HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-006033 195 North 1950 West • Salt Lake City, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144830 • Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4830 Telephone (801) 536-4200 • Fax (801) 536-4211 • T.D.D. (801) 536-4284 www.deq.utah.gov Printed on 100% recycled paper State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality Kimberly D. Shelley Executive Director DIVISION OF DRINKING WATER Tim Davis Director SPENCER J. COX Governor DEIDRE HENDERSON Lieutenant Governor November 8, 2023 Jason Binder South Duchesne Culinary Water PO BOX 1142 Duchesne, UT 84021 Dear Jason Binder: Subject: Failure to comply with the Compliance Agreement Enforcement Order UTAH07067 On May 4, 2022, the Division of Drinking Water ("Division") and South Duchesne Culinary Water agreed to an extension of the final Compliance Agreement/Enforcement Order (CA/EO) (copy enclosed for reference) for an additional 365-day period. This extension was generous. This Extension Order amended the 2021 final CA/EO in an effort to assist the system in coming into compliance. A review of the Division's records indicates that the System has failed to meet the extended deadline for compliance with the CA/EO: Item #1 Code Facility Deficiency Rule Citation M020 DS001 Cross Connection Exists in Water System R309-105-12(1) Corrective Action Completion Due Date Submit documentation showing adequate cross connection protection within the distribution system. Within 365 days of the Date of Issuance of this Supplemental Enforcement Order Schedule. The above item was due May 04, 2023. The System has been operating in violation of the CA/EO since that date. Among other remedies available to the Division, the CA/EO provides for stipulated penalties, as follows: The Supplier hereby stipulates and agrees to pay, within 30 days of demand by the Director, administrative penalties in the following amounts arising from any and all violations of this CA/EO, on a per-day, per-violation basis: Jason Binder November 8, 2023 Page 2 of 2 Penalty Per Violation Per Day Period of Noncompliance $ 250 1st through 14th day $ 500 15th through 30th day $1,000 31st day and beyond The Division estimates that the total penalty amount today would be in excess of $154,000. This deficiency represents a potentially significant risk to the public health of the South Duchesne Culinary Water System customers. This is not a formal notice of violation or administrative order, but provides the South Duchesne Culinary Water System with the opportunity to correct this violation and come into compliance. The Division requests a written response within 30 days of receipt of this letter stating progress and a proposed completion date for the resolution of the current deficiency. Failure to respond can result in further enforcement, including requesting that the Attorney General’s Office file a civil action in state district court to obtain civil enforcement of the CA/EO and to collect accrued stipulated penalties. A written response to this letter is required. A phone call will not relieve the responsibility to respond to this letter in writing. If you have questions please reach out to Colt Smith at (385)-515-1529. Sincerely, Tim Davis Division of Drinking Water Enclosure cc: Cindy Austreng, Tri-County Health Department, caustreng@tricountyhealth.com Adam Long, Smith-Hartvigsen LLC, along@shutah.law Steve Latino, US EPA Region 8, latino.steven@epa.gov Bret Randall, Utah Attorney General's Office, bfrandall@agutah.gov Nathan Hall, Utah Department of Environmental Quality, nhall@utah.gov