HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-004461TANK INSTALLATION CHECKLIST TO INSTALLER: After tank installation, deliver the Installation Manual with the completed Tank Installation Checklist to the tank owner. Retain a copy of each for your records . TO OWNER: After installation, retain the limited warranty, the Installation Manual and completed Tank Installation Checklist for future reference and to facilitate any warranty claim . INSTALLATION DATE(S): 09/19/2023 PERSON COMPLETING FORM : Jack Hardman INSTALLATION ADDRESS: _12_7_4_S_. _H_w~y_1_8_9_H_e_b_e_r_C_it~y~, U_T_. _8_4_03_2 ____________ _ TANK INFORMATION TANK#1 TANK#2 TANK#3 TANK#4 Tank type-Single-Wall (SW), Double-Wall (DW) ow ow ow Tank Usage (Fuel)-Fuel, DEF, Pipeline Sump Fuel Fuel Fuel Tank Usage (Water)-Potable Water, Water Collect ion n/a n/a n/a Tank Usage (Wastewater)-Grease Interceptor, Septic, Industrial Waste -n/a n/a n/a water/Chemical Tank Usage (Oil/Water Separator) n/a n/a n/a Nominal Tank Diameter-give in feet 10 10 110 Nominal Tank Capacity-give in gallons or liters(and note which) ~Ok 12k/8k ~Ok If applicable, UUULC # (read from tank label)-yes or no G10233287 G 10233269 iG 10233263 SITE INFORMATION (See Section 1) TANK#1 TANK#2 TANK#3 TANK#4 Primary backfill meets Appendix C requirements -yes or no yes ves ves Secondary backfill material will be used-yes or no no no no Secondary backfill meets our requirements -yes or no n/a n/a n/a Geotextile will be used-yes or no ves ves ves Excavation -shored or not shored not not not Tank will see traffic loads (H20 or HS20)-yes or no ves yes ves Hole cond ition -dry or wet drv (:Irv k:Jrv Anchor ing system will be used -yes or no ves ~es ves If applicable, anchor ing system used -deadmen or anchor slab deadmen !d eadmen deadmen PREINSTALLATION INSPEOI0N AND TESTING (See Sections 3 and 4) TANK#1 TANK#2 TANK#3 TANK#4 Shipping damage -yes or no no no no Loss of vacuum -yes or no no no no Monitoring flu id visible on interior of tank -yes or no n/a n/a n/a Monitoring fluid visible on exterio r of tank -yes or no n/a n/a n/a Requirements met for double -wall tanks shipped under interstitial ~ es es es vacuum -yes or no . If yes, record the va lue . 15 17 17 Record fluid level in reservoir for double -wall wet tanks n/a n/a n/a If requi red, tank passed pressure/soap test-yes or no n/a n/a n/a ZCL I XERXESe IM0G1119PP 37 TANK INSTALLATION CHECKLIST INSTALLING TANKS (See Sections 5 and 7) TANK#1 TANK#2 TANK#J TANK#4 Record tank diameter measurement #1 (before installation) 119.75 119.5/119.5 119.5 Record final backfill bedding depth under tank -inches or centimeters 12 12 12 Record final tank spacing between tanks -inches or centimeters 3 7 ·37 37 Record final tank spacing from tank endcap to excavation walls -inches 48 ~8 48 or centimeters If applicable, deadmen used-factory -supplied or other factory factory factory If applicable, anchoring hardware -factory-supplied or other actorv actorv actorv Record diameter measurement #2 (after straps are installed) 119.5 119.5/119.5 119.25 Subtract diameter measurement #2 from #1 and record .25 0 .25 Deflection measurement meets Table 1-6 requirements -yes or no 1ves ves ves Voids under tank between ribs and under domes filled with backfill yes yes yes and tamped -yes or no Backfill placement and compaction meet requirements-yes or no yes Hs es Pip ing connections meet requirements -yes or no 1ves es Fittings and other metal components are coated for corrosion yes ) es protection -yes or no ---- Record diameter measurement #3 (after backfilling to top of tank is 119.5 119.5/119.5 119.25 complete) Subtract diameter measurement #3 from #1 and record .25 0 .25 Deflection measurement meets Table 1-6 requirements -yes or no 1ves yes yes Tank was ballasted prior to bringing backfill to top of tank -yes or no no no no After backf illing is brought to top of tank (See Sections 5, 6 and 8) Tank was ballasted after bringing backfill to top of tank-yes or no ~es ~es ves I yes Postinstallation tests were conducted for pressure -testable tanks -yes r es es orno If applicable, optional hydrostatic test was performed -yes or no no no no If applicable , containment sump test was successful -yes or no 1Y es yes yes Record final depth of backfill over tank-give in inches or centimeters ~8" 40"/42" ~1" Record diameter measurement #4 (after backfilling is brought to 119.75 119 .25/119 .25 119 subgrade) Su bract diamete r measurement #4 from #1 and record 0 .25/.25 ,5 Final deflection measurement meets requirements ofTable 1-6 -yes ves yes yes orno If applicable, type of surface pad used -concrete or asphalt concrete concrete concrete If applicable, thickness of surface pad used -give in inches or f 6 6 centimeters and note which type If applicable, record monitoring fluid level when backfilling & top slab n/a n/a n/a installation are complete 38 IM0 G11 19PP ZCL I XERXES~ r I ' VIA j.t;t}. TANK INSTALLATION CHECKLIST SITE SKETCH (Ind icate specifics of tank installation.) ADDITIO NAL NOTES Note any variations and/or deviations from instructions (and attach written authorizations): v 1i.r,,1J ! ·,. , .. I ~-;---L< ~ 'J ''"\ t l !)Lr,. vi r__':'.',, ..., '~ )" [ KJ 1 t ~(r-'.:7• ,,,... -~ ,--. r·- ..::~~-'l ' ~ ✓-I I ' I --Cl _,, ,----=-r=t --l ,,,v; _.J ._, L... • li jb . ._. .. I~ 15._,__ f:\ J , I r---)I~ ' r-..... ~ ~uo/,.., I .___ I I -·__/ ~ j/f)../.f (J ~1«1 -1--- VERIFYING SIGNATURES CONTRACTOR TANK OWNER/REPRESENTATIVE I verify that this information is a true record of the installa ti on of the tanks I verify that this information is a true reco rd of the installation of the tan ks listed here . listed here, and that I have received a copy of the Installation Manual and this Tank Installation Check li st. Name : Jack Hardma n Name : Telephone : 702-80 2-8 2 93 Telephone: Email : Email: ..__ __ -4·ack. haldman@p_eko_w.e.s_tin _c __ c_o . _.__ __ _ Address: P.O. box 677 Address : St. Goerge , UT . 84771 Signature: Signature : Date : Date: TO INSTALLER: After tank installation, deliver the Installation Manual with the complete d Tan k Installat ion Check li st to the tank owner. Retain a copy of each for your records . TO OWNER : After installation , retain the limited warranty, the Installation Manual and comp leted Tank Installat ion Checklist forfuture reference and to facilitate any warranty claim . ZCL I XERXES@ IM0G1119PP 39