HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2024-004866Deq submit <dwmrcsubmit@utah.gov> Big West Oil North Salt Lake Refinery SWMU 38 (Lab) RFI Risk Assessment Addendum - Request for Extension 1 message Guy M. Partch <GPartch@barr.com>Sun, Feb 25, 2024 at 7:37 PM To: Karen Wallner <kwallner@utah.gov>, WMRC doc submital <dwmrcsubmit@utah.gov> Cc: Ian Muller <Ian.Muller@bigwestoil.com>, "leigh@johnstonleighinc.com" <leigh@johnstonleighinc.com> Hello Karen – Attached please find a formal request for an extension on the deadline for a BWO response to DWMRC’s communication from January 31, 2024 (attached) that provided comments on the SWMU 38 (Lab) RFI RA Addendum. BWO and DWMRC met on February 13, 2024 and agreed that DWMRC would re-review the RA Addendum and provide a new set of comments. BWO has not yet received those comments, and requests that a new response deadline be provided with the new comments. Please feel free to call or email with any questions. Sincerely, Guy M. Partch, PG Vice President Senior Geologist Salt Lake City, UT office: 801.333.8444 cell: 218.343.3436 gpartch@barr.com www.barr.com If you no longer wish to receive marketing e-mails from Barr, respond to communications@barr.com and we will be happy to honor your request. 2 attachments DSHW-2024-004305.pdf 195K Response to DWMRC 013124 Letter re SWMU 38 RA Add 022524.pdf 94K DSHW-2024-004305 195 North 1950 West • Salt Lake City, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144880 • Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4880 Telephone (801) 536-0200 • Fax (801) 536-0222 • T.D.D. 711 www.deq.utah.gov Printed on 100% recycled paper State of Utah SPENCER J. COX Governor DEIDRE HENDERSON Lieutenant Governor Department of Environmental Quality Kimberly D. Shelley Executive Director DIVISION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT AND RADIATION CONTROL Douglas J. Hansen Director January 31, 2024 Ian Muller, Environmental Engineer Big West Oil, LLC 333 West Center Street Salt Lake City, UT 84054 RE: Big West Oil SWMU 38 (Lab) RFI Risk Assessment Addendum UT045267127 Dear Mr. Muller: The Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control (Division) has completed its review of the Solid Waste Management Unit (SWMU) 38 (Lab) Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Facility Investigation (RFI) Risk Assessment Addendum (Addendum) dated December 27, 2023, for the Big West Oil, North Salt Lake Refinery (BWO), located in Davis County. A risk assessment for BWO was previously conducted as part of the 2021 Phase II RFI Assessment. However, as investigations were still ongoing for SMWU 38, it was not included in the assessment. This Addendum addresses risk at SWMU 38 and includes additional soil, sub-slab vapor, and groundwater samples collected during 2022 and 2023. Based on the review of the Addendum, the Division is providing the following comments: 1. Section 1.0. Please provide all data used for the risk assessment for SWMU 38, including data collected since 2021. In looking at the Phase II RFI Assessment, the data table (Table 2) for SWMU 38 is incomplete. While some of the data provided in Table 2-12 could be verified against the analytical reports in the Appendices, not all the sample results listed in Table 2-12 were provided. 2. As the information contained in the Addendum supersedes all previous evaluations of SWMU 38, this document must be a standalone report. Revise the Addendum to include all data, maps, and evaluations needed to support the SWMU 38 risk assessment and conclusions. (Over) Page 2 of 4 3. General. The risk assessment includes discussion of the Refinery worker, industrial worker, and a composite worker. Provide clarification that the exposure assumptions for all three are consistent and may be used to represent a single receptor. For clarity, it is suggested that a single term be used to represent the Refinery worker. 4. The SWMU 38 risk assessment excludes exposure to metals and semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) in soil. As noted in Sections 5.4 and 6.1, industrial exposure to constituents of potential concern (COPCs) in soil are solely based on benzene. All COPCs must be included in the evaluation. Refer to comments on Section 2.0. 5. Section 1.0, fifth paragraph. The text indicates that as concentrations of COPCs in groundwater at the laboratory were less than the derived exposure point concentration in source wells, groundwater was not reevaluated. Additional wells were installed in 2022 as step-outs to determine the extent of contamination as part of the SWMU 38 investigation. Groundwater results from 2022 are available for wells L-17, L-18, L-19, L-21, L-23, L-24, and L-28 and should be used to reevaluate risk related to exposure to groundwater. Several other comments are noted with this as follows: • Table 2-18 from the 2021 RFI Risk Assessment lists benzene, ethylbenzene, Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), naphthalene and xylenes. Data from eight wells located to the south and southwest of SWMU 38 were used to derive an exposure point concentration (EPC). First none of the figures included in the 2021 documents as well as this Addendum show the direction of groundwater flow. Provide a figure and discuss the representativeness of these eight wells for assessing exposure at SWMU 38. • The text states that data from the laboratory wells are less than the EPCs (assumed those listed in Table 2-18). In looking at the groundwater data associated with the lab as summarized in Table 6 of the Addendum Phase II RFI Report, there were several volatile organics detected in the lab wells as well as the center of plume wells that are not listed in Table 2-18. Please clarify why not all detected COPCs were addressed in the assessment groundwater. This Addendum must be revised to include all COPCs detected in groundwater determined to be representative of the conditions at SWMU 38. • The Addendum Phase II RFI Report further states that the analytical data from the lab is consistent with groundwater concentrations across the laboratory. It is unclear how this determination can be made when only a select few contaminants were evaluated. Further, none of the reports include a statistical evaluation to conclude that groundwater data from the lab is consistent with groundwater across the facility. Provide statistical demonstration to support this statement and include all detected contaminants. • None of the reports include an assessment of risks to groundwater. It is understood that groundwater will be addressed as a separate SWMU. However, this does not negate potential exposure to the lab/refinery worker. Provide justification that the groundwater exposure pathway for the SWMU 38 receptor is incomplete. If lines of evidence cannot be provided to demonstrate groundwater being an incomplete pathway, the SWMU 38 risk assessment should be revised to include risks associated with groundwater. Page 3 of 4 6. Section 2.0. Only constituents with a detection above the industrial Regional Screening Levels (RSL) were retained as COPCs. As outlined in Utah Administrative Code (UAC) R315-101- 5(f)(3)(ii), all organic contaminants with a minimum of one detection shall be retained as constituents of potential concern. The COPC reduction process through simple comparison to an RSL is not acceptable as an initial reduction process nor is frequency of detection. Please also refer to the Division’s Technical Guidance to Risk Assessment Section 4 for more information on selection of COPCs. The guidance clearly indicates that point-to-point comparisons and frequency of detection may not be used to eliminate a constituent as a COPC. The 2021 Phase II Addendum Report eliminated metals as well as SVOCs as COPCs as individual concentrations were less than the industrial RSL. However, elimination of metals and SVOCs below the RSLs does not allow for total risk to be estimated. Unless additional background metals data are available, all metals (with the exception of arsenic) detected must be retained as COPCs in the risk assessment. The SWMU 38 risk assessment must be revised for all media to include all metals detected above background concentrations (or if background is not available, the metal must be retained) and all organics with a minimum of one detection. 7. Table 2-12. Revise the table to include the sample numbers and all COPCs detected in soil. 8. Section 2.2.12 and Section 3.4. As noted in Comment 6 above, COPCs may not be eliminated based on comparison to RSLs. Utah Administrative Code R315-101 requires all inorganic and organic constituents be retained as COPC in the risk assessment unless it can be demonstrated that it is attributable to background. Revise the soil exposure evaluation accordingly and revise Table 3-12. 9. Section 2.2.17 and Section 3.4. As noted in Comment 6 above, COPCs may not be eliminated based on comparison to RSLs, and for sub-slab vapor data, this includes comparison to Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels (VISLs). Utah administrative Code R315-101 requires all inorganic and organic constituents be retained as COPC in the risk assessment unless it can be demonstrated that it is attributable to background. Revise the vapor intrusion exposure evaluation accordingly and revise Table 3-17 and Table 5-17. 10. Section 3.4. The Chronic Daily Intakes (CDI) listed in Table 3-17 could not be verified. Provide the intermediary calculations used to derive the CDIs and output files from the VISL calculator. 11. Tables 6.1 and 6.2. Revise the tables to include all COPCs, as addressed in the above comments. 12. Risks to Refinery workers must include exposure across all pathways, including soil, vapor intrusion, and groundwater. As clearly outlined in UAC R315-101-5, cumulative effects risks and hazards are determined for the combined land use exposure pathways. Revise the report to show the cumulative effects. Please provide a response to comments and revised Addendum within 45 days of the date of this letter. If you have any questions, please call Karen Wallner at 385-499-0218. Sincerely, Paige Walton, Manager Corrective Action Section Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control Page 4 of 4 PW/KHW/jk c: Brian Hatch, Health Officer, Davis County Health Department David W. Spence, Deputy Director, Davis County Health Department Jay Clark, Environmental Health Director, Davis County Health Department Marney DeVroom, FJ Management, Inc. (Email) Faithe Schwartzengraber, Big West Oil, LLC (Email) Leigh Beem, Johnston Leigh Inc. (Email) Guy Partch, Barr Engineering Co. (Email) Sean Moody, Toxicologist, Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control, UDEQ 170 South Main Street, Suite 500, Salt Lake City, UT 84101 | 801.333.8400 | barr.com February 25, 2024 Karen Wallner Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control Utah Department of Environmental Quality 195 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, UT 84114 Re: Request for Extension - DWMRC Comments on Big West Oil SWMU 38 (Lab) RFI Risk Assessment Addendum, UT045267127 Dear Karen: On January 31, 2024, Big West Oil, LLC (BWO) received comments from the Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control (DWMRC) on the Solid Waste Management Unit (SWMU) 38 (Lab) Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Facility Investigation (RFI) Risk Assessment Addendum (Addendum) dated December 27, 2023 for the BWO North Salt Lake Refinery located in Davis County, Utah. This correspondence requested a response from BWO within 45 days (March 16, 2024). Upon review of DWMRC’s comments, BWO and DWMRC held a virtual meeting on February 13, 2024 to discuss the comments. During this meeting, it was determined that DWMRC would re-review and provide new comments on the Addendum in the context of the approved Risk Assessment Work Plan (July 21, 2021) and the approved initial RFI Risk Assessment (December 16, 2021). The purpose of this request for extension is to release BWO from the March 16, 2024 response deadline. We request that DWMRC provide an updated response date with the updated comments, when communicated. If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact Leigh Beem at 801-726- 6845 or leigh@johnstonleighinc.com, Ian Muller at 801-296-7716 or ian.muller@bigwestoil.com, or myself at 801-333-8444 or gpartch@barr.com. On behalf of BWO, Guy Partch, PG Barr Engineering Co. CC: Leigh Beem, Johnston Leigh, Inc. Ian Muller, Big West Oil, LLC