HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2024-004865Anderson Geneva, LLC United States Steel Corporation February 23, 2024 Mr. Doug Hansen, Director Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control Utah Department of Environmental Quality P.O. Box 144880 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4880 RE: Notification Letter for Monitoring Well and Piezometer Abandonment at Multiple Solid Waste Management Units (SWMUs) Across the Site – Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah Dear Mr. Hansen: On behalf of United States Steel Corporation (USS) and Anderson Geneva, LLC (Geneva), this letter is to notify the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ) of monitoring well, piezometer, and recovery well abandonment at the former Geneva Steel facility (Site) in Vineyard, Utah Background USS and Geneva have identified monitoring wells, piezometers, and recovery wells at Solid Waste Management Units (SWMUs) that have been closed, both Corrective Action Complete Without Controls (CACWOC) and Corrective Action Complete With Controls (CACWC), and are no longer needed at the Site. See Table 1 for a list of wells and rationale for abandonment. Therefore, to support development activities, USS and Geneva intend to perform the abandonment activities identified below. Specific Planned Activities The specific planned activities are:  Abandon 15 monitoring wells and 9 piezometers that are no longer needed for project purposes at the Site (Table 1, Figure 1).  Abandon 8 recovery wells located at the GW-4.10 South Quench Tower Sump area (identified with the letters RW in the list below) that are no longer required (Table 1, Figure 1). Procedures Well abandonment and documentation will be performed in general accordance with procedures set forth in Utah Administrative Code R655-4-14. The depths of all wells proposed for abandonment are less than 30 feet below ground surface and, in accordance Page 2 of 3 with Utah Administrative Code R655-4-14, will not require submittal of an abandonment report to Utah Department of Water Rights. Reporting USS and Geneva will document the field work and will submit a Status Letter to UDEQ to summarize the abandonment activities after completion. Schedule The work is anticipated to take place in March 2024, depending on driller availability. UDEQ will be notified at least 14 days prior to the start of field activities to allow the opportunity to be present if desired. AECOM, a contractor to USS and Geneva, will conduct the field work. Please contact us at your convenience if you have any questions on this matter. Enclosure Figure 1 cc: B. Mustoe, AECOM T. Messersmith, AECOM File: USS, AG Page 3 of 3 Table 1. Piezometers, Monitoring Wells, and Recovery Wells to be Abandoned SWMU Well/Piezometer Rationale GW-4.4 Coke By- Products Area 1.01-151 SWMU is closed CACWC. Monitoring network established in the approved LROF/HHRE, these wells are not included in the network and therefore will not be needed for SMP sampling. The SMP is currently being developed and will be submitted in the near future. MW-145 GW-4.5 Parish Chemical Area GPW-0180 SWMU closed CACWOC, wells no longer needed. MW-124S PC-213 GW-4.7 Pipe Mill Area MW-140 SWMU closed CACWOC, wells no longer needed. MW-141 GW-4.10 South Quench Tower Sump 1.01-200 SWMU is closed CACWC. These piezometers and recovery wells are not ideal for SMP sampling due to location and condition. New wells will be proposed for monitoring the SWMU in the SMP that is currently being developed and will be submitted in the near future. 1.01-201 1.01-202 1.01-203 1.01-O023 RW-10 RW-11 RW-12 RW-5 RW-6 RW-7 RW-8 RW-9 GW-4.12 Front End Oil Tanks North Area 3.20A-094 SWMU closed CACWOC, wells no longer needed. MW-158 MW-159 MW-161 BF-37 Heckett Underground Storage Tanks Area BF37-001 SWMU closed CACWOC, wells no longer needed. BF37-002 BF37-003 BF37-004 BF37-005 BF37-006 BF37-007 BF37-008 &<&< &<&< &< &< &<&<&<&<&<&<&<&< 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 1 INCH = 1000 FEET Figure 1: Monitoring Wells and Piezometers Proposed to be Abandoned at SWMUs Closed CACWOCµFormer Geneva Steel Facility Vineyard, Utah Aerial: NearMap August 2023L: \ D C S \ P r o j e c t s \ U S S _ G e n e v a R C R A C A \ G I S _ B a s e _ D a t a \ G e n e v a \ B F - 2 5 \ F i g 1 _ S W M U s _ S P 1 4 A B . a p r x \ F i g u r e 1 _ W e l l _ A b a n d o n m e n t _ O v e r v i e w &< *3:5 0:6 3& &< &< 0: 0: &< &< &< $ 0: 0: 0: &<&< &< &<&<&< &< &< %)%) %) %) %) %) %) %) 0 100 200 1 INCH = 200 FEET 0 50 100 1 INCH = 100 FEET 0 100 200 1 INCH = 200 FEET 0 75 150 1 INCH = 150 FEET GW - 4.7 Pipe Mill Area Closed CACWOC BF - 37 Heckett Underground Storage Tanks Area Closed CACWOC See Figure 2 for these SWMUs closed CACWC GW-4.4 Coke By-Products Area GW-4.10 South Quench Tower Sump Area GW - 4.12 FEOT North Area Closed CACWOC GW - 4.5 Parish Chemical Area Closed CACWOC Legend &<Monitoring Well Piezometer SWMU Status Closed - CACWC Notes: CACWOC = Corrective Action Complete Without Controls CACWC = Corrective Action Complete With Controls SWMU = Solid Waste Management Unit !< !< !< !< !< !< !< !< !!< Former 1.01-107 Former 1.01-155 Former 1.01-076 Former 1.01-161 GW-4.4 Coke By-Products Area Closed CACWC  0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0 55 110 165 220 1 INCH = 110 FEET Figure 2: Monitoring Wells, Piezometers, and Recovery Wells Proposed to be Abandoned at SWMUs Closed CACWCµFormer Geneva Steel Facility Vineyard, Utah Aerial: NearMap August 2023L: \ D C S \ P r o j e c t s \ U S S _ G e n e v a R C R A C A \ G I S _ B a s e _ D a t a \ G e n e v a \ B F - 2 5 \ F i g 1 _ S W M U s _ S P 1 4 A B . a p r x \ F i g u r e 2 _ W e l l _ A b a n d o n m e n t _ C o k e b y P r o d u c t  2 5: 5: 5: 5: 5:5: 5:    5: 0 15 30 45 60 1 INCH = 30 FEET GW - 4.10 South Quench Tower Sump Area Closed CACWC Legend !<Current Monitoring Network Well !!<Monitoring Well Proposed for Abandonment Piezometer Proposed for Abandonment Recovery Well Proposed for Abandonment SWMU Status Closed - CACWC Notes: CACWOC = Corrective Action Complete Without Controls CACWC = Corrective Action Complete With Controls SWMU = Solid Waste Management Unit