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12008 - Strang LLC (Formerly Strang Excavating Inc.)- Bacchus Highway Pit
12009 - Cache County Corporation - Road Dept.- Smithfield Pit
12012 - T.L.C. Rock Products- Portables based at Lehi Pit
12019 - Ziegler Chemical- Tom Snyder Gilsonite Mine Shaft
12038 - Brigham City Corporation- 900 West Street
12055 - Meadow Valley Contractors Inc.- Portable Aggregate Equipment - Temporary Locations
12056 - Worthington Foods Inc.- Clearfield Facility
12057 - Westport Oil & Gas Company LP- Natural Buttes Field natural gas compressor site
12058 - Harper-Kilgore LLC- Parleys Canyon Aggregate Facility - 16
12062 - Keating Technologies Inc.- New I M Program for Salt Lake County
12063 - Parish Chemical Company- Chemical Manufacturing Facility
12066 - Hawley Rock Products - Crushing and Screening Operation
12071 - UNICO Investment Group - Standby Diesel Emergency Generator
12073 - ShawCor Pipe Protection LLC - Geneva Pipe Coating Facility
12074 - Holcim (US) Inc.- Lehi Cement Distribution Terminal
12075 - Staker & Parson Companies- Cement Transfer Facility
12078 - Valley Asphalt Incorporated- Aggregate Plant
12085 - Staker & Parson Companies- Lehi-Peck Pit
12088 - Hanson Structural Precast LLC- Precast Prestress Concrete Mfg Facility
12090 - Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield of Utah- Data Center
12092 - Geneva Rock Products- Morgan Sand and Gravel Plant
12093 - Wind River Investments LC- Murray Asphalt Crushing Plant
12094 - Laidlaw Environmental Services- Soil Remediation - Union Pacific RR - Milford
12096 - Wasatch Constructors- I-15 Corridor Reconstruction
12100 - Halliburton Energy Services- Hydrochloric Acid Terminal