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TOOELE CHEMICAL AGENT DISPOSAL FACILITY (TOCDF) Performance Specification Test (PST) Results for the MPF CO and O2CEMS EG&G Defense Materials, INC. July 2010 HAND DELIVERED JUL 1 4 2010 UTAH DIVISION OF SOLID & HAZARDOUS WASTE DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY us ARMY CHEMICAL MATERIALS AGENCY TOOELE CHEMICAL AGENT DISPOSAL FACILITY 11620 STARK ROAD STOCKTON, UTAH 84071 REPLY TO ATTENTJON OF JUL 1 4 2010 RECEIVED JUL 1 k 2010 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility PM0520-10 SUBJECT Transmittal of the Relative Accuracy Test Audit Report (RATA) for the Metal Parts Furnace (MPF) Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS), EPA ID UT 5210090002 Mr Scott Anderson, Director Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste P O Box 144880 195 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4880 Dear Mr Anderson HAND DELIVERED JUL 1 ^ 2010 UTAH DIVISION OF SOLID & HAZARDOUS WASTE Please find enclosed one copy of the RATA report for the MPF CEMS annual certification These tests were conducted at the TOCDF facility May 14 - May 21, 2010 The results demonstrate that these CEMS performed to the established specifications If you have any questions regarding this issue, please contact Ms Sheila R Vance at (435) 833-7577 or Mr Trace Salmon at (435) 833-7428 Sincerely, ElizabetnA Lowes EG«&G Defense Materials, Inc •CERTIFICATION STATEMENT Thaddeus A ^yoa, Jr TOCDF Site Project Manager •CERTIFICATION STATEMENT Enclosure I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF LAW THAT THIS DOCUMENT AND ALL ATTACHMENTS WERE PREPARED UNDER MY DIRECTION OR SUPERVISION IN ACCORDANCE WITH A SYSTEM DESIGNED TO ASSURE THAT QUALIFIED PERSONNEL PROPERLY GATHER AND EVALUATE THE INFORMATION SUBMITTED BASED ON MY INQUIRY OF THE PERSON OR PERSONS WHO MANAGE THE SYSTEM OR THOSE PERSONS DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR GATHERING THE INFORMATION THE INFORMATION SUBMITTED IS TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF TRUE ACCURATE AND COMPLETE I AM AWARE THAT THERE ARE SIGNIFICANT PENALTIES FOR SUBMITTING FALSE INFORMATION INCLUDING THE POSSIBILITY OF FINE AND IMPRISONMENT FOR KNOWING VIOLATIONS HAND DELIVERED Performance Specification Test Resuits ^ ^ ^^^^ for the MPF CEMS UTAH DIVISION OF SOLID & HAZARDOUS WASTE Tooeie Cliemicai Agent Disposal Facility ^010,03f=>^^ Stoclcton, Utah Prepared for EG&G Defense Materials Inc 11600 Stark Road Stockton, UT 84071 Prepared by URS Corporation 9400 Amberglen Blvd P O Box 201088 Austin, Texas 78720-1088 July 2010 Table of Contents Page 10 Introduction 1-1 2 0 Summary of Results 2-1 21 Calibration Dnft 2-2 2 2 Absolute Calibration Audit 2-5 2 3 Response Time 2-6 2 4 Relative Accuracy 2-7 3 0 Quality Assurance 3-1 APPENDIX A - Calibration Dnft Data Sheets APPENDIX B - Absolute Calibration Audit and Response Time Data Sheets APPENDIX C - Relative Accuracy Spreadsheet and Reference Method Data APPENDIX D - Reference Method Calibration Results APPENDIX E - MPF CEMS Relative Accuracy Data APPENDIX F - MPF RATA Fuel Flow Data APPENDIX G - TOCDF EPA Protocol 1 Gas Certifications APPENDIX H - Reference Method EPA Protocol 1 Gas Certifications APPENDIX I - Reference Method CEMs Interference Test 2010 MPF CEMS PST 11 TOCDF 40942240 06 List of Tables Page 1-1 General Facility and Testing Information 1-2 1-2 CEMS Identification 1-2 2-1 Annual PST Requirements and Acceptance Cntena 2-1 2-2 14-Arr-384/API-164 CO CEMS Calibration Dnft Test Results 2-3 2-3 14-AIT-082/65855 O2 CEMS Calibration Dnft Test Results 2-4 2-4 Absolute Calibration Audit Gas Concentrations 2-5 2-5 Absolute Calibration Audit Test Results 2-5 2-6 Response Time Test Results 2-6 2-7 MPF RM Sampling Location Stratification Check Results 2-10 2-8 14-AIT-384/API-164 CO CEMS Relative Accuracy Test Results 2-10 2-9 14-AIT-082/65855 O2 CEMS Relative Accuracy Test Results 2-11 2010 MPF CEMS PST ill TOCDF 40942240 06 1.0 Introduction The Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility (TOCDF) operates the Metal Parts Fumace (MPF) location, which is equipped with redundant carbon monoxide (CO) and oxygen (O2) continuous emissions monitonng systems (CEMS) In accordance with the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) permit and the Utah Air Regulation R307-170 under which the TOCDF facility operates, each MPF CEMS must undergo annual Performance Specification Testing (PST) This report presents the PST results for the MPF CO and O2 CEMS The general information regarding the testing at this facility is summarized m Table 1-1 The PST acceptance cntena are shown in Table 2-1 The PST of the MPF CO and O2 CEMS was completed in May of 2010 The CEMS were audited according to the procedures detailed in 40 CFR 60, Appendix B, Performance Specification 4B, "Specifications and Test Procedures for Carbon Monoxide and Oxygen Continuous Monitoring Systems in Stationary Sources" (PS 4B), 40 CFR 266, Appendix DC, Section 2, "Performance Specifications for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems" 40 CFR 63 Subpart EEE, "National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants from Hazardous Waste Combustors" and EG&G QA/QC document EG 037, "Continuous Emission Monitoring System Certification Test Protocol " The CEMS met all the PST cntena outlined in the above- cited references Section 2 presents a detailed summary of these test results Supporting documentation is located in the appendices The analyzer identification numbers and serial numbers for the monitors are presented below in Table 1-2 The CO analyzers are Teledyne Advanced Pollution Instmmentation (API) Model 300 EM gas correlation CO analyzers The CO analyzers are designed using a single sample cell equipped with an individual detector system for each of two measurement ranges (0- 200 ppmv and 0-5,000 ppmv) Except for the relative accuracy testing, each range of each CO analyzer was treated as a separate monitor for the purposes of this testing The O2 analyzers are Servomex PM 1158 analyzers The data for the CEMS is recorded by the TOCDF Process Data Acquisition and Recording System (PDARS) Data pnntouts from these monitors documenting the CEMS performance are presented in Appendix E of this report 2010 MPF CEMS PST 1-1 TOCDF 40942240 06 Table 1-1 Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility MPF CEMS Performance Specification Testing General Facility and Testing Information Facility Name Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility Contact Person Karl Scott Telephone Number 435-833-7861 Facility Address EG&G Defense Materials, Inc 11600 Stark Road Stockton, UT 84071 Facibty Manager Gary McCloskey Types of Process Sampled MPF Exhaust Gas Person Responsible for Conducdng Test Michael Fuchs Telephone Number 512-454^797 Company Name URS Corporadon Address 9400 Amberglen Boulevard Ausnn, Texas 78729 Person(s) Conducting Tests Adam Blank Crawford D Cumn Test Methods Performed EPA Method 3A and EPA Method 10 Test Methods Performed CEMS Cahbranon Dnft (performed by EG&G) Test Methods Performed CEMS Absolute Calibration Audit (performed by EG&G) Test Methods Performed CEMS Response Time (performed by EG&G) Date(s) of Testmg May 14 through May 21, 2010 Table 1-2 Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility MPF CEMS Performance Specification Testing CEMS Identification Location Analyzer Type CEMS Range Analyzer Identiflcation No Serial No MPF Carbon Monoxide 0-200 ppmv Span 14-AIT-384 API-164 MPF Carbon Monoxide 0-5,000 ppmv Span 14-Arr-384 API-164 MPF Oxygen 0-25% Span 14-AIT-082 65855 2010 MPF CEMS PST 1-2 TOCDF 40942240 06 2.0 Summary of Results Detailed PST results are presented in this section Section 2 1 provides a summary of the calibration drift (CD) tests A summary of the absolute calibration audit (ACA) tests are presented in Section 2 2 Results from the response time (RT) tests are provided in Section 2 3, and Section 2 4 details the results from the relative accuracy (RA) tests The ACA, RT, and RA testing is required to occur during the seven-day CD testing period All test results were within the acceptance cntena as stated m 40 CFR 60, Appendix B, Performance Specification 4B, "Specifications and Test Procedures for Carbon Monoxide and Oxygen Continuous Monitoring Systems in Stationary Sources," and EG&G QA/QC document EG 037, "Continuous Emission Monitoring System Certification Test Protocol" These cntena are shown below m Table 2-1 Table 2-1 Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility MPF CEMS Performance Specification Testmg Annual PST Requirements and Acceptance Criteria CO Monitors O2 Monitors Parameters Low Range (0-200 ppmv) High Range (0-5,000 ppmv) Range (0-25%) Calibration Drift (7 out of 7 days) < 3% full scale (6 ppmv) < 3% full scale (150 ppmv) <0 5% Absolute Calibration Audit < 5% full scale (10 ppmv) < 5% full scale (250 ppmv) <0 5% Response Time < 2 minutes < 2 minutes < 2 minutes Relative Accuracy (RA) The greater of 10% of the Reference Method (RM) or 5 ppmv CO corrected to 7%02 1 0% O2 2010 MPF CEMS PST 2-1 TOCDF 40942240 06 2 1 Calibration Drift Tables 2-2 and 2-3 present the results of the CD tests performed by EG&G personnel from May 14 through May 21, 2010 No analyzer adjustments were made between 24-hour calibration readings The calibration dnft values are reported m these tables as both the absolute values and the relative percentages of span of the mean differences between the CEMS response and the reference gas value All tests produced acceptable results Copies of all CEMS daily calibration responses are presented in Appendix A 2010 MPF CEMS PST 2-2 TOCDF 40942240 06 Table 2-2 Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility MPF CEMS Performance Specification Testing 14-AIT-384/API-164 CO CEMS Calibration Dnft Test Results 14-AIT-384/API-164 Date Cal Gas (ppmv) CEMS Response (ppmv) Dnft (ppmv) Dnft (% Span) Zero 5/14/2010 0 00 0 0 00 5/15/2010 0 00 0 0 00 5/16/2010 0 00 0 0 00 5/17/2010 0 00 0 0 00 5/18/2010 0 00 0 0 00 5/19/2010 0 00 0 0 00 5/20/2010 0 00 0 0 00 5/21/2010 0 00 0 0 00 Span Low Range (0-200 ppmv) 5/14/2010 155 155 0 0 00 5/15/2010 155 154 1 0 50 5/16/2010 155 155 0 0 00 5/17/2010 155 155 0 0 00 5/18/2010 155 155 0 0 00 5/19/2010 153 153 0 0 00 5/20/2010 153 151 2 1 00 5/21/2010 153 152 1 0 50 Span Hig h Range (0-5000 ppmv) 5/14/2010 3760 3760 0 0 00 5/15/2010 3760 3762 2 0 04 5/16/2010 3760 3743 17 0 34 5/17/2010 3760 3760 0 0 00 5/18/2010 3760 3762 2 0 04 5/19/2010 3780 3772 8 0 16 5/20/2010 3780 3774 6 0 12 5/21/2010 3780 3774 6 0 12 2010 MPF CEMS PST 2-3 TOCDF 40942240 06 Table 2-3 Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility MPF CEMS Performance Specification Testing 14-AIT-082/65855 O2 CEMS Calibration Drift Test Results 14-AIT-082/65855 Date Oxygen Range 0-25% Date Cal Gas (%) CEMS Response (%) Dnft (%) Zero 5/14/2010 0 00 0 00 5/15/2010 0 00 0 00 5/16/2010 0 00 0 00 5/17/2010 0 00 0 00 5/18/2010 0 00 0 00 5/19/2010 0 00 0 00 5/20/2010 0 00 0 00 5/21/2010 0 00 0 00 Span 5/14/2010 20 9 20 9 0 5/15/2010 20 9 20 9 0 5/16/2010 20 9 20 9 0 5/17/2010 20 9 20 9 0 5/18/2010 20 9 20 9 0 5/19/2010 20 9 20 9 0 5/20/2010 20 9 20 9 0 5/21/2010 20 9 20 9 0 2010 MPF CEMS PST 2-4 TOCDF 40942240 06 2 2 Absolute Calibration Audit Absolute calibration audit (ACA) tests for the MPF CEMS were performed by EG&G personnel on May 18, 2010 The ACA tests were performed by challenging the CEMS with three concentrations of EPA Protocol 1 audit gases Table 2-4 presents the specified ranges for each of the audit gases Table 2-5 presents the results from the ACA testing The values reported m this table are the average absolute values of the mean differences between the CEMS response and the reference gas value ACA data sheets and audit gas Protocol 1 certification sheets are presented m Appendix B and Appendix G, respectively Table 2-4 Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility MPF CEMS Performance Specification Testing Absolute Calibration Audit Gas Concentrations Monitors CO Low CO High O2 Audit Gas Range One 0-40 ppmv 0-600 ppmv 0-2% Audit Gas Range Two 60-80 ppmv 1,500-2,000 ppmv 8-10% Audit Gas Range Three 140-160 ppmv 3,500-4,000 ppmv 14-16% Table 2-5 Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility MPF CEMS Performance Specification Testing Absolute Calibration Audit Test Results Absolute Calibration Audit Test" Acceptance Criterion'' MPF CEMS Serial No Date Time Zero Audit Gas Mid Audit Gas High Audit Gas Acceptance Criterion'' Carbon Monoxide Analyzer Low range 14-AIT-384 API-164 5/18/2010 14 09 0 00 1 97 0 83 < 10 ppmv High range 14-AIT-384 API-164 5/18/2010 14 30 0 87 12 53 14 30 < 250 ppmv Oxygen Analyzer 14-AIT-082 65855 5/18/2010 13 51 0 00 0 05 0 05 <0 5% "The absolute calibration audit test values are reported as the average absolute mean difference between the CEMS response and the reference gas value "Tlie acceptance cntena for carbon monoxide analyzers is less than or equal to 5% of span The span of the analyzers low range IS 200 ppmv and the span of their high range is 5 000 ppmv 2010 MPF CEMS PST 2-5 TOCDF 40942240 06 2 3 Response Time The response times (RT) for the MPF CO and O2 CEMS were determined by EG&G personnel on May 19, 2010 RT test results are presented in Table 2-6 All measured response times for the MPF CO and O2 CEMS were below the 2-nunute acceptance cnterion Response time data sheets and hardcopies of the CEMS responses can be found in Appendix B Table 2-6 Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility MPF CEMS Performance Specification Testing Response Time Test Results MPF CEMS Serial No Date Start/Stop Mean Response Times System Response Time" (min sec) MPF CEMS Serial No Date Start/Stop Upscale Zero to Duct (mm sec) Downscale High to Duct (mm sec) System Response Time" (min sec) Carbon Monoxide Analyzers Low range 14-AIT-384 API-164 5/19/2010 15 11-1518 1 07 1 09 1 09 High range 14-AIT-384 API-164 5/19/2010 15 21-15 30 1 24 1 25 1 25 Oxygen Analyzers 14-AIT-082 65855 5/19/2010 15 02-15 09 0 58 0 53 0 58 'The acceptance cntena for all analyzers is less than or equal to 2 minutes 2010 MPF CEMS PST 2-6 TOCDF 40942240 06 2 4 Relative Accuracy Relative accuracy (RA) testing was performed by URS personnel on May 19, 2010 RA testing compares the plant CEMS measurement of CO (corrected to 7% oxygen) and O2 to the Reference Method (RM) measured using EPA Method 10 for CO and EPA Method 3A for O2 For each run, sample gas was collected over 21-imnute test penods Three traverse points across the MPF duct were selected according to the procedure outlined in 40 CFR 60, Appendix B, Performance Specification 2, Section 8 13 2, and sample gas was extracted at each point for seven minutes dunng the test period A data sheet showing the sample points is included in Appendix C In addition, a stratification check was conducted at these sample points in accordance with EPA Method 7E Data from the stratification check are presented in Table 2-7 Oxygen was used as the flue gas constituent for the determination of stratification due to its presence m the duct at a consistendy detectable level The flue gas at the MPF sampling location was demonstrated to be unstratified/mimmally stratified Data documenting the stratification check are included m Appendix C URS Corporation used a TECO Model 48C CO analyzer to measure the CO concentration according to EPA Method 10 This analyzer is a gas filter correlation (GFC) analyzer The analyzer measures CO by comparing infrared absorption of a reference concentration to the absorption of the sample The TECO Model 48C CO measurements are not affected by carbon dioxide For this reason, the CO2 interference trap was not incorporated into the extraction system The exclusion of the CO2 interference trap eliminates the need to conect sample concentration, improving the accuracy of the analyses Oxygen was measured using a Servomex Senes 1400 O2 analyzer This analyzer measures O2 on the basis of its paramagnetic properties These analyzers have been interference tested in accordance with the procedures of EPA Method 7E The interference response data is presented in Appendix I The analyzer's electronic output signals were converted to a digital format and stored by URS Corporation's computenzed data acquisition system The system translated this digital signal into the proper units of measurement (ppmv CO, % O2) and stored them on a hard disk The system stored the data as ten-second averages The analyzers were calibrated prior to initiating testing using appropriately certified standards as specified by EPA Methods 10 and 3A A system response time test was performed and documented The total system, which included the probe, sample line, sample pump, and condenser, was incorporated into the system response Copies of the system response time data 2010 MPF CEMS PST 2^7 TOCDF 40942240 06 are included in Appendix D In addition, system audit tests, as defined in EG&G QA/QC document EG 033, "CEMS Certification Quality Assurance Program," were performed throughout the RATA These vanous checks ensured that the system remained withm the tolerance level defined by the above EPA methods Documentation of the system audits are included in Appendix C A sampling system calibration bias correction was apphed to all RM O2 and CO data measured during each test run by using equation EPA Method 7E-5 C =(C -C )x gas ^ avg ^o' Where Cgas = effluent gas concentration, dry basis, ppmv Cavg = average gas concentration indicated by analyzer, dry basis, ppmv Cm = average of initial and final system calibration bias check responses for the upscale calibration gas, ppmv Cma = actual concentration of the upscale calibration gas, ppmv Co = average of initial and final system calibration bias check responses for the zero calibration gas, ppmv The arithmetic differences between the URS reference method (RM) results for the analyte gas concentrations and the plant CEMS results for the analyte gas concentrations are presented in Tables 2-8 and 2-9 Carbon monoxide results for both the RM and the MPF CEMS were conected to 7% oxygen before calculating anthmetic differences The absolute average difference, standard deviation (Sd) and confidence coefficient (CC) of the arithmetic differences were calculated using the equations described in 40 CFR 60, Appendix B, Performance Specification 2, Section 12 At least nine runs must be used to deternune average difference and standard deviation Ten runs were performed dunng the May 19, 2010 RA testing 2010 MPF CEMS PST 2-8 TOCDF 40942240 06 The confidence coefficient (CC) was calculated according to the following equation cc=to 975^-7^ Vn Where to 975 = 97 5% Student-1 vanable (2 306 for mne runs), and n = number of tests used (must be > 9) Relative accuracy for the MPF CO CEMS was calculated in ppmv CO according to 40 CFR 60, Appendix B, Performance Specification 4A, Section 13 2, by adding together the absolute value of the average difference between the RM and MPF CEMS and the confidence coefficient applicable to nine test runs The results for the absolute average difference, standard deviation, and the confidence coefficient were not rounded before the calculation of relative accuracy Relative accuracy for the MPF O2 CEMS was calculated in % O2 according to 40 CFR 60, Appendix B, Performance Specification 3, Section 12 0, and was equivalent to the absolute average difference between the RM and MPF CEMS for ten test runs Hardcopies from the RM data acquisition system along with hardcopies of the relative accuracy calculation spreadsheet can be found in Appendix C Hardcopies of the TOCDF CEMS data are presented m Appendix E 2010 MPF CEMS PST 2-9 TOCDF 40942240 06 Table 2-7 Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility MPF RM Sampling Location Stratification Check Results Traverse Points Markmg Location (inches from wall) Samphng Duration (mmutes) O2 Concentration (%) % DifTerence from Mean 1 4 45 7 11 85 0 73 2 13 38 7 11 75 0 15 3 22 30 7 11 69 058 Mean Concentration of All Traverse Points 11 76 -- 1 Table 2-8 Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility MPF CEMS Performance Specification Testing 14-AIT-384/API-164 CO CEMS Relative Accuracy Test Results Run Number Date Run Time Reference Method (RM) CEMS (ppmv CO, corrected to 7% O2) TOCDF CEMS 14.AIT-384/ API-164 (ppmv CO, corrected to 7% O2) Arithmetic Difference (ppmv CO) 1 5/19/2010 736-757 1 08 20 -0 92 2 5/19/2010 804-825 1 25 20 -0 75 3 5/19/2010 830-851 1 45 20 -0 55 4 5/19/2010 857-918 1 45 1 0 0 45 5 5/19/2010 924-945 1 22 00 1 22 6 5/19/2010 951-1012 1 24 00 1 24 7 5/19/2010 1019-1040 1 03 00 1 03 8 5/19/2010 1047-1108 1 26 1 0 0 26 9 5/19/2010 1140-1201 1 50 20 -0 50 10 5/19/2010 1208-1229 1 39 20 -0 61 Runs 1-10 Absolute Average Difference 0 09 Runs 1-10 Standard Deviation 0 86 Runs 1-10 Confidence Coefficient (CC) 0 61 Runs 1-10 Relative Accuracy (ppmv CO) 0 70 2010 MPF CEMS PST 2-10 TOCDF 40942240 06 Table 2-9 Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility MPF CEMS Performance Specification Testing 14-AIT-082/65855 O2CEMS Relative Accuracy Test Results Run Number i Date Run Time Reference Method (RM) CEMS (% O2) TOCDF CEMS 14-AIT-082/ 65855 (% O2) Anthmetic Difference (% O2) -0 50 Run Number i 5/19/2010 736-757 11 50 12 0 Anthmetic Difference (% O2) -0 50 2 5/19/2010 804-825 11 86 11 8 0 06 3 5/19/2010 830-851 12 02 11 9 0 12 4 5/19/2010 857-918 12 09 12 0 0 09 5 5/19/2010 924-945 12 23 12 2 0 03 6 5/19/2010 951-1012 12 24 12 2 0 04 7 5/19/2010 1019-1040 12 21 12 2 001 8 5/19/2010 1047-1108 12 20 12 1 0 10 9 5/19/2010 1140-1201 11 89 119 -0 01 10 5/19/2010 1208-1229 11 77 11 8 0 03 Runs 1-10 Absolute Average Dil^erence 001 Runs 1-10 Standard Deviation 0 18 Runs 1-10 Relative Accuracy (% O2) 001 1 2010 MPF CEMS PST 2-11 TOCDF 40942240 06 3 0 Quality Assurance To ensure accurate and defensible results, stnct quality assurance and control measures were followed All testing was performed following standard EPA protocol as outlined in 40 CFR, Part 60, Appendix A All PST testing was performed while the plant was operating under normal conditions For the MPF testing, the incinerator must be operating at 50% full heat input m btu/min, or 50% fuel flow in cfm of natural gas Acceptable levels of fuel flow were maintained throughout the testing Hardcopies of incinerator fuel flow data are included m Appendix F All test cntena were thoroughly documented and checked for completeness EPA Protocol 1 gas certification documentation for cylinders used dunng the RA testing is included m Appendix H The CO and O2 monitors used by URS Corporation were operated and calibrated in accordance with the EPA Methods 10 and 3A except that the CO2 interference trap was not used The gas filter correlation monitor used for CO determination uses the charactenstic absorption of infrared light by CO to measure its relative concentration This is a highly specific method for determining CO and is virtually free of interference from compounds such as water or carbon dioxide System bias checks were performed before and after each test mn to ensure that the measuring systems remained withm their performance specifications All method performance specifications were met Calibration results are documented m Appendix D 2010 MPF CEMS PST 3-1 TOCDF 40942240 06 APPENDIX A Calibration Drift Data Sheets CEMS CALIBRATION DRIFT TEST RECORD Operator Signature ^. Pg_L FM-PRPMO001 79 R3C0 THIS IS A RECORD CEMS CALIBRATION DRIFT TEST RECORD I Source MPF Date 5/14/10 Monitor CO Location North PAS House/ Rack 105 Serial Number API-164 Span 0 Zoo *-\ Day Date TEme Cylinder Number Calibration Value Monitor Response Difference % of Span 0 JlH lo • - # O o 1 O 0 o 2 5 IV 10 o o O 2 i 3 o 6 A ro / L o 4 0 0 <) u 0 V N 5 5 l*t fo d « o O 6 5 Z-a 1* 0 0 o o 7 o 0 0 5MM Ic /^IT-0 o 1 —f—' 1 5 2 J5S" > IB 3 5 0 Id iss- •o S 4 c) O 5 5-/^ to 6 ;sr/ Z 7 to Cjt 14741 I 0 I'^ii^'. 0 O 1 770V .04 2 072! i743 n .34 Le v e l 3 0 0 £ X 4 $700 z oH 5 5*H-|o .10 6 6^-20 lo .a 7 ?77*/ (/ ... Operator Signature, Pg_L FM-PRPMO001-79 R3C0 THIS IS A RECORD GEMS CALIBRATIO 14-MA' MARY REPORT OXYGEN 14-AIT-082 MPF AFTERBLOWER Rack 105 This report or the data herein MUST be screened by the Monitoring Branch before being released from TOCDF control 65855 Time Settlne ReJDonse Tareet DIff 13-0211 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 13-0243 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 13-0313 Zero Set 0 0 0 1305 43 SoanDnft 202 209 -7 CARBON MONOXIDE 14-A1T-384 API-164 Time Settine Response Tareet m 13.-0601 Zero Drift 0 0 0 13-07.27 ZeroDiiR 0 0 0 130747 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 1307 55 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 130819 Zero Set 0 0 0 131325 SoiuiRlDnft 140 155 15 131349 SoanRfSet 155 155 0 131949 SDaiiR2 Drift 3750 3760 10 132011 SoanmSet 3775 3760 15 Comment £>x. "viAt O eA<-T><UPT Purpose View CEMS dally calibration drift data by rack number - 02 Is bi 96 and CO and NOx Is in PPM Difference (Diff) Is the Response minus the Target MPF Fuel Flow Cal Dnfl Day 0 Minimum Req'd 84483scfm 14-May-1013 01 00 137 143204 14-May-10 13 0130 138 143934 14-May-10 13 02 00 140 146124 14-May-10 13 02 30 137 143100 14-May-10 13 03 00 138 143621 14-May-101303 30 138 143830 14-May-10 13 04 00 139 144560 14-May-10 13 04 30 138 143413 14-May-10 13 0500 138 143934 14-May-1013 05 30 138 143934 14-May-10 13 06 00 137 143308 14-May-1013 06 30 137 143100 14-May-10 13 07 00 137 142891 14-May-1013 07 30 137 143204 14-May-10 13 08 00 138 143934 14-May-10 13 08 30 139 144664 14-May-1013 09 00 138 144038 14-May 1013 09 30 137 142891 14-May-10 13 10 00 138 143413 14 May-10 13 10 30 138 144038 14-May-101311 00 138 143934 14-May-1013ll 30 139 145290 14-May-10 13 12 00 137 142682 14-May-10 13 12 30 136 141639 14-May-10 13 13 00 137 142995 14-May-1013 13 30 137 142891 14-May-10 13 14 00 136 142057 14-May-101314 30 137 142370 14-May-101316 00 137 142995 14-May-10 13 15 30 142 148419 14 May-10 13 16 00 149 155511 14-May-101316 30 175 182212 14-May-101317 00 192 200047 14-May-10 13 17 30 181 188366 14-May-101318 00 136 141848 14-May-101318 30 111 115356 14-May-101319 00 106 110037 14-May-101319 30 104 108263 14-May-1013 20 00 100 104404 14 May-10 13 20 30 98 101693 14-May-1013 21 00 97 100962 14-May-10 13 21 30 98 102631 C bs/h i L ^« it ^^^^^^ 0 143204 0 143934 0 146124 0 143100 0 143621 0 143830 0 144560 0 143413 0 143934 0 143934 0 143308 0 143100 0 142891 0 143204 0 143934 0 144664 0 144038 0 142891 0 143413 0 144038 0 143934 0 145290 0 142682 0 141639 0 142995 0 142891 0 142057 0 142370 0 142995 0 148419 0 155511 0 182212 0 200047 0 188366 0 141848 0 115356 0 110037 0 108263 0 104404 0 101693 0 100962 0 102631 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/14/2010 OEMS CALIBRATIO 15-MA N^l MMARY REPORT 0 OXYGEN 14-AlT 082 MPF AFTERBLOWER Rack 105 This report or the data herein MUST be screened by the Monitonng Branch before being released from TOCDF control 6S855 Time Settine ResDonse Tareet Diff 0729-.02 Zero Drift 1 0 1 073026 Soan Drift 21 2a9 1 CARBON MONOXIDE 14 AIT 384 API-164 Time SetUne Ressonse Tareet DiQ 0731:08 Zero Drift 0 0 0 073414 SnanRl Drift 155 155 0 073612 Soan R2 Dnft 3775 3760 15 Comment Purpose View CEMS daily calibration drift data by rack number - 02 is in % and CO and NOx is in PPM Difference (Diff) Is the Response minus the Target MPF Fuel Flow Cal Dr/ft Day 1 Minimum Req'd 84483scfm 15-May-10 07 28 00 157 163334 15-May-10 07 28 30 157 163230 15-May-10 0729 00 157 163230 15-May>10 07 29 30 157 163230 15 May-10 07 30 00 157 164168 15-May-10 07 30 30 158 164585 15-May-10 07 31 00 158 164481 15-May-10 07 31 30 157 163230 15-May-10 07 32 00 167 163855 15-May-10 07 32 30 157 163855 15-May 10 07 33 00 157 163855 15-May-1007 33 30 155 161769 15-May-10 07 34 00 157 163647 15-May-10 07 34 30 157 163542 15-May-10 07 35 00 157 163751 15-May-10 07 35 30 156 163125 15-May-10 07 36 00 155 161978 15-May 10 07 36 30 157 163647 15-May-10 07 37 00 156 163125 15-May-10 07 37 30 157 163847 Agen Fvii Agent Qeecl @tn/tnn lb.* ^ . BTJ /ai i: ^85Q0m£i))S Total BTu Va^e* 0 163334 0 163230 0 163230 0 163230 0 164168 0 164585 0 164481 0 163230 0 163855 0 163855 0 163855 0 161769 0 163647 0 163542 0 163751 0 163125 0 161978 0 163647 0 163125 0 163647 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/15/2010 CEMS CALIBRATIO 16-MA^ M MARY REPORT TGDDF MPF AFTERBLOWER Rack 105 OXYGEN "This report or the data herein MUST be screened by the Monitoring Branch before being released from TOCDF control" 14-AIT 082 65855 Time Settlns ResDonse Tareet Diff 0714 42 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 071610 Soan Drift 209 209 0 CARBON MONOXIDE 14-AIT-384 API-164 Time Settine ResDonse Tareet Ditr 07 16 02 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 0718.02 Soan RI Drift 155 155 0 0719-42 Soan R2 Drift 3750 3760 10 Comment CO Purpose View CEMS daily calibration drift data by rack number - 02 is in % and CO and NOx is m PPM Difference (Diff) is the Response minus the Target MPF Fuel Flow Cal Dnft Day 2 Minimum Req'd 84463scfm fSTowinsucnaGoS q(Sluu=ilQH(Awu(;la ^^^^^ 16-May-10 0713 00 152 158953 16-May-100713 30 150 156554 16-May-100714 00 152 158536 16-May-10 07 14 30 152 158640 16-May-10 07 15 00 152 158327 16-May-10 071S30 152 158536 16-May-10 0716 00 150 156346 16-May-10 0716 30 151 157076 16-May-10 0717 00 150 156867 16-May-10 0717 30 152 158536 16-May-10 0718 00 150 155929 16-May-10 07 18 30 151 157076 164Xay-10 071900 150 156763 16-May-10071930 150 156450 16-May-10 07 2000 151 157180 16-May-10 07 20 30 152 158849 Agen FeecT ^ bs^ir* t A^bnuFped Fe«d V j& l&s/^n igssoOBT-uflb ^^^^ 0 158953 0 156554 0 158536 0 158640 0 158327 0 158536 0 156346 0 157076 0 156867 0 158536 0 155929 0 157076 0 156763 0 156450 0 157180 0 158849 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/16/2010 CEMS CALIBRATION, 17-MA^ N^yvi MARY REPORT TGDDF OXYGEN 14-AIT 082 MPF AFTERBLOWER Rack 105 This report or the data herein MUST be screened by the Monitoring Branch before being released from TOCDF control" 65855 Time Settine ResDonse Tareet Diff 07 5144 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 075338 SoanDnft 209 209 0 CARBON MONOXIDE 14-AIT-384 APM64 Time Settine Resoonse Tareet Difl 075412 Zero Drift 0 0 0 07S6J6 SnanRl Drift 156 155 1 07 5932 Soan R2 Drift 3775 3760 15 Comment Purpose View CEMS daily calibration drift data by rack number 02 is in % and CO and NOx is in PPM Difference (Diff) is the Response minus the Target 11 MPF Fuel Row Cal Dnft Day 3 Minimum Req'd 84483scfm 17-May-10 0750 00 151 157180 17-May-100760 30 150 156137 17-May-10 07 51 00 152 158015 17-*lay-10 075130 149 155616 17-May-10 07 52 00 152 158640 17-May-10 07 52 30 150 156867 17-Alay-IO 07 53 00 151 157284 17 May-10 07 53 30 151 157806 17 May-10 07 54 00 151 157284 17-May-10 07 54 30 150 156346 17-May 1007 55 00 152 158327 17-May-1007 55 30 151 157702 17-May-100756 00 151 157180 17-May-10 07S6 30 149 155303 17-May-10 07 57 00 150 156137 17-May-10 07 57 30 150 156137 17-May-10 07 58 00 149 155824 17 May-10 07 58 30 150 155929 17-May-1O07 59 D0 151 156972 17-May 10 07 59 30 152 158119 17-May-10 08 00 00 153 159058 17-May-10 08 00 30 153 159683 0 157180 0 156137 0 156015 0 155616 0 158640 0 156867 0 157284 0 157806 0 157284 0 156346 0 158327 0 157702 0 167180 0 155303 0 156137 0 156137 0 155824 0 155929 0 166972 0 158119 0 159058 0 159683 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/17/2010 HiS8B CEMS CALIBRATIO 18-MA^ N^|M MARY REPORT MPF AFTERBLOWER Rack 105 OXYGEN 14-Arr-082 This report or the data herein, MUST be screened by the Momtoring Branch before bebig released from TOCDF control 6S8SS Time Setline ResDoose Tareet Difl 0703.32 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 07-04.46 SoanDnft 209 209 0 1342.16 Zero Drift 0 0 0' 1344.30 Zero Dnft 89 0 89 134544 Zero Dnft 15 0 15 134700 Zero Drift 9 0 9 134S06 Zero Drift 1 0 1 1349-12 Zero Drift IS 0 15 13J0-26 Zero Dnft 1 0 1 13 5146 Zero Dnft 9 0 9 135300 Zero Drift 15 0 15 J 14 38 54 Zero Drift 208 0 208 14 39 18 Zero Drift 209 0 209 144048 Zero Drift 2 0 2 CARBON MONOXIDE 14-A1T-384 API-164 Time Settine Resoonse Tareet Difl 070412 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 07 09 DO SnanRl Dnft 157 155 2 071112 Soan RZ Drift 3775 3760 15 13 57 26 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 13 58J0 Zero Dnft 68 0 68 14 0032 Zero Dnft 154 0 154 140154 Zero Drift 69 0 69 14 03 30 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 14.0518 Zero Dnft 154 0 154 14.-0715 Zero Drift 0 0 0 14 09^)4 Zero Dnft 67 0 67 141048 Zero Dnft 155 0 155 1414-04 Zero Drift 0 0 0 14.1614 Zero Drift 1750 0 1750 1418.-00 Zero Drift 3750 0 3750 1419-J8 Zero Dnft 1775 0 1775 Comment Oifrerenc* (Diff) is the Response minus the Target 13 MPF Fuel Flow Cal Dnft Day 4 Minimum Req'd 84483scfm BvenLOafL .^FoJa^Fuinflit ji/ Total novt * ai043BTU;cf 18-May-10 0702 00 158 164690 18-MBy-10 0702 30 156 163021 18-May-10 07 03-00 157 164064 18-May-1007 03 30 154 160831 18^ay-10 0704 00 156 162604 18-May-10 07 04 30 154 161039 18-May-10 07 05 00 155 161769 1&^ay-10 070530 157 163751 18-May-10 07 0600 157 163230 18-May-100706 30 155 161665 18-May-1007 07 00 155 161561 18-May-1007 07 30 154 160309 18-May-10 07 0800 154 160622 18-May-10 07 08 30 154 160935 18-May-10 07 09 00 154 160831 18-May-10 07 09 30 154 160205 18-May-10 0710 00 153 159266 18-May-10 0710 30 152 158327 18-May-10 0711 00 154 160413 18-May-10 0711 30 154 160726 18-May-10 07 12 00 153 159892 18-May-10 0712 30 153 159892 ^^^^^^^ Agpf)^^^ Ag^n ^ ^^^^^ 0 164690 0 163021 0 164064 0 160831 0 162604 0 161039 0 161769 0 163751 0 163230 0 161665 0 161561 0 160300 0 160622 0 180935 0 160831 0 160205 0 159266 0 158327 0 160413 0 160726 0 159892 0 159892 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/18/2010 CEMS CALIBRATIO 19-MA^ N^l MMARY REPORT OXYGEN 14-Arr 082 MPF AFTERBLOWER Rack 105 This report or the data herein MUST be screened by the Monitoring Branch before being released from TOCDF control" 65855 Time Settine Resoonse Tareet Diff 0722.46 Zero Dnft 0 0 °\ 072542 SoanDnft 209 2a9 o) 15 03 34 Zero Drift 0 0 o" 15-0432 Zero Drift 208 0 208 15-0458 Zero Dnft 209 0 209 15-05.52 Zero Dnft 1 0 1 15-0612 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 issn-m Zero Drift 209 0 209 150726 Zero Drift 21 0 21 15-08-20 Zero Dnft 3 0 3 1509-.04 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 1510D2 Zero Dnft 20.8 0 2a8 1510-.20 Zero Dnft 21 0 21 151116 Zero Dnft 1 0 1 CARBON MONOXIDE 14-AIT-384 API-164 Time Settme Resoonse Tareet Diff 07^324 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 0727 24 SoanRl Dnft 154 153 1 0730-24 Soan R2 Drift 3775 3780 5 151202 Zero Dnft 0 0 0- 1512.52 Zero Dnft 152 0 152 151312 Zero Drift 152 0 152 1514.18 Zero Dnft 4 0 4 151440 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 151552 Zero Dnft 149 0 149 151610 Zero Drift 151 0 151 151716 Zero Dnft 3 0 3 151734 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 151854 Zero Dnft 151 0 151 15 19-10 Zero Dnft 152 0 152 15 20-.22 Zero Dnft 2 0 2 15 2152 Zero Dnft 0 0 0' Comment CAt_ -D^kvr 1>AY t> Ox a.T. difference (DIH) is the Response minus the Target 15 MPF Fuel Flow Cal Dnft Day 5 Minimum Req'd 84483scfm ^^^^ TotalJ^Umace I^RciwCc^) * Total Ftok^' 19-May-10 07 20 00 117 122448 19-May-10 0720 30 120 125369 19-Alay-10 0721 00 122 126725 IWWay-10 07.21 30 122 127559 19-May-1007 22 00 128 132983 19-May-10 07 22 30 132 137989 19-May-10 07 23 00 140 146811 19-May-10 07 23 30 147 153530 19-May-10 07 24-00 155 161561 19-May-10 0724 30 157 163230 19-May-10 07 2500 157 164064 19-May-10 07 25 30 156 162917 19-May-10 07 26 00 155 161248 19-May-10 07 26 30 156 162604 19-May-10 07 27 00 164 171365 19-May-1007 2730 171 178770 19^May-10 07 28 00 170 177519 19-May-10 07 28 30 171 177936 19-May-10 07 29 00 172 179813 19-May-10 07 29 30 171 178040 19-May-10 07 30 00 171 178457 19-May-10 07 30 30 168 175015 19^ay-10 07 31 00 167 173972 19-May-10 07 31 30 166 173451 ^^^^ ^^^^^ 0 122448 0 125369 0 126725 0 127559 0 132983 0 137989 0 145811 0 153530 0 161561 0 163230 0 164064 0 162917 0 161248 0 162604 0 171365 0 178770 0 177519 0 177936 0 179813 0 178040 0 178457 0 175015 0 173972 0 173451 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/19/2010 1B81B CEMS CALIBRATION, 20-MA N^U/I MARY REPORT OXYGEN 14-AIT-082 MPF AFTERBLOWER Rack 105 This report or the data herein MUST be screened t>y the Monitoring Branch before being released from TOCDF control" 65855 Time Setttes Resoonse Tareet Dtff 0744.57 Zero Drift 0 0 0 0746 27 Snan Drift 209 209 0 CARBON MONOXIDE 14-AIT-384 API-164 Time Setline Resoonse Tareet DUf 074523 Zero Drift 0 0 0 074831 SoanRl Dnft 152 153 1 07 50-35 Soan R2 Drift 3775 3780 5 Comment i/i, CA«- TVUMM- Tjrvt W to CM- T)MPT "OM U Purpose View CEMS daily calibration drift data by racl( numl>er - 02 is ui % and CO and NOx is in PPM |DHference (Diff) Is the Response minus the Target" 17 MPF Fuel Flow Cal Dnft Day 6 Minimum Req'd 84483scfm ^^^^^^^^^ 20-May-10 07 43 00 156 162708 20-May-10 0743 30 165 172199 20-May-10 0744 00 187 195250 2CU«ay-10 07 44 30 209 218404 2(^ay-10 074500 213 221846 20^ay-10 074530 192 200047 20-May-10 0746 00 159 165420 2aMay-10 0746 30 139 145186 20-May.10 0747 00 139 144977 2^May-10 07-47 30 145 151444 20^ay-10 0748 00 143 149253 2O-May-10 0748 30 138 144351 20-May-10 074900 142 148315 20-May-10 0749 30 141 147167 20-May-10 07 50 00 142 148106 20-May-IO 07 50 30 146 151861 20-May-10 07 51 00 143 148836 20 May-10 07 51 30 144 150401 0 162708 0 172199 0 195250 0 218404 0 221846 0 200047 0 165420 0 145186 0 144977 0 151444 0 149253 0 144351 0 148315 0 147167 0 148106 0 151861 0 148836 0 150401 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/20/2010 CEMS CALIBRATIO 21-MA^ I^^UUI MARY REPORT OXYGEN 14-AIT-082 MPF AFTERBLOWER Rack 105 This report or the data herebi MUST be screened by the Monitoring Branch before being released from TOCDF control 65855 Time Setline Resoonse Tareet Diir 09 45 40 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 094654 SoanDnft 21 209 1 CARBON MONOXIDE 14-AIT-384 APM64 Time Settine Resoonse Tareet Dill 09 4832 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 09JS\ 46 SoanRl Drift 152 153 1 095512 Span R2 Drift 3775 3780 5 Comment Purpose View CEMS daily calibration dnft data by rack number - 02 Is in % and CO and NOx is m PPM Difference (DifQ Is the Response minus the Target 19 MPF Fuel Flow Cal Drift Day 7 Minimum Req'd 84483sc6n 21-May-10094400 135 141014 21-May-10 0944 30 137 142474 21-May-10094SOO 137 142682 21-May-10 0946 30 137 142787 21-May-100946 00 136 141639 21-May-10 0946 30 137 142682 21-May-10 0947 00 135 141222 21-May-10 09 47 30 137 142578 21-May-10 09 48 00 138 144038 21-May-10 09 48 30 135 140701 21-May-10 09 49 00 137 142787 21-May-10 09 49 30 134 1399^1 21-MBy-10 09 5000 132 137363 21-May-10 09 50 30 131 136320 21-May-1009 51 00 130 135277 21-May-10 09 5130 129 134443 21 May-10 09 52 00 127 132878 21 May-10 09 52 30 125 130166 21-May-10 0953 00 124 129332 21-May-10 09 53 30 126 131314 21-May-10 09 54 00 130 135590 21-May-10 09 54 30 132 137363 21-May-10 09 5500 135 140596 21-May-10 09 55 30 136 141327 21-May-10 09 56 00 140 145707 21-May-10 09 56 30 143 149149 "*' "*' AS 0 141014 0 142474 0 142682 0 142787 0 141639 0 142682 0 141222 0 142678 0 144038 0 140701 0 142787 0 139971 0 137363 0 136320 0 135277 0 134443 0 132878 0 130166 0 129332 0 J 131314 0 135590 0 137363 0 140596 0 141327 0 145707 0 149149 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/21/2010 APPENDIX B Absolute Calibration Audit and Response Time Data Sheets CEMS Rack, MPF 105 Absolute Calibration Audit Worksheet CEMS Analyzer, AIT-82 Oz O2 Analyzer S/N 65855 Manufacturer Servomei Source I D MPF CEMS Rack Location North PAS House CEMS Probe Location Between PAS Houses Date g'lg 10 SERIAL NUMBER EXPIRATION DATE Low Cylinder rj|A Mid Cylinder 5-T n High Cylinder 0 lt> Required Gas Ranges for O2 Low Mid High 0-2% 8-10% 14-16% Range 0-25% RUN NUMBER CALIBRATION VALUE MONITOR RESPONSE DIFFERENCE RUN NUMBER CALIBRATION VALUE MONITOR RESPONSE LOW MID HIGH 1 - Low r> 0 0 0 2-Mid <\ 0 OS" 3 - High is.os-\S.o OS" oS' 4-Mid ^ OS-OS ^^^^ 5 - Low D 0 0 0.60 6 - High IS-05 ISO ^^^^^ 7- Low 0 0 0 ou ^^^^ 8-Mid 9 - High JS D MEAN DIFFERENCE* = 0 0% 0 or 'Mean Difi^rence = Average of the three Difference values (Round to 1 dedmal place) reviewer Date Date Time Job Title FM-PFlPMOOOI-33 R3C0 THIS IS A RECORD CEMS Rack, MPF 105 Absolute Calibration Audit Worksheet CEMS Analyzer, AIT-384 CO R-1 CO Analyzer S/N Manufacturer Source I D . API-164 TELEDYNE MPF CEMS Rack Locaton North PAS House CEMS Probe Location Between PAS Houses Date S'tR'\e) SERIAL NUMBER EXPIRATION DATE Zero Cylinder tJZ. N/A Mid Cylinder tl'fz n High Cylinder fZ ZS ll- Required Gas Ranges for CO R1 Zero Mid High 0(N2) 60-80ppm 140-160ppm Range 0-200 RUN NUMBER CALIBRATION VALUE MONITOR RESPONSE DIFFERENCE RUN NUMBER CALIBRATION VALUE MONITOR RESPONSE ZERO MID HIGH 1 - Zero o Q O 0 2-Mid 01 L 3 - High /sw 4-Mid (it (P 5-Zero 0 6 - High /srs-IT ^»-r f. J" 7 - Zero o 0 o mm 8-Mid 67 g (ill Zl mm 9 - High /s-r iss-o MEAN DIFFERENCE = 1 Coo CALIBRATION ERROR* = 0 00 0^8 % *CalEnror = MD/200x100 Round to two decimal places Date Reviewer Date Time Job Title FM-PRPMO001-34 R3C0 THIS IS A RECORD CEMS Rack, MPF 105 Absolute Calibration Audit Worksheet CEMS Analyzer, AIT-384 CO R-2 CO Analyzer S/N Manufecturer _ Source I D . API-164 TELEDYNE MPF CEMS Rack Location North PAS House CEMS Probe Location Between PAS Houses Date ^'18'to SERIAL NUMBER EXPIRATION DATE Zero Cylinder N/A Mid Cylinder // M High Cylinder •L \'\ IS Zero Mid High 0(N,) 1500-2000ppm 3500-4000ppm Range 0-5000 RUN NUMBER CALIBRATION VALUE MONITOR RESPONSE DIFFERENCE RUN NUMBER CALIBRATION VALUE MONITOR RESPONSE ZERO MID HIGH 1 - Zero O 0 2-Mid nsz. ns"i z. It 3 - High 10 4-Mid 15^ .^^^ 5 - Zero 1 H 6 High 18 7 - Zero 0 1 z 8-Mid nu\.\ 9 High MEAN DIFFERENCE = CALIBRATION ERROR* = o.en 11 Si MEAN DIFFERENCE = CALIBRATION ERROR* = 0 o-L ^ n * Cal Error = MD/5000x100 Round to two decimal places Reviewer S" ISio Date Date Time Job Title FM-PRPMO001 35 R3C0 THIS IS A RECORD CEMS CALIBRATION 18-MAY-: MARY REPORT MPF AFTERBLOWER Rack 105 OXYGEN 14-AIT-082 Tills report or the data lierein MUST be screened by the Monitoring Branch before being released from TOCDF control 6S8S5 Tune Settine ResDODse Tareet DIfl 07-0332 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 070446 SoanDnft 20 9 209 0 . 13.42 16 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 ^ 1344 30 Zero Dnft 89 0 89 13 4544 Zero Dnft 15 0 15 1347 00 Zero Dnft 9 0 9 13 4806 Zero Drift 1 0 1 13 4912 Zero Dnfl 15 0 15 13 SO 26 Zero Dnft 1 0 1 13 5146 Zero Dnft 9 0 9 1353-00 Zero Dnft 15 0 15 1 1438 54 ZeroDnfi 20.8 0 20 8 1 14 39-16 Zero Dnfl 209 0 20 9 1440-08 Zero Dnii 2 0 2 CARBON MONOXIDE 14 AIT 384 API 164 Time Settine Resoonse Tareel Diff 0704 12 Zero Dnft 0 0 Ol 0709K10 SoanRl Drift 157 155 2 071112 Soan R2 Dnft 3775 3760 15 13 57 26 Zero Drift 0 0 0 13 58 50 Zero Dnfl 68 0 68 14 00 32 Zero Drift 154 0 154 14 0154 Zero Drift 69 0 69 14 0330 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 14 05 18 Zero Dnft 154 0 154 14 0716 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 140M4 Zero Dnft 67 0 67 1410-46 Zero Dnft 155 0 155 14 14-04 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 141614 Zero Drift 1750 0 1750 14 18-00 Zero Dnft 3750 0 3750 1419 58 Zero Dnft 1775 0 1775 Commenl I This data is from the Response Time or ACA tests The calculated "Difference" between the response and target values does not reflect pass/fail criteria, only that the data was recorded by PDARS OA7 «4 c-AC D«.«++ i=iCA (it Difference (Diff) Is the Response minus the Target CEMS CALIBRATION d^MARY REPORT 18-MAY-2010 MPF AFTERBLOWER Rack 105 Time Settine ResDonse Tareet Diff 142306 Zero Drift 0 0 0 14.24 48 Zero Drift 3775 0 3775 14 28 20 Zero Drift 0 0 0 14J0-10 Zero Drift 1775 0 1775 143Z.24 Zero Dnft 3750 0 3750 14 43 56 Zero Drift 0 0 0 14 4632 Zero Dnft 1 0 1 14 47 42 Zero Dnft 153 0 153 1449 08 Zero Dnft 3 0 3 1450.30 Zero Drift 151 0 151 14 5044 Zero Drift 154 0 154 14 5154 Zero Dnft 3 0 3 14 5212 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 14 S3 32 Zero Dnft 3750 0 3750 14 5346 Zero Drift 3725 0 3725 14 55 18 Zero Dnft 25 0 25 14 sass Zero Dnft 3750 0 3750 14 5844 Zero Drift 25 0 25 150022 Zero Dnft 3750 0 3750 15-0036 Zero Dnft 3725 0 3725 150208 Zero Drift 25 0 25 This data is from the Response Tmie or ACA tests The calculated "Difference" between the response and target values does not reflect pass/fail cntena, only that the data was recorded by PDARS Purpose View CEMS daily calibration drift data by racli number 02 is in % and CO and NOx is in PPM Difference (Dlft) is the Response minus the Target MPF Fuel Flow 02andCOR1/R2ACA Minimum Req'd: 84483scfm r Ma > iovt. 1 tm; Aget}i i-eed @lbs/hr Age tFeed @ib /h Aae h Uf @8500BTU/lb Event Date.:^ is: Ma > iovt. 1 tm; 1 t IFIoi^$ Aget}i i-eed @lbs/hr Age tFeed @ib /h Feed @ tosl/nn h Uf @8500BTU/lb To|j BTU «, Ulte'S 18-May-1013:41:00 154 160413 0 160413 18-May-1013:41:30 154 160726 0 160726 18-May-10 13:42:00 154 161039 0 161039 18-May-10 13:42:30 155 162082 0 162082 18-May-1013:43:00 154 160622 0 160622 18-May-1013:43:30 154 161039 0 161039 18-May-1013:44:00 154 160518 0 160518 18-May-1013:44:30 154 160622 0 160622 18-May-1013:45:00 151 157597 0 157597 18-May-10 13:45:30 155 161248 0 161248 18-May-1013:46:00 155 161144 0 161144 18-May-1013:46:30 153 159996 0 159996 18-May-1013:47:00 153 159892 0 159892 18-May-1013:47:30 154 160309 0 160309 18-May-10 13:48:00 153 159996 0 159996 18-May-10 13:48:30 154 160205 0 160205 18-May-10 13:49:00 152 158119 0 158119 1S-May-10 13:49:30 149 155511 0 155511 18-May-10 13:50:00 147 153008 0 153008 18-May-10 13:50:30 143 148732 0 148732 18-May-10 13:51:00 140 146333 0 146333 18-May-1013:51:30 136 141327 0 141327 18-May-10 13:52:00 136 142161 0 142161 ie-May-10 13:52:30 135 140492 0 140492 18-May-10 13:53:00 134 139971 0 139971 18-May-10 13:53:30 134 139345 0 139345 118-May-10 13:54:00 132 137989 0 137989 118-May-10 13:54:30 132 137572 0 137672 18-May-10 13:55:00 132 137259 0 137259 18-May-10 13:55:30 132 137885 0 137885 18-May-10 13:56:00 135 140492 0 140492 18-May-1013:56:30 134 139345 0 139345 18-May-10 13:57:00 135 140284 0 140284 18-May-1013:57:30 134 139658 0 139658 18-May-1013:58:00 134 139658 0 139658 18-May-10 13:58:30 134 139449 0 139449 18-May-10 13:59:00 135 140284 0 140284 18-May-10 13:59:30 136 141952 0 141952 18-May-10 14:00:00 136 141848 0 141848 18-May-10 14:00:30 136 141535 0 141535 18-May-10 14:01:00 136 141431 0 141431 18-May-10 14:01:30 136 141744 0 141744 18-May-10 14:02:00 136 142265 0 142265 18-May-10 14:02:30 137 142578 0 142578 18-May-1014:03:00 136 141535 0 141535 18-May-1014:03:30 138 143830 0 143830 18-May-1014:04:00 135 140388 0 140388 18-May-1014.-04:30 137 142891 0 142891 18-May-1014:05:00 138 143621 0 143621 18-May-10 14:05:30 137 142370 0 142370 18-May-10 14:06:00 136 141846 0 141848 18-May-10 14:06:30 136 141639 0 141639 18-May-10 14:07:00 136 141639 0 141639 18-May-10 14:07:30 136 141744 0 141744 18-May-10 14:08:00 138 143517 0 143517 18-May-10 14:08:30 137 143308 0 143308 18-May-1014:09:00 135 140701 0 140701 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/18/2010 8 MPF Fuel Flow 02 and CO R1/R2ACA Minimum Req'd: 84483sdrn 1 To It low Ol043BTU/cf Agent Feed @ibsAi A niFeed Ageni 1 taid u V 1 c E c iD V No hlo VI ni 1 To It low Ol043BTU/cf Agent Feed @ibsAi A niFeed Feed S it^sAr cSIJ 1 0 S.a KiJb 1 taid u V 1 c 18-May-10 14:09:30 137 142370 0 142370 18-May-10 14:10:00 138 144351 0 144351 18-May-10 14:10:30 140 145603 0 145603 18-May-10 14:11:00 141 146542 0 146542 18-May-10 14:11:30 140 146124 0 146124 18-May-1014:12:00 134 139241 0 139241 18-May-1014:12:30 131 136633 0 136633 18-May-1014:13:00 . 129 134338 0 134338 18-May-1014:13:30 129 134130 0 134130 18-May-10 14:14:00 134 . 139449 0 139449 18-May-10 14:14:30 136 141639 0 141639 18-May-1014:15:00 139 144768 0 144768 18-May-1014:15:30 141 147376 0 147376 18-May-10 14:16:00 148 154364 0 154364 18-May-10 14:16:30 174 . 181691 0 181691 18-May-10 14:17:00 206 214545 0 214545 18-May-1014:17:30 211 219864 0 219864 18-May-10 14:18.00 212 221325 0 221325 18-May-1014:18:30 213 222472 0 222472 18-May-1014:19:00 212 220699 0 220699 1&-May-1014:19:30 205 213919 0 213919 18-May-10 14:20:00 198 206618 0 206618 18-May-1014:20:30 195 203176 0 203176 18-May-10 14:21:00 194 202655 0 202655 18-May-1014:21:30 190 198587 0 198587 18-May-1014:22:00 185 193372 0 493372 18-May-10 14:22:30 180 187531 0 187531 18-May-10 14:23:00 174 181065 0 181065 18-May-10 14:23:30 163 170113 0 170113 18-May-10 14:24:00 143 149566 0 149566 18-May-10 14:24:30 132 137363 0 137363 18-May-10 14:25:00 129 134651 0 134651 18-May-1014:25:30 124 128811 0 128811 18-May-1014:26:00 120 125264 0 125264 18-May-1014:26:30 118 122970 0 122970 18-May-10 14:27:00 114 118589 0 118589 18-May-10 14:27:30 113 118068 0 118068 18-May-10 14:28:00 112 116816 0 116816 18-May-10 14:28:30 114 119319 0 119319 18-May-10 14:29:00 114 118589 0 118589 18-May-10 14:29:30 115 119736 0 119736 18-Mav-10 14:30:00 117 122240 122240 18-Mav-10 14:30:30 117 122240 122240 18-Mav-10 14:31:00 117 121822 121822 18-Mav-1014:31:30 119 124013 124013 18-Mav-1014:32:00 120 125056 125056 18-May-10 14:32:30 120 124847 124847 18-May-1014:33:00 122 127350 127350 18-May-10 14:33:30 122 127246 127246 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/18/2010 CEMS RESPONSE TIME DETERMINATION Plant Name TOCDF Date 5/19/10 Furnace MPF Rack# 105 AIT-082 Operator(s)(f7X^^_^ Analyzer Type Serial No Range Clock Time RTi Clock Time RTz Clock Time RT3 02 65855 0-25% Upscale Response 02 65855 0-25% Downscale Response Upscale Response Downscale Response DEFINITIONS RT = Response Time in mm ss Response Time Average (mm ss} Range o-2S% Average Upscale .'QS Average Downscale . 9 S Range Average Upg Average QtJ^nscale FM-PRPMO001-64 RSCO THIS IS A RECORD CEMS RESPONSE TIME DETERMINATION Plant Name TOCDF Date 5/19/10 Furnace MPF Rack# 105 AIT-384 Operator(s)^^'-<''^J Analyzer Type Serial No Range Clock Time Clock Time RTz Clock Time ^ RT3 CO API-164 0-200ppm Upscale Response tS'lI CO API-164 0-200ppm Downscale Response is-^r CO API-164 0-500Gppm Upscale Response CO API-164 0-5000ppm Downscale Response \SZ3 DEFINITIONS RT = Response Time in mm ss Response Time Average (mm ss) Range Average Upscale tl07 Average Downscale !«' O*^ Range Average Upscale L*. Z.^- Average Downscale r« Z5 FM-PRPMO001-64 R3C0 THIS IS A RECORD OXYGEN 14 AIT-08Z CEMS CALIBRATIO, 19-M m UMMARY REPORT 10 MPF AFTERBLOWER Rack 105 This report or the data herein MUST be screened by the Monitoring Branch before being released from TOCDF control 658S5 Tunc Settint Resoonse Taraet DifT 07 2246 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 07.25 42 SoanDnft 209 209 0 15-0334 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 1504 32 Zero Dnft 208 0 208 15-04 58 Zero Drift 209 0 209 15-05 52 Zero Dnft 1 0 1 15-06 12 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 1507-08 Zero Drift 209 0 209 1507 26 Zero Drift 21 0 21 IS 08 20 ZeroDnfi 3 0 3 1509 04 Zero Drift 0 0 0 IS 10 02 ZeroDnfi 20.8 0 208 151020 Zero Dnft 21 0 21 IS 1116 Zero Dnft 1 0 1 Comment This data is from the Response Time or ACA tests The calculated "Difference" between the response and target values does not reflect pass/fail criteria, only that the data was recorded by PDARS CARBON MONOXIDE 14 AIT-384 API 164 Time Settme Resoonse Tareet Difl 0723 24 Zero Drift 0 0 0 0727 24 SoanRl Drift 154 153 1 0730 24 Soan R2 Dnft 3775 3780 5 151202 Zero Dnft 0 0 tf 1512 52 Zero Drift 152 0 152 151312 Zero Drift 152 0 152 151418 Zero Drift 4 0 4 1514 40 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 151552 Zero Drift 149 0 149 151610 Zero Dnft 151 Q 151 151716 Zero Dnft 3 0 3 1517 34 Zero Drift 0 0 0 1518 54 Zero Dnft 151 0 151 151910 Zero Drift 152 0 152 15 2022 Zero Dnft 2 0 2 15 2152 Zero Drift 0 0 0 difference (Dtff) Is the Responee minus the TargeT CEMS CALIBRATIO 19-M A i^yi MMARY REPORT 0 MPF AFTERBLOWER Rack 105 Time Settme Resoonse Taraet Dift 152314 Zero Dnft 3725 0 3725 152332 Zero Dnft 3750 0 3750 1524 58 Zero Dnft 25 0 25 15 2516 Zero Drift 0 0 0 15 2638 Zero Drift 3750 0 3750 15 2656 Zero Drift 3750 0 3750 IS 2818 Zero Dnft 25 0 25 IS 28 34 Zero Dnft 0 0 0 15 30 00 Zero Dnft 3775 0 3775 15 30 18 Zero Drift 3775 0 3775 15 Jl 44 Zero Dnft 25 0 25 This data is from the Response Time or ACA tests The calculated "Difference" between the response and target values does not reflect pass/fail criteria, only that the data was recorded by PDARS Purpose View CEMS daily calibration dnft daU by rack number - 02 is in % and CO and NOx is in PPM Difference (Diff) Is the Response minus the Target 13 MPF Fuel Flow 02 CO Resp Time Minimum Req'd 844S3scfm 19-Mav-1015 0200 136 142161 19-Mav-101502 30 137 142370 19-Mav-101503 00 138 143934 194Aav-10 15 03 30 138 143830 19-Mav-1015 04 00 140 145811 19-Mav-10 15 04 30 141 147480 1»Mav-1015 05 00 146 152278 ig^av-1015 05 30 148 154468 19-Mav-10 15 06 00 150 156033 19-Mav 10 15 06 30 152 158745 19-H/lay 10 15 07 00 154 160726 19-May-10 15 07 30 154 160101 19-Mav-10 15 08 00 154 160518 19-Mav-1015 0830 158 164794 19-Hflay-10 150900 162 169279 19-May-10 15 09 30 159 165733 19-Mav-101510 00 157 163751 19-IWav-1015 1030 153 159370 19-Mav-101511 00 163 170113 19-IWIav-101511 30 186 194311 ig-Mav-10 1512 00 166 173138 19-May-101512 30 127 132357 19-)Vlay-101513 00 122 126933 19-May-101513 30 125 129854 19-Mav-10 15 14 00 119 123700 19-May-101514 30 117 121718 19-IVIav-10151500 112 117025 19-Mav-101515 30 113 117859 19-Mav-101516 00 113 117755 19-Mav-101516 30 113 117338 19-May-10 1517 00 112 116295 19-Mav-10 15 17 30 112 116920 19-May 101518 00 112 117233 19-Mav 101618 30 113 117338 ig-May 101519 00 114 119111 19 Mav-101519 30 116 120675 19-Mav-1015 20 00 116 120884 19-May-101S20 30 119 124013 19^iflav-1015 21 00 121 125682 19-Mav-1015 21 30 122 127142 19-Mav-1015 22 00 124 129332 19-Mav-1015 22 30 125 129854 19-May-10 1523 00 125 130688 19-Mav-1015 23 30 126 131835 19-May 10 15 24 00 126 131001 19-Mav-10 1524 30 126 131731 19-Mav 10 15 2500 127 132461 19-May-1015 25 30 129 134443 19-May 10 15 26 00 129 134234 19 May-1015 26 30 129 134234 19-May 101527 00 127 132044 19 May-1015 27 30 127 132670 19 May 1015 28 00 130 135173 19-May 1015 28 30 129 134547 19 May-1015 29 00 126 131835 19 Mav-10 15 29 30 128 133713 19-Mav 10 15 30 00 129 134651 ig-May-1015 30 30 129 134860 19-May-1015 31 00 129 134234 1^av-1015 31 30 129 134860 19-May 1015 32 00 129 134547 19-May 1015 32 30 129 134756 ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^i5a% 142161 142370 143934 143830 145811 147480 152278 154468 156033 158745 160726 160101 160518 164794 169279 165733 163751 159370 170113 194311 173138 132357 126933 129854 123700 121718 117025 117859 117755 117338 116295 116920 117233 117338 119111 120675 120884 124013 125682 127142 129332 129854 130688 131835 131001 131731 132461 134443 134234 134234 132044 132670 135173 134547 131835 133713 134651 134860 134234 134860 134547 134756 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/19/2010 APPENDIX C Relative Accuracy Spreadsheet and Reference Method Data Method 1 - Circular Duct - Determination of Traverse Points Project Name J^i^jVJP/Off/l- Project Number ybnytryggg' Date <li*il IO Souixre tAfP-tHO^^ Operator • velocity^afffy ii/j^ • l£gkrttetic Sampling *^f^ Upstream Distance (ft/in) D Measurement • Plant Information Number of Ports to be sampled ' Upstream Distance (ft/in) D Measurement • Plant Information Duct Dtepieter (m) f C •Measurement • Plant Information Dowfnstream Distance (ft/in) D Measurement • Plant Information Total number of Traverse Points (from Figure 2 (veloaty) or 1 (all Isokinetic sampling)) 3 Number of traverse points per port { Port Depth Traverse Point Percent of Diameter Distance from Wall ^ (in) Marking Location (in) 1 U T 2 3 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 Traverse Point Percent of Diameter Distance from Wall (in) Marking Location On) 13 J 14 / 15 / 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Prepare a drawling of the source, showing the ports, disturbances, and the distances ^ According to Method 1, for stacks between 12 and 24", no point may be within inch of the wall For stacks greater than 24", no point may be within 1 inch of the wall FOS-03A Method 1 Circular Ouct ReviSipnDate November 2009 Response Time Detenniiiation - EPA Method 7E Applicable to Performance of EPA Methods 3A, 6C, 7E and 10 Project Name: Ihcc^F- C&^Hk Krf77^/1^>^^%Sow<»i Q**^ Project Number: Vo^Yci,yptp'/ Date: _^j|i3:^/^IgL,_^ t^tion; GH.^ Sk«-£ (Zoe'/.L/) Time ^^rg" Parameter c o 1 Analyzer Make and 1 ^ Model dair«r«K4^ / Analyzer Name| ^K*^jL,;> Analyzer Range From Zero Upscale Zero Upscale Zero Upscale To Upscale Zero Upscale Zero Upscale Zero Start Time (iih mm) hiot. </<r 15 sec /«.« 30 sec 0x1,0 45 sec 96 r 60 sec 59 r 75 sec 90 sec 105 sec 120 sec ? 135 sec P 150 sec 165 sec 180 sec 195 sec u Response Time* Co Co lor Analyzer Response Time* CO - ^-Time In seconds to reach 95% of flnal stable value ^ Greater of upscale and downscale response time 1 Cylinder Number Actual Value Upscale Upscale Upscale Zero 0 FbS-lOS>A TECmOe^onso Twite Revision Oate October2009 stratification Determination - EPA Method ^E Applicable to Performance of EPA Methods 3A, 6C, 7E and 10 Parameter Plant Source Operator At?ig> Analyzer Make and Model Analyzer Tag Analyzer S/N Analyzer Range System Response Time Co Sek»^ Traverse Pomts (3 are required) Marking Location Sampling Duration Concentration Vo Difference from Mean 1 ll. Ss-? 2 O./S' 3 ll Qf>- 4 5 • 6 7 8 • 9 10 11 12 • ,,, 12 —* Mean Concentration of all Traverse Points •'^^^5!*«"r "'•i"'*al Stratification Test Criteria* - Evaluate in Order ^ 1 Do the concentrations at each traverse point differ from the mean concentration by no more than (a) +5 0% of the mean or (b) ±0 5 ppm (whichever is less resb-icbve)' If YES, use 1 point Do the concentrations at each traverse point differ from the mean concentrabon by more than (a) ±5 0% of the mean or (b) ±0 5 ppm (virhichever Is less restnctlve) and by no more than (a) ±10 0% of the mean or (bj ±10 ppm (wrtiichever is less resbictlve)' If YES, use 3 points 3 Do the concentrations at each traverse point differ from the mean concentration by more than (a) ±10 0% of the mean or (b) ±10 ppm (wrhichever Is less restrictive)' If YES, use 12 points * According to EPA Method 3A, Section 8 1, the altemabve acceptance cntenon for 3-point sampling is ±0 5% COi or O2, and the criterion for single-point sampling is ±0 3% CO2 or O2 Notes FOS-J2 SiratifKotion Test Revision Date March 2009 Reviewed February 2010 CEMS Operation Log Project -^jo yw/f O^lli Page ^ of ^ 'ProjectNumber \fcAt/^i_VO{>^ Operator /hO&ftiC. Source A»fp Time Activity Analyzer Response Sample Flow Rate Time Activity Sample Flow Rate Turn on Analyzers' / / V. ^ --- r — H Ob . O 4 A»ri^, 5. 1^***, tk y At <?.^ Orll s O 10 ft a. , ,.f.. f , a/3 ... /?tu, / O, ft Sfoa U.OAO.l<f.i*//l CO, /O, 1r sr. e> », (S fflBl$ - O }') 0 0% // 0/<5, /«J6/> C(h 10.V U2 pel _— fil fin ^«-/ Ei. 0 }(, S.o lOnl O.VL 0 Z.9 o.lS /»» ^/ 7 16 6 li 10 it U Tt-M ' Turn On Analyzers" is to document sufficient warm up time If applicable, 'yesterday" Is an acceptable entry FOS OlA CEMS Operation Reyision Date September 2009 CEMS Operation Log Project :iO\0 ^^X-Page 1 of ^ ProjectNumber ^5(>\^lMd.oS Operator >\DB|0^ Source ^WPP-Date $ \^l\o Time Activity Analyzer Response Sample Flow Rate Time Activity Sample Flow Rate Tarn on Anders' ------ 0 1-7 0 »"J % 0 IV0/. Ol./ CO, a r 1 /-l L / o.n Til 1017- 1 loos Mn.i CO you ion o.tl OIL —•— ' *• , ^ .4t lo2i lOHO L= /dV3 J. 72. 0 to 0 U —• 1" •F ^ o lg o.o<? 0 11. 0 1 a I (7)4 r 0 /ZoV Sir- F' >• ' '' ^ .-2-O o4 U ^.'^..M. —— x^*^ ' "Turn On Analyzers' s to docunwnt suffiaent warm up time If applicable, 'yesterday* Is an acceptable entry FDS-OIA CEMS Operation Revision Date Septemlxr 2009 Project Z.f "> (y\Pf:rUin/\ Page "J of 3 Project Number l^«><)Sl.'l^Wd 05" Operator Source fV\Pf"-pf^^ •3'4f«-+ Calibration Gases Component(s) Concentration(s) Cylinder ID CO CO Jo /« > Indicate multi-component standards appropriately Instrument Identification Anaiyte Manufac turer* Model Number Soiai Nnmber Instrument Name CO I wo —-—^ Method Performance Checks Activity Method Criterion InWais Span Sdecbon 3A,6Q7E, 10 Efflissfocis ti^iw^jr^O%|^ of calBjtabon span Span Sdecbon 25A Span 1 5-2.5 times'the emission ImH; if no emittion limS; span t.5-2 5 times expectad level -— CaBbrabon Gas Selection 3^ 6C, 7E, 10 Protocol gas, callbiation span, 40-60% of cattiration span, and <2a<ft of caObtabon span (or zero gas) DC CaBbrabon Gas Selection 25A Protocol gas 25-35%, 45-55% and 80-90% of «pai^ zero grade air Calibration Encr 3A, 6C; 76, 10 Span gas withm :fe2% of caBbration span PL Calibration Encr 3A, 6C; 76, 10 Mid-range gas within d:2% of CBlil)ratIon span Calibration Encr 3A, 6C; 76, 10 Zero gas withm ±2% of calibration span Calibration Encr 2SA Low-range gas withh 54it of ceitlfled value — Calibration Encr 2SA Mid-range gas within 5% of certffled value Calibration Encr 2SA Span gas wiINn 5% of certified value — Converter Oiedc 7E 290% converter efficiency System Bias Check 3A, 60,7E, 10 Selected gas wttNn ±5% of calibtabon to measured value during calibration enor System Bias Check 25A Not Applicable — Response Time 3A, 6C, 7E, 10,25A No cntena, evaluated to determine duratton at sample points Oc Sample Flow Rate 3A,6C;7E, 10 Stable sample flow rate vnthin 10% of foKv rate established dunng system response bme dtedc and bias check 0^ 3 Point Stratification Check*' 3A, 6Q 7E, 10 ± 5% of mean at each point - single point ± 5-10% of mean at each point - 3 points > 10% Of mean at each pomt 12 pomts DC- Post Test CalibtatiDn Dnft Che* 3A,6q,7E, 10 Selected gas reading within ±3% of callbiation span of pre-tEst readng Dt. Post Test CalibtatiDn Dnft Che* 3A,6q,7E, 10 Zero gas within ±3% of caBbration span of pre-test reading Post Test CalibtatiDn Dnft Che* 25A Selected gas readbtg wltHn ±3% of span of pre-test readng Post Test CalibtatiDn Dnft Che* 25A Zem qis within ±3% of span of previous reading — ^ The strabftcatian check Is not required for stacks or ducts <A Inchai in dlametar Hourly Drift Check (M25A only) Selected gas reading vnthin i;3% of span of Initial reading Zero gas within ±3% of span of mifaal reading Hourl Hour 2 Hour 3 Hour 4 Hour 5 Hour 6 Okay (initiate) ^ Code T - Thenno, W - Western, C - California, S - Servomex, O -Omega FDS-OIBCEMS OpTotion RaviSlanDala Septenier 20O9 CEMs Samphng System Audit Log Project ^<,,o (^Pf MT4 Page / of ^ ProjectNumber Y6t*/«.2VA^ Operator Av^jpC Source /f7/^ . Ouf fe t Date Sli^lfa vehicle ID \A^04^\%tJ< Heated Une ID 1 HC-^ Sample Pump ID 1 OhWA) ^ ChiilerlD Cua.L.y Time Heated UneTenn pCF) Sample Pump Temp {"^F) Chiller Temp (T) Sample Flow (Ipm) Time Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Pump 1 Pump 2 Chiller Temp (T) Sample Flow (Ipm) Time Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Head 1 Head 2 Head 1 Head 2 Chiller Temp (T) Sample Flow (Ipm) 2cr 7cr 5". o U$ in'). 720 — — CO uc m - — /^"^ Comments- FDS-n PS CEMS System Audit Revision Date February 2009 2010 MPF RATA Relative Accuracy Results 5/19/2010 TIME URS TCEMS O2 % CO PPIVIV CO PPMV O2 Corr STACK ANALYZERS 14-Ait-082 O2 {%) Use of Run' 14-Ait 384 CO PPMV Use of Run' ARITHMETIC DIFFERENCE O2 (%) Use of Run' CO PPMV O2 Corr Use of Run' Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Run 5 Run 6 Run 7 Run 8 Run 9 Run 10 736-757 804-825 830-851 857-918 924-945 951-1012 1019-1040 1047-1108 1140-1201 1208-1229 11 50 11 86 12 02 12 09 12 23 12 24 12 21 12 20 11 89 11 77 0 73 0 81 0 93 0 92 0 76 0 77 0 64 0 79 0 97 0 91 1 08 1 25 1 45 1 45 1 22 1 24 1 03 1 26 1 50 1 39 12 0 11 8 11 9 120 122 122 122 12 1 11 9 11 8 20 20 2 0 1 0 00 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 20 -0 50 0 06 0 12 0 09 0 03 0 04 0 01 0 10 -0 01 -0 03 0 92 -0 75 -0 55 0 45 1 22 1 24 1 03 0 26 -0 50 -0 61 Average 12 001 1 287 Number of Runs Used in Calculation Average Difference Standard Deviation t-Value Confidence Coeffient Permit Limit Relative Accuracy (Absolute Average Difference Relative Accuracy (Absolute Average Difference + Absolute CC] Relative Accuracy (% of Reference Method] Relative Accuracy (% of Permit Liipit) 10 -0 01 0 18 2 262 0 13 NA 0 01 0 14 1 15 NA 10 0 09 0 86 2 262 0 61 100 0 09 0 70 54 36 0 70 An X in this column denotes a run which is not used in calculation of relative accuracy 10 2010 MPF RATA URS TCEMS Bias Corrected Concentrations Uncorrected Concentrations O2 CO 19-May-10 Time (%) (ppmv) Run 1 , 736-757 - ^-11 42 155,,' Run 2 '• - 8P4-825>'-' 11 76. :% 168 '•^ Run 3 : ; 5 830-851 - ' 11 91 -• ' M 77 Run 4 - ' "857-918" .... - * 11 99-' 1 73 \ -,- Run 5 .. ' •924-945 \ ^ '-12 13 -159 Run 6 - 951-1012'"'., •^1- ,,^1213 ' ^ i 63 • Run 7 ' . '1019-1040 ' 1213 . -• ••i52' l' Run 8 104741108 -t ', %i212; ' '"'. -1 63 ' . Run 9 "''I140r1201 'Vl182' -•. ..1 74-:,^ Run 10 ''1208.-1229 ., . 11-70'il Corrected O2 Cone 02 Eq 7E-5 Factors Bias Corrected 5/19/2010 Time (%) Co Cma/(Cm-Co) Concentration Run 1 736-757 11 42 0 17 1 02 11 50 Run 2 804-825 11 76 0 18 1 02 11 86 Run 3 830-851 11 91 0 19 1 03 12 02 Run 4 857-918 11 99 0 20 1 02 12 09 Run 5 924-945 12 13 0 21 1 03 12 23 Run 6 951-1012 12 13 0 21 1 03 12 24 Run 7 1019-1040 12 13 0 18 1 02 12 21 Run 8 1047-1108 12 12 0 17 1 02 12 20 Run 9 1140-1201 11 82 0 17 1 02 11 89 Run 10 1208-1229 11 70 0 16 1 02 11 77 Corrected CO Cone CO Eq 7E-5 Factors Bias Corrected 5/19/2010 Time (ppm) Co Cma/(Cm-Co) Concentration Run 1 736-757 1 55 0 83 1 03 0 73 Run 2 804-825 1 68 0 89 1 02 0 81 Run 3 830-851 1 77 0 87 1 02 0 93 Run 4 857-918 1 73 0 83 1 02 0 92 Run 5 924-945 1 59 0 85 1 02 0 76 Run 6 951-1012 1 63 0 87 1 02 0 77 Run 7 1019-1040 1 52 0 89 1 02 0 64 Run 8 1047-1108 1 63 0 85 1 02 0 79 Run 9 1140-1201 1 74 0 78 1 02 0 97 Run 10 1208-1229 1 73 084 1 02 0 91 11 2010 MPF RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data 12 hourtlmt 02(/) CO (ppm) Calibnttion Error 5/19/2010 6 55 10 0 13 0 027 5/19/2010 6 55 20 0 135 0 027 5/19/2010 6 65 30 0 133 0 027 5/19/2010 6 56 40 0126 -0 027 2:eroN2 013 •0 03 5/19/2010 6 55 50 14 709 0 072 5/19/2010 6 56 00 21 665 0 027 5/19/2010 6 6610 21 84 0 327 5/19/2010 6 56 20 21846 0 518 5/19/2010 6 56 30 21 856 0 626 5/19/2010 6 56 40 21 653 0 728 5/19/2010 6 56 50 21 856 0 626 5/19/2010 6 57 00 21 66 0 527 5/19/2010 6 57 10 21 86 0 626 6il19/2010 6 57 20 21 861 0 027 5/19/20106 57 30 21 923 0 126 21 9%02/19 5AC02 21 8> •0 26 5/19/2010 6 57 40 11 11 0 023 5/19/2010 6 57 50 10 996 0 072 5/19/2010 6 58 00 11 0 072 5/19/2010 6 58 10 11 005 0 177 5/19/20106 58 20 11 008 0 276 5/19/2010 6 58 30 11 008 0 276 5/19/2010 6 58 40 10 988 0 276 5/19/2010 6 58 50 11 006 0 276 110% 02/9 64V C02 11 00 0 28 5/19/2010 6 59 00 10 857 0 276 S/19/20106 59 10 0 282 2 369 5/19/2010 6 59 20 0133 16 267 5/19/2010 6 59 30 0 131 47 843 5/19/2010 6 59 40 0 14 76 81 5/19/20106 69 50 0125 94 285 5/19/2010 7 00 00 0123 99 877 5/19/2010 7 0010 0 125 99 877 5/19/2010 7 00 20 0125 99 877 5/19/2010 7 00 30 0113 97 677 5/19/2010 7 00 40 0 111 97 081 5/19/2010 7 00 50 0114 97 276 5/19/2010 7 01 00 0109 97 677 5/19/2010 7 01 10 0 111 97 581 5/19/2010 7 01 20 0 111 97 378 5/19/2010 7 01 30 0106 97 378 6/19/2010 7 01 40 0 091 97 474 5/19/2010 7 01 60 0 319 97 779 97 8 ppm CO 017 97 54 5/19/2010 7 02 00 0 109 91 389 5/19/2010 7 02 10 0 103 76 004 5/19/2010 7 02 20 0 109 59 925 5/19/2010 7 02 30 0106 50 136 5/19/2010 7 02 40 0114 46 844 5/19/2010 7 02 50 0 116 46 536 5/19/2010 7 03 00 0 114 46 136 5/19/2010 7 03 10 0 116 45 832 5/19/2010 7 03 20 0123 46 134 5/19/2010 7 03 30 0 114 46 332 5/19/2010 7 03 40 0 088 46 136 5/19/2010 7 03 50 0 156 46 035 471 ppm CO 012 4617 5/19/2010 7 04 00 11 79 45 634 5/19/2010 7 04 10 12 376 36 249 5/19/2010 7 04 20 12 43 24 053 5/19/2010 7 04 30 12 472 11 567 5/19/2010 7 04 40 12 27 4 67 5/19/2010 7 04 50 12 081 2 068 5/19/2010 7 05 00 11 911 1 493 6/19/2010 7 05 10 11 604 1 37 5/19/2010 7 05 20 11 02 1 373 5/19/2010 7 05 30 10 217 1 373 5/19/2010 7 05 40 9 447 1 271 5/19/2010 7 05 60 8 922 1 271 5/19/2010 7 06 00 8 66 1 271 5/19/2010 7 06 10 8 537 1 37 5/19/2010 7 06 20 8 529 1 271 5/19/2010 7 06 30 8 578 1 271 5/19/2010 7 06 40 8 609 1 271 6/19/2010 7 06 50 8 641 1 274 6/19/2010 7 07 00 8 653 1 274 5/19/2010 7 07 10 8 65 1 271 5/19/2010 7 07 20 8 633 1 373 5/19/2010 7 07 30 8 66 1 274 5/19/2010 7 07 40 8 73 1 274 5/19/2010 7 07 50 8 806 1 373 5/19/2010 7 08 00 8 918 1 271 5/19/2010 7 08 10 9 002 1 274 5/19/2010 7 08 20 9 051 1 274 5/19/2010 7 08 30 9 13 1 373 5/19/2010 7 08 40 9 249 1 373 5/19/2010 7 06 50 9 313 1 373 5/19/2010 7 09 00 9 377 1 274 5/19/2010 7 09 10 9 439 1 274 5/19/2010 7 09 20 9 506 1 373 Page 1 of 24 12 2010 MPF RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data Calibration Bias 12 hour time 02(%) CO (ppm) 5/19/2010 7 09 30 9 596 1 373 5/19/2010 7 09 40 9 667 1 373 5/19/2010 7 09 50 9 704 1 386 5/19/2010 7 10 00 9 674 1373 5/19/2010 7 10 10 9 657 1 373 5/19/2010 7 10 20 9 761 1373 5/19/2010 7 10 30 9818 1 274 5/19/2010 7 10 40 9 843 1274 5/19/2010 7 10 50 9 85 1271 5/19/20107 11 00 9 815 1 373 5/19/2010 7 11 10 9 82 1 373 5/19/2010 711 20 9 877 1271 5/19/2010 711 30 9 875 1 373 5/19/2010 711 40 9 905 1 373 5/19/2010 7 11 50 9 93 1 373 5/19/2010 712 00 10011 1 373 5/19/2010 712 10 10 083 1 373 5/19/2010 7 12 20 10 058 1 37 5/19/2010 7 12 30 9 801 1 472 5/19/2010 7 12 40 9 351 1 472 5/19/2010 7 12 50 8 975 1 373 5/19/2010 7 13 00 8 913 1 472 6/19/2010 7 13 10 9 017 1 472 5/19/2010 7 13 20 8 954 1 571 5/19/2010 7 13 30 8 638 1 571 5/19/2010 713 40 8 227 1 571 5/19/2010 7 13 50 7 857 1 571 5/19/2010 7 14 00 7 638 1 571 5/19/2010 7 1410 7 648 1 571 5/19/2010 714 20 7 617 1 672 5/19/2010 7 14 30 7 468 1 672 5/19/2010 7 14 40 7 377 1672 5/19/2010 7 14 50 7 391 1 672 5/19/2010 7 15 00 7 443 1 672 5/19/2010 7 15 10 7 659 1672 6/19/2010 7 15 20 8 077 1 672 5/19/2010 7 15 30 8 596 1 672 5/19/2010 7 15 40 9 148 1 672 5/19/2010 7 15 50 9 632 1 672 5/19/2010 7 16 00 10 004 1 571 5/19/2010 716 10 10 325 1 672 5/19/2010716 20 10 583 1 672 5/19/2010 7 16 30 10 793 1 672 5/19/20107 1640 10 899 1 672 5/19/2010 7 16 50 10 926 1 667 5/19/2010 7 17 00 10 956 1 672 5/19/2010 7 17 10 10 949 1 672 5/19/2010 7 17 20 10 627 1 672 5/19/2010 7 17 30 10 681 1 672 5/19/2010 7 17 40 10 624 1 672 5/19/2010 7 17 50 10 562 1 672 5/19/2010 7 18 00 10419 1 672 5/19/2010 7 18 10 10 296 1 672 5/19/2010 7 18 20 10 239 1 771 S/19/2010 7 16 20 10 169 1 672 5/19/2010 7 16 40 10 174 1 672 5/19/2010 7 18 50 10 162 1 672 5/19/2010 7 19 00 10 145 1 672 5/19/2010 7 19 10 10 271 1 672 5/19/2010 7 19 20 10 528 1 679 5/19/2010 7 19 30 10 795 1 672 5/19/2010 7 19 40 11 013 1 687 5/19/2010 7 19 50 11 159 1 672 6/19/2010 7 20 00 11 28 1 672 5/19/2010 7 2010 11 349 1 672 6/19/2010 7 20 20 11 396 1 672 5/19/2010720 30 11 429 1 672 5/19/2010 720 40 11 461 1 672 5/19/2010 7 20 50 11 522 1 675 5/19/2010 7 21 00 11 577 1 576 5/19/2010 7 21 10 11 624 1 576 5/19/2010 7 21 20 11 651 1 571 5/19/2010 721 30 11 683 1 675 5/19/2010 7 21 40 11 743 1 576 5/19/2010 7 21 50 11 812 1 571 6/19/2010 7 22 00 418 1 675 5/19/2010 7 22 10 3 992 4 772 5/19/2010 7 22 20 11 315 12 769 5/19/2010 7 22 30 12 932 18 865 5/19/2010 7 22 40 6 688 18266 5/19/2010 7 22 50 2 402 23 958 5/19/2010 7 23 00 0465 36 448 5/19/2010 7 2310 0 18 42 742 5/19/2010 7 23 20 0182 44 941 5/19/2010 7 23 30 0 173 45 142 5/19/2010 7 23 40 0 165 45 742 5/19/2010 7 23 50 0153 46 237 6/19/2010 7 24 00 0 146 46 437 5/19/2010 7 24 10 0 173 46 536 5/19/2010 7 24 20 0 161 46 737 5/19/2010 7 24 30 7 975 46 635 Page 2 of 24 13 2010 MPF RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data 471 ppm CO 12 hour time 02(%) CO (ppm) 2 77 46 64 5/19/2010 7 24 40 10 644 43 64 5/19/2010 7 24 50 10 901 32 553 5/19/20107 25 00 10 917 17 661 5/19/2010 7 2510 10 932 7 668 5/19/20107 2520 10 924 2 872 5/19/2010 7 25 30 10 948 1 175 5/19/2010 7 25 40 10 936 0 675 >2 10 94 157 5/19/2010 7 25 50 10 37 0 576 5/19/2010 7 26 00 4 677 0 675 5/19/2010 7 2610 3 356 0 774 5/19/2010 7 26 20 2 209 0 974 5/19/2010 7 26 30 2 078 0 974 5/19/2010 7 26 40 2 075 1 064 5/19/2010 7 26 50 1 949 0 965 5/19/2010 7 27 00 1 738 0 965 5/19/2010 7 27 10 1 756 0 866 5/19/2010 7 27 20 0 606 0 866 5/19/2010 7 27 30 0 165 0 866 5/19/2010 7 27 40 0 153 0 965 5/19/2010 7 27 50 0178 0 866 5/19/2010 7 28 00 0172 0 767 5/19/2010 7 28 10 0156 0 767 017 0 80 5/19/2010 7 28 20 5 16 0 764 5/19/2010 7 28 30 10 694 0 767 5/19/2010 7 28 40 10 773 0 866 5/19/2010 7 28 50 10 771 1 064 5/19/2010 7 29 00 10 786 1 466 5/19/2010 7 2910 10 818 2 563 5/19/2010 7 29 20 10 854 4 563 5/19/2010 7 29 30 10 859 6 459 5/19/2010 7 29 40 10 675 7 557 5/19/2010 7 29 50 10 874 8 067 5/19/2010 7 30 00 10 855 7 958 6/19/2010 7 3010 10 849 7 649 5/19/2010 7 30 20 10 664 7 58 5/19/2010 7 30 30 10 865 7 752 5/19/2010 7 30 40 10 855 7 951 5/19/2010 7 30 50 10 82 7 951 5/19/2010 7 31 00 10 766 7 951 5/19/2010 7 31 10 10 832 8 153 5/19/2010 7 31 20 10 875 7 653 5/19/2010 7 31 30 10 901 6 154 5/19/2010 7 31 40 10 954 4 056 5/19/2010 7 31 50 10 961 2 458 5/19/2010 7 32 00 11 043 1 655 5/19/2010 7 32 10 11 063 1 457 5/19/2010 7 32 20 11 07 1 457 5/19/2010 7 32 30 11 065 1 556 5/19/2010 7 32 40 11 092 1 556 5/19/2010 7 32 50 11 117 1 457 5/19/2010 7 33 00 11 132 1 457 5/19/2010 7 33 10 11 179 1 454 5/19/2010 7 33 20 11 204 1 457 5/19/2010 7 33 30 11 204 1 556 5/19/2010 7 33 40 11 209 1 553 5/19/2010 7 33 50 11 174 1 556 5/19/2010 7 34 00 11 11 1 558 5/19/2010 7 34 10 11 084 1 454 5/19/2010 7 34 20 11 08 1 454 5/19/2010 7 34 30 11 097 1 556 5/19/2010 7 34 40 11 152 1 553 5/19/2010 7 34 50 11 228 1 556 5/19/2010 7 35 00 11 285 1 595 5/19/2010 7 3510 11 332 1 556 5/19/2010 7 35 20 11 372 1 553 5/19/2010 7 35 30 11 369 1 556 5/19/2010 7 35 40 11 334 1 556 5/19/2010 7 35 50 11 295 1 556 5/19/2010 7 36 00 11 238 1 553 5/19/2010 7 36 10 11 204 1 454 6/19/2010 7 36 20 11 211 1 454 5/19/2010 7 36 30 11 179 1 553 5/19/2010 7 36 40 11 142 1 553 5/19/2010 7 36 50 11 132 1 457 5/19/2010 7 37 00 11 152 1 457 5/19/2010 7 37 10 11 174 1 556 5/19/2010 7 37 20 11 171 1 454 5/19/2010 7 37 30 11 188 1 454 5/19/2010 7 37 40 11 255 1 556 5/19(2010 7 37 50 11 295 1 661 5/19/2010 7 36 00 11 305 1 556 5/19/2010 7 38 10 11 293 1 556 5/19/2010 7 38 20 11 297 1 556 5/19/2010 7 38 30 11 303 1 553 5/19/2010 7 38 40 11 349 1 556 5/19/2010 7 38 60 11 361 1 556 5/19/2010 7 39 00 11 344 1 553 5/19/2010 7 3910 11 319 1 553 Page 3 of 24 14 2010 MPF RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data 12 hour time 02(/) CO (ppm) 5/19/2010 7 39 20 11 334 1 663 5/19/2010 7 39 30 11 335 1 553 5/19/2010 7 39 40 11 332 1 454 5/19/2010 7 39 50 11 324 1 454 5/19/2010 7 40 00 11283 1 454 5/19/2010 7 4010 11 277 1 454 5/19/2010 7 40 20 11263 1 451 5/19/2010 7 40 30 11 262 1 454 5/19/2010 7 4040 11 293 1 454 5/19/2010 7 40 50 11 292 1 563 5/19/2010 7 41 00 11 295 1 553 5/19/2010 7 41 10 11 305 1 553 5/19/2010 7 41 20 11 334 1 553 5/19/2010 7 41 30 11 359 1 454 5/19/2010 7 41 40 11 409 1 352 5/19/2010 7 41 50 11 443 1454 5/19/2010 7 42 00 11 463 1 454 5/19/2010 7 42 10 11 496 1 653 5/19/2010 7 42 20 11542 1 553 5/19/2010 7 42 30 11 575 1 454 5/19/2010 7 42 40 11 58 1 454 5/19/2010 7 42 50 11 556 1 553 5/19/2010 7 43 00 11 557 1 454 5/19/2010 7 43 10 11 542 1 561 5/19/2010 7 43 20 11 528 1 561 5/19/2010 7 43 30 11 528 1 561 5/19/2010 7 43 40 11 495 1 561 5/19/2010 7 43 50 11 443 1 561 5/19/2010 7 44 00 11 392 1 561 5/19/2010 7 44 10 11 345 1 466 5/19/2010 7 44 20 11 334 1 462 5/19/2010 7 44 30 11 317 1 462 5(19/2010 7 44 40 11 3 1 462 5/19/2010 7 44 50 11 277 1 462 5/19/2010 7 45 00 11293 1 462 5/19/2010 7 45 10 11 31 1 561 5/19/2010 7 45 20 11 308 1 462 5/19/2010 7 45 30 11 295 1 462 5/19/2010 7 45 40 11 305 1 462 5/19/2010 7 45 50 11 325 1 462 5/19/2010 7 46 00 11 307 1 462 5/19/2010 7 46 10 11 317 1 561 5/19/2010 7 46 20 11 337 1 561 5/19/2010 7 46 30 11 361 1 592 5/19/2010 7 46 40 11 411 1 561 5/19/2010 7 46 50 11 399 1 561 5/19/2010 7 47 00 11 387 1 561 5/19/2010 7 47 10 11 362 1 561 5/19/2010747 20 11 308 1 561 5/18/2010 7 47 30 11 243 1 565 5/19/2010 7 47 40 11 189 1 565 5/19/2010 7 47 50 11 179 1 561 5/19/2010 7 46 00 11 176 1 661 5/19/2010 7 4810 It 157 1 561 5/19/2010 7 46 20 11 087 1 561 5/19/2010 7 46 30 11 042 1 565 5/19/2010 7 48 40 11062 1 565 5/19/2010 7 48 50 11 068 1 592 5/19/2010749 00 11 063 1 664 5/19/2010 7 49 10 11 07 1 561 5/19/2010 7 49 20 11 048 1 565 S/19O010 7 49 30 11 058 1 565 6/19/2010 7 49 40 11 095 1 565 6/19/2010 7 49 50 11 164 1 561 5/19/2010 7 50 00 11 211 1 561 5/19/2010 7 50 10 11 265 1 561 5/19/2010 7 50 20 11 324 1 66 5/19/2010 7 50 30 11 401 1 565 5(19/2010 7 50 40 11 449 1 565 5/19/2010 7 50 50 11 475 1 565 5/19/2010 7 51 00 11 517 1 664 5/19/2010 7 51 10 11 547 1 583 5/19/2010 7 51 20 It 542 1 565 5/19/2010 7 51 30 11 533 1 565 5/19/2010 7 51 40 11 53 1 565 5/19/2010 7 51 50 11 55 1 565 5/19/2010 7 52 00 11 592 1 664 5/10/2010 7 52 10 11 627 1 565 5/19/2010 7 52 20 11 654 1 565 5/19/2010 7 52 30 11 681 1 565 5/19/2010 7 52 40 11 71 1 565 5/19/2010 7 52 50 11 76 1 565 5/19/2010 7 53 00 11 773 1 664 5/19/2010 7 53 10 11 787 1 664 5/19/2010 7 53 20 11 795 1 565 5/19/2010763 30 11 605 1 664 5/19/2010 7 53 40 11 822 1 66 5/19/2010 7 63 50 11 81 1 66 5/19/2010 7 54 00 It 794 1 66 5/19/2010 7 64 10 11 765 1 561 5/19/2010 7 54 20 11 794 1 561 5/19/2010 7 54 30 11 799 1 565 Page 4 of 24 15 2010 MPF RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data Calibration Bias 47 1 ppm CO 12 hour tlm« 02 (y) CO (ppm) 5/19/2010 7 54 40 11 79 1 561 5/19/2010 7 54 50 11758 1565 5/19/2010 7 55 00 11 713 1 561 5/19/2010 7 55 10 11 69 1 66 5/19/2010 7 55 20 11 673 1 66 5/10/2010 7 55 30 11676 1 565 5/19/2010 7 5540 11 718 1 561 5/19/2010 7 55 60 11 745 1 561 5/19/2010 7 56 00 11 784 1 675 5/19/2010 7 56 10 11 782 1 561 5/19/2010 7 56 20 11 776 1565 5/19/2010 7 56 30 11 792 1 565 5/19/2010 7 66 40 11 805 1 561 5/19/2010 7 56 50 11 772 1 561 1142 1 55 5/19/2010 7 57 00 11 683 1 561 5/19/2010 7 5710 11 661 1 66 5/19/2010 7 57 20 11 632 1 66 5/19/2010 7 57 30 11 627 1 565 5/19/2010 7 57 40 1 499 1 561 5/19/2010 7 57 50 0 252 306 5/10/2010 7 58 00 021 10 567 5/19/2010 7 58 10 0 193 24 847 5/19/2010 7 56 20 0182 37 643 5/19/2010 7 58 30 0 185 44 432 5/19/2010 7 58 40 0 185 46 431 5/19/2010 7 58 50 0 162 46 635 5/19/2010 7 59 00 0 172 46 73 5/19/2010 7 59 10 0 166 46 833 5/19/2010 7 59 20 0 166 46 734 5/19/2010 7 59 30 2 723 46 734 1 02 46 77 5/19/2010 7 59 40 10713 46 035 5/19/2010 7 59 50 10 887 36141 5/19/2010 6 00 00 10917 23 352 5/19/2010 8 00 10 10 917 11 057 5/19/2010 8 00 20 10 921 4 262 5/19/2010 8 00 30 10 927 1 565 5/19/2010 8 00 40 10 927 0 764 5/19/2010 8 00 60 10 948 0 665 )2 10 93 1 00 5/19/2010 8 01 00 6 795 0 664 5/19/2010 8 01 10 1 795 0 665 5/19/2010 8 01 20 1 607 0 764 5/19/2010 6 01 30 1 626 0 663 5/19/2010 8 01 40 0 939 0 863 6/19/2010 8 01 50 0 198 0 863 6/19/2010 8 02 00 0 185 0 863 5/19/2010 8 02 10 0175 0 863 5/19/2010 8 02 20 0177 0 863 5/19/2010 8 02 30 0 175 0 863 OK oas 5/19/2010 8 02 40 0 17 0 863 5/19/2010 8 02 50 2 563 0 87 6/19/2010 6 03 00 11 109 0 863 5/19/2010 6 03 10 11 597 0 962 5/19/2010 8 03 20 11 651 1 061 5/19/2010 8 03 30 11 688 1 362 5/19/2010 8 03 40 11 715 1 561 5/19/2010 8 03 50 11 683 1 66 5/19/2010 8 04 00 11 698 1 66 5/19/2010 8 04 10 11 718 1 664 5/19/2010 8 04 20 11 718 1 66 5/19/2010 8 04 30 11 726 1 66 5/19/2010 8 04 40 11 708 1 655 5/19/2010 8 04 50 11 681 1 66 5/19/2010 6 05 00 11 673 1 561 5/19/2010 8 05 10 11 663 1 561 5/19/2010 8 05 20 11 679 1 561 5/19/2010 8 06 30 11 69 1 565 5/19/2010 8 05 40 11 723 1 654 5/19/2010 8 05 50 11 708 1 66 5/19/2010 8 06 00 11 695 1 565 5/19/2010 8 0610 11 664 1 565 5/19/2010806 20 11 644 1 565 6/19/2010 8 06 30 11 654 1 664 5/19/2010 8 06 40 11 681 1 664 5/19/2010 8 06 50 11 678 1 664 5/19/2010 8 07 00 11 676 1 664 5/19/2010 8 07 10 11 691 1 664 5/19/2010 6 07 20 11 72 1 565 5/19/2010 6 07 30 11 755 1 565 5/19/2010 8 07 40 11 789 1 565 5/19/2010 6 07 50 11 822 1 565 5/19/2010 8 08 00 11 822 1 664 6/19/201080610 11 814 1 565 5/19/2010 8 06 20 11 832 1 565 6/19/2010 8 08 30 11 807 1 664 6/19/2010 8 08 40 11 752 1 664 5/19/2010 8 08 50 11 607 1 565 Page 5 of 24 16 2010 MPF RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data 12 hourtinw 02(/) CO (ppm) 5/19/2010 8 09 00 11 569 1 565 5/19/2010 8 09 10 11 627 1 565 5/19/2010 609 20 11 666 1 665 5/19/2010 8 09 30 11663 1664 5/19/2010 8 09 40 11673 1 568 S/1ft/2010 8 0950 11646 1 466 5/19/2010 8 10 00 11 661 1 565 5/19/2010 8 10 10 11 671 1 664 5/19/2010 8 10 20 11 658 1 664 5/19/2010 8 10 30 11 653 1 664 5/19/2010 810 40 11 632 1 664 5/19/2010 8 10 50 11 572 1 763 5/19/2010 8 11 00 11 486 1 766 5/19/2010 8 11 10 11 423 1 766 5/19/2010 811 20 11 382 1 766 5/19/2010 8 11 30 11 366 1 766 5/10/2010 6 11 40 11 364 1 766 5/19/2010 8 11 50 11 389 1 664 5/19/2010 8 12 00 11 414 1 667 5/19/2010 8 12 10 11 428 1 664 5/19/2010 8 12 20 11 429 1 664 5/19/2010 8 12 30 11 456 1667 5/19/2010 812 40 11 522 1763 5/19/2010 8 12 50 11 617 1 664 5/19/2010 8 13 00 11 676 1 766 5/19/2010 8 13 10 11 721 1 766 5/19/2010 8 13 20 11 762 1 664 5/19/2010 8 13 30 11 782 1 664 5/19/2010 8 13 40 11 812 1 661 5/19/2010 8 13 50 11 847 1 664 5/19/2010 8 14 00 11 879 1 664 5/19/2010 814 10 11 899 1 565 5/19/2010 8 14 20 11 879 1 66 5/19/2010 8 14 30 11 869 1 565 5/19/2010 8 14 40 11 869 1 566 6/19/2010 8 14 60 11 906 1 664 5/19/2010 8 15 00 11 908 1 66 5/19/2010 8 15 10 11 913 1 664 5/19/2010 8 15 20 It 926 1664 5/19/2010 8 15 30 11 913 1 664 5/19/2010 8 15 40 11 901 1 66 5/19/2010 8 15 50 11 866 1 664 5/19/2010 8 16 00 11 847 1 664 5/19/2010 8 16 10 11 866 1 763 5/19/2010 8 16 20 11 906 1 664 5/19/2010 8 16 30 11 943 1 664 5/19/2010 8 16 40 11 963 1 664 5/19/2010 6 16 50 11 965 1 763 5/19/2010 8 17 00 11 938 1 763 5/19/2010 6 17 10 11 921 1 763 5/19/2010 8 17 20 11 888 1 763 5/19/2010 8 17 30 11 654 1 763 5/19/2010 8 17 40 11 831 1 763 5/19/2010 8 17 50 11 804 1 664 5/19/2010 8 18 00 11 765 1 664 5/19/2010 8 18 10 11 723 1 763 5/19/2010 8 18 20 11 731 1 763 5/19/2010 8 18 30 11 698 1 763 5/19/2010 8 16 40 11 703 1 763 5/19/2010 8 18 50 11 706 1 763 5/19/2010 8 19 00 11 728 1 763 5/19/2010 8 19 10 11 747 1 763 5/19/2010 8 19 20 11 802 1 783 5/19/2010 8 19 30 11 844 1 756 5/19/2010 8 19 40 11 847 1 756 5/19/2010 8 19 50 11 836 1 756 5/19/2010 8 20 00 11 856 1652 5/19/2010 6 20 10 11 901 1 756 5/19/2010 8 20 20 11 893 1 756 5/19/2010 8 20 30 11 871 1 756 5/19/2010 8 20 40 11 862 1 756 5/19/2010 8 20 50 11 837 1 756 5/19/2010 6 21 00 11 847 1 756 5/19/2010 8 21 10 11 847 1 756 5/19/2010 8 21 20 11 866 1 756 5/19/2010 8 21 30 11 864 1 652 5/19/2010 8 21 40 11 881 1 652 5/19/2010 8 21 50 11 909 1 756 5/19/2010 8 22 00 11 953 1 756 5/19/2010 8 22 10 11 953 1 756 5/19/2010 8 22 20 11 933 1 751 5/19/2010 8 22 30 11 924 1 756 5/19/2010 8 22 40 11 906 1 766 5/19/2010 8 22 50 11 886 1 751 5/19/2010 8 23 00 11 663 1 756 5/19/2010 8 23 10 11 859 1 756 5/19/2010 8 23 20 11 874 1 756 5/19/2010 8 23 30 11 886 1 756 5/19/2010 6 23 40 11 866 1 756 5/19/2010 8 23 50 11 854 1 751 5/19/2010 8 24 00 11 836 1 774 5/19/2010 8 24 10 11 844 1 751 Page 6 of 24 17 2010 MPF RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data Caiibrataon Bias 47 1 ppm CO 12 hour time 02(%) CO (ppm) 5/19/2010 8 24 20 11 893 1 751 5/19/2010 8 24 30 11 923 1 756 5/19/2010 8 24 40 11 931 1 756 5/19/2010 8 24 50 11 872 1 751 11 76 16« 5/19/2010 8 25 00 11 82 1 751 5/19/2010 8 25 10 11 832 1 751 5/19/2010 6 25 20 11 656 1 751 5/19/2010 8 25 30 0 772 1 751 5/19/2010 8 25 40 0 255 3 849 5/19/2010 8 25 50 0 22 12 349 5/19/2010 8 26 00 0 208 26 934 5/19/2010 8 26 10 0185 39 031 5/19/2010 8 26 20 0 182 44 825 5/19/2010 8 26 30 0182 46 42 5/19/2010 8 26 40 0 163 46 718 5/19/2010 8 26 50 0166 46 821 5/19/2010 8 27 00 0173 47 019 5/19/2010 8 27 10 0151 47 016 5/19/2010 8 27 20 0 474 47 019 0 27 47 02 5/19/2010 8 27 30 10 436 46 92 5/19/2010 8 27 40 10 862 41 225 5/19/2010 8 27 50 10 904 27 635 5/19/2010 8 28 00 10 904 13 944 5/19/2010 8 2810 10911 5 647 5/19/2010 8 28 20 10912 2 05 5/19/2010 6 28 30 10 921 0 954 )2 10 91 2 88 5/19/2010 6 26 40 2 181 0 756 5/19/2010 8 26 50 0 306 0 653 6/19/2010 8 29 00 0 222 0 752 5/19/2010 8 29 10 0 208 0 851 5/19/2010 8 29 20 0 187 0 954 6/19/2010 8 29 30 0 168 0 95 019 0 92 5/19/2010 8 29 40 4 433 0 95 5/19/2010 8 29 50 11 631 0 848 5/19/2010 8 30 00 11 904 1 049 5/19/2010 8 30 10 11 689 1 247 5/19/2010 8 30 20 11 894 1 649 5/19/2010 6 30 30 11 904 1 748 5/19/2010 8 30 40 11 928 1 748 5/19/2010 8 30 50 11 933 1 748 5/19/2010 8 31 00 11 977 1 847 5/19/2010 8 31 10 11 968 1 946 5/19/2010 8 31 20 11 982 1 847 5/19/2010 8 31 30 11 982 1 748 5/19/2010 8 31 40 11 963 1 847 5/19/2010 8 31 50 11 945 1 647 6/19/2010 8 32 00 11 898 1 647 5/19/2010 8 32 10 11 844 1 748 5/19/2010 8 32 20 11 8 1 748 5/19/2010 8 32 30 11 766 1 748 5/19/2010 8 32 40 11 76 1 748 5/19/2010 8 32 50 11 799 1 748 5/19/2010 8 33 00 11 802 1 847 5/19/2010 8 33 10 11 817 1 748 5/19/2010 8 33 20 11 832 1 748 5/19/2010 8 33 30 11 834 1 748 5/19/2010 8 33 40 11 852 1 748 5/19/2010 8 33 50 11 891 1 85 5/19/2010 8 34 00 11 899 1 85 5/19/2010 6 34 10 11 911 1 85 5/19/2010 6 34 20 11 918 1 751 5/19/2010 8 34 30 11 924 1 751 5/19/2010 8 34 40 11 94 1 751 5/19/2010 8 34 50 11 973 1 85 5/19/2010 8 35 00 11 998 1 85 5/19/2010 8 35 10 12 015 1 85 5/19/2010 8 35 20 12 02 1 85 5/19/2010 8 35 30 12 007 1 751 5/19/2010 8 35 40 11 982 1 751 5/19/2010 8 35 50 11 945 1 751 5/19/2010 8 36 00 11 893 1 748 5/19/2010 8 36 10 11 857 1 85 5/19/2010 8 36 20 11 854 1 751 5/19/2010 8 36 30 11 832 1 751 5/19/2010 8 36 40 11 822 1 751 5/19/2010 8 36 50 11 849 1 85 5/19/2010 8 37 00 11 889 1 85 5/19/2010 8 37 10 11 924 1 751 5/19/2010 8 37 20 11 926 1 756 5/19/2010 8 37 30 11 901 1 751 5/19/2010 8 37 40 11 846 1 85 5/19/2010 8 37 50 11 787 1 74S 5/19/2010 8 38 00 11 77 1 746 5/19/2010 6 3810 11 787 1 751 5/19/2010 8 36 20 11 641 1 85 5/19/2010 8 38 30 11 919 1 85 Page 7 of 24 18 2010 MPF RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data Calibration Bias 12 hour time 02(%) CO (ppm) 5/19/2010 8 38 40 11 985 1 85 5/19/2010 8 38 50 12 1 86 5/19/2010 8 39 00 11 992 1 751 5/19/2010 8 3910 11 967 1 847 5/19/2010 8 39 20 11 966 185 5/19/2010839 30 11 953 1 86 5/19/2010 8 39 40 11 941 1 682 5/19/2010 8 39 50 11 995 1 85 5/19/2010840 00 12 022 1 751 5/19/20108 40 10 12 02 1 751 5/19/2010 8 40 20 11 995 1 751 5/19/2010840 30 11 948 1 761 5/19/2010840 40 11 924 1 751 5/19/2010840 50 11 906 1 751 5/19/2010841 00 11906 1 751 5/19/2010 8 41 10 It 903 1 85 5/19/2010841 20 11 877 1 751 5/19/2010 841 30 11 856 1 748 5/19/2010 8 41 40 11 852 1 751 5/19/2010 8 41 50 11 836 1 748 5/19/2010 8 42 00 11 827 1 85 5/19/2010 8 42 10 11 837 1 85 5/19/2010842 20 11 644 1 647 5/19/2010 8 42 30 11 879 1 751 5/19/2010842 40 11 918 1 649 5/19/2010 8 42 50 11 931 1 751 5/19/2010843 00 11 933 1 85 5/19/2010 8 43 10 11 926 1 751 5/19/2010 8 43 20 11 945 1 751 5/19/2010843 30 11 966 1 751 5/19/2010843 40 11 973 1 751 5/19/2010 8 43 50 11 911 1 751 5/19/2010 8 44 00 11 898 1 751 5/19/2010 8 44 10 11 946 1 85 5/19/2010 6 44 20 11 977 1 855 5/19/2010 6 44 30 11 955 1 65 5/19/2010844 40 11 941 1 748 5/19/2010 8 44 50 11 953 1 751 5/19/2010 8 45 00 11 95 1 751 5/19/2010845 10 11 894 1 751 5/19/2010 6 45 20 11 869 1 85 5/19/2010 6 45 30 11 884 1 85 5/19/2010 8 45 40 11 906 1 751 5/19/2010 8 45 50 11 884 1 751 5/19/2010 8 46 00 11 671 1 751 5/19/2010 8 46 10 11 901 1 748 5/19/2010 6 46 20 11 906 1 751 5/19/2010 8 46 30 11 891 1 751 5/19/2010 8 46 40 11 869 1 751 5/19/2010 6 46 50 11 669 1 85 5/19/2010 6 47 00 11 868 1 85 5/19/2010 8 47 10 11 916 1 751 5/19/2010 8 47 20 11 958 1 751 5/19/2010847 30 12 01 1 751 5/19/2010 8 47 40 12 035 1 85 5/19/2010847 60 12 018 1 85 5/19/2010 8 48 00 11 995 1 85 5/19/2010 8 48 10 11 95 1 751 5/19/2010 8 48 20 11 924 1 649 5/19/2010 8 48 30 11 898 1 751 5/19/2010 8 48 40 11 899 1 751 5/19/2010 8 48 50 11 04 1 748 5/19/2010 8 49 00 11 995 1 756 5/19/2010 8 49 10 12 008 1 751 5/19/2010849 20 11 956 1 751 5/19/2010 8 49 30 11 943 1 751 5/19/2010 8 49 40 11 956 1 85 5/19/2010 8 49 50 11 941 1 751 5/19/2010 8 50 00 11 898 1 748 5/19/2010 8 50 10 11 881 1 751 5/19/2010 6 50 20 11 894 1 751 5/19/2010 8 50 30 11 889 1 751 5/19/2010 6 50 40 11 901 1 751 5/19/2010 6 50 50 11 852 1 751 11 91 1 77 5/19/2010 8 51 00 11 831 1 748 5/19/2010 8 51 10 11 856 1 751 5/19/2010 8 51 20 11 901 1 761 5/19/2010 8 51 30 9 912 1 751 5/19/2010 8 51 40 0 542 4 148 5/19/2010 8 51 50 0 245 13 177 5/19/2010 8 52 00 0 239 27 536 5/19/2010 8 52 10 0 195 39 226 5/19/2010 8 52 20 0 195 44 926 5/19/2010 8 52 30 0185 46 321 5/19/2010 8 52 40 0 178 46 623 5/19/2010 8 52 50 0 178 46 722 5/19/2010 8 53 00 0 18 46 619 5/19/2010 8 5310 0 166 46 92 5/19/2010 8 53 20 017 46 818 5/19/2010 8 53 30 2 369 46 425 Page 8 of 24 19 2010 MPF RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data 12 hourtinw 02(A) CO (ppm) 471 ppm CO 0 90 46 72 5/10/2010 8 53 40 10 597 40 728 5/19/2010 8 53 50 10 875 26 034 5/19/2010 8 54 00 10 896 13 643 5/19/2010 8 54 10 10 909 5 548 5/19/2010 8 54 20 10 927 2 05 5/19/2010 8 54 30 10 926 0 851 5/19/2010 8 54 40 10 938 0 549 11 OS 02/ 9 64% C02 10 »J 11S 5/19/2010 8 54 50 1 474 0 653 5/19/2010 8 55 00 0 301 0 752 5/19/2010 8 55 10 0 245 0 752 5/19/2010 8 5520 0 208 0 752 5/19/2010 6 55 30 0 202 0 851 5/19/2010 8 55 40 0195 0 851 Z«roN2 0 20 0 82 5/19/2010 8 55 50 7 092 0 992 5/19/2010 8 5600 11 683 0 95 5/19/2010 8 56 10 11 825 1 252 5/19/2010 8 56 20 11 8 1 553 5/19/2010 8 56 30 11 849 1 652 5/19/2010 8 56 40 11 864 1 751 5/19/2010 8 56 50 11 881 1 761 Start Run 4 5/19/2010 8 57 00 11 862 1 751 5/19/2010 8 57 10 11 851 1 751 5/19/2010 8 57 20 11 859 1 847 5/19/2010 8 67 30 11 906 1 751 5/19/2010 8 57 40 11 941 1 751 5/19/2010 8 57 50 11 921 1 85 5/19/2010 6 58 00 11877 1 751 5/19/2010 8.^8 10 11 881 1 786 5/19/2010 8 58 20 11 933 1 751 5/19/2010 8 58 30 11 945 1 751 5/19/2010 8 58 40 11 919 1 748 5/19/2010 8 58 50 11 898 1 748 5/19/2010 8 59 00 11 901 1 748 5/19/2010 8 59 10 11 923 1 85 5/19/2010 6 59 20 11 909 1 847 5/19/2010 8 59 30 11 889 1 748 5/19/2010 8 59 40 11 869 1 748 5/19/2010 8 59 50 11 943 1 748 5/19/2010 9 00 00 11 978 1 85 5/19/2010 9 0010 11 943 1 85 5/19/2010 9 00 20 11 908 1 748 5/19/2010 9 00 30 11 919 1 771 5/19/2010 9 00 40 11 953 1 751 5/19/2010 9 0050 11 936 1 85 5/19/2010 9 01 00 11 904 1 65 5/19/2010 9 01 10 11 904 1 751 5/19/2010 9 01 20 11 923 1 751 5/19/2010 9 01 30 11 951 1 85 5/19/2010 9 01 40 11 982 1 748 5/19/2010 9 01 50 11 977 1 748 5/19/2010 9 02 00 11 965 1 85 5/19/2010 9 02 10 11 965 1 751 5/19/2010 9 02 20 11 96 1 748 5/19/2010 9 02 30 11 948 1 748 5/19/2010 9 02 40 11 941 1 751 5/19/2010 9 02 50 11 901 1 751 5/19/2010 9 03 00 11 898 1 751 5/19/2010 9 03 10 11 918 1 85 5/19/2010 9 03 20 11 958 1 65 5/19/2010 9 03 30 11 985 1 85 5/19/2010 9 03 40 12 018 1 751 5/19/2010 9 03 50 12 047 1 751 5/19/2010 9 04 00 12 062 1 85 5/19/2010 9 04 10 12 03 1 751 5/19/2010 9 04 20 11 963 1 751 5/19/2010 9 04 30 11 911 1 751 5/19/2010 9 04 40 11 899 1 847 5/19/2010 9 04 50 11 699 1 85 5/19/2010 9 05 00 11 911 1 756 5/19/2010 9 0510 11 913 1 855 5/19/2010 9 0520 11 931 1 858 5/19/2010 9 05 30 11 946 1 756 5/19/2010 9 05 40 11 978 1 756 5/19/2010 9 05 60 11 975 1 756 5/19/2010 9 06 00 11 919 1 756 5/19/2010 9 06 10 11 891 1 855 5/19/2010 9 06 20 11 913 1 855 5/19/2010 9 06 30 11 941 1 756 6/19/2010 9 06 40 11 936 1 756 5/19/2010 9 06 50 11 901 1 756 5/19/2010 9 07 00 11 935 1 855 5/19/2010 9 07 10 12 133 1 855 5/19/2010 9 07 20 12 284 1 855 5/19/2010 9 07 30 12 279 1 855 5/19/2010 9 07 40 12218 1 85 5/19/2010 9 07 50 12 139 1 751 5/19/2010 9 08 00 12 052 1 751 5/19/2010 9 08 10 12 027 1 751 Page 9 of 24 20 2010 MPF RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data Calibration Bias 47 1 ppm CO 12hourtim* 02(%) CO (ppm) 5/19/2010 9 08 20 12 144 1 652 5/19/2010 9 08 30 12 285 1 652 5/19/2010 9 08 40 12 408 1 652 5/19/2010 9 08 50 12 514 1 652 5/10/20109 09 00 12 549 1756 5/19/2010 9 09 10 12 586 1 652 5/19/2010 9 0920 12603 1652 5/19/2010 9 09 30 12 579 1 751 5/19/2010 9 09 40 12 525 1 652 5/19(2010 9 09 50 12 478 1652 5/19/2010 9 10 00 12 473 1 652 5/19/2010 9 10 10 12 515 1 652 5/19/2010 910 20 12 53 1 652 5/19/2010 9 10 30 12 504 1 652 5/19/2010 9 10 40 12 465 1 652 5/19/2010 910 50 12 43 1652 5/19/2010911 00 12 351 1652 5/19/2010 9 11 10 12 277 1 652 5/19/2010 9 11 20 12 215 1751 5/19/20109 11 30 12 17 1 652 5/19/2010 9 11 40 12 099 1 652 5/19/2010 9 11 50 12 017 1 652 5/19/2010 9 12 00 11 931 1 652 5/19/2010 9 12 10 11 852 1 664 5/19/2010 9 12 20 11 822 1 751 5/19/2010 9 12 30 11 775 1 751 5/19/2010 912 40 11 76 1 748 5/19/2010 9 12 50 11 738 1 649 5/19/2010 9 13 00 11 715 1 645 5/19/2010 913 10 11 718 1 645 5/19/2010 9 13 20 11 728 1 645 5/19/2010 9 13 30 11 715 1 649 5/19/2010 9 13 40 11 674 1 645 5/18/2010 9 13 50 11 684 1645 5/19/2010 9 14 00 11 693 1 645 5/19/2010 9 14 10 11 7 1 645 5/19/2010 9 14 20 11 668 1 744 5/19/2010 9 14 30 11 663 1 746 5/19/2010 9 14 40 11 716 1 748 5/19/2010 9 14 50 11 76 1 645 5/19/2010 9 15 00 11 773 1 645 5/19/2010 9 15 10 11 756 1 645 5/19/2010 9 15 20 11 797 1 645 6/19/2010 9 15 30 11 804 1 549 5/19/2010 9 15 40 11 614 1 645 5/19/2010 9 15 50 11 844 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927 2 949 5/19/2010921 20 10 948 1 148 5/19/2010 9 21 30 10 927 0 749 >2 10 93 1 62 5/19/2010 9 21 40 10 043 0 646 5/19/2010 9 21 50 0 561 0 646 5/19/2010 9 22 00 0 252 0 749 5(19/2010 922 10 0 212 0 752 5/19/2010 9 22 20 0198 0 848 5/19/2010 9 22 30 0182 0 851 5/19/2010 9 22 40 0 185 0 648 019 0 85 Page 10 of 24 21 2010 MPF RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data 12 hourtinw 02(%) CO (ppm) 5(19/2010 8 22 60 9 857 0 85 5/19/2010 9 23 00 11 914 1 048 5/19/2010! )23 10 11 97 1 247 5/19/2010! 9 23 20 11 982 1451 5/19/2010 923 30 11 998 1 65 5/19/2010 9 23 40 12 012 1 652 5/19/2010 8 23 50 12 01 1 648 5/19/2010 9 24 00 12 1 55 5/19/2010 9 24 10 12 029 1 649 5/10/2010 9 24 20 12 027 1645 5/19/20101 )24 30 12 069 1649 5/19/2010! 9 24 40 12 089 1 649 5/19/20101 9 24 50 12 084 1 546 5/19/2010 9 25 00 12 089 1645 5/19/2010! 9 25 10 12 076 1 748 5/19/2010! 9 25 20 12 066 1 649 6/19/20101 9 25 30 12 086 1 645 5/19/2010! 125 40 12 089 1 649 5/18/2010! 9 25 50 12 092 1 649 5/19/2010! 9 26 00 12 124 1 55 5/19/2010! 9 26 10 12 136 1 55 5/19/2010! 9 26 20 12 106 1645 6/19/2010! 9 26 30 12 101 1 645 5/19/2010 9 26 40 12 096 1 649 5/19/2010 8 26 50 12 094 1 645 5/19/2010! 9 27 00 12 082 1 649 5/19/2010! 9 27 10 12 069 1 645 5/19/2010! 9 27 20 12 05 1 746 5/19/2010! J 27 30 12 037 1 649 5/19/2010! 9 27 40 12 057 1 55 5/19/2010! 127 50 12 104 1 645 5/19/2010! 9 28 00 12 131 1 649 5/19/2010! 9 28 10 12 153 1 649 5/19/2010! 9 26 20 12 158 1 649 5/19/20101 9 28 30 12 17 1 691 5/19/20101 9 28 40 12 165 1 649 5/19/2010! 9 28 50 12 138 1 546 5/19/2010 9 29 00 12 092 1 648 5/19/2010! 9 29 10 12 077 1 649 5/19/2010! 9 29 20 12 092 1 649 5/19/2010! 9 29 30 12 097 1 649 5/19/2010! 9 29 40 12 112 1 649 5/19/2010! 9 29 50 12 116 1 649 5/19/2010! 9 30 00 12 089 1 649 5/19/2010! 9 30 10 12 089 1 649 5/19/2010 1 9 30 20 12 094 1 748 5/19/2010! 9 30 30 12 087 1 652 5/19/2010! 9 30 40 12 089 1 55 5/19/2010! 9 30 50 12 065 1 649 5/19/2010 ! 9 31 00 12 082 1 649 6/19/2010! 9 31 10 12 086 1637 5/19/2010! 9 31 20 12 092 1 637 5/19/2010 9 31 30 12 101 1 637 5/19/2010! 9 31 40 12 119 1 637 6/19/2010 9 31 50 12 128 1 541 5/19/2010! 9 32 00 12 121 1 637 5/19(2010! 9 32 10 12 126 1 538 5/19/2010! 9 32 20 12 124 1 64 5/19/2010! 9 32 30 12 128 1 64 5/19/2010! 9 32 40 12 124 1 637 5/19/2010! 9 32 50 12 109 1 637 5/19/20101 9 33 00 12 092 1 538 5/19/2010! 9 33 10 12 074 1 538 5/19/2010! 9 33 20 12 049 1 583 5/18/2010! 9 33 30 12 076 1 637 5/19/2010! 9 33 40 12 131 1 541 5/19/2010! 9 33 50 12 154 1 538 5/19/2010! 9 34 00 12 149 1 64 5/18/2010! 9 34 10 12 138 1 64 5/19/2010 1 9 34 20 12 156 1 541 5/19/2010! 9 34 30 12 163 1 64 5/19/2010! 9 34 40 12 195 1 64 5/19/2010! 9 34 60 12 183 1 64 5/19/2010 9 35 00 12 178 1 64 5/19/2010! 9 35 10 12159 1 541 5/19/2010! 9 35 20 12 136 1 541 5/18/2010! 9 35 30 12 114 1 541 6/19/2010! 9 35 40 12 123 1 64 5/19/2010! 9 35 50 12131 1 541 5/19/2010! 9 36 00 12 123 1 538 5/18/2010! 9 36 10 12 123 1 638 5/19/2010! 9 36 20 12 104 1 538 5/19/2010! 9 36 30 12 099 1 541 6/19/2010 9 36 40 12 114 1 541 5/18/2010 ( 9 36 50 12 163 1 538 5/19/2010 9 37 00 12 196 1 541 5/19/2010 9 37 10 12212 1 541 5/19/2010! 9 37 20 12 218 1 541 5/19/2010 9 37 30 12 195 1 541 5/19/2010 9 37 40 12 183 1 541 5/19/2010! 9 37 50 12 17 1 541 Page 11 0124 22 2010 MPF RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data Calibration Bias 47 1 ppm CO 12 hour time 02 (y) CO (ppm) 5/18/2010 9 38 00 12 166 1 568 5/19/2010 9 38 10 12 148 1 439 5/19/2010 9 3820 12 149 1 541 5/19/2010938 30 12 154 1 536 5/19/2010 9 38 40 12 153 1 541 5/19/2010 9 38 50 12 134 1 541 5/18/2010 9 3900 12 116 1541 5/19/2010 8 3910 12 111 1 541 5/18/2010 8 39 20 12 123 1 541 5/19/2010 0 39 30 12 144 1 541 5/19/2010 9 39 40 12171 1 541 5/19/2010 9 39 50 12 2 1 536 5/19/2010 9 40 00 12 2 1 64 6/19/2010 940 10 12188 1 536 5/19/2010940 20 12178 1 541 5/18/2010 9 40 30 12 149 1 541 5/19/2010 9 40 40 12 173 1 439 5/19/2010 9 40 50 12 165 1 541 5/19/2010 0 41 00 12 141 1 541 5/19/2010 9 41 10 12 141 1 541 5/19/2010 9 41 20 12 163 1 541 5/19/2010 9 41 30 12 159 1 538 5/19/2010 9 41 40 12 086 1 538 5/19/2010 9 41 50 12 05 1 538 5/19/2010 9 42 00 12 047 1 538 5/19/2010 9 42 10 12 077 1 538 5/19/2010 9 42 20 12 131 1 538 5/19/2010 9 42 30 12 168 1 637 5/19/2010 9 42 40 12 2 1 638 5/19/2010 9 42 50 12 227 1 538 5/19/2010 9 43 00 12 245 1 536 5/19/2010 8 43 10 12 235 1 541 5/19/2010 9 43 20 12 21 1 538 5/19(2010943 30 12 198 1 538 5/19/2010 9 43 40 12 205 1 538 5/19/2010 9 43 50 12 193 1 536 5/19/2010 9 44 00 12 18 1 637 5/19/2010 9 44 10 12 168 1 637 5/19/2010 9 44 20 12 165 1 637 5/19/2010 9 44 30 12 131 1 637 5/19/2010 9 44 40 12 106 1 538 5/19/2010 9 44 50 12 097 1 538 1213 1 59 5/19/2010 9 45 00 12 099 1 538 5/19/2010 945 10 12 089 1 538 5/19/2010 8 45 20 11 043 1 637 5/19/2010 9 45 30 0 613 2 74 5/19/2010 9 45 40 0 277 9 534 5/19/2010 945 50 0 249 23 427 5/19/2010 9 46 00 0 202 36 819 5/19/2010846 10 0 185 44 315 5/19/2010 9 46 20 0 188 46 611 5/19/2010 9 46 30 0 187 47 007 5/19/2010 9 46 40 0 187 47 007 5/19/2010 9 46 50 0 182 46 809 5/18/2010 9 47 00 0161 46 809 5/19/2010 9 47 10 0 158 47 012 5/19(2010 8 47 20 0 957 47 108 0 43 46 98 5(19/2010 9 47 30 10 506 43 712 5/19/2010 9 47 40 10 891 32 119 5/19/2010 9 47 50 10 912 17 531 5/18/2010 9 46 00 10 919 7 634 5/19/2010 9 48 10 10 916 2 834 5/19/2010 9 48 20 10 914 1 236 02 10 92 3 93 5/19/2010 943 30 d292 0 836 5/19/2010 8 48 40 0 438 0 737 5/19/2010 9 48 50 0 255 0 737 5/19/2010 9 49 00 0219 0 67 5/19/2010 9 49 10 0193 0 935 0 22 0 85 5/19/2010 9 48 20 0187 0 935 5/19/2010 9 49 30 0 18 0 935 5/19/2010 9 49 40 5 57 0 939 5/19/2010 9 49 50 11 881 1 038 5/19/2010 9 60 00 12 102 1 137 5/19/2010 9 5010 12 091 1 336 5/19/2010 9 50 20 12 107 1 439 5/19/2010 9 50 30 12 106 1 538 5/18/2010 9 50 40 12 153 1 637 5/19/2010 9 50 50 12 195 1 736 5/19/2010 9 51 00 12 195 1 634 5/19/2010 9 51 10 12 203 1 637 5/19/2010 9 51 20 12 198 1 538 5/19/2010 9 51 30 12 144 1 538 5/19/2010 8 61 40 12 118 1 637 5/19/2010 9 51 50 12 067 1 637 5/19/2010 9 52 00 12 032 1 637 5/19/2010 9 52 10 12 06 1637 Page 12 of 24 23 2010 MPF RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data 12 hour time 02(A) CO (ppm) 5/19/2010 9 52 20 12 066 1637 5/19/2010 9 52 30 12 034 1637 5/19/2010 9 52 40 11 993 1637 5/19/2010 9 52 50 11 968 1 637 5/19/2010 9 53 00 12 02 1 637 5/19/2010 9 53 10 12 078 1637 6/19/2010 9 53 20 12 086 1 634 5/19/2010 9 53 30 12116 1637 5/19/2010 9 53 40 12 186 1 675 5/18/2010 9 53 50 12 235 1637 5/18/2010 9 54 00 12 268 1 637 6/19/2010 9 54 10 12 282 1 637 5/19/2010 9 54 20 12 278 1 534 5/19/2010 9 54 30 12 25 1 536 5/18/2010 9 54 40 12 168 1 S34 5/19/2010 9 54 50 12 116 1 736 5/19/2010 9 55 00 12 078 1637 5/^9/2010 9 55 10 12 088 1 538 5/19/2010 9 55 20 12 077 1 634 5/19/2010 9 55 30 12 072 1 634 5/19/2010 8 55 40 12 065 1 637 5/19/2010 9 55 50 12 042 1 736 5/19/2010 9 56 00 12 045 1 637 5/19/2010 9 56 10 12 067 1 637 5/18/2010 9 56 20 12 082 1 634 5/18/2010 9 58 30 12 108 1 634 5/19/2010 8 56 40 12 119 1 634 5/19/2010 9 56 50 12 134 1 634 5/19/2010 9 57 00 12 165 1 634 5/19/2010 9 57 10 12 165 1 634 5(19/2010 9 57 20 12 178 1 634 5/18/2010 9 57 30 12 208 1 634 5/19/2010 8 57 40 12 222 1 534 6/19/2010 9 57 50 12 22 1 63 5/19/2010 9 58 00 12 233 1 634 5(19/2010 9 58 10 12 205 1 63 5(19/2010 9 58 20 12 191 1 63 5/19/2010 9 56 30 12 185 1 63 5/19/2010 9 56 40 12 138 1 728 5/19/2010 9 58 50 12 101 1 733 6/19/2010 9 59 00 12 086 1 729 5(19/2010 9 59 10 12 089 1 63 5(19/2010 9 59 20 12 111 1 63 5/19/2010 9 59 30 12 121 1 63 5/19/2010 9 59 40 12 082 1 63 5/19/2010 9 59 60 12 064 1 625 5/19/2010 10 00 00 12 081 1 63 5/19/2010 10 00 10 12 084 1 63 5/19/2010 10 00 20 12 092 1 63 5/19/2010 10 00 30 12 096 1 63 5/19/201010 00 40 12 104 1 529 5/19/201010 00 50 12 114 1 63 5/19/201010 01 00 12 165 1 733 5/19/201010 01 10 12 19 1 63 5/19/2010 10 01 20 12 205 1 63 5/19/2010 10 01 30 12 186 1 529 5/18/2010 10 01 40 12 206 1 529 5/19/2010 10 01 50 12 237 1 63 5/19/2010 10 02 00 12 26 1 63 5/19/2010 10 02 10 12 255 1 63 5/19/2010 10 02 20 12 191 1 63 5/19/2010 10 02 30 12 173 1 63 6/19/2010 10 02 40 12 116 1 729 5/19/201010 02 50 12 072 1 728 5/19/2010 10 03 00 12 091 1 63 5/19/2010 10 03 10 12 092 1 63 5/19/201010 03 20 12 055 1 63 6/19/201010 03 30 12 065 1 63 5/19/201010 03 40 12 097 1 63 5/19/201010 03 50 12 128 1 63 5/19/2010 10 04 00 12 112 1 63 5/19/201010 04 10 12 094 1 63 5/19/2010 10 04 20 12 081 1 63 5/19/2010 10 04 30 12 069 1 625 5/19/2010 10 04 40 12 06 1 625 5/19/2010 10 04 50 12 06 1 63 5/19/2010 10 05 00 12 061 1 63 5/19/2010 10 05 10 12 134 1634 5/19/2010 10 05 20 12 186 1 728 6/19/2010 10 05 30 12 21 1 625 5/19/2010 10 05 40 12218 1 625 5/18/2010 10 05 50 12 235 1 625 5/18/2010 10 06 00 12 237 1 63 5/18/2010 10 06 10 12 235 1625 5/18/201010 06 20 12 238 1 63 5/19/2010 10 06 30 12 16 1 724 5/19/201010 06 40 12 094 1 729 5/19/2010 10 06 50 12 079 1 625 5/19/2010 10 07 00 12 072 1 625 5/19/2010 10 07 10 12 084 1 625 5/19/2010 10 07 20 12 086 1 526 5/19/20101007 30 12 091 1 529 Page 13 of 24 24 2010 MPF RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data Calibration Bias 47 1 ppm CO 12 hour time 02 (V) CO (ppm) 5/18/2010 10 07 40 12 116 1 625 5/18/201010 07 50 12 146 1 625 5/19/201010 06 00 12 129 1 625 5/19/201010 08 10 12 126 1 63 5/19/201010 08 20 12 107 1 625 5/18/2010 10 08 30 12 102 1 63 5/18/2010 10 08 40 12 081 1 63 5/1912010 10 08 50 12 109 163 5/19/201010 09 00 12 156 163 5/19/20101008 10 12 161 1 63 5/19/201010 09 20 12 17 1 63 5/19/201010 09 30 12 195 1 629 5/19/20101009 40 12 213 1 529 5/19/201010 09 50 12 195 1 566 5/19/20101010 00 12 161 1 529 5/18/2010 10 10 10 12 131 1 529 5/19/2010 10 10 20 12 139 1 63 5/19/201010 10 30 12 136 1 63 5/19/201010 10 40 12 139 1 63 5/19/2010 10 10 50 12 144 1 63 6/18/2010 1011 00 12 121 1 733 5/18/2010 10 11 10 12 134 1 63 5/19/201010 11 20 12104 1 529 5/19/201010 11 30 12 047 1 63 5/18/2010 101140 12 037 1 63 5/18/2010 10 11 50 12 114 1 63 1213 1 63 5/19/20101012 00 12 154 1 63 5/19/2010 10 12 (0 (2 203 1 534 5/19/201010 12 20 12 2 1 63 5/19/201010 12 30 12 195 1 63 5/19/201010 12 40 12 195 1 63 5/19/2010 10 12 50 12 21 1 63 5/19/201010 13 00 12 23 1 634 5/19/201010 13 10 12 233 1 634 5/19/20101013 20 12 212 1 634 5/19/2010 10 13 30 2 025 1 634 5/19/201010 13 40 0 264 5 033 5/19/20101013 50 0 237 15 631 5/19/2010 1014 00 0217 30 417 5/19/2010 10 14 10 0 207 41 312 5/19/2010 10 14 20 0 188 46 81 5/19/201010 14 30 0 19 4671 5/19/201010 14 40 0 187 46 805 5/19/2010 10 14 50 0 178 46 805 5/18/2010 10 15 00 0 175 46 805 5/19(2010 10 15 10 0 163 46 905 5/19/201010 15 20 0 175 47 108 5/19/20(0 10 15 30 0 175 47 207 017 47 07 5/19/2010 10 15 40 9 048 46 703 5/19/2010 10 15 50 10 84 38 81 5/18/2010 10 16 00 10 909 26 316 5/18/201010 16 10 10912 12 322 5/19/201010 16 20 10 832 4 925 5/19/201010 16 30 10 941 1 828 5/19/201010 16 40 10 936 0 927 :o2 10 94 2 66 5/19/2010 10 16 50 1 353 0 725 5/18/2010 10 17 00 0 304 0 725 5/18/2010 10 17 10 0 229 0 824 5/18/2010 10 17 20 0215 0 828 5/19/20101017 30 0 185 0 927 5/19/20101017 40 0 18 0 827 019 0 89 5/19/2010 10 17 50 5 051 0 923 5/19/2010 10 18 00 11 721 0 927 5/18/201010 18 10 11 951 1 026 6/19/201010 18 20 12 01 1 226 5/(9/201010 18 30 12 057 1 427 5/19/2010 1018 40 12 072 1 526 5/19/2010 10 18 50 12 035 1 526 5/19/2010 10 18 00 12 069 1 526 5/18/2010 10 18 10 12 114 1 526 5/19/201010 19 20 12 116 1 625 5/19/2010 10 19 30 12 118 1 625 5/19/2010 10 19 40 12 112 1 625 5/19/2010 10 19 50 12 107 1 526 5/19/2010 10 20 00 12 086 1 526 5/19/201010 20 10 12 089 1 625 5/19/2010 10 20 20 12 089 1 528 5/19/2010 10 20 30 12 096 1 526 6/19/2010 10 20 40 12 099 1 526 5/19/2010 10 20 50 12 116 1 526 5/19/2010 10 21 00 12 146 1 526 5/19/201010 21 10 12 175 1 625 5/19/2010 10 21 20 12 163 1 526 5/19/2010 10 21 30 12 124 1 556 5/18/2010 10 21 40 12 131 1 625 5(19/20(010 2(50 12 138 1625 Page 14 of 24 25 2010 MPF RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data 12 hour time 02(A) CO (ppm) 5/18/2010 10 22 00 12 154 1 526 5/18/2010 10 22 10 12144 1 526 5/19/2010 10 22 20 12116 1 529 5/19/2010 1022 30 12 124 1 529 5/19/2010 10 22 40 12133 1 529 5/19/201010 22 50 12 133 1 529 5/18/201010 23 00 12106 1 427 5/19/20101023 10 12 072 1 529 5/19/2010 10 23 20 12 106 1 529 5/19/2010 10 23 30 12 138 1 528 5/19/2010 10 23 40 12 146 1 526 5/19/201010 23 50 12 153 1 528 5/19/201010 24 00 12 158 1 529 5/19/2010 10 24 10 12 165 1 526 5/19/2010 10 24 20 12 18 1 529 5/19/2010 10 24 30 12186 1 529 5/18/201010 24 40 12 17 1 529 5/18/2010 10 24 50 12 134 1 529 5/19/2010 10 26 00 12 087 1 526 5/19/2010 10 25 10 12 097 1 526 5/19/2010 10 25 20 12 104 1 529 5/19/201010 25 30 12 133 1 529 5/19/2010 10 25 40 12 156 1 526 5/19/2010 10 25 50 12 178 1 528 5/19/2010 10 26 00 12165 1 568 5/18/2010 10 2610 12158 1 529 5/19/2010 10 26 20 12 138 1 526 5/19/2010 10 26 30 12 131 1 529 5/19/201010 26 40 12 133 1 528 5/19/2010 10 25 50 12 133 1 523 5/19/2010 10 27 00 12 136 1 523 5/18/2010 10 27 10 12 153 1 523 5/19/2010 10 27 20 12 173 1 523 5/19/201010 27 30 12 166 1 523 5/19/2010 10 27 40 12 154 1 519 5/19/2010 10 27 60 12 141 1 519 5/18/2010 10 28 00 12 121 1 519 5/19/2010 10 28 10 12 118 1 42 5/19/201010 28 20 12 121 1 55 5/19/2010 10 28 30 12 136 1 519 5/19/2010 10 28 40 12 153 1 519 5/19/2010 10 28 50 12 165 1 519 5/19/2010 10 29 00 12 17 1 519 5/19/201010 29 10 12 148 1 519 5/19/2010 10 29 20 12 146 1 415 5/19/2010 10 29 30 12 134 1 42 5/19/2010 102940 12 118 1 519 5/19/2010 1029 50 12 091 1 519 5/19/2010 10 30 00 12 107 1 519 5/19/2010 10 30 10 12 136 1 519 5/19/2010 10 30 20 12 18 1 519 5/19/2010 10 30 30 12 173 1 519 5/19/2010 10 30 40 12 143 1 568 5/19/2010 10 30 50 12 164 1 519 5/19/2010 10 31 00 12 146 1 519 5/19/2010 10 31 10 12 139 1 518 5/19/2010 10 31 20 12 099 1 514 5/19/201010 31 30 12 072 1 518 6/19/201010 31 40 12 099 1 519 5/19/201010 31 50 12 131 1 519 5/19/2010 10 32 00 12 148 1 42 5/19/2010 10 32 10 12 144 1 415 5/19/2010 10 32 20 12 156 1 519 5/19/2010 10 32 30 12 158 1 518 5/19/2010 10 32 40 12 168 1 519 5/19/2010 10 32 50 12 165 1 519 5/19/201010 33 00 12 153 1 523 5/19/2010 10 33 10 12 141 1 519 5/19/2010 10 33 20 12 111 1 519 5/19/201010 33 30 12 076 1 519 5/19/2010 10 33 40 12 06 1 519 5/19/2010 10 33 50 12 062 1 519 5/19/2010 10 34 00 12 084 1 519 5/19/2010 10 34 10 12 128 1 415 5/19/2010 10 34 20 12 149 1 519 5/19/2010 10 34 30 12 138 1 519 5/19/2010 10 34 40 12 139 1 519 5/18/2010 10 34 50 12 121 1 614 5/19/2010 10 35 00 12 104 1 519 5/19/2010 10 35 10 12 118 1 519 5/19/2010 10 35 20 12 104 1 519 5/19/201010 35 30 12 128 1 518 5/19/201010 35 40 12 131 1 518 5/19/2010 10 35 60 12 123 1 519 5/19/2010 10 36 00 12 136 1 519 6/19/201010 36 10 12 133 1 519 5/19/201010 36 20 12 118 1 519 5/19/201010 36 30 12 104 1 519 5/19/2010 10 36 40 12 128 1 415 5/19/2010 10 36 50 12 099 1 514 5/19/2010 10 37 00 12 064 1 519 5/19/2010 10 37 10 12 071 1 519 Page 15 of 24 26 2010 MPF RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data Calibration Bias 47 1 ppm CO 12 hour time 02 (V) CO (ppm) 5/19/201010 37 20 12 074 1 519 5/19/201010 37 30 12 076 1 519 5/18/J01010 37 40 12 064 1 42 5/18/2010 10 37 60 12 081 1 446 5/19/2010 10 38 00 12 082 1 42 5/19/2010 10 3810 12 072 1 519 5/19/20101038 20 12 096 1618 5/19/2010 10 38 30 12 123 1 616 5/19/2010 10 38 40 12 143 1 514 5/19/2010 10 38 60 12 156 1 514 5/19/2010 1038 00 12 163 1 519 5/19/201010 3910 12143 1 519 5/18/2010 10 39 20 12 133 1 614 5/19/2010 10 39 30 12 131 1 619 5/19/201010 39 40 12 092 1 519 5/18/2010 10 38 50 12 091 1 519 1213 152 5/19/2010 10 40 00 12 087 1 514 5/19/201010 40 10 12 082 1 514 5/18/2010 10 40 20 0 93 1 518 5/18/2010 10 40 30 0 22 4 715 5/19/2010 10 40 40 1)192 15214 5/19/201010 40 50 0185 30 111 5/19/201010 41 00 0 175 41 012 5/19/2010 10 41 10 0186 46 906 5/19/2010 10 41 20 0185 46 802 5/19/201010 41 30 0166 47 004 5/19/201010 41 40 0 17 47 306 5/19/2010 10 41 50 0 18 47 202 5/19/2010 10 42 00 0 182 47 207 5/19/2010 10 42 10 0175 47 207 018 47 21 5/19/201010 42 20 8 747 46 905 5/19/2010 10 42 30 10 814 41 111 5/19/2010 10 42 40 10 841 27 125 5/19/2010 1042 50 10 932 13 616 5/19/201010 43 00 10 954 5 414 5/19/201010 43 10 10 946 2 015 :02 10 94 7 02 5/19/2010 1043 20 9 242 0 917 5/19/2010 10 43 30 3 087 0 717 5/19/201010 43 40 3 035 0 816 6/19/201010 43 50 3 0917 5/19/201010 44 00 1 508 1 019 5/19/2010 1044 10 1 021 1 019 5/19/2010 1044 20 021 1 019 5/19/201010 44 30 0 173 0 92 5/19/2010 10 44 40 0 17 0 923 5/19/201010 44 50 0 16 0 917 5/19/2010 10 46 00 0163 0 816 016 0 89 5/19/2010 10 45 10 1 78 0 92 5/19/201010 45 20 11 424 0 917 5/19/201010 45 30 11 74 1 019 5/19/201010 45 40 11 691 1 217 5/19/2010 10 45 50 11 634 1 415 5/19/2010 10 46 00 11 629 1 518 5/19/2010 10 46 10 11 639 1 618 5/18/2010 10 46 20 11 686 1 717 5/18/2010 10 46 30 11 726 1 717 5/18/2010 10 46 40 11 767 1 618 5/18/2010 10 46 50 11 841 1 618 5/19/2010 10 47 00 11 876 1 618 5/19/2010 10 47 10 11 906 1 613 5/19/2010 10 47 20 11 938 1 63 5/19/2010 10 47 30 11 99 1 618 5/19/201010 47 40 12 032 1 613 5/19/201010 47 50 12 081 1 616 5/19/201010 48 00 12 109 1 618 5/19/2010 10 48 10 12 112 1 618 5/19/2010 10 48 20 12 128 1 721 5/18/2010 10 48 30 12 102 1 618 5/19/2010 10 48 40 12 144 1 717 5/19/2010 10 48 50 12 213 1 717 5/18/2010 10 48 00 12 264 1 714 5/19/2010 10 4910 12 275 1 717 5/19/2010 10 49 20 12 302 1 714 5/19/2010 10 49 30 12 306 1 714 5/19/2010 10 49 40 12 284 1 714 5/19/2010 10 49 50 12 262 1 717 5/19/201010 50 00 12 243 1 717 5/19/201010 5010 12 243 1 618 5/19/2010 10 50 20 12 262 1 717 5/19/2010 10 50 30 12 268 1 613 5/19/2010 10 50 40 12 272 1 618 5/19/2010 10 50 50 12.267 1 613 5/19/2010 10 61 00 12 27 1 717 5/19/2010 10 51 10 12 28 1 717 5/19/2010 10 51 20 12 292 1 717 5/19/2010 10 51 30 12 289 1 613 Page 16 of 24 27 2010 MPF RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data 12 hour time 02 (r) CO (ppm) 5/19/201010 51 40 12 299 1 618 5/19/2010 10 51 50 12 295 1 618 6/19/201010 52 00 12 247 1 717 5/19/201010 52 10 12 205 1 613 5/19/2010 10 52 20 12 161 1 613 5/19/201010 52 30 12 139 1 613 5/19/201010 52 40 12134 1 618 5/19/201010 62 50 12 151 1 717 6/19/201010 63 00 12 158 1 613 5/19/201010 53 10 12 158 1613 5/19/2010 10 53 20 12 181 1 613 5/19/201010 53 30 12215 1 613 5/19/2010 10 53 40 12 242 16(3 5/19/201010 53 50 12 235 1 717 5/19/201010 54 00 12 225 1 721 5/19/2010 10 54 10 12 208 1613 5/19/201010 54 20 12 193 1 618 5/19/2010 10 54 30 12 2 1 618 5/19/2010 10 54 40 122 1 613 6/18/201010 54 50 12 201 1 616 5/19/2010 10 55 00 12 193 1 618 5/19/2010 10 55 10 12 2 1 61 5/19/201010 55 20 12 201 1 709 5/19/201010 55 30 12 175 161 5/19/2010 10 55 40 12 168 1 61 5/19/201010 55 50 12 151 1 61 5/19/201010 56 00 12 106 1 61 5/19/201010 5610 12 077 1 613 5/19/201010 56 20 12 082 1 709 5/19/2010 10 56 30 12 079 1 61 5/19/201010 56 40 12 062 1 613 5/19/2010 10 56 50 12 086 1 714 5/19/201010 57 00 12 081 1 709 5/19/2010 10 5710 12 089 1 61 5/19/2010 10 57 20 12 102 1 61 5/19/201010 57 30 12 116 1 613 5/19/2010 10 57 40 12 144 1 614 5/19/2010 10 57 50 12 159 1 613 5/19/201010 58 00 12 141 1 714 5/19/2010 to 58 10 12 109 1 709 6/19/201010 58 20 12 094 1 61 5/19/201010 58 30 12 074 1 61 5/19/2010 10 56 40 12 052 1 613 5/19/2010 10 56 50 12 024 1 61 5/19/201010 69 00 12 025 1 61 5/19/201010 59 10 12 012 1 613 5/19/201010 59 20 11 968 1 613 5/19/201010 58 30 11 966 1 613 5/19/201010 59 40 11 975 1 613 5/19/201010 59 50 12 037 1 613 5/19/2010 11 00 00 12 109 1 61 5/19/201011 00 10 12 195 1 613 5/18/201011 00 20 12 243 1 513 5/19/2010 11 00 30 12 267 1 613 5/19/2010 11 00 40 12 228 1 613 5/19/201011 00 60 12 166 1 61 5/18/201011 01 00 12 076 1 525 5/19/20101101 10 12 022 1 514 5/19/2010 11 01 20 11 975 1 511 5/19/201011 01 30 11 819 1 514 5/19/201011 01 40 11 866 1 514 5/19/201011 01 50 11 849 1 613 5/19/201011 02 00 11 699 1 613 5/19/2010 11 02 10 11 883 1 613 5/19/201011 02 20 12 071 1 613 5/19/201011 02 30 12 107 1 613 5/19/2010 11 02 40 12 136 1 613 5/18/2010 11 02 50 12 149 1 613 5/19/201011 03 00 12 131 1 514 5/18/201011 03 10 12 143 1 613 5/19/2010 11 03 20 12 173 1613 5/19/2010 11 03 30 12 185 1 613 5/18/201011 03 40 12 16 1 613 5/19/201011 03 50 12 128 1 613 5/19/2010 11 04 00 12 128 1 514 5/19/2010 11 04 10 12 123 1 514 5/19/201011 04 20 12 086 1 514 5/19/20101104 30 12 054 1 613 5/19/2010 11 04 40 12 052 1 613 5/19/2010 11 04 50 12 072 1 613 6/19/2010 11 05 00 12 06 1 613 5/19/201011 05 10 12 052 1 514 5/19/2010 11 05 20 12 076 1 514 5/18/201011 05 30 12 092 1 613 5/19/201011 05 40 12 065 1 714 5/19/201011 05 50 11 831 1 744 5/19/201011 06 00 11 857 1 714 5/19(201011 06 10 11 828 1 613 5/19/2010 11 06 20 11 988 1613 5/19/201011 06 30 11 99 1 613 6/18/201011 06 40 11 988 1 613 5/19/201011 06 50 11 885 1 613 Page 17 of 24 28 Calibration Bias 2010 MPF RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data 12 hourtinw 02(%) CO (ppm) 5/19/201011 07 00 12 003 1 613 5/19/201011 0710 12 02 1 714 5/18/201011 07 20 12 022 1 714 5/18/201011 07 30 12 01 1 717 5/18/201011 07 40 12 1 717 5/19/201011 07 50 11 831 1 717 1212 163 5/19/201011 08 00 11 822 1 816 5/18/201011 0810 11 718 1 816 5/19/201011 08 20 11 663 1 717 5/18/201011 08 30 11 632 1 816 5/18/201011 0840 11 653 1 717 5/19/201011 08 50 11 669 1 717 6/18/201011 09 00 11 691 1 714 5/19/201011 0910 11 731 1 714 5/19/201011 0920 11 799 1 717 5/19/201011 09 30 11 841 1 717 5/19/2010 11 09 40 11 699 1 714 5/19/201011 00 50 11 956 1 613 5/19/2010 11 10 00 11 985 1 717 5/19/201011 10 10 12 008 1 714 5/19/2010 11 1020 12049 1 717 5/18/201011 10 30 12 071 1 763 5/19/2010 11 10 40 12086 1 717 5/19/2010 11 10 50 12 118 1 717 5/19/2010 11 11 00 12 134 1 717 5/19/2010 11 11 10 12143 1 717 5/19/2010 11 11 20 12 153 1 717 5/19/2010 11 11 30 12 144 1 717 5/19/2010 11 11 40 12 166 1 717 5/19/2010 11 11 50 12 148 1 717 5/19/201011 12 00 12 141 1 717 5/19/201011 12 10 12 158 1 717 5/19/2010 11 12 20 12 176 1 717 5/19/2010 11 12 30 12 195 1 717 5/19/201011 12 40 12 218 1 717 5/19/2010 11 12 50 12 183 1 717 5/19/2010 11 13 00 12 168 1 717 5/19/201011 13 10 12 158 1 717 5/19/2010 11 13 20 12 153 1 717 5/19/2010 11 13 30 12 136 1 717 5/19/2010 11 13 40 12 129 1 717 5/19/2010 11 13 50 12 129 1 717 5/19/2010 11 14 00 12 149 1 717 5/18/2010 1114 10 12 171 1717 5/19/2010 11 14 20 12 166 1 721 5/19/2010 11 14 30 12 166 1 618 5/18/2010 11 14 40 12 148 1 613 5/19/2010 11 14 50 12 102 1 717 5/19/2010 11 1500 12072 1 717 5/19/2010 11 15 10 12 042 1 717 5/19/2010 11 15 20 12044 1 717 5/19/2010 11 15 30 12 06 1 717 5/19/2010 11 15 40 12 074 1 717 5/19/2010 11 15 50 12074 1 717 5/19/2010 11 16 00 12045 1 717 5/19/201011 16 10 12008 1 717 5/19/2010 11 16 20 11 977 1 717 5/19/201011 16 30 11 95 1 618 5/19/201011 16 40 11 971 1 717 5/19/201011 16 50 11 861 1 717 5/18/201011 17 00 11 866 1 717 5/19/2010 11 17 10 11 86 1 717 5/18/201011 17 20 11 953 1 717 5/19/2010 11 1730 11 941 1 717 5/19/2010 11 17 40 11 931 1 717 5/19/2010 11 17 50 11 943 1 717 5/19/201011 18 00 11 96 1 717 5/19/201011 18 10 11 936 1 717 5/18/201011 18 20 11 93 1 717 5/18/201011 18 30 11 973 1 816 5/18/201011 1840 12024 1 717 5/18/201011 18 50 12 05 1 714 5/18/201011 18 00 12 069 1 613 5/18/2010 11 18 10 12 008 1 717 5/19/201011 19 20 11 96 1 717 5/19/2010 11 19 30 11 95 1 717 5/19/2010 11 19 40 11 88 1 717 6/19/2010 11 19 50 12 005 1 717 5/19/2010 11 20 00 11 871 1 717 5/19/2010 11 20 10 11 931 1 717 5/19/2010 11 20 20 11 818 1 714 5/18/2010 11 20 30 11 833 1 717 5/19/2010 11 20 40 11 96 1 717 6/19/2010 11 20 50 11 97 1 717 5/19/2010 11 21 00 11 978 1 717 5/19/2010 11 21 10 12 012 1 714 5/19/201011 21 20 12 05 1 613 5/19/2010 11 21 30 12 069 1 744 5/19/2010 11 21 40 12 076 1 717 5/19/2010 11 21 50 12 05 1 717 Page 16 of 24 29 2010 MPF RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data 12 hour time 02(%) CO (ppm) 5/19/2010 11 22 00 12 007 1 717 5/19/2010 11 22 10 11 073 1 717 5/19/2010 11 22 20 11 978 1 714 5/19/201011 22 30 11 995 1 717 5/19/201011 2240 11 997 1 717 5/19/201011 22 50 12 018 1 717 W19/201011 23 00 12 044 1 717 5/18/201011 23 10 12 057 1 717 5/18/201011 23 20 12 066 1 714 5/18/201011 23 30 12 104 1 717 5/18/201011 23 40 12 094 1 714 5/18/2010 11 23 50 12 054 1 714 5/19/2010 11 24 00 12 017 1 714 5/19/2010 11 24 10 12 003 1 717 5/19/201011 24 20 1201 1 717 5/19/201011 24 30 12 034 1 714 5/19/201011 24 40 12 06 1 717 5/18/201011 24 50 12 076 1 717 5/18/2010 11 25 00 12 062 1 816 5/18/2010 11 25 10 12044 1 816 5/19/2010 11 25 20 12 025 1 714 6/19/2010 11 25 30 12 02 1 717 5/19/201011 25 40 12 039 1 717 5/19/201011 25 50 12 049 1 717 5/19/201011 26 00 12 05 1 714 5/19/201011 26 10 12 069 1 763 5/18/201011 26 20 12 065 1 714 5/19/2010 11 26 30 12 042 1 714 5/19/2010 11 26 40 12 016 1 714 5/19/201011 26 50 11 976 1 714 5/19/2010 11 27 00 11 966 1 714 5/19/2010 11 27 10 11 861 1 613 5/18/201011 27 20 11 951 1 816 5/18/2010 11 27 30 11«56 1714 5/18/2010 11 27 40 11 95 1 714 5/19/2010 11 27 50 11 961 1 714 5/19/2010 11 28 00 11 982 1 818 5/19/2010 11 28 10 11 965 1 616 5/19/201011 28 20 12008 1 816 5/19/201011 28 30 11 993 1 714 5/19/2010 11 28 40 11 983 1 714 5/19/2010 11 28 50 11 963 1 714 5/18/2010 11 29 00 11 953 1 813 5/19/2010 11 2910 11 956 1 714 5/19/2010 11 29 20 11 956 1 714 5/19/2010 11 29 30 11 973 1 813 5/19/2010 11 29 40 11 887 1 714 5/19/2010 11 29 50 11 983 1 714 5/19/2010 11 30 00 11 971 1 813 5/19/201011 3010 11 99 1 808 5/19/2010 11 30 20 12015 1 714 5/19/2010 11 30 30 12 017 1 816 5/19/201011 30 40 12 015 1 813 5/19/2010 11 30 50 1202 1 714 5/19/201011 31 00 12 042 1 714 5/19/201011 31 10 11 97 1 714 5/19/2010 11 31 20 11 901 1 714 5/19/2010 11 31 30 11 889 1 714 5/19/2010 11 31 40 11 919 1 613 5/18/2010 11 31 50 11 921 1 714 5/18/201011 32 00 11 933 1 714 5/19/2010 11 32 10 11 956 1 714 5/18/2010 11 32 20 12 1 714 5/18/2010 11 32 30 11 975 1 714 5/18/201011 32 40 11 923 1 613 5/18/2010 11 32 50 11 906 1 613 5/19/2010 11 33 00 11 936 1 714 5/19/2010 11 33 10 11 988 1 709 5/19/2010 11 33 20 12 012 1 813 5/19/201011 33 30 11 961 1 816 5/19/2010 11 33 40 11 919 1 717 5/19/2010 11 33 50 11 926 1 714 5/19(2010 11 34 00 12 01 1 61 5/19/201011 34 10 12 146 1 613 5/19/2010 11 34 20 12 322 1 714 5/19/2010 11 34 30 12498 1 813 5/19/201011 34 40 12 621 1 717 5/19/201011 34 50 12 653 1 717 5/19/201011 35 00 5 979 1 714 5/19/201011 35 10 0 336 2 114 5/19/201011 35 20 0 208 7 011 5/19/201011 35 30 0 193 19414 5/19/2010 11 35 40 0 183 33 809 5/18/2010 11 35 50 0175 43 006 5/18/2010 11 36 00 0 178 46 504 5/18/2010 11 36 10 0 16 47 207 5/18/2010 11 36 20 0161 47 202 5/18/2O10 11 36 30 0 165 47 202 5/18/201011 36 40 0 156 47202 5/19/201011 36 50 1 14 47 202 471 ppm CO 0 49 47 20 Calibration Bias Page 19 of 24 30 2010 MPF RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data 12 hour time 02(%) CO (ppm) 5/19/201011 37 00 10714 46688 5/19/2010 11 37 10 10931 38813 5/19/2010 11 37 20 10 841 23 921 5/19/2010 11 37 30 10841 11 525 5/18/2010 11 37 40 10 951 4 521 110% 02/9 64S C02 10 94 13 32 5/18/2010 11 37 50 9 736 1 622 5/19/201011 38 00 0 371 0 821 5/19/20101138 10 0 207 0 722 5/18/201011 38 20 0192 0 722 5/19/201011 38 30 0 185 0 722 5/19/201011 38 40 018 0 621 5/19/2010 11 38 50 018 0 92 Zero N2 011 0 82 5/19/201011 39 00 6 786 0 92 5/19/201011 3910 11 752 0 92 5/19/2010 11 38 20 11 868 1 122 5/19/2010 11 38 30 11 889 1 325 5/19/2010 11 39 40 11 841 1 618 5/18/2010 11 39 50 11 965 1 82 Start Run 9 5/19/2010 11 40 00 11 95 1 82 5/19/201011 40 10 11 843 1 885 5/19/2010 11 40 20 11 856 1 786 5/19/2010 11 4030 11 975 1 781 5/19/2010 11 40 40 11 995 1 885 5/19/2010 11 40 50 12 008 1 885 5/19/2010 11 41 00 12 01 1 886 5/19/2010 11 41 10 11 982 1 816 5/19/201011 41 20 11 868 1 721 5/19/2010 11 41 30 11 935 1 82 5/19/2010 11 41 40 11 933 1 82 5/19/2010 11 41 50 11 951 1 721 5/19/2010 11 42 00 11 963 1 721 5/19/2010 11 42 10 12 032 1 82 5/19/2010 11 42 20 12 109 1 843 5/19/2010 11 42 30 12 141 1 717 5/19/2010 11 42 40 12 109 1 62 5/19/2010 11 42 50 12 04 1 62 6/19/2010 11 4300 11 986 1 82 5/19/2010 11 43 10 11 978 1 721 5/19/2010 11 4320 12 003 1 721 5/19/2010 11 43 30 11 988 1 82 5/19/2010 11 43 40 11 935 1 805 5/19/2010 11 43 50 11 911 1 605 5/18/2010 11 44 00 11 961 1 801 5/19/201011 44 10 11 875 1 801 5/19/2010 11 44 20 11 963 1 702 5/19/2010 11 44 30 11 933 1 702 5/19/2010 11 44 40 11 966 1 714 5/19/2010 11 44 50 12 008 1 717 5/19/2010 11 45 00 12 008 1 717 5/19/2010 11 45 10 11 97 1 816 5/18/2010 11 45 20 11 938 1 717 5/19/2010 11 45 30 11 943 1 816 5/19/2010 11 45 40 11 853 1 805 5/18/2010 11 45 50 11 966 1 843 5/19/2010 11 46 00 11 861 1 832 5/19/2010 11 46 10 11 904 1 832 5/19/2010 11 46 20 11 824 1 721 5/19/201011 4630 11 742 1 702 5/19/2010 11 46 40 11 653 1 724 5/19/2010 11 4650 11 582 1 709 5/19/2010 11 47 00 11 535 1 706 5/19/2010 11 47 10 11 515 1 618 5/19/2010 11 47 20 11 491 1 637 5/19/2010 11 47 30 11 485 1 724 5/19/2010 11 47 40 11 493 1 702 5/19/2010 11 47 50 11 488 1 675 5/19/2010 11 4800 11 48 1 733 5/19/2010 11 48 10 11 475 1 667 5/19/2010 11 48 20 11 475 1 766 6/19/2010 11 4830 11 502 1 596 5/19/2010 11 48 40 11 542 1 763 5/19/2010 11 48 50 11 582 1 702 5/19/2010 11 4900 11 565 1 568 5/19/2010 11 49 10 11 53 1 702 5/19/2010 11 49 20 11 52 1 736 5/19/2010 11 49 30 11 547 1 662 5/10/2010 11 49 40 11 589 1 751 5/19/2010 11 49 50 11 643 1 744 5/19/2010 11 5000 11 663 1 744 5/19/2010 11 50 10 11 715 1 733 5/19/2010 11 50 20 11 725 1 823 6/19/2010 11 50 30 11 703 1 766 5/19/2010 11 50 40 11 671 1 744 5/19/2010 11 50 50 11 639 1 702 5/19/2010 11 51 00 11 648 1 721 5/18/2010 11 51 10 11 649 1 717 5/19/2010 11 51 20 11 668 1 808 5/18/2010 11 51 30 11 698 1 801 5/19/201011 51 40 11 743 1 721 Page 20 of 24 31 2010 MPF RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data Calibration Bias 47 1 ppm CO 12 hour time 02(7) CO (ppm) 5/19/2010 11 51 50 11 76 1 729 5/19/201011 52 00 11 79 1 709 5/19(2010 11 52 10 11 819 1 608 5/19/2010 11 52 20 11 834 1 828 5/19/201011 52 30 11 837 1 813 5/19/2010 11 52 40 11 842 1 832 5/18/201011 52 50 11 849 1 729 5/19/201011 53 00 11 82 1622 5/19/201011 53 10 11 806 1 714 5/19/2010 11 53 20 11 788 1 714 5/19/2010 11 53 30 11 792 1 721 5/19/201011 53 40 11 789 1 828 5/18/2010 11 53 50 11 606 1 724 5/19/2010 11 54 00 11862 1 756 5/19/2010 11 54 10 11 888 1 724 5/18/2010 11 54 20 11 883 1 729 5/18/201011 54 30 11 839 1 729 5/19/2010 11 54 40 11 785 1 607 5/19/2010 11 54 50 11 767 1 706 5/18/201011 55 00 11 752 1 771 5/19/201011 56 10 11 753 1 694 5/19/201011 55 20 11 763 1 709 5/18/2010 11 55 30 11 765 1721 5/190010 11 55 40 11 77 1 649 5/19/201011 55 50 11 773 1 691 5/19/2010 11 56 00 11 772 1 724 5/19/2010 11 56 10 11 767 1 717 5/19(201011 56 20 11 768 1 756 5/19/2010 11 56 30 11 765 1 625 5/19(2010 11 56 40 11 827 1 607 5/19/2010 11 56 50 11 839 1 766 5/19(2010 11 57 00 11 859 1 603 5/19/2010 11 57 10 11 906 1 649 5/18/2010 11 57 20 11 953 1 697 5/19/2010 11 57 30 11 96 1 728 5/19/2010 11 57 40 11 824 1 681 5/19/2010 11 57 50 11 883 1 588 5/19(2010 11 58 00 11 664 1 625 5/19/2010 11 58 10 11 876 1 744 5/19/2010 11 58 20 11 888 1 736 5/19/2010 11 58 30 11 891 1 79 5/19/2010 11 58 40 11 379 1 648 5/19/2010 11 68 50 11 872 1 744 5/19(2010 11 58 00 11 862 1 717 5/19/2010 11 59 10 11 857 1 721 5/19/2010 11 59 20 11 841 1 733 5/19/2010 11 58 30 11 82 1 729 5/19/2010 11 59 40 11 817 1 637 5/19/2010 11 59 50 11 831 1 702 5/19/2010 12 00 00 11 852 1 744 5/19/201012 00 10 11 662 I 721 5/19/201012 00 20 11 862 1 634 5/19/2010 12 00 30 11 868 1 625 5/19/2010 12 00 40 11 883 1 588 5/19/2010 12 00 50 11 888 1 664 11 82 1 74 5/19/2010 12 01 00 11 889 1 618 5/19/2010 12 01 10 11 884 1 729 5/18/201012 01 20 5 147 1 721 5/18/201012 01 30 0 324 1 813 5/19(2010 12 01 40 0215 562 5/19/2010 12 01 50 0 192 16 725 5/19/2010 12 02 00 0 177 31 061 5/19/2010 12 02 10 0 173 41 393 5/19/2010 12 02 20 0168 45 661 5/19/2010 12 02 30 0 156 46 425 5/19/2010 12 02 40 0 166 46 668 5/19/2010 12 02 50 0 161 46 467 5/19/2010 12 03 00 0 151 46 737 5/19/2010 12 03 10 0165 46 839 5/18/2010 12 03 20 7 243 46 661 2 52 46 75 5/19/2010 12 03 30 10 852 45 78 5/19/2010 12 03 40 10 919 36 887 5/19/2010 12 03 50 10 934 21 605 5/18(2010 12 04 00 10 941 99 5/19/2010 12 04 10 10 949 3 846 02 10 94 11 78 5/19/2010 12 04 20 10 397 1 42 5/18/2010 12 04 30 0 373 0 725 5/19/2010 12 04 40 0 208 0 645 5/19/2010 12 04 50 0 192 0 732 5/19/2010 12 05 00 0 135 0 737 5/19/2010 12 05 10 0 172 0 707 5/19/2010 12 05 20 0 16 0 64 5/19/2010 12 05 30 0 151 0 624 5/19/2010 12 05 40 0 151 0 786 5/19/2010 12 05 50 0 15 0 806 5(19/2010 12 06 00 0145 0 836 5/19/2010 12 06 10 0 14 0 836 5/19/2010 12 06 20 0 148 0 828 Page 21 of 24 32 2010 MPF RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data 12 hour tfme 02(%) CO (ppm) 5/19/2010 12 06 30 0 155 0 791 5/19/2010 12 06 40 0148 0 794 5/19/2010 12 06 50 0151 0 801 5/19/201012 07 00 015 0 794 5/18/201012 07 10 014 0 71 5/10/2010 12 07 20 016 0 722 015 0 74 5/19/2010 12 07 30 1 174 0 782 5/19/201012 07 40 11 288 0 947 5/19/2010 12 07 50 1171 0 942 5/19/201012 08 00 11 745 1 229 5/19/2010 12 08 10 11 74 1424 5/18/201012 08 20 11 736 1 622 5/19/2010 12 08 30 11743 1729 5/19/2010 12 08 40 11 738 1 733 5/18/2010 12 08 50 11 728 1 721 5/19/2010 12 09 00 11 735 1 714 5/19/2010 12 09 10 11 755 1 756 5/19/2010 12 09 20 11 787 1 748 5/19/2010 12 09 30 11 795 1 717 5/19(2010 12 09 40 11 827 1 721 5/19/2010 12 09 50 11 849 1 721 5/19/2010 12 10 00 11 864 1 721 5/19/2010 12 10 10 11 662 1 721 5/19/2010 12 10 20 11 636 1 736 5/19/2010 12 10 30 11 778 1 828 5/19/2010 12 10 40 11 753 1 82 5/19/2010 12 10 50 11 768 1 62 5/18/2010 12 11 00 11 866 1 714 5/19/2010 12 11 10 12 128 1 714 5/18/2010 12 11 20 12 396 1 717 5/18/2010 12 11 30 12713 1 717 5/19/2010 12 11 40 12 98 1 816 5/19/2010 12 11 50 13 13 1 813 5/19/201012 12 00 13 202 1 82 5/19/2010 12 12 10 13 267 1 709 5/19/2010 12 12 20 13 448 1 724 5/19/2010 12 12 30 13 566 1 877 5/19/2010 12 12 40 13618 1 721 5/19/2010 12 12 50 13 647 1 724 5/19/2010 12 13 00 13 668 1 729 5/19/201012 13 10 13 687 1 724 5/19/2010 12 13 20 13 67 1 721 5/19/2010 12 13 30 13 628 1 733 5/19/2010 12 13 40 13611 1 832 5/19/2010 12 13 50 13 696 1 813 5/19/2010 12 14 00 13 583 1 729 5/19/2010 12 14 10 13 558 1 832 5/19/2010 12 14 20 13 529 1 724 5/19/2010 12 14 30 13 477 1 724 5/19/2010 12 14 40 13 386 1 813 5/19/2010 12 14 50 13 299 1 816 5/19/2010 12 15 00 13 182 1 82 5/19/2010 12 15 10 13 096 1 823 5/19/2010 12 15 20 12 974 1 82 5/19/2010 1215 30 12 836 1 816 5/19/2010 12 15 40 12 683 1 724 5/19/2010 12 15 50 12564 1 724 5/19/2010 12 16 00 12 507 1 82 5/19/2010 12 16 10 12 497 1 717 5/19/2010 1216 20 12 509 1 721 5/19/2010 12 16 30 12 515 1 714 5/18/2010 12 16 40 12 534 1 721 5/19/2010 12 16 50 12 549 1 724 5/19/2010 12 17 00 12 572 1 729 5/19/2010 1217 10 12 576 1 729 5/18/2010 12 17 20 12 582 1 706 5/19/2010 12 17 30 12 604 1 733 5/19/2010 12 17 40 12 648 1 729 5/19/2010 12 17 50 12 687 1 717 5/18/2010 12 18 00 12 713 1 733 5/19/2010 12 18 10 12 702 1 721 5/19/2010 12 18 20 12 703 1 724 5/19/201012 18 30 12 663 1 832 5/19/2010 12 18 40 12 674 1 82 5/19/2010 12 18 50 12 466 1 823 5/19/2010 12 19 00 12 433 1 736 5/19/2010 12 19 10 12 363 1 733 5/19/2010 12 18 20 12 349 1 729 5/19/2010 12 19 30 12 347 1 847 5/19/201012 1940 12 379 1 826 5/19/201012 19 50 12 393 1 721 5/19/201012 20 00 12 425 1 828 5/19/201012 20 10 12 488 1 729 5/19/201012 20 20 12 472 1 733 5/19/2010 12 20 30 12 455 1 724 5/19/2010 12 20 40 12 438 1 717 5/19/2010 12 20 50 12416 1 736 5/19/2010 12 21 00 12 408 1 733 5/19/2010 12 21 10 12 406 1 724 Page 22 of 24 33 2010 MPF RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data Calibration Bias 47 1 ppm CO 12 hour time 02 (V) CO (ppm) 5/19/2010 12 21 20 12 441 1 736 5/19/2010 12 21 30 12 5 1 643 6/19/2010 12 21 40 12 564 1 835 5/19/2010 12 21 50 12 593 1 729 5/19/2010 12 22 00 12 582 1 637 5/19/201012 22 10 12 537 1 733 5/19/201012 22 20 12 512 1 736 5/19/2010 12 22 30 12 544 1 729 5/19/2010 12 22 40 12 609 1 729 5/19/2010 12 22 50 12 656 163 5/19/201012 23 00 12 696 1 625 5/19/2010 12 23 10 12 695 1 724 5/19/201012 23 20 12 887 1 724 5/10/2010 12 23 30 12712 1 714 5/19/2010 12 23 40 12 782 1 733 5/19/2010 12 23 50 12 705 1 744 5/19/2010 12 24 00 12 488 1 733 5/19/2010 12 24 10 12212 1 733 5/19/2010 12 24 20 11 836 1 736 5/19/2010 12 24 30 11 233 1 733 5/19/2010 12 24 40 10 424 1 623 5/19/2010 12 24 50 9 546 1 733 5/19/2010 12 25 00 8 807 1 735 5/19/2010 12 25 10 8 269 1 736 5/19/201012 25 20 7 661 1 724 5/19/2010 12 25 30 7 674 1 733 5/19/2010 12 25 40 7 507 1 733 6/19/2010 12 25 50 7 394 1 744 5/19/201012 26 00 7 266 1 634 5/19/201012 26 10 7 003 1 649 5/19/2010 12 26 20 6 865 1 729 5/19/2010 12 26 30 6 901 1 634 5(19/2010 12 26 40 7 104 1 641 5/19/2010 12 26 50 7 408 1 541 5/19/2010 12 27 00 7612 1 626 5/19/2010 12 27 10 7 607 1 634 5/19/2010 12 27 20 7 666 1 729 5/19/2010 12 27 30 8 03 1 733 6/19/2010 12 27 40 8 663 1 739 5/19/201012 27 50 9 229 1 744 5/19/2010 12 28 00 9 523 1 733 5/18/2010 12 26 10 9615 1 724 5/19/2010 12 28 20 9 694 1 729 5/19/2010 12 28 30 9 791 1 739 5/19/2010 12 28 40 9684 1 748 5/18/2010 12 28 50 8 425 1 733 11 70 1 73 5/18/2010 12 29 00 9 277 1 63 5/19/2010 12 28 10 9 142 1 625 5/19/2010 12 29 20 7 149 1 739 5/19/2010 12 29 30 0 378 5 524 5/19/2010 12 29 40 0 193 22 414 5/18/2010 12 28 50 0 178 53 921 5/19/2010 12 30 00 0 16 81 048 5/19/2010 12 30 10 0172 95 681 5/19/2010 12 30 20 0161 99 157 5/19/2010 12 30 30 0 16 99 565 5/19/2010 12 30 40 0 16 99 55 5/19/2010 12 30 50 0 143 99 523 5/19/2010 12 31 00 0 158 99 511 5/18/2010 12 31 10 0 156 99 614 5/18/2010 12 31 20 0156 99 968 5/19/2010 12 31 30 0153 99 767 5/19/2010 12 31 40 0 143 99 691 5/19/2010 12 31 50 0 237 99 404 5/19/2010 12 32 00 0 16 90 981 5/19/201012 32 10 0 133 74 284 5/19/2010 12 32 20 014 59 22 5/19/2010 12 32 30 0153 50 502 5/18/2010 12 32 40 0161 47 642 5/19/2010 12 32 50 0143 47 264 5/19/2010 12 33 00 0153 47 076 6/19/2010 12 33 10 0 145 47 024 5/19/2010 12 33 20 0 125 47 16 5/19/2010 12 33 30 0 136 47 217 5/19/2010 12 33 40 0 136 47 21 0 13 47 20 5/19/2010 12 33 50 0 151 47 034 5/19/2010 12 34 00 9 429 45 314 5/19/2010 12 34 10 10 862 35 563 5/19/2010 12 34 20 10 009 20 384 5/19/2010 12 34 30 10 936 9 256 5/19/201012 34 40 10 948 3 591 5/19/2010 12 34 50 10 936 1 31 5/19/2010 12 35 00 10 929 0 722 5/19/2010 12 35 10 10 959 0 645 5/19/201012 35 20 10 959 0 626 02 10 95 OSS 5/19/2010 12 35 30 0 838 0 63 5/19/2010 12 35 40 0 227 0 699 5/19/2010 12 35 50 0 186 0 824 Page 23 of 24 34 2010 MPF RATA URS TCEMS Raw Data 12 hour time 02(%) CO (ppm) 5/19/201012 36 00 0 182 0 836 5/19/201012 38 10 0 166 0 917 5/19/2010 12 36 20 0173 0 932 5/19/2010 12 36 30 0 16 0 935 5/19/201012 3640 0153 0 935 016 0 93 5/19/2010 12 36 50 8 348 0 912 5/19(201012 37 00 10 12 1 049 5/19/201012 37 10 10 258 1 336 5/19/201012 37 20 10 494 1 613 5/19/2010 12 37 30 10 778 1 729 5/10/201012 37 40 10 978 1 739 5/19/2010 12 37 50 11 099 1 808 5/19/201012 38 00 11 225 1 84 5/19/2010 12 38 10 11 411 1 813 5/19/201012 38 20 11 626 1 843 5/19/201012 38 30 11 723 1 82 5/19/201012 38 40 11 73 1 828 6/19/201012 36 50 11 721 1 823 5/19/201012 39 00 11 745 1 823 5/19/2010 12 39 10 11 768 1 84 5/19/2010 12 39 20 11 773 1 816 5/19/201012 39 30 11 69 1 828 5/19/201012 39 40 11 597 1 714 5/18/201012 39 50 11 51 1 816 5/18/201012 40 00 11 444 1 823 5/19/2010 12 40 10 2 192 1 756 5/19/2010 12 40 20 0 153 1 095 5/19/2010 12 40 30 0 138 1 247 5/19/201012 40 40 0 133 0 932 5/18/201012 40 50 0 123 0 816 5/19/2010 12 41 00 0 125 0 714 5/19/2010 12 41 10 0 133 0 725 5/19/2010 12 41 20 0126 0 767 5/19/2010 12 41 30 0118 0 752 5/19/2010 12 41 40 0 13 0 756 5/18/201012 41 50 1 135 0 717 5/19/2010 12 42 00 0 133 0 737 5/19/2010 12 42 10 0 118 0 717 5/19/2010 12 42 20 0121 0 833 5/19/2010 12 42 30 0 131 0 774 5/19/201012 42 40 0 121 0 707 5/19/201012 42 50 0 114 0 717 5/19/2010 12 43 00 0133 0 71 5/19/201012 43 10 0 118 0 756 6/19/2010 12 43 20 1 947 0 71 5/19/2010 12 43 30 11 092 0714 5/19/2010 12 43 40 11 243 1 Oil 5/19/2010 12 43 50 11 243 1 32 5/19/2010 12 44 00 11 243 1 553 5/19/2010 12 44 10 11 231 1 568 5/19/2010 12 44 20 11 265 1 717 5/19/2010 12 44 30 11 292 1 724 5/19/201012 44 40 11 325 1 721 5/19/201012 44 50 11 325 1 667 5/19/201012 45 00 11 305 1 702 5/19/201012 45 10 11 285 1 721 5/19/2010 12 45 20 11 277 1 717 5/19/2010 12 45 30 11 298 1 759 5/19/2010 12 45 40 11 33 1 706 5/19/2010 12 45 50 11 352 1 675 6/19/2010 12 46 00 11 342 1 63 5/19/2010 12 46 10 11 344 1 714 5/19/2010 12 46 20 11 324 1 739 5/19(2010 12 46 30 11 312 1 687 5/19/2010 12 46 40 11 307 1 756 5/19/2010 12 46 50 11 334 1 709 5/19/2010 12 47 00 11 371 1 739 5/19/201012 47 10 11 381 1 672 5/19/2010 12 47 20 11 402 1 607 5/19/2010 12 47 30 11 438 1 613 Page 24 of 24 Reference APPENDIX D Method calibration Results Project ID MPF RATA 2010 MPF RATA CO Calibration Data Summary Date 19 May 10 2% Limit Instrument Make/Model Thermo 480 Calibration Error Test Results ID Number Ozzy Certified CEM Absolute Cal Error Calibration Span Value 97 80 Cylinder ID Value Time Response Difference (% of Span) Analyzer Range 0-100 zero gas ALM008609 0 00 06 55 -0 03 0 03 0 03% Units ppm span gas CC 113980 97 80 07 01 97 54 0 26 0 26% Technician(s) ADB/DG mid-range ALM048820 47 10 07 03 46 17 0 93 0 95% CEMS Calibration Bias and Drift Tests 5% Limit 1 5% Limit 3% Limit Gal Error Pre test Post test GEMS GEMS Bias CEMS Bias Drift Run No Cylinder Value Response Time Response (% of Span) Time Response (% of Span) (% of Span) Eq 7E 5 Run 1 0 00 0 03 07 28 0 80 0 85% 08 02 0 86 0 91% 0 06% Co= 0 832 47 10 46 17 07 24 46 64 ' 0 48% 07 59 46 77 0 61% 0 13% Cma/(Cm Co) 1 027 Run 2 0 00 0 03 08 02 0 86 0 91% 08 29 0 92 0 97% 0 06% Co= 0 891 47 10 46 17 07 59 46 77 0 61% 08 27 47 02 0 87% 0 26% Cnna/(Cni Co) 1 024 Run 3 0 00 0 03 08 29 0 92 0 97% 08 55 0 82 0 86% 0 10% Co= 0 868 47 10 46 17 08 27 47 02 0 87% 08 53 46 72 0 57% 0 30% Cma/(Cm Co) 1 024 Run 4 0 00 0 03 08 55 0 82 0 86% 09 22 0 85 0 90% 0 03% Co= 0 834 47 10 46 17 08 53 46 72 0 57% 09 20 47 05 0 90% 0 34% Cma/(Cm Co) 1 023 Run 5 0 00 0 03 09 22 0 85 0 90% 09 49 0 85 0 89% 0 00% Co= 0 848 47 10 46 17 09 20 47 05 0 90% 09 47 46 98 0 83% 0 08% Cma/(Cm Co) 1 020 Run 6 0 00 0 03 09 49 0 85 0 89% 10 17 0 89 0 94% 0 05% Co= 0 871 47 10 46 17 09 47 46 98 0 83% 10 15 47 07 0 93% 0 10% Cma/(Cm Co) 1 020 Run 7 0 00 0 03 10 17 0 89 0 94% 10 45 0 89 0 93% 0 01% Co= 0 890 47 10 46 17 10 15 47 07 0 93% 10 42 47 21 1 06% 0 13% Cma/(Cm Co) 1 018 Run 8 0 00 0 03 10 45 0 89 0 93% 11 38 0 82 0 87% 0 07% Co= 0 853 -47 10 46 17 10 42 47 21 1 06% 11 36 47 20 1 06% 0 00% Cma/(Cm Co) 1 016 ^ Run9_ 0 00 0 03 11 38 0 82 0 87% 12 07 V 0 74 0 79% 0 08% Co= 0 782 -47 10 46 17 11 36 47 20 1 06% 12 03 46 75 0 59% 0 47% Cma/(Cm Co) 1 020 Run 10_ 0 00 0 03 12 07 0 74 0 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May 10 10 19 30 153 159579 19 May 10 10 20 00 152 158953 19 May 10 10 20 30 153 159788 19 May 10 10 21 00 153 159683 19 May 10 10 21 30 154 160101 19 May 10 10 22 00 154 160309 19 May 10 10 22 30 153 159579 19 May 10 10 23 00 152 158849 19 May 10 10 23 30 153 159683 19 May 10 10 24 00 154 160935 19 May 10 10 24 30 152 158849 19 May 10 10 25 00 153 159892 19 May 10 10 25 30 154 160726 _ . . . w 0 160622 0 159266 0 159996 0 160101 0 159370 0 157493 0 156867 0 159162 0 160309 0 160101 0 159162 0 159579 0 159370 0 156867 0 156450 0 157284 0 160101 0 160518 0 159475 0 159579 0 160518 0 160205 0 158640 0 157806 0 160726 0 159892 0 160205 0 157389 0 158640 0 158536 0 157389 0 159996 0 160518 0 159475 0 160205 0 160622 0 158223 0 159058 0 160831 0 160101 0 159683 0 159579 0 159788 0 160935 0 159579 0 158953 0 159788 0 159683 0 160101 0 160309 0 159579 0 158849 0 159683 0 160935 0 158849 0 159892 0 160726 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/19/2010 8 MPF Fuel Flow MPF RATA Minimum Req d 84483scfm ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ 159370 19 May-10 10 26 00 153 ^ 159370 19-May-10 10 26 30 153 159788 19 May-10 10 27 00 155 161144 19 May-10 10 27 30 153 159996 19 May 10 10 28 00 154 160205 19-May-10 10 28 30 154 160726 19 May-10 10 29 00 153 159788 19 May-10 10 29 30 152 158953 19 May 10 10 30 00 154 161039 19-May 10 10 30 30 154 160935 19 May 10 10 31 00 153 159370 19 May 10 10 31 30 154 160205 19 May-10 10 32 00 155 161456 19 May 10 10 32 30 156 162187 19 May 10 10 33 00 154 160101 19 May-10 10 33 30 154 160101 19 May-10 10 34 00 154 160622 19 May 10 10 34 30 153 159683 19 May 10 10 35 00 153 159266 19 May-10 10 35 30 154 160413 19 May-10 10 36 00 154 160831 19 May 10 10 36 30 154 160935 19 May 10 10 37 00 153 159892 19 May-10 10 37 30 152 158849 19 May-10 10 38 00 153 159788 19 May 10 10 38 30 154 160309 19-May 10 10 39 00 154 160101 19 May-10 10 39 30 153 159683 19 May 10 10 40 00 153 159579 19 May 10 10 40 30 155 161978 19 May 10 10 41 00 153 159996 19 May 10 10 41 30 152 158849 19 May 10 10 42 00 154 160518 19 May 10 10 42 30 153 159996 19 May 10 10 43 00 154 161039 19 May-10 10 43 30 152 158015 19 May-10 10 44 00 150 156763 19 May-10 10 44 30 151 157076 19 May-10 10 45 00 147 153530 19 May 10 10 45 30 145 151652 19 May 10 10 46 00 141 147063 19 May 10 10 46 30 140 145811 19 May 10 10 47 00 136 142057 19 May 10 10 47 30 133 139032 19 May 10 10 48 00 133 138928 19 May 10 10 48 30 134 139866 19 May 10 10 49 00 133 139032 19 May 10 10 49 30 134 139658 19 May 10 10 50 00 131 137050 19 May 10 10 50 30 132 137363 19 May 10 10 51 00 133 139136 19 May 10 10 51 30 133 139136 19 May 10 10 52 00 133 138406 19 May 10 10 52 30 133 138406 19 May-10 10 53 00 134 139449 19 May 10 10 53 30 134 139658 19 May 10 10 54 00 134 139866 0 159370 0 159788 0 161144 0 159996 0 160205 0 160726 0 159788 0 158953 0 161039 0 160935 0 159370 0 160205 0 161456 0 162187 0 160101 0 160101 0 160622 0 159683 0 159266 0 160413 0 160831 0 160935 0 159892 0 158849 0 159788 0 160309 0 160101 0 159683 0 159579 0 161978 0 159996 0 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144143 19-May 10 11 06 00 139 144664 19 May-10 11 06 30 139 144560 19 May-10 11 07 00 131 136842 19-May 10 11 07 30 127 132565 19 May 10 11 08 00 123 127768 19 May 10 11 08 30 120 124847 19 May-10 11 09 00 119 124534 19-May 10 11 09 30 117 121927 19-May 10 11 10 00 117 122344 19 May 10 11 10 30 116 121197 19-May 10 11 11 00 117 122344 19-May 10 11 11 30 117 121718 19 May-10 11 12 00 116 121405 19 May 10 11 12 30 117 121718 19 May 10 11 13 00 118 122553 19-May 10 11 13 30 119 123700 19-May 10 11 14 00 118 123178 19-May 10 11 14 30 118 123074 19 May 10 11 15 00 121 125682 19 May 10 11 15 30 121 125890 19 May 10 11 16 00 120 124951 19 May-10 11 16 30 121 125682 19 May 10 11 17 00 120 125369 19 May 10 11 17 30 119 123804 19 May 10 11 18 00 121 125682 19-May 10 11 18 30 120 125160 19 May 10 11 19 00 120 125577 19 May-10 11 19 30 120 124951 19-May 10 11 20 00 119 124534 19 May 10 11 20 30 120 125369 19-May 10 11 21 00 121 125890 19 May-10 11 21 30 120 125473 19 May-10 11 22 00 120 124639 19 May 10 11 22 30 119 124534 ^^^^ ^^^^ 0 139553 0 141848 0 141014 0 141535 0 141014 0 141952 0 143934 0 142995 0 142995 0 141744 0 142265 0 143830 0 142787 0 140284 0 141014 0 141014 0 142370 0 141848 0 141848 0 143204 0 142057 0 140596 0 144143 0 144664 0 144560 0 136842 0 132565 0 127768 0 124847 0 124534 0 121927 0 122344 0 121197 0 122344 0 121718 0 121405 0 121718 0 122553 0 123700 0 123178 0 123074 0 125682 0 125890 0 124951 0 125682 0 125369 0 123804 0 125682 0 125160 0 125577 0 124951 0 124534 0 125369 0 125890 0 125473 0 124639 0 124534 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/19/2010 10 MPF Fuel Flow MPF RATA Minimum Req d 84483scfm 19-May-10 11 23 00 121 125890 19 May-10 11 23 30 120 125264 19 May 10 11 24 00 120 124951 19 May 10 11 24 30 120 124639 19-May-10 11 25 00 120 125473 19 May-10 11 25 30 120 124847 19 May 10 11 26 00 120 125577 19 May 10 11 26 30 121 125786 19 May 10 11 27 00 120 125160 19 May-10 11 27 30 121 125786 19-May-10 11 28 00 119 124534 19 May 10 11 28 30 121 126307 19 May 10 11 29 00 121 125682 19 May 10 11 29 30 119 124117 19-May 10 11 30 00 122 127663 19-May-10 11 30 30 122 126933 19 May 10 11 31 00 120 125160 19 May 10 11 31 30 120 124639 19 May 10 11 32 00 118 123491 19-May 10 11 32 30 120 125160 19-May-10 11 33 00 121 125890 19 May 10 11 33 30 124 128915 19 May 10 11 34 00 128 133087 19 May 10 11 34 30 126 131835 19 May 10 11 35 00 126 131731 19-May-10 11 35 30 124 129436 19 May 10 11 36 00 124 129123 19 May 10 11 36 30 124 129541 19 May 10 11 37 00 123 128289 19 May 10 11 37 30 122 127350 19-May 10 11 38 00 121 125890 19 May 10 11 38 30 120 125473 19 May 10 11 39 00 120 124847 19 May 10 11 39 30 120 125369 19 May 10 11 40 00 120 125577 19 May 10 11 40 30 118 122865 19 May 10 11 41 00 117 121927 19 May 10 11 41 30 120 124951 19 May 10 11 42 00 119 124326 19 May 10 11 42 30 120 125369 19 May 10 11 43 00 120 125264 19 May 10 11 43 30 120 125577 19 May 10 11 44 00 120 125369 19 May 10 11 44 30 119 124326 19 May 10 11 45 00 126 131731 19 May 10 11 45 30 128 133400 19 May 10 11 46 00 130 135381 19 May 10 11 46 30 130 135069 19 May-10 11 47 00 130 135069 19 May 10 11 47 30 130 135069 19 May 10 11 48 00 129 134547 19 May 10 11 48 30 127 131940 19 May 10 11 49 00 128 133608 19 May 10 11 49 30 126 131209 19 May 10 11 50 00 126 131627 19 May 10 11 50 30 126 131001 19 May 10 11 51 00 124 129019 0 125890 0 125264 0 124951 0 124639 0 125473 0 124847 0 125577 0 125786 0 125160 0 125786 0 124534 0 126307 0 125682 0 124117 0 127663 0 126933 0 125160 0 124639 0 123491 0 125160 0 125890 0 128915 0 133087 0 131835 0 131731 0 129436 0 129123 0 129541 0 128289 0 127350 0 125890 0 125473 0 124847 0 125369 0 125577 0 122865 0 121927 0 124951 0 124326 0 125369 0 125264 0 125577 0 125369 0 124326 0 131731 0 133400 0 135381 0 135069 0 135069 0 135069 0 134547 0 131940 0 133608 0 131209 0 131627 0 131001 0 129019 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/19/2010 11 MPF Fuel Flow MPF RATA Minimum Req d 84483scfm 19 May 10 11 51 30 124 129436 19 May-10 11 52 00 124 129019 19-May-10 11 52 30 123 128498 19 May-10 11 53 00 124 128811 19 May-10 11 53 30 124 129541 19 May-10 11 54 00 124 129541 19 May-10 11 54 30 124 129332 19 May-10 11 55 00 122 127455 19 May 10 11 55 30 124 129541 19 May 10 11 56 00 122 127455 19 May 10 11 56 30 124 128915 19 May 10 11 57 00 123 128602 19 May 10 11 57 30 124 129228 19 May-10 11 58 00 125 129854 19 May 10 11 58 30 125 129854 19 May 10 11 59 00 123 128393 19 May 10 11 59 30 124 129645 19 May 10 12 00 00 124 128915 19 May 10 12 00 30 125 130271 19 May-10 12 01 00 125 129854 19 May 10 12 01 30 124 129228 19 May 10 12 02 00 123 128498 19 May 10 12 02 30 123 128602 19 May-10 12 03 00 124 128915 19 May 10 12 03 30 124 129019 19 May 10 12 04 00 125 129854 19-May-10 12 04 30 124 129228 19 May 10 12 05 00 125 130062 19 May 10 12 05 30 123 128498 19 May 10 12 06 00 124 129332 19 May 10 12 06 30 123 128706 19 May 10 12 07 00 123 128289 19 May 10 12 07 30 124 129332 19 May 10 12 08 00 122 127142 19 May 10 12 08 30 122 127350 19 May 10 12 09 00 122 127663 19 May 10 12 09 30 124 129436 19 May 10 12 10 00 98 102110 19-May 10 12 10 30 99 102840 19 May 10 12 11 00 91 94496 19-May-10 12 11 30 92 95852 19 May 10 12 12 00 93 97208 19 May 10 12 12 30 95 98876 19 May 10 12 13 00 98 102110 19-May 10 12 13 30 106 110975 19 May 10 12 14 00 113 117859 19 May 10 12 14 30 118 123074 19 May 10 12 15 00 118 123178 19 May 10 12 15 30 116 120675 19-May 10 12 16 00 115 119632 19-May 10 12 16 30 112 117025 19 May 10 12 17 00 114 118798 19 May 10 12 17 30 120 124743 19-May 10 12 18 00 119 123596 19 May 10 12 18 30 119 123804 19-May 10 12 19 00 117 121927 19 May 10 12 19 30 117 122240 0 129436 0 129019 0 128498 0 128811 0 129541 0 129541 0 129332 0 127455 0 129541 0 127455 0 128915 0 128602 0 129228 0 129854 0 129854 0 128393 0 129645 0 128915 0 130271 0 129854 0 129228 0 128498 0 128602 0 128915 0 129019 0 129854 0 129228 0 130062 0 128498 0 129332 0 128706 0 128289 0 129332 0 127142 0 127350 0 127663 0 129436 0 102110 0 102840 0 94496 0 95852 0 97208 0 98876 0 102110 0 110975 0 117859 0 123074 0 123178 0 120675 0 119632 0 117025 0 118798 0 124743 0 123596 0 123804 0 121927 0 122240 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/19/2010 12 MPF Fuel Flow MPF RATA Minimum Req d 84483scfm ^^^^^^ 19-May-10 12 20 00 117 121510 19-May-10 12 20 30 118 123491 19-May-10 12 21 00 121 126099 19-May 10 12 21 30 124 128915 19 May 10 12 22 00 128 133713 19 May 10 12 22 30 132 137676 19 May-10 12 23 00 150 156137 19 May 10 12 23 30 180 188053 19 May 10 12 24 00 187 194832 19 May 10 12 24 30 183 190765 19 May 10 12 25 00 170 177623 19 May 10 12 25 30 136 141952 19 May 10 12 26 00 111 116190 19 May-10 12 26 30 109 114000 19 May-10 12 27 00 107 111392 19 May 10 12 27 30 106 110975 19 May 10 12 28 00 105 109724 19 May 10 12 28 30 102 106386 19 May-10 12 29 00 103 107429 19 May-10 12 29 30 108 112748 19-May-10 12 30 00 110 114939 19 May 10 12 30 30 113 117338 0 121510 0 123491 0 126099 0 128915 0 133713 0 137676 0 156137 0 188053 0 194832 0 190765 0 177623 0 141952 0 116190 0 114000 0 111392 0 110975 0 109724 0 106386 0 107429 0 112748 0 114939 0 117338 TOCDF PDARS Data 5/19/2010 APPENDIX G TOCDF EPA Protocol 1 Gas Certifications JPRJUaUK DocNumber 00000002774 Praxnir 5700 South Alameda Street Los Angeles CA 90058 Telephone (323)585-2154 Facsimile (323) 585 0582 Customer & Order IttfemmUon EGG Praxair Order Number 06029731-00 CustomerP O Number 01461629 Customer Reference Number WA 344 Fill Dot Pari Numbir Lot Ntimbtr Cflmikr Slyli <* Ouilm Certified Concentration Cylindir Pnmrr A Votumt Expiration Date. 5/7/2011 Cylinder Number CC 179188 Analytical Uncertainty 9 05 % OXYGEN ± 1 % Balance NITROGEN NOx ppm = N/A NOX Values for Reference Only EV NI0X9E AS 10SSI2002 AS S90 2000 psi 140 cuf) Certifcation Information Certification Date 5/7/2008 Term 36 Months Expiration Dale 5/7/2011 This cylinder was certified according to the 1997 EPA Traceability Protocof Document #EPA-600/R-97/121 using Procedure G1 Do Not Use this Standard if Pressure is less than 150 PSIG Analytical Data 1 Component OXYGEH Rfiquflsted Concentralion Certified Cancenlralion Instrumenl UAAd Analytical Mslhotf Last MuU>poinl CaMbralion (R=Rsfeience Sttmdard Z=Zero Gss. C-Gas Candidate] 9K 905% SwiEinOiymalSE S/NA12 639 Paramagnekc 4/19/2008 Flr>t Analysis Data Z 0 R 1001 R loot Z 0 Z Q C 9 05 Date 5/7/2008 UOM C 9 05 Cone SOS C 9 05 Cone 9 0S R loot Cone 9 05 IHe»n Test Assay Analyzed by Reference Standard Type GMIS Ref Std Cylnder# CC 257765 Ref Std Cone: 1001* Ref Std Traceable lo SRM # vs 265Sa SRM Sample t» 72 2B B SRM Cylinder n CUiM()6696 Second Analysis Data Z 0 R 0 C 0 R 0 Z 0 C 0 Z 0 C 0 R 0 Dale Cone Cone Cone UOM Mean Test Assay Certified by Keesuk Kim ton contained herain has been prepared at your request by qualified experts within Praxair DistnlMlion Inc While we belnve that the nformalion Is accurate withm the Timits of the anatytical employMl and a complel^ to the extent of the spectRc ar^aly^es performed we matie no warranty or representalton as to the suitaMity ol the use of the information lor any purpose The Infonnallon is offered with the understandmg thel any use of the information is al the sole discretion and r'Sk of the uMr In no event shall the babilrty of Praxar Dislritxjtlon Inc. ensing out of the u3ft of the informabon con tained herein exceed the fee established for providing such informaUoa IPRJOAIR Praxair 5700 South Alameda Street Los Angeles. CA 90058 Telephone (323) 585-2154 Facsimile (714) 542-6689 ^ - fSfMWm^" / MpA mOmCOL GAM CUSTOMER ESC COMPONENT OXWKN QMIS NISTSRMNO, V8 SR>)«;2£59 P O NUMBER CVUNDER NO SA 3633 CONCENTRATION 15 03 * R'=REFERB\CE STANDASD Z=ZBRO GAS C^GAS CANDIDATE 1 COMPONENT OxyoPN GMis ANALYTICAL PRINCIPLE ffSSl ANALYSIS DATE ANALVZe|lM*KpiMODEL-S/N Siemens Oxymat 5E s/N A12-839 R is 02 I ^ 0 00 IS 02 Z 0 00 C IS 04 Paramagnetic C IS 04 C 15 04 R 15 02 MEAN n ' AS3AV Ts CS LAST CALIBRATION DATE SECOND ANALYSIS DATE R C Z C C R 06/02/07 con'C CONC \\ MEAN TEST ASSAY Values not vaij,(] below ISO psij THIS CYLINDER NO cc 9252s HAS BEEN CERTIFIED ACCORDING TO SECTION OF TRACEABILITY PROTOCOL NO Rev 9/97 PROCEDURE Gi EPA-60O/R97/121 CERTIHED CONCENTRATION OXYGEN 15 05 * NITROGEN BALANCE CERTIFIED ACCURACY CYLI>fDER PRESSURE CERTIFICATION DATE EXPIRATION DATE ± 1 2000 PSIG 06/15/07 06/15/10 TERM " iHoF TRACEABLE 36 M0NTB3 ANALYZED BY CERTIFIED BY ERIC YOONG Information contained herern has been prepared at your request by qualified experts within PrSxair Dislnbution Inc While wa believe lhat ttie information is awurate . analytical methods employed and is complete to the extent of the specific analyses performed we make no warranty or representation as to the suHabi ity of '"^"f! °'JTI. ,. ^ p^^^^, any particular purpose The mfonnation is offered with the understanding that any use of the information is at the sole discretion and risk of tht user In no event sna y Distnbution Inc arising out of the use of the mfomiatlon contained herein exceed the fee established for providing such information DocNumber 00000010246 Praxair 5700 Souih A] ameda Sired Los Angeles, CA 90058 Telephone (323)585 2154 Facsinmle (714)542 6689 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS / EPA PROTOCOL GAS Customer & Order Information EGG Praxair Order Number 08019P99-00 Customer P O tiwnber 02173717 Customer Reference Number WA344 hiiiDuit fantiHiH'ttr Ijn Ntimh4T (yhnltr <t Omiti Certified Contenlration Lyiintivr Prexnuv it Vahimit Expiration Date 11/12/2011 Cylinder Number SA 15S58 Analytical Uncertainty 69 8 ppm CARBON MONOXIDE ± 1 % Balance NITROGEN EV N1C070ME^S 109630503 AS 350 2000 p» 140curi NOx ppm = N/A NOX Values for Reference Only Certifcimon Information Certification Date 11/12/2008 Term 36 Months Expiration Date 11/12/2011 This cylinder was certified according to the 1997 EPA Traceability Protocol document #EPA 600/R 97/121 using Procedure GI Do Not Use this Standard rf Pressure is less than 150 PSIG Analytical Data 1 Compontnt CARBON MONOKIDE Requested Concentreuon Certiried Conconlration Instrumenl Used Analytical Method Last Mulltpoint Calibration (R^Relerance Standard Z-Zero Gas, C^Gas Candidate) 70 ppm e9 8 ;pm Siemens Uilramat SE S/N ND« ^O^UI?OOB 'icrerence Standard "Type GMIS r^ol Std Cylinder* CC 155680 <of std Cone 99ti>|iiii <el Sid Traceable to SRM # »s. ie7ti SRI4 Sample # Mi SRM Cylinder tt FF28593 First Analysis Data Date 11'50008 Second Analysis r^a^a Date Z 0 P 99 J 0 es 8 Cone 691> 2 0 R 99 8 C 69 8 Cone 69 8 R 99 8 Z 0 C 1)9 8 Cone 69 0 R 99 8 Z 0 C 69 8 Com, 69 6 Z 0 C 69 8 R 99 8 Co-c 69 8 Z 0 C 69 8 R 99 8 Cone 69 8 UOM ppm Mean Tost Assay 59 8 ppm iOM ppm Mean Test Assay 69 8 ppm Analyzed by Certified by Peter Ngo Paolo Reyes y 0 l/l^^pfcn containod herein has been propareu d ycur request bjr c|ualified experts within Praxair Distribulion Inc While we believe that the informalion is acouate within the Nmiis of the analylical me'hods employed arxJ is complolc to Ihe extent of tf-o specific analyses parformed we make no warf^nly or rep ttantatron as to the surtsbility of the use of Ihu information for any purpose The IP ormatior is offered with the understanding lhat any Lsn of the irformation IE al Ihe so a dtsi^ etnn arK) risk of ^cr In no event shaft the liability of Praxair Distribution Inc ansing out of the use of Ihe informalton con tained hercm exceed J fee cstabhshed for providing such information Making Our Planet More Productive iPRimm DocNumber 000004500 Pr»\air 3700 South Alameda Street Los Angeles CA 90058 Telephone (323)585 2154 facsimile (714) 542-6689 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS / EPA PROTOCOL GAS Customer & Order Information PRAXAIR WHSE SALT LAKE CITY PRAXAIR PLANT SALT LAKE CITY SALT LAKE CITY UT 841210 Praxair Order Number 11923463 Customer P 0 Number 02678893 Customer Reference Number Certified Concentration Fill Dan 12/11/2009 Ptirt Numbtr EV NIC01SOME-AS iMlNlmlxr 109934501 CylaKkr Style iOlllkl AS CGA3S0 CyltntAa-rrexatrv it yitliHnt 2000 psig 140cufL Expiration Date 12/28/2012 NIST Traceable Cylinder Number CC 326019 /Analytical Uncertainty 155 ppm CARBON MONOXIDE ±1 % Balance NITROGEN Cemfcaiion Information Certification Date 12/28/2009 Tem 36 Months Expiration Date 12/28/2012 This cylinder was certified according to the 1997 EPA Traceability Protocol Document #EPA 600/R 97/121 using Procedure G1 Do Not Use this Standard if Pressure is less than 150 PSIG Analytical Data (R°Retemnce Standard Z-Zero Gas C^^Ges Candidate} 1 ComponenI CARBON MONOXIDE Requested Concentration Certified Concentration Instalment Used Analytical Mettiod Last Multtpoml Calibration 150 ppm 165 ppm Siemens Ullramat EE S/N A17 729 IVOIR 12/1/2009 Analyzed by S'lameela Jiffrey Reference Standard Type GMIS Ref Std Cylinder* CC 159809 Ret Std Cone 148 8 ppm Ref Std Traceable to SRM « vs 2636a SRM Sample # 3-1 45 SRM Cylinder« FF2B593 nrst Anatyls Data i->/ pyirag £et.o Id An&ly&is Data Date 12fi!B/20O9 Z 0 R 148 8 C 1654 Cone 155 Z D R 148 8 C 1554 Cone 155 R 148 8 Z 0 C 1554 Cone 155 R 148 8 Z 0 C 155 2 Cone 155 Z 0 C 1554 R 148 8 Cone 155 Z 0 C 1C5 2 R 148 8 Cone 155 UOM ppm Mean Test Assay 155 ppm UOM ppm Mean Test Assay 155 ppm Certified by Imnatjon contained herein has been prepared at your request by quaf/fied experts within PrBxar Djstrliutlon Inc V\Ai(Je we believe that the irtformation is accurate within the limits of the analytical _ Rhodft employed and is complete to the extent of Ihe specific analyses performed we make no warra ity or representation as lo the suitability of the use of the tnformation for any purpose The infcmation is offered with the understanding that ar^ use of the mformatron is at the sole discretion and nsk of Ihe user In no event shaft the liability of Praxair Dtstnbution. Inc arising out of the use of the information con tair>ed herein exceed Ihe fee established for providing such mfomiation WRAXAIR DocNumber 000008304 Praxnir 5700 South Alameda Street Los Angeles CA 90058 Telephone (323)585-2154 Facsimile (714)542-6689 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS / EPA PROTOCOL GAS 1 Customer A Order Information EG&G DEFENSE MONITORING'M 11600 STARK RD STOCKTON UT 840710 Praxair Order Number Customer P 0 Number Customer Reference Number 12733447 DMB4600103 RE Certified Concentration FiUDale Pun titimbtr I jot Number CyllKler Style i Oiillel Cylinder Preixiirt <( Vulumr Expiration Date 3/27/2013 NIST Traceable Cylinder Number CC 74747 Analytical Uncertainty 153 ppm CARBON MONOXIDE ±1 % Balance NITROGEN 3/11/2010 NIC0150E AS 10S0070CB AS CGA350 2000 pclg 140 cu ft Certifcation Informauon Certification Date 3/27/2010 Term 36 Months Expiration Date 3/27/2013 This cylinder was certified according to the 1997 EPA Traceability Protocol Document #EPA 600/R-97/121 using Procedure GI Do Not Use this Standard if Pressure is less than 150 PSIG Analytical Data (R=RefBrancB Standard Z=Zero Gas C=Gas Candidate} 1 Component- CARBON MONOXIDE Requetled Concentration Certified Concentration. Instrument Used Analytical Method Last Multipoint Calitiration 150 ppm 153 ppm Siemens Ullramat 5E S/NA12 729 NDIR 3/11/2010 Analyzed by Shameela Jiffrey Reference Standard Type GMIS Ref Std Cylinder # CC 159889 Ret Std Cone 148 B ppm Ref Std Traceable lo SRM # vs 2636a SRM Sample # 3-1-45 SRM Cylinder # FP28593 I hlret Analysis Data Date 3/18/2010 Second Analysis Data Data 37.'201C Z 0 R 148 8 C 152 6 Cone 153 , Z 0 R 1488 C 152 6 Cone 153 R 148 8 Z 0 C 152 6 Cone 153 R 148 0 Z 0 C 152 6 Cone 153 Z 0 C 152 6 R 148 8 Cone 153 1 Z 0 C 1526 R 148 8 Cone 153 UOM ppm Mean Test Assay 153 ppm ' UOM ppm Mean Test Assay 153 ppm Certified by ^"^^c^ Nelson Ma VP information contained herein has been prepared al your request by qualified experts within Praxair DistFiUition Inc While we t»iieve lhat the information is accurate wilhm the limits of the analytical methods employed and is compete to the extent of Ihe speciftc analyses performed we make no warranty or represenlalion as to the suitability of (he use of the infbrmafion for any purpose The information is offered with the understanding that any use of the information is at the sole disa-etton and rtsK of the user In no event shall the fiability of Praxair Distrtoution Inc. ansmg out of the use of the mtormation con tained herein exceed the fee established for providing such information miUUUUR he DocNumber 00000010627 Praxair 5700 South Alameda Street Los Angeles, CA 90058 Telephone (323)585-2154 Facsinule (714)542-6689 l^RTmmTE OF2&M^$I^/MPA PROTOCOL GAS Customer A Order It^ormation EGG Praxair Order Nmnher 08019208 00 Customer P O Number 02173703 Customer Reference Number WA344 Certified Concentration HIIDale Part Hmmher Lot Niimhtr lytinJet Style i Otillel CyliiK/er Pressure A Volume NI CO1750E AS 109830901 AS 350 2000 psi 140 cu (I Expiration Date 11/19/2011 Cylinder Number SA 15234 Analytical Uncertainty 1752 ppm CARBON MONOXIDE ±1 % Balance NITROGEN NOx ppm = N/A NOX Values for Reference Only Certifcation Information. Certification Date 11/19/2008 Term 36 Months Expiration Date 11/19/2011 This cylinder was certified according to the 1997 EPA Traceability Protocol Document #EPA-600/R-97/l21 using Procedure G1 Do Not Use this Standard if Pressure is less than 150 PSIG Analytical Data 1 ComponenI l»RBOtl UOHOXlOE Requested Concentration Certified Concentration Instrument Used Anelytleal Method Lest Multipoint Calitvation IR=Reteience Standard Z=Zero Gas C=Ges Candidate} 1752 ppm Slernens Uttramat 5E S/N At2 729 NDIR 11/15/2008 Reference Standard Type GlillS Ref Std Cylinder # GG11757 Ref Std Cone 1724 ppm Ref Std Traceable to SRM H vs 2637a SRM Sample # 5&E-40 SRM Cylinder* Ff23073 First Analysis Data Date 11/122006 1 Second Analysis Data ufite Z 0 R 1724 C 1752 Cone 1752 Z. 0 R 1724 C 1752 Cone R 1724 Z 0 C 1752 Cone 1752 R 1724 Z 0 C 1752 Cone Z 0 C 1752 R 1724 Cone 1752 ' Z 0 C 1752 R 724 Cone UOM ppm Mee n Test Assay 1752 ppm j UOM ppm Mean Test Assay 1752 1752 1752 1752 ppm Analyzed by Certified by Peter Ngo esuK Kim ' Information contained tierein hao been prepared at your request by quahried experts wittim Praxeir Dislnbution Inc \Miile we believe that ina information is accurate wittin ttie limits of Ilia enetytical mettiods employed and is complete to the extent of ttie specific analyses performed we make no ^rananty or representation as lo the suilabiljly of the use of the infomiation for any purpose Ttie Informstion is offered with the understanding thel any use of the nformalion is at the sole discretion and risk of the user In no event shall ttie liebllity of Praxair Oistrbution Inc ansmg out of ttie use of the infonnalton con tained tierein exceed the fee established for providing such information Making Our Planet More Productive WRAXAIR DocNumber 000006827 Prttxnir 5700 South Alameda Street Los Angeles CA 90058 Telephone (323)585 2154 racsimilc (714) 542 6689 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS / EPA PROTOCOL GAS Customer & Order Information PRAXAIR WHSE SALT LAKE CITY PRAXAIR PLANT SALT LAKE CITY SALT UKE CITY UT 841210 Praxair Order Number 12409332 Customer P 0 Number 02746737 Customer Reference Number Certified Concentration FilllJoie 2/B/2010 Pan Number NI CO37S0E AS IJH Number 109003901 CyRiitler Style/tOiiilel AS CGA 350 CylinJer PreKnire A Vuhime 200O psiQ 140 cu ft Expiration Date 2/19/2013 NIST Traceable Cylinder Number CC 325473 Analytical Uncertainty 3760 ppm CARBON MONOXIDE ±1 % Balance NITROGEN Certifcauon Information. Certification Date 2/19/2010 Term 36 Months Expiration Date 2/19/2013 This cylinder was certified according to the 1997 EPA Traceability Protocol Document #EPA 600/R 97/121 using Procedure GI Do Not Use this Standard if Pressure is less than 150 PSIG Analytical Data (Ri^Referenca Standard Z-Zero Gas C=Ga$ Candidate) 1 Component CARBON MONOXIDE Requested Concentretion Certified Concentration- Instrument Used Analytical Mettiod Last Multipoint Calibration First Analysis Data Z 0 R 0 502 Z 0 C UOM ppm 0 502 0 0 376 3750 ppm 3760 ppm Siemens Ultramat SE S/N A12 729 NOIR 2/11/2010 C 0 376 Cone C 0 376 Cone R 0 502 Cone Mean Test Assay 5/?oin 3760 3760 3760 3760 ppm Analysed by Shameela Jiffrey Reference Standerd Type Ref Std Cylinder # Ret Std Cone Ref Sid Traceable to SRM # SRM Sample # SRM Cylinder» Second Analysis Data 0 R 0 502 Z j Z 0 c I UOM ppm 0 502 0 0 375 GMIS SA 3516 0 502 •* vs 263Ba 55 24 C CLM 00480S Date 2/iai2010 C 0 376 Cone C 0 376 Cone R 0 502 Cone Mean Test Assay 3760 3760 3760 3760 ppm Certified by Nelson Ma formation contained herein has been prepared at your request by qualified experts withm PrHXair Dtstntjution Inc V\ttile we believe lhat the information ra accurate withm Ihe Imits of ihe analytical methods employed and is compleis to Ih* extent of Ihe specific analyses performed we make no wan^nty or representation as to the suitability of the use of the information for any purpose The information ts offered with the understantfing that any use of the information is at the sole discretion and nsk of the user In no event shall the liability of Pra^tair Distribution Inc. arising out of Ihs use of the information con tained herein exceed the fee established for providing such information PRAXAIR DocNumber 000009654 Pmxair 5700 South Alameda Street Los Angeles CA 90058 Telephone (323)585 2154 facsimile (714)542 6689 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS / EPA PROTOCOL GAS ~] Customer A Order Iitformation EG&G DEFENSE MONITORING'M 11600 STARK RD STOCKTON UT 840710 Praxair Order Number Customer P O Number Customer Reference Number 13076551 DMB4600103 Certified Concentration nil Dole Pari Number I at Number Cyllntter S/yle A Oitlltl Cytlikter Pressure iS Vohme Expiration Date 4/30/2013 NIST Traceable Cylinder Number CC133963 Analytical Uncertainty 3780 ppm CARBON MONOXIDE ± 1 % Balance NITROGEN 4/15/2010 NICO37S0eAS 108010501 AS CGA 360 ZOOOpsifl 140 cu a. Certifcation Informauon Certification Date 4/30/2010 Term 35 Months Expiration Date 4/30/2013 This cylinder was certified according to the 1997 EPA Traceability Protocol Document #EPA-600/R 97/121 using Procedure GI Do Not Use this Standard if Prsssure is less than 150 PSIG Analytical Data (R=Refeivnce Standard Z=Zero Gas C=Gas Candidate) 1 Component CAI^BON MONOXIDE Requested Concantralion Certified Concentration Instrument Used Analytical Method Last Multipoint Calibration ^ Firsi Aildiysis Data ' Z 0 R 0 502 R 0 502 Z 0 I Z 0 C 0 37B I UOM ppm 3750 ppm 3780 ppm Siemens Ultramat SE S/N A12 729 NDIR 4/11/2010 Date C 0 37s Cone C 0 378 Cone R 0 502 Cone Mean Test Assay 4/21/ljlO 3780 3780 3780 3780 ppm Analyzed by Shameela Jiffrey Reference Stervtard Type Ref Std Cylinder/* Ref Std Cone Ref Std Traceefcle to SRM » SRM Sample # SRM Cylinder* ^ Second Anelysia Dat« 1 I Z 0 R 0 602 R 0 502 Z 0 Z 0 C 0 378 UONI ppm GMIS SA3518 0502H vs 2638a 55-24 C CLM-O0480e DDto C 0 378 Cone C 0 378 Cone R 0 502 Cone Mean Test Assay 3780 3780 3780 3780 ppm Ceitified by Aruna Nalla r •7 lormalion contained herein has t»en prepared at your request by qualified experts within P/axair Oistribulion. Ina While we believe that Ihe inlormation is accurate withn the limits of the analylical lethods employed and is complete to the extent of the spealic analyses peifomied we make no warranty or representation as to the suitabilily of the use of the informstion for any purpoie The information is offered with the understandnfl that any use of the information Is at the solo discretion and risli of the user In no event shall the liability of Praxair Distribution Inc ensmg out ol the use of the information con tained herein exceed the Ice established for providing such information APPENDIX H Reference Method EPA Protocol 1 Gas Certifications r "1 RAl A CLASS Dual-Analyzed Calibration Standard AiR LIQUIDE Air Liquide / menca Specialty Gz^es LLC Scott~ 9810 BAY AREA BLVD, PASADENA, TX 77507 CERTIFICATE OF ACCURACY. EPA Protocpl Gas Phone 281-474-5800 Fax 281-474 5857 Customer URS ITEM* URS012 Assay laboratory i PO No URS ^ AIR LIQUIDE AMERICA SPECIALTY GASES LLC Project No 04-i!4924-001 9810 BAY AREA BLVD f PASADENA, TX, 77507 ^ , I - ~ ^ . i i ANALYTICAL INFORMATION -•^ '^ ^ This certification was performed accordiii^'to EPA Traceability Pritocol For Assay & Certiftcation of Gaseous Calibration Standards, Procedure G 1, September, 199V I Cylinder Number ALM048820 Certificationipate 07Jul200g Exp Date 07Jul2012 Cylinder Pressure* 1897 PSIG ' ANALYTICAL COMPONENT CERTIFIED CONCENiqiATION (Moles) ACCURACY** TRACEABILITY CARBON MONOXIDE 47 1 PPM Direct NIST and NMi NITROGEN > BALANCE '" Do not use whien cylbtier pressure is b6\<yN 15p psIg ** Analytical accuracy is ba*ed on the requirements of EPA Protocol Propedure GI, September 1997 REFERENCE STANDAR TYPE/SRM NO EXPI8&B0JI DATE CYLINDER NUMBER NTRM 1679 KAL003168 CONCENTRATION 101 0 PPM COMPONENT CARBON MONOXIDE INSTRUMENTATION iWSTnUMEWT/MODEL/SERIALli' mR//000929060 ANALYZER READINGS DATE LAST CALIBRATED 30Jun2009 ANALYTICAL PRINCIPLE FTIR (Z = Zero Gas R = Reference Gas T = Test Gas r=Correlation Coefficient) First Triad Analyse Second Triad Analysis Calibration Curve CARBON MONOXIDE Date 2$Jun2009 Rnponw Unit PPM Z1-0 02528 R1 = 101J193 T1-47 240B5 R2-101 3671 Z2=10 03067 T2» 47 30458 Z3<:<0 0S6S0 T3a47 30815 R3''101 52S4 Avg CofRentntio n 47 07 PPM Dit* 07Jul2009 RMponn Untt- PPM 21-0 00119 R1-100^636 T1-47 21S7Z R2-iai 0366 Z2«0 05124 T2 -47 23912 Z3»0 10040 T3-47 24401 R3-101 1317 Avg Concanmtlon 47 19 PPM Concirnralion-A+Bx + Cx2+Dx3 4- Ex4 r-9 99997E1 Constants A-OOOOOOE+0 B=7 10S75E1 C=3 41000E-4 DcOOOOOOE+0 E-OOOOOOE+0 Special Notes APPROVED BY CERTS AND TAGS URS ITEM* UagOU LOT#^ Ramien JR Page 1 of 1 AIR LIQUIDE CERTIFICATE of ANALYSIS interference-Free Multi-Component EPA Protocol Gases NOTE Analytical uncertainty and NIST traceability are in compliance with EPA-600/R-97/121 Section 2 2 Procedure G-1 Customer PO Number Item Number Notes Assay Date URS CORPORATION URS013 7-Aug-07 Cyl Number CC113980 Expiration Dale 6 Aug-10 Shipping Order U 26178926 Transfer # 26178926 LOT# LPX225131 Valve CGA350 Cyl Pressure* igoopslg *Cy1lndar should not bs ussd wlion gas prsasura Is bslow 190 psIg Component Requested Concentration Assay Concentration Carbon Monoxide 97 S ppm 97 8 ±1 0 ppm Nitrogen Balance Balance Reference Standard(s) Employed For Analysis Std name Std # Cone Units Std Erior Comp Balance Cvl No Exp Date Sample No GMIS312 GMIS342 99 51 ppm 0 48 CO N2 CC186844 11/14/2008 0 Analysis Information kiRDonsnt 1 Carbon Monoxido ^miatf tnlormatlon Hret Triad Analysis On: 7/31/2007 Second Triad Analysis Oa e/7/2007 •fnuractmr KVB/Analad Trial 1 Thai 2 Tltel3 Units Trial 1 Trial 2 Trials Units t^odslMuriber EN3024 Zsro •Oitn 4113 ao* Zero •023 005 001 Seftal Nimtwr 3024 RcterencB 103.07 10242 103.28 Reference 103 71 10X92 103 44 /Uialyf cal Principle FTIR miosiat & Candidate 100 SI 10126 100 C9 Candidate 101 74 102 3D 102.14 MPC Ceitirated Result 9740 S7M 6738 tm Restit 07 64 alio 98.02 Bum MeanResuB: 9758 Mean Result 97 99 ppm Analyst Signature RonStitt Calculated by M Adnane MIX Assayed At Air Liquide America 11426 Fairmont Pkwy, La Porte, TX, 77571 Phone (281)474 8400 Fax (281)474-8419 — ! AiR LIQUIDE Air LiquidB America SCOtt" Specialty Gases LLC %^ J w n. 9810 BAY AREA BLVD, PASADENA. TX 77507 CERTIFICATE OF ACCURACY- EPA Protocol Gas RATA CLASS Dual-Analyzed Calibration Standard Phone 281-474-5800 Fax 281-474-5857 Astav Laboratory PO No URS AIR LIQUIDE AMERICA SPECIALTY GASES LLC Project No 04-74926 001 9810 BAY AREA BLVD ' Customer URS ITEM* URS019 PASADENA, TX 77507 ANAkYTICAL INFORMATION. ^ -\ — This certification was performed according to EPA Traceability Protocol Procedure G-1, September, 1997 Cylinder Number ALM009988 Certlficaton Cylinder Pressure* *• 2000 PSIG COMPONENT CARBON DIOXIDE OXYGEN NITROGEN CERTIPIED CONCENTIATION (Moles) 9 64 010 * Do not use when cylinder pressure Is IMIOW 150 pslg Analytical accuracy Is based on the requirements of EPA Protocol Procedure GI September 1997 l=or Assay & Certification of Gaseous Calibration Standards, Date 08JUI2009 Exp Date 08Jul2012 % BALANCE ANALYTICAL ACCURACY** TRACEABILITY +1- ^% Direct NIST and NMi +/- 1% Direct NIST and NMi REFERENCE STANDARD TYPE/SRM NO EXPIRATION DATE CYLINDER NUMBER NTRM 1373 ""-02OCT20TZ 'KOOZeOa NTRM 2350 01Apr20l2 A6S20 INSTRUMENTATION INSTRUMENT/MODEL/SERIAliy MTIA/M2O0/171109 SERVOMEX/MODEL 244A/701/716 ANALYZER READINGS CONCENTRATION •13 93 % 23 51 % COMPONENT CARBON DIOXIDE OXYGEN DATE LAST CALIBRATED 18Jun2009 29Jun2009 ANALYTICAL PRINCIPLE GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY PARAMAGNETIC (Z = Zero Gas R= Reference Gas T=Test Gas r = Correlation Coefficient) First Triad Analysis Second Triad Analysis Calibration Curve CARBON DIOXIDE Date 0SJUI2DD9 Rnpciiue UnitJUlEA 21 -0 00000 R1 -1754124 T1 a 737274 0 R2 0 1754208 Z2 -515 0000 72- 738015 0 Z3- 401 0000 T3 = 738013 0 R3-1755614 Avg ConcentrBlfon 9 £39 % OXYGEN a*ta 08JulZ009 Responai Unit VOLTS Zli 0 00000 R1 -o^szeo T1-0 4G410 n2= 0 99340 22 -0 00100 T2- 0 48430 Z3 = 0 00100 T3 -0 464SO R3-0J93SO Avs Connirtratloa 10^5 % ConcentraUon ••A + Bx + Cii2+Dx3+ Ex4 leO 9999948 Consiantt A- 0 03C337S2 B= 0000132179 C- D- E- Special Notes APPROVED BY WD TAGP f UR^019 D>yiD KELLV Coneentntlon - A+Bx + Cx2 + D«3 + Elt4 r-0 9999961 Con«tttnts A—0 01708837 B-23 7Z1S1747 C- D-E= iPagft-1 nf 1 AIRaLIQUIDE CERTIFICATE of ANALYSIS Interference-Free Multi-Component EPA Protocol Gases NOTE Analytical uncertainty and NIST traceability are in compliance with EPA-600/R-97/121 Section 2 2 Procedure G-1 Customer P O Number Item Number Notes Assay Date URS CORPORATION URS020 29-Jan-09 Cylinder Number CC178359 Expiration Date 29-Jan-12 Shipping Order It 32218928 Transfer #• 32218928 LOT# LPX247285 Vaive CGASgO Cyl Pressure* 1900psig Cylinder should not ba UMd whan gas prvnuro la balow 150 ptig Component Requested Concentration Assay Concentration Carbon Dioxide Oxygen 19 S % 22 % 19 S ±0 2 % 21 9 ±0 1 % Nitrogen Balance Balance Rsferance Stanilard(s) Employed For Analysis Std name Std# Cone Units Std Error Comp Balance Cyl No Exp Date Sample No NTRM43 1800 17 87 % 011 C02 N2 K023932 3/1/2009 100104 GMIS421 GMIS421 21 9 % 0 1 02 N2 CC178365 3/27/2011 N A lysis Information Componanl T Carbon DIoKlda y^nolvzer trrformaVon Fli«t Triad Anilnlc Oit 1/27/2009 Second Triad Analysis On. Manutacttrer KVB/Analect Trial 1 Trtal2 Tnel3 Units Trial 1 Trial 2 Tit 013 Units Modal Numter EN3024 Zero 0 37 0129 a26 Zero Serlal Klumber 3024 Reference 17 74 17 84 1(01 Reference Analytical Princliito. FTIR Candidate 19 39 1990 1940 Candidate MPCCalbrated-01/22109 Result 19 39 19 S3 19^4 % Result Mean ResuL 19 4S H Mean ResulC Component 2 Oitvqen /^nalvzef Informalton First Triad Analysis On 1/2312009 Second Triad Analysis On. Manufacturer Servomex Trial 1 Trial 2 Tt1al3 Units Triall Trial 2 Trial 3 Units Model Numtwr 4G05C Zero 0 04 004 004 Zero Sertal Numtwr 1101 Reference 21 7S 21 77 2177 Reference Analylcal Principle Paramag Cenclldate 21 79 21 7« 2179 Candidate MPC C^Rvated-01123103 Resid 21 ea Z190 2199 Result Mean Result 21 e9 Mean Result Analyst signature Warren Pereira Calculated by Warren Pereira MIX Assayed At Air Liquide America 11426 Fairmont Pkwy, La Porte, TX, 77571 Phone (281)474-8400 Fax (281)474-8419 APPENDIX I Reference Method CEMs Interference Test MEMORANDUM To File ^^003 Date 9 Januarv^ed? From E Youn^erman Subject CEMS Interference Testing The attached tables and data sheets present the results of CEMS interference testing performed in the Austin laboratones in October 2007 Note that the values presented m the tables may disagree slightly with the values m the hand-wntten data sheets The values in the tables were taJcen from the actual raw data, found on the local area network in Ursausfsl\Data\Projects\Measurements\Quality Management Program\CEMs Interference Testing 2007 Date of Test 11-Oct Analyzer Type NOx Manufacturer Thermo Model Number 42 CHL Serial Number 76266-382 Calibration Span 100 Without Target Analyte Interferent Instrument Response (ppm) Component Concentration (ppm) Without Interferent With Interferent Arithmetic Difference NH3 10 -0 1 0 04 0 14 Propane 50 -0 1 0 04 0 14 Hydrogen 50 -0 1 0 04 0 14 Methane 50 -01 0 1 02 HCI 10 -0 1 0 21 0 31 CO 50 -0 1 0 1 02 SOz 20 -0 1 0 1 02 COz 5% -0 1 00 0 09 Oz 6% -0 1 00 0 09 CO2 15% -0 1 -0 1 0 Oz 18% -0 1 -0 1 0 Sum of Responses ^ 1 14 % of Calibration Span 1 1% ^ Only includes worst case contribution from CO2 With Target Analyte interferent instrument Response (ppm) Component Concentration Without With Arithmetic Component (ppm) Interferent Interferent Difference NH3 10 Propane 50 26 8 26 7 -0 1 Hydrogen 50 Methane 50 26 8 26 7 -01 HCI 10 26 8 26 8 0 CO 50 28 9 28 9 0 SO2 20 28 9 29 3 04 COz 5% 26 79 26 5 -0 3 Oz 6% 26 79 26 5 -0 3 COz 14% 26 5 25 6 -0 9 Oz 17% 26 5 25 6 -0 9 Sum of Responses ^ -07 % of Calibration Span -0 7% ^ Only includes worst case contribution from CO2 Date of Test 11-Oct Analyzer Type NOx Manufacturer Teledyne Model Number 200 EH Serial Number 395 Calibration Span 100 Without Target Analyte Interferent Instrument Response (ppm) Component Concentration (ppm) Without Interferent, With Interferent Anthmetic Difference NH3 10 0 78 07 -0 08 Propane 50 0 78 07 -0 08 Hydrogen 50 0 78 07 -0 08 Methane 50 0 78 07 -0 08 HCI 10 0 78 07 -0 08 CO 50 0 78 1 05 0 27 SOz 20 0 78 08 0 02 COz 5% 0 78 1 08 03 Oz 6% 0 78 1 08 03 COz 15% 0 78 1 08 03 Oz 18% 0 78 1 08 03 Sum of Responses ^ 0 35 % of Calibration Span 0 4% Only includes worst case contribution from COz With Target Analyte Interferent Instrument Response (ppm) Component Concentration Without With Arithmetic Component (ppm) Interferent Interferent Difference NH3 10 20 7 20 6 -0 1 Propane 50 20 7 20 6 -0 1 Hydrogen 50 Methane 50 20 7 20 65 -0 1 HCI 10 20 7 20 77 01 CO 50 20 7 20 96 03 SOz 20 20 7 20 46 -0 2 COz 15% 20 7 19 77 -0 9 Oz 18% 20 7 19 77 -0 9 COz 14% 20 7 19 43 -1 3 Oz 17% 20 7 19 43 -1 3 Sum of Responses ^ -1 3 % of Calibration Span -1 3% Only includes worst case contribution from COz Date of Test 11-Oct Analyzer Type CO2 Manufacturer Servomex Model Number 1440 Serial Number 0144OD1/3982 Calibration Span (%) 20 Without Target Analyte Interferent Instrument Response (ppm) Component Concentration Without With Anthmetic Component (ppm) Interferent Interferent Difference NH3 10 Propane 50 -0 09 -0 09 -0 09 Hydrogen 50 Methane 50 -0 09 -0 09 0 HCI 10 -0 09 -0 01 0 08 CO 50 -0 09 -0 09 0 SO2 20 -0 09 -0 08 0 01 N2O 10 NO2 14 -0 09 -0 05 0 04 NO 16 Sum of Responses 0 04 % of Calibration Span 0 2% With Target Analyte Interferent Instrument Response (ppm) Component Concentration Without With Arithmetic Component (ppm) Interferent Interferent Difference NH3 10 Propane 50 4 88 4 88 0 Hydrogen 50 Methane 50 4 88 4 89 0 01 HCI 10 4 88 4 88 0 CO 50 4 88 4 78 -01 SO2 20 4 88 49 0 02 N2O 10 NO2 14 4 88 4 88 0 NO 16 Sum of Responses -0 07 % of Calibration Span -0 3% Date of Test 11-Oct Analyzer Type Oxygen Manufacturer Servomex Model Number 1440 Serial Number 0144OD1/3982 Calibration Span (%) 20 Without Tar get Analyte Interferent Instrument Response (ppm) Component Concentration (ppm) Without Interferent With Interferent Arithmetic Difference NH3 10 0 05 0 06 -0 09 Propane 50 0 05 0 06 -0 09 Hydrogen 50 0 05 0 06 -0 09 Methane 50 0 05 0 03 -0 02 HCI 10 0 05 0 03 -0 02 CO 50 0 05 0 02 -0 03 SO2 20 0 05 0 02 -0 03 N2O 10 0 05 0 04 -0 01 NO2 14 0 05 0 04 -0 01 NO 16 0 05 0 04 -0 01 Sum of Responses -0 2 % of Calibration Span -1 0% With Target Analyte Interferent Instrument Response (ppm) Component Concentration Without With Arithmetic Component (ppm) Interferent Interferent Difference NH3 10 5 95 Propane 50 5 95 5 93 -0 02 Hydrogen 50 Methane 50 5 95 5 94 -0 01 HCI 10 5 95 5 94 -0 01 CO 50 5 95 5 78 -017 SO2 20 5 95 5 95 0 N2O 10 NO2 14 5 95 5 94 -0 01 NO 16 Sum of Responses -0 22 % of Calibration Span -1 1% Date of Test 11-Oct Analyzer Type ^Oz Manufacturer Ametek Model Number 721AT Senal Number 91-721AT2-7866-1 Calibration Span 100 Without Tar get Analyte Interferent Instrument Response (ppm) Component Concentration (ppm) Without Interferent With Interferent Arithmetic Difference NH3 10 05 08 03 Propane 50 05 08 03 Hydrogen 50 05 08 03 Methane 50 05 04 -01 HCI 10 05 02 -0 3 CO 50 05 -0 2 -0 7 N2O 10 05 -0 2 -08 NOz 14 05 -0 2 -08 NO 16 05 -0 2 -08 COz 5% 05 02 -0 3 Oz 6% 05 02 -0 3 COz 15% 05 -0 2 -0 7 Oz 18% 05 -0 2 -0 7 Sum of Responses ^ -2 4 % of Calibration Span -2 4% ^ Only includes worst case contribution from CO; With Target Analyte Interferent Instrument Response (ppm) Component Concentration Without With Arithmetic Component (ppm) Interferent Interferent Difference NH3 10 Propane 50 20 3 20 4 0 1 Hydrogen 50 Methane 50 20 3 20 1 -0 2 HCI 10 20 3 20 4 0 1 CO 50 20 3 20 3 00 NzO 10 NOz 14 20 3 20 7 04 NO 16 COz 5% 20 3 199 -0 4 Oz 6% 20 3 199 -0 4 COz 14% 20 3 20 0 -0 3 Oz 17% 20 3 20 0 -0 3 Sum of Responses ^ 00 % of Calibration Span 0 0% ^ Only includes worst case contribution from COz Date of Test 11-Oct Analyzer Type ^Oz Manufacturer Ametek Model Number 921 Sena! Number AC-921-9467-1 Calibration Span 100 Without Target Analyte Interferent Instrument Response (ppm) Component Concentration (ppm) Without Interferent With Interferent Anthmetic Difference NH3 10 -0 3 -0 2 01 Propane 50 -0 3 -0 2 01 Hydrogen 50 -0 3 -0 2 01 Methane 50 -0 3 -0 7 -0 4 HCI 10 -0 3 -0 6 -0 3 CO 50 -0 3 -0 8 -0 5 N2O 10 -0 3 -0 7 -0 4 NO2 14 -0 3 -0 7 -0 4 NO 16 -0 3 -0 7 -0 4 COz 5% -0 3 -0 8 -0 5 Oz 6% -0 3 -0 8 -0 5 CO2 15% -0 3 -0 8 -0 5 O2 18% -0 3 -0 8 -0 5 Sum of Responses ^ -1 8 % of Calibration Span -1 8% ^ Only includes worst case contnbution from COz With Target Analyte Interferent Instrument Response (ppm) Component Concentration Without With Arithmetic Component (ppm) Interferent Interferent Difference NH3 10 Propane 50 198 198 00 Hydrogen 50 Methane 50 198 196 -0 2 HCI 10 198 198 00 CO 50 198 198 00 N2O 10 NOz 14 198 20 1 03 NO 16 CO2 5% 198 19 5 -0 3 O2 6% 198 19 5 -0 3 CO2 14% 198 195 -0 4 O2 17% 198 195 -0 4 Sum of Responses ^ -0 4 % of Calibration Span -0 4% Only includes worst case contribution from CO2 Date of Test 12-Oct Analyzer Type CO Manufacturer Thermo Model Number 48C Serial Number 532714042 Calibration Span 100 Without Target Analyte Interferent Instrument Response (ppm) Component Concentration (ppm) Without Interferent With Interferent Arithmetic Difference NH3 10 -0 6 -0 4 02 Propane 50 -0 6 -0 4 02 Hydrogen 50 -0 6 -0 4 02 Methane 50 -0 6 -0 6 00 HCI 10 -0 6 -0 4 02 SOz 20 -0 6 -0 6 00 N2O 10 -0 6 -0 7 -0 1 NOz 14 -0 6 -0 7 -0 1 NO 16 -0 6 -0 7 -0 1 CO2 5% -0 6 -1 1 -0 5 O2 6% -0 6 -1 1 -0 5 CO2 15% -0 6 -1 0 -0 4 Oz 18% -0 6 -1 0 -0 4 Sum of Responses ^ -0 3 % of Calibration Span -0 3% ^ Only includes worst case contribution from COz With Target Analyte Interferent Instrument Response (ppm) Component Concentration (ppm) Without Interferent With Interferent Anthmetic Difference NH3 10 49 1 48 8 -0 3 Propane 50 49 1 48 8 -0 3 Hydrogen 50 49 1 48 8 -0 3 Methane 50 491 48 7 -0 3 HCI 10 49 1 49 0 00 SOz 20 491 491 0 1 NzO 10 491 48 8 -0 3 NOz 14 491 48 8 -0 3 NO 16 491 48 8 -0 3 COz 5% 189 185 -0 4 Oz 6% 189 185 -0 4 COz 15% 189 177 -1 2 O2 18% 189 177 -1 2 Sum of Responses ^ -2 0 % of Calibration Span -2 0% ^ Only includes worst case contribution from CO2 10 Date of Test 12-Oct Analyzer Type CO Manufacturer Teledyne Model Number 300 EM Serial Number 173 Calibration Span 100 Without Target Analyte Interferent Instrument Response (ppm) Component Concentration (ppm) Without Interferent With Interferent Anthmetic Difference NH3 10 1 2 1 1 -0 1 Propane 50 1 2 1 1 -0 1 Hydrogen 50 1 2 1 1 -0 1 Methane 50 1 2 1 2 01 HCI 10 1 2 09 -0 3 SOz 20 1 2 1 1 -01 NzO 10 1 2 1 2 00 NOz 14 1 2 1 2 00 NO 16 1 2 1 2 00 COz 5% 1 2 1 4 02 Oz 6% 1 2 1 4 02 COz 15% 1 2 1 1 -0 1 Oz 18% 1 2 1 1 -0 1 Sum of Responses ^ 00 % of Calibration Span 0 0% ^ Only includes worst case contribution from COz With Target Analyte Interferent Instrument Response (ppm) Component Concentration (ppm) Without Interferent With Interferent Arithmetic Difference NH3 10 50 2 50 1 -0 1 Propane 50 50 2 50 1 -0 1 Hydrogen 50 50 2 50 1 -0 1 Methane 50 50 2 50 3 0 1 HCI 10 50 2 501 -0 1 SOz 20 50 2 50 4 01 NzO 10 50 2 50 3 0 1 NOz 14 50 2 50 3 0 1 NO 16 50 2 50 3 0 1 COz 5% 21 1 21 3 02 Oz 6% 21 1 21 3 02 CO2 15% 21 1 20 9 -0 3 Oz 18% 21 1 20 9 -0 3 Sum of Responses ^ -01 % of Calibration Span -0 1% ^ Only includes worst case contribution from COz 11 Table 7E-3 ^Example Interference Check Gas Concentrations Potential interferent gas\l\ Concentrations \2\ Sample conditioning type Hot wet Dried C02 5 and 15% 5 and 15% H20 25% 1% NO 15 ppmv 15 ppmv N02 15 ppmv 15 ppmv N20 10 ppmv 10 ppmv CO 50 ppmv 50 ppmv NH3 10 ppmv 10 ppmv ''CH4 50 ppmv 50 ppmv "S02 20 ppmv 20 ppmv H2 50 ppmv 50 ppmv HCI 10 ppmv 10 ppmv \1\ Any applicable gas may be eliminated or tested at a reduced level If the manufacturer has provided reliable means for limiting or scrubbing that gas to a specified level \2\ As Practicable, gas concentrations should be the highest expected at test sites 0"^35 ffv^ VIC] 3fc AJOJ /(ol j,p M^O 12 URS CEMS Operation Log Page \ of ) Project Number ^ J Operator Source ^-^^ CJPJA^ Tfvci-Date 10-11-01 Time Activity Analyzer Response Time Activity <:09 |^>'2.L) 1(4 -O.o| il.o;3L 003L -0 \) ^7 05 Qtn -100 ^) oO 0 \^ rj,70 I 14 0 00 K m 0 o\ in ni\ n«u*/\ (24«f RL-OO;)L 0 70 1-7 ^v. PxD ^^^^ >nO 0 I on 0.-7^ MS.7/ f 50-L / 0 74-— ^ I? o3o 0 02 0 n QlH \ 11 10 Mll^ 1pJt <:o 0 h 50. /-^ Oo\ *oni La \ 0 o\ 0 19 0 01 070 I |o 0 09^ 111 a 09 1.4 ( KM » !>! n.o| 1 Rl .10' 001 i.a^ ^^.^ A 07 -1 =^7 ao"7S 1 1-7 "^S^ NO Mdi <:rrla. D OO \\ ^ —f- 9.'^ 71 lb 1 Is? -0 MS V ll f 7T^ •iD /4A 0 i r \9-13 i 3^ A-5*^ CO /^6rl + ^^f'3 7i1 10 -ilCI CO O 6c 1^53 IH'A co^ /^b CO I^^D „„vw CO -c <>{ /i le, I^^S /'Ul/i u (7 57/^0 /M is: 17^ M<i /ii^ V1C\ 77 4 14 URS CEMS Operation Lo^i^^l^y Page of ] ProjectNumber Operator Dr > Source ^1^5 ^I^C, T/ut^ Date /t)-) 4 Time Activity Analyzer Response <3Q fltft^ MiJ— ^0 o t5 Oi<i\ -0.71 ro.^7 0 oM -o^ I oil ml 0 4^ tQ,'^7 0.7C) 1^ •^0 - o.33i l^fil^ic;)^/ AO MX) AM. EM 5.70 ^ 7C7 -0.^.0 f?;:> 0 0^ 0 5. fog ^.7 I -0 17 ^0 0/ :^7rT Ho.00 0 oq 21 %1 V S3 -0.5.1 0 0^ 1^ -0^(0^ 53^ O'Oa Q.o6 <50.00 n 4fo QQ^ -0.13 90.05? ^O^O^/ IQ \[C[ 6,0^ ~Q.07 7^ CO -0.0 A 30 ./ '0 faQ pro's -<^cOl -<^.c^l OJ G ID a0^6^.. gO.Qg 5)^ / »o % V 0 -007 n 7g 17^ ;?lo^ /O He I j^L ^0 Gl> MO -2670 A'O^ V7.^ OS CO M'^ C^^/ ^$G0 NO ^IG 6c:^;^ <ig Ait, s,^^V7/ co^ 6 4/t <14 /^«^^ j?Cb.qH/l1v^7