HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-006245ORDER OF THE STATE ENGINEER Permanent Change Application Number 5s-1075 (a51082) Page 7 UTAH DIVISION OF DRINKING WATER PO BOX 144830 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84I 14-4830 FEB 2 3 llj7{ D State of Utah DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Division of Water Rights SPENCER J, COX Governor DEIDRE M. HENDERSON Lieutenant Governor JOEL FERRY Executive Direclor TERESA WILHELMSEN S tate Enginee r /D iv is ion D ire ct or FEB21202t Db Th$ff;lH,ffiffi ORDER OF THE STATE ENGINEER For Permanent Change Application Number 55-1075 (a51082) Permanent Change Application Number 55-1075 (a51082) in the name of Lehi City Corporation was filed on December 7 ,2023, to add points of diversion, and change the nature of use and the place of use of 2.41cubic feet per second of water as evidenced by Water Right Numbers 55-1075, 55-7615, and 55-7616. Heretofore, the water has been diverted from a well located North 1890 feet and West 472 feet from the SE Corner of Section 33, T4S, RlE, SLB&M (16-inch,337 feet deep). The water has been used for the sole supply irrigation of 74.9 acres from April 1 to October 31. The water has been used in all or portion of Section 33, T4S, RlE, SLB&M. Hereafter, it is proposed to divert 299.6 acre-feet of water from the same point as heretofore and from additional points located: (1) Well - North 447 feet and East 182 feet from the SW Corner of Section 3, T5S, RlE, SLB&M (20-inch, 800-1000 feet deep); (2) Well - South 1490 feet and West 740 feet from the NE Corner of Section 33, T4S, RlE, SLB&M (16-inch, 100-1000 feet deep). The water is to be used for year-round municipal pulposes within the service area of Lehi City Corporation. Notice of the application was published in the Dailv Herald on January 4 and 1 1,2024. No protests were received. The table below summarizes the contribution of each water right number to this change application: Water Right Number Beneficial Use (acres) Diversion (acre-feet) Depletionl (acre-feet) 55-7615 55-76t6 55-1075 l8.t1 t9.41 37.38 72.44 77.64 149.52 40.929 43.866 84.479 Totals 74.9 299.6 169.275 This change application proposes to divert water for municipal purposes for Lehi City Corporation. It appears this change can be made provided certain precautions are observed. I Consumptive Use of Iruigated Crops in Utah, Research Report 145, Utah Agricultural Experiment Station, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, October 7994, Table 25, Utah Lake Lehi Station. The benchmark crop for the referenced calculation is alfalfa, the most typical and consumptive crop evaluated in the study (27.12 inches or 2.26 feet.2.26 feet,/ 4.0 acre-feet duty : 56.5%). 1594 West North Temple, Suite 220, PO Box 146300, Salt Lake City, UT 841 l4-6300 telephone (801 ) 538-7240. facsimile (801) 53E-7467 o www.waterrights.aah.gov D 25015 D ORDER OF THE STATE ENGINEER Permanent Change Application Number ss-107s (a51082) Page2 FEB ? I 2021r "th:t?"I'SLffixi$# On Aprit g,z}l4,the Cedar Valley and Northern Utah Valley Groundwater Management Plan was adopted. The intent of the plan is to provide specific management guidelines under the statutory fioririo* of ritle 73 of the Utah code. This change meets the conditions set forth by the plan to be considered for aPProval. In evaluating the various elements of the underlying rights, it is not the intention of the State ingineer to id3udicate the extent of these rights, but rather to provide sufiicient definition of the rigf,ts to ensurl that other vested rights are not impaired by the change and./or no enlargement occurs. It is, therefore, ORDERED and Permanent Change Application Number 55-1075 (a51082) is herety APPROYED subject to prior rights and the following conditions: 1) Water use under this approval shall be_limited to the maximum annual diversion allowance of Zgg.A acre-feet of water for municipal use with an associated maximum annual depletion allowance of 169 .27 5 acre-feet of water for y.*-ro*d r**iripul use. The applicant shall maintain records demonstrating the depletion allowance is not being exceeded' 2) To accommodate the approval of this permanent change application, the use of 2.41 cubic feet per second of water for the inigation of year-round inigation of 74.9 acres at the historical points of diversion and place of use must cease. 3) Inasmuch as this application seeks to divert water from numerous points of diversion, it is necessary that detailed information be provided to the State Engineer to show which sources of supply are actually developed and used and the extent of their usage under this application. Upon the submission of proof as required by Utah Code g 73-3-16 for this application, the applicant must identiff every source of water used under this application and the amount of water used from that source. The proof must also show the capacity of the sources of supply and demonstrate that each source can provide the water claimed to be diverted under this right as well as all other water rights, which may be approved to be diverted from those sources' 4) The applicant shall install and maintain measuring and totalizing recording devices to meter all water diverted from all sources pertaining to this application and shall annually report this data to the Division of Water Rights Waler Use Program' 5) All wells used as public water supply wells are regulated by the Utah Division of Drinking Water. Plans for the construction of new wells must be reviewed and approved by the Division of Drinking Water prior to any drilling or construition activity being commenced, The approval of this water right application does not constitute approval of the well for use as a public water D' ORDER OF THE STATE ENGINEER Permanent Change Application Number 5s-107s (as1082) Page 3 FEB 2 I 20n *th:ffi.,;iBiff1il$,H# supply by the Division of Drinking Water. Applicants are advised to contact ttre bivision of Drinking Water at 801-536- 4200 to review applicable standards and for information about approval of a source of supply for public use. The State Engineer has statutory responsibility to create and maintain water right records based on an administrative process outlined in statute. The State Engineer is not authorized by statute to adjudicate water right title or the validity of established water rights. It is noted that failure to exercise a water right within the statutory period could render all or a portion of a water right invalid through forfeiture. Parties who wish to challenge the validity of a water right are advised that a declaration of forfeiture is a judicial action and the courts are available to pursue such suits (IJtah Code $ 73-1-4)- As noted, this approval is granted subject to prior rights. The applicant shall be liable to mitigate or provide compensation for any impairment of or interference with prior rights as such may be stiiulated among parties or decreed by a court of competent jurisdiction. The applicant is strongly cautioned that other permits may be required before any development of this apilication can begin and it is the responsibitity of the applicant to determine the applicability of und a"q.risition of such permits. Once all other permits have been acquired, this is your authority to develoi the water under the above referenced application which under Utah Code $$ 73-3-10 and73-3-l2must be diligently prosecuted to completion. The water must be put to beneficial use and proof must be filed on or bifore Februarv 28. 2031, or a request for extension of time must be acceptably filed and subsequently approved; otherwise, the application will be lapsed. This upprorul is limited to the rightJ to divert and beneficially use water and does not grant any rights of u"""r, to, or use of land or facilities not owned by the applicant. proof of beneficial use is evidence to the State Engineer that the water has been fully placed to its intended beneficial use. By law, it must be prepared by a registered engineer or land surveyor, who will certiff to the location, uses, and extent of your water right. Upon the submission of proof as required by Utah Code $ 73-3-l6,for this application, the applicant must identify every source of *ut , used under this application and the amount of water used from that source. The proof must also show the capacity oi tne sources of supply and demonstrate that each source can provide the water claimed to be diverted under this right as well as all other water rights, which may be approved to be diverted from those sources. Failure on your part to comply with the requirements of the applicable statutes may result in the lapsing of this permanent change application. It is the applicant's responsibitity to maintain a current address with this office and to update ownership of their water right. Please notify this office immediately of any change of address or for assistance in updating ownership. Additionally, if ownership of this water right or the property with which it is assoeiated changes, the records of the Division of Water Rights ,nortO Le updated. For assistance in updating title to the water right please contact the Division at the phone number below. D ORDER OF THE STATE ENGINEER Permanent Change Application Number ss-107s (a51082) Page 4 FEB 2 3 202', Dept of Enviroumental Qrntry DMsion of DdnkingWater your contact with this office, should you need it, is with the Utah Lake/Jordan River Regional Office. The telephone number is 801-538-7240. This order is subject to the provisions of utah Admin. code R655 -6-17 of the Division of water Rights and to Utah Code gg 63G-4-3 02,63G-4-402, and73-3-14 which provide for filing either a Request for Reconsideration with the State Engineer or for judicial review with the appropriate District Court. A Request for Reconsideration must be frled in writing with the State Engineer within 20 days of the date of this Order. The written request shall be filed in-person, by mail, or electronicalty. f tfre request is filed electronically it shall be submitted to: waterrights@utah.gov, which is the authorized general email for the Division. However, a Request for Reconsideration is not a prerequisite to filing for judicial review. A petition for judicial review must be filed within 30 days after the date of ihis Order or, if a Request for Reconsideration has been filed, within 30 days after the date the Request for Reconsideration is denied. A Request for Reconsideration is considered denied when no action is taken 20 days after the Request is filed. Dated this 3D day of 2024 L .E., State Engineer Mailed a copy of the foregoing Order this 2o day of 2024 to Lehi City Corporation c/o Lorin Powell 153 North 100 East Lehi UT 84043 Division of Water Rights Water Use Program Utah Division of Drinking Water PO Box 144830 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4830 w BY Doralee Cannon,Applications/Records Secretary