-10 17 22 00 107 1 1 105 1 1 19-May-10 17 22 30 106 1 1 105 19-May-10 17 23 00 106 1 1 105 1 1 19-May-10 17 23 30 106 1 1 104 1 1 19-May-10 17 24 00 106 1 1 104 1 1 19-May-10 17 24 30 106 1 1 104 1 1 19-May-10 17 25 00 106 1 1 105 1 1 19-May-10 17 25 30 106 1 1 105 1 1 19-May-10 17 26 00 106 1 1 105 1 1 19-May-10 17 26 30 106 1 1 104 1 1 19-May-10 17 27 00 106 1 1 104 1 1 19-May-10 17 27 30 106 1 1 105 1 1 19-May-10 1728 00 106 1 1 105 0 1 19-May-10 17 28 30 106 1 1 105 1 1 19-May-10 17 29 00 107 1 1 105 1 1 19-May-10 17 29 30 107 1 1 105 19-May-10 17 30 00 107 1 1 105 1 1 19-May-10 17 30 30 107 1 1 106 1 1 19-May-10 17 31 00 107 0 0 106 1 1 19-May-10 17 31 30 10 7 0 0 105 1 1 19-May-10 17 32 00 107 0 0 106 1 1 19-May-10 17 32 30 108 1 1 106 1 0 Average= 10 7 1 1 10 6 1 1 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/19/10 8 Spare CEMS RATA Data Run 7 07 56-08 17 20-May-10 07 56 00 108 1 1 106 1 1 20-Mav-10 07 56 30 109 1 1 107 0 0 20-Mav-10 07 57 00 109 1 1 108 1 1 20-Mav-10 07 57 30 11 0 1 1 108 0 0 20-May-10 07 58 00 11 0 1 1 108 0 0 20-May-10 07 58 30 109 1 1 107 0 0 20-Mav-10 07 59 00 108 1 1 106 0 0 2aMav-10 0759 30 108 1 1 106 1 1 20-Mav-10 08 00 00 107 1 1 106 1 1 20-May-10 08 00 30 108 1 1 106 1 1 20-May-10 08 01 00 108 1 1 107 1 1 20-May-10 08 01 30 108 1 1 107 0 0 20-May-10 08 02 00 108 107 1 1 20-May-10 08 02 30 10 8 1 1 106 0 0 20-May-10 08 03 00 108 1 1 107 0 0 20-May-10 08 03 30 108 1 1 106 0 0 20-May-10 08 04 00 108 1 1 106 0 0 20-May-10 08 04 30 108 1 1 107 0 0 20-May-10 08 05 00 108 1 1 106 1 1 20-May-10 08 05 30 108 1 1 107 1 1 20-May-10 08 06 00 108 1 1 106 0 0 20-May-10 08 06 30 108 1 1 107 0 0 20-May-10 08 07 00 108 1 1 106 0 0 20-May-10 08 07 30 108 106 0 1 20-May-10 08 08 00 108 1 1 106 0 0 20-May-10 08 08 30 108 1 1 106 0 0 20-May-10 08 09 00 108 1 1 106 0 0 20-May-10 08 09 30 108 1 1 107 0 0 20-May-10 0810 00 108 0 0 106 0 0 20-May-10 0810 30 108 1 1 106 0 0 20-May-10 0811 00 108 0 0 106 0 0 20-May-10 0811 30 107 0 0 106 0 0 20-May-10 0812 00 107 0 0 105 0 0 20-May-10 0812 30 108 1 1 106 0 0 20-May-10 0813 00 108 1 1 106 1 1 20-May-10 0813 30 108 0 0 106 1 1 20-May-10 0814 00 108 0 0 106 1 1 20-May-10 0814 30 107 0 0 106 1 1 20-May-10 0815 00 107 0 0 105 1 1 20-May-10 0815 30 107 1 1 105 0 0 20-May-10 0816 00 107 1 1 105 0 0 20-May-10 0816 30 107 1 1 105 0 0 20-May-10 0817 00 107 0 0 105 0 0 20-May-10 0817 30 107 0 0 105 0 0 Average= 108 1 1 106 0 0 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/20/10 Spare CEMS RATA Data Run 8 08 25-08 46 20-May-10 08 25 00 10 7 0 0 106 0 1 20-May-10 0825 30 107 0 0 106 0 0 20-Mav-10 08 26 00 107 0 0 106 0 0 20-May-10 08 26 30 10 8 0 0 106 0 0 20-May-10 08 27 00 107 0 0 105 0 0 20-May-10 08 27 30 10 7 0 0 105 0 0 20-Mav-10 08 28 00 108 0 0 106 1 0 20-May-10 08 28 30 107 0 0 106 0 0 20-May-10 08 29 00 107 0 0 105 0 0 20-May-10 08 29 30 107 0 0 106 0 0 20-May-10 08 30 00 107 1 1 105 1 1 20-May-10 08 30 30 107 1 1 106 0 0 20-May-10 08 31 00 107 106 0 0 20-May-10 08 31 30 108 1 1 106 1 1 20-May-10 08 32 00 108 1 1 106 1 1 20-May-10 08 32 30 108 1 1 107 2 3 20-May-10 08 33 00 108 1 1 106 1 1 20-May-10 08 33 30 109 1 1 108 0 0 20-May-10 08 34 00 109 1 1 108 0 0 20-May-10 08 34 30 10 9 1 1 10 7 1 0 20-May-10 08 35 00 109 0 0 10 7 0 0 20-May-10 08 35 30 108 0 0 107 0 0 20-May-10 08 36 00 10 9 0 0 107 1 1 20-May-10 08 36 30 109 0 0 107 1 1 20-May-10 08 37 00 109 0 0 107 1 1 20-May-10 08 37 30 108 0 0 107 0 0 20-MaY-10 08 38 00 10 8 1 1 106 1 0 20-May-10 08 38 30 108 0 0 106 0 0 20-May-10 08 39 00 107 0 0 106 0 0 20-May-10 08 39 30 10 7 0 0 106 0 0 20-May-10 08 40 00 108 0 0 106 0 0 20-May-10 08 40 30 108 0 0 106 0 0 20-May-10 08 41 00 107 0 0 106 1 0 20-May-10 08 41 30 107 0 0 105 1 1 20-May-10 08 42 00 10 7 0 0 105 1 1 20-May-10 08 42 30 10 6 0 0 105 1 1 20-May-10 08 43 00 106 0 0 105 0 0 20-May-10 08 43 30 107 0 0 105 0 0 20-May-10 08 44 00 10 7 1 1 106 1 1 20-May-10 08 44 30 107 0 0 105 0 1 20-May-10 08 45 00 108 0 0 106 1 1 20-May-10 0845 30 108 0 0 107 0 0 20-May-10 08 46 00 109 0 0 107 1 1 20-May-10 08 46 30 10 9 0 0 107 1 1 Average= 108 0 0 106 0 0 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/20/10 10 Spare CEMS RATA Data Run 9 08 55-09 16 20-May-10 08 55 00 106 0 0 104 1 0 20-May-10 0865 30 106 0 0 105 1 1 20-May-10 08 56 00 107 0 0 105 0 0 20-May-10 08 56 30 106 0 0 104 0 0 20-May-10 08 57 00 106 0 0 105 0 0 20-Mav-10 08 67 30 107 0 0 105 1 1 20-Mav-10 08 58 00 107 0 0 106 1 1 20-May-10 08 58 30 107 0 0 105 0 0 20-May-10 08 59 00 107 0 0 106 0 0 20-Mav-10 08 59 30 10 7 0 0 10 5 1 0 20-May-10 09 00 00 107 0 0 10 5 0 0 20-May-10 09 00 30 107 0 0 105 0 0 20-Mav-10 09 01 00 10 7 0 0 106 0 0 20-May-10 09 01 30 107 0 0 105 0 0 20-May-10 09 02 00 107 0 0 106 0 0 20-May-10 0902 30 107 0 0 106 0 0 20-May-10 09 03 00 107 0 0 106 1 0 20-May-10 09 03 30 107 0 0 106 0 0 20-May-10 09 04 00 108 0 0 106 0 0 20-May-10 09 04 30 108 0 0 106 0 0 20-May-10 09 05 00 108 0 0 106 0 0 20-May-10 09 05 30 108 0 0 106 1 1 20-May-10 09 06 00 108 0 0 106 1 1 20-May-10 0906 30 108 0 0 106 1 1 20-May-10 09 07 00 108 0 0 106 1 1 20-May-10 09 07 30 108 0 0 106 1 1 20-May-10 09 08 00 108 0 0 106 0 0 20-Mav-10 09 08 30 108 0 0 107 0 0 20-May-10 09 09 00 108 0 0 106 0 0 20-May-10 09 09 30 108 0 0 106 0 0 20-May-10 0910 00 108 0 0 106 1 1 20-May-10 0910 30 108 0 0 106 0 0 20-May-10 0911 00 108 0 0 106 0 0 20-May-10 0911 30 108 0 0 107 1 0 20-May-10 0912 00 10 8 0 0 106 0 0 20-May-10 0912 30 108 0 0 106 0 0 20-May-10 0913 00 107 0 0 105 0 0 20-May-10 0913 30 107 0 0 105 0 0 20-May-10 0914 00 108 0 0 106 0 0 20-May-10 0914 30 107 0 0 105 0 0 20-May-10 09 15 00 10 7 0 0 105 0 0 20-May-10 0915 30 10 6 0 0 104 0 0 20-May-10 0916 00 106 0 0 104 0 0 20-May-10 0916 30 106 0 0 104 1 1 Average= 107 0 0 106 0 0 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/20/10 11 Spare CEMS RATA Data Run 10 09 24-09 45 20-May-10 09 24 00 108 0 0 106 0 0 20-Mav-10 0924 30 108 0 0 106 0 0 20-May-10 0925 00 108 0 0 107 0 1 20-May-10 0925 30 10 8 0 0 106 0 0 20-May-10 09 26 00 108 0 0 106 0 0 20-May-10 09 26 30 108 0 0 107 0 0 20-Mav-10 09 27 00 108 0 0 106 0 0 20-Mav-10 09 27 30 108 0 0 106 0 0 20-Mav-10 0928 00 108 0 0 106 0 0 20-May-10 09 28 30 108 0 0 107 0 0 20-Mav-10 09 29 00 108 0 0 106 0 0 20-May-10 09 29 30 106 0 0 105 1 1 20-May-10 09 30 00 107 0 0 105 0 0 20-May-10 09 30 30 106 0 0 105 0 0 20-May-10 09 31 00 106 0 0 104 0 0 20-May-10 09 31 30 105 0 0 104 1 0 20-May-10 09 32 00 105 0 0 104 0 0 20-May-10 09 32 30 106 0 0 104 0 0 20-May-10 09 33 00 106 0 0 104 0 0 20-May-10 09 33 30 106 0 0 104 0 0 20-May-10 09 34 00 105 0 0 104 0 0 20-May-10 09 34 30 105 0 0 103 0 0 20-May-10 09 35 00 105 0 0 103 0 0 20-May-10 09 35 30 105 0 0 103 1 1 20-May-10 09 36 00 105 0 0 103 0 0 20-May-10 09 36 30 105 0 0 103 0 0 20-May-10 09 37 00 105 0 0 103 1 1 20-May-10 09 37 30 104 0 0 103 1 1 20-May-10 09 38 00 105 0 0 103 0 0 20-May-10 09 38 30 105 0 0 104 1 1 20-May-10 09 39 00 106 0 0 104 0 0 20-May-10 09 39 30 106 0 0 105 1 0 20-May-10 0940 00 107 0 0 105 1 1 20-May-10 0940 30 10 7 0 0 106 0 0 20-May-10 0941 00 108 0 0 106 1 1 20-May-10 0941 30 108 0 0 106 1 1 20-May-10 0942 00 108 0 0 106 1 1 20-May-10 0942 30 107 0 0 106 1 1 20-May-10 0943 00 107 0 0 106 0 0 20-May-10 0943 30 107 0 0 106 0 0 20-May-10 09 44 00 107 0 0 106 0 0 20-May-10 0944 30 107 0 0 105 0 0 20-May-10 0945 00 107 0 0 106 0 0 20-May-10 0945 30 108 0 0 106 0 0 Average= 107 0 0 105 0 0 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/20/10 12 Spare CEMS RATA Data Run 11 09 55-10 16 20-May-10 09 55 00 105 0 0 103 1 1 20-Mav-10 09 55 30 105 0 0 104 1 1 20-Mav-10 09 56 00 106 0 0 104 0 0 20-Mav-10 0956 30 106 0 0 104 0 0 20-May-10 09 57 00 10 7 0 0 10 5 0 0 20-Mav-10 09 57 30 107 0 0 106 0 0 20-Mav-10 09 58 00 106 0 0 105 0 1 20-May-10 09 58 30 107 0 0 105 0 0 20-May-10 09 59 00 107 0 0 105 0 0 20-May-10 09 59 30 107 0 0 106 0 0 20-Mav-10 10 00 00 108 0 0 106 0 0 20-May-10 10 00 30 108 0 0 106 0 0 20-May-1010 01 00 108 0 0 106 0 0 20-May-10 10 01 30 107 0 0 105 0 0 20-May-10 10 02 00 107 0 0 105 0 1 20-May-10 10 02 30 107 1 1 106 1 1 20-May-10 10 03 00 107 0 0 105 1 1 20-May-10 10 03 30 107 0 0 106 1 1 20-May-10 10 04 00 108 0 0 105 0 0 20-May-1010 04 30 10 7 0 0 106 0 0 20-May-10 10 05 00 107 0 0 105 0 0 20-May-10 10 05 30 107 0 0 105 0 0 20-Mav-1010 06 00 108 1 1 106 0 0 20-May-10 10 06 30 107 0 0 105 1 1 20-May-10 10 07 00 107 0 0 105 0 0 20-May-1010 07 30 106 0 0 105 0 0 20-May-10 10 08 00 106 0 0 104 0 0 20-May-10 10 08 30 106 0 0 104 1 1 20-May-1010 09 00 106 0 0 104 1 1 20-May-10 10 09 30 105 0 0 104 0 0 20-May-10 1010 00 105 0 0 103 1 0 20-May-10 1010 30 105 0 0 104 0 0 20-May-10 1011 00 105 0 0 103 0 0 20-May-10 1011 30 105 0 0 103 0 0 20-May-10 1012 00 105 0 0 103 0 0 20-May-101012 30 105 0 0 103 0 0 20-May-10 1013 00 106 0 0 104 0 0 20-May-10 1013 30 106 0 0 104 1 0 20-May-101014 00 106 0 0 104 1 1 20-May-101014 30 104 0 0 103 0 1 20-May-10 1015 00 100 0 0 99 0 0 20-May-101015 30 97 0 0 95 1 1 20-May-101016 00 96 0 0 94 0 0 20-May-10 1016 30 96 0 0 95 0 1 Ave rage= 106 0 0 104 0 0 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/20/10 13 Spare CEMS RATA Data Run 12 10 23-10 44 20-May-10 1023 00 99 0 0 98 0 0 20-May-10 1023 30 98 0 0 97 1 1 20-May-10 1024 00 97 0 0 95 1 1 20-May-10 1024 30 95 1 1 93 1 1 20-May-10 10 25 00 97 0 0 95 1 1 20-May-10 10 25 30 100 0 0 99 0 0 20-May-10 1026 00 102 0 0 101 0 0 20-May-10 1026 30 103 0 0 101 1 1 20-May-1010 27 00 103 0 0 101 1 1 20-May-101027 30 102 0 0 101 1 0 20-May-10 10 28 00 102 1 1 101 0 0 20-May-10 10 28 30 10 2 0 0 100 1 1 20-May-10 10 29 00 102 0 0 100 1 1 20-May-10 1029 30 102 1 1 100 1 1 20-May-10 10 30 00 102 1 1 100 1 1 20-May-10 10 30 30 103 1 1 102 0 1 20-May-10 10 31 00 104 1 1 102 0 0 20-May-10 10 31 30 103 1 1 102 1 1 20-May-10 10 32 00 103 0 0 102 0 0 20-May-1010 32 30 104 0 0 102 1 1 20-May-1010 33 00 104 1 1 102 0 0 20-May-10 1033 30 104 0 0 103 1 1 20-May-10 10 34 00 105 1 1 103 0 0 20-May-10 10 34 30 105 1 1 104 0 0 20-May-10 10 35 00 105 0 0 103 0 0 20-May-10 10 35 30 104 0 0 103 0 1 20-May-10 10 36 00 103 0 0 102 1 1 20-May-10 10 36 30 102 0 0 10 1 0 0 20-May-10 10 37 00 102 0 0 100 0 0 20-May-1010 37 30 10 1 0 0 100 0 0 20-May-10 10 38 00 100 0 0 99 0 0 20-May-10 10 38 30 100 0 0 98 0 0 20-May-10 10 39 00 10 1 0 0 99 0 0 20-May-10 10 39 30 10 1 0 0 99 0 0 20-May-10 1040 00 103 0 0 101 0 0 20-May-10 1040 30 104 0 0 102 0 0 20-May-10 1041 00 105 0 0 103 0 0 20-May-10 1041 30 105 0 0 103 1 1 20-May-10 1042 00 104 0 0 103 0 0 20-May-10 1042 30 105 0 0 103 0 0 20-May-101043 00 105 0 0 104 0 0 20-May-101043 30 105 0 0 104 1 1 20-May-10 1044 00 106 1 1 104 0 0 20-May-10 10 44 30 106 0 0 104 1 1 Average= 102 0 0 10 1 0 0 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/20/10 APPENDIX F Spare RATA Fuel Flows Common Stack Fuel Flow May 19th Run 1-6 ^^^^^^ 19-May-10 14 40 00 573 597639 19-May-10 14 40 30 574 598682 19-May-10 14 41 00 573 597639 19-May-10 14 41 30 571 595553 19-May-10 14 42 00 572 596596 19-May-10 14 42 30 573 597639 19-May-10 14 43 00 573 597639 19-May-10 14 43 30 574 598682 19-May-10 14 44 00 563 587209 19-May-10 14 44 30 563 587209 19-May-10 14 45 00 559 583037 19-May-10 14 45 30 562 586166 19-May-10 14 46 00 561 585123 19-May-10 14 46 30 562 586166 19-May-10 14 47 00 562 586166 19-May-10 14 47 30 560 584080 19-May-10 14 48 00 562 586166 19-May-10 14 48 30 562 586166 19-May-10 14 49 00 559 583037 19-May-10 14 49 30 561 585123 19-May-10 14 50 00 559 583037 19-May-10 14 50 30 564 588252 19-May-10 14 51 00 565 589295 19-May-10 14 51 30 564 588252 19-May-10 14 52 00 570 594510 19-May-10 14 52 30 577 601811 19-May-10 14 53 00 577 601811 19-May-10 14 53 30 580 604940 19-May-10 14 54 00 576 600768 19-May-10 14 54 30 582 607026 M Sim 2 1 0 1 425 598064 2 1 0 1 425 599107 1 1 00 283 597922 2 1 0 1 425 595978 2 00 283 596879 1 1 0 0 283 597922 2 1 0 1 425 598064 1 1 0 0 283 598965 2 1 0 1 425 587634 2 1 0 1 425 587634 1 0 1 425 583462 1 00 142 586308 2 1 0 1 425 585548 3 1 0 1 567 586733 1 0 0 142 586308 2 1 0 1 425 584505 2 00 283 586449 2 1 0 1 425 586591 2 1 0 1 425 583462 2 1 0 1 425 585548 2 00 283 583320 2 1 0 1 425 588677 1 1 0 0 283 589578 2 00 283 588535 2 1 0 1 425 594935 2 1 0 1 425 602236 2 1 0 1 425 602236 2 1 0 1 425 605365 1 1 00 283 601051 2 1 0 1 425 607451 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/19/10 5/20/10 ^^nn imon Stack Fuel Flow May 19th Run 1-6 May 20th Run 7-12 19-May-10 14 55 00 581 605983 19-May-10 14 55 30 584 609112 19-May-10 14 56 00 580 604940 19-May-10 14 56 30 581 605983 19-May-10 14 57 00 582 607026 19-May-10 14 57 30 582 607026 19-May-10 14 58 00 583 608069 19-May-10 14 58 30 583 608069 19-May-10 14 59 00 581 605983 19-May-10 14 59 30 581 605983 19-May-10 15 00 00 583 608069 19-May-10 15 00 30 581 605983 19-May-10 15 01 00 583 608069 19-May-10 15 01 30 582 607026 19-May-10 15 02 00 578 602854 19-May-10 15 02 30 572 596596 19-May-10 15 03 00 572 596596 19-May-10 15 03 30 569 593467 19-May-10 15 04 00 569 593467 19-May-10 15 04 30 570 594510 19-May-10 15 05 00 572 596596 19-May-10 15 05 30 572 596596 19-May-10 15 06 00 573 597639 19-May-10 15 06 30 578 602854 19-May-10 15 07 00 579 603897 19-May-10 15 07 30 580 604940 19-May-10 15 08 00 576 600768 19-May-10 15 08 30 584 609112 19-May-10 15 09 00 588 613284 19-May-10 15 09 30 587 612241 ^/fgenVPeVd; ^^^^^ wSISilSfflnlBltBnS 2 1 0 1 425 606408 2 2 0 1 567 609679 2 0 00 283 605223 2 1 0 1 425 606408 1 1 00 283 607309 1 1 00 283 607309 1 1 00 283 608352 3 1 0 1 567 608636 2 1 0 1 425 606408 1 1 00 283 606266 2 1 0 1 425 608494 1 00 142 606125 1 1 00 283 608352 2 1 0 1 425 607451 2 1 0 1 425 603279 2 1 0 1 425 597021 2 1 0 1 425 597021 2 1 0 1 425 593892 1 1 00 283 593750 2 1 0 1 425 594935 1 1 00 283 596879 1 1 0 0 283 596879 2 1 0 1 425 598064 2 1 0 1 425 603279 1 1 00 283 604180 1 1 00 283 605223 2 1 0 1 425 601193 1 1 00 283 609395 1 1 00 283 613567 1 1 00 283 612524 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/19/10 5/20/10 p Comn- Jommon Stack Fuel Flow May 19th Run 1-6 19-May-10 15 10 00 583 608069 19-May-10 15 10 30 581 605983 19-May-10 15 11 00 599 624757 19-May-10 15 11 30 626 652918 19-May-10 15 12 00 604 629972 19-May-10 15 12 30 575 599725 19-May-10 15 13 00 572 596596 19-May-10 15 13 30 576 600768 19-May-10 15 14 00 572 596596 19-May-10 15 14 30 569 593467 19-May-10 15 15 00 563 587209 19-May-10 15 15 30 564 588252 19-May-10 15 16 00 564 588252 19-May-10 15 16 30 560 584080 19-May-10 15 17 00 561 585123 19-May-10 15 17 30 560 584080 19-May-10 15 18 00 557 580951 19-May-10 15 18 30 556 579908 19-May-10 15 19 00 557 580951 19-May-10 15 19 30 558 581994 19-May-10 15 20 00 563 587209 19-May-10 15 20 30 560 584080 19-May-10 15 21 00 563 587209 19-May-10 15 21 30 563 587209 19-May-10 15 22 00 562 586166 19-May-10 15 22 30 561 585123 19-May-10 15 23 00 556 579908 19-May-10 15 23 30 559 583037 19-May-10 15 24 00 557 580951 19-May-10 15 24 30 556 579908 j^lD^miQi 2 2 0 1 567 608636 2 1 0 1 425 606408 2 1 0 1 425 625182 1 1 00 283 653201 2 1 0 1 425 630397 1 1 00 283 600008 1 1 00 283 596879 3 1 0 1 567 601335 2 0 1 567 597163 2 1 0 1 425 593892 1 1 00 283 587492 2 0 1 567 588819 1 1 0 0 283 588535 2 1 0 1 425 584505 1 1 00 283 585406 2 1 0 1 425 584505 2 00 283 581234 2 1 0 1 425 580333 2 1 0 1 425 581376 1 1 00 283 582277 1 00 142 587351 2 1 0 1 425 584505 2 1 0 1 425 587634 1 1 0 0 283 587492 2 1 0 1 425 586591 2 1 0 1 425 585548 2 1 0 1 425 580333 2 00 283 583320 1 1 00 283 581234 3 1 0 1 567 580475 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/19/10 5/20/10 imon Stack Fuel Flow May 19th Run 1-6 19-May-10 15 25 00 557 580951 19-May-10 15 25 30 560 584080 19-May-10 15 26 00 559 583037 19-May-10 15 26 30 559 583037 19-May-10 15 27 00 556 579908 19-May-10 15 27 30 557 580951 19-May-10 15 28 00 562 586166 19-May-10 15 28 30 559 583037 19-May-10 15 29 00 557 580951 19-May-10 15 29 30 558 581994 19-May-10 15 30 00 559 583037 19-May-10 15 30 30 558 581994 19-May-10 15 31 00 559 583037 19-May-10 15 31 30 562 586166 19-May-10 15 32 00 562 586166 19-May-10 15 32 30 566 590338 19-May-10 15 33 00 564 588252 19-May-10 15 33 30 563 587209 19-May-10 15 34 00 565 589295 19-May-10 15 34 30 573 597639 19-May-10 15 35 00 573 597639 19-May-10 15 35 30 571 595553 19-May-10 15 36 00 572 596596 19-May-10 15 36 30 573 597639 19-May-10 15 37 00 570 594510 19-May-10 15 37 30 575 599725 19-May-10 15 38 00 575 599725 19-May-10 15 38 30 578 602854 19-May-10 15 39 00 575 599725 19-May-10 15 39 30 577 601811 ^^^^^ 1 1 00 283 581234 2 2 0 1 567 584647 2 1 0 1 425 583462 2 1 0 1 425 583462 2 1 0 1 425 580333 1 1 00 283 581234 2 1 0 1 425 586591 1 1 00 283 583320 1 1 00 283 581234 1 1 00 283 582277 2 1 0 1 425 583462 2 1 0 1 425 582419 1 0 1 425 583462 1 1 00 283 586449 1 1 00 283 586449 1 1 00 283 590621 1 00 142 588394 1 1 00 283 587492 1 1 00 283 589578 2 1 0 1 425 598064 2 0 1 567 598206 1 1 00 283 595836 1 1 00 283 596879 2 1 0 1 425 598064 2 1 0 1 425 594935 1 1 00 283 600008 2 2 0 1 567 600292 2 2 0 1 567 603421 1 2 0 1 425 600150 2 2 0 1 567 602378 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/19/10 5/20/10 il Comn imon Stack Fuel Flow May 19th Run 1-6 ••/X.'-:"^^^^^^ "^^^^^^ 19-May-10 15 40 00 578 602854 19-May-10 15 40 30 576 600768 19-May-10 15 41 00 578 602854 19-May-10 15 41 30 577 601811 19-May-10 15 42 00 577 601811 19-May-10 15 42 30 580 604940 19-May-10 15 43 00 580 604940 19-May-10 15 43 30 576 600768 19-May-10 15 44 00 578 602854 19-May-10 15 44 30 573 597639 19-May-10 15 45 00 566 590338 19-May-10 15 45 30 563 587209 19-May-10 15 46 00 560 584080 19-May-10 15 46 30 560 584080 19-May-10 15 47 00 558 581994 19-May-10 15 47 30 557 580951 19-May-10 15 48 00 558 581994 19-May-10 15 48 30 558 581994 19-May-10 15 49 00 558 581994 19-May-10 15 49 30 511 532973 19-May-10 15 50 00 513 535059 19-May-10 15 50 30 492 513156 19-May-10 15 51 00 467 487081 19-May-10 15 51 30 472 492296 19-May-10 15 52 00 465 484995 19-May-10 15 52 30 449 468307 19-May-10 15 53 00 434 452662 19-May-10 15 53 30 433 451619 19-May-10 15 54 00 433 451619 19-May-10 15 54 30 431 449533 iv^,;.Eef<Je^ --@ •lbs/mm- 1 1 00 283 603137 2 0 00 283 601051 1 1 00 283 603137 2 1 0 1 425 602236 1 1 0 0 283 602094 2 1 0 1 425 605365 2 1 0 1 425 605365 2 1 0 1 425 601193 2 1 0 1 425 603279 1 1 00 283 597922 1 1 00 283 590621 2 1 0 1 425 587634 1 1 00 283 584363 2 1 0 1 425 584505 2 0 1 567 582561 2 1 0 1 425 581376 2 1 0 1 425 582419 1 1 00 283 582277 1 344 58 48875 630869 345 58 49300 582273 1 335 56 47600 582659 1 654 10 9 92792 605948 1 652 109 92508 579589 1 644 108 91375 583671 1 817 136 115883 600878 1 988 16 5 140108 608415 2 1026 17 1 145633 598295 2 1026 17 1 145633 597252 2 1102 184 156400 608019 2 1097 18 3 155692 605225 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/19/10 5/20/10 Comn >ommon Stack Fuel Flow May 19th Run 1-6 19-May-10 15 55 00 431 449533 19-May-10 15 55 30 435 453705 19-May-10 15 56 00 428 446404 19-May-10 15 56 30 422 440146 19-May-10 15 57 00 422 440146 19-May-10 15 57 30 422 440146 19-May-10 15 58 00 417 434931 19-May-10 15 58 30 418 435974 19-May-10 15 59 00 418 435974 19-May-10 15 59 30 416 433888 19-May-10 16 00 00 417 434931 19-May-10 16 00 30 415 432845 19-May-10 16 01 00 411 428673 19-May-10 16 01 30 409 426587 19-May-10 16 02 00 405 422415 19-May-10 16 02 30 406 423458 19-May-10 16 03 00 411 428673 19-May-10 16 03 30 406 423458 19-May-10 16 04 00 408 425544 19-May-10 16 04 30 406 423458 19-May-10 16 05 00 409 426587 19-May-10 16 05 30 406 423458 19-May-10 16 06 00 407 424501 19-May-10 16 06 30 405 422415 19-May-10 16 07 00 404 421372 19-May-10 16 07 30 403 420329 19-May-10 16 08 00 403 420329 19-May-10 16 08 30 400 417200 19-May-10 16 09 00 394 410942 19-May-10 16 09 30 394 410942 2 1092 182 154983 604516 1 1088 182 154275 607980 3 1095 18 3 155550 601954 1 1093 182 154983 595129 2 1093 18 3 155125 595271 3 1092 18 3 155125 595271 1 1129 188 160083 595014 1 1118 187 158525 594499 2 1110 185 157533 593507 1 1105 184 156683 590571 2 1107 185 157108 592039 2 1104 184 156683 589528 3 1104 185 156825 585498 1 1087 18 1 154133 580720 2 1087 182 154275 576690 2 1088 182 154417 577875 1 1085 18 1 153850 582523 1 1084 18 1 153708 577166 1 1121 18 7 158950 584494 1 1103 184 156400 579858 1 1099 18 3 155833 582420 1 1108 18 5 157108 580566 1 1071 17 9 151867 576368 2 1088 182 154417 576832 1 1089 182 154417 575789 3 1088 182 154558 574887 2 1089 182 154558 574887 1 1084 18 1 153708 570908 1 1123 18 7 159233 570175 2 1106 18 5 156967 567909 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/19/10 5/20/10 imon Stack Fuel Flow May 19th Run 1-6 ^^^^ : . ——1 •• r 19-May-10 16 10 00 393 409899 19-May-10 16 10 30 392 408856 19-May-10 16 11 00 395 411985 19-May-10 16 11 30 392 408856 19-May-10 16 12 00 395 , 411985 19-May-10 16 12 30 394 410942 19-May-10 16 13 00 395 411985 19-May-10 16 13 30 399 416157 19-May-10 16 14 00 400 417200 19-May-10 16 14 30 402 419286 19-May-10 16 15 00 398 415114 19-May-10 16 15 30 400 417200 19-May-10 16 16 00 399 416157 19-May-10 16 16 30 401 418243 19-May-10 16 17 00 403 420329 19-May-10 16 17 30 403 420329 19-May-10 16 18 00 405 422415 19-May-10 16 18 30 409 426587 19-May-10 16 19 00 408 425544 19-May-10 16 19 30 409 426587 19-May-10 16 20 00 409 426587 19-May-10 16 20 30 410 427630 19-May-10 16 21 00 410 427630 19-May-10 16 21 30 410 427630 19-May-10 16 22 00 411 428673 19-May-10 16 22 30 412 429716 19-May-10 16 23 00 413 430759 19-May-10 16 23 30 411 428673 19-May-10 16 24 00 412 429716 19-May-10 16 24 30 415 432845 2 1104 184 156683 566582 2 1109 18 5 157392 566248 1 1099 183 155833 567818 1 1092 182 154842 563698 2 1095 18 3 155408 567393 1 1090 182 154558 565500 1 1094 18 3 155125 567110 1 1088 182 154275 570432 2 1096 18 3 155550 572750 1 1125 188 159517 578803 2 1124 188 159517 574631 1 1089 182 154417 571617 1 1093 182 154983 571140 1 1096 18 3 155408 573651 2 1094 183 155267 575596 1 1097 18 3 155550 575879 2 1100 184 156117 578532 2 1099 184 155975 582562 1 1101 184 156117 581661 2 1098 18 3 155833 582420 1 1094 18 3 155125 581712 2 1097 18 3 155692 583322 2 1097 18 3 155692 583322 2 1131 18 9 160508 588138 2 1104 184 156683 585356 2 1110 18 5 157533 587249 1 1107 18 5 156967 587726 1 1099 18 3 155833 584506 1 1097 183 155550 585266 2 1092 182 154983 587828 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/19/10 5/20/10 Comn Dmmon Stack Fuel Flow May 19th Run 1-6 19-May-10 16 25 00 413 430759 19-May-10 16 25 30 414 431802 19-May-10 16 26 00 412 429716 19-May-10 16 26 30 410 427630 19-May-10 16 27 00 404 421372 19-May-10 16 27 30 404 421372 19-May-10 16 28 00 402 419286 19-May-10 16 28 30 401 418243 19-May-10 16 29 00 399 416157 19-May-10 16 29 30 398 415114 19-May-10 16 30 00 396 413028 19-May-10 16 30 30 395 411985 19-May-10 16 31 00 390 406770 19-May-10 16 31 30 392 408856 19-May-10 16 32 00 397 414071 19-May-10 16 32 30 408 425544 19-May-10 16 33 00 440 458920 19-May-10 16 33 30 454 473522 19-May-10 16 34 00 438 456834 19-May-10 16 34 30 404 421372 19-May-10 16 35 00 378 394254 19-May-10 16 35 30 372 387996 19-May-10 16 36 00 372 387996 19-May-10 16 36 30 367 382781 19-May-10 16 37 00 372 387996 19-May-10 16 37 30 374 390082 19-May-10 16 38 00 377 393211 19-May-10 16 38 30 391 407813 19-May-10 16 39 00 417 434931 19-May-10 16 39 30 434 452662 ^^^^^^^ r "1 ^'1'.^ 2 1097 18 3 155692 586451 2 1094 18 3 155267 587069 1 1099 183 155833 585549 1 1101 184 156117 583747 2 1102 184 156400 577772 1 1103 184 156400 577772 1 1101 184 156117 575403 2 1107 18 5 157108 575351 2 1102 184 156400 572557 2 1103 184 156542 571656 1 1100 184 155975 569003 1 1103 184 156400 568385 1 1100 184 155975 562745 1 1095 18 3 155267 564123 2 1093 18 3 155125 569196 1 1098 18 3 155692 581236 1 1099 18 3 155833 614753 1 1101 184 156117 629639 1 1096 18 3 155408 612242 2 1100 184 156117 577489 2 1103 184 156542 550796 1 1102 184 156258 544254 2 1099 184 155975 543971 1 1095 18 3 155267 538048 1 1099 18 3 155833 543829 1 1090 182 154558 544640 1 1099 183 155833 549044 1 1099 183 155833 563646 2 1101 184 156258 591189 2 1099 184 155975 608637 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/19/10 5/20/10 Comn Tommon Stack Fuel Flow May 19th Run 1-6 19-May-10 16 40 00 441 459963 19-May-10 16 40 30 438 456834 19-May-10 16 41 00 433 451619 19-May-10 16 41 30 433 451619 19-May-10 16 42 00 426 444318 19-May-10 16 42 30 432 450576 19-May-10 16 43 00 435 453705 19-May-10 16 43 30 436 454748 19-May-10 16 44 00 436 454748 19-May-10 16 44 30 434 452662 19-May-10 16 45 00 437 455791 19-May-10 16 45 30 436 454748 19-May-10 16 46 00 435 453705 19-May-10 16 46 30 431 449533 19-May-10 16 47 00 430 448490 19-May-10 16 47 30 427 445361 19-May-10 16 48 00 424 442232 19-May-10 16 48 30 423 441189 19-May-10 16 49 00 420 438060 19-May-10 16 49 30 416 433888 19-May-10 16 50 00 415 432845 19-May-10 16 50 30 413 430759 19-May-10 16 51 00 414 431802 19-May-10 16 51 30 412 429716 19-May-10 16 52 00 412 429716 19-May-10 16 52 30 410 427630 19-May-10 16 53 00 410 427630 19-May-10 16 53 30 409 426587 19-May-10 16 54 00 411 428673 19-May-10 16 54 30 412 429716 vfSf BrgWHfljiftpHHflSM • -^CT V ""HWI'ITLI IciWt 1 1095 18 3 155267 615230 1 1099 18 3 155833 612667 2 1106 185 156967 608586 1 1102 184 156258 607877 1 1101 184 156117 600435 1 1096 183 155408 605984 2 1090 18 2 154700 608405 2 1099 184 155975 610723 2 1095 18 3 155408 610156 2 1096 18 3 155550 608212 1 1095 183 155267 611058 1 1100 184 155975 610723 2 1097 18 3 155692 609397 2 1100 184 156117 605650 1 1126 18 8 159658 608148 2 1112 186 157817 603178 2 1113 186 157958 600190 2 1097 18 3 155692 596881 1 1095 18 3 155267 593327 1 1098 18 3 155692 589580 1 1092 182 154842 587687 3 1094 18 3 155408 586167 3 1095 183 155550 587352 2 1102 184 156400 586116 2 1097 183 155692 585408 1 1101 18 4 156117 583747 2 1099 184 155975 583605 2 1098 18 3 155833 582420 2 1101 184 156258 584931 2 1105 18 5 156825 586541 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/19/10 5/20/10 • '1 mi imon Stack Fuel Flow May 19th Run 1-6 19-May-10 16 55 00 417 434931 19-May-10 16 55 30 417 434931 19-May-10 16 56 00 419 437017 19-May-10 16 56 30 418 435974 19-May-10 16 57 00 426 444318 19-May-10 16 57 30 430 448490 19-May-10 16 58 00 429 447447 19-May-10 16 58 30 429 447447 19-May-10 16 59 00 429 447447 19-May-10 16 59 30 433 451619 19-May-10 17 00 00 431 449533 19-May-10 17 00 30 433 451619 19-May-10 17 01 00 431 449533 19-May-10 17 01 30 433 451619 19-May-10 17 02 00 436 454748 19-May-10 17 02 30 436 454748 19-May-10 17 03 00 433 451619 19-May-10 17 03 30 431 449533 19-May-10 17 04 00 430 448490 19-May-10 17 04 30 435 453705 19-May-10 17 05 00 429 447447 19-May-10 17 05 30 431 449533 19-May-10 17 06 00 423 441189 19-May-10 17 06 30 423 441189 19-May-10 17 07 00 425 443275 19-May-10 17 07 30 418 435974 19-May-10 17 08 00 416 433888 19-May-10 17 08 30 416 433888 19-May-10 17 09 00 416 433888 19-May-10 17 09 30 416 433888 >/• 2 1093 18 3 155125 590056 1 1099 18 3 155833 590764 2 1095 183 155408 592425 1 1099 183 155833 591807 2 1100 184 156117 600435 2 1102 184 156400 604890 2 1100 184 156117 603564 3 1101 184 156400 603847 2 1099 184 155975 603422 1 1105 184 156683 608302 1 1104 184 156542 606075 2 1097 18 3 155692 607311 2 1101 184 156268 605791 1 1097 18 3 155550 607169 1 1099 18 3 155833 610581 2 1101 184 156258 611006 2 1101 184 156258 607877 1 1101 184 156117 605650 2 1101 184 156258 604748 2 1094 18 3 155267 608972 2 1096 183 155550 602997 2 1104 184 156683 606216 1 1102 184 156258 597447 3 1103 184 156683 597872 1 1099 18 3 155833 599108 2 1099 184 155975 591949 1 1101 184 156117 590005 2 1098 18 3 155833 589721 3 1095 183 155550 589438 2 1096 18 3 155550 589438 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/19/10 5/20/10 Comn yommon Stack Fuel Flow May 19th Run 1-6 19-May-10 17 10 00 413 430759 19-May-10 17 10 30 410 427630 19-May-10 17 11 00 407 424501 19-May-10 17 11 30 407 424501 19-May-10 17 12 00 407 424501 19-May-10 17 12 30 406 423458 19-May-10 17 13 00 412 429716 19-May-10 17 13 30 413 430759 19-May-10 17 14 00 411 428673 19-May-10 17 14 30 413 430759 19-May-10 17 15 00 411 428673 19-May-10 17 15 30 417 434931 19-May-10 17 16 00 415 432845 19-May-10 17 16 30 418 435974 19-May-10 17 17 00 423 441189 19-May-10 17 17 30 423 441189 19-May-10 17 18 00 425 443275 19-May-10 17 18 30 425 443275 19-May-10 17 19 00 426 444318 19-May-10 17 19 30 427 445361 19-May-10 17 20 00 428 446404 19-May-10 17 20 30 431 449533 19-May-10 17 21 00 433 451619 19-May-10 17 21 30 427 445361 19-May-10 17 22 00 430 448490 19-May-10 17 22 30 430 448490 19-May-10 17 23 00 428 446404 19-May-10 17 23 30 427 445361 19-May-10 17 24 00 430 448490 19-May.10 17 24 30 427 445361 vSilHWSBBBStlUSa 2 1102 184 156400 587159 2 1126 18 8 159800 587430 1 1113 186 157817 582318 2 1118 187 158667 583168 1 1091 182 154700 579201 2 1089 182 154558 578016 1 1095 18 3 155267 584983 2 1090 182 154700 585459 2 1095 18 3 155408 584081 1 1096 18 3 155408 586167 2 1095 18 3 155408 584081 1 1158 193 164192 599123 1 1122 187 159092 591937 2 1099 184 155975 591949 2 1102 184 156400 597589 2 1098 18 3 155833 597022 2 1105 185 156825 600100 1 1103 184 156400 599675 1 1103 184 156400 600718 2 1107 185 157108 602469 1 1106 18 5 156825 603229 2 1130 18 9 160367 609900 3 1112 186 157958 609577 1 1083 18 1 153567 598928 2 1100 184 156117 604607 1 1098 18 3 155692 604182 2 1096 18 3 155550 601954 1 1101 184 156117 601478 1 1099 18 3 155833 604323 1 1101 184 156117 601478 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/19/10 5/20/10 imon Stack Fuel Flow May 19th Run 1-6 19-May-10 17 25 00 427 445361 19-May-10 17 25 30 427 445361 19-May-10 17 26 00 427 445361 19-May-10 17 26 30 426 444318 19-May-10 17 27 00 425 443275 19-May-10 17 27 30 424 442232 19-May-10 17 28 00 424 442232 19-May-10 17 28 30 421 439103 19-May-10 17 29 00 421 439103 19-May-10 17 29 30 421 439103 19-May-10 17 30 00 420 438060 19-May-10 17 30 30 421 439103 19-May-10 17 31 00 421 439103 19-May-10 17 31 30 422 440146 19-May-10 17 32 00 419 437017 19-May-10 17 32 30 421 439103 19-May-10 17 33 00 418 435974 19-May-10 17 33 30 416 433888 19-May-10 17 34 00 417 434931 19-May-10 17 34 30 417 434931 19-May-10 17 35 00 415 432845 20-May-10 07 50 00 590 615370 20-May-10 07 50 30 594 619542 20-May-10 07 51 00 594 619542 20-May-10 07 51 30 593 618499 20-May-10 07 52 00 591 616413 20-May-10 07 52 30 594 619542 20-May-10 07 53 00 595 620585 20-May-10 07 53 30 591 616413 1- '•Lie.t.@lbsj[|ir 2 1101 184 156258 601619 2 1097 18 3 155692 601053 1 1093 182 154983 600344 1 1092 182 154842 599160 1 1097 18 3 155550 598825 2 1095 18 3 155408 597640 1 1098 183 155692 597924 1 1092 182 154842 593945 2 1096 183 155550 594653 1 1101 184 156117 595220 2 1098 183 155833 593893 2 1104 184 156683 595786 2 1099 184 155975 595078 1 1091 182 154700 594846 2 1130 189 160367 597384 1 1109 18 5 157250 596353 2 1111 186 157675 593649 3 1107 18 5 157250 591138 3 1088 182 154558 589489 2 1089 182 154558 589489 2 1095 18 3 155408 588253 2 1 0 1 425 615795 1 1 00 283 619825 1 1 00 283 619825 1 1 00 283 618782 2 1 0 1 425 616838 2 1 0 1 425 619967 2 0 00 283 620868 1 0 00 142 616555 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/19/10 5/20/10 P' cOmn 5mmon Stack Fuel Flow May 19th Run 1-6 20-May-10 07 54 00 593 618499 20-May-10 07 54 30 593 618499 20-May-10 07 55 00 585 610155 20-May-10 07 55 30 586 611198 20-May-10 07 56 00 584 609112 20-May-10 07 56 30 588 613284 20-May-10 07 57 00 590 615370 20-May-10 07 57 30 605 631015 20-May-10 07 58 00 605 631015 20-May-10 07 58 30 603 628929 20-May-10 07 59 00 601 626843 20-May-10 07 59 30 599 624757 20-May-10 08 00 00 598 623714 20-May-10 08 00 30 594 619542 20-May-10 08 01 00 599 624757 20-May-10 08 01 30 600 625800 20-May-10 08 02 00 602 627886 20-May-10 08 02 30 602 627886 20-May-10 08 03 00 604 629972 20-May-10 08 03 30 602 627886 20-May-10 08 04 00 603 628929 20-May-10 08 04 30 605 631015 20-May-10 08 05 00 604 629972 20-May-10 08 05 30 606 632058 20-May-10 08 06 00 602 627886 20-May-10 08 06 30 606 632058 20-May-10 08 07 00 601 626843 20-May-10 08 07 30 604 629972 20-May-10 08 08 00 601 626843 20-May-10 08 08 30 605 631015 M 2 0 00 283 618782 2 1 0 1 425 618924 2 0 00 283 610438 1 1 0 0 283 611481 2 1 0 1 425 609537 1 1 00 283 613567 2 1 0 1 425 615795 1 00 142 631157 2 1 0 1 425 631440 1 1 00 283 629212 2 1 0 1 425 627268 1 1 00 283 625040 2 1 0 1 425 624139 2 0 1 567 620109 2 1 0 1 425 625182 2 1 0 1 425 626225 2 00 283 628169 1 1 00 283 628169 1 1 00 283 630255 1 1 00 283 628169 1 1 00 283 629212 1 00 142 631157 2 1 0 1 425 630397 2 1 0 1 425 632483 2 1 0 1 425 628311 1 1 00 283 632341 1 1 00 283 627126 2 1 0 1 425 630397 2 0 00 283 627126 2 1 0 1 425 631440 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/19/10 5/20/10 n imon Stack Fuel Flow May 19th Run 1-6 ^^^^^^ ^^>)j!^-' 1,1 20-May-10 08 09 00 611 637273 20-May-10 08 09 30 610 636230 20-May-10 08 10 00 609 635187 20-May-10 08 10 30 610 636230 20-May-10 08 11 00 603 628929 20-May-10 08 11 30 605 631015 20-May-10 08 12 00 603 628929 20-May-10 08 12 30 601 626843 20-May-10 08 13 00 601 626843 20-May-10 08 13 30 606 632058 20-May-10 08 14 00 602 627886 20-May-10 08 14 30 602 627886 20-May-10 08 15 00 595 620585 20-May-10 08 15 30 593 618499 20-May-10 08 16 00 590 615370 20-May-10 08 16 30 589 614327 20-May-10 08 17 00 584 609112 20-May-10 08 17 30 584 609112 20-May-10 08 18 00 582 607026 20-May-10 08 18 30 582 607026 20-May-10 08 19 00 577 601811 20-May-10 08 19 30 579 603897 20-May-10 08 20 00 579 603897 20-May-10 08 20 30 579 603897 20-May-10 08 21 00 583 608069 20-May-10 08 21 30 584 609112 20-May-10 08 22 00 587 612241 20-May-10 08 22 30 584 609112 20-May-10 08 23 00 588 613284 20-May-10 08 23 30 586 611198 ^^^^^^ wM i r 2 1 0 1 425 637698 2 1 0 1 425 636655 2 1 0 1 425 635612 1 1 00 283 636513 2 1 0 1 425 629354 1 1 00 283 631298 2 1 0 1 425 629354 2 1 0 1 425 627268 2 1 0 1 425 627268 1 1 00 283 632341 1 0 00 142 628028 2 0 00 283 628169 1 0 00 142 620727 1 1 00 283 618782 2 1 0 1 425 615795 1 00 142 614469 1 1 00 283 609395 2 1 0 1 425 609537 1 00 142 607168 1 1 00 283 607309 1 1 00 283 602094 1 1 00 283 604180 2 1 01 425 604322 2 00 283 604180 1 1 00 283 608352 2 1 01 425 609537 1 0 00 142 612383 2 1 01 425 609537 2 0 00 283 613567 2 0 00 283 611481 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/19/10 5/20/10 CWnmi imon Stack Fuel Flow May 19th Run 1-6 May 20th Run 7-12 BIIHiP fi" i; ' iiu r, ..i'L...!."".. ^'is 20-May-10 08 24 00 585 610155 20-May-10 08 24 30 586 611198 20-May-10 08 25 00 587 612241 20-May-10 08 25 30 588 613284 20-May-10 08 26 00 587 612241 20-May-10 08 26 30 592 617456 20-May-10 08 27 00 586 611198 20-May-10 08 27 30 585 610155 20-May-10 08 28 00 589 614327 20-May-10 08 28 30 590 615370 20-May-10 08 29 00 587 612241 20-May-10 08 29 30 589 614327 20-May-10 08 30 00 586 611198 20-May-10 08 30 30 587 612241 20-May-10 08 31 00 582 607026 20-May-10 08 31 30 578 602854 20-May-10 08 32 00 573 597639 20-May-10 08 32 30 573 597639 20-May-10 08 33 00 573 597639 20-May-10 08 33 30 568 592424 20-May-10 08 34 00 563 587209 20-May-10 08 34 30 560 584080 20-May-10 08 35 00 559 583037 20-May-10 08 35 30 564 588252 20-May-10 08 36 00 565 589295 20-May-10 08 36 30 567 591381 20-May-10 08 37 00 570 594510 20-May-10 08 37 30 562 586166 20-May-10 08 38 00 563 587209 20-May-10 08 38 30 563 587209 1 0 1 425 610580 1 1 00 283 611481 1 1 00 283 612524 1 0 00 142 613426 2 1 0 1 425 612666 1 0 00 142 617598 1 1 00 283 611481 2 1 0 1 425 610580 2 0 00 283 614610 2 1 0 1 425 615795 1 1 00 283 612524 2 1 0 1 425 614752 1 0 00 142 611340 1 1 00 283 612524 1 1 00 283 607309 1 0 0 0 142 602996 1 0 00 142 597781 1 1 00 283 597922 2 0 00 283 597922 1 1 00 283 592707 2 0 0 0 283 587492 1 0 0 0 142 584222 2 1 0 1 425 583462 2 0 0 0 283 588535 2 1 0 1 425 589720 1 1 0 0 283 591664 1 0 00 142 594662 1 1 0 0 283 586449 2 1 0 1 425 587634 1 1 0 0 283 587492 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/19/10 5/20/10 Cornmi imon Stack Fuel Flow May 19th Run 1-6 20-May-10 08 39 00 563 587209 20-May-10 08 39 30 567 591381 20-May-10 08 40 00 569 593467 20-May-10 08 40 30 571 595553 20-May-10 08 41 00 570 594510 20-May-10 08 41 30 572 596596 20-May-10 08 42 00 576 600768 20-May-10 08 42 30 574 598682 20-May-10 08 43 00 574 598682 20-May-10 08 43 30 577 601811 20-May-10 08 44 00 581 605983 20-May-10 08 44 30 582 607026 20-May-10 08 45 00 588 613284 20-May-10 08 45 30 613 639359 20-May-10 08 46 00 692 721756 20-May-10 08 46 30 707 737401 20-May-10 08 47 00 604 629972 20-May-10 08 47 30 663 691509 20-May-10 08 48 00 651 678993 20-May-10 08 48 30 642 669606 20-May-10 08 49 00 627 653961 20-May-10 08 49 30 624 650832 20-May-10 08 50 00 626 652918 20-May-10 08 50 30 621 647703 20-May-10 08 51 00 620 646660 20-May-10 08 51 30 619 645617 20-May-10 08 52 00 618 644574 20-May-10 08 52 30 610 636230 20-May-10 08 53 00 613 639359 20-May-10 08 53 30 611 637273 ttiiii 3 1 0 1 567 587776 3 0 0 1 425 591806 1 1 00 283 593750 2 1 0 1 425 595978 1 1 00 283 594793 1 0 00 142 596738 3 1 0 1 567 601335 2 1 0 1 425 599107 2 1 0 1 425 599107 2 1 0 1 425 602236 1 1 00 283 606266 3 1 0 1 567 607593 2 1 0 1 425 613709 2 1 0 1 425 639784 2 1 0 1 425 722181 1 1 00 283 737684 3 1 0 1 567 630539 1 1 0 0 283 691792 2 1 0 1 425 679418 2 1 0 1 425 670031 2 1 0 1 425 654386 2 0 00 283 651115 3 0 0 1 425 653343 2 1 0 1 425 648128 2 0 00 283 646943 1 2 0 1 425 646042 2 1 0 1 425 644999 1 1 00 283 636513 1 0 00 142 639501 2 1 0 1 425 637698 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/19/10 5/20/10 Commt imon Stack Fuel Flow May 19th Run 1-6 May 20th Run 7-12 W ffl^^ i" *• a' v- 20-May-10 08 54 00 610 636230 20-May-10 08 54 30 611 637273 20-May-10 08 55 00 608 634144 20-May-10 08 55 30 605 631015 20-May-10 08 56 00 604 629972 20-May-10 08 56 30 602 627886 20-May-10 08 57 00 601 626843 20-May-10 08 57 30 605 631015 20-May-10 08 58 00 602 627886 20-May-10 08 58 30 604 629972 20-May-10 08 59 00 602 627886 20-May-10 08 59 30 605 631015 20-May-10 09 00 00 603 628929 20-May-10 09 00 30 604 629972 20-May-10 09 01 00 605 631015 20-May-10 09 01 30 603 628929 20-May-10 09 02 00 606 632058 20-May-10 09 02 30 601 626843 20-May-10 09 03 00 601 626843 20-May-10 09 03 30 605 631015 20-May-10 09 04 00 602 627886 20-May-10 09 04 30 601 626843 20-May-10 09 05 00 604 629972 20-May-10 09 05 30 599 624757 20-May-10 09 06 00 597 622671 20-May-10 09 06 30 602 627886 20-May-10 09 07 00 603 628929 20-May-10 09 07 30 602 627886 20-May-10 09 08 00 603 628929 20-May-10 09 08 30 602 627886 ^^r^^ '{•r'-. - 1 1 00 283 636513 2 0 00 283 637556 2 1 0 1 425 634569 2 0 00 283 631298 2 1 0 1 425 630397 1 1 00 283 628169 1 1 00 283 627126 1 1 00 283 631298 2 1 0 1 425 628311 1 0 00 142 630114 1 0 00 142 628028 1 1 00 283 631298 1 0 00 142 629071 2 1 0 1 425 630397 2 0 0 0 283 631298 1 1 00 283 629212 1 1 00 283 632341 1 1 00 283 627126 2 1 0 1 425 627268 2 1 0 1 425 631440 1 1 00 283 628169 1 0 00 142 626985 1 2 0 1 425 630397 1 1 00 283 625040 2 0 00 283 622954 1 0 00 142 628028 2 0 00 283 629212 1 1 00 283 628169 2 1 0 1 425 629354 1 1 00 283 628169 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/19/10 5/20/10 Common Stack Fuel Flow May 19th Run 1-6 20-May-10 09 09 00 602 627886 20-May-10 09 09 30 599 624757 20-May-10 09 10 00 599 624757 20-May-10 09 10 30 600 625800 20-May-10 09 11 00 599 624757 20-May-10 09 11 30 603 628929 20-May-10 09 12 00 603 628929 20-May-10 09 12 30 605 631015 20-May-10 09 13 00 609 635187 20-May-10 09 13 30 609 635187 20-May-10 09 14 00 611 637273 20-May-10 09 14 30 611 637273 20-May-10 09 15 00 609 635187 20-May-10 09 15 30 606 632058 20-May-10 09 16 00 603 628929 20-May-10 09 16 30 598 623714 20-May-10 09 17 00 599 624757 20-May-10 09 17 30 596 621628 20-May-10 09 18 00 594 619542 20-May-10 09 18 30 590 615370 20-May-10 09 19 00 587 612241 20-May-10 09 19 30 584 609112 20-May-10 09 20 00 582 607026 20-May-10 09 20 30 576 600768 20-May-10 09 21 00 575 599725 20-May-10 09 21 30 573 597639 20-May-10 09 22 00 570 594510 20-May-10 09 22 30 570 594510 20-May-10 09 23 00 572 596596 20-May-10 09 23 30 572 596596 1 1 00 283 628169 1 1 0 0 283 625040 1 00 142 624899 2 1 0 1 425 626225 1 00 142 624899 1 1 00 283 629212 3 1 0 1 567 629496 1 1 00 283 631298 2 1 0 1 425 635612 2 1 0 1 425 635612 1 1 00 283 637556 2 1 0 1 425 637698 2 1 0 1 425 635612 2 1 0 1 425 632483 1 1 0 0 283 629212 2 1 0 1 425 624139 2 1 0 1 425 625182 2 1 0 1 425 622053 2 1 0 1 425 619967 2 1 0 1 425 615795 3 1 0 1 567 612808 1 1 00 283 609395 2 1 0 1 425 607451 1 1 00 283 601051 2 1 0 1 425 600150 1 0 0 142 597781 2 1 0 1 425 594935 1 00 142 594652 1 1 00 283 596879 2 0 00 283 596879 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/19/10 5/20/10 n imon Stack Fuel Flow May 19th Run 1-6 20-May-10 09 24 00 572 596596 20-May-10 09 24 30 574 598682 20-May-10 09 25 00 574 598682 20-May-10 09 25 30 574 598682 20-May-10 09 26 00 573 597639 20-May-10 09 26 30 572 596596 20-May-10 09 27 00 576 600768 20-May-10 09 27 30 578 602854 20-May-10 09 28 00 585 610155 20-May-10 09 28 30 582 607026 20-May-10 09 29 00 588 613284 20-May-10 09 29 30 588 613284 20-May-10 09 30 00 591 616413 20-May-10 09 30 30 589 614327 20-May-10 09 31 00 595 620585 20-May-10 09 31 30 591 616413 20-May-10 09 32 00 591 616413 20-May-10 09 32 30 593 618499 20-May-10 09 33 00 595 620585 20-May-10 09 33 30 596 621628 20-May-10 09 34 00 596 621628 20-May-10 09 34 30 596 621628 20-May-10 09 35 00 590 615370 20-May-10 09 35 30 583 608069 20-May-10 09 36 00 577 601811 20-May-10 09 36 30 571 595553 20-May-10 09 37 00 568 592424 20-May-10 09 37 30 563 587209 20-May-10 09 38 00 563 587209 20-May-10 09 38 30 561 585123 V,"" ' ' 1 1 00 283 1596879 1 0 00 142 598824 2 0 00 283 598965 2 0 00 283 598965 2 1 0 1 425 598064 1 1 00 283 596879 2 1 0 1 425 601193 3 0 1 425 603279 2 1 0 1 425 610580 1 1 00 283 607309 1 00 142 613426 2 1 0 1 425 613709 1 00 142 616555 2 1 0 1 425 614752 2 1 0 1 425 621010 2 1 0 1 425 616838 2 1 0 1 425 616838 1 1 00 283 618782 1 1 0 0 283 620868 3 1 0 1 567 622195 1 00 142 621770 2 1 0 1 425 622053 2 1 0 1 425 615795 1 1 00 283 608352 1 1 00 283 602094 2 00 283 595836 2 00 283 592707 1 1 00 283 587492 2 1 0 1 425 587634 1 0 00 142 585265 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/19/10 5/20/10 Common Stack Fuel Flow May 19th Run 1-6 ^^^^ 20-May-10 09 39 00 556 579908 20-May-10 09 39 30 552 575736 20-May-10 09 40 00 553 576779 20-May-10 09 40 30 552 575736 20-May-10 09 41 00 555 578865 20-May-10 09 41 30 559 583037 20-May-10 09 42 00 551 574693 20-May-10 09 42 30 555 578865 20-May-10 09 43 00 555 578865 20-May-10 09 43 30 552 575736 20-May-10 09 44 00 553 576779 20-May-10 09 44 30 552 575736 20-May-10 09 45 00 566 590338 20-May-10 09 45 30 567 591381 20-May-10 09 46 00 560 584080 20-May-10 09 46 30 569 593467 20-May-10 09 47 00 567 591381 20-May-10 09 47 30 571 595553 20-May-10 09 48 00 573 597639 20-May-10 09 48 30 569 593467 20-May-10 09 49 00 573 597639 20-May-10 09 49 30 580 604940 20-May-10 09 50 00 580 604940 20-May-10 09 50 30 574 598682 20-May-10 09 51 00 575 599725 20-May-10 09 51 30 576 600768 20-May-10 09 52 00 580 604940 20-May-10 09 52 30 577 601811 20-May-10 09 53 00 575 599725 20-May-10 09 53 30 575 599725 fe:. KSI 2 1 0 1 425 580333 1 1 00 283 576019 1 00 142 576921 1 1 00 283 576019 1 1 00 283 579148 2 00 283 583320 1 1 00 283 574976 1 1 00 283 579148 2 1 0 1 425 579290 1 1 00 283 576019 2 1 0 1 425 577204 2 00 283 576019 1 1 00 283 590621 2 1 0 1 425 591806 1 1 00 283 584363 2 1 0 1 425 593892 2 1 0 1 425 591806 2 1 0 1 425 595978 1 1 00 283 597922 2 1 0 1 425 593892 2 1 0 1 425 598064 2 1 0 1 425 605365 1 1 0 0 283 605223 2 1 0 1 425 599107 1 0 0 142 599867 2 1 0 1 426 601193 2 1 0 1 425 605365 2 1 0 1 425 602236 1 1 00 283 600008 1 1 00 283 600008 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/19/10 5/20/10 Comn Common Stack Fuel Flow May 19th Run 1-6 20-May-10 09 54 00 569 593467 20-May-10 09 54 30 566 590338 20-May-10 09 55 00 564 588252 20-May-10 09 55 30 569 593467 20-May-10 09 56 00 570 594510 20-May-10 09 56 30 566 590338 20-May-10 09 57 00 559 583037 20-May-10 09 57 30 554 577822 20-May-10 09 58 00 558 581994 20-May-10 09 58 30 557 580951 20-May-10 09 59 00 562 586166 20-May-10 09 59 30 563 587209 20-May-10 10 00 00 556 579908 20-May-10 10 00 30 555 578865 20-May-10 10 01 00 556 579908 20-May-10 10 01 30 554 577822 20-May-10 10 02 00 558 581994 20-May-10 10 02 30 557 580951 20-May-10 10 03 00 557 580951 20-May-10 10 03 30 564 588252 20-May-10 10 04 00 561 585123 20-May-10 10 04 30 558 581994 20-May-10 10 05 00 559 583037 20-May-10 10 05 30 565 589295 20-May-10 10 06 00 569 593467 20-May-10 10 06 30 572 596596 20-May-10 10 07 00 568 592424 20-May-10 10 07 30 581 605983 20-May-10 10 08 00 577 601811 20-May-10 10 08 30 575 599725 ipiiai !;;;s:i:.»;.:i.;,^v/i;::;;ii.i?i 2 1 0 1 425 593892 2 0 00 283 590621 3 1 0 1 567 588819 2 1 0 1 425 593892 3 0 1 425 594935 1 1 00 283 590621 2 1 0 1 425 583462 1 1 00 283 578105 1 1 00 283 582277 2 00 283 581234 1 1 00 283 586449 2 1 0 1 425 587634 2 1 0 1 425 580333 2 00 283 579148 1 1 00 283 580191 2 1 0 1 425 578247 1 1 00 283 582277 2 00 283 581234 2 1 0 1 425 581376 2 00 283 588535 3 1 0 1 567 585690 1 00 142 582136 1 1 00 283 583320 2 00 283 589578 1 1 00 283 593750 2 1 0 1 425 597021 2 00 283 592707 2 1 0 1 425 606408 2 1 0 1 425 602236 2 1 0 1 425 600150 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/19/10 5/20/10 Common Stack Fuel Flow May 19th Run 1-6 ^^^^ ^^^^ ^'^^^ 20-May-10 10 09 00 574 598682 20-May-10 10 09 30 573 597639 20-May-10 10 10 00 578 602854 20-May-10 10 10 30 576 600768 20-May-10 10 11 00 575 599725 20-May-10 10 11 30 580 604940 20-May-10 10 12 00 583 608069 20-May-10 10 12 30 599 624757 20-May-10 10 13 00 630 657090 20-May-10 10 13 30 632 659176 20-May-10 10 14 00 634 661262 20-May-10 10 14 30 631 658133 20-May-10 10 15 00 634 661262 20-May-10 10 15 30 625 651875 20-May-10 10 16 00 621 647703 20-May-10 10 16 30 611 637273 20-May-10 10 17 00 605 631015 20-May-10 10 17 30 600 625800 20-May-10 10 18 00 594 619542 20-May-10 10 18 30 589 614327 20-May-10 10 19 00 583 608069 20-May-10 10 19 30 565 589295 20-May-10 10 20 00 552 575736 20-May-10 10 20 30 540 563220 20-May-10 10 21 00 537 560091 20-May-10 10 21 30 536 559048 20-May-10 10 22 00 533 555919 20-May-10 10 22 30 530 552790 20-May-10 10 23 00 527 549661 20-May-10 10 23 30 528 560704 ^^-•^ |@ilb9i!niFr. 2 1 0 1 426 699107 2 1 0 1 425 598064 1 0 0 0 142 602996 2 1 0 1 425 601193 2 0 00 283 600008 2 1 0 1 425 605365 1 1 0 0 283 608352 1 0 00 142 624899 2 1 0 1 425 667515 1 1 00 283 659459 1 1 00 283 661545 2 0 00 283 658416 1 1 00 283 661545 1 1 00 283 662158 2 1 0 1 425 648128 2 1 0 1 425 637698 1 0 00 142 631167 2 0 00 283 626083 1 1 00 283 619825 1 0 00 142 614469 1 1 00 283 608352 1 1 00 283 589578 3 0 0 1 426 676161 1 0 00 142 663362 1 1 00 283 660374 2 0 0 0 283 569331 2 1 0 1 426 656344' 2 0 00 283 563073 1 1 00 283 549944 2 1 0 1 425 561129 TOCDF PDARS Data 6/19/10 5/20/10 Commt 3mmon Stack Fuel Flow May 19th Run 1-6 20-May-10 10 24 00 531 553833 20-May-10 10 24 30 526 548618 20-May-10 10 25 00 530 552790 20-May-10 10 25 30 529 551747 20-May-10 10 26 00 532 564876 20-May-10 10 26 30 535 558005 20-May-10 10 27 00 535 558005 20-May-10 10 27 30 536 569048 20-May-10 10 28 00 537 560091 20-May-10 10 28 30 543 566349 20-May-10 10 29 00 541 564263 20-May-10 10 29 30 539 562177 20-May-10 10 30 00 541 564263 20-May-10 10 30 30 543 566349 20-May-10 10 31 00 547 570621 20-May-10 10 31 30 550 573650 20-May-10 10 32 00 566 578865 20-May-10 10 32 30 555 578865 20-May-10 10 33 00 564 588252 20-May-10 10 33 30 567 591381 20-May-10 10 34 00 581 605983 20-May-10 10 34 30 583 608069 20-May-10 10 36 00 597 622671 20-May-10 10 35 30 599 624757 20-May-10 10 36 00 606 632058 20-May-10 10 36 30 611 637273 20-May-10 10 37 00 606 632058 20-May-10 10 37 30 604 629972 20-May-10 10 38 00 598 623714 20-May-10 10 38 30 589 614327 ^^^^^ H 2 0 00 283 564116 1 1 00 283 548901 1 1 00 283 553073 2 00 283 662030 2 1 0 1 426 665301 2 1 0 1 426 558430 2 1 0 1 425 668430 1 1 00 283 669331 2 1 0 1 425 660516 1 0 1 425 566774 1 1 00 283 564646 2 1 0 1 425 662602 1 1 00 283 564646 2 1 0 1 425 666774 1 00 142 570663 1 1 0 0 283 573933 2 1 0 1 426 579290 2 1 0 1 426 579290 1 1 0 0 283 688635 2 00 283 591664 2 1 0 1 425 606408 1 1 00 283 608352 2 1 0 1 426 623096 1 00 142 624899 2 1 0 1 426 632483 1 1 00 283 637556 2 00 283 632341 1 1 00 283 630255 2 1 0 1 425 624139 3 0 0 1 425 614752 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/19/10 5/20/10 n imon Stack Fuel Flow May 19th Run 1-6 20-May-10 10 39 00 585 610155 20-May-10 10 39 30 579 603897 20-May-10 10 40 00 584 609112 20-May-10 10 40 30 579 603897 20-May-10 10 41 00 572 696596 20-May-10 10 41 30 574 598682 20-May-10 10 42 00 572 596596 20-May-10 10 42 30 574 598682 20-May-10 10 43 00 573 597639 20-May-10 10 43 30 573 597639 20-May-10 10 44 00 572 596696 20-May-10 10 44 30 572 596596 20-May-10 10 45 00 572 596696 20-May-10 10 45 30 574 598682 20-May-10 10 46 00 572 596696 20-May-10 10 46 30 571 595553 20-May-10 10 47 00 574 598682 20-May-10 10 47 30 570 594510 20-May-10 10 48 00 569 593467 20-May-10 10 48 30 571 595553 20-May-10 10 49 00 572 596596 20-May-10 10 49 30 576 600768 20-May-10 10 50 00 582 607026 ^^^^^ Mm ''(fflHSflflMfEpr/llTi w^fjiMrFriillw D i Tfflgr nwi 2 1 0 1 425 610580 2 0 00 283 604180 2 0 00 283 609395 1 1 00 283 604180 2 0 00 283 596879 2 0 00 283 598966 1 1 00 283 596879 2 1 0 1 425 599107 2 1 0 1 425 598064 3 1 0 1 567 598206 2 0 00 283 696879 1 1 00 283 596879 1 0 00 142 696738 2 0 00 283 598966 1 1 00 283 596879 2 1 0 1 425 595978 2 1 0 1 425 699107 1 1 00 283 594793 2 1 0 1 425 593892 2 1 0 1 425 595978 2 1 0 1 425 597021 1 1 00 283 601051 2 1 0 1 425 607451 TOCDF PDARS Data 6/19/10 5/20/10 Commi imon Stack Fuel Flow May 19th Run 1-6 May 20th Run 7-12 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/19/10 5/20/10 Comn Jmmon Stack Fuel Flow May 19th Run 1-6 May 20th Run 7-12 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/19/10 5/20/10 comn imon Stack Fuel Flow May 19th Run 1-6 May 20th Run 7-12 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/19/10 5/20/10 Common Stack Fuel Flow May 19th Run 1-6 May 20th Run 7-12 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/19/10 5/20/10 Comn Jmmon Stack Fuel Flow May 19th Run 1-6 May 20th Run 7-12 "BG^lSSS '©•l^'/m'iiiS TOCDF PDARS Data 5/19/10 5/20/10 _ ri Common Stack Fuel Flow May 19th Run 1-6 May 20th Run 7-12 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/19/10 5/20/10 APPENDIX G TOCDF EPA Protocol 1 Gas Certifications 1PRAX/UR ^9^^^ Praxair 5700 South Alameda Street Los Angeles, OA 90058 Telephone (323) 585-2154 Facsimile (714)542-6689 CUSTOMER EGO COMPONENT OXYGEN OMIS P 0 NUMBER NIST SRM NO VG SRM#2658 CYLINDER NO CC 109110 CONCENTRATION 10 04 t R=REFERENCE STANDARD Z-ZEROGAS C=GAS CANDIDATE i COMPONENT' OXYGEN GMIS ANALYTICA'L PRINCIPLE FIRST ANALYSIS DATE Z 0 00 R 10 04 R 10 04 Z 0 00 Z 0 00 C 9 oa vm V ANALYZER MAWB-MODEL-S/N Siemens Oxymat SE s/H A12 839 Paramagnetic 06/15/07 C 9 08 CONC 9 08 Z C 9 08 CONC 9 OS R R 10 04 CONC 9 08 Z MEAN TEST ASSAY 9 oa VIM LAST CALIBRATION DATE 06/02/07 SECOND ANALYSIS DATE R C CONC Z C CONC C R CONC MEAN TEST ASSAY Values not valid below 15C psig THIS CYLINDER NO cc i7iS60 HAS BEEN CERTIFIED ACCORDING TO SECTION OF TRACEABILITY PROTOCOL NO Rev 9/97 PROCEDURE 01 EPA-600/R97/121 CERTIFIED CONCENTRATION OXYOEH 9 08 V NITROGEH BALANCE CERTIFIED ACCURACY CYLINDER PRESSURE CERTIFICATION DATE EXPIRATION DATE ±1 % NIST TRACEABLE 2000 PSIG 0'6/lS/07 06/15/10 TERM 36 MONTHS ANALYZED BY CERTIFIED BY ERIC YOUNG Inf^mation cont Inl anal ,, „ltion contained herein has been prepared at your request by qualified experts within Praxair Olslnbution Inc While we believe that the infonnation Is accurate within the limits of the Mical methods employed and is complete to the extent of the specific analyses performed we make no warranty or representation as to the suitability of the use of the Infonnation for ' particular purpose The information Is offered with the understanding that any use of the information is at the sole discretion and risk of tht user In no event shall liability of Praxair any particular purpose . . , Oistrfbulion Inc. ansing out of the use ol the Information contained herein exceed the fee established tor providing such information *RAJaUR DocN umber 00000018013 Praxair 5700 South Alameda Street Los Angeles, CA 90058 Telephone (323)585-2154 Facsimile (714)542-6689 PROTOCOL €fAS Customer A Order InformaUon EGG Praxair Order Number 09902903-00 Customer P O Number 02406547 Custumer Reftrence Nvmber WA344 HIIDalt Fart Number Lot Number < ylllider itj/lt A Outlet Certified Concentration Cyttn^tr Pnsxurm £ t^otutrtt Expiration Date 5/27/2012 Cylinder Number CC 218052 Analytical Uncertainty 16 % OXYGEN ±1 % Balance NITROGEN NOx ppm = N/A NOX Values for Reference Only EVNIOXtSE AS 109913302 AS , 590 JOOOpai 14Qc:ull Cerufcatlonhifafmotion Certification Date 5/27/2009 Tomt 36 Months Expiration Date 5/27/2012 This cylinder was certified according to the 1997 EPA Traceability Protocol Document #EPA-600/R 97/121 using Procedure G1 Do Not Use this Standard if Pressure is less than 150 PSIG Analytical Data 1 Component OXYGEN Raquvsted Concenlration CertifTed ConconUation Instrunent Used Analytical Melhod Last Multir»fnf Calibralion 1 First Analysis Data I I Z 0 R I R 15 1 Z ! Z 0 C UOM (R=Re/ere/7C9 Standard Z-Zeeo Gas C=<3as Cindtdate) 15% 0XYMM5E PARAMAGNETIC SMI/2009 151 0 15 15 15 151 Data Cone Cone Cone 15 15 15 Mean Test Assay Reference Standard Type Ret Sid Cylinder* Ref Sid Cone- Ret Std TnacoBble to SRM # SRM Sample * SRM Cylinder in becona Analyala Data I Z 0 R 0 R 0 Z 0 I Z 0 CD I UOM A GMIS CCB5863 )ii10% K 26S9a 71 37B ClJH-005734 Date Cone Cone Cone Mean Test Aasay Analyzed by Certrfied by 0 0 0 0% Nelson Ma Ben McCauley ^^^ethw lation contained tierein has tieen prepay at your request tiy qualified experts within Praxair r^ itntjution Inc. Vi^ila we believe Itiat the informalion is accurate wilhin the limits of the analytical liethods employed and is complete to the extent o tlie specific analyses performed we make no vrarranty or representation as to the suitability of the use of trie Informetion for any purpose Tiie informalion is offered with the understandins that aiiy use ol the informalion is al Ihe sola discreli .11 iid risk ol the user In no event shall the liability of Praxair Distribution Inc arising out of Ihe use of Ihe information con tamed herein exceed the feii established for providirig such Inforrrstio Making Our Planet More Productive IPRAXAIR Praxair 5700 South Alameda Street Los Angeles. CA 90058 Telephone (323)585-2154 Facsimile (714)542-6689 1 r ••-•'^|ir.^/>'Ecr- mmM/:MAP&dM<m@As CUSTOMER e o G COMPONENT CARBON MOIKIXIDE GMIS P 0 NUMBER NISr 8BMN0 vr 3RMftl679 CYLINDER NO GG 12319 CONCENTRATION 103 1 ppm ' iEFERESCE STANP^SSD Z^"SRO GAS C=GAS CANDIDATE 1 COMPONENT CARBON MONOXIDE GMIS ANALYZER MAKK-MODEL-S/N Siemens 01t:ramat 5E S/N A12 729 ANALYTICAL PRINCr'LE FIRST ANALYSIS DATE ^00 R 103 0 R 103 0 Zoo Zoo C 70 8 NDIR 06/19^^7 C 70^|,; C 70 « ' R 103 0 U/M ppm ,ti CONC 7C 87 CONC 70 87 CONC 70 8- MEAN TEST ASSAY 70 87 LAST CALIBRATION DATE SECOND ANALYSIS DATE Zoo R 103 0 C 70 8 R 103 0 Zoo C 70 8 0 0 70 8 06/04/07 06/26/07 CONC 70 87 CONC 70 87 CONC 70 87 U/M ppm <^ 103 0 MEAN TEST ASSAY 70 87 Values not vilJd below 150 peig THIS CYLINDER NO cc 241345 HAS BEEN CERTIFIED ACCORDING TO SECTION or TRACEAJMLITY PROTOCOL NO Rev 9/97 PROCEDURE Gi EPA SIJ0/R97/121 CERTIFIED CONCENTRATION CARBON «NOXIDE 70 9 ppm NITROGEN BAIAHCE CERTIFIED ACCURACY CYLINDER PRESSU E CERTIFICATION > FE EXPIRATION DA"-', 1 1 % NIST TRACEABLE 2000 PSIG 06/26/07 06/26/iO TERM 36 MONTHS ANALYZED 3Y CERTIFIED BY PAELC REYES J' ERIC ^rOUNG m ^ mHrmation contained herein has been prepared at your request by qualified experts within Ftaxalr Distribution Inc While we believe that the information Is accurate within the limits of the analytical methods employed and is complete to the extent of the specific analyses performed we make no wananty or representation as to the suitability of the use of the information for any particular purpose The information is offered with the understanding that any use of the information is at the sole discretion and nsk of tht user In no event shall liability of Praxair Distnbution Inc arising out of the use of the information contained herein exceed the fee established for providing such information DocNurtiber 000004512 Praxair 5700 South Alameda Stitet Los Angeles CA 900S8 Telephone (323)585 2154 Facsimile (7t4) 542 6689 CERTIFICATE OFANJttm^/EPA PROTOCOL GAS Customer A Order Information PRAXAIR WHSE SALT UKE CITY PRAXAIR PLANT SALT LAKE CITY SALT LAKE CITY UT 841210 Praxair Order Number 11923463 Customer P O Number 02678893 Customer Reference Number Certified Concentration nllDaf 12/14/2009 FartNtituber LmNumhtr CylliKtir Slflt * Outlet Cylinder Hrtsvirt A /oAiiue. EVN1C01SOME-AS 109934801 AS CGA3S0 2000 psig 140 CU ft Expiration Date 12/28/2012 NIST Traceable Cylinder Number SA 10044 Analytical Uncertainty 155 ppm CARBON MONOXIDE ± 1 % Balance NITROGEN 1 I Ceriifcaiion Information CertificaVon Date 12/28/2009 Term 56 Months Expiration Date 12/28/2012 This cylinder vnas certified according to the 1997 EPA Traceability P otocol Document #EPA-600/R 97/121 using Procedure GI Do Not Use this Standard if Pressure is less than 150 PSIG Analytical Data (R^Retenrnx standard Z=Zeiv Gas C-Gaa Candldatel 1 Component: CARBON MONOXIDE Raquected Concentration 150 ppm Cdfltfted Concentration Instniment Used Analytical Method Last Multipoint Calibralion 155 ppm Siemens Ultranal 5E SIN A12 729 NOIR 12/1/2009 I First /vnalysis Data I Z 0 R I48 8 I R 148 8 Z I Z 0 C UOM ppm 0 1548 Oate C 154 8 Cone C 1S4 B Cone R 148 8 Cone Mean Test Assay 12/16/2009 155 155 155 155 ppm Reference Standard Type Ref Std Cylinder # Ref Sid Cone Rel Std Traceable lo SRM # SRM Sample # SRMI Cylinder* I Second Analysts Data I Z 0 I R 14B8 Z UOM R Z 0 C 146 8 0 154 8 GMIS CC 159889 I488ppm It 2E3Sa 31-45 FF28593 154 6 154 8 148 8 Dole Cone Cone Cone ppm Mean Test Assay 155 155 156 155 ppm Analyzed by Shameela Jiffrey Certified Nelson Ma ^^^^Hrmal ^iPKiod! lation conta'ned hersin has t>een prepared at your request tiy quoimed experts within Praxair Distribution Inc While we believe that Ihe information Is accurate within Ihe limits of Ihe anolylleal ds employed 3.Td is complelo lo Ihe extent of the speciric analyses paitormed we make no warranty or ropresenlaHon as lo Ihe suitobiMy of Ihe use of the Infomialion fo-1 ny purpose The information is of ered with the understandinj that any use of Ihe information Is at the sole discretion and risk of the user In no event shall Ihe liability of Praxair Distnbution Inc ensjig out of the use of the Informstkm con tained herein exceed Ifie fee established for providing such infomialion IPRAJUUR DocNumber 00000010633 Praxair 5700 Sooth Alameda Street Los Angeles, CA 90058 Telephone (323)585 2154 PROYOCOL GAS 2^8! Customer ii Order InfortnaAon EGG Praxair Order Numlier 08019208-00 Customer P O Numier 02173703 Customer Reference Numlier WA344 iMHOarc Ft^l Numbtr Lot Niimher Cylmkr Style A Outlet AS 2000 psi Certified Concentration CyiltHirr Prevsttrt A Voluttie Expiration Date 11/19/2011 Cylinder Ni/mber CC 86437 Analytical Uncertainty 1754 ppm CARBON MONOXIDE ±1 % Balance NITROGEN NIC017SOE-AS 108630901 350 140 cull NOx ppm = N/A NOX Values for Reference Only Certifcatton Information Certification Date 11/19/2008 Tem? 3b Months £xp/rat/on Date 11/19/2011 This cylinder was certified according to the 1997 EPA Traceability Prctocoi Document #EPA-600/R 97/121 using Procedure GI Do Not Use this Standard if Pressure is less than 150 PSIG Analytical Data. 1 Component- CARBON MONOXIDE Requested Concentration. Certified ConcerHralion Instrument Used Analy ical Method Last Mullipoin* Caliora ton I f/?=Referenee Standard Z-Zero Gas C=Gas Candidate) 1750 ppm irMppm SKinenstJItimalSE SINA12723 NDIR IWOje Reference Standard Type Ref Std Cylinder # Ref Sid Core Re) Std Traceable to SRM * 5m Sample # SRM Cylinder» GMIS GG 11757 1724 ^pm V3 2637a 56E40 FF23073 First Analysis Data Dale 11/12/2008 ' Second Analysis Data Date 11/19/2008 Z 0 R 1724 C 1754 Cone 1754 Z 0 R 1724 C 1754 Cone 1754 R 1724 Z 0 C 1754 Cone 1754 R 1724 Z 0 C 1754 Cone 1764 Z 0 C 1754 R 1724 Cone 1754 2 0 0 1754 R 1724 Cone 1754 UOM ppm Mean Test Assay 1754 ppm UOM ppn Mean Test Assay 1754 ppm Analyzed by Certified by Peter Ngo Keesuk Kim ^^mormi J .ialon contained h8.ein has bean prepared at your request by quaiilied uxperts with«i Praxa Uolribution Inc While we believe tlial the information a accurate wilhin the limits of the analylical jo<l8 employed and ii complete lo the extent of the speafic analyses parfoimed we ma*" i^ /ararity or lepresenlation as to the sutabilily of the use of the information for any purpose The wmaiion « offerpd with tha understand>ig that any use of the Information is at Ihe sole discrotiin and risk of the user In no event shall Ihe iiabiMy of Praxar Dislributiiyi Inc arlsng out of Ihe use of Ihe inlormation con tained herein exceed the fee established for providing such mronrulici MaLmgOui Plan I Moi e Productive wnmiR DocNumber 000006840 Praxair 5700 SoutJ) Alameda Street Los Angeles CA 90058 Telephone (323)585 2154 Facsimile (714)542 6689 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS / EPA PROTOCOL GAS Customer & Order Information PRAXAIR WHSE SALT lAKE CITY PRAXAIR PIANT SALT LAKE CITY SALT lAKE CITY UT 841210 Praxair Order Numlier 12409332 Customer P 0 Number 02745737 Customer Reference Number Certified Concentration f-iUDttlt 2/8/2010 HtrlNimhir NICO3750EAS I tu number 109003901 (yliiukrt^^e tUutUt AS CGA3S0 iyliuderfn^refi Itihime 2000 pstg 140 cu ft Expiration Oate 2/19/2013 NIST Traceable Cylinder Nutttber CC 325483 Analytical Uncertainty 3750 ppm CARBON MONOXIDE ± 1 % Balance NITROGEN Certifcation Information. Certification Date 2/19/2010 Terni 36Montt^s Expiration Date 2/19/2013 This cylinder was certified according to ttie 1997 EPA Traceability Protocol Document #EPA 600/R 97/121 using Procedure GI Do Not Use ttiis Standard if Pressure is less ttian 150 PSIG Analytical Data. (R^Reterence standard Z-Zero Gas C=Gas Csrjdldate) 1 Component CARBON MONOXIDE Requested Concentration Cerlifed Concentration Inslrument Used Analytical Method Last Muitpoinl Calibration - Rrst Analysis Data I Z. 0 R 0 502 R 0 502 Z 0 1 Z 0 C 0 375 I UOM ppm 3750 ppm 3750 ppm Siemens Ultramat 5E S/N A12 729 NOIR 2/11/2010 Date 2/12/2010 0 375 0 375 0 502 Cone Cone Cone Mean Test Assay 3750 3750 3750 3750 ppm Reference Standard Type GMIS Ref Sid Cylinder # SA 3518 Ref Sid Cone. 0 502% Ref Std Traceable lo SRM It vs 26368 SRM Sample # 55 24 C SRM Cylinder * CIM 004806 Second Analysis Data Date 2/19^010 Z 0 B 0S02 . Z 0 C UOM ppm 0 502 0 0 375 C 0 375 Cone C 0 375 Cone R 0 502 Cone Mean Test Assay 3750 3750 3750 3750 ppm Analyzed by Certified by Shameela Jiffrey kelson Ma Iformation contained twrein has been prepared at your request by qualiried experts within Praxair Distribution Inc V^ile we believe that the tfiformalion is accurate within the limits of ttie analyticai .notfiods employed and is complete to the extent of tha specific analyses performed w» make no warranty or representation as lo the suitability of the use of the mfocmalion for any purpose Tha information is offered with the undarstanding lhat any use of Ihe information is at the sole disoetion und nsk of Ihe user In no event shall the liability of Praxair fiistnbution tnc ansing out of the uso of the information con tairwf herein excaed Ihe fee established for providing such nformation IPRAXAIR DocNumber 000006832 Praxair 5700 South Alameda Street Los Angeles, CA 90058 Telephone (323)585-2154 Facsimile (714)542-6689 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS / EPA PROTOCOL GAS Customer i. Order Information PRAXAIR WHSE SALT LAKE CITY PRAXAIR PLANT SALT LAKE CITY SALT LAKE CITY UT 841210 Praxair Order Number 12409332 Cuslonier P O Number 02745737 Customer Reference Number Certified Concentration FillDale 2Wa010 Part Huuiber Nl CO37S0E AS IM Number 109003901 lylnuler Style A Outlet AS CGA3S0 I yluuter Prvorure A Vvlifm^ 2000 psig 140 cu IL Expiration Date 2/13/2013 NIST Traceable Cylinder Number CC 325474 Analytical Uncertainty 3760 ppm CARBON MONOXIDE ± 1 % Balance NITROGEN Certifcation Information Certification Date 2/19/2010 Term 3f5Monttis Expiration Date 2/19/2013 This cylinder was certified according to the 1997 EPA TraceatJility Protocol Document #EPA 600/R 97/121 using Procedure GI Do Not Use this Standard if Pressure is less than 150 PSIG Analytical Data. (R^RefaretKe Standard Z-ZeioGas C^as Candidale) 1 Component CARBOM MONOXIDE Requesled Concentration Certilied Concent stion instrument Used Analytical Method Last Multipoint Calibration I hirst Analysis Data I R 0 502 I Z 0 UOM ppl 0 502 0 0 37B 3750 ppm ''7130 pom Siemens JItramal 56 S/N A12 729 NDIR 2/11/2010 Dale 2/12/2010 C 0 376 C 0 378 R 0 502 Mean Test As^say Cone Cone Cone 3760 3780 3760 3760 ppm Relerence Standard Type Ref Std Cylinder # Ret Std Cone Kef Std Traceable to SRM # SRM Sample ill SRM Cylinder # ' Second Analysis Data 0 502 Z 0 R 0 502 Z 0 UOM ppm GMIS SA351B 0 502 A vs 2638a 55 24-C CLM 004808 Date 0 376 Cone 0 376 Cone 0 502 Cone C C R Mean Test Assay 3750 3760 3760 3760 ppm Analyzed by Shameela Jiffrey Certified by ' Nelson Ma lation contained hefvtn has been prepared at your request by quatifFed eicperts wilhrn Proxarr Distribution Inc Wtiile ws believe that the rnformalron is accurate within the Imlifd of the analytica) is employed end is complete to ihe extent of the specific analyses performed we make no warranty or representalkon as to the suitability of (he use of the informatton for any purpose The information is offered with the understanding that any use of the mformatioo is al the sole discretion and risk of the user In no event shall the flabllHy of Praxair Distribution tnc ansing out df the use of the information con tamed herein exceed the fee established for providing such information APPENDIX H Reference Method EPA Protocol 1 Gas Certifications RA'l A CLASS Dual-Analyzed Calibration Standard AIR LIQUlOE Air Liquide (. merica fs\ SCOtt Specialty G^-esILC \^ ^^'^JV.\. 9810 BAY AREA BLVD, PASADENA, TX 77507 CERTIFICATE OF ACCURACY. EPA Protocpl Gas Phone 281 474-5800 Fax 281-474-5857 Assay laboratery i po No URS ; AIR LIQUIDE AMERICA SPECIALTY GASES LLC Project No 04-74924-001 9810 BAY AREA BLVD | PASADENA, TX 77507 i ANALYTICAL INFORMATION ir Cu»tonter URS ITEM* URS012 This certification was performed according'to EPA Traceability Pritoeol For Assay & Certification of Gaseous Calibration Standards, Procedure G-1, September, 1997 [ Cyhndsi Number ALM048820 CertJtioationlpata 07Jul2009 Exp Date O7Jul2012 Cylinder Pressure**» 1897 PSIG ANALYTICAL COMPONENT CERTIFIED CONCENTRATION (Moles) ACCURACY** TRACEABILITY CARBON MONOXIDE 47 1 PPM +/- 1% Direct NIST and NMi NITROGEN . BALANCE f if "* Do not use when cylinder pressure is beloyv 1^0 psIg ** Analytical accuracy i» b«^,ed on the requirements of EPA Protocol Propedure GI September 1997 REFERENCE STANDAI TYPE/SRM NO hJTRM 1679 EXPIjfeTODU DATE CYLINDER NUMBER | OZbdSofo KAL003168 - . k INSTRUMENTATION INSTRUMENT/MODa/SERIAL# FnR//0009290eO ANALYZER READINGS COWCENTRATIOM 101 0 PPM DATE LAST CALIBRATED 30Jun200g COMPONENT CARBON MONOXIDE ANALYTICAL PRINCIPLE FTIR (Z = Zero Gas R = Reference Gas T=Test Gas r = Correlation Coefficient) First Triad Analyse Second Triad Analysis Calibration Curve CARBON MONOXIDE Dats 26Jlin2009 Reaponie UnKPPM Zt" 0 02528 RIclOI 3193 T1-47 24QB5 R2-101 3671 22:^.0 03087 Tl=47 30458 Z3=0 0S6e0 T3=.47 30815 R3-=:10t 52S4 Avg Concwrtrmlon 47 07 PPM DIM 07JIII2009 n«flpo»e Unit- PPM 21 = 0 00119 R1o100 9S36 T1=.*7 21572 R2-1D1 03fi8 Z2°0 05124 T2=47 23912 Z3=0 10040 T3-47 24401 B3-101 1317 Avg Coflcsntntion 47 19 PPU Concantralklfl =• A + Bx + Cx2+0x3 + E>4 T09 399S7E1 Constanfs A°0 00000E+0 B=7 10$75E1 C^3 41000B4 D-0 000006+0 E<^0 000OOE+0 Special Notes APPROVED BY CERTS AND TAGS URS ITEM* UR5OI2 LOT#_Pfl Ramien JR Page 1 of 1 AIH LIQUIDE CERTIFICATE of ANALYSIS interference-Free Multi-Component EPA Protocol Gases NOTE Analytical uncertainty and NIST traceability are in compliance with EPA-600/R-97/121 Section 2 2 Procedure G-1 Customer PO Number Item Number Notes Assay Da$e URS CORPORATION URS013 7 Aufl-07 Cyl Number CC113980 Expiration Date 6-Aug-10 Shipping Order # 26178926 Transfers 26178926 LOT# LPX225131 Valve CGA350 Cyl Pressure* 1900pslg *Cy1indar thould not bi uB»d wh0n gai pmiura l> below 150 polg Component Requested Concentration Assay Concentration Carbon Monoxide 97 S ppm 97 8 ±10 ppm Nitrogen Balance Balance Reference Standard|s) Employed For Analysis std name Std # Cone Units Std Eiror Come Balance Cvl No Exp Date Sample No GM1S342 GMIS342 99 51 ppm 0 48 CO N2 00188844 11/14/2008 0 Analysis Information fciiiiiononl 1 Carbon Monoxide ^mzer InFomiallon RrslTiliulAnilnlsOn 7/3in007 Second Triad AnalvsiB On 8/7/2007 PRuractuicr KVB/Amled Trial 1 Tlial 2 Trials Units Tnell Trial 2 Trials Unis Uodtl NumbN-Zero •an 413 aoi Zero .028 0 05 001 Seilal Number 3024 Relerenca 103.07 102.43 103.2) Reference 103.71 103.92 103.44 Anatyf cal Principle FTIR 07Oa07 & CarxHitale 100 83 101 2« 100 69 Candidate 101 74 I023II 10214 MPCCaltirated 0eiO2A]7 Result a74B 87 90 97 3« PlJffl Resul 97 64 93.18 8602 ppm Mean ResuR* S75S ppm Mean ReeiA 97S5 am Analyst Signature Ron Stitt Calculated by M Adnane MIX Assayed At Air Liquide America 11426 Fairmont Pkwy, La Porte, TX, 77571 Phone (281)474 8400 Fax (281)474-8419 AIR LiQUIDE Air Liquide America /c\ -^-.^„ Specialty Gases LLC \OJ J\Jj I I KA l A CLk^^ Dual-Analyzed Calibration Standard 11426 FAIRMONT PKWY, LA PORTE, TX 77571 TM Phone 800-248 1427 Fax 281-474-8419 CERTIFICATE OF ACCURACY Interference Free Multi-Component EPA Protocol Gas A83ay Laboratory PO No URS AIR LIQUIDE AMERICA SPECIALTY GASES LLC Project No 04-78907-001 11426@VIRM0NT PKWY lA TORtE, TX 77571 , „ ANALYTICAL INFORMATION Curtomer URS CORPORATION fTEM# URS019 This certification was performed according to EPA Traceability Protocol For Assay & Certification of Gaseous Calibration Standards Procedure G-1 September, 1997 Cylinder Number ALM052328 Certification Date 23Dec2009 Exp Date 23Dec2012 Cylinder Pressure*1912 PSIG Batch No LAP0006623 ANALYTICAL COIVIPOIMENT CERTIFIED CONCENTRATION (Moles) ACCURACY** TRACEABILITY CARBON DIOXIDE 9 50 % +1-1% Direct NIST and VSL OXYGEN 11 1 % +/ 1% Direct NIST and VSL NITROGEN BALANCE '* Do not use when cylinder pressure is below 150 psig ' Analytical accuracy is based on the requirements of EPA Protocol Procedure G1 September 1997 REFERENCE STANDARD WE/SRM NO /I 1675 NTRM 2350 EXPIRATION DATE 020ct2012 01Apr2012 CYLINDER NUMBER K002502 A6820 INSTRUMENTATION !NSTRUMENT/MOPEL/SERIAL# PTIR//MG 09 149 BIG SERVOMEX/1101-4605C/4605C ANALYZER READINGS CONCENTRATION 13 93 % 23 51 % DATE LAST CALIBRATED 09Dec2009 17Dec2009 COMPONENT CARBON DIOXIDE OXYGEN ANALYTICAL PRINCIPLE FTIR PARAMAGNETIC (Z=ZeroGas R = Reference Gas T=TestGas r = Correlation Coefficient) Rrst Triad Analysis Second Triad Analysis Calibration Curve CARBON DIOXIDE Date 23Dec2009 Response Unit % Zl =-0 00023 Rl = 13 85571 T1 -9 45396 R2 = 13 88857 22 = 000338 T2 = 9 46087 23 = 0 00491 T3 = 9 47025 R3 = 13 89481 Avg Concentration 9 495 % OXYGEN Dats 23Dec2009 Response Unit % 21=0 03000 R1=2357000 T1-11 19000 H2 = 23 56000 Z2=OO3O00 T2 = 11 20000 23 =0 04000 T3 = 11 19000 R3 = 23 55000 Ava Concentration 1111 % Concentration=A + Bx+Cx2+Dx3+Ex4 r = 9 99g96E 1 Constants A = 0 OOOOOE+0 B~6 37901E1 C-5 14400E3 D = OOOOOOE+0 E = OOOO00E + 0 Concentration = A + Bx+Cx2 + Dx3 + Ex4 r= 9999892 Constants A = - 0247379 8= 997194653 C = D= E = cial Notes APPROVED BY CERTS AND TAGS URS CORPORATION ITEM* URS019^ Ramien JR Page 1 of 1 AIRsUQUIDE CERTIFICATE of ANALYSIS Interference-Free Multi-Component EPA Protocol Gases NOTE Analytical uncertainty and NIST traceability are in compliance with EPA-600/R-97/121 Section 2 2 Procedure G-1 Cylinder Number CC178359 Customer URS CORPORATION Shipping Order 32218928 PO Number Transfer #• 32218928 Item Number URS020 LOT# LPX247285 Notes Valve CGA590 Cyl Pressure* 1900psig 29 Jan-09 Cylinder should not biui«dwli«n gas Assay Date 29 Jan-09 Expiration Date 29 Jan-12 prassur* Is bslow ISO psi^ Component Requested Concentration Assay Concentration Carbon Dioxide Oxygen 19$% 22 V. 19 S ±0 2 % 21 9 ±0 1 % Nitrogen Balance Balance Reference Standard(s) Employed For Analysis Std nanie Std# Cone Units Std Error Comp Balance Cyl No Exp Date Sample No NTRM43 1800 17 87 % 011 C02 N2 K023932 3/1/2009 100104 GMIS421 GMIS421 21 9 % 01 02 N2 CC178365 3/27/2011 N A llysis Information Comoonsm 1 Carbon DIoiido Anolner kifcnnstfon First Triad/Vnalvsicoa 1/Z7/2009 Second Triad Analysts Oa MBnufecttrer KI/B//\reilect Wall Tnal2 Trials Units Trial 1 Trial 2 Tnal3 UnlE ModslNunMr EN3024 Zero 0J7 0.79 ase Zero Serial Number 3024 Relerence 1774 1784 1801 Reference AnolytlcelPrtnclpIo FTIR Canilldele 19 35 ISM 1940 CandUate MPCCelmtoit' 01/22/09 Result 19 39 less 19 44 % RestA Mean Result: 19 45 % Mean Result ComDOnent 2 Oxvoen Analvzer InforniaHo/i First Triad Anavsls On 112312009 Second Triad Anal/Sis On Manulacturer Servomex Trial t Trial! Trials Units Trial 1 Trial 2 Trials Units Model Ninber 4605C Zero 0O4 004 O04 Zero Serlal Number 1101 Relerence 3175 SI 77 2177 Reference Analytical Principle Paramag Candidate 91 75 21 76 2175 Candidate MFC CaBvated: 01/23/09 Result 21 89 2190 2188 % Result Mean Result 21 89 \ Mean Res^L Analyst Signature Warren Pereira Calculated by Warren Pereira MIX Assayed At Air Liquide America 11426 Fainnont Pkwy, La Porte, TX, 77571 Phone (281)474-8400 Fax (281)474-8419 APPENDIX I Reference Method CEMs Interference Test MEMORANDUM To File ^^OOB Date 9 January^e(f7 From E Youn^CTman Subject CEMS Interference Testing The attached tables and data sheets present the results of CEMS interference testing performed m the Austin laboratories m October 2007 Note that the values presented in the tables may disagree slightly with the values m the hand-wntten data sheets The values in the tables were taken from the actual raw data, found on the local area network in Ursausfsl\Data\Pro]ects\Measurements\Quality Management Program\CEMs Interference Testing 2007 Date of Test 11-Oct Analyzer Type NOx Manufacturer Thermo Model Number 42 CHL Serial Number 76266-382 Calibration Span 100 Without Target Analyte Interferent Instrument Response (ppm) Component Concentration (ppm) Without Interferent With Interferent Arithmetic Difference NHa 10 -01 0 04 0 14 Propane 50 -01 0 04 0 14 Hydrogen 50 -01 0 04 0 14 Methane 50 -01 0 1 02 HCI 10 -0 1 0 21 0 31 CO 50 -01 01 02 SO2 20 -01 01 02 CO2 5% -01 00 0 09 O2 6% -01 00 0 09 CO2 15% -01 -0 1 0 O2 18% -01 -0 1 0 Sum 0 f Responses ^ 1 14 % of Calibration Span 1 1% ^ Only includes worst case contribution from CO2 With Target Analyte interferent Instrument Response (ppm) Component Concentration (ppm) Without Interferent With Interferent Anthmetic Difference NH3 10 26 8 26 7 -0 1 Propane 50 26 8 26 7 -0 1 Hydrogen 50 26 8 26 7 -0 1 Methane 50 26 8 26 7 -01 HCI 10 26 8 26 8 0 CO 50 28 9 28 9 0 SO2 20 28 9 29 3 04 CO2 5% 26 79 26 5 -0 3 O2 6% 26 79 26 5 -0 3 CO2 14% 26 5 25 6 -0 9 O2 17% 26 5 25 6 -0 9 Sum 0 f Responses ^ -0 7 % of Calibration Span -0 7% Only includes worst case contribution from CO2 Date of Test 11-Oct Analyzer Type NOx Manufacturer Teledyne Model Number 200 EH Serial Number 395 Calibration Span 100 Without Target Analyte Interferent Instrument Response (ppm) Component Concentration (ppm) Without Interferent With Interferent Arithmetic Difference NH3 10 0 78 07 -0 08 Propane 50 0 78 07 -0 08 Hydrogen 50 0 78 07 -0 08 Methane 50 0 78 07 -0 08 HCI 10 0 78 07 -0 08 CO 50 0 78 1 05 0 27 SO2 20 0 78 08 0 02 CO2 5% 0 78 1 08 03 O2 6% 0 78 1 08 03 CO2 15% 0 78 1 08 03 O2 18% 0 78 1 08 03 Sum of Responses ^ 0 35 % of Calibration Span 0 4% ^ Only includes worst case contribution from CO2 With Target Analyte Interferent Instrument Response (ppm) Component Concentration Without With Arithmetic Component (ppm) Interferent Interferent Difference NH3 10 20 6 -0 1 Propane 50 20 7 20 6 -0 1 Hydrogen 50 Methane 50 20 7 20 65 -0 1 HCI 10 20 7 20 77 01 CO 50 20 7 20 96 03 SO2 20 20 7 20 46 -0 2 CO2 15% 20 7 19 77 -0 9 O2 18% 20 7 19 77 -0 9 CO2 14% 20 7 19 43 -1 3 O2 17% 20 7 19 43 -1 3 Sum of Responses ^ -1 3 % of Calibration Span -1 3% Only includes worst case contribution from CO2 Date of Test 11-Oct Analyzer Type COz Manufacturer Servomex Model Number 1440 Senal Number 0144OD1/3982 Calibration Span (%) 20 Without Target Analyte Interferent Instrument Response (ppm) Component Concentration Without With Anthmetic Component (ppm) Interferent Interferent Difference NH3 10 -0 09 -0 09 Propane 50 -0 09 -0 09 -0 09 Hydrogen 50 Methane 50 -0 09 -0 09 0 HCI 10 -0 09 -0 01 0 08 CO 50 -0 09 -0 09 0 SOz 20 -0 09 -0 08 0 01 NzO 10 NOz 14 -0 09 -0 05 0 04 NO 16 Sum of Responses 0 04 % of Calibration Span 0 2% With Target Analyte Interferent Instrument Response (ppm) Component Concentration Without With Arithmetic Component (ppm) Interferent Interferent Difference NH3 10 4 88 4 88 Propane 50 4 88 4 88 0 Hydrogen 50 Methane 50 4 88 4 89 0 01 HCI 10 4 88 4 88 0 CO 50 4 88 4 78 -01 SOz 20 4 88 49 0 02 N2O 10 NOz 14 4 88 4 88 0 NO 16 Sum of Responses -0 07 % of Calibration Span -0 3% Date of Test 11-Oct Analyzer Type Oxygen Manufacturer Servomex Model Number 1440 Senal Number 01440D173982 Calibration Span (%) 20 Without Tar get Analyte Interferent Instrument Response (ppm) Component Concentration (ppm) Without Interferent With Interferent Anthmetic Difference NH3 10 0 05 0 06 -0 09 Propane 50 0 05 0 06 -0 09 Hydrogen 50 0 05 0 06 -0 09 Methane 50 0 05 0 03 -0 02 HCI 10 0 05 0 03 -0 02 CO 50 0 05 0 02 -0 03 SOz 20 0 05 0 02 -0 03 NzO 10 0 05 0 04 -0 01 NOz 14 0 05 0 04 -0 01 NO 16 0 05 0 04 -0 01 Sum of Responses -0 2 % of Calibration Span -1 0% With Target Analyte Interferent Instrument Response (ppm) Component Concentration Without With Anthmetic Component (ppm) Interferent Interferent Difference NH3 10 5 95 5 93 -0 02 Propane 50 5 95 5 93 -0 02 Hydrogen 50 Methane 50 5 95 5 94 -0 01 HCI 10 5 95 5 94 -0 01 CO 50 5 95 5 78 -0 17 SOz 20 5 95 5 95 0 NzO 10 NOz 14 5 95 5 94 -0 01 NO 16 Sum of Responses -0 22 % of Calibration Span -1 1% Date of Test 11-Oct Analyzer Type SO2 Manufacturer Ametek Model Number 721 AT Serial Number 91-721AT2-7866-1 Calibration Span 100 Without Tar •et Analyte Interferent Instrument Response (ppm) Component Concentration (ppm) Without Interferent With Interferent Arithmetic Difference NH3 10 05 08 03 Propane 50 05 08 03 Hydrogen 50 05 08 03 Methane 50 05 04 -01 HCI 10 05 02 -0 3 CO 50 05 -0 2 -0 7 NzO 10 05 -0 2 -0 8 NOz 14 05 -0 2 -0 8 NO 16 05 -0 2 -0 8 COz 5% 05 02 -0 3 O2 6% 05 02 -0 3 COz 15% 05 -0 2 -0 7 O2 18% 05 -0 2 -0 7 Sum of Responses ' -2 4 % of Calibration Span -2 4% ^ Only includes worst case contribution from CO2 With Target Anaiyte Interferent Instrument Response (ppm) Component Concentration Without With Arithmetic Component (ppm) Interferent Interferent Difference NH3 10 20 3 20 4 0 1 Propane 50 20 3 20 4 0 1 Hydrogen 50 Methane 50 20 3 20 1 -0 2 HCI 10 20 3 20 4 0 1 CO 50 20 3 20 3 00 N2O 10 NOz 14 20 3 20 7 04 NO 16 CO2 5% 20 3 199 -0 4 O2 6% 20 3 199 -0 4 CO2 14% 20 3 20 0 -0 3 O2 17% 20 3 20 0 -0 3 Sum of Responses ^ 00 % of Calibration Span 0 0% ^ Only includes worst case contribution from CO2 Date of Test 11-Oct Analyzer Type SO2 Manufacturer AmeteIc Model Number 921 Serial Number AC-921-9467-1 Calibration Span 100 Without Target Analyte Interferent Instrument Response (ppm) Component Concentration (ppm) Without Interferent With Interferent Arithmetic Difference NH3 10 -0 3 -0 2 01 Propane 50 -0 3 -0 2 01 Hydrogen 50 -0 3 -0 2 01 Methane 50 -0 3 -0 7 -0 4 HCI 10 -03 -0 6 -0 3 CO 50 -0 3 -0 8 -0 5 N2O 10 -0 3 -0 7 -0 4 NO2 14 -0 3 -0 7 -0 4 NO 16 -0 3 -0 7 -0 4 CO2 5% -0 3 -0 8 -0 5 O2 6% -0 3 -0 8 -0 5 CO2 15% -0 3 -0 8 -0 5 O2 18% -0 3 -0 8 -0 5 Sum of Responses ^ -1 8 % of Calibration Span -1 8% ^ Only includes worst case contribution from CO2 With Target Anaiyte Interferent Instrument Response (ppm) Component Concentration Without With Arithmetic Component (ppm) Interferent Interferent Difference NH3 10 198 198 00 Propane 50 198 198 00 Hydrogen 50 Methane 50 198 196 -0 2 HCI 10 198 198 00 CO 50 198 198 00 N2O 10 NO2 14 198 20 1 03 NO 16 CO2 5% 198 19 5 -0 3 O2 6% 198 19 5 -0 3 CO2 14% 198 195 -0 4 O2 17% 198 195 -0 4 Sum of Responses ^ -0 4 % of Calibration Span -0 4% ^ Only includes worst case contnbution from CO2 Date of Test 12-Oct Analyzer Type CO Manufacturer Thermo Model Number 48C Serial Number 532714042 Calibration Span 100 Without Target Analyte Interferent Instrument Response (ppm) Component Concentration (ppm) Without Interferent With Interferent Arithmetic Difference NH3 10 -0 6 -0 4 02 Propane 50 -0 6 -0 4 02 Hydrogen 50 -0 6 -0 4 02 Methane 50 -0 6 -0 6 00 HCI 10 -0 6 -0 4 02 SOz 20 -0 6 -06 00 NzO 10 -0 6 -0 7 -01 NO2 14 -0 6 -0 7 -01 NO 16 -0 6 -0 7 -01 COz 5% -0 6 -1 1 -0 5 O2 6% -0 6 -1 1 -0 5 CO2 15% -0 6 -1 0 -0 4 O2 18% -0 6 -1 0 -0 4 Sum of Responses ^ -0 3 % of Calibration Span -0 3% Only includes worst case contribution from COz With Target Analyte Interferent Instrument Response (ppm) Component Concentration (ppm) Without Interferent With Interferent Arithmetic Drfference NH3 10 49 1 48 8 -0 3 Propane 50 49 1 48 8 -0 3 Hydrogen 50 49 1 48 8 -0 3 Methane 50 49 1 48 7 -0 3 HCI 10 49 1 49 0 00 SO2 20 491 491 01 NzO 10 49 1 48 8 -0 3 NOz 14 49 1 48 8 -0 3 NO 16 49 1 48 8 -0 3 CO2 5% 189 18 5 -0 4 O2 6% 189 18 5 -0 4 CO2 15% 189 177 -1 2 O2 18% 189 177 -1 2 Sum of Responses ^ -2 0 % of Calibration Span -2 0% ^ Only includes worst case contribution from CO2 10 Date of Test 12-Oct Analyzer Type CO Manufacturer Teledyne Model Number 300 EM Serial Number 173 Calibration Span 100 Without Target Analyte interferent Instrument Response (ppm) Component Concentration (ppm) Without Interferent With Interferent Arithmetic Difference NH3 10 1 2 1 1 -01 Propane 50 1 2 1 1 -01 Hydrogen 50 1 2 1 1 -01 Methane 50 1 2 1 2 0 1 HCI 10 1 2 09 -03 SOz 20 1 2 1 1 -0 1 N2O 10 1 2 1 2 00 NO2 14 1 2 1 2 00 NO 16 1 2 1 2 00 CO2 5% 1 2 1 4 02 O2 6% 1 2 1 4 02 COz 15% 1 2 1 1 -0 1 O2 18% 1 2 1 1 -0 1 Sum of Responses ^ 00 % of Calibration Span 0 0% ^ Only includes worst case contribution from CO2 With Target Analyte Interferent Instrument Response (ppm) Component Concentration Without With Arithmetic Component (ppm) Interferent Interferent Difference NH3 10 Propane 50 50 2 501 -0 1 Hydrogen 50 Methane 50 50 2 50 3 01 HCI 10 50 2 501 -0 1 SOz 20 50 2 50 4 01 N2O 10 NO2 14 50 2 50 3 01 NO 16 CO2 5% 21 1 21 3 02 O2 6% 21 1 21 3 02 CO2 15% 21 1 20 9 -0 3 O2 18% 21 1 20 9 -0 3 Sum of Responses ^ -01 % of Calibration Span -01% ^ Only includes worst case contnbution from COz 11 Table 7E-3 ^Example Interference Check Gas Concentrations Concentrations \2\ Sample conditioning type Potential interferent gas\l\ Hot wet Drieci C02 5 and 15% 5 and 15% H20 25% , 1% NO 15 ppmv 15 ppmv N02 15 ppmv 15 ppmv N20 10 ppmv 10 ppmv CO 50 ppmv 50 ppmv. NH3 10 ppmv 10 ppmv CH4 50 ppmv 50 ppmv S02 20 ppmv 20 ppmv H2 50 ppmv 50 ppmv HCI 10 ppmv 10 ppmv \1\ Any applicable gas may be eliminated or tested at a reduced level if the manufacturer has provided reliable means for limiting or scrubbing that gas to a specified level \2\ As Practicable, gas concentrations should be the highest expected at test sites 0^35 VIC) ^) i55 A;O A)qp /loi j,p JO^^O 12 URS CEMS Operation Log Page \ - of ) Project Number Operator p^lM/" Source ^f^^ CJPJ^f^ Tfvcjt-Date 10-11-01 Time Activity Analyzer Response Time Activity COM I.I'? -0 01 1(4 3 N/0 --C.oi 003L -0 \) ''i-a 05 Oftl ^ oO 0 n,7n -0,52 1 14- 0 oo l in ' 1 In 0 70 -O.^E on MS.7/ r n\si ft.p ^74- 0 n I? 0 3o 4^o4 1 P'^'Y 0 02 0 n ol^ In in Mrt^ "jpt c:^:) oh 0,-7^ OMi 4^.'5?H 50. /-^ *Ovll 0 0 I 0 4^^.19 0 (il 010 I |o 0.-7 4-1 1-7 n OS o.a\ 1 a 9.1 1 001 -0 30 '^MC^ / 4y^r£)n ).55 U57 13 -1 ^1 •—1 •—•—• hoM aoi2 '014 1 X7 o oo (TV 2^ \\ —r— l.-Rl *———^ h f-^ T oo{ lb I Is? -0 MS -0.10 .'' /4A CA 0 -oil ft 13 i 170$ \7oi r^ 5^' Ma. H"!CO /^6flt^-^H'5'7lI O Cc I^SS H'A co^ /ao CO l^^r> y^v^A CO -039 / 1 ID -c ^( /1 10 1-2. Al /| H 17 ^7/^0 l^ "^"^ /AV /M p. NO /;io d?o.HA \7^ 4 14 URS CEMS Operation Logi^^l^y Project ^^^<; U^^fXirt^tit Page ^ <>' ) Project Number Source ^£5^ Ci^^ TAX^ Date ,0/11 ^f^^ Time Activity -2^ Analyzer Response Q. iq 7(^.1 \ r-7 I? I <i{.w n^t/^—MO oil Oi<f{ jLJia-a6,iQ 0.47 0 o4 ^14- HC^^ -a 10 0 og 0-^4 (!>o'b -0.0 oil (9 S5 <9 0"^ flrO| i^4l ;i,c> y(>.A^ MQ 003 'H0> /3^106 0A% an XI n.$5 (9 liG 5.10 H 7C> >?C.41 'O.XO -n.l(> iio o)^ o4 0 i3k /^Y6 47 t '0 17 -0 0 ft>.oo \^.74 -0 0 0 OM ^7 87 >o.G7 go^4 1^ 0 \l> ^057 $rOj/^fcOa / lo h^stQ 14^ 0 -n.^'l 53^ 4t^0 -O.^g 4f toil 0,0(t 14-0^ -0 4^ o?0.00 IS 4(b 0 Q4 -0.04 -0A3 90.02 ^0.<;Q^/ iQ UCl CuD4^ -0.07 2Qjt3_ gfO^d. • ?^ CO -0.0 -o.\4- 0 10 go.?3 OCX 30.^5 go.Qg am -0-01 o,a 0^ 4'7^ Ml ^15 MO / 4.12 \C\ 10 He \ i^L ^7 /;?c NO |M /<;?0 0^ NO ^0 Cl> MO Cd^ ^L *^0S4 20^7 ^JIOA. ^uo ^11^ ^(^'^ '-^n^O;,/|l^.Q( Mil. ^1 0-S CO a 1.3-? ^0 / l4,C/^ SO^ 47G cu^ I^L H m 7j/// ^07 IS, MO^ Cc?l 'lo/l^ 1? /-^t kj) // <fOi /S, ^3 c), <i4 /4^^^ 50.1^ /l^^^7 ^^O.-fO /|1 72 j?^.M4/l1v^7 M>-04 4/nV^102