HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-004051State of Utah
Lieutenant Governor
Department of
Environmental Quality
Kimberly D. Shelley
Executive Director
Brent H. Everett
January 31, 2024
John Amoto, Project Manager
Chevron Environmental Management Company
6001 Bollinger Canyon Road, C2092
San Ramon, California 94583
Re: Post-Corrective Action Soil Sampling Plan
Former Wayne's Rose Park Texaco, located at 974 North 900 West, Salt Lake City, Utah
Facility Identification No. 4002279, Release Site LIH
Dear Mr. Amoto:
The Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) completed its review
of Chevron Environmental Management Company's (CEMC) Post-Corrective Action Soil
Sampling Work Plan, submitted to the DERR on December 12, 2023, by Arcadis U.S. Inc., for the
above-referenced facility.
The review indicates that in-place soil contamination remains that exceeds DERR's Initial
Screening Level (ISL) cleanup standard, and that CEMC's post-corrective action soil sampling plan
is insufficient to document site conditions as no further action is considered. Conclusions drawn
from DERR review are:
1. Soil contamination above the ISL remains primarily for benzene, diesel range
organics (TPH-DRO) and or total petroleum hydrocarbons, gasoline range organics
(TPH-GRO) in numerous areas. CEMC's sampling plan includes former data points
T-W-N-6, T-W-S-5, T-C-N-6, and T-E-S-7. Areas that need re-evaluation, are not
near enough to CEMC's proposed sampling locations and are historically above the
ISL cleanup standard. Those areas include data points GPTEX-4, MWTEX-4,
(GPTEX-2/SB-l), HA-15, HA-18 and HA-22.
Therefore, more work is needed to evaluate post-remedial soil conditions at the site:
1. Conduct a post-remedial soil study that includes the sampling of historic data points,
from their respective depths oflSL exceedances, from T-W-N-6, T-W-S-5, T-C-N-
195 North 1950 West• Salt Lake City, UT
Mailing Address: P.O . Box 144840 • Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4840
Telephone (801) 536-4100 • Fax (801) 359-8853 • T.D.D . (801) 536-4284
Printed on I 00% recycled paper
Facility ID# 4002279
6, T-E-S-7, GPTEX-4, MWTEX-4, (GPTEX-2/SB-1), HA-15, HA-18 and HA-22.
Samples collected shall be analyzed for TPH-DRO, TPH-GRO, benzene, toluene,
ethyl-benzene, xylene and naphthalene and methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), in
accordance with Utah Admin. Code R311-211 and R311-202.
2. Provide a report of findings. In site reporting, provide a properly scaled drawing of
the site, North indicated, showing the location of the former UST system(s), historic
excavation boundaries, underground utility locations, property lines, surrounding
properties and land use, the location and depths of soil samples collected, and
tabulated data with laboratory data sheets and chain of custody forms.
According to Utah Code R311-202 and R311-211, DERR requires that CEMC provide a
post-corrective action soil report within 120 days ofreceipt of this letter.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Mark Crim, the DERR
project manager, at (801) 536-4100.
Brent H. Everett, Director
Division of Environmental Response and Remediation
cc: Angela Dunn, MD, MPH, Executive Director, Salt Lake County Health Department
Kimberlee McEwan, Assistant Attorney General
Tyler Murdock, Deputy Director, Salt Lake City Public Lands
Toby Hazelbaker, Salt Lake City Public Lands
Carmen Baily, Salt Lake City Public Lands
Kyle Shields, Salt Lake City Public Lands
Taura Nichols, P.E., CC-0247, Arcadis U.S., Inc.
Gerald A. Robinson, Arcadis U.S., Inc.