HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-006949 Rockwell Solutions, Inc., 718 E. Bridger Lane, Elk Ridge, UT 84651 801-361-2930 rockwellutah@yahoo.com 1 Rockwell Solutions, Inc. 718 E Bridger Lane Elk Ridge, UT 84651 (801) 361-2930 May 3, 2024 Steve Dal Soglio Dal Soglio Distributing 798 S 700 West Midvale, Utah RE: Work Plan for High Vacuum Dual Phase Extraction and Sampling (LUR-23) Dal Soglio Distributing 7398 S 700 West Midvale, Utah Facility ID #4001314; Release LUR Dear Mr. Dal Soglio: Rockwell Solutions, Inc. submits this work plan and budget to conduct groundwater remediation at the above-referenced site. PST Fund payment claims will reference this work plan and specific tasks itemized below. INTRODUCTION The subject site is a retail fueling facility located in Midvale, Utah. In December 2003, a tightness test of the distribution piping indicated a leak in the regular unleaded piping. Subsequent investigation discovered a corroded steel pipe on the west side of the western line of dispensers. The corroded section of line was removed and replaced. A soil sample collected from native soil below the replaced piping contained petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations exceeding Tier 1 screening levels. Subsurface Investigations conducted in 2004, 2007, and 2008 and subsequent groundwater monitoring have detected and monitored groundwater contamination at the site. The dissolved MTBE plume is apparently expanding. Two deep monitoring wells were installed in September 2020 which indicate MTBE is also migrating downwards. MTBE has been detected in samples collected from the 50-55 foot deep interval. An eleven-week HVDPE event from December 2023 through February 2024 reduced MTBE contaminations by approximately 52%. The purpose of this work plan is to use HVDPE to focus on the main source area of contamination to continue to remediate soil contamination and to remove MTBE-impacted groundwater. Work Plan LUR-23, HVDPE, Dal Soglio Distributing, Midvale, Utah. 4001314 Rockwell Solutions, Inc., 718 E. Bridger Lane, Elk Ridge, UT 84651 801-361-2930 rockwellutah@yahoo.com 2 SCOPE OF WORK CalClean Extraction CalClean will mobilize to the site and set up their mobile remediation unit onsite. CalClean will extract, treat, and discharge groundwater into the sanitary sewer. A discharge permit from South Valley Water Reclamation has been obtained for the treated groundwater. Extracted vapors from the subsurface as well as volatilized contaminants from the groundwater treatment will pass through a thermal oxidizer before emission. The Division of Air Quality does not require permitting for a mobile treatment unit. The HVDPE, eight-week event, will focus on the most highly impacted wells (MW-1, MW-6, MW-17, and MW-21). See Figure 1. The system will run and be monitored 24 hours per day by CalClean personnel. Rockwell Solutions personnel will be onsite to monitor the event on the first two days and approximately once a week afterwards. Groundwater levels in wells adjacent to the extraction wells will be checked daily to determine the radius of influence of the extraction. Post HVDPE Groundwater Sampling Approximately two to four weeks after the completion of the extraction event, groundwater samples will be collected from the following eighteen wells: MW-1 MW-6-D MW-17 MW-1-D MW-7 MW-18 MW-2 MW-9 MW-19 MW-3 MW-13 MW-20 MW-5 MW-14 MW-21 MW-6 MW-16 MW-22 Groundwater samples will be analyzed for MBTEXN and TPH-GRO using EPA Method 8260 and TPH-DRO using EPA Method 8015. Depth to water will be measured in each well to evaluate the extraction effect on the groundwater table. Report CalClean will provide a report on quantities of groundwater removed, as well as daily thermox and depth to water readings. A final report will be prepared by Rockwell Solutions documenting groundwater sampling results after the extraction event to evaluate its success. KEY PERSONNEL Senior Geologist, Project Manager, Staff Geologist: David Hansen Work Plan LUR-23, HVDPE, Dal Soglio Distributing, Midvale, Utah. 4001314 Rockwell Solutions, Inc., 718 E. Bridger Lane, Elk Ridge, UT 84651 801-361-2930 rockwellutah@yahoo.com 3 SUBCONTRACTORS High Vacuum Dual Phase Extraction: CalClean Laboratory: Chemtech Ford COST ESTIMATE Rockwell Solutions, Inc. estimates the cost to complete the work as described in this work plan is approximately $204,325.08. A detailed cost breakdown is presented in Table 1. The estimated budget will require adjustment if the scope of services identified herein is modified. Thank you for the opportunity to work with you on this project. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, David Hansen Rockwell Solutions, Inc. Certified UST Consultant CC130 cc: Kevin Beery, DERR Water Gas Sewer NORTH Monitoring Well Dal Soglio Distributing 7398 South 900 West Midvale, Utah Approx. scale in feet 00 30 Figure 1 MTBE Map, 4/4/2024 MW-12 MW-15 MW-13 0.006 MW-3-D 1.78 MW-5 <0.005 MW-8 MW-3 1.47 MW-2 0.405 MW-6 8.79 MW-9R 0.028 MW-14 0.267MW-16 0.434 MW-17 4.08 MW-22 0.498 MW-7 1.31 MW-19 0.434 MW-1 16.2 MW-1-D 0.009 MW-20 1.21 MW-18 <0.005 MW-21 4.63 -0 .2 - -10- 0.2 mg/L MTBE 10 mg/L MTBE MW-20 1.21 MTBE concentration (mg/L) Monitoring Well Task 1 - Workplan Development LABOR Hours Title Code Description Rate Total 1 CAP prep 1,650.00$ 1,650.00$ Total Task 1 1,650.00$ Task 2 - High Vacuum Dual Phase Extraction LABOR Hours Title Code Description Rate Total 2 Professional Geologist 102 Senior Management 147.00$ 294.00$ 2 Project Manager 103 Coordination, scheduling 118.00$ 236.00$ 40 Field Scientist 104 CalClean oversight, monitoring 101.00$ 4,040.00$ 2 PST Specialist 108 PST Claims 78.00$ 156.00$ 1 Clerical 109 Office Mgmt., Project Assistance 62.00$ 62.00$ Subtotal 4,788.00$ SUBCONTRACTORS Item Quantity Unit Rate Total CalClean, HVDPE 60-day event 1 lump sum 108,800.00$ 108,800.00$ Calclean, mob/demob water system 1 lump sum 500.00$ 500.00$ CalClean, extra diesel and propane 60 day 245.00$ 14,700.00$ CalClean, gw treatment and disposal 2 month 28,000.00$ 56,000.00$ CalClean, Tedlar bags for vapor samples 40 each 15.00$ 600.00$ CalClean, lab analyses 1 lump sum 3,000.00$ 3,000.00$ CalClean, courier 1 lump sum 800.00$ 800.00$ CalClean, portapotty 1 lump sum 1,500.00$ 1,500.00$ CalClean, lodging 2 month 2,000.00$ 4,000.00$ Chemtech Ford (effluent samples) 4 each 678.00$ 2,712.00$ Subtotal 192,612.00$ OTHER DIRECT COSTS Item Quantity Unit Rate Total mileage to/from site 520 miles 0.67$ 348.40$ Subtotal 348.40$ Total Task 2 197,748.40$ HVDPE Table 1 Dal Soglio Distributing, 7398 S 700 West, Midvale, Utah Facility ID# 4001314 Budget for Workplan LUR-23 Rockwell Solutions, Inc. Page 1 of 2 HVDPE Table 1 Dal Soglio Distributing, 7398 S 700 West, Midvale, Utah Facility ID# 4001314 Budget for Workplan LUR-23 Task 3 - Groundwater Monitoring (post HVDPE) LABOR Hours Title Code Description Rate Total 1 Professional Geologist 102 Senior Management 147.00$ 147.00$ 2 Field Scientist 104 field prep 101.00$ 202.00$ 12 Field Scientist 104 groundwater monitoring 101.00$ 1,212.00$ 1 PST Specialist 108 PST Claims 78.00$ 78.00$ 1 Clerical 109 Office Mgmt., Project Assistance 62.00$ 62.00$ Subtotal 1,701.00$ OTHER DIRECT COSTS Item Quantity Unit Rate Total 104 miles 0.67$ 69.68$ water level indicator 1 days 25.00$ 25.00$ sampling supplies 1 days 25.00$ 25.00$ traffic control 1 days 15.00$ 15.00$ bailers 18 each 9.00$ 162.00$ laboratory analysis (8260, 8015) 18 each 85.00$ 1,530.00$ Subtotal 1,826.68$ Total Task 3 3,527.68$ Task 4 - Evaluation, Report Preparation LABOR Hours Title Code Description Rate Total 1 Professional Geologist 102 Report review 147.00$ 147.00$ 4 Field Scientist 104 Data compilation and map preparation 101.00$ 404.00$ 6 Project Manager 103 Data evaluation and report preparation 118.00$ 708.00$ 1 PST Specialist 108 PST Claims 78.00$ 78.00$ 1 Clerical 109 Office Mgmt., Project Assistance 62.00$ 62.00$ Subtotal 1,399.00$ Total Task 4 1,399.00$ 204,325.08$ Total Work Plan mileage to/from site and lab Rockwell Solutions, Inc. Page 2 of 2 Petroleum Storage Tank Trust Fund Work Plan Approval Application and Agreement for Work Plan No. LUR-23 Facility Name: Dal Soglio Distributing Company, Address: 7398 South 700 West, Midvale, Utah ID No. 4001314 Release ID LUR (“Release”) Owner/Operator, responsible party or other person seeking PST Fund reimbursement Dal Soglio Distributing Company (“Claimant”) Certified Consultant or other person performing remedial action concurrently with this Work Plan under the supervision of a certified consultant Rockwell Solutions, Inc. (“Contractor”) In submitting Work Plan LUR-23, for the above referenced Release LUR for approval, the Claimant and the Contractor collectively, the “Parties” represent and agree to the following. Definitions “Contractor” means the person identified as such above. “Claimant” means the person identified as such above. “Executive Secretary” means the Executive Secretary of the Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board (UST). “Fund” means the Petroleum Storage Tank Trust Fund. “Release” means the release identified above. “State” means the State of Utah including its agencies, officers, employees, volunteers and specifically, the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation, the Executive Secretary of the Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board (UST) and the Petroleum Storage Tank Trust Fund. “Work Plan” means the work plan identified above. 1) The key personnel, for which qualifications are submitted under R311-207-3(c), are: David S. Hansen 2) The Claimant acknowledges that the Claimant is required to obtain a payment bond from the Contractor under section 14-2-1 of the Utah Code. If the Claimant fails to do so, the Claimant is liable to each person who performed labor or services or supplied equipment or materials (“Subcontractors”) in the event the Contractor does not pay the subcontractors, even if the Claimant has paid the Contractor. See Utah Code section 14-2-2. The Claimant acknowledges and agrees that the Fund will not reimburse the Claimant for such Subcontractors’ claims for payment against the Claimant if the Fund has already made payment to the Claimant or Contractor. The Claimant understands that the premium paid for a payment bond is reimbursable. Therefore, the Claimant: a. has required the Contractor to obtain 100 percent payment bond through a United States Treasury-listed bonding company, and attached a copy, or; b. requests that PST fund reimbursement checks be made jointly to the Claimant, the Contractor and to the Subcontractors designated by the Parties, but waives all claims and remedies against the State if the Fund checks are not made as described above, or; c. has obtained other equivalent assurance and waives all claims and remedies against the State if the equivalent assurance does not adequately protect the Claimant. The equivalent assurance is described as follows: Rockwell Solutions, Inc., Agreement for Professional Services Contract between Dal Soglio Distributing Company and Rockwell Solutions, Inc. 3) The Parties agree that the Contractor shall have no cause of action against the State for payment. The Parties acknowledge and agree that the State is not a party to any contract with the Claimant or the Contractor for reimbursement from the Fund in the execution of this Work Plan, except to the extent provided by a contract signed by the Executive Secretary. Instead, the Claimant’s reimbursement is governed by the Utah Underground Storage Tank Act and the Utah Underground Storage Tank Rules and the Contractor is entitled to reimbursement solely under the contract he has with the Claimant. 4) The Parties agree that they will use a subcontracting method consistent with the requirements of R311-207. 5) The Parties agree that as a condition of performing the work under the Work Plan, the Contractor shall carry the insurance specified in R311-207-3(c)(5). The Contractor represents that certificate of insurance documenting the required insurance is attached or that a current certificate is on file with the Executive Secretary and has been provided to the Claimant. The Parties assume the risk and responsibility of ensuring that the appropriate insurance coverage is in place. 6) The Parties agree that payments from the Fund shall be limited to amounts that are customary, legitimate, reasonable and consistent with R311-207. Unless the Parties and the Executive Secretary have entered into a