HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2010-057867 - 0901a0688038e8e84770 S. 5600 W. P.O. POX 704005 WEST VALLEY CITY, UTAH 84170 FED.TAX I.D.# 87-0217663 3Ehe Salt jCak r <Sritmnr PROOF OF PUBLICATION lews CUSTOMER'S COPY CUSTOMER NAME AND ADDRESS DIV OF SOLID/HAZARDOUS, DENNIS R. DOWNS P.O. BOX 144880 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84114 ACCOUNT NUMBER 9001350993 DAIE I/8/2010 ACCOUNT NAME DIV OF SOLID/HAZARDOUS, TELEPHONE 80I5386170 ADORDER# / INVOICE NUMBER 0000533875 / SCHEDULE Start 01/07/2010 End 01/07/2010 FUND 1000 FA DATE CUST, REF. NO. Golden Eagle CAPTION NOTICE The Executive Secretary of the U SIZE 52 Lines 2.00 COLUMN TIMES MISC. CHARGES 480 -A4 APPfl -owrr NAG ASM DATE OBJ. CODE-FUNCTION RATE AD CHARGES TOTAL COST 122.31 )AVIT OF PUBLICATION The Executive Secretary of the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board is proposing to enter into a Stipulation and Consent Agreement (SCA) with Golden Eagle to address site investigation of soil and groundwater contamination and applicable corrective action at the Golden Eagle Facility In Wood Cross, Utah. The public comment period for the SCA will begin on January 7, 2010 when the public notice is published in the Salt Lake Tribune, Deseret News, and Davis County Clipper. The com- ment period will end on February 8, "2010. Copies of the SCA and all related documents will be available for public review throughout the comment period during normal business hours (7:00 am to 6:00pm) at the following location: Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste 288 North 1460 West, 4th Floor Cannon Health Building Salt Lake Cfty, Utah 84 T 16 For the public's convenience, an unofficial copy of the SCA can be viewed on line in PDF format on the Division web site: http://www.hazardouswaste.utah.gov/Publlc/PublicHearingsa n dCommentPe riods.htm Written comments will be accepted until 6:00 pm on Monday, February 8, 2010 and should be submitted to: Dennis R. Downs", Executive Secretary Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board Division of Solid Hazardous Waste P. O. Box 144880 288 North 1 460 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4880 Comments may also be sent by electronic mail to: swpublic@utah.gov. Comments sent in electronic format must also be received by 6:00 p.m., Monday, February 8, 2010, and should be identi- ; fied by putting the following Information In the subject line: \ "Golden Eagle SCA." All documents included In comments • should'be submitted as ASCII (text) files. 1 FoL**orlHer information, contact Allan Moore o^Davraj /EScjearWt (801) 538-6170, In compliance with \\&+BZXi/\ cans' WirhDIsabilities Act, individuals with special needs (in-cluding auxiliary communicative aids" and services) should con- tact the Department of Environmental Quality's Office of Hu- man Resources at (801) 536-441 3 (TDD 538-441 4). 533875 UPAXLP AS NEWSPAPER AGENCY CORPORATION LEGAL BOOKER. [ CERTIFY THAT THE ATTACHED ADVERTISEMENT OF NOTICE The Executive Secretary of the U FOR DIV OF SOLID/HAZARDOUS. WAS PUBLISHED BY THE NEWSPAPER AGENCY CORPORATION, AGENT FOR THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE AND DESERET NEWS, DAILY NEWSPAPERS PRINTED IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE WITH GENERAL CIRCULATION IN UTAH. AND PUBLISHED IN SALT LAKE CITY, SALT LAKE COUNTY IN THE STATE OF UTAH. PUBLISHED ON Start 01/07/2010 SIGNATURE DATE End 01/07/2010 mm inZABEWe. CORDOVA j I 1/8/2010 THIS IS NOT A STATEMENT BUT A "PROOF OF PUBLICATION" PLEASE PAY FROM BILLING STATEMENT S01 CLIPPER PUBLi^ING CO. P.O. BOX 267 1370 SOUTH 500 WEST BOUNTIFUL, UT 84010 801-295-2251 UTAH SOLID & HAZARDOUS DENNIS R. DOWNS PO BOX 144840 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84114- Transaction Period: 1/7/2010 1/7/2010 Account Number: 1991 Invoice Date: 1/11/2010 Invoice Amount: S73.14 Ple'ase indicate reference number(s) to ensure proper credit: Amount Paid: Please return top portion with payment Page' 1 Reference Classification Total First Last Ad Text / Description ;* ; , Total Number Runs Run Run • •--: ' '' '":' :::.,;'^^v:' : -'Price 31976 Legal Notices 1 1/7/2010 1/7/2010 C-5569 Golden Eagle 1/7 $73.14 Clipper Invoice Total: S73. PLEASE LIST ACCOUNT NUMBER ON CHECK FUND OEPT UNIT tooo otam 480 APPR UNIT NAG ASM DATE OBJ. CODE FUNCTION. m CLIPPER PUBLISHING CO. P.O. BOX 267 1370 SOUTH 500 WEST BOUNTIFUL, UT 84010 801-295-2251 UTAH SOLID & HAZARDOUS Account Number: 1991 PROOF OF PUBLICATION NOTICE The Executive Secretary of the- Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board is propos- ing to enter into a Stipulation and Consent Agreement (SCA) with Golden Eagle to address site in- vestigation, pf 'soil and ground- water 'contamination . and appli- cable corrective ; action at the Golden Eagle Facility in Wood Cross, Utah. .. "-.' The', public comment . period for the SCA will begin on Janu- ary 7, 2010 when the .public no- tice is published in the Salt Lake Tribune, Deseret-News, and Da- vis County • Clipper • • The com- ment period will.end.on February 8, 2010. ^Copies of the,SCA and all '-related .documents, -will • be available •'. for", public .: . review throughout the, comment, period during., normal . business hours -(7:00 am -to; 6:00pm). at the fol- lowing location:.;,." Utah Department of. • '. .'.'. Erivironmeritai'Quality ' „ I Division of Solid and ;': Hazardous Waste '. :' ' •' V 288 North.1460 West, 4th'Flodr Cannon Health Building " Salt Lake City, Utah-84116' -; ' ,-; ' • For the /public's' convenience, an . unofficialcopy ,of -the-. SCA can be viewed on'line in PDF-forT mat on the Division web site: :'- http://www.hazard6uswaste.utah • aov/Public/PublicHearing- sandCommentPeriods.htm . •. Wriuerwcomments. will, be ac- cepled..until 6.00'pm on Monday, . February .8, . 2010 and should' be • submitted to:.,.: ;••'.-.;-,, . Dennis R. Downs', "• .,.'.'•• Executive Secretary, V Utah-Solid and.' , l:: .. . . .' ' V . Hazardous Waste Control Board , Division'.of Solid ..'-,''. Hazardous Waste v' •" P. O. Box K-4830 " - - ' 288 North 1460 West ''•'•"' '.'' :; ' • Salt Lake City, Utah 84'' 14-4880 ' • Comments may also be sent by''. electronic"-.'"' mail to swbublic@utah.gov.: .• '. • . -•Comments'.sent V in -electronic format, must also. be received by 6:00 <p.m.-,.' Monday,-February 8, 2010, / arid should be . identified by putting ..the following informa- tion in the subject line:. "Golden Eagle SCA.". All documents- in- cluded in - comments should • .be submitted as.ASCII (text) files'., .. - --For Jurther information, _coxb tact fjTjgn lulnnrw) ' or' (~DayH[ (^^ei^an(8trTT7538-6170. .. In compliance with ' .the Americans with Disabilities ; Act, individuals with special . needs (including auxiliary ': communicative aids and services) should contact the Departmeni ' of Environmental Quality's Office of Human Re- sources at (801) 536-4413 (TDD 538-4414). C-5569 1/7 •••••• Davis County Clipper United States of America County of Davis, State of Utah, ss: I, Rebecca Jamieson, being duly sworn deposes and says that she is an employee of the DAVIS ^COUNTY CLIPPER, a semi weekly newspaper published at Bountiful, Davis County, State of Utah. That the Notice: Notice Golden Eagle Facility in Woods Cross a true copy of which is hereto attached, as first published in the newspaper in its issue dated the 7th day of January 2010, and was published on Thursday(s) In the issues of said newspaper, for 0 week(s) thereafter, the full period of 1 insertion(s) the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the 7th day of January 2010. This notice was also posted on the Utah Press Association Web Site for the same dates. Dated this 7th day of January A.D 2010. Notary Public 'Residing at Bountiful Commission expires April 19, 2010. .1 un :u (H *f !K, *5 *i " ~ " ®hfgattfekr®ribnnr MEDIA^gg Morning News Remit to: P.O. Box 704005 West Valley City, UT 84170 Order Confirmation for Ad #0000533875-01 Client Client Phone Account* Address Fax EMail DIV OF SOLID/HAZARDOUS 801-538-6170 9001350993 DENNIS R. DOWNS,P.O. BOX 144880 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84114 USA 801-536-4441 kkehler@utah.gov Payor Customer Payor Phone Payor Account Payor Address Ordered By Kathy DIV OF SOLID/HAZARDOUS 801-538-6170 9001350993 DENNIS R. DOWNS,P.O. BOX 144880 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84114 Acct Exec jvaldez Total Amount Payment Amt $122.31 $0.00 Amount Due Payment Method Confirmation Notes: Text: Ad Type Legal Liner $122.31 Tear Sheets 0 Ad Size 2.0 X 52 Li Proofs 0 PQ Number Color <NONE> Affidavits 1 Golden Eagle Product Salt Lake Tribune:: Scheduled Date(s): Product Deseret News:: Scheduled Date(s): 01/07/2010 01/07/2010 Placement Legal Liner Notice - 0998 Placement Legal Liner Notice - 0998 Ad Content Proof Actual Size NOTICE The Executive Secretory of the Utoh Solid .end Hazardous Waste Control Board it proposing to enter Into a Stipulation ond Consent Agreement (SCA) with Golden Eagle.to address site Investigation of soil and groundwater contamination ond applicable corrective action at the Golden Eagle Facility in Wood Cross, Utah. The public.comment period for the SCA will begin on January 7,-2010 when the public notice Is published'in the Solt Lake Tribune, Deseret News, and Davis County Clipper. The com-ment period will end on February 8, 2010. Copiel of the SCA ond all related documents will be available for public review throughout the comment period during normal business hours [7,00 am to 6:00pm) at the following locationi Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste 288 North 1460 West, 4th Floor Cannon Health Building Salt Lake City, Utah 841 16 For the public's convenience, on unofficial copy of the. SCA con be viewed on line In PDF format on the Division web site, http://www.haiard6uswaste.utah.gov/Publlc/PublicHearingsa ndCommentPerIods.htm Written comments will be .accepted ^until 6:00 pm on Monday, February 8, 2010 and should be submitted to: Dennis R. Downs, Executive Secretary Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control :Boord Division of Solid Hazardous Waste P. O. Box V44880 288 North 1460 West ' Salt Lake City, Utah .841 14-4880 Comments may also be sent by electronic moil toi swpublic@utah.gov. Comments sent in electronic format must also be received, by 6,00 p.m., Monday, February 8, 2010, and should be identi-fied by'putting, the following Information In.the subject line: "Golden. Eagle SCA." All documents Included In comments should be submitted as ASCII (text) flies. For further Information, contact Allan Moore or David McCTeary at (801) 538-6170. In compliance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, Individuals with special needs (In- cluding auxiliary communicative aids and services) should con- tact the Deportment of Environmental Quality's Office of Hu- man Resources at (801) 536-441 3 (TDD 538-44 1 4)T 533875 UPAXLP Order Confirmation for Ad #0000533875-01 Ad Content Proof 120% 12/30/200910:17:36AM 1 NOTICE The Executive Secretary of the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board is proposing to enter into a Stipulation end Consent Agreement (SCA) with Golden Eagle to" address *ite investigation of soil and. groundwater contamination ond applicable corrective action at the Golden Eagle Facility Tn Wood Cross, Utah. The public-comment period for the SCA will begin on January 7, 2010 when the public "notice, is published in the Salt Lake Tribune, Deseret News, and Dovis County Clipper. The com- ment period will end on February 8, 2010. Copies of the SCA arid all related documents will be available for public review throughout the comment period during normal business hours (7:00 am to 6:00pm) at the following locatlont Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Solid arid-Hazardous Waste. 288 North 1 460 West, 4th Floor Cannon Health,Building Salt Lake City, Utah 841 16 For the public's convenience, an.unofficial copy of the SCA con be. viewed on"line in PDF format on the Division web.site: http://www.hdza rdouswo'ste;uta^gov/Public/PublicHeafirigsa ndCommentPerTbds.htm Written .comments will be. accepted, until 6:00 pm on:'Monday, February 8,. 2010 and should be submitted to: Dennis R. Downs, Executive Secretary Utoh Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board Division of Solid Hazardous Waste P: O. Box" 1 44880 288 North 1460 West ' Salt Lake City, Utah 8411474880 Comrrtents ma y a Iso be sent by electronic mail tot swpublic@utah.gaY. Comments sent Tn electronic format must also.be received by 6:00 p.m., Monday, February 8, 2010, and. should be'identi- fied by putting, the following information in the subject ITne: "Golden. Eagle SCA." All documents included in comments should be submitted os ASCII (text) files. For further information,- contact Allan Moore or David McCleary at (801) 538-6.1 70. . In compliance with the.Ameri- cans with. Disabilities Act, individuals with special needs .(in- cluding auxiliary communicative aids and services) should con- tact the Department of Environmental Quality's Office of Hu- man Resources at (801) 536-4413 (TDD 538-441 4).: 533875 UPAXLP' f 12/30/200910:17:36AM Department of Environmental Quality Amanda Smith Executive Director State of Utah DIVISION OF SOLID AND HAZARDOUS WASTE Dennis R. Downs Director GARY R. HERBERT Governor GREG BELL Lieutenant Governor December 30, 2009 Legal Advertising MediaOne of Utah 4770 South 5600 West West Valley City, Utah 84118 Dear Sirs: • This letter constitutes authorization to publish the attached NOTICE in the Deseret News and Salt Lake Tribune on Thursday, January 7, 2010. Please send invoice and affidavit of publication to: Dennis R. Downs Executive Secretary Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board P.O. Box 144880 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4880 T. Allan Moore Hazardous Waste Management Section Manager Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Enclosure TAM/ kl \ 288 North 1460 West • Salt Lake City, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144880 • Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4880 Telephone (801) 538-6170 • Fax (801) 538-6715 • T.D.D. (801) 536-4414 www.deq. utah.gov Printed on 100% recycled paper Department of Environmental Quality Amanda Smith Executive Director State of Utah DIVISION OF SOLID AND HAZARDOUS WASTE GARY R. HERBERT Governor Dennis R. Downs Director GREG BELL Lieutenant Governor December 30, 2009 Davis County Clipper 1 Legal Advertising Department Front Counter 1370 South 500 West PO Box 267 Bountiful, Utah 84010 Dear Legal Advertising Department: J This letter constitutes authorization to publish the attached NOTICE in the Davis County Clipper on Thursday. January 7, 2010. Please send invoice and affidavit of publication to: Dennis R. Downs, Director Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste PO Box 144880 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4880 Sincerely. T. Allan Moore, Manager Hazardous Waste Section TAM/kl ' 288 North 1460 West • Salt Lake City, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144880 • Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4880 Telephone (801) 538-6170 • Fax (801) 538-6715 • T.D.D. (801) 536-4414 www.deq.utah.gov Printed on 100% recycled paper NOTICE The Executive Secretary of the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board is proposing to enter into a Stipulation and Consent Agreement (SCA) with Golden Eagle to address site investigation of soil and groundwater contamination and applicable corrective action at the Golden Eagle Facility in Wood Cross, Utah. The public comment period for the SCA will begin on January 7, 2010 when the public notice is published in the Salt Lake Tribune, Deseret News, and Davis County Clipper. The comment period will end on February 8, 2010. Copies of the1 SCA and all related documents will be available for public review throughout the comment period during normal business hours (7:00 am to 6:00pm) at the following location: Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste 288 North 1460 West, 4th Floor Cannon Health Building Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 • For the public's convenience, an unofficial copy of the SCA can be viewed on line in PDF format on the Division web site: http://www.hazardouswaste.utah.gov/Public/PublicHearingsandCommentPeriods.htiri Written comments will be accepted until 6:00 pm on Monday, February 8, 2010 and should be submitted to: Dennis R. Downs, Executive Secretary Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board Division of Solid Hazardous Waste P. O. Box 144880 288 North 1460 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4880 Comments may also be sent by electronic mail to: swpublic@utah.gov. Comments sent in electronic format must also be received by 6:00 p.m., Monday, February 8, 2010, and should be identified by putting the following information in the subject line: "Golden Eagle SCA." All documents included in comments should be submitted as ASCII (text) files. For further information, contact Allan Moore or David McCleary at (801) 538-6170. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals with special needs (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) should contact the Department of Environmental Quality's Office of Human Resources at (801) 536-4413 (TDD 538-4414).