HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2010-035369 - 0901a068801a1198Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility (TOCDF) Request for a CLASS 3 MODIFICATION to the TOCDF RCRA Permit Request Number Request Title EPA ID Number T0CDF-ATT10-03-1111 TOCDF RCRA Final Closure Plan Revision UT 5210090002 For the STATE OF UTAH DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (DEQ) Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste (DSHW) 195 NORTH 1950 WEST P O BOX 144880 SALT LAKE CITYrUT 84f14-4880 TOCDF Class 3 Modification TOCDF RCRA Final Closure Plan Revision T0CDF-ATT10-03-1111 June 29 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page No 1 GENERAL DISCUSSION 2 1 1 Background 2 1 2 Graphical Depiction of the TOCDF TSDF 3 1 3 Regulatory Basis and Modification Classification 4 2 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE AND JUSTIFICATION 5 3 IMPACT TO TOCDF 6 4 PUBLIC NOTICE DRAFT 7 5 PERMIT CHANGE PAGES 8 Page 1 I UL-Uh L,iass ci Moaiiicauon rOCDF RCRA Final Closure Plan Revision TOCDF ATT10 03 1111 June 29 2010 1 GENERAL DISCUSSION 11 Background Located on the property of the Deseret Chemical Depot (DCD) m Utah's rural Tooele County, the Tooele Chemical Disposal Facility (TOCDF) is a permitted Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Hazardous Waste Treatment Storage and Disposal Facility (TSDF) possessing the United States Environmental Protection Agency and State of Utah Identification Number UT5210090002 The majonty of TOCDF operations take place at its main location corresponding to the TOCDF "Limited Area", which is defined as the aiea within the double fence surrounding the Munitions Demilitanzation Building (MDB) However, there exist permitted Hazardous Waste Management Units (HWMUs) in locations that are remote from the TOCDF main facility These somewhat "remote" HWMUs are fijlly incorporated within the TOCDF TSDF RCRA Penmt For the purposes of this modification, the remote HWMUs are grouped into 1) the CAMDS "portion", and 2) tiie Area 10 "portion" 90-day hazaidous waste accumulation sites that have been established in support of managing newly-genejrated wastes are exempt from the "Closui e" requirements and are thus not considered withm the TOCDF Closure Plan :Page 2 luour oiass j ivioaiiicauon TOCDF RCRA Final Closure Plan Revision TOCDF-AmO 03 1111 June 29 2010 1 GENERAL DISCUSSION (continued) 1 2 Graphical Depiction of the TOCDF TSDF X 1631 (Autoclave) 3S1 I (DVSSR) (652 ipVSsJ. 1633 I 1635 I Area 10 Active Portion NOT withm scope of this modification ^AMDS Active Portion ^7 <J7 cJ7c27 (ECV) 57 (TMA) (CHB) 37 (UPMC) J J (ACS) cS7 J J (SDS) 57 57 57 csr 57 57 57 cJ7 57 dJ 57 cJ7 57 c37 57 cJ7 57 57 57 cir •IT 57 57 57 57 (OCs/ ALs) 57 575757 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 I (UP A) XXX (MDMs) (BDSs) 57 X! ]X (PMDb) X _ (Cutter) QD 57 57575757 O (DFS) 57 (MPF) 57 57 O (Lie 1) 57 ^5;r (Lie 2) MDB/P.4S TOCDF Mam Active Portion I 5-2 57 PUB jr J J 5T OVERALL SrOPE OF TOrOF TSD RCR A PERlVflT Autliouzing Closuie Plan Active Portion HWMU Type Total HWMUs PCRA PeimK Atiaclanent 10 TOCDF Mam Subpart I Container Storage Aiea 8 PCRA PeimK Atiaclanent 10 TOCDF Mam Subpart J Tank System 9 Tanks PCRA PeimK Atiaclanent 10 TOCDF Mam Subpart J Tank System 68 Sumps PCRA PeimK Atiaclanent 10 TOCDF Mam Subpart 0 Incineiatoi System 4 PCRA PeimK Atiaclanent 10 TOCDF Mam Subpart X Miscellaneous Unit 8 PCRA PeimK Atiaclanent 10 Area 10* Subpart I Container Stoiage Aiea 5 PCRA PeimK Atiaclanent 10 Area 10* Subpart J Tank System 0 PCRA PeimK Atiaclanent 10 Area 10* Subpart O Incinerator System 0 PCRA PeimK Atiaclanent 10 Area 10* Subpart X Miscellaneous Unit 4 •"r . - . -V 1 -RGgAiEeriSt' Attaehraerit 25^ ri'4:' •"r . - . -V 1 -RGgAiEeriSt' Attaehraerit 25^ ttS^i|i^.J,?£ank System . f 1 Tanl^ •"r . - . -V 1 -RGgAiEeriSt' Attaehraerit 25^ ttS^i|i^.J,?£ank System 32 SutnpS •"r . - . -V 1 -RGgAiEeriSt' Attaehraerit 25^ ^SB^^f?'(ij^ii0ratSf?SystMn 3 •"r . - . -V 1 -RGgAiEeriSt' Attaehraerit 25^ jiibpart.X T^iscellaneous tJmt 7 * Although not currently permitted, several HWMUs are at vanous stages of becoming permitted at Area 10 via a separate modification Four (4) tank systems, one (1) incinerator system, and one (1) miscellaneous unit are proposed in addition to the numbers shown here V RCRA Closure of these HWMUs ar-^ witiiin [he scope of Aitaclimeni 10 as proposed m this modification RCRA Closure of these HWMUs are NOT within the scope of this modification Page 3 iu»jur <^icibb o jvjuuriioduuri TOCDF RCRA Final Closure Plan Revision TOCDF ATT10 03 1111 June 29 2010 1 GENERAL DISCUSSION (continued) 1 3 Regulatory Basis and Modification Classification This permittee-requested modification to the TOCDF RCRA Permit is submitted as a Class 3 modification based pnmanly on the "Other Modifications" language of 40 CFR 270 42(d)(1), incorporated by R315-3-4 3 "In the case of modifications not explicitly listed in appendix I of this section, the permittee may submit a Class 3 modification request to the Agency, or he or she may request a determination by the [Executive Secretary] that the modification should be reviewed and approved as a Class 1 or Class 2 modification 40 CFR 270 42(d)(2)(iii) states that "Class 3 modifications substantially alter the facility or its opeiation" Smce this modification substantially alters activities that will be perfonned dunng the closure of TOCDF, as well as completely refomiatting the Closure Plan, it has been conservatively classified at the highest level This ensures the maximum opportunity for public participation Page 4 TOCDF Class 3 Modification TOCDF RCRA Final Closure Plan Revision TOCDF-ATT10-03-1111 June 29 2010 2 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE AND JUSTIFICATION The current TOCDF Closure Plan, which exists as Attachment 10 of the TOCDF RCRA Permit, IS laid out in a manner that generally follows the regulatory requirements point-by point and in order The revised TOCDF Closure Plan, while still contaimng all of the essential elements of a written closure plan, is laid out in a manner that is more m keeping with the sequence of closure events as they will occur and the decision-making process that forms the basis for the physical work requirements The entire proposed revised TOCDF Closure Plan is presented at the end of this modification request The Plan is drafted as a self-contained document that is self-justifying Consistency - Attachments 10 and 25 The proposed revised TOCDF Closure Plan layout is consistent with the layout of the recently- approved CAMDS Closure Plan, which exists as Attachment 25 of the TOCDF RCRA Permit CAMDS closure activities under the authorization of Attachment 25 are currently being implemented Consistency between TOCDF Closure Plan and the CAMDS Closure Plan will enable the most effective use of site implementation procedures that have been developed at CAMDS and can be adapted for use at TOCDF Waste Analysis Plan - Impacts The two Waste Analysis Plan waste streams 2 2 2 29 "Closure-Generated SDS" and 2 2 2 30 "Closure Generated Waste", were revised in anticipation of TOCDF entering "closure" These two waste streams were originally added to the WAP in order to accommodate certain CAMDS waste streams since CAMDS has already entered closure Waste stream 2 2 2 29 was revised to consider wastes that do not enter a tank system but are managed entirely within containers Waste stream 2 2 2 30 was revised to enable the conservative management of any wastes generated at closure as liquid-agent exposed wastes or matenals Page 5 I uour uiass i ivioQiiicauon TOCDF RCRA Final Closure Plan Revision TOCDF ATT10 03 1111 June 29 2010 3 IMPACT TO TOCDF The pnmary goal of this modification is to replace the existing RCRA Closure Plan with a newly-prepared RCRA Closure Plan that more accurately reflects the facility's physical configuration and revised closure strategy The current RCRA Closure Plan and the proposed RCRA Closure Plan share the same end-goal of final closure pnmanly through removal and disposal of the overall facility (i e , clean-closure) Smce both plans are written to achieve the same end-goal, the impact of the new proposed plan versus the existing plan is negligible Environmental Impacts There are no adverse impacts to the environment resulting fi"om this modification The final closure end-state of the proposed closure plan remains the same The overall permitted facility equipment, buildings and stmctuies will have been disposed as hazardous debns in a offsite pennitted Subtitle C landfill, witl) specified exceptions TOCDF Personnel Impacts There are no adverse impacts to the facility personnel resulting from this modification The overall workforce lequirements remain essentially the same Physical TOCDF Impacts Fheie aie no adveise impacts to the physical end-state of die facility resulting troni this modification Although the work activities necessaiy to achieve the final end-state differ, the end-state does not Page 6 4 PUBLIC NOTICE DRAFT CMA U I «*MT CHCiUCAl •iKTEIIUll ktCUCY PUBLIC NOTICE JLEGRG Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility (TOCDF) Ecs<£i>>oi««o«Mints Located at the U S Army's Deseret Chemical Depot (DCD), Stockton Utah Class 3 Penmit Modification Request "TOCDF RCRA Final Closure Plan Revision" What is the permit modification about? When is the Public Meeting? The Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility (TOCDF) is a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) permitted treatment and storage facility (TSDF) The overall mission of the TOCDF is to destroy the portion of the U S Army's chemical weapons stockpile that resides at the Deseret Chemical Depot (DCD) in addition to eliminating the inventory of secondary wastes generated in pursuit of that mission TOCDF has completed destruction of the majority of the DCD chemical weapons stockpile, and IS actively eliminating (e g , treating, shipping) its inventory of secondary waste In anticipation of completion of permitted-treatment and storage operations, TOCDF is preparing to begin formal regulatory RCRA final closure activities Accordingly, TOCDF is revising the TOCDF RCRA Closure Plan that currently exists in the RCRA Permit as Attachment 10 This revision of the Closure Plan reflects the current physical configuration and closure strategy of the TOCDF facility which has been greatly modified since the preparation of the original Closure Plan prepared prior to permitted-operations in 1996 This Permit modification request is identified by the designation T0CDF-ATT10-03-1111 A public information meeting on this permit modification request will be held at 6 00 p m on Wednesday, July 28, 2010 at the Tooele Chemical Stockpile Outreach Office, 54 South Mam Street Tooele, UT 84074 The telephone number for the Outreach Office is (435) 882-3773 Where can I find a copy of this permit modification request? Who can I talk to about this? How long is the comment period? A copy of this permit modification request is available for review by the general public during regular business hours at -•Tooele Chemical Stockpile Outreach Office, 54 South Mam St, Tooele, UT 84074 ->^Tooele City Library Reference Desk, 128 W Vine Street, Tooele, UT 84074 ->Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste (DSHW, Department of Environmental Quality), 195 North 1950 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84114 The TOCDF point of contact is Mr Trace Salmon at (435) 833-7428 The Permittees' (U S Army Chemical Matenals Agency/EG&G Defense Matenals) compliance history during the life of the permit being modified is available from the State of Utah [contact Mr Tom Ball of the Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste at (801) 536-0251, or via email at tball@utah gov] ~- The public comment penod for this permit modification request lasts a minimum of 60 days and begins Thursday, July 1, 2010 and will end Monday August 30, 2010 Written comments regarding this permit modification request can be submitted to Mr Scott Anderson, Director, Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste, Utah Department of Environmental Quality, P O Box 144880, Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4880, and must be received no later than 5 GO p m , Monday, August 30, 2010 Ttiis public notice satisfies requirements of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and the Utah Hazardous Waste Management Rules (Utah Administrative Code R315) Page 7 5 PERMIT CHANGE PAGES Change Pages in Permit Body Module II, General Facility Conditions Pages 5 and 6 Change Pages m Permit Attachments Attachment 2, Waste Analysis Plan Pages 28, 29, 47 and 48 Attachment 10, TOCDF Closure Plan Pages 1 through 42 (all) Changes to Permit Drawings None Page 8 TOCDF General Facility Conditions February 2010 IIII c The Permittee shall submit a biennial report covering the TOCDF and CAMDS activities to the Executive Secretary in accordance with R315-8-5 6 and R315-3-3 1(1)(9) n 11 d The Permittee shall submit additional reports to the Executive Secretary m accordance with R315-8-5 8 III 2 All reports, notifications, applications, or other matenals required to be submitted to the Regional Administrator shall be submitted to the State and Tnbal Assistance Office, Assistant Regional Administrator to the EPA Regional address shown m Condition IAA3 II13 All reports, notifications, applications, or other matenals required to be submitted to the Executive Secretary shall be submitted to the address shown m Condition 1AA 2 IIJ CLOSURE II J 1 The Permittee shall meet the general closure performance standard as specified m R315-8- 7 during closure of all TOCDF and CAMDS hazardous waste management units Compliance with R315-8-7 shall require closure of each hazardous waste management unit m accordance with Condition IIJ , Attachment 10 (TOCDF Closure Plan) and Attachment 25 (CAMDS Closure Plan) II J 2 All secondary waste generated dunng the processing of Agents GB, VX, and Mustard shall be processed by the Permittee pnor to the completion of closure of TOCDF II J 3 Reserved II J 4 Reserved IIJ 5 The Permittee shall decontaminate or dispose of all equipment as specified m Attachment 10 (TOCDF Closure Plan) and Attachment 25 (CAMDS Closure Plan) j II J 6 The Permittee shall provide certification statements that alleaeh TOCDF and TOCDF- Operated hazardous waste management unitb and the overall TOCDF facilityhas have been closed m accordance with the applicable specifications m Attachment 10 (TOCDF I Closure Plan) and^ Attachment 25 (CAMDS Closure Plan) as required by R315-8-7 IIJ 7 The Permittee shall notify the Executive Secretary at least 45 calendar days pnor to the closure date of any hazardous waste management unit is expected to begin III 8 In the event that any hazardous waste management unit cannot be clean closed by removing hazardous waste, hazardous waste constituents, contaminated subsoil, and any contaminated groundwater as specified in Attachments 10 and 25 (Closure Plans), the Permittee shall submit the modified closure and post-closure plan for that hazardous waste management unit to the Executive Secretary, as a permit modification request, m accordance with R315-3-4, within 30 calendar days of the date that the Executive Secretary notifies the Permittee in writing that the unit shall be closed as a landfill, in accordance with R315-8-7 Module 11 - Page 5 TOCDF Geneial Facility Conditions February 2010 II J 9 Within 90 calendar days of the Perrmttee's receipt of the wntten approval from the Executive Secretary, in accordance with R315-3-4, of the modified closure plan and the post-closure plan required by Condition IIJ 8 , the Permittee shall close the hazardous waste management umt in accordance with the approved plans HK CLOSUBE PLAN - COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE II K 1 The Permittee shall close the TOCDF facility m accordance with schedules appearing m submit Q permit modification request tliot updates Attachment 10 (TOCDF Closure Plan) and Attachment 25 (CAMDS Closure Planum the seeond quarter of oalendar-year 2010 IIL EQUIVALENT MATERIALS/INFORMATION n L 1 For certain equipment, matenals, or minor mformation specified in this Permit and documents listed or descnbed in Attachment 3 (Samplmg, Analytical, and QAJQC Procedures) and Attachment 23 (CAMDS LMQCP) that do not affect the analytical methods m the documents listed oi descnbed jn Attacliment 3 (Sampling, Analytical, and QAJQC Procedures)or descnbed in Attachment 23 (CAMDS LMQCP) the Peraiittee is allowed to use the equivalent or supenor equipment, matenals, or minor mfonnation Use of such equivalent or supenor items shall not be considered a modification of the Pennit, but the Permittee shall place in the Operatmg Record (pnor to the institution of such revision) the revision, accompanied by a narrative explanation, and the date the revision became effective The Executive Secretary may judge the soimdness of the revision dunng inspections ol the TOCDF and CAMDS and take appropriate action The loimat of tables fonns, and figuies is not subject to the requuements of ihis Penmt lud mav he rcMsed at the Pennittee's discietion 11 M FINANCIAL ASSURANCE FOR FACILITY CLOSURE 11 M 1 The Permittee is exempt from the closure financial assurance requirements, in accordance with R315-8-8 [40 CFR Section 264 140(c) incorporated by reference] UN LIABILITY REQUIREMENTS 11 N i The Peimittee is exempt from the liability coverage for sudden and accid'=i'jta! occurience requirements, m accordance with R315-8-8 [40 CFR Section 264 140(c) mcoiporated by reference] Module 11 - Page 6 TOCDF Waste Analysis Plan May 2010 2 2 2 29 Closure-Generated Spent Decontamination Solution (Excludmg SAF Lab and CAMDS Monitonng Waste") 2 2 2 29 1 Spent decontamination solutions generated from closure activities may be managed at an ofF-site Subtitle C TSDF or treated in one of the TOCDF LICs in accordance with Section 22 14 2 2 2 29 2 Each taakbatch of spent decontamination solutions shall be sampled and analyzed for chemical agent concentiation, conosivity (pH), HRA metals, BTU ignitabihty, total halogens, total organics and specific gravity A batch shall be defmed as containenzed spent decontamination solutions that will be isolated from any additional waste being added to the tank or container pnor to off-site shipment SDS that is potentially VX contaminated shall additionally be analyzed for the VX-related constituent EA 2192 pnor to off-site shipment 2 2 2 29 3 Spent decontamination solutions having chemical agent concentrations less than 20 ppb for GB 01 VX and 200 ppb for mustard may be managed ai an oft-site Subtitle C TSDF If chemical agent is detected at or above 20 ppb for GB or VX and 200 ppb lor mustaid additional decontamination solution shall be added to the collection tanks or containers, the contents lecirculated (i e mixed) and another sample analyzed for agent concentration 2 2 2 29 4 In addition to the above lequirements, the following restrictions shall apply to off-site shipments of SDS • J 29 4 I Cdiliactual lestuttions shall be imposed on the traii3p'"r(ers nirl ofl-sit;. .ncio^geinti'f facilities to ensure thai the spent decontamination solutions arc direclly tei in'o an iiicineiator irom the tanker tnick lo pievent comiomghng vwth other <^/')s!c streams managed at the tacihty As an alternative to direct tanker feed, a aedicated tank ai ihe oil- site incinerator for the spent decontamination solution may be used to prevent commingling at the off-site management facility 2 2 29 4 2 Contiactual restrictions shall be imposed on the transporters and off-site management facilities to ensure that the spent decontamination solution pH is not lowered m each tanker or dedicated tank 2 2 2 29 4 3 The off-site tieatment facihties to which SDS may be shipped are limited lo.hazarctous waste incineration facilities 2 2 2 29 4 4 The off-site transporters and management facihties shall be trained m chemical agent exposure and spill response before shipment of SDS 2 2 2 30 Closure-Generated Waste 22 2 30 I Waste matenals exposed to liquid or aerosol chemical agent, or matenals suspected or conservatively-presumed to have been liquid or aerosol exposed will be chemicallv- decontaminated per the decontamination steps outlined m the-Attacliment 10 (TOCDF Closure Plan) and Attachment 25 (CAiVlDS Closure plan) Attachment 2 - Page 28 TOCDF Waste Analysis Plan May 2010 I 2 2 2 302 The resulting decontamination final nnsate will be analyzed for chemical agents If the agents are detected at or above 20 ug/1 (ppb) GBA/X/GA or 200 ug/1 (ppb) for mustard/Lewisite, repeat the decontamination procedures and reanalyze the nnsate 2 2 2 30 3 The spent decontamination solution/nnsate may be processed by either 2 2 2 30 3 1 Treating m the TOCDF LIC 1 /LIC2 pnmary or secondary chamber per 2 2 1 4 and analyzed for the following paiameters, agent, conosivitiy, peicent organics, specific gravity and HRA metals oi 2 2 2 30 3 2 Spent decontamination solutions may be sent off-site to a Subtitle C TSDF if the agent concentration is below 20ug/l (ppb) GAJGBfWX and 200 ug/1 (ppb) mustard/lewisite The waste Will additionally be analyzed for TCLP metals, total organics, corrosivity Additionally BTU content, HRA Metals and flashpoint if incinerated 2 2 i 30 4 Once decontaimnated, the waste will be characteiized for olhei RCR_\ parameteis to ensure pioper waste management 2 3 PARAMETER TEST METHODS R315-8-2 4 140 CFR 264 13(b)(2)l. 2 3 1 Table 2-3 provides a listing of the analytical methods that shall be used to detect and quantify the selected parameters fhis information is piesented m a relational loiniat m Tables 2-0 and 2-1 (the WAP Summary Tables) 3 2 The CAL and SAF shall perlonn the analyses related to chemical agent lisfed in tables 2- 0 and 2 1 2 3 3 The CAL and SAF shall be Utah-certified to perfoirn analyses for the paiamelers that require Utah certification 2 3 4 Off-site analyses shall be perfonned by a Utah-certified laboiatory foi the parameteis listed m Table 2-3 2 3 5 The off-site laboratories selected shall be certified by the State oi Utah foi the methods referenced m this waste analysis plan When new promulgated methods aie approved by EPA, the Perrmttee shall notify the off-site laboratones of the required change and request a time frame of when the change will occur A laboratory will have six months to subirat documentation to the Pennittee of the change or a time frame when the change will be completed The laboratory must use the most recently approved method withm one year of promulgation If that is not possible, a written request for extension must be provided to the Executive Secretary for approval Only SW-846 promulgated methods shall be used unless an alternate method is approved by the Executive Secretary 2 4 SAMPLING METHODS R315-50-6 140 CFR 264 13(b)(3)l. 2 4 1 The sampling methods to be used for each waste stream are found in Tables 2-0 and 2-1 (the WAP Summary Tables) 2 5 FREQUENCY OF ANALYSES R315-8>2 4 [40 CFR 264 13(b)f4)|. Attachment 2- Page 29 Waste AnaH :DF Ian -010 Taljie 2-1 TOCDF WASTE AIVAL\ SIS PLAN SUMMARY 2 2 2 WASTES REOUIRING OFF-SITE TREATMENT/DISPOSAl, WASTE STREAM GENERATIOIN SOURCE ANALYTICAL PARAMETER'- PREPARATION and fSJSALVTIC/^O. METHODS FREQUENCY OF ANALYSIS' (establish profile) SAMPLING METHOD 2 2 226 MSB and Monitonng Solid Waste MSB CAMDS CheiTiiCal Agent Concentration See section 2 2 2 25 TE LOP 572 01 TE LOF-409 412 413 416 Each containei One sample of the decontamination solution collected at the bottom of the accumulation container taken toi analysis Coliwasa 2 22 27 Sump 110 Sump 110 Ageiu Concentration TCLP Metals TCLP Oi games' Conosivttv/pH TE LOP 572 nil and 3010 01 3015 and 6010 or 6020 and 7470 131 land 5030 and 8260 and 3510 ot 3520 and 8270 TE LOP 574 (9040) Each tanker One sample toi analysis Coliwasa 2 2 2 28 Autoclave Treated Waste Area 10 (Igloo 1631) Subpart X Autoclave Agent TE LOP 524 (Pnmary) TE-LOP 522 (Contiixnation) Each Batch Treated NRT (Pnmary) DAAMS (Confirmation) 2 2 29 Closure<jeneratod Spent Decon Solutions Site Closure Acnvities Agent Concentration Conosivity (pH) TE-LOP 572 or TE LOP-409 412 413 416 90408 01 TE LOP 574 (9040) Each CAMDS tankTMF 1 and TMF-2 after mixmg a minimum of one-hour PRIOR TO transfer to CAMDS tanks T13D orT13-E tank Tap HRA Metals (totals) igiutability TC Oiganic";' 30I0A 7470A 60I0B lOlO/ IO2OA01 1020 01 1010 8260B 8270COI 1311 and 5030 and 8260 and 3510 01 3520 and 82V0 Each tank pnor to offsite shipment after mixing a rmrumum of one hour or one sample from each container Tap or Coliwasa Sperinc Giavity BTU 27101- 01 TE LOP 374 ASTM D240 87 OR ASTM D 5865 ToiLil Halogens 9056 01 m 0/300 1 Attachnit'n 2 Page 4"" Waste Anal DF an JIO Table 2-;t TOCDF WASTE ANALYSIS PLAN SUMlMARY 2 2 2 WASTES REQUIRING OFF-SITE TREATMENT/DISPOSAL WASTE STREAM GENERATION SOURCE ANALYTICAL PARAMETERS PREPARATION and ANALYTICAL METHODS' FREQUENCY" OF ANALYSIS' (establish profile) SAMPLING METHOD 2 2P30 Closure-Generated Waste (Liuuid ui Auiosol Agent Exposed, as deliimd by the i^oin-b|«mdinn Closuic PIJII methodology) Site Closure Activities Agent Concentration RCRA Charactenzation paramelei ^ TE LOP 572 or TE LOP409 4(2 413 416 As generated Footnotes 1 The annotated methods identified are to be used When new piomulgated methoas aie appiovcd by EPA, the Permittee siiall notify the laboratory of i.he required change and request a time frame of when the change will occui The laboratoiy will have bix months to bubinit documentation to the Permittee of the change or a time frame when the change will be completed The laboratory must use the most promulgated method withm one year of piomulgation If that is not possible a wntten request for extension must be provided to the Executive Secretary for approval 2 A batch is defined as all the drums (or containers) of waste generated from the same event af the same location 3 TCLP organicb are defined as those compounds descnbed bv 40 CFR 261 24 by the waste codes DO 18 D019,D02I D022 D023, D024, D025, D026 D027, D028, D029, D030 D032 D033, D034, D035, D036 D037 D038 D039, D040 DO^i and D042 4 ' Dioxins (PCDDs) and Furans (PCDFs) aie additionally analyzed toi only it waste is Toxicity Chaiacteiistic foi oigames 5 The Permittee^hall sample the organic analytical paiameteis using the samplmg and analytica! methods and frequencv ot analysis in accordance with section 2 10 6 TCLP metals are defined as those descnbed m 40 CFR 2o 1 24 as waste codes D004 D')05 DOOb, D007, D008 D009 DO 10 and DOI 1 7 HRA metals are defined as the following Aisenic, Barium Chiomium Cadmium Lead Meicu'-y Silver Selenium Aluminum Antimony, Beryllium Boron, Cobalt, Copper Manganese Nickel Thallium Tin Vanadium and Zmc Attachmepi Paoe 48 TOCDF Closure Plan June 2010 ATTACHMENT 10 TOCDF CLOSURE PLAN 10 1 CLOSURE PLAN OVERVIEW 2 10 1 1 Closure Status 3 10 1 2 Closure Plau Document Structure 3 10 1 3 Key Definitious 4 10 1 4 Supporting Documents 5 10 1 5 Compreliensive List of TOCDF and TOCDF-Operated Facibty HWMUs 7 10 1 6 Inspections, Calibiations and Waste Feed Interlock Function Tests 9 10 1 7 Preparedness and Pi evention, Contingency Plan 10 10 1 8 Closure Monitonng 10 10 2 CLOSURE PERFORMANCE STANDARD 10 10 2 1 General Standards 10 10 2 2 Technical Staiidaids li "10 2 2 1 Coiitainei Stoiagp Areas, - 40 CFR 264 178 (amended by Rl! 5 8 9 9) J i 10 2 2 2 Tank Sybtems - 40 CFR 264 197 11 10 2 2 3 Incmeiatois-40 CFR 264 351 (amendedbyR315-8-15 8) 12 10 2 2 4 Miscellaneous Units - 40 CFR 264 601 12 10 2 3 Closure Sampling and Analysis (Closure Verification) 12 10 2 4 Final Closure Performance Standard Values 13 10 3 MAXIMUM WASTE INVENTORY ESTIMATE 13 10 4 FACILITY CLOSURE METHODOLOGY 17 10 4 1 Decoulamination and Equipment Removal Sequence 18 10 4 2 Equipment and Facilities Decontamination 23 10 4 3 Schedule foi Closuie, Time Allowed for Closure, and Extension of Closure 27 10 4 4 Scope of Ancillary Equipment 31 10 5 CLOSURE WASTE MANAGEMENT 35 10 5 1 Waste* G'eueiated Dui lug Closure 35 10 2 E^'a)ua^lOJ^ and Delernnnation of Agent Exposure Status "^7 10 5 3 Decontamination & Decommissioning of Equipment, Buildings and Structures 38 10 5 4 Special Handling of Waste During Site-Wide Demolition Phase 39 10 6 GROUND-WATER MONITORING AND RUN-ON & RUN-OFF CONTROL 41 10 7 CLOSURE PLAN COST ESTIMATE 41 10 8 POST CLOSURE 41 10 9 CERTIFICATION OF CLOSURE 41 10 10 CORRECTIVE ACTION FOR SWMUS 42 Attachment 10 Page i TOCDF Closuie Plan June 2010 TOCDF CLOSURE PLAN 10 1 CLOSURE PLAN OVERVIEW This plan has been prepared for the closure of the Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facihty (TOCDF) m accordance with Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 264 and Utah Administrative Code (UAC) R315-8-7 Owned by the U S Chemical Matenals Agency (CMA), TOCDF is a hazardous waste treatment and storage facility co-operated by the CMA and EG&G Defense Matenals, Inc , (a division of URS) In addition to being co-operators, CMA and EG&G are co- permittees of TOCDF Although located entirely withm the boundanes of the Deseret Chemical Depot (DCD), TOCDF operates as an autonomous permitted facility under the authonty of its own RCRA Permit The DCD operates under a separate RCRA Permit even though the DCD and the TOCDF facilities share the same EPA I D Number of UT5210090002 Consequently, this closure plan only addresses operations directly associated with TOCDF In order to complete closure of the entiie UT'52] 0090002 installation, DCD closure operations will be addressed withm a DCD Closure Plan entirely separate from this TOCDF Closure Plan and the CAMDS Closure Plan This plan describes general closure requirements for the TOCDF Facility, which includes multiple individual hazardous waste management units (HWMUs) included m this permit, but does NOT include those HWMUs subject to the provisions of Attachment 25 (CAMDS Closure Plan) EPAID Number UT5210090002 EPAID Number UT5210090002 TSDF RCRA Permits Closure Plans Scope of This Attachment TSD Fat-ihty TOCDF Attachment 10 (TOCDF Main Facihty & TOCDF-controlled facilities within Area 10) TSD Facility DCD Attacloment 25 (CAMDS) Attacliment 5 (DCD) This closure plan was prepared for the TOCDF-controlled facilities (except the CAMDS active portion) and wiH result m conditions protective of human health and the environment dunng and after closure The ultijnate goal of this plan is to present the processes that will enable the TOCDF Facihty to be closed in a manner that minimizes the need for further maintenance, and minimizes, controls, or eliminates post closure escape of hazardous wastes or their constituents into the environment Attachment 10 - Page 2 TOCDF Closure Plan June 2010 10 1 1 Closuie Status Since the beginning of chemical agent permitted-treatment operations in 1996, vanous pemntted HWMUs have been removed and RCRA-closed as 1) certain "treatment campaigns" were completed and the equipment became obsolete, or 2) the equipment was no longei useful for its onginally-intended purpose HWMUs that have heretofore attained and been granted formal "closure" status no longer appeal in the RCRA Pennit as pemiitted-HWMUs (e g , Subpart X Rocket Shear Maclune, the Subpart O Dunnage hicineiator, etc ) Howevei, obsolete HWMUs that have NOT been gianted fonnal closure status AND that still appeal m the Permit will, foi the purposes of this closure plan, be considered active HWMUs regardless of whether they are still in-place oi if they have been partially or fully disassembled Hence, all cuiTently-operatmg or previously-operated pennitted HWMUs are considered "active" Only those previously-opeiated HWMUs that have been granted formal closure-status by the Utah Department of Enviiomnental Quality (DEQ) Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste (DSHW) wil! be consideied "RCRA-closed" 10 1 2 Closuie Plan Document Stmctute Contents of the temainder of Attaclmienf 10, TOCDF Closure Plan include 10 2 Closuie Performance Standanl provides the perfonnance standards lor the closure of hazardous waste management units This section also provides details tor the detenninaiion of whethei closuie perfonnance standaids have been met tor closed RCRA peiiViiiU'd 'iPiis 10 J Miniiiiuii! iVusie In\enron. lists tlie iiLnMiivjin ni- eiH,.. iot u us ^ ,|.' rc i d •, time at (he facility 10 4 Facilny Closuie Methodology descnbes (he overall appioach lor closure including the overall closure sequence, a description of the decontamination methods to be utilized, and the overall schedule to complete closure activities lO ^ Clo'iLae Wash Management descnbes the methods ivhich vvd! De utiiizcd in, ,na(]3ging ihe hazaidous wastes generated dunng closure 10 6 Ground Water Monitonng and Run-on and Run-off Control descnbes the run-on and nin-off control that will be employed dunng closure 10 7 Closui e Plan Cost Estimate documents that financial assurance is not applicable to TOCDF 10 8 Poit Closure describes the requirements foi post-closure care of the facihty 10 9 Certification of Closure states that closure will be certified according to the approved Closure Plan by an independent, qualified, registered professional engineer 10 10 Corrective Action for Solid Waste Management Units descnbes the activities that may need to be taken to comply with 40 CFR 264 101 Attachment ) 0 - Page 3 TOCDF Closuie Plan June 2010 10 1 3 Key Definitions The following terms are used frequently throughout this closure plan 40 CFR 260 10 is incorporated by Utah Administrative Code (UAC) R315-l-l(b) and 40 CFR 268 2 is incorporated by UAC R315-13-1 10 13 1 Active Portion means that portion of a facility where tieatment, storage or disposal operations aie being or have been conducted and which is not a closed portion (§260 10) 10 13 2 Ancillaiy Equipment means any device that is used to distnbute, meter, or control the flow of hazardous waste from its point of generation to a storage oi Ueatment tank(s), between hazardous waste storage and treatment tanks to a point of disposal onsite, or to a point of shipment for disposal off-site (§260 10) For the purposes of this closure plan, secondary containment systems and Subpart CC air emissions control devices/closed- vent systems are included within this definition regaidless of the fact that they do not directly contact the hazardous waste being managed by the H^^TVIU 10 13 3 Clean Closure means achieving the geneial and technical closuie performance standards by lemoving hazardous waste from the facility or HWMU and then decontaminating (i e contaminants Irom permitted-operations) the facility or HWMU such that no post-closure care is required The TOCDF facility, including all of its HWMUs will be "clean-closed' in accordance with this plan 10 13 4 (1 losed Portion means that portion of a facility which has closed in accoidance with the 3ppioved facility closure plan or a specific partial closuie plan and nil ippl cable clnsuir lequiiements (ii260 10) 10 13 5 Debi is means solid material exceeding a 60 mm particle size that is intended foi disposal and that is 1) a manufactured object, or 2) plant or animal matter, or 3) a natural geologic matenal (§268 2) 10 ! 3 6 Decontamination means the act of removing sorae or all liazaidous waste residues or contaminants "contained nf equipment, buildings oi stiijctuies by ase of one or moje or the following technologies physical extraction, chemical exiraction, thermal extiaction, biological destruction, thermal destruction, chemical destruction 10 13 7 Facility means all contiguous land, and structures, other appurtenances, and improvements on the land, used for treating, storing or disposing of hazardous waste The TOCDF "facility" includes multiple treatment and storage operational umts (i e , HWMUs), some of which are detached (i e , Area 10 igloos) (§260 10) ''Approved hazardous waste management facihty " or ''approved facility " means a hazardous waste TSDF which has received an EPA permit m accordance with federal requirements, has been approved under Section 19-6-108 of the Utah Code and R315-3, or has been permitted or approved under and other EPA authorized hazardous waste state program [R315-l-l(f)(l)] 10 13 8 Final Closure means the closure of all HWMUs at the facility in accordance with all applicable closure requirements so that hazardous waste management activities under Attachment 10 - Page 4 TOCDF Closuie Plan June 2010 parts 40 CFR 264 and 265 aie no longei conducted, unless subject to the [90-day accumulation] piovisions of §262 34 (§260 10) 10 13 9 Generator means any person, by site, whose act oi process produces hazardous waste 01 whose act first causes a hazardous waste to become subject to regulation (§260 10) Since manufactured equipment, buildings and structures are "manufactured" and not teclinically "produced", their point-of-generation as "hazardous debns" is vaguer than foi hazardous waste For the purposes of tlus closure plan, equipment, buildings and stmctuies undergoing closure will be generally defined as "first becoming subject to hazaidous waste geneiatoi regulation" as newly geneiated waste at tliat point m time thai demolition of that part of the building commences hilact portions of the building or structure undergoing closuie will not be consideied newly-generated waste Equipment that is lemoved during pre-demolition activities will be subject to hazardous waste geneiator lequirements of 40 CFR 262 32 when the equipment is removed from the building that it was contained m Once "generated", the "hazardous debns ' becomes subject to all the pre-transport requirements (e g , packaging, labeling, marking, placarding, accumulation time, etc ) of 40 CFR 262 The basis of charactenzmg the iiewly-geneialed F999 hazaidous debus will geneially be 40 CFR 262 1 \ {J){2) (i e "geneiatoi knowledge' gained fioin acdvities conducted puisuant to this closuie plan) 10 I 3 10 Hazaidous Debns means debris that 1) coiuams a hazardous waste listed in subpart D of pail 261 [including UAC R315-2-10 (F999) and R315 2-11 (P999)], oi 2) that exhibns a [charactensttc of igniiibility, toirosivity, reactivity or toxicity] (§268 2) i'j 1 ' 1 rnft'a! CL/^uic means the closure nf a f'-ingle] HWM" u iccotdin„e with the .applicable closuie iequiremen(s of 40 CFR 264 and 265 or an approved pardal closure pho at i l icih'y that contains other acuve HWMUi (§260 10) '0 I 3 12 Tieatment means any method, technique, oi piocess designed to change the chemical or biological charactei or composition ot any hazardous waste so as to 1) neutialize such waste, oi 2) lecovei eneigy oi matenal lesouices fioin (he waste, or 3) to rendei such waste a) non hazaidous, or b) less hazardous or c) safei to tiansport, oi d) safei to stoie, oi e) safei to dispose of, or 0 amenable for lecovery, oi g) amenable for storage, oi h) 1 educed m volume (§260 10) 10 1 4 Supporting Documents In addition to the content piovided herein, the following separate documents will be generated and will support closuie operations at TOCDF • Closuie Venfication Sampling and Analysis Plan (CVSAP) This document provides the required number, type, and location of samples to be collected in support of post-demolition closure verification, the methods and procedures for sample collection, and the analyses to be performed on the Attachment 10 - Page 5 TOCDF Closuie Plan June 2010 collected samples With this document will be a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) that details the quality assurance requirements for the sampling activities and analytical procedures outlined in the CVSAP The CVSAP and QAPP will be submitted to the Executive Secretary for review Executive Secretary approval of these documents shall be received prior to commencement of final closure venfication sampling In some cases, the media sample may be collected pnor to the demolition phase if it is determined that demolition activities will make the sample more difficult to. collect (e g , collecting soil samples by bonng through a concrete slab pnor to slab removal) In each case, the soil sample will be collected and managed appropriately to ensure its validity Spill Site Cleanup Plans Cleanup Plans and the resulting Cleanup Reports are required for each of the TOCDF Related Spill Sites identified in Module VII, Table VII1 Post-cleanup sampling requirements for these spill sites will be addressed in the CVSAP as required Attachment 10 - Page 6 TOCDF Closure Plan June 2010 10 1 5 Comprehensive List of TOCDF and TOCDF-Operated Facilitv HWMUs Table 10-1 lists all HWMUs that aie subject to tins closure plan Table 10-1 TOCDF and TOCDF-Operated Facility HWMUs 40 CFR 264 HWMU Unique Identification Ancillary Equipment Definition Location of Primary Element (MDB unless noted) Vent Cat of Pnmary Element Subpart I Container Stoiage Aieas CHB 10 44 5 CHB D Subpart I Container Stoiage Aieas UFA 10 4 4 4 UFA C Subpart I Container Stoiage Aieas ECV 10444 ECV AJB Subpart I Container Stoiage Aieas TMA 1044 4 TMA A Subpart I Container Stoiage Aieas TMA Airlock 10 44 4 TMA Airlock C Subpart I Container Stoiage Aieas TMA Decon 10444 TMA Decon A/B Subpart I Container Stoiage Aieas UPMC 1044 4 UPMC A Subpart I Container Stoiage Aieas S-2 1044 5 S-2 D Subpart I Container Stoiage Aieas Igloo 1632 104 4 Aiea 10 Igloo 1632 See Note 2 Subpart I Container Stoiage Aieas Igloo 1633 10 4 4 5 Area 10 Igloo 1633 D Subpart I Container Stoiage Aieas Igloo 1634 104 4 5 Area 10 Igloo 1634 D Subpart I Container Stoiage Aieas Igloo 1635 104 4 5 Area 10 Igloo 1635 D Subpart I Container Stoiage Aieas Igloo 1636 104 4 5 Area 10 Igloo 1636 D Subp.li f J Tank Svt-ieins Conventional ACS-TANK-101 1044 1 Toxic Cubicle A Subp.li f J Tank Svt-ieins Conventional ACS-TANK 102 104 4 1 Toxic Cubicle A Subp.li f J Tank Svt-ieins Conventional SDS TANK 101 1044 1 SDS Room A Subp.li f J Tank Svt-ieins Conventional SDS-TANK-102 1044 1 SDS Room A Subp.li f J Tank Svt-ieins Conventional SDS-TANK 103 10 4 4 1 SDS Room A Subp.li f J Tank Svt-ieins Conventional BRA-TANK-101 10 4 4 1 Subp.li f J Tank Svt-ieins Conventional BRA-TANK-102 10 4 4 1 Outdoors D Subp.li f J Tank Svt-ieins Conventional BRA-TANK 201 1044 1 Outdoors D Subp.li f J Tank Svt-ieins Conventional BRA-TANK-202 1044 1 Outdoors D Subp.li f J Tank Svt-ieins Conventional Subp.li f J Tank Svt-ieins Conventional Subp.li f J Tank Svt-ieins Conventional Subp.li f J Tank Svt-ieins Conventional Subp.li f J Tank Svt-ieins Conventional Subpart J Tank Sybiem^ ICU Sumps With Secondary Containment Sump 134 104 4 2 111 "A" Airlock A Subpart J Tank Sybiem^ ICU Sumps With Secondary Containment Sump 135 104 4 2 TMA "A' Area A Subpart J Tank Sybiem^ ICU Sumps With Secondary Containment Sump 154 10442 TMA "A' Area A Subpart J Tank Sybiem^ ICU Sumps With Secondary Containment Sump 153 104 4 2 TMA 'WB" Area A/B Subpart J Tank Sybiem^ ICU Sumps With Secondary Containment Sump 164 1044 2 Lower Buffer Storage Area A Subpart J Tank Sybiem^ ICU Sumps With Secondary Containment Sump 190 10442 Lower Buffer Storage Area A Subpart J Tank Sybiem^ ICU Sumps With Secondary Containment Sump 179 10442 Lower Munitions Corridor A Subpart J Tank Sybiem^ ICU Sumps With Secondary Containment Sump 184 104 4 2 Lower Munitions Corridor A Subpart J Tank Sybiem^ ICU Sumps With Secondary Containment Sump 125 1044 2 123 "A" Airlock A Subpart J Tank Sybiem^ ICU Sumps With Secondary Containment Sump 106 10442 ECR-B A Subpart J Tank Sybiem^ ICU Sumps With Secondary Containment Sump 107 10442 ECR-A A Sump 108 104 4 2 ECV B Sump 109 104 4 2 ECV B Sump 110 1044 2 ECV B Sump 112 104 4 2 Upper Munitions Corridor A Sump 113 10442 Upper Munitions Corridor A Sump 114 1044 2 Upper Munitions Corridor A Sump 115 1044 2 Upper Munitions Corridor A Attachment 10 - Page 7 TOCDF Closure Plan June 2010 Table 10-1 TOCDF and TOCDF-Operated Facihty HWMUs 40 CFR 264 HWMU Unique Identification Ancillary Equipment Definition Location of Primary Element (MDB unless noted) Vent Cat of Primary Element Sump 116 10442 Sump 117 10442 Sump 118 10442 Sump 169 10442 Sump 174 10442 Sump 189 10442 Sump 145 1044 2 Sump 146 10442 Sump 147 10442 Sump 148 10442 Munitions Processing Bay A Sump 149 10442 Sump 168 10442 Sump 175 1044 2 Sump 124 1044 2 255 A All lock B Sump 126 1044 2 265 A Airlock B Subpart J Sump 130 1044 3 Monitoring Room 457 C J ank Systems Sump 131 1044 3 Observation Corridor 451 C Sump 132 10443 DFS "C" Airlock c ICU Sumps Without Sump 133 1044 3 Obser\'ation Corndoi 454 c Secondaiy Sump 144 1044 3 HC2 Secondaiv c Coiitamirieni Sump 150 1044 3 SDS Room A Sump 151 1044 3 Toxic Cubicle A S'imp 1 10 4 4 J L IC 1 Se(.i>hdar\ '~ Suinp 157 10 1-1 3 LIC2 Pninai ' A Sump 160 1044 3 111 'B" Aidork ' B Sump 161 1044 3 DFS "B" Airlock B Sump 167 1044 3 Observation Con idoi c Sump 180 1044 3 -Lie "A/B" Airlock A/B Sump 187 1044 3 MPF "A/B" Airlock A/B Sump 188 1044 3 LTCl Pnmary A Sump 193 1044 3 Observation Corridoi 359 C Sump 197 104 4 3 Laboratory' c Sump 173 10 44 3 Observation Coindoi c Sump 182 10443 123 'B" An lock B Sump 101 1044 3 Sump 102 10443 Unpack Area C Sump 103 10443 Unpack Area C Sump 104 10443 Sump 136 1044 3 Observation Corridor C Sump 137 1044 3 Observation Corridor C Sump 138 10443 Observation Corridor C Sump 139 1044 3 ObservaUon Corridor C Sump 140 10443 Observation Corridor c Sump 141 104 4 3 Observation Corridor c Sump 142 10443 Observation Corridor c Sump 123 10443 255 B Airlock B Sump 127 10443 265 B Airlock B Sump 192 10443 Observation Corridor c BST Sump 103 10443 Outdoors D Attachment 10 Page 8 TOCDF Closure Plan June 2010 Table 10-1 40 CFR 264 HWMU Unique Identification Ancillary Eqmpment Definition Location of Primary Element (MDB unless noted) Vent Cat of Primary Element BCS Sump 107 1044 3 PUB Bulk Chemical Storage D SubpaitO Incinei ators LIC 1 10446 LIC 1 Pnmary and Secondary A SubpaitO Incinei ators LIC 2 1044 6 LIC 2 Pnmary and Secondary A SubpaitO Incinei ators MPF 104 4 6 MPF Primary and Secondary A SubpaitO Incinei ators DFS 1044 6 DFS Room and Outdoors A SubpaitO Incinei ators '•}{:. 'j^'ATL!C!_ ..^.^ '^•igloo. 1 (535.;s..'. «„ . Subpart X Miscelkneous Units PMD-101 1044 7 ECR-A A Subpart X Miscelkneous Units PMD-102 104 4 7 ECR-B _j A Subpart X Miscelkneous Units MDM-101 104 4 7 Munitions Processing Bay A Subpart X Miscelkneous Units MDM-102 10447 Munitions Processing Bay A Subpart X Miscelkneous Units MDM-103 1044 7 Munitions Processing Bay A Subpart X Miscelkneous Units BDS-101 10447 Munitions Processing Bay A Subpart X Miscelkneous Units BDS 102 10447 Munitions Processing Bay A Subpart X Miscelkneous Units Projo Cuttei 1044 7 ECR-A A Subpart X Miscelkneous Units DVS 101 104 4 7 Area 10 Igloo 1632 C Subpart X Miscelkneous Units DVS-102 104 4 7 Area 10 Igloo 1632 C Subpart X Miscelkneous Units DVSSR 1044 7 Area 10 Igloo 1632 C Subpart X Miscelkneous Units Autoclave 1044 7 Area 10 Igloo 1631 See Note 2 Subpart X Miscelkneous Units Subpart X Miscelkneous Units Notes These new HWMUs are undeigomg public comment for addition to this Pennit Ahliodgb not meeting die technical definition of MDB ventilaUon - Tregor;, C ufti opv-ifiie"? iiiidcr negatr'e pre.'-sure engmeeniig controls and wdl be managed -n-. a tnti L aiea toi the puiposes ol this closure plan tisH\Vi\al 10 I 6 Inspections, Calibrations and Waste Feed Interlock Function Tests 10 16 1 Inspections and Automatic Waste Feed Cut-off (AWFCO) testing may be suspended for HWMUs and support systems identified in Attachment 5 of the TOCDF RCRA Permit when an item is removed from service for closure and aftei all visible hazardous waste has been leinoved (if piesent) from die item undergoing closure The Executi^;:, Secietaiy be notified when any inspection requirement or AWFCtJ tes* bsted in Attacliment 5 is suspended tor closure hi addition, logbooks will no longer be lequired to be maintained or kept at locations identified in Attachment 5 once the item is removed from service for closure A notation will be made m the associated inspection form or logbook that the item is undergoing closure when it is removed from service for closure 10 16 2 Calibrations and Waste Feed Interlock Function Tests may be suspended for equipment and systems identified in Attachment 6 of the TOCDF RCRA Permit when an item is removed from service for closure and after all visible hazardous waste has been removed (if present) from the item undergoing closure The Executive Secretary will be notified when any calibration requirement or Waste Feed Interlock Function Test identified in Attachment 6 is suspended for closure Attachment 10 - Page 9 TOCDF Closure Plan June 2010 10 1 7 Preparedness and Prevention, Contingency Plan 10 17 1 Emergency equipment and systems identified in Attachment 8 and Attachment 9 of the TOCDF RCRA Permit may be removed or decommissioned in place as facility closure progresses Emergency equipment and systems will be maintained by the Pennittee during closure until it is determined that the eqmpment and systems no longer serve their intended purpose The Executive Secretary will be notified when any emergency equipment or systems are to be removed or decommissioned as the result of facility closuie 10 17 2 Periodic changes to Attachment 8 oi Attachment 9 of the TOCDF RCRA Pennit resulting fiom closure activities will be identified m quarterly updates that will be submitted to the Executive Secretary as Class 1 permit modification notices to keep the Attachments current with routine changes to facility 10 1 8 Closure Monitoring As closuie of die TOCDF piogresses, agent monitonng requnements will change A key objective for the closure of the TOCDF is to perlorm unventilated agent monitoring to demonstrate that the < 1 0 VSL criterion has been met When this cnteiion has been satisfied, agent monitoring will be terminated and demolition will commence as descnbed in 10 4 1 of this plan Temporary changes may be made to the monitoring requirements of Attachment 22 of the TOCDF RCICA, Pennit by following the normal ') OCDF procedures which provide proper approvah and documentation This will alloiv loi adding to, reducing the number of oi changing the contlguialion of ^gent monitois on 1 i'=!nporpry b.isi'? 1 he Pennittee shall notify the F^en'iive Sf .letciry oinli • of nny leduced moniloiing ajjplicabJe to Aflaclunent 22 pnoi lo uvplemevirituni ! 0 ? CLOSURE PERFORMANCE STANDARD 140 CFR 264 111, 270 14(b)(13), and UAC R315-8-7I The closure performance standards may be divided into two parts thegenercd standaids applicable to all TSDFs, and the technical standards for specific types of HWMUs This Closuie Plan defines the processes that will be followed to close the TOCDF and TOCDF-Operated Facilities such that all oFthe closure peifom;anve standaids are met tO?l Geneial Standards The general performance standards of 40 CFR 264 111 that are applicable to the overall TOCDF facility are as follows The owner or operator must close a permitted hazardous waste facility in a manner that • Minimizes the need for further maintenance, and • Controls, nunirmzes, or eliminates, to the extent necessary to protect human health and the environment, the post-closure escape of hazardous waste, hazardous constituents, leachate, contaminated runoff, or hazardous waste decomposition products to the surface or groundwater or to the atmosphere These general standards will be venfied at TOCDF by performing site-wide post-closure samplmg and analysis descnbed m 10 2 3 Attachment 10 - Page 10 TOCDF Closure Plan June 2010 10 2 2 Teclinical Standaids Thetechmcal perfonnance standaids of 40 CFR 264 111, winch constitutes the HWMU- specific standards are as follows The owner or operator must close a pemnitted hazardous waste facility m a manner that • Complies with the closure requu-ements of 40 CFR 264, including the lequirements of 264 178 (containers), 264 197 (tank systems), 264 351 (incineiatois), and 264 601 though 264 603 (miscellaneous umts) 10 2 2 1 Containei Stoiage Ai-eas - 40 CFR 264 178 (amended by R315-8-9 9) At closuie, all hazardous waste and hazardous waste residues must be removed from the containment system Remaining containers, liners, bases and soil containing or contaminated with hazardous waste or hazaidow; waite residues must be decontaminated or removed At closure the solid waste removed [shall be presumed and managed as hazaidous waste] " This technical standaid will be met at TOCDF b> 1) lemovmg all HW containeis and poiitiNe secondaiy containment devices (e g , secondary contaimnenl pallets, ONCs), and 2) deconlaminatmg the fi\ed secondaiy containment (i e , (loois and sumps) to the extent necessary for disposal as F999 hazardous debns m a Subtitle C Hazaidous Waste Landfill Secondai7 containment pallets and ONCs Will be decontaminated by (nple-iinsing in accoidance with RCILAL All hazardous waste or hazardous waste lesidues leinoved dunng decontamination activities will be chaiactenzed and managed as newly- geneiaied hazaidous vvasfe The ancillary equipment (e g fixed secondciy containment m addition to ibf Subpdil CC (.I'.'Sed ^-enl and contiol device) will then be demolished in their entiretv md disposed ns ne.vb, jieneiaied F''^9''J liazaioous debns No ort illai >• e']L ipmeiu -will ieuuim po^i I i^v-f Tlij'- fcv ln^iccl stindaid wdl I.K- vej ilied <ii 10(. DP h\ p;\ loiinms site wide no-' '.-h 'f sampling and analysis descnbed m 10 2 3 m addition to venfication ol disposal of the MicdKi'v equipment 10 2 2 2 Tank Systems - 40 CFR 264 197 Ai chsure of a tank system, the ownei or operator must remove or decontaminate all wa^'fe residues contaminated containment system components (liners, eic ) c'jiv'aiiiinaied s'oiis, and siiuctwes and equipioent coi'liiniuiated w-nh '^vi'^'e •'"•// "I'j-^'ige theiP a\ ha^fi'(toils Mci^^te If n')i all 'Contaminated soi/s can be p'acuconi; •env.- e. IC" decontannnated then the owner or operatoi must perform post-closiiie care Tins technical sfandaid will be met at TOCDF by decontaminating the vessel and ALL ancillary equipment to the extent necessary for disposal as F999 hazardous debris m a Subtitle C Hazardous Waste Landfill All hazardous waste oi hazardous waste residues removed during decontamination activities will be charactei ized and managed as newly-generated hazardous waste The vessel and all ancillaiy equipment will then be demolished in their entirety and disposed as newly-generated F999 hazaidous debns Neithei the vessel nor any ancillary equipment will remain post-closure This technical standard will be verified at TOCDF by performing site-wide post-closure sampling and analysis described in 10 2 3 m addition to verification of disposal of the vessel and its ancillary equipment Thus, successful removal of contaminated soils (a requirement for achieving clean- closure) will be venfied as well Attachment 10 Page 11 TOCDF Closuie Plan June 2010 10 2 2 3 Incinerators - 40 CFR 264 351 (amended by R315-8-15 8) "At closure, the owner or operator shall i emove all hazardous waste and hazardous waste residues, including, but not limited to, ash, scrubber waters, and scrubber sludges, from the incinerator site At closure the residue removed [shall be presumed and managed as hazardous waste] " This technical standard will be met at TOCDF by decontaminating the incinerator and ALL ancillary equipment (including the PAS) to the extent necessary for disposal as F999 hazardous debns in a Subtitle C Hazardous Waste Landfill All hazaidous waste or hazardous waste residues lemoved during decontamination activities will be charactenzed and managed as newly-generated hazardous waste The mcmeiator and all ancillary equipment will then be demolished m their entuety and disposed as newly-generated F999 hazardous debns Neither the incinerator nor any ancillary equipment will remain post-closure This technical standard will be venfied at TOCDF by performing site-wide post-closure sampling and analysis described m 10 2 3 in addition to verification of disposal of the incinerator and its ancillary equipment 10 2 2 4 Miscellaneous Units - 40 CFR 264 601 A miscellaneous unit must be closed in a manner thai will ensure pi otection of human health and the environment This teclmical standard will be met at TOCDF by decontaminating the miscellaneous unit and ALL ancillary equipment to the extent necessai^y for disposal as F999 hazardous debii': m a Subtitle C Hazaid ai? Wa'^te Landfill AH hazaidous waste oi hazaidous waste lesidues lemoved during deconiamiiuition activities will be chaiacterized and managed as newly generated hazardous vvasle The miscellaneous unit and all ancillary equipment will then be demolished m then entuety 'iiid disposed ^^ iiewly-generated F999 hazardous debris Neither the miscellaneous unit nor any ancillary equipment will remain post-closure This technical standard will be verified at TOCDF by performing site-wide post-closuie sampling and analysis descnbed in 10 2 3 in addition to verification of disposal of the miscellaneous unit and its ancillary equipment 1C 2 3 Closure Sampling and Analysis (Closuie Venfication) In Older to reach the final post-closuie configuration of the TOCDF facility, the building that houses the vast majority of the HWMUs (the MDB) will be removed in accordance with the Facility Closure Methodology descnbed m section 10 4 of this Plan With the exception of those specific buildings or structures that will remain under the non-RCRA use of a future tenant, outlying building superstructures that housed any HWMU ancillary equipment (e g , the PAS, and the MDB HVAC System), and all portions of concrete, asphalt and soil identified in Module VII as contaminated from spills will be removed Once demolition and disposal of demolition debris is complete, the final post-closure configuration of the TOCDF will have been achieved and the soils underlying the removed HWMUs, HWTVIU ancillary equipment and spill sites will be sampled for hazardous constituents The buildings that will remain under non-RCRA use by future tenants, which housed pennitted HWMUs, but were not themselves ancillary to those units (i e, did not provide secondary containment) will be venfied decontaminated and Attachment 10- Page 12 1024 TOCDF Closuie Plan June 2010 letumed to custody of DCD Area 10 igloos subject to the DCD RCRA Pennit will be subject to the final closure piovisions of the DCD Pennit, separate from TOCDF closure Final Closure Perfonnance Standard Values A final closure performance standard value is an analytical value for a chemical of potential concern (COPC) that indicates a level of contanunation that is allowed to leinam m place at final closure after demolition and disposal is complete The values, which aie protective of human health and the environment, are presented m Table 10-2 which contains closuie peifomiance standaid values for seveial COPCs that have been identified foi one or mote HWMUs at TOCDF, including chenucal warfare agents (CWA) and agent degradation products (ADP) TABLE 10-2 FINAL CLOSURE RISK PERFORMANCE STANDARD VALUES Chemicals of Potential Concern An borne Exposure Limits (VSL) (mg/m') CHPPM HBESLs' Ung/kg) Chemical Waifnie Ageirts (CWA) GB IxlO' 32 Chemical Waifnie Ageirts (CWA) HD 3x10 ' 0 2" Chemical Waifnie Ageirts (CWA) VX IxlO' 1 r Agent Degradation Products (ADP) bA2192 N/A 1 F Notes if. The healtl ba-,ed soiecnuig levels developed by U S '^imy Ceiite" tor llt ilth Promotion f^nd '^'reientire Medi' ire fUSACHPPM, 1999 (CHPPM)] thai tollow the USEPA Region IX iisk assessment metho'f is proposed tor chermca! agent contaminants, to be leferred as the Health Based Environmental Screening Level (HBESl) b The CHPPM HBESL is 0 3 mg/kg for Mustaid The final closuie performance standard for Mustard is equivalent to the Field Dunking Watei Standard c The agent degiadation product EA2192 will be considered additive to the HBESL for VX, i e the combined value of VX and E.A2192 m a collected sample will not exceed I 1 mg/kg Note Otliei agent degiadation products are not included based on the compounds ha"mg no HBESLs developed due lo tlieii ielatively low toxicity 10 3 [MAXIMUM WASTE INVENTORY ESTIMATE 140 CFR 264 112(b)f3). 270 14fb)f 13). and UAC R315-8-7I The inventory of hazardous wastes will be managed in accordance with the requirements of the Utah Hazardous Waste Management Regulations (the Rules) for storage facilities and other HWMUs undergoing closure At the time a HWMU is closed, there will be no residual inventory of hazardous waste present However, 40 CFR 264 112(b)(3) requires that a closure plan provide an "estimate of the maximum inventory of hazardous wastes ever on-site over the active life of the facility" As such, Tables 10-3, 10-4 and 10-5 provide the maximum permitted-storage capacity of hazardous waste in Subpart J Tanks, Subpart J Intermittent Collection Unit (ICU) Tanks and Subpart I Container Storage Areas at TOCDF Table 10-5 provides the total aggregate storage capacity at the TOCDF Facihty subject to this closure plan (i e , CAMDS excluded) All volumes are reported m US liquid gallons (231 in^) Attachment 10- Page 13 TOCDF Closure Plan June 2010 This maximum inventory estimate is prepared using the conservative strategy of summing the maximum permitted capacity of all umts regardless of whether they were ever operated m that manner This is particularly conservative considenng that, unlike the permitted tanks, the sumps are explicitly limited to a storage duration of 24-hours maximum As a result of this extreme conservatism, the volume of ancillary piping is not considered in the total In addition, throughout the operating history of TOCDF, newly- generated hazardous wastes were accumulated onsite in multiple container storage areas and tanks However, the volume of hazardous wastes that temporarily resided in these 90-day areas are not included this estimate TABLE 10-3 SUBPART J PERMITTED STORAGE TANKS Tank Description Location Capacity (Gallons) Agent Storage System (ACS) Tanks 1712 ACS-TANK-101 MDB First Floor Toxic Cubicle 582 ACS-TANK-102 MDB First Floor Toxic Cubicle 1130 Spent Decon System (SDS) Tanks 6600 SDS-TANK-101 MDB First Floor SDS Room 2200 SDS-TANK-102 MDB First Floor SDS Room 2200 SDS-TANK-103 MDB First Floor SDS Room 2200 Brine Surge Tanks (BSTs) 171,600 BRA-TANK-101 Outdoors, West of Brine Reduction Area (BRA) 42,900 BRA-TANK-102 Outdoors, West of Brine Reduction Area (BRA) ^ 42,900 BRA-TANK-201 Outdoors, West of Brine Reduction Area (BRA) 42,900 BRA-TANK-202 Outdoors, West of Brine Reduction Area (BRA) 42,900 Total .storage Capacity of Subpart J Permitted Conventional Stoi age Tanks ' I79,'.>12 TABLE 10-4 SUBPART J PERMITTED ICU TANKS' (SUMPS) General Specific Sump Capacity Location Location ID^ (Gallons) MDB Monitoring Room 457 130 89 First Observation Comdor 131 89 Floor DFS "C" Airlock 132 89 Observation Corridor 133 89 111 "A" Airlock 134 89 TMA "A" Area 135 89 TMA "A" Area 154 89 LIC2 Secondary 144 89 SDS Room 150 85 Toxic Cubicle 151 512 TMA "A/B" Area 153 89 LICl Secondary 156 89 LIC2 Pnmary 157 89 111 "B" Airlock 160 89 DFS "B" Airlock 161 89 Lower Buffer Storage Area 164 89 Lower Buffer Storage Area 190 89 Lower Munitions Comdor 179 89 Lower Munitions Comdor 184 89 Attachment 10- Page 14 TOCDF Closuie Plan lime 2010 TABLE 10-4 SUBPART J PERMITTED ICU TANKS' (SUMPS) General Location Specific Location Sump ID^ Capacity (GaUons) LIC "A/B" Airlock 180 89 MPF "A/B" Airlock 187 89 LICl Pnmary 188 89 Observation Comdor 193 89 Laboratory 197 89 MDB 123 "A" Airlock 125 89 Fnsf Obsen,'atiou Comdoi 173 89 Floor Platfomi 123 "B" Airlock 182 89 101 89 Unpack Area 102 89 Unpack Area 103 89 104 89 ECR-B 106 89 ECR-A 107 59 108 89 ECV 109 89 110 89 112 89 113 89 114 89 115 89 MOB Second Flooi 1 'pi r-i MiiMitioi.s Coind ! iir Jf_ _ _ 9. II MOB Second Flooi 169 89" MOB Second Flooi 174 89 MOB Second Flooi 189 89 Observation Comdor 136 89 Observation Comdoi 137 89 ObservaUon Comdoi 138 89 Observation Comdor 139 89 Obsei vation Comdoi 140 89 Obseivatioh Comdoi 141 39 Observation Comdor 142 89 145 89 146 69 147 69 Munitions Processing Bay 148 89 149 59 168 69 175 89 Observation Comdor 167 89 MDB Second Floor Platform 255 B Airlock 123 89 MDB Second Floor Platform 255 A Airlock 124 89 MDB Second Floor Platform 265 A Airlock 126 89 MDB Second Floor Platform 265 B Airlock 127 89 MDB Second Floor Platform Observation Comdor 192 89 Total Stoiage Capacity of Subpart J Permitted ICU Sumps 6173 Attachment 10 - Page 15 General Location TABLE 10-4 SUBPART J PERMITTED ICU TANKS' (SUMPS) Specific Location Sump ID^ Capacity (Gallons) TOCDF Closure Plan June 2010 Notes 1 ICU sumps are permitted as Subpart J Tank systems because they may be used as pnmary containment of hazardous waste for a permit-imposed maximum penod of 24-hours Sumps that serve ONLY as secondary containment for nearby tanks or containers are not mcluded in this list 2 Sumps are identified by their corresponding sump pump number [e g , sump 130 corresponds to the sump's pump equipment piece number (EPN) SDS-PUMP-130] Attachment 10 - Page 16 TOCDF Closure Plan June 2010 TABLE 10-5 SUBPART I CONTAINER PERMITTED STORAGE AREAS Container Storage HWMU Maximum Inventory (Gallons) Container Handling Building (CHB) 36,555 S-2 Warehouse 38,720 Area 10 Igloo 1632 14,520 Area 10 Igloo 1633 14,520 Area 10 Igloo 1634 14,520 Area 10 Igloo 1635 14,520 Area 10 Igloo 1636 14,520 Unpack Area (UPA) 3424 Explosive Containment Room Vestibule (ECV) 833 Upper MunUions Comdor (UPMC) 4366 Toxic Maintenance Area (TMA) Container Storage Area 2200 TMA Airlock 381 TMA Decon Aiiea 381 Total Storage Capacity of Subpart I Container Permitted Storage Aiens 144,940 TABLE 10-5 Aggregate Total Storage Capacity, All Permitted HW Storage Units HW Storage Unit Type Maximum Inventory Subpart I Tank Systems 179,9)2 Gallons Subpart) ICU Sunips Subpait 1 Container Storage Areas 6,173 Gallons 144 940 Gallons fot il Capacity, A)! Permititil Storage, 1999 & P999 MJ,025 Gallons (44,249 ft') 10 4 FACILITY CLOSURE METHODOLOGY 140 CFR 264 112(b)(n & (2) This section summarizes the processes which will be used to close HWMUs al TOCDF This section is broken up into four subsections The firs! subsection (10 4 1) provides flit sequence of events for decontamination and equipment removal The second subsectioi-i (10 4 2) provides the methods to decontaminate the HWMUs The thjrd siiDsechon (10 4 3) provides the overall closure schedule The fourth and final subsecnon (10 4 4) provides a specific definition of what equipment pieces associated with a HWMU are considered "ancillary equipment" and thus constitute a part of the HWMU subject to closure Since disassembly of a HWMU pursuant to closure does not constitute modification of the HWMU with the intent to commence storage, treatment, or disposal of hazardous waste withm the HWMU, Facility Construction Certifications (FCCs) will not be required Hence, Permit Condition I S will not apply when modifying the configuration of any HWMU pursuant to closure It should be noted that the safety regulations for chemical agents descnbed m Department of the Army Pamphlet 385-61 and all local TOCDF procedures that outline specific methods/codes for dress or operatmg procedures will be followed dunng closure Attachment 10 - Page 17 TOCDF Closuie Plan June 2010 10 4 1 Decontamination and Equipment Removal Sequence The sequence for proceeding tlirough decontannnation and equipment removal is a senes of steps that will be perfonned at each area/unit withm the TOCDF to ensure they have been decontannnated to a level protective of workeis and the environment The sequence begins with the management, control, and monitoring of hazardous exposures, proceeds tluough decontamination, and any appiopnale equipment and matenal removal hifomiation fiom the Contanunation History report was used m developing this sequence The sequence of events foi each area is as follows 1 Establish Engineering Controls/Monitoring - For areas normally under ventilation engineeiing contiols (e g , categoiy A, A/B, B and C), engineeiing contiols will be verified established and functioning befoie initiating HWMU disassembly activities withm a pieviously agent-contaminated area (liquid oi vapoi) Foi TOCDF opeiations, the controls will address agent vapor management through ventilation contiol as well as \voikspace momtormg ioi agent vapor 2 Preliminary Survey - Aftei ventilation engineering controls are venfied established, workeis will entei the designated area to peitorm a pielimmaiy survey, which will seive to veiify existing conditions vvithm the aiea (e g general arrangenient of installed eqtupmcnt pieseiue o( occluded sfiaccs woikspace hazards lequiiing miugatioti befoie wo'k tAecution) The steps associated with the pei(oim?iKe ol an o.oiuded sp ice --^u •-•ty uc des„iibfd in section 10 4 11 i Preparation for Work Execution - The leadiness of the area for intended work IS evaluated in this step Energized systems in the woik aiea that could affect the safety of the workers will be isolated and the integrity of secondary containment systems and spent decontamination solution (SDS) collection systems will be verified before gross decontamination activities are undertaken Supporting utilities such as fiie suppiession system watei, pldPt an piocess vatei y^ili he isolated to aieas as needed The irapacl of these system isolations will bf evaluated in ordei to maintain the safety of peisoimel giiti the facility 4 Decontamination and Equipment Disposition - The appioach to work m each area will differ depending upon existing conditions, installed equipment, and contamination histoiy The decision to decontaminate, and to what degree, will be evaluated throughout the closure process Agent-contaminated equipment, buildings and stmctuies will be decontaminated and monitored such that engineering controls for ventilation oi air pollutant emissions control (i e , Subpart CC boundaries) aie no longer lequired to ensuie worker exposure/release levels do not exceed 1 0 WPL Woik activities in a selected area will include the following as appropnate and generated waste will be managed m accordance with 10 5, Closure Waste Management a Elimination of fluids b Removal of components and equipment deemed too complex for thorough disassembly and revealing of occluded spaces Attachment 10 Page 18 TOCDF Closure Plan June 20 iO c Exposure (revealing) of occluded spaces d Surface decontamination for chemical agent and other hazardous waste constituents e In situ thermal decontamination of specific components and structures in accordance with a specific formal m situ thermal destruction plan prepared m accordance with site procedures f Removal of components and equipment that pose a personnel tripping hazard or area congestion hazard g Removal of floor coalings for underl> mg concrete sampling as described m section 10 4 12 h Identification and evaluation of embedded dram lines 1 Removal of sump protective liners J Removal of umversal wastes Post Disposition Survey - At the conclusion of decontamination and equipment removal activities m each work area, a post-work survey will be performed to •.'enfy that work objectives have been achieved Phis sur/ey will confirm the following conditions to verify that a safe conftgutation has been achieved a Occluded spaces (as descnbed in 10 4 1 1) that have nol otherwise been adequately treated (e g , thennally) have been exposed or eliminated, b Explosives and PCBs have been removed to levels below industrial clean-up standards and c Non-agent waste materials (e g lead based punt nsbeslos nitLrciiiy uni.'ersai vastes) h-.ive beeri removed orlelt ui pl.~'i i. lu' e u^sn identified fi^r propet diopcs.-i liirmg 'lemold'oo Perform Final Ventilated Monitoring lent - Aieas normally under venttkition engineering controls will be subject to a final Ventilated Monitoring 1 est (VM 1) The VMT requires 24 continuous hours of NRT monitonng with the forced ventilation system ninning If any results are > 1 0 VSL, evaluation of areas will be performed with point-source ACAMS to identify hot spots Contaminated aieas will be decontaminated and the procedure will be repeated until results are 1 0 VSL Achieving satisfactory ventilated monitortng results pro /ide- fissi'rance thai clecontaimmnon and equipmeni removal fctu'ities ha^e been completed, and if the area is subject to an unventilated inoiutonng lest, ihen ^'nai test IS ready lo proceed The VMT does nol apply to ventilation category areas L> and E and outdoors Perform Final Unventilated Monitonng Test (UMT) - Areas normally under ventilation engineenng controls and which have thus been determined via nsk assessment, will be a final Unventilated Monitonng Test (UNIT) Final verification (prior to demolition) includes the performance of an UMT for areas identified via risk assessment, the goal of which is to measure an agent off-gas rate This off-gas rate will be determined by holding the unventilated area test volume for a pre-determmed penod of time to allow for agent, if present on building and equipment surfaces, to off-gas into the test volume airspace After the test volume's hold time has expired, the agent concentration m the test volume airspace will be measured via air monitonng using 1 0 VSL as a test- specific cnterion UMT success cntena will be the determination of an agent off-gas rate for an area such that workers will not be exposed to a work Attachment 10 - Page 19 TOCDF Closuie Plan June 2010 enviionment at or above 1 0 WPL post-UMT (e g, dming demolition) If the measuied off-gas late does not meet this cntenon, evaluation of areas will be perfonned with point-source ACAMS to identify hot spots Contaminated surfaces will be further decontannnated and the UMT process will be repeated until the UMT success cnterion is met hi areas subject to the UMT, a successfiil UMT in addition to the performance of actn'ities described in 10 4 1 steps 1 tluough 7 constitute evidence of 1) successfiil decontannnation of building, equipment and structures such that the buildings, equipment and stmctuies can be safely demolished, tiansported and disposed at a Subtitle C Hazardous Waste facility as F999 Hazaidous Debns ot Hazaidous Waste, and 2) the non-applicability of the P999 hazaidous waste code to the demolition debris via the contained-in policy Final Isolation - For aieas subject to the UMT, upon successful completion of the final UMT, monitonng will be lemoved For aieas subject to the VMT only, upon successful completion of the VMT, moniloiing will be lemoved Access io the buildings/aieas will be lestiicted until such time that demohtion of the building begins Demolition ~ Aftei the MDB and all othei buildings housing HWMUs are decontaminated and venfied to meet the minimum "action level criteria foi disposal" (< 1 0 VSL generated off-gas idles detennined thiough a successful UMT 01 completed decontamination foi aieas not subject to the UMT), the buildings and then contents will be demolished, with the exception of those specifically lequested by DCD lo jemaiii foi futuic non RCRA use Dcnrilifi"n \vdl include the ienu>\'al of the MDB cniiciefe slaos and die remo^'al of I'ly ancillary undergiound piping With the ex.cept.on of tlio^e specincally-iecjuested by DCD to remain foi futuie non-RCRA use buildings and stmcttires not associated with HWMUs will be removed to the flooi slab, which will lemdin Al the conclusion of the demolition step a All HWMUs will have been removed from the TOCDF site including the DCD Aiea 10 treatment units, ti With the exception of buildnigs (hat will leinau^ under non-RCRA use by fuluie tenants, all buildings that housed HWMUs, will have been removed iiom the TOCDF site, including the MDB floor slabs, c Buildings that will remain undei non-RCRA use by future tenants by specific request that housed HWMUs and their ancillary equipment will have been decontaimnated of TOCDF-related operations potential contaminants, d Module VII Spill Sites will have had all contaminants removed, including contaminated soil and pavement, e With the exception of specific non-HWMU buildings and their support utilities buildings and stmctuies (e g , sewage treatment, security, and electncal/water stmctuies) that will remain in non-RCRA use by other tenants, all buildings will have been removed down to the grade slabs, which will remam m-place, Attachment 10 Page 20 TOCDF Closure Plan June 2010 f Paved roads, parking lots and other concrete surfaces will remain in place for use by other tenants 10 Conduct Final Closure Venfication Sampling - A combination of random and judgmental samples will be collected for the purpose of closure venfication As stated in Section 10 1 4, a separate Closure Venfication Sampling and Analysis Plan (CVSAP) and Quality Assurance Program Plan (QAPP) will be submitted to the Executive Secretary for approval 10 4 11 Occluded Space Survey An Occluded Space is defined as a confined or restricted access volume within a system, stmcture, or component that was exposed, or potentially exposed, to liquid agent and has the potential to contain any quantity of agent or agent-exposed or contaminated liquid The location and position of such spaces may prevent or limit contact with decontamination solutions Piioi to peifomnng air monitoring per 10 4 1, all potential sources of res'duil liquid agent (occluded spaces) must be identified and decontaminated Revealing (exposingi the occluded space to enable effective penetration of decontamination solution is ihe pnmary method of ensunng agent decontamination of an occluded space In lieu of chemical decontamination, thermal decontamination may be used in certain circumstances provided the rigors of the m situ thermal destmction technology are met as descnbed m 10 4 2 2 9 General examples ol a potential occluded space include » riooi anchor bolts, or anchor bolt holes, in an ngent ope.iati>;n ai-"ci, v^^het^er < r not theie vvas a known agent spill m the area e Anchor bolts, or anchor bolt holes m walls for which there was known liquid agent contact with the wall • An agent pipe that has been blinded, capped or otherwise sealed, mespective of v/hether or not it has been previously decontaminated 9 Flat, parallel surfaces in close proximity to each other that limit effective penetration of decontamination fluids « Pipe and tank supports 9 .'\ieas sealed with any type of caulking, grout or rubber seols and gaskets • The space under a floor mat, support plate, or other movable object which covers a potentially contaminated surface • Equipment which harbors space inaccessible to decontamination solutions Examples are o Internal check valves or complex geometry valves with the potential to trap liquid agent behind double seal o-rings, within packing etc o Shaft seals, bearings, etc o Internal blind or occluded cavities of pumps o Tools, closed tool boxes, etc Following decontamination/decommissioning activities but before unventilated moniformg begins, a final survey will be performed to validate that all occluded spaces have been addressed and also to ensure that no other occluded spaces have been missed m the assessment and work process Attachment 10 - Page 21 TOCDF Closure Plan June 2010 104 1 2 Liquid Agent-Exposed Flooi s In aieas where coated conciete floors have been exposed to liquid agent, the approach will be to perfonn statistical chip sampling in combination with judgmental samples (i e locations where stains/suspect areas based on observations, process knowledge and professional judgment) Ageiit-contammation withm the underlying concrete indicates failure of the floor coating to perfomi as an impermeable barrier In order to access the undeilying concrete, the floor coating will be lemoved m these aieas wheie samples are lo be collected If the conciete clnp sample indicates agent conlaimnation above the waste control limit (WCL), 20 ppb foi GAJGBfVX and 200 ppb for Mustard/Lewisite, further sampling will be perfonned to assess the lateial extent of concrete contaimnalion Once the extent of conciete contanunation has been determined, the agent-contaminated concrete within the defined area will be decontaminated by application of one of the fallowing technologies 1) Physical Extiaction to meet the applicable perfonnance standard (e g , removal of at least 0 6 centinieteis of the surface layer and achievement of a clean debns suiface) The lenioved contaminated layei matenal will be lenioved, tieated and disposed ac hazardous waste m accoidance with the Waste Analysis Plan oi the geneiatoi lequiiements of 40 CFR 262 11 Successfully decontanimated concrete (uncontammated undei lying conciete) sampling below the WCL will be peifoimed to verify concrete decontamination 2) Theimal Destmction m accoidance with a fonnal ad hoc in situ thermal destmction plan prepared in accoidance with site pioceduies Successfully decontaminated concrete sampling below the WCL mW be peiloimed (o venfy concrete deconfammaiion 10'^j 3 Eaiiy Partial Closuie-Individual HWMUs Ihis section pertains to the partial closuie of an individual HWlN'IU or any part thereol that IS perfonned anytime aftei the HWMU has fulfilled its puipose, but pnor to TOCDF enteiing the site-wide demolition phase fOCDF may, when the opportunity aiises, peifoira partial closuie of individual HWMUs, wholly oi m-part, piovided that the individual HWTS-IU and/or its ancillaiy equipment can be 1) disassembled, deconiammaied, fieated and disposed MI a manner that IS consistent with the Waste /Analysis Plan (WAP) oi the geneiatoi lequiiements of 40 CFR 262 11 or, 2) thennally-deconlaminated m accoidance with a fonnal ad hoc in snu thermal destmction plan prepared in accoidance with site procedures Because early partial closure diiectly impacts the planned sequence and duration of closuie activities as described in tins Closuie Plan, the Permittee shall notify the Executive Secretaiy of the intent to peifonn, eithei whole or m-part, early partial closure pnor to commencement of disassembly HWMU components undergoing early partial closure can be decontaminated, treated and disposed in a Subtifle C HW landfill within the scope of an existing specified waste stream appeanng in the WAP (e g, thermally treated as waste stream 2 2 16 "non- combustible bulk solid waste" or decontaminated and disposed as waste stream 2 2 2 30 "closure generated waste") HWMU components themially decontaminated pursuant to early partial closure m accordance with a formal in situ thermal destmction plan shall be Attachment 10 - Page 22 TOCDF Closure Plan June 2010 1) left m-place for removal dunng demolition, or 2) removed, declared F999 hazardous debns, and disposed in a Subtitle C hazardous waste landfill Because closure of the HWMU must ultimately be certified by an independent registered professional engineer at the conclusion of final closure activities, all records pertainmg to the disassembly, decontamination, treatment and disposal of the HWMU, including each piece of ancillary equipment, shall be retamed for fiiture retneval Metal components may be recycled by reclamation in lieu of being disposed in a landfill as hazardous debns/waste provided the requirements of 10 5 4 5 are met 10 4 2 Equipment and Facilities Decontannnation The decision to decontaminate, and to what degree, will be evaluated throughout the closure process Agent-contaminated equipment, areas, and facilities will be decontaminated and headspace-monitored to < 1 0 VSL such that engineering controls for ventilation or secondary containment (i e, protective containment boundaries) are no longer required Within each of the buildings/stmctures, selected rooms and equipment will require decontannnation to reduce residual agent levels pnor to disassembly and removal m accordance with the closure sequence (Section 10 5 1) The decontamination methods will be compatible with the individual systems and will not cause imminent failure or breach of the system's primary containment Decontamination of non agent-contannnated areas addresses hazardous waste and hazardous material residue other than agent For areas/systems that are also contaminated with agent, the non-hazardous waste/material may be completely or partially removed with the same decontamination technique(s) used for agent Many support buildings at TOCDF were never used for or exposed to chemical agents, hazardous materials, or hazardous wastes These areas include the CON, modular office "T" buildings, some stationary "S" buildings, the Entry Control Facility, etc Gross decontamination of these facilities will be limited to collection and removal of loose debns, as necessary No ftirther decontamination is anticipated prior to bulk demolition Non-agent contariimation existing outside facility buildings is assumed to be minimal and to require limited decontamination effort, if any Decontannnation of non agent- contarmnated areas will be conducted to support removal of the protective containment boundaries and allow demolition of the equipment and stractures, and to support the various disposal options for the generated waste streams Additionally, coatings, insulation, and building matenals will be evaluated for presence of lead-based paint, asbestos-containing matenal, and other regulated matenals Stripping and segregation of these regulated materials, if necessary to ensure proper debns disposal, will take place prior to building demolition Regulated matenals and associated demolition debns will be shipped offsite for disposal m accordance with applicable regulations 1042 1 General Decontamination Approach Even though equipment, buildings and stmctures will not technically have been declared as hazardous debns at the time of decontamination (not formal "treatment"), they will Attachment 10- Page 23 TOCDF Closure Plan June 2010 ultimately be declared hazardous debns upon demolition, charactenzed based on generator knowledge, and disposed as hazardous debns Therefore, decontamination of equipment, buildings and stmctuies will be conservatively based on methods listed in 40 CFR 268 45, Table 1 Altemative Treatment Standards for Hazardous Debns Decontamination will proceed in a specific sequence/order, based on conditions at each area, to allow the most effective, easiest and safest decontannnation and/or disassembly Equipment and matenal may be disassembled and themially decontaimnated in the MPF or Autoclave permitted umts in accordance with the WAP Alternatively, surfaces that have been m contact with liquid agent may first be decontaimnated using mechanical means, such as wiping the suiface to lemove particulates, giease, and other surface debris, or by scarifying to remove surface coatings that may have been contaminated with agent Following mechanical decontamination, equipment and suifaces may be chermcally decontaminated with a neutralization solution or may be size reduced, packaged as appropriate, and sent to permitted storage awaiting further treatment If chemical decontamination occurs, decontamination solution will be used m such a manner as to prevent the spread of contamination Newly generated lesidual decontamination solution will be managed m accoidance with WAP Aftei chemical decontamination is complete, decontaminated surfaces will be an diied and equipment and areas will be tented and an monitored to delermme if the "unventilated monitoring cnterion" ot <1 0 VSL for chemical agent has been achieved Equipment that meets the agent screening cnterion of <1 0 VSI may be packaged appropriately and shipped offsite m accordance with its planned disposition or may be left in place foi futuie removal dunng sue-wide demolition Equipment and aiea^ laihny 'lie 'iLtum le\e) .ritejion for disposal of >I o VSI .i-ili be e.';-ihi,-)iul I'"- defeirnnie vheihei additional chemical mcciianical oi iii siii, theuiiiU Jti uiiioimii:.iH/n is viahk- lo a'-tiiCve ihe cr ieuon, oi v/hethei (oinial HV'' 'le'uinciu ^ .in .itii HvVMU M^'.. , 10 4 2 2 Decontamination Fechniques This section describes the various methods that will be employed for decontamination The methods may be employed, either singularly oi in combination, to decontaminate the equipment, building or stmcture Any wastes nev/ly-geneiated from decontammation fictivities (e g , nnsate, DPE, etc ) will b° managed in accordance wjth ihe Waste Analysis Plan (WAP) 1042 21 Water/Steam Flushing Water and/or steam fiushing has both chemical and mechanical decontamination properties This techmque involves flooding a surface with water (typically hot) oi steam The water or steam removes the contaminants and the resulting wastewatei is , collected for treatment or disposal This teclinique may be used with detergents or other chemicals that enhance the effectiveness of the technique The flushing action may also erode and remove loose debris from the exposed surface area Steam cleaning may be used to physically extract contamination from building and equipment surfaces This technique combines the solvent action of water with the kinetic energy effect of blasting and elevated temperature Effectiveness of steam cleaning as a decontamination method for agent is further increased by localized hydrolysis of the residual agent The steam may be applied using hand-held wands or automated systems, and the condensate is collected in room sumps for treatment and/or disposal Attachment 10 - Page 24 TOCDF Closure Plan June 2010 104 222 Chemical Decontannnation Solutions Sodium hydioxide (NaOH, caustic) and bleach solution (calciiun hypochlorite, sodium hypochloiite) are lecognized as effective decontannnation solutions for the chemical destmction of agent contamination The chenucal decontaimnation technique involves the application of caustic, bleach, or other similar solutions to the contaminated surface The suiface may be scmbbed with the solutions and/oi allowed lo stand for a period of time, and then flushed thoroughly with water These solutions may also be used m coinbiiialion with deteigents and suifactanls 10 4 2 23 Delei gents and Suifactanls Most commeicial detei gents aie fonnulations of a deteigent (sodium laurel sulfate, sodium oleate, alkyl aryl sulphonate) tliat also acts as a wetting agent or surfactant, a phosphotous 01 caibonate salt (NaiP04, Na2C0i), a thickening agent (carboxyl methyl cellulose), and othei fillers Unlike the decontamination solutions descnbed above that effectively deslioy the agent contamination, deteigents aie used in decontamination to physically lemove suiface conlaininants (e g , agent) and captuie thern in the resukmg spent solution Suifactanls woik by loweiing liquid sui face tension and providing better conlact between the suiface and the liquid Deteigents aie effective, mild, all-purpose cleaners for all facility suifaces and equipment They can be used to increase the effect of water, steam, and solvents, and then effectiveness is mcieased by mechanical agitation Deteigents may not be effective on metal corrosion and long standing contamination A commercial all puipose cleaner/suifaLtant (Whistle(Ri) has been used successful',/ lo deconlammate items dm.ing T OCDF plant opeiatioMs 10 4 2 2 foaiH De(>)iiLaniinalioii Foam such as that pioduced by deteigents and wetting agents, can be used as a earner mechanism foi chemical dexontaminadon agents They can be applied in different depths and surface orientations The foam decontammation method can effectively decontaminate metallic walls and parts of complex components Surfactants in the foaming agent can eiiliance the effect by increasing contact with the surface The pj nn-)yy mode of action of the derontaminant is based on oxidizing propeities oj hydiogen peio ide A surfac lanl and aii acceleiam mciease the late ot peiO/^ide a^ti ^'tv and allow llic decontammant lo be applied as stable loam 104 2 2 5 Physical / Mechanical Scmbbing Physical/mechanical scmbbing with bmshes or othei devices was found to be extiemely beneficial and most likely necessary, in the decontamination of other demilitanzation sites Combining scrubbing of suifaces with the appiopriate decontamination solution mcieases the efficiency of the decontamination solution in removing and destroying lesidual agent by enhancing contact between the solution and the agents 10 4 2 2 6 CO, Blasting CO2 blasting (also known as dry ice blasting) is a decontamination technique used to physically remove contaminated surfaces The method utilizes compressed air to accelerate frozen carbon dioxide (CO2) pellets, at supersonic speeds, towards a surface Attachment 10 Page 25 TOCDF Closuie Plan June 2010 The impact of the CO2 pellets creates mim-explosions on the surface and results m the lifting/removal of the topmost layer of a substrate CO2 blasting is a non-abrasive, nonflammable and nonconductive cleaning method which is environmentally-friendly and contains no secondary contanunants such as solvents or grit media The method allows most items to be cleaned m place and can be used without damaging active electncal or mechanical parts or creating fire hazards Additionally, CO2 blasting can be used to remove production residues, release agents, contaminants, paints, oils and biofilms from surfaces 1042 2 7 Mechanical Surface Removal Mechanical surface lemoval, such as gnnding, scraping, 01 scanfymg, is a decontamination option to physically remove contaminated surfaces These techniques may be used to decontaminate areas intended for reuse or to achieve a prerequisite condition to support removal of protective containment boundanes Surface removal may also be used to reduce the volume of hazardous waste by removing only the contaminated fraction and allowing disposal of the uncontammated substrate as non- hazardous waste or leaving the uncontammated substiate in place Giindmg with grinding wheels or suifacing discs lemoves thm layeis of suiface contamination from concrete where contamination is limited to the coating or sealant fimsh Scaiifieis physically abrade both coated and uncoated concrete and steel surfaces The scarification process removes the top layers of contannnated surfaces down to the depth of sound, uncontammated surfaces Scabblmg is a scanfication piocess used to remove conciete surfaces Needle scaling is a scarification process for both conciete and steel surface removal 1 he lemoved surface material is then collected by vacuum system for treatment Tiid/oi disposal 10 4 i 2 8 Surface Coating (Encapsulation) Coatings may be used on contaminated surfaces to fix 01 stabilize the contamination in place The intent is to decrease or eliminate the exposure hazaid, and redute the potential spread of contamination Although no removal of contamination occurs, the stabilized contaminants can be left in place and removed with the substrate for further treatment 01 disposal This may be used to achieve a condition that allows removal of the protective containment boundaries if the substiate can be safely lemoved latei vithout those boundanes m place 1042 2 9 In-Situ Thennal Destmctibn Chemical warfare agents GB, VX and Mustard are susceptible to molecular destmction at elevated temperatures At TOCDF, thermal destmction in subpart O incinerators is the prescnbed method for permitted-treatment of liquid chemical agents, as descnbed in Module V and VI of this permit The residence time necessary to destioy agent at the elevated temperature is generally an inverse function of the temperature Hence, the 1000+ °F temperatures in the incinerators results in a very rapid destmction of agent (e g , seconds) In contrast, lower temperatures used during in situ thermal destmction results m a relatively long residence time (e g ,minutes or hours) Although more complex to perfonn than surface decontamination, the in situ thermal destmction of chemical agent contaminants on equipment greatly reduces the need to disassemble complex equipment in order to reveal agent-harboring crevices This is due Attachment 10 - Page 26 TOCDF Closure Plan June 2010 lo the ability of heat to effectively penetiate by conduction into crevices and dnve the local tempeiatuie up Based on the "Alternative Treatment Standard for Hazardous Debris" B 3, in situ thermal destmction, when utilized for hazardous debns, is subject to venfication of localized terrqperatiue and residence tune Only with venfied localized temperature and venfied lesidence tune can in situ thennal destmction be i eliably effective Hence, the use of this teclmology as a means to decontaminate potentially agent-bearing crevices, occluded spaces, complex equipment oi concrete requues 1) the peifomiance of a "ueatability study" as defined in 40 CFR 260 10 wheiem optimal piocess conditions oi imnimum effective piocess conditions (i e , minimum lestdence time as a function of local temperature, oi nnnimum local temperature as a fimcUon of residence tune) are detennined in ordei to achieve the desired agent destmction effectiveness, and 2) a iigoious situatioiial-specific engineering application combined with objective data collection dw ing actual thermal treatment (e g , conservative thermocouple placement conservative thennal dosimeter, or the use of spiked samples) in order to veiify that the optima! oi minimum effective piocess conditions were met oi exceeded 10 4 2 210 Natuial Altenualion/Volatilization Analogous to the ''Altemative Tieatment Standard foi Hazardous Debris" A 3 b "Thennal Desoiplion", Natuial Attenuation repiesents the extraction of volatile hazaidous contaminants (e g , agent) from the debus suifaces and subsequent capture o* the contaminants liom the exhaust gas (e g the caibon adsoiption HVAC filtration system I Natural Attenuaiion oc^uts at ambient teniperaluies within the normjl HVAC diirloN',' Naluial utenua'ioii is the iCoult ol mass tiansfei oy evap()ration ageni fiOiU debus iUifaces lo the "^uuoundmg an, and is not netcssaiily effective kr matenals uch as baie conciete, wood oi materials possessing occluded spaces Hence, natural attenuation as a means of decontamination will only be effective for non-porous metallic 01 painted surfaces and only upon venfication by headspace monitonng to <] 0 VSL 10 4 3 Schedule foi Closure, Tune Allowed for Closuie, and Extension of Closure 1-40 CFR 270 I4('b)(l3). 264 112(b)(6). 264 112(b)(2). 264 113(a) and (b)l Tlip andciiiaied fOCDF faciliiy closuie schedule is piesented m Figure 10 1 Decommissioning withm the MDB, whiclr houses the vast majority of HvVMUs, will pioceed m an aiea-by-aiea mamiei based primarily on ventilation category Hence, a specific sequence of HWMU decommissioning is not provided since a given HWMU's ancillary equipment is oftentimes spread throughout multiple areas of the MDB Howevei, the general decommissioning sequence of the HWMUs' primary elements is piovided in Figuie 10-2 The closure of TOCDF will occur in four distinct phases Phase 0, Pre Closure Planning and Early Opportunity Work This phase occuis prior to the completion of munitions processing and official commencement of closuie operations Along with administrative planning and preparations, other activities to take advantage of time and resource availability and to piepare the plant for closure after the end of munitions processing will be Attachment 10 - Page 27 TOCDF Closure Plan June 2010 planned and executed Early Partial Closure, in accordance with conditions descnbed in 10 4 1 3, will occur dunng this phase Phase I, Decommissioning and Decontamination Dunng this phase, eqmpment, bmldings and stmctures are decontannnated, dismantled, verified decontaminated and charactenzed as necessary to prepare the facility for demolition and disposal, or turnover to other tenants as determined m the end state document Foi agent contaminated facilities, this includes successfully completing Unventilated Momtormg Testing (UMT) and final isolation of utilities and systems for demolition The objective of the D&D phase is to decontaminate the facility to a level that is protective of the demolition crew, the HW transportei, the disposal facility workers and the environment, and meets the regulatory requirements for disposal Phase 2, Demolition and Facilities Disposition During this phase a demolition subcontractor will demolish, package, offer for transport and offer for disposal of equipment, buildings and stmctures in ordei lo achieve the physical end-state of the facihty in accoidance with legulatory plans and permits Phase 3, Administrative Closeout During this phase, the RCRA clean-closed end-state of the facility will be verified through implementation of the CVSAP In addition, completion of facility closure will be certified by an independent registered Professional Fngineer Accordingly, the TOCDF RCRA TSDF Pennit will be leimmaled Various non-RCRA busmess-i elated activities dunng thr- phase IPL hide Final disposition ot both Real and Personal Piopeny « Purchase Ordei and SubcontuiLt Closeou and all claims settled • All lecords are in an /^nny-compliani foi mat and delivered to then final destination • Final close out of Prime Conti act Attachment 10-Page 28 Figuie 10-1 TOCDF Closuie Plamung Schedule 1 OCDF Closure Plan June 2010 TOCDF RCRA HWMU Closures Within This Scope _^ I -I't^i HI Attachment 10 Page 29 TOCDF Closure Plan June 2010 Figure 10-2 General Sequence of HWMU Decomrmssiomng f HWMUs General Area Container Storage Tank Sump Incinerator Miscellaneous Umt MDB and Vicinity, September 2011 - September 2013 1 DFS Primary Room 132,161 DFS 2 ECR A 107 PMD-101, Projo Cutter 3 ECRB 106 PMD-102 4 Munitions Processing Bay 145,146, 147, 148, 149, 168, 175 MDM-101, MDM-102, MDM-103, BDS-101, BDS-102 5 Toxic Cubicle ACS-TANK-101, ACS-TANK-102 151 6 Lower Buffer Storage 164,190 7 LIC 1 156, 180, 188 LIC 1 8 LIC 2 144,157 LIC 2 9 Explosive Containment Vestibule ECV 108, 109, 110 10 Upper Munitions Comdor UPMC 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 169, 174,189 11 Lower Munitions Corridor 179, 184 12 255 Airlocks 123,124 13 265 Airlocks 126,127 14 Toxic Maintenance Area 135,154 15 Toxic Maintenance Area Airlock TMA Airlock, Decon 153 16 123 Airlocks 125,182 17 111 Airlocks 134,160 18 Spent Decon System Room SDS-TANK-101, SDS-TANK-102, SDS-TANK-103, 150 19 Metal Parts Furnace 187 MPF 20 Pollution Abatement System Building Major Ancillary Equipment of MPF, LIC 1, LIC 2, and DFS Incinerators 21 Unpack Area 101, 102, 103, 104 22 Category C Observation Corridors, Laboratory, and Monitoring Room 167,131, 133, 193, 173, 192, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142,130, 197 23 HVAC Structure Major Ancillary Equipment (Subpart CC) of ACS-101 ACS-102 and Cat A Sumps 24 Container Handling Building CHB 25 S-2 Warehouse S-2 26 1 Bnne Surge Tank Farm BRA-TANK-101, BRA-TANK-102, BRA-TANK-201, BRA-TANK-202 Attachment 10- Page 30 TOCDF Closure Plan June 2010 HWMUs 1 General Area Container Storage Tank Sump Incinerator Miscellaneous Unit Area 10 D VS/D VSSR, December 2012 - April 2013 1 Igloo 1632 DVS-101, DVS-102, DVSSR Area 10 Autoclave, November 2013 - April 2014 1 Igloo 1633 Autoclave 1044 Scope of Ancillary Equipment This section descnbes the minimum extent of what is considered "ancillary equipment" for the purposes of this closure plan Hence, a HWMU will be defined as the pnmaiy HWMU element (e g , wetted tank vessel, incinerator combustion chambeis) in addition to all of its ancillarv equipment 10 4 4 Conventional fank Systems Efluipment Constituting Subpart J Tan Table 10-7 i. Systems (Brme Surge Tanks, ACS Tanks, SDS Tanks) Portion Sub-Portion Boundaries/Extent Pi unary Containment Vessel Entire vessel including nozzles, lids manhole covers vent pipe, conservation vent Seconddi y Containment Flo(;i and walls/btiPi'-/dikcs Entire floor and wall'berin within the credueii le.iuired i secondary containment volume caiciihii r Seconddi y Containment Sump system (BSTs Only) Entire sump internal surface Seconddi y Containment Sump system (BSTs Only) All piping, fittings, flanges, valves, filters and pumps fiom pump suction to vessel connection Hazardcus Wasr? C(m\eyante Supply (Inflow) All piping, fittings, flanges, valves, filters and pumps from vessel connection io boundary with conterminous downstream HWMU Hazardcus Wasr? C(m\eyante Discharge (Outflow) Ail piping, fittings, flanges, ral/es, filteis and pumps / om vessel connection to boundary with conterminous downstream HV/MU or unload station Hazardcus Wasr? C(m\eyante Recirculation All piping, fittings, flanges, valves, filters and pumps fiom vessel discharge connection to vessel input connection Subpart CC Air Pollutant Emissions System (ACS Tanks Only) Closed vent MDB HVAC ductmg/row MDB exit to connection to each of nine carbon adsorption filter housings Subpart CC Air Pollutant Emissions System (ACS Tanks Only) Emissions control device HVAC carbon adsorption filter housings from incoming ducting connections to discharge ducting connections 10 4 4 2 Sump Systems With Secondary Containment Table 10-8 Equiptnent Constituting Subpart J ICU Tank Systems Possessing a Steel Lmer Portion Sub-Portion Boundaries/Extent Primary Containment Sump liner Entire steel liner Attachment 10 Page 31 TOCDF Closure Plan June 2010 Secondary Containment Conciete vault Entile concrete vault internal suiface Hazardous Waste Conveyance Supply (Inflow) Floor surfaces that chaimel liquid toward the pnmary containment Hazardous Waste Conveyance Discharge (Outflow) All pipmg, fittings, flanges, valves, filters and pumps from sump pump suction to boundary with conterminous downstream HWMU (e g , SDS Tank System) Subpart CC An Pollutant Emissions System (P999 Sumps Only) Closed vent MDB HVAC ducting/rom MDB exit to connection to each of nine caibon adsoiption filtei housings Subpart CC An Pollutant Emissions System (P999 Sumps Only) Enussions contiol device HVAC caibon adsoqDtion filtei housings from incoming ducting connections to discharge ducting connections 10 4 4 3 Sump Systems Without Secondary Containment Table 10-9 Equipment Constituting Subpart J ICU Tank Systems with No Liner Portion Sub-Portion Boundaries/Extent Piimaiy Containment Conciete vduU Eiitiie conciete vault intemal surface Hazardous Waste Convevance Dischaige (Outtlow) All piping, fittings, flanges, valves, filters and pumps fnmi sump pump suction to boundary with conterminous downsfieam HWMU (e g ,SDS fank System) Subpart CC Au Pollutant Emissions Sv<-lein (P999 Sumps Only) (."losed vent MDB HVAC dueling funv MDB exit to conneLtun 'o e ich ot nine caibon adsonplion filtei housings Subpart CC Au Pollutant Emissions Sv<-lein (P999 Sumps Only) Emissions conlioi device HVAC caibon adsoiption fillet huusiugs iium incoiiiaiig ducting connections to dischaige ducting connections 10444 Container Stoiage Areas with Fixed Secondai7 Containment Table 10-10 Ecfuipmeut Constituting Subpait I Container Storage Areas) Poition Sub-Poition Boundaries/Extent Piimaiy Containment Containers All coniameis will have been lemoved liom tlie storage unit prioi to closure Secondary Containment Floor and walls/benns/dikes Entire flooi and wall/berm within the credited required secondary contaiimient volume calculation Subpart CC Air Pollutant Emissions System Closed vent MDB HVAC ducting/rom MDB exit to connection to each of nine carbon adsorption filter housings Subpart CC Air Pollutant Emissions System Emissions control device HVAC carbon adsorption filter housings from incoming ducting connections to discharge ducting connections Attachment 10 - Page 32 TOCDF Closure Plan June 2010 10445 Container Storage Areas Without Fixed Secondary Containment Table 10-11 Equipment Constituting Subpart I Container Storage Areas without Fixed Secondary Containment) Portion Sub-Portion Boundaries/Extent Primary Containment Containers All containers will have been removed from the storage umt pnor to closure Secondary Containment Containment Pallets/Devices AH secondary containment pallets and devices (e g , ONCs) will have been removed from the storage unit pi lor to closure 10 4 4 6 Incinerator Systems Table 10-12 Equipment Constituting Subpart O Incineiator Portion Sub-Portion Boundaries/Extent Combustion Chambers Pnmary Chamber (LICs Only) Entire pnrnary chamber vessel from combustion fan inlet to secondary chamber inlet Combustion Chambers Pnmary Chamber (MPF Only) Entire pnmary chamber fiimace from combustion chamber blowers to secondary chamber inlet Combustion Chambers Pnmary Chamber (DFS Only) Entire kiln to connection with secondary chamber (includes BL AD) Combustion Chambers "secondary Chamber (LICs On>v) Entire secv>ndary chaivber ves:.s.l ho n Hue gas inlet lo flue gas outlet Combustion Chambers "secondary Chamber (MPF Onh) Entire seconci-^i)' ^tianber fir -i priiprry' chamber to PAS gas tram Combustion Chambers "secondary Chamber {DFS Only) Entire secondary chamber Hazardous V/aste Conveyance Supply (Inflow) (LICs Only) All piping, fittings flanges, valves filters and pumps fiom ACS tanks to pnmary injection nozzles Hazardous V/aste Conveyance Supply (Inflow) (MPF Only) Immediate feed conveyor Hazardous V/aste Conveyance Supply (Inflow) (DFS Only) Feed chutes from slide gaies to kiln Hazardous V/aste Conveyance Discharge (Outflow) (MPF Only) Immediate discharge conveyor Hazardous V/aste Conveyance Discharge (Outflow) {DFS Only) Entiie heated discharge conveyor Pollution Abatement System PAS Flue Gas Tram (LICs Only) Entire gas train from LIC secondaiy cJiamber to common stack (includes quench tower, ventun scrubber, scmbber, demisters and induction fans) Pollution Abatement System PAS Flue Gas Tram (MPF Only) Entire gas tram from secondary chamber exhaust to common stack (includes quench tower, ventun scrubber, scmbber, demisters and induction fans) Pollution Abatement System PAS Flue Gas Tram (DFS Only) Entire gas train from secondary chamber exhaust to common stack (cyclone, quench tower, ventun scmbber, scmbber, denusters and induction fans) Pollution Abatement System PAS Liquid Tram All piping, fittings, flanges, valves, filters and pumps comprising the quench brine system and scmbber brine system, including brine piping to the BST inlets and PAS condensate lines to PAS-TANK-103 Attachment 10 - Page 33 TOCDF Closure Plan June 2010 10446 Miscellaneous Units Table 10-13 Equipment Constituting Subpart X Miscellaneous Units Portion Sub-Portion Boundaries/Extent PMD PMD Machine Entire machine (not including electrical and hydiaulic support systems) PMD Supply (Munition) Immediate conveyor PMD Dischaige (Munition) Immediate conveyoi PMD Discharge (Eneigetics) None MDM MDM Machine Entire machine(not including electrical and hydiaulic support systems) MDM Supply (Munition) Pick and Place Machine MDM Discharge (Munition) Pick and Place Machine MDM Dischaige (Buistei Well) BWIC Assembly MDM Dischaige (Agent) All piping fittings, flanges, valves, filters and pumps fiom agent pump suction to boundaiy with conlenninous downstream HWMU (ACS Tank System) BDS BDS Machine Entire machine (not including electrical and hydiaulic support systems) including the Heel Transfer System and all its associated piping, fittings, flanges valves, filters and pumps BDS Supply (Bulk Cotilamei) Immediate conveyoi BDS Dischaige (Bulk Contamei) Immediate conveyoi BDS Dischai ge (Agent) .All piping fittings, llaiiges, "alves tU'CK ijul pumps from agent pump suction to boundaiy with conteiminous downstream HWMU (ACS Tank System)) Piojo Cuttei Entiie Assembly Entne Projo Cuttei Machine DVS Muln-Corapartment Euclosui e Entire stmcture including spent decon collection and transfei system up to but not including the ie< eivmg <90-day accumulation tank DVS Subpait CC An Pollutant Emissions System Entile duclwoik system fiom enclosuie compartments, tlirough carbon filter system and dischaige of the ID fans DVSSR Mult!-Compartment Enclosure Entne stmcture including spent decon collection and transfei system up to but not including the leceiving <90-day accumulation tank DVSSR Subpart CC An Pollutant Emissions System Entire ductwoik system from enclosure compartments, thiough carbon filter system and discharge of the ID fans Autoclave Pressure/Vacuum Vessel Entire vessel (not including electncal and hydraulic support systems) Autoclave Condensate Collection System From condenser discharges up to but not including the receiving <90-day accumulation tank Attachment 10 - Page 34 TOCDF Closure Plan June 2010 Subpart CC Air Pollutant Emissions System Entire ductwork system from vessel, through ejector, condensers, carbon filter system and discharge of the ID fans 10 5 CLOSURE WASTE MANAGEMENT This section descnbes the methods which will be utilized during closure for 1) removing, transporting, treating, stonng or disposing of the hazardous waste inventory, 2) detemunmg the agent-exposure status of newly-generated wastes and debris, and 3) detemunmg the agent-exposure status of equipment, buildings and stmctures that will be subject to general demolition 10 5 1 Wastes Generated During Closure Hazardous waste and hazardous debris generated dunng closure decommissioning, dismantling and decontamination activities that is not intended to be left in place for demolition will be managed and disposed of as prescribed for that applicable waste stream in accordance with R315-5-1 11 [40 CFR 262 11] for newly-generated waste or the WAP Any remaining inventory of hazardous waste in the permitted storage will be also be removed and managed in accordance with the WAP Equipment, stmctures and building materials that are left in place for demolition will not be declared as F999 hazardous waste/debris until demolition of the applicable building area oi stiuctuie begins and the material has been containenzed for transportation Table 10-14 summarizes the most common types of wastes that will be generated while performing decommissioning, dismantling and decontamination activities, but is not intended to be all inclusive Waste and debns generated dunng closure decontamination and decommissioning, pnor to demohtion, will be imtially divided into three major categories liquid agent-exposed, vapor agent-exposed and non agent-exposed The methodology for the evaluation and determination of agent exposure status is presented in Section 10 5 2 Although equipment, buildings and stmctures will not have been declared hazardous debns prior to demolition provided the building and stmcture are intact, the status of the equipment, buildings and stmctures will be determined using the same methodology presented m Section 10 5 2 Newly-generated wastes and debns will be categorized based on their agent- exposure status as determined in Section 10 5 2 and will be m accordance with Section 10 5 3 Attachment 10 - Page 35 TOCDF Closure Plan June 2010 TABLE 10-14 TYPES OF WASTE GENERATED DURING CLOSURE DECONTAMINATION AND DECOMMISSIONING (PRIOR TO DEMOLITION) Spent decontaminant/nnsate Residue sludges Housekeeping waste Spent hydraulic fluid Electncal sensors not intended for reuse Concrete chips and residue resulting from scabblmg, scarificafion, conng Tools, contannnated or no longer useful (debns) DPE suits (debns) TAP gear not reusable (debns) Paint and coating residue removed puisuant to concrete sampling Conveyors, hydraulic components, cranes removed from building, contaminated or not intended for reuse (debns) HWMU piping, valves, fittings removed from building (debris) Non-FIWMU piping, valves, fittings removed from building, contaminated or not intended for reuse (debris) Concrete chunks removed from building (debris) Attachment 10 - Page 36 TOCDF Closure Plan June 2010 10 5 2 Evaluation and Determination of Agent-Exposure Status Equipment and areas exposed to chemical agent will not automatically be considered agent-contarmnated The decision making process to detenrune whether equipment or waste (i e , "matenal") is agent-contaimnated is based on generator knowledge of the process, operational history, contaimnation and exposure history, agent monitoring and/or sampling and analysis results Wastes generated outside the buildings that house HV.'TVIUs (e g miscellaneous support buildings) are unlikely to be agent contaminated, however, these wastes will undergo the process descnbed m this section The following steps will be used m the contamination assessment 1 Step 1, Determination of Liquid Agent or Agent Aerosol Exposut e - The first step in the contamination assessment will be to determine whether the material has historically been exposed to liquid agent or agent aerosol Any material exposed to liquid agent or agent aerosol will be assumed to be liquid agent exposed and will be managed in accordance with Section 10 5 3 1 Aieas that are known lo have been exposed to liquid agent or agent aierosol include the TOX, TMA A LlC-1 Pnmary Room LIC-2 Pnmary Room, MPB, UMC UPA, ECR A, ECR -B and the ECV Otheiwise, materials will be evaluated in Step 2 2 Step 2, Determination of Agent Vapor Exposure - In step two, materials that have not been exposed to liquid agent or agent aerosol will be assessed loi historical exposure to agent vapor Materials with adequate historical monitoring records that have been historically e^fposed lo agent Viipors Its-- Jiari i 0 V SL A ,(| Le as..umed i" be cura-ntlv igenl-u'k or'ai-vnalc'' •!.'' -•ih be managed if accoidance 'villi Seriion 10 ^ ^ rvlaieci ils :. ax'-ei' e igcm vapois^ 1 0 VSL will be evahiaiecl iii Step .1 '\ ^ualuair-'^ evaluation as descnbed m Step 4 will be required for maienals thai lack adequate historical monitonng data 3 Step 3, Determination of Agent Vapor Exposure > I 0 VSL - In step tluee. a determination of whether the material has been exposed lo agent vapors > I 0 VSL must be made If the material has been exposed lo agent vapors > I 0 VSL, and reliable and thorough historical roorntonng records are •1 'ailable, theu the mate> ial will be considered vapor-agent -e-Mposed at.d v/ii| 1)L oianaged m accoidance vilh 10 5 3 2 11^ hov/ev^r the inatenal has bee^i exposed to agent vapors ^ 1 0 IDLH and liquid agent or agent aerosol was piesent, the item will be considered liquid agent-exposed and will be managed in accordance with 10 5 3 1 Otherwise, the material will be evaluated m Step 4 In the absence of reliable and thorough monitonng records, occluded spaces with agent exposures > 1 0 IDLH will be presumed liquid agent-contaminated, removed and treated as a newly-generated P999 hazardous debns/waste 4 Step 4, Conduct Qualitative Evaluation - In step four, materials for which histoncal momtormg records do not exist will undergo a qualitative evaluation The qualitative evaluation will be used to determine the possibility of existing agent contamination on surfaces The assessment considers the following • Utilization of the equipment, unit, and/or area (i e , type of process, operation, or nsk) Attachment 10 Page 37 TOCDF Closuie Plan June 2010 e Histoncal documentation foi sirmlai opeiations • Concentration of agent and duration of exposure 9 Confidence in the monitonng data and in past management practices • Matenal of composition (porosity, density, etc) 9 Temperatuie of the environment • Location of equipment oi item considenng the souice of the agent vapoi and the an flow duection Matenals detemnned to be potentially liquid agent-exposed through the qualitative evaluation will be managed as liquid agent-exposed, otherwise, they will be managed as agent-micontaminated All wastes will be managed in accordance with then agent exposure detennmation, as specified in Section 10 5 3 10 5 3 Decontamination & Decommissioning of Equipment, Buildings and Stiucmres The strategy for decontamination and decommissioning of equipment, buildings and stmctures is based pnmanly upon their agent-exposure status 10 5 3 1 Management of Aeiosol and Liquid Agent-Exposed Surfaces One of the initial steps m the management of liquid agent-exposed ecpnpment i^i'ildiiigs and sT'ictuie"; is to mndutt an occluded spare suivcv ! he occluded ^pacc suivey \vill be osed ii oidei to identify ..-onfined aieas v;ithiii eouipmem, buildii'L, suifaces and stiucluies thai weie exposed, or potentially exposed to liquid or aeiosol agent and that have (or have had) the potential to contain liquid agent The suivey will consider operational knowledge as well as information gathered through site walkoveis aiid/oi facility drawing reviews If the survey reveals that occluded spaces exist, steps such as equipment disassembly may be taken to reveal these spaces foi decontamination Upou completion of die occluded space suivey, a detennmation will tie made \vhei.hei to ') decontaminaie liquid oi aeiosol agent-exposed items oi 2) declaim Ihem as P999 hazaidous waste/debits and tieat Ihem m a pennitted tieatment Unit These liquid or aerosol agent-exposed materials shall not remain in-place for general demolition unless they are effectively decontaminated and demonstrated to meet the < 1 0 VSL screening cntena Materials that will remain m-place for geneial demolition may have been decontaminated in the past (e g , duimg agent opeiations) or may be decontaminated dunng closui e Dui mg demolition, the i esuhing newly-genei ated demolition debi is shall have been air monitored (prior to commencement of demolition) as descnbed in 10 4 1 m order to be disposed at a permitted TSDF as F999 hazardous waste/debns Areas withm the MDB that are known to have been exposed to liquid agent or agent aerosol include the TOX, TMA-A, LIC-1 Primary Room, LIC-2 Pnmary Room, MPB, UMC, ECR-A, ECR-B and the ECV At a minimum, these areas will be Attachment 10 - Page 38 TOCDF Closure Plan June 2010 pressure washed oi sprayed with the appropnate decontamination solution identified in 10 4 2 in order to decontanunate any residual liquid or aerosol agent contanunation resulting from agent destmction operations Concrete Considerafion - Liquid agent-exposed concrete that underlies an applied coating (e g , Epoloid) is subject to augmented direct sampling and analysis to venfy that the coating successfiilly performed its fimction as an impervious layer Only with this verification of the coating (to include cracks) will surface decontamination be deemed effective Otherwise, the agent-contaminated concrete shall be subject to additional decontaimnation techmques as descnbed m section 10 4 12 10 5 3 2 Management of Vapor Agent-Exposed Surfaces If It IS detenmned that vapor agent-exposed materials will likely be difficult to decontaminate to the < 1 0 VSL cnterion, the materials may 1) be assumed to be agent-contaminated, removed declared P999 hazardous waste/debns, treated in a permitted treatment unit and disposed, or 2) undergo decontamination in accordance with 10 4 2 along with additional air monitonng Additionally, vapor agent-exposed matenals destined for thermal treatment as P999 hazardous waste/debns must meet waste acceptance cntena of the treating TSDF Matenals that are assumed to be vapor agent-exposed which will be remo\ed for treatment at TOCDF will be declared as P999 hazardous waste and will be treated in a permitted treatment unit or placed in TOCDF permitted storage until permit'ed-treatmenl is possible FUiildiiigs, stiLicture" and equipment 'hat wereot;!/ exposed to vnpot agent wh'ch can be demonstrated to meet the unventilated momtormg SL eenmg criteria ol ^ I (' VSL do not lequire additional decontamination prior to demoluion and duiposal 10 5 3 3 Management of Non Agent-Exposed Surfaces Prior lo final disposition of non agent-exposed equipment, buildings, and stmctures (i e , not subject to P999 and F999 waste codes), a determination of whether the material contains any other listed or charactenstic RCRA hazardous waste must be made Those materials that do not contain any listed or charactenstic hazardous waste may be removed and shipped offsite for reuse or recycling, ma / be ••smoveri and shipped to a solid waste landfill (i e , Subtitle D Landfill), or may be leh m place for fiiture demolition This will not include any TOCDF facilities where agent was stored or treated, or housed any FIWMUs 10 5 4 Special Handling of Waste During Site-Wide Demolition Phase 1054 1 Demolition Waste Strategy During in-process demolition and preparation-for-shipment activities (e g , size reduction), the resultant debris shall be segregated to remove large and odd shaped solid matenals such as steel stmcture and sheeting, equipment, rebar, concrete, asphalt and the like ("hard materials") leaving materials such as wood, insulation and the like in a separate pile ("soft matenals") Hard and soft materials will be recombmed dunng container-loading as necessary to minimize void spaces within the loaded container Should size reduction of the hard materials be unnecessary, Attachment 10 Page 39 TOCDF Closuie Plan June 2010 they may be loaded for shipment diiectly without segiegation Relocation of debris matenals within the site shall be permissible piovided dust control and wind-driven material rmtigation measures are employed, as descnbed m 10 6 5 2 All newly-geneiated F999 hazaidous demolition waste will be containenzed and accumulated onsite m accordance with the "geneiator" lequirements of 40 CFR 262 34 until such lime within 90 days that the containers aie transported to a Subtitle C Hazaidous Waste Landfill 10 5 4 2 Dusl Suppiession and Mitigation of Wmd-dnven Matenals Dust abatement dunng demolition and size-ieduction activities will be accomplished thiough the use of water sprays sparingly applied so as to avoid mn-off out of the HWMU-buildmg footpnnt Any lesulting mn-off of dust suppression water from the debits pile to suiToundmg soil shall be lecoided Judgmental closure venfication samples will be subsequently c ollected m aieas wheie dust suppiession watei nm-off may have accumulated in oidei lo venfy lhat the activiiy dm not contaminate the soil The "soft materials" shall be dampened with water as necessary dunng the woik day and off-shifl to pievent Ihem from becoming wmd-diiven insofar as practicable Efforts shall be made dunng m process segiegation to shake soft matenals fiom iiard matenals such thai haid matenals can undeigo size ledudion without dampening )''. ^ 1 Builf.lint; C':.'rmponeui and r'tiuiiameni 1 empoiJiv Liydowii 1 aige building components and equipmeni in need ol size leduction (icr til lulc loll 0) f Gontameis) may be placed upon 1) concrete slabs that aie themselves destined foi disposal undei TOCDF closuie, and 2) conciete slabs, dsphah. 01 soil piovided the location is recoided and "iibseq it^:\ addilicnal judgmenlal ' losiiii: venfication sampling is peifo'in"^! .'.udei lo ••/piify ihai the acn-'ity dui not roniammale the soil 10 5 4 4 Timely Containei ization of Demolition Waste Once demolition has commenced, placement of the lesulting debris into appioved DOT containers (e g , roll-offs, end-dumps) shall be accomplished in as timely a maimer as demolition and size reduction activities allow All soft materials susceptible to becoming wmd-dnven in spite of dampening will be containenzed pnor to the end-of-shift each day 10,5 4 5 Recycling/Reclamation of Metal Components in Lieu of Disposal Attachment 10 Page 40 TOCDF Closure Plan June 2010 Metal equipment and building pieces that are recyclable by reclamation (i e , lecovery of the metal content) are exempted from RCRA Subtitle C hazardous waste regulation per 40 CFR 261 6(a)(3)(ii) In order for the scrap metal to be recycled by reclamation in lieu of disposed as hazardous debns, all of the following conditions shall be met 10 5 4 5 1 The scrap metal shall have met the requirements of this closure plan for disposal 10 5 4 5 2 The perantlee shall evaluate the potential foi any agent hazaids to demolition, transportation, and recycler personnel 10 5 4 5 3 The permittee shall be able to demonstiate a known market for the scrap metal 10 5 4 5 4 The pennittee shall possess a contract with a legitimate lecycler for leceipt of the scrap metal including piovisions for assurance of reclamation 10 6 GROUND-WAFER MONITORING AND RUiN-ON & RUN-OFF CONTROL There aie no disposal units associated with the TOCDF RCRA permit No giound- watei contamination is expected as a lesult of the TOCDF operations Hence, although ground-water monitoring may be pei formed by DCD as a result of DCD operations, this closure plan does not address ground-water monitonng or any othei long-temi monitoring associated with the DCD Permit and pieviously identified SWMUs Dunne the closuie penod, piecipitalion run-on and uin-olf contiol will continue to be accomplished tluough the mamJtenance of sue grading and conianmient structuies During the demolition phase, mn-off of demohtion peisonnel-applied dust-suppression watei and precipitation out of HWMU buildings and stmctures will be managed as descnbed in 10 5 4 10 7 CLOSURE PLAN COST ESTIMATE A closuie cost estimate is not requited loi this RCP>A Pemut State and fedeial govemjuents aie exempt {nrn the financial lequuemenis of •^0 CFR 264 Subpan H m accoidance with 40 CFR 264 140(r) 10 8 POST CLOSURE The closute plan is designed to accomplish a safe, risk-based clean-closure of the site Furthei post-closure actions at the site are not anticipated Any post-closure care resulting from activities not conducted pursuant to the TOCDF TSDF Permit will be addressed under the DCD Enviromnental Restoration Program 10 9 CERTIFICATION OF CLOSURE 140 CFR 264 115 and UAC R315-8-71 Attachment 10 Page 41 TOCDF Closure Plan June 2010 Within 60 calendar days of completion of TOCDF final closiu-e, the Permittee shall submit to the Executive Secretary, by registered mail, a certification that the TOCDF facility has been closed in accordance with the specifications in this closure plan The certification shall be signed by the Permittee and by an independent registered professional engineer Documentation supporting the mdependent registered professional engineer's certification shall be furnished to the Execufive Secretary upon request 10 10 CORRECTIVE ACTION FOR SWMUS 140 CFR 264 1011 Other then the DCD solid waste management units (SWMUs) associated with CAMDS, discussed in the CAMDS Closure Plan Attachment 25, no SWMUs have been identified at the TOCDF site All SWMUs within the DCD boundanes and conective actions associated with them are incorporated in the DCD RCRA TSDF Permit Ten (10) specific spill sites associated with TOCDF operations have been identified and are listed in Module VII These spill sites will be verified clean- closed in accordance with this closure plan so that no post-closure conective action will be necessary Attachment 10 - Page 42 REPLY TO ATTENTION OF DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY us ARMY CHEMICAL MATERIALS AGENCY TOOELE CHEMICAL AGENT DISPOSAL FACILITY 11620 STARK ROAD STOCKTON, UTAH 84071 JUN 3 0 2010 •^^'^ 3 0 20/0 Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility PM0483-10 SUBJECT Class 3 Modification to the TOCDF Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Permit, TOCDF-ATT 10-03-1 111, TOCDF RCRA Final Closure Plan Revision, EPA ID UT 5210090002 Mr Scott Anderson, Director Utah Department of Environmental Quahty Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste P O Box 144880 195 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4880 Dear Mr Anderson JUN 3 0 2010 UlAH DIVblOlM ur SOLID & HAZARDOUS WASTF In accordance with the TOCDF RCRA Permit requirement IIK 1, this letter is submitted to the State of Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste as the Class 3 Modification to the TOCDF RCRA Permit, TOCDF-ATT 10-03-1 111, TOCDF RCRA Final Closure Plan Revision If you have any questions regarding this issue, please contact Ms Sheila R Vance at (435) 833-7577 or Mr Trace Salmon at (435) 833-7428 Sincerely, Xd^phR Majestic G&G Defense Materials, Inc •CERTIFICATION STATEMENT Thaddeus TOCDF S Project Manager •CERTIFICATION STATEMENT Enclosure I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF LAW THAT THIS DOCUMENT AND ALL ATTACHMENTS WERE PREPARED UNDER MY DIRECTION OR SUPERVISION IN ACCORDANCE WITH A SYSTEM DESIGNED TO ASSURE THAT QUALIFIED PERSONNEL PROPERLY GATHER AND EVALUATE THE INFORMATION SUBMITTED BASED ON MY INQUIRY OF THE PERSON OR PERSONS WHO MANAGE THE SYSTEM OR THOSE PERSONS DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR GATHERING THE INFORMATION THE INFORMATION SUBMITTED IS TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF TRUE ACCURATE AND COMPLETE I AM AWARE THAT THERE ARE SIGNIFICANT PENALTIES FOR SUBMITTING FALSE INFORMATION INCLUDING THE POSSIBILITY OF FINE AND IMPRISONMENT FOR KNOWING VIOLATIONS