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10204 - Inland Refining Incorporated- Roosevelt Refinery - Closed since 10 94
10208 - Duchesne County Hospital- Duchesne County Hospital
10209 - Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC- Altamont East Compressor Station
10210 - Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC- Altamont West Compressor Station
10211 - Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC.- Altamont South Compressor Station
10213 - Chevron USA Pipeline Company- Hanna Pumping Station
10216 - Coors Energy Corporation- Coors Energy Corporation
10218 - Tabiona Elementary School- Tabiona Public School
10219 - Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC - Bluebell Facility
10221 - Burdick Paving Company- Madsen 4000 Asphalt Hot Plant 481 - Grandfathered
10224 - Energy West Mining Company- Des Bee Dove Mine Wilburg Mine
10225 - Genwal Resources Incorporated - Crandall Canyon Mine
10225 - Genwal Resources Incorporated- Crandall Canyon Mine
10227 - Meridian Oil- Meridian Oil
10228 - Gentry Mountain Mining, LLC - Deer Creek Mine Waste Rock Storage (Formerly PacifiCorp-Cottonwood Waste Rock Storage Facility)
10229 - Bronco Utah Operations LLC - Emery Coal Mine
10230 - Energy West Mining Company- Cottonwood Trail Mountain Mine
10231 - CPS Corporation Incorporated- Coal Resin Drying Plant
10232 - Hunter Prep Plant LLC - Coal Prep Plant
10235 - San Rafael Jr. High School- San Rafael Jr. High School
10237 - PacifiCorp- Hunter Power Plant
10238 - PacifiCorp- Huntington Power Plant
10239 - Energy West Mining Company- Deer Creek Mine
10240 - Castle Valley Mining LLC- Bear Canyon Mine
10248 - Ruby's Inn- Ruby's Inn
10251 - Intrepid Potash - Moab LLC- Salt Potash Production Facility
10253 - UGC Midstream LDT LLC- Westwater Compressor Station
10254 - Williams Field Services- Grand Gas Compressor Station
10257 - Mid-America Pipeline Company- Thompson Site
10258 - Northwest Pipeline Corporation- Rural
10259 - Northwest Pipeline LLC- Cisco Compressor Station
10261 - Fidelity Exploration Production Company - Kane Springs Well 19-1A
10262 - Fidelity Exploration Production Company - Kane Springs Well 27-1
10263 - Mid-America Pipeline Company LLC- Harley Dome Pump Station
10264 - Mid-America Pipeline Company- Moab Station
10265 - DO NOT USE- See 14425- EcoDomaine Refining Inc- Crude Oil Used Oil Refinery
10266 - Fidelity Exploration Production Company - Kane Springs Well 25-19-34-1
10266 - Wesco Operating, Inc. - Kane Springs Well #25-19-34-1
10267 - Wesco Operating Incorporated - Kane Springs Federal 10-1 Site
10268 - UGC Midstream LTD LLC- San Arroyo Plant
10269 - Leggett & Platt - Cedar City- Manufacturing Facility
10270 - Metalcraft Technologies- Aircraft Parts Manufacturing Facility
10271 - Southern Utah University- Cedar City Campus
10273 - Ashdown Brothers Construction- Asphalt Plant Crusher Concrete Plant
10274 - Holcim (US) Inc.- Cement Distribution Terminal
10277 - Iron County Resource Center- Iron County Resource Center
10278 - Western Rock Products - Cedar City Facility
10284 - Cedar City Fire Department- Fire Pits
10285 - Cedar City Corporation- Cedar City Wastewater Treatment Plant
10288 - Enoch Elementary School- Enoch Elementary School
10289 - Fiddler's Canyon Elementary School- Fiddler's Canyon Elementary School
10290 - Utah Iron LLC - Comstock Iron Mine
10298 - NRP Jones LLC- Rubber Hose Manufacturing Facility
10299 - Brush Wellman Incorporated- Delta Mine
10300 - Westroc Incorporated- Concrete Batch Plant