Permanent Change Application Number
ss-7813 (a51301)
Page 18
PO BOX 144830
SALT LAKE CITY UT 84114-4830
UAY 0 2 202t
Dept. of [nvirunmentdl0ry
Division of Drinkingffifitsr
State nf titrrh
I)IP--\i-tl'\lL r I r,rf ..-.,1 t Ii i i iiI){.f t_ [l.r i ..
lrli tstirr: ,j j' \\, ill;i' i-(rai i.
Depl._of Environmer[d en[
Division of Drinkirghr -
{_)RDER OF l'I-18 51.\l-r L,\(iI}1.[,rr
I,,tI'tII'rl ,r llritf C'halr'-,: -\r'":i'.Jlli;lr \itlrri,rl'55--Ill iiillitll
Hereait:r. it 1s prcposed io divert 23.61acre-ti;t of rvat:r lrom poinis of dir,ersion ctrangeC to: (1)
\\'eli - South 170ii leet and West 2300 feet from the NE Corn:r of Section 4, T5S, R1E. SLB&VI
(]u-inch. ii.iu:i ri;t de;pl (2t Well - South 718 feet anel l"'v'e-r: .1391 teer tiom the NE Comer oi
Se:ii:,r 15. TjS. itlE, SLB&iv{ (16-inch.2D0 teei deep). rir $,';1i - \"rrlh 4fS feet and East 182
Ii:';iul ih; S\\'Coraer of Section 3, T5S. R.1E. SLBTLI{ (li,-in;li. 1000 f:et deep). i4) \\'eil -
Sr..uih ll3i i:et anC \tr'esi 1996 feet from the NE Corner oiSe;ticn 1C, T5S. R1E. SLB&N{ (24-
in;h. ll;j'-, i:;;;;:p). The water is to be used tbr 1:ar-ro,;nd m,-ini;ipalp'Lr:po3es --iihin the serr,'ice
area oi Lehi Cit., Corporalion,
Na, L,Ia,:;.1::t -.;, el; i;CgiVeC.
United States Geological Suruey (USGS) Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5197, Hltdrolog,
of h'orthern. L:iah. tr'allet', Utoh County', Utah, 1975-2t)05, analyzed the groundlvater resources of
northern Ljtah Valle,v, Utah. In addition to this report the USGS deveioped a model and published
the results in USGS Scientit-rc Investigations Report 2DD8-5049, Tlc.ree-Dimen;ional Nr,merica!
l{ode I of Ground-l{lqter Flotv' in }iorthern Lltah l'alley,. L'tcth Counfy, L'tsh.These reports indicate
that the study area includes 250 square miles of unconsolidated basin-fill deposits in the northero
Utah Valley' surrounded by the contributing mountain water sheds" The basin-fiil deposits are
comprised of three main areas: primary recharge, secondary'recharge, and discharge. The locations
of the aforemenlioned sloughs are inthe discharge area. The model report states groundwater in
the basin-fili aquifer system moves from the deep unconfined aquifer in the primary recharge area
near the valley margins towards the discharge area. As groundlvater rnoves laterally torvard the
center ol the r.'alley from all directions. substantial up*'ard verlical h1'draulic gradienls are
developed vl'irhin the conhned aquifers. In the discharge area, groundwater moves upward through
i,il-l vl:sr NDcil i-'mDle- Suit: llu. PO Box l-1510(). S,rlr Lai-- Jrr. ::'i' 8ri 1-l-5lCC
l:iepi:rrn+ 3Jl t ii3-7llJ , rlc.;rrrri:,33i ) -;13-7+.r7 1vt1v,.v.rv,lre1'vi>!ti3.unh gtr
tr |t(d $D
Water Right
UAY A 2 ?,i,ti
This ciarm is in an aii.! '.r.)r,'r; ,i: S'a:: E:rgLrr:;r is ctliell erigaged in a generai aJ;*.lt;ati:ll -ri
r,.,ater Hihts. As ijait oitlie a-ll-,,ii-:lri ,:r iil'-rl't:. a Stei- Engineer"s Pr.iCoffllncltjati,rlt :!!'-,'.',:".
compieted tbr both r,vater rights bi Dri-rsion oi \\ ai;r Rights statl on Aususl 6, 2a] i. Th: iabi;
belor,v summarizcs th; contribu:ion of each \.;eter right number to this change application:
Use (acres)
5 t -7813
_.) I
5 753
Totais 5.9 i 23.64 i 3.546
Utah Code $ 73-4-11 directs the State Engineer to conduct a determination of the i,vater rights
*'ithin a general adjudication. The State Engineer is of the opinion that. if the historical limits
determined as part of the general adjudication are maintained, the change ma,v be approved without
impairing existing rights ilcertain conCitions are obsen'ed.
This uhartse aprplicatiorl piJiri,ilr l. ".1:-':rt i',,;titr iol air-l6icipai ptlip,-lses tor: Le11 Cit'' i' i,!3;-;1i:
this change can be rrrade prol icieci cenain precautions are observed.
In evaluating the various elements of the underlying rights, it is not the intention of the State
Engineer to adjudicate the extent of these rights, but rather to provide sulficient definition of the
rights to ensure that other vested rights are not impaired by the change and/or no eniargement
It is, therefore, ORDERED and Permanent Change Application Number 55-78ii (a51301) is
hereby APPROVED subjec.t to prior rights and the follor,ving conditions:
I Consumptive Use of [rrigated Crops in [-itah, Research Report 145, Utah Agricultural Experiment Station, Utah
State University, Logan, Utah, October 1994, Table 25, Pleasant Grove Station. The benchmark crop lor the referenced
caiculation is alfalfa, the most typical and consumptive crop evaluated in the study (27.51 inches or l.l9 t'eet. 1.29
feet 4.0 acre-fiet duty = 57.3?,c).
Dept. of Environmental euality
Division of Drinkirg Water
3. The applicants shall install and maintain ra;asuri;.g and totaiizing
recording devices to meter all water diverted from ali sources pertaining
to this application and shall annuall,v report this data to the Division
of Water Rights Water Use Program.
-1. Inasmuch as this application seeks to divert tvater from nuroeious points
of diversion, it is necessary that detailed information be pror,'ided to the
Siate Engineer to show' which sources of suppl,v are actualll developed
and used anC the extent ol their usa3e und:r this appiication. Llpon the
submi;sion of proof. as requireC b"v Utah Code $ 73-3-15, the applicant
n"rust identii.v el'ery source of lvater used under this application and the
an:cunt of r,r,'ater used from thal srurce. Ti:e pror: must aisc shor,v tha
capacity oi the sources of suppl,:,' anC demonstrati that each srlurce can
pror,'iC; the i.vater clain'led to tre divert;ri unCer ihis right as lvell as ail
cth--r r,r'at;r rights l.ihich may' be appror,'ed to r: dl""er:trd, iicm those
5. Proof of Beneficial Use may only be submittei by a qualified public
r,vater supplier. A Certificate ol Benet-rcial Use rvill not be issued unless
or,mership of the rights is in the name of Lehi City.
6. inasmuch as this change application ieaves the historicai r,veii without a
valid water right, the historical well must be permanently abandoned and
sealed according to the requirements of R655-4-14 of The Administrative
Rules for Water Well Drillers.
The State Engineer has statutory responsibiiity to create and maintain water right records based on
an administrative process outlined in statute. The State Engineer is not authorized by statute to
adjudicate water right title or the validitl' of estabiished w'ater rights. It is noted that failure to
exercise a w-ater right within the statutory period could render all or a portion of a water right
invalid through forfeiture. Parties w'ho wish to challenge the validity of a water right are advised
that a declaration of forfeiture is a judicial action and the courts are available to pursue such suits
(Utah Code $ 73-1-4).
&qi" of &wirorurpntd Ady
UAY 0 2 202{
if . :,:r"r;t:ri,l ,. :1,': .1 .. -, t-., -.-,'- ' - ': . ': .i .- b;::;,'-iii;-i ,,;-- -: :. l
,- ilil., :r.-';.ii,.'. '.,, ,.r.,, I ::.- ; ,.1 - ', '..,; i:rl-'t:- - l l-. :i l,r; rri'-rii"-i.:,' , -i: :
i:l ' -L'-' : ' ,'. :'- ]-J.. '':: .:.:. I-'..-;. : ,:.-': r'-'.'n;lir l-:'- :l'-"-'.'-1 ,. .. . '
vi.rr-ti till;liJiiir, i,, j;'r:i,,t: iii; ri,.i-;. ,-i:r-i;.' ;i.i: alba)\,'; i-i-ia'j:l;ai appii:aiicl. "i:.1:i Li:]al. li :- ": - I -'-i-
h+a:ircial r-15;- r11 -i pi,r.',i rluii l,;' i-rl:,1 irii .rI' iaioite Spril 3$.2S31, 'fr a reqr,t3:t-tbr i-:'-ti'11!ii.-ri: uil
ilrnenlr-isibe.i;;;p;;li;, li1;ci ;,n,.i ):,, 1-ri-, .-a.i: lll!iar"-ai.Dtherr',ise."tl;a'JiiL;ilii '
Tiris appro.,a1 is liniiied to th; ri.ir:, :-, ,Lii,'r'i anC L,;n;riciallv use ivai;r arii iil:. i,,-i -..:r'r .r,.-'
riglits olaceesi i.L). L)r ure uf i;iri,i c,l ia;ilitics llc,i o\\'n3d by the applicantj'
Ploof of beneficial us: is ciij;n"; L ihi Siale Engineer that the v,'3ter has been fu11i'' pla;ed tc its
iniendeC be nellcial uie. B,v 1au',, it niisl be prepafcd h;; a registered engine"r Dr 1en'i 3u:\'i-, )r, \i, hi--
-,iill certiiyto the localion, uses. anC extenl ol'1'ourll.alerright. Upon the submission oipi:ci-rias
required b.v-'Utah CoCe ; 73-3-i 5, tbr lhis aplplication. the applicants must id*ntifi cl-ir'\ irr-rile rf
\,\'ater used Ltnder this applicaiiori arr,i th; amount: olli,'ater used from that source. Th: pl;r;;ili.t
also:ho-uv th: cap.;ci:1'of ihe s1:,i-ri:r iisr-:ppl;,'anC d;monstrate thai ea.h sourci cr p'.';:'l,i: ihe
r1'aier ciaimeC lo be diveni,J urr,iii ii'ils righi a.; r.rel1 as a1l other r.,aler rights, r.'hi;h riai lr.
approved to be dtl'emed irom ihose sJurce-i,
Failure on )'o.ir part tc compil-r,',ith tn; iiqqils*.rrrs of th,- applicable sillut-s mai i:su1:1r ine
lapsing of thi-r pemanont change application.
1i is the applicants' respi,rnsibilih rs maintain a turrent address with this office anil to update
ow'nership of their water right, 1'lease nolilt this olilce irnmediatell ol any' ctrange of ariclres:
or for assistanre in updating olvnership, Additionaliy, if ownership of this 114I_er $gi:i or lhe
properfy with which ii-is associated changes, the records of the Division of Water Rights
should be updated. For assistance in updating titls to the water right please contact the
Division at the phone nurnber below,
Your contact with this otlice, shoulJ 1o,-i need it, is r,r'ith the Utah Lake,'Jordan R.ir.er Regicnai
Oihce. The telephone number is 801-5i8-7240"
This Order is subject to the provisions of Utah Admin. Code R655-6-17 of the Dir,'ision of Water
Rights and ro Utah Code Si 63G-4-302, 63G-4-402, and 7i-3-14 r,vhich provide tbr filing either a
Request for Reconsideration r,vith the State Engineer or for judicial review lvith the appropriate
District Court. A Request fbr Reconsideration must be t-ried in r,witing with the Stale Engineer
w'ithin 20 days of the date of ttris Order. The r,vritten request shall be filed in-person, b,v mail, or
electronically, ilthe request is tiled electronically it shall be submitted to: rvatemights@utah.gov,
which is the authorized general emaii ior the Dii,'ision. However. a Request for Reconsideration is
not ap{erequisite to fi1ing tbr-iuCicial rer,.ier.l'. A petition lor judicral revier,r,'must be t-tled i,iithin
t.,iAY 0 2 20?{
Dtfr.oi Environrnsldq{l
Dlvision of einEUE
.,' : :
_, i.
'! wi;l
Tn: D;; R. G;iiit,;: ir,i:,
"iBYi Nlountain', iii; C ir,:i:
Alpine, UT 8400-l
Jolene D-rlrrenl
'150 E,ast riOi) lloiiil
american Fork UT S+uil
Rc,ss Il, Durrant
l-it-\ E^-r 1,ral \-.-rht-,,/ Lal, -f'l_, -\-'ttti
.\merican Fu.rl- 1_lT 8-!r,rCl
ja'i Cr:Lig G:rrdrrei
,i-i91 tr\-105i_ri,,\
Flighian"i, 1.- T r-iu.-,1
Th; Gardn:r Ti:itsl
i-r710 NE -i--:TFl Pi,i;e
-v'aneou-r'er. \\ ,\ 98,586
The Gardner Trust. Dated Dee 1i. :989
I 3 710 \iE 4:Tl1 Place
VancoLn'ei, \\',.\ 9S585
HAY 0 2 202t
Dept of Environmental Arafty
Division of Dtinking Water
i.;rii I it'', f u1;r;;;''11 ,',
: ., '-.,ri:' Po'.r:li
I : _l ,i rrili j,_,[r E;,"i
L'-,iri L i b+rJ+,'
\ r----L- n D*:^--r,1;t-irii;i'.-1, I 1li1-;
9?5 Mariposa f ir'-ie
\. G: r-r,-. 1
--[ 8J"./r]
The Tlxoolin Tru:i
,-,n*r \1-'r..;re \\'h:.. 1".,:;;
1 i8 Scuth iC0 Easr
-\nerican Fork l-rT Sl '-,-1
Lilah Division of Diin,t1i" '*'a;:r
PO Box i44830
:iali Lake Ciry, UTS:ii i-i--i-q-,rlr
Dir i:ion oi \\'aler RiEh:-.
'r ";,tr
Use ProgriLtrt
ricns'Rec ords S,-; re Iai',
rols A 6uHUH0lo uols!^!tr
$Ueng lsluotuuorl u3to $40
li0t z 0 i,vll
Dorale; Canncn.1Ca