HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-006089 February 21, 2024 Cole Allen Hooper Water Improvement District PO Box 217 Hooper, Utah 84315 Subject:Exception to R309-550-7(1) Minimum Separation Requirements forH&L Widdison Subdivision, UTAH29006 Distribution System (DS001); Hooper Water Improvement District, System #29006, File #13614 This letter is not Plan Approval for construction. Dear Cole Allen: On January 30, 2024, the Division of Drinking Water (the Division) received your request for an exception to Rule R309-550-7(1), Separation of Water Mains and Transmission Lines from Sewers and Other Pollution Sources for 23 sewer/water crossings within H&L Widdison Subdivision. This rule states specifically that the horizontal distance between pressure water mains and sanitary sewer lines shall be at least ten feet and that where a main and a sewer line must cross, the water main shall be at least 18 inches above the sewer line. Exception Request The basis for your request for an exception to R309-550-7(1) is that due to the shallow depth of existing sewer mains in the area, minimum separation requirements cannot be met at 23 sewer/water line crossings within the proposed subdivision. The location and configuration of each crossing is described below: Station 2+06.55 where the water main will cross under the sewer lateral with 3 inches of clearance. Station 3+18.59 where the water lateral will cross under the sewer main with 4 inches of clearance. Station 3+49.43 where the water main will cross under the sewer main with 4 inches of clearance. Station 4+37.26 where the water lateral will cross under the sewer main with 4 inches of clearance. Station 5+50.03 where the water lateral will cross under the sewer main with 6 inches of clearance. Station 5+80.24 where the water main will cross under the sewer lateral with 6 inches of clearance. Station 6+60.49 where the water lateral will cross under the sewer main with 8 inches of clearance. Station 7+80.24 where the water main will cross under the sewer lateral with 8 inches of clearance. Station 7+96.00 where the water lateral will cross under the sewer main with 10 inches of clearance. Station 8+91.05 where the water lateral will cross under the sewer main with 10inches of clearance. Station 9+93.05 where the water lateral will cross over the sewer main with 3 inches of clearance. Station 10+32.00 where the water lateral will cross over the sewer main with 3 inches of clearance. Station 11+31.43 where the water lateral will cross over the sewer main with 3 inches of clearance. Station 12+24.27 where the water main will cross over the sewer lateral with 3 inches of clearance. Station 12+40.07 where the water lateral will cross over the sewer main with 3 inches of clearance. Station 13+16.53 where the water lateral will cross over the sewer main with 3 inches of clearance. Station 13+27.64 where the water main will cross over the sewer main with 3 inches of clearance. Station 13+36.77 where the water lateral will cross over the sewer main with 3 inches of clearance. Station 17+14.97 where the water lateral will cross under the sewer main with 6 inches of clearance. Station 17+48.56 where the water lateral will cross under the sewer main with 8 inches of clearance. Station 18+34.48 where the water main will cross under the sewer lateral with 12 inches of clearance. Station 18+49.55 where the water lateral will cross under the sewer main with 15 inches of clearance. Station 19+31.80 where the water main will cross under the sewer main with 18 inches of clearance. You propose the following measures to provide equivalent protection for public health to meet the intent of the rule: The sewer system within the subdivision is under constant vacuum. In the case of a leak in the sewer system, the vacuum would pull any surrounding groundwater into sewer lines. In the case of a substantial leak in a sewer line, the flow of sewage from nearby homes would stop. On this basis, an exception to R309-550-7(1), Separation of Water Mains and Transmission Lines from Sewers and Other Pollution Sources, is hereby granted for H&L Widdison Subdivision.This exception may be rescinded at any time if new evidence indicates that the conditions of this exception are no longer being met or a public health risk exists due to this exception. Please maintain a copy of this letter with your permanent records for future reference. If you have any questions regarding this exception, please contact Hunter Payne, of this office, at (385) 278-9837, or me, at (385) 515-1464. Sincerely, Michael Newberry, P.E. Permitting and Engineering Support Manager HP/mrn/mdbcc:Scott Braeden, Weber-Morgan Health Department, sbraeden@co.weber.ut.usDan White, P.E., Gardner Engineering, dan@gecivil.comCole Allen, Hooper Water Improvement District, colea@hooperwater.netHunter Payne, Division of Drinking Water, hnpayne@utah.govJennifer Yee, Division of Drinking Water, jyee@utah.gov Nagendra Dev, Division of Drinking Water, ndev@utah.gov hpayne 29006 13614 Sewer_Water Exception Granted